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Measuring distance travelled


Dear X,

I noticed that you were using the car ramps in a different way today. You were hurling the
cars up the ramp instead of down to see how fast and far you could make the cars move
through the air. I suggested that we could measure how far your car went by using
measuring tape, just like we did at the library today when we measured the height of our
bodies. You used the measuring tape by stretching it out from the car ramp to where your
car landed but then realised that the measuring tape was “too short”. We thought about
how we could solve this problem. We came up with the idea to measure with our feet
instead. First you predicted how far it would go by pointing to a spot on the ground. We
then counted out each step till we reached the car. X, your car travelled 20 feet! You were
able to calculate the distance travelled of your car and showed that you are able to count
confidently up to 20. You also demonstrated problem solving skills as you thought about
changing the design of the car ramp to make the car go further. You did this by re-arranging
the ramp to become steeper stating that it would give it more “power”. After a few practice
runs, the car went further than the first car by 2 feet.
EYLF Outcomes:

X you demonstrated dispositions for learning such as curiosity, and enthusiasm as you asked questions and
explored cause and effect. You were curious as to how the car flew through the air and demonstrated ways
you could make it go faster. You were enthusiastic throughout the whole process
(EYLF , Outcome 4.1, p.34).

Throughout this learning experience you were able to develop and demonstrate a range of skills such as
problem solving, hypothesising and experimentation. You were active in the process of problem solving as
you joined me in thinking about how we could make the car go further, and why it went further. You
hypothesised as you predicted the results, and you experimented with the materials you had to change the
result of the experiment (EYLF, Outcome 4.2, p. 34).

Additionally, you demonstrated an ability to effectively communicate by expressing your ideas and
wonderings (EYLF, Outcome 5.1, p. 40). You also demonstrated that you are beginning to understand how
symbols work. For example, you understood the purpose of a measuring tape and are familiar with the
standard number system.

Where to next?

Based on this observation it is clear that X shows great enthusiasm for problem solving, hypothesising and
investigating. Therefore, opportunities for more learning experiences which develop these skills would be

We might begin by keeping the ramps, but changing the cars to objects with differing properties such as
balls with varying weight and size. This would encourage Harrison and other children to explore cause and
effect and develop comparative language.

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