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B-Vitamins For Bodybuilding Success &

Good Health!

David Robson
October 19, 2017 • 6 min read
Of all the vitamins required for optimal health and muscle gain, the B-complex could be the most
important as their effects are multifarious and specifically beneficial to bodybuilders. Learn why.

Of all the vitamins required for optimal health and muscle gain, the B-complex (several vitamins that
are grouped together because of the loose similarities in their properties, their distribution in natural
sources, and their physiological functions) could be the most important as their effects are
multifarious and specifically beneficial to bodybuilders.

The B-complex contains eight B-vitamins (in addition to four "unofficial B-vitamins"), all of which are
water soluble, and which serve specific functions. Their solubility status, like vitamin C, means they
are assimilated in water in the body, and excreted in the urine. Given their solubility, the B-vitamins
do however need to be consumed on a constant basis to ensure they are continually present in the
body to realize maximum benefit. However, B-vitamins (in supplement form) should never be over-

For example, if as little as 100mgs of niacin supplement Niacinamide is taken, heart-burn nausea
and head-aches could result. Furthermore, some forms of choline can interfere with the healthy
functioning of bacteria in the gut, thus disrupting production of other vitamins. Moreover, excess B-6
can cause irreversible nerve damage and excess folic acid can mask a B-12 deficiency.

Why Do You Need B-Vitamins?

All of the B-vitamins play a role in facilitating the metabolic processes of all
forms of animal life, and most have been termed coenzymes (small molecules
(not proteins but sometimes vitamins) essential for the activity of some
enzymes). Although B-vitamins act individually, in specific ways, the
interaction of all B-vitamins ensure that one is kept healthy to grow and
reproduce properly.

So although the B-vitamins are a complex, it is important to know them

individually to identify any specific health needs. Additional functions of B-
vitamins include the conversion of food to fuel for energy production purposes and the maintenance
of healthy nervous system function. Certain B-vitamins also help to keep the cardiovascular system
Research into B-vitamins has shown that:

1. Folic acid (B-9) reduces the risk of heart disease by lowering homocystein levels (Russell,
1996). Homocysteine is a sulphur-containing amino acid that is closely related to the
essential amino acid methionine and to cysteine. Many studies have also found an
association between elevated homocysteine levels and impaired cognitive performance and

Click here for Folic Acid products.

2. Choline (may help with the treatment of bipolar disorder. Researchers at the Harvard
Medical School found that, in combination with lithium, choline helps treat the devastating
mental illness bipolar disorder (also known as manic-depression) (Stoll, 1996).

Click here for Choline products.

3. Vitamin B-6 (Pyroxidine) can alleviate morning sickness in pregnant women

4. Supplementation with B-vitamin riboflavin has been shown to repair DNA damage thus
serving to enhance cognition in older populations (Chen, 1996).

Click here for Vitamin B products.

5. Vitamin B-12 has also been shown to enhance cognition (particularly in older populations).
In fact, as many as 42% of elderly people have a deficiency in B-12, which is often mistaken
as a natural sign of aging.

Click here for Vitamin B products.

As shown, the main benefits of vitamin-B intake include cardiovascular and nervous system health,
energy production and mental well-being. However, to fully appreciate the many functions the entire
B-complex helps to govern, a review of all 12 B-vitamins is in order.

1. Thiamin (B-1): Thiamin helps with the conversion of nutrients to energy and, in particular,
enhances mental function and mood. Grains, wheat-germ, nuts and seeds are high in

Click here for Vitamin B products.

2. Riboflavin (B-2): Riboflavin is another key B-vitamin responsible for helping with nutrient
conversion to energy. It also plays a major role in red blood cell manufacturing. Higher
energy, as a result of B-2 intake, leads to improved immune system integrity, respiratory and
digestive system health. Milk and cheese are high riboflavin foods.

Click here for Vitamin B products.

3. Niacin (B-3): Niacin contributes in over 50 metabolic processes and therefore is one of the
most important of the B-vitamins. The main functions of niacin are hormone manufacturing,
detoxification, cholesterol regulation and energy production. Niacin can be obtained in two
ways: directly from foods or through protein break-down. Tryptophan is one key amino acid
responsible for niacin production. If one eats enough protein they will get enough tryptophan
and will produce half of the niacin they need. The rest will be obtained directly through
niacin-rich food intake. Niacin-rich foods include, beef liver, chicken tuna and milk.

Click here for Niacin products.

4. Pantothenic acid (B-5): One of the less auspicious B-vitamins, pantothenic acid plays a
supporting role in energy and hormone production, and red-blood-cell manufacturing. It can
be obtained easily through the a well-balanced diet.

