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UNITATEA DE ÎNVĂŢĂMÂNT:Scoala gimnaziala "Dimitrie Negrutiu", Pogonesti

CADRU DIDACTIC: Luciana Secareanu Avizat ,

AN ŞCOLAR: 2018-2019 Director: Pavalescu Cristina
ARIA CURRICULARĂ: Limbă şi comunicare
DISCIPLINA: Limba engleză
MANUAL: Comunicare în limba engleză, Magic English, Responsabil comisie:
Ed. Edu, cf. OMEN 3418/19. III.2013
AUTORI: Bondoroi Robert, Glia Mirona, Tantos Ana Maria


Unitatea de învăţare nr 1: Unit 1. HELLO, I LIKE YOU
Număr de ore alocate: 4

Unitate de invatare CS Activităţi de învăţare Resurse Evaluare Nr Saptamana Obs.

Detalieri de conţinut materiale ore

1. Welcome! Introductions, Manual

- greetings, 1.1 Answers to greetings, CD 1h S1: 10-14
1.3 Evaluare
- names, 2.1 Matching exercise, sept.
- “I am…” Listen and repeat

2. How are you? 1.2 Verbal (yes/no) answers to simple questions, 1h

-moments of the day 2.2 Pantomime, S2: 17-21
-expressing simple 2.3 Matching exercise, sept.
feelings Chain dialogue
-“How are you?”
- “I am…”
3. Pink is my colour! 2.1 Rhymes, 1h S3: 24-28
-numbers, colours 4.1 Put the numbers in order, sept.
- the verb “to be” Matching exercise,
Revision and . Matching exercise 1h S4: 1-5 oct.
evaluation Multiple choice
Finding the right word
Unitatea de învăţare nr 2: Unit 2. HELLO (WEEN)!
Număr de ore alocate: 4

Unitate de invatare CS Activităţi de învăţare Resurse Evaluare Nr Saptamana Obs.

Detalieri de conţinut materiale ore

4. I’m Casper, I’m Listen and repeat,

Matching exercise, 1h S5: 8-12 oct
a ghost! 1.1
Hobbies, Maze,
“I like/I don’t like”, 2.2
True-False exercise
Agreeing with “too”,
Disagreeing with
Prepositions: “inside”,
“in front of”
5. It’s Halloween! 1.3 Rhymes, 1h S6: 15-19 oct.
2.1 Matching exercise,
Specific vocabulary 2.3
and sounds, Halloween Listen and repeat, Multiple choice
4.1. Manual
Fise de
The verb “to be” (2)

1.1 Following instructions, 1h S7: 22-26 oct. Sapt.8

6. My toys Evaluare
1.2 Finding the right word, vacanta
Toys, 1.3 frontala pentru
Instructions, 2.1
Matching exercise, clasele
Directions (“left”, Pantomime, I-IV
“right”, “up”, “down”) Learning a poem
Verbs: “to go”, “to
sit”, “to stand”, “to
jump”, “to come” etc
Revision and . Matching exercise 1h S9: 5-9 noe

evaluation Multiple choice

Finding the right word
Unitatea de învăţare nr 3 : UNIT 3.WHO’S AFRAID OF THE BIG BAD WOLF?
Număr de ore alocate: 4
Unitate de invatare CS Activităţi de învăţare Resurse Evaluare Nr Saptamana Obs.
Detalieri de conţinut materiale ore

7.This is My House Guessing and matching, S

Rooms, 1.1 Labelling, 1h 10: 12-16 noe.
Materials, 1.2 Identifying
Objects in the house, 2.2
Adjectives (“big”,

8. Piggy’s Farm 1.3 Multiple choice, Manual Evaluare 1h S11: 19-23 noe.

Domestic animals, 2.1 Matching exercise, frontala

“there is/are”, 2.3 Singing,
“ this/these” 4.1 Chain game
Animal sounds,

9. In the Woods 1.1 Matching exercise, Portfoliu: 1h S12: 26 noe.-29 30 noe.

noe zi
Wild Animals 1.2 Fill-in the gaps, Write about natinala
Insects, 1.3 Follow instructions yourself libera

Adjectives, 2.1
Specific Vocabulary

Revision and Matching exercise 1h S13: 3-7 dec.

evaluation Multiple choice

Finding the right word
Unitatea de învăţare nr. 4 : Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall!
Număr de ore alocate: 4
Unitate de invatare CS Activităţi de învăţare Resurse Evaluare Nr Saptamana Obs.
Detalieri de conţinut materiale ore

10. Friends and Making simple rhymes, S14: 10-14 dec.

Family 2.3 Labelling, 1h
Family members, 3.1 Finding the word
“This is......”

