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Sci-fi World...

forecasts for
December 2016 through 2046

an Asymmetric Linguistic Trends Analysis Intelligence Report


by clif high
copyright 2016 all rights reserved, claims for invention and labor

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© 2016 by clif high for Halfpasthuman
Sci-fi World - January 2017
All rights reserved
Future forecasting can seem overwhelming...
Even to me, and even after all these years examining data and creating reports. So if it gets to you, or
you have questions about the reports, my best contact email for such will be
For background on how these reports are created, there is a primer in the last 5/five pages of this report.
If your questions about preparation are not answered after reading these, then send an email and I will
get back to you when I am able to get through the daily work (there is a lot of it).

If you have a need for yet more words on the subjects discussed herein, albeit 'live', please visit the Please note I have to isolate the forum due to the language causing a circuitous
reference issue for our work. For the sake of not affecting my interpretation I do not visit the forum.

Note to new readers, our work tends to concentrate on a negative

view (see primer at the end of this report).
Refunds available on request, no questions asked, so do not feel you
need continue into information you would prefer not, simply over
purchase price.
Meta data
It's here!
Much of what you will read in these pages will seem fantastic,
thus the title of this report; Sci-fi World.
It needs to be noted that we have no preconception for the contents or focus of these reports from
month to month excepting those longer term sets that have been building over time as these patterns are
expected to continue. Sometimes they do not.
We allow the data to set the agenda for each report as the processing unfolds and modelspace is
In late 2003, it became certain that a 'context change' was pending. We had not a clue as to what the
'context change' was, how it would be shaped, but we did know it was on its way, it was big, at least as
big in impact as the Banda Ache earthquake and tsunami, and that it would affect USAPop in a
substantial way with impacts carrying on for years. These and many other details were noted for
months as the 'context change' worked its way toward us at that time. As the emotional bubble got
'closer' to us in that now, more details emerged until months before it manifest, we had data suggesting
that the 'context change' would be the 'emergence (of the) undocumented (illegal) workers'. Shortly
thereafter there were 'millions of feet' as forecast out walking and stomping all over the previous
'context' in which the illegal worker component of USAPop was 'invisible'.

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© 2016 by clif high for Halfpasthuman
Sci-fi World - January 2017
All rights reserved
So it happened; it manifested, and in so doing, just ever so slightly ahead of appearing in the
matterium, we received hints of it coming. The process of our bare, vague hints of foreknowledge and
the subsequent manifestation of the context change occupied us for over a year, in fact, slightly over
19/nineteen months. By way of explanation, that is what is called the 'effective' long term data limit
here at halfpasthuman.
We are, here at hph, considering that we may be witnessing the manifestation of an 'ultra-long trend
context change'. If correct, then what has been within the data sets since 1998 (our second full run and
processing), is in the process of manifesting. If correct, then the data has been providing hints of this
very large GlobalPop context change for nearly 2/two decades. This and many other meta data level
elements give us here at hph a good base of confidence in the forecast you are about to read in spite of
the fantastic, and science fiction quality of much of the information coming through our processing.
We can, of course, be wrong about the interpretation of the data provided, however it also needs to be
noted that the prescient language forecast in our last few reports continues to manifest nearly daily.
Thus, reading as though a fantasy, these reports have a self evident record of being accurate into
content, if not timing.
The data sets for a number of years have had a sort of battle between the emotional sums of several
alternative 'collective views' or 'paradigms' for the future. We are all aware of the predictive
programming spewing out of Hollywood entertainment conglomerates, and several of these express the
memes found in our seemingly conflicting visions of the future of humanity. These are the 'scene-arios'
that ThePowersThatBe are trying to inculcate into reality. A form of their 'spirit cooking'. One of the
proffered visions we can collect under the label of 'mad max world'. Another can be claimed as 'serf
planet', while a third can be thought of as “Caligula's Deviant Reality'.
Seemingly the decision has been made by universe to take humanity into what we can label as 'Sci-fi
World'. In this world, we don't really have a singular movie idea that can be used to identify our
collective future. As we go forward into this brave new 'sci-fi world', we can rest assured that we will
all be helping to describe our new collective experience.
Stated another way, universe has made a decision, or humanity has, but not TPTB. The limited, and
usually horrific, vision for the future offered by TPTB is being forecast as being 'flushed'. This is good
At a meta data layer (basically slicing data out of all the entities around a common theme such as
'security' or 'secrets', the 'sci-fi world' has been just erupting out of our data these last two reports. The
new data sets began accruing in late 2015 for a significant change in what we can call the operational
paradigm for humanity without actually hinting as to what direction we would be taking. Over the
course of 2016, especially from April onward, the data sets have been, slowly at first, then faster as the
year progressed, settling in supporting positions to our descriptor for 'Sci-fi World'.
In the Sci-fi World paradigm, we are not simply discussing 'new technologies', nor even 'energy break-
through' though those are certainly part of the coming experience. Rather we are going to discuss a
spreading continuum that will be growing bigger with each new addition to the total. The continuum
forming will seem to be growing so wide as to obscure its boundaries. We have data sets for the 'flying
car boys', as well as the 'ancient civilization discovery' (discussed in previous ALTA reports). Of course

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Sci-fi World - January 2017
All rights reserved
we must not forget the 'aquatic humans', and the 'space aliens', {ed note: including the still pending fly-
by from a 'space alien cruise ship'}. There are also going to be a form of 'inter dimensional energy
transfer' that will not be part of the 'energy engineering' taking place here on earth. These and many
other references can be found within this ALTA report as we are about to move into the new Sci-fi
world, whether we are 'brave' or not.
The 'bravery' or 'courage' issue is going to surface in several areas of humanity over early 2017 as the
data sets have 'religion' (especially monotheism) under 'factual assault' from 'new discoveries'. These
'factual assaults' are showing as 'over turning' and 'upending' (over the next 10/ten years) of the
'claimed origins' for the 'religions'. New information is forecast as coming from 'the other side of the
planet' that is going to 'prove (biblical distortions of history)' and 'non participation' of any of the
'monotheism religions' in any of their 'claimed history'. These sets are suggesting that the greatest
'reformation (of) human thought' in over 7000/seven thousand years will be overtaking us all the rest of
this decade and beyond. The longer term sets have it only taking a quick 4/four years for the
'established religious structures (organizations)' to be 'dying', and 'abandoned' as 'facts' (and new
technological innovations) allow for a 'tentative rewriting (of human history)'.

Your world changes...

The increase in 'seismic activity' coming to this planet over 2017, and the visibly apparent changes in
the 'land forms (continents)', as well as the 'coast line alterations' are forecast within the recent
processing to be 'increasingly impacting' of the 'economic centers' of the world. There are references to
the 'port of London', as well as other 'inland ports' that are to be affected by both 'water flows' and
'coast line alterations' over these next few four years. These sets include several references to 'island
nations', and 'island city states' both in Asia and Europe that will be 'curiously cursed' by the 'changes'
as their 'ports' will become 'less useful' to the point that 'new facilities' will have to be constructed to
'replace (soon to be) abandoned inland ports'. Several of these 'to be replaced ports' are not inland, but
will be nonetheless affected either by the 'flow changing' to or within the port, or by the 'underwater
obstacles' most likely to be the cause of the 'new current flow patterns'. Other 'port problems' are
showing up as 'new deltas' that will be 'blocking access', and 'new lands' causing 'loss of port access'.
Further, the data sets include 'trapped (in mud) ships' as being 'blockages', and 'tilted (over turned)
cranes' as additional problems for 'global shipping'.
Yet more longer term data for the 'Ice Age' that runs from about mid 2025 through to 2047. These very
long term sets have the 'undeniable nature' of the 'Ice Age symptoms' to be reaching 'visibility' by mid
year in 2025 which is forecast to be also the 'beginning year' of the 'Great (ten year long) Diaspora' for
the 'northern hemisphere'. These sets have the Ice Age continuing to 'mature' through 2047, before there
are any 'signs' of a 'reduction (in the) Ice accumulation'. These same sets have the 'fade off (melt off)'
begin with 'increasing (of the) solar activity' from 2043 onward.
The Ice Age symptoms are showing as 'ocean currents changing', 'ocean levels reducing', 'precipitation
(of all kinds including 'dust' or 'dry sands') increasing', and 'ice (glaciers) forming' across the entire
band of the 'northern hemisphere' including many areas that are within the 'tropics'. The 'Ice Age

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Sci-fi World - January 2017
All rights reserved
symptoms' sets also include yet more '(space) cold plasma' events in which 'sudden local deep freezing'
occurs in only a 'few minutes' as the 'plasma descends from space'. While described as 'usually'
occurring at 'high altitude', the new supporting sets for the 'cold plasma events' are now showing that
'videos' of such an episode will be appearing over 2017 and 2018 as the 'cold plasma events' begin to
'descend' over areas even down to 'sea level'. These 'flash freezes' are showing as creating all kinds of
problems over these next few decades including 'freezing airplanes' in 'mid flight' to the point that we
get 'crashes' in which the 'airplane' is also going to bring down 'hundreds of tons' of 'ice'. Other impacts
will include 'buildings' and 'whole cities and towns' which will be 'flash frozen' such that 'utilities stop',
and 'water freezes (in canals/pipes/ lakes/sinks)'. Supporting sets also include 'broken glass (across
whole blocks) as the 'building freezes' and 'twists' from the 'cold distortions'. There are also some
shorter term value sets indicating that a 'cruise ship' will be 'missed' by 'yards' in being involved in a
'sudden ocean freezing event' before mid year 2018. Other sets have new 'definitions' being developed
for 'frozen rain towers' in which 'whole rain storms' are 'frozen in place' with 'ice columns' reaching
'hundreds of feet'. Even stranger perhaps are going to be the 'frozen beaches' with 'salted ice platforms'
extending out from the beach into the ocean for 'miles'.
Yet more strange 'earth expansion' effects are described within the 'smells from (underground) earth'
sets. These sets are showing that the 'unusual', and 'terribly bad smells' that will be 'issuing forth' from
many parts of the planet will be first taken as 'earthquake sign', and second as 'volcanoes forming'. The
data sets suggest that both are false, and that the real culprit is the 'stretching (between the plates)' as
'new gases (just formed)' are 'pressuring (the volumes) underground'. The data suggests that the
analysis of some of the 'releasing gasses' will 'freak out scientific thinking' as they will contain 'oxygen'
and 'noble gases' in 'nearly pure streams'.
Other strange effects of the 'expanding earth' are forecast to include 'new winds patterns'. These are
noteworthy in that they will be 'held (to) blame' for the 'brutal cold', as well as the 'extraordinary costs'
of the Winter, 2017/2018. The data is showing that the rest of this Winter are going to bring 'extreme
costs' as 'new wind patterns' will 'shift cold areas (by) hundreds of miles'. In some of the language we
have data sets for 'sweeping cold winds' that will 'freeze fruits (on the) trees', as well as 'cover (rivers)
with ice' that have never in recorded history 'been frozen before'. This last is indicated to cause its own
levels of 'extreme costs' as 'coastal harbors' will suffer 'damage' from both 'new winds' and 'sudden
(unexpected) cold'. There are sets for 'river systems' and 'delta (flood plains)' also being 'frozen' such
that 'people can walk' across areas formerly 'patrolled by boats'. This last has cross links indicating
some significant level of 'alarm' by the 'local authorities' when it is realized that 'people are walking
across' without 'reporting to border patrol'.
More of the 'Ice Age' new data contains either directly held sub sets, or cross links over to, the 'secrets
revealed' meta data layer within the Terra entity. In this area there are many sets that suggest the
'authorities' across much of the 'western world' have been 'colluding' to 'obscure and/or hide' the
'evidence of (the developing) Ice Age'. These sets have large cross links to Antarctica sets repetitiously
filling this report, and discussed at some length below. The 'secrets revealed' meta data layer is very
active across many entities within many diverse sets. In the Terra entity, the data is forecasting that
'leaks' will emerge about the 'cover-up' over 'fake climate data'. More importantly, at least in the
emotional sums, is that the 'que bene' or 'who benefits' will come out as a very substantial temporal
marker for other, more pleasant events such as the 'second leg up' of the 'precious metals spikes' in US

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Sci-fi World - January 2017
All rights reserved
dollar terms.
Yet more data within the Terra entity is forecasting 'expressed' or 'manifesting Ice Age' and its
'symptoms' are going to 'intrude' on human 'awareness' over 2017 and 2018. These sets have the 'Ice
Age' as a 'cause' or 'prompt' for 'old persons diaspora' in 2018 and 2019.
The 'warmists', or those persons pursuing a 'climate warming agenda' are showing up as being 'in crisis'
as the 'cold climate change symptoms' are described as 'slamming' into their 'plans'. The 'cold weather'
problems are described within the Terra entity as including 'damage' to both 'transport' (cars, trucks,
airplanes), as well as the 'transportation infrastructure' of 'roads', and 'rail' and 'canals'. In the latter case
the 'canal' itself is described as being not only 'shut down (frozen over)', but also 'damaged' as the 'walls
separate' from the 'mechanisms'.
There are many sets for the 'increasing' of the 'depth of freeze' across much of the northern hemisphere
are describing 'damage' to the 'underground utilities' of many 'cities' including 'major capitals' (mainly
in EU) that will be 'frozen (so deep)' that 'water' will only 'flow' when the 'pipes' are 'next to
(underground) the sewage lines'. There are a number of sets for 'homeless' and 'migrant' populations
who will be 'drawn into' the 'sewer systems' for the 'warmth'.
There are other sets for the 'Ice Age symptoms' to also 'drive economics'. These sets include forecasts
for 'severe drought (heat) conditions' in the far SE of the Pacific basin (SE Asia over to eastern India).
These 'severe drought conditions' sets are also supporting the previously forecast 'warm water fogs'
which are to 'affect shipping'. Curious parts about the 'drought' language is that it has aspect/attribute
sets for 'rapid', 'harsh', and 'deep', but also 'very short'. The data has the 'local populations' barely
getting into 'water rationing', and 'extreme measures (to overcome (the)) heat', when the 'rains come'.
The 'relief' from the 'drought', described as 'causing festivities' will be very short lived as the 'intense
downpours' will be causing '1000 year floods' very quickly. Problems will include damage to the 'land
and plants' as the 'drought' will have caused 'cracking' in the soil, and the 'withering' of many plants
necessary to 'hold the ground'.
More language showing up for the 'torrential downpours' that have been described as 'atmospheric
compression events' in which 'rain' is 'wrung out of the clouds' by 'intense pressure changes'. In these
new sets we have language for the 'rain (down-pouring) to be so fierce as to 'etch stone (in buildings)'
in 'mere hours'. These sets also have 'top floors' of 'high rise buildings' being 'flooded' such that
'residents flee'. In some of these sets are descriptions of 'flows (down stair cases)' such that 'people
(are) swept away'. However the really unlucky ones according to the data are those people 'trapped in
elevators' as the 'water pours down (the elevator shaft)' as though a 'waterfall'.

Your Global Population changes....

