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Flight component document

● This is a Joomla extension that has been used by many airline and company. It will help
company easy manage flights, reservation, passenger, customer and many things about airline.
● We also can share permission for agent then agent can join to manage system together.
● Moreover you also can use the extension to manage other transport service like: boat tour,
shuttle,... or something that need destinations, route between the destinations and price per day
for each route. Just need to change the language file to fit with the service you want. If you have
any questions, do not be shy, call us at
● Any customize require, please contact us in

Display search flight box (module)
Change Layout of Flights search result page
Change limit of passenger at search module
How to book an order
Create Agent Group
Register user
Test the agent account (administrator):
Set authorization for agent
Flights manager
Create a oneway flight
Create roundtrip flight
Add daily rate for a flight
Edit fare for specific day
Email settings:
Setup email for system
Setup email template
Create addons
Add addons for flights
Passengers report
Main setting
Customer field
Passenger field
Create article
Create hidden menu
Category link to the hidden menu item
Link to an article from module

How to install payment options
How to add new language

Display search flight box (module)
1. Login backend site.
2. Go to module manager section

3. Filter by “Jb flight search” type and we can see jbflight search modules.

4. After that click to edit it.

5. At tab module, setting the position where module is displayed. Notice that we must choose a
position of current template.

6. Go to tab “flight”

a. Search result page: where search result display. We should create a hidden menu and
select it. Example it is “search” menu at below image.
To create a hidden menu please go to: Create hidden menu. The purpose of this work is
create a page that have not anything like news, module,... it show only flight search
b. Layout: layout of module.
c. Child option: Hiden or show child select box.
d. Infant option: Hiden or show Infant select box.

7. Go to tab “Menu assignment”. Set up page allow the module display.

Setup like below image.

Default is home page, if you want to show the module both home page and search result page like
below image then choose both menu “home” and menu “search”. Menu “search” is hidden menu what
we mention at step 5.
Note: If you want the module display at other position at search result page then clone the module “jb
flight search” and select your position at tab “module” and select only menu “search” at tab “menu
assignment”. There is an easier way to do that is select other layout of search result page in
configuration of jbflight component.

8. We do not need to care tab “module permission” and “advance”. So please save the setting and

Change Layout of Flights search result page
From version 2.4.7 of Jbflight component we can change the layout of flight search result. We can go to
configuration and select one of options at field “Search result layout” to change it.
Now we had below options:

Group by Airline and Class

Group by Airline and class without Calendar

Group by Airline and Class and calendar for available date(recommend)

Change limit of passenger at search module

1. Go into jbflight search module -> go to tab “flight”. See Display search flight box (module) for
more details.

Change adult limit, children limit and infants limit.

How to book an order

1. Choose destination at flight search module. The destinations display only for publish flight at
flight manager

2. Choose a flight

- Only flights what have rate for the day are displayed. To add rate for the flight at the day
please go to Add flight rate
- We have 3 price types, they are: base price, economy and business. We can disable one of
them by go to Configuration
- In order to remove return flight, pressing “remove” button.
- Press button “continue”.

3. Fill passenger and customer information.

- Choose addon for the flight if you want. To manage addon go to Addon
- Fill in your passenger information. To show or hide a field, go to Passenger field
- Fill in customer information.

- We can click “auto fill” button to quick fill information base on first passenger info. To show or
hide customer field, go to Customer field.
- Click button “continue”.
4. Choose a pay method and continue, if we choose paypal method then I have a test account and
you can use it to test:

- If we have coupon code then add the code and click beside button “submit”. To mange coupon
code go to Coupons
- If we want to add more payment options like “Payment offline” or “Paypal”, please go to How to
install payment options
- To change “terms and conditions” content, please add an article and link it to Display
- Notice that the order has been saved at the step and we can see it at backend( Bookings )
without finishing payment step but the order have pay status and order status is NOT PAID and
PENDING, it mean it has not been charged.
5. After finish payment step, then an email is sent to customer and we can check the order right
after that.
- Email content can be changed at Email settings:
- Remember the ticket number and check with agent before flight.

