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Original Article

Spectrum of Pleural Effusion Etiology Revisited in 18–70 Years of Age

Group: A Tertiary Care Center‑based Study of 1000 Patients

Abstract Rahul Gupta,

Objective: The main objective study was to evaluate the new‑onset cases of pleural effusion with Anchal Gupta1,
respect to etiology/causation. Materials and Methods: A total of 1000 patients were included in the Mohd Ilyas1
study aged between 18 and 70 years. The patients with earlier diagnosis of pleural effusion or those
Departments of Chest
who had undergone thoracocentesis were excluded from the study. All the patients were subjected
Diseases and Tuberculosis and
to thorough clinical examination, chest radiography, chest and abdominal sonography, pleural fluid 1
Radiodiagnosis and Imaging,
analysis, and pleural fluid cytology, and in select cases, pleural biopsy was done. The results were Government Medical College,
assimilated and tabulated, observations thereby drawn by. Results and Observations: Out of total Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir,
1000  patients, 69.5% had tuberculosis followed by malignancy  (16%) with the systemic causes India
forming about 15% bulk of the patients with pleural effusion. It was found more in males, associated
with smoking, and majority of patients had unilateral effusion. Eighty‑nine percent of patients had
exudative effusion. Conclusion: The results of the study revealed that tuberculosis is still the most
common cause of pleural effusion and efforts need to be stepped up to control tuberculosis. The
national programs for control of tuberculosis need to be revisited to assess the magnitude of the
problem, and the patients need to be counseled for the compliance of the therapy. Furthermore,
malignancy is trending upward in the etiology of pleural effusion.

Keywords: Cytology, malignancy, pleural effusion, pleural fluid analysis, tuberculosis

Introduction syndrome, hemothorax  (posttrauma),

and asbestosis. Less common causes
The accumulation of fluid in the pleural
of pleural effusion include pulmonary
cavity  (potential space between the parietal
embolism, drug‑induced  (e.g., amiodarone,
and visceral pleura) is known as pleural
methotrexate), postradiotherapy, esophageal
effusion. The causes may be pleural,
rupture, and ovarian hyperstimulation
diseased surrounding lung parenchyma,
syndrome. In these cases, it may be
or systemic. It is one of the major causes
transudative or exudative.[2]
of pulmonary morbidity and mortality.
It can be classified as transudative or Materials and Methods
exudative based on the modified Light’s
criteria.[1] Transudative pleural effusion is The prospective, observational study
commonly due to systemic illnesses, which was carried out in the Department of
results in altered hydrostatic or oncotic Chest Diseases and Tuberculosis of
pressures in the pleural space, such as our institute over a period of 1  year
congestive heart failure, hypoalbuminemia, (April 2016–March 2017). A  total of Address for correspondence:
nephrotic syndrome, and hepatic 1000  patients with newly diagnosed pleural Dr. Mohd Ilyas,
disorders  (cirrhosis). Exudative pleural effusion were included in the study. Department of Radiodiagnosis
and Imaging, Government
effusion commonly occurs due to the local Inclusion criteria Medical College,
pleural or lung parenchymal pathology. Jammu ‑ 180 001,
The common causes of exudative pleural 1. All patients above 18  years and below Jammu and Kashmir, India.
effusion include pleural or pulmonary 70  years of age with the new‑onset E‑mail:

tuberculosis, pneumonia, malignancy, and radiographic or sonographic evidence of

inflammatory disorders such as rheumatoid pleural effusion
Access this article online
arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, 2. Patients with clinical evidence of pleural
chylothorax  (thoracic duct injury or effusion. In these patients, the clinical Website:

lymphatic obstruction), postcardiac injury suspicion was confirmed by radiography DOI: 10.4103/cjhr.cjhr_109_17
or sonography. Quick Response Code:
This is an open access journal, and articles are distributed
under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-
NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 License, which allows others How to cite this article: Gupta R, Gupta A, Ilyas M.
to remix, tweak, and build upon the work non-commercially, Spectrum of pleural effusion etiology revisited in
as long as appropriate credit is given and the new creations 18–70 years of age group: A tertiary care center-
are licensed under the identical terms. based study of 1000 patients. CHRISMED J Health
For reprints contact: Res 2018;5:110-3.

