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in Instructional Design and Technology

California State University
Monterey Bay


CS Online Readiness
Submitted in partial satisfaction of requirements of the degree of
Instructional Science and Technology
Cassandra Humphrey
September 11, 2018
Capstone Approvals: (At least one advisor and capstone instructor should approve)

Advisor Name Signature Date

Capstone Instructor Name Signature Date


Table of Contents
Executive Summary ............................................................................................. 3
Introduction.......................................................................................................... 4
Background ............................................................................................................................ 4
Gap Analysis .......................................................................................................................... 4
Learner Analysis ..................................................................................................................... 6
Environmental Scan ................................................................................................................ 9
Solution Description ........................................................................................... 10
Project Goals ........................................................................................................................ 10
Learning Objectives .............................................................................................................. 10
Proposed Solution ................................................................................................................. 12
Learning Theories and Instructional Strategies ...................................................................... 12
Media Components ............................................................................................................... 15
Anticipated Challenges ......................................................................................................... 15
Methods .............................................................................................................. 15
Development Plan................................................................................................................. 15
Implementation Plan ............................................................................................................. 16
Requirements & Resources ............................................................................... 16
Requirements ........................................................................................................................ 16
Resources ............................................................................................................................. 17
Timeline .............................................................................................................. 17
Milestone Checklist .............................................................................................................. 17
Major Deliverables ............................................................................................................... 18
Evaluation ........................................................................................................... 19
Formative Evaluation............................................................................................................ 19
Summative Evaluation .......................................................................................................... 20
References........................................................................................................... 21
Appendices.......................................................................................................... 23
Appendix A .......................................................................................................................... 23
Appendix B .......................................................................................................................... 24
Appendix C .......................................................................................................................... 28
Appendix D .......................................................................................................................... 29

Executive Summary
This document serves as a proposal for Cassandra Humphrey’s MS in Instructional Science and
Technology (MIST) capstone project, which aims to assist recently admitted California State
University, Monterey Bay Computer Online Science Degree Completion Program students in
their transition into their first course and beyond by providing a solid foundation of technical
knowledge and skills in four main areas: iLearn, Google Drive, Blogger, and time management.
This proposal outlines the background information, assessment of needs, analysis of learners,
project goals, and overall deliverables and media to be used. Additionally, it describes the
learning theories, timeline, an overview of stages of development, estimation of cost and time,
and a plan for formative and summative evaluation. If approved by MIST faculty, this proposal
will serve as the basis for Cassandra’s capstone project.
Keywords: online education, technology readiness, higher education, university,
instructional design

California State University, Monterey Bay’s Computer Science Online Degree
Completion Program (CS Online) is a fairly new program, with the first graduating cohort
walking the stage in May of 2016. Since then, staff and faculty have continued to work to make
the program run smoothly while covering a wide variety of subjects over an accelerated time
period. Now, as program enrollment has increased from one cohort per year to two, the focus has
shifted to incoming students in order to make sure that they are prepared for their courses when
they begin the program. Because of this, a new CS Online readiness module has been proposed
with the goal of helping students become acquainted with programs and skills that will be used
throughout their time in CS Online.
Together with CST 300 faculty, Cassandra, the instructional designer, will design,
develop, and implement a technology readiness module aimed at educating incoming students on
iLearn, Google Suite, and Blogger functionalities, as well as time management. Barring any
setbacks such as program restructuring, scheduling issues, and longer than anticipated
development times, the module is set to be released in time for Cohort 9, the 2018 spring-start
group, to participate.

Gap Analysis
Currently, the students’ first introduction to iLearn occurs at their course orientation. The
professors walk through the course shell, showing how to perform basic tasks like accessing the
course site, viewing assignments, and introducing the question and answer forum. However,
students are not formally introduced to more sophisticated iLearn functions such as uploading an
assignment or adding a hyperlink. Additionally, there is no formal introduction to Blogger or the
Google Suite during course orientation. Typically, the professors briefly touch on the “Help”
section of iLearn, but due to a recent iLearn upgrade, these tutorials are no longer current.
Due to this arrangement, CS Online-specific programs and any introductory information
or tutorials are only introduced when an assignment calls for them. Because of this, students are
sometimes unable to demonstrate mastery of these programs’ functionality in the short amount of
time allotted, which again can cause them to miss deadlines and/or lose points.

