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The Proletarian Socialist 

Agrarian Handbook: A 
Spiritual and Political 
Comrades Yasha and Juche Progress 

Section 1: The Necessities of 
an Agrarian Revolution in the 
Modern Era 
Within a contemporary standpoint, all around the 
world there is a need to rid each individual of a 
plague that has infected us all. This plague has 
entered itself through a very particular set of 
events known as The Long 19th Century and the 
Industrial Revolution. This plague has caused the 
automation of tens of thousands of industries 
that have left the many in the dust and have 
upheld morals that the entire population of the 
world disagree with. These higher classes have 
felt the urge to create a false sense of unity 
within the class structure that they themselves 
have fabricated. For the purposes of this 
extremely important manifesto, we will refer to 
this class as ​ ំ (or chhke nhoam). The Chhke 
Nhoam have shoved their mighty flaccid reforms 
down our mouths for thousands of years, and we 
the international Ksekar’s have simply had 
enough. Since the inception of capitalism, the 
Chhke Nhoam has exploited the worker. It is 
simply in the nature of the capitalist system. Due 
to the reforms made during the industrial 
revolution our world has been in disaster. This 
so-called revolution led to creations such as the 
atomic bomb that have killed hundreds of 
thousands. Numerous other products of the 
industrial revolution led to famines which all 
could have been prevented by reverting to our 
agrarian ways. The only way we as the people of 
the world could ever possibly avoid the mass 
death that resides with concepts of nuclear 
power is to restore the old ways of mass farming 
colonies. We can see one example of the 
industrial revolution failing in the USA. Due to 
being more focused on technology we have 
forgotten about the basics of farming. People 
starve on the streets while big business receives 
subsidies from the government. The fossil fuel 
industry corrupts our government and ruins our 
environment. Mother nature has been destroyed 
at the hands of capitalism. Looking back to 
Democratic Kampuchea we can see how they 
resisted the temptations of big business to stand 
up for mother nature. This need for a Democratic 
People's Agrarian Socialist Revolution (or 
D.P.A.S.R.) is completely self evident, and only a 
select few idiots among the higher classes (or 
Chhke Nhoam) would reject our message. You 
see, they rejected the D.P.A.S.R. because we speak 
the truth. They will tell us to “Shut Up!”, but we as 
the international farming and peasantry 
community understand the need for D.P.A.S.R.. In 
our government today, our politicians choose to 
destroy this planet in exchange for bribes by big 
businesses. These corrupters range from Wall 
Street to big pharma and fossil fuels. All the 
regulations against them will not work when they 
control our government. America and other 
western nations are not democracies but 
oligarchies. The workers must rise and seize the 
corporations. Pay of CEOs have risen by more 
than 300 times the pay of the worker since 1978. If 
a company is too big to fail it is too big to exist. 
However, we need to get more specific into the 
role of big pharma in the destruction of society. 
Back in the times of agrarian society if a person 
was sick they would receive medical treatment 
without cost. In our country today, there are pills 
costing over $300,000 per pill and CEO’s can raise 
the price of a life saving drug by over 5,500%. In 
the agrarian paradise we shall build together 
every person will be guaranteed free healthcare 
as a right. We will not live in a world where people 
die on the streets as corporate executives get 
$50,000,000 bonuses. The veterans who serve our 
country are getting nothing in return. They are 
left homeless on the streets to starve. This is of 
course because of the industrial revolution and 
corporate greed. In our agrarian society we shall 
ensure that they are taken care of. Housing and 
jobs will be a right along with healthcare. It is the 
duty of a society to take care of those who 
cannot take care of themselves. The Capitalist 
view of history is rooted in repugnant delusions. 
They refuse to acknowledge the cyclical nature of 
history and instead seeing it as steadily 
progressing towards the liberal "antithesis". This 
is an anti-revolutionary attitude. It is one of the 
“arm chair piggy” who simply waits for the 
contradictions of capital to become so apparent 
that a revolution spontaneously break out and 
overturn the Chhke Nhoam order. However, 
without direct action, there is no way for this to 
happen. We are headed towards a materialistic 
bourgeois non-agrarian slavery and the old 
agrarian farming utilities that may have 
presented a means of opposing this order are 
slowly being monopolized by mega corporations. 
The internet is a prime example of this. This is 
why the internet should (partially at least) be 
transformed into a more open-source model. For 
we are experiencing the monopolization of 
information itself. The concept of “copyright” is a 
prime example of this. The Capitalists and Chhke 
Nhoam are so concerned with making money 
that they have lost sight of the massive amounts 
of people who need farming for their families, 
rather than to suit an international 
mega-corporative oligarchy. For Socialism in its 
truest most idealistic form no longer exists. They 
are fighting specters and illusions like children 
playing pseudo-political games. Capitalism, as 
Hanz Dusseldorf rightfully pointed out in his 
book “The Proletarian Nationalist Handbook: A 
Spiritual And Political Manifesto.” is an 
anti-person viewpoint rooted in liberalism. Ours, 
like Dusseldorf's, is a Socialism rooted in 
Agrarianism. One of the worst problems facing 
our post-industrial revolution world is income 
inequality. As we stated earlier the top 0.1% 
controls more wealth than the bottom 90% of 
workers. Bourgeoisie get wealthier while the 
proletariat is working more hours for lower 
wages. This is unacceptable for a society. 
Therefore, when the revolution for agrarianism 
comes we shall fix it. 
We have developed a multi-pronged approach to 
how we shall fix income inequality in this ideal 
society. Firstly, the state will seize all assets and 
private property. All the money shall be also 
seized by the state for the good of the workers. A 
large-scale collectivization will begin in our new 
society. The government shall provide food 
rations to ensure everyone has the food they 
need not just to survive but to prosper. We 
promise you all that when our revolution is 
complete that each citizen shall be well fed. In the 
agrarian community we will develop it will be our 
top priority to feed our people. A nation cannot 
prosper unless it is well fed. Since our new 
single-party state shall not be controlled by the 
oligarchs we can get to business straight away, 
For if the opportunity was given to us it would be 
foolish not to take it. Given the circumstances in 
which this higher class has left us in, there is no 
other logical solution than for mass uprising. 
Closed minds stop thought crimes! 
Section 2: The D.P.A.S.R. In 
The best way to start a revolution is to start 
locally. Go door to door spreading the good word 
of Pol Pot,. We have the best interests for the 
entire population, except the disgusting 
bourgeoisie who have crippled our economy and 
destroy business after business.   

