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eee to reveal facts that I personally have knowledge of or was told directly by Tom Chants himself, ‘When Tom first came to Prescott as interim pastor, my husband, children, and myself | ‘welcomed Tom into our family. He spent a great deal of time at our home, from joining, son Fey nig or pizza night, to spending time ding family ative, (decorating Christmas trees, holiday dinners, etc.) to just “banging out”. We always ti to include him and make him welcome. ‘Tom Chantry was always very nogulive and critical in most circumstances. He was great at making negative remarks about the way in which my family or I did things. He was | the fist to point out to us that even when things looked great, he would look for things ‘wrong with them. He made many remarks about the way in which I did things with and {or him, ik eating ia the kitchen and no the dining room and not treating him ke «| ‘guest, the way in which our sons would squabble with each other, how he fet Qa | ‘wasn't discipfining the boys enough. We tried to give Tom the benefit of doubt and just chaik it up to his being from the “east coast” or his youthfulness and inexperience. | After events, which [wil go throug in detail later, we took the blame and truly forgave ‘Torin a Christ-like matter. Though all the years, cven after our move to Mesa in 1996 we atll welcomed Tom into our home and lives. He even has a key to our home in Mesa in his pocket right now (we have changed the locks to the door now). Tom would come aad spend the night with us just about every time be flew in or out of Phoenix, or needed ‘o bein Phoenix on business. We always provided dinner and breakfast and stopped ‘what we were doing to spend time with him. When we were in Prescott, we would alw ‘make it 1 point to have a meal with him or at least see him. We always tried tobe a | ffiend and encourager to him, always turing the other check and not being offended | ‘when we could have been. | owns tn lf one hn pron aon pag in cv the as op

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