We can click “print” button to show the ticket, or copy booking number (ex: 855825) and go to menu
“My ticket” to find the ticket.

Create Agent Group
1. Go to Users -> Groups -> Add New Group
2. Type the group name is Agent, group parent is not important, but should be Public

3. Go to Global configuration

4. Choose tab Permission and Agent group, then setup like below image:

5. Save. Now we done with Joomla group user, next step is assign joomla group to bookpro
6. Go to Bookpro component and click menu “Configuration”.

7. Choose tab “Account setting”

8. At the field “Agent user group” choose Agent, It is group what we just created.
9. Finally save.

Create Agent account

1. Go to Jbflight component -> Customer

2. Press “NEW” button
3. In “customer group” please choose Agent.
4. Fill in email, name, password, station for the agent. Notice that the email will be username for
the account.

Test the agent account (administrator):

Login admin site:

Front end site

Set authorization for agent
Finally, we have to set authorise for specific agent:
1. First, going to: Admin site, then choose JBflight then Customer/Agents like below image:

2. In Customer manager view, we notice that

3. For example, I choose an agent

Each agent will have agent setting section, click to the place to config her authorise:

Flights manager
Manage flight

Flight has no rate will have red color

Create a oneway flight

1. Go to flight menu.
2. Press New button then flight input form appears.

3. Fill in mandatory field from location, to location, flight number, airline, Depature time, arrive time.
Select addon to add extra service for the flight.
Base seat, eco seat, bus seat is default seat, real available seat will be set when add rate for flight by
4. Click save and close.
5. Add rate for the flight with date to publish it to search. See Add rate to learn about it.

Create roundtrip flight

Example a roundtrip flight from A to B. Visitor search roundtrip flight from A to B.

1. Creating a flight from A to B.

2. Creating a flight from B to A.

3. Adding daily rate for route 101 ( A -> B )

Now if we search roundtrip flight from A->B the result will be:

4. Adding daily rate for route 102 ( B -> A )

Notice that flight 102 ( B -> A ) will be found as return flight when searching from A -> B so the price of
roundtrip column will be calculated.
After the step, when we search the flight result will be:

5. Finished!

Notice: with the roundtrip flight we can search flight from B->A

Add daily rate for a flight

Flight rate view appear

Choose start date and end date of period for flight. (we can choose specific day of week in “week day”)

Fill in rate in Price section. If a daily rate has been added before and it existed in log then default button will
appear to fill in price and week day automatically.

If economy price is enable at configuration then “Economy price” will appear to set Eco price for flight.
One way column: price of the flight if visitor find correct depature airport and arrival airport.
Roundtrip column: price of the flight if visitor find with opposite depature and arrival airport, the flight appeas
as return flight.
Adult price, children price, Infant price: price match with types.
Seat: Total seat of the rate. Notice that each package (BASE, ECO, BUSSINESS) have different seat.

Edit fare for specific day

Click “Edit rate” button of the a day

Email settings:

Setup email for system

You have to config your joomla system email to make your website can send email.
1. Log into your Joomla admin dashboard
2. Click Global Configuration in the left menu
3. Next to Site and System, click the Server tab towards the top of the page
4. Find the heading labeled Mail Settings. Fill in the appropriate details underneath, and then click
the Save button in the top left of the page.
5. Joomla 3.0 gives the following description for each email setting:

Mailer: SMTP Server

Mail from: your email account (the one from which you want to send emails)
From Name: your name or company name
Sendmail Path: /usr/bin/sendmail
SMTP Authentication: select Yes if you want to send it authenticated, No if you don't
SMTP Security: select the type of security (SSL or none)
SMTP Port: 25 or 465 (if you want to know more check our article about SMTP ports)
SMTP Username: your email address on the server's domain
SMTP Password: your password
SMTP Host: your SMTP hostname. If you don't know it, have a look at our handy list of the major
SMTP host settings

After that the system can send email, if you try to send an email then message “SMTP Error” it mean
your SMTP configuration is not correct or your email does not allow to use from 3rd party, you have to
try correct your configuration or login to your email to allow it to use from 3rd party.

