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Version Date Review made Creator

1 8/28/2007 Bevan Smith; Waseem Aamer

2 9/17/2007 Bevan Smith
2.1 9/19/2007 Bevan Smith
Approver Main reasons for change
Ahmed Soltan
Ahmed Soltan Adding IBS templates.
Ahmed Soltan Add parameter class to the template
Changes since previous version

IBS templates added where applicable.

Class column and class allocation added to all element sheets.
3GIS RAN Parameter Baseline RNC

Information TEMPLATE
Full Name Database Abbreviation Class
Definition Range & Step Nokia Default GUI value GUI Unit Data base value
AAL type 2 end point address for Iur A2EA NWP This parameter defines the A2EA address 0...40
o characters - - - -
Offset for activation time ActivationTimeOffset NWP Connection Frame Number (CFN) is used 0...2550
in ms, step 10 ms 300 ms 300 ms 300
Bit rate set for PS NRT DCHs BitRateSetPSNRT NWP This parameter defines if the predefined se
Predefined bit rate set is not in use ( Predefined bit rate set is not in use (0) 0 - 0
Supervision timer to defrost frozen WBTS BTSfrozenMaxTimer NWP This timer ensures that, once frozen, a 0...10 s, step 0.1 s 3s 3 s 30
Usage of CCCH for Cell/URA Update Confirm Allowed CCCHforCUCallowed NWP RNC uses this parameter to decide whether
Not allowed (0), Allowed (1) Allowed (1) 1 - 1
Test timer for inactivity supervision in Cell_DCH State CellDCHtestTmr NWP When any other value than zero is set to 0...60 minutes, step 1 minutes 0 minutes 0 min 0
Cell Reselection Observing Time CellReselectionObservingTime NWP The timer is set when the first Cell Up 1...60 min, step 1 min 30 min 30 min 30
Compressed mode master switch CMmasterSwitch NWP This parameter defines whether or not c Used (0), Not used (1) Used (0) On - 0
Downlink capacity request handling policy CrHandlingPolicyDL NWP This parameter defines the criteria which aArrival time only (1), Arrival time an Arrival time and TC (2) 2 - 2
Uplink capacity request handling policy CrHandlingPolicyUL NWP This parameter defines the criteria which aArrival time only (1), Arrival time an Arrival time and TC (2) 2 - 2
Maximum downlink capacity request queuing time CrQueuingTimeDL NWP This parameter defines how long a downli1...30 s, step 1 s 4s 4 s 4
Maximum uplink capacity request queuing time CrQueuingTimeUL NWP This parameter defines how long an uplin 1...30 s, step 1 s 4s 4 s 4
Cause value usage in NAS signaling connection release CVUserInactInSignConnRel NWP This parameter allows the usage of the RANo (0), Yes (1) Yes (1) allowed - 1
Threshold for the downlink DCH utilisation measurement DCHUtilRelThrDL NWP This parameter defines the release thresh0...8000 bps, step 32 bps 256 bps 256 bps 8
Threshold for the uplink DCH utilisation measurement DCHUtilRelThrUL NWP This parameter defines the release thresh0...8000 bps, step 32 bps 256 bps 256 bps 8
Identifier of the Default Authorised Network DefaultAuthorisedNetworkId NWP Parameter tells the number of the authori 0...10, step 1 0 0 - 0
Downlink measured BLER confidence interval DLBLERConfInterval NWP The parameter defines the confidence int 75% (7), 85% (10), 90% (13), 95% (1 99% (23) 99 % 23
Maximum DL bit rate with spreading factor 128 DLmaxBitRateSF128 NWP This parameter defines the maximum chann
0...1080 kbps, step 1 kbps 75 kbps 75 kbp/s 75
Maximum DL bit rate with spreading factor 16 DLmaxBitRateSF16 NWP This parameter defines the maximum chann
0...1080 kbps, step 1 kbps 600 kbps 600 kbp/s 600
Maximum DL bit rate with spreading factor 256 DLmaxBitRateSF256 NWP This parameter defines the maximum chan0...1080 kbps, step 1 kbps 27 kbps 27 kbp/s 27
Maximum DL bit rate with spreading factor 32 DLmaxBitRateSF32 NWP This parameter defines the maximum chann
0...1080 kbps, step 1 kbps 309 kbps 309 kbp/s 309
Maximum DL bit rate with spreading factor 64 DLmaxBitRateSF64 NWP This parameter defines the maximum chann
0...1080 kbps, step 1 kbps 133 kbps 133 kbp/s 133
DL puncturing limit DLpuncturingLimit NWP The parameter defines the maximum punctu
0.4 (0), 0.44 (1), 0.48 (2), 0.52 (3), 0 0.68. default (7) 0.68 - 7
Power-adjusting step size in WCDMA BTS for DL closed loop PC DownlinkInnerLoopPCStepSize NWP The DL inner loop PC step size is used 0.5 dB (0), 1.0 dB (1), 1.5 dB (2), 2. 1.0 dB (1) 1 dB 1
Emergency Call lSHO Support EmergencyCallISHOSupport NWP This parameter activates the directed emeDisabled (0), Enabled (1) Disabled (0) off - 0
Quality deterioration report from UL OLPC controller EnableULQualDetRep NWP This parameter enables or disables the qua
Disabled (0), Enabled (1) Disabled (0) yes - 1
Extended Cell_FACH inactivity supervision timer ExtendedULDLactivationTmr NWP This parameter defines an extended Cell_F
0...65535 ms, step 1 ms 0 ms 0 ms 0
Expect Reordering for PDCP ExpectReorderingPDCP NWP The parameter defines whether the headeReordering not expected (0), Reorde Reordering not expected (0) No - 0
Factor to determine minimum PBS interval FactorMinPBSinterval NWP This parameter defines a factor that dete 0...1, step 0.1 0.2 0.2
F Max Period for PDCP FmaxPeriodPDCP NWP The parameter defines the largest numbe 1...65535, step 1 256 256 - 256
F Max Timer for PDCP FmaxTimePDCP NWP Compressed UDCP/IP or TCP/IP headers 1...255
ma s, step 1 s 5s 5 s 5
Gap position single frame GapPositionSingleFrame NWP This parameter determines the starting s 0...8, step 1 4 4 - 4
Handover of AMR Service to GSM GsmHandoverAMR NWP This parameter indicates whether an inter-No (0), Yes (1), Priority (2) Yes (1) Yes - 1
Handover of CS Service to GSM GsmHandoverCS NWP This parameter indicates whether an inter-No (0), Yes (1), Priority (2) No (0) 0 - 0
Handover of NRT PS Service to GSM GsmHandoverNrtPS NWP This parameter indicates whether an inter No (0), Yes (1) No (0) Yes - 1
Handover of RT PS Service to GSM GsmHandoverRtPS NWP This parameter indicates whether an inter No (0), Yes (1) No (0) No - 0
Header compression algorithm of PDCP HeaderCompressionMethod NWP The parameter defines whether the headerHeader compression not used (0), A Header compression not used (0) No - 0
Higher Layer Scheduling mode selection HLSModeSelection NWP This parameter controls, on the system le 1/2 HLS allowed (0), 3/4 HLS is used 1/2 HLS allowed (0) 0.5 - 0
HSDPA peak rate limitation to the RAB Maximum HSDPAPeakRateLimitRABMax NWP The parameter defines whether peak rate No limitation (0), Limitation is active Limitation is active (1) 1 - 1
HSDPA priority HSDPAPriority NWP The parameter defines the relative prior HSDPA Priority 1 (1), HSDPA Priority HSDPA Priority 1 (1) 1 - 1
SHO of the HSDPA capable UE HSDPARRCdiversity NWP The parameter enables/disables diversity SHO not allowed (0), SHO allowed ( SHO allowed (1) 0 - 0
Initial bitrate for HSDPA associated UL DCH HSDPAinitialBitrateUL NWP The parameter determines the initial bit 64 kbps (3), 128 kbps (4), 384 kbps 64 kbps (3) 64 kbps 3
Minimum bitrate for HSDPA associated UL DCH HSDPAminAllowedBitrateUL NWP The parameter determines the minimum all64 kbps (3), 128 kbps (4), 384 kbps 64 kbps (3) 64 kbps 3
HS-DSCH guard timer due to low throughput HSDSCHGuardTimerLowThroughput NWP HSDSCHGuardTimerLowThroughput is a UE-sp
0...240 s, step 1 s 30 s 30 s 30
HS-DSCH guard time after switching to DCH due to HO HsdschGuardTimerHO NWP The parameter determines a period of time0...30 s, step 1 s 5s 5 s 5
HS-DSCH QoS classes HSDSCHQoSclasses NWP The parameter defines the traffic classe Bit 0: Background, Bit 1: Interactive 15 15 - 15
Inactivity timer for downlink 128kbps DCH InactivityTimerDownlinkDCH128 NWP The time indicating how long the radio an 0...20 s, step 1 s 2s 5 s 5
Inactivity timer for downlink 16kbps DCH InactivityTimerDownlinkDCH16 NWP The time indicating how long the radio an 0...20 s, step 1 s 5s 5 s 5
Inactivity timer for downlink 256kbps DCH InactivityTimerDownlinkDCH256 NWP The time indicating how long the radio an 0...20 s, step 1 s 2s 2 s 2
Inactivity timer for downlink 32kbps DCH InactivityTimerDownlinkDCH32 NWP The time indicating how long the radio an 0...20 s, step 1 s 5s 5 s 5
Inactivity timer for downlink 320kbps DCH InactivityTimerDownlinkDCH320 NWP The time indicating how long the radio an 0...20 s, step 1 s 2s 2 s 2
Inactivity timer for downlink 384kbps DCH InactivityTimerDownlinkDCH384 NWP The time indicating how long the radio an 0...20 s, step 1 s 2s 2 s 2
Inactivity timer for downlink 64kbps DCH InactivityTimerDownlinkDCH64 NWP The time indicating how long the radio an 0...20 s, step 1 s 3s 10 s 10
Inactivity timer for downlink 8kbps DCH InactivityTimerDownlinkDCH8 NWP The time indicating how long the radio an 0...20 s, step 1 s 5s 5 s 5
Inactivity timer for uplink 128kbps DCH InactivityTimerUplinkDCH128 NWP The time indicating how long the radio an 0...20 s, step 1 s 2s 2 s 2
Inactivity timer for uplink 16kbps DCH InactivityTimerUplinkDCH16 NWP The time indicating how long the radio an 0...20 s, step 1 s 5s 5 s 5
Inactivity timer for uplink 256kbps DCH InactivityTimerUplinkDCH256 NWP The time indicating how long the radio an 0...20 s, step 1 s 2s 2 s 2
Inactivity timer for uplink 32kbps DCH InactivityTimerUplinkDCH32 NWP The time indicating how long the radio an 0...20 s, step 1 s 5s 5 s 5
Inactivity timer for uplink 320kbps DCH InactivityTimerUplinkDCH320 NWP The time indicating how long the radio an 0...20 s, step 1 s 2s 2 s 2

09/19/2018 397508026.xls
3GIS RAN Parameter Baseline RNC

Information TEMPLATE
Full Name Database Abbreviation Class
Definition Range & Step Nokia Default GUI value GUI Unit Data base value
Inactivity timer for uplink 384kbps DCH InactivityTimerUplinkDCH384 NWP The time indicating how long the radio an 0...20 s, step 1 s 2s 2 s 2
Inactivity timer for uplink 64kbps DCH InactivityTimerUplinkDCH64 NWP The time indicating how long the radio an 0...20 s, step 1 s 3s 3 s 3
Inactivity timer for uplink 8kbps DCH InactivityTimerUplinkDCH8 NWP The time indicating how long the radio an 0...20 s, step 1 s 5s 5 s 5
Iub Digit analysis tree IubDATree NWP Tells in which Digit Analysis Tree the dig 1...1023, step 1 1 1 - 1
Iu-CS Digit analysis tree IuDATree NWP Tells in which Digit Analysis Tree the dig 1...1023, step 1 3 3 - 3
Time supervision for releasing Iu-PS connection IuPSrelWait3G2GMultiServ NWP The parameter controls the release of th 10s (0), 20s (1), 30s (2), 60s (3), 12 120s (4) 120 s 4
Iur Digit Analysis Tree IurDATree NWP This parameter tells in which Digit Analys 1...1023, step 1 2 2 - 2
LCS functionality LCSfunctionality NWP The operator can enable or disable the LCS
Disabled (0), Enabled (1) Disabled (0) 0 - 0
Lower Rx-Tx Time Difference Threshold LowerRxTxTimeDiff NWP Lower Rx-Tx TD Threshold defines the abso
768...896 chips, step 1 chips 874 chips 874 chips 874
Window size of the MAC-d flow throughput measurement MACdflowthroughputAveWin NWP This parameter defines the averaging wi 0...10 s, step 0.5 s 3s 6 s 6
Low throughput threshold of the MAC-d flow MACdflowthroughputRelThr NWP This parameter defines the low throughpu0...64000 bps, step 256 bps 0 bps 0 bps 0
Low throughput time to trigger of the MAC-d flow MACdflowthroughputTimetoTrigger NWP This parameter defines the low throughpu0...300 s, step 0.2 s 5s 5 s 25
Low utilisation threshold of the MAC-d flow MACdflowutilRelThr NWP This parameter defines the low utilisati 0...64000 bps, step 256 bps 256 bps 256 bps 1
Low utilization time to trigger of the MAC-d flow MACdflowutilTimetoTrigger NWP This parameter defines the low utilisatio 0...300 s, step 0.2 s 0s 0 s 0
Maximum bit rate of NRT MAC-d flow MaxBitRateNRTMACDFlow NWP The parameter defines the maximum bit ra128...14080 kbps, step 128 kbps 1664 kbps 1664 kbps 1664
Max cell reselections MaxCellReselections NWP Maximum allowed number of Cell Reselect0...100 times, step 1 times 0 times 0 - 0
Max Header for PDCP MaxHeaderPDCP NWP The parameter defines the largest UDCP/ 60...4096 octets, step 1 octets 168 octets 168 octets 168
Time supervision of user inactivity (for NRT RBs) MSActivitySupervision NWP The MSActivitySupervision timer is used i 0...1440 minutes, step 1 minutes 29 minutes 15 min 15
N302 N302 NWP CELL UPDATE/URA UPDATE retransmission
0...7, step 1 7 7 - 7
0...7, step 1 2 2 - 2
N308 N308 NWP This counter is used to define the m 1...8, step 1 2 2 - 2
Non-TCP Space for PDCP NonTCPspacePDCP NWP The parameter defines the maximum Conte
3...65535, step 1 15 15 octets 15
Repetition interval of the first repeated connected mode paging procedure PageRep1stInterv NWP This parameter defines an interval betwe 0...5200 ms, step 100 ms 700 ms 700 ms 7
Repetition interval of the second repeated connected mode paging procedure PageRep2ndInterv NWP This parameter defines an interval betwee0...5200 ms, step 100 ms 2000 ms 2000 ms 20
Priority based scheduling policy PBSpolicy NWP This parameter defines a priority-based s Priority based scheduling is not active Priority based scheduling is not active (1) 1 - 1
Downlink power control range of radio link PCrangeDL NWP The parameter defines the downlink power0...25 dB, step 1 dB 15 dB 18 dB 18
Power control algorithm for combining downlink TPC commands PowerControlAlgorithm NWP This parameter specifies the algorithm th algorithm 1 (1), algorithm 2 (2) algorithm 1 (1) 1 - 1
Gain factor for control part of PRACH message with 120 ksps PrachBetaC120 NWP Defines the gain factor for the control p 1...15, step 1 10 10 - 10
Gain factor for control part of PRACH message with 15 ksps PrachBetaC15 NWP Defines the gain factor for the control p 1...15, step 1 13 13 - 13
Gain factor for control part of PRACH message with 30 ksps PrachBetaC30 NWP Defines the gain factor for the control p 1...15, step 1 12 12 - 12
Gain factor for control part of PRACH message with 60 ksps PrachBetaC60 NWP Defines the gain factor for the control p 1...15, step 1 11 11 - 11
Gain factor for data part of PRACH message with 120 ksps PrachBetaD120 NWP Defines the gain factor for the data part 1...15, step 1 15 15 - 15
Gain factor for data part of PRACH message with 15 ksps PrachBetaD15 NWP Defines the gain factor for the data part 1...15, step 1 15 15 - 15
Gain factor for data part of PRACH message with 30 ksps PrachBetaD30 NWP Defines the gain factor for the data part 1...15, step 1 15 15 - 15
Gain factor for data part of PRACH message with 60 ksps PrachBetaD60 NWP Defines the gain factor for the data part 1...15, step 1 15 15 - 15
Absolute limit in uplink noise autotuning. PrxNoiseMaxTuneAbsolute NWP Parameter sets absolute limit for uplink 0...60 dB, step 0.5 dB 255 dB 20 dB 40
RANAP initiation timer RANAPprocInitWait NWP The timer is used for supervising a rece 5...30 s, step 1 s 10 s 10 s 10
Number of re-attempts to hunt for resources while congestion RNCcongNumberofReAttempts NWP This parameter defines maximum number 0...10,
of step 1 2 2 - 2
Target RRC state after URA Update procedure RRCstateAfterURAupdate NWP This parameter is used by the RNC when 'dCell_PCH' (0), 'URA_PCH' (1) 'Cell_PCH' (0) 0 - 0
Processing of PS domain RT service request in RNC RTservicesForPS NWP This parameter defines whether PS domain
PS RT services not available (0), PS PS streaming service available (2) 2 - 2
SDU discard mode for RT PS RAB employing RLC AM SDUdiscardModeRTPS NWP This parameter determines the SDU discarTimer based explicit (0), Max DAT re Max DAT retransmissions (1) 1 - 1
Priority for SIB1 SIB1_priority NWP The priority of the System Information Blo 1...4, step 1 2 2 - 2
Priority for SIB11 SIB11_priority NWP The priority of the System Information Blo 1...4, step 1 4 4 - 4
Priority for SIB12 SIB12_priority NWP The priority of the System Information Blo 1...4, step 1 4 4 - 4
Priority for SIB18 SIB18_priority NWP The priority of the System Information Blo 1...4, step 1 4 4 - 4
Priority for SIB2 SIB2_priority NWP The priority of the System Information Blo 1...4, step 1 2 2 - 2
Priority for SIB3 SIB3_priority NWP The priority of the System Information Blo 1...4, step 1 3 3 - 3
Priority for SIB5 SIB5_priority NWP The priority of the System Information Blo 1...4, step 1 3 3 - 3
Priority for SIB 6 SIB6_priority NWP The priority of the System Information Blo 1...4, step 1 3 3 - 3
Priority for SIB7 SIB7_priority NWP The priority of the System Information Blo 1...4, step 1 1 1 - 1
Signalling link inactivity timer SignallingLinkInactivityTimer NWP The timer is used for inactivity detection 0...20 s, step 0.5 s 2s 2 s 4
Activity supervision for NAS signaling connection SignConnActivitySupervision NWP This timer defines whether it is allowed 0 s (0), 10 s (1), 20 s (2), 30 s (3), 6 60 s (4) 60 s 4
Signalling radio bearer bit rate at RRC connection establishment StandAloneDCCHBitRate NWP Parameter defines the bit rate to be used 3.4 kbps (34), 13.6 kbps (136) 3.4 kbps (34) 13.6 kbit/s 136
T302 T302 NWP The CELL UPDATE/URA UPDATE retransmissi
1000 ms (5), 1200 ms (6), 1400 ms ( 2000 ms (10) 2000 ms 10
100 ms (0), 200 ms (1), 400 ms (2), 2000 ms (4) 2000 ms 4
T305 T305 NWP The periodic cell update/URA update timerinfinity, no update (0), 5 min (1), 10 30 min (3) 30 min 3
T307 T307 NWP The timer for transition to idle mode, wh 5 s (0), 10 s (1), 15 s (2), 20 s (3), 3 30 s (4) 30 s 4
40 ms (0),
r 80 ms (1), 160 ms (2), 32 160 ms (2) 160 ms 2
T309 T309 NWP The timer for supervising successful conne1...8 s, step 1 s 8s 5 s 5

