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English 11 American Literature  

John Marshall High School

Instructor(s):​ Mrs. S. Bailey MacRae, Ms. W. Thompson
Mrs. Hudson, Mrs. Parrish
Location​: Rooms 202, 201 (please consult your schedule)

Teacher Conference Availability - Tentative

Teachers may be unavailable due to duty, meetings, or other scheduled appointments.

1st Block UNAVAILABLE 2nd Block Mrs. Bailey MacRae ​after 8:30 in 202


5th Block UNAVAILABLE 6th Block Ms. Thompson ​after 11:45 in 201

7th Block Both Mrs. Bailey MacRae and Ms. 8th Block UNAVAILABLE
Thompson ​after 1:45 in rooms 201 and

Mrs. Bailey MacRae’s Contact Number:​ 804- 780- 6052- ext 202 ​Alt. ​302-505-5647
Ms. W. Thompson’s Contact Number:​ 804- 780- 6052- ext 201 ​Alt. ​646-598-3224

 “Life is divided into three terms - that which was, which is, and which will be. Let us learn from the past to profit by 
the present, and from the present to live better in the future.” 
-William Wordsworth  
Class Overview 
English 11, American Literature, is a two-semester course designed in compliance with Virginia 
Standards of Learning in order to provide students with a deep understanding of both classic and 
contemporary American Literature. Students will be able to identify the prevalent themes and 
characterizations present in American Literature, which are reflective of history and culture. 
Throughout the course you will be introduced to several authors’ works and ideas relating to 
America and American literary tradition. We will discuss the various periods prevalent in American 
Literature, and use these to begin discussion of the relationship between social movements and 
literary movements as these have played out through American history. 

As a student of this class, you will gain exposure to rich English traditions and literary 
works though short pieces of fiction as well as novels and other required readings. We will continue 
to build upon organizational techniques that will help prepare you for a successful high school and 
college career. In addition, the course will emphasize literary analysis, writing, oral communication 
and class presentation skills, and is organized within the interdisciplinary structure of Richmond 
Public Schools English 11 Curriculum Compass.  

11th Grade Course Syllabus 2018-19 MacRae / Thompson

Required Class Materials 
As a student in the course you are required to bring the following class materials to every class 
session for the entire 2017-2018 school year: 
❖ A professional email address (ex. ❖ College ruled loose-leaf paper​;​--
❖ Non example: ​​;​)
➢ Your email should use your full legal
name to make you easily recognizable

❖ Blue or black ink pens ❖ Highlighters (Preferably multiple colors)

Class Texts 
The class texts, which will be provided for in class use, include: 
1. E​lements of Literature, American Literature​:​ Prentice Holt. 
2. Additional novels and supplemental readings will be handed out throughout the year. These 
readings/ novels may include but are not limited to:  
a. Black and White- ​Paul Volponi 
b. Fences- ​August Wilson 
c. Bang!- ​Sharon G. Flake  
Essential Questions for English 11  
1. How can literature help us to shape our understanding of racial relations throughout 
American history?  
2. What does it really mean to be a man (woman)? 
3. How can reading a variety of literature help us to become more informed citizens and critical 
4. How will developing excellent communication skills enhance my prospects for success? 
5. Are there any bad people? For whom redemption is impossible? 
Grading Policies 
English 11 will assess your skills and progress in written, oral and reading 
competencies following the English Standards of Learning. Evaluations will include 
individual, group and oral assignments. Graded assignments will include written essays, 
quizzes, homework, oral presentations, research, class projects and exams. The course 
breakdown is as follows: 
Snapshots—10% Participation—20%

Projects and Papers—20% Tests/ Quizzes—20%

Class Work and Participation—30%

All assignments will be graded in accordance with the RPS grading scale. 
RPS Grading Scale: 
A (100-90) Outstanding Achievement 
B (89-80) Commendable Achievement 
C (79-70) Acceptable (Average) 
D (69-60) Minimum Achievement 
F (59-0) Unsatisfactory Progress 

11th Grade Course Syllabus 2018-19 MacRae / Thompson


Classroom Rules and Expectations 

We expect you all to behave like juniors. There will be so much going on this year that there 
will be no time for anyone that cannot handle themselves in an educational environment.  
In May, each of you will take the State of Virginia EOC Reading test. The goal is for each 
of you to be successful. Any student that does not follow our class rules and procedures 
will be removed from class and may face further disciplinary hearings. Additionally, this 
puts the offending student in jeopardy of failing for the 2017-2018 academic school year.  