110 © 2018 CHRISMED Journal of Health and Research | Published by Wolters Kluwer ‑ Medknow

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Gupta, et al.: Etiological profile of pleural effusion

Exclusion criteria with smoking, transudative versus exudative type, and

laterality of the effusion.
1. Patients with below 18 years or above 70 years of age
2. Patients already diagnosed with pleural effusion and Observations and Results
patients on the treatment for pleural effusion
3. Patient who already had undergone pleurocentesis. The present study revealed that pleural effusion was more
common in males following the earlier described trends
A detailed history with regard to symptoms, contact in the literature. It revealed that majority of patients
history, travel history, and smoking was elicited followed were between 31 and 40  years of age, there was a strong
by thorough clinical examination involving the general association with smoking, and 68% patients of pleural
physical examination and respiratory examination. The effusion were smokers. The major presenting symptoms
systemic disease component‑related history and clinical included fever and dyspnea on exertion, with almost 56%
examination were also done. having moderate effusion. Majority of the patients had
The clinical component was followed by the right‑sided effusion. Two most common causes of pleural
investigations. The investigations included sputum effusion included tuberculosis and malignancy.
examination, posteroanterior  (PA) chest radiograph, chest In patients with tuberculosis, only 10 had transudative
ultrasonography, abdominal ultrasonography, hemogram, effusion while 685  patients had exudative effusion. In
coagulation profile, liver function tests, and renal function malignant cases, only two patients had transudative
tests. The effusion was graded as mild, moderate, and effusion while 158 had exudative effusion. In cases having
severe based on chest radiographic and sonographic systemic diseases such as liver cirrhosis, congestive
quantification. The sonographic quantification was done cardiac failure, and renal dysfunction, majority of them
based on the formula: volume  (mL) = 16  ×  parietal to had transudative effusion  (>90%) while those cases having
visceral pleura distance (mm) at the mid‑diaphragm.[3] pleural effusion associated with pancreatitis had exudative
Thoracoscopic‑based pleural biopsy was done in 36 willing effusion  (approximately 70%). When analyzed with
patients. respect to smoking, it was seen that most of the smokers
had exudative effusion. Of the 70  patients with bilateral
This was followed by ultrasonography‑guided aspiration effusion, 56 had tuberculosis as the etiology.
of the pleural effusion. The aspirated fluid was sent for
biochemical and cytological analysis to ascertain the In patients diagnosed as having malignancy on
type of effusion  (exudative versus transudative based on thoracoscopic biopsy, eight patients had adenocarcinoma,
modified Light’s criteria) and the cause of effusion. The five had squamous cell carcinoma, and four had small cell
Adenosine deaminase  (ADA) levels in the pleural fluid carcinoma. In pleural fluid analysis, about 70% had raised
were measured using spectrophotometry with cutoff value ADA levels with majority of them having tuberculosis. The
of 36  IU/L. The patients with ADA levels more than this ADA levels were increased predominantly in exudative
value were diagnosed to be having tuberculosis if other effusion  (94.3%) and almost 99% of these patients had
criteria were also met. tuberculosis.

The diagnosis of tuberculosis was based on the detection Tables  1-13 represent the data acquired in the study and
of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in sputum, pleural fluid, and analysis of the various attributes of the pleural effusion.
pleural biopsy specimens along with the demonstration of
high ADA levels in the pleural fluid. It was based on the
demonstration of acid‑fast bacilli  (AFB) on sputum smear in Pleural effusion is the most common pleural disease
561 patients. The GeneXpert (CBNAAT) was done in patients affecting a significant bulk of population in India. It can be
with strong suspicion of tuberculosis who had negative sputum a result of pleural, lung parenchymal, and systemic disease.
smear  (134  patients), and it was positive for M. tuberculosis The pleural effusion may be benign or malignant.
in 115  patients. The rest of the 19  patients were diagnosed
The pleural cavity is a potential space normally containing
as having tuberculosis on the basis of AFB demonstration on
about 0.1–0.3  ml/kg of pleural fluid which is being
thoracoscopic biopsy specimens  (10  patients) and on pleural
exchanged constantly. The pleural fluid is produced by
fluid smear  (9  patients). The guidelines used were as per the
the parietal pleural vasculature and gets absorbed by the
recommendations of tuberculosis control program‑2016 in
lymphatics in the mediastinal and diaphragmatic parietal
pleura. If the pleural effusion is due to altered hydrostatic
The malignancy was diagnosed based on the demonstration and oncotic pressures, the resultant is transudates, and if
of malignant cells in the pleural fluid or on the the effusion is due to increased mesothelial and capillary
histopathological examination of pleural biopsy specimens. permeability, the resultant is exudates.[4]
The final results were compiled in terms of gender The pleural fluid is characterized into transudate and
distribution, age distribution, etiological profile, association exudate based on the modified Light’s criteria.