09/19/2018 397508026.xls
3GIS RAN Parameter Baseline RNC

Information TEMPLATE
Full Name Database Abbreviation Class
Definition Range & Step Nokia Default GUI value GUI Unit Data base value
T316 T316 NWP This timer is started when the UE detects 0 s (0), 10 s (1), 20 s (2), 30 s (3), 40 30 s (3) 30 s 3
T317 T317 NWP This timer is started when the T316 expir 0 s (0), 10 s (1), 30 s (2), 60 s (3), 180 s (4) 180 s 4
TCP Space for PDCP TCPspacePDCP NWP The parameter defines the maximum Conte
3...255, step 1 15 15 octets 15
Transmission gap pattern length double frame: CS service and GSM measurement TGPLdoubleframeCSgsm NWP - - - 3 - 3
Transmission gap pattern length double frame: CS service and IF measurement TGPLdoubleframeCSinterFreq NWP - - - 6 - 6
Transmission gap pattern length double frame: NRT PS service and GSM measur TGPLdoubleframeNRTPSgsm NWP This parameter defines the length of tr 3...144, step 1 4 4 - 4
Transmission gap pattern length double frame: NRT PS service and IF measureme TGPLdoubleframeNRTPSinterFreq NWP This parameter defines the length of tr 3...18, step 1 4 4 - 4
Transmission gap pattern length double frame: RT PS service and GSM measure TGPLdoubleframeRTPSgsm NWP - - - 3 - 3
Transmission gap pattern length double frame: RT PS service and IF measuremen TGPLdoubleframeRTPSinterFreq NWP - - - 6 - 6
Transmission gap pattern length single frame: AMR service and GSM measuremenTGPLsingleframeAMRgsm NWP This parameter defines the length of tr 2...144, step 1 4 4 - 4
Transmission gap pattern length single frame: AMR service and IF measurement TGPLsingleframeAMRinterFreq NWP This parameter defines the length of tr 2...18, step 1 4 4 - 4
Transmission gap pattern length single frame: CS service and GSM measurement TGPLsingleframeCSgsm NWP This parameter defines the length of tra 2...144, step 1 4 4 - 4
Transmission gap pattern length single frame: CS service and IF measurement TGPLsingleframeCSinterFreq NWP This parameter defines the length of tra 2...18, step 1 4 4 - 4
Transmission gap pattern length single frame: NRT PS service and GSM measure TGPLsingleframeNRTPSgsm NWP This parameter defines the length of tra 2...144, step 1 4 4 - 4
Transmission gap pattern length single frame: NRT PS service and IF measuremenTGPLsingleframeNRTPSinterFreq NWP This parameter defines the length of tr 2...18, step 1 4 4 - 4
Transmission gap pattern length single frame: RT PS service and GSM measurem TGPLsingleframeRTPSgsm NWP This parameter defines the length of tra 2...144, step 1 4 4 - 4
Transmission gap pattern length single frame: RT PS service and IF measurement TGPLsingleframeRTPSinterFreq NWP This parameter defines the length of tr 2...18, step 1 4 4 - 4
Time of Arrival Window Endpoint for NRT DCH (TTI 10) ToAWE_NRT_DCH_tti10 NWP This parameter defines the ending point o0...10 ms, step 1 ms 7 ms 10 ms 10
Time of Arrival Window Endpoint for NRT DCH (TTI 20) ToAWE_NRT_DCH_tti20 NWP This parameter defines the ending point o0...10 ms, step 1 ms 7 ms 10 ms 10
Time of Arrival Window Endpoint for NRT DCH (TTI 40) ToAWE_NRT_DCH_tti40 NWP This parameter defines the ending point o0...10 ms, step 1 ms 10 ms 10 ms 10
Time of Arrival Window Endpoint for RT DCH (TTI 10) ToAWE_RT_DCH_tti10 NWP This parameter defines the ending point o0...10 ms, step 1 ms 10 ms 10 ms 10
Time of Arrival Window Endpoint for RT DCH (TTI 20) ToAWE_RT_DCH_tti20 NWP This parameter defines the ending point o0...10 ms, step 1 ms 10 ms 10 ms 10
Time of Arrival Window Endpoint for RT DCH (TTI 40) ToAWE_RT_DCH_tti40 NWP This parameter defines the ending point o0...10 ms, step 1 ms 10 ms 10 ms 10
Time of Arrival Window Endpoint for speech services ToAWE_Speech NWP This parameter defines the ending point 0...10 ms, step 1 ms 5 ms 5 ms 5
Time of Arrival Window Startpoint for NRT DCH (TTI 10) ToAWS_NRT_DCH_tti10 NWP This parameter defines the starting point 0...199 ms, step 1 ms 15 ms 25 ms 25
Time of Arrival Window Startpoint for NRT DCH (TTI 20) ToAWS_NRT_DCH_tti20 NWP This parameter defines the starting point 0...199 ms, step 1 ms 15 ms 25 ms 25
Time of Arrival Window Startpoint for NRT DCH (TTI 40) ToAWS_NRT_DCH_tti40 NWP This parameter defines the starting point 0...199 ms, step 1 ms 25 ms 25 ms 25
Time of Arrival Window Startpoint for RT DCH (TTI 10) ToAWS_RT_DCH_tti10 NWP This parameter defines the starting point 0...199 ms, step 1 ms 25 ms 25 ms 25
Time of Arrival Window Startpoint for RT DCH (TTI 20) ToAWS_RT_DCH_tti20 NWP This parameter defines the starting point 0...199 ms, step 1 ms 25 ms 25 ms 25
Time of Arrival Window Startpoint for RT DCH (TTI 40) ToAWS_RT_DCH_tti40 NWP This parameter defines the starting point 0...199 ms, step 1 ms 25 ms 25 ms 25
Time of Arrival Window Startpoint for speech services ToAWS_Speech NWP This parameter defines the starting point 0...199 ms, step 1 ms 15 ms 15 ms 15
Test switch for Iu release in Cell_DCH state ToCellFACHinTest NWP In expiry of the test timer CellDCHtestTm No (0), Yes (1) Yes (1) 0 - 0
Downlink traffic volume measurement pending time after trigger TrafVolPendingTimeDL NWP This parameter indicates the period of tim 250 ms (25), 500 ms (50), 1000 ms 2000 ms (200) 2000 ms 200
Uplink traffic volume measurement pending time after trigger TrafVolPendingTimeUL NWP This parameter indicates the period of t 250 ms (25), 500 ms (50), 1000 ms 2000 ms (200) 2000 ms 200
Downlink traffic volume measurement high threshold TrafVolThresholdDLHigh NWP This parameter defines the threshold of d 0 bytes (0), 8 bytes (8), 16 bytes (1 1 KB (1024) 1024 bytes 1024
Uplink traffic volume measurement high threshold TrafVolThresholdULHigh NWP The parameter defines the threshold of d 8 bytes (0), 16 bytes (1), 32 bytes ( 1024 bytes. 1 KB (7) 1024 bytes 7
Uplink traffic volume measurement low threshold TrafVolThresholdULLow NWP This parameter defines, in bytes, the t 8 bytes (8), 16 bytes (16), 32 bytes 128 bytes (128) 128 bytes 128
Downlink traffic volume measurement time to trigger TrafVolTimeToTriggerDL NWP This parameter defines, in ms, the period 0 ms (0), 10 ms (10), 20 ms (20), 4 0 ms (0) 0 ms 0
Uplink traffic volume measurement time to trigger TrafVolTimeToTriggerUL NWP This parameter defines, in ms, the peri 0 ms (0), 10 ms (10), 20 ms (20), 4 0 ms (0) 0 ms 0
Timer T(Reloc_Overall) TRelocOverall NWP Specifies the maximum time for the prot 1...16 s, step 1 s 8s 8 s 8
Timer T(Reloc_Prep) TRelocPrep NWP Specifies the maximum time for Relocati 1...16 s, step 1 s 6s 6 s 6
UL/DL activation timer UL_DL_activation_timer NWP This timer is used on MAC -c to detect i 50...10000 ms, step 50 ms 2000 ms 10000 ms 10000
Waiting time for UL/DL capacity request UL_DLcapacityReqWait NWP The timer is set after a DCH for a signal 0...20 s, step 0.5 s 5s 10 s 20
Maximum UL bit rate with spreading factor 128 ULmaxBitRateSF128 NWP This parameter defines the maximum chann
0...1200 kbps, step 1 kbps 30 kbps 30 kbit/s 30
Maximum UL bit rate with spreading factor 16 ULmaxBitRateSF16 NWP This parameter defines the maximum chann
0...1200 kbps, step 1 kbps 273 kbps 273 kbit/s 273
Maximum UL bit rate with spreading factor 256 ULmaxBitRateSF256 NWP This parameter defines the maximum chan0...1200 kbps, step 1 kbps 15 kbps 15 kbit/s 15
Maximum UL bit rate with spreading factor 32 ULmaxBitRateSF32 NWP This parameter defines the maximum chann
0...1200 kbps, step 1 kbps 120 kbps 120 kbit/s 120
Maximum UL bit rate with spreading factor 64 ULmaxBitRateSF64 NWP This parameter defines the maximum chann
0...1200 kbps, step 1 kbps 60 kbps 60 kbit/s 60
Maximum UL bit rate with spreading factor 8 ULmaxBitRateSF8 NWP This parameter defines the maximum chann
0...1200 kbps, step 1 kbps 500 kbps 500 kbit/s 500
UL puncturing limit ULpuncturingLimit NWP The parameter defines the maximum punctu
0.4 (0), 0.44 (1), 0.48 (2), 0.52 (3), 0 0.68. default (7) 0.68 - 7
UL quality deterioration reporting threshold ULQualDetRepThreshold NWP If the uplink SIR target has reached the 0.5...5 s, step 0.5 s 0.5 s 0.5 s 1
Uplink scrambling code maximum value UlScrCodeMax NWP This parameter defines the maximum value
8192...16777215, step 1 2000000 2000000 - 2000000
Uplink scrambling code minimum value UlScrCodeMin NWP This parameter defines the minimum value8192...16777215, step 1 1000000 1000000 - 1000000
Initial transmit power in uplink compressed mode UpLinkInitialTransmitPowerMode NWP First slot after the transmission gap: up TPC value used (0), TPC value not u TPC value used (0) 0 - 0
Recovery Period Power in UL Compressed Mode UpLinkRecoveryPeriodPowerMode NWP This RNC based parameter is used by theNot Used (0), Used (1) Not Used (0) not used - 0
Upper Rx-Tx Time Difference Threshold UpperRxTxTimeDiff NWP This parameter defines the absolute thres1152...1280 chips, step 1 chips 1174 chips 1174 chips 1174
Used SRB ALC set UsedSRBALCSet NWP Defines the used ALC-parameter set for s 1...3, step 1 3 3 - 3
RRC wait time for background causes WaitTimeRRCbackground NWP Defines the value of the Wait Time incl 0...15 s, step 1 s 5s 5 s 5
RRC wait time for conversational causes WaitTimeRRCconversational NWP Defines the value of the Wait Time inclu 0...15 s, step 1 s 3s 3 s 3

