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Architecture of a Village Small Cell Network for

Mobile Health
Bessie Malila Tinashe Mutsvangwa Tania Douglas
Division Biomedical Engineering Division Biomedical Engineering Division Biomedical Engineering
Department of Human Biology Department of Human Biology Department of Human Biology
University of Cape Town University of Cape Town University of Cape Town
Cape Town, South Africa Cape Town, South Africa Cape Town, South Africa

Abstract—This paper proposes the architecture of a village services and applications such as remote surgery and web-
small cell network for rural and remote areas for enabling the based Apps, which require reliable high capacity Internet
delivery of healthcare services using mHealth applications and connectivity, compared to the basic sms-based mHealth ap-
systems. The proposed architecture is based on emerging 5G
technologies and is expected to address the need for cost- effective, plications currently being deployed.
high capacity and reliable mobile connectivity in rural areas. The novelty of the proposed solution is in the use of
This will make it possible to provide more innovative video and small cell network technologies, currently being deployed in
Internet-based mHealth applications and services, in addition urban areas only, to provide reliable, low-cost, high capacity
to the current SMS and voice-based services. Future work will mobile access to populations in rural and remote areas, where
include addressing issues of security, privacy and data integrity
of patient health information. traditional methods of providing mobile services are not eco-
Index Terms—mHealth, 5G, small cell networks, rural net- nomically viable. Furthermore, we propose the use of massive
works, massive MIMO multiple input multiple output (MIMO) and beamforming
technologies at license-exempt frequencies to backhaul the
I. I NTRODUCTION rural small cell network traffic to core networks in urban
Mobile health or mHealth has great potential for aiding areas. This will enable, among other mHealth applications and
diagnosis, monitoring, ensuring adherence to treatment and services, the remote diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of
creating disease awareness in areas with limited access to high burden disease such as tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS.
healthcare services. mHealth technologies present opportuni- The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section II
ties to provide quality, equitable healthcare services in de- provides a brief overview of mHealth and small cell networks.
veloping countries which currently have the highest burden Section III describes existing architectures for rural small
of diseases such as tuberculosis (TB) and HIV/AIDS, limited cell networks. Section IV presents the proposed village small
healthcare professionals and poor health infrstructures. How- cell network architecture, key enabling technologies, how the
ever, the effectiveness of mHealth applications and systems in solution addresses the issues of network connectivity and
rural and remote areas is currently being hampered by lack of service reliability in eHealth and mHealth systems. Section
limited mobile network coverage, and the problem is global V concludes the paper and identifies future work and open
[1]. research issues.
Emerging 5th generation of mobile wireless network tech-
nologies, commonly known as 5G, are expected to address II. MHEALTH AND SMALL CELL NETWORKS
some of the limitations of existing mobile networks in terms mHealth is characterised by the convergence of medicine,
of network capacity, cost-effectiveness, coverage and energy public health and mobile technologies. This section gives a
efficiency [2]. This paper proposes a mobile network ar- brief overview of mHealth and the emerging mobile small cell
chitecture, the village small cell network, which is based mobile networks.
on 5G technologies. In addition to enbling the delivery of
basic mobile services such as voice and text messaging, the A. mHealth
network architecture is designed to enable the delivery of One field of study that is currently being pursued to
richer communication services such as video and Internet, strengthen national health systems is digital health, which
which are currently not easily accessible in remote and rural incorporates electronic health (eHealth) and mobile health
areas due to limited or unreliable mobile network coverage. (mHealth). The World Health Organisation (WHO) defines
Most importantly, this will make it possible to deploy mHealth mHealth as medical and public health practice supported by
mobile devices such as mobile phones, patient monitoring
This research is supported by the South African Research Chairs Initiative
of the Department of Science and Technology and the National Research devices, personal digital assistants (PDAs) and other wireless
Foundation (Grant no 98788). devices [3]. mHealth has the potential to increase the quality
of healthcare, reduce the cost of its delivery and extend the
reach of healthcare services to millions of people [4].
The use of mHealth to address the health challenges
faced by developing countries is currently being spurred
by the high growth rate of mobile networks and the ever-
increasing numbers of mobile subscriptions, especially in
Africa. mHealth systems have successfully been implemented
for disease surveillance, monitoring, diagnosis, adherence to
treatment and for distributing health education [5]. Emerging
applications include the use of clinical decision support tools Fig. 1. Architecture for rural small cell networks proposed by the Small
in the diagnosis of pulmonary TB through exchange of X-ray Cell Forum, consisting of access networks (local small cell network (SCN)),
images between healthcare professionals in rural areas and Microwave or digital subscriber line (DSL) backhaul, small cell core network
(SCON), mobile core network (MCN) services network (Adapted from [13]).
