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Title No. 115-M43

Similarities in Accelerated Chloride Ion Transport Tests for

Concrete in Tidal Zones
by Qing-Zhang Zhang, Xiang-Lin Gu, Zhi-Lu Jiang, and Wei-Ping Zhang

The model for chloride transport in concrete was established by

considering both effects of diffusion and capillary suction. The
model was verified by chloride penetration tests under cyclic
wetting and drying conditions. The developed model was used to
analyze similarities under different environmental conditions for
accelerated tests. The results showed that the influence of external
chloride concentration on chloride penetration was smaller
with a larger depth. When the ambient relative humidity (RH)
decreased, the penetration rate increased when RH was larger
than 70%. However, the penetration rate decreased when the RH
was smaller than 70%. The results also indicated that when the
wetting-to-drying time ratio in a cycle increased, the penetration
rate increased first and then decreased after a critical ratio. When
the cycle period decreased, the penetration rate first increased and
then decreased during a small time period. Fig. 1—Wetting-time ratio for concrete structures in tidal
Keywords: accelerated test; chloride ions; similarity; tidal zone.
from the concrete surface increases, the effect of the wetting
INTRODUCTION and drying on the chloride transport is less significant and
In a marine environment, chloride ions from the sea water the diffusion mechanism dominates.7
penetrate concrete and damage the passive film of the steel. The chloride transport in the concrete can be studied by
Rust forms when the chloride content on the steel surface field tests on the real concrete structures under a marine
exceeds a critical value.1 Many researchers have confirmed environment.8 However, due to the complexity of the envi-
that corrosion of steel reinforcement can cause expanding ronmental conditions and the long period of the test, the
and cracking of the cover concrete, reducing the steel influence of the environmental factors on the chloride trans-
cross-section area and structural bearing capacity, which port is difficult to analyze theoretically. On the other hand,
threatens structural safety.2,3 when the accelerated test for chloride penetration in the
In tidal zones, concrete structures are subject to periodic concrete is conducted under a simulated environment for the
wetting and drying cycles. As shown in Fig. 1, the concrete tidal zone, the simulation becomes a useful tool to study the
at point “a” is subject to a wetting period when the tidal mechanism of chloride transport in the concrete.9,10
curve is above the point, and it is subject to a drying period To forecast the level of chloride penetration in a natural
when the tidal curve is below the point. In a tidal period, the environment by applying accelerated test results, it is neces-
wetting and drying time is t1 and t2, respectively, and the sary to determine the similarity of chloride penetration
wetting-time ratio is defined as the ratio t1/(t1 + t2). Appar- under different environmental conditions. The similarity can
ently, the concrete at different altitudes in the wetting-drying be investigated theoretically by using a chloride transport
zone is subject to different wetting-time ratios. Chloride model for the concrete under wetting and drying conditions.
ions transport into concrete by both diffusion and capillary Lin et al.11 developed a chloride transport model considering
pressure.4 The chloride diffusion in the concrete is driven by different parameters for the water transport under drying and
concentration differences in the chloride ions, and it follows wetting conditions. The transport coefficients of water and
Fick’s law.5,6 The transport of chloride ions is also driven by chloride ions in Lin’s model were determined experimen-
water movement under capillary pressure.4 During the rising tally, but theoretical methods for determining the parameters
tide, the external water with the chloride ions transports were not further studied. Zanden et al.4 proposed a model for
rapidly into the concrete under capillary pressure, which water and chloride transport in concrete, but the influence
leads to a peak of the chloride content distribution near the of chloride binding and the pore structures of the material
exposed surface within the concrete.7 During the ebb of were not considered. In Zhang and Jin’s work,7 the transport
the tide, chloride ions accumulate near the exposed surface ACI Materials Journal, V. 115, No. 4, July 2018.
gradually because water within the concrete transports MS No. M-2015-311.R2, doi: 10.14359/51702007, was received August 20, 2017,
and reviewed under Institute publication policies. Copyright ©  2018, American
towards the surface and evaporates into the atmospheric air. Concrete Institute. All rights reserved, including the making of copies unless
As the tide rises, water is absorbed into the concrete at a permission is obtained from the copyright proprietors. Pertinent discussion including
author’s closure, if any, will be published ten months from this journal’s date if the
depth near the exposed surface. Consequently, as the depth discussion is received within four months of the paper’s print publication.

