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Nuclear Engineering and Design 51 (1978) 69-80 69

© North-Holland Publishing Company


J. Z A R K A and J. CASIER
Laboratoire de Mdcanique des Solides, Ecole Polytechnique, F-91128 Palaiseau Cedex, France

Received 17 May 1978

A complete study of the classical symmetrical three-bar system for perfect plastic and kinematical hardening materials
is presented. Based on this elementary example, a simple practical approach for the analysis of cyclic thermomechanical
loading problems for elastic-plastic structures is discussed.

1. Introduction interest for the design of nuclear reactors and offshore

structures, we have tried to find a new sire pie practical
A structure is very often subjected to a cyclic approach for it.
thermomechanical loading, i.e. given some cyclic sur- 'mmetrical three
A complete study o f the classical symn7
face and volume forces, temperature field and some bar system for perfect plastic and kinematical harden-
surface displacements. Even if the engineer were to ing materials will be given in this text. This
Thi elementary
agree to leave aside creep in a first analysis, he will example will allow us to emphasize some practical
have to look at the particular behaviour of his structure remarks and to introduce our general approach [1,2].
for such a loading.
This means that he will have to answer the following
fundamental questions in order to evaluate its life.
2. Symmetrical three-bar system
(1) Will there be a limiting periodic state of stress
and strain at any point in the structure (i.e. elastic or
plastic shakedown) or even ratcheting or failure, and 2.1. Hypothesis
for what kind of material in the structure will such a
limiting state exist? 2.1.1. Description o f the structure
(2) In the case when there is a limiting periodic The classical symmetrical three-bar system has
state: (a) how many cycles would be necessary to already been studied by several authors [ 3 - 5 ] . Its
reach it? (b) what would be the amplitude of plastic ~orts, to which
consists of 3 bars fixed to two rigid suppol
strains and stresses in the limiting state? (c) would the we apply an axial force F. Two identical bars
cal b (index 11
initial state of the structure have an influence on this are placed symmetrically with respect to the third
limiting state? (index 2). The two bars 1 are subjected to a tempera-
Many experimental, numerical and theoretical ture 01 (t) + To which may vary with time t, where To
studies have been performed to provide solutions (or is the constant temperature in the third bar (fig. 1).
at least partial ones) to these problems. Since the (1) The rigid support imposes at each instant t the
problem of cyclic loading is currently of fundamental compatibility condition

121 -~ 122 ,
* Expanded version of a paper presented at the SMiRT-4
Post-Conference Seminar on lnealstic Analysis and Life where e I and 122 denote the total axial stra
Prediction in High-Temperature Environment , San Francisco, indicated bars.
California, 22-23 August 1977. In terms of elastic, plastic and thermal c
70 J. Zarka, J. Casier / Cyc6c loadings on an elastic-plastic structure

F If the structure had been purely elastic then at each
r///// instant the stresses would have had the values

o~l=oA --OTsin2rrt'

Ib, O~1 = 131 + OT sin 2 n t . (3

el~~//~/////I 2.1.3. Constitutive h y p o thesis

We shall treat successively the cases of elastic per-
fectly plastic material and of elastic plastic material
Fig. 1. Three-bar system, with kinematic hardening. They are of co course schema
tizations of the real behaviour of the material.
of these strains, we can write this condition as (1) For the perfectly plastic material the elastic
domain is defined by
"-~4+(R01 + ~:IP = ~ 2, +. ~ p (1) -Oy %ox ~<Oy; -Oy ~ o2 ~O'y , (41

where E and a are respectively tile Young's modulus where Oy is the elastic limit in both tension and corn-
and the coefficient of thermal expansion for the ma- pression.
terial of all three bars. Also, ol and oz are the stresses We suppose that E, a, and Oy do not depend on
and elP and e2p are tile plastic strains, temperature. It is evident that such a material may
(2) The global equilibrium of the structure requires present all the behaviours: elastic and plastic shake-
2S1ol +S2oz = F - S ] o l +$2o2 (la) down, ratcheting or collapse.
(2) For the hardening material, the elastic domain
where S'1 = 2S1 is the total area of bars 1 and $2 is the is defined by
area of bar 2.
When $1 = $2 tire structure is called symmetric, --Oy + hE1P ~ O 1 ~ Oy + tlE~' ,
and nonsymmetric otherwise. - % + he~ <. oz ~ Oy + he P , (5

where h is the hardening modulus, also independent

2.1.2. Hypothesis on the loading of tire temperature. This material can only present
The thernaomechanical loading applied to the struc-
elastic or plastic shakedown.
ture is such that
(3) But it does not means that one might say a
(1) the axial force F is constant;we associate with
priori that for the structure such direct behaviours
it a constant stress OA defined by are possible.

