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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development(IJTSRD)

International Open Access Journal

ISSN:2456-6470 ——Volume -2—Issue-5

Department of Mathematics
College of Education, Konkuk University
120 Neungdong-Ro, Kwangjin-Gu, Seoul, Korea
e-mail address:

Abstract phenomenon of boiling accompanies high heat

The nonlinear asymmetric Kelvin-Helmholtz and mass transfer rates which are significant in
stability of the cylindrical interface between the determining the flow field and the stability of the
vapor and liquid phases of a fluid is studied when system.
the phases are enclosed between two cylindri- Hsieh [1] presented a simplified formulation
cal surfaces coaxial with the interface, and when of interfacial flow problem with mass and heat
there is mass and heat transfer across the inter- transfer, and studied the problems of Rayleigh-
face. The method of multiple time expansion is Taylor and Kelvin-Helmholtz stability in plane
used for the investigation. The evolution of am- geometry.
plitude is shown to be governed by a nonlinear The mechanism of heat and mass transfer
first order differential equation. The stability cri- across an interface is important in various indus-
terion is discussed, and the region of stability is trial applications such as design of many types of
displayed graphically. Also investigated in this contacting equipment, e.g., boilers, condensers,
paper is the viscous linear potential flow. pipelines, chemical reactors, and nuclear reac-
Keywords Kelvin-Helmholtz stability, Mass tors, etc.
and heat Transfer, Cylindrical flow.0 In the nuclear reactor cooling of fuel rods by
liquid coolants, the geometry of the system in
1. Introduction many cases is cylindrical. We have, therefore,
considered the interfacial stability problem of
In dealing with flow of two fluids divided by a cylindrical flow with mass and heat transfer.
an interface, the problem of interfacial stability is Nayak and Chakraborty[2] studied the Kelvin-
usually studied with the neglect of heat and mass Helmholtz stability of the cylindrical interface
transfer across the interface. However, there are between the vapor and liquid phases of a fluid,
situations when the effect of mass and heat trans- when there is a mass and heat transfer across
fer across the interface should be taken into ac-
count in stability discussions. For instance, the
@IJTSRD— Available—Volume-2—Issue-5—Jul-Aug 2018 Page:1405

the interface, while Elhefnawy[3] studied the ef- first order theory and the linear dispersion re-
fect of a periodic radial magnetic field on the lation are obtained in Sec.3. In Sec .4 we have
Kelvin-Helmholtz stability of the cylindrical in- derived second order solutions. In Sec.5 a first
terface between two magnetic fluids when there order nonlinear differential equation is obtained,
is mass and heat transfer across the interface. and the situations of the stability and instability
The analysis of these studies was confined within are summarized. In Sec.6 we investigate linear
the frame work of linear theory. They both found viscous potential flow. In Sec.7 some numerical
that the dispersion relations are independent of examples are presented.
the rate of interfacial mass and heat transfer. 2. Formulation of the problem and basic
Hsieh[4] found that from the linearized analysis, equations0
when the vapor region is hotter than the liquid
region, as is usually so, the effect of mass and We shall use a cylindrical system of coordi-
heat transfer tends to inhibit the growth of the nates (r, θ, z) so that in the equilibrium state
instability. Thus for the problem of film boil- z−axis is the axis of asymmetry of the system.
ing, the instability would be reduced yet would The central solid core has a radius a. In the
persist according to linear analysis. equilibrium state the fluid phase ”1”, of den-
sity ρ(1) , occupies the region a < r < R, and,
It is clear that such a uniform model based the fluid phase ”2”, of density ρ(2) , occupies the
on the linear theory is inadequate to answer the region R < r < b. The inner and outer fluids
question of whether and how the effect of heat are streaming along the z axis with uniform ve-
and mass transfer would stabilize the system, but locities U1 and U2 , respectively. The temper-
the nonlinear analysis is needed to answer the atures at r = a, r = R, and r = b are taken
question. as T1 , T0 , and T2 respectively. The bounding
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the surfaces r = a, and r = b are taken as rigid.
Kelvin-Helmholtz asymmetric nonlinear stability The interface, after a disturbance, is given by
of cylindrical interface between the vapor and the equation
liquid phases of a fluid when there is a mass and
heat transfer across the interface. F (r, z, t) = r − R − η(θ, z, t) = 0, (2.1)