Christmas is Here! 3.1 Making Christmas cards, Labelling, 1h S15: 17-21 dec.

Specific vocabulary, 4.1 Matching exercise,

Game (Tic Tac Toe) Carol singing

11. My Body 1.2 Making associations, 1h S16: 14-18 ian.

Parts of the body, 3.1. Identifying,

Clothes 4.1 Matching exercise

12. My Looks 1.2 Labelling, 1h S17: 21-25 ian.

Adjectives (“good”, 3.1 Making unusual associations,

“bad”, “ugly”, Giving arguments
Questions and answers

Revision and Matching exercise 1h S13: 3-7 dec.

evaluation Multiple choice

Finding the right word
Unitatea de învăţare nr 5: Unit 5. The Enchanted Lamp
Număr de ore alocate: 4

Unitate de invatare CS Activităţi de învăţare Resurse Evaluare Nr Saptamana Obs.

Detalieri de conţinut materiale ore

13. Here, There, 1.1 Following instructions, Semestrul

Everywhere! 1.2 Recognising the characters 1h S18: 28 ian – 1
S18: 28
Actions, 2.2 ian – 1
“Where are you?”
Here, there

14. Silly, crazy Lamp! 1.1 Fill-in exercise 1h S19: 11-15 feb.

Instructions, 1.2 Maze

Names of countries 2.3 Following instructions, Pantomime
“I want to go to....” 3.1 Listen and repeat

15. Genie wants to go 2.3 Making simple dialogues, 1h S20: 18-22 feb.

to school 2.4 Making requests,

School objects, 3.1. Guessing the meaning,
School subjects Matching exercise
“I need ....”

Revision and . Matching exercise 1h S21: 25 feb.-1

evaluation Multiple choice
Finding the right word
Unitatea de învăţare nr 6: UNIT 6. “DRINK ME, EAT ME!”
Număr de ore alocate: 4

Unitate de invatare CS Activităţi de învăţare Resurse Evaluare Nr Saptaman Obs.

Detalieri de conţinut materiale ore a

The Carrot Market Matching exercise, Paste

S22: 4-8 mar.
Vegetables and fruit 1.2 Role-play, 1h catolic si
“Let’s make a salad!” 2.2 Asking for something politely, sapt.24-25
2.4 True/False exercise

The Tea Party 2.4 Matching exercise, 1h S23: 11-15 mar.

Food and drinks 3.1 Making associations,

“Do you like....?” Maze

Happy Easter! 2.3 Making rhymes, 1h S24: 18-22 mar.

Easter vocabulary 3.1 Matching exercise,

Seasons 4.1 Identifying
Specific adjectives: Asking for help,
“hot”, “cold”, “warm” Posters

Revision and . Matching exercise 1h S25: 25-29 mar.

evaluation Multiple choice

Finding the right word
Unitatea de învăţare nr 7: UNIT 7. ARIEL’S WATERWORLD
Număr de ore alocate: 4

Unitate de invatare CS Activităţi de învăţare Resurse Evaluare Nr Saptamana Obs.

Detalieri de conţinut materiale ore

In the Ocean 2.1 Identifying, Sapt.

Sea creatures 3.1 Labelling 1h S26: 1-5 apr. 28-
Questions and answers altfel

Let’s have fun! 1.2 Identifying, 1h

Theme parks: specific 3.1 Matching exercise, S27: 8-12 apr.

vocabulary True/False exercise

Verbs of movement:”
slide”, “roll”, “swing”

The Mysterious 1.2 Riddles, 1h S29: 6-10 mai.

Ocean 1.3 Miming,

Prepositions (“in”, 2.1 Indicating positions,
“on”, “above”, 3.1 Labelling
“What am I?”

Revision and . Matching exercise 1h S30: 13-17 mai.

evaluation Multiple choice

Finding the right word
Unitatea de învăţare nr 8: UNIT 8. “GO WITH US TO BREMEN!”
Număr de ore alocate: 4

Unitate de invatare CS Activităţi de învăţare Resurse Evaluare Nr Saptamana Obs.

Detalieri de conţinut materiale ore

On the Road 1.3 Making associations, S31: 20-24 mai.

Jobs 2.1 Matching exercise, 1h
Means of transport 3.1 Maze

The Big Show 1.3 Identifying, 1h

“I want to be a....” 2.1 Word completion, S32: 27-31 mai.

Musical instruments 3.1 Learning a simple song

Verbs: “to play”, “to

Summer Plans 1.3 Making associations, 1h S33: 3- 7 iunie

Specific vocabulary for 2.1 Guessing,

holidays 2.3 Saying goodbye
Ways of saying 3.1

Revision and . Matching exercise 1h S34:10-14 iunie

evaluation Multiple choice

Finding the right word

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