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Some thing is happening to earth. It is evident to every one. Climate change,
disturbed climatic patterns and increased natural catastrophes speaks it. If you look
back on the past ten years, you would see an alarming increase in number and
magnitude of natural catastrophes. The first four months of 2010 has claimed more
than 220000 lives. Since then we had many great floods, mudslides. The number is
yet to emerge. The question is what is disturbing nature? Why the four forces of
nature, which smoothly changed supporting life have now turned destructive? The
leading nations of the world, who exist on material and money power, may play
down climate change to protect their economic interest. But nature and its forces are
not ruled by our economic interest and cannot be bought by money. It is designed in
indestructible and non conquerable way. We are edging to a time period, where if we
do not awaken to the reality of nature we would end in paying a heavy price. The
Father Gaia Hypothesis and Noble Lauert James Lovelock, has given Final warning
[Ref- 49, 48, 47, 46]. The following reference video talks give the grim picture. [Ref
2, 3, 4, 5, 5A]

Modern science tends to speak climate change in terms of CO2 emission and
industrialization. This is very much true. But the problem needs to be addressed
from more fundamental way from the perspective of heat and energy cycles. In short
it needs to be addressed form dynamics of space-time and energy flow. Noble
scientist James Lovelock has addressed problem very nicely from the premises of His
Gaia Theory, but ends in rather pessimistic end to humanity. [Reference: 49, 48, 47,
46]. I wish to add some more vital observation and thinking that I carried as a
researcher and bring it to your attention.

Our earth is super dynamic system of the third order in space with a minimum of
144 grid points. I do not wish to confuse you trying to explain it. [This part is
explored under the article ³Dynamic of Nature´ where various dynamics systems are
discussed in depth]. Let me try to bring this vital reality of nature from the premises
of some simple realities of nature, which even a common man can understand.

Stand back and observe the day and night cycle in which we all exist and from which
we take the vital energy and food for sustenance. Also spend a minute to think of the
four forces of nature manifesting and changing to give climatic pattern that sustains
life on earth. Here is what we see

1] When west awakes to sunlight and energizes [heats up], expands and goes into
apparent disorder, the east simultaneously sleeps to darkness, de-energizes [cools]
and goes into new order. When the sunlight peaks up in the west it gives way to
darkness and simultaneously darkness peaks in east and gives way light. This means
the west and east is instantaneously communicated and designed to flip and change
directions. This flip happens between two points spontaneously and this spreads into
the system as a wave in time. The cyclic process of day and night cycle takes place
in a slow manner that comprises of 4 steps of 3 units forming 12 unit cycles. Two
units of 12, completes one day and night cycle or disorder and ordering cycle. å 


2] In addition to the 12 unit cycle where heat peaks and gives way to the opposite
we also note 12 month climatic cycle where we experience a peak in heat which
gives way to the opposite. This is a vital cycle. We will discuss this later

3] There are other cycles such as 12 year cycle and so on to form what we call
Universal Life Cycle or Time Cycle. The enigma of Mayan Calendar and 2012 is
related with it. Let us not bother about them here.
What we call global warming and climate change is natural phenomenon that exists
in all cycles. It exists in day and night cycle in a subtle way and becomes evident
during the climatic cycles. When dry heat [summer] peaks and life is stressed for
water, the clouds begins to form leading to wet heat or warming. Eventually the
situation give way to cooling forces and it manifest as rain. x

. Most plants and animals sense the change coming and even make
physico-chemical changes in their body in anticipation of life force coming. This is a
stressing period that has great importance to life and its evolution. Lot of weeding
and destruction occurs in this transition. The problem of global warming thus needs
to be understood, not just from CO2 cycles but from much deeper level of design,
energy and forces of nature. James Lovelock spoke of it his Gaia Hypothesis and
Talks [Reference 45, 49 ]. But modern world is still struck with Theoretical Physicist
and their material vision seems to fail to perceive its importance.

If you closely observe nature, you note that nature function by virtue of two forces, a
force that is moving upward and force that move down ward. The force from sun
seems to unwind earth and force from earth seems to protect earth from sunlight, by
winding it self. The system is designed such that when one peaks it gives way to the
other. What we are now visualizing is action of material worlds and its forces. The
problem of understanding global warming and climate change cannot be complete,
unless we look at our role or the role of life in general in the climate change. This
need to look at the world in a composite way, where life and material system are
intertwined as one system is emphasized by Gaia Hypothesis [Ref -45]

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Now let us look at plant life and how it influences the climatic cycle. Plants absorb
light and heat. In this sense it actually works against, sunlight and its unwinding
principle. It supports earth and its forces. When night falls, the plants use the
absorbed energy and uses matter to create biological mass that grows against
gravity. Now I should call your attention to the most fundamental reality of science
on which modern world developed ± Gravity. Gravity is considered as a centripetal
force directed to a center. There are only two unflinching laws to science. They are
first and second law of thermodynamics. According to second law of
thermodynamics, everything that revolves should loose energy and eventually
collapse to a point. Here in plants we are witnessing a second force that instinctively
works against gravity and supports the world from gravitational collapse. When night
falls plants utilize the absorbed light and heat convert it into biological mass that
grows against Gravity. The second applied material system and living system gives
opposite results. This opposition is proven fact in science, but its implication is over
looked by Theoretical scientist in spite that masterful work Noble Lauret James
Lovelock and Margulis Lynn.

