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Academic Position in Industrial Engineering


The Faculty of Engineering at Universidad Diego Portales invites applications for three full-time tenure
track positions at the assistant or associate professor level to start in the second semester of 2018.


An earned Ph.D. in Industrial engineering, economics, or closely related field is required, though
applicants in the late stage of doctoral studies or with master's degree may also be considered. The
selected applicants are expected to teach undergraduate and graduates courses in Spanish; supervise
theses; conduct high quality research, as well establishing collaboration with industry and government;
publish in top international journals, and participate in outreach activities. Applicants should have the
capacity to successfully attract external research grants from national sources, such as FONDECYT.

Relevant industry experience or applied research is a plus, although applicants in their early stage of
their research careers are especially encouraged to apply. WoS indexed publications would be extremely
welcome. Applicants must have the ability to teach some industrial engineering related courses other
than their own major at undergraduate level (such as optimization, mathematical programming, logistics,
stochastic process, microeconomics, industrial organization, finance and innovation). Applicants must
have a strong commitment to undergraduate education and teaching excellence. A willingness to
collaborate with both students and faculty and to become involved in university service is essential.

The successful candidate need not be fluent in Spanish at the moment of applying. Though the applicant
must have excellent oral and written communication skills. In addition, the candidate must have
observable dedication to undergraduate education; enthusiasm for professional engagement with
students in and out of the classroom; and ability to work in multidisciplinary teams.

The primary responsibility will be to deliver undergraduate industrial engineering courses in a student-
centered learning environment. The typical teaching load is equivalent to two courses each semester.
The research responsibility includes the application to grants with external funds, as well as publication
of articles in high level indexed journals (preferably WoS). Applicants will also be expected to participate
in scholarly activities.


Universidad Diego Portales was founded in 1982 and is an equal opportunity employer that seeks to
build a diverse faculty and staff and encourages applications from different genders, origins and social
and ethnic background. The School of Industrial Engineering graduates about 160 students per year. The
campus is located in Santiago Downtown within a historic community with excellent public transport
access. The city offers excellent school systems (both in Spanish and bilingual in English, French or
German), high quality medical and hospital facilities, ample recreational opportunities, and a dynamic
business environment. More information about the University and School can be found at:

Rank: Assistant or Associate Professor.

Salary: Competitive and additional benefits.

Effective Date of Appointment: Second Semester, 2018


Applicants should submit the following information by e-mail to: (e-mail subject: Job position in Industrial Engineering) by September 14,
2018. The following information should be included in the email:

1. Statement of purpose (in English) indicating your merits for the vacancy, and your plans in the
areas of research and teaching. Be specific, e.g., giving examples of how you aim to transfer your
knowledge and background to undergraduate and graduate students, and detailing potential
collaboration networks with other researchers you may have developed or intend to develop in the
2. Curriculum vitae (in English see Note)
3. If available, a copy of your most recent WoS publications. In case you do not have WoS articles,
include articles that you consider relevant in the field (e.g. conference proceedings)
4. Two letters of reference sent directly by the persons who sign them to postula-

1. Personal background: name, address, contact telephone (with country and city codes), e-mail
address, web page (if available), age, nationality, and marital status.
2. Educational experience (university or institution, courses taught, years).
3. Professional experience (company, tasks, years).
4. Education: list of all degrees or professional titles obtained with granting institutions and dates,
starting from your secondary education degree. In case you are on the course of obtaining a PhD, indicate
the date you expect to obtain such degree.
5. Research
(a) List of WoS journal publications
(b) List of other publications such as: reports, books or book chapters, conferences attended, research
projects where participated, patents, etc.
6. Other: prizes and awards, computing abilities, languages, other background information that you
consider relevant.
Once the complete set of application materials has been received, the applicant will be contacted, within
a month, and informed whether or not his/her application has been found acceptable. If this initial
screening is successful, the candidate may be asked to give a lecture about his/her current research
topics and to hold interviews with the Dean or other members of the Faculty of Engineering.
Half-time Academic Position in Industrial Engineering


The Faculty of Engineering at Universidad Diego Portales invites applications for one half-time tenure
track positions at the assistant or associate professor level to start in the second semester of 2018.


An earned Ph.D. in Industrial engineering or closely related field is required, though applicants in the late
stage of doctoral studies or with master's degree may also be considered. The selected applicants are
expected to teach undergraduate and graduates courses in Spanish; supervise theses; conduct high
quality research, as well establishing collaboration with industry and government; publish in top
international journals, and participate in outreach activities. Applicants should have the capacity to
successfully attract external research grants from national sources, such as FONDECYT.

Relevant industry experience or applied research is a plus, although applicants in their early stage of
their research careers are especially encouraged to apply. WoS indexed publications would be extremely
welcome. Applicants must have the ability to teach some industrial engineering related courses other
than their own major at undergraduate level (such as fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, environment
and sustainable energy, solar energy). Applicants must have a strong commitment to undergraduate
education and teaching excellence. A willingness to collaborate with both students and faculty and to
become involved in university service is essential.

The successful candidate need not be fluent in Spanish at the moment of applying. Though the applicant
must have excellent oral and written communication skills. In addition, the candidate must have
observable dedication to undergraduate education; enthusiasm for professional engagement with
students in and out of the classroom; and ability to work in multidisciplinary teams.