At the start of the course, students should be proficient in iLearn, meaning they are able
to view assignments, check their grades, and have been introduced to the overall course structure
so they are able to successfully view weekly modules, assignment descriptions,
resources/readings, and due dates. They should be able to demonstrate basic iLearn submission
practices such as uploading an assignment file, posting to and commenting on a forum, and
creating and submitting hyperlinks to properly shared sources. Students should also be able to
demonstrate mastery of course and program specific tools such as the Google Suite and Blogger
by creating, sharing, and properly linking to documents and blog posts. They should also be
aware of the time commitment required of an online program and be adequately prepared to set
aside enough hours each week to complete coursework.
While some students can piece together missing information independently and are able
to complete tasks without formal instruction, this is not the case for others. Common errors in
submissions and access include students not viewing weekly module content and submitting
incorrect links such as hyperlinks to Google Docs with incorrect sharing settings, or a link for the
student to edit his/her blog rather than the link to share a post with others. Typically, students
that struggle with getting acquainted with these programs need about two weeks before they
demonstrate their ability to successfully use them, which puts them at risk for lower grades or
failure if they are unable to catch up. With eight-week courses, each week matters, and falling
behind two weeks equates to falling behind on a quarter of the course.
In order to have the highest chance of academic success, it is vital that students come to
their first CS Online course prepared and ready to work. Because of the incredibly short terms, it
is difficult for students to catch up if they fall behind. By giving them the knowledge and tools to
successfully view, complete, and submit assignments, and introduce them to commonly used
programs, and ensuring they understand the time commitment, they will be in a more secure
place academically when courses start, which gives them a better chance of keeping up with their
classes. Most importantly, they can spend more time focusing on the course content rather than
the delivery method, especially because the program focuses on many high-level concepts as
they work towards careers in software engineering, mobile app development, and technology
project management fields (CS, n.d.). Something as simple as learning platforms should not get
in the way of the students’ educations.

At this time, performance gap causes such as lack of motivation, poor attitude, or
technological resources were not observed. Instead, lack of knowledge is the main cause of the
performance gap. There is a clear discrepancy between what students should know to be
successful in the course and what they demonstrate. When evaluating performance, it is easy to
pinpoint the gaps based on submissions (or lack thereof). If students do not change their sharing
settings or link their blog post correctly, this is a good indicator that the knowledge of proper
procedure is simply not there, especially if it continues to happen after repeated feedback or loss
in points. Furthermore, each term, a small number of students email after the first week of class
saying that they were unaware of how to view assignments entirely. Typically, these are students
that were unable to attend the synchronous orientation before the start of the course and were
then tasked with reviewing the recording to catch up.
To align the observed gaps with students’ perceptions, volunteers from Cohort 8 of the
CS Online program participated in a self-reported study. The designer spoke to 38 of the 40
students to request their input, and twenty-three students responded. The survey was shared
through a Google Form, and questions can be found in Appendix A. While full results can be
found in Appendix B, a summary of results show that 47.7% of students’ iLearn comfort levels
were 3 or below on a 5-point scale where one is not confident and five is fully confident, 17.3%
reported a comfort level of 3 or below with Google Drive, and 65.2% reported a comfort level of
3 or below with Blogger. Furthermore, when asked what they wished had been covered more in-
depth before beginning the course, the most common requests were more information on iLearn,
Blogger, time management, and an overall review of software and platforms. While Google
Drive was not perceived as a concern to students, it will still be covered minimally to resolve the
faculty-observed linking mistakes.

Learner Analysis
The learner analysis is based on two main sources: personal observations after spending
several years involved with the CS Online program and self-reported demographic data collected
from students enrolled in the years 2014 to 2016.
The module’s primary audience is recently admitted students who have had no formal
introduction to any of CSU Monterey Bay’s learning tools (i.e. iLearn, submissions, forums,
checking grades; Blogger setup, posting, linking; Google Drive sharing settings, linking to and
sharing a document on iLearn or with peers/faculty). Typically, these students either have not

been in a higher education setting for a few years, or they are transferring from a college that
uses different systems and platforms than CS Online.
The module’s secondary audience are students who have transferred directly from
another college. These students may be more proficient in some or most programs but may need
a refresher and introduction to CS Online-specific requirements and procedures.
According to the program description on the CSU Monterey Bay website, each cohort has
between 25 and 35 students (CS, n.d.), although up to 40 may enroll. The program has a spring
start and fall start, which means the number of new students each year can range from 50 to 80.
While each cohort and individual is different, student interactions and conversations have
illustrated that many CS Online students reside in California, with the most common areas being
southern California and the Fresno area. However, some students have joined from the Midwest,
the northwest, and the east coast, meaning that time differences and distance will affect the
training design. Furthermore, while there have not yet been any international students in the
program, some admitted students have learned English as a second language, which means
developed materials will need to be clear and concise.
More specifically, there are a few major characteristics of a typical CS Online student.
According to the collected demographic data, a majority of applicants are male, with the
percentage ranging from 69% to as high as 88% depending on the cohort (Carter, 2016). It is
well-known that this is a common issue in computer science fields, and although the gender
makeup is unevenly distributed, it is important to make each student feel included in the learning
material, regardless of their gender or gender identity.
Furthermore, most cohorts have had a majority of students fall in the 26-35 age range,
with only one cohort having a majority of 18 to 25-year-old students (Carter, 2016). Compared
to on-campus enrollment data, students in this program are slightly older (Enrollment, n.d.).
While this does not dictate their level of technological competence, it may mean that they have
more familial responsibilities than a younger face-to-face student. In our previous cohorts, many
students have spoken about their children and spouses, showing that they have responsibilities at
home in addition to academic duties. Furthermore, students have gotten married, moved to a new
town or state, and many have become parents during the program. Keeping these obligations in
mind, flexibility will need to be a major component of any learning modules created so students
can learn at a time that is most convenient for them.