The globe that is defined by the 'US dollar' is showing within the data as continuing to 'lose jobs' and
'lose job creation' over these next few years as the 'global dollar depression' is showing as 'deepening'
and 'spreading (widening out over dollar-planet)'.
The data sets are providing forecasts that the 'US dollar world' is will be 'upside down' and 'inside out'
over 2017. The data sets show that the first few days following January 8th are going to be the initiation
point for the 'chaos' in the 'global markets' that will be 'blamed' on the 'pending power shift in

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© 2016 by clif high for Halfpasthuman
Sci-fi World - January 2017
All rights reserved
USAPop', but will in fact be the result of a 'proximate cracking (near to breaking or close to
separating)' problem that will be originating in Europe, and will be 'pressuring (complex) derivatives'
both at a 'contract level (counter-party risks)', as well as 'on the table'. {ed note: reference is unclear,
repeated, but not defined any further}.
Other aspect/attribute sets that are temporally linked to the USAPop 'power shift' in late January, but
which develop within other parts of GlobalPop include new sets we can label now as 'EU-R-Asia
Bitcoin Nation'. Very clumsy label admittedly, but it encapsulates all the developing large sets for this
new linguistic structure {ed note: maybe forming into an entity space. Very large growth in very short
period.} The EU-R-Asia Bitcoin Nation is described as a 'bitcoin' layer being put into place across the
Chinese Pan-Continental Trading zone. The data sets are describing a 'new fiber (optics?)' layer that
will be 'spreading out' over 2017 in a 'remarkably fast manner' that is further described as 'drawing in
(and online)' nearly a 'billion new people' as well as 'extending out' to that same 'one billion' the 'use of
bitcoin'. Further discussion in Markets entity area.

We add a new entity starting with this report. This entity is the Break-awayPop which represents the
'collective' of the 'population' that 'powers (the) Break-away Civilization'. While there is no evidence
that this civilization is participating on the internet, nor any that my spyders are picking up any of its
chatter, there now exists enough cohesion among the various linguistic structures to create its own
major sub set, aka 'an entity'. The last time this occurred in this manner the SpaceGoatFarts entity was
created (2003). It has proved valuable so the effort is being made again. This process of first extracting,
then isolating the linguistic structures into their own section of modelspace takes about 3/three months
in total. Begun late in November, we now have enough isolated sets to begin the interpretation for this
In our first primary set for this Break-awayPop entity we have the very first descriptor being '(enhanced
awareness) duality'. This descriptor is very complex as are all of the sets so far isolated to the Break-
awayPop entity. This descriptor set has 'duality' being modified by many sets that are dominated by
'enhanced' and 'awareness'. We note that combined these sets can be read as follows:
1) 'now you see it', then 'not';
2) 'expanded awareness', 'needs gentle approach';
3) 'expanding (your or one's) awareness (of the duality) requires caution';
4) 'the unguarded mind (is at risk) when approaching expanded awareness of duality'.

There are many other sets that run into much deeper combinations all suggesting that 'levels' of
'awareness' are going to be a key element for the Break-awayPop AND those with whom it 'chooses
(to) interact'. There are many sub sets in supporting positions for 'chooses' that are suggesting some
'bizarre kidnappings' that will 'border on (Star Trek like) vanishings' are going to be occurring over the
late Winter (northern hemisphere) and through into late June at which point there will be something of
a 'revealing' in at least the 'images captured' of the 'kidnapping'. The 'kidnapping' set has only very

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Sci-fi World - January 2017
All rights reserved
minor levels of 'evil intent' involved, and these are the lower level values for the word 'kidnapping'
itself, so my interpretation is that the 'abductees' are NOT being taken to be 'harmed', but rather, as is
within the data sets, for their 'usefulness (to the) cause/goal'. This 'cause/goal' has a near term early
leading edge of late August 2017 where modelspace gains the first of its bulge relative to this set.
There are a number of sets around the idea of the 'expanded awareness' and the 'layers of
(communications) about duality' that would seem to be suggesting that Break-awayPop is going to be
'interacting' with GlobalPop in ways, and at levels, not previously experienced throughout 2017. Many
of these 'contacts' are showing up as being reported in very 'negative language' which makes sense
given that these 'interactions' will include 'kidnapping', however there are a few sets hinting at some
form of 'face to face' encounters at a more 'cordial' level. Will these be 'acknowledged' by
'officialdom'? So far nothing to that effect shows in the data, but these sets are still building and the
entity space is new.
The hardest or most firm sets of Break-awayPop data other than the 'duality' sets are in the supporting
chain for 'daily'. These 'daily' sets are entirely focused on 'sightings' of 'UFOs'. The 'daily' sets are
supporting the idea of so much UFO activity that it becomes just 'too common' especially in China and
SE Asia for people to really even 'bother to look', let alone 'video' the occurrences. Now, that said, the
data sets here are suggesting that it will take many months and hundreds of thousands of videos of all
these UFOs to get to that point. The data sets within the 'daily' supporting sets include references to
'postings' of UFO's getting so frequent that 'business decisions' will be 'affected' by their appearance.
We have data sets saying that 'costs' at global 'video sharing sites' will 'escalate rapidly' trying to 'stay
equal to the volume' of the postings, as well as 'airplane routes' having to 'be altered' due to 'frequency'
of 'UFO' sightings and its 'impacts' on both 'pilots' and 'passengers'.

PopWar – India Subcontinent Theater

The data sets are showing that by the end of March, it will be acknowledged that the IndiaPop is in
'revolt' with 'new power centers' being created away from 'officialdom'. The forecasts are for a very
'rough year(s)' for IndiaPop as the 'war against (cash/gold/populism)' escalates and IndiaPop responds.
From the 'new years riots' to the 'police actions' of Spring, IndiaPop is indicated to be in 'turmoil' and
'upheaval' for most of the first half of 2017. The 'economy' problems are showing as being magnified
by the 'adverse weather' in several large regions. There are many sets for 'floods' that will be
'interrupting' the 'political chaos' and 'money crisis' over February and March.
There are new sets, with new supporting chains, and new supporting branches within the chains, all
focusing on what will be called “the gold problem”. These sets are linking area of 'popular rebellion',
and 'new leadership', as well as 'new political movements' all to the 'war on (the population) by
officialdom' using 'currencies' and 'capital controls'. These sets are further cross linked to the Markets
entity where terminating sets are bringing in 'work visa stoppages (within USAPop)' as impacting the
'capital controls chaos' that is forecast to continue to grow within IndiaPop over the first few months of
next year such that by the middle of February, the words of “Indian capital controls chaos contagion”
will be 'echoing (through) banking' language.
Along with the 'riots' and 'economic discord' the data has sets for 'enclaves' of 'smugglers' who will be
'organizing' to 'overcome' the 'war against gold'. These sets include supporting aspect/attribute sets for

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Sci-fi World - January 2017
All rights reserved
'raids' and 'cross border excursions' that are forecast to 'irritate China', and to 'embolden Pakistan' in
'complaints'. Further, the 'raids' will 'end abruptly' when a 'cadre' of 'tax police' will 'abscond' with
'millions (of dollars not rupis) worth' of 'seized gold' rather than 'turn it (into the) government coffers'.
There are sets that show that this incident of 'deserting tax police' will become a national joke with
'officialdom' clearly being the 'butt'.
Other IndiaPop 'anti-population gold war' sets include supporting sets for the 'smugglers' to 'forge (a)
political union' that is forecast as a 'serious political problem' for both IndiaPop and the Bank for
International Settlements (BIS). Though the reason for the BIS inclusion in these sets is not yet clear
there are enough references with enough emotional weight to interpret this as reaching GlobalPop
visibility over March through May of 2017.
The growth patterns of the new 'political unions' sets within IndiaPop are suggesting that many of these
will simply 'fade away' or 'dry up' over Summer of 2017 as the 'evolving global bonds crisis' will be
changing the circumstances that had promoted these efforts earlier in the year. The message within
these data accretion patterns is that the over all economic conditions will still be changing very rapidly
throughout the second quarter, indeed, even accelerating the pace of the change, and that the spread of
the change will be so wide as to have previous motivations be rendered meaningless rather quickly.

PopWar – UK BlockWar
There are new data sets that are describing a strange situation forecast to develop in the UK (mostly
England) over 2017 that is forecast to 'explode' into GlobalPop visibility by the end of the year. The
data sets are describing 'block war', or 'house against house', and 'blocks against blocks' in 'street
battles'. The data sets are showing that 'clashing (between) communities' will become a 'religious war'
that is described as 'taking over' the GlobalPop attention.
The data sets are describing the early signs of 'BlockWar' as appearing over 2017 with the 'police' being
in a 'round up' situation which will 'yield' a 'hidden element' of 'weapons smuggling'. The data sets are
suggesting that the 'police' in the process of 'arrests' on a 'sweep (of a particular (dangerous) area' of a
'southern (near to) port city' will 'stumble over' {ed note: apparently the word 'stumble' will be used by
news reports} a 'weapons cache', and in demonstration of the 'height of stupidity', the 'smugglers' will
have 'left behind' evidence that includes a 'gps map' of their 'route' as well as 'cell phones' with 'contact
information'. As an aside, several of the 'cell phones' are referenced deeper in the details as having
'belonged to (officialdom)' in several 'middle Eastern countries'. Not a good thing for 'diplomatic
The 'UK block war' is described as 'sparking' over a pending incident between 'migrants', 'established
residents (also immigrants)', and 'local police'. The details are suggesting that the 'established
community members' will become 'embroiled in (a) fist fight' with 'smuggled migrants' that will 'draw
local police attention'. Note that several of the 'police members' will be lauded for 'smart thinking' by
superiors, including some that are described as being 'pivotal' to their 'generation' (over the 2020s and
into 2030 when one of the 'decorated police members' is showing as 'rising (to) national power'.

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Sci-fi World - January 2017
All rights reserved
The data sets have the 'Australian housing market' showing it's 'age' and 'sad condition' over the first
few weeks of the new year as several 'impacts' are forecast to be felt from 'monetary mistake', 'political
turmoil (related to construction)', and 'international censure/criticism' also related to 'corruption' and
'political bribery'.
New sets containing some small increase in detail levels are accruing to the 'seismic (revealing of)
silver' in the northwest of Australia. These now have more details about the 'seismic activity' period that
the planet is entering. These details are suggesting that Australia is going to have a very interesting time
as the description has the 'continent cracking'. Not in half, nor separating, but rather developing a
'(many kilometers) long crack'. This 'crack' is described as being 'invisible' except to 'scans (radar et
cetera)'. The crack is further described as 'altering aquifers', and 'raising water levels' and (later in the
year) 'altering (by cracks that won't fill) roadbeds'.
There are many new sets for the AustraliaPop that are describing the role it will be playing in the
'Antarctica (wealth) boom'. These sets are showing that huge levels of investment will be made in
Australia as the 'Antarctica discovery' becomes 'open knowledge' and the 'corporations' begin to 'stage
(for the) boom'.
Many of the new sets for AustraliaPop are indicating that the 'international connection' to the 'southern
ocean' is going to ramp up over late 2017 in a very sharp contrast to the more general 'slowing' or
'contraction' of the Australian economy. This will naturally bring on a 'population shift' over time, but
the data is further showing that the situation for the 'locals' is going to be quite a bit strange. The data
has the 'foreigner invasion' being run out of 'engineered enclaves' with 'little (to none) contact' with the
'local populations'. Further, there are sets indicating that the 'Australian banking system' will not be
providing 'funding' as there will be 'strains (to the) system' such that 'real estate' goes 'wonky' JUST
when anticipated (foreign) investment should be 'driving prices upward'. These sets are further
describing this as a point in the 'Australian press coverage (of their own economy)' when the
'deflationary event' language begins to become prevalent. The sets describing this developing forecast
(more to come we are quite certain as events play out) begin to show up as modelspace is moved
through late February into March. The first 'visibility' levels for these sets where there may be
mainstream press coverage beginning are when modelspace is deep into August 2017.
The Australian 'banking system' is popping up as being a 'developing hot spot' in the 'February
currencies storms' that are a more general theme in GlobalPop where ever the 'dollar' as sway over
'local currencies'. The thing to note about 'hot spots', in animals or banking systems, is that they
represent 'energy blockages', and 'once scratched, thereafter require continuous scratching' until the
'nerves are exhausted'.
The longer term sets for a 'monetary currency base' coming out of AustraliaPop sets are still building
supporting sets for a temporal marker of a 'secret revealed' in the meaning of some 'as yet undiscovered
silver' (and other metals)' in what is being described as a 'curious (folding and surface) vein' that further
is forecast as being discovered through a 'land slip'.
Some more new sets in supporting positions for the 'archaeology' to be located in 'deep caves' along the
'empty coast'. These references include descriptions of 'functioning technology' that will be 'hinted at'

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(initially) as 'reports come out' from the 'remnants of an expedition'. The 'deep caves' references are
themselves intriguing as they are describing 'cave systems' that are to this date, 'undiscovered', and
'kilometers long', and 'widely extensive'. The data sets are also forecasting that the 'cave system', is
going to be 'taken over (by) government'.
The Australian 'real estate crisis' is showing as 'moving (into) political instability' as the 'corruption
scandals' escalate, and the 'dirty details (come out) involving 'banks'. Aside from the 'real estate
markets' the AustraliaPop sets are describing a 'herculean (they will use this word) effort' to 'repair the
(broken) system (of real estate financing)'. These sets are bringing in the 'flight (out of) currencies' as
the 'ChinaPop contagion' moves 'south' to the Australian dollar. The ChinaPop sets have intensive cross
links over to AustraliaPop where many of the terminating sets are in 'currencies flight'. Within the
AustraliaPop sets we have a true duality shaping up for the 'impacts'. Not only will the 'Australian
dollar' take its own 'confidence shaking' emotional hits from the 'contagion (lack of confidence)' in
'paper currencies' that will be driven by the 'ChinaPop freak-outs and manias', but there are signs of a
'counter flow' as many of the ChinaPop members are going to be 'desperate' to get 'large (obscenely
large) amounts' of 'wealth' out of the RMB. This is indicated to try to flow into Australian 'real estate'
(and even their stocks briefly). However, the data has 'obstacles to purchase' leading to all manner of
'schemes' to try to 'get RMB (as it tries to flee) ChinaPop'.
There are some sets for 'remarkable timing' on the part of a couple of 'young fellows' who will become
the 'face' of the 'currencies crisis' over 2017 as they 'blow-up (expectations)' as to what 'can be done'.
These 'young men' are an example of what can happen when 'courage' is mated to 'timing'. These sets
are filled with 'contrarian' language. There are also very large amounts of 'failed' and 'jailed' schemes
that show up in the data sets on both sides of the 'RMB flight'.
Yet more, late in processing, sets for the 'expeditions' to be 'staged in 2017'. These sets have the
'southern' coastline of Australia being a very busy place for a number of years. Initially the data says
only 'rumors' will be making it out of Australia as the 'lid is clamped down' due to 'fears (over what) is
found'. Other sets have 'money', and 'huge potential' being the 'driving force' for the 'expeditions'. In
some sets we have internal cross links back over to the 'real estate' sets where there are 'small flushes'
of activities within 'real estate markets' as 'foreigners prepare (for the) expeditions'.
Other sets with AustraliaPop at their focus include yet more data around the 'old food poisoning'
language discussed in previous ALTA reports. The new growth in these sets seems to be tying the 'old
(historical) food poisoning' episode to 'current food poisoning' as well as forecast 'government (lies)'
problems relating to 'foods safety'. These last sets are supported by many sets going to 'international'
and 'imports' as well as suggesting that 'wide spread illnesses' once thought to be 'viral' or 'bacterial'
that are described as having been part of the 'Australian (health) landscape' for 'years' are going to be
'put into new light' as the 'officialdom' problems come to 'public attention'. The data sets have 'private
drones' and 'food imports' in these sets linked. There are also supporting data for this information to be
'delivered' to AustraliaPop via 'alternative media'. This is showing as both a good and a bad thing. It
will be initially bad as the 'information' will be 'presented as suspect', and 'ridiculed' in the 'mainstream
propaganda media' which will later be 'retracted', and though that is good, the data has many people
really 'pissed off' and 'angry' over the problems that the 'ridicule' and 'erroneous (news?) story' created
for them at a personal level. This needs to be understood as being driven by the emotional reaction to
the information being 'validated' by subsequent events much to the horror of everyone who 'believed'