Setup email template

- Choose “Flight Manager” to edit.

- “Basic configuration” tab: Information outside.
- “Email configuration” tab:
- Email send from : who send mail
- Email send from name: Name of Fromname
- Email customer subject: Subject mail what customer receive
- Email customer body: Content mail
- Email admin: Email of admin who also is sent an email
- Email admin subject: Subject of admin email
- Email admin subject body: Content of admin email
- Some regular string:

String Replace

{email}, {firstname}, Customer information

{lastname}, {address},
{city}, {gender}, {telephone},
{states}, {zip}, {country}

{customer} Full name of customer

{agent_name} Full name of agent

{order_number} Ticket number

{total} Total fare
{note} Customer note
{payment_status} Payment status
{deposit} Deposit of customer
{pay_method} Payment method
{created} Create day of reservation
{order_status} Order status
{order_link} Ticket link

{tripdetail} Information of the flight

{passenger} Information of all passenger

{customer_agent} Information of customer and agent

Manage promotion, discount code.

Manage airport

Manage Aircraft

Manager Addons for flights.

Create addons
1. Go menu “more” -> “addon”
2. Click “new” button
3. We have fields: title (name of the addon), price (adutl price), child price(price for child),
4. Fill all the filed and save.

Add addons for flights

1. Go to menu “flights”
2. Choose a flight and edit it.
3. Add addons for the flight at right conner.

Manage flight

Manage customer and agent
Customer who book reservation


Passengers report
List of passenger for each flight

Statistic of revenue for each month or year, it is calculate by confirmed order.

Dashboard center


Main setting


Show available seat: Show or hide available seat in flight search result page.

Search result layout: How the search result page display. In order to clearer please go to Change
layout of flights search result page.
Currency display: The way money display in jbflight component.
Thousand separator: Thousand separator for money display.
Currency decimal point: No of decimal number display. Example it is 2 then number 7 will become 7.00
Private: Now it does not be use in any place.
Term: Article is use in term and condition in page that fill in information for booking information page.

Customer field

Passenger field

Create article

Step 1: Login.

Step 2:

Step 3: Typing content and choose category.

Step 4: Press button “save”.

Create hidden menu

There are often times when a hidden menu is useful in Joomla. Menus are central in
Joomla. Sometimes you need to have a menu for an article just to control the article’s behavior rather
than to display a menu item link to the article. In this case, a hidden menu would be appropriate. For

example, in order to remove the article id from the URL of an article, one solution is to assign the article
to a menu item. In this tutorial, we create a hidden menu so that the article can be assigned to it. The
menu is “hidden” because we don’t need to display the menu on the site. We are just using the menu
for control purposes.
It is way that we can hide all module from home page. Only articles can show in the page.

1. Go to Menu -> Menu Manager -> Add New Menu.

2. For title put “Hidden Menu”. For “Menu Type” put “hiddenmenu” as shown …

hidden menu setting

3. Save and close.
4. Back in the Menu Manager, you see your Hidden Menu listed and to the right there is a link
that says “Add a module for this menu type”. Click this link.
5. Take all the default settings as shown below. The important one is set “Position” to
nothing. This is what makes the menu hidden.

To clear the position of a module, you click the x icon in the drop list…

clear the position in the module

6. Save and That’s it, menu is hidden.

Category link to the hidden menu item

Create the New Category by navigating to Content -> Category Manager -> Add New Category in
your Joomla admin:

Specify the Category title (i.e. ‘Flight schedule) and save the changes
Go to Content -> Article Manager -> Add new article
Specify the new article title (i.e. ‘Aguilla to Dominica), add some content to it and select the Category
for this new article (f.e. ‘Flight schedule):

The next step is to get to Menus -> Menu Manager -> Add New Menu:

Fill in the fields for the Menu Title (f.e. ‘Hidden’), Menu Type and Description (not obligatory):

Then navigate to Menus in admin and select the new Hidden Menu you have just added. Click Add
New Menu Item:

Specify the Menu Title for this new item (f.e. ‘Flight schedule). In the Menu Item Type please select
Articles -> Category List. In ‘Choose a category’ field please select the ‘Flight schedule’ which was
added on step 1 of this tutorial. Click the ‘Save’ button.