Outside of the home, CS Online students are also hard at work. According to
demographic data, 70.6% of students reported working 40 hours per week (Carter, 2016). This is
10% higher than average online students’ work commitments, as reported by College Atlas (“41
Facts”, 2015). This data further emphasize the need for a flexible learning environment, as well
as the need for information to be straightforward, to-the-point, and avoid unnecessary
information or busywork that will take time away from students’ other commitments.
As for prior knowledge, admitted students fall into two categories: those looking for a
career change by transitioning to computer science and those looking to advance in their current
field. According to College Atlas, 46% of online students are looking to move up in their current
careers (“41 Facts”, 2015). Some may have informal knowledge of computer science outside of
work, but the makeup of each cohort is different.
Furthermore, over 80% of online students have at least some transfer credits when
enrolling, so many of them have been exposed to Learning Management Systems such as iLearn
(“41 Facts”, 2015). However, not all community colleges or universities use Moodle, so it is
difficult to determine how similar these platforms are to the one used by CS Online and how
beneficial this exposure is in preparing students for our programs. Therefore, introductory
materials should be comprehensive enough that a novice learner will be able to follow it and
complete objectives, but quick-moving enough that a student with experience will not be bored
with the material.
This dichotomy also means that students should not be required to have any prior
knowledge before participating in the learning module, as some students will be coming in with
little to no experience. However, students at the very least should be able to operate a computer,
attend a video conference, access websites, and log in to their CSUMB dashboards, email, and
iLearn. So far, every enrolled student has been able to complete these tasks.
Participating in the module should also not place an undue burden on the students.
Requirements for the tech readiness module are the same as any other CS Online course,
negating the need for students to purchase extraneous materials for the sake of an introductory
module. Examples of required materials include a computer, internet connection, headphones or
speakers, and a microphone.
It is also important to consider accessibility issues and ensure that the learning module is
compatible with screen readers and adaptive programs for color blindness. While students so far

have not had any accessibility requirements, CSU Monterey Bay’s Accessible Technology
Initiative outlines that, "It is the policy of the CSU to make information technology resources
and services accessible to all CSU students, faculty, staff and the general public regardless of
disability” (Accessible, n.d.).
To reiterate, potential barriers that may need to be addressed include time constraints due
to outside responsibilities, language barriers for those who do not speak English as a first
language, and difficulty adjusting to the course/program schedule. However, with thoughtful
design and learner-tailored material, these issues can be avoided.

Environmental Scan
The rise in popularity of online education, especially in college environments, has
sparked a plethora of new research, trends, and best practices for this modern type of instruction.
From new instructional design models to comparison of online and face-to-face student
performance, technology has proven to be a game-changer in the education sector. In order to
achieve the most effective online learning environments that apply directly to CSU Monterey
Bay’s CS Online students, it is vital to take all facets into account when designing online
readiness modules, from general findings to university-specific considerations.
Although some may worry that students do not receive an equal education in a
completely online learning environment, undergraduate and graduate students have the capacity
to fare just well in online classes as they do in face-to-face sessions. As technology’s presence
continues to grow into everyday life, from home automation to faster computers and smarter
phones, it makes sense that successful integration of technology in education is not already
possible, but already been done. Even in face-to-face courses, students still must be able to
conduct research, complete assignments, and communicate with their instructors online, meaning
that they have many of the information literacy skills needed for a fully online course.
Furthermore, efficacy of online education has been reviewed, analyzed, and discussed
over many decades. Although there have been a handful of reviews of comparisons of student
performance online and offline, Weightman, Farnell, Morris, Strange, and Hallam’s 2017 report
provides modern statistics based on reevaluation of older reviews combined with more modern
data. The authors, “searched seven databases along with a range of supplementary search
methods to identify comparative research studies, dated January 1995 to October 2016, exploring

skill outcomes for students enrolled in higher education programs” (Weightman, Farnell, Morris,
Strange, & Hallam, 2017, p. 21).
They conducted this review with three goals in mind: to “confirm or refute the findings of
the earlier reviews in terms of relative effectiveness” of online and face-to-face instruction,
“expand the scope of the review to include comparative studies of blended versus single-format
delivery,” and “explore the views of research participants” regarding their perceptions of the
different formats (Weightman et. al, 2017, p. 22).
Out of this search, they were able to find 33 studies investigating student performance in
online and face-to-face instruction that were similar enough to compare. Through this
comparison, the authors concluded that in 82% of the cases, or 27 out of the 33 recorded studies,
that undergraduate and graduate students performed equally well in online and traditional
classroom environments (Weightman, Farnell, Morris, Strange, & Hallam, 2017, p. 21). More
specifically, the standard mean difference in these comparisons was calculated to be -0.01, which
further illustrates the equality of performance (Weightman et. al, 2017, p. 21). With this in mind,
students, faculty, and administrators alike can feel confident knowing that online learning
environments are not only viable, but of the same quality as more traditional classrooms.