Source: Juche Network, Abbas TV, PressTV, Social Nationalist 
Meme Network, Khmer Rouge News Network, and RT. 
The easiest way to fund a revolution is to first 
receive money from a sovereign political entity. 
Our hope for the future is to begin receiving a 
surplus amount of money from The Democratic 
People's Republic of Korea. This money will allow 
us to start hitting large cities, railroad tracks to 
stop supply of resources, and telecommunication 
towers to spread our truthful propaganda.  
Section 3: The Agrarian 
The society in which this Agrarian collectivized 
state would be residing in would be nearly 
perfect. All commodities would be passed out by 
the Invisible Hand of the Socialist State. All 
companies, after the revolution, would be seized 
for the rights and purposes of the people who 
live on that land; and not for the purposes of the 
exploiter. All companies will now be transferred 
into regional districts. These regional districts will 
oversee the public lands being used to produce 
foods and other goods in an Agrarian fashion. 
These regional district will have little to no 
autonomy and will be completely overseen by the 
Federal Government of that state. All citizens will 
be forced to farm or work in government 
positions, but some may work their way up the 
government ladder just like Hanz Dusseldorf did. 
You see, Hanz Dusseldorf rose from the bottom of 
the Goodwill Federal Government Corporal 
Oversight of the Pebel by the River (or 
G.F.G.C.O.P.R. for short) to the CEO of the Goodwill 
Federal Government Corporal Oversight of Many 
Pebbles by the River (or GFGCOMPR). 
As we can see, Agrarianist Socialism is clearly the 
cure for the dirt plague left for us by the elitist 
corporate 0.1% pigs that deserve to die at the 
hands of the Agrarian Socialist Revolution. 

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