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The Lamplighter

V O L U M E 1 , I S S U E 7 J U L Y 2 0 1 0

As Bright as All the Promises of God!
I love summer! The bright sun character that makes these prom- to believe His promises.” (Martin
From Pastor 2 and its radiant warmth, along ises valid.” (Jerry Bridges) Luther)
Brian’s Desk with all of the associated activi-
ties that come with the summer “Men many times eat their words, “We cannot close with Christ with-
Ride for 3 months, are all reminders to me but God will never eat out a promise; and we must not
New Hope of the goodness of God. In that His.” (Thomas Brooks) close with a promise without
sense, summer reminds me of Christ.” (Thomas Manton)
Letters to 4 the wonderful promises of God. “We are refugees from the sinking
Katie Wells Even now, as I look out of my ship of this present world-order, so “God sees the rainbow of covenant
office window, to read Adoniram soon to disappear; our hope is fixed promise whenever sense sees the
From the Church 4 Judson: “My future is as bright as in the eternal order, where the cloud of affliction.” (C.H.
Library the promises of God”, Spurgeon)
somehow feels espe-
Battalion 5 cially right as I observe “The Lord does not
News the sun glistening against play at promis-
the backdrop of a beau- ing.” (C.H. Spurgeon)
Blueberries for 5 tiful blue summer sky!
Bolivia “I believe the promises
As an encouragement of God enough to
Birthdays/ 5 for you to think about venture an eternity on
Anniversaries all of God’s wonderful them.” (Isaac Watts)
promises, I have se-
Church Lockup 5 lected some quotations “You never pray with
Schedule to spur you on in your greater power than
meditation upon the when you plead the
promises of God. I promises of
The Egypt File hope you enjoy these quotes, promises of God are made good to God.” (William J.C. White)
even as we are ultimately re- His people forever.” (F.F. Bruce)
Bulletin Board 7
minded that “all the promises of “It is because God has promised
God find their Yes in [Christ]. That “Distrust is cured by meditating certain things that we can ask for
is why it is through Him that we upon the promises of God.” (John them with the full assurance of
Feeding 8 Calvin)
utter our Amen to God for His faith.” (A.W. Pink)
My Soul glory.” (2 Corinthians 1:20 – ESV)
ENJOY! “It is better to be as low as hell with “Christ is the fulfiller and fulfillment
a promise than in paradise without of all the promises of God because
“God never promises us an easy one.” (John Flavel) he is the sum and substance of
time, only a safe arri- them.” (Geoffrey B. Wilson)
val.” (Anonymous) “We are not taking any risks when
we step out on the Word of “The wise Christian will store him-
“The promises of God are nothing God.” (Vance Havner) self with promises in health for
more than God’s covenant to be sickness, and in peace for future
faithful to His people. It is His “What greater rebellion, impiety, or perils.” (William Gurnall)
insult to God can there be than not
Pastor Rob

From Pastor Brian’s Desk

LIFE group) Thank you for your sponsor-
By the time you read this our Jesse Blum ship and prayers. Please see
Please pray LIFE youth and sponsors will Jim or Joyce Phillips if you
Nathan Phipps would like to help with this
be on their way to Louisville,
for each Kentucky to be with 6300 Nathan Roberts event (set-up, kitchen, etc.).
other students and workers Ride For New Hope Thank you.
participant for several days of challenge The 4th Annual Ride to benefit
from God’s chosen messen- New Hope Family Services will Pastor Brian
that God’s gers and the opportunity to be Saturday, July 31. We have
serve the King of Kings. Please several riders at our church
Word will be pray for each participant that who will be riding
God’s Word will be mighty (motorcycles and bicycles) at
mighty and and effective and that each one this event. Please pray for
will “hear” from Him. They will safety and that much needed
effective and be gone from the 6th through funds will be raised for New
the 11th. Hope. Sponsor forms will be
that each one available in the office. Each
Tina and Jeremy Culver (and participant and sponsor will
will “hear” receive a commemorative pin.
from Him. Amber Vanderwerff
Maggie Titus We will be leaving the church
at 10:00 and returning at 12:00
Julia Martin for a wonderful meal and brief
Brittany Wentworth presentation by Judy Geyer,
April Aungier New Hope Executive Direc-
Abby Wood (traveling with the


