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THERMODYNAMICS-I : Air Standard Cycles and Heat Engines chapter V - 1 of 17



The chemical energy of the fuel is converted to thermal energy (heat), which in turn is converted into mechanical energy, or work.
The work per unit time is the power propelling the car. The fuel used in internal combustion engines is a hydrocarbon mixture, such as
gasoline, diesel fuel, alcohol, or gas.

Heat engine is a device that continuously converts invented the same cycle, and going further than Beau de
heat to work (or power). The word ‘continuous’ is of critical Rochas, he built an engine to operate on it.
importance in this definition and needs further elaboration; it
means that the engine will continue to operate as long as The ideal cycle consists of two isentropic and two
the heat energy input is maintained. The ability of the constant volume processes. It is customary to analyze the ideal
device to convert heat to work does not necessarily make cycle as though there were no suction and exhaust strokes and
the device a heat engine. A heat engine is a device that as though the working substance were air only, such an
operates in a cycle. analysis is referred to as an air-standard analysis.

I. Air Standard Otto Cycle 1. Starting with the piston at the bottom dead center,
compression proceeds isentropically from state 1 to 2.
The Otto cycle is a positive-displacement, spark 2. Heat is added at constant volume from state 2 to
ignition, open cycle, internal-combustion use today. The state 3.
cycle was clearly described for the first time (1862) by a 3. Expansion occurs isentropically from state 3 to 4.
Frenchman, Beau de Rochas. Fourteen years later, 4. Heat is rejected at constant volume from state 4 to 1.
Nicholous A. Otto (1832-1891), a German, independently

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THERMODYNAMICS-I : Air Standard Cycles and Heat Engines chapter V - 2 of 17

INTAKE STROKE: The intake valve is open; exhaust valve is V1  V4 and V2  V3

initially open, then it closes and the piston moves down,
bringing fresh air/fuel mixture into the cylinder.

COMPRESSION STROKE: Both intake and exhaust valves

are closed, and the air/fuel mixture is compressed by the
upward piston movement

POWER STROKE: Both intake and exhaust valves are closed;

spark ignition and combustion occur, with the resultant
pressure increase forcing the piston downward.

EXHAUST STROKE: The exhaust valve is open, the intake

valve is closed, and the upward movement of the piston forces
the products of combustion from the engine.
S1  S 2 and S 3  S 4

Two and Four Stroke Engine

V1 Compression Ratio
rk 
Four Stroke comprises induction (intake), compression,
expansion (power) and exhaust strokes. The cycle is completed V4 Expansion Ratio
re 
in two revolutions of the crankshaft. V3
P3 , Pressure ratio
Two Stroke cycle combines compression in the cylinder rP 
with induction (intake) below piston; and expansion (power) in
(the ratio of pressure during isometric heat addition)
the cylinder with exhaust below the piston (crankcase).

V1 V4
Ideally the two stroke engine would develop a larger   re  rk
V2 V3
power output than the four stroke engine of the same size at
the same speed. In practice the efficiency of the two-stroke
engine is less than that of the four stroke engine, though it can VC  V2  V3 Clearance volume
be improved by supercharging.
where: c is the percent clearance

VC  c VD  VD  V1  V2

VD  V1  V2  1
 rk  1
c VD

1 c
rk 

Process 1 – 2 : Isentropic Compression

k 1
k 1
T2  P2  k V  k 1
    1   rk
T1  P1   V2 
k 1
T2  T1 rk

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W12   U12   mC V T2  T1  QR  Q41  mC V T1  T4 

Q12  0 QR  mC V T1  T1rP 
QR  m CV T1 1  rP 
Process 2 – 3 : Isometric Heat Addition
Net Work
T3 P3
  rP WNET   PdV  W12  W23  W34  W41
T2 P2
T3  T2 rP  T1 rP rk
k 1 WNET   mC V T2  T1   0  mC V T4  T3   0

W23  0 WNET  mC V T1  T2  T3  T4 

Q23  mC V T3  T2  
WNET  mCV T1 1  rk
k 1

 rP rk
k 1
 rP
 mC T r r  1  r  1
k 1
WNET V 1 k P P

T r  1 r  1
Process 3 – 4 : Isentropic Expansion k 1
k 1 WNET  m CV 1 P k
k 1 k 1
T4  P4  k V  1 or
    3    
T3  P3   V4   rk  WNET   Q  QA  QR
 1 
T4  T3  k 1   T1 rP WNET  mCV T1rk rP  1  mCV T1 1  rP 
k 1

 rk 
WNET  mCV T1rk rP  1  mCV T1 rP  1
k 1

W34   U 34   mC V T4  T3 

WNET  m CV T1 rP  1 rk  1
k 1

Q43  0
Thermal Efficiency

Process 4 – 1 : Isometric Heat Rejection TH 

WNET m CV T1 rP  1 rk  1

 k 1

m CV T1rk rP  1
k 1
T1 P1 QA
 k 1
T4 P4 rk 1 1
TH  k 1
 1 k 1
W41  0 rk rk
 1 
Q41  mC V T1  T4  TH  1  k 1 100%
 r k 

