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The code works as the proton goes around in a circle

without errors and almost completes a total revolution
for the given parameters inside the code. The direction
of the force in the program goes around in a circle and
in the whiteboard, it is exactly the same motion. The
magnitude of the force is the same in both instances.

2. Our deltat is not too large at 1e-13 and as a result our

trail does not go larger. At approx. 1e-10 that would be
the maximum allowed for the proton not to spiral
outwards from the track initially made.

3. The radius is doubled when the initial velocity is

doubled, but when the initial velocity is halved, the
radius is halved, meaning the radius and initial velocity
are directly proportional to each other. This is what we
expected from the formula on the whiteboard.

4. The number of loops do not change when the initial

velocity is either halved or doubled, because the
number of loops is dependent on the period calculated
and deltat. It is not dependent on velocity because it
only changes direction. This is what we expected from
the whitebard.

5. Like charges repel???

6. Coding help

7. By changing the proton to an anti-proton, we change

the relative motion of the sphere. For the normal
proton, the sphere will start revolving initially moving to
the left and will move away from us gradually moving to
the right and back to its initial starting point. When the
proton is changed to an anti-proton, the direction of the
movement of the anti-proton remains the same (left
moving to the right side) however, the anti-proton will
come towards us rather than away from us.

Initially at rest, proton moves to the left away from us.
At halfway point, the proton is now on the right hand
side and will come back towards us back to its original
starting position.

Initially at rest, anti-proton moves to the left heading
towards us. At halfway point, the proton is now on the
right hand side and will move away from us going back
to its original starting position.

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