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What is a Parent? SP001 http://superparenting.


Life affords no greater responsibility,

no greater privilege, than the raising of
the next generation. --C. Everett Koop

There are only two lasting bequests we

can hope to give our children. One of
these is roots; the other, wings.
-- Hodding Carter
What is a Parent?

There are several ways that we could answer this question. If we evaluate a dictionary
definition, we get a literal description of the relationship a parent has with their child.

par·ent [pair-uh nt, par-] noun

1. a father or a mother.
2. an ancestor, precursor, or progenitor.
3. a source, origin, or cause.
4. a protector or guardian.
5. Biology. any organism that produces or generates
6. Physics. the first nuclide in a radioactive series.
7. being the original source: a parent organization.
8. Biology. pertaining to an organism, cell, or complex molecular structure that generates or
produces another: parent cell; parent DNA.
–verb (used with object)
9. to be or act as parent of: to parent children with both love and discipline.

[Origin: 1375–1425; late ME (< MF) < L parent- (s. of paréns), n. use of prp. of parere to bring
forth, breed ] Unabridged (v 1.1)

Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006.

Copyright © 2008 Super Parenting LLC. All rights reserved. No portion of may be
duplicated, redistributed or manipulated in any form.
What is a Parent? SP001

We may also look at the etymology (derivation or history of a word) of parent.

1185, from O.Fr. parent (11c.), from L. parentem (nom. parens) "father or mother, ancestor,"
noun use of prp. of parere "bring forth, give birth to, produce," from PIE base *per- "to bring
forth" (see pare). Began to replace native elder after c.1500. The verb is attested from 1663.
The verbal noun parenting is first recorded 1959 (earlier term had been parentcraft, 1930).

Online Etymology Dictionary, © 2001 Douglas Harper

We see that the term parenting was first recorded in 1959. Let us also review this definition.

par·ent·ing [pair-uh n-ting, par-]–noun

1. the rearing of children: The schedule allows her very little time for parenting.
2. the methods, techniques, etc., used or required in the rearing of children: a course in
3. the state of being a parent; parenthood.
4. of or concerned with the rearing of children: good parenting skills.

[Origin: 1955–60; PARENT + ING ]

—Usage note Parenting has come to be favored over parenthood, rearing, and bringing up in
sociological and educational literature and in popular writing. Unabridged (v 1.1)
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006.

Copyright © 2008 Super Parenting LLC. All rights reserved. No portion of may be
duplicated, redistributed or manipulated in any form.
What is a Parent? SP001
If we were to rely simply on the dictionary definitions of parent and parenting, we wouldn’t
have a clear understanding of the true essence of these terms. Parenting involves far more
than the biological process of birthing a child. Raising a child to be a secure, well-adjusted,
happy individual may be the most difficult and complex task anyone undertakes in a lifetime.

The Responsibilities of Parenting

1. Developing and protecting your child’s physical health

2. Guiding your child’s social, emotional and moral development
3. Developing and fostering your child’s intelligence
4. Meeting your child’s needs for love and security
5. Responding to your child when he/she needs attention or assistance
6. Providing consistent discipline
7. Gradually ―letting go‖ of your child as he/she becomes more independent
8. Acting as your child’s first and foremost teacher and role model
9. Providing financial support (i.e. custodial or non-custodial parent paying child support
or payment for education)

This is just a simple list of parenting responsibilities. We will go into further detail in the next
assignment: The Responsibilities of Parenting.

Copyright © 2008 Super Parenting LLC. All rights reserved. No portion of may be
duplicated, redistributed or manipulated in any form.

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