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Phil Kelly - Publications in (1) geopolitics and in (2) other topics (revised April 4 2013)
Kelly, Phil y Thomas Boardman. (1976), “Intervention in the Caribbean: Latin American
Responses to United Nations Peacekeeping.” Revista/Review Inter-Americana (Puerto
Rico), No. 6: pp. 403-411.
Kelly, Phil. (1984). “Geopolitical Themes in the Writings of General Carlos de Meira Mattos of
Brazil.” Journal of Latin American Studies (London), No. 16: pp. 439-461.
Kelly, Phil. (1986). “Buffer Systems of Middle America,” in Buffer Systems in World Politics. (J.
Chay and T. Ross, editors), pp. 67-84. Boulder: Westview.
Kelly, Phil. (1986). “Escalation of Regional Conflict: Testing the Shatterbelt Concept.” Political
Geography Quarterly (London), No. 5: pp. 161-180.
Kelly, Phil. (1986). “Avances Recientes de la Geopolí tica del Brasil,” Geopolí tica (Buenos Aires),
No. 33: pp. 63-77. Also, “O Pensamento Geopolí tico do General Meira Mattos,” A
Defesa Nacional (Rio de Janeiro), No. 704: 35-57. Also, Polí tica e Estratéga 3 (1985),
Kelly, Phil. (1986/1987). “The Geopolitics of Brazilian Expansion: A New Era of Pax Braziliana,”
Texas Journal of Political Studies 9, 77-100.
Kelly, Phil and Jack Child, editors (1988). Geopolitics of the Southern Cone and Antarctica.
(Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers. (Also published in Spanish: “Geopolitica del Cono
Sur y la Antartica. Buenos Aires: Editorial Pleamar.)
Kelly, Phil. (1988). “Traditional Themes of Brazilian Geopolitics and the Future of Geopolitics in
the Southern Cone,” in Geopolitics of the Southern Cone and Antarctica . (Phil Kelly y
Jack Child, editors), pp. 111-122. Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers.
Kelly, Phil. (1988). “Geopolitical Tensions Areas in South American: the Question of Brazilian
Territorial Expansion,” in Inter-American Relations: the Latin American Perspective.
(Robert Biles, editor), pp. 190-209. Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers.
Kelly, Phil. (1989) “A ‘Idade de Ouro’ do Brasil: O modelo de ciclos prolongados de Modelski e
a América do Sul,” Polí tica e Estratégica 7, 15-24.
Kelly, Phil. (1990). “La Geopolí tica de América Latina: Eslabones Regionales y Estratégicos.”
Geopolí tica (Buenos Aires), No. 40: pp. 16-28.
Kelly, Phil y Thomas Whigham. (1990). “La Geopolí tica del Paraguay: Vulnerabilidades
Regionales y Respuestes Nacionales,” Perspectiva Internacional Paraguaya (Asunción),
No. 3: pp. 41-78. Also, Geosur No. 139 (1991), 36-54.
Kelly, Phil. (1991). “La ‘Tierra Corazón’ de Mackinder: El Concepto Aplicado a Sudamérica.”
GEOSUR (Montevideo), Nos. 135-136 (Julio-Agosto), pp. 33-47.
Kelly, Phil. (1992). “La Geopolí tica de la Confederación: Los Escritos del Gral. Colombiano Julio
Londoño.” Geopolí tica (Buenos Aires), No. 46 : pp. 40-50.
Kelly, Phil. (1992). “Fronteiras e Geopolí tica: Uma Discussâo das Teorias do Gen. Meira Mattos.”
A Defesa Nacional (Rio de Janeiro), No. 757: pp. 41-49. Also, Geopolí tica No. 68 (1999),
Kelly, Phil. (1992). “Los Ciclos Mundiales de Modelski y el Futuro de Sudamérica.” GEOSUR
(Montevideo), Nos. 143-144: pp. 3-13.
Kelly, Phil. (1994). “Inventorio de diezaséis escritores sudamericanos en la geopolí tica,”
Geopolí tica No. 52, 18-29.
Kelly, Phil. (1994). “Gral 7 Golbery do Couto e Silva (Brasil) y Dr. Jorge Moscosa (Ecuador),”
Geosur Nos. 171/172, 52-56.
Kelly, Phil. (1994). “Gral. 7 Edgardo Mercado Jarrí n,” Geosur Nos. 173/174, 53-55.
Kelly, Phil. (1995). “Cnel 7 Jose Felipe Marini,” Geosur Nos. 187/188, 51-53.