F = 2S2o A ; 2.2. Perfectly plastic material

for simplicity we shall assmne that this force is always The thernlomechanical loading which we have
;TN): and defined is characterized by the two stress parameters
(2) the change of temperature 01 (t) is assigned to a A and o T. We shall use the classical diagram repre-
be alternating according to sentation in fig. 2 having a x e s OA/Oy and OT/Oy. This
01(t) = AT sin 2rrt . diagraln allows us to show tire structure's different
The preceding relations lead to the following expres- zones of behaviour.
sion for the stresses at each instant;
2.2. ]. Limiting periodic state
O"1 = O A --
1 •
O"T sin 2nt + ~E(eZP
elp) , (a) Elatic zone. This is defined by

(2) OA + (l T ~ (iy ,
02 = OA + OT sin 2nt ~• p
and the limiting state is given in table 1.
where o T is defined by
(b) Z o n e o f ratcheting.
OT - (iA + ( I T ~ ( i y ; 0~OA ~(iy .
J. Zarka, J. Casier / Cyclic loadings on an elastic-plastic structure 71

0-T / 0-y Table 2

Middle of n th cycle End of n t h cycle

t=l(4n-3) t=l(4n- 1)

Bars l eP (4n - 4) aA + aT - Oy
× o A + o T - Oy

2_ o1 20 A -- Oy Cry
2 Bar 2 eP (4n - 2) (4n - 2)
N\ e A+o T-oy oA+a T- ay
\\ ,,. s d 4_1o. o. o_ \ x E x E
X (~\ \ E \
\ \ 02 ay 2a A - ay
] ~ \N\ \,.~ \

\N \
\\\ ~ half-cycle. But any small defect in the tructure of the
1 ~ "\. ~ loading will take us into the zone of ratcheting, and
in that case the zone of plastic shakedown is
i non-generi
\ ( d ) Collapse.

ffAio) a A ~ Oy .
Fig. 2. Miller's diagram for the perfect plastic material.


T h e p l a s t i c s t r a i n s a n d s t r e s s e s are as s h o w n in t a b l e 2.
We o b s e r v e t h a t t h e s t r e s s e s are p e r i o d i c a f t e r t h e
first c y c l e , b u t t h e p l a s t i c s t r a i n s i n c r e a s e in e a c h
cycle by the amount

~e P = ~ (o"A + o T -- O y ) . (6)

( c ) Non-generic z o n e o f plastic shakedown.

0 A = 0; 0 T ~ Oy .
The limiting state of plastic strains is undetermined. ",
To remove this indeterminacy it is necessary to make ' , \ ~\\. £~P=iI¢
[" A-~-~
T v
a supplementary hypothesis. Thus, if we suppose that
1 \Xx~ \ \ \
e p = - e 2P, we obtain plastic shakedown after the first \

Table 1 ~P
'-2~(~0) - , ",
Middle of each cycle End of each cycle

Bars l eP 0 0
Ol aA -- aT eA + aT
Bar 2 cP 0 0 l-E___ p P
2¢y (+,+,>-Ez ~0~)
a2 aA + a T O A -- a T
Fig. 3. Influence of the initial state
72 J. Zarka, J. Cosier/ Cycec loadings on an elastic-plastic structure