The classroom rules are as follows: 

1. Be Ready:​ In order to be ready for class, you will need all of your materials and 
work every day. Be ready to learn and improve. 
2. Be Responsible:​ You are responsible for your work in this class. If you are absent, ask 
another student or check with any of the teachers in the class.  
3. Be Respectful: ​Respect yourself, your classmates, the teachers, and the classroom. In 
return, you will be respected by all parties involved, including your teachers. If you 
are unwilling to listen to others, to be courteous in class, to pay attention, or if you 
are participating in tomfoolery or other things covered in the school handbook, you 
will be subject to the appropriate school discipline procedures. 

You are expected to follow the school rules and expected rules of conduct in our room. 
Immature and rowdy behavior will not be tolerated. Talking while others "have the floor" 
will not be tolerated. Sleeping and not being prepared for class will not be tolerated. 
Respect is not optional, it is mandatory. No warnings are necessary. You know the rules and 
are capable of following them. Be a mature, professional student in our class.  
Failure to exhibit proper decorum in our rooms will put you at risk for a lack of success 
in the classroom and subsequently in life. 
Classroom Policies 
Class attendance is required.​ When a class is missed, the student is responsible for 
collecting any missed assignments, announcements, or class changes made during the class 
session missed​. Furthermore, when you miss class, ​you miss instruction​. It is very difficult to 
make up for excessive absences in instruction, if you miss more than 5 class periods per 
quarter you run the risk of failing for that quarter and ultimately your verified credit. 
Class tardiness will not be accepted. ​Three unexcused tardies to class will result in 
parental contact about goals and objectives of the course.  

Only original work will be accepted. ​Plagiarism​ is the use of someone else’s words or ideas 
without giving that person official credit. Plagiarism includes paraphrasing information and is a 
serious breach of academic integrity. Any assignment containing plagiarism will receive a ​zero​ and 
further disciplinary action will be taken. Plagiarism includes turning in another classmate’s work 
as your own or copying a classmate’s assignment. You both will receive a zero in that case.  


11th Grade Course Syllabus 2018-19 MacRae / Thompson

Late Work: 
Absent Work Policy: ​You are responsible for your work in this class. If you are absent, check with 
the make up work boxes at the back of the class. We ​are not responsible for reminding​ you about 
turning in work you missed while you were absent. To be eligible for full credit, work must be turned 
in within one week upon return to school. Any work turned in after that will be subject to the late 
work policy. All makeup work must be turned in no later than ​1 week prior to the end of the marking 
period. Z
​ eroes are grade killers. If you fail to turn in assignments regularly, you run the 
risk of failure. ​We are not responsible for reminding you about turning in work you missed 
while you were absent. Excused absences do not excuse you from missing work & instruction! 
Furthermore, ​if a student is absent or misses class f​ or any reason​, a tutoring session or 
appointment with the teacher is required to turn in work. These sessions may be completed ​by 
appointment​ after school, or during the teacher’s planning period ​with notice! It is no longer 
acceptable to come get the assignment, fill it out, and turn it in late without speaking to the teacher. 
If a student does not follow this procedure, then the work will not be accepted; additionally, the 
work will be considered plagiarism. Also, students may be asked to complete an alternate 
assignment at the teacher’s discretion​.  

In this class, you will be provided with sufficient classroom technology. Therefore, personal 
electronics are to be put away ​at all times​. The first time I see a single phone, music player, 
or tablet - regardless of whether or not the person is using it - the whole class will 
receive a warning. The second time I see a device, everyone’s will go straight to jail. There is 
no bail, there is no bond. You will receive the device at the end of the class period the first 
time. If this policy fails to be effective, all phones will be collected at the door during every 
class period. Make wise choices. 

General Class Learning Objectives 

1. Write, analyze, and evaluate oral presentations and various types of writing 
2. Read and analyze several literary works 
3. Use proper format and documentation for written work 
4. Identify relationships between American literature, culture, and history 
between the past and today 
College is Possible 
We are fully aware that some of you are not planning on attending a university in the future. 
However, it is crucial that I teach English 11 with the belief that the majority of our students will 
continue their education upon graduation. Therefore, our classes will be taught to prepare you for 
life after high school. Students from all walks of life need a teacher, and it is our pleasure to be a 
part of yours. 
-Your 11 English Teachers ❤ 
Please return your signed syllabus to your English teacher. Check your schedule.  
I have read the preceding course syllabus and am fully aware of the expectations that Ms. 
Thompson has set for this English 11 class. 

Student Name: _______________________ Signature: __________________________ 


Parent Name: _______________________ Signature: __________________________ 

11th Grade Course Syllabus 2018-19 MacRae / Thompson


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