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the 'mainstream propaganda press'. Over much of the second half of the year, AustraliaPop will be
involved in what is described in the data as 'thrashing (the mainstream) media'. The word 'thrashing' is
showing in the data in multiple contexts including 'actual bashing' of humans by other humans, as well
as 'rubbishing (by words) online', as well as 'thrashing (funding sources)' by 'popular votes' that will
impact 'media sources'.
There are sets within Terra entity that are forecast to be affecting the Australian continent, however,
these are being discussed here as these impacts are longer lasting for AustraliaPop, than for the
landscape being affected. As an instance we have many sets for an 'expansion of the planet' episode to
take place that will 'tear away' part of the Australian coastline (we think near the north west coast). The
data has this 'tearing away' as being relatively a 'non-event' in the media as an earth expansion event.
However the data also has this coastline, described as 'barren, rocky, isolated, and uninhabited' as
becoming none of those things once AustraliaPop finds 'precious metals' (and gems?) there. Later, as
the forecast would have it, this 'find' becomes a 'mine' that will feed a 'mint' that will start a 'precious
metals coins based economy' in the 'local region (near to the original coastal tear away)' that then even
later will 'affect (the national) monetary policy'. Thus what seems on the face of it to be a relatively
minor 'earth slip land slide' from a 'long running earthquake fault under the (near by) ocean' has much
more emotional impact when viewed from the point of view of AustraliaPop rather that the Terra entity.
In this same vein of Terra entity data, and continuing along with the 'earth expansion events', the data
has both 'earthquakes', and 'underseas earthquakes' becoming something of a theme for AustraliaPop
over these next 5/five years. These sets suggest that AustraliaPop is going to 'react' to the 'underseas
changes' in a 'slow fashion'. Again, these sets have ties back to 'economy' and 'funding', however in
these sets we have AustraliaPop 'missing' a 'vital (local) environmental change' resulting from
'underseas earthquakes' due to 'miss allocated resources (driven by funding problems)'. While there is
not an indication in the data as to the nature of the problem 'missed', it is cross linked over to the Terra
entity from sets relating to 'coastal erosion costs', as well as 'flooded' (coastal) buildings.
Other sets of trouble for AustraliaPop relative to the Terra entity have 'bad (extreme) weather' in the
form of 'exceptional precipitation' hitting both 'coastal communities' and 'inland towns'. The data is
describing these 'exceptional precipitation' events in language that is similar to the 'lakes in the sky
(dumping all at once)' sets that has been experienced in several northern hemisphere regions including
USA and Russia. We may need to note that this language differs from the other Terra sets around 'lakes
in the sky' in that it has supporting sets for 'changes (in building structures (erosion?))' as a result of the
'torrents'. These 'torrents' are described as being 'wind driven' and leaving 'diagonal (erosion?) marks'
on 'building faces' as well as 'local land features'. We also need to note the general 'freak-outs' that will
be occurring in USAPop 'power elites' as Australia gets hit by 'weather conditions' that had not been
forecast to be a 'problem' for the 'USA military (deep state) installations' being 'hosted' by AustraliaPop.
Yet more sets suggest that Australia (and maybe New Zealand) are going to be at 'extinction central' as
regards to 'food crops', albeit only temporarily. The data has some 'food crops' going 'missing' that will
be 'climate related extinctions', and that will have long lasting impacts on the AustraliaPop 'collective
psyche', as well as creating 'money problems' for a number of people who will have been 'formerly
employed' in the harvesting processing of these crops. Most of this language is longer term data types
with first showing in the sets as modelspace is moved through August of 2017.

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Many new sets within the GlobalPop entity, sub set CanadaPop are accruing to the general 'humanity in
renaissance' sets, with reinforcing supporting sets for Canada as the location for the 'large discovery
(of) “flexible mineral”'. This 'flexible mineral' reference is the latest iteration of the language we have
had for a very peculiar and previously unknown form of crystal that would be part of the 'power
generation' for the 'new electrics' sets long forecast in these reports. The data sets had previously (years
back) forecast that the first of 'two discoveries' would occur in Russia, or more specifically, Siberia.
Such a discovery has occurred, and been announced. The second 'discovery' of an even 'larger mass' of
the 'flexible mineral' {ed note: as yet there is not a 'common name' for this new 'mineral stuff'} was
forecast as arriving from within NW Canada, and would temporally be close to a number of very
pivotal events in both the general economy, and within the more woo-woo 'new electrics' and 'pending
renaissance' sets.
The 'flexible mineral' discovery language is now becoming dominated by immediacy data indicating
that 2017 is a likely year for the 'find' if not the 'announcements' about it. The data has the 'canadian
government' being 'absolutely giddy' about the 'discovery' of these 'flexible minerals'. Their reasons for
showing such will be put down to 'economic boost'.

Fetish tobacco ? In spite of the rising problems with breathing atmosphere in ChinaPop, the data sets
are forecasting a rising interest in 'special tobacco' that will be the start of 'fetish' about the 'conditions'
of the growth. This is showing up as 'yet another speculative mania' in which 'prices will soar' then
'crash' as the 'chase for value' continues as what the data sets are describing as an on-going, or
continuing aspect of the ChinaPop 'banking (financial) system' over these next few years.
In spite of the 'speed' of many of the forecast pending crashes for ChinaPop, the greater mass of
ChinaPop is indicated to 'hold together' the various 'flailing' and 'failing' parts over 2017 through 2019.
These sets are also showing vast amounts of 'currencies volatility' described as 'swirling' around the
RNB/Yuan. These sets are showing an 'escalation' in the 'frantic flight (from RMB)' by ChinaPop over
2017. This 'frantic (visibly panicked) face' of ChinaPop is within the set that we are labeling the
'ChinaPop contagion'. The idea from the data sets is that the ChinaPop continuing 'panic' over the
'degrading RMB/Yuan' is forecast as 'spreading' to 'other populations'. The sets for the 'contagion
(spread)' of the 'paper (currencies) fear' is indicated to get a large boost from, and within, GlobalPop as
the 'Australian dollar', and the “Canadian dollar', and the 'British sterling', and the 'Euro' all start
manifesting 'echoes' of the 'panic to flee'. These sets are also pointing out 'devaluations' that will be
'slicing (wealth)' away from the 'populations' affected.
The data sets have been building under ChinaPop for the 'maturation (of the) currency crisis'. In these
sets the data accrues for ChinaPop 'reeling' under 'cracking confidence' in their 'own currency' at a level
not seen before. These sets are huge drivers for much of the 'bitcoin' and 'precious metals' sets as 2017
The data sets have 'physical metals shortages' appearing in ChinaPop by the end of January, as the
Chinese New Year 'celebrations' get underway on the 28th. The data sets have some 'temporal echoes'

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seemingly arising at the end of January that will be 'reflecting' the memes and trends of the end of
December. These are being forecast as being 'currencies (under pressure)' and 'attempts (to) get out of
paper currencies'. These sets are showing that 'shortages' appear in various spots in ChinaPop that in
turn put pressures on the 'precious metals distribution system' across the nation. These sets have some
details of 'videos' appearing of people 'mule-ing (carrying) precious metals' onto airplanes to fly into
other parts of the country to 'net the arbitrage'.
Other video stories forecast to appear in ChinaPop in 2017 include some on both 'gold crimes', but
more on 'capital controls crimes'. These sets include new forms of 'evasion' forecast as including 'DNA
banks' in which 'investment trusts (collectives)' will be 'trying to game the future with game DNA'. In
these sets we have the idea of ChinaPop entrepreneurs forming 'clubs' that will 'store DNA' in various
ways for 'future Jurassic park-like' uses. These sets also include 'human DNA trusts'. In some cases the
ventures may be actually focused on the stated mission of safeguarding DNA into the presumed DNA-
lacking future, but there are a number of sets for 'capital controls frauds' within the larger sets.
There are a number of sets for Chinese 'foreign entanglements' rising to the level of 'freaking out' the
'western dollar empire' over 2017. Starting with new moves into 'south Korea' at many new levels of
'business' including 'shipping'. Other areas forecast include the 'new initiatives (for) Australia (and the
Southern Ocean)' and the 'central American plan'. This latter is also going to involve 'southern Mexico'
as well as USA 'officialdom' in a number of different 'fear scenarios' over the latter half of next year as
ChinaPop is 'discovered to be (deep (or deeply involved in)) underground (in southern) Mexico'.
More sets continue to pile into the 'woo-woo' side of all the entities, and ChinaPop is no exception.
These sets have ChinaPop going 'full woo-woo' over 2017 with several 'thousands' of 'Star Trek (or Star
Wars)' types of new technologies being announced. These sets are suggesting that 'claims' will be made
against ChinaPop that it is 'releasing alien technology'. Somehow this is supposed to be 'pejorative', and
'stop them'.
The ChinaPop contributions to Sci-fi World are described as being 'global' in scope, but not 'planet
wide' as in CERN. Rather there are sets showing that ChinaPop sets out to 'engineer (this new Sci-fi
World)' around the globe with 'several dozen major projects' being announced over 2017 and 2018.
These are forecast as including 'deep water energy projects' that will be in the 'mega giga kilo joule'
range, or basically, 'lights for a continent'.

Some new sets that are extensively cross linked over to SpaceGoatFarts have support for an
'extraordinary event' to occur in southern Germany. The event itself has to do with some 'intelligence
agencies' and their 'quest' for something [unknown]. The data has the 'intelligence agencies personnel'
being involved in a 'big dig' in southern Germany. The data shows that the 'quest goal' (what ever it
may be) is thought to be 'nearly complete' due to 'new information' that will send them 'digging deep'.
The data has elements of 'confrontation' as the 'intelligence agencies (with hardware and gear)' are
found to be 'digging' in a spot that 'alerts' the 'CERN security forces'. While no 'battles' are forecast, the
'incident' is going to create an 'international disturbance' that will have multiple years involvement for
DeutschePop. The 'quest goal' sets have terminating sets within the SpaceGoatFarts entity that are
descriptors for 'energy devices'. Many of these SpaceGoatFarts terminating sets also have both 'climate

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change' and 'space exploration' sub sets in supporting positions. The 'confrontation' with the 'secret
diggers' is further described as 'leading to arrests (at the scene)' as well as producing some 'shocking
video' that is described as being 'viral' within a single day. However, the 'exposure' of the video will not
necessarily be temporally close to the incident, though we may be close to the 'exposure of the video'.
What is indicated to be 'more troubling' to DeutschePop at large is that another 'group of diggers' will
also be 'contacted' and 'detained', only this time in the far north east of Germany, near the border of the
'sea' and 'Poland'. This instance is showing as being even stranger with a 'mechanical approach' to the
'digging', as well as being 'inside a building (as cover)'. Very odd, and 'very troubling' will be the
'resultant conclusion' by the 'local authorities' at least insofar as the 'public statements'. What is going to
make this more meaningful is that the 'local authorities' comments are part of a larger temporal marker
for some 'science evidence' that is somehow connected to the 'new electrics' sets. The 'science evidence'
is not the expected 'announcements' for some of the 'underlying principles' that the 'new electrics' sets
had been forecasting as coming from Germany over this year. Rather this is an ancillary set that has
tangentially appeared with cross links into the 'new electrics' sets and the 'clandestine diggers' sets.
There are at least four sets for 'secret digging' that will 'not remain secret' over 2017. All four are within
the German Democratic Republic, but curiously, there are apparently to be 'two episodes' with the first
being our above discussed 'hole creators' and a second episode showing in longer term data for
'officialdom' to be 'exposed (to be) digging' during early Summer (northern hemisphere). The 'early
Summer' references are showing that 'local tourism', including 'school outings' (to the site) will be
'interrupted' and 'displaced' by the 'officialdom diggers'.
There are small numbers of cross links from the 'diggers' over to the 'archaeology hunts' in other areas
of GlobalPop. Further cross links go from these 'digger' sets over to the 'mummy (underseas) wrecks' in
It can also be noted with the DeutschePop data sets that the cross links over to the AustraliaPop
'authorities' and their forecast 'recruitment efforts' within the DeutschePop via 'media commercials' are
still gaining new supporting sets with more of these moving from longer term into shorter term, and
immediacy values indicating we are getting closer to the manifestation of this meme.

Continuing in the 'currencies in crisis' the data sets for IrelandPop are showing a very rough rest of
Winter, followed by a mostly 'ambivalent Spring' as far as weather, though there will be 'spectacular
days' and a very good Summer, however the 'financial system' sub sets for IrelandPop are filling with
'terrible troubles' as the 'fears' of the 'dreaded currencies contagion' language. These sets are more
rapidly filling as modelspace moves from late March into April, though the initial supporting sets do
show in very late February, albeit not en masse.
Some of the 'financial terrible troubles' sets, almost 20% are related to 'local currency', but the larger
majority are dominated by 'foreign (FX) trades/swaps' and 'derivatives contagion'. These 'foreign (FX)
trades/swaps' sets are also 'derivatives' supporting sets themselves, though in this case they are
presenting as the 'local face' to the 'international crisis'. As an example, it may be that local language
describing the 'developing global currencies crisis' could express as 'Thus-and-So local council
investment trust had exposure to XYZ trades that went bad.' or similar language trying to 'shift the

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blame' from the 'unwise purchase' of 'complex derivatives' to the 'foreign bank failures'.

The real 'floods' forecast for the Indian sub continent over 2017 contain cross links over to the 'ancient
discoveries (underground)' sets that have been appearing with increasing frequency over these last few
reports. The 'underground discoveries' and 'underwater discoveries' are showing up due to larger sets in
supporting position to the 'archaeology (underground)' sets rising emotional values. Stated another way
for clarity, there are not only increasing frequency of the appearance of these sets, but the emotional
sums associated with them are at consistently higher levels.
The 'floods' and 'archaeology' sets for IndiaPop are internally cross linked over to 'coastal erosion', and
'land slips'. The 'land slips' set has references for both 'coastal hills', and 'inland foot hills (near very
large natural lake with a very long history of human habitation)'. In both cases, the sea 'coast' and the
'lake shore' the data has the 'land slip' being the result of a combination of 'recent human construction'
and 'natural fault (slip) line' that will be found to 'exist (between) types of clay'. In both instances as
well there are supporting sets for 'exposure', and 'near instant discovery' of 'cave-like (almost caves?)
(formerly) inhabited holes' that will be exposed as 'ruins' of some considerable age. The data has the
language about the discovery rising throughout Summer (northern hemisphere) 2017 with a temporal
echo of yet more language in very early 2018.
These sets (as are a great many these days) are cross linked over to the SpaceGoatFarts entity and the
'new electrics' sets.
Other 'flood' language has appeared for some 'devastation' as 'rivers (in the) sky' type rains appear.
These are akin to the 'atmospheric compression events', rather than 'monsoons', and are more
'devastating' while being 'more constrained (to a single location/area)'. The 'devastating floods' from the
'rivers of rain in the sky' language is showing a very high level of 'visibility' suggesting that we will see
many video reports of the 'floods' as they occur.
Many of the supporting sets have 'gaps' and 'gaping open' and 'separating lands' within the 'devastating
impact' of the 'rivers in the sky' for IndiaPop. In two of the larger sets we have supporting language for
the 'gaps' to 'separate streets' with 'space too large to jump across'. These sets are only tangentially
supported by 'earthquake' language.

The continuing 'failure' of the 'Italian banks' is forecast to lead to the 'failure of the Italian banking
system' as we move into 2017. The data sets have the transition from 'individual banks failing' into the
'failure of the banking system' as being very rapidly visible in late January 2017, in the midst of both
'nasty winter', and 'earthquake (shakes)'. These sets would have several months of 'agony' for ItalyPop
as the 'banking system' goes from 'suffering credit freeze' to 'suffering government intervention'. These
sets have the 'banking system' in Italy becoming 'visible' as a 'failure' to the 'population' by way of 'food
prices' over the latter part of Winter and into early Spring. Unlike many areas in further north, ItalyPop
will at least find some relief from the 'prices escalator' over Spring and Summer, however the data
would seem to suggest that there will not be any relief from 'earthquakes'.