We are discovering a second world where time is directed in opposite manner to

material world. More than a decade back, in the early part of my search for truth,
this led me to state that what we call Big Bang is impossible even when one living
cell exist. x # 

  . Time in
plant life has potential to lead the world to anti-gravitational collapse. But then this is
controlled by the existence of herbivore that feeds on plants, the herbivore is
controlled by carnivore and thus forming a self sustaining and self organizing
system. It is a Gaia [Ref:45]. x # 



Now let us visualize earth with plant animals and children¶s. It is still self organizing.
Let us go one step ahead to imagine earth with adult humans who live a mind
centered life, ³seeking self´ and become salve to material force. Suddenly we see a
time direction to the whole system - A time direction that is aligned with gravity and
leads to gravitational collapse. Thus human and his activity create a situation where
disorder increases at the expense of order and eventually lead to a collapse and
reorganization. Noble Lauret James Lovelock probably understood this and thus gave
³Final warning´ to the World. He said the system in such state goes into positive feed
back, leading to sudden jumps in peak and fall in heat causing huge destruction



The real cause for the instability and increased natural catastrophes is our intrusion
into day and night cycle or energy or time cycle and its functioning to maintain
certain energy to matter ratio and there by heat of the system. This is a vital point to
which I have strived to call the world¶s attention.
Now think about the pre industrialization age before the advent of electricity.
Probably humans used to sleep early and used get up with day break. The nights
were pristine and nature used to get more space and time to gain new order.
Compare those periods with the modern time, where human activity and industries
that are working round the clock. It is very clear that the ordering phase of the
energy cycle is shortened, disturbed and weakened. The disordering phase of the
cycle is expanded and strengthened creating a time direction.

Nature and its energy cycle are being disturbed in following principle ways.
1] The reckless exploitation of fossil fuel and industrialization that is increasing
atmospheric CO2 levels.
2] The loss of forest and green cover that actually use up CO2 and release Oxygen
and thus support all life.

This is the traditional broad frame work thinking of scientist and it is very much true,
but I have tired it to reduce it down to more fundamental level of heat and energy
cycle inline with Gaia Hypothesis exposing some inner dimensions of it

1] The plants actually absorb light heat and thus works against time directed
disorder in the material world.

2] In the night they convert the energy absorbed into biological mass that grows
against gravity, thus creating opposition to disorder, destruction and collapse. In
short it opposes the time direction to gravity and gravitational collapse. Here I
introduce a physical reality or a second force for the physicist to ponder. It should be
recalled Einstein struggled to introduce anti-gravity, he once introduced and
retracted. I am not sure why.

3] When we intrude into the night cycle, the phase in which earth works to create
order is disturbed, earth is stressed for space-time for creating order. Thus we
hinder earths working to maintain certain balance of energy to matter and there by
the temperature of earth increases unilaterally. The disorder is augmented by
decrease in green cover increase in concrete jungles.
4] The earth and all the life in it would have collapsed if not for earth¶s ability to
unwind and thus creating new space-time to sustain the system. This helps her
maintain the energy to matter ratio or the temperature.

Note - this means, the earth and cosmos is enfolded space-time. This aspect is
discussed in the site by reviewing the foundations of science and visualizing the
universe as living thing not a material thing as modern science thinks. The earth and
cosmos is conscious and intelligence field of the Creator that has enfolded
dynamically in time. This is discussed and argued all along my site. Read article
³Dynamic Nature´. Let us not bother about it, because what I try to convey to you
can be understood with out going through this ground breaking thinking and vision.

