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Week 5 September 17

Chapter Five: Planning Instruction

Before Reading:
How does your mentor teacher, or the teachers you have observed, create
lessons that actively engage students before, during, and after the lesson? What
specific literacy strategies have you seen teachers use in the past?
She will typically get them involved by no means necessary, she just talks to
them. During the lesson, she will ask them questions and get them up and
moving. Afterwards, it is all about how they felt and liked it.

While Reading
Two Column Notes
Read pages 113-125. Use the two column note sheet to keep track of 3-4
essential/key ideas from the chapter. In the first column record a quote or direct
phrases from the text in the second column record your personal response

What the text says What it means to me

Procedural knowledge refers to the That in order for students and
teachers and students aptitude to teachers to stay in line, they need
execute strategies. procedures.

Branching out provides the latitude By being flexible, you can move
to move from a single-text lesson to seamlessly from one area to the
independent. next.

Internet has become a valuable Use what you have around you.
planning resource for teachers.

For Wednesday
Read pages 125- 131, and then respond to the following guiding questions:

What are the components of a unit plan?

1. A title reflecting the theme or topic of the unit. 2. The major concepts to be
learned. 3. The texts and information sources to be studied by students. 4.
The unit’s instructional activities
5. Provisions assessing what students have learned from this unit
What factors would you need to consider when designing a unit or inquiry
1. Are the students meeting all of the standards that are required?2. Are the
materials and texts on grade level for students?3. Are you being the Sage on the
Stage?4. Are there collaboration efforts involved?5. Do you give students time to
reflect on what they have learned?

How would multiple texts be used to support student learning?

Many texts give students an array of viewpoints in order to enhance their critical
thinking skills.
How could you have students use technology to engage in inquiry on a particular
topic in your discipline?
Use first hand accounts and or different interpretations in class in the form on

In Class on Wednesday
Today you will sign up to plan an interdisciplinary unit with a partner. Use the following
link to sign up and develop a unit topic/theme. NOTE: please wait for further
instructions on Wednesday before signing up.

Learning About Essential Questions –

Read and annotate this article before Wednesday’s class:
What Makes a Question Essential? by McTighe and Wiggins from

Read one of the following articles based on your last name. We will be doing short small
group discussions on how to write essential questions for your unit plan.

Understanding by Design: Essential Questions by Huff (Barr through and including


Learning to Love the Questions by Wilhelm (Miller through Wright)

After Reading (To be done after Wednesday’s class)

The text states that, “Instructional planning brings students and texts together in
ways that support content literacy and learning.” Elaborate on this statement and
describe what you would do as a teacher to support students in becoming
engaged readers, including the use of specific before, during, and after reading

I would engage students before hand by asking them a question that makes their
mind move and wonder why. During, it will all be about how it connects to them
and what is in it for them. Lastly, to wrap it up, bring back the first question and
have them answer it now that they know more material.

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