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Pre-Primary/ Primary


Unit of work: Me and my body Salvation topic: Jesus Human person Topic: Our
Year Level: Pre- primary Students’ Prior Knowledge:

As students are in pre-primary, they are only

Key Understanding:
beginning to create foundational understandings
C2 Jesus wants his followers to use their bodies to
express love Religious Education
Students have, within this unit, had the ability to
Learning Point(s): wonder about and celebrate God who created
C2.1 Identifies ways they can use their bodies to our bodies, look at the senses and parts of the
express love body, and explore how Jesus used his body and
how bodies should be used for good by loving
one another. Within this lesson we are lastly
covering how bodies can show love.

Spiritual and Religious Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)
Prudence Justice Fortitude Temperance Faith Hope Charity
eg Right eg Right eg Inner eg eg Prayer eg eg Service
choices relationships strength Moderation Reconciliation
General Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)
Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and Ethical Personal and Intercultural
competence creative behaviour Social understandi
thinking competence ng

Cross-curriculum priorities (may be addressed in the lesson)

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Asia and Australia’s Sustainability
Islander histories and cultures engagement with Asia
Lesson Objectives (i.e. anticipated outcomes of this lesson, in point form beginning with an action
As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:
 Identifies at least one (1) way that they can use their body to express love

Teacher’s Prior Preparation/Organisation: Provision for students at educational risk:

Enabling: weaker students will be able to follow
Lesson focus: the lesson is focusing on how people along with the teacher when creating a gift for
can use their bodies to show love to others. We someone special- this will allow scaffolding of
must follow the teaching of Jesus, as seen in the the activity to occur while the students gain
Gospel of John, and love one another as God loves confidence in creating their own version of the
us. Our bodies are essential in doing so and can be wall-hanging
used many different ways.
- How can I show love in my everyday life?
Extending: stronger students will be given the
- How can I ensure that my actions mirror that
opportunity to write their own message on their
of Jesus?
- What other ways can I highlight the teaching badge instead of the teacher scribing this- an EA
from Jesus in other areas of the classroom? will be able to scaffold the students writing
attempts. Students may also be prompted to
write a message to their special person to be
attached to the gift they have made
LESSON DELIVERY attaches worksheets, examples, marking keys, etc. as relevant
Time Motivation and Introduction: Resource/Reference
- People can thank God for the gift of their bodies, and for
10 minutes
God’s love, by using their bodies in ways that express love
and kindness towards others.
- The teacher will ask if any students can remember Jesus’ New Revised
teaching that was covered in the previous lesson:
Standard Version
o As people use their bodies in loving ways, they
follow Jesus’ teaching to, ‘Love one another as I Bible- John 15:12
have loved you’ [John 15:12].
- Ask students the ways that people can use their bodies to
express love- highlight that this is one good way we can use
our bodies instead of mistreating people and giving into sin
- The teacher will be writing the students answers on the
white board and asking students what the teacher might be
able to draw next to the word. Ideas may be:
o give a smile or a hug
o help with family chores before and after meals
o help care for the family pet
o make their beds
o help to keep the classroom clean
o talk to others
o invite others to join in games
o help someone who is upset.
- Lead the children to the understanding that there are many
ways they can use their bodies to express love in many
ways. Students will be required to think of one way they can
personally show their love to those around them
o Inform to students that they will verbally
communicate their choice for the teacher to scribe
their answer onto a badge

Lesson Steps:
20 minutes
- The teacher will lead the conversation into one thing that
you can do for someone to show your love is to make
something/ make a present for them
- Explain that within this class they will be making something
for someone special to them
- The teacher will allow students a few minutes to talk with
their friends about who they will be choosing to give a
present to
- When the teacher gains student’s attention again, they will
choose a few children to ask who the special person is that
they will be giving a present to
- The teacher will explain that they will be making a wall-
hanging out of a stick and very lovely strips of material
although they are able to make whatever they choose-
keeping in mind what they think their special person they
have chosen will like the most
- The teacher will explain all the materials they have to use
and will be able to make something, possible materials
include: Art supplies
o Coloured card/paper
o Pencils
o Crayons
o Cardboard
o Sticky tape/ stapler
o Glue
o Pipe-cleaners
o Pop-sticks
- Before students begin their work, they will be reminded to
be thinking about another way they show their love for
others to go onto their badge

- The teacher will allow students to commence making their

presents with little inference to their creative flow
- To ensure students remain on task and remember the
purpose of the activity, questions that the teacher might ask
the students may be:
o Who did you choose to make a present for today?
o Add encouragement while placing emphasis on the
point of the task- I’m sure they will love this!
o Why did you choose to make this?
o I like the colours you have used, does your special
person like them too?

- After the teacher has started making their wall hanging as a

demonstration for those children who may require guidance
or lack confidence, the teacher will begin to move around
the class asking students a question
o How could you show your love at home or school?
- The teacher will scribe onto a badge template what the child
will aim to do to express their love
Cut out paper
o Students may use the choices that have been
written on the board earlier in the lesson to choose Art liner
what they would like to do to show their love to Badge template
everyone around them (appendix 2)
- Once students begin to finish their art, they will be asked to
begin decorating their badges

Further involvement within the classroom:

- Throughout the day, students will be given time, as an early
finisher activity or during free play, to finish their badge
- There will be art supplies and materials for students to
choose from to decorate as well as pencil and crayon
- The badges will be laminated and, with the children’s help,
be made into badges that students will be able to wear
throughout the unit of work
- Students will be reminded of ways that they are able to use
their bodies to express love by following their instruction of
their badge

5 minutes Lesson Closure:(Review lesson objectives with students)

- Students will stop their work, leave it on the desks and
move down to the mat
o Today we carried out Jesus’ teaching and
demonstrated love to all. We can use our bodies just
as Jesus did to show our love in many different
o Recite the quote from John
- The teacher will ask review questions such as:
o How can we show our love for others at school?
o How can we show our love for others at home?
o What else could we make for people in our lives to
show our love?
- The teacher will invite students to suggest body actions
which could be included as ways they can use their bodies
to express love. Three of these will be used and created into
a prayer
o ‘Dear God,
today we can use our bodies to ____________.
Help us to use our bodies in loving ways.

Transition: (What needs to happen prior to the next lesson?)

- Move students back to their desks to finish off their badge
before the bell goes for recess
- Make note for students to move back to their desks in a
loving and respectful way and imitating Jesus and his
teaching of loving one another

- The assessment piece for this lesson is the badge that
children will be creating. As the teacher will be going around
to all students in order to scribe how they will be showing
their love, the teacher will be able to complete a checklist
(see appendix 1) of the students understanding in ways that
you can use your body to show love to others around you

Appendix 1



Undeveloped (lack of understanding) /
Developing (required prompting) /-
Developed (objective achieved) /-\

Appendix 2:

This is an example template of the badge

that students will be creating in order to
state how they will express their love at
home and/or school

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