those in health facilities [6], [7]; and the use of smartphone
cameras to capture induration images in the tuberculin skin
test response (TST) method, for detection latent TB infection Another feature of 5G technologies is the use of new
[8]. Other mHealth projects aimed at converting paper-based license-exempt frequency bands, which will allow the use
clinical instructions to electronic form, making them accessible of fixed point-to-point wireless systems to backhaul small
online, have also been implemented [5]. cell networks. The cost of deploying small cell networks in
rural areas will further be reduced due to their self-organizing
B. Small Cell Networks network (SON) capabilities, which enable them to be installed
by semi-skilled workers and autonomously setup connections
While the growth rate of mobile networks and subscriptions
with core networks [10]. Furthermore, small cell base stations
in Africa is one of the highest in the world, network coverage
can be powered by solar or wind power generators due to their
network in rural areas is very poor. Network operators lack
lower power consumption. This will eliminate the need to rely
the interest to deploy networks in rural and remote areas due
on the national electricity grid.
to significantly high costs of deployment and lower average
revenues per user, compared to urban areas [10]; This is III. ARCHITECTURES FOR RURAL SMALL CELL
the case for rural areas around the world. As a result, most NETWORKS
projects in these areas are neither scalable nor sustainable The architecture proposed in this paper is based on the Small
beyond trial phases. Unavailability of high capacity wired Cell Forums architecture for rural small cell networks [13],
telecommunications infrastructure and absence of electricity which is shown in Figure 1. The access network segment
supply systems further limit the reach of mobile networks in consists of a set of small cell base stations, the local small
rural areas [8], [9]. The problem is worse in Africa due to lack cell networks (LCN), which connect to the core networks the
of funds for infrastructure development. small cell core network (SCON) via the S1 mobile network
The problem of coverage holes, i.e. areas with no mobile interface. The microwave or digital subscriber line (DSL) links
network coverage, also exists in urban areas. However, this is provide backhaul connectivity services between small cell base
currently being addressed by using small cell base stations to stations and the core network. Gateways (GWs), provide the
complement existing macro base stations in locations where interfaces for interconnecting the different network segments.
it is practically impossible or not cost-effective to provide The core networks connect to the services networks of the
network coverage using macro base stations. Small cell base network operator, the IP multimedia subsystems (IMS) and
stations are defined as densely-deployed low-power, low- the external networks such as the Internet, enabling access to
cost, short-range mobile base stations operated by network these services by mobile devices.
operators [11], and are one of the key technology enablers of While the Small Cell Forum defines the rural village small
5G systems [10]. cell network architecture, it does not provide the best tech-
Besides improving network coverage, small cells will be de- nology suites to realize solutions. The architecture, however,
ployed to increase overall network capacity in traffic hotspots provides a framework for the development of innovative solu-
like airports, universities and sports facilities. Small cells are tions to address specific social problems, such as the provision
currently being proposed to provide cost-effective network of access to health services in rural areas, as proposed in this
coverage to rural and farming communities in Europe and the paper.
USA [12]. An network architecture for providing mobile network ac-
In Africa, small cell networks can be used to achieve cess to rural areas in Europe has been proposed in [12].
the same in rural villages to enable ubiquitous delivery of The architecture, shown in Figure 2 consists of small cell
healthcare services using mHealth applications. This way, base stations, referred to as community wireless systems
mHealth services can be extended to areas where it might (CWS). The small cell base stations interconnected in mesh
not have been practically possible to do so using traditional topology, enabling local communications between villages in
mobile base stations. nearby communities. However, the architecture assumes wired
The backhaul radio device is based on MIMO technology
with beamforming capabilities. This gives the backhaul link
the required robustness when the radio signals suffer attenua-
tion due to blockage by vegetation or other land features. The
solar or wind power sources can also be used for charging
mobile devices, thus improve the quality of the end-to-end
mHealth services.
The small cell access networks can provide a myriad of
mHealth services such as patient monitoring, disease surveil-
lance, clinical decision assistance, health education for com-
munity health workers, remote diagnosis and remote surgery,
in the case when a small cell base station is installed at a
Fig. 2. Architecture for rural small cell networks with in-band backhaul remote healthcare center.
consisting of converged wireless system (CWS) of small cell base stations
(SCBS) and local aggregation center for the SCBSs [12]. B. Backhaul Links
Traditionally, microwave backhaul links have a reach of
backhaul, which may not be available in rural areas, especially 100km. However, because of signal attenuation, the available
in Africa. The proposed use of in-band backhauling could throughput on a link can be as low as 2Mbps. In this paper
potential limit the backahul capacity, hence the performance of we propse to replace panel antennas with massive MIMO
mHealth applications that require high capacity connections. antennas at the aggregation site. Each miniaturized antenna can
have its energy directed towards a small cell backhaul radio,
IV. PROPOSED ARCHITECTURE making it possible for a backahaul link to reach data rates of
This section describes the proposed village small cell net- 100Mbps per backhaul link, compared to the 2Mbps achieved
work architecture, capable of delivering mHealth applications on traditional micorwave links over the same distance.