PVT-Relationship Mean Effective Pressure

T2  P2 
k 1
k V 
k 1
T3  P3 
k 1
k V 
k 1
WNET m CV T1 rP  1 rk  1

 k 1

    1       4 
T1  P1   V2  T4  P4   V3 
VD  
V1  V2   V1 
 V1 
T2 T
 3 
T4 T
 3 PMEP 
 

m CV T1 rP  1 rk  1 P1CV rP  1 rk  1
k 1 k 1
 
T1 T4 T1 T2  1  r 1 
V1 1   R  k 
P2 P3 P4 P3  rk   rk 
  
P1 P4 P1 P2
P1 rk rP  1 rk  1  k 1

V1 V4 V3 V4 k  1 rk  1
  
V2 V3 V2 V1

Heat Added
Q A  Q23  mC V T3  T2  QA  mCV T1rP rk  k 1
 T1rk
k 1

QA  m CV T1 rk
k 1
rP  1

Heat Rejected

MIT-School of Mechanical Engineering 

THERMODYNAMICS-I : Air Standard Cycles and Heat Engines chapter V - 4 of 17

 (2-3) Reversible, constant pressure heat addition (Ignition)

 (3-4) Isentropic expansion to initial volume (Power Stroke)
 (4-1) Reversible constant-volume heat rejection (Exhaust)

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Diesel Cycle

 Diesel engines are the most efficient of all heat engines. This follow
from the fact that they are able to use high compression ratios and
because they are able to use excess air to ensure thorough
combustion of the fuel.

 Because Diesel engines do not require electrical equipment to

operate and do not need a precise air-fuel ratio for combustion, they
Effect of Compression Ratio on Thermal Efficiency
are very reliable and will operate under adverse conditions. For
example, moisture tends to cause malfunction of the high tension
electrical gear in the spark-ignition engines but this is not a problem in
diesel engines.
 Diesel engines use excess air and do not require fuel additive and
therefore produce less combustion pollutants. Also, the fuel is less
volatile and less fuel vaporization to the atmosphere occurs.
 Diesel engines are the safest of all the heat engines. Diesel fuel is
less volatile than petrol and does not have the explosive problems
associated with gaseous fuels.
 They have lower specific power output than spark-ignition engines.
This is mainly because combustion is slower and this limits the
Cylinder temperatures vary between 20K and 2000K so 1.2 < k < 1.4
operating speed. Lower speed means lower power output because of
k = 1.3 most representative
the basic relationship between power and speed. Also the higher
compression ratio requires a heavier flywheel and starting equipment.
 They cost more than spark-ignition engines. This is because of the
II. Air Standard Diesel Cycle greater mass of the engine (more materials) and the higher cost of
fuel-injection and starting equipment.
The Diesel cycle is a positive displacement, open cycle,
internal, compression ignition engine invented by Rodulf
Diesel in 1860s. The Diesel engine differs from the gasoline
powered Otto cycle by using a higher compression of the fuel to
ignite the fuel rather than using a spark plug ("compression
ignition" rather than "spark ignition"). In the diesel engine, air is
compressed adiabatically with a compression ratio typically
between 15 and 20. This compression raises the temperature
to the ignition temperature of the fuel mixture which is formed
by injecting fuel once the air is compressed.

The ideal air-standard cycle is modeled as a reversible

adiabatic compression followed by a constant pressure
combustion process, then an adiabatic expansion as a power
stroke and an isometric exhaust. A new air charge is taken in at
the end of the exhaust, as indicated by the processes the DIESEL ENGINE CYCLINDER
diagram. The four steps of the air-standard Diesel Cycle are
outlined below:

 (1-2) Isentropic Compression (Compression Stroke)

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THERMODYNAMICS-I : Air Standard Cycles and Heat Engines chapter V - 5 of 17

VD  V1  V2  1
 rk  1
c VD
1 c
rk 

V4  V4   V3 
    rk  rC re
V2  V3   V2 

Process 1 – 2 : Isentropic Compression

k 1
k 1
T2  P2  k V  k 1
    1   rk
T1  P1   V2 
k 1
V1  V4 and P2  P3 T2  T1 rk
W12   U12   mC V T2  T1 
Q12  0
Process 2 – 3 : Isobaric Heat Addition
T3 V3
  rC
T2 V2
k 1
T3  T2 rC  T1 rC rk
W23  PV3  V2   mR T3  T2 
Q23  mC P T3  T2 

Process 3 – 4 : Isentropic Expansion

k 1
k 1 k 1 k 1
T4  P4  k V  r V  r 
    3    C 2    C 
T3  P3   V4   V1   rk 
S1  S 2 and S3  S 4
 r k 1  k 1  r
k 1

T4  T3  C k 1   T1 rC rk  C k 1   T1rC

V1 V4  k 
r  k 
rk   Compression Ratio
V2 V2 W34   U 34   mC V T4  T3 
V3 Q43  0
rC  Cut-off Ratio
Process 4 – 1 : Isometric Heat Rejection
(the ratio of volume during isobaric heat addition) T1 P1

