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Albanian Road Construction Specifications – ARCS 3 – Road Construction

Albanian Road Design and Construction Standards

Table of Contents

1 ABBREVIATIONS AND DEFINITIONS....................................................................................................... 1

1.1 ABBREVIATIONS ......................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 DEFINITIONS ............................................................................................................................................... 2
2 ROADBASES................................................................................................................................................... 13
2.1 GENERAL .................................................................................................................................................. 13
2.2 UNSTABILISED ROADBASES (URB).......................................................................................................... 13
2.3 STABILISED SUB-BASE (SSB) ................................................................................................................... 24
2.4 STABILISED ROADBASE (SRB)................................................................................................................. 41
3 WEARING AND SEALING COURSES....................................................................................................... 66
3.1 GENERAL .................................................................................................................................................. 66
3.2 UNSTABILISED WEARING COURSES (UWC) ........................................................................................... 66
3.3 STABILISED WEARING AND SEALING COURSES – BITUMINOUS CONCRETES ........................................ 70
3.4 STABILISED WEARING AND SEALING COURSES – BITUMINOUS CONCRETES ........................................ 90
3.5 BOUND WEARING AND SEALING COURSES – SURFACE DRESSINGS...................................................... 101
3.6 STABILISED WEARING COURSES – DRAINAGE-ASPHALT ..................................................................... 114
3.7 BOUND WEARING AND SEAL COURSES – SPLIT MASTIC ASPHALT ..................................................... 126
4 ROADBASES AND WEARING COURSES – CEMENT CONCRETE.................................................. 137
4.1 GENERAL ................................................................................................................................................ 137
4.2 DESCRIPTION .......................................................................................................................................... 137
4.3 BASIC MATERIALS ................................................................................................................................. 138
4.4 QUALITY OF MATERIALS ....................................................................................................................... 139
4.5 METHOD OF EXECUTION ....................................................................................................................... 146
4.6 QUALITY OF EXECUTION ....................................................................................................................... 152
4.7 QUALITY CONTROL OF EXECUTION ...................................................................................................... 156
4.8 MEASUREMENT AND TAKE-OVER OF WORK ........................................................................................ 158
4.9 COST CALCULATION .............................................................................................................................. 158
5 PAVED WEARING COURSES................................................................................................................... 167
5.1 GENERAL ................................................................................................................................................ 167
5.2 DESCRIPTION .......................................................................................................................................... 167
5.3 BASIC MATERIALS ................................................................................................................................. 167
5.4 QUALITY OF MATERIALS ....................................................................................................................... 168
5.5 METHOD OF EXECUTION ....................................................................................................................... 171
5.6 QUALITY OF EXECUTION ....................................................................................................................... 174
5.7 CONTROL OF THE QUALITY OF THE EXECUTION.................................................................................. 177
5.8 MEASUREMENT AND TAKE-OVER OF WORK ........................................................................................ 178
5.9 COST CALCULATION .............................................................................................................................. 178
6 EDGE ELEMENTS OF CARRIAGEWAYS.............................................................................................. 180
6.1 GENERAL ................................................................................................................................................ 180
6.2 DESCRIPTION .......................................................................................................................................... 180
6.3 BASIC MATERIALS ................................................................................................................................. 180
6.4 QUALITY OF MATERIALS ....................................................................................................................... 181
6.5 METHOD OF EXECUTION ....................................................................................................................... 182
6.6 QUALITY OF EXECUTION ....................................................................................................................... 185
6.7 TESTING THE QUALITY OF EXECUTION ................................................................................................ 186
6.8 MEASUREMENT AND TAKE-OVER OF WORK ........................................................................................ 186
6.9 COST CALCULATION .............................................................................................................................. 187

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Albanian Road Design and Construction Standards

7 SHOULDERS ................................................................................................................................................ 189

7.1 GENERAL ................................................................................................................................................ 189
7.2 DESCRIPTION .......................................................................................................................................... 189
7.3 BASIC MATERIALS ................................................................................................................................. 189
7.4 QUALITY OF MATERIALS ....................................................................................................................... 189
7.5 IMPLEMENTATION METHOD .................................................................................................................. 189
7.6 QUALITY OF EXECUTION ....................................................................................................................... 190
7.7 QUALITY CONTROL OF EXECUTION ...................................................................................................... 190
7.8 MEASUREMENT AND TAKE-OVER OF WORK ........................................................................................ 191
7.9 CALCULATION ........................................................................................................................................ 191

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Albanian Road Construction Specifications – ARCS 3 – Road Construction
Albanian Road Design and Construction Standards

1 Abbreviations and Definitions

1.1 Abbreviations

ALL Albanian leke

BB Bituminous concrete (asphalt)
BCCS Bituminous fine gravel with addition of Chippings or Crushed Stone
BCS Bituminous Crushed Stone
BD Bituminous crushed stone
BE Bitumen emulsion
BEC border elements of carriageways
BFG Bituminous Fine Gravel
BIT Bitumen material
BM Bituminous Macadam
CBR Californian Bearing Ratio
Cl Chloride
CNR 146 Italian Standards for calculating the deformation modulus
D Granule diameter
DA Drainage asphalt (porous asphalt)
DBB Discontinuous bituminous concrete
DBM Split mastic asphalt mixture
DPP Double layer carriageway surface dressing
EPPD Single layer carriageway surface dressing with double crushed aggregate spread
EPPE Single layer carriageway surface dressing with single crushed aggregate spread
FTS Frost/thaw + salts
HGL Hydraulic grade line
LA Guss-asphalt
ISTC Institute of Standards of Technology of Construction
MN/m² Mega Newton/square metre
Mpa Mega Pascal
Na2SO2 Sodium sulphate
PmB Polymer modified Bitumen
PWC paved wearing courses
SO2 Sulphate

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Albanian Road Design and Construction Standards

SRB Stabilised Road Base

SSB Stabilised Sub Base
SWRC Stabilised Wearing Roadbase Course
URB Unstabilised roadbases
UWC Unstabilised Wearing Course
BWSC Bound Wearing and Sealing Courses
ODPP Inverted double carriageway surface dressing
PmB Polymer modified bitumen
PmBE Polymer modified bitumen emulsion
PPS Sandwich surface dressing
RB Cut back bitumen
RWC Roadbase and Wearing Courses
SAMI Membranes
SWC Stabilised Wearing Courses
SWSC Stabilised Wearing and Sealing Course
TP Thin-layered dressings
U Ratio d60/d10
V/V Volume/Volume
W/C Water/Cement
V/C Volume/Capacity
BWSC Bound wearing and seal courses

1.2 Definitions

Adhesion loss. The loss of bond between a joint sealant material and the concrete joint face
noted by physical separation of the sealant from either or both joint faces.

Adhesives. The group of materials used to join or bond similar or dissimilar materials; for
example, in concrete work, the epoxy resins.

Aggregate. Granular material, such as sand, gravel, crushed stone, crushed hydraulic cement
concrete, or iron blast furnace slag, used with a hydraulic cementing medium to produce either
concrete or mortar.

Asphalt. A brown to black bituminous substance that is chiefly obtained as a residue of

petroleum refining and that consists mostly of hydrocarbons.

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Albanian Road Design and Construction Standards

Asphalt Concrete Base. A base type that utilises hot mix asphalt concrete placed directly on
subgrades of high soil support values. This is a common base material in southern Albania.

Asphalt Tack Coat. A light application of asphalt, usually asphalt emulsion diluted with water. It
is used to ensure a bond between two bituminous pavement layers.

Axle Load. The portion of the gross weight of a vehicle transmitted to a structure or a pavement
through wheels supporting a given axle.

Base. According to GRD specifications a base is one or more layers of specified material of
design thickness placed on the subgrade or subbase to support a surface course.

Binder. The organic or inorganic material which encapsulates and holds together the base in
reinforced or otherwise heterogeneous composites.

Bitumen. Any of various mixtures of hydrocarbons (as tar) often together with their non-metallic
derivatives that occur naturally or are obtained as residues after heat-refining petroleum.

Bituminous. Resembling, containing or impregnated with bitumen.

Bituminous concrete. Concrete cemented with bituminous material such as tar or asphalt.

Bituminous pavement. A pavement comprising an upper layer or layers of aggregate mixed

with a bituminous binder, such as asphalt, coal tars, and natural tars for purposes of this
terminology; surface treatments such as chip seals, slurry seals, sand seals, and cape seals are
also included.

Bleeding. Excess asphalt binder occurring on the pavement surface. The bleeding may create a
shiny, glass-like surface that may be tacky to the touch. Bleeding is usually found in the wheel

Blinding. The condition in which soil particles block the voids at the surface of a geotextile,
therefore reducing hydraulic conductivity of the geotextile, a formation of surface crust or cake.

California Bearing Ratio (CBR). The ratio of the force per unit area required to penetrate a soil
mass with a 19.4 sq cm circular piston at the rate of 1.27 mm per min to the force required for
corresponding penetration of a standard crushed-rock base material; the ratio is usually
determined at 2.5 mm penetration.

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Albanian Road Design and Construction Standards

Cement. A building material that is a powder made of a mixture of calcined limestone and clay;
used with water and sand or gravel to make concrete and mortar.

Chemically Curing Sealant. A material that reaches its final properties through the reaction of
the component materials when mixed.

Chip Seal. A surface treatment in which the pavement is sprayed with asphalt (generally
emulsified) and then immediately covered with aggregate and rolled. Chip seals are used
primarily to seal the surface of a pavement with non load associated cracks and to improve
surface friction, although they also are commonly used as a wearing course on low volume

Clay. A fine-grained, firm earthy material that is plastic when wet and hardens when heated,
consisting primarily of hydrated silicates of aluminium and widely used in making bricks, tiles,
and pottery. A sedimentary material with grains smaller than 0.002 mm in diameter.

Cohesion. The internal bond within a joint sealant material. Cohesion loss is seen as a
noticeable tear along the surface and through the depth of the sealant.

Cold Applied Sealant. A crack-sealing compound that is applied in an unheated state

(generally at ambient temperature) and then reaches final properties through a curing process.

Compaction. The process whereby the volume of freshly placed mortar or concrete is reduced
to the minimum practical space, usually by vibration, centrifugation, tamping, or some
combination of these; to mould it within forms or moulds and around embedded parts and
reinforcement, and to eliminate voids other than entrained air. See also Consolidation.

Concrete. A composite material that consists essentially of a binding medium in which is

embedded particles or fragments of relatively inert material filler. In Portland cement concrete,
the binder is a mixture of Portland cement and water; the filler may be any of a wide variety of
natural or artificial aggregates.

Consistency. The relative ease with which a cohesive soil can be deformed. It is usually
expressed qualitatively by terms such as very soft, soft, medium stiff, stiff, hard and very hard.

Consolidation. The process of inducing a closer arrangement of the solid particles in freshly
mixed concrete or mortar during placement by the reduction of voids, usually by vibration,
centrifugation, tamping, or some combination of these actions; also applicable to similar
manipulation of other cementitious mixtures, soils, aggregates, or the like. See also Compaction.

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Consolidation Test. A test where the specimen is laterally confined in a ring and is compressed
between porous plates.

Continuously Reinforced Pavement. A pavement with continuous longitudinal steel

reinforcement and no intermediate transverse expansion or contraction joints.

Construction Joint. A joint constructed in a transverse direction in PCC pavements to control

cracking of the slab as it cures. Road construction joints are created by sawing the concrete.
GRD’s typical joint spacing is 4.5 m for interstate roads, and 6 m for non-interstate roads.

Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement (CRCP). PCC pavement constructed with

sufficient longitudinal steel reinforcement to control transverse crack spacings and openings in
lieu of transverse contraction joints for accommodating concrete volume changes and load

Contract. Decrease in length or volume. See also Expand, Shrinkage, Swelling, and Volume

Contraction Joint. A plane, usually vertical, separating concrete in a structure of pavement, at

a designated location such as to prevent formation of objectionable shrinkage cracks elsewhere
in the concrete. Reinforcing steel is discontinuous.

Control Joint. See Contraction Joint.

Corrective Maintenance. Maintenance performed once a deficiency occurs in the pavement;

for example, pothole filling, or spall repair.

Course. In concrete construction, a horizontal layer of concrete, usually one of several making
up a lift; in masonry construction, a horizontal layer of block or brick.

Cover. In reinforced concrete, the least distance between the surface of the reinforcement and
the outer surface of the concrete.

Crack. Fissure or discontinuity of the pavement surface not necessarily extending through the
entire thickness of the pavement. Cracks generally develop after initial construction of the
pavement and may be caused by thermal effects, excess loadings, or excess deflections.

Crack Filling. The placement of materials into non-working cracks to substantially reduce the
intrusion of incompressibles and infiltration of water, while also reinforcing the adjacent
pavement. Crack filling must be distinguished from crack sealing.

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Albanian Road Design and Construction Standards

Crack Sealing. A maintenance procedure that involves placement of specialised materials into
working cracks using unique configurations to reduce the intrusion of incompressibles into the
crack and to prevent infiltration of water into the underlying pavement layers.

Cracking. The process of contraction or the reflection of stress in the pavement.

Crushed. Granules in which over 50% of the surface has been broken.

Crushed gravel and gravel chippings. A mixture of granules obtained from crushing natural
granules (stone or gravel) which contain at least 90% (m/m) crushed granules over 2 mm.

Crushed stone. A mixture of granules in which all the granules were obtained by crushed stone.

Crushed stone material. Natural crushed granules to a specific size.

Cure. A period of time following placement and finishing of a material such as concrete during
which desirable engineering properties (such as strength) develop. Improved properties may be
achieved by controlling temperature or humidity during curing.

Curing. Maintenance of a satisfactory moisture content and temperature in concrete during its
early stages following placing and finishing to ensure proper hydration of the cement and proper
hardening of the concrete.

Curing Blanket. A built-up covering of sacks, matting, Hessian, straw, waterproof paper, or
other suitable material placed over freshly finished concrete. See also Burlap.

Curing Compound. A liquid that can be applied as a coating to the surface of newly placed
concrete to retard the loss of water or, in the case of pigmented compounds, also to reflect heat
so as to provide an opportunity for the concrete to develop its properties in a favourable
temperature and moisture environment. See also Curing.

Dense-graded Asphalt Pavement. An overlay or surface course consisting of a mixture of

asphalt binder and a well-graded (also called dense-graded) aggregate. A well-graded
aggregate is uniformly distributed throughout a full range of sieve sizes. See also Hot Mix

Depression. Localised pavement surface areas at a lower elevation than the adjacent paved

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Albanian Road Design and Construction Standards

Drainage The interception and removal of water from, on, or under an area or roadway; the
process of removing surplus ground or surface water artificially; a general term for gravity flow of
liquids in conduits.

Emulsified Asphalt. A liquid mixture of asphalt binder, water, and an emulsifying agent. Minute
globules of asphalt are suspended in water by using an emulsifying agent. These asphalt
globules are either anionic (negatively charged) or cationic (positively charged).

Expansion Increase in length or volume. See also Autogenous Volume Change, Contraction,
Moisture Movement, Shrinkage, and Volume Change.

Filling. Filling comprises stone granules which during sifting fall through the standard sieve
0.075. Filling is a fraction of mixtures of 0/0.075 mm stone granules.

Flexible Pavement. A pavement structure that maintains intimate contact with and distributes
loads to the subgrade and depends on aggregate interlock, particle friction, and cohesion for
stability; cementing agents, where used, are generally bituminous (asphaltic) materials as
contrasted to Portland cement in the case of rigid pavement. See also Rigid Pavement.

Flexural Strength. A property of a material or structural member that indicates its ability to
resist failure in bending.

Fly Ash. The finely divided residue resulting from the combustion of ground or powdered coal
and which is transported from the fire box through the boiler by flu gasses; Used as mineral
admixture in concrete mixtures.

Form. A temporary structure or mould for the support of concrete while it is setting and gaining
sufficient strength to be self-supporting.

Fraction. A mixture of stone granules limited by the smaller and larger opening in the standard
sieves without undersized and oversized grade-sizes.

Full-depth Patching. Removing and replacing at least a portion of a concrete slab to the bottom
of the concrete, in order to restore areas of deterioration; also removal and replacement of a
segment of a flexible pavement to the level of the subgrade in order to restore areas of

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Albanian Road Design and Construction Standards

Graded Aggregate Base (GAB). A type of base that utilises processed crushed stone or
graded aggregate exclusively. This type of base is exclusively used in areas of low soil support
values, specifically in northern Albania.

Grade-size. That denominative size of the opening of the smallest standard sieve through which
a granule still passes.

Granule. A rounded rock fragment larger than a grain of sand but smaller than a pebble

Gravel. Mixtures of natural rounded granules of a specific size, regardless of the site (gravel pit,
sandpit).Gravel is a mixture of natural granules in which at least 50% of the surface of the
granules is above 2 mm and rounded.

Geotextiles. A geotextile is a synthetic permeable textile manufactured from man made fabrics.
Within the context of pavement design, geotextiles are intended to have beneficial engineering
properties such as limiting the intrusion of fines from the subgrade or assist in strengthening the

Hardening. When Portland cement is mixed with enough water to form a paste, the compounds
of the cement react with water to form cementitious products that adhere to each other and to
the intermixed sand and stone particles and become very hard. As long as moisture is present,
the reaction may continue for years, adding continually to the strength of the mixture.

Hot Mix Asphalt Concrete (HMAC or HMA). A thoroughly controlled mixture of asphalt binder
and well-graded, high quality aggregate thoroughly compacted into a uniform dense mass.
HMAC pavements may also contain additives such as anti-stripping agents and polymers.

Hydrated Lime. A dry powder obtained by treating quicklime with sufficient water to convert it to
calcium hydroxide.

Hydration. The chemical reaction between cement and water which causes concrete to harden.

Hydraulic Cement. A cement that is capable of setting and hardening under water due to the
chemical interaction of the water and the constituents of the cement.

International Roughness Index (IRI). A measure of a pavement’s longitudinal surface profile

as measured in the wheel path by a vehicle travelling at typical operating speeds. It is calculated
as the ratio of the accumulated suspension motion to the distance travelled obtained from a
mathematical model of a standard quarter car traversing a measured profile at a speed of 80

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km/h. The IRI is expressed in units of metres per kilometre and is a representation of pavement

Joint. 1) A pavement discontinuity made necessary by design or by interruption of a paving

operation. 2) A plane of weakness to control contraction cracking in concrete pavements. A joint
can be initiated in plastic concrete or green concrete and shaped with later process.

Joint Depth. The measurement of a saw cut from the top of the pavement/slab surface to the
bottom of the cut.

Joint Filler. Compressible material used to fill a joint to prevent the infiltration of debris and to
provide support for sealant.

Joint Filler. Compressible material used to fill a joint to prevent the infiltration of debris.

Joint Sealant. Compressible material used to minimize water and solid debris infiltration into the
sealant reservoir and joint.

Longitudinal Crack. A crack or discontinuity in a pavement that runs generally parallel to the
pavement center line. Longitudinal cracks may occur as a result of poorly constructed paving
lane joints, thermal shrinkage, inadequate support, reflection from underlying layers, or as a
precursor to fatigue cracking.

Longitudinal Joint. A constructed joint in a pavement layer that is oriented parallel to the
pavement centre line.

Mineral Filler. A finely divided mineral product with at least 70% passing the No. 200 sieve.
Commonly used mineral fillers include, limestone dust, hydrated lime, Portland cement, and fly

Mixture. A substance consisting of two or more substances mixed together (not in fixed
proportions and not with chemical bonding). Two or more substances mixed together but not
chemically combined.

Overlay. The addition of a new material layer onto an existing pavement surface. See also

Patch. Placement of a repair material to replace a localised defect in the pavement surface.

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Albanian Road Design and Construction Standards

Pavement Reconstruction. Replacement of an existing pavement structure by the placement

of the equivalent of a new pavement structure. Reconstruction usually involves complete
removal and replacement of the existing pavement structure and may include new and/or
recycled materials.

Pavement Rehabilitation. Structural enhancements that extend the service life of an existing
pavement and/or improve its load carrying capability. Rehabilitation techniques include
restoration treatments and structural overlays.

Performance Period. The period of time that an initially constructed or rehabilitated pavement
structure will perform before reaching its terminal serviceability.

Point Bearing. Concentration of compressive stressed between small areas. May occur when a
partial-depth patch in Portland cement concrete pavement is made without the compressible
insert. Also, slab expansion in hot weather forces an adjacent slab to bear directly against a
small partial-dept patch and causes the patch to fail by delaminating and popping out of place.

Polymer. It is a synthetic or natural substance for improvement of certain properties of

bituminous binder (for instance elastomer, termoelast, termoplast, duroplast etc.)

Polymer bitumen. It is for use in prepared bituminous binder with improved properties as
determined by the added polymer. The meaning is equivalent to polymer modified bitumen

Polymer modified bitumen (PmB). It is a physical mixture of bitumen and polymer systems or
reaction products made of bitumen and polymers.

Portland Cement Concrete Pavement (PCC). A pavement constructed of Portland cement

concrete with or without reinforcement. Conventional PCC pavements include JPCP, JRCP, and

Rigid Pavement. Pavement that will provide high bending resistance and distribute loads to the
foundation over a comparatively large area.

Sand. A fraction of mixtures of stone granules which during sifting fall through the standard
2 mm sieve and remain on a 0.075 mm sieve.

Sealant. A material that has adhesive and cohesive properties to seal joints, cracks, or other
various openings against the entrance or passage of water or other debris in pavements
(generally less than 75 mm in width.

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Sealing. The process of placing sealant material in prepared joints or cracks to minimize
intrusion of water and incompressible materials. This term is also used to describe the
application of pavement surface treatments.

Sealing Compound. See Joint Sealant.

Soil cement. A construction material, a mix of pulverised natural soil with small amount of
Portland cement and water, and compacted to high density. Hard, semi-rigid durable material is
formed by hydration of the cement particles. Soil cement is frequently used as a construction
material for road construction as a subbase layer reinforcing and protecting the subgrade. It has
good compressive and shear strength, but low tensile strength and brittleness, so it is prone to
forming cracks.

Stone. Building material consisting of a piece of rock hewn (crushed) in a definite shape for a
special purpose.

Stone Matrix Asphalt (SMA). A mixture of asphalt binder, stabiliser material, mineral filler, and
gap-graded aggregate. SMAs are used as a rut resistant wearing course.

Subbase. In road engineering, subbase is the layer of aggregate material laid on the subgrade,
on which the base course layer is located. It may be omitted when there will be only foot traffic
on the pavement, but it is necessary for surfaces used by vehicles. Subbase is often the main
load-bearing layer of the pavement. Its role is to spread the load evenly over the subgrade. The
materials used may be either unbound granular, or cement-bound. The quality of subbase is
very important for the useful life of the road. Unbound granular materials must, unless otherwise
specified, be crushed stone, crushed slag or concrete, or slate.

Subgrade. In road engineering, a subgrade is the native materials underneath a constructed

pavement. It is the foundation of the pavement structure, on which the subbase is laid.
Subgrades are compacted, and are sometimes stabilised by the addition of cement or lime.

Surface Texture. The microscopic and macroscopic characteristics of the pavement surface
that contribute to surface friction and noise.

Surface Treatment. Any application applied to an asphalt pavement surface to restore or

protect the surface characteristics. Surface treatments include a spray application of asphalt
(cement, cutback, or emulsion) and may or may not include the application of aggregate cover.
Surface treatments are typically less than 25 mm thick. They may also be referred to as surface
seals, or seal coats or chip seals.

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Thin Overlay. An HMA overlay with one lift of surface course generally with a thickness of
40 mm or less.

Undersized granules. Those granules which during sifting fall through the standard sieve for
the lower grade-size fractions.

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Albanian Road Design and Construction Standards

2 Roadbases

2.1 General

Road bases are parts of the roadway construction between the wearing course and sub-base.
Roadbases are stabilised or unstabilised with hydraulic or organic binders. They must be built in
dimensions specified by the design and in accordance with these technical conditions.

2.2 Unstabilised Roadbases (URB)

2.2.1 Description
The construction of unstabilised roadbases, (mechanically stabilised), includes the supply and
placing of corresponding mixture of granules for the unstabilised roadbases at sites specified by
the design. This work must be executed when the air temperature is above 2°C and without
precipitations. Unstabilised roadbases (URB) can be constructed for all groups of traffic loads,
generally between the sub-base foundation and the stabilised roadbase.

2.2.2 Basic Materials

Basic materials for URB are aggregates from natural granules, crushed stone, crushed gravel or
mixture of crushed granules. Mixtures of crushed granules contain granules which were
produced by crushing natural stones, artificial stones or natural gravel. In this volume the terms
used for the mixtures of granules are specified in Table 2.1 (overleaf):

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Albanian Road Design and Construction Standards

Name of
Grade – size
Granulation, mm mixtures of
Fraction, mm
stone granules
0/1* 0-2
0/2 0-4 Sand
0/4 0-4
0/8 0 - 9,5
0/10* 0 - 16
0/16 0 - 19
0/20* 0 - 31.5
Gravel, crushed
0/25 0 – 31.5
0/31.5 0 – 37.5
0/40 0 – 63
0/50 0 - 75
0/63 0 - 125
1/4* 0.425 - 8 Sand
2/4* 1-8
4/8 2 – 9.5
8/10* 4 - 16
8/16* 4 - 20
10/16* 8 - 20
16/20* 9.5 - 31.5
Gravel, chippings
16/31.5 9.5 - 40
16/31.5* 16 - 40
20/31.5* 16 - 40
31.5/40* 20 - 63
31.5/63 20 - 125
40/63* 31.5 - 125

* Intermediary grade – size, intermediary fraction

Table 2.1: Properties of basic materials

2.2.3 Quality of materials Granulation (Granulometric Composition) of Stone Mixtures

Mixtures of natural or crushed granules and mixtures of mixed stone granules must be
composed of granules of gravel and crushed stone, gravel and chippings, sand and filling, in
such a way that composition of the mixture as required in Figures 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3 is ensured.

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Figure 2.1: Granulation for mixtures of stone granules

Figure 2.2: Granulometric composition of kerb boundaries of

stone granules 0/20 mm for unstabilised roadbases.

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Figure 2.3: Granulometric composition of kerb boundaries of

stone granules 0/31.5 mm for unstabilised roadbases.

Figure 2.4: Granulometric composition of kerb boundaries of

stone granules 0/40-50 mm for unstabilised roadbases

The composition of mixtures of stone granules for URB depends on the expected traffic load
specified in the design. If not, rougher particle compositions of mixtures usually must be used in
roadway constructions for heavier traffic loads. With this, it must be considered that the

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thickness of the course must be at least 2.5 times the diameter of the largest particle in the
mixture. The Contractor may use a different composition of mixtures of stone granules for URB,
if such a mixture of granules corresponds to the specified conditions of use affirmed by an
authorised institute (such as the Institute of Standards of Technology of Construction [ISTC]), or
another certified laboratory, and the use of which was permitted by the Engineer. The mixture of
stone granules for URB may contain the following share of granules to 0.063 mm:

• in storage piles, no more than 5% (m/m);

• after placing into URB, no more than 8-10 % (m/m).

The content of stone particles up to 0.02 mm in mixtures must not be greater than 3 % (m/m).
The quotient of uneven granulation U = d60/d10 must be equal for mixtures of

• natural granules: 15 to 100;

• crushed and mixed granules: 8 to 50.

The equivalent of sand, specified for a mixture of stone granules 4 mm in size, must amount for
unstabilised roadbases on roads:

• with heavy or very heavy traffic loads at least 60 %

• with average or light traffic loads at least 50 % Mechanical Properties

The compressive strength of stone granules in a mixture must amount to at least 100 MN/m².

The resistance of granules against crushing, defined as a screening according to the Los
Angeles method, for URB on roads, is permitted to amount for:

• very heavy or heavy traffic loads not more than 30%;

• average or light traffic loads not more than 35%.

The resistance of stone granules against freezing, determined on granules over 4 mm of size
with five cycles of the crystallisation test (with natrium sulphate) and expressed in percentage of
chipped particles of the original mass sample (loss), is permitted to amount to 5% (m/m).

The granules which shape do not satisfy the condition I:d≤3:1 is not allow to be more than 20%
(m/m) in a mixture.

Organic additives in mixtures of stone granules may colour a 3% solution of natrium lye to a dark
yellow at most.

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A mixture of stone granules for URB must not contain harmful additives. Mixtures may contain
individual decayed or brittle stone granules only to such an amount, that the whole corresponds
to the prescribed requirements.

The load capacity of the stone granules, determined in a laboratory by the Californian Bearing
Method (CBR), must amount to

• for mixtures of natural granules and mixed mixtures of granules, in which there are less
than 50% of crushed granules at least 50—60%;

• for mixtures of crushed granules and mixed mixtures of granules, in which there are
more than 50% of crushed granules at least 80%.

Every mixture of stone granules expected to be used in URB must be checked with three
samples before the beginning of work in accordance with the requirements of these technical
conditions. If the production of mixtures is regularly tested by an authorised institute such as the
ISTC or another certified laboratory and on the basis of these results the required quality of the
mixture of stone is suitable, then one sample must be inspected before the beginning of work.

2.2.4 Method of Execution The Procurement of Mixtures of Stone Granules

The site of acquiring mixtures of stone granules for URB must be reported by the Contractor to
the Engineer in reasonable time before beginning procurement. The Contractor must also
submit evidence of the quality of the mixture under the specifications of these technical
conditions and get approval from the Engineer for using them. Evidence of the quality of
mixtures of stone granules must not be older than one year. Borrow pits of mixtures of stone
granules and quarries must be previously suitably cleaned. Trial Technological Tests

Trial tests (on a corresponding test surface and under the instructions of the Engineer) before
the beginning of work must demonstrate:

• the composition of the mixtures of stone granules (in accordance with these technical
conditions) with one or two sample; and

• the mechanical properties (in accordance with these technical conditions) with one or two

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to ensure that the characteristic properties of the constructed mixtures correspond to the
properties determined with trial sample controls taken before the beginning of work, and then to

• the density of the constructed course (in accordance with these technical conditions) with
at least 15 measurements of density and moisture content in the mixtures of stone

• the load capacity of the constructed course (in accordance with these technical
conditions) with at least three measurements of deformation modules;

• the level and height of the formation of the constructed course (in accordance with these
technical conditions) with at least five measurements.

The technological process, type of agent for compacting and their global effect must be
determined for every characteristic type of stone granules mixture before the beginning of work.
Thus the effect of the compacting agents must be measured on a trial section after every
transition at least at three sites. After concluding the compaction of the URB formation, the
density and the moisture of the placed mixtures of stone granules must be measured at least at
ten locations. Preparation of Sub-Base Formation

The formation of the sub-base must be prepared under the specifications of these technical
conditions before beginning of spreading the mixtures of stone granules into the URB. The
construction of the URB may begin when the Engineer takes-over the sub-base according to the
specifications in these technical conditions. The Contractor is obliged to maintain the sub-base
in the state it was when it was taken-over until beginning the superstructures. All damage must
be rectified in reasonable time and evidence of this must be submitted to the Engineer. Depositing Mixtures of Stone Granules

If the Contractor temporarily deposits mixtures of stone granules before spreading into the URB,
the site for this must be previously suitably prepared. Transport of Mixtures of Stone Granules

The mixtures of stone granules for the URB may be transported to a suitably prepared sub-base
formation only when this is permitted by the Engineer. Transport must generally not be done
over the prepared and taken-over sub-base formation but over an already spread layer of
mixture of stone granules. Vehicles which convey the material must be emptied by tilting to the
side or backwards. If, due to mechanical spreading or placing, the transport of the mixture is
also partly over the sub-base formation, then the method of transport must be approved by the

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Engineer. A suitably equipped vehicle must be used for the transportation of mixtures of stone
granules. For spreading, equipment must be used, which achieves the required distribution of
the mixture. The thickness of the distributed mixture of granules must correspond to the required
thickness of the layer of the compacted mixture of stone granules specified in the design. Each
individual layer must be suitably formed and compacted before the transportation of the mixture
for the next layer begins, if a number of layers of mixtures of stone granules is foreseen.

If mixtures of stone granules are spread over uncompacted layers, vehicles during transport
must be equally divided over the whole width of the spread mixture. Vehicles with muddy wheels
or undercarriages are not permitted to drive over already spread or compacted mixtures of stone
granules for the URB. Spreading of Mixtures of Stone Granules

The spreading of mixtures of stone granules into the URB must generally be done mechanically.
Hand spreading is permitted only in places which cannot be reached with machines and where
hand spreading is allowed by the Engineer. Mixtures of stone granules for URB must generally
be supplied in a suitable composition to the construction site. Any correction of a poor
composition of a mixture at the construction site or at the distributing location must be permitted
by the Engineer on the basis of the corresponding results of trial tests. The necessary quantities
of water for ensuring the optimal moisture of the mixture of stone granules for compaction
usually must be equally distributed in the mixture already at the site of procurement. If water
must be added to the mixture of stone granules at the location of distribution, then this must be
done by sprinkling in that way to avoid washing out the fine granules. During compaction, the
moisture content in the mixture of granules may deviate from the optimal moisture content by
±2% (m/m). The ensurance of such a moisture content is especially important if the mixture of
stone granules is spread by graders, so that the mixture stays as uniform as possible.

The spreading of the mixture of granules for URB must be done with a suitable machine: usually
with a finisher, with the approval of the Engineer also with a grader or exceptionally with a
bulldozer. Usually, spreading must be performed on the same day as moistening. The uniform
mixture of stone granules, levelled to the required profile of the project, must be compacted with
suitable machinery over the whole width of the layer. The width of the layer for the designed
layer thickness must be increased by 10 cm in order to achieve a correct compactness and load
capacity over the whole designed width of the carriageway, if this has not been already foreseen
in the design. The layers must be compacted from the lower layer towards the higher layer. The
number of transitions of suitable agents for compacting, determined by the trial tests, must be
checked with routine tests of density and compactness of the constructed mixture of stone

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All irregularities which are exposed during compaction must be corrected in accordance with the
requirements of the Engineer. All places, unreachable by machines, must be compacted to the
designed (required) compactness by other equipments which must be approved by the
Engineer, who also specifies the conditions in which these equipments may be used. Besides
compactness, also the load capacity of the constructed URB must be as ascertained before final
compaction. If the required values of the project are not reached, then the Contractor must
ensure that the quality of the constructed URB is reached with additional measures.

