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4993 SENR3918_nh 3/30/06 12:21 PM Page 1

3208N A & 3208T Truck Engines

InitialD isassem
In-Fram e Steps
builtin dirtis a

O verhaulProcedure 9
Steam clean eng
D isconnectbatt
N ew and R em anufactured C aterpillar Parts and 11 D rain oil.
C om ponents N eeded for O verhaul 12 D rain coolant.

Q ty. Parts and C om ponents 13 R em ove drive b

14 Ifnecessary,rem
2 W aterTem perature R egulators
8 R od Bearings 15 R em ove tem per
4 M ain Bearings Engine D esign regulators.
1 M ain ThrustBearing 16 R em ove airclea
D isplacem ent 10.4 L (636 cubic inch)
1 Preventive M aintenance Kit
8 Piston R ing G roups Bore 114 m m (4.5 inch) 17 R em ove acceler
N ew 16 Piston Pin R etainers 18 R em ove fuelinje
Stroke 127 m m (5.0 inch)
Piston Body Assem bly (as needed) Plugs on allope
Piston Pin (as needed) N um berofC ylinders 8
G asketand Seals N ecessary to C om plete 19 R em ove turboch
C ylinderArrangem ent 90”V*
O verhaul 20 R em ove airinle
Firing O rder(Injection Sequence) 1,2,7,3,4,5,6,8
8 C onnecting R ods 21 D isconnectexha
R em anufactured 2 C ylinderH eads D irection ofR otation C ounterclockw ise R em ove turboch
8 D IFuelN ozzles (View ed from Flyw heelEnd)
m ounting bracke
R em anufactured 1 Turbocharger *N o.1 C ylinderis O pposite Flyw heelEnd,R ightFront
C om ponents 1 W aterPum p Turbocharger
Available (ifneeded) Q – 22 Inspectturbocha
Tools R equired Q – 23 Inspectturbine a
Q – 24 Turn turbine and
Q ty Part N o. D escription Q ty Part N o. D escription should turn free
G eneralShop Tools 1 1P-5574 Brush,126.5 m m Q – 25 Inspectthe turbi
(5.0 inch)(partof the turbocharge
1P-5580 Brush G p) contactbetw een
Inspection Lightw ith 1 5P-3519 Piston R ing G roove turbochargerho
flexible end G auge Q – 26 Ifnecessary,us
FluorescentTube 1 8S-2328 D ialIndicatorG p end play and co
Shop Light Ifinspection of
Electric Angle G rinder 1 2P-5518 Bearing Tool and/or the turb
N ote: This engine is used in various applications.Itm ay be program ,repla
1 N ew 3m Pad 1 8S-5131 Adapter
necessary to perform som e operations in a different
Electric D rill 1 175-7546 FilterC utterTool sequence,orrem ove som e com ponents notlisted.
Low er End Ins
1 Flex-H one,G BD 1 2P-8250 Strap W rench 27 R em ove oilfilter
114.3 m m (4.50 inch)
Q – 28 C utopen oilfilte
240 gritorequivalent
filterdam age,p
1 Piston R ing G roove 1 5P-0144 FuelLine Socket
Ifthe vehicle is on stands or blocks,itm ay be dislodged during the Q – 29 R em ove oilpan
C leaner
overhaulprocedure.Injury to personneland/or equipm entm ay result.M ake 30 R em ove suction
2P-2506 Thread Lubricant 16 2F-2990 FuelLine Plugs sure vehicle is properly secured before starting the overhaulprocedure.
31 R em ove oilpum
5P-3931 Anti-seize C om pound 8 5P-2807 FuelLine C aps
32 N um berallm ain
6V-4876 M olykote Lubricant 1 1P-0540 Flow C hecking Tool Q – D enotes C riticalC heck Step
Gp N ote: IfN O fore
8T-2998 C am shaftLubricant 1 6V-4979 C arbon Seal
R eview M aintenance/R epair H istory and/or29,proce
step 49.
Installation Tool Steps Procedures v Q – 33 R otate cranksha
1 5P-3524 Piston R ing 1 6V-7860 W aterSleeve 1 Priorto the physicalinspection ofthe engine,Service position.R em ov
C om pressor R em ovalToolG p M anagem entshould review vehicle operation,m aintenance,and inspectconnect
1 5F-9059 Piston R ing Expander 1 1P-3537 D ialBore G auge G p repairrecords to establish background know ledge pertinentto R einstallrod cap
engine condition. rod bearings hav
2 138-7575 Link Brackets 1 8S-2269 R idge R eam er
N ote: Ifcranksh