The nonlinear problem of Rayleigh-Taylor in- where η is the perturbation in radius of the inter-
stability of a system in a cylindrical geometry is, face from its equilibrium value R, and for which
however, studied by the present author in (Lee[5- the outward normal vector is written as
6]). ½ µ ¶ µ ¶2 ¾−1/2
∇F 1 ∂η 2 ∂η
n= = 1+ +
The multiple time scale method is used to ob- |∇F | r ∂θ ∂z
tain a first order nonlinear differential equation, µ ¶
from which conditions for the stability and in- 1 ∂η ∂η
× er − eθ − ez , (2.2)
stability are determined. r ∂θ ∂z
In more recent years,Awashi, Asthana and we assume that fluid velocity is irrotational in
Zuddin[7] considered a problem in which a vis- the region so that velocity potentials are φ(1) and
cous potential flow theory is used to study the φ(2) for fluid phases 1 and 2. In each fluid phase
nonlinear Kelvin-Helmholtz instability of the in-
∇2 φ(j) = 0. (j = 1, 2) (2.3)
terface between two viscous ,incompressible and
thermally conducting fluids. The solutions for φ(j) (j = 1, 2) have to satisfy
The basic equations with the accompanying the boundary conditions. The relevant bound-
boundary conditions are given in Sec.2. The ary conditions for our configuration are
(i) On the rigid boundaries r = a and r = b:
@IJTSRD— Available—Volume-2—Issue-5—Jul-Aug 2018 Page:1406

The normal field velocities vanish on both cen- K1 (T1 − T0 )

− , (2.8)
tral solid core and the outer bounding surface. (R + η)(log(R + η) − log a)
and we expand it about r = R by Taylor’s ex-
=0 on r = a, (2.4) pansion, such as
∂φ(2) S(η) = S(0) + ηS 0 (0) + η 2 S 00 (0) + · · · , (2.9)
=0 on r = b, (2.5) 2
∂r and we take S(0) = 0, so that
(ii) On the interface r = R + η(θ, z, t): K2 (T0 − T2 ) K1 (T1 − T0 )
= = G(say), (2.10)
(1) The conservation of mass across the inter- R log(b/R) R log(R/a)
face: indicating that in equilibrium state the heat
fluxes are equal across the interface in the two
·· µ ¶¸¸ fluids.
ρ + ∇φ · ∇F = 0,
∂t From (2.1), (2.7), and (2.9), we have
·· µ ¶¸¸ µ (1) ¶
∂φ ∂η 1 ∂η ∂φ ∂η ∂φ (1) ∂φ ∂η 1 ∂η ∂φ(1) ∂η ∂φ(1)
or ρ − − − = 0, ρ − − −
∂r ∂t r ∂θ ∂θ ∂z ∂z ∂r ∂t r ∂θ ∂θ ∂z ∂z
= α(η + α2 η 2 + α3 η 3 ), (2.11)
where [[ h]] represents the difference in a quantity
as we cross the interface,i.e., [[ h]] = h(2) − h(1) , where
where superscripts refer to upper and lower flu- G log(b/a)
α= ,
ids, respectively. LR log(b/R) log(R/a)
µ ¶
(2) The interfacial condition for energy is 1 3 1 1
α2 = − + − ,
µ ¶ R 2 log(b/R) log(R/a)
∂F ·
Lρ(1) + ∇φ(1) · ∇F = S(η), (2.7) 1 11 2 log(R2 /ab)
∂t α3 = 2 −
R 6 log(b/R) log(R/a)
where L is the latent heat released when the fluid ¸
log (b/R) + log3 (R/a)
is transformed from phase 1 to phase 2. Phys- + .
ically, the left-hand side of (2.7) represents the {log(b/R) log(R/a)}2 log(b/a)
latent heat released during the phase transforma- (3) The conservation of momentum balance,
tion, while S(η) on the right-hand side of (2.7) by taking into account the mass transfer across
represents the net heat flux, so that the energy the interface, is
will be conserved. µ ¶
(1) (1) ∂F (1)
ρ (∇φ · ∇F ) + ∇φ · ∇F
In the equilibrium state, the heat fluxes in ∂t
µ ¶
the direction of r increasing in the fluid phase (2) (2) ∂F (2)
= ρ (∇φ · ∇F ) + ∇φ · ∇F
1 and 2 are −K1 (T1 − T0 )/R log(a/R) and ∂t
−K2 (T0 − T2 )/R log(R/b), where K1 and K2 are +(p2 − p1 + σ∇ · n)|∇F |2 , (2.12)
the heat conductivities of the two fluids. As in
where p is the pressure and σ is the surface ten-
Hsieh(1978), we denote
sion coefficient, respectively.0 By eliminating the
K2 (T0 − T2 ) pressure by Bernoulli’s equation we can rewrite
S(η) =
(R + η)(log b − log(R + η)) the above condition (2.12) as