ACI Materials Journal/July 2018 499

coefficient for the water could be obtained by assuming a
ρl RT  α − (α 2 − 4(1 − CE ))1/ 2 
pore size distribution for the concrete, and chloride transport pc = ln   (3)
was then modeled for the concrete under wetting and drying M  2kt (1 − CE )

In this paper, water and chloride transport models for  V 
the concrete in the tidal zone were established by consid- α = 2 +  m − 1 CE (4)
ering the factors of the pores’ structure, such as porosity and  W20° C S 

tortuosity. Diffusion and capillary mechanisms for the chlo-
ride transport were modeled. Then, the developed models where ρl is the density of liquid moisture (kg/m3); T is the
were verified by tests under wetting and drying conditions. temperature (K); R is the gas constant (given as 8.314 J/mol/K
Finally, by using the models, similarities in accelerated tests [4.378 × 10–3 Btu/mol/°F]), M is the molecular mass of
were investigated in terms of effects of sodium chloride liquid moisture (given as 0.018 kg/mol [0.03968 lb/mol]);
(NaCl) solution concentration, relative humidity (RH), wet Vm is the mass of monolayer adsorption moisture for the unit
and dry cycle periods, and wetting-time ratios. mass of cement paste (kg/kg); kt is a constant in the range
of 0 and 1; CE is the energy constant; and W20°C is the mois-
RESEARCH SIGNIFICANCE ture content of cement paste under 20°C (68°F) and 100%
Concrete structures in tidal zones are subjected to a cyclic RH—that is, the moisture content under the water saturation
wetting and drying environment, which accommodates condition (kg/kg). Vm, kt, and CE are three parameters for the
chloride penetration. Field tests for the concrete under such adsorption model, determined empirically by cement type,
environment usually take a very long time and the results water-cement ratio (w/c), curing time, and temperature.15
are influenced by many factors due to the complex expo- The intrinsic permeability of concrete k was calculated
sure conditions. To solve these problems, accelerated tests by the Kozeny-Carman model based on parameters such as
in a laboratory environment were conducted to simulate the concrete porosity and pore tortuosity16
chloride penetration in the natural environment. To accel-
erate the penetration, the laboratory conditions are different φ3
from natural environment. Therefore, the similarity between k= (5)
F τ Ω 2 (1 − φ) 2

accelerated tests and long-term field tests must be clarified. s c

CHLORIDE ION TRANSPORT MODEL FOR where Fs is the impact factor for pore shape (given as 2.0
CONCRETE IN TIDAL ZONE for cylindrical pores); τc is tortuosity; and Ω is the specific
Water transport model surface (1/m).
According to Fick’s law and the continuity condition, The relative permeability krl was expressed in terms of
water transport in concrete was written as12 saturation S17,18

∂φS krl = S (1 − (1 − S 1/ m ) m ) 2 (6)

= div( Dl ( S )grad ( S )) (1)
where m is the fitting parameter from the adsorption
with isotherm.18

k dp Chloride ion transport model

D1 ( S ) = krl c (2)
µ dS The mechanisms of the chloride ion transport in the unsat-