2.2.5 Quality of Execution General
Before the machines and equipments, from which the quality of the executed work depends,
begin to operate, their capability must be checked for ensuring the quality of works in
accordance with the requirements of these technical conditions. All equipment and machines
must be attested and must comply with the requirements of the design in regard to capacity. Compactness
Compactness of the mixtures of stone granules in the URB, determined in regard to
compactness of the mixture by the modified Proctor Method, must amount to an average 95%.
The lower boundary value of compactness must not be smaller than the average value for more
than 3%. The density of the placed mixture must usually be determined with the non-destructive
method of measurement with an isotopic probe (nuclear densimetrics). Load Capacity

The load capacity of the URB, determined with the deformation modulus Ev2 and the ratio of the
deformation modulus Ev2/Ev1, determined by the EN standard (CNR 146) plate 300 mm in
diameter, must correspond to the requirements in Table 2.2:

Traffic load

Very heavy or heavy Medium or light

Type of mixture of
Required value, N/mm²
granules of stone
Ev2 Ev2/Ev1 Ev2 Ev2/Ev1

Natural ≥80 ≤1,5 ≥60 ≤1,5

Crushed or mixed ≥120 ≤1,5 ≥80 ≤1,5

Table 2.2: Requirements for load capacity of the URB

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The ratio of the deformation modulus Ev2/Ev1 is not decisive for the estimation of the load
capacity of unstabilised stone granules mixture layers if the value of the deformation modulus
Ev1 is greater than 80% of the required Ev2. The lower boundary value of the deformation
modulus may be up to 20% smaller than the required value in Table 2.2. If the Contractor does
not reach the required ratio of the deformation modulus Ev2/Ev1, the Engineer must specify the
further work. Level, Height, Incline

The unevenness of the URB must be determined as the deviation under a 4m long straight
edge, placed in any optional direction on the axle of the road. The formation of the URB is
permitted to deviate from the straight edge by no more than 20 mm (upper boundary value). If
such deviations follow one another, the Engineer must specify the method of correction. The
height of individual measurement points on the formation of the URB must be determined with
levelling. The formation of the URB can deviate at any optional point by no more than +10mm or
–15mm (upper boundary value) from the designed height.

The slopes of the formation of the URB must be equal to the cross section and longitudinal slope
of the carriageway given in the design. The permitted deviations are defined by the permitted
unevenness and the deviation from the height of the formation of the URB, but they must not be
greater than ±0.4% of the absolute value of the slope (extreme border value).

2.2.6 Quality Control of Execution Routine Tests

The Engineer decides the amount of routine tests in the spreading of mixtures of stone granules
into the URB on the basis of the results of the trial technological tests.

The minimal routine tests of the mixtures of stone granules which the Contractor must execute,
include tests of:

- granulation of mixture of stone granules every 5000 m³

- compressive strength of stone every 10000 m³
- crush resistance of granules every 5000 m³
- resistance of granules against freezing every 5000 m³
- form of granules every 10000 m³
- content of organic additives every 10000 m³
- load capacity of mixture of stone granules every 1500 m²
- optimal moisture content and density of mixture of
stone granules by the Modified Proctor Process every 5000 m³

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The minimum routine tests during the spreading of stone granules into the URB include
measurements of:

- moisture content and density in mixture every 1000—1500 m²

- loading capacity – deformation modulus every 500—1000 m²
- level and height of the formation of layer every 10—20 ml

In cases when the Engineer discovers in the routine tests greater deviations of results from the
trial tests, the amount of minimal routine tests are additionally increased. The Engineer may, in
cases of uniform results, also decrease the amount of minimal routine tests. The quality of the
constructed URB may be determined by other affirmed methods if the Engineer also gives
approval. In such cases, the measurements for quality of constructing and manner and amount
of tests must also be stated in the agreement with the Engineer. Control Tests

The amount of control tests which are made by the Client must, unless otherwise specified, be in
a ratio of 1:4 with the routine tests. Sample sites for mixtures of stone granules and the
measuring sites for routine and control measurements of the quality of the execution of the URB
is specified by the Engineer by the statistical random selection method.

2.2.7 Measurement and Take-over of Work Measurement of Work

Executed work is measured in accordance with these technical conditions and calculated in
square metres. All quantities are measured according to the executed amount and type of work
which was executed in the frame of measurements in the design. Take-over of Work

The constructed URB is taken-over by the Engineer in accordance with the requirements for
quality of these technical conditions and in accordance with these technical conditions. All
discovered deficiencies in regard to these requirements must be rectified by the Contractor
before continuing work. All expenses for the repairing of deficiencies are charged to the
Contractor, including expenses for all measurements and tests which proved the unsuitable
quality of the executed work and the tests necessary for determining the quality of work once
again after the performed corresponding rectification. The Contractor is not entitled to any
payment for all work which does not correspond to the required quality through these technical
conditions and which the Contractor has not rectified according to the instructions of the

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Engineer. The Client, in such cases, is entitled to prolong the guarantee terms for all work which
depends on the unrectified work for at least five years.

2.2.8 Cost Calculation General
The executed work is accounted in accordance with these technical conditions must be
accounted according to the contract unit price. The contract unit price must include all services
necessary for the complete execution of work. The Contractor has no entitlement to any
additional payment. Deductions Due to Unsuitable Quality Mixture of stone granules

Due to the required conditions for the corresponding quality of the stone mixtures of granules for
unstabilised roadbases (URB) there are no deductions. If the Contractor places a mixture into
the URB which does not correspond to the requirements in these technical conditions, the
method of calculation is determined by the Engineer. Quality of execution

The lower boundary values for: density, load capacity, and level and height, as defined in these
technical conditions, correspond to 100% of the offered unit price.

There are no deductions in the settled quality due to the conditions for ensuring the lower
boundary value. If the Contractor does not ensure the required quality of the execution in
accordance with these technical conditions, the Engineer must specify the method of calculation.

2.3 Stabilised Sub-base (SSB)

2.3.1 Description
The construction of stabilised (with binders) subbases (SSB) includes the supply of the
corresponding mixtures of stone granules and binders, the production and spreading of the
mixture or bituminous mixture, and the maintenance of the mixtures in the stabilised roadbases
at sites specified by the design. This work must be performed in dry weather (no wind) and the
temperature of the foundation during placing must be for:

• Mixtures from 5—25ºC;

• Bituminous over 0ºC.

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Stabilised sub-based (stabilised with binders) is using in roadway constructions with heavier
traffic loads, generally between the unstabilised roadbase and the stabilised roadbase. For
lighter traffic loads, such a bound stabilised course of mixtures of stone granules can be the only
stabilised roadbase in the roadway construction.

2.3.2 Basic Materials Mixtures of Granules

For SSB all mixtures of natural, crushed and/or mixed stone granules are used, defined in these
technical conditions. Besides the stated mixtures of stone granules, also mixtures of fly ash with
a smaller capability of hardening are used for SSB. The use of the fly ash must be approved by
the Engineer. Binders
The following binders are used for SSB:

• hydraulic binders: Portland cement with additives of granulated furnace slag and/or
natural pozzolans (with a gradual increase of hardness);

• organic binders: bitumen BIT 60 and BIT 80;

• artificial pozzolans: fly ash;

• composed binders: cement and fly ash.

The type of bitumen in bituminous mixtures for SSB are specified by the Engineer in regard to
the quality of the binder, traffic load and climatic conditions. The Contractor can, with the
approval of the Engineer, use binders if he proves their use for SSB.

2.3.3 Quality of Material Granulation of Mixture of Stone Granules

The composition of stone granules for SSB depends on the type of binder used for stabilising.
For sub-bases bound with hydraulic binders, artificial pozzolans and composed binders,
mixtures of stone granules specified in these technical conditions are used. In mixtures of stone
granules at depots, the content of granules 0.063 mm in diameter must not be greater than 8%
(m/m), while the content of granules up to 0.02 mm is not especially limited. For mixtures of
granules of fly ash, the specified requirements are not valid. The size of the largest particles in
the stone mixture is limited to 31.5 mm. The Engineer must specify the possibility of using such
mixtures in SSB. For sub-bases bound with organic binders, the composition of the used mixture

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of stone granules must correspond to the requirements in Figures 2.5 and 2.6. If the content of
granules, then such a mixture is permitted to be used if the equivalent of sand in the fraction is
more than 50%.

Figure 2.5: Granulometric composition of kerb boundaries of

stone granules 0/20 mm for stabilised (bituminous) sub-bases

Figure 2.6: Granulometric composition of kerb boundaries of

stone granules 0/31.5 mm and 0/40 mm for stabilised (bituminous) sub-bases

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The composition of mixtures of stone granules for SSB is specified in the design. If it is not, then
a rougher granulated composition of the stone mixture is to be used for thicker stabilised
courses, in the sense of and in the frame of these technical conditions.

The Contractor may use other compositions of mixtures of stone granules for SSB, if the
suitability of such mixtures in specific conditions of use were proven by an authorised institute
such as the ISTC or another certified laboratory and its use is permitted by the Engineer. Properties of Mixtures of Stone Granules

Mixtures of stone granules for SSB must have the following mechanical properties:

• compressive strength of stone granules in mixture must equal, and at least 100 N/mm²;

• resistance of stone granules against crushing, specified by the Los Angeles Method, is
permitted to amount on roads:

o with very heavy or heavy traffic loads – no more than 30%;

o with medium or light traffic – no more than 35%;

• resistance of mixtures against freezing effects, determined by five cycles of the

crystallisation test (with natrium sulphate, Na2SO2) and expressed as a percentage of
chipped granules from the original mass of the sample – loss is permitted to be no more
than 8-10% (m/m);

• granules whose form does not correspond to the condition l:d≤3:1 are permitted in the
mixture to be no more than 20% (m/m);

• adhesion of the granules with organic binders must be not greater than 20% of the
uncoated surface of the granules.

Before the beginning of work, each mixture of granules expected to be used in the SSB, must be
inspected in accordance with the requirements of these technical conditions. The number of
samples is specified by the Engineer. If the Engineer has already permitted the Contractor to
use the same mixture of stone granules for spreading into an unstabilised roadbase or SSB, a
repetition of the inspection of the mixture is not necessary. Properties of Binders

The required basic properties of binders for SSB are classified as follows:

• For hydraulic binders, in Table 2.3;

• For organic binders, in Table 2.4;
• For artificial pozzolans, in Table 2.5.

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Properties of cement Unit measure Required value

- fineness of grinding (rejects on sieve 0.075mm), no more than % 11

- specific surface by Blaine, at least m3/kg 0 240

- hardening time:
- beginning, not before h 1
- end, not later h 5

- necessary water for standard consistency, not more than % 25-28

Table 2.3: Required basic properties for hydraulic binders

Type of bitumen

BIT 80 BIT 60
Properties of bitumen Unit measure
Required value
penetration at 25 C mm/10 80 to 100 50 to 70
- softening point (PK ) C 48 to 55 48 to 55
index of penetration, at least - 1.0 - 1.0
stretching at 25 C, at least cm 100 100
breaking point by Fraas, the most C - 11 -8
decrease after heating:
- penetration, the most % 40 40
- breaking point, the most C -8 -6

Table 2.4: Required basic properties for organic binders

Unit Required
Properties of fly ash
measure value
radiative loss at 9500, not greater than % (m/m) 5

specific surface by Blaine, at least m2/kg 200

share of granules smaller than 45µm, at least %(m/m) 40

Pozzolan activity:

bending strength, at least N/mm2 1.5

crushing strength of last N/mm 5.0

Table 2.5: Required basic properties for artificial pozzolans

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If mixtures of granules from fly ash which have a smaller capability of hardening are foreseen for
SSB , then such a mixture must ensure:

• bending strength of at least 1.0 N/mm²;

• compressive strength of at least 2.5 N/mm².

The Contractor must submit suitable evidence of the quality of the hardening which be used in
the SSB in reasonable time before the beginning of work, in accordance with the requirements
of these technical conditions. Water
For the preparation of mixtures for sub-bases from compositions of stone granules, bound with
hydraulic binders or artificial pozzolans, only natural or suitably processed still or running water
may be used, for which it was discovered, with a corresponding method, that it is suitable. Agents for Sticking Layers or for the Protection of the Surface Layer
Agents for sticking the bituminous sub-bases with the base (bound layer) must ensure a good
and equal link of both layers. Agents for protecting the surface of the layer must prevent over
drying of the mixture with hydraulic binders or the mixture of stone granules bound with artificial
pozzolan placed into the sub-base.

Usually an anionic unstabilised emulsion which contains at least 55% (m/m) of bitumen is used.

2.3.4 Method of Execution The Procurement of Mixtures of Stone Granules and Binders

The Contractor must report to the Engineer the location of exploiting the mixtures of stone
granules and binders for the SSB in reasonable time before beginning work. Evidence of the
quality of mixtures of stone granules, which the Contractor must submit to the Engineer, must
not be older than one year and in accordance with the requirements of these technical
conditions. Preparation of the Formation of the Base

As a base for SSB the following may be used:

• the formation of an unstabilised roadbase, which must be prepared in accordance with

these technical conditions; or

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• the formation of a sub-base, which must be prepared in accordance with of these

technical conditions.

The construction of the SSB must begin when the Engineer takes over the formations of the
base under the specified requirements.

The Contractor is obliged to maintain the formation of the base in the same condition it was at
the time of the take-over until the beginning of constructing the SSB. All defects must be
subsequently corrected and an evidence of this must be submitted to the Engineer. Deposits of Mixtures of Stone granules and Binders

If the Contractor temporarily deposits mixtures of stone granules before spreading into the SSB,
the location for this must be previously prepared. The location for depositing mixtures of stone
granules must be protected against precipitation.

Storage tanks for bitumen must be equipped with indirect heating and a thermometer. The
highest permitted temperature of the bitumen in tank is permitted to be:

• for BIT 80, 1600°C

• for BIT 60, 1650°C

The stores of mixtures of stone granules and binders for SSB at depots must be in such
quantities that they ensure the continuous production of mixtures and bituminous mixtures for
the SSB. Production of Mixes and Bituminous Mixtures

The production of mixtures of mixed stone granules, binders and water and bituminous mixtures
must be mechanical and performed in a suitable plant for the preparation of mixtures and
bituminous compound by weight. The duration of mixing and other factors which influence the
quality of coating the granules with binders must be adjusted in such a way, that a uniform mix
or bituminous mixture is ensured. Bituminous mixtures for stabilised sub-bases must be
produced by the hot process. The temperature of the produced bituminous mixture for stabilised
sub-bases (SSB) depends on the type of used bitumen, and when coming out of the mixer it
must reach:

• for BIT 80, 1450—1600°C

• for BIT 60, 1450—1650°C

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The produced mixture must usually be transported to the construction site at once. The
produced bituminous mixture may be stored for a short period at the asphalt base. Transportation of Mixes and Bituminous Mixtures

The mixes or bituminous mixtures for the SSB can be transported to a suitably prepared
formation base, which must be frozen, only when this is approved by the Engineer. Suitable
vehicles must be used for transport -a tipper equipped for tipping backwards (into the surface
finisher) and with a tarpaulin for the protection of the load against drying, down-falls, cooling and
dust. The inside surface (the sides and bottom) of the metal tipping body must be sprayed with
water before loading mixes, to prevent sticking, while before loading bituminous mixtures, it must
be coated with a solution to prevent sticking. The number of vehicles or the transport of the mix
or bituminous mixtures to the construction site must be adapted to the capability of the machines
for production and the distance of transport. Placing of Mixes or Bituminous Mixtures

The surface of the base, on which the mixture of stone granules, inorganic binders and water will
be placed as a SSB, must be moistened evenly with water before the beginning of spreading.
The surface of the clean base (stabilised course) on which a bituminous compound will be
constructed as a SSB, must be duly sprayed with an anionic unstabilised bitumen emulsion
(0.3—0.5 kg/m²) or with some other suitable binder for hardening courses before beginning to
spread the bituminous compound. The applied binder must be suitably dried before the
bituminous mixture is began to be spread. If the base is an unstabilised roadbase, spraying is
not necessary.

The spreading of the mixture or bituminous mixture into the SSB must be mechanically with a
surface finisher. In exceptions, hand spreading is permitted if the use of machines is not
possible due to limited space. Hand spreading must be approved by the Engineer.

The lowest temperature of bituminous mixtures at the site of construction depends on the type of
used bitumen, and is:

• for BIT 80, 1300°C

• for BIT 60, 1400°C

The optimal temperature for placing is 10—30°C higher than the above stated.

If conditions of work allow it, the constructing of the SSB must be done at the same time for the
whole width of the carriageway. If two surface finishers are used for spreading, one after the
other, the difference in quality at the region of the joint must not be visible. The longitudinal joints

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must be placed at least 10 cm apart when placing a number of layers, while the transverse joint
must be at least 50 cm apart.

Any break in work must be done along the whole width of the carriageway or carriage lane,
usually at right angle to the central line and vertically. Deviations from this are permitted only
with the approval of the Engineer. Before construction may progress, the surface of the
transverse joint must be spread with a bituminous emulsion or with cut-back bitumen, the region
of the transverse joint of the bituminous mixture must be heated by indirect heating. The
installation effect of the surface finisher in spreading the mix or bituminous mixture must ensure
at least 95% compaction. That the required properties of the placed mixture are ensured, the
content of water may not be above 1.5% (m/m) of the optimal value by the Modified Proctor
Method. The whole procedure of production, transportation, placing and compaction of the
mixture is not permitted to be at least more than two hours.

The selected type of roller and the method of compaction must ensure the greatest possible
uniformity in the density or compaction of the mix or bituminous mixture in all the designed width
of the carriageway. For this, the thickness of the designed layer must be increased by +5 cm, if
this has not already been foreseen by the design. The placed mix or bituminous mixture in the
SSB must be compacted from the edge towards the centre of the course and from the lower to
the upper edge of the course. Individual transitions of the roller must always cover one another.
Any stoppage of the roller on the spread course must be avoided.

All sites unreachable by machines must be compacted to the required density by other means,
to which the Engineer must consent to. The Engineer also specifies the conditions in which such
means can be used. If a mixed mixture of stone granules, hydraulic binders and/or pozzolan and
water is placed into the SSB, the traffic of the construction site is permitted on it, or placement
may begin of the following course of the carriageway as soon as the agent for hardening the
protection of the surface layer has set. If the SSB has bituminous mixtures placed in it, then it is
possible to release traffic over it or begin with the next layer only when the mixture in the middle
of the layer has cooled to appreciatively 25—300°C. The Engineer can specify other conditions
for allowing traffic over SSB. If the SSB is placed with a mixed mixture of stone granules,
inorganic binders and water, then the required crushing strength and climatic resistance must be
reached before freezing or it must be protected against cold weather by corresponding
superstructure. The Engineer must specify the need and method of protection.

2.3.5 Quality of Execution General
Before the machinery and equipments from which the quality of the executed work depends,
begin to operate, their capacity for ensuring an even quality in accordance with these technical

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conditions must be ascertained. All machinery and equipments must be attested and must
satisfy the requirements of the design and these technical in regard to capability. Trial Composition

The Contractor must submit to the Engineer, at least 15 days before beginning the construction
of the SSB, a trial composition of the:

• mix of the binder (hydraulic binder, artificial pozzolan or composed binder);

• the mixture of stone granules and water;

• the mixture of the organic binder; and

• the mixture of stone granules which are planned to be placed as a bounded stabilised
mixture of granules into the SSB.

The trial composition must contain:

• Type and quantity of individual denominative fractions of mixtures of stone granules, in

% (m/m),

• Type and quantity of binder, in % (m/m),

• Quantity of water for mixtures, in % (m/m),

• Mechanical properties of mixes or bituminous mixtures.

Besides the trial composition, the Contractor must also submit suitable evidence of the source
and suitable quality of all the materials used in the trial composition to the Engineer.

The Contractor must prove with this trial composition that the foreseen composition of stone
granules, binders and water can achieve the quality of the mix or bituminous mixture that these
technical conditions request. The trial composition of the bituminous mixture must be given for
the selected composition of mixtures of stone granules and for at least five different quantities of
added binder with a suitable increase (0.3—0.4 % (m/m)), in such a way that the middle
composition is the close to the proposed. The properties of the test samples of these bituminous
mixtures must be settled for all five of the investigated compositions. The Contractor is not
permitted to begin placing before getting approval from the Engineer in regard to the trial
composition of the mix or bituminous mixture. If the Contractor has already constructed a SSB
last year with compositions of stone granules and binders, then the trial composition may be
taken from the already completed composition determined during routine tests. This must be
specified by the Engineer.

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Albanian Road Design and Construction Standards Required Properties of Test Samples

The required properties of test samples of mixes and bituminous mixtures for SSB layers must
amount to:

Properties Unit measure Required value

Density, average % 98

Crushing strength, average N/mm2 3.5

Climatic resistance, average - 0.8

Table 2.6: Required properties of test samples of bituminous mixtures

For bituminous mixtures, these figures are as stated in Table 2.7:

Properties Unit measure Required value

Stability at 600C, at least KgF 450

Flow at 600C mm 2 to 4

Voids content % (V/V) 5 to 10

Filling of voids in the mixture of granules with bitumen % 50 to 70

Core or cut-out

Voids content %(V/V) 4 to 10

Density, at least % 98

Table 2.7: Required properties of test samples according to Marshall of bituminous mixtures

For mixtures of granules of fly ash with a smaller capability of hardening, the figures are as
stated in these technical conditions.

Test samples proposed for stabilisation mixtures must, as a rule, have a cylindrical shape with a
diameter D = 15 cm and height h = 15 cm, and be treated with an optimum quantity of water,
and compacted according to Standard Proctor Procedure, until 100% or at least 98%
compactness is achieved.

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Compaction of the mix placed into SSB, determined, in regard to the density of the mix, by the
Modified Proctor Method, must be in the range between 95% (lower boundary value) and 100%
(upper boundary value). Usually the density of the placed mix is determined with the non-
destructive method of measurement using an isotope probe. The compressive strength of the
mixture (after 28 days) must be in the range between 3.5 N/mm² (lower boundary value) and
4.5 N/mm² (upper boundary value). Weather stability properties, as well as frost and thaw
resistance of the stabilised mixture must be determined with test samples, having been
compacted according to the Standard Proctor Procedure to at least 100% compactness.

The resistance coefficient of test samples alternately treated in a damp chamber (or plastic
bags) and water or freezing chamber must be determined on the basis of the average
compressive strength values ratio in test samples following the test and on the basis of
compressive strength values of test samples exposed following the test of the same duration for
single axial compressive strength. The weather stability coefficient and frost/thaw resistance
coefficient must be at least 0.7.

Determination of compactness of built-in stabilisation mixture is determined on the basis of

density as established pursuant to Proctor Procedure.

The voids content in the test sample according to Marshall and in the drilled core or cut-out on
the carriageway is permitted to be smaller from the stated by 1% (V/V) (extreme lower boundary
value) or greater than 2% (V/V) (extreme upper boundary value).The filling of voids in the
mixture of stone granules with bitumen is permitted in the region between 50% (lower boundary
value) and 70% (upper boundary value). The compaction of the laced bituminous mixture,
defined in regard to the density of the test sample according to Marshall, must not be smaller
than the required boundary value for more than 3% (extreme boundary value). Trial Production and Placing

The Contractor must test the trial composition of the mix or bituminous mixture by production in
a corresponding plan, transport to the construction site and placing into the SSB, when this
permitted by the Engineer. The location of the trial composition is approved by the Engineer
usually at the contract site, after he has checked the suitability of the prepared formation of the

The tests of trial production and placing which, by the order of the Contractor, is executed by an
authorised institute such as the ISTC or another certified laboratory, must determine the
suitability of the storage sites and the production plan (programme) for the production of mixes
or bituminous mixtures, the method of transport and the equipments for constructing, all in the
accordance to the specifications of these technical conditions.

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The following requirements for testing must be met:

• Two samples of the mix or bituminous mixture must be taken from the site of
construction for total investigation.

• The process of compacting the mix or bituminous mixtures must be followed in two sites
with the non-destructive method using and isotope probe,

• Two cores must be taken from the sampling site of the bituminous mixture,

• Adapt the isotope probe or the given type of mix or bituminous mixture,

• Measure the density of the placed mix or bituminous mixture at 30 sites.

During the production process, transport and placing of bituminous mixtures the bituminous
binder may harden up to 20°C. If the Contractor has already construct SSB with similar mixes or
bituminous mixtures in the last year, then the results of the executed composition may be taken
as the trial production and placing. This must be specified by the Engineer. Routine Production and Placing

The Engineer permits to the Contractor the routine production and construction only on the basis
of the report’ results on trial production and placing. Permission for continuous process also
includes those conditions foreseen in these technical conditions for the properties of the mixes
and bituminous mixtures and the conditions foreseen in these technical conditions for routine
technological control. If any changes occur in the production or construction, the Contractor
must submit a proposal of the changes to the Engineer for approval in written form. This
depends on the Engineer. Protection of Surface Layer

The surface of the placed mixture of stone granules, bound by hydraulic binders or artificial
pozzolan into the SSB, must be protected against over drying with a suitable even spraying at
once. The necessary quantity of anionic unstabilised bituminous emulsion for spraying amounts
to 0.3—0.5 kg/m². Maintenance of the constructed course of mixture with water is possible only
if this is approved by the Engineer. Executed Composition

On the basis of results of the routine and/or control tests the average, that is the executed
composition, may be calculated after the executed routine production and construction.

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Albanian Road Design and Construction Standards Level, Height, Slope

The unevenness of the SSB formation must be ascertained as the deviation under a 4 m straight
edge, placed in an uninformed direction on the central line. The formation of the SSB is
permitted to deviate from the straight edge by no more than 15 mm (upper boundary value). If
such deviations follow one another, the Engineer must specify the measures to be taken. The
height of individual measure points on the formation of the SSB are determined by levelling. The
formation of the SB is permitted to deviate in uninformed places from the designed angle by no
more than +10 mm or -15 mm (boundary values). The slope of the formation of the SSB must
generally be equal to the transverse or longitudinal slope of the carriageway. The permitted
deviations are determined by the permitted unevenness and deviations of the height of the
formation of the SSB, but they must not be greater than ± 0.4% of the absolute value of the
slope (extreme boundary value).

2.3.6 Quality Control of Execution Routine Controls

The amount of routine controls in the constructing of SSB is specified by the Engineer on the
basis of the results of the trial technological tests (trial composition) and trial production and
placing. The minimum of routine tests which the Contractor must carry out are:

- for mixtures with cement and/or EFP:

- composition of stone granules: - granulation every 4000 m²
- properties every 40000 m²
- binder: - share every 12000 m²
- properties every 12000 m²
- produced mix: - optimal moisture and
density by MPP every 8000 m²
- comprehensive strength every 4000 m²
- climatic durability every 40000 m²
- placed layer of mixture: - moisture content and density every 100 m²
- quantity of spray every 4000 m²
- level of height every 200 m²

- for bituminous mixtures

- composition of stone granules: - granulation every 4000 m²
- properties every 24000 m²
- bond - content every 4000 m²
- properties (only control
Inspections) every 24000 m²

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- produced bituminous mixture:

properties of test samples by Marshall: stability, flow, share
of voids with mixes of stone
- Granules with bitumen every 4000 m²
- Placed layer of bituminous mixture:
- quantity of spray on base every 4000 m²
- density (void content) every 100 m²
- voids content (in core) every 4000 m²
- layer thickness every 2000 m²
- level and height of formation every 200 m²

- for fly ash with smaller hardening properties

- produced mixture - optimal moisture and density every 4000 m²
- compressive strength every 4000 m²
- bending strength every 8000 m²
- placed layer of mixture - moisture content and density every 100 m²
- quantity of spray every 4000 m²
- level of height every 200 m²

In cases when the Engineer discovers greater deviations from the trial technological
investigations in the routine inspections, he may subsequently increase the amount of the
minimal routine tests. In examples of uniform results, the Engineer may also decrease the
amount of the routine tests. In agreement with the Engineer, the quality of the placed SSB may
be determined by some other acknowledged method. In such examples, also the criteria for
quality of constructing and the method and amount of inspections must be in accordance with
the Engineer. Control tests

The number of control tests carried out by the Client must, unless otherwise specified, be in the
1:4 ratio with routine tests. The site for taking samples of mixes and bituminous mixtures and
measuring sites for routine and control tests of the quality of the execution of the SSB is
selected by the Engineer by the statistical random selection method.

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2.3.7 Measurement and Take-over of Work Measurement of Work

Executed work is measured in accordance with these technical conditions and calculated in
square metres. All quantities are measured by the actually executed work in the framework of
the design. Take-over of Work

The constructed SSB is taken-over by the Engineer under the requirements of these technical
conditions and in accordance with these technical conditions. All discovered defects in regard to
these requirements must be corrected by the Contractor before the continuation of work,
otherwise deductions for unsuitable quality of executed work are charged. All expenses for the
correction of the deficiencies are charged to the Contractor, including expenses for all
measurements and tests which showed the unsuitable quality of the executed work and which
were then needed to be subsequently rectified and for which the quality of work had to be
ascertained once again. The Contractor is not entitled to any payment for any works which do
not correspond to the required quality settled in these technical conditions (exceeded the
boundary or extreme boundary limits) and which the Contractor has not rectified under the
instructions of the Engineer. While the Client in such cases is entitled to prolong his guarantee
for all work which depends on this unrectified work for at least five years.

2.3.8 Cost Calculation General
Executed works are accounted in accordance with these technical conditions.

Quantities specified in these technical conditions must be accounted according to the contract
unit price. All services necessary for the completion of works must be included in the contract
unit price. The Contractor is not entitled to any additional payments. Deductions Due to Unsuitable Quality Quality of Materials

Due to the conditions to be found for the suitable quality of materials for SSB, there are no
deductions in calculation. If the Contractor spreads material which does not correspond to the
requirements of these technical conditions into the SSB, then the method of calculation is
decided by the Engineer, the Engineer may also reject the executed work in whole.

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Albanian Road Design and Construction Standards Quality of execution

The necessary basic measures to estimate the quality and the calculation of deductions due to
unsuitable quality are given in Table 2.8 (overleaf). If the Contractor does not ensure the
required quality of the executed work in accordance with these technical conditions, the
Engineer must specify the method of calculation.

Unit Boundary value

measure Extreme lower Lower Upper Extreme upper Ratio
Produced mix:
Compressive strength N/mm2 2.0 2.5 4.5 5.0 5 to 9*
Climatic durability - 0.6 0.7 - - 7**
Placed layer of mix
Density % 90 95 98 100 63
Moisture content % - - 1.5 2.0 3
Quantity of spray kg/m 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.7 2.5 to 3
Layer thickness*** % 10-15 - - - -
Level mm - - 15 20 3
Height mm -20 -15 10 15 2 to 3
Produced bituminous mixture-test sample according to Marshall
Stability at 60 KgF 350 450 - - 450
Flow at 60° mm 1.0 1.5 4.0 4.5 3-8
Voids content % (V/V) 4 5 10 12 5
Filling of voids in the mixture of
% 45 50 70 75 10-14
stone granules with binder
Placed layer of bituminous mixture
Quantity of pray kg/m2 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.7 2.5-3
Density % 95 98 - - 33
Layer thickness*** % 20 10 - - (1)
Level mm - - 15 20 31
Height mm -20 -15 10 15 2-3
Produced mix of EFP
Compressive strength N/mm2 2.0 2.5 4.5 5.0 5-9
Bending strength N/mm 2
1.0 1.5 - - 3
Placed layer of EFP mixture
Density % 90 95 98 100 63-67
Moisture content % (m/m) - - 3 5 1.5
Quantity of spray kg/m 2
0.2 0.3 0.5 0.7 2.5-3
Level mm - - 15 20 3
Height mm -20 -15 10 15 2-3
* The compressive strength of the sample refers to the average value determined on three test samples
** Climatic durability of the sample refers to the average value determined on two test samples
*** Usually the determined quantity of thickness of the constructed bituminous mixture is calculated by unit price, lowered by the ratio
between the designed executed thickness

Table 2.8: Measures of quality of execution

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Albanian Road Design and Construction Standards

2.4 Stabilised Roadbase (SRB)

2.4.1 Description
The construction of stabilised (bituminous) roadbases (SRB) includes the supply of suitable
mixtures of stone granules and binders and also the production and the constructing of
bituminous mixtures at sites specified by the design.

This work must be executed in weather when there are no rain and when the temperature of the
base and air (no wind) is above 0°C. Bituminous mixtures for SRB are used, produced mainly by
the hot process, in the following way:

• Bituminous Fine Gravel (BFG)

• Bituminous fine gravel with addition of Chippings or Crushed Stone (BCCS)

• Bituminous Crushed Stone (BCS)

• Bituminous Macadam (BM)

SRB are intended -depending in the type of composition of stone granules and binders – for
constructing into roadway constructions for all groups of traffic loads, usually between the
unstabilised or stabilised sub-base and the stabilised wearing course of bituminous (asphalt)
concrete, poured asphalt or surface coating, wearing-roadbase course of cement concrete or
paved wearing course. For lighter traffic loads, where one stabilised wearing roadbase course
(SWRC) is enough, corresponding bituminous mixtures are used.

The type of bituminous mixture for SRB and SWRC is usually defined in the design. If not the
Engineer decides.

2.4.2 Basic Materials Compositions of stone granules

The used stone granules for SRB and SWRC are defined in Table 2.9:

Type of stone particle mixture

Collective traffic load
Crushed stone +* +* + + +
Crushed stone with addition of the fine gravel - - + + +
Fne gravel with addition of chippings or crushed stone - - + + +
Fine gravel - - - + +
* The granulation of the stone particle mixture is limited by a narrower field

Table 2.9: Stone granules for SRB and SWRC

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The granulation of the stone particle mixture for RB and SWRC is determined by the Engineer,
depending on the traffic load, thickness of the layer and climatic conditions, if this is not already
determined in the design. Binders
The used binders for SRB and SWRC are defined in Table 2.10:

Collective traffic load

Type of binder
BIT 60 + + - - -
BIT 80 +* +* + + -
BIT 100 - - + + +

* Only if conditioned by climatic conditions

Table 2.10: Binders for SRB and SWRC

The type of bitumen for SRB and SWRC is determined by the Engineer, depending on the
quality of the binder, the traffic load and climatic conditions. The Engineer may require other
binders, especially if the traffic load or climatic conditions are given as the reason for this. The
Contractor may, with the approval of the Engineer, use other binders of a bituminous base, if he
demonstrates their applicability for SRB or for SWRC with corresponding evidence.

2.4.3 Quality of Materials Granulation and Properties of Stone Particle Mixtures

Stone particle mixtures for SRB and SWRC must, unless otherwise specified, be composed
from granules of denominative fractions:

• stone dust;

• sand; and

• chippings and/ or gravel.

Stone particle mixtures or natural compositions of gravel mixtures received by crushing can be
used for SRB or SWRC, if the composition of such a mixture corresponds to the method of use.
This must be specified by the Engineer.