The primary responsibility will be to deliver undergraduate industrial engineering courses in a student-
centered learning environment. The typical teaching load is equivalent to two courses each semester.
The research responsibility includes the application to grants with external funds, as well as publication
of articles in high level indexed journals (preferably WoS). Applicants will also be expected to participate
in scholarly activities.


Universidad Diego Portales was founded in 1982 and is an equal opportunity employer that seeks to
build a diverse faculty and staff and encourages applications from different genders, origins and social
and ethnic background. The School of Industrial Engineering graduates about 160 students per year. The
campus is located in Santiago Downtown within a historic community with excellent public transport
access. The city offers excellent school systems (both in Spanish and bilingual in English, French or
German), high quality medical and hospital facilities, ample recreational opportunities, and a dynamic
business environment. More information about the University and School can be found at:

Rank: Assistant or Associate Professor.

Salary: Competitive and additional benefits.

Effective Date of Appointment: Second Semester, 2018


Applicants should submit the following information by e-mail to: (e-mail subject: Job position in Industrial Engineering) by September 14,
2018. The following information should be included in the email:

1. Statement of purpose (in English) indicating your merits for the vacancy, and your plans in the
areas of research and teaching. Be specific, e.g., giving examples of how you aim to transfer your
knowledge and background to undergraduate and graduate students, and detailing potential
collaboration networks with other researchers you may have developed or intend to develop in the
2. Curriculum vitae (in English see Note)
3. If available, a copy of your most recent WoS publications. In case you do not have WoS articles,
include articles that you consider relevant in the field (e.g. conference proceedings)
4. Two letters of reference sent directly by the persons who sign them to postula-

1. Personal background: name, address, contact telephone (with country and city codes), e-mail
address, web page (if available), age, nationality, and marital status.
2. Educational experience (university or institution, courses taught, years).
3. Professional experience (company, tasks, years).
4. Education: list of all degrees or professional titles obtained with granting institutions and dates,
starting from your secondary education degree. In case you are on the course of obtaining a PhD, indicate
the date you expect to obtain such degree.
5. Research
(a) List of WoS journal publications
(b) List of other publications such as: reports, books or book chapters, conferences attended, research
projects where participated, patents, etc.
6. Other: prizes and awards, computing abilities, languages, other background information that you
consider relevant.
Once the complete set of application materials has been received, the applicant will be contacted, within
a month, and informed whether or not his/her application has been found acceptable. If this initial
screening is successful, the candidate may be asked to give a lecture about his/her current research
topics and to hold interviews with the Dean or other members of the Faculty of Engineering.
Llamado a presentación de antecedentes a profesores/as para dictar cursos optativos en
la Escuela de Historia

Santiago, 1 de agosto de 2018

1. Convocatoria

La Escuela de Historia de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales e Historia de la Universidad Diego

Portales, llama a concurso público profesores/as para dictar Optativos de Profundización (5
vacantes en total) que serán impartidos el primer y segundo semestre del 2019. El contrato
es de prestación de servicios a honorario.

2. Funciones a desempeñar

La principal función es la de dictar curso Optativo de Profundización a estudiantes de tercer

y cuarto año de la carrera. Los Optativos de Profundización son asignaturas
complementarias a la formación de la carrera que se imparten desde las Escuelas de
Historia, Sociología y/o Ciencia Política, en el marco de la formación curricular flexible de
la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales e Historia. Tienen como finalidad profundizar en la
comprensión de tópicos emergentes y relevantes en la configuración del mundo globalizad
como por ejemplo: Derechos Humanos, Economía Global, Migraciones, Redes Sociales,
Seguridad Nacional, Terrorismo, Conflictos Étnicos, Estudios Medioambientales y análisis
transnacional, entre otros.

El cargo considera horas de docencia directa, preparación de clases, atención de

estudiantes, asistencia a reuniones de coordinación de línea y a reuniones con la dirección
de Escuela.
3. Postulación

3.1.-Requisitos generales y específicos para postular:

a. Grado académico de Licenciada o Licenciado en Historia o en otras disciplinas

afines (Antropología, Literatura, Estética).
b. Grado académico de magíster. Deseable doctorado.

3.3.- El(la) postulante deberá acompañar:

a) Currículum Vitae
b) Formulario de postulación (se adjunta)

3.4.- Antecedentes adicionales:

El Comité de Selección podrá solicitar a los(as) concursantes antecedentes adicionales.

4. Proceso de preselección

a. Pre-selección en base a antecedentes solicitados. Se procederá a excluir

inmediatamente a quienes no reúnan los requisitos o no hayan acompañado todos
los antecedentes indicados anteriormente.
b. Análisis de antecedentes para seleccionar a un grupo de pre-seleccionados.

5. Envío de las postulaciones y plazos

a. Las postulaciones deben ser enviadas a o vía correo electrónico a, indicando en el asunto el cargo.

b. Plazos:
 Postulaciones: Se recibirán postulaciones hasta el miércoles 15 de agosto a
las 18:00.
 Inicio de las funciones: marzo 2019
 Término de las funciones: julio 2019
Nombre del postulante:

Grado académico del


Preferencia de semestre en Marcar con (X)

que dictará el curso (sólo
preferencia, no es definitivo) ________1º semestre ________2º semestre
Título del curso propuesto:

Resumen del curso propuesto

(máximo 250 palabras)

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