09/19/2018 397508026.xls
3GIS RAN Parameter Baseline RNC

Information TEMPLATE
Full Name Database Abbreviation Class
Definition Range & Step Nokia Default GUI value GUI Unit Data base value
RRC wait time for emergency causes WaitTimeRRCemergency NWP Defines the value of the Wait Time incl 0...15 s, step 1 s 1s 1 s 1
RRC wait time for high priority signalling causes WaitTimeRRChighPrioritySignalling NWP Defines the value of the Wait Time includ 0...15 s, step 1 s 1s 1 s 1
RRC wait time for interactive causes WaitTimeRRCinteractive NWP Defines the value of the Wait Time inclu 0...15 s, step 1 s 5s 5 s 5
RRC wait time for inter-RAT re-selection causes WaitTimeRRCinterRATreselection NWP Defines the value of the Wait Time inclu 0...15 s, step 1 s 3s 3 s 3
RRC wait time for low priority signalling causes WaitTimeRRClowPrioritySignalling NWP Defines the value of the Wait Time inclu 0...15 s, step 1 s 5s 5 s 5
RRC wait time for other causes WaitTimeRRCother NWP Defines the value of the Wait Time incl 0...15 s, step 1 s 0s 0 s 0
RRC wait time for registration causes WaitTimeRRCregistration NWP Defines the value of the Wait Time incl 0...15 s, step 1 s 1s 1 s 1
RRC wait time for streaming causes WaitTimeRRCstreaming NWP Defines the value of the Wait Time inclu 0...15 s, step 1 s 3s 3 s 3
RRC wait time for subscribed causes WaitTimeRRCsubscribed NWP Defines the value of the Wait Time inclu 0...15 s, step 1 s 3s 3 s 3
RRC wait time for unknown causes WaitTimeRRCunknown NWP Defines the value of the Wait Time incl 0...15 s, step 1 s 1s 1 s 1
Mobile Country Code MCC NWP Unique country identification. MCC consis0...999, step 1 - 424 - 424
Mobile Network Code MNC NWP Unique network identification within coun 0...999, step 1 - 3 - 3
Mobile Network Code Length MNCLength NWP This parameter defines whether 2 or 3 di 2...3, step 1 2 2 - 2
Inactivity timer in NRT RB setup InactTmrNRT_RB_Setup NWP The timer is set after a DCH for a signal 0...40. step 1 (0.5s) 4 - - -
Limited Power Increase LimitedPowerIncrease NWP Parameter is used in Optimized downlink P
0..1, step 1 0 - - -
RNC name RNCName NWP This parameter can be used for identifica - - RNC Specific RNC Specific
UTRAN originated paging repetition UTRANorigPagingRep NWP After the first UTRAN originated paging 0...10, step 1 2 - - -
UTRAN originated paging repetition interval UTRANorigPagingRepInterv NWP Repetition interval of UTRAN originated 0...10, step 1 2 - - -
RNC SW Version Version NWP RNC SW Version - - RN2.1 RN2.1
NTP IP Address NtpIpAddress NWP - - - - -
Compressed Mode: Lower uplink AMR mode LowerULAMRmodeCM NWP This parameter defines the lower AMR m 1...8, step 1kbps 4 - -
Compressed Mode: Minimum allowed downlink AMR mode MinDLAMRmodeCM NWP This parameter defines the minimum allo 1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128 8 - -
Compressed Mode: Power margin for halving the spreading code PowerMarginCMcodeHalving NWP This parameter defines how many dB below
0..40, steps 1dB 12 - -
Transmission gap pattern length double frame: AMR service and GSM measureme TGPLdoubleframeAMRgsm NWP This parameter defines the length of tr 3...144, step 1 4 - -
Transmission gap pattern length double frame: AMR service and IF measurement TGPLdoubleframeAMRinterFreq NWP This parameter defines the length of tr 3...18, step 1 4 - -
N300 N300 NWP RRC CONNECTION REQUEST retransmission
0...7, step 1 3 - - -
T300 T300 NWP The RRC CONNECTION REQUEST retransmiss
100 ms (0), 200 ms (1), 400 ms (2), 2000 ms (10) - - -
Time of Arrival Window Endpoint for common channels ToAWE_CCH NWP This parameter defines the ending point 0...10, step 1ms 10 - - -
Time of Arrival Window Startpoint for common channels ToAWS_CCH NWP This parameter defines the starting poin 0...199, step 1ms 25 - - -
Time stamp hours RNCHours NWP Parameter identifies the minutes of time 0...23, step 1 - - - -
Site Id - NWP - - - - - -
Parameter identifies the minutes of time when the RNC object was modified the last time.
Time stamp minutes RNCminutes NWP 0...59, step 1min - - - -
The value for the parameter cannot be modified by the user.
Parameter identifies the seconds of time when the RNC object was modified the last time.
Time stamp seconds RNCseconds NWP 0...59, step 1s - - - -
The value for the parameter cannot be modified by the user.
Parameter identifies the hundreths of seconds of time when the RNC object was modified the last time.
Time stamp hundredths of seconds RNChundreths NWP 0...99, step 0.01s - - - -
The value for the parameter cannot be modified by the user.
Parameter identifies the day when the RNC object was modified the last time.
Time stamp day RNCDay NWP 1...31, step 1 - - - -
The value for the parameter cannot be modified by the user.
Parameter identifies the month when the RNC object was modified the last time.
Time stamp month RNCMonth NWP 1...12, step 1 - - - -
The value for the parameter cannot be modified by the user.
Parameter identifies the year when the RNC object was modified the last time.
Time stamp year RNCYear NWP 1980...2100, step 1 - - - -
The value for the parameter cannot be modified by the user.
Time supervision for inactive signaling connection towards the PS-CN IuRelComWaitNoRABs NWP This timer defines whether it is allowe 0...7, step 1s 7 - - -
Name Name NWP The name of managed object - - RNC Specific RNC Specific
Change origin RNCChangeOrigin NWP The parameter defines the origin of the lasNot defined (0), Network originated c - - - -
Managed By ManagedBy NWP DN of related Nokia OMC in 3GPP DN for - - - - -
User Defined State UserDefinedState NWP State of network element, user defines. - - - - -

09/19/2018 397508026.xls
Full Name Database Abbreviation Class

Active Set Weighting Coefficient ActiveSetWeightingCoefficient SOP

Addition Reporting Interval AdditionReportingInterval SOP
Addition Time AdditionTime SOP
Addition Window AdditionWindow SOP
Drop Time DropTime SOP
Drop Window DropWindow SOP
CPICH Ec/No Filter Coefficient EcNoFilterCoefficient SOP
Change Origin FMCSChangeOrigin -
FMCS identifier FMCSId NWP
Time Stamp FMCSTimeStamp -
Time stamp day FMCSDay -
Time stamp hours FMCSHours -
Time stamp hundredths of second FMCSHundredths -
Time stamp minutes FMCSMinutes -
Time stamp month FMCSMonth -
Time stamp seconds FMCSSeconds -
Time stamp year FMCSYear -
CPICH Ec/No HHO Cancellation HHoEcNoCancel SOP
CPICH Ec/No HHO Cancellation Time HHoEcNoCancelTime SOP
CPICH Ec/No HHO Threshold HHoEcNoThreshold SOP
CPICH Ec/No HHO Time Hysteresis HHoEcNoTimeHysteresis SOP
CPICH RSCP HHO Cancellation HHoRscpCancel SOP
CPICH RSCP HHO Cancellation Time HHoRscpCancelTime SOP
CPICH RSCP HHO Filter Coefficient HHoRscpFilterCoefficient SOP
CPICH RSCP HHO Threshold HHoRscpThreshold SOP
CPICH RSCP HHO Time Hysteresis HHoRscpTimeHysteresis SOP
Maximum Active Set Size MaxActiveSetSize SOP
Replacement Reporting Interval ReplacementReportingInterval SOP
Replacement Time ReplacementTime SOP
Replacement Window ReplacementWindow SOP
RNC Identifier RNCId NWP
Name Name -

Definition Range & Step Nokia Default

Active Set Weighting Coefficient (W) is used 0...2, step 0.1 0
When a monitored cell enters the reporting ra No periodical reporting (0), 0.25 s. Not allowed 0.5 s (2)
When a monitored cell enters the reporting ra 0 ms (0), 10 ms (1), 20 ms (2), 40 ms (3), 60 100 ms (6)
Addition Window determines the relative thre 0...14.5 dB, step 0.5 dB 4 dB
When an active set cell leaves the reporting 0 ms (0), 10 ms (1), 20 ms (2), 40 ms (3), 60 640 ms (12)
Drop Window determines the relative threshol0...14.5 dB, step 0.5 dB 6 dB
In the CELL_DCH state the UE physical layer Filtering period of 200 ms (0), Filtering per Filtering period approximates 600 ms (3)
The parameter defines the origin of the last coNot defined (0), Network originated configurat -
This parameter identifies the FMCS (object 1...100, step 1 -
This parameter indicates the last time when 0 -
This parameter indicates the day on which th 1...31 day, step 1 day -
This parameter indicates the hour of the las 0...23 hour(s), step 1 hour(s) -
This parameter indicates the hundredths of s 0...99 hundredths, step 1 hundredths -
This parameter indicates the minutes of the 0...59 minute(s), step 1 minute(s) -
This parameter indicates the month on which 1...12 month, step 1 month -
This parameter indicates the seconds of the 0...59 second(s), step 1 second(s) -
This parameter indicates the year on which t 1980...2100 year, step 1 year -
If the inter-frequency or inter-RAT (GSM) h -24...0 dB, step 1 dB -9 dB
If the inter-frequency or inter-RAT (GSM) h 0 ms (0), 10 ms (1), 20 ms (2), 40 ms (3), 60 1280 ms (13)
If the inter-frequency or inter-RAT (GSM) h -24...0 dB, step 1 dB -12 dB
If the inter-frequency or inter-RAT (GSM) h 0 ms (0), 10 ms (1), 20 ms (2), 40 ms (3), 60 100 ms (6)
If the inter-frequency or inter-RAT (GSM) h -115...-25 dBm, step 1 dBm -102 dBm
If the inter-frequency or inter-RAT (GSM) h 0 ms (0), 10 ms (1), 20 ms (2), 40 ms (3), 60 1280 ms (13)
In the CELL_DCH state the UE physical layer Filtering period of 200 ms (0), Filtering per Filtering period of 200 ms (0)
If the inter-frequency or inter-RAT (GSM) h -115...-25 dBm, step 1 dBm -105 dBm
If the inter-frequency or inter-RAT (GSM) h 0 ms (0), 10 ms (1), 20 ms (2), 40 ms (3), 60 100 ms (6)
The parameter indicates whether the IMSI base
Not allowed (0), Allowed (1) Not allowed (0)
This parameter determines the maximum number
2...3, step 1 3
When the number of cells in the active set ha No periodical reporting (0), 0.25 s. Not allowed 0.5 s (2)
When the number of cells in the active set ha 0 ms (0), 10 ms (1), 20 ms (2), 40 ms (3), 60 100 ms (6)
When the number of cells in the active set 0...7.5 dB, step 0.5 dB 2 dB
A unique identification for an RNC node within0...4095, step 1 -
The name of managed object - -

GUI value GUI Unit Data base value GUI value GUI Unit Data Base Value
0 - 0 0 - 0
0.5 s 2 0.5 s 2
100 ms 6 100 ms 6
4 dB 8 4 dB 8
640 ms 12 640 ms 12
6 dB 12 6 dB 12
600 ms 3 600 ms 3
- - - - - -
1 - 1 11 - 11
- - - - - -
- - - - - -
- - - - - -
- - - - - -
- - - - - -
- - - - - -
- - - - - -
- - - - - -
-11 dB -11 -12 dB -12
1280 ms 13 1280 ms 13
-14 dB -14 -15 dB -15
100 ms 6 100 ms 6
-102 dBm -102 -102 dBm -102
640 ms 12 640 ms 12
200 ms 0 200 ms 0
-105 dBm -105 -105 dBm -105
100 ms 6 100 ms 6
0 - 0 0 - 0
3 - 3 3 - 3
0.5 s 2 0.5 s 2
100 ms 6 100 ms 6
2 dB 4 2 dB 4
FMCS Specific - FMCS Specific FMCS Specific - FMCS Specific
- - - - - -

GUI value GUI Unit Data Base Value GUI value GUI Unit Data base value
0 - 0 0 - 0
0.5 sec 2 0.5 s 2
640 ms 12 100 ms 6
0 dB 0 2.5 dB 5
200 ms 9 640 ms 12
1 dB 2 4 dB 8
600 ms 3 600 ms 3
- - - - - -
2 - 2 ? - ?
- - - - - -
- - - - - -
- - - - - -
- - - - - -
- - - - - -
- - - - - -
- - - - - -
- - - - - -
-10 dB -10 -11 dB -11
320 ms 11 1280 ms 13
-15 dB -15 -15 dB -15
320 ms 11 100 ms 6
-102 dBm -102 -102 dBm -102
320 ms 11 1280 ms 13
200 ms 0 200 ms 0
-105 dBm -105 -105 dBm -105
320 ms 11 100 ms 6
0 - 0 0 - 0
2 0 2 3 - 3
0.5 sec 2 0.5 s 2
100 ms 6 100 ms 6
2 dB 4 2 dB 4
FMCS Specific - FMCS Specific FMCS Specific - FMCS Specific
- - - - - -
3GIS RAN Parameter Baseline FMCG

