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Palliative and Supportive Care (2016), page 1 of 9.

# Cambridge University Press, 2016 1478-9515/16


Progressive muscle relaxation as a supportive

intervention for cancer patients undergoing
chemotherapy: A systematic review


Hematology-Oncology Unit, Fourth Department of Internal Medicine, Attikon Hospital, National and Kapodistrian
University of Athens, Medical School, Athens, Greece
(RECEIVED April 3, 2016; ACCEPTED October 22, 2016)

Background: Many cancer patients use a wide variety of techniques to improve their physical and
mental well-being, including relaxation therapy and, specifically, Progressive Muscle Relaxation
(PMR). However, there is no strong evidence that supports the efficacy of this technique.
Objective: Our aim was to review the evidence regarding the use of PMR as a supportive
intervention for cancer patients undergoing chemotherapeutic treatment.
Method: Six databases were electronically searched: AMED, the Cochrane Library,
MEDLINE, PsychINFO, Scopus, and the Web of Science. After removing duplicates, 700
publications were screened and 57 identified as potentially relevant. The flow of information
from record identification to study inclusion was conducted in accordance with the PRISMA
statement. Original articles published in peer-reviewed journals that studied the use of PMR as
an intervention, were randomized or included a matched control group, and that included
patients receiving chemotherapy were included. Studies that combined PMR with other
interventions were excluded. The methodological quality of included trials was assessed using
the Jadad Scale and the CONSORT guidelines.
Results: A total of 5 of the 57 papers fulfilled the preset criteria and were included in our
systematic review. Our findings indicate that PMR might improve comfort and reduce the
anxiety levels and side effects caused by chemotherapy, with the exception of vomiting.
Nonetheless, the quality of all the included studies was extremely low.
Significance of results: There is evidence that PMR might have a few benefits for patients
undergoing chemotherapy. Still, the small number of studies included and their poor quality
limit the significance of our results. Despite the fact that pharmaceutical approaches for
controlling side effects might be reaching their full potential and that there might be further
usefulness for such integrative treatments as PMR, the need to run more high-quality trials
testing the efficacy of this technique is warranted before suggesting its adoption as part of
standard cancer care.
KEYWORDS: Anxiety, Cancer, Chemotherapy, Progressive muscle relaxation, Side effects

INTRODUCTION European Union, the United States, Canada, Austra-

lia, and Japan (Australian Institute of Health and
Due to its high incidence, cancer poses a major threat
Welfare, 2013; Ferlay et al., 2013; Katanoda et al.,
to most parts of the developed world, including the
2015; Kachuri et al., 2013; Siegel et al., 2016), while
less-developed countries are also threatened by in-
Address correspondence and reprint requests to: Panagiotis creasing cancer rates (Jemal et al., 2010). A global
Pelekasis, Hematology/Oncology Unit, Fourth Department of outburst of this cancer epidemic is expected by
Internal Medicine, Attikon Hospital, University of Athens, Rimini
1, 12462 Athens, Greece. E-mail: 2030, almost doubling new disease cases based on

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2 Pelekasis et al.