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·· ½ µ ¶ µ ¶ µ ¶ ½ µ ¶ µ ¶2 ¾−1
∂φ 1 ∂φ 2 1 1 ∂φ 2 1 ∂φ 2 1 ∂η 2 ∂η
ρ + + + − 1+ +
∂t 2 ∂r 2 r ∂θ 2 ∂z r ∂θ ∂z
µ ¶µ ¶¾¸¸
∂φ ∂η 1 ∂φ ∂η ∂φ ∂η ∂φ ∂η 1 ∂φ ∂η ∂φ
× + − + + −
∂z ∂z r2 ∂θ ∂θ ∂r ∂t ∂z ∂z r2 ∂θ ∂θ ∂r
½ µ ¶2 ¾
σ 1 ∂η 2
= 1+
(R + η)|∇F | r ∂θ |∇F |2
· 2 ½ µ ¶ ¾ ½ µ ¶2 ¾¸
σ ∂ η 1 ∂η 2 2 ∂η ∂ 2 η ∂η 1 ∂2η ∂η
− 3 2
1+ − 2 + 2 2 1+ . (2.13)
|∇F | ∂z r ∂θ r ∂θ ∂θ∂z ∂z r ∂θ ∂z
When the interface is perturbed from the equi- It is clear from the above inequality that the
librium η = 0 to η = A exp[i(kz + mθ − ωt)], the streaming has a destabilizing effect on the stabil-
dispersion relation for the linearized problem is ity of a cylindrical interface, because Em (2)
is al-
ways negative from the properties of Bessel func-
tions. (ii) when α 6= 0, we find that necessary
D(ω, k, m) = a0 ω 2 + (a1 + ib1 )ω + a2 + ib2 = 0, and sufficient stability conditions for (2.14) are
(2.14) [3]
where b1 > 0, (2.18)
a0 = ρ(1) Em
− ρ(2) Em
, and
a1 = (2)
2k{ρ Em (2)
U2 − ρ(1) Em
U1 }, a0 b22 − a1 b1 b2 + a2 b21 < 0, (2.19)
(1) (2) 0
b1 = α{Em − Em }, since a0 is always positive.
a2 = k 2 {ρ(1) Em
(1) 2
U1 − ρ(2) Em(2) 2
U2 } Putting the values of a0 , a1 , a2 , b1 and b2
σ 2 2 2 from(2.14) into(2.18) and( 2.19) we notice that
− 2 (R k + m − 1),
R the condition (2.18) is trivially satisfied since α
b2 = αk{Em (1)
U2 − Em U1 }, is always positive, and from properties of Bessel
functions Em is always negative. From (2.19), it
where for the simplicity of notation, we used can be shown that the condition for the stability
Em (j)
= Em (k, R), (j = 1, 2) of the system is
(1) (2) (1) 2 (2)
(j) σ 2 2 2 2 ρ ρ Em Em (U2 − U1 )
where Em (k, R), (j = 1, 2) are explained by (R k +m −1)+k
(3.4)-(3.5). (i) When α = 0, (2.14) reduces to R2 (1) (2)
ρ(1) Em − ρ(2) Em
· ¸
a0 ω 2 + a1 ω + a2 = 0. (2.15) (1) (2)
Em Em (ρ(1) − ρ(2) )2
× 1− (1) (2)
> 0. (2.20)
Therefore the system is stable if (Em − Em )2 ρ(1) ρ(2)
The stability condition (2.20) differs from (2.17)
a21 − 4a0 a2 > 0, (2.16)
by the additional last term:
or (1) (2) (1) (2)
σ Em Em (ρ(1) − ρ(2) )2 /[ρ(1) ρ(2) (Em − Em )2 ].
(R2 k 2 + m2 − 1) Thus the condition (2.20) is valid for infinites-
imal α and when α = 0 the last term is absent.
(1) (2)
ρ(1) ρ(2) Em Em (U2 − U1 )2 We now employ multiscale expansion near the
+k 2 (1) (2)
> 0. (2.17)
ρ(1) Em − ρ(2) Em critical wave number. The critical wave number
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is attained when a2 = b2 = 0. The corresponding The first order solutions will reproduce the lin-
critical frequency, ωc is zero for this case. ear wave solutions for the critical case and the
Introducing ² as a small parameter, we as- solutions of (2.3) subject to boundary conditions
sume the following expansion of the variables: yield
X η1 = A(t1 , t2 )eiϑ + Ā(t1 , t2 )e−iϑ , (3.1)
η= n 4
² ηn (θ, z, t0 , t1 , t2 ) + O(² ), (2.21) µ ¶
(1) α (1)
n=1 φ1 = + ikU1 A(t1 , t2 )Em (k, r)eiϑ + c.c.,
X µ ¶ (3.2)
φ(j) = ²n φ(j) 4
n (r, θ, z, t0 , t1 , t2 )+O(² ), (j = 1, 2) (2) α (2)
n=0 φ1 = + ikU2 A(t1 , t2 )Em (k, r)eiϑ + c.c.,
(2.22) ρ(2)
where tn = ²n t(n = 0, 1, 2).0 The quantities
appearing in the field equations (2.3) and the 0 (ka) − I 0 (ka)K (kr)
boundary conditions (2.6), (2.11), and (2.13) can (1) Im (kr)Km m m
Em (k, r) = 0 0 (ka) − I 0 (ka)K 0 (kR)
now be expressed in Maclaurin series expansion Im (kR)Km m m
around r = R. Then, we use (2.21), and (2.22) (3.4)
I (kr)K 0 (kb) − I 0 (kb)K (kr)
and equate the coefficients of equal power series (2) m m m m
Em (k, r) = 0 0 (kb) − I 0 (kb)K 0 (kR)
in ² to obtain the linear and the successive non- Im (kR)Km m m
linear partial differential equations of various or- (3.5)
∂ ¯
ders. ϑ = kz + mθ, Im (ka) =0
Im (kr)¯r=a , etc.
To solve these equations in the neighborhood with Im and Km are the modified Bessel func-
of the linear critical wave number kc , because of tions of the first and second kinds, respectively.
the nonlinear effect, we assume that the critical
4. Second order solutions.
wave number is shifted to
With the use of the first order solutions , we
obtained the equations for the second order prob-
k = kc + ²2 µ.
3. First Order Solutions.
We take ∇2 φ2 = 0, (j = 1, 2) (4.1)
φ0 = Uj z. (j = 1, 2) and the boundary conditions at r = R.