From the Church Library
What do we read when the as His omnipresence, His infini-
weather is hot and we are relax- tude and His justice. Two more
ing? very short books by Tozer are

Letters to Katie Wells

How to be Filled with the Holy
Spirit [231.1 Tozh] and Paths to
The church library has plenty of Power: Living in the Spirit's
If God calls you to serve Him in a remote area wholesome fiction, biography and Fullness [231.1 Tozp]
of the world, you PRAY, and then you GO. missionary stories to take along
to the deck or the beach. Wingspread [B Sim] is Tozer's
It is a lonely life when your only contact with short biography of A.B. Simpson
people who speak your language is a daily whose work for the Lord be-
radio conversation with a mechanic or pilot. There are also some short
thought-provoking books that are came The Christian and Miss-
The deadline for guaranteed to give you a spiritual sionary Alliance. A.B. Simpson
boost. Books by A.W. Tozer and himself wrote The Fourfold
Katie will receive mail only once a month
the August issue of A.B. Simpson are foundational to Gospel: Jesus Christ Our Savior,
when the SAMAIR pilot brings in supplies.
the CMA family. Tozer was a Sanctifier, Healer Coming King
the Lamplighter is [232 Sim] He wrote of Christ's
deeply spiritual pastor who had a
Sunday, July 18th. Katie’s “Encouragement and Accountability” remarkable prayer life. His regu- complete provision for every
group would like to SEND her many letters, lar habit was to sprawl on his need of the Believer: spirit, soul
Please submit your cards, and notes of encouragement each study floor, facedown, and wor- and body.
month so she can feel the support she has ship God, usually oblivious to his
articles to the from people who are PRAYing. Her mail will surroundings. He wrote The Good reading!
go to the post office box in Santa Cruz, just as Pursuit of God [call number 231
church office.
it always has. The pilot will bring her mail to Tozp] for those hungering for Jean Palmer
her. God. The sequel to this is God's
Pursuit of Man [248 Tozg] in
which Tozer writes about God's
If the Lord is nudging you to GIVE Katie
desire for man to be saved and
some encouragement, you can find envelopes
how He pursues man. Through
already addressed to her on the table near the
the power and promise of the
door to the sound booth. We don’t know
Holy Spirit we can understand
the date on which the pilot will be flying to
the mystery of the Triune God. A
San Fernando, so if you could send your first
similar book is his Echoes from
card/note to her ASAP, that would be
Eden: the Voices of God in Call-
great! It takes about ten days for a letter to
ing Man [242 Toz]. Tozer also
get to Bolivia. Post offices carry 98-cent
wrote That Incredible Christian
stamps, which is what your letter will need. If,
[248 Toz] and The Knowledge of
for any reason, you would like the EA group
the Holy [231 Tozk] The latter is
to send your letter for you, just bring it back
about the attributes of God such
in the envelope and put it back on that ta-
ble. Be sure to write your return address on
your envelope. We will take care of the post-
age and send it on its way to brighten Katie’s

May God speed your happy notes to Katie!

Please call or email Becky Mintz if you have

any questions.



Battalion Proverbs 27:17 Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another
On Monday June 20th, we had our annual
to the 20th, 2011. Look for the
Battalion Picnic, with quite a few fathers at-
sign up there as well. We have
tending. All had a great time with volleyball
reserved a lodge for this event.
and horseshoes. I would encourage all young
This is open to Fathers and
men between the ages of 12 and 18 to join
Sons. The lodge holds 30. We
will have cross country skiing,
winter hiking, and just a great
Upcoming events include our end of summer
time of fellowship. In all events
camp-out which will be at Vanderkamp Cen-
we look at God's word, and
ter in Cleveland from August 27th to 29th.
have great discussions.
We will be participating in hiking, swimming,
fishing and boating activities. We will be tent
Ken Hubbell
camping as well as staying in a cabin. Look for
the sign up on the Butternut room door.