Full Name Database Abbreviation Class
Definition Range & Step Nokia Default GUI value GUI Unit Data base value GUI value GUI Unit Data base value GUI value GUI Unit Data base value GUI value GUI Unit Data base value
Change Origin FMCGChangeOrigin - The parameter defines the origin of the last coNot defined (0), Network originated configura - - - - - - - - - - - - -
FMCG Identifier FMCGId NWP This parameter identifies the FMCG (object 1...100, step 1 - 1 - 1 11 - 11 2 0 2 ? - ?
GSM HO caused by CPICH Ec/No GSMcauseCPICHEcNo NWP This parameter indicates whether a handoverDisabled (0), Enabled (1) Disabled (0) 1 - 1 1 - 1 Enabled 0 1 1 - 1
GSM HO caused by CPICH RSCP GSMcauseCPICHrscp NWP This parameter indicates whether a handove Disabled (0), Enabled (1) Disabled (0) 1 - 1 1 - 1 Enabled 0 1 1 - 1
GSM HO caused by DL DPCH TX Power GSMcauseTxPwrDL NWP This parameter indicates whether a handove Disabled (0), Enabled (1) Disabled (0) 1 - 1 1 - 1 Enabled 0 1 1 - 1
GSM HO caused by UE TX Power GSMcauseTxPwrUL NWP This parameter indicates whether a handoverDisabled (0), Enabled (1) Disabled (0) 0 - 0 0 - 0 Enabled 0 1 0 - 0
GSM HO caused by UL DCH Quality GSMcauseUplinkQuality NWP This parameter indicates whether a handoverDisabled (0), Enabled (1) Disabled (0) 0 - 0 0 - 0 Enabled 0 1 0 - 0
DL DPCH TX Power Threshold for AMR GsmDLTxPwrThrAMR SOP This parameter determines the downlink DPC-10...0 dB, step 0.5 dB -3 dB -3 dB -6 -3 dB -6 -3 dB -6 -3 dB -6
DL DPCH TX Power Threshold for CS GsmDLTxPwrThrCS SOP This parameter determines the downlink DPC-10...0 dB, step 0.5 dB -3 dB -3 dB -6 -3 dB -6 -3 dB -6 -3 dB -6
DL DPCH TX Power Threshold for NRT PS GsmDLTxPwrThrNrtPS SOP This parameter determines the downlink DPC-10...0 dB, step 0.5 dB -1 dB -1 dB -2 -1 dB -2 -1 dB -2 -1 dB -2
DL DPCH TX Power Threshold for RT PS GsmDLTxPwrThrRtPS SOP This parameter determines the downlink DPC-10...0 dB, step 0.5 dB -3 dB -3 dB -6 -3 dB -6 -3 dB -6 -3 dB -6
Maximum Measurement Period GsmMaxMeasPeriod SOP The maximum number of periodical inter-RAT1...120 MeasRepo, step 1 MeasRepo 6 MeasRepo 10 - 10 10 - 10 6 6 10 - 10
Measurement Averaging Window GsmMeasAveWindow SOP This parameter determines the maximum numb
1...32 MeasReport, step 1 MeasReport 6 MeasReport 6 - 6 6 - 6 6 s 6 6 - 6
Measurement Reporting Interval GsmMeasRepInterval SOP This parameter determines the measurement 0.5
r s (2), 1 s (3), 2 s (4), 3 s (5), 4 s (6) 0.5 s (2) 0.5 s 2 0.5 s 2 0.5 s 2 0.5 s 2
Minimum Interval Between HOs GsmMinHoInterval SOP This parameter determines the minimum inte 1...60 s, step 1 s 10 s 10 s 10 10 s 10 10 s 10 10 s 10
Minimum Measurement Interval GsmMinMeasInterval SOP This parameter determines the minimum inte 1...60 s, step 1 s 2s 2 s 2 2 s 2 2 s 2 2 s 2
GSM Neighbour Cell Search Period GsmNcellSearchPeriod SOP This parameter determines the number of peri0...20 MeasReport, step 1 MeasReport 0 MeasReport 0 - 0 0 - 0 0 - 0 0 - 0
UE TX Power Filter Coefficient GsmUETxPwrFilterCoeff SOP In the CELL_DCH state the UE physical layer Filtering period approximates 10 ms (8), Filt Filtering period approximates 10 ms (8) 10 ms 8 10 ms 8 10 ms 8 10 ms 8
UE TX Power Threshold for AMR GsmUETxPwrThrAMR SOP This parameter determines the UE TX power t-60...0 dB, step 1 dB -3 dB -3 dB -3 -3 dB -3 -3 dB -3 -3 dB -3
UE TX Power Threshold for CS GsmUETxPwrThrCS SOP This parameter determines the UE TX power t-10...0 dB, step 1 dB -3 dB -3 dB -3 -3 dB -3 -3 dB -3 -3 dB -3
UE TX Power Threshold for NRT PS GsmUETxPwrThrNrtPS SOP This parameter determines the UE TX power t-10...0 dB, step 1 dB -1 dB -1 dB -1 -1 dB -1 -1 dB -1 -1 dB -1
UE TX Power Threshold for RT PS GsmUETxPwrThrRtPS SOP This parameter determines the UE TX power t-10...0 dB, step 1 dB -3 dB -3 dB -3 -3 dB -3 -3 dB -3 -3 dB -3
UE TX Power Time Hysteresis GsmUETxPwrTimeHyst SOP If the handover to GSM caused by high UE T 0 ms (0), 10 ms (1), 20 ms (2), 40 ms (3), 6 320 ms (11) 320 ms 11 320 ms 11 320 ms 11 320 ms 11
IMSI Based GSM HO IMSIbasedGsmHo NWP The parameter indicates whether the IMSI baIMSI based handover not allowed. (0), IMSI IMSI based handover not allowed. (0) 0 - 0 0 - 0 0 - 0 0 - 0
RNC Identifier RNCId NWP A unique identification for an RNC node within0...4095, step 1 - FMCG Specific - FMCG Specific FMCG Specific - FMCG Specific FMCG Specific - FMCG Specific FMCG Specific - FMCG Specific
Name Name - The name of managed object - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

09/19/2018 397508026.xls
3GIS RAN Parameter Baseline FMCI

Full Name Database Abbreviation Class
Definition Range & Step Nokia Default GUI value GUI Unit Data base value GUI value GUI Unit Data base value GUI value GUI Unit Data base value GUI value GUI Unit Data base value
Change Origin FMCIChangeOrigin - The parameter defines the origin of the last coNot defined (0), Network originated configurat - - - - - - - - - - - - -
FMCI Identifier FMCIId NWP This parameter identifies the FMCI (object f 1...100, step 1 - 1 - 1 11 11 2 2 ? - ?
IFHO caused by CPICH Ec/No IFHOcauseCPICHEcNo NWP This parameter indicates whether an inter-fr Disabled (0), Enabled (1) Disabled (0) Disabled - 0 Disabled 0 Disabled 0 Disabled - 0
IFHO caused by CPICH RSCP IFHOcauseCPICHrscp NWP This parameter indicates whether an inter-f Disabled (0), Enabled (1) Disabled (0) Disabled - 0 Disabled 0 Disabled 0 Disabled - 0
IFHO caused by DL DPCH TX Power IFHOcauseTxPwrDL NWP This parameter indicates whether an inter-f Disabled (0), Enabled (1) Disabled (0) Disabled - 0 Disabled 0 Disabled 0 Disabled - 0
IFHO caused by UE TX Power IFHOcauseTxPwrUL NWP This parameter indicates whether an inter-fr Disabled (0), Enabled (1) Disabled (0) Disabled - 0 Disabled 0 Disabled 0 Disabled - 0
IFHO caused by UL DCH Quality IFHOcauseUplinkQuality NWP This parameter indicates whether an inter-fr Disabled (0), Enabled (1) Disabled (0) Disabled - 0 Disabled 0 Disabled 0 Disabled - 0
IMSI Based IFHO IMSIbasedIFHO NWP The parameter indicates whether the IMSI base
IMSI based handover not allowed (0), IMSI b IMSI based handover not allowed (0) 0 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 0
DL DPCH TX Power Threshold for AMR InterFreqDLTxPwrThrAMR SOP This parameter determines the downlink DPCH-10...0 dB, step 0.5 dB -1 dB -1 dB -2 -1 dB -2 -1 dB -2 -1 dB -2
DL DPCH TX Power Threshold for CS InterFreqDLTxPwrThrCS SOP This parameter determines the downlink DPCH-10...0 dB, step 0.5 dB -3 dB -3 dB -6 -3 dB -6 -3 dB -6 -3 dB -6
DL DPCH TX Power Threshold for NRT PS InterFreqDLTxPwrThrNrtPS SOP This parameter determines the downlink DPCH-10...0 dB, step 0.5 dB -1 dB -1 dB -2 -1 dB -2 -1 dB -2 -1 dB -2
DL DPCH TX Power Threshold for RT PS InterFreqDLTxPwrThrRtPS SOP This parameter determines the downlink DPCH-10...0 dB, step 0.5 dB -3 dB -3 dB -6 -3 dB -6 -3 dB -6 -3 dB -6
Maximum Measurement Period InterFreqMaxMeasPeriod SOP The maximum number of periodical inter-frequ1...120 MeasRepo, step 1 MeasRepo 6 MeasRepo 10 - 10 10 10 10 10 10 - 10
Measurement Averaging Window InterFreqMeasAveWindow SOP This parameter determines the maximum numbe
1...32 MeasReport, step 1 MeasReport 6 MeasReport 6 - 6 6 6 6 6 6 - 6
Measurement Reporting Interval InterFreqMeasRepInterval SOP This parameter determines the measurement re
0.5 s (2), 1 s (3), 2 s (4), 3 s (5), 4 s (6) 0.5 s (2) 0.5 s 2 0.5 s 2 0.5 s 2 0.5 s 2
Minimum Interval Between HOs InterFreqMinHoInterval SOP This parameter determines the minimum interv1...60 s, step 1 s 10 s 10 s 10 10 s 10 10 s 10 10 s 10
Minimum Measurement Interval InterFreqMinMeasInterval SOP This parameter determines the minimum inter 1...60 s, step 1 s 2s 2 s 2 2 s 2 2 s 2 2 s 2
Neighbour Cell Search Period InterFreqNcellSearchPeriod SOP This parameter determines the number of period
0...20 MeasReport, step 1 MeasReport 0 MeasReport 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
UE TX Power Filter Coefficient InterFreqUETxPwrFilterCoeff SOP In the CELL_DCH state the UE physical layer F
miltering period approximates 10 ms (8), Filte Filtering period approximates 10 ms (8) 10 ms 8 10 ms 8 10 ms 8 10 ms 8
UE TX Power Threshold for AMR InterFreqUETxPwrThrAMR SOP This parameter determines the UE TX power th-10...0 dB, step 1 dB -3 dB -3 dB -3 -3 dB -3 -3 dB -3 -3 dB -3
UE TX Power Threshold for CS InterFreqUETxPwrThrCS SOP This parameter determines the UE TX power th-10...0 dB, step 1 dB -3 dB -3 dB -3 -3 dB -3 -3 dB -3 -3 dB -3
UE TX Power Threshold for NRT PS InterFreqUETxPwrThrNrtPS SOP This parameter determines the UE TX power th-10...0 dB, step 1 dB -1 dB -1 dB -1 -1 dB -1 -1 dB -1 -1 dB -1
UE TX Power Threshold for RT PS InterFreqUETxPwrThrRtPS SOP This parameter determines the UE TX power th-10...0 dB, step 1 dB -3 dB -3 dB -3 -3 dB -3 -3 dB -3 -3 dB -3
UE TX Power Time Hysteresis InterFreqUETxPwrTimeHyst SOP If the inter-frequency handover caused by h 0 ms (0), 10 ms (1), 20 ms (2), 40 ms (3), 60 1280 ms (13) 1280 ms 13 1280 ms 13 1280 ms 13 1280 ms 13

09/19/2018 397508026.xls
3GIS RAN Parameter Baseline HOPS


Full Name Database Abbreviation Class
Definition Range & Step Nokia Default GUI value GUI Unit Data base value GUI value GUI Unit Data base value GUI value GUI Unit Data base value
Cell Re-selection HCS Priority AdjsHCSpriority NWP Defines the priority level of the neigh 0...7, step 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 0
Cell Re-selection HCS Threshold AdjsHCSthreshold NWP Defines the threshold level which mus -24...0 dB, step 0.5 dB -24 dB -24 dB 0 -24 dB 0 -24 dB 0
Cell Re-selection Penalty Time AdjsPenaltyTime SOP Defines the time period during which t 0...60 s, step 10 s 0s 0 s 0 0 s 0 0 s 0
Cell Re-selection Quality Offset 1 AdjsQoffset1 SOP This parameter is used in the cell re -50...50 dB, step 1 dB 0 dB 0 dB 0 0 dB 0 0 dB 0
Cell Re-selection Quality Offset 2 AdjsQoffset2 SOP This parameter is used in the cell re -50...50 dB, step 1 dB 0 dB 0 dB 0 0 dB 0 0 dB 0
Cell Re-selection Minimum Quality AdjsQqualMin SOP Determines the minimum required CPICH
-24...0 dB, step 1 dB -20 dB -20 dB -20 -20 dB -20 -20 dB -20
Cell Re-selection Minimum RX Level AdjsQrxlevMin SOP Determines the minimum required CPIC
-115...-25 dBm, step 2 dBm -115 dBm -115 dBm -58 -115 dBm -58 -115 dBm -58
Cell Re-selection Temporary Offset 1 AdjsTempOffset1 SOP This parameter is used in the cell ran 3 dB (0), 6 dB (1), 9 dB (2), 12 dB (3), 1 3 dB (0) 3 dB 0 3 dB 0 3 dB 0
Cell Re-selection Temporary Offset 2 AdjsTempOffset2 SOP This parameter is used in the cell ran 2 dB (0), 3 dB (1), 4 dB (2), 6 dB (3), 8 2 dB (0) 2 dB 0 2 dB 0 2 dB 0
CPICH Ec/No Averaging Window EcNoAveragingWindow SOP This parameter determines the number1...32 MeasReport, step 1 MeasReport 8 MeasReport 8 meas. rep. 8 8 meas. rep. 8 8 meas. rep. 8
Enable Inter-RNC Soft Handover EnableInterRNCsho NWP Parameter indicates whether the neighbo
No (0), Yes (1) Yes (1) Yes 1 Yes 1 Yes - 1
Enable RRC Connection Release EnableRRCRelease NWP When the intra-frequency neighbour celNo (0), Yes (1) No (0) No 0 No 0 No - 0
HHO Margin for Average Ec/No HHOMarginAverageEcNo SOP This parameter determines the maximum
-6...6 dB, step 0.1 dB 1 dB 1 dB 10 1 dB 10 2.5 dB 25
HHO Margin for Peak Ec/No HHOMarginPeakEcNo SOP This parameter determines the maximum
-6...6 dB, step 0.5 dB 2 dB 2 dB 4 2 dB 4 3.5 dB 7
Change Origin HOPSChangeOrigin - The parameter defines the origin of theNot defined (0), Network originated conf - - - - - - - - - -
HOPS Identifier HOPSId NWP This parameter identifies the HOPS (o 1...100, step 1 - 1 1 11 11 2 - 2
Release Margin for Average Ec/No ReleaseMarginAverageEcNo SOP This parameter determines the maximum
-6...6 dB, step 0.1 dB 2.5 dB 2.5 dB 25 2.5 dB 25 3.5 dB 35
Release Margin for Peak Ec/No ReleaseMarginPeakEcNo SOP This parameter determines the maximum
-6...6 dB, step 0.5 dB 3.5 dB 3.5 dB 7 3.5 dB 7 4.5 dB 9
RNC Identifier RNCId NWP A unique identification for an RNC nod 0...4095, step 1 - HOPS Specific - HOPS Specific HOPS Specific - HOPS Specific HOPS Specific - HOPS Specific
Name Name - The name of managed object - - - - - - - - - - -

09/19/2018 397508026.xls
3GIS RAN Parameter Baseline HOPG


Full Name Database Abbreviation Class
Definition Range & Step Nokia Default GUI value GUI Unit Data base value GUI value GUI Unit Data base value
Cell Re-selection HCS Priority AdjgHCSpriority NWP Defines the priority level of the GSM neighbou0...7, step 1 0 0 - 0 0 - 0
Cell Re-selection HCS Threshold AdjgHCSthreshold NWP Defines the threshold which must be exceeded-110...-37 dBm, step 1 dBm -110 dBm -110 dBm 0 -110 dBm 0
Cell Re-selection Penalty Time AdjgPenaltyTime SOP Determines the time period during which the T0...60 s, step 10 s 0s 0 s 0 0 s 0
Ncell Priority for Coverage HO AdjgPriorityCoverage NWP If there are several GSM neighbour cells which0...7, step 1 0 0 - 0 0 - 0
Cell Re-selection Quality Offset 1 AdjgQoffset1 SOP This parameter is used in the cell re-select -50...50 dB, step 1 dB 0 dB 0 dB 0 0 dB 0
Cell Re-selection Minimum RX Level AdjgQrxlevMin SOP Determines the minimum required RSSI level w
-115...-25 dBm, step 2 dBm -101 dBm -103 dBm -52 -103 dBm -52
Minimum RX Level for Coverage HO AdjgRxLevMinHO SOP This parameter determines the minimum requi-110...-47 dBm, step 1 dBm -95 dBm -100 dBm 10 -95 dBm 15
Cell Re-selection Temporary Offset 1 AdjgTempOffset1 SOP This parameter is used in the cell ranking be 3 dB (0), 6 dB (1), 9 dB (2), 12 dB (3), 15 dB ( 3 dB (0) 3 dB 0 3 dB 0
Change Origin HOPGChangeOrigin - The parameter defines the origin of the last coNot defined (0), Network originated configurat - - - - - - -
HOPG Identifier HOPGId NWP This parameter identifies the HOPG (object f 1...100, step 1 - 1 - 1 11 - 11
RNC Identifier RNCId NWP A unique identification for an RNC node within0...4095, step 1 - HOPG Specific - HOPG Specific HOPG Specific - HOPG Specific
Name Name - The name of managed object - - - - - - - -