urated concrete include the diffusion and the convection due
to the capillary pressure. The flux of chloride ion diffusion
where ϕ is the porosity of concrete; D1(S) is the transport
driven by the concentration gradient in the pore solution was
coefficient for liquid moisture (m2/s); t is time (s); S is satu-
calculated by
ration; k is the intrinsic permeability for concrete (m2); krl is
the relative permeability, μ is the dynamic viscosity coeffi-
Jd,c = –Dcgrad(Cf) (7)
cient of moisture (Pa·s); and pc is capillary pressure (Pa).
During the wetting and drying processes, the relation-
where Jd,c is the chloride ion transport flux caused by diffu-
ships between capillary pressure pc and saturation level S for
sion (kg/(m2·s)); Cf is the free chloride ion concentration
concrete were different due to the difference of liquid-gas
in the pores (kg/m3); and Dc is the chloride ion diffusivity
interfaces in the concrete pores. Assuming that the pores
were cylindrical, the saturation for the wetting process at
The function for diffusivity considered pore characteris-
relative humidity h is equal to the saturation at h2 for the
tics of the concrete19
drying process.13 Based on the adsorption model (the rela-
tionship between water content and relatively humidity) and ς
Kelvin’s equation, the function of the capillary pressure is Dw ⋅ φ ⋅ S  t0 
Dc =  t  (8)
expressed as14 τc

500 ACI Materials Journal/July 2018

where Dw is the chloride ion diffusion coefficient in water, (3.94 and 7.88 in.), respectively. Three cubic specimens with
(m2/s), given in Reference 20; ϕ is the porosity at the curing a length of 100 mm (3.94 in.) were prepared for Group C3.
time t = t0; and ς is an empirical coefficient, given as ς = The measured porosities of Groups C1 through C3 were
0.8 – w/c.21 0.129, 0.14, and 0.10, respectively.
When water enters the concrete under capillary pressure, The specimen in Group C1 was first dried at 105°C
chloride ions in the water are also brought in. The transport (221°F) and then a one-dimensional (1-D) water absorption
flux of chloride ions caused by capillary pressure was test was conducted by adding distilled water at a temperature
of 22°C (71.6°F) to the bottom surface. Nuclear magnetic
Cf resonance (NMR) was used to detect the wetting profiles
J w, c = − ⋅ Dl ( S )grad ( S ) (9) during the wetting process.
After curing, specimens in Group C2 were immersed in
3% NaCl solution for 5 weeks. Then, the chloride content
where Jw,c is the chloride ion transport flux caused by capil- profile of one specimen S-5W was measured immediately
lary suction (kg·m–2·s–1). by rapid chloride tests (RCTs). The other three specimens
After combining Eq. (7) with Eq. (9), the model for (RH95-4W, RH65-4W, and RH30-4W) were dried at 20°C
chloride ion transport was established based the continuity (68°F) and at 95%, 65%, and 30% RH for 4 weeks, respec-
condition tively. Then, their chloride content profiles were measured
by RCT. The RH distribution within the RH30-4W spec-
∂Ct ∂C f ∂  ∂C f C f ∂S  imen was measured by RH sensors within the concrete after
= Dc + Dl (10)
∂C f ∂t ∂x  ∂x φS ∂x  5 weeks of soaking and 4 weeks of drying.
Specimens in Group C3 were oven-dried at 60°C (140°F)
for 10 days and their water saturation reached approximately
where ∂Ct/∂Cf is the chloride binding capacity. For linear 0.2 before the tests. To reach 1-D transport, five surfaces
binding, the binding capacity is equal to 1 + Kf, where the of each specimen were sealed with epoxy, and only one
