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Identity Box Project

Find a shoebox
Decorate the outside of the shoebox.
o The outside of the shoebox should resemble characteristics about you that people would see on the “outside” or
on a superficial level.

o The inside should consist of things about you if people knew you on the “inside” or really well.

Levels 4 (20pts.) 3 (15pts.) 2 (12pts.) 1 (8pts.) Score

Creativity Exceptional originality Some apparent Material presented Project is complete but
of presented material originality displayed with little originality shows little or no
through creative use of or creative thought. creativity in
materials. constructing the box.
Meets Requirements Project is well Project is well - Project meets some of Unorganized and
organized and meets organized and meets the requirements; meets less than half the
all requirements. most requirements somewhat organized. requirements.

Personal Insight Shows excellent, Shows good Shows some Shows little
original analysis analysis and good analysis and some analysis and lacks
and insight. insight. insight. insight.
Presentation (Paper) Evidence that pride Clear, uncluttered, Project appears Careless and hurried;
and care was taken; and attractive; rushed and somewhat presentation is too
explanation is explanation is good. careless, but short; explanation is
outstanding. explanation is poorly done.

Preparedness On Time Late 1 class period Late 2 class periods Late 3 or more class
Identity Box written assignment: You must write a two part paper explaining both the outside and inside part of your identity box.
The outside should consist of things people know about you. Things you may possibly include would be sports, hobbies, clubs, and
family. The outside should resemble what would come to someone’s mind when they were to think of you.
The inside of the box is more personal. Explain each item in and on your box. What people share on the inside may vary based on
each individuals own comfort level. Included inside the box would be items or quotes or interests that most people don’t know about
you. The inside is what you would want people to know about you if they were to get to know you so as not to be judged simply by
what people see on the outside.
The paper should be at least one full side of 8 ½ x 11” paper folded in half and placed inside your box the day it is due.

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