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Albanian Road Design and Construction Standards Sand
Sand is a mixture of natural and/or crushed granules. The requirements for the granulation of
the denominative fractions are given in Table 2.11:

Length of square Natural and/or crushed sand

Opening of sieve in mm 0/1 mm 0/2 mm 0.4 mm

Sift of denominative fraction % (m/m)

0.075* not greater than 10 not greater than 10 not greater than 10

1 at least 90 - -

2 100 at least 90 at least 65

4 - 100 at least 90

8 - - 100

* wet process of granulation

Table 2.11: Requirements for the granulation of denominative sand fractions

Requirements for the properties of mixtures of granules of sand are given in Table 2.12:

Properties of mixtures of granules of sand Unit measure Natural sand carbonate

Share of granules up to 0.09mm, not greater than %(m/m) 10 10

Equivalent of sand, at least % 60 60

Content of clay clods, not greater than % (m/m) 0.5 0.5

Content of organic additives, not greater than % (m/m) 0.5 0.3

Table 2.12: Requirements for the properties of mixtures of granules of sand

Granules of chippings used for the production of crushed sand must be equally resistant to
crushing and show by the Los Angeles Method, as it is required for mixtures of stone granules of
chippings for the corresponding traffic loads group.

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Albanian Road Design and Construction Standards Chippings and Gravel

Requirements for the granulation of denominative fractions of chippings or gravel are given in
Table 2.13.

Length of side Basicdenominative fractions

of square
2/4 mm 4/8 mm 8/16 mm 16/31.5 mm
opening of
sieve in mm sift % (m/m)
0.075 no greater than 3 no greater than 1 no greater than 1 no greater than 1

1 no greater than 5 - - -

2 no greater than 15 no greater than 5 - -

4 at least 90 no greater than 15 no greater than 5 -

8 100 at least 90 no greater than 15 no greater than 5

16 - 100 at least 90 no greater than 15

31.5 - - 100 at least 90

63 - - - 100

Table 2.13: Requirements for the granulation of

denominative fractions of chippings or gravel

Stone granule mixtures of chippings or gravel for SRB or SWRC must contain the properties
stated in Table 2.14:

Properties of mixtures of chippings or gravel Unit measure
Compressive strength of stone granules, at least
For high and very high traffic loads N/mm2 120
For other traffic loads N/mm 100
Crush resistance of granules according to the Los Angeles method
Screening allowed on roads with high and very high traffic loads, not greater than %(m/m) 28
With other traffic loads, nor greater than %(m/m) 30
Freeze resistance of granule mixtures – five cycles
With Na2SO ,loss may amount to no more than % (m/m) 10
Absorption of water in fractions 4/8, no greater than % (m/m) 1.2
Content of poorly formed granules (by I:d≥ 3:1), not greater than % (m/m) 20
Adhesion to bitumen BIT 100, coated surfaces of granules, at least %/% 90/80

Table 2.14: Stone granule mixtures of chippings or gravel for SRB or SWRC

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Albanian Road Design and Construction Standards Collective Granulation

Bituminous mixtures used for SRB are composed from grade-size mixtures of stone granules
0/16 mm, 0/20 mm, and exceptionally also 0/40 mm. Bituminous mixtures composed from
grade-sizes mixtures of stone granules 0/16 mm are used for SWRC.

The trade marks and regions of granulation of these bituminous mixtures are as follows:

• BFG 16 (Figure 2.7)

• BCCS 20 and BCCS 20 S (Figure 2.7 and 2.8) with bitumen 60/80

• BCCS 32 and BCCS 32S (Figure 2.9 and 2.10) with bitumen 60/80

• BCS 40 (Figures 2.11)

• BM 16, BM 20 and BM 32 (Figure 2.12 to 2.14)

• BFG 16 (Figure 2.15) with bitumen 80/100

Figure 2.7: Region of composition of mixtures of

stone granules for bituminous roadbases BFG 16 and BCCS 20

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Figure 2.8: Region of composition of mixtures of

stone granules for bituminous roadbases BCCS 20S

Figure 2.9: Region of composition of mixtures of

stone granules for bituminous roadbases BCCS 32

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Figure 2.10: Region of composition of mixtures of

stone granules for bituminous roadbases BCCS 32 S

Technologically conditioned thickness of SRB and SWRC are given in Table 2.15:

Type of

Boundary value 16 20 20S 32 32S 40 16 20 32 16

Technological 55-
40-65 50-90 60-100 60-110 70-120 80-140 35-70 45-90 40-70
thickness, mm 110

Table 2.15: Technologically conditioned thickness of SRB and SWRC

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Figure 2.11: Region of composition of mixtures of

stone granules for bituminous roadbases BCS 40

Figure 2.12: Region of composition of mixture of stone

granules for stabilised roadbases of bituminous macadam BM 16

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Every mixture of stone granules foreseen for use in the SRB or in the SWRC must be inspected
before the beginning of work, in accordance with these technical conditions. The number of
samples is determined by the Engineer.

If the Engineer has already approved the use of an equal mixture of stone granules for
constructing into the SRB or SWRC, a repetition of the inspection of the mixture of granules is
unnecessary. Properties of Binders

The required basic properties of binders for SRB and SWRC are given in Table 2.16 (see

Figure 2.13: Region of composition of mixture of

stone granules for stabilised roadbases of bituminous macadam BM 22

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Figure 2.14: Region of composition of mixture of

stone granules for stabilised roadbases of bituminous macadam BM 32

Type of bitumen

Properties of bitumen BIT 180 B IT 100 BIT 80 BIT 60

Required value

Penetration at 25°C mm/10 160-180 80-100 60-80 50-70

Softening point by PK °C 40-45 48-50 48-55 48-55

Penetration index, at least - -1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0

Elasticity at 25°C cm 100 100 100 100

Breaking point by Fraas

Not greater than °C -15 -13 -11 -8

Decrease after heating

Penetration, not greater than % 40 40 40 40

Breaking point,not greater than °C -12 -10 -8 -6

Table 2.16: Properties of bitumen

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Figure 2.15: Region of composition of mixture of stone

granules for bituminous stabilised wearing course BNOP 16

The Contractor must submit corresponding evidence of the quality of the binder which he
intends to use in the SRB of SWRC in accordance with the requirements of these conditions in
reasonable time before the beginning of work. The Engineer can request other binders,
especially if the reason for this are traffic loads and climatic conditions. In such cases, he must
also define the conditions for the quality of such binders. Agents for Hardening Courses

Agents for hardening bituminous mixtures placed in the SRB or SWRC, linked with a sub-base
(stabilised sub-base or other course), must ensure a good and even link of both courses.
Spraying the sub-base made from a bituminous mixture is necessary only if traffic has removed
the binder from the granules on the surface of this course. Usually, anionic semi-stabilised or
unstabilised bitumen emulsions containing at least 55% (m/m) of bitumen are used for the
hardening the courses.

2.4.4 Method of Execution Procurement of Stone Particle Mixtures and Binders

The Contractor must report the location of the procurement of mixtures of stone granules and
binders for the SRB and SWRC to the Engineer in reasonable time before the beginning of work.

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Evidence in regard to the quality of the stone granule mixture in accordance with the
requirements of these technical conditions, which the Contractor must submit to the Engineer,
must not be older than one year. Evidence of the quality of the binder in accordance with the
requirements of these technical conditions are not permitted to be older than three months. Preparation of Formation of Base

A base of SRB and SWRC from bituminous mixtures may be:

• the formation of the stabilised sub-base (with binder stabilised mixtures), which must be
prepared under the specifications of these technical conditions

• the formation of the stabilised sub-base, which must be prepared by specifications of

these technical conditions, or

• the formation of the sub-base from stone material which must be prepared by the
specifications of these technical conditions.

The Contractor may begin constructing the SRB or SWRC when the Engineer has taken-over
the formation of the sub-base under technical conditions.

The Contractor is obliged to maintain the formation of the sub-base in the same condition as it
was before the take-over during the whole period before placing of SRB or SWRC. Depositing Stone Particle Mixtures and Binders

If the Contractor temporarily stores stone particle mixtures before placing into the SRB or
SWRC, the location for this must be previously prepared. The location for depositing mixtures of
stone granules must be protected against rainfalls. Storage tanks for bitumen must be equipped
with indirect heating and thermometer. The highest permitted temperature of bitumen in a
storage tank may amount to:

• For BIT 100, 150°C

• For BIT 80, 160°C

• For BIT 60, 165°C

The optimal temperature of bitumen in tanks is 10—15°C lower than the highest permitted. The
stores of mixtures of granules and binders in the storage locations must be in such amount, that
the production of bituminous mixtures for SRB and SWRC is ensured continuously.

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Albanian Road Construction Specifications – ARCS 3 – Road Construction
Albanian Road Design and Construction Standards Production of Bituminous Mixtures

The production of bituminous mixtures must be carried out mechanically and guaranteed in a
corresponding plant for the preparation of bituminous mixtures. Equipment for batching must
ensure suitable quantities of the composing parts of the bituminous mixture by weight. The
measurement of composition by space is permitted if the Engineer agrees. The time of mixing
and other factors which influence the quality of coating granules with binder must be adapted so
that a uniform consistency of the bituminous mixture is ensured. The bituminous mixture for SRB
and SWRC must be produced by the hot process. The temperature of the produced bituminous
mixture for SRB and SWRC depends on the type of used bitumen and must, when leaving the
mixing machine, amount to:

• for BIT 100, 135—155°C

• for BIT 80, 1450—1600°C

• for BIT 60, 1450—1650°C

The highest permitted temperature is 10°C higher than the above stated. The produced
bituminous mixture may stored for a short time in suitable storage tanks at the asphalt base or it
may be transported to the construction site and into the SRB or SRC at once. Transport of Bituminous Mixtures

The bituminous mixture for the SRB or SWRC may begin to be transported to a suitably
prepared formation base, which must not be moist or frozen, when this is permitted by the
Engineer. Suitable vehicles must be used for transportation-tippers, equipped for tipping
backwards (into the finisher) and a tarpaulin cover for protecting the bituminous mixture against
precipitations, cooling and dust. The surface inside (the sides and bottom) of the metal tipping
body of the trucks must be sprayed with suitable agents for preventing sticking before loading
the bituminous mixture into the trucks. The number of vehicles or the transport of the bituminous
composite to the construction site must be adapted to the conditions of even placing, depending
on the capacity of the machinery for the production and the distance of transport. Placing of Bituminous Mixtures

The surface of a clean base on which the bituminous mixture will be placed as a SRB or SWRC
must be prepared in reasonable time before beginning to spread the bituminous mixture by
evenly spraying the surface with anionic unstabilised emulsion (0.3—0.5 kg/m²) or with another
suitable binder for hardening layers, if it has not been sprayed previously or if traffic has
removed the layer of bitumen from granules on the surface of the base. The sprayed agent for
hardening the layers must be suitably dried before placing the bituminous mixture.

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Spreading of the bituminous mixture for SRB and SWRC must be mechanically, using a finisher.
Hand spreading is permitted when the use of machines is limited due to space. Hand spreading
must be approved by the Engineer.

In regard to the type of used bitumen for production, the lowest temperature of the bituminous
mixture at the site of placing may be:

• For BIT 100, 125°C

• For BIT 80, 130°C

• For BIT 60, 135°C

The optimal temperature for placing is 10—30°C higher than the above stated temperatures.

In windy weather, the lowest temperature of the bituminous mixture for SRB or SWRC must be
10°C higher, in the hand spreading of the bituminous mixture it may be 20°C higher than the
above stated values for the specific type of bitumen.

If the condition of work allow, the SRB or SWRC must be placed along the whole width of the
carriageway simultaneously. If two finishers are used for placing, the difference in quality of the
placed bituminous mixture in the region of the joint must not be apparent.

When constructing a number of layers, the longitudinal joint must be placed 20 cm one after the
other and the transverse joint at least 50 cm. Every pause in construction must be executed over
the whole of the width of the carriageway or road lane, usually at the right angle to the centre
line of the road or vertically. Deviations from this are possible only with the approval of the
Engineer. The surface of the transverse joints must be sprayed with bituminous emulsion or with
cut-back bitumen and the region of the transverse joint must be heated by indirect heating
before continuing the constructing. The placing effect of the finisher in the spreading of the
bituminous mixture must ensure at least 95% compaction. The selected type of roller and the
method of compaction must ensure an even density or compaction of the bituminous mixture
over the whole designed width of the carriageway as much as possible. That is why the width of
the layer must be increased for the designed thickness of the layer if this was not foreseen in the
project. The placed bituminous mixture in the SRB or SWRC must be compacted from the edge
towards the centre of the course and from the lower towards the higher edge of the layer.
Individual transitions of the rollers must always cover each other. Any stoppage of the roller on
the constructed course must be avoided.

All inaccessible places for machines must be compacted to the required density by other ways,
which must be approved by the Engineer; he also specifies the conditions in which such
methods are to be used. Traffic or the construction of the following layer is permitted on the

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executed bituminous mixture of the SRB or SWRC only when the bituminous mixture in the
centre of the layer has cooled to about 20—25°C. The Engineer may also specify other
conditions before releasing traffic over the SRB or SWRC.

2.4.5 Quality of Execution General
Before the machines and facilities, on which the quality of the executed work depends,
commence to work, their suitability for ensuring the even quality must be in accordance with the
specifications of these technical conditions. All machines and equipments must be attested and
must correspond to the requirements of the design and these technical conditions in regards to
capacity. Trial Composition

The Contractor must submit the trial composition of the bituminous mixture and the mixture of
stone granules which he plans to construct as a bituminous mixture into the SRB or SWRC at
least 15 days before the beginning of construction of the SRB or SWRC to the Engineer.

The trial composition must contain:

• type and quantity of individual denominative fractions of mixtures of stone granules (in %

• type and quantity of binder (in % (m/m));

• type and quantity of bitumen additives;

• mechanical properties of bituminous mixture.

Besides the trial composition, the Contractor must also submit corresponding evidence of the
source and suitable quality of the materials used for the preparation of the trial analysis to the
Engineer. The Contractor must demonstrate that the foreseen stone particle mixture and binder
achieves the quality required in these technical conditions. The trial composition must be given
for the selected stone particle mixture and at least five different quantities of added binder with
the corresponding increase (0.3—0.4 % (m/m)) in such a away, that the middle composition is
the closest to the proposed one. The property of the test samples from these bituminous
mixtures must be stated for all five inspected mixtures.

The Contractor is not permitted to begin constructing before getting the approval of the Engineer
for the trial composition of the bituminous mixture.

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If the Contractor had constructed into a SRB or SWRC a mixture of stone granules and binders
with equal properties last year, then the results of the executed composition, ascertained in the
routine tests, can be taken for the trial composition. This must be specified on the Engineer. Required Properties of Test Samples

The required properties of test samples of bituminous mixtures for SRB and SWRC are given in
Table 2.17:

Traffic load
Properties Unit measure

VH and H M L and VL

Stability at 60°C at least KgF 800 700 600

Flow at 60° C mm 2 to 4* 2-4* 2-4*

Voids content % (V/V) 5 to 9 4-8 3-7**

Filling of voids in the stone % 50-70 50-74 50-78***

particle mixture with bitumen
Core or cut-out:
— Voids content % (V/V) 4-8 3-7 2-6
— Density, at least % 98 95 95
* for SWRC 2.5 to 4.6
** for SWRC 1 to 3.5
*** for SWRC 75 to 92

Table 2.17: Required Properties of tests for Bituminous Mixtures for SRB and SWRC

The demand properties for bituminous mixtures macadam are given in Table 2.18:

Properties Unit measure Required value

Sample by Marshall
Stability at 60°C,at least KgF 400
Flow at 60°C mm 2.0 to 3.5
Voids content % (V/V) 8 to 12
Filling of voids in the stone particle mixture with bitumen % 25 to 32
Core or cut-out:
— voids content % (V/V) 7 to 15
— density, average % 95

Table 2.18: Required Properties of tests according to

Marshall for Bituminous Mixtures Macadam

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The required value of the trial test according to Marshall is determined with lower and upper
boundary value. The voids content in the trial test according to Marshall and in the drilled core or
cut-out on the carriageway is permitted to be less than 1% (V/V) (extreme lower boundary value)
or greater for 2% (V/V) (extreme upper boundary value). The filling of voids in mixtures of stone
granules with bitumen is permitted in the region between the specified boundary values.

The density of the placed bituminous mixture, determined in regard to the density of the sample
according to Marshall, must not be smaller than the determined boundary value for more than
3% (extreme boundary value). Trial Production and Placing

The Contractor must test the trial composition of the bituminous mixture in production at a
corresponding asphalt plan, the transport to the construction site and the placing into the SRB or
SWRC, when this is approved by the Engineer.

The site of trial placing is approved by the Engineer usually at the contract site, after he has
tested the suitability of the prepared formation of the foundation.

In trial production and placing, the tests which an authorised institute such as the ISTC or
another certified laboratory, must execute under the order of the Contractor must:

• determine the suitability of the storage site and asphalt plant for the production of
bituminous mixtures, method of transportation and machinery for placing, all in
accordance with requirements of these technical conditions;

• take two test samples of bituminous mixtures from the sites of placing for a complete

• follow the process of compaction of bituminous mixture at two sites, by the non-
destructive method using an isotope probe;

• take two cores at the site of the bituminous mixture;

• adjust the isotope probe to the given type of bituminous mixture;

• measure the density of the placed bituminous mixture at thirty sites.

During the process of production, transport and placing of the bituminous mixture, the
bituminous binder may harden up to two degrees.

If the Contractor has already constructed a SRB or SWRC in the last year with similar
bituminous mixtures, then the results of those executed compositions may be taken as trial
production and placing. This must be specified on the Engineer.

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Albanian Road Design and Construction Standards Routine Production and Placing

The Engineer permits the Contractor routine production and construction only on the basis of the
results of the report on trial production and placing. The agreement for continuous work also
includes the conditions stated for the properties of the bituminous mixture and the conditions
stated for routine technological control, foreseen in these technical conditions. Agreement for
routine production and placing of the bituminous mixture into the SRB or SWRC must also
contain specific requirements for possible additional spraying of surfaces of subbases with
agents for hardening in accordance with these technical conditions. If any changes whatsoever
occur in the production or placing of bituminous mixtures, then the Contractor must submit the
proposal for change to the Engineer in writing. The Contractor can affirm this only when this is
approved by the Engineer. Executed Compositions

It is possible to calculate the average, that is the executed composition of the bituminous mixture
on the basis of the results of the routine and/or control tests after the final routine production and
placing. Processing includes all the characteristics of the produced and placed bituminous
mixtures and the basic statistical pointers for them. Level, Height, Slope.

Unevenness of the formation of the SRB and SWRC must be determined as the deviation under
a horizontal 4 m long straight edge in any arbitrary direction on the centre of the road. The
formation of the SRB or SWRC must not deviate from the straightedge by more than 10 mm
(upper boundary value). If such deviations follow one another, the Engineer decides about it.
The height of individual measuring sites on the formation of the SRB or SWRC must be
determined by levelling. The formation of the SRB or SWRC can deviate in an arbitrary place
from projected grade point for no more than a 10 mm (boundary value). The slope of the
formation of the SRB or SWRC must usually be equal to the cross slope or longitudinal slope of
the carriageway. The permitted deviation is determined by the permitted unevenness and the
deviation of the height of the formation of the SRB or SWRC, but they must not be greater
±0.4% of the absolute value of the slope (extreme boundary value).

2.4.6 Quality Control of Execution Routine Controls

The extent of routine controls during the placing of SRB or SWRC is specified by the Engineer
on the basis of the results of the trial technological investigation (the trial composition and the
trial production an placing). The minimum routine controls which the Contractor must perform

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- stone particle mixture: - granulation every 4000 m²

- properties every 24000 m²
- binder: - share every 4000 m²
- properties (only control tests) every 8000 m²

- produced bituminous mixture: properties of test sample according to Marshall:

stability, flow, voids content, filling of voids in the
mixture of stone granules with bitumen every 4000 m² *

- placed layer of bituminous mixture

- quantity of spray on the base every 4000 m2 **
- density (voids content) every 100 m²
- voids content (in core) every 4000 m²
- layer thickness every 2000 m²
- level and height of formation layer every 200 m²

* but at least 1 sample per day

** if additional spray is necessary

In cases when the Engineer discovers greater deviations of the results from the results of the
trial technological tests in the routine tests, then he may additionally increase the extent of the
minimum number of routine tests. In cases of uniform results, the Engineer may also decrease
the extent of routine tests. The quality of the placed SRB or SWRC may also be determined by
other acknowledged methods, if the Engineer is agreement with this. In this case, the stated
criteria for the quality of the execution and the method and extent of the test must be in
agreement with the Engineer. Control Tests

The extent of control tests which the Contractor performs is usually in the ratio of 1:4 with the
routine tests. The site of taking samples of bituminous mixtures and the measuring sites for the
routine and control measurements of the executed quality of the SRB and SWRC is determined
by the Engineer with the statistical random selection method.

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2.4.7 Measurement and Take-over of Work Measurement of Work

The executed work is measured in accordance with these technical conditions and calculated in
square metres. All quantities are measured according to the executed extent and type of work
which was executed in the framework of measurements in the design. Take-over of Work

The placed SRB and SWRC is taken-over by the Engineer under the requirements for quality of
these technical conditions and in accordance with these technical conditions. All discovered
deficiencies in regard to these requirements must be corrected by the Contractor before he
continues work, otherwise deductions for unsuitable quality of the executed work are charged.
All expenses for the corrections of deficiencies are charged to the executor, including expenses
for all measurements and tests which showed the unsuitable quality of the executed work and it
was necessary to determine the quality of work once again after the performed subsequent
correction. For all work which does not correspond to the quality requirements of these technical
conditions (they exceed the boundary or extreme boundary value) and the Contractor has not
rectified this according to the instructions of the Engineer, the Contractor is not entitled to any
payment. While the Client in such cases is entitled to extent the guarantee for all work which
relates on the unrectified work for at least five years.

2.4.8 Cost Calculation General
The executed work is accounted in accordance with these technical conditions. The quantities
specified in these technical conditions must be estimated according to the contract unit price.
The contract unit price must include all services necessary for the complete finalisation of work.
The Contractor has no entitlement to any additional payment. Deductions for Unsuitable Quality Quality of material

Due to the conditions placed for the suitable quality of material for SRB and SWRC there are no
deductions when calculation.

If the Contractor lays material into the SRB or SWRC which does not correspond to the
requirements of these technical conditions, the Engineer must specify the method of calculation;
the Engineer may also reject the executed work in whole.

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The necessary basics for the estimation of the quality of the executed and the calculation of
deductions due to unsuitable quality are given in Table 2.19.

If the Contractor does not ensure the required quality of the execution of the SRB or SWRC in
accordance with these technical conditions the Engineer must specify the method of calculation.

Boundary values
Quotient of
Properties influence
Measure Extreme Lower Upper Extreme
lower upper

Produced bituminous mixture – test sample by Marshall

Stability at 60°C kN -1 * - - 4 to 8

Flow at 60°C mm -0.5 * * +0.5 4 to 8

Voids content % (V/V) -1 * * +2 2 to 8

Filling of voids in the

stone particle mixture % -5 * * +5 5 to 18
with binder

Placed layer of bituminous mixture

Quantity of spray kg/m2 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.7 2.5 to 3

Density % -3 * - - 32

- layer thickness % -15 ** ** - 2.3 to 6

- level mm - - 10 15 2

- height mm - - 10 15 2

Table 2.19: Boundary values of properties for estimation of the quality of executed works

2.4.9 Modified Bituminous Binders (bB) Field and scope of application

Modified bB is used mainly for production of stable (non-deformation) asphalts that are more
durable at high as well as at low temperatures.

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For production of polymer modified bituminous binders in asphalt plant it is necessary to meet
the requirements of this supplement. Modifying admixtures added to road construction bitumen
are not the subject of this text.

The choice of a suitable PmB type depends on the traffic load and climatic conditions the
structure is exposed to, and on the asphalt mixture type used.

In general PmB is used for the following special purposes:

• surfacing and bearing layers of asphalt mixtures that are exposed to extremely heavy
traffic loads and special conditions such as intersections, rest stops, rises and falls,
crawler lanes etc. (BD, BB)

• wearing courses where thicker bitumen films are desired (DBM, DA)

• thin coatings (TP)

• membranes for prevention of water intrusion and for spreading stress (SAMI)

• discontinuous bituminous concretes (DBM)

With road construction bitumens the following requirements also must be taken into account:

• options for storing PmB

• PmB temperature in storage, production and application

• time of asphalt mixture mixing

• more demanding application and compacting of asphalt mixture.

In case of use of Pmb in wearing courses it is necessary to use polymer bituminous emulsion for
the pre-splash.

Any supplementary manufacturer’s instructions for use of PmB must be taken into account.

The manufacturer must give to the (buyer) Client the following explanations:

• type and properties of PmB (Table 1.0)

• type of polymer used

• statistical presentation of regular testing results (softening point, penetration, elasticity

and decomposition resistance) of PmB production for previous and current year

• the highest and lowest temperature for PmB storage

• duration and method of PmB storage

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• the lowest application temperature of asphalt mixture

• equiviscous temperature of Marshall test specimen compacting (0,268 Pas), determined

by measurements of bitumen viscosity dependant upon of temperature

• possibility of repeated use of modified asphalt mixtures (impact on environment)

• recommended use of individual PmB types with respect to conditions of use and asphalt
mixture type. Types of PmB bitumen

The manufacturer must state to which type (according to Table 2.20, overleaf) its product
corresponds to. The following polymer bitumen types must be distinguished: PmB I, Pmb II,
PmB III and PmB IV.

Unit Binder type

Bituminous binder properties
measure PmB I PmB II PmB III PmB IV
Penetration at 25ºC (Pen/25) mm/10 15 – 40 40 – 70 40 – 70 50 – 80

(R & B) softening point, minimum ºC 65 60 70 55

Fraass breaking point. maximum ºC -10 -15 -17 -18

Ductility: 25ºC, minimum cm 35 70 80 100

Elastic reverse deformation at 25ºC, min % 50 60 70 70

Cleveland Flash Point, min ºC 250 250 250 230

Dynamic viscosity at 60ºC Pas determined determined determined determined

Dynamic viscosity at 135ºC Pas determined determined determined determined

Density at 25ºC Mg/m determined determined determined determined

Adhesion to aggregate surface, min % 95/90 95/90 95/90 95/90

Decomposition resistance, softening point ºC 2 2 2 2

difference after 3 days at 180ºC, max
Thermal load:

— mass change, max % 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5

— penetration change
- increase, max % 40 40 40 40
- decrease, max % 10 10 10 10
— (R & B) softening point change
- increase, max ºC 2 2 2 2
- decrease, max ºC 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5
— elastic reverse deformation at 25ºC min % 40 50 60 60

Table 2.21: Requirements for Types of PmB bitumen

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Albanian Road Design and Construction Standards Elasticity (TL – PmB, Part 1 – 1991)

Testing of elastic reverse deformation that consists of half thread length reversal measurements
by a ductility meter is used to attest the elastic properties of the PmB used.

The testing is carried out when the test specimen is stretched to a length of 20 cm. The
stretched test specimen thread must be cut within 10 seconds at the middle point (10 cm) with
cutters. The elastic reverse deformation is defined as the length of reversal – contraction that
results 30 minutes from the moment of cutting. The result of elastic reverse deformation is given
in percentages (%) compared to the initial stretch of 20 cm. Decomposition resistance (TL – PmB, Part 1 – 1991)

To attest the decomposition resistance of hot stored PmB used the following test is used:

Into an unvarnished aluminium tube of 3 cm radius and 16 cm height is poured up to

approximately 2/3 of height around 75 g of polymer bitumen (PmB). No bubbles must remain in
the bitumen. Before the bitumen cools down the air must be squeezed out at the open end by
coiling the tube so no air is left in the container. The tube is then stored three days in a vertical
position at a temperature of 180ºC. After cooling the test specimen to room temperature (18—
28ºC) the tube is cooled by removing the aluminium. The test specimen is then divided into three
symmetrical parts. The bitumen in the upper and lower part is attested by examination of
softening point. Recommended Use

The recommended applications of different types of bituminous binder are stated in Table 2.22
(see overleaf).

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Binder type Recommended scope of application

Bituminous crushed stone (BD)

Guss-asphalt (LA)
Bituminous crushed stone (BD)
Bituminous (asphalt) concrete (BB)
Discontinuous bituminous concrete (DBB)
Aplittasphaltmastix (DBM) – use of binder holders obligatory
Porous asphalt (DA) – use of binder holders obligatory
Membranes (SAMI)
Bituminous (asphalt) concrete (BB)
Discontinuous bituminous concrete (DBB)
Aplittasphaltmastix (DBM)
Porous asphalt (DA)
Thin-layered dressings (TP)
Membranes (SAMI)
Thin-layered dressings (TP)
PmB IV Bituminous (asphalt) concrete (BB)
discontinuous bituminous concrete (DBB)

Table 2.22: Recommended Uses for Types of PmB bitumen Quality testing

The supplier must acquire a conformity and suitability certificate issued by an authorised institute
such as the ISTC before the commencement of PmB supply. Before commencement of use of
supplied bitumen internal control must test penetration and softening point values.

External control testing encompasses partial and full examinations. Partial examinations are
testing of penetration, softening point, breaking point, ductility and elasticity.

Partial examinations are carried out for every 250 tons of bitumen used and full examinations
are carried out for every 1000 tons of bitumen used.

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3 Wearing and Sealing Courses

3.1 General

Wearing and sealing courses are parts of the roadway construction above the roadbases to the
road surface. Wearing can be unstabilised and stabilised, while sealing courses can only be
stabilised, with organic or hydraulic bonds, They must be placed in dimensions specified by the
design and in accordance with these technical conditions.

3.2 Unstabilised Wearing Courses (UWC)

3.2.1 Description
The construction of unstabilised (mechanically compressed, macadam) wearing courses include
the supply and constructing of suitable mixtures of stone granules for the unstabilised wearing
course at sites specified by the project. This work must be executed in weather when the
temperature is over 2°C and there are no rainfalls. Unstabilised wearing courses (UWC) can be
placed only in roadway constructions for light and very light traffic loads or as temporary
strengthening of road surfaces.

3.2.2 Basic Materials

Unstabilised wearing courses are mixtures of crushed granules, naturally crushed stone
granules and granules from the fine gravel as also mixtures of mixed stone granules.
Granulations from 0/20 mm, 0/31.5 mm and 0/40 mm are used as the basic and granulations of
0/8 mm for pinning.

3.2.3 Quality of materials Granulation of Stone Particle Mixtures

Mixtures of crushed or natural stone granules and mixture of mixed stone granules for UWC
must be composed from:

• the highest skeletal (coarse granulations) basic granulations; and

• granulation for pinning.

The required skeletal basic granulations for UWC are given in Figures 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3. The
Granulometric Composition of kerb boundaries of the stone particle mixtures must be as close to
the corresponding lower boundary curve as possible. It corresponding region of the granulation

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of the stone mixture for pinning is specified with the boundary value in Figure 3.1. Mixtures of
crushed stone granules are to be used for pinning , only in exceptions may naturally crushed
stone granules be used. The remaining characteristics of the granulometric composition of stone
granule mixtures for the basic skeleton are specified in these technical conditions. They must
contain mostly coarser granules. The required value of the gravel equivalent must be at least
40% stone particle mixtures for pinning.

Figure 3.1: Granulometric composition of kerb boundaries of

mixtures of stone granules 0/8 mm for pinning of unstabilised wearing courses Properties of Mixtures of Stone Granules

The mechanical properties of mixtures of granules for the basic skeleton for UWC are specified
in these technical conditions.

The following mechanical properties are required for mixtures of stone granules for pinning:

• compressive strength of stone granules in the mixture must amount to at least 80 N/mm²;

• resistance of granules against freezing, determined on granules in size over 4 mm with

five cycles of the crystallisation test (with Na2SO4) and expressed as a percentage of
chipped granules from the original mass of sample (loss) is permitted to amount to 10%

• organic additives contained in the stone granule mixtures may colour the 3% solute of
natrium lye to no more than a dark yellow.

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Every mixture of stone granules foreseen for use must be inspected in accordance with the
requirements of these technical conditions before beginning work. If production of stone particle
mixtures is inspected by an authorised institute such as the ISTC or another certified laboratory,
and on the basis of this the appraised quality of the particle mixture is suitable, then no
additional tests of the stone particle mixture is necessary before the beginning of work.

3.2.4 Method of Execution Procurement of Stone Particle Mixtures

Conditions for the procurement of stone particle mixtures or the basic skeleton and for pinning of
the UWC are defined in these technical conditions. Trial Technological Investigations

Requirements for trial technological investigations of stone particle mixtures for the UWC are
equal as stated in these technical conditions. Preparation of Formation of Sub-Base

In the sense of the specifications in these technical conditions. Depositing Stone Granule Mixtures

The specifications in these technical conditions be adhered to for the storage of stone granules
mixtures for UWC. Conveyance of Stone Particle Mixtures

The transportation of the skeleton basic stone granule mixture and the granule mixture for
pinning must be separate. For all else, the specifications stated in these technical conditions
must be adhered to. Spreading of Stone Particle Mixtures

The requirements in these technical conditions must be adhered to when placing of the skeleton
basis of the stone particle mixture. Stone particle mixtures for pinning must be distributed over
the already constructed layer of the skeleton basic mixture of stone granules, in such a quantity
which is necessary for the complete filling of voids on the surface of the layer and for covering.
The necessary quantity of water for rinsing the mixture of granules for pinning into the surface of
the skeleton basic mixture for the UWC must be evenly added with sprinkling. Static rollers are

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all that are necessary for final compaction. A 15 cm layer is a condition for the corresponding
execution of work during the placing of UWC.

3.2.5 Quality of Execution General
Before the machines and equipments begin to operate, from which the quality of the executed
work depends, their suitability for ensuring an even quality in accordance with the requirements
of these technical condition must be verified. All equipments and machinery must be attested
and must satisfy the requirements of the design in regard to capacity. Density
The requirements of these technical conditions must be adhered to for the density in the UWC. Bearing Power

The bearing power of the UWC, determined with the deformation modulus Ev2 and the
deformation modulus ratio Ev2/Ev1, determined by CNR 146 method, must correspond to the
requirements in Table 3.1:

Required value (N/mm2)

Type of basic stone particle mixture
Ev2 Ev2/Ev1

Crushed, naturally crushed ≥100 ≤1.5

Naturally rounded ≥ 80 ≤1,5

Mixed ≥ 90 ≤1,5

Table 3.1: Required UWC bearing power Level, Height, Slope

The requirements of these technical conditions must be adhered to for the stated surface of the

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3.2.6 Quality Control of Execution Routine Tests

The specifications of these technical conditions must be adhered to for routine control of
skeleton basic stone particle mixes. Minimum routine tests of stone particle mixtures for pinning
include the following investigations:

- granulation of stone particle mixtures every 4000m²

- compressive strength of stone every 40000m²
- resistance of granules against freezing every 40000m²
- organic additive content every 40000m²

The minimum routine tests in placing must be executed for both mixtures of stone granules
simultaneously. The requirements for the extent of both investigations are stated in these
technical conditions. Control Tests

The specifications in these technical conditions must be adhered to for control tests in UWC.