Kelly, Phil. (1995). “Juan Enrique Guglialmelli,” Geosur Nos. 177/178, 52-54.
Kelly, Phil. (1995). “Child-Kelly-Cohen-Kennan-Kristoff: Pensadores y profesores geopolí ticos
norteamericanos,” Geopolí tica No. 55, 22-35. (“Mi Trayectoria,” pp. 30-33)
Kelly, Phil. (1997). Checkerboards and Shatterbelts: The Geopolitics of South America . Austin
Texas: University of Texas Press.
Kelly, Phil y Luisa Pérez. (1998). “El Paraguay como Estado ‘Dintel’ y Zona de Contacto en
Sudamérica.” GEOSUR (Montevideo), Nos. 223-224 (Noviembre-Diciembre), pp. 43-49.
Kelly, Phil y Luisa Pérez. (2001). “Una Estructura para la Paz: La Geopolí tica de Sudamérica
contemporánea.” Argentina Global (Buenos Aires), No. 7 (Octubre-Diciembre), pp. 1-8.
Kelly, Phil (2001). “Una estructure de paz: la geopolitica de la Actual America del Sur,” in
Seminario Internacional, Nuevas Tendencias en America Latina en el Contexto de la
Globalizacion, (Juan Ramon Perez Perez and Patricia Castillegos Peral, (eds. Huatusco,
Mexico: Universidad Autonoma Chapingo, pp. 220-223.
Kelly, Phil y Luisa Pérez. (2002). “La Encuesta de la Democracia en América Latina por
Fitzgibbon.” Argentina Global (Buenos Aires), No. 8 (Enero-Marzo), pp. 1-13.
Kelly, Phil y Luisa Pérez. (2002). “La Geopolí tica de Nicholas Spykman.” GEOSUR
(Montevideo), Nos. 263-264 (Marzo-Abril), pp. 3-13.
Kelly, Phil y Luisa Pérez. (2002). “El Impacto de la Democratización de la Geopolí tica en
América del Sur.” GEOSUR (Montevideo), Nos. 267-268) (Julio-Agosto), pp. 32-42.
Kelly, Phil (2002)”Geopolitics of Paraguay: Pivotal Position within a Model of Geopolitics,”
Historical Text Archive (Mississippi State University - Summer) pp. 1-45.
Kelly, Phil y Luisa Pérez. (2003). “Los Shatterbelts de las Américas.” GEOSUR (Montevideo),
Nos. 273-274) (Enero-Febrero), pp. 7-21.
Kelly, Phil, Rubén de Hoyos, y Luisa Pérez. (2002). “Zonas Contextuales y en Disputa:
Observaciones Generales y el Modelo de la Cuenca del Rio de la Plata.” Argentina
Global (Buenos Aires), #10 (Julio-Septiembre), pp. 1-10.
Kelly, Phil. (2003). “General Meira Mattos y la Geopolí tica del Brasil.” A Defesa Nacional (Rio de
Janeiro), No. 796 - Mai/Jun/Jul/Ago, pp. 170-177..
Kelly, Phil. (2003). “Prólogo,” in Evolución del Pensamiento Geopolí tico: Un Diálogo entre la
Geografí a y la Historia, Bernardo Quagliotti de Bellis, pp. 1-8.
Kelly, Phil. (2003). “A Chi Interessa L’Amazzonia?” Limes: Rivista Italiana di Geopolitica. No. 4:
Kelly, Phil y Luisa Pérez. (2004). “Hipótesis Teóricas de Geopolí tica.” Geosur, No. 289/290
(Mayo/Junio), 10-20.
Kelly, Phil y Luisa Pérez. (2004). “Por qué se necesita una teorí a de Geopolí tica?” Geopolí tica
No. 4 (Otoño), 5-7.
Kelly, Phil y Luisa Pérez. (2004). “Los Estados Fracasados: El problema y las soluciones
posibles,” La Revista de la Escuela Superior de Guerra ATte Grl Lous Marí a Campos, No.
553 (Abril/Junio), 5-13.
Kelly, Phil y Luisa Pérez. (2004). “Una revisión de la geopolí tica crí tica,” Argentina Global No.
15, 1-15.
Kelly, Phil y Luisa Pérez (2005) “La Hipótesis del Conflicto en la Geopolí tica,” Geosur 307/308:
Kelly, Phil y Luisa Pérez (2005) “Las grandes teorí as geopolí ticas,” Argentina Global #17: 1-10.
Kelly, Phil y Luisa Pérez (2006) “Las teorí as continentales en la geopolí tica,” Argentina Global
#18: 1-10.