½ (j) ¾ · ½ ¾½ µ ¶ ¾ ¸
(j) ∂φ2 ∂η2 (j) α 1 2 m2 (j)
ρ − Uj − αη2 = ρ + iUj − 2 k + 2 Em + αα2
∂r ∂z ρ(j) R R
µ ¶
∂A iϑ 1
×A2 e2iϑ + ρ(j) e + c.c. + 2α + α2 |A|2 , (j = 1, 2) (4.2 − 4.3)
∂t1 R
(2) (1) µ 2 ¶
(2) (1) ∂φ2 ∂ η2 1 ∂ 2 η2 η2
ρ U2 − ρ U1 +σ + 2 + 2
∂z ∂z ∂z 2 R ∂θ2 R
½·· µ ¶2 ½ µ 2 ¶ ¾ ¸¸
1 α m 2 2 2 2
=− ρ + ikU −1 − + k Em + 3αU ki − 2ρU k
2 ρ R2
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¾ ·· µ ¶ ¸¸
σ 2 2 2 2 2iϑ ρ α ∂A iϑ
+ 3 (R k + 2 − 7m ) A e + + ikU Em e + c.c.
R k ρ ∂t1
½·· µ 2 ¶½ µ 2 ¶¾¸¸ ¾
α 2 2 2 m 2 σ
− ρ 2 +k U −1 + Em +k + 3 (R k + m − 2) |A|2 .
2 2 2
ρ R2 R
The non secularity condition for the existence of the uniformly valid solution is0
= 0. (4.5)
Equations (4.1) to (4.4) furnish the second order solutions:
µ ¶
η2 = −2 + α2 |A|2 + A2 A2 e2iϑ + Ā2 Ā2 e−2iϑ , (4.6)

(j) (j) (j)