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Other aspects of the Italian 'banking system crisis' are now coming into supporting positions for the
'food riots' in Rome that 'spill over (into) looting vatican archives' sets which have been in the data sets
since the very early 2000s. These new supporting sets are primarily in the longer term value range
indicating the earliest fulfillment of the language would be in Fall or Winter (northern hemisphere)

There continues to be new growth for the ChinaPop to MexicoPop connections around 'silver (and to
lesser extent, gold)'. These sets are still providing growth to the meme that MexicoPop is going to be a
'giant funnel of silver (hats)' into ChinaPop with rising visibility in early 2017. The 'hat' references are
to the 'preferred shape and size' of the 'silver' that ChinaPop is going to demand. There are a very large
number of cross links to ChinaPop that suggest that the Chinese central authorities will require this
connection, thus supporting the activity, explicitly or not.

Yet more language about the 'destruction' of 'religious relics' during very 'heavy fighting' and
'bombardments'. These sets are bringing in yet more information about the 'falling' of the 'house of
saud' and the 'flight of the (fleeing) princes'. Apparently the 'political heat' will be escalating so rapidly
in early 2017 that the 'power structure' will be 'breaking up' just as a number of 'miscalculated military
moves' will be made by the 'distracted powers-that-be'.

It is 'official', not only in our data, but within the larger mass of the internet spew it is now quite clear
that a very large 'awakening wave' has indeed passed through the 'western dollar-slaved populations'.
This 'awakening wave' is just starting to manifest according to our data, and will continue for at least
the next decade. This is being forecast as there will be a 'national effort' some years from now, to 'recall'
and 'replace' all the 'propaganda school text' here in USAPop.
The new data sets have a new 'political issue' that will be 'rising up' in a 'fierce way' over early 2017 as
the 'foreign H1B workers visas program' is described as being 'swept off the table'. These sets show up
first in early February, thereafter growing at a rapid pace through to early April, where we get a
'collision' between 'foreign H1B workers visas' as a meme and the 'tax revolt' language. These more or
less merge at that time into a larger 'political outcry' that is showing as 'spawning' not only 'trade wars'
language, but also 'boycotts (internal to USAPop)' language. The data would seem to suggest that a
'national campaign' within USAPop is going to 'take on big corporations' over much of next year as the
'media wars' get into 'full battle rattle mode' in USAPop. The data sets around the foreign H1B workers
visa sets include other sets for 'technology boom' that, in a strange twist of fate, is going to start up in
areas outside the USAPop just at the time when the US dollar cannot 'compete' in 'hiring talent'.
The data sets have the 'power shift' in USAPop being a very very interesting time for many of the
people in USAPop as the 'political system' is described as 'coming unglued'. These sets have a 'bloody
war' that is going to 'break out' from within the 'political parties (both of them)' as the 'power shift'

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(early days) will be 'bringing out' a number of 'victims' that will be 'visible' across USAPop. These
'victims' are forecast to be the 'new face' of the 'political fracturing'. These sets have the 'political
structure' going through an 'upheaval' that is described as being 'beyond (any past) experience'. The
data has this 'upheaval' including 'raids (against) high profile (organizations) (CGI?)' that will be
'screaming news (on teevee)' for weeks. These sets are forecasting the 'opening salvo' of the 'political
structure falling apart'.
These data sets have the 'financial infrastructure' within USAPop reeling from the 'political fracturing
(wars)'. The 'financial infrastructure' is showing as both the 'weapon', and the 'prize'. This situation is
not showing as 'going well' for USAPop as the 'battle' will be 'attempted (to be) pushed out (into
USAPop)'. These sets show that this 'putsch (against 'our enemies')' is going to be both 'badly timed'
and 'catastrophically managed'. There are sets within these supporting sets that tie the 'european
meddlers' as being 'picked off' in these USAPop 'battles' as the 'money flows' are 'altered'. There are
also sets going to the idea of 'funds interdiction'. These sets may be forecasting that 'foreign funds' will
be 'stopped' from reaching 'local crises points'. The data shows that 'officialdom' will be using the
'foreign money attacks' first on the 'local protests' against such things as 'pipelines', but then the data
has 'other (parts of) officialdom' who will use the 'same tactic' to 'interdict (foreign agitation) funds'.
There are yet more new sets for 'woo-woo' happening in Alaska. Not referencing more normal, snow,
wind, or moose driven woo-woo, but here the data sets are describing 'space alien woo-woo'. Again we
have many cross links to Antarctica where are terminating sets include both 'unknown', and 'officially
denied', as well as 'space', 'space aliens', and 'ancient civilizations'. Further sets with the Alaska focus
are suggesting that '(north american) continent wide impacts' will be coming from the Alaska
'pyramid(s)'. Note again, these are plural references, indicating that there are 'two pyramids' within the
'undiscovered Alaska' which are going to be 'having an impact' on the 'continent' according to the
accretion patterns. The nature of the impact is not showing in the data sets, rather we just have the early
longer term sets with rising emotional values indicating a push toward 'visibility' of the 'Alaska
pyramids'. There are quite a few new sets showing that the Alaska region is going to be a 'center' or
'nexus' for the forecast increase in global UFO activity, however, it is also unlikely that the general
population will get much more than a hint or two about what is actually occurring for many months if
not years.
Other parts of the 'woo-woo' forecasts include 'nuclear power' problems across USAPop. Yet more
'failing pipes' and 'leaking (concrete) containers' that will be 'inducing evacuations', and 'disturbing' the
'real estate markets' in those areas. We have growth in 'nuclear problems' with geographic references to
'New York', and to the 'Carolinas'. Some of the 'Carolina' sub sets are suggesting that it will be 'river
problems' that will be causing the 'leaking' and the 'movement of people'.
As modelspace is moved into 2017, there is the nearly instant appearance of two large areas of growth
within USAPop and Markets entities. One comes in on January 9th and the other on the 12th. Though
only within a few days of each other, and thus temporally linked, these two sets are mostly discrete.
They are interconnected through internal cross links, however there is no dependency chain within the
data sets. The first data bulge on the 9th is for the 'markets upended (traders involuntarily piss
themselves)', while the second occurrence on the 12th of January is for the 'unleashing' of 'media wars'.
The first set for the 'markets upended' shares a great deal of the same sets as the 'currencies crisis' set,

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Sci-fi World - January 2017
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but deviates in that it has a 'weighting (weighted) trajectory' being described within the details. The
'weighted trajectory' is describing a 'downward arcing (of financial) charts' that will be 'felt' by the
'trading communities' as 'overwhelming', and a 'punch in the gut (abdomen)'. The 'punch to the gut'
language also includes 'vomiting' and 'passing out' as ancillary supporting sets. These sets provide no
numbers, though we do have many references focusing on 'bonds' and 'derivatives' as being the
'subjects' of the 'downward arcing charts'. These sets are filled with supporting sets of longer term data
and other temporal references for a 7/seven month long period of focus on the 'bonds' and 'derivatives'
will be occupying 'trader attentions'. Given the emotional values, and their down trend, the
'preoccupation' with 'bonds' and 'derivatives' is not going to be pleasant.
The 'bonds' and 'derivatives' sets are indicating to have an 'immediate' as well as 'long lasting' impact
on USAPop as the data has 'interest rates' being 'kicked upward'. There as some sets that suggest that
national chatter later in the year will include the idea that the only thing going up faster than mortgage
rates is Bitcoin. These sets show in in late Summer (northern hemisphere). The data sets have the
'sudden spikes' in the 'mortgage interest rates' being called 'death spikes (a'la the gaming community's
use of the phrase)', and being tied to the 'death of local real estate markets' in many stories in regional
and local publications over the first half of 2017. The data sets have the 'death spikes' starting early in
2017, and in some, formerly 'plush' areas, being so severe as to 'reduce to 10%' [a 90% loss] the 'value
of properties' by mid 2018.
The data sets for 'bonds' and 'derivatives' have the 'interest rates' rising very rapidly across January
through March such that the 'rates' themselves become a 'public discussion' point that will become part
of the 'on-going political fracturing'. These 'rising rates' have big impacts on 'real estate', but the
impacts there show up later in February and March. These impacts are forecast to include something of
a 'bust' along most of 'both coasts' as the 'failing (regional) banks' decide to 'dump (their) holdings' for
'cash velocity'. There are many sub sets suggesting that 'banks' will be 'advertising (discounts and
losses) on property (for) cash buyers'.
Yet more 'cash buyers' and 'real estate problems' show up for California more than the rest of the 'west
coast'. These California sets have very large 'repercussions' for the 'golden state' both immediately and
later as the 'next California gold rush' starts to move the population into new directions. Yet more data
for 'woo-woo' shows up both in the 'real estate crashing' as well as the 'gold rush' as 'new discoveries' in
'old dirt' are forecast as 'exciting (woo-woo) aficionados' as 'ancient (pharaohic) Egyptian artifacts'
become 'embroiled' in 'local (california) politics' and 'fights (over) water'. The sets around the 'ancient
pharaohic Egyptian artifacts' may be referencing 'new understanding' or 'new facts (information)' that
may be coming out of California. There are some sub sets about the 'artifacts' and their discovery, but
not enough in this processing to say that it is the 'artifacts' that will 'surface' as opposed to the
Other, not so clear links exist between the 'raucous fighting' over 'water rights' and 'access costs (for
housing)' in California and the (by then) 'clearly falling Australian housing market'. What we have in
these sets are cross links around the words of 'scandal' and '(banksters) caught (found out) corruption'.
These sets would have 'California mortgages' being labeled as 'fraudulent' due to some connections to
the 'Australian housing (mortgage) market'. The data has the 'Australian housing (real estate including
commercial)' being negatively impacted such that there is a 'blow back', or 'backlash' that will 'be
claimed (or blamed?)' in California for some of its (soon to surface) new 'mortgage (industry)

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Sci-fi World - January 2017
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While some of the 'woo-woo' fights are forecast as 'visible' in the 'media wars' that have the 'hidden
(horror (to academia))' as their 'claim (to intellectual) power' will be 'waning rapidly' as 'new (facts)
emerge' about 'real human history'. These sets have 'media wars' focusing on the 'fight over history' that
will include the 'california pharaoh' connections. Much of these sets within the 'media wars' sets are
suggesting that the 'war (of) facts versus (consensus (TPTB) opinion)' are indicated to 'erupt' from the
'investment world'. That is to say, the 'push (for real) facts' within 'investment world' is going to 'spill
over' into 'facts versus lies' in a general way. These sets have longer term values that forecast a multiple
decade long 'push (into) secrecy (of human origins)'. Yes, many of these sets have Antarctica cross
links, however the initial 'outbreaks (of the information) into media wars' will be focusing on USAPop,
and the 'damage' being done to the 'academic accepted consensus (of) human history'. Basically the
data sets are suggesting that TPTB will have their 'media mouths' crying out for 'repudiation (of fact)'
in order to 'preserve (the) academic (model)' that will be 'claimed' as 'essential (for correct functioning)
of society (including organizations and religions)'.
The 'media wars' sets are more voluminous than the 'bonds' sets that precede by mere days, however
they are also pointing toward a '7/seven month' long time, though in these sets it is the 'attempted
recovery' of the 'legacy media' that will persist over that period. The data sets are suggesting that a
'corporation attacks' scenario will unfold in which 'corporations' will be out to 'buy out', 'corrupt', 'kill
off' or otherwise 'co-opt' the 'alt-media'. Mainly it seems it will be a 'money assault' on the 'new media
kids'. The idea is that the corporations owning 'legacy media' are going to 'wise up' about their limited
future with the result of a 'desperate scramble' to 'buy talent' in the 'new media'. Where that fails, the
data shows the corporations will be 'blitzing' their 'rivals' with 'clones', including in some instances,
what are being described as 'digital (virtual) clones'. These are forecast as a 'short lived' attempt to 'get
what they have' as the data describes the corporations using digital media to 'clone' their rivals
attempting to use their 'talents' for free. The new sets are showing this as within 2017, and it will end
very very badly indeed for at least one egregious 'corporation' as the 'power of the public' is
demonstrated. In this instance the data has the 'public backlash' doing a real 'bitch slap' on the
'corporation' such that their 'revenues' are 'cut in half' within the 'first month' of 'public reaction'. This
corporation is indicated to 'not survive' another year after this mistake. Other problems come from their
really stupid method of attempting to apologize without taking responsibility. That is what seems to be
what kills off their international business.
The many supporting sets for the 'money assault on alt media' have both 'direct buy outs', as well as
'wrap around' as what will be reported, in many cases, by the 'alt media' itself as the 'battle (with)
money' gets underway. The data sets have very few success stories emerging from 'legacy media' as the
'alt media' will 'catch the flavor (zeitgeist)' realizing that 'success' at a much larger level is 'just around
the corner'. It is described within the data as a 'if they want it that much, I won't sell that cheap'
mentality that develops within 'alt media' as the 'money assault battle' moves through into Spring of
2017 (northern hemisphere). In some cases, there are sets going to 'sales' of 'properties (intellectual)'
that will take place, with what is described as 'staggering sums (of) money' being 'paid' to 'get real' by
the 'corporations' attempting to 'step into' the 'new media space'. The descriptions from the data sets
have the 'legacy media', and their 'corporations try to buy alt-media' as providing insights over all of
2017 as the 'alt media' simply 'refuses' to be 'digested'.