CHRISMED Journal of Health and Research | Volume 5 | Issue 2 | April-June 2018 111

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Gupta, et al.: Etiological profile of pleural effusion

Table 1: Gender distribution of patients (n=1000) Table 7: Pleural fluid analysis (n=1000)

Gender Number of patients (%) Attribute Number of patients (%)
Male 750 (75) Exudative 898 (89.8)
Female 250 (25) Transudative 102 (10.2)

Table 2: Age distribution of patients (n=1000) Table 8: Pleural fluid cytology analysis (n=1000)

Age group (years) Number of patients (%) Attribute Number of patients (%)
18‑30 250 (25) Atypical cells 25 (2.5)
31‑40 290 (29) Malignant cells present 135 (13.5)
41‑50 210 (21) No malignant cells 840 (84)
51‑60 170 (17)
61‑70 80 (8)
Table 9: Thoracoscopic pleural biopsy results (n=36)
Attribute Number of patients
Table 3: Association with smoking (n=1000) Malignancy 17
Attribute Number of males (%) Number of females (%) Tuberculosis 10
Smoker 540 (54) 140 (14) Inconclusive 9
Nonsmoker 210 (21) 110 (11)
Table 10: Etiological distribution of patients based on
Table 4: Symptomology of patients (n=1000) pleural cytology and biopsy (n=1000)
Symptom Number of patients (%) Etiology Number of patients (%)
Fever 720 (72) Tuberculosis 695 (69.5)
Dyspnea on exertion 560 (56) Malignancy 160 (16)
Cough 810 (81) Synpneumonic effusion 45 (4.5)
Chest pain 425 (42.5) Liver cirrhosis 26 (2.6)
Weight loss 490 (49) Congestive cardiac failure 19 (1.9)
Pancreatitis 13 (1.3)
Renal disease (AKI/CKD) 25 (2.5)
Table 5: Distribution based on laterality of Indeterminate/idiopathic 17 (1.7)
involvement (n=1000) AKI: Acute kidney injury, CKD: Chronic kidney disease
Attribute Number of patients (%)
Right‑sided effusion 630 (63)
Table 11: Adenosine deaminase levels in pleural
Left‑sided effusion 300 (30)
fluid (n=1000)
Bilateral effusion 70 (7)
ADA levels Number of patients (%)
Raised 705 (70.5)
Table 6: Severity based on radiographic and sonographic Normal 295 (29.5)
evidence (n=1000) ADA: Adenosine deaminase
Severity Number of patients (%)
Mild 350 (35) Table 12: Adenosine levels with respect to exudative and
Moderate 560 (56) transudative fluid (n=705)
Severe 90 (9) Type of fluid Number of patients with raised ADA levels (%)
Exudative 665 (94.3)
Exudative pleural fluid has at least one of the following Transudative 40 (5.7)
characteristics as per the Light’s criteria:[5] ADA: Adenosine deaminase
1. Pleural fluid protein/serum protein ratio more than 0.5
2. Pleural fluid lactate dehydrogenase  (LDH)/serum LDH presentations are cough, chest pain, and fever. Active
ratio more than 0.6 inflammation may also give the picture of pleurisy.
The clinical examination will be positive for fullness
3. Pleural LDH is more than two‑thirds of the upper limits
of intercostal spaces and dullness on percussion on the
of normal laboratory value for serum LDH.
involved side. The detailed history with regard to the
If these criteria are not met, then the fluid is considered as involvement of pulmonary or systemic disease is important
transudate. in the diagnosis of pleural effusion.[6]
The patients of pleural effusion may be asymptomatic or Chest radiographs are helpful in the confirmation of pleural
may present with exertional dyspnea. The most common effusion. In a standing PA view radiograph, it requires

112 CHRISMED Journal of Health and Research | Volume 5 | Issue 2 | April-June 2018

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Gupta, et al.: Etiological profile of pleural effusion

Table 13: Relationship of smoking to type of Conclusion

fluid (exudate vs. transudate) The present study concludes that despite the revised
Attribute Transudate Exudate national tuberculosis control program in India, the
Smoking 198 700 tubercular effusions are still at large. The cause is
Nonsmoking 90 12 usually the noncompliance with antitubercular therapy.
The malignant pleural effusion cases are far less than
200  ml to obscure the costophrenic angle displaying the tuberculosis, but their incidence is rising as compared
meniscus sign, while on a lateral radiograph, 50  ml fluid to previous studies. While evaluating a case of pleural
can be appreciated. Sonography of the chest is more effusion, a combined approach, involving clinical
sensitive in the diagnosis of pleural effusion and also helps evaluation, radiographic and sonographic evaluation,
in the guidance of thoracentesis.[7] pleural fluid analysis, pleural fluid cytology, and in cases
where possible thoracoscopic pleural biopsy, must be
Pleural fluid cytology is also important. It has 60% utilized to fruitful and accurate diagnosis.
sensitivity in the detection of malignant cells with increase
in yield by three attempts on different days to almost 95%. Financial support and sponsorship
Pleural fluid can also be used for ADA levels  (specific Nil.
for tuberculosis), amylase levels  (in esophageal rupture),
NT‑pro‑BNP levels  (heart failure), and triglyceride Conflicts of interest
levels (>110 mg/dl in chylothorax).[8] There are no conflicts of interest.
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