09/19/2018 397508026.xls
3GIS RAN Parameter Baseline HOPI

Information TEMPLATE (RT)

Database Abbreviation Class
Definition Range & Step Nokia Default GUI value GUI Unit Data Base Value
AdjiEcNoMargin SOP This parameter determines the margin by whic-24...24 dB, step 0.5 dB 1 dB 3 dB 6
AdjiHCSpriority NWP Defines the priority level of the inter-frequen 0...7, step 1 0 0 - 0
AdjiHCSthreshold NWP Defines the threshold level which must be exc -24...0 dB, step 0.5 dB -24 dB -24 dB 0
AdjiMinEcNo SOP This parameter determines the minimum requir-24...0 dB, step 0.5 dB -13 dB -13 dB 23
AdjiMinRSCP SOP This parameter determines the minimum requir-115...-25 dBm, step 1 dBm -100 dBm -100 dBm 16
AdjiPenaltyTime SOP Defines the time period during which the Tempo0...60 s, step 10 s 0s 0 s 0
AdjiPlossMargin SOP This parameter determines the margin by which
-50...100 dB, step 1 dB 2 dB 2 dB 2
AdjiPriorityCoverage NWP The inter-frequency measurement procedure mea
0...7, step 1 0 0 - 0
AdjiPriorityQuality NWP The inter-frequency measurement procedure mea
0...7, step 1 0 0 - 0
AdjiQoffset1 SOP This parameter is used in the cell re-selecti -50...50 dB, step 1 dB 0 dB 0 dB 0
AdjiQoffset2 SOP This parameter is used in the cell re-selecti -50...50 dB, step 1 dB 0 dB 0 dB 0
AdjiQqualMin NWP Determines the minimum required CPICH Ec/No
-24...0 dB, step 1 dB -20 dB -20 dB -20
AdjiQrxlevMin NWP Determines the minimum required CPICH RSCP
l dBm, step 2 dBm -115 dBm -115 dBm -58
HOPIChangeOrigin - The parameter defines the origin of the last conNot defined (0), Network originated configurat - - - -
HOPIId NWP This parameter identifies the HOPI (object fo 1...100, step 1 - cell specific - cell specific
AdjiTempOffset1 SOP This parameter is used in the cell ranking bet 3 dB (0), 6 dB (1), 9 dB (2), 12 dB (3), 15 dB (4 3 dB (0) 3 dB 0
AdjiTempOffset2 SOP This parameter is used in the cell ranking bet 2 dB (0), 3 dB (1), 4 dB (2), 6 dB (3), 8 dB (4), 2 dB (0) 2 dB 0

09/19/2018 397508026.xls
3GIS RAN Parameter Baseline; WBTS


Full Name Database Abbreviation Class
Definition Range & Step Nokia Default GUI value GUI Unit Data base value GUI value GUI Unit Data base value
ATM interface identifier ATMInterfaceID NWP The ATM interface identifier identifies the 1...588, step 1 - WBTS specific - WBTS specific WBTS specific - WBTS specific
Blind transport format detection capability of BTS BlindTFdetectionUsage NWP This parameter defines a BTS radio interface BTDF not supported (0), BTDF supported (1) BTDF not supported (0) not supported - 0 not supported - 0
BTS Additional Information BTSAdditionalInfo - The parameter can freely be used for defining 0...20 characters - - - - - - -
Connection configuration identifier COCOId NWP Parameter identifies the Connection Configur 1...65535, step 1 - WBTS specific - WBTS specific WBTS specific - WBTS specific
Number of DCHs per RL capability of BTS DCHnumberRL NWP This parameter defines a BTS radio interface c2...24, step 1 8 8 - 8 8 - 8
Dedicated Measurement Reporting Period CS Data DediMeasRepPeriodCSdata NWP This parameter determines the reporting inte 0.5...5 s, step 0.5 s 1.5 s 1.5 s 3 1.5 s 3
Dedicated Measurement Reporting Period PS Data DediMeasRepPeriodPSdata NWP This parameter determines the reporting inte 0.5...5 s, step 0.5 s 0.5 s 0.5 s 1 0.5 s 1
Dedicated Measurement Reporting Period DedicatedMeasReportPeriod NWP This parameter determines the reporting inter 0.5...5 s, step 0.5 s 2.5 s 2.5 s 5 2.5 s 5
Iub connection type IubConnectionType NWP The parameter defines the type of the used I Nokia (0), 3GPP (1), Not defined (255) Not defined (255) - - - Not Defined - 255
PS load control period LoadControlPeriodPS NWP This parameter defines the period how often PS
100...2000 ms, step 100 ms 1200 ms 400 ms 4 400 ms 4
Max DL user rate per RL MaxDCHuserRateRLDL NWP This parameter defines a BTS radio interface c64 kbps (0), 128 kbps (1), 256 kbps (2), 384 k 384 kbps (3) 384 kbps 3 384 kbps 3
Max UL user rate per RL MaxDCHuserRateRLUL NWP This parameter defines a BTS radio interface c64 kbps (0), 128 kbps (1), 256 kbps (2), 384 k 384 kbps (3) 384 kbps 3 384 kbps 3
Measurement filter coefficient MeasFiltCoeff NWP This parameter indicates how measurement val
0 (0), 1 (1), 2 (2), 3 (3), 4 (4), 5 (5), 6 (6), 7 5 (5) 5 - 5 5 - 5
Number of overbooked HSDPA Users NbrOfOverbookedHSDPAUsers NWP The parameter defines the allowed number of MA
0...32, step 1 32 32 - 32 32 - 32
PS Interrupt Time for 128 kbit/s DCH of the Background class PITForBackgroundDCH128 NWP This parameter defines the maximum allowed all
Timer is switched off (0), 10 s (10), 20 s (20) Timer is switched off (0) 0 s 0 0 s 0
PS Interrupt Time for 16 kbit/s DCH of the Background class. PITForBackgroundDCH16 NWP This parameter defines the maximum allowed all
Timer is switched off (0), 10 s (10), 20 s (20) Timer is switched off (0) 0 s 0 0 s 0
PS Interrupt Time for 256 kbit/s DCH of the Background class. PITForBackgroundDCH256 NWP This parameter defines the maximum allowed all
Timer is switched off (0), 10 s (10), 20 s (20) Timer is switched off (0) 0 s 0 0 s 0
PS Interrupt Time for 32 kbit/s DCH of the Background class. PITForBackgroundDCH32 NWP The parameter defines the maximum allowed all
Timer is switched off (0), 10 s (10), 20 s (20) Timer is switched off (0) 0 s 0 0 s 0
PS Interrupt Time for 384 kbit/s DCH of the Background class. PITForBackgroundDCH384 NWP The parameter defines the maximum allowed all
Timer is switched off (0), 10 s (10), 20 s (20) Timer is switched off (0) 0 s 0 0 s 0
PS Interrupt Time for 64 kbit/s DCH of the Background class. PITForBackgroundDCH64 NWP This parameter defines the maximum allowed all
Timer is switched off (0), 10 s (10), 20 s (20) Timer is switched off (0) 0 s 0 0 s 0
PS Interrupt Time for 8 kbit/s DCH of the Background class. PITForBackgroundDCH8 NWP This parameter defines the maximum allowed all
Timer is switched off (0), 10 s (10), 20 s (20) Timer is switched off (0) 0 s 0 0 s 0
PS Interrupt Time for 128 kbit/s DCH of the Interactive class. PITForInteractiveDCH128 NWP This parameter defines the maximum allowed all
Timer is switched off (0), 10 s (10), 20 s (20) Timer is switched off (0) 0 s 0 0 s 0
PS Interrupt Time for 16 kbit/s DCH of the Interactive class. PITForInteractiveDCH16 NWP This parameter defines the maximum allowed all
Timer is switched off (0), 10 s (10), 20 s (20) Timer is switched off (0) 0 s 0 0 s 0
PS Interrupt Time for 256 kbit/s DCH of the Interactive class. PITForInteractiveDCH256 NWP This parameter defines the maximum allowed all
Timer is switched off (0), 10 s (10), 20 s (20) Timer is switched off (0) 0 s 0 0 s 0
PS Interrupt Time for 32 kbit/s DCH of the Interactive class. PITForInteractiveDCH32 NWP This parameter defines the maximum allowed all
Timer is switched off (0), 10 s (10), 20 s (20) Timer is switched off (0) 0 s 0 0 s 0
PS Interrupt Time for 384 kbit/s DCH of the Interactive class. PITForInteractiveDCH384 NWP This parameter defines the maximum allowed all
Timer is switched off (0), 10 s (10), 20 s (20) Timer is switched off (0) 0 s 0 0 s 0
PS Interrupt Time for 64 kbit/s DCH of the Interactive class. PITForInteractiveDCH64 NWP This parameter defines the maximum allowed all
Timer is switched off (0), 10 s (10), 20 s (20) Timer is switched off (0) 0 s 0 0 s 0
PS Interrupt Time for 8 kbit/s DCH of the Interactive class. PITForInteractiveDCH8 NWP This parameter defines the maximum allowed all
Timer is switched off (0), 10 s (10), 20 s (20) Timer is switched off (0) 0 s 0 0 s 0
Absolute maximum downlink transmission power of a dedicated physPtxDPCHmax NWP Parameter defines the maximum code channel-3...0 dB, step 0.1 dB -3 dB -3 dB -30 -3 dB -30
Absolute minimum downlink transmission power of dedicated physic PtxDPCHmin NWP Parameter defines the minimum code channel -60...-28 dB, step 1 dB -28 dB -28 dB -28 -28 dB -28
Load measurement averaging window size for packet scheduling PSAveragingWindowSize NWP The parameter defines how many PrxTotal/Pt 1...20, step 1 2 5 - 5 5 - 5
Number of frames to be used averaging in PrxTotal measurement PrxMeasAveWindow NWP The parameter defines the number of frames u10...200 Frames, step 1 Frames 10 Frames 10 frame 10 10 frame 10
Number of frames to be used averaging in PtxTotal measurement PtxMeasAveWindow NWP The parameter defines the number of frames u10...200 radio fram, step 1 radio fram 10 radio fram 10 radio frame 10 10 radio frame 10
Type of measurement filter for downlink total transmitted power PtxAlpha NWP PtxAlpha defines the type of measurement filter
0...0.5, step 0.05 0 0 - 0 0 - 0
Type of measurement filter for uplink total received power PrxAlpha NWP PrxAlpha defines the type of measurement filter
0...0.5, step 0.05 0 0 - 0 0 - 0
RACH load indication period RACHloadIndicationPeriod NWP This parameter defines the reporting period 0...20, step 1 1 1 - 1 1 - 1
Release timer for shared HSDPA Allocation ReleaseTimerForSharedHSDPAallocation NWP The parameter defines the release timer for the0...2880 minutes, step 1 minutes 3 minutes 3 min 3 3 min 3
Radio link measurement reporting period RLMeasRepPeriod NWP The parameter defines the reporting period of 0...2000 ms, step 500 ms 500 ms 500 ms 50 500 ms 50
Radio Resource Indication Period RRIndPeriod NWP The parameter defines the reporting period of 200...2000 ms, step 100 ms 200 ms 200 ms 20 200 ms 20
Scheduling period SchedulingPeriod NWP This parameter defines how often the packet s100...2000 ms, step 100 ms 200 ms 200 ms 200 200 ms 200
Shared HSDPA flow control allocation SharedHSDPAFlowControlAllocation NWP This ATM protocol level parameter defines the 0.5...7.2 Mbps, step 0.1 Mbps 2 Mbps 2 Mbps 20 2 Mbps 20
Shared HSDPA AAL2 VCC selection method SharedHSDPAVCCSelectionMethod NWP The parameter defines how the VCC selection Single
is VCC (0), Multiple VCC (1) Single VCC (0) Single VCC - 0 Single VCC - 0
Shared HSDPA AAL2 allocation SharedHSDPAallocation NWP This ATM protocol level parameter defines the 0...7.2 Mbps, step 0.1 Mbps 0 Mbps 0 Mbps 0 0 Mbps 0
Vendor Idenitification VendorId NWP The parameter defines whether the vendor of Nokia (0), non-Nokia (1), Not defined (255) Not defined (255) - - - Not Defined - 255
Virtual Channel identifier VCI NWP This parameter identifies a particular virtua 1...65535, step 1 - WBTS specific - WBTS specific WBTS specific - WBTS specific
Virtual Path identifier VPI NWP This parameter identifies a group of virtual 0...255, step 1 - WBTS specific - WBTS specific WBTS specific - WBTS specific
WCDMA BTS name WBTSName - This parameter can be used for identificati 0...15 characters - WBTS specific - WBTS specific WBTS specific - WBTS specific
Change origin WBTSChangeOrigin - The parameter defines the origin of the last coNot defined (0), Network originated configurat - - - - - - -
Time stamp day WBTSDay - Parameter identifies the day when the WBTS ob
1...31 day, step 1 day - - - - - - -
Time stamp hours WBTSHours - Parameter identifies the hour of time when th 0...23 hour, step 1 hour - - - - - - -
Parameter identifies the hundreths of seconds of time when the RNC object was modified the last time.
Time stamp hundredths of second RNChundreths - 0...99, step 0.01s - - - - - - -
The value for the parameter cannot be modified by the user.
Time stamp minutes WBTSMinutes - Parameter identifies the minutes of time when 0...59 minute(s), step 1 minute(s) - - - - - - -
Time stamp month WBTSMonth - Parameter identifies the month when the WBTS
1...12 month, step 1 month - - - - - - -
Time stamp seconds WBTSSeconds - Parameter identifies the seconds of time when0...59 second(s), step 1 second(s) - - - - - - -
Time stamp year WBTSYear - Parameter identifies the year when the WBTS 1o980...2100 year, step 1 year - - - - - - -
WBTS identifier WBTSId NWP This parameter identifies the WBTS uniquely u1...65534, step 1 - WBTS specific - WBTS specific WBTS specific - WBTS specific
UL measurement averaging window for AC WinACRABsetupUL NWP This parameter determines the UL load measu1...20, step 1 5 5 - 5 5 - 5
DL measurement averaging window for AC WinACRABsetupDL NWP This parameter determines the DL load measur1...20, step 1 5 5 - 5 5 - 5
RNC Identifier RNCId NWP A unique identification for an RNC node within 0...4095, step 1 - WBTS specific - WBTS specific WBTS specific - WBTS specific
Bit rate modification period ModificationPeriod NWP The period of time indicating how often the pac500...5000, step 500ms 500 - - - - - -
Window for RACH normal load measurement WinRACHnormalLoadBS NWP Parameter defines the comparison window size0...100, step 1 5 - - - - - -
Window for RACH overload measurement WinRACHoverLoadBS NWP Parameter defines the comparison window size0...100, step 1 1 - - - - - -
Site Id siteId - - - - - - - - - -
Name Name NWP The name of managed object - - WBTS Specific - WBTS Specific WBTS Specific - WBTS Specific
PS Interrupt Time for 8 kbit/s DCH of the Background. PITForBackgroundDCH8 NWP This parameter defines the maximum allowed all
1...180 0 Off - 0 Off - 0
Managed By ManagedBy - DN of related Nokia OMC in 3GPP DN format. - - - - - - - -
User Defined State UserDefinedState - State of network element, user defines. - - - - - - - -
PtxnonHSDPA averaging window size for LC WinLCHSDPA NWP This parameter determines the averaging win 0...20, step 1 5 5 - 5 5 - 5

