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Solutions to the Problems 339

where J 1 > 0, JZ> 0.

Let us start with the singlet bond configuration

@I = [12][34][56]. . . [ N ,N - 11 , (6.176)

and check whether acting on this with 3c causes the system to resonate to other
configurations. Let us follow what happens to the bond [34]. The relevant
terms of ‘If are collected in
%([341) = - 2 ( & 2 3 + Q34 + Q45) J2
-~ +
( Q 1 3 Q24 + Q35 + Q46) . (6.177)

Applying (6.125) and (6.126), we find

- y((23][41][56].. . + [12][45][63].. .)
‘If([34])@1 = -Jl@l

--(-2[13][42][56]. . . - 2[12][35][64]. . .) . (6.178)
The .. . stand for the undisturbed part of the chain. Apparently, there is
resonance: the nearest neighbour coupling induces configurations with “long
bonds” like [41]. However, the configurations in the second line of the above
equation contain crossed bonds and, using (6.123), they can be reexpressed in
terms of the non-crossing configurations to yield

3c([34])*1 4 -(Ji + J2)@1

e 1
- - - J2 ([23][41][56].. . + [12][45][63].. .) .

It follows that setting J2 = J1/2 cancels the resonance completely, and

comes an eigenstate. It can be proved that it is the ground state. The state @ I
is called the Majumdar-Ghosh state [258], or the dimer state. Let us observe
that @I breaks translational invariance but (being an exact singlet) it does
not break spin-rotational invariance. The ground state is doubly degenerate:
= [23][45] .. . [ N ,11 is also a ground state.
The limit of classical vectors (S + 00): Like the t 1 - t ~ chain (see Fig. 4.5),
the Jl-Jz Heisenberg chain could be redrawn as a railroad trestle lattice. The
elementary unit would be a triangle with bonds J 1 , 5 1 , and J 2 , wherefrom it
transpires that the system is frustrated in the same sense as other lattices built
of triangular plaquettes are. Applying the same argument as in Sec 6.3.4, we
expect a non-collinear ground state. Let us assume that the ordering is given by
the spiral wave Sj = (S cos (ja), S sin (ja),
0). Minimizing the energy density

E(a) = J 1 S2 cos + J 2 S 2 cos 2a

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