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There are other sets for 'abysmal failures' as 'legacy media' tries desperately to 'capture new minds'.
This results in the data as a 'running national joke' that will take off and be 'passed around' in the 'alt
media space' over 2017.
The 'media wars get bloody' sets are many, densely filled with all three of the data types which
indicates immediate actions manifesting, shorter term plans being developed, and longer term
consequences to be 'enjoyed'. These consequences include 'power plays', 'guilt exposure', 'expanding
(attempt) the shadow side (censorship)', 'power battles', 'manipulation', 'hidden agendas', 'power
struggles', 'shame', and similar language.
The 'media wars get bloody' sets continue to gain new supporting sets as modelspace is moved through
most of 2017. There is something of a pause, or recess, or regrouping that appears in the accretion
patterns when modelspace gets into late August. This is coincident with other larger sets accruing at or
after that point thus may be indicative of a forced pause as other, more emotional charged, events take
over the USAPop focus.
The 'media wars' showing within USAPop are also cross linked over to GlobalPop, Markets, and
SpaceGoatFarts entities. In this last, some of the cross links are terminating in sets for 'new
technologies' that will be 'aiding the independent (talent) alt-media' over 2017 and beyond. In several of
the sets are suggestions that the 'technologies' will become their own story for a while in Chicago in the
Summer. This apparently will involve the 'lake and canals'.
The media wars sets have many participating sub sets from TPTB entity, and within that a large number
of the terminating sets are within 'officialdom'. There are also a number of originating sets within TPTB
entity that are going over to USAPop (and to a lesser extent other sub sets of GlobalPop) that terminate
in 'discovery (secrets revealed)'. These sets are in cross linked supporting positions to both Markets
entity and the SpaceGoatFarts entity where the terminating sets are within 'space pictures', and 'pictures
(of stuff) from space'.
The ALTA reports have long had sets for the 'collapse (of the) college/university system' here in
USAPop. Some of these sets have manifested in recent years. Modelspace now has new growth in both
immediacy and shorter term values within the 'collapsing college system' sets. The new growth is in
areas that are directly tied to either 'financing students', or 'investments (endowments)'. In the 'student
financing' sets the data has the 'banking crisis', and the developing global 'credit freeze' being the
'blockages' to 'university profits'. These will apparently be referenced as several 'major colleges' and
'universities' come under 'rapid (shockingly fast) financial pressure' as their student enrollment systems
fail. Further problems are forecast within the 'derivatives' implosion for 'colleges and universities' as
their own 'speculative investments' will 'fail', and further, the 'endowments' are to also be 'curtailed' at
several levels due to the 'western currencies crisis of 2017'. There are sets indicating that many of the
schools will not survive the financial events of 2017, though it may take a few years for them to 'fall
over dead'.
Given the very large amount of new data for the 'media wars', one would think that very little else will
be happening in USAPop over the first half of 2017, but the shocking part of the data is that the
emotional values summed from the various aspects (duration, emotive impact, spread of influence, et
al) also supports the idea that the 'media wars battles' over the first half of 2017 are to be both 'all
consuming' and 'pivotal'. The 'pivotal' descriptors sets are cross linked over to Markets entity where the

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Sci-fi World - January 2017
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data is indicating that the 'truth (or close)' will be 'discussed' by USAPop at such levels as to cause
'illness' and 'visible distress (among the) ruling elite'. These and other sets within the USAPop are
contributing to the general 'awakening wave' that is showing as 'dominating (the) next decade and
beyond'. These sets have 'power elite personalities' who will be 'caught on video' as they 'react (to)
awakening (of the) population'. In some incidents the data sets have 'politicians puking (on) broadcast
tv' and the subsequent video going viral. These 'truth episodes' are described as being very 'cathartic'
for the 'population at large' with some hints that there will be a 'surge' in 'truth attacks' just as a result of
the 'mega internet fabulous' status reached by the creators of such 'reaction videos'. These sets also have
the 'truth ambush video' also being used in other areas of GlobalPop.
As a component to the 'general awakening wave' within USAPop, there are a sets for 'real estate crash',
and 'bonds (coming unbound)' such that 'variable rate loans' of all forms are becoming the next 'sub
prime' crisis. The data sets have 'banks in trouble' from mid January onward throughout the year.
Supporting sets for the 'banking crisis' in USAPop also includes lots of language for 'awakening
experiences', and 'new awareness (of collusion and corruption)' with much of this focusing on the
'banking' and 'political' systems. As may be expected, the data sets are forecasting a great deal of 'upset'
and 'no shows' for 'old economy (before 2017) sales patterns (programs)'.
These data sets are describing a 'debt reduction crisis' when the 'debt (based money) system' comes
under 'extreme pressures' as the 'behavior patterns' that 'kept it alive (over these last 40+ years)' change
in ways 'unforeseen' by those who 'operate the system'. These 'changes' are forecast to 'fundamentally
alter' the nature of 'power' within USAPop as the 'population changes' ahead of the 'behavior patterns'.
Some of the detail language is very much in the vein of 'what if they threw a party (war) and no one
showed up?'. These sets are suggesting that the 'power shift' occurring in USAPop politics is actually
reflective of, or participating in, much larger 'changes (perception (awareness) shifts)' within the
population. The data sets have such impacts as 're-enlistment (into military)' being 'drastically reduced'.
Curiously we need to note that sets within the Antarctica 'The Discovery' are showing the reverse
where 'enlistments' are up for 'deliberate attempts', on the part of apparently enough people for it to
make it into global visibility, 'to be posted (to The Discovery in Antarctica)'. The data sets are
suggesting that somehow the USAPop 'ruling elites' will be able to 'control access (for a short period)'
to The Discovery. This will lead some very 'entrepreneurially minded individuals' to try to 'game the
system' by 'enlistment into USA military'. According to the data, the tactic will 'work' often enough that
there are forecast to be a few 'internet fabulous personalities' who become 'fabulous' due to being
'expelled' from The Discovery. Most of these incidents of 'publicity', and 'viral videos' are showing as
having Australia as the background, however in several detail sets, we get an image of some 'Patagonia
scenery' described as both 'compelling', and (later) 'revealing'. The data is forecasting that some 'sharp
eyes' are going to themselves become 'mega internet global fabulous' by what they 'see (on a distant
shore)' within the videos. Yet more participating sets for 'secrets revealed'.
Other sets within the larger meta data layer of 'secrets revealed' are reinforcing previously forecast
language for 'difficulties' within 'bad behavior' of some segment of the 'general population'. Now we
note that the 'planned' and 'hyped' protests around the 'Trump inauguration' are forecast within the most
recent processing to be a 'flop', or a 'wet noodle episode'. The data shows that there are going to be
instances of bad behavior that will be 'hyped' within 'legacy media', but that the 'expectation' of 'mass
demonstrations' is to be 'disappointed'.

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Without regard to the developing stories of the outward appearance of the upcoming 'power shift', there
are areas of new growth for 'crisis mode' within the 'established (deep) state', and 'officialdom' as 'fears
of exposure' will be 'taking hold' from January 5th onward. Some of these 'fears of exposure' sets are
also directly held within the Markets area where they are reflective of the 'criminal (crony) class' of the
'moneyed (ruling) elite'.
A majority of the sub sets within USAPop that contain 'power' as a supporting set, and that have growth
over January are also bringing in lexical structures including 'awareness (of) failures (of) institutions',
and 'crashing (of the idea of) institution supported life', and 'contention (over) organizations (and)
hidden agenda'. These 'awareness (of the evils of) power' sets in USAPop are at the extreme levels of
emotional sums. These sums are not describing an 'awakening bloom' within USAPop that will
'accelerate' over January and through February to reach something of an emotional crescendo in mid
March just as the 'false economy', or 'rigged markets' within USAPop reach into 'extreme bizarre
There are a number of sets within the most recent processing providing new growth for the 'transition
points' or 'pivotal experiences' for 'their generation(s)' that continue to point to these next 15/fifteen
years as the 'challenge' to 'young USAPop' that will 'define' them to 'themselves'. There are a number of
sets within these areas that point to 'energy', and 'Ice Age' as being the 'central focus' of the up coming
'existential crisis'.
Yet more data continues that would seem to suggest that the 'political fracturing' will continue as
'political parties' come 'unbound'. Many of these sets are cross linked over to the 'corruption', and
'pizzagate' sets. Note that this will affect the Republican politicians as much as, or more, than
Democrats. For those who do watch politics as a sport, this period is forecast as defining the 'American
political parties' for the next few decades though the data is quite clear it will not be until 2025 that the
form will be entering 'stability'. Prior to that time, the data has the 'political structures' within USAPop
described as 'constantly shifting alliances' that are only 'waiting (a puff of) wind' to break them.
A new round of 'corporations behaving badly' is being forecast to begin very early in the year in spite of
the 'ebullient mood' that will be 'infusing parts (of USAPop)'. The data shows 'layoffs', and 'bad
business decisions (coming to the forefront of awareness)' as 2017 gets off to a 'violent' start in the area
of 'currencies' and 'debt markets'.
There are a number of sets for a general 'reappraisal' of the 'state of America' within USAPop as the
'power shift' moves forward. As modelspace is progressed through to Spring, the data has a number of
new 'dramas' that will be emerging over late Winter and through Spring. These sets are also part of the
'secrets revealed' meta data layers. Much of the 'drama' is focused on 'resistance (to) change'. These sets
have very large temporal echoes that will be appearing in late August through September, and again, in
at much larger levels in Spring of 2018. The data sets are suggesting that a 'reformation' of the 'body
politic (general social trend)' of USAPop is underway. The sets have the emergence of some very
powerful 'counter trends' to recent 'social engineering' appearing that will be 'shocking' to the
'committed left' in that the 'unrolling', or 'removing of the blanket' language is focusing on the 'mental
constructs (and 'created fantasies')' of these last 100/one hundred years are to be 'assaulted' and 'over
turned'. The data shows this as a multiple year process working through society. Further there are very
large cross link ropes over to the SpaceGoatFarts entity where the 'information', and 'writings/speaking'

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of the 'ancient civilization' are forecast as 'impacting' the 're-assessment' of 'national (and personal
human) priorities' as though a 'brick (to the) head'. Much of the language around these memes is
suggesting that a 'society in emotional/political chaos and (personal) angst/suffering' will be 'stood up',
and 'given backbone (good posture)' by the 'secrets revealed' within 'The Discovery (in Antarctica)'.
This is forecast as a multiple decade long process.
The USAPop entity has new growth for 'confusion', 'chaos', 'conundrums', 'collisions', and
'confrontations' all focusing on 'money' and/or 'currencies' that are already growing rapidly as
modelspace is moved into January. The idea coming out is of a giant money fire hose that one fraction
of the society is attempting to keep 'fixed in place (on their goals)' while the larger mass of the social
order is actively 'pushing the nozzle' in another direction. This is showing up as being the root cause of
much of the 'social problems' that will be 'overtaking (the) daily chatter' over 2017. The 'control of
spending' and 'control of money/currencies' is of a 'vital concern' to the 'deep state' as well as the 'dark
(shadow) world' that is 'sucking money' from USAPop (and large parts of GlobalPop) in order to 'live
and hide'.
There are many sets, both new and older, longer term sets, that have this period of 2017 through 2019
in USAPop as a festival of 'secrets revealed' to such levels as to 'fundamentally' alter the core nature of
the social order, including 'how we see ourselves'. These next few months are forecast within this
processing as beginning the 'exposure' of the 'shadow state' and the 'underground world' by way of the
'currencies crisis' at a global level. The data would have the 'break-away civilization' being in a position
of 'exposure' as 'money is traced (tracked down)'. The data has the 'break-away civilization' being
'forced to react'.
There are a number of minor sets within USAPop that are suggesting that the 'crisis threatening
exposure of the deep state (and perhaps the shadow state)' will be used either by individuals on their
own initiative, or by policy, to 'dump the pedophile burden'. The data suggests that an 'outing' is coming
as part of the 'truth assault (on USAPop)' in which the 'pedophile burden' will be 'purged'.
Other aspect sets with 'purge' as a label include 'government', and 'social (non government
organizations) institutions' which will be in a state of 'uncertainty' as the 'social order (is) reappraised'.
Many of these sets are focusing on 'costs' as the 'currencies crisis' grows over 2017 and into 2018.
These sets are filling with longer term sets for a multiple decade 'impact' level, and multiple
generations for 'duration of impact'. These sets include a 'deeply divided political system' in USAPop
that is 'reeling' under 'sudden change of direction', and the 'crashing (of the ability to) pay (for fantasy)'.
Further 'purge' sets include 'pipelines', and 'pipes'. In these sets the 'purge' language is going to 'public
safety', and the 'ability to move fluids'. There are some small levels of support for 'nuclear', but also
larger amounts of language for both 'gas' and 'oil'. This may be a wide meme shaping up in which the
'pipelines' and specific 'pipes' are to be 'affected', though not 'blocked'. These sets have extensive cross
links over to the Terra entity where our terminating sets are 'expansion (of the) planet'. In specific sets
within the immediacy value sets have a 'fortuitous happenstance' of a 'video capture', involving a
'young woman (as the subject)', in which the 'expansion of the earth' will be a 'video subject'. The data
sets have the 'video' going viral, and the young woman, and her videographer becoming 'mega internet
fabulous' in very short order. This situation has sets for a very bright, though unexpected, future for the
personalities involved. The young woman will gain an appellation similar to 'Stretch' for the

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unexpected harmony of the 'subject intended', and the 'subject happenstance'.
The data has USAPop describing 2017 as both 'intense' and 'disruptive' even as the year is less than
half completed. By Summer, USAPop is described as 'reeling' from the 'impacts' of the 'burst of self-
awareness' that had been 'forced upon' much of the 'unwilling population' by the 'currencies crisis' at a
global level with specific focus on the 'personal wallet'.

This work and the publications known as the ALTA reports began in 1997 with the first data gathering
operations. From that time, until this very day, the data sets have always had a 'DOW (over) 20,000'
values set in place. This set was discussed in radio interviews in the early 2000s as there were other
elements within these sets including my infamous 'silver (to be) over $600 an ounce' statements made
through these decades. One needs grasp how rare it is for actual numbers to make it through the
processing in order to appreciate the nature of the '$600 per ounce of silver' statement within the data
that has held stable for over 14 years of these reports. These sets may not have had any growth for
months at a time, yet when next resumed, the data sets would still reinforce the link between $600
silver and $20,000 DOW. Both of these numbers were beyond 'strange', and completely into the world
of 'lunacy' in the early 2000's. However, it is with some satisfaction that it is noted we are there now for
the $20,000 DOW. As our work expresses, once the temporal markers start to fall, can the rest of the set
be far behind?
In reference to long term sets, we have had the 'crashing the markets' at what can only be described as
an 'existential' level of threat since 2008. These sets have a propensity to grow into the data from
September through to the new year. There are indications that the language involved may be related to
the span between the equinox and the solstice. There are some hints that there is a 'counter flow' in the
language that runs from the Winter solstice through to the vernal equinox. If we remove the autumnal
equinox to winter solstice impact from the data, the 'crash language' can be removed. However, in
doing so, what remains is perhaps more disturbing than the idea of an 'equities markets crash'.
Examining the data without the 'crash language', there is a notable shifting of 'power' within the
language that occurs before the inauguration of the new 'political power' in USA. The 'power' language
would seem to be forecasting that a deliberate 'unloosing (of the reins)' is 'planned' for January with
some 'expectation' of 'wild gyrations' of 'shares prices' globally. However there are other sets that
suggest there are counter trends trying to be 'pushed' into place. The detail sets have spotty reinforcing
language for 'major changes' at a 'fundamentals' level. Please note that this last set has many supporting
sub sets for 'real numbers', and 'reduced (fake) numbers' from 'government'.
Returning to the complete Markets entity data, with all the 'crash' language in place, there are other sets
describing an 'assault' on 'markets data' that is going to come from 'Israel'. These sets are showing that a
'clique (group/plot)' in 'israel' will be 'in place' to 'go active' in mid January. The goal or nature of the
'plotters' is not able to be teased out of the data sets, rather what is visible is a tangled mass of very 'fast'
and 'wild' types of 'markets actions (movements)' that is indicating as 'causing (major) freak-outs' at
several levels of 'officialdom'. Within these 'officialdom freak-outs' sets we have some that are
indicating that perhaps 'officialdom (within) israel' is also 'freaking out' due to the 'fingers pointing at
them'. The idea coming across is that perhaps the 'leadership' within the 'israel' is both 'unaware' and

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'not sanctioning' what the data sets are describing as the '(strange) sharp (finger) nails clique'. The
'sharp (finger) nails group' is also showing up with the label of 'Z'. No telling yet what that is about.
Other sets within these linguistic structures have 'Russia' and 'China' in positions to 'quietly discuss aid
to America' behind the 'curtains'. Other sets have the 'Z' faction being 'unknown' to 'israel officialdom'
such that 'israel officialdom' also goes into 'freak-out mode' as the 'pace of change' is described as being
'taken out of (their) hands' in mid January.
The data accretion across all of modelspace is at a rate that is reflecting the language of 'rapid' that is
showing up throughout the Markets areas. These sets are appearing in modelspace very much faster
than usual processing provides. The implication is that not only are there going to be more events
affecting Markets, but also that they will be appearing in very 'rapid bursts' of 'activity' and 'frantic
The 'response' aspect set has attributes of 'hesitant', 'wary', 'faint', and 'thin' when it is actually described
as 'meeting' the 'crisis'. These sets are suggesting that whatever the crisis, and whatever the response, it
will be 'insufficient to the moment'. There are many sets that are within this supporting structure
showing that the 'currencies crisis' will be more like 'crises' that are 'serial' in nature such that the
feelings of the 'currencies world (of humans)' will be as though 'waking (to a new) crisis each day' that
was 'hatched overnight' from the 'remnants' of 'the crisis of yesterday'.
These sets contain, as may be expected, large numbers of references to 'bonds', but less so to
'derivatives' by that name. Rather we are now getting more details within the data sets with more
specificity, which is suggestive of being closer to the manifestation of the language. Further many of
the new detail sets are coming in with the immediacy and shorter term sets providing further clues that
we are close to witnessing the events that will bring out the language forecast.
Curiously, there are many cross links from these 'crises' sets, especially the detail (immediacy (IM)
data) sets within the 'currencies markets' sub sets, over to the SpaceGoatFarts entity with terminating
sets including many references to 'UFO'. Further, there are references within the 'UFO' sets that include
both 'increase' and 'activity' or 'sightings' more precisely as we drill down two more levels into IM data.
Other major, and rising, linguistic structures within the Markets entity, include sets for 'cartels' that will
become 'attacked' at several levels more or less continuously over 2017 and 2018. The data has 'cartels'
being the more or less 'international corporations', however, once again we have cross links back over
to the SpaceGoatFarts entity with terminating sets that are
1) also terminating sets for many sets from the ThePowersThatBe entity;
2) have some 'unknown' components that may be hints toward the 'black projects world';
3) have repeating references within the terminating sets to what is best described as 'flying space
nazi economy'. Note that these sets are growing rapidly with greater percentage of detail sets
which should produce a more precise view very soon if the growth rate continues at this pace.
There are several large sets within Markets entity which have been in place for a number of years that
are attached to both the 'bonds' sub sets via mutually held sub sets with the 'currencies crises'. The
'currencies crises' are described as being 'serial', and 'attached (as) pearls (on a string)', or as 'peas (next
to each other) in a pod'. On the other hand, the 'bonds' crisis is described as originating in late 2016 to
become 'one long grinding, growing, growling crisis' from that point forward into early March of 2018.