Solution Description
Project Goals
As mentioned above, the project goals are simple: make students’ transition to the CS
Online program as smooth as possible by giving them the tools to successfully navigate the
programs and manage their time effectively. This learning module should not only serve as an
introduction, but also as an easily-accessible tool for students to refer to if needed.

Learning Objectives
This module has several learning objectives, outlined below:
• iLearn Terminal Objective: Independently, recently admitted CS Online students will be
able to view course requirements, determine which iLearn functions to use, and submit
content with 100% accuracy.
o Enabling Objective: With optional support from a job aid, recently admitted CS
Online students will be able to view course assignments on iLearn each time they
visit the course page.

o Enabling Objective: With optional support from a job aid, recently admitted CS
Online students will be able to upload a variety of media to submission links on
iLearn, including files, hyperlinks, and text each time an assignment calls for it.
o Enabling Objective: With optional support from a job aid, recently admitted CS
Online students will be able to navigate to the gradebook to check their current
standing in the course at any time with 100% accuracy.
• Google Suite Terminal Objective: Independently using the Google Suite functions,
recently admitted CS Online students will be able to share works with others each time it
is required for the course with 100% accuracy.
o Enabling Objective: With optional support from a job aid, recently admitted CS
Online students will be able to identify the correct Google Suite file link to allow
professors, student assistants, and peers to edit with 100% accuracy.
• Blogger Terminal Objective: Independently using job aids and Blogger functions,
recently admitted CS Online students will be able to set up their blogs, create entries and
share their posts with peers each week with 100% accuracy.
o Enabling Objective: With optional support from a job aid, recently admitted CS
Online students will be able to create a personal blog on Blogger with 100%
o Enabling Objective: With optional support from a job aid, recently admitted CS
Online students will be able to create a blog entry each week they are in the
program with 100% accuracy.
o Enabling Objective: With optional support from a job aid, recently admitted CS
Online students will be able to determine and share the correct link to each post so
peers and professors can view with 100% accuracy.
• Time Management Objective: Independently, CS Online students will be able to develop
a sustainable schedule that can be used throughout their time in the program.
o Enabling Objective: With support of a calendar of choice, recently admitted CS
Online students will be able to illustrate a study schedule before starting the
o Enabling Objective: Given the number of hours they are expected to study per
unit, recently admitted CS Online students will demonstrate that they have set

aside enough time to complete assignments by allotting at least the minimum

number of study hours for the number of units they are currently taking in their

Proposed Solution
After analyzing available resources, learner characteristics, and technologies available to
faculty and the designer, asynchronous instruction makes the most sense in this situation.
Moreover, it will be beneficial for the students to have a consistent learning environment, so an
asynchronous class will be the best way for them to not only become acquainted with the
knowledge, but also start to get a feel for future course structure.
Additionally, this format puts the least amount of extra work on the professors, who will
be finishing up a different course when the learning module is made available to the recently
admitted students. While they may not be able to dedicate the time to teach a synchronous online
course, it is reasonable for them to be available to answer quick questions as they arise.
Furthermore, this pre-work means that less time will have to be spent on iLearn and other
program introductions during the course orientation, which can result in a shorter orientation for
both students and professors to commit to, more in-depth class information, and/or more time for
questions about the course, iLearn, etc. to be answered.

Learning Theories and Instructional Strategies

Connectivism: Overview and Applications
Created by George Siemens in 2004, connectivism is, “a model of learning that
acknowledges the tectonic shifts in society where learning is no longer an internal, individualistic
activity. How people work and function is altered when new tools are utilized” (Siemens, 2004).
While the model has many useful recommendations and rules for online environments, the tenet
most relevant to the CS Online learning module is the recognition that the use of technology
negates the need for total memorization (Siemens, 2004). Especially in a computer science
environment, it would be illogical to assume that students remember every tag and every part of
syntax for every programming language that they learn throughout the program. By recognizing
that information can be stored online and referred to later, it allows these high-level learning
environments to be successful.