2008 statistics (Bray et al., 2012). Therefore, cancer trial, or even by using well-formulated and matched
should be regarded as a worldwide public health subject groups (Robson, 2002).
hazard. The present study evaluates the efficacy of PMR in
Thanks to earlier diagnosis and advancements in improving the mental and physical well-being of can-
the field of chemotherapy, this increased incidence cer patients receiving chemotherapeutic treatment
has been countered by prolonged survival of cancer by reviewing all the relevant PMR trials.
patients (DeVita & Chu, 2008). Nevertheless, pa-
tients receiving chemotherapeutic treatment are
threatened by such disturbing side effects as nausea METHODS
and vomiting (Mustian et al., 2011) and cognitive im-
pairment (Moore, 2014), as well as such common Registration
mental disorders as anxiety, depression, and sleep
Our systematic review was registered in the PROS-
disorders, triggered by both the disease and the ap-
PERO database (registration no. CRD42016043111).
plied therapies (Dickerson et al., 2014; Die Trill,
There were no violations of the original protocol dur-
2013; Nakash et al., 2014). There is thus an urgent
ing any stages of the research.
need to intervene in order to address these patients’
Literature Search
Many cancer patients hoping to improve their
physical and mental well-being employ complemen- All three authors participated in the literature
tary and alternative medicine (CAM). Relaxation search process. A search for English-language papers
therapies are one of the most common CAM tech- published from January of 1990 until July 3, 2016
niques used (Huebner et al., 2014; Molassiotis was carried out in AMED, the Cochrane Library,
et al., 2005). Most of the patients practicing relaxa- MEDLINE, PsychINFO, Scopus, and the Web of
tion therapies start after being diagnosed (Molassio- Science databases. The combinations utilized were
tis et al., 2005). Progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) “progressive muscle relaxation” AND (cancer OR on-
is a CAM intervention (Park et al., 2013) that in- cology OR chemotherapy). In addition, a snowball
cludes repetitive cycles of tensing and relaxing of ma- technique was employed in order to include any
jor muscle groups combined with breathing exercises potential studies not revealed through this process.
(Jacobson, 1938). Issues of related journals, reference lists of included
Regarding the effect of PMR in noncancer patient studies, and other relevant papers in the field were
populations, there is evidence from several system- rummaged through in an attempt to locate possible
atic reviews suggesting that it is an effective tech- records. The flow of information from record identifi-
nique. For example, it has been shown to decrease cation to inclusion followed the principles of the
elevated blood pressure (Rainforth et al., 2007), to PRISMA statement (Moher et al., 2009).
manage the pain of osteoarthritis (Morone & Greco,
2007), and to improve the mental state and subjective Study Selection
well-being of persons suffering from schizophrenia
Regarding study selection, the inclusion criteria were
(Vancampfort et al., 2013). Additionally, PMR has
as follows: (1) original articles published in peer-re-
demonstrated efficacy in decreasing depressive and
viewed journals; (2) two-arm trials with matched or
anxiety symptoms in the general population (Jorm
randomized intervention and control groups; (3) us-
et al., 2008; Manzoni et al., 2008).
ing only PMR as an intervention; and (4) including
To date, the effects of this intervention on cancer
cancer patients currently receiving chemotherapeu-
patients receiving chemotherapy have been reported
tic treatment. The exclusion criteria were as follows:
in a few sporadic publications. A recent case study
studies combining PMR with other interventions
found that the development of panic disorder in a
(e.g., psychoeducation). Identified abstracts were
54-year-old breast cancer patient receiving eight cy-
stored using Zotero reference management software.
cles of adjuvant chemotherapy was blocked by the
All authors participated in the study selection
practice of PMR (Koumarianou et al., 2015). Accord-
ing to a bold study comparing two different interven-
tions to counter anxiety and depression, the efficacy
Data Extraction
of PMR was found to be almost equivalent to receiv-
ing 0.5 mg of the triazolobenzodiazepine alprazolam The extracted data from these papers included: study
three times daily (Holland et al., 1991). Despite these authors, country, total number of patients, patient
data, the appropriate way to come to a conclusion gender, primary tumor, duration of PMR sessions,
about a treatment’s efficacy is to test an intervention duration of the intervention, frequency of practice,
condition against a control by applying a randomized average adherence rate, follow-up, variables