V V T4 P4
re  4  1 , Expansion Ratio
V3 V3 W41  0
V1 V4 Q41  mC V T1  T4 
  re  rk
V2 V3
Heat Added
VC  V2  V3 , Clearance volume
QA  Q23  mCP T3  T2   mCP T1rC rk  k 1
 T1rk
k 1

where: c is the percent Clearance
QA  m C P T1 rk
k 1
rC  1
VC  c VD  VD  V1  V2

Heat Rejected

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QR  Q41  mCV T1  T4   mCV T1  T1rC  k

 PMEP 

P1 rk krk rC  1  rC k  1
k 1

QR  m CV T1 1  rC  k
 k  1 rk  1

Net Work
WNET   PdV  W12  W23  W34  W41 III. Air Standard Dual-Combustion Cycle

WNET  mC V T2  T1   mR T3  T2   mC V T4  T3   0 The assumption of either isometric or isobaric combustion is
WNET   mCV T2  mCV T1  mRT3  mRT2 an oversimplification; neither occurs in practice. However, a more
 mCV T4  mCV T3 accurate representation of the combustion process in high-speed
internal combustion engines can be obtained by assuming there
WNET  m CV T1  C PT2  C PT3  CV T4 
is an initial sharp pressure increase (at constant volume) followed
WNET  m C P T3  T2   CV T4  T1  by essentially constant pressure combustion.
WNET  mC V k T3  T2   T4  T1 
WNET  mCV k T1rC rk
k 1
 T1rk  T r  T 
k 1
1 C
The theoretical cycle bases on the combination of isometric
and isobaric combustion is called dual cycle or mixed cycle.
WNET  mCV T1 krk  k 1
rC  1  r  1 C
Calculation follows the same method of stepwise movement
around the cycle.
WNET  m CV T 1 krk  k 1
rC  1  rC k  1
 (1-2) Isentropic compression
 (2-3) Reversible, constant volume heat addition
or WNET   Q  QA  QR  (3-4) Reversible, constant pressure heat addition
WNET  m C P T1 rk rC  1  m CV T1 1  rC k 
k 1
 (4-5) Isentropic expansion

WNET  mT1 CP rk rC  1  CV rC  1

k 1 k  (5-1) Reversible constant volume heat rejection

WNET  m CV T 1krk rC  1  rC  1

k 1 k

Thermal Efficiency

TH  

WNET m CV T 1 krk rC  1  rC  1
k 1
 k
m C P T1 rk rC  1
k 1

TH 
k 1
rC  1  rC k  1
k rk rC  1
k 1

 1  rC  1  
TH   1     100%
rk  k rC  1  
k 1 

Mean Effective Pressure V1  V5 ; V2  V3 and P3  P4

PMEP  

WNET mCV T1 krk rC  1  rC  1
k 1
 k
VD  
V1  V2   V1 
 V1 

mCV T1 krk  k 1
rC  1  rC k  1
 1 
V1 1  
 rk 

P1CV krk k 1
rC  1  rC k  1
 r 1
R  k 
 rk 

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Q23  mC V T3  T2 

Process 3 – 4 : Isobaric Heat Addition

T4 V4
  rC
T3 V3
k 1
T4  T3 rC  T1 rP rC rk

W34  PV4  V3   mR T4  T3 

Q34  mC P T4  T3 


Process 4 – 5 : Isentropic Expansion
k 1
S1  S 2 and S 4  S5 T5  P5  k V 
k 1
V r 
k 1
r 
k 1

    4    3 C    C 
T4  P4   V5   V1   rk 
V1 V5 ,  r k 1 
rk   Compression Ratio T5  T4  C k 1   T1 rP rC
V2 V2  rk 
P3 , Pressure ratio
rP 
P2 W45   U 45   mC V T5  T4 
V4 , Cut-off Ratio Q45  0
rC 
V5 V1 Process 5 – 1 : Isometric Heat Rejection
re   , Expansion Ratio T1 P1
V4 V4 
T5 P5
W51  0
V1  V4   V1 
    rk  rC re Q51  mC V T1  T5 
V2  V3   V4 

Heat Added
1 c
rk 
and VD  V1  V2  V5  V3 Q A  Q23  Q34  mC V T3  T2   mC P T4  T3 
Q A  mC V T3  T2   k T4  T3 
Process 1 – 2 : Isentropic Compression
k 1

QA  mCV 
k 1

T1rP rk  T1rk
k 1
 

 
k 1
T2  P2  k V  k 1
k 1
 k T1rP rC rk  T1rP rk
k 1
    1   rk
T1  P1   V2 
k 1
T2  T1 rk QA  mCV T1rk
k 1
rP  1  krP rC  1
W12   U12   mC V T2  T1 
Q12  0 Heat Rejected
QR  Q51  mCV T1  T5   mCV T1  T1rP rC  k

Process 2 – 3 : Isometric Heat Addition
T3 P3

T2 P2
 rP QR  m CV T1 1  rP rC  k

k 1
T3  T2 rP  T1 rP rk Net Work

W23  0 WNET   PdV  W12  W23  W34  W45  W51

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WNET   mC V T2  T1   mR T4  T3   mC V T5  T4  Comparison of Otto, Diesel and Dual Cycle
WNET   mCV T2  mCV T1  mRT4  mRT3
 mCV T5  mCV T4 For the same inlet conditions P1, V1 and the same
compression ratio:

WNET  m CV T1  CV T2  C p  Cv T3  CPT4  CV T5 

WNET  mC V T1  T2  k  1T3  kT4  T5 
WNET  mC V T1  T2  kT3  T3  kT4  T5 
W NET  mC V T3  T2   k T4  T3   T5  T1 

WNET  mCV 
k 1
T1rP rk  T1rk
k 1
  

k 1

k 1
 k T1rP rC rk  T1rP rk  T1rP rC
  

WNET  m CV T1 rk  k 1
rP  1  krP rC  1  rP rC k  1 

or WNET   Q  Q A  QR

WNET  m CV T 1 rk
k 1
rP  1  krP rC  1
 m CV T1 1  rP rC  k

WNET  m CV T1 rk  k 1
rP  1  krP rC  1  rP rC k  1 

Thermal Efficiency

 TH  

W NET m CV T1 rk rP  1  krP rC  1  rP rC  1
k 1
 k
m CV T 1 rk rP  1  krP rC  1
k 1

 TH 
k 1
rP  1  krP rC  1  rP rC k  1
rk rP  1  krP rC  1
k 1

 1  rP rC  1
TH   1     100%
rk  rP  1  krP rC  1  
k 1 

Mean Effective Pressure Otto   Dual   Diesel

For the same inlet conditions P1, V1 and the same peak
pressure P3 (actual design limitation in engines):

WNET m CV T1 rk

 k 1
rP  1  krP rC  1  rP rC k  1 
VD  
V1  V2  V1 
 1

P1 CV rk  k 1
rP  1  krP rC  1  rP rC k  1 
 1 
R1  
 rk 

P1rk rk  k 1
rP  1  krP rC  1  rP rC k  1 
k  1rk  1

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 Diesel   Dual  otto ENGINE PERFORMANCE OF I.C.E.

Actual Performance of Internal Combustion Engine


IV. Stirling Cycle

The Stirling cycle is an external-heat, closed two stroke

cycle, that uses gas as the working substance. It was invented
by Robert Stirling in about 1816 and has historical importance
as one of the first practical heat engines to use air rather than
steam as the working substance. The basic principle of the
engine is that one part of a cylinder (or a separate cylinder) is
kept hot by the application of heat source (usually by external

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THERMODYNAMICS-I : Air Standard Cycles and Heat Engines chapter V - 10 of 17

combustion of the fuel), and another part of the cylinder (or a

separate cylinder) is kept cool by the use of cooling fins or
water cooling, and is the heat sink.

The Stirling cycle is a regenerative cycle, which uses a

regenerator to alternatively absorb and give back heat as the
gas flows over it



V1  V4 , V2  V3 , T1  T2  TH
and T3  T4  TL

Heat Added
V2 V
Q A  Q1 2  W1 2  P1V1 ln  mRTH ln 2
V1 V1

Heat Rejected
V4 V
QR  Q34  W34  P3V3 ln  mRTL ln 1
V3 V2

Net Work
V2 V
WNET  Q A  QR  mRTH ln  mRTL ln 2
V1 V1
V 
WNET  mRTH  TL ln  2 

 V1 

Thermal Efficiency
V 
mRTH  TL ln 2 

 NET   V1 
mRTH ln
 T 
 TH   1  L  100%
 T H 

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(similar to Carnot cycle)

Mean Effective Pressure

W NET  T  TL   V2 
PMEP   mR H  ln 
 V

VD  V2  V1   1 

V. Ericsson Cycle
An Ericsson Cycle Engine is also known as a "hot-air
engine," and is named after John Ericsson (1803-1889). It is
often compared to a Stirling engine. PV DIAGRAM OF ERICSSON CYCLE

The cycle of the Ericsson engine are as follows: Air at the

bottom of the cylinder (E) is heated, thus expanding and forcing
the piston (A) upward. At this time the displacer (B) is driven
downward to the bottom of the cylinder. Since the displacer is
of a smaller diameter than the cylinder, the hot air rushes
around the displacer to the cool end of the engine (F). Once in
the top end of the cylinder, the hot air begins to contract,
sucking the piston downward. Now the displacer moves
upward, forcing all the cool air from the top end of the cylinder
into the bottom end. Here the air is heated and the cycle begins
Heat Added
V2 V
Q A  Q1 2  W1 2  P1V1 ln  mRTH ln 2
V1 V1

Heat Rejected
V4 V
QR  Q34  W34  P3V3 ln  mRTL ln 1
V3 V2

Net Work
V2 V
WNET  Q A  QR  mRTH ln  mRTL ln 2
V1 V1
V 
WNET  mRTH  TL ln  2 

 V1 

Thermal Efficiency
V 
mRTH  TL ln 2 

TH 
  V1 
mRTH ln 2
 T 
 TH   1  L  100%
 T H 
(similar to Carnot cycle)

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Mean Effective Pressure wNET  wCOMP  wEXP   279 .8  855 .6