5] But there is a limit beyond which, the system cannot unfold and is prone to
implode on it self, thus destroying everything to start a new journey. In short the big
collapse destroying every life becomes inevitable if humanity does not awaken to
simple truth of nature. This vision probably is the foundation of destructive visions of
James Lovelock [Reference ± 49, 48, 47,46]

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When the unfolding stops, the fabric of space-time through which the climate
changes gradually becomes constricted and get disturbed. In the article ³Dynamic
Nature´, I suggested earth as ³super dynamic system of third order´. This should
have minimum of 144 grid point. The work of Nassim Haramein and David Wilcock
also speaks this [Ref -42 and 39 respectively]. When the grid point is decreased
below this minimum, the climatic patterns should get upset severely. The symptoms
of this disturbance and approaching implosion and destruction then would manifest
as sudden peaks in heat, in various parts leading to huge fire bound disasters. The
earth, we already noted is designed to oppose the rise in heat. This means on the
opposite side of earth the forces produces huge rain or snows falls [dramatic
increase in precipitation per unit area in unit time]. This leads to flash floods,
mudslides and so on. Fire is associated with wind and water is associated with earth.
This means we also would have huge destruction through hurricanes and earth
quakes, mud slides and so on. All of this we are witnessing on earth in
unprecedented manner. The world connected by media is seeing this reality almost
everyday and it fall in line with what Lames Lovelock spoke [Ref-49]
Theoretically scientists are aware of this. Second law of thermodynamics applied to
cosmos says that in time energy is lost into space will begin to create a shearing
force on all the system enclosed in it. It also says that matter that is loosing the
energy winds to collapse to a point.

If, you stand back and observe, we are actually observing this reality happening on
earth. The increasing heat of the environment is stressing every system in nature.
This includes even life. The instability of individual and collective mind of humanity
taking destructive path could be related to break down of energy cycle. The time
ahead will be highly destructive with four forces of nature taking a huge toll of
humanity. The winding of matter could lead to huge earth quakes and eventually this
should end in volcanic burst turning earth inside out. Earth is known to cool herself
from volcanic dust. History speaks of 5 previous mass extinctions [Ref ± 9A, 48].
Archeologists have unearthed many civilizations beneath earth and sea. So the
forces of earth and its ability to sustain herself cannot be questioned.

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My answer is yes. Provided we become conscious and awaken to truth of nature and
its functioning. Nature is stressing us to become conscious and intelligent and
awaken to our true nature. We would awaken to truth but I am not sure how much
more destruction humanity has to bear before he realizes the Truth. The perception
of James Lovelock of huge destruction, through huge snow falls and destruction of
humanity and there by reduction of human population [Ref: 47,48] is not an entirely
unfounded imagination. In fact I carried this vision for quite some time till, I was
spiritually touched.

We need to change the very foundation of our thinking. Modern world is constructed
on material vision of nature. This is fundamental fallacy of modern world. The
universe is living and it is conscious and intelligent as written in spiritual scriptures
and argued by James Love Lock and Margulis Lynn in Gaia Hypothesis. There is
immense depth and wealth in ancient spiritual scriptures to sustain the world and
give it new life. But with in the frame work of religion they are inaccessible and in
fact this spiritual force can be potentially be more destructive than nuclear bombs.
We are experiencing as communal fire exploding within. We need to evolve
scientifically from material to living vision of nature and at the same time discover
God beyond religion.

x    ! !

1] First step is to understand the ³Living Reality of Nature´ and know that nature is
built only on two force gravity and anti-gravity. The four forces discovered by science
is product of their wrong approach and visions. At the fundamental level nature is
two dimensional. God and its force are living and ordering. His basic nature is Love
and peace. Humans are made in the image of God and his basic nature is peace and
order. When we grow beyond the mind and matter and link to once own
consciousness we can release power of anti-gravity that can save the world from
imminent collapse and evolve into Golden Age. The visions of many new age
scientists and advocators of movement of consciousness such as Amit Goswami,
John Hagelin [Ref- 10,11] David Wilcock and David Icke [Ref:42, 30,31 ] are real. A
good thing I observe is that there is silent movement developing within in science
and religions that is heading to real light or Truth. When this gets a simple sensible
universal foundation, it can create an expansive force to counter the collapse. This
then can help quickly transform the whole world.

2] At the practical and immediate action level, modern world should lessen its
interference into the night in which earth functions to maintain order.

3] It should reduce the heat released into environment. Technologies need to be

developed that releases less heat into the environment. In this arena life can give us
simple clues. Once the human mind is grounded on the ³Living Reality of Nature´,
the minds in temples of science can work quickly to develop these technologies. 

Max Planck said ³3   
      ´. Yes new generation are growing,
that are increasingly becoming conscious and intelligent. The Mother earth and Spirit
the Master, is stressing us to evolve, both scientifically and spiritually to survive. The
collapse is inevitable; nature is struggling to gain new order. The only resistances to
her process are the human beings, who instead of working with life force are working
against it. Only a quick and mass awakening can help us survive.
There is still, hope for humanity, it is not too late as visualized by many intellectuals
that includes James Lovelock [Reference -48,49 ]. I and thousands out there are
striving at it against many odds, but much depends on people existing in temples of
science and political offices determining our fate. They must take initiatives at least
now to understand the Truth of Nature and Life that exist next to their skin.


Help is needed to produce some Videos that can be Viraled through
the internet so that Nations Awake. There is little time Left



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