09/19/2018 397508026.xls
3GIS RAN Parameter Baseline WCEL


Full Name Database Abbreviation Class
Definition Range & Step Nokia Default GUI value GUI Unit Data Base value GUI value GUI Unit Data Base value
Access Class Barred list ACBarredList NWP 'Access Class Barred list' information defines Bit 0: Access Class 0, Bit 1: Access Class 1, 0 NO barring - 0 NO barring - 0
AICH Transmission Timing AICHTraTime NWP AICH transmission timing defines the delay b 0...1, step 1 0 0 slots 0 0 slots 0
Allowed preamble signatures AllowedPreambleSignatures NWP The preamble part in a PRACH channel carries
Bit 0: signature #0 allowed, Bit 1: signature 15 0,1,2,3 - 15 0,1,2,3 - 15
Allowed RACH subchannels AllowedRACHSubChannels NWP A RACH sub-channel defines a sub-set of theBit 0: Sub Channel Number 0, Bit 1: Sub Ch 4095 4095 - 4095 4095 - 4095
Compressed Mode: Alternative scrambling code AltScramblingCodeCM NWP This parameter defines whether the alternat Allowed (0), Denied (1) Allowed (0) allowed - 0 allowed - 0
Cable Loss CableLoss - This parameter defines the difference in DL 0...100 dB, step 0.1 dB 3 dB 3 dB 30 3 dB 30
Cell Additional Information CellAdditionalInfo - The parameter can freely be used for defining0...20 characters - - - - -
Cell Reserved for operator use Cell_Reserved NWP Defines whether the cell is reserved for operaReserved (0), Not reserved (1) Not reserved (1) No - 1 No - 1
Cell Barred CellBarred NWP Defines whether the cell is barred or not. A b Barred (0), Not barred (1) Not barred (1) No - 1 No - 1
Cell Range CellRange NWP This parameter defines the maximum range of100...20000 m, step 100 m - 10000 m 10000 100 m 100
Cell Identifier CId NWP The parameter identifies the cell within a RN 1...65535, step 1 - WCEL specific - WCEL specific WCEL specific - WCEL specific
Code tree optimisation CodeTreeOptimisation NWP The parameter indicates if rearrangement canOptimisation not used (0), Optimisation used Optimisation used (1) No - 0 No - 0
Code tree optimisation timer CodeTreeOptTimer SOP The parameter defines the timer value that trig1...65535 s, step 1 s 3600 s 3600 s 3600 3600 s 3600
Code Tree Usage CodeTreeUsage SOP The parameter defines the minimum usage of0...100
c %, step 1 % 0.4 25 % 25 25 % 25
Offset of the P-CPICH and reference service powers CPICHtoRefRABoffset SOP The parameter defines the offset of the pri -10...17 dB, step 0.5 dB 2 dB 2 dB 20 2 dB 20
CTCH capacity for High Priority CBS messages CTCHCapaHighPri NWP Reserved CTCH capacity only for the CBS mes
0...100, step 1 0 0 - 0 0 - 0
DPC Mode Change Support DPCModeChangeSupport NWP This parameter indicates the DPC Mode Change
Not supported (0), Supported (1) Supported (1) yes - 1 yes - 1
CBS frame offset (K) KforCTCH NWP This parameter defines the value of CBS fra 0...255, step 1 0 0 - 0 0 - 0
Maximum uplink power decrease in packet scheduling DeltaPrxMaxDown SOP Defines the maximum received uplink power de
0...5 dB, step 0.2 dB 3 dB 3 dB 15 3 dB 15
Maximum uplink power increase in packet scheduling DeltaPrxMaxUp SOP This parameter defines the maximum received
0...5 dB, step 0.2 dB 1.6 dB 1.6 dB 8 1.6 dB 8
Maximum downlink power decrease in packet scheduling DeltaPtxMaxDown SOP Defines the maximum transmitted downlink pow
0...5 dB, step 0.2 dB 3 dB 3 dB 15 3 dB 15
Maximum downlink power increase in packet scheduling DeltaPtxMaxUp SOP This parameter defines the maximum transmitt
0...5 dB, step 0.2 dB 1.6 dB 1.6 dB 8 1.6 dB 8
Directed RRC connection setup enabled DirectedRRCEnabled NWP The parameter enables/disables the use of diDRRC not enabled (0), DRRC enabled (1), D DRRC enabled (1) 1 - 1 1 - 1
Bit rate of the reference service DLreferenceBitRate NWP The parameter defines the downlink bit rate o0.01...16000 kbps, step 0.01 kbps 12.2 kbps 12.2 kbit/s 1220 12.2 kbit/s 1220
Downlink BLER target of the reference service DLreferenceTargetBLER NWP The parameter defines the downlink target BL-8...0, step 0.1 -2.2 -2.2 - -22 -2.2 - -22
Prx Margin for DRRC DRRCprxMargin SOP This parameter determines the threshold level-10...0 dB, step 0.1 dB 0 dB 0 dB 0 0 dB 0
Prx Offset for DRRC DRRCprxOffset SOP This parameter determines the threshold level-10...0 dB, step 0.1 dB -1 dB -1 dB -10 -1 dB -10
Ptx Margin for DRRC DRRCptxMargin SOP This parameter determines the threshold level-10...0 dB, step 0.1 dB -0.5 dB -0.5 dB -5 -0.5 dB -5
Ptx Offset for DRRC DRRCptxOffset SOP This parameter determines the threshold level-30...0 dB, step 0.1 dB -3 dB -3 dB -30 -3 dB -30
Identifier of Eb/No parameter set EbNoSetIdentifier NWP This parameter defines the identifier for a pa 1...15, step 1 1 1 - 1 1 - 1
Maximum allowed total data amount on FACH FachDataAllowedTotal NWP This parameter defines the maximum amount0ofbytes (0), 8 bytes (8), 16 bytes (16), 32 1 KB (1024) 1024 bytes 1024 1024 bytes 1024
Margin for FACH load for downlink channel type selection FachLoadMarginCCH NWP The margin for the total load of SCCPCH (FA 0...10 %, step 1 % 5% 5 % 5 5 % 5
Threshold for FACH load for downlink channel type selection FachLoadThresholdCCH NWP The threshold for the total load of SCCPCH ( 0...100 %, step 1 % 75 % 75 % 75 75 % 75
HCS priority level for a cell HCS_PRIO NWP This parameter defines the HCS priority level 0...7, step 1 0 0 - 0 0 - 0
Maximum Allowed DL User Bitrate in HHO HHoMaxAllowedBitrateDL NWP This parameter defines the bit rate threshol 32 kbps (32), 64 kbps (64), 128 kbps (128), 32 kbps (32) 32 kbit/s 32 32 kbit/s 32
Maximum Allowed UL User Bitrate in HHO HHoMaxAllowedBitrateUL NWP This parameter defines the bit rate threshol 32 kbps (32), 64 kbps (64), 128 kbps (128), 32 kbps (32) 32 kbit/s 32 32 kbit/s 32
HSDPA FMCG identifier HSDPAFmcgIdentifier NWP The parameter identifies the measurement co1...100, step 1 - 2 - 2 2 - 2
HSDPA FMCI identifier HSDPAFmciIdentifier NWP The parameter identifies the measurement co1...100, step 1 - 1 - 2 1 - 2
HSDPA FMCS identifier HSDPAFmcsIdentifier NWP The parameter identifies the measurement co1...100, step 1 - 2 - 2 2 - 2
HSDPA Capability HSDPAcapability - This parameter defines the HSDPA capability HSDPA
f capable (0), HSDPA non capable (1), - 0 - 0 0 - 0
HSDPA enabled HSDPAenabled NWP The parameter enables / disables the use of Disabled (0), Enabled (1) Disabled (0) 1 - 1 1 - 1
Operational HS-DSCH state HSDSCHOpState - The parameter is used for reporting the HSDPA
Enabled (0), Disabled (1), Not defined (255) Not defined (255) 0 - 0 0 - 0
Intra-frequency cell re-selection indicator IntraFreq_Cell_Reselect_Ind NWP Defines whether intra-frequency cell re-selectiAllowed (0), Not allowed (1) Allowed (0) Yes - 0 Yes - 0
Location area code LAC NWP This parameter contains the Location area co1...65535, step 1 - WCEL specific - WCEL specific WCEL specific - WCEL specific
Local cell resource identifier LcrId NWP The Local cell resource is an object, which co0...268435455, step 1 - WCEL specific - WCEL specific WCEL specific - WCEL specific
Maximum DL bit rate for PS domain NRT data MaxBitRateDLPSNRT NWP This parameter defines the maximum downlink
8 kbps (8), 16 kbps (16), 32 kbps (32), 64 k 384 kbps (384) 384 kbit/s 384 384 kbit/s 384
Maximum UL bit rate for PS domain NRT data MaxBitRateULPSNRT NWP This parameter defines the maximum uplink u8 kbps (8), 16 kbps (16), 32 kbps (32), 64 k 384 kbps (384) 384 kbit/s 384 384 kbit/s 384
Max Code Releases MaxCodeReleases SOP The parameter defines the maximum amount 1...65535,
of step 1 40 40 - 40 40 - 40
Compressed Mode: Maximum number of UEs MaxNumbUECMcoverHO NWP With this parameter is defined maximum numb
0...255, step 1 16 16 - 16 16 - 16
MHA used MHA NWP Parameter defines whether a negative power Offset not used (0), Offset used (1) Offset not used (0) WCEL specific - WCEL specific 0 - 0
Initial and minimum allowed bit rate in downlink MinAllowedBitRateDL NWP The parameter defines the minimum allowed bit
8 kbps (8), 16 kbps (16), 32 kbps (32), 64 k 32 kbps (32) 32 kbit/s 32 32 kbit/s 32
Initial and minimum allowed bit rate in uplink MinAllowedBitRateUL NWP The parameter defines the minimum allowed bit
8 kbps (8), 16 kbps (16), 32 kbps (32), 64 k 32 kbps (32) 32 kbit/s 32 32 kbit/s 32
N300 N300 SOP RRC CONNECTION REQUEST retransmission
coustep 1 3 3 - 3 5 - 5
N312 for connected mode N312Conn SOP This parameter defines the maximum number1of(0), 2 (1), 4 (2), 10 (3), 20 (4), 50 (5), 100 4 (2) 4 - 2 4 - 2
N312 N312 SOP This parameter defines the maximum number1of(0), 2 (1), 4 (2), 10 (3), 20 (4), 50 (5), 100 4 (2) 4 - 2 4 - 2
N313 N313 SOP This parameter defines the maximum number1of(0), 2 (1), 4 (2), 10 (3), 20 (4), 50 (5), 100 ( 20 (4) 20 - 4 20 - 4
N315 N315 SOP This parameter defines the maximum number1of(0), 50 (1), 100 (2), 200 (3), 400 (4), 600 (5) 1 (0) 1 - 0 1 - 0
Downlink NAS signalling volume threshold NASsignVolThrDL NWP This parameter defines downlink threshold for0 bytes (0), 8 bytes (1), 16 bytes (2), 32 by 1024 bytes. 1 KB (8) 1024 bytes 8 1024 bytes 8
Uplink NAS signalling volume threshold NASsignVolThrUL NWP This parameter defines uplink threshold for t 0 bytes (0), 8 bytes (1), 16 bytes (2), 32 by 1024 bytes. 1 KB (8) 1024 bytes 8 1024 bytes 8
Number of SCCPCHs NbrOfSCCPCHs NWP This parameter tells how many SCCPCHs will1...3, step 1 1 1 - 1 1 - 1
Maximum number of cell reselections NCr NWP This parameter defines the maximum number1...16,
of step 1 8 8 - 8 8 - 8
Period of CTCH allocation (N) NforCTCH NWP This parameter defines the period of CTCH a 1...256, step 1 2 2 - 2 2 - 2
NRT FMCG Identifier NrtFmcgIdentifier NWP This parameter identifies the Measurement C1...100, step 1 - 11 - 11 11 - 11
NRT FMCI Identifier NrtFmciIdentifier NWP This parameter identifies the Measurement Co
1...100, step 1 - 11 - 11 11 - 11
NRT FMCS Identifier NrtFmcsIdentifier NWP Identifies the Measurement Control Paramete1...100, step 1 - 11 - 11 11 - 11
Threshold for DL NRT DCH allocation time in enhanced overload control OCdlNrtDCHgrantedMinAllocT SOP This parameter defines the threshold for an 0...60 s, step 1 s 60 s 60 s 60 60 s 60
PBS granted min DCH allocation time equal priority PBSgrantedMinDCHallocTequalP SOP This parameter defines the minimum allocation
0...60 s, step 1 s 20 s 20 s 20 20 s 20
PBS granted min DCH allocation time higher priority PBSgrantedMinDCHallocThigherP SOP This parameter defines the minimum allocation
0...60 s, step 1 s 30 s 30 s 30 30 s 30
PBS granted min DCH allocation time lower priority PBSgrantedMinDCHallocTlowerP SOP This parameter defines the minimum allocation
0...60 s, step 1 s 15 s 15 s 15 15 s 15
Number of PI per frame PI_amount NWP The number of Page Indicators that can be p 18 (0), 36 (1), 72 (2), 144 (3) 72 (2) 72 - 2 72 - 2
Power offset for SCCPCH TFCI (15 ksps) PO1_15 NWP Defines the power offset for the TFCI symbols0...6 dB, step 0.25 dB 2 dB 2 dB 8 2 dB 8
Power offset for SCCPCH TFCI (30 ksps) PO1_30 NWP Defines the power offset for the TFCI symbols0...6 dB, step 0.25 dB 3 dB 3 dB 12 3 dB 12
Power offset for SCCPCH TFCI (60 ksps) PO1_60 NWP Defines the power offset for the TFCI symbols0...6 dB, step 0.25 dB 4 dB 4 dB 16 4 dB 16
Power offset for S-CCPCH Pilot bits (15 ksps) PO3_15 NWP - - - 2 dB 8 2 dB 8