φ2 = B2 A2 e2iϑ E2m (2k, r) + c.c. + b(j) (t0 , t1 , t2 ), (j = 1, 2) (4.7)
where ½·· ½ µ 2 ¶ ¾µ ¶2
1 ρ 2 m 2 α
A2 = −ρi2kU E2m β + Em +k +1 + ikU
D(0, 2k, 2m) 2 R2 ρ
¸¸ ¾
2 σ 2 2 2
+2ρ(kU ) − i3αkU + 3 (2 + R k − 7m ) , (4.8)
½ ¾
(j) (j) α
B2 = β + + 2ikUj A2 , (4.9)
½ ¾½ µ 2 ¶¾
(j) α 1 (j) m 2 αα2
β = (j)
+ ikUj − 2Em 2
+k + (j) , (4.10)
ρ R R ρ
(2) (1)
½·· µ 2 ¶½ µ 2 ¶¾¸¸
∂b ∂b α m
ρ(2) − ρ(1) = ρ 2 + k2 U 2 1 − Em2
(k, R) + k 2
∂t0 ∂t0 ρ R2
µ ¶¾
− 3 k 2 R2 + m2 − 4 − 2Rα2 |A|2 , (4.11)
(j) (j)
whereE2m = E2m (2k, R).
5. Third order solutions
We examine now the third order problem:
∇20 φ3 = 0. (i = 1, 2) (5.1)
(i) (i)
On substituting the values of η1 , φ1 from (3.1)-(3.3) and η2 , φ2 from (4.6)-(4.7) into (A.7), we
(j) (j) (j) ∂A iϑ
φ3 = C3 E2m (k, r)A2 Āeiϑ + E (j) (k, r) e + c.c., (5.2)
·½ µ 2 ¶ ¾ ½ µ 2 ¶ ¾µ ¶
(j) (j) m 2 1 (j) (j) m 2 1 α
C3 = − E2m 2 +k − B2 − 2 Em +k − + ikUj
R2 R R2 R ρ(j)
µ ¶ ½ (j) µ ¶¾µ ¶
1 1 2 2 + m2 Em 3m2 2 3α
× + α2 + k + − +k + ikUj
R 2 R2 R R2 ρ(j)
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µ ¶µ 2 ¶ ½ µ ¶ ¾
α 2m (j) m2 2 α 1
+ (j) − ikUj E − 2 − k + (j) 4α2 + α2 − 3α3
ρ R3 m R ρ R
½µ ¶½ µ 2 ¶ ¾ ¾ ¸
α (j) m 2 1 2αα2
− − ikUj Em +k + + (j) A2 . (j = 1, 2) (5.3)
ρ(j) R2 R ρ
We substitute the first- and second-order solutions into the third order equation. In order to
avoid nonuniformity of the expansion, we again impose the condition that secular terms vanish.
Then from (A.8), we find0
½ ·· µ ¶ ¸¸ ¾
∂D(0, k, m) ∂A α
i + 2σkc µ + ρU + ikU Em kc iµ A + qA2 Ā = 0, (5.4)
∂ω ∂t2 ρ
where ·· µ µ ¶
α 2 2
q = ρ ikU C3 Em + A2 i 3kU − k U
µ ¶½ µ 2 ¶ ¾ µ ¶ µ ¶
α m 2 5 α
+B2 − iU k 2Em E2m +k −1 −i + 2α2 kU + ikU
ρ R2 2R ρ
µ 2 ¶ µ ¶ µ ¶¸¸
3 α2 m 2 kU α m2 2 α2 2 2 α
+ − Em +k i 7 + 5kU i + 2 Em 2 + 3k U − i2 kU
R ρ2 R2 2 ρ R ρ ρ
σ © 3 1 ª
− 4 (2A2 R−4−4Rα2 )(1−m2 )−2A2 R(m2 +k 2 R2 )− (m2 +k 2 R2 )2 + (9m2 +k 2 R2 −6) . (5.5)
R 2 2
We rewrite (5.4) as (iii) a1r > 0, and |A0 |2 < −a1r /a2r : stable
∂A and |A|2 → 0 as t2 → ∞. Thus, a sufficient con-
+ (ã1 + ã2 |A|2 )A = 0, (5.6) dition for stability is a2r > 0, which is due to the
finite amplitude effect. The cylindrical system
which can be easily integrated as
