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civilization depends on crops that grow above ground, because you can store it for

a long time and because it can be taxed

the summarians were a collection of mesopotamian city-states

the domestication of wheate in order to make beer
writing was invented to determine who should get how much beer
(beginning of the wage gap, encouraged child rearing)
spelling was considered a magical act, where you bind meaning to letters
childbirth was considered a magical act of the heavens
affected religion (the creator was considered a goddess)
those who knew how to write were believed to be able to perform spells

the proto-semetic people

they split, one group went east and the other went west, and then they continued to
split. west semetic lead to phonecian, canaanite, arabic, aramaic, and hebrew.
semetic languages use primarilly three concenants, interspersed with vowels

(islam means peace through submission)

Il, El, or Lah all refer to God

proto-indo-european languages (celtic, Latin, german, persian, and Hellenic, for

persian is written with the arabic alphabet, but is an indo-european language

persian empire (sassanid empire)

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