parameter Kf is equal to a constant κ.22 Meanwhile, it is surface was exposed to a periodic wetting-drying environ-
expressed as the following function for nonlinear binding19 ment for 30 days. The period of the wetting-drying cycle
was 24 hours and the wetting time in a cycle for the three
Kf = χ/(1 + 400Cf /ncm)2 (11) specimens was 4, 8, and 10 hours. During the drying period,
the specimens were exposed to an atmospheric environment
where χ =11.8; and ncm is the mass ratio of cement and the of 20°C (68°F) and 70% RH. During the wetting period, the
concrete. specimens were immersed in 7% NaCl solution. After 30
Much research has been conducted on chloride binding periodic wetting-drying cycles, the distribution of chloride
behavior in concrete, but still no consensus has been reached content within the concrete was measured by RCT.
on its binding function. In the experimental study, the The transport models Eq. (1) and Eq. (10) were solved by
concrete specimen was first immersed in water with different a finite difference method with a time step of 7.2 seconds.
NaCl concentrations until an equilibrium was reached. Then, The length of the concrete specimen in the transport direc-
the contents of the free and total chloride were measured. tion was discretized with a space step of 0.1 mm (3.94 ×
Some researchers have found that the binding was linear to 10−3 in.). Then, the differential equations were discretized
the content of the free chloride,23-25 while others have found into a group of nonlinear equations by the Crank-Nicolson
a nonlinear relationship.26-28 It was also found that linear method.32 To reduce the oscillation of the numerical solu-
binding can underestimate the bound chloride content when tion for Eq. (10), an upstream weighted method32 was also
the content of free chloride is low but can overestimate when used for the convective term in Eq. (10). Finally, the water
the free chloride content is high.29 In this study, models for and chloride distribution at each time step was obtained
both linear and nonlinear binding were applied to obtain by solving the group of equations using Picard’s iteration
different predicted results, which were compared with the technique.32 The results for Groups C1 and C2 were used
measured results. to verify the water transport model during wetting and
drying processes, respectively. The results for Groups C2
VALIDATION OF CHLORIDE ION and C3 were used to verify the chloride transport model for
TRANSPORT MODEL the concrete subjected to one cycle and multiple cycles of
Three groups of experimental data for concrete specimens wetting and drying, respectively.
(Groups C1 through C3) were used to validate the devel-
oped model. Group C1 was tested by Leech et al.,30,31 and Validation of water transport model
Groups C2 and C3 were tested by the authors. The w/c of C1, The test result of Group C1 was compared with the
C2, and C3 were 0.4, 0.5, and 0.53, respectively. The cement predicted water distribution as concrete was wetted, as
content for C1, C2, and C3 were 490.0, 345.9, and 367.5  g/m3 shown in Fig. 2. The saturation was plotted against the water
(826, 583, and 619 lb/yd3), respectively. One cylindrical
absorption rate: S = x/t 0.5 (where x is the depth from the
specimen in Group C1 and four cylindrical specimens in
surface, mm, and t is the time, seconds). The comparison
Group C2 were made with a diameter of 100 mm (3.94 in.),
between the predicted and measured results showed good
and their heights in Groups C1 and C2 were 100 and 200 mm
agreement. The measured and predicted RH distributions