As soon as you click the Save button for the new menu item and get the message that the ‘Menu Item
was successfully saved’, please pay attention to the Link field. You should get something similar to
‘index.php?option=com_content&view=category&id=8′ in your Link field:

This would be the link to your Hidden menu page containing the Hidden Category article. The page will
not be accessible from the navigation on your site but from this link only. You can paste this link to any
Articles/Categories content for the reference and linking purposes.
In order to add Modules to your newly created page, you will also need to add the menu ID to this
article URL.
The Menu Item ID is located in Menus -> Hidden Menu (f.e. ‘153). Please refer to the screenshot

In order to add the Menu Item ID, you should add this piece of code ‘&Itemid=153′ (where ‘153 is the
Menu item ID) to the link. You should get something similar to
A Trick: you can set any module for the hidden menu item, feel free to go to the Module Manager,
open any module and select this Hidden page in Module Assignment in order to add the module to
your Hidden Menu page. Example module “search flight vertical” in hidden menu.

By the way all articles from a category can show at the hidden menu. If we do not put category to a
hidden menu then articles from the category will display in home page with all the modules of home

Link to an article from module

The website interface is make by modules and template. Template is a layout that contains
modules. Modules is a part that show content we want. Example: "main menu" is a module,
footer is a module.
- Tutorial to manage module:
Content module have type is "Custom HTML", we just need to use it.
- Link to article from module (note that we must create category and hidden menu first):
Example module: Destination

Go to Extensions/Module manager/Destination

Insert link to module:

After that

After that Click “insert”.

Note: Cause we created hidden menu link to “Schedule flight” category so the Item id of the link is auto
choose. Back to see what is Itemid

If you want to update a link:

Choose the text or link

Click “Insert/Edit link” button and update the link

Trick: Short way to go to module

Login front end with super admin account.

“Edit module” button will appear for each module. Just click the button

How to install payment options
Each payment option in payment page is a plugin extention. In order to add new payment option, we
must install a new plugin.
We had some payment plugin already, you can download them at the link:
If the payment gateway what you want is not existed, please contact joombooking team at to create it.

Installing the plugin

After installing success

- Choosing plugin manager to access the plugin you just installed.
- Choosing bookpro at filter type to show bookpro plugin.
- At element column, each plugin have prefix is payment_ is a payment plugin.

- Choose any payment plugin to config it, example paypal.

- Finally config it like below image.

How to add new language
1. Go to menu “More>>” -> “Language”

2. After that we can see the list of language that has been installed to Joomla. If you want to add
new Language please press button “Add language”.
3. Click to language that you want to edit in language list. Example it-IT for Italian.

4. At the first access time you can see nothing appears for Italian because it have no language
files yet.

5. If there are no language file for Italian the button “Add language” will appear and we just need to
click it to add Italian.

6. Now we can see language file under column “file name”. Next step, clicking file it-
IT.com_bookpro.ini with type is “SITE” to edit language at frontend example.

it-IT.com_bookpro.ini type SITE Language file at frontend and almost text at


it-IT.mod_jbflight_search.ini SITE language file of search module at frontend

it-IT.com_bookpro.ini ADMINISTRATOR Some texts at backend that text only be existed

at backend

it-IT.com_bookpro.sys.ini ADMINISTRATOR Text at config option of component

7. After go it-IT.com_bookpro.ini file we have

8. Change the text at “file data”

Notice that:
● A valid text have format <Translation code>=”<Translation text>”. If any text have wrong format
can make your website be error and all the text can not be translated.
● Only “Translation code” at the file is available to translate


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