3.2.7 Measurement and Take-over of Work

The requirements specified in these technical conditions must be adhered to in whole for the
measurement and take-over of UWC executed work.

3.2.8 Cost Calculation

The requirements specified in these technical conditions must be adhered to for the calculation
of performed work on the UWC.

3.3 Stabilised Wearing and Sealing Courses – Bituminous Concretes

3.3.1 Description
The construction of stabilised wearing and sealing courses (SWSC) from bituminous (asphalt)
concrete includes the supply of suitable mixtures of stone granules and binders and the
production, transportation and installation of the bituminous mixtures at sites specified by the
design. This work must be performed in weather when there is no precipitation and the
temperature of the foundation and air (no wind) is over 5ºC. SWSC of bituminous concrete are
aimed - depending on the type of stone particle mixture and binders – for placing into roadway
constructions for all groups of traffic loads, usually as the top course of the roadway construction

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or as a sealing course under the wearing course of an open composition. The type of bituminous
mixture of bituminous concrete for SWSC is usually specified in the design. If it is not the case,
the Engineer must specify this.

3.3.2 Basic Materials Stone Particle Mixtures

Stone particle mixtures for SWSC of bituminous concrete are specified in Table 3.2.

Group of traffic load

Type of stone particle mixture
Crushed stone + + + + +
Crushed stone, produced from
- + + + +
natural granules
Fine gravel - - - - +

Table 3.2: Type of stone particle mixture used for SWSC based on traffic loads

The composition of the stone particle mixture for SWSC is determined by the Engineer in regard
to the traffic load, layer thickness and climatic conditions, if this is not already specified in the
design. Binders
The binders used for SWSC from bituminous concrete are specified in Table 3.3:

Group of traffic load

Type of binder

BIT 60 + + + +* -

BIT 80 + + + + +

BIT 100 +* +* + + +

BIT 180 - - + + +

Table 3.3: Type of binders used for SWSC based on traffic loads

Various corresponding additives for bitumen (natural asphalt, polymers, elastomers) may be
used for the improvement of specific properties of binders or bituminous mixtures for UWSC.

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The type of binder for SWSC is specified by the Engineer in regards to the quality of the
bitumen, traffic load and climatic conditions if this is not already specified by the design. The
Engineer may request improved binders if the reason for this are traffic loads and climatic
conditions. The Contractor may, with the approval of the Engineer, use also other binders of a
bituminous basis for the SWSC, if he proves with corresponding evidence their applicability.

3.3.3 Quality of Material Granulation and Properties of Stone Mixtures

• stone dust;

• sand; and

• chippings and/or gravel. Stone Dust

Stone dust is a mixture of stone particles of grades up to 710 μm. For SWSC it must be
produced from carbonate stones. On roads with medium, heavy and very heavy traffic loads,
high quality stone dust is required. The requirements for the composition of stone dust mixtures
are specified in Table 3.4:

Length of side of square
opening of sieve in mm
Sift % (m/m)

0.063 60 to 85 50 to 85
0.075 80 to 95 65 to 95
0.25 95 to 100 95 to 100
0.5 100 100

Table 3.4: Requirements for the composition of stone dust mixtures

The required properties of mixtures of granules used as filling are given in Table 3.5:

Properties of granules for filling mixtures Unit measure Required value

Voids content in dry compacted particle mixture according to Ridgen %(V/V) 30 to 40

Index of bitumen hardening - 1.8 to 2.4
Index of plasticity, not greater than %(m/m) 4

Table 3.5: Required properties of mixture of granules for filling

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Cyclonic stone dust acquired from the dusting the production of granulate mixtures from rocks
and excavated stone dust acquired from dusting the production of bituminous mixtures are
applicable if they are from carbonate stones and their properties correspond to the requirements
of these technical conditions. Sand
Sand is a mixture of natural and/or crushed stone granules up to 4mm in size.

Natural and/or crushed sand

Length of the side
of square sieve 0/1 mm 0/2 mm 0/4 mm
opening, mm
Sift denominative fraction, % (m/m)

0.075* not more than 10 not more than 10 not more than 10

0.25 30 to 45 20 to 35 12 to 25

0.5 at least 75 45 to 85 33 to 70

1 at least 90 - -

2 100 at least 90 at least 65

4 - 100 at least 90

8 - - 100
* wet process of granulation

Table 3.6: Granulation of natural and crushed sand

The requirements for the properties of granules of sand mixtures are given in Table 3.7.

Natural crushed gravel

Properties of mixtures of granules of sand Sand Silicate Carbonate
Required value

Granules up to 0.075, no greater than %(m/m) 5 5 10

Equivalent of sand, at least % 60 60 60

Content of clay clods, no greater than %(m/m) 0.5 0.5 0.5

Content of organic additives, no greater than %(m/m) 0.3 0.3 0.3

Table 3.7: Required value of properties of granules of sand mixtures

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Granules of chippings used for the production of crushed sand must be equally resistant against
crushing and wear according to the Los Angeles Method as required for stone particle mixtures
for the corresponding groups of traffic load. The used denominative fractions of sand for SWSC
are given in Table 3.8.

Groups of traffic loads

fraction Very Mediu Very
High Low
high m low

0/1 +* +* + + +

0/2 +* +* + + +

0/4 - - +* + +
* only crushed sand

Table 3.8: Denominative fractions of sand used for SWSC based on traffic loads

For medium, light and very light traffic loads, the use of suitable mixed sands is permitted. Chippings and Gravel

Mixtures of stone particles of chippings and gravel, size up to 16 mm, are used for SWSC of
bituminous concrete. The requirements for the granulation of individual denominative fractions of
chippings or gravel are given in Table 3.9 9):

Denominative fractions
The side length of the square 2/4 4/8 8/12.5 12.5/16 16/20
sieve opening in mm
Sift, % (m/m)

0.075* ngt 3 ngt 1 ngt 1 ngt 1 ngt 1

1 ngt 5 - - - -
2 ngt 15 ngt 5 - - -
4 at least 90 ngt 15 ngt 5 - -
8 100 at least 90 ngt 15 ngt 5 -
12.5 - 100 at least 90 ngt 5 ngt 5
16 - - 100 at least 90 ngt 5
20 - - - 100 at least 90
31.5 - - - - 100

Ngt: Not greater than

* wet process of granulation

Table 3.9: Granulation of individual denominative fractions of chippings or gravel

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Mixtures of stone granules of chippings or gravel for SWSC must have the properties given in
Table 3.10:

Properties of mixtures of stone granules: Unit measure Required value

Compressive strength of stone granules, at least:

-- for VH and H traffic loads N/mm 160
-- for other traffic loads N/mm 140

Resistance of granules against crushing according to the Los Angeles method:

The sift on roads is allowed to amount to:

- for VH and H traffic loads, no greater than %(m/m) 20*

- for other traffic loads, no greater than %(m/m) 25**

- resistance of stone particle against freezing effects %(m/m) 10

Five cycles with Na2SO4, greatest loss:

- water absorption at fractions of 4/8 mm, no greater than %(m/m) 1.2

- content of poorly formed granules (by I:d≥3:1), no greater than %(m/m) 20

- content of bad granules in fraction over 4mm, no greater than %(m/m) 3

- sticking with bitumen BIT 100, coated surfaces at least %(m/m) 95/95
* for silicate stones
** for carbonate stones for medium traffic loads, 28 for light and very light traffic loads

Table 3.10: Required value of properties of mixtures of stone granules used for SWSC Collective Granulation

Mixtures of bituminous concrete composed from denominative granulations of mixtures of
granules 0/4 mm, 0/8 mm, 0/12.5 mm and 0/16 mm are used for SWSC.

Marks and regions of granulation of these bituminous mixtures are:

• bitumen concrete BB 4 (figure 3.2),

• bitumen concrete BB 8 (figure 3.3),

• bitumen concrete BB 12 and BB 12s (figure 3.4 and 3.5),

• bitumen concrete BB16 and BB 16s (figure 3.6 and 3.7).

Mixtures of chipping of silicate origin must be used for bituminous mixtures with suffix “s”.

The bituminous mixtures of stone granules given in Table 3.11 overleaf must be used for SWSC.

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Group of traffic loads

Type of bituminous
concrete Very Very
High Medium Low
high low

BB 4 - - - - +

BB 8 - + + + +

BB 12 - - + + +

BB 12s + + + - -

BB 16 - - + - -

BB 16s + + - - -

Table 3.11: Bituminous mixtures of stone granules for SWSC

Figure 3.2: Region of composition of mixtures of stone granules for stabilised

wearing and sealing courses from bituminous concrete BB 4 mixtures

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Figure 3.3: Region of composition of mixtures of stone granules for

stabilised wearing and sealing courses from bituminous concrete BB 8 mixtures

Figure 3.4: Region of composition of mixtures of stone granules for

stabilised wearing and sealing courses from bituminous concrete BB 12 mixtures

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Figure 3.5: Region of composition of mixtures of stone granules for

stabilised wearing and sealing courses from bituminous concrete BB 12 S mixtures

The technologically given conditions for the thickness of the SWSC are given in Table 3.12:

Type of bituminous composite

Boundary value BB 4 BB 8 BB 12 BB 12s BB 16 BB 16s
Technological thickness of course in mm

At least 20 25 30 35 40 45

At most 30 40 50 60 60 75

Table 3.12: Boundary value of thickness of SWSC based on types of bituminous composite

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Figure 3.6: Region of composition of mixtures of stone granules for

stabilised wearing and sealing courses from bituminous concrete BB 16 mixtures

Figure 3.7: Region of composition of mixtures of stone granules for

stabilised wearing and sealing courses from bituminous concrete BB 16 S mixtures

Every mixture of stone granules foreseen for use in the SWSC, must be investigated before the
beginning of work, in accordance with the requirements of these technical conditions. The
number of samples is specified by the Engineer. If the Engineer has already given approval to

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the Contractor for using a similar mixture of stone particles for placing into a SWSC, the
repetition of the investigation is not necessary. Properties of Binders

The required basic properties of binders for mixtures of bituminous concrete for SWSC are given
in Table 3.13:

Type of bitume n
Properties of bitumen BIT 180 BIT 100 BIT 80 BIT 60
Required value

Penetration at 25ºC mm/10 160-180 80-100 60-80 50-70

Softening point by PK °C 40-45 48-50 48-55 48-55

Penetration index, at least - -1.0 -1.0 -1.0 -1.0

Elasticity at 25ºC, at least cm 100 100 100 100

Breaking point by Fraas, at least ºC -15 -13 -11 -8

Decrease after heating: penetration, no greater than % 40 40 40 40

Breaking point, no greater than ºC -12 -10 -8 -6

Table 3.13: Required value of properties of binders for

mixtures of bituminous concrete for SWSC

The Contractor must supply the necessary evidence of the quality of the binder which is to be
used in the SWSC, in accordance with the specifications of these technical conditions, in
reasonable time before the beginning of work. The Engineer may demand other binders,
especially if the reasons for this are traffic loads and climatic conditions. In such cases the
Engineer also specifies the conditions for the quality of such materials.

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Albanian Road Design and Construction Standards Agents for Hardening Courses

Mediums for hardening bituminous mixtures placed into the SWSC, with a base course
(stabilised roadbase), must ensure a good and even connection of both courses. The spray of
the base course made from bituminous mixtures is only necessary if traffic has removed the
binder from the granules of this layer. Usually anionic semi – stable or unstable bituminous
emulsion is used for hardening courses, which must contain at least 55% (m/m) bitumen.

3.3.4 Method of Execution Procurement of Mixtures of Stone Granules and Binders

The Contractor must submit the site of procurement of mixtures of stone granules and binders
for the SWSC to the Engineer in reasonable time before commencing of work. Evidence of the
quality of the mixture of stone granules in accordance with the requirements of these technical
conditions, which the Contractor must submit to the Engineer must not be older than one year,
evidence of the quality of the binder according to the requirements of these technical conditions
must not be older than three months. Preparation of the Formation of the Base

The formation of the roadbase may be used as the base for SWSC from bituminous mixtures,
which must be prepared under the specifications of these technical conditions. It is not already
foreseen by the design, the formation of the stabilised sub-base also be used as a base for the
SWSC of bituminous concrete, with approval of the Engineer, prepared under the specifications
of these technical conditions, or the formation of an unstabilised sub-base, prepared under the
specifications of these technical conditions. The Contractor is permitted to construct the SWSC
when the Engineer has taken-over the formation of the base under the stated requirements. The
Contractor is obliged to maintain the formation of the base in such a state as it was during take-
over, all the time until the beginning of placing the SWSC. All damage must be suitably and in
reasonable time rectified and suitable evidence of this must be submitted to the Engineer. Storage of Mixtures of Stone Granules and Binders.

In the Contractor temporarily stores the mixture of stone granules before placing into the SWSC,
the site for this must be suitably prepared. The site for storing stone particle mixtures must be
correctly protected against precipitation. Tanks for storing bitumen must be equipped with
devices for indirect heating and a thermometer. The highest permitted temperature of the
bitumen in the tank is permitted to be:

• For BIT 100, 150°C

• For BIT 80, 160°C

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• For BIT 60, 165°C

The optimal temperature of the bitumen in the tank is 10—15°C lower than the highest
permitted. Stores of mixtures of stone granules and binders at the storage sites must be in such
an amount that the continuous production of bitumen concrete mixtures for SWSC is ensured. Production of Bituminous Mixtures

The production of bituminous concrete mixtures must be mechanical and ensured in a
corresponding plant for the preparation of bituminous mixtures with a charge method of work.
Devices for batching must ensure the corresponding quantity of composing parts in the
bituminous mixture by mass. Batching of the compositions by volume is permitted if the
Engineer agrees. The time of mixing and other influences on the quality of coating the granules
with binder must be so adjusted, that a uniform bituminous compound is ensured.

The bituminous concrete mixture for SWSC must be produced by the hot process. The
temperature of the produced bituminous concrete mixture for SWSC depends on the type of
used bitumen and must amount to, at entrance from the mixer:

• For BIT 100, 150°C

• For BIT 80, 160°C

• For BIT 60, 165°C

The highest permitted temperature is 10°C higher than the above stated. The produced
bituminous mixture may be stored for a short time in suitable storage tanks at the asphalt base
or it may be conveyed at once to the site of installation into the SWSC. Transport of bituminous Mixtures

The bituminous concrete mixture for the SWSC may be transported to a suitably prepared
formation of the base, which must be moist or frozen, only when the Engineer gives approval.
Suitable vehicles must be used for transportation-tippers, equipped for tipping backwards (into
finishers) and covered with a tarpaulin for the protection of the bituminous compound against
precipitations, cooling and dust. The inside surface (sides and bottom) of the metal bodies of the
trucks must be sprayed with corresponding mediums for the prevention of sticking before
loading. The number of vehicles for the transport of the bituminous mixture to the construction
site must be adapted to the conditions for even placing, depending on the capacity of the
machinery for production and the distance of transportation.

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Albanian Road Design and Construction Standards Placing of Bituminous Compound

The surface of the clean foundation, upon which the bituminous concrete will be placed as the
SWSC, must be evenly sprayed with an anionic unstabilised bitumen emulsion (0.3—0.5 kg/m²)
or with another suitable binder for hardening courses, if it has not been sprayed at all or if traffic
has removed the film of bitumen off the surface of the foundation, before beginning to distribute
the bituminous concrete mixture. The placing of the bituminous mixture into the SWSC must be
done mechanically with a finisher with an adjusted thickness for the course. In exceptions, hand
spreading is permitted if, due to limited pace, the use of machinery is not possible, and
mechanically, with a height led finisher if smaller unevenness on the foundation course must be
levelled. Such a method of spreading must be approved by the Engineer.

The lowest temperature of the bituminous mixture at the site of placing, in regard to the type of
used bitumen for production, must be:

• For BIT 180, 115°C

• For BIT 100, 125°C

• For BIT 80, 130°C

• For BIT 60, 135°C

The optimal temperature for placing is 10—15°C higher than the above stated.

In windy weather the lowest temperature of the bituminous mixture for SWSC must be higher for
10°C, in hand spreading of bituminous mixtures must be higher for 20°C from the above stated
value for the specific type of bitumen. If conditions of work allow, the placing of the SWSC must
be performed over the whole width of the carriageway at the same time. If two finishers, placed
one after the other, are used for spreading, the difference in quality of the placed layer of the
bituminous mixture at the region of contact must be not visible. During the placing of a number
of layers, the longitudinal joints must be removed from one another for at least 20 cm, while the
transverse joints must be removed from one another for at least 50 cm.

Every interruption of work must be executed at right angle on the axis of the road and vertical
along the whole width of the carriageway or carriage lane. Deviations from this are permitted
only with the approval of the Engineer. Before the continuation of placing, the surface of the
transverse joint must be coated with the bituminous emulsion or with cut-back bitumen, and the
region of the transverse joint must be heated by indirect heating. The spreading effect of the
finisher in the distribution of the bituminous compound must ensure at least 85% compaction.
The selected type of roller and the method of compaction must ensure even as possible required
density or compesation of the bituminous concrete compound over all the projected width. For

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this, the with of the layer thickness projected in design must be increased if this has not been
foreseen in the design.

The placed bituminous mixture in the SWSC must be compressed from the edge towards the
centre of the layer and from the lower to the higher edge of the layer, individual transitions of the
roller must always cover one another. Every delay of the roller on the placed course must be
avoided. All mechanically inaccessible places must be compressed to the required density by
other means, which must be approved by the Engineer, who also specifies the conditions in
which such means are to be used. Traffic, or the beginning of the placing the next layer, is
permitted over the SWSC installed bituminous concrete compound only when the bituminous
compound in the centre of the layer has cooled to approximately 20—25°C. The Engineer can
specify also other conditions for the allowing traffic over the SWSC.

3.3.5 Quality of Execution General
Before machines and equipments begin to operate, from which the quality of the executed work
depends, their suitability for the ensurance of an even quality in accordance with the
requirements of these technical conditions is ensured. All equipments and machines must be
attested and must satisfy the requirements of the design and these technical conditions in
regard to capacity. Trial Composition

The trial composition of the bituminous and stone particle mixtures, which the Contractor plans
to install as the bituminous concrete into the SWSC must be submitted by the Contractor to the
Engineer at least 15 days before commencing to place the SWSC.

The trial analysis must include:

• Type and quantity of denominative fractions of the stone granule mixture, in % (m/m)

• Type and quantity of binder, in % (m/m)

• Type and quantity of bitumen additives;

• Properties of bituminous mixtures.

The Contractor must submit, besides the trial (laboratory) composition, also provide evidence of
the source and the suitable quality of all the materials used for the preparing the trial
composition of the Engineer. The Contractor must demonstrate with the trial composition that
the foreseen mixture of stone granules and binders can achieve the required quality of the

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bituminous mixture that these technical conditions requirements. The trial composition must be
given for the selected composition of stone granule mixtures and at last five different quantities
of added binder with a corresponding growth of 0.3—0.4 % (m/m) in such a way, that the middle
composition is the closest to the proposed one. The properties of the bituminous mixture must
be given for all five inspected compositions. The Contractor must not begin placing before
receiving approval from the Engineer for the trial composition of the bituminous concrete. If the
Contractor has already constructed SWSC with mixtures of stone granules with equal properties
last year, it is possible to take the results of the previously executed composition determined
during routine tests as the trial analysis. This must be specified by the Engineer. Required Properties of Samples

The required properties of samples of bituminous concrete mixtures for SWSC are given in
Table 3.14. The bituminous binder may harden up to two degrees during the production process
and placing of bituminous mixtures. The required value of stability of the sample according to
Marshall is the lower boundary value. The value of liquidity of the sample according to Marshall
is determined with the lower and upper boundary value. The void content in the sample
according to Marshall and in the drilled core or cut out on the carriageway is permitted to be
smaller for 0.5% (V/V) (extreme lower boundary value) or greater up to 1% (V/V) (extreme upper
boundary value). The filling of voids in the mixtures of tone granules with bitumen is permitted in
the region between the stated boundary values.

Traffic load

Very high Medium Low and

Properties Unit measure
and High Very low

Required value

Test sample according to Marshall:

Stability at 60°C, at least kgF 800 700 600

Liquidity at 60°C mm 2-4 2-4 2-4

Content of voids % (V/V) 3.5-6.5 3.0-6.0 2.0-5.0
Filling of voids in the mixture of the stone
% 6-80 68-82 72-85
granules with bitumen

Core or cut out:

Content of voids % (V/V) 3-9 2.5-7.5 1.5-6.5

Density, at least % 98 98 95

Table 3.14: Required value of properties of samples of

bituminous concrete mixtures for SWSC based on traffic loads

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The density of the placed bituminous concrete, determined in regard to the density of the test
sample according to Marshall, must not be smaller than the required, which is the boundary
value, for more than 2% (extreme boundary value). Trial Production and Placing

The Contractor must test the trial (laboratory) composition of the bituminous mixture in
production at a corresponding asphalt plant, the transport to the construction site and the placing
of the SWXC, when this is approved by the Engineer.

The site of trial placing must be approved by the Engineer usually at the contract site, after he
has tested the suitability of the prepared formation of the foundation.

Trial production and placing, which must be performed by an Institute, on the order of the
Contractor, must ensure the suitability of the storage site and the asphalt plant for the production
of bituminous mixtures and the corresponding transport and equipment for placing, all under the
specifications of these technical conditions.

The following requirements must be met:

• two test samples of the bituminous concrete mixture must be taken from the site of
placing for a complete investigation;

• the process of compacting the bituminous mixtures must be followed at two sites with the
non-destructive method with an isotope probe;

• two core samples must be taken from the site where the samples of the mixtures of
bituminous concrete were taken;

• adjust the isotope probe to the given type of bituminous mixture;

• measure the density of the placed mixture of bituminous concrete at 30 sites.

If the Contractor has already constructed SWSC with similar mixtures of bituminous concrete in
the past year, then the results of the executed composition may be taken as trial production and
laying. This must be specified by the Engineer. Routine Production and Placing

The Engineer allows the Contractor routine production and working composition only on the
basis of the results of the report on trial production and placing. Approval for continuous work
includes also the conditions stated for the properties of the bituminous mixture and the
conditions stated for the routine technological controls, foreseen technical conditions. Approval
for the routine production and placing of mixtures of bituminous concrete SWSC must contain

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also the detailed requirements for the possible additional spraying of the surface of the base
course with agents for the adhesion, in accordance with these technical conditions. If any
change occurs in the production or placing of the mixture of bituminous concrete, the Contractor
must submit a proposal of changes to the Engineer in written form. The Contractor can affirm it
only when it is approved by the Engineer. Executed Composition

It is possible to calculate the average, which is the executed composition of bituminous mixture,
after the finalised routine production and placing, on the basis of the results of the routine and/or
control tests. This processing includes all the characteristics of the place bituminous mixture and
the basic statistical pointers. Level, Height, Slope

The unevenness of the SWSC must be determined as the deviation under a 4 m long straight
edge in an arbitrary direction on the axis of the road.

The formation of the SWSC is permitted to deviate from the straight edge for no more than
(upper boundary value):

• on carriageways for very heavy and heavy traffic loads:

o with mechanical spreading, 4 mm

o in hand spreading, 6 mm

• on carriageways for remaining traffic loads:

o - with mechanical spreading, 6 mm

o - with hand spreading, 10 mm

In such deviations follow one another, the Engineer decides. The height of the individual
measuring points on the formation of the SWSC must be determined by levelling. The formation
of the SWSC is permitted to deviate at an arbitrary point from the projected height for no more
than ±10 mm (boundary value).

3.3.6 Quality Control of Execution Routine Tests

The extent of the routine tests in the laying of the SWSC is determined by the Engineer on the
basis of the results of the trial technological tests (trial composition and trial production and
placing). The minimum routine tests which the Contractor must perform, include:

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- mixture of granules: - granulation every 4000 m²

- properties every 40000 m²

- binders: - share every 4000 m²

- properties (only control tests) every 24000 m²

- the produced mixture of bituminous concrete: properties of test sample according to Marshall:
stability, liquidity, void content, filling of voids with mixtures of stone granules
with bitumen every 4000 m² *

- placed course of bituminous mixture

- quantity of spray on foundation every 4000 m² **
- density (void content) every 100 m²
- content of all voids (in core) every 4000 m²
- layer thickness every 2000 m²
- level and height of formation of course every 200 m²

* but at least one sample daily

** in an additional spraying is necessary

In cases when the Engineer discovers greater deviations of the results from the results of the
trial technological tests in the routine test, the Engineer may additionally increase the extent of
the minimal routine tests. In cases of uniform results, the Engineer may decrease the extent of
the routine tests. The quality of the placed SWSC of bituminous concrete may be determined
also by other acknowledged methods if the Engineer agrees. In such cases, the measures for
quality of laying and the method and extent of the tests must be stated in agreements with the
Engineer. Control Tests

The extent of control tests which are performed by the Client must, unless otherwise specified,
be in 1:4 ratio with the routine tests. The site of taking test samples of mixtures of bituminous
concrete and the measuring sites for routine and control measurements of quality of the placed
SWSC is specified by the Engineer by the statistical random selection method.

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3.3.7 Measurement and Take-over of Work Measurement of Work

The executed work is measured in accordance with these technical conditions and calculated in
square metres.

All quantities are measured by the actually performed extent and type of work was performed in
the framework of measurements in the design. Take-over of Work

The placed SWSC of bituminous concrete is taken-over by the Engineer in accordance with
requirements for quality in these technical conditions and in accordance with these technical
conditions. All discovered deficiencies in regard to these requirements must be rectified by the
Contractor before he continues with work, otherwise deductions are charged to him for
unsuitable quality of executed work. All expenses for repairing the deficiencies are charged to
the Contractor, including expenses for all measurements and tests which showed un suitable
quality of the executed work and for which it was necessary, after the finished corresponding
rectification, to again determine the quality of work with tests. The Contractor is not entitled to
get payment for any works that do not correspond to the quality requirements in these technical
conditions (overreaching the boundary or extreme boundary values) and the Contractor has not
rectified according to the instructions of the Engineer. While the Client is entitled to extend the
guarantee for all work which is dependent on the unrectified work for at least five years.

3.3.8 Cost Calculation General
The executed work is accounted for in accordance with these technical conditions. Quantities
specified according to these technical conditions must be accounted according to the contract
unit price. The Contractor has no right to request additional payment. Deductions of Unsuitable Quality Quality of materials

There are no deductions in the calculation for the quality of material due to the conditions
required for the suitable quality of materials for the SWSC of bituminous concrete.

If the Contractor places material into the SWSC which does not correspond to the requirements
of these technical conditions, the Engineer makes the decision; the Engineer may also reject the
executed work in whole.

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The necessary fundamental for measuring the quality of execution and the calculation of
deductions for unsuitable quality given in Table 3.15.

If the Contractor does not ensure the required quality of execution of the SWSC of bituminous
concrete according to these technical conditions, the method of calculation must be determined
by the Engineer.

Boundary value
Unit Quotient
Properties Extreme Extreme
measure Lower Upper influence of K
lower upper

Produced bituminous mixture-test sample according to Marshall:

Stability at 60°C kN -1 * - - 6-8

Liquidity at 60°C mm - 0.5 * * 0.5 4-8

Content of voids % (V/V) -1 * * 2 2-3.5

Flling voids of stone

% -5 * * 5 13-17
granule with binder

Placed course of bituminous mixture:

Quantity of spray kg/m2 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.7 2.5-3

Density % -3 * - - 32

Layer thickness mm -5 ** ** - 4-15

Level mm - - 4-10 8 to 15 1-2

Height mm - - 10 15 2

* Boundary values are given in Table 3.14

** Boundary values are given in Table 3.12

Table 3.15: Boundary values of properties for estimation of the quality of executed SWSC

3.4 Stabilised Wearing and Sealing Courses – Bituminous Concretes

3.4.1 Description
The execution of stabilised and sealing courses (SWSC) from mixtures of poured asphalt
includes the supply of the corresponding mixtures of stone granules and binders, transportation,
and placing at sites determined by the project. This work must be executed in weather when
there are no precipitations and the temperature of the foundation and air (no wind) is above 0°C.
SWRC from poured asphalt are aimed for – in regard to the type of mixtures of stone granules

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and binders – placing into roadway constructions for all groups of traffic loads. Usually, the
SWSC of poured concrete is used as the top wearing course of the roadway construction aimed,
above all, for heavy traffic loads or as a sealing course under the open wearing course. The
layers of poured concrete are also aimed as protection layers in the hydraulisation of bridging
elements of structures. The type of bitumen mixture of poured asphalt for SWSC is usually
defined by the project. If it is not the case, the Engineer must specify this. The quantity of binder
(road–constructional bitumen and natural asphalt) in mixtures of poured asphalt is such, that all
the voids in the mixtures of stone granules are filled with it and there still remains extra. Such a
bituminous mixture is possible to pour and roll in its hot state without any processes of
densification. The surface of the SWSC of poured asphalt must be gritted after laying at once.

3.4.2 Basic Materials Mixtures of Stone Granules

Mixtures of crushed and natural stone granules are used for SWSC of poured asphalt. Binders
Road–construction bitumen BIT 60, or a mixture of bitumen and natural asphalt which has the
properties of BIT 60, is used for SWSC of poured asphalt.

3.4.3 Quality of Materials Granulation of Stone Granule Mixture General
The mixture of stone granules for SWSC of poured asphalt is composed from granules of:

• stone dust;

• sand; and

• chippings. Stone Dust

High quality stone dust, produced from carbonate stone must be used for SWSC of poured
asphalt. The requirements for the composition and properties of mixtures of granules of stone
dust are given in Tables 3.4 and 3.5.

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Sand from natural and / or crushed granules may be used for SWSC of poured asphalt. Natural
sand allows for the easier placing of the mixture of poured concrete. Requirements for the
composition and properties of mixtures of stone granules of sand are stated in Tables 3.6 and
3.7, while granules of sand which can be used for SWSC of poured asphalt are stated in
Table 3.8. Chippings
Mixtures of stone granules of chippings of 11 mm in grade are used in SWSC of poured asphalt.
Requirements for the composition of individual denominative fractions of chipping are given in
Table 3.9. Mixtures of granules of very fine or fine chipping of 2/4 and 4/8 mm, produced from
silicate stones, may be used for sand rubbing the surface of SWSC of poured concrete. The
required properties of mixtures of stone granules of chippings for SWSC of poured asphalt are
specified in Table 3.10. Collective Granulation

Mixtures of poured asphalt, composed from denominative granulations 0 / 8 mm and 0 / 12.5
mm are used for SWSC. The marks and regions of granulation of these bituminous mixtures are:

• poured asphalt LA 8 and LA 8s (Figure 3.8);

• poured asphalt LA 12 and LA 12 s (Figure 3.9).

Figure 3.8: Region of composition of mixture of stone granules for

stabilised wearing and sealing courses from mixtures of asphalts LA 8 and LA 8s.

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Figure 3.9: Region of composition of mixture of stone granules for

stabilised wearing and sealing courses from mixtures of asphalts LA 12 and LA 12s.

Mixtures of poured asphalt are specified in Table 3.16 in regard to traffic loads:

Group of traffic loads

Type of poured asphalt
LA 8 - - - + +
LA 8s - - + + +
LA 12 - - + + +
LA 12s + + - - -

Table 3.16: Types of poured asphalt used for SWSC based on traffic loads

The technological conditions stated for the thickness of the SWSC of poured asphalt are given in
Table 3.17:

Type of bituminous mixture

Boundary value
LA 8 LA 8s LA 12 LA 12s
Technological thickness of layer in mm
At least 25 22 30 30
No more than 35 35 40 40

Table 3.17: Boundary value of thickness of SWSC based on type of bituminous mixture

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Every mixture of stone granules expected for use in the SWSC must be inspected before the
beginning of work, in accordance with the requirements of these technical conditions. The
number of samples is specified by the Engineer. Properties of Binders

The required basic properties of the binders for mixtures of poured asphalt for SWSC are
specified in Table 3.18:

Type of bitumen
Property of bitumen Unit measure
BIT 60 BIT 45 BIT 25

Required value

Penetration at 25ºC mm/10 50-70 35-50 20-30

Softening point by PK ºC 48-55 54-60 59-66

Penetration index, at least - -1.0 -1.0 -1.0

Elasticity at 25ºC, at least cm 100 50 15

Breaking point by Fraas, no greater than ºC -8 -6 -3

Decrease after heating

Penetration, no greater than % 40 35 35

Breaking point, no greater than ºC -6 -4 -1

Table 3.18: The required value of properties of bitumen used for poured asphalt for SWSC

The Contractor must provide the corresponding evidence of the quality of the binder which he
will use in the SWSC of poured asphalt in reasonable time before the beginning of work, in
accordance with the requirements of these conditions. The properties of the natural asphalt,
which, with the agreement of the Engineer, must be used for the improvement of the properties
of the road–construction bitumen for mixtures of poured asphalt for SWSC is tested under the
specifications of the Engineer.

3.4.4 Method of Execution Procurement of Mixtures of Stone Granules and Binders

The requirements of of these technical conditions must be adhered to for the acquisition of stone
granules and binders for SWSC of poured asphalt.

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Albanian Road Design and Construction Standards Preparation of Formation of Base

The requirements of these technical conditions must be adhered to for this work. Storing Mixtures of Stone Granules and Binders

The requirements of these technical conditions must be adhered to for this work. The highest
permitted temperature of bitumen in tanks is:

• for BIT 60, 165ºC

• for BIT 45, 175ºC

• for BIT 25, 180ºC Production of Bituminous Mixtures

The production of mixtures of poured asphalt must be mechanically, in a corresponding plant for
the preparation of bituminous mixtures or in corresponding motor cookers, both with a charge
method of work. Facilities for batching must ensure the suitable quantity of composing parts in
the compound of poured asphalt by mass. Batching the composing parts by space is permitted if
the Engineers allows. The time of mixing and other influences on the quality of coating granules
with binder or distributing the binder into the compound must be adjusted in such a way that a
uniform mixture of poured asphalt is ensured. The compound of poured asphalt for the SWSC
must be produced by the hot process. The temperature of the produced compound of poured
asphalt for the SWSC must reach 200—250ºC, depending on the workability of the compound.
The compound of poured asphalt cannot be stored due to its liquid consistency and constant
mixing is necessary for the composition of the compound of hot poured asphalt to remain
uniform. The compound of granules 2/4 mm or 4/8 mm for making the surface of the SWSC of
poured asphalt gritty must be uniformly coated with BIT 45 by the hot process. The quantity of
BIT 45 must be such, that the coated compound of granules for gritting remains loose. Transportation of Bituminous Compounds

The compound of poured asphalt for the SWSC can be transported to a suitably prepared
formation of a base, which must not be dusty, moist or frozen, only when this is approved by the
Engineer. Motor cookers – mixers must be used for the transport of compounds of poured
asphalt. Their number must be adapted to the conditions ruling in production and the even
placing, as also the distance of transportation.