2.2.2. Influence o f the initial state T h e set o f t h e s e c o n d i t i o n s is u n c h a n g e d w h e n we

U p t o n o w we h a v e s u p p o s e d t h a t t h e initial plastic P
r e p l a c e el(O) P
- e2(o) b y e2(o).P We shall t h e r e f o r e c o n -
s t r a i n a n d t h e initial stresses at t = 0 w e r e 0 in t h e t h r e e sider o n l y t h e case
bars. We shall n o w see h o w t h e r e s u l t s are m o d i f i e d p p
w h e n this is n o t so. We s u p p o s e t h a t t h e r e exists at e l ( ° ) - 62(0) ~> O.
t h e initial t i m e s o m e n o n - z e r o p l a s t i c s t r a i n s w h i c h (a) Elastic zone ( t a b l e 3).
we d e n o t e e lP( 0 ) a n d e2(0). P We also s u p p o s e t h a t t o
t h e s e s t r a i n s t h e r e c o r r e s p o n d t h e initial r e s i d u a l o A + o T ~ Oy - E (el (O) _

E ( b ) Zone o f elastic shakedown during the

t first cych
4(0) =5 - E
OA + O T ~ Oy -- 5 (elP(0) -- e P ( 0 ) ) '
E p
(~2(o) = ~ (e2(0) - eP(0)) • oA o T ~< Oy, w i t h o A > 0.

T h e s e stresses n m s t be p l a s t i c a l l y a d m i s s i b l e , i.e. In t h e first cycle t h e p l a s t i c s t r a i n s stabilize. T h e

l i m i t i n g s t a t e is as s h o w n in t a b l e 4.
0"y ~ O l ( 0 ) ~ O y ; --Oy ~ r ~Oy
r 02(0 ) (C) Zone ofratcheting ( t a b l e 5).
T h e elastic z o n e is o f c o u r s e m o d i f i e d . It is d e f i n e d
by the following conditions. OA + oT ~> Cry ; 0 < o A < Oy .
( 1 ) D u r i n g tlre first h a l f cycle T h e stresses are p e r i o d i c , b u t t h e plastic s t r a i n s
receive a f t e r e a c h cycle a n i n c r e m e n t w h o s e value was
0 2 ~ Uy ; O 1 ~ --Oy , given i n eq. (5).
i.e. ( d ) Non-generic zone o f plastic shakedown.

E -
O A + O T -- (eP(0) e P ( 0 ) ) < Oy , 0 T ~ Oy - - - ~

E oA = 0 .
UA --O T + - ~ (e2P(0) eP(0))~--Oy .
Again t h e p l a s t i c s t r a i n s are u n d e t e r m i n e d .
( 2 ) D u r i n g t h e s e c o n d h a l f cycle (e) Collapse

02 ~ - - O y ; 01 ~ a y , OA ~ U y .

i.e. In c o n c l u s i o n , we c a n say t h a t t h e p r e s e n c e o f initial

plastic s t r a i n s does n o t c h a n g e t h e z o n e o f r a t c h e t i n g
E p
OA -- Ov - - - ~ -- El(0) ) ~ - O y ,

E Table 4
OA + OT + 2 ( e P ( 0 ) - - e l (P0 ) ) ~ < o y .
Middle of each cycle End of each cycle

Table 3 Bars 1 eP P
el(o) P
Middle of each cycle End of each cycle ol 2o A Oy 2o A + 2o T - Oy
p 2 2
P P Bar 2 e2 ~-(o A + o T - Oy) ~(o A + o w - Oy)
Bars 1 e]'t e 1(0) e 1(0)
r r P +c
Ol o A - o T + o1(0) OA + o, 1- + o1(0) + el(0)
Bar 2 ep P)
e2(O e2(P0) 02 Oy ay - 2,
r r
a2 o A + o T + 02(0) OA - a T + 02(0)
J. Zarka, J. Casier/ Cyclic loadings on an elastic-plastic structure 73

Table 5

Middle of the cycle End of the cycle

Bars 1 elp (4n - 4) oA + aT - cry ~ e~(0) 4n °A + crT - Cry + e~(0)

Crl 2CrA -- Cry Cry

Bar 2 e~ (4n - 2) crA + E

CrT - o)i_+ elp(0) (4n - 2) crA + crTE- cry + e~(0)

o2 Cry 2o A - Oy

and the value o f 6e P, but it does i n t r o d u c e a zone o f (b) Zone of elastic shakedown after an infinite
elastic s h a k e d o w n after the first cycle into the original number of cycle.
elastic zone.
oA +o T ~Oy; oT ~Oy .