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New developments within the 'new electrics' sub sets are suggesting that 'break through developments'
will be occurring in 'central Asia' such that the 'global electric power generation industry goes on a 'trek
to (?) Mongolia (mid central asia, dry environment, electricity research site)'. These sets are showing
that an 'electrical generation innovation' in 'central Asia' is going to be a 'giant draw (pull or attractant)'
for the 'global electrical generation business' as these 'new, small gen-sets' start slowly being 'put into
use' over these next few years. The 'breakthrough' is indicated to be happening in 2017 with
announcements following shortly on the success of 'replication of results'.
The data sets have a 'backward country', that is 'mostly rural, herdsmen', and within the 'central Asia'
geographic region as being the 'inception point' for the 'mini-generators' that are forecast as 'changing
the world'. Beyond the 'mini-generators', the data shows that 'crystal based distribution technology' is
what the 'power generation' folks are after. The data is describing the 'mini-generators' as a 'small
machine' that will be capable of 'generation (of) sufficient electrical power' for a 'household' or a 'small
village', and can be 'transported (on a) sheep (or goat)'. Further, 'while it is running', and though not
stated, presumably without danger. Further the data sets have these 'mini-generators' being 'constant'
once 'turned on' until they reach their 'end-of-cycle'. This 'cycle' lifespan is showing as being 'over 10
years'. As may be expected, we have tons of longer term data sets going to the 'alterations to humanity
(basically how we choose to live)' as a result of the 'small hot bricks'.
The whole of the 'energy complex' is indicated to be 'volatile' throughout 2017 globally, with a general
trend down for 'oil prices', and 'electricity', however, as modelspace is moved into August of 2017 we
hit a period of 'seismic activity' that has some new sets in it for 'rising energy costs' for 'north America'.
These sets begin coming into modelspace in late August, ramping up with new supporting sets through
the rest of the year. The implication is that the 'earthquakes' and 'damages' to the 'infrastructure' are
going to produce a 'rising energy price' in north America that will be slightly 'off-trend' from the rest of
the globe. The 'energy' cited is 'gasoline' and 'diesel fuel'.
There are many longer term value sets going to the idea of 'global currencies crashing' such that only a
few countries have either 'stable currencies' or 'convertible currencies (to other currencies, not speaking
of gold or silver here).
The 'currencies crash' has been a long term feature of these reports, with intermittent events over the
years reinforcing the meme. Now we have a ballooning of the new data within these sets that shows a
'kick off' of the 'currencies deflation episode' to begin in about mid February with the larger impacts
coming over March and April into a fully formed global 'currencies crisis' by May of 2017.
Yet more data sets within the Markets entity for 'energy research', and 'commercial boom' that will be
coming to 'antarctica' due to 'The Discovery'. Many new 'emigration' sets showing for 'wealth' as the
data is describing the 'biggest commercial boom in history' originating from Antarctica! This 'wealth' is
not being described as 'money' or 'gold' or other 'precious metals', but rather as 'precious technology'!
Much of the first, and the data is clearly showing it as 'first goals' will be the 'discovered energy'
technology which is described in the data sets as being 'self renewing' and 'perpetual', but not as 'zero
point' or 'zero cost' energy. However, the data sets do have 'perpetual' defined within the sets as 'initial
costs (of construction)', and 'very minimal maintenance' to create a 'return multiplier' of 'orders of
Note that all the Antarctica sets are dominated by longer term data both for impact and visibility, so this

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is a multiple decade long process being described in only a very few paragraphs. Let us be clear that
this will be a slow meme to unwind, though the drama and impacts are still there.
Other much more 'mundane' language around both 'earth' and 'moon' are within the Markets entity for a
series of 'shocks' that will be likened to 'earthquakes' as 'derivatives' are going to be 'relabeled'. The
'lunar language' will be an apparent reference to being able to 'easier mine the moon, than collect on
XYZ derivatives'. This language is very clear, focused and within immediacy sets for 'European bonds'.
These sets appear as modelspace is progressed through late January, and are joining Switzerland, Italy,
and the 'currencies crisis' with 'global', 'credit freeze', and 'contagion'. We also have threads cross
linking these sets within the 'Italian banks' to USAPop, and to AustraliaPop. In the many instances of
these cross links the majority of the terminating sets are describing 'demand notes', 'interest rates',
'proffered collateral (being not able (to be) collected (foreclosed))', and 'government interference'. The
'government interference' is also cross linked back over to USAPop and EUPop and TPTB all of which
have 'military (sub contractor) extreme emotional tension (aka – a 'freak out')' that will be 'visible'
within the mainstream propaganda press over late winter (northern hemisphere) and, though fading,
still visible well into Spring. The 'freak-out' is about the 'trial balloon' of a 'massive wave (of military
base closings)'. The descriptors for the 'military bases' would suggest that most are 'outside' the USA
proper. How these base closings are related to the derivatives is not clear within the data, though there
are very clear temporal links.
There are less clear links, but nonetheless meaningful, between the 'derivatives nightmare' about to
'envelope' the 'global (western) retirement systems' and the world of 'black projects' and 'hidden
technologies'. These cross links in the Markets entity are suggesting something of a 'swap' at some level
that will be an 'attempt' at a 'rescue'. The details do not show what it is that may be 'rescued' by this
'swap' that will be 'proposed', but they do indicate it is 'too little, far far too late'. Further the 'failure' of
the 'derivatives' will 'continue' while the 'proposed solution' is 'floated', and that this will further 'change
conditions' under the 'slowly reacting feet' of the 'institutional investor cohort'. Thus, in the forecast
language, a 'crisis' will hit ;derivatives; smack on the jaw, knocking it over, while on the way to the
floor, the 'rescue' will be discussed, and then abandoned as the patient bounces hard off the concrete.
The rapid expansion of the 'digital frameworks' into the 'threads' of the 'millions of valleys' across the
Pan-Eurasian continent by China is showing up in many different sections of the new data processing.
The new growth sets are describing a most remarkable long term view of a developing, organic process
that the data describes as 'embracing', 'welcoming', 'awaited', 'restorative', 'invigorating', and other
language of a similar nature. These supporting sets are bringing in other cross linked sets for the
'innovation wave' long seen in SpaceGoatFarts entity, and the GlobalPop entity.
In this most recent processing the number and types of cross links between the 'DIY Biology bloom'
forecast for the 'coastal (island) states (of Asia)' within GlobalPop have expanded greatly to now
include aspect/attribute sets for '(wave of) innovation (to be) moving inland' over 2017 through well
into the late 2030's just in Asia. Curiously there are cross links between these sets and the 'Oceania' sets
of the 'pacific island nations'. These links are primarily longer term data with few details.
The Markets entity has long had sets that tied together 'bitcoin' as it was reaching '$1000 (and beyond)'
and the 'price movements of the precious metals'. These set have linked 'bitcoin' and 'silver' specifically
for a number of years. These sets have had hundreds of temporal markers, most of which have already

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Sci-fi World - January 2017
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manifested in both sets. These sets continue to gain new supporting values for 'bitcoin' to be in 'lead
mode' temporarily as 'precious metals' will 'race to catch up'. At that point in the movement of
modelspace there are linguistic connections that show 'gold' at over $3200 USD.
It is within these sets that we find a 'great (giant/titan) battle' for 'control of the silver price' as the data
shows it 'diverging globally' with 'premiums' and 'delta' at over $100 USD. Yes, that is correct, the data
sets are showing that there will be a 'global difference' in the 'in-the-hand delivered price' for 'silver' of
over $100 USD. It is at this point in the data that we get numeric prices. These prices range from $125
USD per ounce to 'over $345 USD' {ed note: these prices are not all within USA and represent the
'global spread' forecast to develop in 2017}.
More 'silver' sets within the data have new growth or new supporting sets for the 'price rise' for 'silver'
to be 'coincident' with several 'announcements' that will be providing 'base (scientific math)' for the
'new electrics'. As noted in this and many previous ALTA reports the 'new electrics' sets are describing a
'fundamental change' in the 'relationship' that humanity has with 'electricity'. This 'new relationship'
includes language for giant increases in 'efficiency' as well as 'new approaches (to using) electricity in
daily life'. Further the data is very wide, with many sets describing, including by cross link to
SpaceGoatFarts entity, such new devices as 'flying' and 'floating cars/ships' (anti-gravity), and 'pollution
free propulsion' {ed note: some debate in the data as there may be some form of 'pollution' in another
part of 'space' from some of our new 'propulsion' systems, albeit unseen and not sensed by humans}.
There are other sets for 'trans-pulse computers', which are referencing a new form of computing that is
NOT quantum per se, but rather (will come to) exist as a 'virtual string (wire)' between 'computing
nodes' such that the 'string (attenuates) (to) galactic' level 'thought-pulses'. This last is part of a much
bigger 'technology' being described in the longer term data as so 'large (encompassing)' as to 'draw in
(nearly) ¼ (one-quarter) of humanity' over the rest of this century. These machines have 'silver' as a
critical component within their construction and operation. This last set has implications that even once
built the machines will require a steady 'diet' of 'silver' to operate. The Markets entity is showing that
this 'thought-pulses machine “industry”' is to be 'profitable' at levels not able to be described herein.
Further the 'profit' will be in both 'intelligence (creative) capital' as well as 'wealth'. Other sets include
'changing humanity'. As a side note, the 'changing humanity' sets that are building at the far edge of the
longer term supporting sets for the 'pulse-thought computers' includes language for 'trans-humanism'
basically 'fading away' along with many of the 'organized religions'. There are a large number of sets
that contain CERN references. A majority at this time are cross linked into the SpaceGoatFarts entity
with many terminations within sets for both 'causing earthquakes', and more surprisingly, 'supplanted'
and/or 'overtaken (left behind, obsolete)'. The interpretation at this point favors the general idea that the
Large Hadron Collider becomes 'obsolete' as a result of the development of this 'thought-pulse
machinery or technology'. Also note that these 'new computing paradigm (thought-pulse tech)' sets are
also participating in the innovation wave previously discussed as well as 'spring boarding (other
technologies)' over these next decades.
Please note that the data would seem to be suggesting that some 'forces' have been used to 'constrain' or
'limit' humanity's natural progress through it's temporal cycles into what should have been a
'renaissance' period shortly after 2000. By whatever means, and with unknown intent, the description
within our data favors the interpretation that this 'constraining force' is weakening, or has weakened to
the point that humanity's 'natural exuberance' is now rising. It remains to be seen whether the 'temporal

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constraints' will work out as a more intense burst of creativity crammed into the same temporal region,
or simply be a delayed start, but having no other effect on the temporal cycle involved. The data at this
point has a 'bursting (into) consciousness' form of a descriptor for the (now) 'developing (manifesting)
renaissance (of) human thought (and technologies)'.
We are even now gaining new supporting sets for a 'break-out' into 'consciousness (visibility)' within
GlobalPop of what will be 'thousands (of new) technologies' just in the next year. Some of these 'new
technologies', as has been forecast in these reports for years, will be 'fundamental breakthroughs' that
will be 'powering humanity' for a number of centuries. In the case of 'powering', this language has long
involved 'new forms' of 'energy', some of which is described as 'motive', but not 'electrical', nor
'biological', nor 'mechanical'. These and many more descriptors are of course tied over to the
SpaceGoatFarts entity due to the 'secrets', and the 'officially denied', and 'unknown' nature of the
underlying sets. In their first appearances, and in some cases for many years, these sets had remained
within the SpaceGoatFarts entity area. Within these last 2/two years, the data has shifted many of these
very speculative data sets over into the more prosaic areas of Markets and GlobalPop. In addition, the
shift into these other entities via directly held sets are now including both shorter term and immediacy
values hinting at manifestation in a near term frame of reference. There are cross links to the 'antarctica'
sets as well as the 'dark labs (secret back engineering aka 'break-away civilization guys)' though these
links do not dominate.
New growth in the 'Bitcoin' sets has caused this area of the Markets entity to more than double in
volume of language over these last 6/six months. New sets are continuing to describe a ChinaPop that
will be 'dedicated' to 'getting bitcoin'. Again we have reinforcing sets for 'smug expressions' on the
faces of those who have “bitcoin'. Now these sets are providing details that there will be a new phrase
for these smiles within ChinaPop. The 'satisfied Bitcoin smiling face' phrase is indicated to become
very much discussed over 2017. There are spurts of growth in the 'satisfaction of owning bitcoin smile'
that appear around the end of January as the 'New Year' is 'officially welcomed' in ChinaPop. The spurt
of growth starts about January 25 and goes through the New Year 'celebrations' on the 27th.
In independent sets for Bitcoin we have some numbers that we are labeling our 'strange attractors' for
'bitcoin'. These are $888, and $1088, and $1448. These numbers are forecast as manifesting over early
2017. The data sets continue to have the 'withdrawal (of) cash' as a part of the 'currencies crisis' for
2017/2018. These sets have numbers for bitcoin in RMB of 80808 that will be within this period. No
idea from the data as to what the dollar to RMB ratio may be at that point.
Within the 'happy bitcoin face' area of ChinaPop are many sets that cross link back to Markets entity
where the terminating sets include a 'global happy face' as the 'bitcoin futures' clearly are 'shifted to
Ed note: in late 2014 our data started reporting more numbers for the Yuan/RMB price of bitcoin, that
numbers for dollar prices. This trend has continued and now those numbers we receive are heavily
weighted to Yuan/RMB.
Yet more sets for a temporal link between 'silver' and the 'price of bitcoin' being near $1000 USD are
still crowding this late stage processing for this report. The new sets are forecasting that the
'connection' will be manifesting as 'silver gaps up' in USD prices over a very short period (a few days).
This is but the 'first cough' to 'get the lungs started', or the 'backfire (noise)' that 'announces the engine

