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Calculate The Rock Properties Effect to Forecast The Life of Production

Wells Using Generalized Material Balance Equation

Eirene Dewi Apriliani Walelang, Dwi Indra Lesmana, Sonny Cristian, Mohammad Muhajir,
Daryat Riwalino, Rheynaldi Tamba, Pebri Yuda P, Astari Marsiyani, Eirene Pyx Pomantow,
Yoga Pratama, Indra Bangsawan

Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Minyak& Gas Bumi

To find out how the oil recovery can be taken from a Reservoir, it is required accurate
data about the reservoir properties, both rock and fluid properties itself.
The participant should be able to define the following reservoir properties and understand
their importance in the overall reservoir development scheme: rock properties (porosity,
permeability, fluid saturation, compressibility, anisotropy), fluid properties (phase behavior,
PVT relationships, density, viscosity, compressibility, formation volume factor, gas-oil ratio),
rock/fluid interactions (wettability, interfacial tension, capillary pressure, relative
Most petroleum software tools are capable of estimating the properties of reservoir
fluid when certain basic information is available. One of them is Material Balance Equation
(MBE). The material balance equation (MBE) has long been recognized as one of the basic
tools of reservoir engineers for interpreting and predicting reservoir performance.
In this paper we will analyze the effects of changes each rock properties with fluid
properties and other things are in the same condition. It should be noted that when performing
material balance calculations, the rock properties can be affected the future of the wells.
INTRODUCTION The material of which a petroleum
Fluid and rock properties control the reservoir rock may be composed can range
volume of original hydrocarbon in place from very loose and unconsolidated sand to
and the recoverable oil and gas. In this a very hard and dense sandstone, limestone,
paper we will discuss how to analyze life of or dolomite. The grains may be bonded
production well with increasing value of the together with a number of materials, the
rock properties step by step. In this analyze most common of which are silica, calcite,
we will assume that value outside of rock or clay. Knowledge of the physical
properties is same. We only replace the properties of the rock and the existing
value of rock Properties to get optimum life interaction between the hydrocarbon
of production well. So based on results we system and the formation is essential in
can choose the right methode to develop understanding and evaluating the
this are based on condition rock properties. performance of a given reservoir. Rock
properties are determined by performing
laboratory analyses on cores from the
1 Rock Properties reservoir to be evaluated. The cores are
removed from the reservoir environment,
with subsequent changes in the core bulk void spaces by excessive cementation.
volume, pore volume, reservoir fluid Thus, many of the void spaces are
saturations, and, sometimes, formation interconnected while some of the pore
wettability. The effect of these changes on spaces are completely isolated. This leads
rock properties may range from negligible to two distinct types of porosity, namely:
to substantial, depending on characteristics • Absolute porosity
of the formation and property of interest, • Effective porosity
and should be evaluated in the testing
program. There are basically two main 1.1.1 Absolute porosity
categories of core analysis tests that are The absolute porosity is defined as
performed on core samples regarding the ratio of the total pore space inthe rock to
physical properties of reservoir rocks. that of the bulk volume. A rock may have
These are: considerableabsolute porosity and yet have
Routine core analysis tests no conductivity to fluid for lack of pore
• Porosity interconnection. The absolute porosity is
• Permeability generally expressed mathematically by the
• Saturation following relationships:
Special tests
• Overburden pressure
• Capillary pressure
• Relative permeability
• Wettability
• Surface and interfacial tension
The above rock property data are
essential for reservoir engineering
calculations as they directly affect both the
quantity and the distribution of 1.1.2 Effective porosity
hydrocarbons and, when combined with The effective porosity is the
fluid properties, control the flow of the percentage of interconnected pore space
existing phases (i.e., gas, oil, and water) with respect to the bulk volume, or
within the reservoir.