Kelly, Phil (2006). “A Critique of Critical Geopolitics,” Geopolitics 11: 24-53.
Kelly, Phil (2007) “Il Sudamerica come “zona di pace,” Eurasia Direzione: Rivista di Studi
Geopolitici 3, 49-59.
Kelly, Phil (2010). “Geopolitica degli Stati Uniti d’America,” Eurasia Direzione: Rivista di Studi
Geopolitici 3, 29-40.
Kelly, Phil and Luisa Perez (2011). “Refinando y Aplicando la Teoria dentro de un Modelo
Geopolitico Clasico: Comparacion entre la Guerra de la Antigua Grecia y la Paz en la
Sudamerica Contemporanea,” La Revista de la Escuela Superior e Guerra “Tte Grl Luis
Maria Campos, #579, pp. 147-158.
Kelly, Phil (2011). “Refining and Applying Theory within a Classical Geopolitical Model:
Comparing War in Ancient Greece to Peace in Contemporary South America,” in John
Agnew and James S. Duncan, A Companion to Human Geography (Blackwell Publishing),
pp. 512-522,
Kelly, Phil (2012). “Stanno nascendo delle shatterbelts nel cuore dell’Eruasia” [Shatterbelts Now
Emerging in Central Asia and Elsewhere] Geopolitica – Rivista dell’Istituto di Alti Studi in
Geopolitica e Scienze Ausiliarie, 1/1, 129-134.
Kelly, Phil (2012). “Quarantatre Teori e Concetti per un Modelo Geopolitico” [Forty-Three
Concepts/Theories for Entry into a Geopolitical Model] Geopolitica – Rivista dell’Istituto di
Alti Studi in Geopolitica e Scienze Austiliarie 1/3, 19-34
Kelly, Phil (2012). “A Geopolitical Interpretation of Security Concerns within United States-Latin
American Relations,” CHDS Security and Defense Studies Review (accepted)
Kelly, Phil (2012) “Geopolitica dell’America Latina: continuita e cambiamento” [“Geopolitics of
Latin America: Continuity and Change,” Geopolitica – rivista dell’Istituto di alti Studi in
Geopolitica e Scienze Austiliarie 1/4, 13-25.
Kelly, Phil (2013) “Constructing a Geopolitical Model,” Dialogue in Universalism E (accepted)
Kelly, Phil (2013) “The Emerging East Asia Global Pivot: the United States Response,”
Geopolitica – rivista dell’Istituto di alti Studi in Geopolitica e Scienze Austiliarie


Kelly, Phil (1973). “The Participation of the Latin American States in the League of Nations,”
Revista/Review Inter-Americana 2, 574-584.
Kelly, Phil (1976). “The Characteristics of United States Ambassadors to Latin America,” Inter-
American Economic Affairs 30, 49-79.
Kelly, Phil (1976). “Recent United States Ambassadors to the Caribbean,” Caribbean Studies 17,
Kelly, Phil (1978). “Community Impact: Illegal Aliens in Colorado’s San Luis Valley,” in Illegal
Aliens in the United States” (Kenneth Johnson and Nina Ogle, eds.). Washington, DC:
University Press of America. Pp. 93-128.
Kelly, Phil and Roberto Villarreal (1982). “Mexican Americans as Participants in United States –
Mexico Relations,” International Studies Notes 9, 1-6.
Kelly, Phil and Kenneth Johnson (1986). “Political Democracy in Latin America 1985: Partial
Results of the Image-Index Survey,” LASA Forum 17:2, 19-22.
Kelly, Phil and Lee Hoskins (1988). “Lateral Entry into the Foreign Service: Opportunity Lost,”
American Review of Public Administration 18, 267-282.
Kelly, Phil (1998). Assessing Democracy in Latin America: A Tribute to Russell H. Fitzgibbon.
Boulder: Westview Press.
Kelly, Phil (2002). “Fifty-Five Years of Measuring Democracy: Evaluating the Fitzgibbon
Democracy Survey,” Revista: Harvard Journal on Latin American Studies, 2/1, 13-15.
Kelly, Phil (2002). “Update on the 2000 Fitzgibbon Survey on Latin American Democracy” LASA
Forum 33/1, 10-13.
Kelly, Phil (2012). “Whither Democracy: My Search for Causes,” Skebis, Proceedings of the Ninth
World Congress of the International Society for Universal Dialogue, Olympic Center for
Philosophy and Culture, Vol. 22, No. 3, pp. 236-247

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