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Progressive muscle relaxation for patients undergoing chemotherapy 3

examined, measures used, main findings, and quali- using the CONSORT guidelines also found a low trial
tative reports. quality (see Appendix I). As indicated, there were
The quality of trials was estimated by using the Ja- several weak points, such as not describing the mech-
dad Scale and the CONSORT guidelines. The Jadad anism used to implement random allocation and re-
Scale is a brief (score range ¼ 0–5 points) instrument search blinding (in all trials) and sample size
used to rate the quality of a trial (Jadad et al., 1996). determination (in four of five trials).
Randomization and double blinding were given two Due to the small number of included studies, their
points each, while reporting withdrawal and dropout small sample sizes, and their heterogeneity regarding
reasons received a single point. The CONSORT state- several characteristics (tumor type, gender, measures
ment is a checklist including a variety of items con- used, and outcomes assessed), pooling of results was
cerning the quality of each separate section of a not considered to be a wise option. Thus, all five eligi-
published trial (Schulz et al., 2010) (see Appendix I). ble studies are presented narratively in the following
Both the data extraction process and trial evalua- section.
tion were carried out by the first author and cross-
checked by the second author. Disagreements were
Summaries of Included Studies
resolved through discussion or with the help of the
third author. Arakawa (1995) examined the effects of PMR in a
sample with various primary tumors. Sessions in-
cluded tense/release of 16 muscle groups and deep
breathing (for a total of 15 minutes) twice a day. Anx-
The literature search conducted led to 700 unique po- iety and side effects were recorded before and after
tentially relevant records, of which 643 were not chemotherapy using the State –Trait Anxiety Inven-
searched since their title was irrelevant to the scope tory (STAI) and the Morrow Assessment of Nausea
of the specific systematic review, so that 57 abstracts and Emesis, respectively. Eight patients completed
were accessed. the endpoint assessments. The average adherence
As for the 57 studies whose abstracts were accessed, rate of the practice reached 98%, recorded by the
most did not meet the eligibility criteria of the system- investigator through direct observation of each indi-
atic review: 4 were not in peer-reviewed journal vidual practicing the technique once a day. The fre-
publications, 14 used PMR along with another inter- quency and duration of nausea and state anxiety
vention, 11 included no cancer- nor chemotherapy-re- were decreased in the intervention group, while vom-
lated populations, 21 were not two-armed trials with iting and trait anxiety were unaffected. With regard
matched or randomized intervention and control to self-reports in that group, they recounted being
groups, and 2 did not use PMR as an intervention. able to eat more and maintain a more optimal mobil-
Therefore, five studies were finally included in our sys- ity level at the last chemotherapy session compared
tematic review (Arakawa, 1995; 1997; Demiralp et al., to the previous one.
2010; Song et al., 2013; Yilmaz & Arslan, 2015). The The second trial (Arakawa, 1997) tested the effec-
information flowchart is depicted in Figure 1. tiveness of the same intervention in a larger sample
Four of these studies were randomized controlled of patients (N ¼ 60) diagnosed with different tumor
trials (Arakawa, 1995; 1997; Demiralp, 2010; Yilmaz types and receiving a variety of different chemother-
& Arslan, 2015), while one used matched subjects apeutic agents and antiemetics. Intervention group
(Song et al., 2013). The participants in all studies participants were advised to practice a 25-minute
were measured at baseline, those in the intervention PMR session twice a day, while control group partic-
group were provided with a PMR session practiced ipants were contacted for 10–15 minutes daily in an
during the full length of follow-up, and all were mea- attempt to equalize the placebo effect. The average
sured during an endpoint assessment. In total, 255 adherence rate reached 85.8%, recorded by the inves-
patients were analyzed. Apart from the large range tigator through direct observation of each individual
of sample sizes (8 – 100), there was also a discrepancy practicing the technique once a day. Assessments
across studies regarding their specific characteristics were carried out one week before initiation of their
(e.g., the measures used). These characteristics are initial course and 72 hours after receiving the stan-
detailed in Table 1. dard chemotherapy treatment. As measured by the
The quality of trials was found to be low since four STAI and the Rhodes Index of Nausea and Vomit-
out of five of the studies were given a rating of zero ing –Form 2, both scores were significantly reduced
points on the Jadad Scale (Arakawa, 1997; Demiralp, in the intervention group. However, subscale analy-
2010; Song et al., 2013; Yilmaz & Arslan, 2015), while ses indicated that vomiting was not significantly de-
one was rated 1 due to reporting of participants’ rea- creased, possibly due to the extremely low incidence
sons for dropping out (Arakawa, 1995). The appraisal in both groups.