is nonlinearly stabile if a1r > 0 and the initial
|A(t2 )|2 = a1r |A0 |2 exp(−2a1r t) amplitude is sufficiently small.
2 2 −1
×[a1r + a2r |A0 | − a2r |A0 | exp(−2a1r t)] ,
where A0 is the initial amplitude and ajr = 6.Viscous asymmetric linear cylindrical
<ãj , (j = 1, 2) . flow
With a finite initial value |A0 |, |A| may be- In this section we consider the viscous poten-
come infinite when the denominator in (5.7) van- tial flow. For the viscous fluid, (2.12) is now
ishes. Otherwise, |A| will be asymptotically replaced by
bounded. The situation can be summarized as
follows: µ ¶
(1) (1) ∂F (1)
(1) a2r > 0; stable. ρ (∇ϕ · ∇F ) + ∇ϕ · ∇F
(i) a1r > 0; |A| → 0, as t2 → ∞ µ ¶
(ii) a1r < 0; |A|2 → −a1r /a2r , as t2 → ∞ (2) (2) ∂F (2)
= ρ (∇ϕ · ∇F ) + ∇ϕ · ∇F
(2) If a2r < 0,
(i) a1r < 0 ; unstable. +(p2 − p1 − 2µ2 n · ∇ ⊗ ∇ϕ(2) · n
(ii) a1r > 0, and |A0 |2 > −a1r /a2r : unstable. +2µ1 n · ∇ ⊗ ∇ϕ(1) · n + σ∇ · n)|∇F |2 , (6.1)
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where µ1 , µ2 are viscosities of fluid ’1’ and ’2’, for the viscous fluid is same as (2.14), however
respectively and we modify (2.13) accordingly.
a0 = ρ(1) Em (1)
− ρ(2) Em
The nonlinear analysis for the viscous fluid is
(2) (2) (1) (1)
too onerous when the perturbation is asymmet- a1 = 2k{ρ Em U2 − ρ Em U1 },
ric , we are content here with the linear analysis. b1 = α{E (1) − E (2) } + 2(µ1 E (1) − µ2 E (2) ),
m m t t
Then linearizing (2.6), (2.11) and (6.1) we have 2 (1) (1) 2 (2) (2) 2
a2 = k {ρ Em U1 − ρ Em U2 }
·· µ ¶ ¶¸¸ − 2 (R2 k 2 + m2 − 1)
∂φ ∂η ∂η1 Rµ ¶
ρ − − U = 0, (6.2) µ1 (1) µ2 (2)
∂r ∂t ∂z −2α (1) Et − (2) Et ,
ρ ρ
(2) (1)
µ ¶ b2 = αk{Em U2 − Em U1 }
∂φ(1) ∂η ∂η (1) (2)
ρ(1) − − U = αη, (6.3) −2k(µ1 U1 Et − µ2 U2 Et ),
∂r ∂t ∂z
·· µ ¶ ¸¸ with µ ¶
∂φ ∂φ ∂2φ (i) (i) 2 m2 1
ρ + U + 2µ 2 Et =
Em k + 2 − ,
∂t ∂z ∂r k R
µ 2 ¶ and necessary and sufficient stability conditions
∂ η η 1 ∂2η are
= −σ + + . (6.4)
∂z 2 R2 r2 ∂θ2 b1 > 0, (6.5)
When the interface is perturbed to η = and
A exp[i(kz + mθ − ωt), we recover the first order a0 b22 − a1 b1 b2 + a2 b21 < 0, (6.6)
solutions (3.1)-(3.3), and the dispersion relation since a0 is always positive.