1.1 Porosity
The porosity of a rock is a measure
of the storage capacity (pore volume) that is
capable of holding fluids. Quantitatively,
the porosity is the ratio of the pore volume The effective porosity is the value that is
to the total volume (bulk volume). This used in all reservoir engineering
important rock property is determined calculations because it represents the
mathematically by the following interconnected pore space that contains the
generalized relationship: recoverable hydrocarbon fluids. Porosity
may be classified according to the mode of
origin as original induced. The original
porosity is that developed in the deposition
of the material, while induced porosity is
that developed by some geologic process
As the sediments were deposited and the subsequent to deposition of the rock. The
rocks were being formed during past intergranular porosity of sandstones and the
geological times, some void spaces that intercrystalline and oolitic porosity of some
developed became isolated from the other limestones typify original porosity. Induced
porosity is typified by fracture development Applying the above mathematical concept
as found in shales and limestones and by the of saturation to each reservoir fluid gives
slugs or solution cavities commonly found
in limestones. Rocks having original
porosity are more uniform in their
characteristics than those rocks in which a
large part of the porosity is included. For
direct quantitative measurement of
porosity, reliance must be placed on
formation samples obtained by coring.
Since effective porosity is the porosity
value of interest to the petroleum engineer,
particular attention should be paid to the Thus, all saturation values are based on
methods used to determine porosity. For pore volume and not on the gross reservoir
example, if the porosity of a rock sample volume. The saturation of each individual
was determined by saturating the rock phase ranges between zero to 100%. By
sample 100% with a fluid of known density definition, the sum of the saturations is
and then determining, by weighing, the 100%, therefore:
increased weight due to the saturating fluid,
this would yield an effective porosity Sg + So + Sw = 1
measurement because the saturating fluid
could enter only the interconnected pore The fluids in most reservoirs are believed to
spaces. On the other hand, if the rock have reached a state of equilibrium and,
sample were crushed with a mortar and therefore, will have become separated
pestle to determine the actual volume of the according to their density, i.e., oil overlain
solids in the core sample, then anabsolute by gas and underlain by water. In addition
porosity measurement would result because to the bottom (or edge) water, there will be
the identity of any isolated pores would be connate water distributed throughout the oil
lost in the crushing process. One important and gas zones. The water in these zones will
application of the effective porosity is its have been reduced to some irreducible
use in determining the original hydrocarbon minimum. The forces retaining the water in
volume in place. Consider a reservoir with the oil and gas zones are referred to as
an areal extent of A acres and an average capillary forces because they are important
thickness of h feet. only in pore spaces of capillary size.
Connate (interstitial) water saturation Swc
1.2 Saturation is important primarily because it reduces
Saturation is defined as that the amount of space available between oil
fraction, or percent, of the pore volume and gas. It is generally not uniformly
occupied by a particular fluid (oil, gas, or distributed throughout the reservoir but
water). This property is expressed varies with permeability, lithology, and
mathematically by the following height above the free water table. Another
relationship: particular phase saturation of interest is
called the critical saturation and it is
associated with each reservoir fluid. The
definition and the significance of the
critical saturation for each phase is
described below.
1.2.1 Critical oil saturation (Soc) and water—are placed on a clean glass
For the oil phase to flow, the plate. The three droplets are then observed
saturation of the oil must exceed a certain from one side as illustrated in Figure 1.3.1.
value, which is termed critical oil It is noted that the mercury retains a
saturation. At this particular saturation, the spherical shape, the oil droplet developsan
oil remains in the pores and, for all practical approximately hemispherical shape, but the
purposes, will not flow. water tends to spread over the glass
surface.The tendency of a liquid to spread
1.2.2 Residual oil saturation (Sor) over the surface of a solid is an indication
During the displacing process of the of the wetting characteristics of the liquid
crude oil system from the porous media by for the solid. This spreading tendency can
water or gas injection (or encroachment), be expressed more conveniently by
there will be some remaining oil left that is measuring the angle of contact at the liquid-
quantitatively characterized by a saturation solid surface. This angle, which is always
value that is larger than the critical oil measured through the liquid to the solid, is
saturation. This saturation value is called called the contact angle θ.The contact angle
the residual oil saturation, Sor. The term θ has achieved significance as a measure of
residual saturation is usually associated wettability. As shown in Figure, as the
with the nonwetting phase when it is being contact angle decreases, the wetting
displaced by a wetting phase. characteristics of the liquid increase.
Complete wettability would be evide
1.2.3 Average Saturation ncedby a zero contact angle, and complete
Proper averaging of saturation data nonwetting would be evidenced by a
requires that the saturation values be contact angle of 180°. There have been
weighted by both the interval thickness hi various definitions of intermediate
and interval porosity φ. The average wettability but, in much of the published
saturation of each reservoir fluid is literature, contact angles of 60° to 90° will
calculated from the following equations: tend to repel the liquid.The wettability of
reservoir rocks to the fluids is important in
that the distribution of the fluids in the
porous media is a function of wettability.
Because of the attractive forces, the wetting
phase tends to occupy the smaller pores of
the rock and the nonwetting phase occupies
the more open channels.