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Sci-fi World - January 2017
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starting'. The very robust filling patterns to many of the USAPop sets that are 'dollar' focused as
modelspace is moved through January toward March. These fill patterns bring in very large amounts of
longer term value types suggesting that the early moves for silver and gold and bitcoin over the first
3/three months of 2017 are but the 'platform' from which the rest of the year will 'springboard'.
Just as the language itself is reflecting the fast rate at which it is accumulating, we have numerous sets
that are headed by 'gold' that are within Markets and USAPop and GlobalPop that are bringing in
language about 'gold' in the form of 'color', and expressions as in 'solid gold', and 'golden times', and
'golden light', and many many more to the point of having to aggregate these sets into groups just to be
able to get a larger visual impression. The sheer number of uses of 'gold' within the data as well as the
ratio of descriptors to detail sets is forecasting a very very large shift in the global humanity point of
view on this subject over these next years. The 'gold' references are bringing very large sets of longer
term values which are also driving the emotional sums higher with each new addition.
The interpretation for the Markets and other entities has to be focused on a 'gold resurgence' over these
next few years as our 'gold' language manifests. There are many sets about 'discussions (in/with) public'
over a 'new global gold standard', as well as many sets going to the idea of a 'fantastic (think sci-fi
world) technological (new) use' for 'gold' that is forecast as causing many people (gold aficionados?) to
'nearly faint' at the 'idea' of 'gold (being) consumed (in technologies)'.
Without regard to the Sci-fi World nature of some of the supporting sets, the 'gold' word at a descriptor
level is up almost 400% over the previous month's processing at a base level. This is to say that there
are 'four times (almost)' as many descriptor level references for 'gold' as just in last month's processing.
Such a rate of expansion has only happened once before, and that was to the 'bitcoin' sets. When that
occurred, my forecast for the '3/three times through $408-$428' was derived from the details of those
The 'gold' descriptor sets continue to grow even in the late stage processing for this report. These sets
contain 'gold' supporting sets that are indicating that the 'age of gold' is just now unfolding for Markets
entity, and humanity, at many levels. Not only do we have 'gold' as in 'money', but also we have 'gold'
and 'golden', and many forms of 'shines like gold' in large numbers of diverse sets. Many of these sets
do have 'Antarctica (The Discovery)' links, but the majority do not. In the larger mass of 'gold'
references, the data would seem to be forecasting the emergence into visibility of a 'mental shift' among
GlobalPop that will, hereafter for decades perhaps, recognize 'gold' as 'money'. Further, we have many
sets describing GlobalPop, as expressed through the 'markets actions' as 'bonding (emotionally) to
gold'. These sets are also bringing in USAPop sub sets in ways not before seen.
Many of the 'gold' sets take a growth spurt as modelspace is progressed through late January and into
early February. This growth spurt is tied to other language indicating that another 'flash crash' is
coming in which '3000' points will be 'wiped out', and then 'recovered' within mere 'minutes'. This
apparently will not be the only such 'flashy' that will be occurring; indeed, the data sets are suggesting
that we will pick up new language to describe these 'flashy' events by mid March of next year.
In spite of, or perhaps because of, recent events along the lines of 'banning cash', and 'making paper
(bills) worthless', the data sets around 'gold' and 'silver' have the 'mining businesses' going into 2017
beaten down, but ready to 'bust out' as the conditions improve. Other new supporting sets for 'mining
businesses', especially in 'north america', are piling up around the idea of 'intense competition'. These

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Sci-fi World - January 2017
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sets have the previously forecast 'gold fever' among the 'population' as also prompting 'prospecting' and
'mining', primarily for 'gold' across the continent. Without regard to 'no gold ever been found here', the
data sets have the 'gold fever' running so hot in the population globally that many new forms of 'gold
mining' are going to be taking place. Some of the instances within the detail sets are referencing
'mining (for gold in) computer circuits (even if not necessarily either owned by you, or a waste
machine)'. Other sets have people 'combing culverts', and 'hauling water' for 'great distances' in order to
'sample pan (dry) streams'. Other sets have 'sand thefts' taking place as people will try 'gold panning' in
giant piles of 'roadway sand', and other 'sand dumps'. The Markets entity is also forecasting that 'whole
buildings' and 'road surfaces' that had been 'old ore mills', or 'metals refineries' will be 'acid stripped' to
'obtain gold' that is 'fused into (bricks or cement)'. These linguistic sets accumulate slowly over 2017
while building both depth and breadth of the size such that by early 2018, the data sets would have
'gold fever' be a 'locally discussed' item all across the 'northern hemisphere'. It would seem that such
extreme efforts would have to be reflective of extremes in supply shortages, as well as prices. The
Markets entity has large numbers of cross links that are linking the 'gold fever' with the 'currencies
crisis' and suggesting that the 'paper currencies prices' for 'gold' and 'silver' will reach 'astonishing'
levels that will 'emotionally scar' whole 'generations'.
The Markets entity has 'bitcoin' laced through the sets in a way that has not been seen prior to this
processing. We have new sets for a 'deliberate' push by 'Chinese officialdom' to 'extend (as rapidly as
possible)' the 'access routes' to the online world. The data has this 'push' being outside of China proper,
yet 'planned, paid for, and supplied by' the Chinese authorities. As a major side effect a new 'bitcoin
nation' is going to 'spring up' that will be nearly 'one billion people'. This new 'nation (in the middle of
other nations) is being treated by our data sets in ways that suggest a new entity may be forming.
The data emotional sums for this 'push (into) the billion population' has this being both a 'successful
gamble' on the part of Chinese authorities, as well as creating 'the dragon (that Chinese authorities)
must (try to) ride'. The data sets has 'bitcoin' use 'explode' over the next '2/two years' as the 'new
network' is 'pushed throughout (the) railroad lines'. These data sets have this new 'Pan-Eurasian bitcoin
nation' being a major driver for 'steady (persistent) increasing value' for Bitcoin. These sets would have
many people making the transition from 'goat trading' straight to 'bitcoin via phone transactions', and
'high speed (fiber optic) bitcoin mining'. These sets participate in the 'bitcoin (to be) 80808 RMB' sets.
Within our data sets over these few years, there has appeared descriptions of 'grow buildings' in which
'food crops' would be 'grown under lights' and 'closed environment conditions'. These sets had initially
appeared in the SpaceGoatFarts entity. Over the years, we have seen instances of supporting sets within
various entities, including USAPop and CanadaPop. Other supporting sets have shown occasionally
within Markets entity. We have another such instance now with very long term data sets forecasting
that the 'grow buildings' will be 'planned' or 'under construction' at many locations around the northern
hemisphere within these next 4/four years. These sets are growing now in Markets entity as there are
forecasts that 'bitcoin mining', more specifically the 'heat produced' will be showing up in conjunction
with at least one of the 'grow buildings' to be put into 'operation' in the near future.
Yet more sets in the 'reaction' area to the 'developing Ice Age' have many areas of GlobalPop bursting
with 'creativity'. These sets are suggesting that several 'experiments' in 'food production' , and new
approaches to 'energy production' will be successful such that they start appearing in the larger
GlobalPop over these years, as well as propelling the 'participants' into GlobalPop fame.

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Sci-fi World - January 2017
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The data sets are gathering in very large numbers around the 'planet Mars' sub sets. These data sets are
clustering around 'Mars', but in a number of differing sub sets. There are sets for 'officialdom freak-out'
as 'civilian Mars expedition' is 'created and funded'. Some of the data would seem to suggest that an
individual who will 'take down banks' through 'smart currency trades' is going to be a serious patron of
the idea of 'humans (back) to Mars'.
Other sets under 'officialdom freak-out' include ' rumors' that 'they fired (something) back'. These latter
sets are about an internet meme that will emerge in 2017 to the effect that 'Mars launches rocket to
earth', or words to that effect. There are some sets suggesting that the 'rocket' may actually be language
referring to yet another 'Mars rock' that comes down as a 'meteor'.
Yet more 'Mars' sets include supporting positions within the 'Antarctica' sets discussed elsewhere in this
report. In these supporting positions we find very curious references to 'Hawaii', and more specifically,
to 'Kona'. The ideas within the sparse bits of details is that 'personalities' connected to 'Kona' will be
emerging into 'global visibility' as a result of the 'Mars focus'. No further details at a meaningful level
except to note that there are many long term sets that are reinforcing the idea of a 'decades long'
connection to some aspect of the upcoming focus on Mars.
Mars is also featured in a number of sets within SpaceGoatFarts that are forecasting 'great discoveries'
and that many of the 'searchers' are going to become 'greatly famous' as events, especially the 'secrets
revealed' meta data layer play out over 2017 through 2022. Many of the 'compulsive researchers' now
toiling will apparently be 'swept along' into 'global fame' by their work and its timing relative to
'revealed secrets' over 2017.
On the trail of the 'Nummo'....the data sets have several new areas within the SpaceGoatFarts entity that
show the 'development' of a 'liquid copper machine' that will be able to 'provide power' as well as
'motion'. What is very interesting is that the Nummo, the ancient aquatic beings that engineered the
human form so many millions of years ago, are said to 'travel between the stars' by using a 'liquid
copper engine'. This 'engine' is described in history as being 'two horns' on either side of a 'liquid
copper disk'. These new data sets have the 'liquid copper engine' being announced, at least in its early
'mathematics' and 'science break through' over 2017. There are some hints that the first practical
application will be in late 2018, launching the 'mini-generators' of the 'new electrics' sub sets into the
wilds of humanity. These sets are suggesting that the point of origin will be 'central Asia' which is
likely within a ChinaPop area.
The many many new data sets for 'antarctica' and what we are calling “The Discovery” have added a
great deal of supporting sets for what is being labeled as 'precious technology' with the 'precious' word
being used in a similar emotive value manner to its use in the phrase 'precious metals'. This use of the
word 'precious' in relation to the 'technology' is centered about, and supports 'energy' as the primary
supporting set for 'precious'. In these sets the data suggests that 'energy production', and 'distribution' in
'ways' and 'means' that are 'new' to 'modern earth' are the 'primary prize' {ed note: or so TPTB think at
this point} for the 'pending invasion' of 'Antarctica'.
The 'invasion' word is the label for a set that shows very large numbers of people 'descending' onto
Antarctica for the 'archaeology boom' that is forecast to follow the 'leaks' of The Discovery over 2017.

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The data sets are showing 'fleets' of both 'airplanes' and 'ships' that are going to 'bivouac on the coast' in
several locations. These sets are also describing 'international contention' over The Discovery, at least
at the outset, which is forecast as causing a number of 'incidents', and 'scientific skirmishes' over many
issues with the 'excavation' of the 'ancient civilization'. Our data sets are forecasting that the 'ancient
civilization' predates modernity by at least 'half a million years', or at least so will be reported when the
'facts' and 'speculative thinking' starts to come out from the 'press conferences' that will be held late in
2017 or early 2018.
The data is presenting a few details about some of the language that will be coming out about The
Discovery as including 'Creeping electricity' which is a form of 'energy distribution' that may not
actually involve what we know as 'electricity' as the data sets have the 'electricity' word supported by
'unknown' and 'not yet understood'. Without regard to the type of 'power', the data sets are suggesting
that the 'distribution system' for it will yield 'hundreds' of new technologies to be derived from the
'creeping electricity' which is seemingly a reference for how the electricity moves over the surface of
'walls' to the 'delivery point'.
Many of the Antarctica sets with new data for 'The Discovery' are also filled with 'disc' language, as in
'flying disc', or 'UFO'. There are several dozen temporal markers (TMs) for 'UFO' and Antarctica that
are within the larger sets from several years back which we labeled as 'flying Nazi Antarctica
economy'. These sets, to some extent, are now resolving themselves into supporting sets that have the
'economy' and 'economic' sub sets providing support for the 'precious technologies', and 'wealth
(economic boom)'. These sets are also cross linked over to the 'seismic activity' for our planet over
2017. Again, as was forecast many years ago in ALTA reports, the data sets are still maintaining that
'earthquakes' in Antarctica will be 'forcing out (the inhabitants)'. These sets for 'earthquakes in
Antarctica' have been in place for years in the longer term data sets, and are now being seen in the
shorter term data, while still growing supporting sets within the longer term data. This is very likely
due to the very long duration impact on the global economy forecast to emerge from Antarctica over
these next few years.
Other new sets have data for 'preserves' that are NOT referring to jams or jellies, but are referencing
'warm air preserves' that will be 'discovered' to be 'deep in the ice' of Antarctica. These 'preserves' are
quite fascinating in the SpaceGoatFarts entity as they are supported at many different levels, including
Terra entity, and Markets entity. Further, within these two entities, the data sets are supporting the
'warm air/water preserves' as being 'visible' to GlobalPop over 2018. There are still many sets within
the new data showing the 'The Discovery' for is 'secrets revealed' moment as being in 2017. However
the data shows that 'distribution' of the 'knowledge (of The Discovery)' will not get the details out into
the wild of humanity until mid 2018.
There are a number of new sets for 'radiation' that are piling up in supporting positions for 'shield'
within the SpaceGoatFarts entity. The 'shield' is clearly an 'anti-space-alien' form of 'protection' that is
(apparently) being 'created' by 'deliberate radiation releases'. These may include Fukushima. The data
sets would have some of TPTB trying to create a 'shield around the northern hemisphere' by 'deliberate
releases' of 'globe encircling radiation'. These are more longer term sets, but we do have some shorter
term values showing which suggests that this information will be moving closer to us over 2017.
The data sets are showing that a major emotional threshold is about to be crossed in early 2017 as the

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'independent Mars (photo) observer community' is going to 'focus in upon' what will be 'undeniable
intelligence'. The 'undeniable intelligence' sets have 'communications', and 'writing', and 'numbers', and
other 'symbols' as well as 'clear intent' all within the supporting sets.
The idea coming up from the new immediacy data within these sets is that the 'online community' of
'Mars (photo) hunters' will, through some 'collaboration' be raising the 'amperage' and the 'frequency' of
the GlobalPop voices involved in '(distant) space exploration' as well as 'speculation'. We can file this
one under the label of 'martian to alien (us) first contact'.
Other new sets within the SpaceGoatFarts entity we have sets for 'new personalities' who will be 'rising'
in within GlobalPop as the 'space industry' begins to 'uncloak'. These sets are discussing a new 'cadre'
of 'entrepreneurs' who themselves will be 'uncloaking' in so far as the 'new ethos' and 'new (urgent?)
focus' on a very wide swath of what can be called 'serious woo-woo'. These sets bring out images of
'new physics', and also include sets for a form of 'temporal dynamism' that is NOT described as 'time
travel', but rather 'time as energy'.
Yet more cross connected sets between SpaceGoatFarts entity and the Markets entity forecast that the
'energy' activities of humans are going to be 'over-turned' as the 'new science of field dynamics' breaks
out into the open. These sets are forecasting that this science is a propellant within the innovation wave
just now beginning within GlobalPop.
Still more growth in the existing sets for the 'space alien cruise ship fly by'. Further new supporting sets
are also gaining new data. These new sets are suggesting very much a 'holiday', and 'festive' emotive
tone will be surrounding this 'fly-by', or 'local excursion', at least on the part of the humans who witness
There are a number of sets for the 'Crime of the Century' language that does not include 'banks' nor
government as the 'perpetrator', but rather, does have some very interesting SpaceGoatFarts entity data
sets for a 'ray gun' that will be used in the act of 'robbery'. A true Sci-fi World descriptor set has the
'crime' being 'viral news' as the 'criminals' will be using 'advanced technology' to 'steal (unknown)
material'. These sets do not as a whole make sense. The data would have the 'ray gun' being 'exposed' in
the 'crime of (carrying off)' some 'unknown mass'. The 'mass' or 'stuff' will not being showing any
significant 'monetary value', nor does it show in the data as being 'easily sold', nor 'traded'. In fact, the
material to have been (in the future) 'reported as stolen' is apparently only 'exposed' itself due to the
'public nature' of the 'ray gun crime'. Some of these sets are in immediacy values, and the majority in
shorter term sets so it will apparently make the news in 2017.
A very large part of the SpaceGoatFarts entity, something over 30% by visual assay, is composed of
'new stuff' sets. These 'new stuff' sets aggregate the many 'new technologies', and 'new materials', and
'new theories' and 'new math' that are forecast to arise from the 'innovation wave' now underway
throughout humanity. Within this larger segment of the SpaceGoatFarts entity, there is a common
element that is described as 'fields', or 'field dynamics', or 'field energy'. These sets are referring to an
'underlying' or 'base technology' that is forecast as emerging over 2017. While much of the actual work
is likely ongoing as of this report, the data is forecasting that 'announcements' are going to be 'littering'
2017 as 'one after another' of 'new mathematics' is 'unveiled'.
A few of the supporting sets for the 'new (field energy dynamics) math' have specific language that
suggests that the 'field dynamics' science and technology is at least a partially mature technology. These