We will also be having a Father/Son Winter

retreat at Vanderkamp from February 18th

Blueberries for Bolivia Birthdays & Anniversaries

July 2010
Do you like fresh blueberry muffins? How about 1 – Sherry Negley
some blueberry pancakes or a homemade blueberry
pie? Come help yourself from July 25th - September 3 – Marty Woodford
25th at the U-pick at 1485 Swift Road, Fabius. The 4 – (Craig & Penny Chartrand)
berries are "FREE". Donations are welcome and all
money will go to Katie Wells and her work in Bo- 5 – Jeanne Praxl
livia. Just think while you're enjoying your blueberry 6 – (Gary & Sandy Booher)
pie, God's work is being done through Katie.
7 – Marilyn Petry, Nicholas Schoeck
If you have any questions, please call Rick Sullivan at 8 – Julia Martin, Sara Beth Ortlieb
683-5520. Thank you and God bless Katie. 9 – (Mark & Amy Johnson), (Hans & Mary Smid)
10 – Jacob Roberts, Molly Rogers, John Storrier
11 – Eddy Diaz, Naomi Field, (Misael & Virginia Calderon)

Church Lock Up 13 – Virginia Calderon

14 – Lyle Bodah, Joan Hunter, Dave Johnson, Zachary Roberts
15 – (Dick & Jean Palmer)

Schedule 18 – (Joe & Marie Murgia)

19 – Doug Mintz
20 – (Matt & Kari Walker)
This is a reminder for church officers who are on
the lock up schedule for the month of July: 21 – Shaun Standford
23 – Ashley Creecy
July 4 Mark Johnson
25 – Bertha VanAmber, Ronald Dix, (Rick & Sarah Brown)
July 11 Dick Standford
July 18 Clayt Roberts Jr. 26 – Nick Stowe, (Marty & Joby Woodford)
July 25 Bill Bitler 29 – (John & Bev Storrier), (Robert & Martha Trout)
30 – Sue Titus
If you are unable to be at church on the day you are 31 – Stephanie Dow, David Johnson, Grace Johnson, Faith Murgia, Greg Simmons,
scheduled for lock up, please arrange to change with
Kari Walker
someone on the schedule.

VBS - The Egypt File

July 26th –July 30th 6pm-8:30pm
Journey with us as we travel to Egypt in The Egypt File: Decoding the Mystery of Life. This fun-filled journey begins
the minute kids walk through the doors and experience the timeless wonders of ancient Egypt. Each action-
packed day begins with the Meet at the Museum Opening Assembly, a high-energy gathering complete
with wacky intros and lively songs. It is then off to rotate through four fun sites:

Dig into God’s Word and uncover eternal truths at the Dig Site. Here we will tackle questions regarding hu-
man life such as: Did we come from ape-men? Did the parts of our bodies just “happen” or were they specially
designed? Do our lives have a purpose?

Check out the potter, weaver, and other artisans at the Craft Market.

Enjoy a taste of Egypt at the Snack Oasis.

Experience snake pits, Nile crocodiles, and more at the Sun-

sational Games.

If you look at our volunteer sign-up sheet in the foyer you can
see that there are many positions that still need to be filled.
Vacation Bible School cannot happen if we do not have the
workers we need. Specifically we still need crew leaders.
These are individuals that lead the children to the various ac-
tivities. This position does not require any lesson preparation.
We also need a game leader and helpers in crafts and snacks.

Parents please encourage your teens to sign-up and be a part of VBS. There are many opportunities
where they can help. This is a great opportunity to allow these teens to see God working and be a
part of the ministry of our church.

There are many items we need donated for snacks each day. The list for these donations will soon
be posted on the Butternut room door. Please look for the sign-up and bring your items to the
church by July 18th. Decorating is always a fun part of VBS that helps the children get into the spirit of
our theme. The scheduled decorating days are Saturday July 17th and July 24th from 9am-12pm.
Come and have fun.

