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Topic Journal Name Volume and Justification of selecting topics

issue number
Examining diversity beliefs Cross Cultural & Volume 25 and This article has been selected to look at a
and leader performance Strategic Issue 3 subordinate view of a pioneers conviction about
across cultures Management assorted variety at work environment and how
that identifies with a pioneers execution.
Intra-national diversity: Cross Cultural & Volume 25 and This article has been selected to examine the
Perception of Strategic Issue 3 effect of hierarchical equity on the moral
organizational justice and Management atmosphere in associations in Serbia.
ethical climate in
organizations in Serbia
Thinking style across Cross Cultural & Volume 24 and This article has been selected to increase a few
cultures: an interview with Strategic Issue 1 experiences from a main researcher of the
Richard Nisbett Management multifaceted intellectual social brain science field
on how social contrasts are surrounded in
culturally diverse administration explore.
Cross-cultural Cross Cultural & Volume 24 and This article has been selected to creation is
management education Strategic Issue 1 testing in light of the fact that these
rebooted: Creating positive Management circumstances are ordinarily mind boggling
value through scientific because of contrasts in social qualities, customs,
mindfulness social practices, and foundations, for example,
legitimate standards.
Competitive dynamics: Cross Cultural & Volume 23 and This article has been selected to look at a
Eastern roots, Western Strategic Issue 3 comprehension of obvious divisions, for example,
growth Management East and West, theory and sociologies, and
vestige and advancement, and to proceed with
the energetic extension of focused elements
examine into the domain of East-West
hypothetical combination.
Structural holes, Management Volume 56 and This article has been selected to analyze the roles
exploratory innovation and Decision Issue 8 of structural holes on exploratory innovation and
exploitative innovation exploitative innovation.
Impact of control on Management Volume 56 and This article has been selected to examine the
innovation: the case of Decision Issue 7 connection between authoritative control and
franchising development.
Organizational learning Management Volume 56 and This article has been selected to look at the
capability and open Decision Issue 6 association between legitimate control and
innovation improvement.
Oil companies, social Management Volume 55 and This article has been selected to center around
responsibility and CSP: Decision Issue 10 the impact of financial and social variables and
combining actions and their effect on corporate social execution (CSP)
profiles (Clarkson, 1995) inside creating and develop
Using transaction cost Management Volume 54 and This article has been selected to utilize the
economics to explain open Decision Issue 9 exchange cost point of view to distinguish which
innovation in start-ups conditions cause organizations to pick between
outbound open advancement (progressive
system administration) and inbound open
development (showcase administration).

Teaching Social Academy of Volume 11 and This article has been selected to attract from
Entrepreneurship and Management issue 4, writings geology and human studies to offer a
Innovation From the Learning & place-based viewpoint that we accept advances
Perspective of Place and Education our comprehension of social setting and gives
Place Making new ways to deal with instructing the subject.
Educating the Minds of Academy of Volume 11 and This article has been selected to developing
Caring Hearts: Comparing Management issue 3 enthusiasm for this area, little is thought about
the Views of Practitioners Learning & what abilities are required for progress as a social
and Educators on the Education business visionary.
Importance of Social
Social Learning and Social Academy of Volume 11 and This article has been selected to provide create
Entrepreneurship Management issue 3 intelligent reasoning and networks of training to
Education Learning & prepare social business people for their one of a
Education kind conditions.
Economics Education and Academy of Volume 10 and This article has been selected to using three
Greed Management issue 4 multiple methods.
Learning &
Mentoring Impact on Academy of Volume 10 and This article has been selected to examined a
Leader Efficacy Management issue 3 targeted mentorship program.
Development: A Field Learning &
Experiment Education
A THEORY OF SUBGROUPS Academy of Volume 37 and This article has been selected to incorporate
IN WORK TEAMS Management issue 3 research on assorted variety, and intergroup
Review procedures to build up a hypothesis made out of
a typology of subgroups and a delineation of the
development, procedures, and results related
with subgroups.
ORGANIZATION DESIGN: Academy of Volume 37 and This article has been selected to resulting about
THE EPISTEMIC Management issue 3 requirement for prescient learning as a reason for
INTERDEPENDENCE Review understanding data preparing prerequisites in
PERSPECTIVE associations and the suggestions for association
UNDERSTANDING Academy of Volume 37 and This article has been selected to build up a
ATTRIBUTIONS OF Management issue 2 hypothetical point of view that unequivocally
CORPORATE SOCIAL Review centers around flightiness and that especially
IRRESPONSIBILITY clarifies attributions of social untrustworthiness
in the psyches of the company's spectators.
INTEGRATING EMOTIONS Academy of Volume 37 and This article has been selected to build up a
INTO THE ANALYSIS OF Management issue 1 structure that coordinates feelings and their
INSTITUTIONAL WORK Review association with control, and we offer a typology
of communications between the enthusiastic and
psychological precursors of institutional support,
disturbance, and creation.
HOW CONTRASTIVE Academy of Volume 36 and This article has been selected to explanation can
EXPLANATION FACILITATES Management issue 2 help hierarchical specialists in making,
THEORY BUILDING Review expanding, and developing their speculations
through offering appropriate contrastive
conversation starters.

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