Click here for Pantothenic Acid products.

5. Pyroxidine (B-6): A very important amino acid in terms of protein building and therefore
particularly important for bodybuilders. Pyroxidine works to transform amino acids into more
than 5,000 proteins, and, in addition helps to make 60 different enzymes which assist our
bodies biologic functions. Additional functions of pyroxidine include the assisting of a strong
immune system and a healthy heart, and the management of depression. A pyridoxine
deficiency can cause certain skin disorders, neuropathy (abnormal nervous system function),
confusion, poor coordination and insomnia. Pyroxidine is abundant in many of the foods we
eat. Major sources include liver, brown rice, fish and whole-grain cereals.

Click here for Vitamin B products.

6. Biotin (B-7): Biotin also helps with nutrient conversion to energy and protein conversion. A
biotin deficiency might be found in one who eats a large quantity of raw egg whites. The
whites contain a substance called avidin which has a biotin binding function. A lack of biotin
may also cause hair loss. The addition of biotin may enhance hair growth if the hair loss is a
result of a biotin deficiency, not a genetic trait. Biotin is found in significant quantities in beef
liver, egg yolks, nuts, and whole grains.

Click here for Vitamin B products.

7. Folic acid (B-9): Folic acid is important for reproductive health (it can prevent birth defects)
in addition to energy production and appetite, mood and sleep. It also assists cell
replacement and cardiovascular health. Major sources of folic acid are beef and chicken
liver, lentils, kidney beans and chick-peas.

Click here for Folic Acid products.

8. Cobalamin (B-12): As with the other B-vitamins cobalamin helps to ensure nutrient
conversion to energy. Cobalamin also assists with energy production in the sense that it
helps to keep red-blood-cells healthy, thus enhancing their ability to carry oxygen and
nutrients around the body. All of the cells of the immune system require cobalamin to
function optimally. A deficiency of cobalamin will cause pernicious amenia, which results in
weakness, numbness of the extremities, and fever. Unless cobalamin combines with what is
termed intrinsic factor (a mucoprotein contained in the stomach) it cannot be absorbed or
used properly. This problem is sometimes observed in strict vegetarians. Major sources
include liver, beef, egg yolk, poultry and milk.

Click here for Vitamin B products.

The Unofficial B-Vitamins

Choline, inositol, lipoic acid and PABA (para-aminobenzoic acid) (all originally classified as members
of the B-vitamin family but now considered to be closely linked) are classified as vitamin-like
substances, sugar-alcohols, folic acid components and enzyme facilitators respectively.


Choline is essential in transporting and metabolising fats. There is also a suggestion

that it can act to reduce cholesterol levels in the blood. It may also be able to pass
through the blood/brain barrier, and possibly help to improve the memory - but this
has not been conclusively proven. It does however seem to be efficacious in treating
bipolar disorder. Choline can be obtained from wheat bran, offal, brewers yeast and

Click here for Choline products.


Because its chemical composition is alcohol, inositol is regarded as a sugar-alcohol. Inositol seems
to be involved in the construction of cell membranes, prevention of fat accumulation in the liver and
glucose metabolism. Inositol can be obtained from liver (chicken and beef), brewers yeast, milk,
sweet-corn, whole-grains, lecithin, raisins and peanuts.

Click here for Inositol products.

Lipoic acid

Lipoic acid helps with energy production. Dietary intake is unnecessary as lipoic acid
is manufactured in the body in a sufficient quantity.

Click here for ALA products.


PABA is a component of folic acid and is important for a wide range of biological
functions. It can be obtained from eggs, cereals, meat and milk.

Click here for PABA products.

Who Are Likely To Be Deficient In B-Vitamins

1. Those who smoke.

2. The elderly.
3. Those who drink alcohol or abuse other drugs.
4. Vegetarians.
5. Those with chronic digestive problems.
6. Those with increased nutritional requirements or who have a nutritionally inadequate diet.

Should One Supplement With B-Vitamins?

Yes, if one is:

1. Eliminating whole food groups.

2. Taking birth control pills, in which case extra folic acid and B-6 should be taken.
3. A vegan.
4. Experiencing heart problems (B-12 and folic acid).
5. Is pregnant (supplement with folic acid to prevent neural tube defects).


Because they act in concert to ensure that many of our biological processes are functioning
optimally, the B-vitamins are an important dietary component. B-vitamins assist the functioning of the
nervous and cardiovascular systems, energy production and mental well-being and can be obtained
from a variety of nutritional sources.

To power through intense work-outs, it is undoubtedly important to have sufficient energy at ones
disposal. B-vitamins, supplied either through diet or supplementation, will help to ensure that energy
levels are at their highest

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