ACI Materials Journal/July 2018 501

Fig. 2—Comparison between calculated and experimental Fig. 4—Comparison between calculated and experimental
water saturation in absorption process for Group C1. (Note: saturation in drying process.
1 mm = 0.0394 in.)
were filled.33 The transport coefficient can be determined
theoretically based on the pore structures (pore size distri-
bution and pore interconnectivity) of concrete.33,34 However,
pore characteristics have been traditionally simplified due to
the complex morphology and connectivity of pores. In this
paper, the difference between wetting and drying processes
was modeled and empirically based on the measured data
of Group C2. The modified coefficient for water transport
during the drying process, Ddl(S), is expressed as Eq. (12).
Furthermore, the predicted RH distribution using the modi-
fied coefficient shows good agreement with the experimental
results (Fig. 3).

Ddl(S) = D1(S)/(100 – 90 · S) (12)

where Dl(S) is the water transport coefficient before modifi-

cation (m2/s), obtained by Eq. (2).
The proposed modified coefficient during the drying
Fig. 3—Comparison between calculated and experimental process (Eq. (12)) was then verified by another experimental
water saturation for Group C2 in wetting and drying result from Baroghel-Bouny et al.,18 who made a cylindrical
processes. concrete specimen with a diameter of 160 mm (6.30 in.)
and a height of 100 mm (3.94 in.) for a series of 1-D drying
within the concrete in Group C2 after 4 weeks of drying are tests at 22°C (71.6°F) and 50% RH. Water saturation distri-
presented in Fig. 3. The results indicate that the predicted bution within concrete was measured by gamma ray scan-
result overestimated the drying rate compared with the ning.18 The predicted results based on the water transport
measured result. coefficients, obtained by using Eq. (12), were compared with
In the model, the differences in water transport coef- the test results in Fig. 4. This comparison indicates that the
ficients between wetting and drying processes were not predicted profile fits well with the measured results.
considered comprehensively. During the wetting process,
the concrete pores near the surface were all saturated and the Validation of chloride ion transport model
water in those pores moved under capillary pressure. During By using the water and chloride transport models as
the drying process, only pores smaller than a critical size expressed in Eq. (1) and (10), the chloride distribution
were saturated based on Kelvin’s equation.33 Consequently, in concrete specimens from Groups C2 and C3 after the
the capillary sorption of water was smaller and the trans- wetting-drying cycles was predicted. In the modeling, both
port rate within the concrete became even smaller than that linear and nonlinear models for chloride binding capacity
during the drying process. Additionally, the transport rate were used to investigate the influence of different binding
in a single pore was linear to the square of the pore size, models on the predictions. The comparison of the predicted
which resulted in a significantly more rapid movement of and measured results for Groups C2 and C3 are shown in
water during the wetting process because all the large pores Fig. 5 and Fig. 6, respectively.

502 ACI Materials Journal/July 2018

Fig. 5—Comparison between calculated and experiment results for Group C2.

Fig. 6—Comparison between calculated and experimental results for Group C3.
The comparison in Fig. 5 shows that the predicted distri- profile of the chloride content was above the measured result.
bution of the total chloride content was in good agreement When the linear-binding model was applied, the comparison
with the experimental results by using the nonlinear-binding in Fig. 6 also indicated different binding behaviors of the
model while the predicted profiles were significantly below concrete near and far from the exposed surface.
the measured results by using the linear-binding model. This During the wetting period, the fast water adsorption for
was due to the overestimation of the binding capacity near the initially dried concrete led to fast chloride transport
the exposed surface when the linear-binding model was used near the surface. In this case, the chloride binding was more
under the high free chloride content. likely to be a transient process; thus, the binding capacity
The results for Group C3 in Fig. 6 indicates that the in Eq. (10) should be treated as a time-dependent param-
predicted results based on linear binding matched well with eter, which has not been fully studied yet. For the initially
the measured results at depths larger than 10 mm (0.39 in.), saturated concrete under periodic wetting and drying condi-
while the prediction by the nonlinear binding only fit the tions, the chloride transport was slower and the free chloride
measured chloride content near the exposed surface. The ions were considered to be in equilibrium with the bound
results can be explained by the kinetics of the chloride chloride. In an oceanic natural state, the concrete in the tidal
binding. The concrete in Group C3 was initially dried to zone is initially saturated and the nonlinear-binding model is
reach the water saturation of 0.2 before the wetting-drying more suitable for the prediction of chloride transport based
test. During the wetting process, the flow rate of the water on our work.
near the exposed surface was much larger for Group C3 than
the rate for the initially saturated concrete in Group C2. As a SIMILARITY OF CHLORIDE ION TRANSPORT IN
result, the free chloride ions in the water could not be bound ACCELERATED TESTS
by the hydrates effectively, but the nonlinear-binding model In a marine environment, chloride ions penetrate concrete
was able to predict the binding behavior with appropriate and reach the steel surface. When chloride content on the
parameters. On the other hand, as the depth from the exposed steel surface exceeds the critical value Ccv, it damages the
surface increased, the rate of water transport decreased passive film of the steel. The results from the literature indi-
significantly, and the free chloride in the water was almost cated that Ccv is roughly in the range from 0.065% to 0.36%
in equilibrium with the bound chloride. Consequently, the (by mass of concrete).35-37 The critical chloride content Ccv
binding capacity at the larger depth was underestimated is influenced by numerous factors,35 such as mixture propor-
using the same nonlinear-binding model, and the predicted tions of concrete, internal environment of concrete, steel

