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Crearea de evenimente de presă

Specialiștii în relații publice au posibilitatea ca atunci când nu există un eveniment pe care

să-l exploateze pentru a face o imaginea organizației) să-l creeze în mod deliberat.
Acesta poate fi creat pentru:
• a comunica indirect cu publicul, evenimentul respectiv vorbind „de la sine" mai mult decât
oricare alte manifestări publice; astfel se dispune de un suport perfect adaptat și susceptibil
de a pune în valoare mai bine un mesaj determinat. În funcție de mesaj trebuie ales
evenimentul capabil să antreneze prin urmările sale (directe sau indirecte prin presă), în
mod corespunzător publicul vizat:
• a acoperi lipsa sau insuficiența unei informații: în acest sens este posibil ca organizația,
după exploatarea tuturor informațiilor posibile să mobilizeze interesul publicului. Crearea
unui eveniment este, în aceste condiții, o soluție:
• a da un impact maxim unei informații care dacă ar fi fost difuzată prin mijloacele clasice nu
ar fi avut aceeași audiență.
Câteva exemple în acest sens sunt:
 crearea și acordarea unei burse de studii;
 organizarea vizitării unei uzine/întreprinderi;
 organizarea unor vizite de tipul „porți deschise”;
 organizarea unui congres;
 crearea unei expoziții fixe sau itinerante;
 crearea unor manifestări împreună cu (alte) instituții de învățământ;
 organizarea de conferințe, colocvii, seminarii etc.;
 determinarea intervenției unor personalități;
 plasarea în cadrul unei acțiuni pe plan național;
 inițierea unei manifestări culturale sau sportive;
 inițierea unei competiții profesionale;
 realizarea unui sondaj, a unui studiu etc.

Creating memorable media events 101

Posted at 11:11h in Branding, Canberra, events, marketing, media, Media Release, PR, public
relations by Lauren Griffiths

Creating an awesome media event. You know you want to do it.

What’s involved exactly?

Threesides has been working with a great Canberra client, PANDSI, to help them attract media
attention for their major fundraising event, the PANDSI Cake Off.
PANDSI is a local organisation that assists Canberra families experiencing post and ante natal
depression and anxiety. And as a way to raise much needed funds, they’re hosting the PANDSI
Cake Off on 7 May 2016 at the Hyatt Hotel Canberra where all 107 cakes from the iconic
Australian Women’s’ Weekly Children’s Birthday Cake Book Cook Book will be made and
displayed at the same time, for the first time ever.

Understandably the event has already attracted a huge amount of media attention with coverage
on Channel 7’s Weekend Sunrise, The Canberra Times, Radio National , The Motherish, 666
ABC Radio, Her Canberra, City News, Frankie, and Canberra FM.

But wait there’s more…on PANDSI Cake Off day, several major media outlets will be attending
for further coverage including ABC Australia Wide, Getty Images and the Australian Women’s
Weekly digital team.

So why so much attention? We think the PANDSI Cake Off has the perfect combination needed
for a great media event.

They’ve taken all the right ingredients, mixed them well and employed some tried and true
methods to bake this baby to media perfection – just like those 107 iconic cakes!

So with the PANDSI Cake Off example in mind, here’s our top tips to creating strong media

 Take a great idea and build on it – Find something you’ve done before that’s worked
well and build upon it to attract more attention. The idea for the PANDSI Cake Off was
born after local Social Justice Journalist and PANDSI Ambassador, Ginger Gorman,
wrote a piece on the Australian Women’s’ Weekly Children’s Birthday Cake Book Cook
Book for Her story went viral which spawned the idea for the Cake Off. If it
got that much attention then…
 Go for a first – do something that’s never been done before and you’re bound to get the
media there in droves. World records, Australian firsts, quirky competitions, be the first
to…create all 107 cakes from a famous Australian cook book!
 Find links to existing media – go with what you know and who you know. Utilise media
links you already have and build from there.
 Make it fun – no one wants to be serious all the time. Go for fun, colourful events that
break up the monotony of every day news. Media are often seeking good news stories
with quirky and interesting angles.
 Involve a charity – charity angles go a long way. Get your fun on, but make sure there’s
a good cause behind it and you can’t go wrong.
 Clear messaging – don’t overcomplicate it. Stick to ‘this is what we’re doing, this is why
we’re doing it, these are the photo ops, here’s who you can talk to, here’s some visuals
 Find something that resonates with different ages for different reasons – the broader
your event’s appeal has to different age groups, the more media attention you’re likely to
attract. PANDSI Cake Off is of interest to anyone who grew up with the original cook
book as a child, children of parents who make cakes for them now, anyone who’s
experienced post or ante natal depression and/or anxiety, anyone who loves giving to
great local causes, anyone who loves cake!
 Good talent – you cannot underestimate the value of strong spokespeople who know
how to work with media. Find a few different people who can deliver different messages
for different outlets. Give your media some choice.
 Great visuals – a picture says a thousand words. Make sure you have strong visuals to
support your story ahead of your actual event. Sure, media can take photos or video on
the day, but you’ll need strong, original images if you want coverage in the lead up to the
event, and to attract media to actually attend your event.
 Employ professionals with extensive media events experience – that’s where
Threesides comes in!

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