2.3. Kinematical hardening material Two cases must be distinguished.

(1) If o A ~< Oy, we can show that during the n t h
2.3.1. Limiting periodic state of the structure cycle the plastic strains have the values
We again have the classical representation in fig. 4.
(a) Elastic zone (table 6). el(n
) P - ° A + OTh -- Oy t_[1 -- (1 + 2h/E)
2nl J],
o A + o T ~ Oy .
ep(n) _ OA + OT -- OY [l _ 1 ]
h (1 + 2h/E) 2n-1 " (71

(2) If o A ~ Oy, the application o f the load F pro-

duces the plastic strains

p. O A -- Oy
I eP* = e 2 --
i a_ h
3: before the thermal loading is applied.
During the n t h cycle o f thermal loading, we obtain
na¢c=l ]
ePl(n)_OA + a T - - a y l l 1 ]
h (1 + 2h/E) 2n
nacc=3 + (1 + 2h/E) 2n'
I10¢c z4

Table 6

2_ Middle of End of
2 each cycle each cycle

Bars 1 e~ 0
crl crA -- CrT
Bar 2 e~ 0
o2 CrA + ° T
Fig. 4. Diagram for the kinematic hardening material.
74 J. Zarka, J. Casier / Cyclic loadings on an elastic-plastic structure

Table 7 The limiting state is given b y table 8.

It is w o r t h w i l e to n o t e the following relations:
Middle of End of
limiting cycle limiting cycle
2~ p ~ C~max + e~min = e~max + e~min
Bars 1 el~ °A + aT - Oy a A + o T - Oy 20 A
h h = e~min + e~max - h
Ol aA - oT OA + o T
Bar 2 e~ °A + °T - Cry crA + a T Oy
h h AeP = ~ m a x -- 6~min = e~max -- elPmin
o"2 o A + oT o"A o-T _ 2(OT -- fly)


6~(n)=OA + O T - - O Y I I 2-E)l ,_,2n

( 1 + 2h/ _ 1 ] 2. 3. 2. Speed o f convergence towards the limiting state
(a) Elastic shakedown. We have seen t h a t in t h e o r y
e~* we n e e d an infinite n u m b e r o f cycles to rea ch this state
+ (1 + 2h/E) 2n-1 " (8) (i) Criterion for o a < Oy. However, we can consider
t h a t the elastic s h a k e d o w n state will be virt
virtually reache,
In b o t h cases the plastic strains t e n d t o w a r d s the same when
limit as n ~ oo.
A f t e r an infinite n u m b e r o f cycles, t h e l i m i t i n g e p - e~(n) <~r, w h e r e eF= OA + OT -- O'y
state is as s h o w n in table 7. ep h '
The m e a n plastic strain gP o f the s t r u c t u r e i f defined and w i t h r o f t h e order o f 10 -3 for e x a m p l e .
This criterion leads t o a d e f i n i t i o n o f a finite h u m -
by b e t had o f cycles r e q u i r e d for elastic s h a k e d o w n :
~P = ½(e~ + e~) -log r
and has the l i m i t i n g value n ~> had ~ 2 log[1 + 2h/E)] " (10)

6F _ OA -I- OT -- Oy (ii) Criterion for o A / > Oy. The c o n t r i b u t i o n o f ther-

h mal loading in t h e plastic strains is e~n) - e p*. If, in this
case, we c h o o s e the criterion
(c) Zone o f plastic shakedown.
(elp e p*) (e~n)-e p*)~<r,
oT ~Oy . ep _ ep,

Tablc 8

Middle of each cycle End of each cycle

crA a T -- Oy
Barsl e1 h E+h - e~min ° A + C rET +- °hY - h e~rnax

h T + Ecry herT + EOy

Ol °A E +h aA + --E + h
- oA oT - Oy
3ar 2 e2 oA + oT Oy = e ~ m a x _ e~mi n
h E+h h E+h

a2 °A Eoy
+ ha T + OA ha T + E~ry
E+h E+h
3. Zarka,3. Casier/ Cyclicloadingson an elastic-plasticstructure 75

we can recover the same formula [eq. (10)] as before. 2.3.3. Graphical illustrations of the behaviour of the
(b) Plastic shakedown. During the first few cycles structure