ACI Materials Journal/July 2018 503

Fig. 7—Effect of NaCl concentration on normalized critical Fig. 8—Effect of ambient relative humidity on normalized
time at different depths. critical time at different depths.
types, and pretreatment method for the steel surface. The increasing concentration of the external NaCl solution, but
large range of Ccv in the literature is also possibly due to the effects are not as noticeable and the relationship between
the difference of the determination methods,35 such as the NaCl concentration and critical time has been overlooked
definition of Ccv, the test environment, and the monitoring for the most part. This study took a quantitative approach to
method for passivation. The quantitative determination of this process. When the cover thickness of 20 mm (0.79 in.)
Ccv by theoretical methods is a very complicated issue and was considered, the critical time decreased 30% from 3 to
still needs to be further studied. In this paper, a more conser- 5% NaCl concentration while it decreased only 4% from
vative lower value of 0.06% was adopted as the critical value 10 to 12% NaCl concentration. The results also indicated
of chloride ion content. that the acceleration effect of NaCl concentrations decreased
The critical penetration depth from the concrete surface significantly as the cover thickness increased.
was the depth where the critical chloride content was Chloride transport is driven by two mechanisms: capil-
reached, and it was considered as a characterizing index of lary and diffusion action. For the capillary mechanism,
the penetration level. The similarity study is based on the the absorption of water brings the chloride from external
assumption that the penetration levels of chloride ions were solution. The acceleration extent by capillary absorption
the same if the critical penetration depths were the same in was approximately linear to the increase of external chlo-
different environments. The time, tcr, when the critical chlo- ride concentration, but it only affected the concrete near the
ride content was reached at the depth of the concrete cover exposed surface. In comparison, during the diffusion process,
in different environments, was investigated. due to the concentration difference, the increase of external
Based on chloride ion transport model in Eq. (10) for tidal chloride concentration increased the chloride content at
zones, chloride ion transport processes were simulated for different depths nonlinearly. The increase of external chlo-
the concrete with the same mixture proportion as the spec- ride concentration influenced the chloride content at a larger
imen in Group C3. The concrete was initially saturated. As depth less significantly. Consequently, tcr/tcr0 was decreased
a reference group, the concentration of NaCl in the solution less significantly with increasing cover thickness.
was selected as 3%, which was close to the actual concentra-
tion of seawater, and the concrete was dried at 20°C (68°F) Effect of ambient relative humidity
and at 70% RH. The period of wetting-drying cycles was Different ambient RHs (30%, 50%, 70%, 90%, and 95%)
24 hours with the wetting-time ratio of 1/6. One parameter during the drying process were investigated in the simu-
of the environmental conditions varied with the another lation of chloride transport. At each cover thickness, the
constant to investigate the effect of the varied parameters predicted critical time tcr was normalized by the value tcr0
on the value of tcr at a given cover thickness of the concrete. at 70% RH. The influence of relative humidity on the time
For the refence group, the critical time tcr0 was 74.1, 156.2, when the critical penetration depth was reached is shown in
275.4, and 443.4 days at cover thicknesses of 20, 30, 40, and Fig. 8. It was found that critical time decreased significantly
50 mm (0.79, 1.18, 1.57, and 1.97 in.), respectively. as the ambient RH was decreased to 70%, while it increased
slightly as the RH further decreased. The results indicated
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION that the acceleration effect of the cyclic wetting-drying
Effect of NaCl concentrations conditions on the chloride transport was most significant
The simulation of chloride ion transport was conducted when the ambient RH was 70% during the drying process.
under different NaCl concentrations in solutions of 3%, The chloride diffusivity and the amount of absorbed water
5%, 7%, 10%, and 12%, respectively. The predicted time during wetting were influenced by the ambient RH during
tcr was normalized by the time for the reference group at the drying. When the concrete was dried at a lower ambient
corresponding cover thickness, tcr0, as shown in Fig. 7. It is RH, the water absorption rate was higher during the wetting
well known that the chloride penetrates more rapidly with