Furthermore, the reduced emphasis on memorization opens up more time for

environments that “offer students the opportunity to become a participant and creator much like
they are used to doing in everyday life” (Reese, 2014). Less time spent on memorization means
more time discussing, creating, collaborating, and providing more opportunities for interpersonal
communication that can be lacking in less successful learning environments.
The CS Online program emulates many of the characteristics of impactful online learning
environments. There is a large focus on, “hands-on, real-world, collaborative projects,” frequent
communication with and support from faculty, and a strong focus on application of knowledge
(CS Online, n.d.). This aligns very closely with the connectivist model and ensures that the
program avoids common pitfall of online-only education: isolation (Reese, 2014).
Furthermore, this flexible environment allows students that are unable to take courses in a
traditional face-to-face program the chance to further their education. As mentioned earlier, 70%
of CS Online students work 40 hours a week (Carter, 2016). When commutes, family time, and
other personal obligations are added to the mix, it simply would not be possible for many of
these students to carve out time to attend face-to-face classes. Instead, innovation and successful
design has allowed even more people to access to proven, high-quality education.

Behaviorism: Overview and Applications

Another major learning theory that will be applied in this project is behaviorism. As
outlined by Harasim, “The emphasis is on environmental stimulus and observed response”
(2017, p. 34). In this learning module and in future courses of the CS Online program, students
are required to perform activities such as uploading assignments and sharing documents with
peers and faculty, which are very procedural. Essentially, these actions are taken when the
stimulus (assignment, professor, etc.) requests the activity to be performed.
Course-structure wise, a behaviorist approach will be a straightforward way for students
to work towards automaticity in these programs. By requiring students to practice the task shown
and re-watch or reread the tutorial if they cannot perform the activity accurately, they can begin
to develop procedural memory. While this may seem contradictory to the connectivist model
outlined above, it is important to clarify that at the time of introduction, students are free to refer
back to the module for assistance when their courses start. However, the goal is with this initial
help and continued practice, the procedure will become a more integrated behavior.

In order to encourage this behavior, an operant conditioning approach can be taken

during instructional design. Harasim states that operant conditioning, “emphasizes the use of
positive and negative reinforcement to manipulate or teach new behavior. Operant conditioning
is related to voluntary behavior rather than involuntary reflexive responses” (2017, p. 37). Once
in the program, students will be voluntarily doing the same activities outlined in the learning
module. In order to not only encourage correct behavior but to help make a smooth transition to
beginning of the first class, positive reinforcement and feedback will be provided in the learning
module. When students finish a culminating assignment, either the designer or faculty member
will review their work and provide comments on what was done correctly and what needs to be
reviewed if there are any errors. This reinforcement will continue into their courses, where they
will receive feedback, positive reinforcement when activities are performed correctly, and
negative punishment in the form of removing points when activities are not performed correctly.

Adult Learning Theory: Overview and Applications

The third and final main theory used in the module design is Adult Learning Theory.
According to Merriam (2001), there are 5 main points to consider when designing instruction for
adults. First, it must be noted that adults can “direct [their] own learning,” (Merriam, 2001, p.5).
This is supported by the asynchronous, self-paced design of the module. Second, adult learners
bring many previous experiences with them (Merriam, 2001, p.5). While not all students will
have experience with learning management systems, a large number of incoming students will
have already used a platform similar to Moodle, and it is the hope that they will be able to apply
this previous knowledge to the new program. Third, Merriam notes that adult learners have
“learning needs closely related to changing social roles” (2001, p.5). A large number of students
are joining CS Online with the hopes of improving or changing their roles at work, looking to
become a positive example for their children, or are looking to change how they are viewed by
successfully completing a degree. Helping them feel comfortable moving forward in the program
through the initial training is a useful stepping stone. Fourth, adult learners are, “problem-
centered and interested in immediate application of knowledge” (Merriam, 2001, p.5). This
module is designed to inform students of future uses of these programs once they begin their CS
Online courses, so in addition to immediate practice during the learning module, students will
understand that these skills will be directly applied in the near future. Fifth, Merriam asserts that
adult learners are, “motivated to learn by internal rather than external factors” (Meriam, 2001,

p.5). These students have applied, been admitted, and paid to be involved in the CS Online
program and are motivated to participate in the program. To support this, the training module
provides a positive first encounter to CS Online. By preparing students through manageable,
applicable instruction, they should gain and maintain confidence in completing and submitting
assignments from their first course onward.

Media Components
Planned media include short step-by-step interactive videos with captions explaining each
task. The video itself provides a realistic preview of the required tasks and allows the students to
see how the programs are manipulated. More complicated tutorials will be presented as a short
simulation of the program, to allow students to practice the procedure before trying it
By breaking each task into a one or two-minute lesson, students will not be inundated
with too much information at once, can easily see what each subject will be covered, and will
also more easily be able to find help for a specific topic if they need to refer to the information
later. This setup is also beneficial for the designers and instructors, as different parts of these
programs change at different times. Having separate videos for each helps to ensure that
information stays up-to-date and means only one or two minutes will need to be updated if the
usability changes.