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Albanian Road Design and Construction Standards Placing of Bituminous Compounds

The placing of compounds of poured asphalt for the SWSC must be mechanically, using a
finisher. In exceptional cases, the asphalt may be placed manually if the use of machines is not
possible. volume laying must be permitted by the Engineer. The temperature of the poured
asphalt at the site of construction must amount to 200—240ºC.

If the compound of poured asphalt must be kept in the cooker – mixer for a longer period (over
six hours), the temperature of the poured asphalt may be during this period, only up to 230ºC. If
the conditions of work allow, the poured asphalt for the SWSC must be constructed at once over
the whole width of the carriageway. The longitudinal and transverse joints of the superimposed
layer of bituminous compound must be placed one above the other by at least 20 cm. The joints
must be straight and vertical. They can also be finished as sealed joints or as welded joints. With
the latter, the cold side of the joint must be spread with bitumen and heated. All joints of the
layers of poured asphalt in kerbs, and other installations in the region of the carriageway, must
be finalised as sealed joints. The thickness of the constructed layer of poured asphalt must be
as even as possible over the entire transverse section. The surface of the SWSC of poured
asphalt must be hand or mechanically spread with a compound of coated granules (glazed) for
gritting when it is still hot. The quantity of the compound of coated granules for gritting must
amount to:

• in fraction 2/4 mm, 5—8 kg/m²,

• in fraction 4/8, 13—16 kg/m².

The spread coated granules must be rolled into the layer of poured asphalt at once, with rollers
which have a smooth metal roller. Traffic is permitted over the constructed SWSC from poured
asphalt only when the bituminous compound in the centre of the layer has cooled to
approximately 20—25ºC. The Engineer can also specify other conditions for allowing traffic onto
the layer of poured asphalt.

3.4.5 Quality of Execution

Before the machines and equipments, from which the quality of work depends, begin to operate,
their suitability for ensuring an even quality according to the requirements of these technical
conditions must be checked. All equipments and machines must be attested and must satisfy
the requirements of the design and these technical conditions in regard to capability. Trial Composition

All the requirements in these technical conditions must be adhered to for the trial composition of
poured asphalt.

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Albanian Road Design and Construction Standards Required Properties of Test Samples

For compounds of poured asphalt, the required mechanical properties of the depth of the
impression with a seal (5 cm², 40ºC, 30 minutes, 525 N) is specified in Table 3.19:

Impression depth, mm
Collective traffic load
for 30 increase to 60

Very heavy and heavy, not greater than 1-2.5 0.4

Medium, light and very light, not greater than 1-5 0.6
Pedestrian ways and bicycle paths, not greater than 10 -

Table 3.19: Required value of the depth of the impression based on traffic loads

During the process of production and construction of the bituminous compound the bituminous
binder may harden for two degrees, but the softening point by PK

• with BIT 45 must not be over 70ºC;

• with BIT 25 must not be over 73ºC.

The required values of the depth of the impression after 30 minutes of loading are the boundary
values. The extreme boundary values are 1 mm greater. Trial Production and Placing

The Contractor must test the trial composition of the bituminous compound in production at a
suitable asphalt plant, the transport to the construction site and the constructing into the SWSC,
when this is permitted by the Engineer. The site of trial placing is approved by the Engineer
usually at the contract site, after he has tested the suitability of the prepared formation of the
base. For trial production and construction, the tests which are executed by an authorised
institute such as the ISTC or another certified laboratory, by the order of the Contractor must -
ascertain the suitability of the storage locations and the asphalt plant or cookers – mixers for the
production of compounds of poured asphalt and the suitability of the method of transport and the
equipment for laying, all in accordance with the requirements of these technical conditions,- take
two test samples of poured asphalt for complete investigation at the site of construction. If the
Contractor has, in similar conditions, already placed SWSC with similar compounds of poured
asphalt last year, the results of the executed composition may be taken as the trial production
and construction. This must be specified by the Engineer.

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Albanian Road Design and Construction Standards Routine Production and Placing

For the routine production and laying of SWSC from poured asphalt, the corresponding
requirements in these technical conditions must be adhered to. Executed Composition

The requirements of these technical conditions must be adhered to for the executed composition
of compounds of poured asphalt. Level, Height, Slope

The requirements of these technical conditions must be adhered to for the settled properties of
the surface of the SWSC from poured asphalt.

3.4.6 Quality Control of Execution Routine Tests

The amount of the routine tests in the construction of SWSC of poured asphalt is defined by the
Engineer on the basis of the results of the trial tests (trial composition and the trial production
and construction). The minimal routine tests which the Contractor must execute include:

- compound of granules: - granulation every 1000 m²

- properties every 20000 m²

- binders: - content every 1000 m²

- properties (only for control tests) every 2000 m²

- produced compounds of poured asphalt: mechanical properties:

- depth of impression with seal every 2000 m²

- placed layer of poured asphalt:

- layer thickness every 2000 m²
- level and height of layer formation every 200 m²

In examples that the Engineer discovers during routine tests greater deviations of results from
the trial tests, he may additionally increase the numbers of the minimal routine tests. In cases of
uniform results, the Engineer may also decrease the numbers of the minimal routine tests. The
quality of the constructed SWSC of poured asphalt may be determined also by other suitable
acknowledge methods, with the agreement of the Engineer. In such cases, also the measures

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for quality of constructing and the method and number of the tests must be settled and be in
accordance with the Engineer. Control Tests

The numbers of the control tests which the Contractor executes must, unless otherwise
specified, be in a 1:4 ratio with the routine tests. The location for taking test samples of
compounds of poured asphalt and the measuring sites for routine and control tests for the
quality of the execution of the SWSC is determined by the Engineer by the statistical random
selection method.

3.4.7 Measurement and Take-over of Work Measurement of Work

The executed work is measured in accordance with these technical conditions and calculated in
square metres. All quantities are measured according to the executed works which were
executed in the frameworks of the measurements design. Take-over of Work

The constructed SWSC of pored asphalt is taken-over by the Engineer in accordance with the
required quality settled in these technical conditions and in accordance with these technical
conditions. All ascertained deficiencies according to these requirements must be rectified by the
Contractor before continuing with work, otherwise deductions are charged to the Contractor for
unsuitable quality of the executed work. All expenses for repairing deficiencies are charged to
the Contractor, including expenses for all measurements and tests which proved the unsuitable
quality of executed work and were necessary, after the executed suitable rectification, to
ascertain the quality of work with new tests. For any works which do not match the quality
requirements in accordance with these technical conditions (exceed the boundary values) and
which the Contractor has not rectified under the instructions of the Engineer, the Contractor is
not entitled to any payment whatsoever. While the Client such cases is entitled to prolong the
guarantee for all work which must be specified on the unrectified work for at least five years.

3.4.8 Cost Calculation General
The executed works is calculated in accordance with these technical conditions. The quantity
specified in these technical conditions must calculated according to the contract unit price. All
services necessary for the completion of work must be included in the contract unit price. The
Contractor has no entitlement to any additional payment.

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Albanian Road Design and Construction Standards Deductions for Unsuitable Quality Quality of material

Due to the conditions to be found for the quality of materials for SWSC poured asphalt there are
no deductions in the calculation for the quality of material. If the Contractor placed into the
SWSC of poured asphalt material which does not match the requirements of these technical
conditions, then the method of calculation is determined by the Engineer, the Engineer may also
reject the executed works in whole. Quality of Execution

The necessary fundamentals for estimating the quality of execution and the calculation of
deductions due to unsuitable quality are given in Table 3.20. If the Contractor does not ensure
the required quality of execution of the SWSC of poured asphalt in accordance with these
technical conditions, the Engineer must specify the method of calculation.

Boundary values
Unit Quotient of
measure Extreme Extreme influence K
Lower Upper
lower upper

Produced bituminous compound:

Depth of impression with

mm - - * +1 2.5-10

Placed layer of bituminous compound:

Layer thickness mm -5 ** ** - 5-6

Level mm - - 4-10 8-15 1-2

Height mm - - 10 15 2

* Boundary values are given in Table 3.19

** Boundary values are given in Table 3.17

Table 3.20: Boundary values of properties for estimation of the quality of executed SWSC (poured asphalt)

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3.5 Bound Wearing and Sealing courses – Surface Dressings

3.5.1 Description
The construction of bound wearing and sealing courses (BWSC) – surface dressing of
carriageway includes supply of suitable aggregates and binders, and incorporation on site
determined by the design.

This work must be carried out mainly in the period between May and September in weather
without rainfall and/or wind and where both the foundation and air temperatures are at least
15ºC. Surface dressing of the carriageway is a thin layer of asphalt made with one or more
successive sprayings of bitumen binder, alternated with spreading and rolling-in of one or more
layers of uncoated or bitumen binder coated crushed aggregate on a suitable foundation.

The surface dressing of the traffic surface is a thin course applied over a suitable foundation by
means of one or more successive sprayings or alternative applications of appropriate binder, in
turn with spreading and – in predominant application procedures – rolling in one or more layers
of non-coated or binder coated or suitably coloured crushed aggregate or sand.

In construction it is possible to use the following surface dressing types:

• Single layer carriageway surface dressing with single crushed aggregate spread
(EPPE) which consists of a single spray of bituminous binder and single spread of
crushed aggregate;

• Single layer carriageway surface dressing with double crushed aggregate spread
(EPPD) which consists of a single spray of bituminous binder and double spreading with
different crushed aggregate; first with coarse grained aggregate fraction which produces
an open texture of this one-grained layer which, after slight rolling, is immediately filled
with a second fine-grained spreading of crushed aggregate;

• Double layer carriageway surface dressing (DPP) which consists of two single layer
carriageway surface dressings, the first one being made of crushed aggregate which is
coarser than the second surface dressing;

• Inverted double carriageway surface dressing (ODPP) which consists of two single
layers of carriageway surface dressings, the first being made of crushed aggregate that
is finer than the second surface dressing;

• “Sandwich” surface dressing (SSD) which consist of coarse spread, a spray and
another spread of finer grains

The surface dressing must provide:

• protection of the pavement against water permeability;

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• suitable friction characteristics, and

• rejuvenation of dried out carriageway surfaces when undertaking renovation.

3.5.2 Basic materials Mixtures of Stone Granules

For surface dressings on road surfaces, crushed aggregate fractions are used, while on traffic
surfaces intended for cyclists and pedestrians also fractions of natural sand may be used. Binders
The following bituminous binders are used:

• road construction bitumen (BIT 200),

• polymer modified road construction bitumen (PmB),

• cut back road construction bitumen (RB)

• bitumen emulsion (BE)

• polymer modified bitumen emulsion (PmBE)

With the approval by the Engineer other appropriate adhesives may also be used for surface
dressings (for example: a two-component durable elastic binder based on synthetic resins –
epoxy resins).

3.5.3 Quality of materials Grading and Properties of Stone Granules

For bound wearing courses and sealing courses – surface dressings, nominal fractions of
crushed aggregate measuring not more than 16 mm and natural silica sand fraction of 0.7/1.2
mm may be used.

Required rock stone properties for crushed aggregate production for surface dressing are given
in Table 3.22 in this chapter, with an amendment on the content of badly shaped grains which
must not exceed 10% (m/m) for gradings of 4/8, 8/12.5 and 12.5/16. When using road
construction bitumen as binder it is also possible to use crushed aggregate coated (glazed) with
suitable bituminous binder (recommended use of 0.6 to 0.8% (m/m) of suitable road construction
bitumen) for BWSC – surface dressing.

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Before the commencement of works every aggregate intended for use in surface dressing must
be examined according to these technical conditions. The number of samples is determined by
the Engineer. The particle distribution of natural silica sand intended for spreading is determined
by limit values of screened under-sized grains not more than 5% (m/m).and over-sized grains
not more than 10% (m/m).

The particle distribution of natural silica sand intended for epoxy binder is determined in Table

Side length of Nominal fractions

square sieve
2/4 mm 4/8 mm 8/12,5 mm 12,5/16 mm 16/20mm
opening in
mm Amount passed through the sieve, % (m/m)

0.075* maximum 3** maximum 1 maximum 1 maximum 1 maximum 1

1 maximum 5 - - - -

2 maximum 15 maximum 5 - - -

4 minimum 90 maximum 15 maximum 5 - -

8 100 minimum 90 maximum 15 maximum 5 -

12,5 - 100 minimum 90 maximum 5 maximum 5

16 - - 100 minimum 90 maximum 5

20 - - - 100 minimum 90

31.5 - - - - 100

*wet graining procedure

**surface dressing only 1% (m/m)

Table 3.21: Distribution of natural silica sand intended for epoxy binder

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The crushed aggregate or gravel for BWSC must have the properties given in Table 3.22:

Aggregate properties Unit measure

Compressive strength of grain rock (minimum)

- for VH and H traffic load N/mm 160
- for other traffic loads N/mm 140

Crushing resistance of grains according to Los Angeles procedure: sieved amount

may reach
- on roads with VH and H traffic load (maximum) % (m/m) 20*
- on other roads (maximum) % (m/m) 25**

Frost resistance of aggregates

- 5 cycles with Na2SO4, loss (maximum) % (m/m) 10

Water absorption for fraction 4/8 (maximum) % (m/m) 1.2

Content of badly shaped grains (according to 1:d ≥ 3:1) (maximum) % (m/m) 20***

Content of bad grains in fraction of over 4 mm (maximum) % (m/m) 3

Bonding with bitumen BIT 100, coated grain surfaces (minimum) % (m/m) 95/95

Polish stone value (PSV) 50****

*for silicate rock

**for carbonate rock for medium traffic load, 28 or light and very light traffic load
***surface dressing 10% (m/m)
****provisional recommended value

Table 3.22: Required values for the crushed aggregate or gravel for BWSC

For bound wearing courses and sealing courses – surface dressings containing epoxy binders
are possible to use for spreading with appropriately pigmented (e.g. red) silica sand grains.

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Albanian Road Design and Construction Standards Binder Properties

The most suitable binder type for surface dressings for each category of traffic load is given in
Table 3.23:

Traffic load group

Binder type Very Very
High Medium Low
High Low
Bit 100 - - - + +
PmB + + + + +

RB - + + + +
BE - - + + +
PmBE + + + + +

Table 3.23: Types of binder used for surface dressings based on traffic load

Required basic properties of road construction bitumen BIT 100 for surface dressings are given
in Table 3.24:

Bitumen type BIT 100

Bitumen properties Unit measure
required values
Penetration at 25ºC mm/10 80 to 100
(R & B) softening point ºC 48 to 55
Penetration index, minimum - -1.0

Ductility at 25ºC, minimum Cm 100

Fraass breaking point, maximum ºC -15
Decrease after heating
- penetration, maximum % 40
- breaking point, maximum ºC -12

Table 3.24: Required value of bitumen BIT 100 used for surface dressing

The basic properties of other binders for surface dressings must be given in a detailed
producer’s list. The Contractor must in a timely method before the commencement of works
acquire adequate certificates of binder quality to be used for surface dressing according to the
corresponding requirements in these technical conditions. For improvement of binder bonding
with crushed aggregate grains a suitable admixture must be used. The use of such admixture
must be approved by the Engineer (type, quantity and method of adding).

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3.5.4 Method of Execution Acquiring stone mixtures and binders

The Contractor must in a timely method before commencement of use notify the Engineer about
the place of acquiring the stone mixtures for BWSC – surface dressing.

The stone mixture quality certificates required in these technical conditinos which the Contractor
must present to the Engineer must not be older than one year, and binder quality certificates
according to the requirements in these technical conditions must not be older than three months. Preparation of Formation

In new constructions the following can be used as a foundation for surface dressings:

• planum of unbound bearing course which must be prepared according to these technical

• planum of bound subbase which must be prepared according to these technical


• planum of bound base course which must be prepared according to these technical

With surface dressings as a measure for maintaining the existing pavement a cleaned surface of
existing wearing and sealing course, which must be adequately levelled if necessary, can be
used as a foundation. The Contractor can commence the constructing of the surface dressing
after the Contractor hands over the road base, in accordance with stated requirements, to the
Engineer. Prior to the application of surface dressing containing epoxy binder, to the cement
concrete foundation must be added an appropriate adhesion layer (e.g. approximately 4 cm
thick layer of asphalt and bituminous concrete composition).

The Contractor is obliged during all the period from the commencement of surface dressing
application to maintain the road base in the same conditions in which it was at the time of taking
over. All damages must be rectified in time and corresponding verifications presented to the
Engineer. Storage of Stone Mixtures and Binders

For these works requirements in these technical conditions must be adhered to.

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Albanian Road Construction Specifications – ARCS 3 – Road Construction
Albanian Road Design and Construction Standards Production of Coated Chippings

Coating of chippings can be carried out by a suitable method depending on the type of binder
used. Trial heating and dust removal must be carried out in the plant for production of
bituminous aggregate. The quantity of binder for coating the grains must be such that the coated
chipping after storage remains unbound (not sticking together). Surface Dressing Application

With regard to the application method, surface dressings on carriageways are single-layered
and double-layered, and both may have a single- or a double-layered spreading.

With regard to traffic surfaces intended for cyclists and pedestrians, surface dressings may be

• for cyclists and pedestrians exclusively, by applying approximately 1 kg/m² colourless or

pigmented epoxy binder and spreading with pigmented silica sand with fraction of
0.7/1.2 mm, in quantity exceeding approximately 5 kg/m²; total thickness is 2—3 mm; or

• for occasional loading by motor vehicles (e.g. crossings on roadways) by applying

approximately 3 kg/m² of colourless or pigmented epoxy resin mixture (2 kg/m²) and
colourless or pigmented natural silica sand with fraction of 0.7/1.2 mm (1 kg/ m²), in
quantity exceeding approximately 5 kg/ m²; total thickness is 3—5 mm.

After two to three hours the entire unbound silica sand must be removed.

Appropriate dry (asphalt) foundation planned for such surface dressing must be heated to at
least 10°C. Binder Spraying

Type and quantity of spraying binder for BWSC – surface dressing is specified by the
representative of Client’s expert service to the proposition of the Contractor in accordance with
trial examinations, depending on the type and quantity of crushed aggregate, foundation
conditions, traffic load and climatic conditions. Informative binder quantities required for spraying
are set out in Table 3.24. In the event of special conditions the informative spraying binder
quantities must be increased or decreased as shown in Table 3.25 in this chapter.

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Aggregate Binder
Surface dressing type
2 Cool Hot passages
Grading kg/m
kg/m2 kg/m2


1st work phase 2/4 7 to 12 1.1 to 1.6 0.8 to 1.1 3 to 5

2nd work phase 4/8 10 to 18 1.5 to 2.0 1.1 to 1.4 3 to 5

1st work phase 8/11 15 to 20 1.8 to 2.3 1.3 to 1.6 3 to 5


1st work phase 8/11 11 to 16 1.8 to 2.2 1.2 to 1.5 1

2nd work phase 2/4 3 to 8 1.8 to 2.2 1.2 to 1.5 3 to 5

1st work phase 11/16 15 to 20 2.0 to 2.6 1.4 to 1.8 1

2 work phase 4/8 4 to 8 2.0 to 2.6 1.4 to 1.8 3 to 5


1st work phase 8/11 12 to 18 1.4 to 2.1 1.0 to 1.5 3 to 5

2nd work phase 4/8 10 to 15 1.1 to 1.8 0.9 to 1.3 3 to 5

or 2/4 8 to 12 1.0 to 1.4 0.7 to 1.0 3 to 5

1st work phase 11/16 15 to 20 2.0 to 2.4 1.4 to 1.7 3 to 5

2nd work phase 4/8 10 to 15 1.3 to 1.7 0.9 to 1.2 3 to 5


1st work phase 2/4 7 to 12 1.2 to 1.6 0.8 to 1.0 3 to 5

2 work phase 4/8 10 to18 1.5 to 2.0 1.0 to 1.3 3 to 5
or 8/11 15 to 20 1.2 to 1.5 0.8 to 1.0 3 to 5

1st work phase 4/8 10 to 18 1.5 to 2.0 1.0 to 1.3 3 to 5

2 work phase 11/16 15 to 22 1.2 to 1.5 0.8 to 1.0 3 to 5


1st work phase 8/11 11 to 16 1.7 to 2.1 1.1 to 1.4 3 to 5

2nd work phase 2/4 3 to 8 1.7 to 2.1 1.1 to 1.4 3 to 5

1st work phase 8/11 11 to 16 1.8 to 2.2 1.2 to 2.4 3 to 5

2 work phase 4/8 4 to 8 1.8 to 2.2 1.2 to 2.4 3 to 5

1st work phase 11/16 15 to 20 1.9 to 2.5 1.2 to 1.6 3 to 5

2nd work phase 4/8 4 to 8 1.9 to 2.5 1.2 to 1.6 3 to 5

When using LD-slag its special properties must be taken into account
Values for cool binder in the Table refer to 65% emulsion

Table 3.24: Required quantities of binder for spraying based on types of surface dressing

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Criteria/state illustration Increase Decrease

Quality of workable surface
- foundation porosity high low
- asphalt foundation strength* high low
- surface roughness high low
Traffic load low high

Properties of spread grading

- shape of grains good bad
- strength high low
- surface quality rough smooth
Climactic conditions
- thermal load (irradiation) low high
- load by winter service heavy light
*foundation resistance against spread sinking

Table 3.25: Boundary values of quantities of binder for

spraying based on special conditions

Suitable transport spraying machines equipped for heating and pumping of binder must be used
for spreading the binder. Arrangement of spouts for splashing the binder must provide even
quantities of spread binder (deviation from trial composition is permitted up to 10% (m/m) for BIT
180, PmB and RB, and 15% (m/m) for BE and PmBE). Chip Sealing

The exact quantity and type of nominal chip sealing fraction must be determined on the basis of
trial examinations of foundation conditions, traffic load, climatic conditions and binder type used.
Informative chip sealing quantity requirements are given in Table 3.24.

For spreading of chip sealing, suitable vehicles and spreaders must be used. The quantity of
spread chip sealing can deviate from the quantity prescribed after trial examination by no more
than 5% (m/m). Compaction Rolling

For implanting of aggregate grains into the binder, rollers with pneumatic tyres must be used
(tyre pressure of 0.6—0.8 MPa). Rollers with smooth metal external surface (up to a total mass
of 12 tonnes) are permitted to be used only for finishing rolling under the condition that it does
not cause crushing of aggregate.

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Traffic can be admitted onto the constructed BWSC – surface dressing immediately after
finishing rolling but with speed limits (no more than 40 km/h for 3—5 days). The duration of the
speed limit is to be determined by the Engineer.

3.5.5 Quality of Execution General
Before commencement of machines and equipments operations upon which performance
quality relates, their ability to provide consistent quality according to these technical conditions
must be verified. All the equipments and machines must be attested and their capacity must be
sufficient to meet the requirements of the design and these technical conditions. Technological Expert Report

The Contractor, at least three days prior to commencement of constructing the surface dressing,
must present to the Engineer the technological expert report which must include:

• trial composition for surface dressing;

• programme of internal and external examinations,

• used material certificates;

• organisational scheme of the construction site and traffic regulation;

• information on mechanisation;

• information on working staff; and

• information on responsible workers on the project.

The Contractor must also provide relevant evidence stating that appropriate:

• abrasion resistance;

• chemical resistance; and

• skid resistance of built surface dressing.

is guaranteed for any surface dressing containing epoxy binder.

Trial composition for surface dressing must include:

• type and required quantity of binder (in l/m² or kg/m²);

• type and required quantity of individual aggregate fractions (in l/m² or kg/m²);

• type and required quantity of admixtures for adhesion.

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In addition to the trial composition the Contractor must also present to the Engineer
corresponding certificates about the origin and suitable quality of all materials used in
preparation of the trial composition. With the trial composition the Contractor must prove that it is
possible to achieve the required quality of the surface dressing according to the requirements of
these technical conditions with prescribed aggregate fractions and binder.

Before the Engineer accepts the presented technological expert report the Contractor is not
permitted to commence application. If, in the previous year, the Contractor has already produced
surface dressings using similar aggregates and binders, it is possible to take the results of the
composition acquired during regular examination as trial composition. This is a decision of

In the same way the Engineer can adopt the technological programme if there have been no
significant changes during this time. The Contractor must check the trial composition for surface
dressing, incorporation of surface dressing into BWSC, and other requirements from the
technological expert report on the location of the attesting application after approval of the

The Engineer usually approves the location of attesting application on contract structure after
the suitability of the prepared road base has been checked. During attesting production and
application the examinations conducted by authorised institute such as the ISTC or another
certified laboratory, upon the Contractor’s order must:

• ascertain the suitability of deposits and asphalt plant for production of coated aggregates
and suitability of transport method and application equipments, all in accordance with the
requirements in these technical conditions;

• take on the location of application two binder samples and aggregate for full examination
that is conducted for both samples jointly (one examination).

If in the previous year, the Contractor has already constructed surface dressings, it is possible to
take the results of the earlier composition as attestation of production and application. This is a
decision of Engineer. Regular Production and Application

The Engineer approves regular production and working composition based on the result of the
report on attestation production and application. Assent for continuous operation also includes
conditions for regular technological control prescribed in these technical conditions.

Assent for regular production in applying surface dressing for BWSC must also include detailed
requirements for potential additional levelling of the underlay surface in accordance with these

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technical conditions. If any changes occur during surface dressing application, the Contractor
must present the proposed changes in written form to the Engineer. It can be put in force only
after the approval of the Engineer. Surface Dressing Composition

Based on the results of regular and/or control tests it is possible after completed regular
application to calculate the average composition of the surface dressing. The analysis includes
all the characteristics of applied surface dressing and their basic statistical indications. Levelness, Height, Inclination

Surface dressing does not change the levelness of the foundation or the existing pavement
significantly, so there are no special requirements regarding this characteristic of the pavement.
The same as for the levelness applies to the height and incline of the BWSC – surface dressing

3.5.6 Quality Control of Execution Internal Control

The numbers of internal control during application of BWSC – surface dressing is determined by
the Engineer based on results of trial technological examinations (trial composition and
attestation of production and application). The minimum internal control test which must be
conducted by the Contractor, includes:

- aggregate
- grading on 8000 m²
- the quantity of spraying and application on 2000 m²
- quantity of spread on 4000 m²

- binder
- properties (control testing only) on 8000 m²
- spray quantity on 2000 m²

If the internal testing shows significant deviations of the results from trial technological
examinations the Engineer can increase the numbers of minimum internal tests. In case of
consistent results the Engineer can decrease the numbers of internal testing. In agreement with
the Engineer the quality of surface dressing can be specified by other acknowledged
procedures. In this case the criteria for application quality and methods and the numbers of
testing must be given in agreement with the Engineer.

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Albanian Road Design and Construction Standards External Control Testing

The numbers of external control testing carried out by the Client is usually in ratio of 1:4 with the
internal testing. Locations for sampling the surface dressing for internal and external control
measurements of quality of BWSC – surface dressing are specified by the Engineer using
statistical random selection.

3.5.7 Measurements and Take-over of Works Measurement of Works

Performed works are measured in accordance with these technical conditions and calculated in
square metres. All quantities are measured according to the actually performed type of works
which were carried out as part of design measurements. Take-over of Works

Executed surface dressing is taken over to the Engineer according to the quality requires in
these technical conditions and according to these technical conditions The Contractor must fix
all identified deviations from these requirements before continuation of the works, otherwise
deductions are taken off his payment for substandard quality of performed works. All costs for
fixing the deficiencies are charged to the Contractor, including costs for all measurements and
examinations which identified substandard quality of executed works and needed to be repeated
after adequate repairs to ascertain the quality of corrected works.

In general the warranty periods for surface dressings with standard binders are two years, and
three years for surface dressing with special binders. For any works which do not meet the
quality requirements in these technical conditions (exceed limits or extreme limit values) which
the Contractor has not rectified them according to the Engineer’s instructions, the Contractor is
not entitled to any payment. In such an event, the Client is entitled to prolong the warranty
period for all the works that relate to unrectified works to at least five years.

According to these technical conditions, a five-year guarantee period applies regarding the
application quality as well as the durability of the surface dressing containing epoxy binder

3.5.8 Cost Calculation General
Performed works are accounted for in accordance with these technical conditions. Quantities,
specified in these technical conditions, must be accounted for according to contract uniform

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price. The contract uniform price must include all the services necessary for full completion of
works. The Contractor has no entitlement to additional payments. Deductions for Substandard Quality Quality of materials

Because adequate quality of materials is a condition for BWSC surface dressing there are no
deductions for quality of materials in the accounting and payment process. If the Contractor
incorporates into BWSC – surface dressing material which does not meet the requirement of
these technical conditions, a method of accounting (payment) is determined by the Engineer
which can reject the whole performed work. Performance quality

The foundations for evaluation of performance quality and calculation of deductions due to
substandard quality are given in Table 3.26. If the Contractor does not provide the required
quality of BWSC -- surface dressing according to these technical conditions the method of
accounting (payment) is determined by the Engineer.

Limit value Influence

Properties coefficient
measure Lowest Lower Higher Highest
Applied surface dressing:
- spread binder quantity % (m/m) -15** -10* 10* 15** 2 to 3
- spread crushed aggregate quantity % (m/m) -8 -5 5 8 1.7

*for BE and PmBE up to 15%

**for BE and PmBE up to 20%

Table 3.26: Boundary values of properties for estimation of the quality of executed BWSC

3.6 Stabilised Wearing Courses – Drainage-asphalt

3.6.1 Description
The construction of Stabilised Wearing Courses (SWC) from mixtures of drainage-asphalt
includes the supply of corresponding mixtures of stone granules and binders, its production and
placing at sites specified in the design. This work must be performed in weather when there is
no rainfalls and wind and, the temperature of the base and air is above 10ºC. The SWC of
drainage-asphalt are aimed for – depending on the type of mixture of stone granules and
binders – placing into the roadway construction for all groups of traffic loads. Usually, they are

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applied as the top wearing course of the high speed roadway constructions and on roadway
constructions with a minimum of slope. The base for such a course must be sealed. The type of
bituminous mixture of drainage-asphalt for the SWC is usually defined in the design. If it is not
the case, the Engineer must specify this.

3.6.2 Basic Materials

Mixtures of crushed stone granules are used for SWC of drainage-asphalt. Further, road–
construction bitumen BIT 80 or mixtures of bitumen and additives (polymers, tar) which have
properties which are required for these bituminous mixtures, are used for SWC of drainage-
asphalt. With the approval of the Engineer, also binders with the properties of BIT 100 may be
used for SWC of drainage-asphalt, though usually for SWC for light and very light traffic loads
and in harsher climatic conditions.

3.6.3 Quality of Material Granulation and Properties of Mixtures of Stone Granules

Mixtures of stone granules for SWC of drainage-asphalt are composed from granules of:

• stone dust;

• sand; and

• chippings. Stone Dust

Stone dust of high quality produced from carbonate stones must be used for SWC of drainage-
asphalt. The requirements for the composition and properties of mixtures of stone dust are given
in Tables 3.4 and 3.5. Sand
Sand from crushed granules can be used for SWC of drainage-asphalt.

The requirements for the composition and properties of mixtures of sand are given in Tables 3.6
and 3.7. The properties for the used mixtures of sand 0/1 mm or 0/2 mm for SWC of drainage-
asphalt are given in Table 3.8.

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Mixtures of stone granules of chippings, grade size up to 20 mm are used for SWC of drainage-

The requirements for the composition of individual fractions of chippings are given in Table 3.9.

The required mechanical properties of mixtures of stone granules of chippings for SWC of
drainage-asphalt are specified in Table 3.10. Collective Granulation

For SWC, mixtures of drainage-asphalt composed from denominative fractions 0/8 mm,
0/12.5 mm, 0/16 mm and 0/20 mm are used.

The trade marks and region of granulations of these bituminous mixtures are:

• drainage-asphalt DA 8 and DA 8s (Figure 3.10);

• drainage-asphalt DA 12 and DA 12 s (Figure 3.11);

• drainage–asphalt DA 16 and DA 16s (Figure 3.12);

• - drainage-asphalt DA 20s (Figure 3.13).

Figure 3.10: Region of composition of mixture of stone granules for

stabilised wearing courses from mixtures of drainage-asphalt DA 8 and DA 8s

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Figure 3.11: Region of composition of mixture of stone granules for

stabilised wearing courses from mixtures of drainage-asphalt DA 12 and DA 12s

Figure 3.12: Region of composition of mixture of stone granules for

stabilised wearing courses from mixtures of drainage-asphalts DA 16 and DA 16s

The mixtures of drainage-asphalt are specified in Table 3.27 according to traffic load category:

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Group of traffic load

Type of drainage–asphalt
Very Very
High Medium Low
High Low

DA 8 - - + + +

DA 8s - + + - -

DA 12 - - + + +

DA 12s + + + - -

DA 16 - - + + -

DA 16s + + + - -

DA 20s + + - - -

Table 3.27: Types of mixture used for drainage-asphalt, according to traffic load

Figure 3.13: Region of composition of mixture of stone granules for

stabilised wearing courses from mixture of drainage-asphalt DA 20s

Bituminous mixtures with the mark “s” must contain mixtures of stone granules made exclusively
from silicate stones.

The technological conditions for SWC of drainage-asphalt are given in Table 3.28:

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Technological thickness of layer in mm

Type of bituminous mixture

DA 8 DA 12 DA 16 DA 20s
DA 8s DA 12s DA 16s
At least 25 30 35 40
At most 40 50 60 70

Table 3.28: Recommended thickness of SWC of

drainage-asphalt based on traffic loads

Each mixture of granules foreseen for use in the SWC of drainage-asphalt must be investigated
in accordance with the requirements in these technical conditions. The number of samples is
specified by the Engineer. Properties of Binders

The required basic properties of binders for mixtures of drainage-asphalt for SWC are defined in
Table 3.29 (overleaf). The Contractor must in reasonable time before commencement of works
submit satisfactory evidence in regard to the quality of the binder which is proposed to be used
in the SWC of drainage-asphalt, in accordance with the requirements in these technical
conditions. The properties of additives (polymers, tar), which, with the approval of the Engineer,
must be used for the improvement of the properties of road–construction bitumen for mixtures of
drainage-asphalt for SWC are nor specially investigated. They are specified in the technical
conditions of the producer.