WNET  T  TL   V2 
PMEP   mR  H  ln   wNET  575 .8
VD  V2  V4   V1  kg

(f) the heat supplied per kg of air

SAMPLE PROBLEMS q A  CV T3  T2   0.7176
2073  677 .89 K
kg  K
5.1) For a theoretical Otto cycle operating on a operating on a q A  1,001 .11
compression ratio of 8.5:1, taking in air at 15° C and 101.3 kPa
and having a maximum cycle temperature of 1800°C, calculate:
(g) the theoretical cycle efficiency
(a) the temperature and pressure after compression
w 575.8
k 1
k 1 TH  NET  100%  57.5%
P  k V  qA 1,001.11
T2  T1  2 
  T1  1 
  T1 rk k 1
 P1   V2  or
T2  15  273K 8.5 1.41
 677.89 K or 404.89 C  1   1 
TH  1  k 1 
100%  1  1.41  100%  57.5%
V 
 rk   8.5 
P2  P1  1   T1rk k 1  101.3kPa8.51.4

 V2 
P2  2,026.73 kPa (h) the mean effective pressure


P1 rk rP  1 rk k 1  1 
(b) the temperature and pressure after expansion k  1rk  1

rP 
P3 T3 1800  273
   3.058 PMEP  101 .3 kPa

8.53.058  1 8.51.4 1  1 
 800 kPa
P2 T2 677.89 1.4  18.5  1
 2,026.73kPa3.058  6,197.74 kPa
P3  P2
R T1 0.287
kg  K
15  273K 3
k 1 k 1 k 1 v1    0.816 m
V  V  1  P 101.3kPa kg
T4  T3  3   T3  2   T3  

 V4   V1   rk  and v1 0.816m 3 3
v2    0.096 m
1.41 rk 8.5 kg
 1 
T4  1800  273K    880.71 K or 607.71C
 8.5  wNET 575.8 kJ
PMEP    800 kPa
P4 T4
 v1  v2 0.816  0.096 m 3
P1 T1 kg

T4 880.71
P4  P1  101.3 kPa  309.78 kPa
T1 15  273
5.2) An air standard Otto cycle uses 0.1 kg of air and has a 17%
clearance. The intake conditions are 98 kPa and 37°C, and the
(c) the theoretical work of compression per kg of air;
energy release during combustion is 1600 kJ/kg. Determine:
wCOMP   CV T2  T1 
(a) the compression ratio
wCOMP  0.7176
677.89  288K  279.8 kJ 1  c 1  0.17
kg  K kg rk    6.8824
c 0.17

(d) the theoretical work of expansion

(b) the pressure and temperature at the four cycle state points
wEXP   CV T4  T3    0.7176 880 .71  2073 K
kg  K V4  V1 
wEXP  855 .6  kJ 
kg 0.1kg 0.287 37  273 K
 kg  K 
V4  V1   0.0908 m3
(e) the net work per kg of air
V2 0.0908 m3
V3  V2    0.0132 m3
rk 6.8824

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 310K 6.8824
k 1 1.41
T2  T1rk  670.6K or 397.6C PMEP 
W NET 86 .03 kJ
  1108 .7 kPa
VD 0.0776
q A  CV T3  T2   T3 
 T2

1600 kJ 5.3) An air standard Diesel cycle receives 28.5 kJ/cycle of heat
qA kg
T3   T2   670 .6 while operating at 300 RPM. At the beginning of compression,
CV 0.7176 kJ
kg  K pressure is 100 kPa, temperature is 305K and volume is
0.0425m3. At the beginning of heat addition, the pressure is 3450
T3  2900 .25 K or 2627 .25 C kPa. Determine:
T3 2900.25
rP    4.325
T2 670.6 (a) P, V and T at each state point
V1  V4  0.0425 m 3 , T1  305 K ,
k 1
1   1 
1.4 1 P1  100 kPa and P2  P3  3450 kPa
T4  T3    2900 .25 K  
 rk   6.8824 
T4  1340 .72 K or 1067 .72 C
1 1
V1  P2  k  3450  1.4
rk        12 .5442
V2  P1   100 

0.1kg 0.287
kJ 
670.6 K m

100kPa 0.0425m 3   0.0486 kg

mRT2  kg  K 
P2    1458.05 kPa RT1
305K 
V2 0.0132m 3 kg  K
 kJ 
0.1kg 0.287 2900.25K
mRT3  kg  K  T2  T1rk
k 1

 305 12.54421.41  838.84K 
P3    6305.85 kPa
V3 0.0132m 3 3
V1 0.0425m
V2    0.00339 m 3
 kJ 
0.1kg 0.287 1340.72K rk 12.5442
mRT4  kg  K 
P4    423.77 kPa
V4 0.0908m 3
QA 28.5kJ
T3   T2   838.84
mC P  kJ 
0.0486kg1.0047 
(c) the displacement volume  kg  K 
T3  1,422 .52 K
VD  V1  V2  0.0908  0.0132 m 3  0.0776 m 3
mRT3 0.04850.2871423.72
V3    0.00575m 3
(d) the work P3 3450
W NET  mC V T1  T2  T3  T4  V 
k 1
 0.00575 
1.4 1