the structure behaves as if it were in the zone of elastic The stress field in this simple structure and for this
shakedown, i.e. in the first half-cycle bar 2 yields in special thermomechanical loading can be represented
tension although bars 1 behave elastically, and in the at any time by the values of two cartesian coordinates
second half-cycle bar 2 behaves elastically and bars 1 (ol, 02).
yield in tesion, uilibrium requir(
(i) In this space the condition of equilib
The plastic strains are then given by formulae (7) the point to lie on the line 6 given by
or (8). But, if o T ~> % , we can show that after a cer-
tain finite number of cycles, bars 1 will yield in com- ol + o2 = 2Oh ,
pression during the first half-cycle or bar 2 will yield where o A is the given stress parameter. In (other words,
in compression during the second half-cycle. At this this line is the set of stresses which are statically
stat admis
moment, the limiting plastic shakedown state is reached, sible with o A.
(i) If o A ~< Oy. The number of half-cycles after where ol = 02 =
(ii) Initially the stress point is in A, whe
which this phenomenon appears is the smallest integer o A. At each instant the elastic domain is a square of
p satisfying size 2Oy and centered on (he~, he~). In other words,
IE (~_) p ] the set of stresses which are plastically admissible with
OA< ~ 1+ --1 (o T - o y ) , e~,e~isthissquare.
which then leads to (a) Elastic shakedown (fig. 5). When there is elastic
shakedown, this means that the elastic domain for the
I log .-ff
E + .h .o A
. O+.T o.--T O- -v Ov structure tends towards a fixed position centered on I.
nacc = 1 + intl-[_ 21--og(i + " (11) As eP1 = ePl, the point I is found on the line OA. But
2h/E) as he p ~< oA, I will be between 0 and A.
(ii) If o A/> %. p is the smallest integer satisfying The point defining the loading moves on d without
leaving the elastic domain; it goes successively from
Oy < 1 +-- -- 1 (a T -- Oy) B to C and C B.
(b) Plastic shakedown (fig. 6). In this ca
case the elasti
and domain oscillates between two limiting positions, as
shown in fig. 6. The values of e~ and e~ calculated
I log E+h °T 1
nac c = l +int~- ~ E OT--Oy
log(1 + 2 - k ~ ) " (12) 0-z

We observe that the number nacc -~ oo when o T ~ %.

We then define a practical number nacc of cycles using, \"\a / ~ * °-T
for example, a criterion of the type
e~max -- e~(n) ~r I

where e~(n) is the value at cycle n of e~ before plastic

shakedown has been reached. As e~max is always
smaller than
-0-y II
0-A___ A

hq ~A
¢/cA* ~,

0 A + OT --O'y ~ Y
el- h
Joe can show that
-log r
~acc 2 log(1 + 2h/E)" (13) Fig. 5. Elastic shakedown.
76 J. Zarka, J. Casier / Cyclic loadings on an elastic-plastic structure

G-~ CTJJC~ / I
£ /
nacc = 1

. . . . . . . . . . , .........

,1 , a~o...... 2 f ..... ' 7 ~

I ~'~ L~4-~4
I ¢~ ---'- ' 5 ~ n I
t ___~.~ 2~, 7]-q.Td
3 I
I h~min ~ ,L\0\ __7. ]
I' i t 9-\ \ ,
I I a, iI i I \ "J ~ 0"^/ 03
l ~ hcczQ°'I bt,P,o~ a 1
L ....... ~y ¢~
Fig. 6. Plastic shakedown. ~(~,~oj,~o,)

Fig. 7. Influence of the initial state.

before show that these two positions are centered on
c5 and symmetrically with respect to A. I and J are the
corresponding centers.
The point defining the loading oscillates on 6 between
B and C, carrying with it the elastic domain when it [( ~_) E l
arrives at D or E. OA - - OT ~ --O'y + h + ~ ePl(o) - ~ eP(o) .

2.3.4. Influence o f the initial state. (ii) During the second half-cycle
Now we assume that the bars have initial plastic
01 ~ Oy + he~(o) ; 02 ~ --Oy + he~(o),
strains e~(o) and e~(o), with associated initial residual
stresses: i.e.