which can be based on voice, video and internet services to C. Massive MIMO base station
rural villages. The architecture consists of clusters of small
The massive MIMO base station is expected to be installed
cell base stations with up to 2000m coverage radius.
in a nearby town, where mobile operators can still obtain
Connecting small cell base stations to core networks is a
revenues by providing traditional access network services to a
challenge, even in urban areas, due to their deployment strat-
larger population, thus making the investment more attractive.
egy, which focuses on areas with no wired connectivity and
The massive MIMO base station is also assumed to have
installation of bases stations up to six meters above ground.
access to high speed fibre optic cable, which is usually
Using traditional micorwave backhaul lins is a problem due
available in most towns close to rural areas. The fibre optic
to capacity limitations[14]. Furthermore, wired backhaul con-
link connects all the traffic, including that from the village
nections are expensive and time-consuming to deploy [14].
In this paper, we propose the use of massive multiple
input multiple output (MIMO) technologies with beamforming
capabilities, instead of the traditional panel antennas, for the
microwave links [15]. This improves the transmit power to
each small cell base station, and therefore improves link
throughput. Like all wireless solutions, the solution will be
cost-effective compared to wired solutions. Figure 3 shows
the proposed network architecture. The following subsections
briefly describe each of the network segments.
A. Access Network
Each village small cell access network consists of a small
cell base station, a small cell backhaul radio and a solar
panel. The base stations provide network access to mobile
devices, owned by subscribers or healthcare workers. The
base stations are installed up to six meters above ground,
resulting in reduced distance between the base station and
mobile devices, hence higher link throughput. Small cell base
stations can be configured to share network resources equally
among connected devices. This allows dynamic allocation of
Fig. 3. Proposed architecture of village small cell networks consisting small
these resources to the devices, resulting in high data rates when cell networks, backhaul links, a massive MIMO base station and health
few devices are connected to a small cell base station. services networks.
small cell networks to the core network and further on, to [10] GSMA Intelligence, Connected Society: Unlocking Rural Cover-
services networks. age: Enablers for commercially sustainable mobile network ex-
pansion, Global System for Mobile Commincation, 2016. Online,
Available at: https : // −
D. Health Services Networks content/uploads/2016/09/GSM A2016R eportU nlocking
RuralCoverage − EnablersF orCommerciallySustainable
The health services networks include connections to health- M obileN etworkExpansionReport.pdf, accessed 30 January, 2018.
care facilities such as regional hospitals, connections to private [11] Small Cell Forum, Network densification in the
practitioners and other government health facilities. The cloud 5G era , 2017. Online. Avaialble at:http :
// etworkdensif icationinthe5Gera.
servers can be databases of research institutions or other php,accessed 12 March 2018.
institutions such as disaster monitoring services or disease [12] Small Cell Forum, Case Studies: Rural and re-
surveillance databases, which can benefit from real-time infor- mote, The Small Cell Form, 2016. Online. Avail-
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mation available from the village small cell access networks. Ruralandremotesmallcellcasestudies.php, . accessed 01 March
V. C ONCLUSION [13] Small Cell Forum, Rural and remote small cell network ar-
chitectures, The Small Cell Form, 2015. Online. Available at:
mHealth promises to bring cost-effective, equitable and www.smallcellf − inf og − Rural −
quality healthcare to all. However, limited or no mobile Remote − U SECASES.F eb.2015.pdf,accessed 01 March 2018.
network coverage in rural and remote areas is one of the main [14] B. Malila et al., Intelligent NLOS Backhaul for 5G Small Cells, IEEE
Access, Vol 22, issue 1, pp. 189-192, 2017.
challenges in fully realizing the benefits of mHealth. [15] L. Lu, et al. ”An overview of massive MIMO: Benefits and challenges.”
This paper has proposed an architecture of a village small IEEE journal of selected topics in signal processing, Vol. 8, issue 5, pp.
cell network designed to enable delivery of healthcare services 742-758, 2014.
to villages in rural areas with limited or no mobile network
coverage. The proposed architecture is based on 5G technolo-
gies, whose performance specifications will enable delivery
of high quality, cost-effective and energy efficient mHealth
applications and services to the worlds unconnected billions,
hence enable countries to meet the United Nations goal 3, of
ensuring quality, equitable healthcare to all at all ages by 2035.
Some of the challenges limiting the adoption of mHealth
applications by governments include lack of capacity to prove
sustainability and scalability of mHealth solutions and en-
suring the security, integrity and privacy of patient data on
mHealth systems. Future work will include demonstrating the
utility of the proposed architecture and addressing the issues
of data security, integrity and privacy on the network.

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