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The Many Health Benefits of Ginger


Ginger root is used in cooking, baking and in tea or other drinks for its
spicy flavor, as well as for the many health benefits that it offers to those who consume it
on a regular basis. It has for many centuries been used as a natural medicine to cure all
types of common ailments, and according to studies, it can even help to prevent serious
life-threatening diseases.

Digestion. One of the most popular uses for ginger root is to help with digestive
problems such as heartburn, cramping, bloating, gas, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. This
is due to the gingerols which help to soothe and relax the stomach muscles to prevent
them from cramping. In addition, ginger helps to stimulate the production of bile
(digestive juices) to help break down the food.

Heart Health. Ginger is also very beneficial for the heart, as it is able to lower the
cholesterol and triglyceride levels. If these levels become too high in the body it causes
the arteries to harden with plaque, and often results in high blood pressure, heart disease
and stroke.

Fights Cancer. Studies have shown that ginger can cause cancer cells to commit suicide
or consume one another when it comes in contact with them. According to these studies it
has been effective for ovarian, breast, skin and colon cancers.

Helps Arthritis. The soothing effect of ginger helps to relieve the pain and inflammation
associated with arthritis. When taken internally the ginger helps to remove the toxins that
contribute to the inflammation, and thus it helps to prevent the inflammation from
reoccurring. When grated ginger is applied externally the warming effect helps to reduce
the pain and swelling almost immediately.

Improves Memory. Ginger is high in antioxidants that help to clear away the toxins
around the brain so that new brain cells can develop and allow others to live longer. Thus
ginger can help to improve memory and prevent diseases such as Alzheimer's and

Helps with Asthma. Ginger contains anti-inflammatory properties which can help to
reduce the inflammation in the lungs. As the inflammation goes down, the body stops
producing excess phlegm, which blocks the airways and makes it difficult to breathe.
Strengthens the Immune System. When the immune system is down, the rest of the
body is more likely to get sick from the common cold, allergies and other autoimmune
disorders. Ginger helps to clear away the toxins so that the immune system can
strengthen itself to ward off those ailments.

These health benefits of ginger root can be obtained naturally simply by adding ginger to
the daily diet. It is great in stir-fries, salads and dressings, as well as in drinks such as tea,
coffee and juices.

For more information on how to prevent disease and live a long and healthy life, visit
LivingFood101. Visit the following link on ideas as to how to add ginger to your diet:

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