Property of bitumen Unit measure Type of bitumen

BIT 100 BIT 80
Required value:
Penetration at 25ºC mm / 10 80 to 100 60 to 80
Softening point by PK ºC 48 to 55 48 to 55
Penetration index, at least - -1.0 -1.0
Elasticity at 25ºC, at least cm 100 100
Breaking point by Fraas, no greater than - ºC -13 -11
Decrease after heating:
Penetration, no greater than % 40 40
Breaking point, no greater than ºC -10 -8

Table 3.29: The required value of properties of

bitumens used for drainage-asphalt for SWC

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3.6.4 Method of Execution Procurement of Mixtures of Stone Granules and Binders

The requirements of these technical conditions must be applied to the procurement of stone
granules and binders for the SWC of drainage-asphalt. Preparation of the Formation of the Base

The requirements of these technical conditions must be adhered to for this work. Storage of Mixtures of Stone Granules and Binders

The requirements of these technical conditions must be adhered to for this work. The highest
permitted temperature of the bitumen in the storage tank may be:

• for BIT 100, 150ºC;

• for BIT 80, 160ºC. Production of Bituminous Mixtures

The production of mixtures of drainage-asphalt must be mechanically in a corresponding plant
for the preparation of bituminous mixtures with the charged type of work. Equipment for batching
must ensure the corresponding quantity of the composing parts in the mixture of drainage-
asphalt by weight. The duration of mixing and other things which influence the quality of coating
the granules with binder or the dispersion of the binder in the mixture must be so adjusted that a
uniform mixture of drainage-asphalt is ensured. The mixture of drainage-asphalt for the SWC
must be produced by the hot process. The temperature of mixing the mixture of drainage-
asphalt for the SWC depends on the kinematic viscosity of the used binder, which must amount
to 800 mm²/s at the temperature of mixing. Transportation of Bituminous Mixture

The mixture of drainage-asphalt may be transported to a specially prepared formation of a base,
which must not be dusty or moist, only when this is approved by the Engineer. Suitable vehicles
for the transportation of drainage-asphalt must be used – tippers, equipped for tilting backwards
(into finishers) and covered with a tarpaulin for the protection of the bituminous mixture against
rainfalls, cooling and dust. The inside metal surfaces (sides and bottom) of the truck bed must
be coated with solution to prevent sticking, before loading the bituminous mixture. The number
of vehicles for transporting the mixture to the construction site must be adapted to the conditions
necessary for even placing, in regard to the capacity of the mechanical equipments and the
distance of transportation.

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Albanian Road Design and Construction Standards Placing of Bituminous Mixture

The surface of the clean base on which the drainage-asphalt will be constructed as the SWC
must be, duly before placing the bituminous mixture, evenly sprayed with an anionic unstable
bituminous emulsion (0.3—0.5 kg / m²) or with some other suitable binder for hardening courses,
when it has not been sprayed at all or if traffic has removed the film of bitumen from the granules
on the surface of the base. The sprayed agent for hardening the courses must be dried before
commencing to construct the drainage-asphalt. The placing of the bituminous mixture of
drainage-asphalt for the SWC must be mechanically with a finisher. Hand spreading is permitted
if the use of machines is not possible due to limited space. The highest and lowest temperature
of the bituminous mixture at the site of laying must be determined in regard to the type of used
binder for the production of drainage-asphalt in the trial tests. The lowest temperature of the
bituminous mixture for SWC must be 10ºC higher in windy weather than the specified lower
boundary value for the specific type of binder and 20ºC higher in hand spreading of the
bituminous mixture. If conditions of work allow, the SWC must be constructed over the whole
surface at once. If two finishers are used, one after the other, the difference of quality of the
placed bituminous mixture in the region of the joints must not be visible. During placing in a
number of layers, the longitudinal joint must be moved 20 cm behind, while the transverse joint
must be behind at least 50 cm.

Any stoppage of work must be performed over the whole width of the carriageway or lane,
usually at right angle to the axle of the road and vertically. Deviations from this are possible only
with the approval of the Engineer. The surface of the construction joint must be indirectly heated
before commencing the work. The placing effect of the finisher during spreading of the
bituminous mixture must ensure at least an 85 % compaction. The selected type of roller and the
method of compaction must ensure an even required density or compaction of the mixture of
drainage-asphalt as possible over the whole designed width of the carriageway. For this, the
width of the course must be increased according to designed thickness of the course, if this has
not already been foreseen by the design. The bituminous mixture in the SWC must be
compacted from the edge towards the middle of the course and from the lower towards the
higher edge of the course. Individual transitions of the roller must always cover one another. Any
stoppage of the roller on the constructed course must be avoided. All regions inaccessible to
machines must be compacted to the required density with other means, the use of which the
Engineer must approve, the Engineer also specifies the conditions in which such means are to
be used. Traffic may be released over the SWC of drainage-asphalt only when the bituminous
mixture in the centre of the layer has cooled to approximately 20—25ºC. The Engineer may also
place other conditions for allowing traffic over the SWC.

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3.6.5 Quality of Execution

Before the equipments and machines begin to operate, from which the quality of work depends,
their suitability for ensuring an quality in accordance to the requirements of these technical
conditions must be tested.

All equipments and machines must be attested and must correspond to the requirements of the
design and these technical conditions in regard to capacity. Required Properties

The required properties for bituminous mixtures of drainage-asphalt are given in Table 3.30:

Properties Unit measure Required value

Sample according to Marshall:

Content of binder % (m/m) ±0.3*

Voids content % (m/m) 16 to 22

Core or cut-out:
% (m/m) 15 to 23
Voids content

Density, at least % 98

* from the quantity determined in the trial composition of the mixture of drainage-asphalt

Table 3.30: The required value of properties for bituminous mixtures of drainage-asphalt

The bituminous binder may harden for up to two degrees during the process of production and
placing of the bituminous mixture. The content of binder in the sample according to Marshall
represents the boundary value; the extreme boundary values amount to ± 0.5 % (m/m). The
content of all voids in the sample according to Marshall and in the drilled core or cut-out on the
carriageway is permitted to be smaller for 1% (V/V) (extreme lower boundary value) or the
greater for 2 % (V/V) (extreme upper boundary value). The density of the placed bituminous
mixture of drainage asphalt, determined in regard to the density of the sample according to
Marshall, must not be smaller than the required, which is the boundary value, for more than 3%
(extreme boundary value).

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Albanian Road Design and Construction Standards Trial Production and Placing

The requirements in these technical conditions must be adhered to for trial production and
placing of the bituminous mixture of drainage-asphalt. Routine Production and Placing

The requirements of these technical conditions must be adhered to for the routine production
and placing of the SWC of drainage asphalt. Executed Composition

The requirements of these technical conditions must be adhered to for the executed composition Level, Height, Slope

The requirements of these technical conditions must be adhered to for the given properties of
the surface of the SWC of drainage-asphalt.

3.6.6 Quality Control of Execution Routine Tests

The number of routine tests during the placing of the SWC of drainage-asphalt is specified by
the Engineer on the basis of the results of the trial technological tests (trial composition and trial
production and placing). The minimal routine tests, which the Contractor must execute, include:

- Mixture of granules: - granulation every 4000 m²

- properties every 40000 m²
- Binders: - content every 4000 m²
- properties(only control tests) every 24000 m²
- Produced mixture of drainage-asphalt:
properties of sample according to Marshall:
content of binder, voids content every 4000 m²

- Placed mixture of drainage-asphalt:

- quantity of spray on base* every 4000 m²
- density (voids content) every 100 m²
- voids content (in core) every 4000 m²
- layer thickness every 2000 m²
- Level and height of course formation every 200 m²
* if an additional spray is required

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In cases when the Engineer discovers greater deviations of results from the trial technological
tests in the routine tests, the Engineer may additionally increase the numbers of the minimal
routine tests. In cases of uniform results, the Engineer may decrease the numbers of the
minimal routine tests. The quality of the constructed SWC of drainage-asphalt may be
determined by other acknowledged methods, with the approval of the Engineer. In such cases,
also the measures for the quality of placing and the method and numbers of the tests must be
approved by the Engineer. Control Tests

The numbers of control tests which are performed by the Client is usually in a 1:4 ratio with the
routine tests. The site of taking samples of mixtures of drainage-asphalt and the measuring sites
for routine and control measurements of the quality of the execution of the SWC is specified by
the Engineer by the statistical random selection method.

3.6.7 Measurement and Take-over of Work Measurement of Work

The executed work is measured in accordance with these technical conditions and calculated in
square metres. All quantities are measured according to the amount and type of work which was
executed in the frame of the design. Take-over of Work

The executed SWC of drainage-asphalt is taken-over by the Engineer according to the
requirements for quality specified in these technical conditions and in accordance with these
technical conditions. All discovered deficiencies in regard to these requirements must be
rectified by the Contractor before commencing with other works, otherwise deductions are
charged to the Contractor for unsuitable quality of the executed work. All expenses for repairing
the deficiencies are charged to the Contractor, including expenses for all measurements and
tests which showed the unsuitable quality of the executed works and were necessary, after the
executed rectification, to ascertain the quality of work with new tests. The Contractor is not
entitled to any payment for any works which do not meet the quality of the requirements in
regard to these technical conditions (exceed the boundary or extreme boundary values) and
which the Contractor has not rectified under the instructions of the Engineer. While the Client, in
such cases, is entitled to prolong the guarantee for all work which relates on the unrectified work
for at least five years.

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3.6.8 Cost Calculation General
The executed work is accounted in accordance with these technical conditions.

The quantity specified in these technical conditions must be calculated according to the contract
unit price. All services necessary for the completion of works must be included in the contract
unit price. The Contractor has no entitlement to additional payment. Deductions for Unsuitable Quality Quality of Materials

There are no deductions in calculation for the quality of material due to the conditions required
for the quality of material in the SWC of drainage-asphalt. If the Contractor uses material into the
SWC of drainage-asphalt which does not correspond to the requirements of these technical
conditions, then the method of calculation is specified by the Engineer. The Engineer may also
reject the work in whole. Quality of Execution

The necessary basics for estimating the quality of the execution and the calculation of
deductions for unsuitable quality are given in Table 3.31. If the Contractor does not ensure the
required quality of the execution of the SWC of drainage-asphalt in accordance with these
technical conditions, the Engineer must specify the method of calculation.

Boundary value
Unit Quotient
Properties Extreme Extreme
measure Lower Upper influence of K
lower upper
Produced bituminous mixture:
Content of binder %(m/m) - 0.5 -0.3 0.3 0.5 1.5
Content of voids % - 15 -16 22 24 11-16
Placed bituminous mixture:
Quantity of spray kg/m -0.2 -0.3 0.5 - 3
Layer thickness mm -5 * * - 5-8
Level mm - - 4-10 15 2
Height mm - - 10 15 2
Density % 95 98 - - 47
* Boundary values are given in Table 3.28

Table 3.31: Boundary values of properties for

estimation of the quality of executed SWC of drainage-asphalt

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3.7 Bound Wearing and Seal Courses – Split Mastic Asphalt

3.7.1 Description
Production of bound wearing and seal courses (from now on “BWSC”) made of split mastic
asphalt mixture (from now on “DBM”) encompasses supply of suitable aggregates and binders,
production and incorporation on places specified by the design.

This work must be carried out in weather without rainfalls and the temperature of the foundation
and air (without wind) must be above 5ºC when the prescribed application thickness is 2.5 cm or
more, and above 15ºC when the prescribed application thickness is less than 2.5 cm. BWSC
DBM are intended – in regard to the aggregate type and binders – for incorporation into
pavements for all traffic load groups.

Type of bituminous DBM mixture for BWSC is usually specified in the design. If it is not, it is the
decision of the Engineer.

3.7.2 Basic materials Stone mixtures

Crushed and round stone mixtures are used for BWSC DBM. Binders
Road construction bitumens of type BIT 45, BIT 60 and BIT 90 and/or a mixture of bitumen and
additives (polymer, natural asphalt) with characteristics required for these bituminous mixtures
are in use for BWSC DBM. Stabilising agent

This agent of organic or inorganic origin is used to prevent segregation (draining off) of the

3.7.3 Quality of materials Grading and properties of stone mixtures General
Aggregate for BWSC DBM consists of grains of:

• stone dust,

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• sand, and

• open graded crushed aggregate. Stone dust

Stone dust produced by carbonate rock must be used for BWSC DBM. Requirements regarding
composition and properties of stone dust aggregates are given in Tables 3.4 and 3.5. Sand
For BWSC DBM crushed and natural sand (the mass proportion of crushed sand and natural
sand must be at least 1 : 1) must be used (on freeways and roads with very heavy and heavy
traffic load the use of natural sand is not permitted). Requirements regarding composition and
properties of sand aggregate are given in Tables 3.6 and 3.7. For BWSC DBM in Table 3.8 the
applicable nominal sand fraction in relation to traffic load group are given. Open Graded Crushed Aggregate

Open graded crushed aggregate up to a nominal size of 12.5 mm is used for BWSC DBM.
Requirements regarding grading of individual crushed aggregate fractions are given in Table
3.9. Required mechanical properties of crushed aggregate for BWSC DBM are given in Table
3.10. Collective Grading

DBM mixtures made of nominal fractions of 0/4 mm, 0/8 mm and 0/12.5 mm are used for

Labels and ranges of grading of those bituminous mixtures are:

• DBM 4

• DBM 8

• DBM 8s

• DBM 12s

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Technologically conditional thicknesses of BWSC DBM are given in Table 3.32:

DBM type
Envisioned layer thickness
DBM 12s DBM 8s DBM 8 DBM 4

Lowest in cm 2.5 2 2 1.5

Highest in cm 5 4 3 2

Table 3.32: Conditional thicknesses of BWSC DBM

Use of DBM type according to traffic load group is shown in Table 3.33:

DBM type
Traffic load group
DBM 12s DBM 8s DBM 8 DBM 4

Highway and very heavy (VH) + + - -

Heavy (H) + + - -
Medium (M) + + + -
Light (L) - + + +

Very light (VL) - - + +

Table 3.33: Recommended type of DBM based on traffic loads

Bituminous mixtures with label ‘s’ must contain crushed aggregate made exclusively of silicate
rock. Binder Properties

The Contractor must in a timely method before the commencement of work provide
corresponding quality certificates for binder that will be used in BWSC DBM according to
requirements in these technical conditions.

If modified binder is used, additional technical conditions and/or Client requirements must be
taken into account.

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Required properties of road construction bitumens for DBM mixtures are given in Table 3.34:

Bitumen type
Bitumen properties Measure unit
BIT 100 BIT 80 BIT 60 BIT 45

Penetration at 25ºC mm/10 80-100 60 –80 50 – 70 35 – 50

(R & B) softening point ºC 48-55 48-55 48-55 54 – 60

Penetration index, minimum - - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 -1.0

Ductility at 25ºC, minimum cm 100 100 100 50

Fraass breaking point ºC -15 -11 -8 -6

Decrease after heating:

Penetration, maximum % 40 40 40 35

Breaking point, maximum ºC -12 -8 -6 -4

Table 3.34: Required values of bitumen properties used for DBM

The use of road construction bitumen type depending on the traffic loads group is shown in
Table 3.35.

Bitumen type
Traffic load group
BIT 100 BIT 80 BIT 60 BIT 45
Highway and very heavy VH) - - + +

Heavy (H) - + + +
Medium (M) - + + -
Light (L) + + - -
Very light (VL) + + - -

Table 3.35: Types of bitumen used for DBM according to traffic load Stabilising Agent

The stabilising agent prevents flowing of the binder off the surfaces of DBM aggregates in
production, transport, incorporation and compaction. For stabilising agents organic or inorganic
fibres must be used, or, silica and polymers in dust or granulated form. Content of stabilising
agent in DBM mixture is 0.3 to 1.5% of the asphalt mixture mass.

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3.7.4 Method of Execution Acquiring of Aggregates and Binders

For this work, the requirements in these technical conditions must be adhered to. Preparation of Road Base

For this work, the requirements in these technical conditions must be adhered to. Warehousing of Aggregates and Binders

For this work, the requirements in these technical conditions must be adhered to. The highest
permitted temperature of the road construction bitumen in the cistern is:

• for BIT 45, 170ºC,

• for BIT 60, 165ºC,

• for BIT 80, 160ºC,

• for BIT100, 140ºC.

If modified bitumen is used the manufacturer’s instructions must be followed. Production of DBM
mixture must be performed mechanically in a suitable plant for preparation of bituminous
mixtures, and must be carried out in batches. The proportioning devices must assure suitable
quantities of components of the DBM mixture.

The time of mixing and other influences on the quality of coating of grains with the binder and/or
distribution of the binder in the mixture must assure an homogenous mixture of DBM. DBM
mixture for BWSC must be produced by hot procedure. The mixing temperature of the DBM
mixture for BWSC depends on the binder type used. Application of Bituminous Mixture

Onto an adequately prepared road base which must not be wet or dusty, DBM mixture for
BWSC can be applied only after the approval of the Engineer.

For transport of DBM mixture suitable vehicles must be used – dump trucks equipped for
discharging backwards (into the paver) and with suitable protection of bituminous mixture
against precipitation, cooling or dust. The inside metal surfaces (sides and bottom) of the truck
bed must be coated with solution to prevent sticking, before loading the bituminous mixture. The
number of vehicles for bituminous mixture transport to the construction site must be matched to

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the application conditions which depends on the site production machinery capacity and
distance to travel. Incorporation of Bituminous Mixture

In a timely method before the commencement of delivery of bituminous mixture, the clean
surface foundation, onto which the DBM mixture will be incorporated as BWSC, must be evenly
sprayed with cation-unstable bitumen emulsion (0.3—0.5 kg/m²) or other suitable binder for
adhesion of layers, if it hasn’t been sprayed at all or if traffic has removed the bitumen film off
the foundation surface grains. The sprayed adhesion agent must be dried before incorporation
of DBM can begin.

In case of application of DBM 12s and DBM 8s in lower thicknesses set out in Table 3.32 it is
necessary to spray the foundation surface with polymer modified bitumen emulsion.
Incorporation of DBM bituminous mixture into BWSC is usually done mechanically with the
paver. In exceptions manual application is acceptable if the use of machines is not possible due
to lack of space. volume application must be approved by the Engineer. The lowest and highest
temperature of bituminous mixture on the application site must be determined in regard to the
type of binder used for production of DBM after trial examinations. In windy conditions the lowest
temperature of bituminous mixture for BWSC must be above 10ºC, and when the bituminous
mixture is applied manually, the temperature must be 25ºC higher than required bottom limit
value for the given type of binder.

If work conditions permit the BWSC must be applied over the whole width of the carriageway
simultaneously. If multiple pavers are used for application, the difference in applied bituminous
mixture quality at joins must not be noticeable.

When application is performed in multiple layers, the longitudinal joins must be shifted from each
other by at least 20 cm, and transverse (construction) joins by at least 50 cm. Each stoppage of
works must be carried out in the whole width of the carriageway, perpendicular to the road axis
and vertically. Deviation from this is only permitted with the permission of the Engineer. Before
continuing the application the surfaces of the construction join must be warmed with a heater
and indirect heating. In spreading of the bituminous mixture the application effectiveness of the
paver must assure at least 90% compactness.

Selected roller type and compacting method must assure the best possible evenness of required
density or compactness of DBM mixture over the whole designed width of the carriageway. For
this it is necessary to increase the layer width for designed layer thickness if the design does not
foreseen it.

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For improvement of friction properties of freshly applied asphalt layer grains of coarse sand
fraction or finely crushed aggregate of grades 0.5—2.0 mm or 2.0—4.0 mm in quantities of 1—2
kg/m² must, unless otherwise specified, be pressed into it during compacting. The bituminous
mixture incorporated into the BWSC must be compacted from the edge towards the centre of the
layer and from lower towards the higher edge of the layer. Individual passes of the rollers must
always overlap. Any break of rollers on hot applied layer must be prevented.

On all places unreachable by vehicles the mixture must be compacted to the required
compactness by other methods, the use of which must be approved by the Engineer which also
determines the conditions in which to use such methods. Traffic can be permitted onto the DBM
mixture, applied into the BWSC, only after the bituminous mixture in the middle of the layer has
cooled to approximately 20—30ºC. The Engineer can specify other conditions for admission of
traffic onto BWSC.

3.7.5 Quality of Execution General
Before the commencement of operation of machines and equipments on which the performance
quality depends, it is necessary to confirm their ability to assure quality evenness in accordance
with requirements in these technical conditions.

All the equipments and machines must be attested and their capacity must correspond to the
requirements of the project and these technical conditions. Trial Composition

For trial composition of DBM mixture for BWSC all requirements of these technical conditions
must be adhered to.

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Albanian Road Design and Construction Standards Required Properties of Mixtures and Test Specimen:

Required properties of DBM bituminous mixtures specimen are given in Table 3.36.

Traffic load

Properties Measure unit VH and H M L and VL

Required value


Marshall voids content % 3 to 4.5 2 to 4 2 to 4

Recommended bitumen content in the trial asphalt composition

For DMB 12s system % (m/m) 6.3

For DBM 8s system % (m/m) 6.5

For DBM 8 and DBM 4 systems % (m/m) 6.5 6.8

Recommended fulfilment of aggregate voids with bitumen % (m/m) 70 – 85 75 – 90 75 - 92


Core or cutting:

Total voids ratio % (V/V) 3-6 3–5 2–5

Compaction, minimum % 98 98 98

Table 3.36: Required value of properties of DBM bituminous mixtures according to traffic load

The temperature of the asphalt mixture during compacting of Marshall test specimen must be
such that the viscosity of bitumen in the asphalt mixture is 0.268 Pas. During bituminous mixture
production and application procedures the bitumen binder can stiffen by up to two degrees. Attestation of Production and Application

For attestation of production and application of DBM bituminous mixture the requirements of
these technical conditions must be adhered to. Routine Production and Application

For routine production and incorporation of BWSC DBM the requirements of these technical
conditions must be adhered to.

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Albanian Road Design and Construction Standards DBM Composition

For the composition of DBM mixture the requirements of these technical conditions must be
adhered to. Levelness, height, incline

For stated BWSC DBM surface characteristics, the requirements of these technical conditions
must be adhered to.

3.7.6 Quality Control of Execution Internal control

The numbers of internal control testing during application of BWSC DBM is specified by the
Engineer based on results of trial technological examinations (trial composition and production
and application attestation).

Minimum internal control tests which must be conducted by the Contractor include:

- Input materials:
- aggregate: - properties of individual fraction of aggregates (grades, grain shape, proportion
of round grains and fine particles) every 40000 m²

- binder - properties (penetration, softening point) for each supply

- Produced DBM mixture:

- binder portion ` every 4000m²
- aggregate composition every 4000m²
- total void ratio every 4000m²

- Incorporated DBM mixture:

- quantity of splash on the foundation every 10000m²
- density or void ratio (nuclear gauge) every 100m²
- total void ratio (in core) every 4000m²
- layer thickness every 4000m²
- levelness and height of layer formation every 200m²

If the internal testing shows significant deviations of the results from trial technological
examinations the Engineer can additionally increase the numbers of minimum internal tests.
Where there are consistent results the Engineer can decrease the level of internal testing.

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In agreement with the Engineer the quality of applied BWSC DBM can be specified by other
acknowledged procedures. In this case the criteria for application quality and methods and
numbers of testing must be agreed with the Engineer. External control testing

The numbers of external control testing carried out by the Client is usually in ratio of 1:4 with the
internal testing. In addition to the tests conducted during regular control, the external testing also
includes examination of the mechanical strength of input aggregate fractions (on 80000 m²) and
properties of extracted binder of manufactured asphalt mixture. Locations for taking the DBM
mixture samples and measurement locations for internal and external control measurements of
quality of BWSC construction are specified by the Engineer using statistical random selection.

3.7.7 Measurements and Take-over of Works Measurement of Works

Executed works are measured in accordance with these technical conditions and calculated in
square metres.

All quantities are measured according to actually performed works that were conducted as part
of design measurements. Take-over of Works

Constructed BWSC DBM is accepted by the Engineer according to the quality requirements in
these technical conditions and according to these technical conditions. The Contractor must
rectify all identified deviations from these requirements before continuation of the works,
otherwise deductions are taken off his payment for unsatisfactory quality of performed works. All
costs for repairing the deficiencies are charged to the Contractor, including costs for all
measurements and examinations which showed unsatisfactory quality of executed works and
needed to be repeated after adequate repairs to ascertain the quality of works.

For any works which do not meet the quality requirements in these technical conditions (exceed
limits or extreme limit values) and the Contractor has not rectify them according to the
instructions of the Engineer, the Contractor is not entitled to any payment. The Client in such a
case is entitled to prolong the warranty period for all the works that depend on uncorrected
works to at least five years.

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3.7.8 Cost Calculation General
Performed works are accounted for in accordance with these technical conditions. Quantities,
specified in these technical conditions must be accounted for according to the contract uniform

The contract uniform price must include all the services necessary for full completion of works.
The Contractor has no entitlement to additional payments. Deductions for Substandard Quality Quality of Materials

Because adequate quality of materials is a condition for BWSC DBM there are no deductions for
quality of materials in the accounting and payment process.

If the Contractor incorporates material into BWSC DBM which does not meet the requirements
of these technical conditions, the method of accounting (payment) is determined by the Engineer
which can reject the entire performed work. Quality of Execution

The basics for evaluation of performance quality and calculation of deductions due to
substandard quality are given in Table 3.31.

If the Contractor does not provide the required quality of BWSC DBM according to these
technical conditions the method of accounting (payment) is determined by the Engineer.

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4 Roadbases and Wearing Courses – Cement Concrete

4.1 General

Roadbases and wearing courses from cement concrete are parts of the road construction above
the roadbases to the road surface.

It must be constructed in a method and in dimensions and quality specified by the design and in
accordance with these technical conditions.

4.2 Description

The construction of stabilised roadbases and wearing courses (RWC) from mixes of cement
concrete includes the supply and preparation of suitable stone granules, water and chemical
additives and the production, transportation and construction of the fresh mix at sites specified
by the design. It also includes all works in the execution of joints and the protection of the
surface of the SRWC of cement concrete after constructing, as also, if necessary, all works in
connection with the reinforcing the cement concrete. The roadbase and wearing course of
cement concrete may be constructed from mixtures of an equal composition (at the same time in
one course) or from different cement concrete mixes (each course by itself).

This work must be executed in weather when during placing there is no rainfalls and wind, and
the temperature of the base is 5—30°C. If the temperature is periodically lower or higher, then
special measures must be taken during placing. SRWC from cement concrete are aimed also as
top courses – depending on the type of mixture – for placing into the road construction for all
groups of traffic loads. But SRWC from cement concrete are aimed for road constructions with a
lot of traffic loads and harsh climatic conditions (great axial loads, great longitudinal slopes of the
carriageway, canalised and directed traffic, a great extent and long duration of high and low

Depending on the traffic load, the following minimal thickness for SRWC from cement concrete
(if this is not specified otherwise in the design) is required:

• for very heavy traffic loads, at least 200 mm

• for heavy traffic loads, at least 180 mm

• for other traffic, loads, at least 160 mm

• for bicycle paths and pedestrian paths, 100 mm

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The type of cement concrete mix for SRWC is usually defined in the design. If it is not the case,
the Engineer must specify this.

4.3 Basic Materials

4.3.1 Mixtures of Stone Granules

Mixtures of stone granules for SRWC from cement concrete may be mainly composed from
natural granules. The mixture of stone granules for cement concrete mixes for wearing courses
for medium, heavy and very heavy traffic loads must contain at least 50% (mm) of granules
above 8 mm in grade, and are crushed. The composition of the mixture of stone granules for the
cement concrete mix for SRWC must be approved by the Engineer. Depends on the required
quality of the cement concrete, traffic load and method and conditions of transportation and
construction, it might already be specified in the design.

4.3.2 Binders
Binders used for SRWC from cement concrete are:

• Portland cement and

• Portland cement with additives of granulated furnace slag.

The type of cement for SRWC from cement concrete is specified by the design, if not, the
Engineer specifies it, in regard to the quality of the cement, traffic load and climatic conditions.
The Engineer may require changes in the project for the foreseen type of cement if the reason
for this is traffic loads/or climatic conditions. The Contractor may use other hydraulic binders on
the basis of Portland cement clinker for the SRWC if he demonstrates their use and the
Engineer gives approval.

4.3.3 Water
Natural or processed water, for which evidence exists that it corresponds to the use, for the
preparation of cement concrete.

4.3.4 Chemical Additives

Various corresponding chemical additives in the cement concrete for plastification, aerating and
other changes of properties (e.g. for delaying hardening) for improving the specific
characteristics of the mixture of cement concrete for SRWC. The use of chemical additives must
be approved by the Engineer.

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4.3.5 Steel
For reinforcing SRWC of cement concrete, corresponding welded nets are used, for keys and
anchors corresponding rolls of smooth or ribbed rolled steel, as it is specified in the design or
required by the Engineer.

4.3.6 Protective Agents

Various liquid chemical agents, which ensure an even waterproof film, are used for protecting
the mixture of cement concrete on the surface of the SRWC against drying and/or moistening.

4.3.7 Materials for Sealing Joints

For sealing joints between the slabs of cement concrete placed in the SRWC, are used:

• protective(rubber) tampons,

• rubber bands for filling the lower part of the joint,

• agents for the pre-coating of the upper part of the joint and,

• bituminous elastic mixes for sealing joints

4.4 Quality of Materials

4.4.1 Granulation and Properties of Stone Granule Mixtures General
Mixtures of stone granules for cement concrete mixes for SRWC must, unless otherwise
specified, be composed from granules of;

• Sand; and

• gravel and/or chippings.

Mixtures of stone granules must be chemically inert, rinsed or dusted and fractionised. Sand
Sand for SRWC of cement concrete is mainly from natural granules. A mixture of mixed (natural
or crushed) granules may also be used.

The requirements for the composition of mixtures of granules of sand are given in Table 4.1:

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The length of one side of square sieve opening Sift through sieve% (m/m)

0.063 not greater than 5

2 at least 65

4 at least 90

* In mixtures of crushed stone granules it may amount to 10% (m/m)

Table 4.1: Composition of mixtures of granules for sand

Requirements for other properties of mixtures of stone granules of sand for cement concrete
mixes are not specially defined but are combined in the requirements for the collective quality of
mixtures of stone granules. Gravel and Chippings

Mainly a mixed mixture of stone granules of gravel and chippings to 31.5 mm in grade are used
for SRWC of cement concrete. The requirements for the composition of individual denominative
fractions of gravel or chippings are given in Table 4.2.

Basic denominative fraction

Length of side of
square sieve 4/8 mm 8/16 mm 16/31.5 mm
opening, in mm
Sift through sieve, mm
2 not greater than 5 - -
4 not greater than 15 not greater than 5 -
8 at least 90 not greater than 15 not greater than 5
16 100 at least 90 not greater than 15
31.5 - 100 at least 90
63 - - 100

Table 4.2: Composition of denominative fractions of gravel or chippings

Requirements for other properties of mixtures of stone granules of gravel and chippings are
defined in the requirements for the collective granulation of mixtures of stone granules. Collective Granulation

Mixtures of stone granules with the denominative granulation 0/31.5 mm, in exception also
0/16 mm, are used for SRWC from cement concrete. The region of granulation of these mixtures
of stone granules from cement concrete mixes are defined in Figures 4.1 (cement concrete CC
16 and CC 16s) and 4.2 (cement concrete CC 32 and CC 32s).

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Figure 4.1 Region of composition of mixtures of stone granules for stabilised

roadbases and wearing courses from cement concrete mixes CC 16 and CC 16s.

Figure 4.2: Region of composition of mixtures of stone granules for stabilised

roadbases and wearing courses from cement concrete mixes CC 32 and CC 32s.

Mixtures of stone granules of gravel and chippings of silicate origin must be used in cement
concrete mixes for SRWC with the mark ‘s’. The size of the largest granule in the mix must not
be greater than a 1/3 of the thickness of the cement concrete layer. The Contractor may also
use another composition of mixtures of stone granules for the preparation of the cement
concrete mix for the SWRC if he submits corresponding evidence to the Engineer that the
mechanical characteristics of such a composed cement concrete mix correspond to the

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requirements of these technical conditions. The mixtures of stone granules for SRWC of cement
concrete must have the properties given in Table 4.3:

Properties of mixtures of stone granules Unit measure Required value

- compressive strength of stone granules, at least

- for wearing courses:

- for VH and H traffic loads N/mm2 160

- for other traffic loads N/mm2 140

- for raodbases N/mm2 100

- resistance of granules against crushing by the Los Angeles method

- for wearing courses:

- for VH and H traffic loads %(m/m) 18

- for other traffic loads %(m/m) 22

- for roadbases %(m/m) 30

- resistance of mixtures of stone granules against freezing effects-

5 cycles with Na2SO4: losses may amount to more than

- for wearing courses %(m/m) 5

- for roadbases %(m/m) 10

- content of poorly formed granules (by I : dr ≥ 3 :1), no more than %(m/m) 20

- content of clay in fraction size

- up to 4 mm , not more than %(m/m) 0.5

- over 4 mm, not more than %(m/m) 0.25

Table 4.3: Required values of properties of mixtures of

stone granules for SRWC of cement concrete

Before the commencing of work, each mixture of stone granules foreseen to be used in the
SRWC of cement concrete, must be investigated in accordance with the requirements of these
technical conditions. The number of samples is specified by the Engineer. If the Engineer has
already permitted the Contractor the use of an equal mixture of stone granules for placing in a
SRWC, then repetition of the investigation of stone granules is not necessary. The required
mechanical properties of the mixtures of stone granules must be ensured (extreme boundary

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4.4.2 Properties of Cement

The required basic properties of cement for cement concrete mixes for SWRC are specified in
Table 4.4. The required basic properties of cement must be ensured (extreme boundary value).

In the same cross section, cement with the same properties and produced from the same raw
materials must be used for road-bases and wearing courses from cement concrete (even
quality). The Contractor must receive from an authorised institute such as the ISTC or another
certified laboratory, in reasonable time before the commencing of work, corresponding evidence
of the quality of the cement which will be used in the cement concrete mix for the SRWC, in
accordance with the requirements of these technical conditions. The Engineer may also demand
or approve cement with other properties.