Our goal is to have 100 children attend VBS. To do that we need financial help to pay for the cost of teaching
and decorating materials. If you would like to help in this way you can designate VBS on your offering envelope.
Please consider what you can contribute this year.

In schools, children are constantly bombarded with the message that they are nothing more than animals. The
Egypt File is a unique program that answers questions kids may have about evolution and
human design. Our church needs to equip children with the truths of God’s Word and
show that it is the absolute authority! So I pray you will join us in sharing God’s love to
these kids. They need you to bring them the hope that they can only find in Christ Jesus!

Sherry Negley



Free Tires Children’s Church

Pastor Brian has a number of useable tires if needed:
Parents, please note there will be
(2) 185 70 R14 Steel Radial Wintermark Snow Tires no Children’s Church for the sum-
mounted 5-hole mer months of July and August.
Children’s Church will resume af-
(1) 205 75 R14 Winter Handler mounted 5-hole ter Labor Day.

(1) 205 70 R14 5-hole rim w/bad tire on it

(4) 225 75 R15 Centennial For-

tress Radial unmounted

Contact Pastor Brian if you are

interested in any of these tires.

Congratulations HS Graduates!
Reminder Congratulations to our 2010 High School
Please Note: Kurt J. Betters
Kelli Carsten
Submissions to the Lamplighter Nick Farruggio
need to be in file format; either Ben Johnson
email or on a CD. Email would be Patricia Martin
the preference. Thank you! Amber Vanderwerff
Brittany Wentworth

Welcome Home Justin! New Sunday School Class

Justin Gates arrived home safely from Iraq in Sue Maloney will be starting a new women’s
mid-June. We thank you for your service Justin class on July 11th, “Discipline is for children,
and are so isn't it?”
grateful to have
you home! In this class , they will
be studying twelve
different spiritual disci-
LaFayette Christian & Missionary
Alliance Church

P.O. Box 150

6069 Cherry Valley Turnpike
LaFayette, New York 13084
Phone: (315) 677-9810

Rev. Robert Gates, Senior Pastor

Brian Mandigo, Associate Pastor

Ellen Coulter, Office Administrator

Our mission is to know Jesus Christ; exalt Him as Savior, Sanctifier, Healer, Coming King,
and complete His Great Commission.

We’re on the web!

Feeding My Soul by Jody Gates

After spending three weeks away from my husband, visiting my
mother and sisters, I could not wait to get home and see him. I was
looking forward to spending time with my best friend. As I thought
about our theme passage and the spiritual disciplines we
will be studying this year, the Holy Spirit convicted me of my own
relationship with my Savior.
Do I long for God every day?
Do I have an intimate friendship with Jesus; that I long and cannot
wait to spend time with Him through God's Word and prayer? Am I Several suggestions to help you feed on the Word of God:
hungry everyday for God's Word? *Read Proverbs or a Psalm according to today's date
*Use a Bible reading plan
I believe daily Bible intake through reading, studying, memorizing, *Read Psalm 119 a section at a time
meditating and hearing the Word preached is foundational to all *Read one chapter a day in one of the Gospels
other spiritual disciplines. Just as we eat at least three times a day, *Attend a women's Bible study
we need to feed our heart, mind, and soul on a daily basis. It is a
deliberate choice to pick up our fork to put food in our mouth, so it No desire for spiritual food? God knows, ask Him to help you:
should be with picking up our Bible and feeding the soul that Jesus
Christ inhabits. *delight in His statutes - Psalm 119:16

Do I long and hunger for God's Word as I do my daily food? *incline your heart to His testimonies - Psalm 119:36

Your words were found, and I ate them, and Your words became to *to turn your eyes from looking at worthless things - Psalm 119:37
me a joy and the delight of my heart. Jeremiah 15:16.
*to long for the pure spiritual milk of God's Word as a newborn longs
Does my soul pant for God? Do I thirst for Him? for its milk - 1 Peter 2:2

As a deer pants for flowing streams, so pants my soul for You, O God. My I pray that the peace of Christ will rule your heart and the Word of
soul thirsts for God, the living God. Psalm 42:1-2 Christ will dwell in you richly. Colossians 3:16

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