7. Numerical examples
In this section we do numerical works using the expressions presented in previous sections for the
film boiling conditions. The vapor and liquid are identified with phase 1 and phase 2, respectively,

FIGURE 1. The critical wave number for m=1.

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so that T1 > T0 > T2 .

In the film boiling, the liquid-vapor interface is of saturation condition and the temperature T0
is set equal to the saturation temperature. The properties of both phases are determined from this
condition. First, in figure 1 we display critical wave number kc , i.e., the value for which ω = 0 in
(2.14) Here we chose ρ1 = 0.001gm/cm3 , ρ2 = 1gm/cm3 , σ = 72.3dyne/cm, b = 2cm, a = 1cm, R =
1.2cm, α = 0.1gm/cm3 s 0

FIGURE 2. The stability diagram for the flow when m=1. The system is stable in the region
between the two upper and lower curves.

Fig.3.Viscous cylindrical flow for m=0.The region above the curve is stable region.

From this figure we can notice that critical wave number increases as the velocity of fluid increases,
the increment rate of the inviscid fluid being sharper at higher fluid velocities. In figure 2 we display
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the region of stability of fluid in the nonlinear analysis as the velocity of one fluid increases while
that of the other fluid remains unchanged. In these figures , u1 remains constant as 1 cm/sec while
u2 varies from 1 cm/sec to 10cm/sec. The region between the two curves is the region of stability,
while in the region above the upper curve, the fluid is unstable.0
In Fig.3 and Fig.4 we present the results for viscous cylindrical linear flow.Here we chose
ρ1 = 0.0001gm/cm3 , ρ2 = 1gm/cm3 , σ = 72.3dyne/cm, b = 2cm, a = 1cm, R = 1.2cm, α =
.1gm/cm3 s, µ1 = 0.00001poise, µ2 = 0.01poise

Fig.4.Viscous cylindrical flow for m=1.The region above the curve is stable region.

8. Conclusions.
The stability of liquids in a cylindrical flow when there is mass and heat transfer across the
interface which depicts the film boiling is studied. Using the method of multiple time scales, a first
order nonlinear differential equation describing the evolution of nonlinear waves is obtained.With
the linear theory the region of stability is the whole plane above a curve like in Fig.3,4, however
with the nonlinear theory it is in the form of a band as shown in Fig.2. Unlike linear theory,
with nonlinear theory, it is evident that the mass and heat transfer plays an important role in the
stability of fluid, in a situation like film boiling.

The interfacial conditions are given on r = R as
Order O(²)
·· µ ¶ ¶¸¸
∂φ1 ∂η1 ∂η1 ∂φ0
ρ − − = 0, (A.1)
∂r ∂T0 ∂z ∂z
µ (1) ¶
(1) ∂φ1 ∂η1 ∂η1 ∂φ0
ρ − − = αη1 , (A.2)
∂r ∂T0 ∂z ∂z
0@IJTSRD— Available—Volume-2—Issue-5—Jul-Aug 2018 Page:1414
·· µ ¶¸¸ µ 2 ¶
∂φ1 ∂φ1 ∂φ0 ∂ η1 η1 1 ∂ 2 η1
ρ + = −σ + 2+ 2 . (A.3)
∂T0 ∂z ∂z ∂z 2 R r ∂θ2
Order O(²2 )0
·· µ ¶¸¸
∂φ2 ∂ 2 φ1 ∂η2 ∂η1 ∂η1 ∂φ1 1 ∂η1 ∂φ1 ∂η2 ∂φ0
ρ + η1 − − − − 2 − = 0, (A.4)
∂r ∂r2 ∂T0 ∂T1 ∂z ∂z r ∂θ ∂θ ∂z ∂z
µ (1) (1) (1) ¶
(1) ∂φ2 ∂ 2 φ1 ∂η2 ∂η1 ∂η1 ∂φ1 1 ∂η1 ∂φ1 ∂η2 ∂φ0
ρ + η1 − − − − 2 − = α(η2 + α2 η12 ), (A.5)
∂r ∂r2 ∂T0 ∂T1 ∂z ∂z r ∂θ ∂θ ∂z ∂z
·· ½ ·µ ¶ µ ¶ µ ¶ ¸ µ ¶
∂φ2 ∂φ1 ∂ 2 φ1 1 ∂φ1 2 1 ∂φ1 2 ∂φ1 2 ∂φ2 ∂φ0 ∂φ1 ∂η1 ∂φ1
ρ + + η1 + + 2 + + + −
∂T0 ∂T1 ∂T0 ∂r 2 ∂r r ∂θ ∂z ∂z ∂z ∂r ∂T0 ∂r
µ µ ¶2 ¶¾¸¸
∂φ0 ∂η1 ∂η1 ∂η1 ∂φ1 ∂η1 ∂φ0 ∂ 2 φ1
+ − +2 − + η1
∂z ∂z ∂t0 ∂z ∂r ∂z ∂z ∂z∂r
½ 2 µ ¶ µ ¶ ¾
∂ η2 1 ∂η1 2 η2 η12 3 1 ∂η1 2 1 ∂ 2 η2 2 ∂ 2 η1
= −σ + + 2− 3− + 2 − 3 η1 2 . (A.6)
∂z 2 2R ∂z R R 2 R3 ∂θ r ∂θ2 r ∂θ
Order O(²3 )

½ (j) (j) (j) (j)

