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Course Contents / Syllabus Institutional Delivery:

[please attach course  Community institutions, structural designs, processes of rural
details / profile] employment / livelihoods projects and
 Poverty reduction plans, business environment, enhancement of skills,
and identification of value chains with proper clustering across regions
supported by principal firms, network development agents along with
the identification of supply chain network partners,

Employment Projects: Farm and Non-farm based Livelihoods,

Product Diversification, Innovations, Value Chains and Markets

 Various Farm and Non-Farm Based Livelihood interventions:

Agriculture, Horticulture, Livestock, Small Ruminants Rearing,
Poultry, Aquaculture, Trade, Services etc,
-Agriculture, Food & Nutritional Security,
-Natural Resources and Environmental Services
-Institutions, Relations and Politics
-Technology, Skills, Infrastructure equipment etc,
 Business Advisory Services, Exposure to Market, Product Design and
Effective Packaging , Capacity building on best practices of running
an enterprise, Product Standardization support through knowledge

Policies, Networks, Governance and Models

 Approaches and Cost Effective Rural Technologies,
 Application of Analytical Tools and Techniques in Livelihoods
 Sustainable rural Livelihoods Policies, Governance and Delivery
 Mainstreaming Sustainable Employment / Livelihoods Projects: The
Experiences of different countries
 Sustainable Employment / Livelihoods Projects: The Indian

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