E 0 A + O T <Oy + h +~- e~(0) --5 e~(O '

d~(o) = ~ (e~(o) - e~(o)) ,

~2(0) = ~-
(e~(O) -- el~(O)) = --01(0) '
r Oa--oT/>--%÷ h+~ e~(ol-~e~(o) •

which are plastically admissable and therefore satisfy The shape of this domain is linked to the sign of the
sum and the difference of e~(o) and e~(o/. We only
--Oy + he~(o) ~ orl(o) <~ Oy + he~(o) , need to study two of the four possible cases,
cas~ the other
being deduced by a permutation of the indices
ind 1 and 2
--Oy + he~(o) ~< O~(o) ~< Oy + he~(o).
We consider first the following case:
The initial elastic domain is of course modified. It is
e~(o) + e~(o) ~> 0,
defined by the following conditions.
(i) During the first half-cycle ePl(o) - e~(o) > 0 .
0 2 ~ Oy q- he~(o) ; o~ ~<-Oy + h e ~ ( o ) , Fig. 7 shows seven zones for which we give
ive the limitin t
i.e. state.
(a) Z o n e 1 : elastic zone.
0 A ÷ a T < Oy -I- h + e~(O)---~ e~(o , OA +OT ~ a l ; --OA + o T ~ a 2 ,
Table 9

Middle of
each cycle
each cycle
n t h cy le the plastic strains b e c o m e
J. Zarka, J. Cosier/ Cyclic loadings on an elastic-plastic structure

e~(n) -
h (1 +
1 ~2~]

Bars 1 e~ ePl(0) e~(o) r + el~(O)
Ol 0-A - 0-T + 0--1(0) 0-A + 0-T + 0.1(0) (1 + 2h/E) 2n '
Bar 2 e~ e2FO) e2~o)

al =Oy
r r OA + a T -- Oy [1 -- 1 1
0.2 0"A + aT + 0.2(0) 0"A - aT + 0.2(0) e~(n) = h _ (1 + 2h/E) 2n-1

+ (14)
with (1 + 2h/E) 2n- 1 •

+(E+h)e~(o)-Ee~(o), (ii) If OA >~ Oy + he~(o). The plastic strains caused

by the application of the load F have the same value:

a2 = Oy + -~ e~(0) - + h e~(0) , e~* = e~* - OA h- Oy

see t a b l e 9. We c a n t h e n s h o w t h e p l a s t i c s t r a i n d u r i n g t h e n t h
(b) Zone 2: elastic shakedown during the first cycle, cycle are

OA +OT>/al , e~(n)_aA +OT--Oy[1 1 1

OA + a T ~ Oy +he~(o) , h (1 + 2filE) 2n
OA O'T ~__Oy >~ ep -t (1 + 2h/E) 2n'
h E+h ~ 1(o)'

D u r i n g t h e first h a l f - c y c l e t h e p l a s t i c s t r a i n s are e~(n)-°A+aT--aY[l 1 1

s t a b i l i z e d , as s h o w n in t a b l e 10. h (1 + 2h/E) 2n- 1
(c) Zone 3: elastic shakedown after an infinite num- e~*
bet o f cycles. + (1 + 2h/E) 2n-1 " (15)

0 T ~ Oy ; OA + a T >10y + he~(o). T h e s e f o r m u l a e are i d e n t i c a l t o t h o s e in eq. (8). We

T w o cases m u s t b e c o n s i d e r e d , again n o t i c e t h a t w h e n n ~ oo t h e stresses a n d p l a s t i c
(i) I f o A ~< Oy + he~(o). We s h o w t h a t d u r i n g t h e s t r a i n s h a v e l i m i t s w h i c h are given in t a b l e 7.