(j) ∂ 2 φ2 ∂ 2 φ1 1 ∂ 3 φ1 2 ∂η3 ∂η2 ∂η1
ρ + 2
η 1 + 2
η 2 + 3
η1 − − −
∂r ∂r ∂r 2 ∂r ∂T0 ∂T1 ∂T2
µ (j) (j) ¶ (j) (j) (j) (j)
∂η1 ∂φ2 ∂ 2 φ1 ∂η2 ∂φ1 ∂η3 ∂φ0 1 ∂η2 ∂φ1 1 ∂η1 ∂φ2
− + η1 − − − 2 − 2
∂z ∂z ∂z∂r ∂z ∂z ∂z ∂z R ∂θ ∂θ R ∂θ ∂θ
(j) (j) ¾
1 ∂η1 ∂ 2 φ1 2 ∂η1 ∂φ1
− 2 η1 + 3 η1 = α(η3 + 2α2 η1 η2 + α3 η13 ), (j = 1, 2), (A.7)
R ∂θ ∂θ∂r R ∂θ ∂θ
·· ½ µ 2 ¶
∂φ3 ∂φ2 ∂φ1 ∂ 2 φ1 ∂ φ1 ∂ 2 φ2
ρ + + + η2 + + η1
∂T0 ∂T1 ∂T2 ∂T0 ∂r ∂T1 ∂r ∂T0 ∂r
µ ¶ µ ¶
1 ∂ 3 φ1 2 ∂φ1 ∂φ2 ∂ 2 φ1 ∂φ1 ∂φ2 ∂ 2 φ1
+ η + + η1 + + η1
2 ∂T0 ∂r2 1 ∂r ∂r ∂r2 ∂z ∂z ∂r∂z
µ ¶
1 ∂φ1 ∂ 2 φ1 1 ∂φ1 1 ∂φ1 ∂φ2
+ 2 − η1 + 2
R ∂θ ∂r∂θ R ∂θ R ∂θ ∂θ
µ ¶µ ¶ µ ¶
∂φ1 ∂η1 ∂φ2 ∂φ1 ∂η1 1 ∂φ1 ∂η1 ∂φ1 ∂η2 ∂η1 ∂φ2 ∂φ1 ∂η1 1 ∂φ1 ∂η1
− − − − + + − + +
∂r ∂t0 ∂r ∂z ∂z R2 ∂θ ∂θ ∂r ∂t0 ∂t1 ∂r ∂z ∂z R2 ∂θ ∂θ
µ ¶ µ
∂ 2 φ1 ∂η1 ∂φ1 ∂φ0 ∂φ3 ∂ 2 φ1 ∂ 2 φ2 ∂ 3 φ1 η12
+η1 2 −2 + + η2 + η1 + 2
∂r ∂T0 ∂r ∂z ∂z ∂r∂z ∂r∂z ∂r ∂z 2
∂φ2 ∂η1 ∂φ1 ∂η2 2
∂ φ1 ∂η1 ∂η2 ∂η1 ∂η1 ∂η2
+2 +2 +2 2 η1 − −
∂r ∂z ∂r ∂z ∂r ∂z ∂t0 ∂z ∂t0 ∂z
µ ¶2 ¶¾¸¸ · 2 µ ¶
∂η1 ∂η2 ∂φ0 ∂η1 ∂φ1 2 ∂η1 ∂η1 ∂φ1 ∂ η3 3 ∂ 2 η1 ∂η1 2
−2 −2 − 2 = −σ −
∂z ∂z ∂z ∂z ∂z R ∂z ∂θ ∂θ ∂z 2 2 ∂z 2 ∂z
0@IJTSRD— Available—Volume-2—Issue-5—Jul-Aug 2018 Page:1415

¶µ µ ¶
∂η1 2
1 η1 1 ∂η1 ∂η2 η3 2η1 η2 η13 3 ∂η1 ∂η2 1 ∂ 2 η1 ∂η1 2
− + + 2− + − −
2 R2
∂z R ∂z ∂z R R3 R4 R3 ∂θ ∂θ 2R2 ∂z 2 ∂θ
µ ¶2 ½ µ ¶2 µ ¶ ¾
9 ∂η1 2
1 ∂ η3 2
1 ∂ η1 1 ∂η1 2η2 3η1 2 3 ∂η1 2
+ 4 η1 + 2 + 2 − − + 2 −
2R ∂θ R ∂θ2 R ∂θ2 2 ∂z R R 2R2 ∂θ
2 ∂ 2 η2 2 ∂η1 ∂ 2 η1 ∂η1
− 3 η1 2 − 2 . (A.8)
R ∂θ R ∂θ ∂θ∂z ∂z

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