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4 Pelekasis et al.

Fig. 1. Information flowchart

The third study (Demiralp et al., 2010) reported a that several subcomponents of sleep quality (e.g.,
prospective repeated-measures randomized trial habitual sleep efficiency) were improved in some
with 27 total participants (intervention group, n ¼ post-intervention measurements. Similarly, the
14; control group, n ¼ 13). Patients in the interven- PFS score was also reduced in the intervention
tion group were assigned a 25- to 30-minute PMR group ( p ¼ 0.014).
session and were advised to practice this technique The fourth study (Song et al., 2013) examined the
on a daily basis. Four repeated measures from day effects of PMR on 100 female breast cancer patients
1 until day 90 after the beginning of chemotherapy receiving chemotherapy. Patients were divided into
were used. The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index two equal-sized groups matched by age, level of edu-
and the Piper Fatigue Scale (PFS) were utilized to cation, and tumor stage. The STAI, the Rotterdam
measure sleep quality and fatigue, respectively. Symptom Scale, and self-reported symptoms were
The results indicated that overall sleep was im- employed to assess severity of anxiety, cancer dis-
proved in the third and fourth measurements and comfort, and chemotherapy-related symptoms,

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Progressive muscle relaxation for patients undergoing chemotherapy

Table 1. Extracted data

Duration Average
Total Primary of PMR Duration of Frequency adherence Qualitative
Study Country N n Gender tumor session intervention of Practice rate Follow-up Variables examined Measures used Main findings reports

Arakawa Japan 8 4 males/ Various 15 minutes Unknown Twice a day 98% Unknown Anxiety, nausea, STAI, Morrow Decrease of state Improved
(1995) 4 females types and vomiting Assessment of anxiety, mood,
Nausea and reduction of appetite,
Emesis nausea and mobility
Arakawa Japan 60 36 males/ Various 25 minutes 72 hours Twice a day 85.8% 72 hours after Anxiety, nausea, STAI, Rhodes Anxiety and NA
(1997) 24 females types treatment and vomiting Index of nausea
Nausea and reduction,
Vomiting – vomiting wasn’t
Form 2 reduced
Demiralp Turkey 27 Females Breast 25 –30 90 days Everyday Unknown 4 repeated Sleep quality, Pittsburgh Sleep Sleep quality NA
et al. cancer minutes measures from fatigue Quality Index, improve-ment,
(2010) day 1 to day 90 Piper Fatigue decrease of
after start of Scale fatigue
Song et al. China 100 Females Breast Unknown Full duration of Unknown Unknown After chemotherapy Cancer discom-fort, Rotterdam Cancer discom- NA
(2013) cancer adjuvant anxiety, side Symptom fort, side
chemotherapy effects Scale, STAI, effects, and
self-reported anxiety
side effects reduction
Yilmaz & Turkey 60 Females Breast Unknown 3 weeks 3 times per Unknown After 3 weeks Cancer discom-fort, General Comfort Cancer discomfort NA
Arslan cancer week anxiety Questionnaire, and anxiety
(2015) STAI reduction

N ¼ number of patients; NA ¼ not applicable; PMR ¼ progressive muscle relaxation; STAI ¼ State– Trait Anxiety Inventory.