Anticipated Challenges
As with any major project, many different types of challenges may affect the production
and posting of the module. Shifts in program structure or faculty members, illness or
emergencies, or a change in learner demographics could potentially disrupt the process. In these
cases, the design and timeline must be evaluated and adjusted accordingly to ensure that the
product will still meet the goals of the learner, designer, faculty, and CS Online Program.

Development Plan
The MIST Fully Online program follows the same schedule as CS Online, so the course
development will be developed in September 2018, tested in mid-October 2018, revised in
November 2018, and finished in mid-December 2018. This timeline means the learning module

is projected to be completed in time for Cohort 9 of the CS Online program to participate in the
spring term of 2018. However, potential setbacks such as designer issues, faculty scheduling
problems, or an inability to find beta testers in a timely manner may prevent the project from
being completed on time. In this case, the release could be pushed back another term, meaning
that Cohort 10 would then be the first group to participate in fall of 2018.
Development is currently on time, and the designer will be following the ADDIE model.
As of now, analysis and design have been completed, design is underway, and implementation
and evaluation deadlines are set. For more information, a full breakdown can be found in the

Implementation Plan
The asynchronous course is intended to be fully self-instructional. The CST 300
professors and student assistant will act as administrators and should not need much formal
training to assist students. However, they will be vital for providing feedback through the
development and beta testing. Once the project has been reviewed and approved by all
participating parties and any last-minute revisions have been made, the course will be made
visible to students.

Requirements & Resources

It makes the most sense for the learning module to have a fully online, asynchronous
design that is also mobile-friendly to ensure that each student has an opportunity to learn. A
computer, an internet connection, and access to iLearn, Google Drive, and Blogger are already
required for the program, so requiring students to use these tools for training will help them
become best acquainted with the functionalities of these three most common CS Online features.
Moreover, it will be beneficial for the students to have a consistent learning environment, so an
asynchronous class will be the best way for them to not only become acquainted with the
knowledge, but also start to get a feel for future course structure.
Additionally, this format puts the least amount of extra work on the professors, who will
be finishing up a different course when the tech readiness module is made available to the
recently admitted students. While they may not be able to dedicate the time to teach a
synchronous online course, it is reasonable for them to be available to answer quick questions as

they arise. Furthermore, this pre-work means that less time will have to be spent on iLearn
introductions during the course orientation, which can result in a shorter orientation for both
students and professors to commit to, more in-depth class information, and/or more time for
questions about the course, iLearn, etc.
Both the creation and distribution of the Tech Readiness module should not put extra
financial or technical strain on either the student or university. Instructional tools such as
Camtasia, Adobe Captivate, etc. have already been licensed to the designer, and CS Online
students should have the same licenses and access to programs.

In order for the project to move smoothly and be implemented successfully, the designer
will need to have knowledge and skills in several areas. First, the designer must have a mastery
of learning theories, learning strategies, and know how to apply appropriate research and data to
course design.
Furthermore, the designer must have strong technical skills. In addition to knowing how
to create and publish courses on iLearn, the designer must also have strong experience creating
educational content and be personally knowledgeable about the programs that will be presented.
It is anticipated that the tutorials will be recorded via QuickTime screen capture, edited with
Adobe Premiere CC, published to a Team Drive on Google Drive to allow faculty full access to
the materials, and then embedded on the iLearn site. Simulations may be created with the use of
Adobe Captivate CC, and interactions may be added to videos via The designer is
confident in these technical skills.

Milestone Checklist
The project is broken down into three remaining phases: development, implementation,
and evaluation. With the project due in mid-December and set to be released to incoming
students shortly thereafter, the timeline is crucial for success. A breakdown of production is
• 9/25/18: Project Storyboard
• 10/2/18: Tutorial, module, and activity creation

• 10/9/18: Tutorial, module, and activity creation

• 10/16/18: Draft module finished, shared with advisor and client for review
Refine based on feedback
• 10/23/18: Begin user testing
• 10/30/18: Revise based on testing feedback
• 11/6/18: Develop administrator guide
Share revised module with advisor and client for review
Refine based on feedback
• 11/13/18: Share third iteration of module and materials for final review
Refine if needed
• 11/20/18: Project is complete, share final materials with advisor and client
In addition to these dates, the designer will also present progress at weekly Advisor meetings and
bi-weekly client meetings during development.
Major Deliverables
Major deliverables for each section are outlined below:
• Administrator Guide