Vehicle Inspection crankshaftis da
Literature R eferences from the vehicle
2 C heck allengine fluid levels forcorrectfilland condition.
The follow ing references are additionalsources oftechnicalinform ation. Ifany salvaging
Also consultSEBF8029,"G uideline for R eusable Parts Index"and other 3 Inspectengine (visually)forloose ordam aged fasteners,w ire, cylinderblock an
clam ps,etc.;any leaks ofoil,fuel,orcoolant;condition ofV-belts, replacem entw it
service publications for the m ostcurrentinform ation and references.
hoses,lines,airinlet/exhaustconnections,batteries/battery Productis requir
Form N o. Title cables. Program Adm in
Service M anual 4 C heck forany otherphysicaldam age to engine orsurrounding
SEBR 0506 3208 Truck Engine (40S1-U p) com ponents thatm ay indicate possible problem s.
D isassem bly o
SEBR 0514 3208 Truck Engine (32Y1-U p,51Z1-U p) 34 R em ove fuelfilt
O perationalEvaluation
SEBR 0541 3208 Truck Engine (2Z1-U p) 35 R em ove exhaus
5 Startengine and bring allsystem s to norm aloperating
R eusability G uidelines 36 R em ove valve c
tem perature.C heck the exhaustsm oke colorand quantity.Also
SEBF8009 M ain and C onnecting R od Bearings check the engine forany unusualnoises,and excessive N ote: O n latere
crankcase blow by. rem oved before
SEBF8018 Turbochargers – VisualInspection
Q – 37 R em ove rocker
6 N ote engine s oilpressure.Pressure should be 380 to 550 kPa
SEBF8041 C rankshaftM easurem ent as to theirlocati
(50 to 80 psi)atrated rpm oiltem perature 90 – 6”C (200 – 10”F).
SEBF8043 VisualInspection ofC rankshafts N ote: In the absence ofa Factory G overnorSeal,check and 38 D isconnectfuel
SEBF8067 SlipperFollow ers and C am shaftR ollerFollow ers verify the governorsettings [fuelsetting(s)],and setpoint 2990 Plugs or5
R PM in accordance w ith the engine data plate or 39 R em ove fuelinje
SEBF8049 Pistons
appropriate "O T"m icrofiche. EN G IN E M U ST M EET
SEBF8051 Piston Pins and R etaining R ings 40 R em ove clam p
SEBF8076 Specifications to Salvage C ylinderBlock and C ylinderH ead Q U ALIFY FO R TH E O PT PR O G R AM . 41 R em ove w aters
(a)M etalw ater
C ontactSurfaces W ater Pum p G roup to push m
SpecialPublications cover.
Q –7 Inspectw aterpum p.A sm allam ountofcoolantleakage across
SEBD 0509 SuccessfulEngine Service – 3208 Engines the sealface is norm aland necessary to provide lubrication.A (b)Plasterw ate
rem ove the plas
SEBV0544 Engine Bearings sm allam ountofinterm ittentleakage (dam pness)is notan
indication ofsealfailure.A sealproblem is indicated w hen there is
SEBV0548 C rankshafts a continuous and prolonged trickle thatcauses puddling underthe 42 Install138-7575
truck w hen itis parked. head.The appro
SEBD 0518 Know YourC ooling System
B lock Inspecti
SM H S7638 Installation of9N -6275 C ylinderSleeve C O VER ED BY TH E O PT PR O G R AM ,R EPLAC E W ITH Q – 43 Ifnecessary,us
C ATER PILLAR R EM AN U FAC TU R ED PR O D U C T. top ofcylinderb
8 Stop the engine afterthe operationaltest. Q – 44 U se 1P-3537 D i
bores atthe TO
V-B eltTension C hart follow ing chart.
B eltTension
W idth Top of B eltTension "U sed"
B elt W idth B eltTop "Initial" B orroughs G auge N um bers
Pulley G roove LeftSide (Top
Size G auge R eading G auge R eading
mm inch mm inch N lb N lb O ld G auge N o. N ew G auge N o.
N o.2 =
3/8 10.72 0.422 9.65 0.380 445 – 22 100 – 5 400 – 22 90 – 5 BT-33-73F BT-33-95
1/2 13.89 0.547 12.70 0.500 534 – 22 120 – 5 400 – 44 90 – 10 BT-33-96-4-16 BT-33-95 N o.4 =
N o.6 =
5V 15.88 0.625 15.24 0.600 534 – 22 120 – 5 400 – 44 90 – 10 BT-33-72-4-15 BT-33-72C
4993 SENR3918_nh 3/30/06 12:21 PM Page 2

