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The source of power

Jesus ascribe all His marvelous power to the mental relationship which existed
between Himself and the Father. He uses the terms Father and God interchangeable,
and says: "My father, of whom ye say that he is your God" (John 8:54).

And in His talk with the Samaritan woman, He explains clearly His conception of
God, declaring that "God is Spirit" ( Not A Spirit, as the King James version has
it), and that He is not to be worshipped in some particular place like Jerusalem,
or on some specially consecrated mountain, but may be approached, or worshipped in
spirit and in truth, anywhere.

The Father, as described by Jesus, is Universal Spirit, working in all, through

all, and FOR ALL. He describes this as making the sun to shine, and causing the
rain to fall, and so as being the POWER behind nature; as clothing the lilies of
the field, and causing the hair to grow on man's heads, and so as being the one and
only LIFE; as quickening and leading men to truth and so as being the one and only

Every man is a God, according to Jesus, because it is Spirit which lives in man; He
said to them: " Ye are Gods" ( John 10:34). Spirit holds the earth in its orbit,
makes the sun rise, sends the rain, and causes the coming of seedtime and harvest;
Spirit lives in the lily and clothes it finer than Solomon was arrayed in all his
glory; Spirit lives in man.

There is only one power, only one life, only one intelligence.

Unity of Man in God

As I have said, Jesus ascribed all His power to His conscious unity of mind with
this One Intelligence. " I and my father are one", said He. "I do always his will".

And He went on to declare that because He always did the will of Spirit, Universal
Spirit worked in and through Him. "I do always those things that please Him",said
he ( John 8;29)? " I come, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent
me". "I seek not mine own will, but the will of him" - and so on.

He made it perfectly plain that it was because of this unity of mind with the
Father - which we call cosmic consciousness - that the Father could work through

Because I will to do his will, said Jesus, my father and I act as one; and so it is
not I that do the works, but the Father that worketh in me. He was consciously one
with the one Spirit, and so all power in heaven and earth was at His service; He
was consciously one with the one Life, and so He could transfigure His body, and
heal others; "there went out from him a virtue (a realization of truth) that healed
them all"; He was consciously one with the one intelligence, and so all knowledge
and all wisdom were His.

This is a point we must not lose sight of; that all that there is in the life of
Jesus which transcends the ordinary, He positively declares to be due to His cosmic
consciousness; to unity of mind and will with the All-Spirit.

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