Properties of cement Unit measure Required value

- fine grinding:

- reject on sieve 0.063 mm, no more than %(m/m) 5

- by Blaine, no more than m /kg 370*

- Stability of volume:

- with cakes - no change

- by Le Chatelier, no more than mm 10

- time of hardening:

- beginning at 20°C, not before h 1

- beginning at 30°C, not before min 45

- end, not after h 10

- water content for standard consistency, not more than % (m/m) 28

- strength after 28 days:

- compressive, at least N/mm 35

- tensile, at least N/mm2 7

Table 4.4: Required values of cement properties

4.4.3 Water
The required properties for water used for preparing cement concrete mixes for SRWC are
specified in Table 4.5:

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Unit Required
Properties of water
measure value
- PH value, at least - 6.5
- chloride content (CI), not more than mg/l 300
- sulfur content (SO4), not more than mg/l 400

Table 4.5: Required valued for water properties

The required properties of water for preparing cement concrete mixes must be ensured (extreme
boundary value).

Drinking water is permitted to be used without evidence of its suitability for the preparation of
cement concrete.

4.4.4 Chemical Additives

The required properties of chemical additives of cement concrete are not specially defined.

The used chemical additives must ensure the required improved properties of the mixes in a
specific condition of cement concrete (fresh, hardening, hardened concrete). This must be
previously tested on a mix of mixtures of stone granules and water as will be used for the
preparation of cement concrete. Evidence of the quality of the chemical additives of cement
concrete must be used by an authorised institute such as the ISTC.

4.4.5 Steel
The required properties for steel for reinforcing SRWC of cement concrete (according to EN
10027) are specified in Table 4.6:

Required value
Properties of steel Unit measure
Smooth steelrods E 360 Welded netsE 360

- characteristic plasticity border, at least N/mm2 240 > 500

-characteristic tensile strength, at least N/mm2 360 > 600

- tensility at 10h, at least % 18 6

- diameter of thorn Ф 2 (4)

- flexion angle ° 180 (180)

- elasticity modulus GN/m2 200 to 210 190 to 200

Table 4.6: Required values for steel properties

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The required properties of steel for grids and rods must be ensured (extreme boundary value).
The Engineer may allow deviations from the specified requirements for steel in the SRWC of
cement concrete, if the Contractor submits evidence.

4.4.6 Protective Agents

The properties of routine chemical protective agents for the surface of the SRWC of cement
concrete are specified in the technical conditions and instructions of the producer of these
agents. The film of the protective agent must suitably protect the surface of the SRWC of
cement concrete for at least 7—10 days, depending on the process of cement hydraulisation.
During this, it must not harmfully influence the process of hardening the cement of the surface of
the placed SRWC. Evidence of the quality of the protective agents for the surface of the SRWC
of cement concrete and, if necessary, also supplementary instructions must be issued by an
authorised institute such as the ISTC. The Contractor must get the approval of the Engineer in
reasonable time before using the protective agent.

4.4.7 Material for Hardening Joints

The quality of protective (rubber) tampons and rubber bands for filling the lower part of the joints
between the slabs of cement concrete placed in the SRWC is specified with the technical
conditions and instructions of the producer. The quality of agents for pre-coating the walls of the
upper joint is specified in regard to the properties of the elastic mixture for sealing joints. The
technical conditions and instructions for the use of agent for pre-coating are prescribed by the
producer of the mixture for sealing.

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The required properties of bituminous elastic mixtures for sealing joints are specified in
Table 4.7:

Properties of mixture for sealing joints Unit measure Required value

- strength of sealing at 180°C - good

- softening point by pk, at least °C 85

- resistance against sagging at 180°

% (m/m) 3
(difference in ash), not more than

- durability on heat by Nüssel at 45°C/24hrs, not more than - 6.5

- elasticity and adhesion by Raab at –20°C, at least mm 5

- conus penetration at 25 °C mm/10 40 to 90

- length of liquidity at 60°C after 5 hrs, not more than mm 5

- resistance against heat processing, not more than % 25

- resistance against cold by Herrman at –25°C, 5 m - 3 balls from 4

- weight change at 165°C, 5 hrs, not more than % (m/m) 1

- resistance against over heating:

- PK changes, not more than °C 10

- changes in length of liquidity, not more than mm 5

Table 4.7: Required values of properties of mixtures for sealing joints

The required properties of mixtures for sealing joints must be ensured (extreme boundary
value). The use of all materials for hardening joints between concrete slabs must be previously
approved by the Engineer on the basis of the evidence of their suitability for a specific purpose.

4.5 Method of Execution

4.5.1 Procurement of Materials

The Contractor must report to the Engineer the location of exploiting the mixtures of stone
granules for the preparation of cement concrete for the SRWC in reasonable time before the
commencing of work. Evidence of the quality of mixtures of stone granules in accordance to the
requirements in these technical conditions, which the Contractor must submit to Engineer, must
not be older than one year. The Contractor must also submit evidence to the Engineer for all
other materials which the Contractor plans to use in the construction of the SRWC of cement

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(cement, water, additives, steel, protective agents and material for sealing joints) in reasonable
time before the commencing the work. This evidence must not be older than six months.

4.5.2 Preparation of Formation of Base

The base of a stabilised roadbase and wearing course, prepared under the specifications of
these conditions, may be used as a base for the SRWC of cement concrete. If it has not already
been foreseen by the project, a formation of a stabilised sub-course, prepared under the
specifications of these technical conditions, or the formation of an unstabilised roadbase,
prepared under the specifications of these technical conditions may be used as a base, with the
approval of the Engineer.

If the base absorbs water, then it must be:

• covered with a corresponding waterproof material (PVC foil),

• sprayed with bituminous emulsion or

• soaked with water

The method of preparing the base must be approved by the Engineer. The Contractor is
permitted to commence the construction of the SRWC of cement concrete when the Engineer
has taken-over the base according to mentioned requirements. The Contractor is obliged to
maintain the base in the same conditions in which it was at the time of taking-over during all the
time before placing the SRWC. All damages must be suitably rectified and an evidence of this
must be submitted to the Engineer.

4.5.3 Storage of Material

If the Contractor temporarily stores material before preparing the cement concrete in mix for the
SRWC, then the location for this must be previously suitably prepared and also protected
against precipitations. Cement must be stored in corresponding cement stores. If tap water is
not used for the preparation of the cement concrete mix, then the water must be stored in
storage tanks. Chemical additives for cement concrete must be stored under the instructions of
the producer.

Steel rods and grids for reinforcing must be protected against rainfalls at the temporary storage
sites. Keys do not must be protected if they are already insulated. Protective agents for the care
of and maintenance of fresh or young cement concrete and material for sealing joints of cement
concrete slabs must be stored under the instructions of the producer. The quality of all materials
at the storage site must be such, that a continuous production of the cement concrete mix for the
SRWC is ensured.

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4.5.4 Production Fresh Cement Concrete Mixes

The production of fresh cement concrete mixes must be mechanically and prepared in a suitable
plant for the preparation of mixes by the charge method of work. The productive capacity of the
plant for the production of fresh cement concrete mixes must be tested annually by an
authorised institute such as the ISTC.

Equipments for batching must ensure a corresponding quantity of all the composing parts by
weight. The time of mixing and other factors which influence the quality must be so adjusted,
that a uniform cement concrete mix is ensured. When working at lower temperatures, the plant
for the production of cement concrete must have the possibility of heating the mixture of stone
granules and/or water to the corresponding temperature. The produced cement concrete mix
may be stored for a short time in corresponding cement at the production plant or it is conveyed
at once to the site of the constructing the SRWC.

4.5.5 Transport of Cement Concrete Mixes

The cement concrete mix may commence to be transported to a suitably prepared formation
base, which must not be frozen, only when this is approved by the Engineer. Suitable vehicles
must be used for transportation-mixers or tippers, adapted for tipping into the finisher and
equipped with a tarpaulin for protecting the cement concrete mix against rainfalls, drying and
dust. During transportation, the cement concrete mix must stay uniform, neither may the
properties of the fresh cement concrete change. The number of vehicles for transporting the
fresh cement concrete mix to the construction site must be adapted to the conditions for even
placing, in regard to the capacity of the mechanical equipments for the production and the
distance of transport.

4.5.6 Placing the Fresh Cement Concrete Mix

The placing of the fresh concrete mix into the SRWC must be mechanically with a finisher. Hand
spreading of the mix into the wearing course is permitted if, due to limited space, the use of
machines is not possible. The fresh cement concrete mix may be spread with graders or
bulldozers only over the road base. Such placing must be approved by the Engineer. The fresh
cement concrete mix may be spread between roller guides or with a finisher with a levelling
beam in one or two layers. The thickness of the layer must be at least 5 cm. The evenly spread
cement concrete mix for the SRWC must be evenly and completely compacted. Daily breaks in
spreading must be done as transverse pressed joints, at right angle to the axis of the road.

With steel reinforced SRWC of cement concrete, the grids must fit completely. The connection of
the steel grids must amount to in the:

• longitudinal direction at least two windows

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• transverse direction at least one window.

The method and conditions for the use of agents for compressing the SRWC from cement
concrete is specified by the Engineer. The selected method of compressing the spread cement
concrete mix into the SRWC with a finisher or other methods of compacting must ensure an
even as possible of the mix over the whole width of the constructed carriageway. The
compactness of the constructed SRWC of cement concrete must be tested regularly. Spreading
and compressing of the lower (roadbase) and upper (wearing) course from cement concrete
must be adapted to time. The period of constructing the SRWC from cement concrete must not

• at air temperature up to 30°C, longer than one hour;

• at air temperature above 30°C, longer than half and hour.

The Engineer may allow a longer period of constructing, if the Contractor submits evidence that
the required quality of the SRWC from cement concrete is still ensured. For processing of the
surface of the SRWC from cement concrete, machine smoothers and brushing must be used,
which must ensure the required level and skid-friction of the road surface of the SRWC. If this is
not ensured, then a suitable additional quantity of cement concrete must be placed. The addition
of cement, water or cement mortar is not permitted.

The temperature of the cement concrete during placing must not be:

• lower than + 10°C with air temperature at 0°C;

• lower than + 20°C with air temperature at – 3°C;

• higher than + 30°C with air temperature higher than + 25°C.

If the air temperature falls below –5°C, then the placing of the cement concrete for the cement
concrete for the SRWC must be stopped. The surface of the constructed SRWC of cement
concrete must be protected so that the temperature of the placed cement concrete does not fall
below 5°C until it has reached 50% of the required compressive strength. Light traffic needed for
construction may be permitted over the SRWC or cement concrete when 50% of the required
compressive strength has been reached, and public traffic when the required mark of cement
concrete has been reached.

4.5.7 Protection of Fresh Concrete

The SRWC of cement concrete must be protected against weather conditions. When placing
cement concrete mixes between roller beams, protection trolleys with a light tent cover may be
used for one-day protection, for longer protection, chemical protective agents (of a lighter colour

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as possible) must be used. When placing with a finisher with a levelling beam, only chemical
protective agents are permitted to be used. The corresponding protection of the cement
concrete ensured from the producer must be considered, if needed, also supplementary
instructions for use, which are issued by an authorised institute such as the ISTC. The use of
water for moistening the surface of the SRWC of fresh cement concrete is usually permitted only
as an additional measure with the protection of chemical agents at very high temperatures, but
which may last for only three days. Excessive and rapid cooling of the cement concrete spread
and hardening in the SRWC must be avoided by covering the SRWC with straw matting or some
other suitable method, which must be continued until the cement concrete has reached at least
50% of the required compressive strength. The SRWC of cement concrete, which were
constructed in autumn must be protected against the influence of salt, which is used in the
maintenance of roads during the winter, by soaking with water.

4.5.8 Manufacture of Joints General
The process or manufacturing joints must ensure an equal quality of cement concrete at the joint
as elsewhere in the SRWC. The place and method of manufacture is usually defined in the
design. If it is not the case, the Engineer must specify this. Contraction Joints

Grooves for the transverse and longitudinal contraction joints must be done at the right time so
that the cement concrete slabs for the SRWC would not, due to shrink of the cement concrete
during hardening, uncontrollable crack. The depth of the groove must amount to approximately
30% of the thickness of the slab, that is, the SRWC cement concrete, while the width of the
groove is 3—4 mm. The required depth and width of the grooves of the transverse contraction
joints are specified in Table 4.8 (overleaf).

Width of crack under groove Groove of contraction joint

Due to shrinking depth width

mm mm mm

Up to 1 25 8

1 to 2 30 12

over 2 35 15

Table 4.7: Required depths and widths of grooves of transverse

contraction joints according to width of crack under groove

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If the longitudinal contraction joint must be done over the whole width of the carriageway due to
the execution of the SRWC, then the depth of the groove must be 25 mm and the width of the
groove must be 8 mm. Pressed Joints

Pressed joints may be executed as working and constructional joints which divide the cement
concrete slab over the whole thickness of the SRWC. With pressed joints, new cement concrete
slabs are added to the already hardened ones.

With working (transverse) pressed joints, the vertical surface of the cement concrete must be
coated with a corresponding bituminous binder (0.8—1.0 kg/m²). With constructional
(longitudinal) pressed joints, the vertical surface of the cement concrete must be coated with an
agent for pre-coating, after it has dried, then also with a corresponding bituminous binder (1.0—
1.5 kg/m²).

The depth of the pressed joint grooves must be 35 mm and the width must be 10 mm. Expansion Joints

Expansion joints divide the cement concrete slabs over the whole thickness of the SRWC.
Tampons in the expansion joints must be placed well and may be covered by no more than
50 mm of cement concrete. The depth of the groove in expansion joints must be 35 mm
(approximately 1.5 times the width of the groove), the width of the groove is up to 25 mm and
must be at least 2 mm larger than the thickness of the tampon. The groove of the expansion
joints must be executed in two or three days after placing the cement concrete. Cutting of Grooves

The saw-cuts and cuts must be done simultaneously, mechanically, straight and with sharp
edges. The depth of the cuts must be adapted to the type of material for packing joints. Packing Joints

The surface of the joints must be dried and the grooves must be cleaned before packing. After
drying of the trial coating on the walls of the groove, a corresponding material for packing joints
must be placed. The approval of the Engineer must be received before commencing with this

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Albanian Road Design and Construction Standards Placing of Keys and Anchors

Keys are installed into transverse contraction, pressed and expansion joints, while anchors are
installed into longitudinal and pressed joints. Keys which are 500 mm long and are insulated
over the whole length are made from steel rods, 22 mm in diameter. Anchors, 800 mm long and
insulated only in the middle, at 200 mm in length, are made from steel rods 16 mm in diameter.
Keys and anchors usually must be pressed by vibrating into the centre of the already densified
layer of the cement concrete mix, so that lay in the direction of the carriageway. If the keys and
anchors are placed before the spreading of the concrete, then it must be ensured that they will
remain in the right direction and in the centre of the slab when the cement concrete will be
placed for the SRWC.

4.6 Quality of Execution

4.6.1 General
The Contractor must submit to the Engineer the design of the cement concrete with all the
required data in accordance with these technical conditions in reasonable time before the
commencing of work. Before the machines and equipments, from which the quality of the
executed work depends, begin to operate, their suitability for ensuring an even quality according
to the requirements of these technical conditions must be checked. All equipment and
machinery must be attested and must correspond to the requirements of the design and these
technical conditions in regard to capacity.

4.6.2 Trial Composition

The Contractor must submit to the Engineer the trial composition of the fresh concrete mix, this
is the mixture of stone granules, cement, water and chemical additives which he plans to place
into the SRWC, at least 15 days before commencing to construct the SRWC.

The trial composition must contain:

• the type and quantity of the individual fractions of mixtures of stone granules (in kg/m³)

• the type and quantity of binder (in kg/m³)

• the quantity of water (in l/m²)

• the type and quantity of chemical additives (in % of quantity of cement or cement
concrete in kg/m³).

• the properties of the fresh cement concrete:

o W/c value (-)

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o consistency (cone sag) (in cm)

o content of pores (in % (V/V))

o analysis of composition – read-offs on scales (in kg/m³)

• the properties of hardened cement concrete:

o compressive strength (in MN/m²)

o tensile strength during bending (in MN/m²)

o waterproofness

o resistance against freezing and salt

o wear resistance

The Contractor must submit to the Engineer also suitable evidence of the source and suitable
quality of all materials used in the preparation of the trial composition, besides the trial analysis.
The Contractor must prove with the trial composition that the foreseen composition of mixtures
of stone granules, cement, water, and chemical additives can achieve the required quality of the
cement concrete in accordance with these technical conditions. The contractor must not begin
placing before receiving approval from the Engineer for the trial composition of the cement
concrete mix. If the Contractor has already in the previous year constructed a SRWC with similar
cement concrete mixes, then the trial composition can be taken over from the results of the
executed stets ascertained during routine tests. This must be specified by the Engineer.

4.6.3 Required Properties

The required properties of fresh cement concrete for the SRWC are given in Table 4.8:

Properties of fresh cement concrete Unit measure Required value

- v/c value, not more than - 0.45
- consistency (posed of cone), not more than cm 1*
- content of pores:-
% (V/V) 5 to 7
- for CC 16
- for CC 32 % (V/V) 3 to 5
Content of cement and mixtures of stone granules
- up to 0.25 mm:
kg/m3 450
- for CC 16, not more than
- for CC 32, not more than kg/m3 400
* 5 cm for hand spreading

Table 4.8: Required values of properties of fresh cement concrete for the SRWC

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The required properties of hardened cement concrete for SRWC are given in Tables 4.09 and 4.10:

Expected traffic load Unit measure S* strength S*
at bending
- very heavy N/mm² 40 2.0 5.5 0.5
- heavy N/mm² 35 1.75 4.5 0.45

- others N/mm² 30 1.4 4.0 0.4

S* standard deviation, not more than

Table 4.9: Required value of properties of hardened

cement concrete for the SRWC based on traffic loads

Properties of hardened Cement concrete Unit measure Required value

- watertightness, at least MV B-6

- resistance against freezing effects and salt, at least cycle 25

- wear resistance in dry state, not more than cm3/50 cm2 18

Table 4.10: Required values of properties of hardened cement concrete for the SRWC

The required v / c value is the average value of production.

The value of consistency or sag of the cone is also the average value of production. The
required pore content is the extreme boundary values. The required content of cement and
mixtures of granules up to 0.25 mm are the upper boundary value. The value of compressive
strength and tensile strength at bending are the lower boundary values. The required value of
watertightness is the extreme lower boundary value. The resistance of cement concrete against
freezing and salt is defined as the lower boundary value. The required value of wear resistance
is the upper boundary value.

4.6.4 Trial Production and Placing

The Contractor must test the trial (laboratory) composition of the cement concrete mix in
production at a corresponding production (concrete) plant, the transport to the construction site
and the placing into the SRWC, when this is approved by the Engineer. The location of trial
placing is approved by the Engineer usually at the contract site, after he has tested the suitability

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of the prepared formation of the base. In trial production and placing, which an authorised
institute such as the ISTC must perform under the order of the Contractor, the tests must:

• ascertain the suitability of the depots and production plant for the production of fresh
cement concrete mixes, the suitability of the method of transport and the equipments for
placing, all in the sense of the requirements of these technical conditions;

• take a sample of the mix from the location of placing for testing the properties of the fresh
and hardened cement concrete;

• ascertain the suitability of the processing of the surface of the SRWC from cement

• ascertain the execution of the joints in the slabs;

• ascertain the protection of the surface of the SRWC of cement concrete;

• ascertain the thickness, level, height, slope and direction of the SRWC.

If the Contractor has, in the past year, constructed a SRWC under similar conditions with a
similar composition of cement concrete mixes, then the results of the executed works may be
taken as the trial production and constructing. This must be specified by the Engineer.

4.6.5 Routine Production and Placing

The Engineer allows the Contractor routine production only on the basis of the results of the trial
production and construction. Agreement for continuous operation includes also the conditions
stated for the properties of the cement concrete mix and the conditions stated for routine
technological controls, foreseen with these technical conditions. Agreement for routine
production and placing of fresh cement concrete mixes into the SRWC must contain also the
precise details for possible additional preparations of the surface of the sub-base, in accordance
with these technical conditions.

I any changes occur during the production or construction of fresh cement concrete mixes, then
the Contractor must submit a proposal of changes to the Engineer in writing. The Contractor can
affirm this only when the Engineer gives approval.

4.6.6 Executed States

The average, that is the executed composition of the cement concrete can be calculated after
the finished routine production on the basis of the results of the routine and/or control tests. This
process includes all the properties of the constructed cement concrete mix and the basic
statistical pointers for them.

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4.6.7 Level, Height, Slope, Alignment

The level of the formation of the SRWC must be ascertained as the deviation under a 4 m long
straight edge in any arbitrary direction on the axis of the road. The formation of the SRWC must
not deviate from the straight edge by more than (upper boundary value):

• on the carriageways for very heavy traffic loads:

o with mechanical spreading - 4 mm

o with hand spreading - 6 mm

• on carriageways for other traffic loads:

o with mechanical spreading - 6 mm

o with hand spreading - 10 mm

If such deviations follow one other, the Engineer decides.

The height of individual measuring sites on the formation of the SRWC must be determined by
levelling. The formation of the SRWC can deviate at any arbitrary location by no more than ±10
(upper boundary value) from the projected height. The slope of the formation of the SRWC must
be equal to the transverse and longitudinal slope of the carriageway. The permitted load is
defined by the permitted unevenness and the deviations from the height of the formation of the
SRWC, but it must not be greater than ±0.3% of the absolute value of the slope (extreme
boundary value). The edges of the constructed SRWC from cement concrete may deviate from
the direction of the carriageway by no more than (extreme upper boundary value):

• on carriageways with very heavy and heavy traffic loads, 30 mm

• on carriageways with medium and light traffic loads, 50 mm

• on carriageways with very light traffic loads, 80 mm

4.7 Quality Control of Execution

4.7.1 Routine Tests

The numbers of routine tests in the construction of SRWC from cement concrete is determined
by the Engineer on the basis of the results of the trial tests (trial compositions and trial
production and construction). The minimal routine tests which the Contractor must perform

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- tests of mixtures of stone granules:

- granulation every 2000 m²
- properties every 8000 m²
- determining the properties of cement every 2000 m²
- determining the properties of steel every 8000 m²
- determining the properties of mixtures for sealing joints every 8000 m²
- determining the properties of fresh cement concrete:
- testing the batching of basic materials every 4000 m²
- determining the consistency and v / c value every 400 m²
- an analysis of the composition (on the basis of control read - offs
in the concrete plant) every 4000 m²
- determining the content of pores every 2000 m²
- determining the properties of hardened cement concrete:
- compressive strength every 2000 m²
- tensile strength during bending every 4000 m²
- watertightness every 8000 m²
- resistance against freezing effects and salt every 8000 m²
- wear resistance in dry state every 16000m²
- slab thickness every 4000 m²
- level and height of formation of course every 200 m²
- alignment of carriageway every 20 m

In examples when the Engineer discovers greater deviations of the results from the trial
investigations, he may additionally increase the numbers of the minimal routine tests. In cases of
uniform results, the Engineer can decrease the numbers of the routine tests. The quality of the
placed SRWC from cement concrete may be determined by other acknowledged methods, in
agreement with the Engineer. In such cases, also the measurements for the quality of the
placing and the method and numbers of the tests must also be stated and the Engineer must
approve them.

4.7.2 Control Tests

The numbers of control tests which are executed by the Client must, unless otherwise specified,
be in a 1:4 ratio with the routine tests. The sites for taking samples of cement concrete mixes
and the measuring sites for routine and control measurements of the quality of the constructed
SRWC is specified by the Engineer by the statistical random selection method.

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4.8 Measurement and Take-over of Work

4.8.1 Measurement of Work

The executed work is measured in accordance with these technical conditions and calculated in
square metres. All quantities are measured according to the work which was executed in the
frame of the measurements in the design.

4.8.2 Take-over of Work

The placed SRWC of cement concrete is taken–over by the Engineer in accordance with the
requirements for quality in these technical conditions and in accordance with these technical
conditions. All ascertained defects according to these requirements must be rectified by the
Contractor before the commencing of work, otherwise deductions are charged for unsuitable
quality of executed work. All expenses for the rectification of deficiencies are charged to the
Contractor, including expenses for all measurements and tests which showed the unsuitable
quality of work and it was necessary, after the finished corresponding repairs, to ascertain the
quality of work with new tests. The Contractor is not entitled to any payment whatsoever for all
work which does not correspond to the required quality of these technical conditions (exceed the
boundary or extreme boundary values) and the Contractor has not rectified according to the
instructions of the Engineer. While the Client in such cases is entitled to prolong the guarantee
for all work which is dependent on the unrectified work for at least five years.

4.9 Cost Calculation

4.9.1 General
The executed work is calculated in accordance with these technical conditions must be
calculated according to the contract unit price. The contract unit price must include all services
necessary for the completion of work. The Contractor has no entitlement to any additional

4.9.2 Deduction Due to Unsuitable Quality Quality of Materials

There are no deductions in calculation due to the conditions stated for the quality of material for
SRWC of cement concrete. If the Contractor provided materials into the SRWC which does not
correspond to the requirements in these technical conditions, the Engineer must specify the
method of calculation; the Engineer may also reject the work as a whole.

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Albanian Road Design and Construction Standards Quality of Execution

The necessary basics for the estimation of the quality of the executed and the calculation of
deductions due to unsatisfactory quality are given in Table 4.11. If the Contractor does not
ensure the required quality of the construction of the SRWC of cement concrete in accordance
with these technical conditions, the Engineer must specify the method of calculation.

Boundary value
Properties of cement Unit Quotient of
concrete measure Extreme Extreme influence K
Lower Upper
lower upper

Fresh cement concrete:

- w / c value - - - 0.50 0.55 10

- consistency cm - - +1 +2 1

- content of pores %(V/V) - - - - -

- content of cement and 14 to 17

kg / m3 - - - +25
granules up to 0.25 mm

Hardened cement concrete:

- compressive strength N/mm2 -4 - - - 7.5 to 10

- tensile strength at bending N/mm2 -0.5 - - - 8 to 11

- watertightness MV - - - - -

resistance against cycles 25 25 - - -

freezing and salt

- wear resistance cm3/50cm2 - - 18 20 9

- layer thickness mm -20 * - - 5 to 10

- level mm - - 4 to 10 8 to 15 2

- height mm - - 10 15 2

- alignment** mm - - - - -
* boundary values are given in section 3.3.1.
** boundary values are given in section

Table 4.11: Boundary values of properties for estimation

of the quality of executed SRWC of cement concrete

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Bases for the calculation of inferior quality of cast-in cement concrete must be modified and
amended, respectively, as follows: Quality of Implementation General
Cast-in cement concrete must be calculated as follows:

• by measurement as defined in accordance with these technical conditions;

• at a single price, agreed under contract;

• in accordance with the provisions of agreed General Technical Requirements.

The single price, as defined by the contract, must cover all services, necessary for the full
completion of works according to their agreed description. The Contractor does not have the
right to claim additional payment above the amount as specified in the contract.

Since adequate quality of basic materials is conditional, there are no deductions from the
account. When placing cement-concrete surfacing the Contractor has used the type of material
that does not meet the quality requirements as are defined in the Technical Specifications, the
method of accounting is decided by the Client, who also has the right to reject the completed
works in their entirety.

In the case of insufficient quality of the cast-in cement concrete the Client has the right to claim
financial deductions.

In the evaluation of lower quality of completed works and in the calculation of quality deductions,
the following bases must be taken into account: Failure to achieve compressive strength

The financial deductions must be as calculated according to the following equation:

FD = __D__ x C x P x IW (Al L)


FD refers to financial deduction, and

D refers to deviation from the limit value, as established according to the following

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D = _ƒck – ƒcka_ x 100 (%)


fck = prescribed (characteristic) compressive strength ( N/mm²)

fcka = achieved (determined) characteristic compressive strength ( N/mm²)

C = coefficient of influence on usability

P = single price as defined in the contract (Al L /m²)

IW = the extent of inadequately completed works (m²).

The determination of financial deduction for each individual substandard result of compressive
strength test performed on cement concrete samples must be founded upon required (limit)
values, as defined in Table 2.1, and specified extreme limit value fckel. Failure to achieve flexural tensile strength

The financial deductions must be as calculated according to the following equation:

FD = __D__ x C x P x IW (Al L)


FD refers to financial deduction, and

D refers to deviation from the limit value, as established according to the following

D = _ƒfk – ƒfka_ x 100 (%)


ffk = prescribed (characteristic) flexural tensile strength (MN/m²)

ffka = achieved (determined) characteristic flexural tensile strength (MN/m²)

The determination of financial deduction for each individual substandard result of flexural tensile
strength test performed on cement concrete samples must be founded upon required (limit)
values, as defined in Table 2.2, and specified extreme limit value ffkel.

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Albanian Road Design and Construction Standards Failure to achieve frost/thaw resistance in the absence of de-icing salts (FT –
The financial deductions must be as calculated according to the following equation:

FD = __D__ x C x P x IW (Al L)


FD refers to financial deduction, and

D refers to deviation from the limit value, as established according to the following

D = _0.75 – FTa_ x 100 (%)


whereby extreme limit value is FTel = 0.65


FTa = actually achieved coefficient between Edyn or fc of concrete test samples that
have been exposed to a required number of cycles and Edyn or fc of concrete test
samples that have not been exposed to frost/thaw cycles.

C = coefficient of influence on usability = 1

P = single price as defined in the contract (ALL /m²)

IW = the extent of inadequately completed works (m²). Failure to achieve frost/thaw resistance in the presence of de-icing salts (FTS –
frost/thaw + salts)
The financial deductions must be as calculated according to the following equation:

FD = __D__ x C x P x IW (Al L)


FD refers to financial deduction, and

D refers to deviation from the limit value, as established according to the following

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D = _ma – ml_ x 100 (%)



mel = extreme limit value = 0.40 mg/mm²

ml = permitted mass loss value in concrete test samples during exposure to required
cycles = 0.20 mg/mm²

ma = mass loss value achieved (determined) in concrete test samples during exposure
to required cycles (mg/mm²)

C = coefficient of influence on usability = 0.3

P = single price as defined in the contract (Al L /m²)

IW = the extent of inadequately completed works (m²).

Each time when the mass loss value achieved exceeds the limit value of mass loss (ma > ml),
the concrete surface must be protected. Failure to achieve impermeability/watertightness (WT)

The financial deductions must be as calculated according to the following equation:

FD = __D__ x C x P x IW (Al L)


FD refers to financial deduction, and

D refers to deviation from the limit value, as established according to the following

D = _emax.a – emax.l_ x 100 (%)



emax.el = extreme limit value of maximum water penetration depth = emax.l + 2 cm

emax.l = maximum value of water penetration depth permitted (cm)

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emax.a = maximum value of water penetration depth achieved (determined) (cm)

C = coefficient of influence on usability = 0.3

P = single price as defined in the contract (ALL /m²)

IW = the extent of inadequately completed works (m²).

Each time when the value of maximum water penetration depth achieved exceeds the limit value
of maximum water penetration depth (mmax.a > mmax.l), the concrete surface must be protected. Failure to achieve required thickness of top slab

The financial deductions must be as calculated according to the following equation:

FD = ƒ x C x P x IW (Al L)


f refers to the coefficient of deduction in relation to D

D = hp – hall – ha x 100 (%)



hp = planned thickness of the surfacing layer (cm)

hall = permitted deviation of thickness = 0.5 cm

ha = achieved (determined) thickness of surfacing layer (cm)

The value of deduction coefficient f must be established on the basis of Table 4.12:

D (%) 0.5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
F 0.03 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.19 0.23 0.27 0.31 0.35 0.39 0.42

Table 4.12: Deduction coefficients in relation to the

deviation of surfacing layer thickness from planned one

Financial deduction must be determined for each individual substandard result in relation to
surfacing layer (cement-concrete slab) thickness obtained on the basis of limit values, as
defined in these technical conditions.

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Albanian Road Design and Construction Standards Excessive unevenness

If individual areas in concrete-cement surfacing layer exceed the limit value, as specified in
these technical conditions, the financial deduction must be calculated according to the following

FD = ΣDi2 x w x C x P


ΣDi2 refers to the sum of squared deviations of evenness

W refers to traffic lane width on the site of measurement, including margin strip (m) Failure to achieve the requirements in relation to architectural concrete Requirements for Architectural Concrete

For the evaluation of architectural concrete quality, requirements concerning evenness and
surface porosity must be taken into account.

While measuring evenness, the following deviations are permitted:

• under straight edge (4 m long), permitted deviation is DAm = 20 mm

• under straight edge (2.5 m long), permitted deviation is DAm = 16 mm.

When determining surface porosity, only pores with diameter ≥ 1 mm and ≤ 15 mm may be
taken into account. The permitted percentage of the surface of these pores (on the site of
measurement ≥ 50 x 50 cm) is 0.3 %. Deduction Calculation

The financial deductions must be as calculated according to the following equation:

FD = (DEV x CEV x IWEV + DPS x CPS x IWPS) x P (Al L)

100 100


DEV refers to deviation from limit value, as established according to the following

DEV = DAa – DAl x 100 (%)


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Dael = extreme limit value = DTl + 4 mm

DAl = permitted value of deviation in evenness in relation to the length of straight edge

DAa = achieved (determined) value of deviation (mm)

CEV = coefficient of influence of evenness on usability = 0.1

P = single price as defined in the contract (Al L /m²)

IWEV = the extent of inadequately completed works – evenness (m²).

DPS = deviation from limit value, as established according to the following equation:

DPS = PSa – 0.3 x 100 (%)


Psel = extreme limit value of the pore surface percentage (on the site of measurement ≥
50 x 50 cm) = 0.4 %

PSa = achieved (determined) value of pore surface percentage (on the site of
measurement ≥ 50 x 50 cm) %

CPS = coefficient of influence of evenness on usability = 0.3

P = single price as defined in the contract (Al L /m²)

IWPS = the extent of inadequately completed works – pore surface (m²).

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5 Paved Wearing Courses

5.1 General

Paved wearing courses are parts of the road construction above the roadbase to the road
surface. They must be placed in dimensions specified by the design and in accordance with
these technical conditions.

5.2 Description

The construction of paved wearing courses (PWC) includes the supply of suitable material and
the construction works at sites specified by the design, including the execution of joints. Paved
wearing courses are – depending on the execution – aimed for road constructions for all groups
of lighter traffic loads, above all for slow and standing traffic. Sett paving wearing courses, which
are composed from cubes and a sub-base, may be placed as wearing courses on an
unstabilised or stabilised roadbase of the road construction, depending on the traffic load. The
sub-base may be from unstabilised mixtures of stone granules and cement of lime mortar. PWC
must be protected at the edges against shifting with a corresponding lining. The type of paved
wearing course is usually specified in the design. If it is not the case, the Engineer must specify

5.3 Basic Materials

5.3.1 Stone Setts

Above all, small and large setts from silicate stone are used for PWC of road surfaces. In certain
conditions small stone setts must be used also for surfaces aimed for pedestrians, but stone
setts for mosaics are used for this exclusively.

5.3.2 Setts and Grass Slabs from Cement Concrete

Setts and grassed slabs from cement concrete are used for PWC for surfaces aimed for
standing traffic and for surfaces aimed for pedestrians.