Table 10

Middle of each cycle End of each cycle

Bars 1 e~ e~(O) e~(O)

2(E + h) a A - 2ho T - E(0.y + he~(O) 2(E + h)(0. A + 0.T) - E(0.y + he~(o)
E + 2h E+2h
Bar 2 e~ 0"A + 0"T - Cry + e~(o) 0.A + aT -- 0.y + e~(0)
h+E/2 1 + 2h~E- h +E/2 1 + 2hie
E(0.y + he~(0)) + 2h(0. A + o"T 2ha A - 2(E + h) 0.T + E(0.y + he{(o))
E+h E+h
78 J. Zarka, J. Casier / Cyclic loadings on an elastic-plastic structure

Table 11

Middle of each cycle End of each cycle

Bars 1 e~ OA - a T + Oy + e~(0) __a

A o T + Oy + e~(0)
h +E/2 1 + 2h/E h +E/2 1 + 2h/E
2h(o A o T) + E( Oy + he~(0)) 2ho A + 2(E + h) a T + E ( - o y + he~(0))"
E + 2h E + 2h
Bar 2 e~ e~(0) e~(0)
2(E + h) o A + 2ho T + E(oy - he~(o)) 2(E + h)(cr A - o T) + E(ay - he~(o))
E + 2h E + 2h

(d) Z o n e 4: elastic s h a k e d o w n d u r i n g t h e f i r s t cycle. The plastic strains stabilize during the first half-cycle,
--OA + OT ~ a2 , as shown in table 13.
(g) Z o n e 7: p l a s t i c s h a k e d o w n . The limiting state
oA -- 0T ~ --Oy + heP(o), is the same as in table 8.
(h) R e m a r k s . The preceding results allow us to
OA OT -- Ov
-- ~ ~< e~(0), emphasize the following remarks.
(1) Tile initial state o f the structure does dc not affec
During the first half-cycle the plastic strains are again the b o u n d a r y b e t w e e n the zone o f elastic shakedown
stabilized, as shown in table 11. (I ~ 6) and the zone o f plastic shakedown (7). It
(e) Z o n e 5 : elastic s h a k e d o w n a f t e r an i n f i n i t e always has the e q u a t i o n
n u m b e r o f cycles, o T = ay .

OT ~ Oy , (2) For elastic shakedown we notice that for given

oA -- 0 T ~ --Oy + he~(o) . values o f (OA,aT) if we vary el~(o) and e~(o), we ob-
tain c o m p l e t e l y different limiting states (fig.
(1 7). More
We can show that during n t h cycle over, these limiting states are reached after a n u m b e r
of cycles which depends on e~(o) and e~(o). However,

+ /> e ~ ( o ) ,
e~(o) OA -- aT + Oy we can say that this n u m b e r is either 1 or oo. In this
e~(n) = (1 + 2 h / E ) 2 n - 1 +- h last case we can again conclude that elasti c shakedowl

X [ 1 '
(1 + 2 h / E ) 2 n - i 1 '

e~(o ) o A -- 0 1 , -I- Oy
e~(n) - (1 + 2 h / E ) 2n + h
Table 12

× I1 (1 + -12 h / E ) 2n ? ' (16) Middle of the Endofthe

limiting cycle limiting cycle
and the limiting state is given by table 12.
(f) Z o n e 6: elastic shakedown during the first cycle. Bars 1 elp °A - °T + Oy o A - o T + ay
h h
o T ~ Oy ,
o"1 o A -- o T oA + o T
O"A 0 T -- O"v
e~ ° A -- ~TT + Oy oA - oT
h ~'+h Bar 2 L
h --- h

OA O T - - Oy a2 oA + oT o A -- o T
h E+h <~ e~(°) '
J. Zarka, J. Casier / Cyclic loadings on an elastic-plastic structure 79

Table 13 E~P

Middle of End of zy~/~//,/

each cycle each cycle ~¢

Bars 1 ep al-A-- °'T -- Oy aA OT O'y

- -

h E+h h E+h / ~.~/'/..

herT + Ecry h + 2E E Z/~-"~
Ol oA E+h ° A + - - h + E aT-E+h--aY ~/// x,~/

Bar 2 e~ a A + ° T - Oy - -A+ ° a T - Uy ~-~'}~'g; "

h E+h h E+h i

ho T + Ec~y h + 2E E / ~~
a2 aA E +h °A - ~ aT + ~ Oy
/ £t P

is practically reached after /

-log r
2 log(1 + 2h/E)