Steps Procedures v Steps

Q – 86 R em ove N o.1,3 and 5 m ain bearing caps.U se 8S-5131 Q –6 Lu
Adapterto rem ove m ain bearing cap bolts forN o.1 m ain bearing. 7 U
Q – 87 R em ove N o.1,3 and 5 bearings.Inspectbearings,crankshaft Q
journals,and bearing bores fordam age. Ta
N ote: Ifcrankshaftorblock is dam aged,stop here! The engine w
m ustbe rem oved from the vehicle. bo
Q – 88 C lean N o.1,3 and 5 m ain bearing journals and caps. ar
Q – 89 Putclean SAE 30 engine oilon crankshaftjournals and journal N
surface ofbearings only. sm
Q – 90 Installupperm ain bearings (bearings w ith oilhole)in the cylinder
block. en
Bore's crosshatch pattern
Q – 91 Installlow erbearing in m ain bearing caps. Pu
Steps Procedures v Q – 92 Put2P-2506 Thread Lubricanton boltpriorto assem bly. m
Q (a)Forbores thatare round w ith a norm alw earpattern,use a Q – 93 InstallN o.1,3 and 5 m ain bearing caps in theircorrectposition. Q –8 O
Flex-H one,G BD 114.3 m m (4.5 inch),240 gritorequivalent. U se 8S-5131 Adapterto installm ain bearing cap bolts forN o.1 an
Q N ote: D o notuse the Flex-H one dry.U se engine oilforlubrication m ain bearing. N ote: M a
ofthe Flex-H one and cylinderbore. Q – 94 U sing the correctprocedure,tighten rem aining bearing bolts. sam e and
Q N ote: D uring the honing and cylinderw allcleaning operations,
protectcrankshaftjournals and m ain bearings from dam age Q – 95 C heck crankshaftforfree rotation.U se 8S-2328 D ialTest C onne
and/orcontam ination. IndicatorG roup to check crankshaftend play 0.08 to 0.25 m m
(0.003 to 0.010 inch).
Q (b)Turn the Flex-H one betw een 350 and 500 rpm .A 13 m m (1/2
inch)electric drillw illturn the Flex-H one best.
Vibration D am per
Q (c)Ifthe Flex-H one is notw orn,use itforapproxim ately 30
seconds.(A w orn Flex-H one w illnotcutdeep enough,and the Q – 96 Ifa dam aged orfailed vibration dam peris suspected,inspectthe
surface can stillbe shiny ortoo sm ooth).W hile the Flex-H one m arks on the hub and ring.Ifthe m arks are notin alignm ent,
installa new vibration dam per. Torque-Tur
turns,m ove itup and dow n the bore ata rate ofapproxim ately 30
strokes perm inute (1 second up and 1 second dow n).This rate (a) Pu
can be changed,ifnecessary,to give the correctangle (150 – 10”) Valve C overs (b) Tig
crosshatch pattern.A crosshatch pattern ofthis angle gives the Q – 97 Inspectvalve covers forcracks. (c) Pu
bestm ixture ofw earresistance and oilcontrol. (d) Tig
(d)Ifthe slope ofthe crosshatch pattern is m uch less (steeper) R ocker A rm A ssem blies and Pushrods Q –9 R
than 150”,decrease the num berofstrokes perm inute orincrease
the rpm ofthe drill. Q –9 Inspectends ofpushrods fordam age.R ollpushrods on a surface 10 R
(e)Ifthe slope ofthe crosshatch pattern is top flat(m uch m ore plate to check straightness.
Q – 11 C