• Course shell on iLearn

• Introduction (2 minutes)
o Course introduction and context video
o Objectives
§ Displayed at the top of each topic section in iLearn
• Time Management (10 minutes, including activities)
o Interactive Video: Projected commitment for the program
o Interactive Video: Common calendar tools
o Assignment: Create a study schedule on a calendar of your choice
• iLearn Segment (15 minutes, including activities)
o Interactive Video: Viewing the gradebook video tutorial with closed captions
o Interactive Video: Viewing course assignments video tutorial with closed captions
o Simulation: Submitting assignments video tutorial with closed captions
o iLearn Assignment: Submit a screenshot, picture, or scan of your study schedule
• Google Docs Segment (15 minutes, including activities)

o Interactive Video: Overview of university-specific Google Drive features (links

for sharing with CSU Monterey Bay vs. publicly, unlimited storage)
o Interactive Video: Privacy and sharing settings tutorial video with closed captions
o iLearn Assignment: Students submit a properly shared link to their introduction
slideshow in a Forum.
• Blogger (15 minutes, including activities)
o Simulation: Creating a blog video tutorial with closed captions
o Simulation: Creating a blog post tutorial with closed captions
o Simulation: Sharing a post link video tutorial with closed captions
o iLearn Assignment: Students submit links to their blogs in a Forum.
• Summary (3 minutes)
o Video to reiterate course objectives and share past students’ tips for success
• Feedback survey: Anonymous Google Form linked to the course shell
• Beta-Testing survey: Anonymous Google form shared with testers

To more fully control course sharing and ownership, each video, tutorial, instructions, and the
final evaluation survey will be hosted on a Team Drive. This way, it will be easy to share
materials, as no one person will have ownership of the files.

Formative Evaluation
For the pilot class, subject matter experts and willing CS Online students will take the
course as students and provide feedback to ensure the course is well-developed, easy to use, and
effective. The full set of questions are outlined in Appendix C. If the reviewers rate a segment or
tutorial poorly, this will be revised before sharing with students.
Once the course is available to testers, the same survey will be available at the end of the
module. Students will rate the course on its efficiency, content, timeliness, and relevance, the
same markers gauged by the testers during the pilot. If the students rated a segment or tutorial
poorly, revisions can be made before sharing with the next cohort.

Summative Evaluation
To determine if the training was effective, incoming students that complete the CS Online
Readiness module will be asked the same questions that were posed to the students in Cohort 8,
except for the final feedback question (See Appendix A), as well as the questions given to the
beta testers (Appendix C). Cohort 8 responses will serve as a benchmark comfort level of each
program and will be compared to subsequent Cohorts’ responses to determine the efficacy of the
module. Beta tester responses will serve as a benchmark for the other responses. Faculty will
also observe students’ submissions when they begin class in Spring 2019, and report any errors
in submissions, if any, to determine whether instruction for each segment was effective.
Questions to keep in mind for observation are outlined in Appendix D.


41 Facts About Online Students. (2015, June 02). College Atlas. Retrieved November 1, 2017,

Accessible Technology Initiative. (n.d.). Retrieved November 1, 2017, from
Carter, C. (2016). CSUMB Computer Science Online Data Review 2014-2016 [PowerPoint
slides]. Retrieved November 5, 2017 from

Clark, D. (2015, January 12). Bloom's Taxonomy of Learning Domains. Retrieved December 4,
2017, from

CS Online Degree Completion B.S. (n.d.). Retrieved November 1, 2017, from

Enrollment Overview. (n.d.). Retrieved November 29, 2017, from

Harasim, L. (2017). Learning Theory and Online Technologies, 2nd Edition. [Chegg]. Retrieved

Merriam, S. B. (2001), Andragogy and Self-Directed Learning: Pillars of Adult Learning

Theory. New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, 2001: 3–14.
Reese, S. A. (2014). Online learning environments in higher education: Connectivism vs.
dissociation. Education and Information Technologies, 20(3), 579-588.
Siemens, G. (2004). Connectivism: A learning theory for the digital age. International Journal of
Instructional Technology and Distance Learning. Retrieved November 10, 2017 from
Weightman, A., Farnell, D., Morris, D., Strange, H., & Hallam, G. (2017). A Systematic Review
of Information Literacy Programs in Higher Education: Effects of Face-to-Face, Online,

and Blended Formats on Student Skills and Views. Evidence Based Library and
Information Practice, 12(3), 20-55. doi:

Appendix A
CS Online Preparation Input
Hi CS Online student! We are in the process of developing a self-study introduction module for
incoming CS Online students. Our goal is for each student to be proficient in our main technologies
(iLearn, Blogger, and Google Drive) by the time they start the program. If you would like to help,
please answer these short questions to help us provide the most relevant content for our future
The data shared here will only be reported as a group (i.e. 30% of 26-34-year-olds reported
feeling fully confident in their software skills). Quotes, if used, will be anonymized (student A, B,
etc.). If you have any questions, please contact Cassandra Humphrey (
Please select your age range:
• 18-25
• 26-34
• 35-54
• 54-65
• 65+
Had you taken a fully online course before enrolling in CST 300?
• Yes
• No
Before starting CST 300, when was the last time you took a college class?
• Within the past year
• 2-3 years ago
• 4+ years ago
Before the CS Online program orientation, how confident were you in your iLearn skills?
Not Confident 1 2 3 4 5 Fully Confident
Before the CS Online program orientation, how confident were you in your Blogger skills?
Not Confident 1 2 3 4 5 Fully Confident
Before the CS Online program orientation, how confident were you in your Google Drive skills?
Not Confident 1 2 3 4 5 Fully Confident
What, if anything, would you have liked to know more about before starting the program? (Topics
may include how to use programs in general, how to perform specific tasks on iLearn/Drive/Blogger,
time management, formatting/writing, etc.)
What advice, if any, do you have for future incoming students?