T4  T3  3   1422.52   192.46K
 kJ   V4   0.0425 
WNET  0.10kg 0.7176 
 kg  K  V 
k 1.4
 0.00575 
 310  670.6  2900.25  1340.72K P4  P3  3   3450kPa   209.71kPa
 4
V  0.0425 
W NET  86 .03 kJ
V 0.00575
rC  3   1.6962
V2 0.00339
(e) the cycle efficiency
 1   1 
TH  1  k 1 
100%  1  100%  53.7% (b) the work
 6.8824 
 rC  1  rC k  1
 rk  k 1
WNET  m CV T 1 krk
 kJ 
(f) the mean effective pressure. WNET  0.0486 kg 0.7176 305 K 
 K 

P1 rk rP  1 rk  1
k 1
  kg
k  1rk  1 1.412.5442 1.6962  1  1.6962
1.4 1 1.4
 16.86 kJ
PMEP  98 kPa

6.8824 4.325  1 6.8824 1.4 1  1  WNET
1.4  16.8824  1
PMEP  1108.7 kPa (c) the power

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Power   WNET N T2  T1rk
k 1

 550 12.41761.41  1506.53R 
QA 27 Btu
kJ  rev  1 min  cycle  T3   T2   1506 .53
Power  16.86  300    mC P  Btu 
cycle  min  60 s  1rev  0.1082 lb 0.24 
 lb  R 
Power  84 .3 kW two stroke 
T3  2546 .27 R
V3 T3 2546.27
(d) the mean effective pressure rC     1.6902
  
V2 T2 1506.53
P1 rk krk k 1 rC  1  rC k  1
k  1rk  1
 
     1  rC  1 
12 .5442 1.4 12 .5442 1.4 1 1.6962  1  1.6962 1.4  1 TH   1  100 %
PMEP  100 kPa  rk k 1  k rC  1  
1.4  112.5442  1
PMEP  431 k Pa  1  1.6902 1.4  1 
TH  1   100 %  59%
or  12.4176 1.4 1  1.41.6902  1 
PMEP   431kPa
0.0425  0.00339m3 (b) the power if the engine runs at 300RPM
WNET  QA TH  27
0.59   15.93 Btu or 12,396 .09 ft  lb
(e) the thermal efficiency of the cycle rev rev rev
 ft  lb  rev  min  HP 
1  rC k  1   Power  WNET N  12,396 .09  300  
TH   1   100 % rev  min  33,000 ft  lb 
 rk k 1  k rC  1   Power  112 .7 HP
 1  1.6962 1.4  1 
TH  1   100 %  59 .1%
 1.41.6962  1 
1.4 1   (c) the mean effective pressure
 12 .5442
or PMEP 

P1 rk krk k 1rC  1  rC k  1  
k  1rk  1
TH  
16 .86 
100 %  
 28 .5 
100 %  59 .1%
PMEP  14 .7 psia
  
12 .4176 1.4 12 .4176 1.4 1 1.6902  1  1.6902 1.4  1  
 A 
1.4  112.4176  1
PMEP  62 .4 psi

5.4) A one cylinder Diesel engine operates on the air-standard

cycle and receives 27 Btu/rev. The inlet pressure is 14.7 psia, 5.5) The compression ratio of an air standard dual cycle is 12,
the inlet temperature is 90°F, and the volume at the bottom and at the beginning of compression the pressure is 100 kPa, the
dead center is 1.5 ft3. At the end of compression the pressure is volume is 1.2 liters, and the temperature is 37°C. During the heat
500 psia. Determine: addition processes, 0.4 kJ is transferred at constant volume and
(a) the cycle efficiency 1.0 kJ at constant pressure. Determine
(b) the power if the engine runs at 300RPM (a) the cycle thermal efficiency
(c) the mean effective pressure (b) the work of the cycle
(c) the mean effective pressure
(a) the cycle efficiency Solution
P1  14.7 psia , T1  550 R , V1  V4  1.5 ft 3 (a) the cycle thermal efficiency
P2  500 psia and Q A  27 BTU P1  100 kPa , T1  310 K , V1  V5  0.0012 m3
Q AV  0.4 kJ , Q AP  1.0 kJ and rk  12
1 1
V1  P2   500  1.4
 
    
rk    12 .4176 P1V1 100 kPa 0.0012 m 3
V2  P1   14 .7  m   0.00135 kg
RT1 0.287 kJ 310 K 
lb  in 2 
14.7 2 144 2 1.5 ft 3 
kg  K
in  ft 
Q AV  mCV T3  T2   T3 
m 1 1   0.1082 lb  T2
ft  lb
53.34 550R  mCV
lb  R

MIT-School of Mechanical Engineering 

THERMODYNAMICS-I : Air Standard Cycles and Heat Engines chapter V - 15 of 17

 
T2  310 K 121.41  837 .6 K addition at P=C is 100 BTU/lb. Determine the thermal efficiency
and the mean effective pressure.
 mC P T4  T3   T4  AP  T3
mC P