than 150”),increase the num berofstrokes perm inute ordecrease Q – 99 Inspectrockerarm bushings forw ear.
12 In
the speed ofthe drill.
Q – 100 Inspectrockerarm shafts forw earand dam age.
13 P
C ylinder B ore C leaning Q – 101 Inspectrockerarm shaftbrackets forcracks and dam age. bo
N ote: Afterhoning,C LEAN IN G IS VER Y IM PO R TAN T. lif
Incom plete cleaning can resultin piston seizure orrapid
Valve Lifters
w earand scratching ofcylinderbores,pistons,and rings. 102 R ollerType
A ssem
Q – 67 O nly thorough rotary brushing w ith a strong detergentand w ater Q (a) Inspectvalve lifters forloose pins. 14 R
solution w illsatisfactorily rem ove abrasive honing particles. Q (b) Inspectrollerform ore than norm alm ovem ent.Inspectroller Q – 15 C
W ashing w ith dieselfuelorotherpetroleum -based solvents (D
forsurface dam age such as pitting,corrosion,orspalling.
W ILL N O T rem ove the abrasive m aterial.
Q (c) Inspectvalve lifterguide springs. 16 In
Q – 68 U se the follow ing procedure to clean the cylinderbores. cl
(a)Prepare a solution ofW isk orsim ilarliquid detergent.M ix 0.5 L 103 SlipperType
(0.5 quart)ofdetergentto 11.8 L (3 gallons)ofw arm w ater. Q (a) Inspectcontactsurface ofvalve lifters.The contactsurface of 17 In
(b)U sing a 1P-5574 Brush and the liquid detergent/w arm w ater a new lifteris convex (higheratthe center).
solution,clean the cylinderbores.Stroke each bore forone Q (b) Inspectcontactsurface ofvalve lifters forconcave (low erat
C ylind
m inute w hile rotating the brush at1000 rpm .U se a generous the center)w earand/orrough edges. Q – 18 In
am ountofdetergent/w atersolution.
Q (c) Inspectcontactsurface ofvalve lifters forw earthatis not Q – 19 Ti
(c)R inse bores thoroughly w ith clean w ater,w hile using the
rotating brush.D ry thoroughly.To be sure bores are clean,check circum ferential(circles ofw ear). This is an indication that
rotation ofthe lifterin its bore has notbeen constant.
w ith a w hite lint-free cloth.Ifthis becom es gray ordark,clean the
bore again. O ilPan
(d)Afterthe bore has been cleaned,carefully rem ove the tape,
paperorcardboard strips from the crankshaftjournals.W ash Q – 104 Inspectforcracks,drain plug threads fordam age,and pan rails
these areas thoroughly w ith soap and w aterand dry thoroughly. forflatness.Installgasketon oilpan.
(e)To be sure bores are clean,check w ith a w hite lint-free cloth.
Afterthe crankshaftis clean,rem ove the plastic plugs from the Lubrication Lines
lubrication holes.
(f)Im m ediately apply a thin coatofclean engine oilto the cylinder Q – 105 Inspectoilsuction bellassem bly forcracks and dam age.
bore and crankshaftto preventrusting.
O ilPum p R elief Valve
Q – 69 C lean oilpan gasketarea on block.
Q – 70 C lean crankcase area ofblock. Q – 106 Inspectplungerfordam age on seatface and heavy scuffing.

Q – 71 C lean allrem oved com ponents. Q – 107 Inspectguide forheavy scuffing.