6 Pelekasis et al.

respectively (loss of appetite, lack of energy, nausea, ported could be attributed to the cultural characteris-
acid reflux, mouth ulcers, cough, and back pain). tics of the patients included in those two trials, which
All of these scores were significantly lower in the in- could influence adherence to health professionals’
tervention group after practicing the technique. guidelines. In addition, the high acceptance of CAM
The final trial (Yilmaz & Arslan, 2015) examined therapies by cancer patients in Japan might have in-
the effects of the technique on 30 experimental and fluenced this high adherence rate (Eguchi et al.,
30 control patients. The intervention group took 2000; Hyodo et al., 2005). As to adverse events, no
part in four supervised sessions and were provided side effects related or possibly caused by practicing
with a CD to help them practice the technique on PMR were reported in any of the included trials (Ara-
their own three times a week, as suggested. The kawa, 1995; 1997; Demiralp et al., 2010; Song et al.,
pre- and posttest outcomes were anxiety (measured 2013; Yilmaz & Arslan, 2015). Even though there is
by the STAI) and cancer discomfort (assessed by no solid evidence from well-designed clinical studies
the General Comfort Questionnaire). While patients that practicing PMR has its hindrances, it is logical
did not differ regarding these variables at baseline, to assume that the absence of side effects and the
both anxiety ( p . 0.0001) and general comfort ( p . relatively high adherence rate make PMR a feasible
0.0001) were reduced in the intervention group after intervention for cancer patients undergoing chemo-
practicing the technique. therapeutic treatment.

Comparison with Similar Scoping

DISCUSSION Interventions
The present systematic review is the first study in the The evidence of our paper highlights the potential ef-
literature that clearly focuses on the effect of PMR in ficacy of PMR in countering anxiety and some chemo-
cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. Its find- therapy-related side effects. Even though advanced
ings indicate that this technique may decrease a va- pharmacological approaches have tackled the huge
riety of side effects (including nausea), improve impact of nausea and vomiting, these side effects re-
sleep quality, reduce anxiety levels, and provide a main a major problem in cancer care (Glare et al.,
few additional episodic benefits (e.g., amelioration 2011; Kamen et al., 2014). Such nonpharmacological
of diet) (Arakawa, 1995; 1997; Demiralp et al., interventions as acupuncture and acupressure may
2010; Song et al., 2013; Yilmaz & Arslan, 2015). also play a role in moderating these side effects (Gar-
Three of the included studies concerned breast can- cia et al., 2013; Roscoe et al., 2003). Compared to
cer patients (Demiralp et al., 2010; Song et al., these techniques, PMR has the advantages of bene-
2013; Yilmaz & Arslan, 2015), while the other two fiting both the physical and mental well-being of pa-
looked at mixed cancer populations (Arakawa, tients and that it can be easily practiced with the aid
1995; 1997). As indicated in Table 1, with the excep- of playing a CD at home, without requiring extra vis-
tion of the STAI being used in three trials (Arakawa, its with another health professional.
1995; 1997; Yilmaz & Arslan, 2015), there was het- The comparison of the effect of PMR as opposed to
erogeneity of self-reporting tools, which resulted in other interventions has been explored by few studies
no directly comparable results. Apart from the study to date. One such study compared the efficacy of PMR
by Song et al. (2013), in which 100 patients were in- and music therapy (Lee et al., 2012). Yet, these stud-
cluded, the remaining studies had a relatively small ies have been excluded from specific systematic re-
sample size (Arakawa, 1995; 1997; Demiralp et al., views whose purpose was to compare the efficacy of
2010; Yilmaz & Arslan, 2015). Even though extract- PMR and usual care. The comparison of an interven-
ing data from available trials is important, it could tion with usual care is a one-way matter when
be considered worthless if this evidence is not further searching for the effect of interventions that are not
analyzed. In that context, several parameters of the part of usual care practices (Thompson & Schoenfeld,
specific systematic review results are narratively dis- 2007). Since the purpose of our study was to evaluate
cussed in the following subsections. the efficacy of PMR compared to usual care, any com-
parison with another intervention should be part of
Feasibility other analyses.
As reported in the studies included in our systematic
External and Internal Validity
review, PMR has been shown to be a feasible inter-
vention. Participant adherence was measured in The five identified studies were conducted in three dif-
only two of the included trials, where the average ferent countries (Japan, China, and Turkey), thus in-
adherence rates were 98 and 85.8%, respectively volving patients with different cultural backgrounds,
(Arakawa, 1995; 1997). The high adherence rates re- nationalities, religions, and access to healthcare