504 ACI Materials Journal/July 2018

process due to a larger difference of water content. As a result, 1, chloride ions were moved into concrete mainly by diffu-
more chloride was brought in with more absorbed water. On sion. As the ratio decreased, more water was absorbed
the other hand, as the ambient RH decreased, the chloride during wetting after a more severe drying; thus, a larger
diffusivity decreased due to the decreased content of water number of external chloride ions were brought in with the
during the drying process. The results shown in Fig. 8 indi- capillary flow. On the other hand, when the wetting-time
cate that the acceleration effect of the water absorption was ratio was further decreased, the time to absorb water during
dominant as the ambient RH was decreased to 70%. When the wetting process was decreased and the total number of
the ambient RH was further decreased, the lower chloride chloride ions penetrating from the external solution into the
diffusivity led to a slower transport of chloride from the concrete was also decreased.
surface into the concrete during the drying process. The results in the field test by Thomas and Matthews8
also indicated a considerable chloride penetration into the
Effect of wetting-time ratio concrete due to the capillary suction of seawater. In Zhang
By using the developed models, chloride transport in and Jin’s work,7 the chloride distribution was measured at
the concrete was simulated under different wetting-time different altitudes of a concrete wall in the marine tidal zone.
ratios—that is, 0.1/24, 0.5/24, 4/24, 8/24, 16/24, and 20/24 The wetting-time ratio of the concrete decreased as the alti-
(wetting time/ time period in a cycle, hour/hour). The tude increased. It was found that the chloride penetration
predicted critical time was normalized by the result at the was the most rapid at the wetting-time ratio of 1/3 and the
wetting-time ratio of 1/6 in the reference group. The influ- penetration rate decreased as the ratio was away from 1/3.
ence of wetting-time ratios on the predicted critical time is The critical values of the wetting-time ratio were different
shown in Fig. 9. It was found that the critical time decreased between our results and the field test results, due to different
as the wetting-time ratio was increased to 1/6 and then it ambient conditions. However, the trends of the penetration
increased as the wetting time-ratio was further increased. rates with the wetting-time ratios were similar.
The results indicated that the chloride transported into the The result in Fig. 9 also showed that the critical time
concrete fastest at a wetting-time ratio of 1/6. This behavior increased with a larger cover thickness as the wetting-time
can be explained by two different mechanisms for chloride ratio was larger than 1/6. This is because the acceleration
ion transport—namely the diffusion due to the concentration effect of the cyclic wetting and drying on the chloride trans-
gradient and convection due to the water movement under port was less significant for the concrete at a larger depth.
capillary pressure. When the wetting-time ratio approached When the wetting-time ratio was smaller than 1/6, the wetting
and drying effect was smaller, and the chloride transport was
mainly driven by the diffusion mechanism. As a result, the
critical time at the concrete with a smaller depth, where the
chloride transport had been greatly accelerated by the cyclic
condition, increased more significantly as the wetting-time
ratio decreased from 1/6.
The predicted distribution of the total chloride content
in the concrete after 1-year exposure is shown in Fig. 10.
The result showed that the distribution had a peak near the
exposed surface at the end of wetting. This peak was caused
by the convection flow of chloride due to the capillary water
absorption. As the wetting time in a cycle decreased, the
peak of the chloride distribution was higher because after a
longer drying period more pores were emptied and thus the
concrete absorbed more water with NaCl during the wetting.
After the drying process, the peak was eliminated by the
Fig. 9—Effect of wetting-time ratio on normalized critical
time at different depths.