T3 
 T2 
0.40 kJ
 837 .6  1250 .5 K 
T2  540 R 91.41  1300 .4 R 
 kJ 
 
0.00135 kg 0.7176  P2  P1rk  14 .7 9 k 1.4
318 .61 kPa
 kg  K 
P3 470
rP 
T3 1250 .5
  1.493 rP   1.4752
T2 837 .6 P2 318 .61

T4 
 T3 
 1250 .5  1987 .8 K
T3  T1 rP rk k 1  540 R1.4752  91.4 1  1918 .4 R  
mC P  kJ 
0.00135 kg1.0047  q AP 100 Btu
 kg  K  T4   T3  lb  1918 .41R  2335 .1 R
CP 0.24 Btu
rC 
T4 1987 .8
  1.5896 lb  R
T3 1250 .5 T4 2335 .1
rC   1.2172
 
T5  T1 rP rC k  310 1.493  1.5896 1.4  885 .6 K T3 1918 .41

T5  T1 rP rC k  540 R1.4752  1.2172 1.4  1048 .9 R  

 1  
1.493 1.5896 1.4  1  
q AV  CV T3  T2   0.1714 1918 .4  1300 .4
TH   1  1.4 1   100 %  60.2% Btu
 12 
 1.493  1  1.41.493 1.5896  1 
 lb  R
q AV  105 .93 Btu

qR  CV T1  T5   0.1714 540  1048 .9

(b) the work of the cycle
lb  R
 kJ 
QR  mCV T1  T5   0.00135 kg 0.7176 310  885 .6 qR   87 .23 Btu
 kg  K  lb
QR   0.558 k J
wNET   q  105 .93  100  87.23 Btu lb  118 .7 Btu

WNET  Q  0.4 1.0  0.558kJ  0.842 kJ

 wNET   118 .7 
or TH   100 %   100 %  57.6%
 A 
q  105 .93  100 
W NET  TH Q A  0.602 1  0.4 kJ  0.842 kJ
 1   

WNET  m CV T1 rk k 1 rP  1  krP rC  1  rP rC k  1   TH   1 
 rk k 1 
 rP 
rP rC k  1
1  krP rC  1


TH   1 
1 
 
1.4752 1.2172 1.4  1 
 
1.4 1  1.4752  1  1.41.4752 1.2172  1   100 %
 9   
 kJ 
WNET  0.00135kg  0.7176

 310K  121.41 1.493  1  1.41.4931.5896  1 
 1.493 TH 
 57 .6%  1  0.842 kJ
1.5896 1.4
 
 kg K 
ft  lb
(c) the mean effective pressure 53 .34 540 R 
lb  R
RT 3

 
P1rk rk k 1 rP  1  krP rC  1  rP rC k  1 v1  1 
P1 lb  in 2 
 14.1862 ft
k  1rk  1 14 .1 2 144 2 
in  ft 
PMEP  100 kPa
    
12 121.41 1.493  1  1.41.493 1.5896  1  1.493 1.5896 1.4  1
ft 3
1.4  112  1 v 14.1862 3
v2  1  lb  1.5762 ft
rk 9 lb
PMEP  765 k Pa
118 .7
or w  lb ft  lb  ft 2 
PMEP  NET   778 .16 
Btu  144 in2 
14.1862  1.5762  ft 
WNET W 0.842 kJ vD
PMEP   NET   765 kPa
V1  V2 V  V1 0.0012 m3 lb
1 0.0012 m3  PMEP  50 .8 psi
rk 12
PMEP  14 .1 psi
9 91.4 1 1.4752  1  1.41.4752 1.2172  1  1.4752 1.2172 1.4  1 
1.4  19  1
5.6) An air standard dual cycle is characterized by the PMEP  50 .8 psi
following : P1=14.1 psia, T1=80°F, P3=470psia, and rk=9; heat

MIT-School of Mechanical Engineering 

THERMODYNAMICS-I : Air Standard Cycles and Heat Engines chapter V - 16 of 17

1550°C and 20°C, respectively. Determine the compression ratio

of the engine (Ans 9.145:1)
08) An engine working on the Otto cycle has a heat input of
01) An air standard Otto cycle has a compression ratio of 8:0 460kJ/kg. The air conditions at the beginning of compression are
and has air condition at the beginning of compresson of 100 0.95 bar, 27 °C. The temperature at the end of the expansion is
kPa and 25°C. The heat added is 1400 kJ/kg. Determine (a) 211°C. Calculate the compression ratio; maximum pressure and
the four cycle state points: (b) the thermal efficiency; (c) the temperature during the cycle; and the cycle efficiency. CP=1.10
mean effective pressure. (Ans 56.5%, 1057 kPa) kJ/kg-K (Ans 7.78; 27.08 bar, 1100 K, 56%)