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Progressive muscle relaxation for patients undergoing chemotherapy 7

facilities (Arakawa, 1995; 1997; Demiralp et al., 2010; PMR sessions would also be essential. This type of
Song et al., 2013; Yilmaz & Arslan, 2015). In addition, pseudo-session is based on the philosophy of the pla-
both of Arakawa’s studies (1995; 1997) included pa- cebo needle employed in acupuncture research
tients with several types of common cancers (e.g., (Streitberger & Kleinhenz, 1998) and could possibly
lung, colorectal, breast), thus forming an inhomoge- lead to effective patient blinding.
neous sample quite representative of the general
cancer population. For these reasons, the external
validity of the results of our systematic review should Consonance with Recent Trends in Cancer
be considered to be relatively high. In contrast, its Care
level of internal validity is in doubt due to the low trial A growing body of literature focuses on how to trans-
quality (as indicated by both the Jadad Scale and the form traditional healthcare delivery into an more
CONSORT criteria), thus raising concerns about the integrative process, resulting in a model where both
reliability of the reported efficacy. The main problem conventional and CAM therapies are applied
with the internal validity of all the included studies aimed at improving and promoting the patient’s men-
is a lack of specific information about patient random- tal and physical health (Maizes et al., 2009). Cancer
ization. Also, no patients nor outcome investigators care should not be unaffected by this trend. To date,
were blinded in any of these studies. In addition, sam- there are only a few studies that combine and test
ple size estimation was carried out only in one trial the use of different conventional techniques together
(Yilmaz & Arslan, 2015). Since most study samples with CAM interventions, including PMR, on patients
were small, this could lead to type I error. Hence, receiving chemotherapy (Mahendran et al., 2015;
the internal validity of the studies included in our sys- Pelekasis et al., 2016). Since these programs aim to
tematic review is fairly low. prove that they are clinically applicable, the back-
ground of their interventions must be extremely
Implications for Further Research solid, meaning that each of the techniques under
study must have proven benefits for patients.
The small number of included studies indicates that Thus, intensifying the research on the effects of
there is a need for more extensive research regard- PMR would not only benefit the reliability of this
ing the effect of PMR on patients undergoing che- technique but also that of integrative cancer care pro-
motherapeutic treatment. Although many trials grams that include PMR as part of their interven-
were found that employed PMR as an adjunct to tional regimen.
chemotherapy, the majority combined PMR with
other interventions. Another minor category in-
cluded studies that applied different PMR relaxa-
tion techniques. There is an urgent need to design CONCLUSIONS
clinical trials that could establish the role of PMR Preliminary results on PMR have shown that this
as a single nonpharmacological intervention to im- method tackles anxiety and improves some of the
prove the well-being of cancer patients receiving side effects caused by chemotherapy (e.g., nausea, fa-
chemotherapy. tigue). Nonetheless, due to the limited number of
In addition, there is a need for higher methodolog- studies and their low quality, it is premature to
ical quality. It is of concern that all except one study strongly support these statements and suggest the
scored zero points on the Jadad Scale. The main rea- adoption of PMR as part of standard cancer care.
son for this failure arose from the difficulty in blind- The technique deserves further investigation in the
ing patients who received the intervention. A major context of randomized controlled trials.
challenge for every CAM intervention is to establish
its effects through a placebo-controlled trial (Lewith,
2002). Such trials pose serious obstacles to research
on the effect of such CAM interventions as magnetic CONFLICTS OF INTEREST
therapy (Carpenter et al., 2002), while other inter- The authors hereby state that they have no potential
ventions (e.g., acupressure) have successfully passed conflicts of interest to declare.
this test (Roscoe et al., 2003).
In the case of PMR, sham sessions could be con-
structed by teaching participants to inhale and ex-
hale at a usual pace and continuously repeating an
exercise—such as tensing the same muscle or mak- This research received no specific grants from any
ing any other body part move, instead of tensing all funding agency in either the public, commercial, or
muscle groups one by one. The same timeframe for not-for-profit sector.

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8 Pelekasis et al.

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