Fig. 1.3.1
1.3 Wettability
1.4 Permeability
Wettability is defined as the
Permeability is a property of the
tendency of one fluid to spread on oradhere
porous medium that measures the capacity
to a solid surface in the presence of other
and ability of the formation to transmit
immiscible fluids. The concept of
fluids. The rock permeability (k), is a very
wettability is illustrated in Figure 1.3.1.
important rock property because it controls
Small drops of three liquids—mercury, oil,
the directional movement and the flow rate
of the reservoir fluids in the formation. This A reservoir thousands of feet
rock characterization was first defined underground is subjected to an overburden
mathematically by Henry Darcy in 1856. In pressure caused by the weight of the
fact, the equation that defines permeability overlying formations. Overburden
in terms of measurable quantities is called Pressures vary from area to area depending
Darcy’s Law. on factors such as depth, nature of the
As shown in picture above , there are structure, consolidation of the formation,
several factors that must be considered as and possibly the geologic age and history of
possible sources of error in determining the rocks. Depth of the formation is the
reservoir permeability. These factors are: most important consideration, and a typical
1. Core sample may not be value of overburden pressure is
representative of the reservoir rock approximately one psi per foot of depth.
because of reservoir heterogeneity. The weight of the overburden simply
2. Core recovery may be incomplete. applies a compressive force to the reservoir.
3. Permeability of the core may be The pressure in the rock pore spaces does
altered when it is cut, or when it is not normally approach the overburden
cleaned and dried in preparation for pressure. A typical pore pressure,
analysis. This problem is likely to commonly referred to as the reservoir
occur when the rock contains pressure, is approximately 0.5 psi per foot
reactive clays. of depth, assuming that the reservoir is
4. Sampling process may be biased. sufficiently consolidated so the overburden
There is a temptation to select the pressure is not transmitted to the fluids in
best parts of the core for analysis. the pore spaces. The pressure difference
between overburden and internal pore
pressure is referred to as the effective
overburden pressure. During pressure
depletion operations, the internal pore
pressure decreases and, therefore, the
effective overburden pressure increases.
This increase causes the following effects:
• The bulk volume of the reservoir rock
is reduced.
• Sand grains within the pore spaces
These two volume changes tend to reduce
the pore space and, therefore, the porosity
of the rock. Often these data exhibit
relationships with both porosity and the
effective overburden pressure.
Permeability is measured by passing a fluid of Compressibility typically decreases with
known viscosity through a core plug of increasing porosity and effective
measured dimensions (A and L) and then overburden pressure.
measuring flow rate q and pressure drop ∆p.
Solving Equation 4-40 for the permeability, 2 The Material Balance Equation
gives: (MBE)
The material balance equation
(MBE) has long been recognized as one of
the basic tools of reservoir engineers for
interpreting and predicting reservoir
1.5 Rock Compressibility
performance. The MBE, when properly m = Ratio of initial gas-cap-gas
applied, can be used to: reservoir volume to initial reservoir
• Estimate initial hydrocarbon volumes in oil volume, bbl/bbl
place, cw = Water compressibility, psi−1
• Predict future reservoir performance, cf = Formation / rock compressibility,
• Predict ultimate hydrocarbon recovery psi−1
under various types of primary driving Swc = Saturation Water Connate, Fraksi
The equation is structured to simply METHODOLOGY
keep inventory of all materials entering,
leaving, and accumulating in the reservoir.
Determining Parameter Choose Corellation Based
The concept of the material balance To Build MBAL Forecast of On Calculation Fluid
Life Production Properties Match
equation was presented by Schilthuis in
1941. In its simplest form, the equation can
be written on volumetric basis as:
Initial volume = volume remaining +
Input Data Rock and Fluid
Regressing Data Using
volume removed Analytical Methode In
Properties Witnh
Increasing 20% Of Each
History Matching
Since oil, gas, and water are present in Analyze

petroleum reservoirs, the material balance

Run Simulation In History Input Data In Production

Matching Prediction

equation can be expressed for the total

fluids or for any one of the fluids present. Save Each Result In File
Excel And Analyze For Run Production Prediction
Before deriving the material balance, it is Each End Forcasting Life And See the result
of Production Well
convenient to denote certain terms by
symbols for brevity. The symbols used
conform where possible to the standard
nomenclature adopted by the Society of Make Conclusion And
Petroleum Engineers. Choose Methode To
Increase Value Of Rock