09/19/2018 397508026.xls
3GIS RAN Parameter Baseline WCEL


Full Name Database Abbreviation Class
Definition Range & Step Nokia Default GUI value GUI Unit Data Base value GUI value GUI Unit Data Base value
Power offset for S-CCPCH Pilot bits (30 ksps) PO3_30 NWP - - - 3 dB 12 3 dB 12
Power offset for S-CCPCH Pilot bits (60 ksps) PO3_60 NWP - - - 4 dB 16 4 dB 16
Power offset last preamble and PRACH message PowerOffsetLastPreamblePRACHmessage NWP The power offset between the last transmitte -5...10 dB, step 1 dB 2 dB 2 dB 2 2 dB 2
Power ramp step on PRACH preamble PowerRampStepPRACHpreamble SOP The power ramp step on PRACH preamble when
1...8 dB, step 1 dB 2 dB 2 dB 2 2 dB 2
PRACH Preamble Retrans Max PRACH_preamble_retrans SOP The maximum number of preambles allowed in
1...64, step 1 8 8 - 8 8 - 8
Required received C/I on PRACH at WCDMA BTS PRACHRequiredReceivedCI SOP This UL required received C/I value is used -35...-10 dB, step 1 dB -25 dB -25 dB -25 -25 dB -25
PRACH scrambling code PRACHScramblingCode NWP The scrambling code for the preamble part a 0...15, step 1 0 0 - 0 0 - 0
Primary downlink scrambling code PriScrCode BAU Identifies the downlink scrambling code of t 0...511, step 1 - WCEL specific - WCEL specific WCEL specific - WCEL specific
Filtering Coefficient of PrxTotal measurement PrxMeasFilterCoeff SOP This parameter defines how measurement valu
0 (0), 1 (1), 2 (2), 3 (3), 4 (4), 5 (5), 6 (6), 7 2 (2) 2 - 2 2 - 2
Reporting period of Received total wideband power PrxTotalReportPeriod SOP This parameter defines the intervals at whi 200...60000 ms, step 100 ms 200 ms 200 ms 20 200 ms 20
Maximum allowed HSDPA power PtxMaxHSDPA SOP The parameter defines the maximum allowed0...50 dBm, step 0.1 dBm 37.8 dBm 39 dBm 390 37.8 dBm 378
Filtering Coefficient of PtxTotal measurement PtxMeasFilterCoeff SOP This parameter defines how measurement valu
0 (0), 1 (1), 2 (2), 3 (3), 4 (4), 5 (5), 6 (6), 7 2 (2) 2 - 2 2 - 2
Offset for transmitted non-HSDPA power PtxOffsetHSDPA SOP The target value of the transmitted non-HSD 0...6 dB, step 0.1 dB 0.8 dB 0.8 dB 8 0.8 dB 8
Target for transmitted non-HSDPA power PtxTargetHSDPA SOP Depending on the setting of the parameter HSD
-10...50 dBm, step 0.1 dBm 38.5 dBm 41.5 dBm 415 41.5 dBm 415
Reporting period of Transmitted carrier power PtxTotalReportPeriod SOP This parameter defines at which intervals N 200...60000 ms, step 100 ms 200 ms 200 ms 20 200 ms 20
Uplink noise level in BS digital receiver PrxNoise NWP Defines the noise level in the BTS digital rec -130...-50 dBm, step 0.1 dBm -101.9 dBm -101.9 dBm -1019 -101.9 dBm -1019
PrxNoise autotuning allowed PrxNoiseAutotuning NWP The autotuning algorithm of Uplink noise leveAutotuning algorithm off (0), Autotuning algor Autotuning algorithm on (1) Yes - 1 Yes - 1
Offset for received power PrxOffset SOP The target value of the total received power 0...6 dB, step 0.1 dB 1 dB 1 dB 10 1 dB 10
Target for received power PrxTarget SOP The target for received total wideband interfe 0...30 dB, step 0.1 dB 4 dB 4 dB 40 4 dB 40
Transmission power of the AICH channel PtxAICH NWP This is the transmission power of one Aquisit -22...5 dB, step 1 dB -8 dB -8 dB -8 -8 dB -8
Planned maximum downlink transmission power of a radio link PtxDLabsMax SOP The planned maximum downlink transmission-10...50
po dBm, step 0.1 dBm 37 dBm 37 dBm 370 37 dBm 370
Margin for total downlink transmission power for downlink channel type selec PtxMarginCCH NWP The margin for the total downlink transmissi 0...2 dB, step 0.1 dB 0.5 dB 0.5 dB 5 0.5 dB 5
Offset for transmitted power PtxOffset SOP The target value of the total transmitted pow 0...6 dB, step 0.1 dB 1 dB 1 dB 10 1 dB 10
Transmission power of the PICH channel PTxPICH NWP This is the transmission power of the PICH c -10...5 dB, step 1 dB -8 dB -8 dB -8 -8 dB -8
Transmission power of the primary CCPCH channel PtxPrimaryCCPCH NWP This is the transmission power of the primar -35...15 dB, step 0.1 dB -5 dB -5 dB -50 -5 dB -50
Transmission power of the primary CPICH channel PtxPrimaryCPICH BAU This is the transmission power of the primar -10...50 dBm, step 0.1 dBm 33 dBm 33 dBm 330 33 dBm 330
Transmission power of the primary SCH channel PtxPrimarySCH NWP This is the transmission power of the primar -35...15 dB, step 0.1 dB -3 dB -3 dB -30 -3 dB -30
Maximum transmitted code power of PS streaming RAB PtxPSstreamAbsMax NWP Planned maximum transmitted code power of-10...50
t dBm, step 0.1 dBm 37 dBm 37 dBm 370 37 dBm 370
Transmission power of the secondary SCH channel PtxSecSCH NWP This is the transmission power of the second -35...15 dB, step 0.1 dB -3 dB -3 dB -30 -3 dB -30
Tx power of S-CCPCH for PCH/FACH(s) or standalone FACH(s) PtxSCCPCH1 NWP This is the transmission power of the S-CC -35...15 dB, step 0.1 dB 0 dB 0 dB 0 0 dB 0
Tx power of S-CCPCH for Standalone PCH PtxSCCPCH2 NWP This is the transmission power of the S-CCP -35...15 dB, step 0.1 dB -5 dB -5 dB -50 -5 dB -50
Tx power of S-CCPCH for SAB PtxSCCPCH3 NWP This is the transmission power of the SCCPC-35...15 dB, step 0.1 dB -2 dB -2 dB -20 -2 dB -20
Target for transmitted power PtxTarget NWP This is the target value for total transmitte -10...50 dBm, step 0.1 dBm 40 dBm 43 dBm 430 43 dBm 430
Threshold for total downlink transmission power for downlink channel type se PtxThresholdCCH SOP This is the threshold for the total downlink -5...0 dB, step 0.1 dB -1 dB -1 dB -10 -1 dB -10
Quality threshold level for HCS QHCS NWP Quality threshold level (CPICH Ec/No) for appl-24...0 dB, step 0.5 dB -24 dB -24 dB 0 -24 dB 0
Cell reselection hysteresis 1 Qhyst1 BAU Qhyst1 is used for TDD and GSM cells, and fo0...40 dB, step 2 dB 0 dB 0 dB 0 0 dB 0
Cell reselection hysteresis 2 Qhyst2 BAU Qhyst2 is used for FDD cells when cell selec 0...40 dB, step 2 dB 2 dB 2 dB 1 2 dB 1
Minimum required quality level in the cell QqualMin SOP The minimum required quality level in the cel -24...0 dB, step 1 dB -18 dB -18 dB -18 -18 dB -18
Minimum required RX level in the cell. QrxlevMin SOP The minimum required RX level in the cell. No-119...-25 dBm, step 2 dBm -115 dBm -115 dBm -58 -115 dBm -58
Routing Area Code RAC NWP The routing area code determines the Routing0...255, step 1 - WCEL specific - WCEL specific WCEL specific - WCEL specific
Reporting period of Acknowledged PRACH Preambles RACHloadReportPeriod NWP This parameter defines at which intervals N 0...60000 ms, step 10 ms 1000 ms 1000 ms 100 1000 ms 100
Filtering Coefficient of PRACH measurement RACHmeasFilterCoeff NWP This parameter defines how the measurement0 (0), 1 (1), 2 (2), 3 (3), 4 (4), 5 (5), 6 (6), 7 11 (10) 11 - 10 11 - 10
RRC connection setup Retransmission Timer1 RRCconnRepTimer1 SOP The timer defines the waiting time for the r Not used (0), 100 ms (1), 200 ms (2), 300 ms 600 ms (6) 100 ms 1 100 ms 1
RRC connection setup Retransmission Timer2 RRCconnRepTimer2 SOP The timer defines the waiting time for the Not used (0), 800 ms (1), 900 ms (2), 1000 m 1200 ms (5) 1000 ms 3 1000 ms 3
Rx Diversity Indicator RxDivIndicator NWP This parameter defines whether one, two or f 1 antenna (0), 2 antennas (1), 4 antennas (2) 2 antennas (1) 2 antennas - 1 1 antennas - 0
RACH maximum number of preamble cycles RACH_tx_Max NWP Maximum number of RACH preamble cycles def
1...32, step 1 8 16 - 16 8 - 8
RACH random back-off upper bound RACH_Tx_NB01max NWP In case that a negative acknowledgement has0...50, step 1 50 50 - 50 50 - 50
RACH random back-off lower bound RACH_Tx_NB01min NWP In case that a negative acknowledgement has0...50, step 1 0 0 - 0 0 - 0
RACH Capacity RACHCapacity NWP The RACH Capacity parameter defines the HW
1 message (1), 2 messages (2), 3 messages 2 messages (2) 2 - 2 2 - 2
Margin for RACH load for downlink channel type selection RachLoadMarginCCH NWP The margin for the RACH load for downlink c 0...10 %, step 1 % 5% 5 % 5 5 % 5
Threshold for RACH load for downlink channel type selection RachLoadThresholdCCH NWP The threshold for the RACH load for downlin 0...100 %, step 1 % 75 % 75 % 75 75 % 75
Usage of Relocation Commit procedure in inter RNC HHO RelocComm_in_InterRNC_HHO NWP This parameter controls the usage of the RNSNot used (0), Used (1) Not used (0) Not used - 0 Not used - 0
RT FMCG Identifier RtFmcgIdentifier NWP This parameter identifies the Measurement C1...100, step 1 - 1 - 1 1 - 1
RT FMCI Identifier RtFmciIdentifier NWP This parameter identifies the Measurement Co
1...100, step 1 - 1 - 1 1 - 1
RT FMCS Identifier RtFmcsIdentifier NWP Identifies the Measurement Control Paramete1...100, step 1 - 1 - 1 1 - 1
Service Area Code SAC NWP The Service Area Identifier (SAI) identifies 0...65535, step 1 - WCEL specific - WCEL specific WCEL specific - WCEL specific
Service Area Code for SAB SACB NWP Service area code used in service area (cell) 0...65535, step 1 - WCEL specific - WCEL specific WCEL specific - WCEL specific
Sector Identifier SectorID NWP This parameter gives a unique identifier to a 0...12, step 1 0 0 - 0 0 - 0
Threshold for inter-RAT measurement rules in HCS SHCS_RAT NWP The RAT specific threshold for inter-RAT mea-1...91 dB, step 2 dB -1 dB -1 dB -1 -1 dB -1
Shutdown step amount for Forced Handover ShutdownStepAmount NWP The parameter indicates the number of steps 1...16, step 1 10 10 - 10 10 - 10
Cell power ramp down duration ShutdownWindow NWP Defines the cell power ramp down duration f 5...45 s, step 5 s 15 s 15 s 15 15 s 15
SIB7 expiration time factor SIB7factor NWP This parameter sets the SIB7 expiration timer1 (0), 2 (1), 4 (2), 8 (3), 16 (4), 32 (5), 64 (6) 1 (0) 1 - 0 1 - 0
Threshold for non-HCS interfrequency and for HCS measurement rules Sintersearch SOP The threshold for inter-frequency measureme0...20 dB, step 2 dB 8 dB 8 dB 4 8 dB 4
Threshold for non-HCS intrafrequency and for HCS measurement rules Sintrasearch SOP The threshold for intra-frequency measureme0...20 dB, step 2 dB 10 dB 10 dB 5 10 dB 5
Threshold for skipping inter-RAT measurement rules in HCS Slimit_SearchRAT SOP Threshold for skipping inter-RAT measuremen0...20 dB, step 2 dB 2 dB 2 dB 1 2 dB 1
Threshold for non-HCS inter-RAT measurement rules Ssearch_RAT SOP The RAT-specific threshold for inter-RAT mea0...20 dB, step 2 dB 4 dB 4 dB 2 4 dB 2
Threshold for intra- and interfrequency measurement rules in HCS SsearchHCS SOP Threshold for intra- and interfrequency measu-1...91 dB, step 2 dB -1 dB -1 dB -1 -1 dB -1
T300 T300 SOP The RRC CONNECTION REQUEST retransmission
100 ms (0), 200 ms (1), 400 ms (2), 600 ms ( 2000 ms (10) 2000 ms 10 1000 ms 5
T312 for connected mode T312Conn SOP The timer for supervising successful establi 1...15 s, step 1 s 1s 1 s 1 1 s 1
Time of Arrival Window Endpoint for common channels ToAWE_CCH NWP This parameter defines the ending point of 0...10 ms, step 1 ms 10 ms 10 ms 10 10 ms 10
Time of Arrival Window Startpoint for common channels ToAWS_CCH NWP This parameter defines the starting point fo 0...199 ms, step 1 ms 25 ms 25 ms 25 25 ms 25
T312 T312 SOP The timer for supervising successful establis 1...15 s, step 1 s 6s 6 s 6 6 s 6
T313 T313 SOP The radio link failure timer (MS timer). This 0...15 s, step 1 s 3s 3 s 3 3 s 3
T315 T315 SOP The RRC connection re-establishment timer fo
0 s (0), 10 s (1), 30 s (2), 60 s (3), 180 s (4), 180 s (4) 180 s 4 180 s 4