Q – 108 Ifnecessary,testbypass valve spring w ith valve spring tester.
M ain B earing Inspection and R eplacem ent C om pare to specifications.
N ote: Putidentification num bers on m ain bearing caps ifexisting Tig
Q – 72
num bers cannotbe seen.Identification num bers are
FuelInjection Lines Step 1.Tig
necessary forcorrectinstallation ofbearing caps. Q – 109 Inspectfuellines forexcessive w ear,cracks,orcorrosion, num ericals
73 R em ove N o.2 and 4 m ain bearing caps. especially w here the clam ps secure the fuellines.
Step 2.Loo
Q N ote: Ifthe crankshaftis turned in the w rong direction,the tab of Q – 110 Inspectsealing faces atboth ends offuellines forcracks ornicks. w ashers ca
the bearing w illbe pushed betw een the crankshaftand
Q – 111 Inspectfuelline nuts forcracks and thread dam age. Step 3.Tig
cylinderblock.This can cause dam age to eitherorboth.
num ericals
74 Ifnecessary,use 2P-5518 Bearing Toolto rem ove upperm ain Q – 112 Inspectcham feron fuelline adapters fornicks orcracks.
bearings. Step 4.Tig
FuelInjection N ozzles num ericals
Q – 75 Inspectbearings and m ain bearing journals forprofile condition
and/ordebris dam age. Q – 113 InstallC aterpillarR em anufactured FuelInjection N ozzles. Step 5.Tigh
num ericals
Q – 76 Inspectbearing bores in the cylinderblock and caps fordam age.
InletM anifold Step 6.Tigh
Q – 77 Inspectthrustsurfaces ofcrankshaftand cylinderblock (N o.4 num ericals
m ain bearing). Q – 114 Inspectcylinderhead m ounting and aircleanerm ounting flanges
N ote: Ifcrankshaftorblock is dam aged,stop here!The engine 20 P
m ustbe rem oved from the vehicle. Q – 115 Inspectallthreaded holes fordam age. R
Q – 78 C lean N o.2 and 4 m ain bearing journals and caps.
Exhaust M anifold Q
Q – 79 Putclean SAE 30 engine oilon crankshaftjournals and journal D
surface ofbearings only. Q – 116 Inspectexhaustm anifold forcracks and excessive erosion.There pa
should be no erosion on the gasketsurfaces.
Q – 80 Ifnecessary,use 2P-5518 Bearing Toolto installN o.2 upper 21 In
m ain bearing (bearing w ith oilhole)in the cylinderblock. Piston Pins ad
Q – 81 Ifnecessary,use 2P-5518 Bearing Toolto installupperm ain Q N
thrustbearing (bearing w ith oilhole)in N o.4 m ain bearing w eb. Q – 117 Inspectpiston pin according to R eusability G uide,SEBF8051.

Q – 82 Installlow erbearings in caps (thrustbearing in N o.4 cap). Piston Pin R etainers Q – 22 In

Q – 83 Put2P-2506 Thread Lubricanton boltthreads priorto assem bly. Q – 23 To
Q – 118 R eplace w ith new .
Q – 84 InstallN o.2 and 4 m ain bearing caps in the correctposition. 24 In

Q – 85 Torque-turn m ain bearing bolts (see follow ing procedure).

Pistons –

Q – 119 C lean piston ring grooves w ith a Piston R ing G roove C leaner. 25 In
N ote: Be sure m ain bearing caps are installed so the num bers on bearing on
Q – 120 Inspectand clean pistons.R eferto R eusability G uide,SEBF8049.
caps are nextto,and the sam e as,the num bers on the cylinder block. A ssem
M ain B earing C onnecting R ods
26 R
Q – 121 R eplace w ith C aterpillarR em anufactured C onnecting R ods.
A ssem bly
27 In
Q N ote: Allparts m ustbe inspected again forcleanliness atthe tim e
offinalassem bly. 28 F
Q –1 M ake sure cylinderblock boltholes are free ofdebris.
N ote: Putthe piston on the rod w ith the crateron the sam e side as 29 In
Torque-Turn Tighten M ethod the boss on the connecting rod. Ap
Q –2 Assem ble piston and rod assem blies (use new Piston Pin 15
(a) Putengine oilon the threads ofthe bolts. R etainers).
30 C

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