N = Initial (original) oil in place, STB

Np = Cumulative oil produced, STB
Wp = Cumulative water produced, bbl
Rp = Cumulative gas-oil ratio, scf/STB
Rsi = Initial gas solubility, scf/STB
Rs = Gas solubility, scf/STB
Boi = Initial oil formation volume
factor, bbl/STB
Bo = Oil formation volume factor,
Bgi = Initial gas formation volume
factor, bbl/scf
Bg = Gas formation volume factor,
Bw = Water Formation Volume Factor,
We = Cumulative water influx, bbl
RESULT & DISCUSSION enough, then will get more of oil. So the
production becomes faster and ages well be
Data Result of this analyze using condition shorter too.
Pb 2200 psig
GOR 500 scf/stb Increasing Saturation Water
FVF 1.32 rb/stb
viscosity 0.4 cp
oil gravity 39 API
gas gravity 0.798
salinity 100000 ppm
Pi 4000
Based on the result that have been analyze
porosity 0.23 in material balance software we can see that
saturation 0.15 with the increase of Sw of 20% to 100%
OIIP 210.867 causing changes in the age of the
Start of Production 01/01/2001 production wells and tend to extend the life
reservoir thickness 250 feet of the well it is because of the increased
reservoir radius 2500 feet value of water saturation makes the
Outer/Inner radius tendency of water to enter the rock is
ratio 5 greater thus inhibiting oil to migrate during
Encroachment Angle 180 derajat production.
Aquifer Permeability 10 md
Residual Increasing Residual Oil Saturation In
Saturation End Point Exponent Relative Permeability
Krw 0.15 0.63 0.84
Kro 0.15 0.8 1.5478
Krg 0.2 0.9 1
Based on this data we input the condition
for each parameter and we replace every
rock properties condition by increase 20%
of first value but for the Kro Krw And Krg
we not increase until 100% because Based on the result that have been analyze
maximum of Kro, Krw, And Krg is 1. And in material balance software we can see that
the result we can see in the table. with the increase of Saturation oil of 20%
to 100% will make the cumulative oil
Increasing Porosity produced decreased, thus affecting the life
of production wells where the age of the
well decreases.

Increasing Residual Gas Saturation In

Relative Permeability

Based on the result that have been

analyze in material balance software we can
see that with the increase of porosity of 20%
to 100% gradually affect the value of the
end of production tend to change with the
value decline but not drastically. This is Based on the result that have been analyze
caused due to the porosity values are good in material balance software we can see that
with the increase of Saturation gas of 20%
to 100% causes a change in the life of
production wells which tended to last
longer because when Saturation gas is high,
the fluid gas in porous also high, so it makes
the oil reserves that we get is much more.

Increasing Relative Permeability Water Based on the result that have been analyze
in material balance software we can see that
with the increase of all rock properties
components of 20% to 100%, the life of
production wells will be longer. It is
because of the increased value of all rock
properties component can caused the OOIP
Based on the result that have been analyze rises, so the age of the wells will be longer.
in material balance software we can see that
with the increase of Krw in the amount of CONCLUSION AND WAY
20% to 40% we still can get the end of FORWARD
production. But in range 60% to 100% we  Based on the data that we’ve
can not get the end of production because
obtained, to acquire the long life of
the value of Krw has exceeded the limit.
production wells we need to
Increasing Relative Permeability Oil increase whole component of rock
properties not only by increasing the
amount of it.
 If we just increase the amount of
rock properties (eg, only increases
the porosity, or saturation, or
permeability) the life of production
wells will not be longer, and even
Based on the result that have been analyze it’s age are getting shorter.
in material balance software we can see that  And for the way forward, based on
with the increase of Kro in the amount of the result that have been analyze in
20% we still can get the end of production. material balance software, the
But in range 40% to 100% we can not get increase of all rock properties
the end of production because the value of
components can achieve or
Kro has exceeded the limit.
approaching that value by using the
The Comparison of All Rock Properties method of stimulation of wells,
be Increased which can provide a large
production rate, which is ultimately
the productivity of the well will be
greater than prior.

Ahmed, Tarek, Advanced Reservoir
Engineering, Gulf Publishing Company,
Houston, Texas, 2005

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