Fig. 10—Distribution of total chloride content with different wetting-time ratios.

ACI Materials Journal/July 2018 505

1. The results showed that the acceleration effects of
increasing NaCl concentration in solution was less signifi-
cant with a larger depth in concrete. This is because of a less
significant effect of the concentration on the diffusion at a
larger depth.
2. The chloride penetration was more rapid with decreasing
ambient RH as long as RH was larger than 70%. However,
the chloride penetration was slightly slower when the RH
was smaller than 70%. This was explained by the opposite
effects of RH on chloride penetration by chloride diffusivity
and water absorption.
3. The results also indicated that the rate of chloride pene-
tration was highest at the wetting-time ratio of 1/6. When
the depth increased, the influence of the ratio was smaller
because the ratio was smaller than 1/6. On the other hand, the
Fig. 11—Effect of wetting-drying cycle period on normal- influence was greater as the ratio exceeded 1/6. This shows
ized critical time at different depths. the importance of considering chloride penetration to be due
convection due to water transport to the surface and the to the capillary suction of sea water, which conformed to the
diffusion to the deeper zone with a lower chloride content. findings in the field test.
4. During a small cycle period, the chloride penetrated
Effect of wetting and drying cycle period more rapidly with an increasing time period, but the chloride
The developed model for chloride transport was used to penetration decreased under a large cycle period. When the
predict the critical time under different periods of drying- depth from the exposed surface increased, the influence was
wetting cycles—that is, 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, and 96 hours. The greater at a time duration of less than 24 hours but the influ-
influence of the cycle periods on the critical time at different ence was smaller when the time period exceeded 24 hours.
cover thickness is shown in Fig. 11. It was found that the
critical time decreased when drying-wetting cycle period AUTHOR BIOS
Qing-Zhang Zhang is a Lecturer in the College of Civil Engineering and
increased from 3 to 24 hours, while it increased gradually Architecture, Henan University of Technology, Zhengzhou, China. His
after 24 hours. At small cycle periods, the chloride penetrated research interests include chloride transport in concrete structures and
durability of concrete structures.
into the concrete faster as the time period increased because
the absorption of the external solution during wetting and ACI member Xiang-Lin Gu is a Professor in the State Key Laboratory
the chloride diffusion during drying were more sufficient in for Disaster Reduction in Civil Engineering at Tongji University, Shanghai,
China. He is also in the Department of Structural Engineering at Tongji
a cycle. The result also indicated that the decrease of the University. His research interests include fundamental theories of rein-
critical time at the small cycle periods was more signifi- forced concrete and masonry structures, life-cycle analysis of structures,
cant with a larger depth. This is because the chloride trans- and numerical simulation of structural behaviors.
port in the concrete at a larger depth was mainly due to the Zhi-Lu Jiang is a Doctoral Student in the State Key Laboratory for
diffusion mechanism, while the convection flow of chloride Disaster Reduction in Civil Engineering at Tongji University. He is also
had more control over chloride absorption in concrete at a in the Department of Structural Engineering at Tongji University. His
research interests include water transport in concrete and durability of
smaller depth. The diffusion process was much slower than concrete structures.
convection and, thus, was more sensitive to the period time
in a cycle. When the cycle period was further increased, Wei-Ping Zhang is a Professor in the State Key Laboratory for Disaster
Reduction in Civil Engineering at Tongji University. He is also in the
the cycle number at the same exposure time decreased Department of Structural Engineering at Tongji University. His research
and, thus, the acceleration effect of the cyclic environment interests include the areas of reliability assessment of existing structures
was decreased. The acceleration effect was greater for the and durability of concrete structures.
concrete with a smaller depth, so the increase of the critical
time with increasing periods was more significant. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
This study is financially supported by National Natural Science Founda-
tion of China (Grant No. 51320105013) and the National Basic Research
CONCLUSIONS Program of China (973 Program) (Grant No. 2015CB655103).
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