09/19/2018 397508026.xls
3GIS RAN Parameter Baseline WCEL


Full Name Database Abbreviation Class
Definition Range & Step Nokia Default GUI value GUI Unit Data Base value GUI value GUI Unit Data Base value
Cell barred period TBarred NWP When the cell is barred, the UE must check be
10 s (0), 20 s (1), 40 s (2), 80 s (3), 160 s (4) 40 s (2) 40 s 2 40 s 2
Frame timing offset of a cell Tcell NWP Each cell in a BTS uses a System Frame Numbe
0 chips (0), 256 chips (1), 512 chips (2), 768 - - - - - - -
Evaluating period for amount of cell reselections TCrmax NWP The duration for evaluating the allowed amoun
Not used (0), 30 s (1), 60 s (2), 120 s (3), 180 60 s (2) 60 s 2 60 s 2
Hysteresis to revert from UE high-mobility measurements TCrmaxHyst NWP Cell reselection hysteresis for reverting fr Not used (0), 10 s (1), 20 s (2), 30 s (3), 40 s Not used (0) 0 s 0 0 s 0
Time of Arrival Window Endpoint for common channels ToAWE_CCH NWP This parameter defines the ending point of 0...10 ms, step 1 ms 10 ms 10 ms 10 10 ms 10
Time of Arrival Window Startpoint for common channels ToAWS_CCH NWP This parameter defines the starting point fo 0...199 ms, step 1 ms 25 ms 25 ms 25 25 ms 25
Downlink traffic volume measurement low threshold TrafVolThresholdDLLow NWP This parameter defines, in bytes, the thres 0 bytes (0), 8 bytes (8), 16 bytes (16), 32 by 128 bytes (128) 128 bytes 128 128 bytes 128
Cell reselection triggering time Treselection BAU The UE triggers the reselection of a new cell i0...31 s, step 1 s 2s 0 s 0 2 s 2
UTRA Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number UARFCN NWP The carrier frequency is designated by the 0...16383, step 1 - 10662 - 10662 10662 - 10662
Maximum UE transmission power on DPCH UEtxPowerMaxDPCH NWP This parameter defines the maximum transmis
-50...33 dBm, step 1 dBm 24 dBm 24 dBm 24 24 dBm 24
Maximum UE transmission power on PRACH UEtxPowerMaxPRACH NWP This parameter defines the maximum transmiss
-50...33 dBm, step 1 dBm 21 dBm 21 dBm 21 21 dBm 21
URA identity 1 URAId1 NWP The URA identity is the identity of the UTRA 1...65535 - 1 - 1 1 - 1
URA identity 2 URAId2 NWP The URA identity is the identity of the UTRA 1...65535 - Not defined - -1 Not defined - -1
URA identity 3 URAId3 NWP The URA identity is the identity of the UTRA 1...65535 - Not defined - -1 Not defined - -1
URA identity 4 URAId4 NWP The URA identity is the identity of the UTRA 1...65535 - Not defined - -1 Not defined - -1
URA identity 5 URAId5 NWP The URA identity is the identity of the UTRA 1...65535 - Not defined - -1 Not defined - -1
URA identity 6 URAId6 NWP The URA identity is the identity of the UTRA 1...65535 - Not defined - -1 Not defined - -1
URA identity 7 URAId7 NWP The URA identity is the identity of the UTRA 1...65535 - Not defined - -1 Not defined - -1
URA identity 8 URAId8 NWP The URA identity is the identity of the UTRA 1...65535 - Not defined - -1 Not defined - -1
Use of HCS UseOfHCS NWP This parameter indicates whether the serving Not used (0), Used (1) Not used (0) No - 0 No - 0
UTRAN DRX cycle length UTRAN_DRX_length NWP The DRX cycle length used by UTRAN to count
80 ms (3), 160 ms (4), 320 ms (5), 640 ms (6 320 ms (5) 320 ms 5 320 ms 5
Change origin WCELChangeOrigin - The parameter defines the origin of the last coNot defined (0), Network originated configura - - - - - - -
CS Core Network Identity WCELCSCNId NWP Describes the Core Network Identity of the C 0...4095, step 1 - 1 - 1 - - -
PS Core Network Identity WCELPSCNId NWP Describes the Core Network Identity of the C 0...4095, step 1 65535 2 - 2 65535 - 65535
Mobile Country Code WCELMCC NWP Unique country identification. MCC consists o0...999, step 1 - 424 - 424 424 - 424
Mobile Network Code WCELMNC NWP Unique network identification within country. 0...999, step 1 - 3 - 3 3 - 3
Mobile Network Code Length WCELMNCLength NWP This parameter defines whether 2 or 3 digits 2...3, step 1 2 2 - 2 2 - 2
RNC Identifier RNCId NWP A unique identification for an RNC node withi 0...4095, step 1 - WCEL specific - WCEL specific WCEL specific - WCEL specific
WBTS Identifier WBTSId NWP This parameter identifies the WBTS uniquely 1...65534, step 1 - WCEL specific - WCEL specific WCEL specific - WCEL specific
Administrative Cell State AdminCellState BAU Each logical cell recource in the RNC has an 0...1 1 WCEL specific - WCEL specific WCEL specific - WCEL specific
Default downlink AMR modes for cell AMRmodeDL NWP The parameter defines the default AMR modes
1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128 1 - - - - - -
Default uplink AMR modes for cell AMRmodeUL NWP The parameter defines the default AMR modes
1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128 1 - - - - - -
RACH normal load threshold BS RACHnormalLoadBS NWP This parameter defines the threshold when R0...100, 1% 100 - - - - - -
RACH overload threshold BS RACHoverloadBS NWP This parameter defines the threshold when R0...100, 1% 100 - - - - - -
Mode specific info:
System Information Block 3 Compmask 1 Sib3CompMask1 NWP SIB3Compmask2: - 94 - - - - - -
-Sintrasearch (Optional)
System Information Block 3 Compmask 2 Sib3CompMask2 NWP - 0 - - - - - -
Rat_list is not a parameter itself. It is a list of the following set of parameters:
- bit 0: Mandatory, always 1 (HCS_PRIOserving)
System Information Block 3 Compmask 5 Sib3CompMask3 NWP - 7 - - - - - -
- bit 1: Mandatory, always 1 (QHCS_serving)
System Information Block 3 Compmask 3 Sib3CompMask4 NWP - Bit 0: Conditional, (NCr, if HCS is not used then this IE is not allowed - and bit is set to 0) 3 - - - - - -
- bit 0: Mandatory, always 1
System Information Block 3 Compmask 4 Sib3CompMask5 NWP - bit 1: Mandatory, always 1 (Ssearch_RAT) - 15 - - - - - -
-- bit
bit 0:
2: Mandatory, always 1 (CellBarred)
Optional (SHCS_RAT)
System Information Block 3 Compmask 6 Sib3CompMask6 NWP - bit 1: Mandatory, always 1 (CellReserved) - 11 - - - - - -
- bit 2: Mandatory, always 0
Uplink traffic volume measurement low threshold TrafVolThresholdULLow NWP This parameter defines, in bytes, the thre 8...1024 128 - - - - - -
- BL-WBTS (blocked because the BTS has sent disabled state information, B)
WCDMA Cell Operational State WCELstate - 0...221 1 - - - working - 1
- BL-SHUTDOWN (blocked because the BTS is shutting down, H)
Time stamp day WBTSDay - Parameter identifies the day when the WBTS 1...31 o day, step 1 day - - - - - - -
Time stamp hours WBTSHours - Parameter identifies the hour of time when t 0...23 hour, step 1 hour - - - - - - -
Parameter identifies the hundreths of seconds of time when the RNC object was modified the last time.
Time stamp hundredths of second RNChundreths - 0...99, step 0.01s - - - - - - -
The value for the parameter cannot be modified by the user.
Time stamp minutes WBTSMinutes - Parameter identifies the minutes of time whe 0...59 minute(s), step 1 minute(s) - - - - - - -
Time stamp month WBTSMonth - Parameter identifies the month when the WBTS
1...12 month, step 1 month - - - - - - -
Time stamp seconds WBTSSeconds - Parameter identifies the seconds of time whe 0...59 second(s), step 1 second(s) - - - - - - -
Time stamp year WBTSYear - Parameter identifies the year when the WBTS1980...2100 year, step 1 year - - - - - - -
Name Name - The name of managed object - - - - - - - -

09/19/2018 397508026.xls
3GIS RAN Parameter Baseline; ADJS


Full Name Database Abbreviation Class
Definition Range & Step Nokia Default GUI value GUI Unit Data base value GUI value GUI Unit Data base value
Change Origin ADJSChangeOrigin - The parameter defines the origin of the last conNot defined (0), Network originated configurat - - - - - - -
Cell Identifier AdjsCI - An intra-frequency neighbour cell is identified 1...65535, step 1 - ADJS Specific - ADJS Specific ADJS Specific - ADJS Specific
Primary CPICH power AdjsCPICHTxPwr - This parameter indicates the transmission pow-10...50 dBm, step 0.1 dBm - 33 dBm 330 33 dBm 330
Disable Effect on Reporting Range AdjsDERR BAU This parameter indicates whether the neighbouri
No (0), Yes (1) No (0) 0 - 0 0 - 0
CPICH Ec/No Offset AdjsEcNoOffset BAU The CPICH Ec/No Offset determines an offset -10...10
v dB, step 0.5 dB 0 dB 0 - 0 0 - 0
Location Area Code AdjsLAC - The PLMN Identifier and the Location Area Cod1...65535, step 1 - - - - - - -
Mobile Country Code AdjsMCC - An intra-frequency neighbour cell is identifie 0...999, step 1 - 424 - 424 424 - 424
Mobile Network Code AdjsMNC - An intra-frequency neighbour cell is identifie 0...999, step 1 - 3 - 3 3 - 3
Mobile Network Code Length AdjsMNCLength - This parameter defines whether 2 or 3 digits 2 (2), 3 (3) 2 (2) 2 - 2 2 - 2
Routing Area Code AdjsRAC - The Location Area (LAI) and the Routing Area 0...255, step 1 - - - - - - -
RNC Identifier AdjsRNCid - An intra-frequency neighbour cell is identifie 1...4095, step 1 - - - - - - -
Primary Scrambling Code AdjsScrCode - The downlink scrambling code of the Primary 0...511, step 1 - - - - - - -
Include in System Information AdjsSIB NWP The parameter indicates whether the intra-fre No (0), Yes (1) Yes (1) Yes - 1 Yes - 1
Tx Diversity Indicator AdjsTxDiv NWP This parameter indicates whether the Primary Tx Diversity not used (0), Tx Diversity in use ( Tx Diversity not used (0) 0 - 0 0 - 0
Maximum UE TX Power on RACH AdjsTxPwrRACH NWP This parameter indicates the maximum transmis
-50...33 dBm, step 1 dBm - 21 dBm 21 21 dBm 21
HSDPA HOPS identifier HSDPAHopsIdentifier NWP The parameter identifies the parameter set (H 1...100, step 1 - 2 - 2 2 - 2
NRT HOPS Identifier NrtHopsIdentifier NWP This parameter defines the parameter set (HOP
1...100, step 1 - 11 - 11 11 - 11
RT HOPS Identifier RtHopsIdentifier NWP This parameter defines the parameter set (HOP
1...100, step 1 - 1 - 1 1 - 1
WBTS Identifier WBTSId - This parameter identifies the WBTS uniquely u1...65534, step 1 - ADJS Specific - ADJS Specific ADJS Specific - ADJS Specific
Local cell resource identifier LcrId - The Local cell resource is an object, which con0...268435455, step 1 - ADJS Specific - ADJS Specific ADJS Specific - ADJS Specific
Intra-Frequency ADJ Identification ADJSId - Identification of ADJS (Intra-Frequency Adjac 1...31,step 1 - - - - - - -
Target Cell DN targetCellDN - Pointer to the adjacency target WCEL or EWCE - - ADJS Specific - ADJS Specific ADJS Specific - ADJS Specific
Name Name - The name of managed object - - - - - - - -
RNC Identifier RNCId NWP A unique identification for an RNC node within 0...4095, step 1 - ADJS Specific - ADJS Specific ADJS Specific - ADJS Specific

09/19/2018 397508026.xls
3GIS RAN Parameter Baseline; ADJG


Full Name Database Abbreviation Class
Definition Range & Step Nokia Default GUI value GUI Unit Data base value GUI value GUI Unit Data base value
Band Indicator AdjgBandIndicator - This parameter indicates how to interp GSM 450/480/850/900/900E/1800 band us - ADJG Specific - ADJG Specific ADJG Specific - ADJG Specific
Base Station Colour Code AdjgBCC - Base Station Identity Code (BSIC) is 0...7, step 1 - ADJG Specific - ADJG Specific ADJG Specific - ADJG Specific
BCCH ARFCN AdjgBCCH - Contains the absolute RF channel numb0...1023, step 1 - ADJG Specific - ADJG Specific ADJG Specific - ADJG Specific
Change Origin ADJGChangeOrigin - The parameter defines the origin of the lNot defined (0), Network originated config - - - - - - -
Cell Identifier AdjgCI - A GSM neighbour cell is identified with 1...65535, step 1 - ADJG Specific - ADJG Specific ADJG Specific - ADJG Specific
Inter-system adjacency identifier ADJGId - Identification of inter-system adjacenc 0...31, step 1 - ADJG Specific - ADJG Specific ADJG Specific - ADJG Specific
Location Area Code AdjgLAC - The PLMN Identifier and Location Area 1...65535, step 1 - ADJG Specific - ADJG Specific ADJG Specific - ADJG Specific
Mobile Country Code AdjgMCC NWP A GSM neighbour cell is identified with 0...999, step 1 - 424 - 424 424 - 424
Mobile Network Code AdjgMNC NWP A GSM neighbour cell is identified with 0...999, step 1 - 3 - 3 3 - 3
Mobile Network Code Length AdjgMNCLength NWP This parameter defines whether 2 or 3 2 (2), 3 (3) 2 (2) 2 - 2 2 - 2
Network Colour Code AdjgNCC - Base Station Identity Code (BSIC) is 0...7, step 1 - ADJG Specific - ADJG Specific ADJG Specific - ADJG Specific
Include in System Information AdjgSIB NWP The parameter indicates whether the GSNo (0), Yes (1) Yes (1) Yes - 1 Yes - 1
Maximum UE TX Power on RACH AdjgTxPwrMaxRACH NWP This parameter indicates the maximum t0...33 dBm, step 1 dBm - 33 dBm 33 33 dBm 33
Maximum UE TX Power on TCH AdjgTxPwrMaxTCH NWP This parameter indicates the maximum t0...43 dBm, step 1 dBm - 33 dBm 33 33 dBm 33
NRT HOPG Identifier NrtHopgIdentifier NWP Defines the parameter set (HOPG object1...100, step 1 - 11 - 11 11 - 11
RT HOPG Identifier RtHopgIdentifier NWP Defines the parameter set (HOPG object1...100, step 1 - 1 - 1 1 - 1
Target Cell DN targetCellDN - Pointer to the adjacency target GSM ce - - ADJG Specific - ADJG Specific ADJG Specific - ADJG Specific
Name Name - The name of managed object - - - - - - - -
RNC Identifier RNCId NWP A unique identification for an RNC node 0...4095, step 1 - ADJG Specific - ADJG Specific ADJG Specific - ADJG Specific
WBTS Identifier WBTSId NWP This parameter identifies the WBTS uniq1...65534, step 1 - ADJG Specific - ADJG Specific ADJG Specific - ADJG Specific
Local cell resource identifier LcrId - The Local cell resource is an object, wh 0...268435455, step 1 - ADJG Specific - ADJG Specific ADJG Specific - ADJG Specific

09/19/2018 397508026.xls
3GIS RAN Parameter Baseline; ADJI


Full Name Database Abbreviation Class
Definition Range & Step Nokia Default GUI value GUI Unit Data base value GUI value GUI Unit Data base value
Change Origin ADJIChangeOrigin - The parameter defines the origin of thNot defined (0), Network originated c - - - - - - -
Cell Identifier AdjiCI - An inter-frequency neighbour cell is i 1...65535, step 1 - ADJI Specific - ADJI Specific ADJI Specific - ADJI Specific
Primary CPICH power AdjiCPICHTxPwr - This parameter indicates the transmi -10...50 dBm, step 0.1 dBm - ADJI Specific dBm ADJI Specific ADJI Specific dBm ADJI Specific
Inter-frequency adjacency identifier ADJIId - Identification of ADJI (Inter-Freque 0...47, step 1 - ADJI Specific - ADJI Specific ADJI Specific - ADJI Specific
Location Area Code AdjiLAC - PLMN Identifier and Location Area Co1...65535, step 1 - ADJI Specific - ADJI Specific ADJI Specific - ADJI Specific
Mobile Country Code AdjiMCC NWP An inter-frequency neighbour cell is 0...999, step 1 - 424 - 424 424 - 424
Mobile Network Code AdjiMNC NWP Description An inter-frequency neigh 0...999, step 1 - 3 - 3 3 - 3
Mobile Network Code Length AdjiMNCLength NWP This parameter defines whether 2 or 2 (2), 3 (3) 2 2 - 2 2 - 2
Routing Area Code AdjiRAC - Location Area (LAI) and Routing Area0...255, step 1 - ADJI Specific - ADJI Specific ADJI Specific - ADJI Specific
RNC Identifier AdjiRNCid - An inter-frequency neighbour cell is 1...4095, step 1 - ADJI Specific - ADJI Specific ADJI Specific - ADJI Specific
Primary Scrambling Code AdjiScrCode - Defines the downlink scrambling code0...511, step 1 - ADJI Specific - ADJI Specific ADJI Specific - ADJI Specific
Include in System Information AdjiSIB NWP This parameter indicateThis parameteNo (0), Yes (1) Yes (1) 1 - 1 1 - 1
Tx Diversity Indicator AdjiTxDiv NWP Indicates, whether the Primary CPICHTx Diversity not used (0), Tx Diversity Tx Diversity not used (0) 0 - 0 0 - 0
Maximum UE TX Power on DPCH AdjiTxPwrDPCH NWP This parameter indicates the maximum
-50...33 dBm, step 1 dBm - - dBm - - dBm -
Maximum UE TX Power on RACH AdjiTxPwrRACH NWP This parameter indicates the maximum
-50...33 dBm, step 1 dBm - - dBm - - dBm -
UARFCN AdjiUARFCN - This parameter defines the UTRA abs0...16383, step 1 - - - - - - -
NRT HOPI Identifier NrtHopiIdentifier NWP This parameter defines the parameter1...100, step 1 - 11 - 11 11 - 11
RT HOPI Identifier RtHopiIdentifier NWP This parameter defines the parameter1...100, step 1 - 1 - 1 1 - 1

09/19/2018 397508026.xls

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