02) An engine operates on air standard Otto cycle with a 09) In an air standard Otto cycle the compression ratio is 9:1.
compression ratio of 9 to 1. The pressure and temperature at Compression begins at 0.95 bar and 17°C. The maximum cycle
the end of the compression stroke are 800 kPa and 700°C. temperature is 1100°C and CV=0.718 kJ/kg-K. Calculate the heat
Determine the net cycle work per kg if the pressure at the end supplied per kg air, maximum cycle pressure and temperature,
of heat addition is 3.0MPa. the cycle efficiency and mean effective pressure. Also calculate
the efficiency of a Carnot cycle working between the same
03) An engine operates on air standard Otto cycle. The temperature limits. (Ans 484.7 kJ, 40.50 bar, 571 K, 58.5%,
pressure and temperature at the beginning of isentropic 3.63 bar, 78.9%)
compression are 120 kPa and 35°C. The peak pressure and
temperature are 4.8 MPa and 2500°C. Determine (a) the net 10) An air standard Otto cycle has an initial temperature of
cycle work in kJ/kg; (b) the cycle efficiency. (Ans 713.5 100°F, a pressure of 14.7 psia, and a pressure at the end of
kJ/kg, 44.9%) compression of 356 psia. The pressure at the end of heat
addition is 1100 psia. Determine (a) the compression ratio; (b) the
04) An air standard Otto cycle has the following cycle states, thermal efficiency; (c) the percentage clearance; (d) the
where state 1 is at the beginning of the isentropic compression: maximum temperature. (Ans 9.74, 59.7%, 11.4%)
P1=101kPa, T1=333K, V1=0.28m3, T3=2000K, rk=5. Determine
(a) the remaining cycle state points; (b) the thermal efficiency; 11) An air standard Diesel cycle has a compression ratio of 14.
(c) the head added; (d) the heat rejected. (Ans 47.5%, The maximum and minimum cycle temperatures are 2940°R and
290kJ, -152.4kJ) 540°R, and the minimum pressure is 14.7 psia. Determine (a) the
cycle efficiency; (b) the change of entropy during heat addition;
05) A four cylinder spark ignition engine with a compression (a) the mean effective pressure.
ratio of 8 has pistons with a bore of 9 cm and a stroke of 10 cm.
The air pressure at the beginning of compression is 98 kPa, 12) An air standard Diesel cycle has a compression ration of 20
and the temperature is 37°C. The engine may be modeled by and a cutt-off ratio of 3. Inlet pressure and temperature are 100
the air standard Otto cycle. The maximum cycle temperature is kPa and 27 °C. Determine (a) the heat added per kg; (b) the net
1700°K. If the engine produces 75 kW of power, determine (a) work per kg. (Ans 1994.6kJ/kg, 1209.2 kJ/kg)
the heat supplied per cylinder, (c) the RPM required.
13) In an air standard Diesel cycle, the compression ratio is 17.
06) An air standard Otto cycle has a compression ratio of 7.5. The cutoff ratio is 2.5:1. The air conditions at the beginning of
The maximum and minimum cycle temperatures are 1600° and compression are 101 kPa and 300°K. Determine (a) the thermal
300°K, and the minimum pressure is 100 kPa. Determine (a) efficiency; (b) the heat added per kg of air; (c) the mean effective
the cycle efficiency (b) the change of entropy during heat pressure. (Ans 60%, 1404.1 kJ/kg, 1050 kPa)
addition; (c) the change of availability per unit mass during the
expansion process. 14) A four-cylinder compression-ignition engine with a
compression ratio of 18 has pistons with a bore of 9 cm and a
07) An engine working on the Otto cycle has a theoretical cycle stroke of 10 cm. the air pressure at the beginning of compression
efficiency of 70% of that of a Carnot-cycle engine working is 98 kPa, and the temperature is 37°C. The engine may be
between the same upper and lower cycle temperatures of modeled by the air-standard Diesel cycle. The maximum cycle
temperature is 1700°K. If the engine produces 75 kW of power,

MIT-School of Mechanical Engineering 

THERMODYNAMICS-I : Air Standard Cycles and Heat Engines chapter V - 17 of 17

determine (a) the heat supplied per cylinder; (b) the thermal
efficiency, (c) the RPM required.

15) In an air standard dual cycle, the isentropic compression

starts at 100 kPa and 300°K. The compression ratio is 13 the
maximum temperature is 2750 °K, and the maximum pressure
is 6894 kPa. Determine (a) the cycle work per kg; (b) the heat
added per kg; (c) the mean effective pressure. (Ans 1040.3
kJ/kg, 1705.5 kJ/kg, 1308 kPa)

16) A dual cycle engine has a compression ratio of 14. The air
state at the beginning of compression is 100 kPa and 300°K.
Fifteen hundred kJ/kg of heat is added during the heat-addition
process, with one third at constant volume and two thirds at
constant pressure. Find the thermal efficiency and mean
effective pressure of the engine.

17) An Internal combustion engine runs on an ideal cycle in

which the heat rejection is at constant volume, but the heat is
supplied such that dP/dv = C. The heat is supplied over 1/8 x
expansion stroke. Compression ratio is 6:1. Compression
commences at 0.95 bar, 20°C. Maximum cycle pressure is 40
bar. Calculate the cycle efficiency, mean effective pressure and
maximum temperature of the cycle. (Ans 45.1%, 13.55 bar,

MIT-School of Mechanical Engineering 

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