Would you be willing to help test and provide feedback for our new CS Online Intro module in mid-
to late October?
• Yes
• No
• Maybe, check back with me around testing time

Appendix B
Survey Responses

What, if anything, would you have liked to know more about before starting the
program? (Topics may include how to use programs in general, how to perform
specific tasks on iLearn/Drive/Blogger, time management, formatting/writing, etc.)
time management and writing
Why blogs matter, this isn't a sarcastic statement I just don't see the value in a blog
I had never used Blogger. It was easy to figure out but all other programs were not new to me.
An iLearn tutorial before the program started would've been useful. I think it would save time during the
first week and make it easier.
I always enjoy seeing examples of upcoming assignments as early as possible. Even if I don’t get to
work on them yet, I enjoy planning for them. Some examples might be a student’s blog or research
papers. I might be able to offer so additional examples toward the end of the semester.
time management reporting requirements
Formatting for writing assignments could be nice, but I feel it not completely necessary as the posted
resources in the module cover this just fine.

The thing I have needed the most assistance with so far is iLearn, but as I've used it, I have slowly
began to figure it out further.
Nothing really, most of my questions were answered in the Orientation. Other questions have
disappeared in the first week.
I had looked into this program for quite some time so I was well informed.
A list of which programs/tools we'll be using (e.g. Google Docs, Zoom, hangouts,etc) and some links to
training on them if needed.
Some of the accounts that we have to set up during the class liked linkedin, blogger would have been
nice to do before the beginning of the program.
None at the moment
APA format, time management, light review of programs being used.
access to iLearn earlier to get to know it
What tools we would be using such as Blogger, Hangsouts, etc for preparation
Focusing on APA citation formating
I would have been interested in time management and possible ways to keep track of your time
Blogging intro with the google blogging system.

What advice, if any, do you have for future incoming students?

manage time effectively
Don't fall behind
Start on your work early and don't be hesitant to communicate with the staff.
Preview everything.
Be prepared to use your time wisely.
Schedule time to study. The earlier in the week, the better. Don't leave assignments until the day before.
make a to-do list for each week and don't fall behind
This is an academic course of study, there will still be writing and theory involved.
Just within the first few weeks, I would say to brush-up on writing so that you are prepared for the first bit
of this course. Other than that, making sure you are familiar with ways to communicate and share
projects with a team is a super important skill to have.
Make sure to free up time before your courses start.
Manage your time well!
It's too early for me to have much useful advice for this program, but in general, if something is due
Tuesday night, treat it like it's due Monday night!

Meet early with your team and try to get assignments completed ahead of time.
Manage and plan your time.
Use your calendar and start early on assignments.
the course from 0-100 really quickly
Do not think online learning is easier, it is harder due to time managenemt
Set aside a lot of dedicated time for study and assignments.
Ask Questions ahead of time
Read a lot
Look at assignments in the beginning of the week and write them down in the calendar. Give yourself
additional time to complete each assignment in case you need it.
Be very comfortable with an online learning env. I would recommend that that communicate as much as
possible with the given tools. I love Slack and use it professional on a daily base.

Appendix C
Formative Evaluation Questions
These questions will be asked at the end of the iLearn, Google Suite, and Blogger segments:
1. The segment was easy to follow.
Response choices: Ratings from 1 to 5 where 1 is disagree completely and 5 is agree
2. The segment took 15 minutes to complete.
Response Choices:
a. Yes
b. Somewhat shorter
c. Much shorter
d. Somewhat longer
e. Much longer
3. The tutorials prepared me to complete the culminating assignment.
Response choices: Ratings from 1 to 5 where 1 is disagree completely and 5 is agree
4. The culminating instruction assignment directions were clear.
Response choices: Ratings from 1 to 5 where 1 is disagree completely and 5 is agree
5. Do you have any other feedback, comments, or questions about this segment?
Response: Short-answer

Appendix D
Summative Evaluation Questions
1. How many students successfully completed all components of the tech readiness module?
2. Within the first two weeks of CST 300, how many submission errors occurred?
3. Of those errors, how many related to the iLearn, Google Suite, and Blogger sections,
4. Compared to errors observed from previous cohorts, has the accuracy and timeliness of
submissions improved, stayed the same, or gotten worse?

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