cycles, by using the criterion / / o'A-- ~ / z

__ cr = ~cr~/4
- eF<.) <r
ep C e~'t=o) h : E/4

where eF(t=o+) is the plastic strain of bar i at t '-- 0+ i.e. Fig. 8. Elastic shakedown.
just before application of thermal loading.
(3) For plastic shakedown the limiting state is inde- given by (2) are plastically admissible with (e~*, e~*),
pendent of the initial state but it requires a different i.e. they satisfy eq. (5). This set is a losange. It is very
number o f cycles to reach it. This number has been easy to see that it is only deduced from tll the set e o foJ
explicitly calculated. OA = OT = 0 by the translation
We conclude this section by recalling that we assume
that the sum and difference o f e~(o) and e~(o) are A ~(t) - OA
h E OT
+ h sin 27rt
We suppose now that A (t) = (17)
e~(o) + e~(o) ~< 0, oa OT
e~(o) -- e~(o) >1 0 . A2 (t) = h + E + h sin 2 n t .

In fig. 7 the zones 4 and 5 disappear completely; e 0 is the set of (e(*, e~*) such that the associated
zone 6 disappears if e~(o) ~< 0, but it is partly preserved residual stresses are plastically admissable. e ( t ) is thu~,
if e~(o)/> 0. In the other zones, which are unchanged, translated between two extrema positions ~(O)(t =
all the preceding results are again valid. 1 + k) middle o f the cycle) and C(1)(end o f cycle,
It is difficult to obtain the limiting states in the t = ¼ + k).
stress space as a function of the initial state. However, intersection Ql c
(i) Elastic shakedown (fig. 8): the inter
all the difficulties disappear in the space o f the plastic e ( t ) for any t is a non-void set, (rT < Oy. Following
strains (e~, e~) when the thermoloading (OA, aT) is the initial state, different limiting states ai
given. One cycle or an infinite number of cycles
Indeed, at any time t let us d e ' m e the set C (t) of to reach it.
elements (e~*, e~*) which are such that the stresses (ii) Plastic shakedown (fig. 9): o T > Oy
80 J. Zarka, J. Casier / Cyclic loadings on an elastic-plastic structure

j~2P / plicated to analyze;

i / (2) for the kinematical hardening material (KHM),
// / during cyclic loading, there will always be a limiting
,/ / /
/ .s/ .~/ state [6] and we have proved that the study is simple;
///,,/7-/~" ~5/~;'~/ (3) all the general properties may be found in the
/ ~ / s/~ ,,~ space of the fields of plastic strain tensor, i.e. the com
- ponents of the plastic strain tensor in any point of the
' ~" structure. The picture is similar to figs. 8 and 9;
~ - ~ / i ~ ' i (4) the limiting states, for a KHM genet
eneral structure
.- /" may be obtained by a simple elastic analysis; and
~ " ~ ~ ~ p/ ~ f"~/ V ' ~ ' ~~/ > 0 = _1 E , (5) during a radial cyclic loading (i.e. ooln l y o n e l o a d
~:"~ ~ ~~ ing parameter), the number of cycles to reach the
~/" ,~/' //~ol ~ limiting state is 1 or~.
/' ~/'.~ / / /

~'~, - q / f // Acknowledgement
~// ..- / i /
~:/ ~V/" ,/ [ /
~"/ / /// This study was performed with the help of EDF
// /Ib ¢^ : %/z Septen, whom we wish to thank.

k : El4
Fig. 9. Plastic shakedown.
[1] J. Zarka, Note in C.R. Acad. Sci. t. 286;
[2] J. Zarka and J. Casier, in: Mechanics Today, ed.
e ( t ) have no common intersection. For any initial S. Nemat-Nasser (Pergamon Press, New York, 1978).
state, the same limiting state will be reached, but the [31 D.R. Miller, J. Basic Eng. 00 (1959) 190.
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Mater. Technol., ASME (July 1976) 256.
3. Conclusion [61 B. ttalphen, C.R. Acad. Sci. 283 (Oct. 1976).
[7] J. Mandel, Mech. Res. Commun. 3 (1976) 483.
This structure was at the basis of a general frame- [8] J. Mandel, J. Zarka and B. Halphen, Mech. Res. Commur
work that we have just developped [1 ]. Indeed, some 4 (1977) 309.
z. Mroz, 1st SMiRT Conf., Berlin (1971) Paper L5/6.
properties, which were observed here, are generally [1901B. Nayrolcs, in: Plasticitd et Viscoplasticitd, eds.
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