5.3.3 Slabs
Slabs from cement concrete, rarely also slabs from natural stone, are used above all for paved
surfaces aimed for pedestrians.

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5.3.4 Mixtures of Stone Particles

Mixtures of stone particles for unstabilised sub-bases for PWC may contain natural or crushed
granules of sand, gravel and/or chippings. Only mixtures of stone granules from sand are used
for filling joints.

5.3.5 Cement and Lime Mortar

Cement (lime) mortar for stabilised sub-bases for PWC or for filling joints between the setts must
be composed from mixtures of sand, cement (lime) and water.

Sand for cement (lime) mortar may be composed from natural and/or crushed granules. Binders
which may be used with cement mortar are:

• Portland cements;

• Portland cements with additives of granulated furnace slag or pozzolans.

For lime mortar hydrated lime, water for cement (lime) mortars may be natural or suitably

5.3.6 Mixtures for Sealing Joints

Special sealing mixtures of a bituminous base or with additives for increasing elasticity and/or
plasticity are used for sealing joints among the setts of the PWC.

5.4 Quality of Materials

5.4.1 Stone Setts

Stone setts for PWC, which are aimed for traffic with vehicles must be tough, uniform and
resistant to freezing and salt and made from silicate stone. Setts for standing traffic and for
surfaces aimed for pedestrians (mosaic) may also be from firm of tough carbonate stone. The
basic dimensions of setts from natural stone are given in Table 5.1 (overleaf):

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Dimensions of setts, mm
Type of stone sett
Length Width Height
40 40 40
Mosaic 50 50 50
60 60 60
80 80 80
Small setts (cubes) 90 90 90
100 100 100
120—180 120 130
Large setts 140—200 140 150
160—220 160 160

Table 5.1: Required dimensions of setts based on type of stone sett

Deviations from the dimensions given in Table 5.1 are permitted up to ± 10 %. As setts are
placed in PWC above all in the shape of arches, setts of trapezoid and elongated shapes are
necessary. Elongated setts are also needed for linking. The Engineer may also allow the use of
stone setts with different dimensions.

5.4.2 Setts and Grass from Cement Concrete.

Setts and grass slabs for PWC must be from thick cement concrete without cracks, they must be
in accordance with the requirements in Table 5.2:

Properties of setts and grassed

Unit measure Required value
slabs from cement concrete
- deviations of dimensions:
- length and width, not more than mm ±3
- height, not more than mm ±5
- bulging sides of setts:
- high up to 80 mm, not more than mm 2
- high over 80 mm, not more than mm 3
- compressive strength:
- average, at least N/mm2 40
- individual, at least N/mm2 30
- resistance against freezing and salt, at least cycle 25

Table 5.2: Required values of properties of setts and

grass slabs for PWC (cement concrete)

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The Engineer may approve the use of setts and grassed slabs from cement concrete with other
properties. If the setts or grassed slabs are produced from two types of cement (core and
surface coat), then their complete connection must be ensured.

5.4.3 Slabs
Stone slabs for PWC must be from tough and uniform silicate stone, resistant against the effects
of freezing and salt. Slabs from cement concrete must correspond to the requirements in Table
5.2. The length of the slab must not be greater than 1.5 times the width.

5.4.4 Mixtures of Stone Granules

Mixtures of stone granules for sub-bases for PWC may be composed of granules of:

• medium sand 0/2 mm;

• coarse sand 0/4 mm;

• sand and very fine gravel and /or chippings 0/8 mm.

Mixtures of stone granules for filling joints between the setts must be from crushed or natural
granules of medium sand 0/2 mm. The content of granules up to 0.063 mm in the mixture of
stone granules is permitted to amount to 3% (m/m), except for mixtures of gravel and chippings
which must be in accordance with the requirements in Tables 2.13 and 2.14.

5.4.5 Cement and Lime Mortar

The requirements for sand for cement mortar of stabilised subbases and for filling joints between
the setts are specified in these technical conditions. The requirements for cement are specified
in these technical conditions. The required properties for hydrated lime for lime mortar for sub-
bases for slabs are specified in these technical conditions.

Properties of Hydrated lime Unit measure Required value

- CO2 content, not more than % (m/m) 7
- content of active CaO + MgO, at least of this MgO, not more than % (m/m) 85
- fine grinding: % (m/m) 0.5
- rejects on sieve 0.5 mm, not more than
- rejects on sieve 0.09 m, not more than % (m/m) 10

Table 5.3: Required values of properties for hydrated lime

The necessary properties of water and lime mortar are specified in these technical conditions.

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5.4.6 Mixtures for Sealing Joints

The required properties of mixtures on a bituminous base for sealing joints on the PWC are
specified in these technical conditions, and the elastic mixtures for sealing joints on the PWC are
specified in these technical conditions.

Properties of mixtures for sealing joints Unit measure Required value

- sealing strength at 180 °C good

- softening point by pk, at least °C 60

- resistance against sagging at 180 °C -

- (difference in ash), not more than % (m/m) 3

- durability in cold by Herrman (at 0°C, height 120 cm) - 3 of 4*

- durability on heat by Nüssel at 45°C/3 hrs, at least - 10

* from four pellets, three must not be damaged

Table 5.4: Required values of properties of mixtures for sealing joints on the PWC

The use of all materials for sealing joints between the setts or slabs must be previously
approved by the Engineer on the basis of submitted evidence of their suitability for a specific

5.5 Method of Execution

5.5.1 Procurement of Material

The Contractor must report to the Engineer the types of all material which he intends to use and
also to submit corresponding evidence of quality in reasonable time before starting work on the
PWC. The evidence must not be older:

• than one year for stone material

• than six months for all remaining material (including the cement concrete)

All required properties of materials in these technical conditions must be ensured (extreme
boundary value).

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5.5.2 Preparation of Formation of Base

The base of the PWC may be:

• the formation of an unstabilised roadbase, prepared in accordance with these technical


• the formation of a stabilised sub-base, prepared in accordance with these technical


• the formation of a stabilised roadbase, prepared in accordance with these technical


The voids content in the layers of the base of the PWC and the slope must ensure a good
drainage of water which must seep through the PWC. Stabilised wearing courses may also be
used in certain conditions for the base of the PWC. For this, the Engineer must give his consent.
The Contractor may begin to construct the PWC when the Engineer has taken-over the base
under the stated requirements. The Contractor is obliged to maintain the formation of the base in
the same conditions it was at take-over until the beginning of placing the PWC. All damage must
be duly and suitably rectified and suitable evidence of this must be submitted to the Engineer.

5.5.3 Storage of Material

If the Contractor temporarily stores the necessary material before constructing the PWC, then he
must find and organize a suitable location. With this, the Contractor must take into account the
instructions of the producer. The stores of all materials at the storage location must be such, that
the continuous construction of the PWC is ensured.

5.5.4 Production of Cement and Lime Mortar

The production of cement and line mortar must be mechanically and ensured in a suitable plant
for the preparation of lime with the charge method of work. Equipments for the batching must
ensure the corresponding quantity for all composing parts of the lime by mass. The mixing time
and other influences on the quality must be so adjusted that a uniform cement or lime mortar is
ensured. The produced mortar may be temporarily stored in suitable storage tanks, depending
on the type of used binder or it is conveyed at once to the site of constructing the PWC.

5.5.5 Transport of Mixtures of Stone Granules and Mortar

Vehicles – tippers equipped with tarpaulins for the protection of the mixture of stone granules
against rainfalls must be used for the transport of unstabilised mixtures of stone granules for the
base course under the setts. Transport must begin only when the Engineer gives approval. The
cement or lime mortar for the base course under the setts or slabs may also be begun to be
transported to a suitable formation of the base for the PWC only when this is approved by the

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Engineer. Suitable vehicles must be used for transport. The number of vehicles for transport to
the construction site must adapted to the conditions set for even constructing, depending on the
capacity of the mechanical equipment for production, the distance of transport and the capability
for constructing.

5.5.6 Constructing Base Course

The height of the base course of the spread evenly thick layer of a corresponding unstabilised
mixture of stone granules must be higher for such a degree, that after compaction or hardening
of the PWC, this base will be thick from 3—6 cm, thinner with smaller setts (mosaic) and thicker
with bigger (big setts). If the PWC will have greater loads, it is useful to mix cement or lime into
the mixture of stone granules; this is obligatory if the joints in the sett will be filled with cement
mortar. The layer of cement mortar for the sub-base under the setts must also be spread to an
even thickness. In this case, the base of the PWC, which is in the roadbase of cement concrete,
is not permitted to bind. For PWC with slabs, a 3 cm thick layer of mixtures of stone granules
must be placed as the base course and, above it, a 2 cm thick base course of lime mortar. All
the types of base courses must be placed mechanically, hand spreading is permitted only if
machines cannot work due to limited space. The method of spreading is permitted only if
machines cannot work due to limited space. The method of spreading of the material for the
base course must be approved by the Engineer. Setts and Slabs

The method of placing the setts is specified in the design; in forms of segments of arches or
ornaments, in right angle queues or diagonally on the axis of the road, mechanically or
manually. Slabs may be placed in line or diagonally, usually by hand. The joints must be filled
with a rinsed mixture of stone granules, the distance between the setts or slabs must be at least
8 mm wide. If the joints between the setts or slabs are filled with cement mortar, then the setts
and slabs must be moistened before placing on the base course. Empty spaces in the grassed
slabs must be filled with top soil and sown with grass (0.5—0.8 kg/ar seeds and 8 kg/are of
artificial fertilizer). Joints
In the execution of PWC with joints filled with unstabilised mixtures of stone granules, the whole
surface of the already placed setts or slabs must be covered with a mixture of sand and then
moistened. The remaining mixture of sand must be cleared from the surface of the PWC after
vibrating. With the execution of PWC with joints filled with cement mortar or a mixture for
sealing, the joints must be cleared of sand for at least 30 mm in depth. The filling of joints with

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cement mortar or with a sealing mixture must be performed where larger influence of water or
fuel is to be expected. The setts or slabs must be moistened during the placing of cement mortar
into the joints, while during placing the mixture for sealing the joints must be dry and the region
of the joint must be coated with suitable agent for the trial coating. The joints between the setts
or slabs must be filled simultaneously with progress of work. Elastic mixtures for sealing must be
placed into joints where, due to the stiff connections (with cement mortar), larger movements of
the PWC are to be expected (at a distance of 8 m at connections with structures). The
temperature of the cement mortar during placing, which must be executed at a temperature
above 10°C, must not be lower than 10°C and not higher than 30°C. The surface of the PWC
with sealed joints with cement mortar must be maintained in a wet condition for at least seven
days. During this time it must not be loaded with heavy traffic.

5.6 Quality of Execution

5.6.1 General
Before the machines and equipments, on which the quality of work depends, begin to operate,
their suitability for ensuring an even quality in accordance with the requirements of these
technical conditions must be ensured. All equipments and machinery must be attested and must
satisfy the requirements of the design and these technical conditions in regard to quality.

5.6.2 Trial Composition

The Contractor must be submit to the Engineer the trial composition of the mixture of stone
granules and the cement or lime mortar which he plans to place into the PWC at least 15 days
before commencing to place the PWC.

The trial composition must contain:

• the type and quantity of the individual fractions of the mixture of stone granules (in kg/m³)

• the type and quantity of the binder (in kg/m³)

• the quantity of water and additives (in kg/m³ or on quantity of cement)

• the properties of the fresh mortar:

o an analysis of the composition (in kg/m³)

o consistency (posed of cone) (in cm)

• properties of the hardened mortar:

o compressive strength (in N/mm²)

o tensile strength at bending (in N/mm²)

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o resistance against effects of freezing and salt

The Contractor must submit to the Engineer also corresponding evidence of the source and
suitable quality of all materials used in the preparation of the trial composition of the mortar
besides this trial composition. The Contractor must demonstrate that the foreseen mixture of
stone granules and binders can reach the conditions required for the quality of the mortar
specified in these technical conditions with the trial composition. The Contractor must not begin
placing before getting the approval of the Engineer for the trial composition of mortar. If the
Contractor has already constructed a PWC with similar mixtures of stone granules and binders
in the past year, then the results of the executed works found during the routine tests can be
taken as the trial composition. This must be specified by the Engineer.

5.6.3 Required Properties

The required properties of the cement mortar are given in Table 5.5:

Properties of cement mortar Required values

Unit measure For base course For sealing joints
- cement content, at least kg/m 270 600
- consistency (sag of cone) nor more than cm 5 15
- compressive strength, at least N/mm - 30
- tensile strength at bending, at least N/mm2 - 3.5

- resistance against effects of freezing and

cycle - 25
salt, at least

Table 5.5: Required values of properties of the cement mortar for PWC

The required cement content is the lower boundary value.

The value of the consistency is the upper boundary value. The value of compressive strength
and tensile strength at bending are the lower boundary values. The required resistance against
effects of freezing and salt is specified as the lower boundary value.

5.6.4 Trial Production and Placing

The Contractor must test the trial composition of the cement mortar in production at a suitable
plant, the transport to the construction site and placing into the PWC, when this is approved by
the Engineer.

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The site of trial placing is approved by the Engineer usually at the contract site, after he has
tested the suitability of the prepared formation of the base.

With trial production and placing, the tests, which must be performed by an authorised institute
such as the ISTC or other certified laboratory by the order of the Contractor, must:

• ascertain the suitability of the storage site and plant for the production of mortar, method
of transport and equipment for placing, all in the sense of these technical conditions;

• take two sample from the site of placing for a complete test of the fresh and hardened
cement mortar;

• ascertain the execution of the joints of the setts and slabs;

• ascertain the level, height and slope of the PWC.

If the Contractor has already constructed a PWC with similar mortar under similar conditions in
the past year, then the results of the executed compositions may be taken as the trial production
and placing. The must be specified by the Engineer.

5.6.5 Routine Production and Placing

The Engineer allows the Contractor for routine production and the construction composition only
on the basis of the results of the report on trial production and placing. Approval for continuous
operation also includes the conditions set for the properties of the mortar and the conditions set
for the routine technological controls, foreseen in these technical conditions. If any changes
whatsoever occur in the production or placing of the mortar, the Contractor must submit, in
written form, the proposal of changes to the Engineer. These may be affirmed only when they
are approved by the Engineer.

5.6.6 Executed Composition

The average, that is, the executed composition of the cement or lime mortar can be calculated
on the basis of the results of the routine and/or control tests after the finished routine production
and placing. Processing includes all the characteristics of the placed mortar and the basic
statistical pointers for them.

5.6.7 Level, Height, Slope

The unevenness of the formation of the PWC must be determined as the deviation under a
placed 4 m long straight edge placed in an arbitrary position on the axis of the road. The
formation of the PWC may deviate from the straight edge by no more than -10 mm (upper
boundary value). If such deviations follow one another, The must be specified by the Engineer.
The height of individual measuring sites on the formation of the PWC may deviate at an arbitrary

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site from the designed height by no more than ±10 mm (upper boundary value). The slope of the
formation of the PWC must usually be equal to the transverse and longitudinal slope of the
carriageway. Permitted deviations are specified with the permitted unevenness and the deviation
of the height of the formation of the PWC, but must not be more than ± 0.4% of the absolute
value of the slope (extreme boundary value).

5.7 Control of the Quality of the Execution

5.7.1 Routine Tests

The numbers of routine tests in the placing of the PWC is determined by the Engineer on the
basis of the results of the trial tests (trial composition and trial production and placing). The
minimal routine tests which the Contractor must perform include:

- setts and slabs:

- dimensions every 400 m²
- compressive strength every 800 m²
- mixtures of stone granules:
- granulation every 800 m²
- properties every 2000 m²
- fresh cement mortar:
- mixtures of granules:- granulation every 800 m²
- properties every 4000 m²
- binders: - content every 800 m²
- properties every 4000 m²
- consistency every 400 m²
- hardened cement mortar:
- compressive strength every 800 m²
- tensile strength at bending every 2000 m²
- resistance against effects of freezing and salt
(only for mortar for sealing joints) every 2000 m²
- mixtures for sealing joints:
- properties every 800 m²
- level and height of course every 200 m²

The number and type of tests of lime mortar for PWC are specified by the Engineer. In examples
when the Engineer discovers greater deviations of the results from the trial tests during the
routine tests, he can additionally increase the numbers of minimal routine tests. In examples of
uniform results, the Engineer can also decrease the numbers of the routine tests. The quality of
the constructed PWC can be determined with other acknowledged methods, in agreement with

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the Engineer. In such examples, also the measures for the quality of the constructing and the
method and numbers of the tests must be in agreement with the Engineer.

5.7.2 Control Tests

The numbers of control tests which the Client must perform must, unless otherwise specified, be
in a 1:4 ratio with the routine tests. The sites for taking test samples and the measuring sites for
routine and control measurements of the quality of the execution of the PWC is specified by the
Engineer by the statistical random selection method.

5.8 Measurement and Take-over of Work

5.8.1 Measurement of Work

The executed work is measured in accordance with these technical conditions and calculated in
square metres. All quantities are measured according to the number and type of works done in
the frame of the measurement of the design.

5.8.2 Take-over of Work

The constructed PWC is taken-over by the Engineer under the requirements of quality specified
in these technical conditions and in accordance with these technical conditions. All discovered
deficiencies in regard to these requirements must be rectified by the Contractor before the
commencing of work, otherwise deductions are charged for unsuitable quality of executed work.
All expenses for repairing defects are charged to the Contractor, including expenses for all
measurements and tests which showed the unsuitable quality of the executed work and the
quality of work had to be determined after the corresponding rectification with new tests. The
Contractor is not entitled to any payment whatsoever for any works which do not correspond to
the quality requirements in these technical conditions (exceed the boundary or extreme
boundary values) and which the Contractor has not rectified under the instructions of the
Engineer. While the Client is entitled to prolong the guarantee for all works which are dependent
on the unrectified work for at least five years.

5.9 Cost Calculation

5.9.1 General
Executed work is calculated in accordance with these technical conditions. The quantities
specified in these technical conditions must be calculated according to the contract unit price. All
services necessary for the completion of work must be included in the contract unit price. The
Contractor is not entitled to demand any additional payment.

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5.9.2 Deduction Due to Unsuitable Quality Quality of Materials

There are no deductions in the calculation for the quality of material for the PWC due to the
placed conditions. If the Contractor placed material into the PWC which does not correspond to
the requirements of these technical conditions, the Engineer must specify the method of
calculation, he may also reject the work in whole. Quality of Execution

The necessary basics for estimating the quality of execution and the calculation of deductions
for unsuitable quality are given in Table 5.6. If the Contractor does not ensure the required
quality of the constructed PWC in accordance with these technical conditions, the Engineer must
specify the method of calculation.

Boundary value
Properties of cement Unit Quotient of
mortar measure Extreme Extreme influence K
Lower Upper
lower upper
Fresh cement mortar
- cement content:
kg / m2 245 270 - - 11
- for base layers
- for sealing joints kg / m2 550 600 - - 12
- consistency
cm - - 5 7 2.5
- for base layers
- for sealing joints cm - - 15 18 5
Hardened cement mortar:

- compressive strength: 2
N / mm 3.5 5 - - 3.3
- for base layers

- for sealing joints N /m m2 27 30 - - 10

- tensile strength
N /m m2 3 3.5 - - 7
- at bending
- resistance against effects of
cycle 25 25 - - -
freezing and salt
Formation of PWC:
- level mm - - 10 15 2
- height mm - - 10 15 2

Table 5.6: Boundary values of properties of cement

mortar for estimation of the quality of executed PWC

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6 Edge Elements of Carriageways

6.1 General

Border elements of carriageways are longitudinal elements for stabilising and limiting the
exterior edge of carriage lanes. They must be constructed in dimensions specified in the design
and in accordance with these technical conditions.

6.2 Description

Border elements of carriageways are extra widths, kerbs, linings and guard rails.

The construction of border elements of carriageways (BEC) includes:

• the supply of suitable prefabricated elements and their placing or

• the supply of all necessary basic materials, their manufacture and placing in the BEC,
both at sites defined with the design.

It also includes all works in the preparation of the foundations for BEC, the execution of joints
and the necessary protection of the surface as also all other works in association with reinforcing
of these elements. This work must be executed in weather when there is no rainfalls and the
temperature of the base (no wind) is from 5—25ºC. If the temperature is temporarily lower or
higher, then the special measures must be taken during installing. Border elements are meant
for protecting the edges of road constructions and increasing traffic safety on all types of roads.
The type of border elements is usually specified by the design. If it is not the case, the Engineer
must specify this.

6.3 Basic Materials

Basic Materials used for the production of cement concrete mixes and for constructing BEC are
stated in these technical conditions. Basic Materials used for the production of bituminous
mixtures of concrete for the manufacture of kerbs are specified in these technical conditions.
Stone kerbs and setts for lining may be from silicate or carbonate stone.

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6.4 Quality of Materials

6.4.1 General
The quality of material for cement concrete mixes and all other necessary materials for the
construction of BEC are defined in these technical conditions. The quality of materials for
mixtures of bituminous concrete is specified in these technical conditions.

The granulation of stone mixtures may deviate from the region of boundary granulation during
production up to 3% (m/m). The mixture of stone granules must contain only crushed granules.
In exceptions, natural sand 0 / 20 mm is permitted to be used, but only in a 1:1 ratio with
crushed sand. BIT 60 must be used for the preparation of mixtures of bituminous concrete for

Permitted deviations in the dimensions of stone kerbs from the

• for width, ± 3 mm;

• for height, ±10mm.

The permitted deviations in the dimension of stone setts is permitted to amount to 10% of the
specified dimensions.

6.4.2 Prefabricated cement-concrete kerbs

Testing and assessment of prefabricated cement-concrete kerb quality must be carried out in
accordance with the requirements specified in EN 13369 and EN 13225.

6.4.3 Trial, approval testing

Trial testing must be carried out before the commencement of regular production of
prefabricated cement-concrete kerbs and also after each change of the mixture design and/or
technological procedure during regular production.

An test is conducted when the kerb is 28 days old on samples cut out of front slanted or upper
level surface of the kerb. A kerb is suitable if after 25 cycles of freezing and thawing it meets the
following criteria

• mass loss < 0.200 mg/mm²

• damage depth < 1mm

A test is conducted on three samples where the surface of individual sample must not be smaller
than 100 cm².

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6.4.4 Routine production control

All provisions in force except:

• compression strength of the concrete of cement-concrete kerbs is not tested;

• the wearing resistance is not examined;

• frost resistance is checked by taking concrete samples as part of regular control of

concrete quality in the plant;

• frost resistance in presence of thawing salt is checked on samples cut out of kerbs.

The examination is carried out on the front slanted or upper levelled surface of the kerb when
the concrete is 28 days old.

A kerb is suitable if after 25 cycles of freezing and thawing meets the criteria:

• mass loss is not greater than 0.250 mg/mm²;

• damage depth is not greater than 2.0 mm.

If the mass loss after 25 cycles is greater than 0.250 mg/mm² but smaller than 0.350 mg/mm²
the procedure can continue up to 50 cycles. If the total loss after 50 cycles of freezing/thawing in
the presence of salt does not exceed 0.500 mg/mm² and damage depth does not exceed 2.5
mm, the kerb is considered frost resistant.

During the testing the sample must be covered with plastic foil to prevent water evaporation and
to maintain a constant concentration of salt solution.

6.5 Method of Execution

6.5.1 Procurement of Material

The requirements of these technical conditions must be adhered to for the procurement of
materials for BEC.

6.5.2 Preparation of Base

The base for extra widths from cement concrete may be:

• the formation of an unstabilised roadbase, prepared in accordance with these technical

conditions; and

• the formation of a stabilised sub–base, prepared in accordance with these technical


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The Contractor may begin the construction of the BEC after the Engineer has taken-over the
formation of the base under the specified requirements. The Contractor is obliged to maintain
the formation of the base in the same conditions it was at the time of taking – over until the
beginning of constructing the BEC. All damages must be duly suitably rectified and
corresponding evidence of this must be submitted to the Engineer.

6.5.3 Storage of Mixtures of Stone Granules, Binders and Prefabricated Elements

The requirements of these technical conditions must be adhered to for the storage of mixtures of
stone granules, binders and prefabricated elements foreseen to be used for placing into the

6.5.4 Production of Mixes and Mixtures Production of Cement Concrete Mixes

The requirements of these technical conditions must be adhered to for the production of all types
of cement concrete mixes for BEC. Production of Cement Mortar

The requirements stated these technical conditions must be adhered to for the production of
cement mortar for the filling of joints of kerbs and linings. Production of Bituminous Mixtures

The requirements of these technical conditions must be adhered to for the production of
bituminous mixtures for kerbs. Denominations of Mixes and Mixtures

During transport of mixes and mixtures these technical conditions must be taken into
consideration for cement concrete mixes, for cement mortar and for bituminous mixtures.

6.5.5 Constructing Placing of Cement Concrete Mixes

The placing of cement concrete mixes at sites of placing the BEC as also for prefabricated
elements for BEC is defined these technical conditions.

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Albanian Road Design and Construction Standards Placing of Bituminous Mixtures

Besides the requirements for placing of bituminous mixtures specified in these technical
conditions, the following requirements must also be considered during the placing of kerbs from
bituminous concrete:

• Suitable machines, which ensure the required form of the kerbs (usually trapezoid with
rounded upper edges), must be for placing kerbs from bituminous mixtures;

• The temperature of the base (which must be previously suitably sprayed) and air must be
at least 10 ºC;

• The greatest deviation of the temperature of the bituminous mixture during placing from
the optimal placing temperature, which was determined on the basis of trial production
and placing, is permitted to be ± 10 ºC;

• The exterior edge of the kerb from bituminous concrete must be removed from the
exterior edge of the base course of the bituminous mixture for at least 5 cm;

• The kerb may be burdened only when the bituminous mixture has cooled to the
temperature of the surroundings. Placing of Kerbs and Linings

Stone and prefabricated kerbs and linings must usually be placed onto a suitably formed
foundation made from fresh cement concrete (CC 15/20) by the project.

The thickness of the supporting layer may be:

• under kerbs at least 15 cm and

• under linings at least 10 cm.

The distance between the kerbs or linings must be 10—15 mm. These joints must be filled with
cement mortar on the front and upper side to a depth of at least 30 mm, the remaining joints
may be filled with a suitable sand. The surface of the cement mortar joint must be suitably
shaped. In exceptions, the kerbs and linings may also be placed onto an unstabilised base
course. This must be specified by the Engineer.

6.5.6 Protection of Cement Concrete

The necessary protection of cement concrete during the preparation of prefabricated elements
and placing into the BEC is described in these technical conditions.

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6.5.7 Manufacture of joints

All necessary work in association with joints in BEC are stated in these technical conditions.

6.6 Quality of Execution

6.6.1 Cement Concrete

Conditions for the quality of cement concrete for BEC are specified in these technical conditions.
Besides these requirements, one has also to consider that the protective layer of cement
concrete on the steel for reinforcing guard rails must be at least 4cm thick. If the requirements
for the quality of cement concrete for individual BEC are not specified in the design, the
Engineer determines them on the basis of similar work stated in these technical conditions.

6.6.2 Bituminous Mixtures

The basic conditions for the quality of execution of kerbs from bituminous concrete are specified
in these technical conditions. Some special characteristics of bituminous mixtures for kerbs must
be additionally taken into consideration and are stated in Table 6.1:

Properties of bituminous mixture Unit measure Required value

Test sample according to Marshall:

- stability at 60 ºC at least kgf 800

- liquidity at 60 ºC, at least mm 4

- voids content %(V / V) 1.0 to 2.5

- filling of voids in mixture of stone particles with bitumen % 86 to 94

Core or cut – out:

- voids content, not more than %(V / V) 6

- density, at least % 98

Table 6.1: The required value of properties of bituminous mixture for kerbs

6.6.3 Cement Mortar

Conditions for the quality of cement mortar specified in these technical conditions apply also for
cement mortar for the filling of joints of kerbs and linings

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6.7 Testing the Quality of Execution

6.7.1 Routine Tests

The numbers of routine tests during the construction of BEC is specified by the Engineer on the
basis of results of trial tests.

The minimal routine test which the Contractor must perform include:

• for extra widths, to a corresponding extent all tests which are stated in these technical

• for stone and prefabricated kerbs and setts for linings in sense all tests which are given
in these technical conditions in a ratio 400 m² = 100 ml;

• for kerbs from bituminous with levelling beams, all corresponding tests stated in these
technical conditions in a ratio 2000 m² = 100 ml;

• for kerbs from bituminous concrete all tests stated in these technical conditions;

• for guard rails all corresponding tests stated in these technical conditions in the ratio
4000 m² = 100 ml.

In cases when the Engineer discovers greater deviations of the results of the routine tests than
in the trial tests, then the Engineer may additionally increase the numbers of the minimal routine
test. In cases of uniform results, the Engineer may decrease the number of the routine test. The
quality of the placed BEC may also be determined by some other acknowledged method if the
Engineer agrees In such cases, the measures for the quality of placing and the method and
numbers of the test must also be stated and have the approval of the Engineer.

6.7.2 Control Tests

The numbers of control tests, which are performed by the Client, must, unless otherwise
specified, be in a 1:4 ratio with the routine tests. The sites for taking samples and the measuring
sites for routine and control measures for quality of the execution of the BEC is determined by
the Engineer by the statistical random selection method.

6.8 Measurement and Take-over of Work

6.8.1 Measurement of Work

The executed work is measured in accordance with these technical conditions and calculated in
square metres. All quantities are measured according to the amount and type of work which was
executed in the frame of the measurements in the design.

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6.8.2 Take-over of Work

The constructed BEC is taken-over by the Engineer according to the requirements for quality in
these technical conditions and in accordance with these technical conditions. All discovered
deficiencies in these requirements must be rectified by the Contractor before continuing work,
otherwise deductions are charged to the Contractor for the unsuitable quality of executed work.

All expenses for repairing deficiencies are charged to the Contractor, including expenses for all
measurements and tests which showed the unsuitable quality of executed work and were
necessary, after the executed corresponding rectification, to ascertain the quality of work with
new tests. The Contractor is not entitled to any payment whatsoever for all work which does not
correspond to the required quality of these technical conditions (exceed the boundary values or
extreme boundary values) and the Contractor has not rectified under the instructions of the
Engineer. While the Client, in such examples, is entitled to prolong the guarantee for all work
depend on the unrectified work for at least five years.

6.9 Cost Calculation

6.9.1 General
The executed work is calculated in accordance with these technical conditions must be
calculated according to the unit contract price.

All services necessary for the completion of works must be included in the contract unit price.
The Contractor has no entitlement to any additional payment.

6.9.2 Deductions Due to Unsuitable Quality Quality of Materials

There are not deductions in calculation due to the conditions stated for the corresponding quality
of material for the BEC.

If the Contractor places materials which does not correspond to the requirements of these
technical conditions into BEC, the Engineer must specify the method of calculation; the Engineer
may also reject the work in whole. Quality of Execution

These necessary basic for estimating the quality of execution and for calculating deductions for
unsuitable quality are given, these are:

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• for extra widths, kerbs and guard rails in Table 4.11;

• for stone and prefabricated kerbs and in Table 5.5;

• for kerbs from bituminous concrete in Table 3.15.

If the Contractor does not ensure the requirements quality in the construction of the BEC in
accordance with these technical conditions, the Engineer must specify the method of calculation.

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7 Shoulders

7.1 General

Shoulders are longitudinal belts by the exterior edges of the carriageway, which are not aimed
for traffic, but to ensure that the carriageway serves its purpose as a whole.

The must be constructed in dimensions specified by the project and in accordance with these
technical conditions.

7.2 Description

The construction of shoulders includes the supply and placing of all corresponding material for
the construction of shoulders at sites specified by the design. The construction of shoulders is
composed from one or more layer of material foreseen with the design. This work must be
executed when the temperature of the air is at least 2 0C and there are no precipitations.

7.3 Basic Materials

Basic materials for the construction of shoulder top layer comprise stone mixtures, humus, and
grassed slabs that are made of cement concrete and asphalt composition.

7.4 Quality of Materials

The required quality of the mixture of stone, granules for the construction of shoulders is
specified in these technical conditions. Top soil material must be active, so that it ensures lasting
growth. The corresponding quality of grassed slabs is specified in these technical conditions.

Asphalt composition quality must fulfil the requirements concerning wearing and surfacing
courses on nearby traffic area

7.5 Implementation Method

The conditions stated in these technical conditions must be adhered to for the construction of

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The base for the construction of shoulders may be

• formation of sub-base prepared according to these technical conditions; or

• formation of unstabilised road base, prepared in accordance with these technical


The placed material in the construction of shoulders must be so linked and compacted that they
will be as little erosion as possible. The thickness of the layer of stone material in the
construction of shoulders must amount to at least 30 cm. Shoulders with top-soil must have a
base course of a mixture of mixed or coherent granules at least 20 cm thick, while the thickness
of the top layer of top-soil must not be more then 10 cm. The construction of shoulders with
grassed slabs must be from at least 20 cm thick base course of a corresponding mixture of
stone, granules and at least 5 cm thick sub-base of a mixture of granules of sand. The type of
slab must be approved by the Engineer.

Shoulders stabilised with crushed stone and filled with top-soil must be constructed from a basic
layer of a mixture of stone or mixed granules at least 20 cm in thickness and at least 10 cm layer
of chippings of skeletal composition, which is topped with an average 5 cm thick layer of top-soil
that must be rinsed into the layer of chippings and sowed with grass. Shoulder with asphalt
wearing course must be placed at maximum 10 cm away from the buffer for safety fence. The
shoulder construction must be as thick as the shoulder on the nearby traffic area, but instead of
bound wearing courses unbound stone mixture is placed

7.6 Quality of Execution

The quality of execution of the construction of the shoulders from mixtures of stone, granules
must correspond to the conditions stated in these technical conditions. The quality of execution
of the construction of the shoulders with grassed slabs must correspond to the requirements in
these technical conditions. The remaining executions in the construction of the shoulder must in
quality be in accordance with the requirements of these technical conditions. The formation of
the shoulders must be constructed with a slope going outwards (at least 2.5—4%) and at least
10 mm under the height of the edge of the nearby carriageway. This condition does not apply to
shoulders with asphalt wearing course.

7.7 Quality Control of Execution

The condition for the extent of testing the quality of execution of the construction of shoulders
are defined in these technical conditions. Conditions for the scope of quality verification in the
case of shoulders with asphalt wearing course are defined in these technical conditions.

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7.8 Measurement and Take-over of Work

The method of measuring and take-over of the constructed shoulders must be taken from these
technical conditions.

7.9 Calculation

The conditions stated in these technical conditions must be adhered to for calculating the
executed work on shoulders.

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