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structures could be suggesting that the 'field energy dynamics' technologies are to be leaked from the
Break-away Civilization that exists underground within GlobalPop. The language for such things as
'surface dirt' or 'surface (effect) noise', and other language is of a form and nature that it must have been
derived from actual use of these 'field effect devices'. Stated another way for clarity, there are words
that would naturally only arise within the lexicon of people 'doing the work' with such technologies.
These linguistic structures cannot be expected to develop until humans have some experience with the
technology such that they can build out a 'damn thing needs cleaning' lexicon relating to 'making it
The 'field effect noise' issue is apparently going to be one of the 'big hurdles' to overcome as the 'field
technologies' are 'rolled out' into the general GlobalPop. The new data sets are filling out the 'dynamic
energy fields' sets with hints of thousands of different 'jobs' that will be deriving from these 'released
innovations'. The 'new devices' sets are gaining supporting sets with all the data value types indicating
that we should be seeing some 'immediate' stories in this area, as well as more releases over the coming
months and years.
Another forecast from the 'new sciences' and 'new technologies' creeping into 'public awareness' over
these next 4/four years is that the 'devastating wars' between 'the Muslim sects' are going to coincide
with the 'eruption' of the 'new technologies' such that 'education (not schooling – see GlobalPop)' will
become 'THE planetary meme' over these next 20/twenty plus years. The conjunction of the 'intense
fighting (in Muslim holy sites)', and the 'eruption of knowledge (within GlobalPop)' is providing the
'seeds' for what is going to be seen (labeled) as 'The Great Reformation'. Not able to say at this point
which direction the 'reformation' may take, but it is described as 'transforming' the 'Islamic world' in the
'destruction (of the) Past'. {ed note: the 'destruction of the Past' is likely some form of transliterated
Arabic phrase of meaning within Islam'.}

Yet more data growth in the 'death of religion' sets as we move modelspace through 2017 and into
2018. The new data sets have 'The (Antarctica) Discovery' providing more than 'new technologies' and
'economic boom period'. We also have new sets accruing from May 2017 onward with a very large
bulging in the data just about February of 2018 when the sets have 'facts (and ancient videos?)' coming
out of Antarctica that bring the idea of 'proscribed (forbidden) practices (body?)' that are forecast to
have impacts on 'religions' around the world. The 'proscribed' and 'forbidden' language is very complex,
and very robustly growing. There is some suggestion from the data that a 'hoard' or 'trove' of
'knowledge' discovered is going to 'transform humanity' over these next '4'/four decades (and beyond)'.
Many of these sets are in supporting positions for a set that can be labeled as 'we got it wrong'. These
sets are suggesting that a 'wave of reformation', and or 'revision' of 'human thought (understanding)'
about our 'origins', and 'history' will be 'reset' by what comes out of “The Discovery” over these next
few years.
There are a number of sets within the Antarctica and The Discovery sets that may be describing a
'battle' that is now, and will continue to take place over 'how much', and 'if', and 'when' the 'information'
about The Discovery is to be 'released' into the wilds of humanity. However, the data is quite clear that
the 'arguing' and 'discord' will all be 'wasted time' as it is describing 'individuals' who just 'take it upon
themselves' to 'awaken humanity' with “The Discovery”.

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There are a number of sets within the Antarctica 'discovery' sets that include cross links to 'religious
charities' in the Markets entity where the forecast is for 'donations' to be 'down (to less than) 10%' of
the 'usual levels'. These sets have 'large impacts', and extreme levels of emotional values around them
for years, although the levels of the emotional sums fade rapidly over 2018 and early 2019. Within the
Markets entity there are sets going to the 'shutting' and 'closing' of 'private religious charities'.
A curious set within the Antarctica set has the 'scientologists' attempting to 'claim' The Discovery as
'proof' of their 'belief system'. According to the data accretion patterns, this will last about 2/two
months, and is showing as providing a 'fatal back pressure' when the 'further details' about The
Discovery come out. At that point in modelspace the longer term data are dominating with the
'proscribed practices' being the 'death rattle' for 'scientology' as an 'organized delusion', and 'profit
center'. From that point on, the data has 'scientologists (the last hard core)' in the same boat as the other
religious zealots in 'fighting (to retain) pennies' against the 'tsunami' of 'lawsuits' from across the
'western world'.
Other forms of 'religion' that are going to be 'curtailed' by the Antarctica 'information' are focused on
'eating “habits”' and 'eating “traditions”' for humans. These sets include forecasts that 'shocking
information' is going to come out that will 'destroy (the) Japanese (appetite for) whale flesh'. The
impact includes a very sad 'wave' of 'suicides' that will be prompted by the 'new knowledge'. Other
aspects of 'food choices' are going to be 'radically altered' as The Discovery provides a 'long look back'
into 'human history' that is forecast as 'casting (humans) (and their bodies) in a new light'. There are
sets for 'break downs (of collusion) of the paradigms' to 'constrain' or 'corral human awareness'.
NOTE: There are no sets nor wording for ascension, or multiple dimensional earth shifts, or language
to that effect. There are sets that have this language tied to the 'death of (self-selected) delusion
(religions)', but none that are going to in any way validate that language. The data does show a lot of
people who will, in the process of trying to 'integrate' the 'new (global) knowledge' into their 'world
view', leave one 'failing religion' to join 'yet another' as it is 'waning'.
There are sets within GlobalPop, and Markets, and SpaceGoatFarts entities that tie 'CERN' to the 'death
of religion' meme, albeit as a 'religion that dies'. Within SpaceGoatFarts, there are also sets for 'CERN'
that include 'cracks', and 'shake-up (earthquake)'. The 'earthquake' set has both 'actual earthquake' and
'currencies earthquakes' as supporting sets for a 'cave-in (crashing or crushing-inward)' that will be
affecting the 'largest machine on the planet', including its 'unknown purpose'.
There are many sets that link CERN and Antarctica, including some that may be suggesting that the
Large Hadron Collider at CERN had 'pinged' or 'tickled' the 'installation' at Antarctica that is within the
'boundaries' of The Discovery. There are other sets that would suggest it was the other way round, in
the sense that perhaps The Discovery in Antarctica was 'impinging' on the efforts at CERN, and thus
was 'noticed'.
Yes, we have large numbers of sets for 'space aliens', and even 'other dimensional beings'. Though the
numbers of such are more than may be usually seen in the data sets, the more curious feature of these
sets are the details that would seem to be surfacing. There are expectations from seeing these data sets
as they form that a 'minor riff' in our 'context change symphony' is going to emerge with the 'release' of
'stored (hidden) information' about 'space aliens' and 'humanity (and our origins)'. These sets do not
consume all of the 'space alien' references growing even in the late stage processing for this report. It is

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not possible to put any more time to the interpretation, so the intent here is to note that all of the words
that have been invested into 'space alien conspiracy theories' over these last 100/one hundred years are
but a small fraction of what the data suggests will be pouring out over these 4/four years. It is described
as 'shocking' to GlobalPop, but the good news is that it is also described as 'invigorating' and
'motivating' to humans.

Conclusion: Tainted vision clearly seen

A vision of the future is emerging now, and 'intensifying' over this next year, that is described by our
data as 'driving humanity forward' for the next few centuries. This is in spite of both the expansion of
earth events, and the cyclic return of ice age conditions.
This vision, as it is described within our data, puts humanity into what we are labeling as 'Sci-fi World'.
The data accruing in support of this vision are not complete, indeed, being at this time barely enough of
a sketch to connect some of the outlines. We have only the merest hints of some of the elements that
will be embraced within that vision. That these elements are appearing in the shorter term data sets
speaks to the near term emergence of the vision into visibility. Of course such visibility will not be all
at once, nor all encompassing as a vision of our future that can drive humanity forward will have to be
both massively broad, and incredibly deep.
The driving vision of the promising future for humanity is described within the data sets as a 'step',
followed quickly by a 'leap' into a world that is described as greater than the sum of all the predictive
programming ever put out by Hollywood. In our data the vision of this coming future is so wide we are
unable to glimpse more than the 'near edges'.
What is visible at this point are the 'politics' of the emergence of this vision as apparently the
'ramifications' will ripple out well ahead of the actual announcements.
Yes, the data would seem to be suggesting that actual announcements by The Powers-that-Be are part
of this 'new vision forward'.
This is where the vision data sets get a bit dark.
It is my interpretation that ThePowersThatBe (TPTB) will be attempting to retain control by a really
sneaky ploy of speaking partial truths. The data sets in these few processing runs have had TPTB entity
increasingly edging toward a strange linguistic set that can be labeled as
“I am going to tell you a secret so deep and black ops scary that you will have to keep me
here, safe and in my position of power, just to deal with the situation I am about to
describe to you, but there is 'good news' to be used to distract the populace so you won't
get a lot of flack for what you will have to do”.
These sets are complex, and convoluted, but resolve after all the pointers are followed, to the idea of an
'extortion release' of 'space alien (sort of) disclosure'. These sets are all cross linked over to The
Discovery' sets within the Antarctica geographic references across a number of entities.
The data would have TPTB caught off guard and 'desperate' to be involved at these highest levels of
humanity at this particular time as they have an idea of 'when things (will) happen'. Their fears are
driving them to desperation. The idea within the data sets is that a plan has been so many decades in the

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works that the current crop of 'power minions' is 'beside themselves (with) worry' about 'not being
(tightly) in the game' as it 'matures'. The data sets suggest that the time is close, very close, and this is
why recent political events have manifested as they did. The data provides the idea that TPTB were
without care about 'revealing themselves' as they knew they 'had to win', and 'would win', and after they
'had won', the onrushing events would make it 'not matter' that they were 'revealed'.
The data sets gain complexity, and depth as modelspace is moved through 2017 and into the years
ahead. The 'deal' that will be offered is forecast as including 'rewards' in the form of the 'new
technological leap forward for all humans', and 'scary threats'. Interestingly, the data shows that the
'scary threats' are NOT 'intended' to be released to the general public. Apparently these will be used to
dissuade those who 'get too close' to the actual Discovery. Nothing in the data sets can confirm that the
'threat' parts are real, imagined, misunderstood, or lies. Just that they are 'scary' and from the point of
view of those 'who know' about them, they are 'believed to be real'.
The above comes from the data interpretation. Along with that interpretation, my conclusion is that
TPTB are going to try to play a very dangerous, from their view point, game. They are going to try to
remain in power, even if it is some form of power sharing, and that they intend to do this by way of a
partial disclosure. The data points out the 'disclosure of ancient civilization (presumed to be human)'
while providing some hints as to how the 'presentation' will be made. Further sets, as we have seen in
this report, are describing the 'good things' part of the offer.
All of these vision sets are tainted by 'fear' within TPTB entity at many levels. Seemingly TPTB are
aware of some scary things that are not generally known to the public, and not related to the pedophile
rings, but rather does appear to be related to both 'space aliens', and 'Antarctica'. It would seem from
the data and manifesting reality that some of the minion (politicians) class is also aware, to some
degree, of the scary things part.
An interesting aspect of this work comes from the references to personalities that show up within the
data. In some instances, as we have now, these personalities are part of the larger predictive process in
that the data would have them contributing in some way to the public awareness of the events. {Ed
note: for those with memory, this section will need to be re-read in July of 2017. }
In our current data sets we have an unusual number of personalities being referenced. As readers of
these reports will attest, we do not reveal any names of any persons should we get them in the data out
of respect for their privacy. We will not do so now. However, within these sets, the personalities are
unusually largely populated with what we can loosely label 'the woo-woo crowd'. It is heartening to
note that should the data be correct, the tainted vision being offered by TPTB will come under
persistent, and intense scrutiny by humans whose lives are dedicated to clear sight.
Welcome to Sci-fi world.


We have a need at our server 'garden' to shift our array of drives into a new rack. This is going to take
Igor about 20 days. In addition, the lexicon is in need of a deep tuning that will require most of a

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month. There is not a schedule for these yet, and we are likely going to coordinate doing both
simultaneously. This note is by way of a notice that shortly we will be taking a month off from report
generation to accomplish this necessary housekeeping. Notice of the schedule will be posted at, and communicated via twitter.

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About Predictive Linguistics and our methods
Predictive Linguistics is the process of using computer software to aggregate vast amounts of written
text from the internet by categories delineated by emotional content of the words. Predictive
Linguistics uses emotional qualifiers and quantifiers, expressed as numeric values, for each and all
words/phrases discovered/filtered in the aggregation process. Over 80 % of all the words gathered will
be discarded for one or more reasons.
Predictive Linguistics works as NO conscious expressions are processed through the software.
Rather the contexts discussed within the report in the form of entities and linguistic structures (see
below) are read up in the various intake software programs, and the emotional sums of the language
found at that time are retrieved. Words that are identified within my system as 'descriptors' are passed
through the processing as well. These descriptor words, in the main, are those words and phrases that
provide us with the detail sets within the larger context sets.
As an example, the word 'prophecy' may be read up by our software at a sports oriented forum. In that
case, perhaps, due to the emotional sums around the context, and the emotional values of the word
itself within the lexicon, it would be put into the contextual 'bin' within the database as a 'detail word'.
Note that the context of the use of the word in the sports forum is lost in the process and is of no use to
us in these circumstances. What occurs is that the word is picked up as being atypical in its context,
therefore of high potential 'leakage of future' value. The way this works is that most sports forum
language about future events would be statistically more likely to use words such as 'bet' as in 'I bet this
XXX will be outcome', or 'I predict', or 'I think that XXX will happen'. So it is the context plus
emotional values plus rarity of use within the context that flags words for inclusion in the detail level of
the data base. Further, it is worth noting that most detail level words are encountered in our processing
mere days before their appearance. Within the IM (immediacy data) primarily, and then within ST
(shorter term) data next. But a preponderance are discovered within the IM time period. Perhaps an
artifact of our processing, if so, one not explored due to lack of time (cosmic joke noted).
Words are linked by their array values back to the lexicon using our set theory model (see below), and
the language used within the interpretation (detail words excepted) derives from the lexicon and its
links to the changing nature of contexts as they are represented within our model.
Predictive Linguistics is a field that I pioneered in 1993. The software and lexicon has been in
continual change/update mode since. This is due to the constantly changing nature of language and
human expression.
Predictive Linguistics works to predict future language about (perhaps) future events, due to the nature
of humans. It is my operating assumption that all humans are psychic, though the vast majority do
nothing to cultivate it as a skill, and are likely unaware of it within themselves. In spite of this, universe
and human nature has it that they 'leak' prescient information out continuously in their choice of
language. My software processing collects these leaks and aggregates them against a model of a
timeline and that information is provided in this report.

The ALTA report is an interpretation of the asymmetric trends that are occurring even this instant as

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millions of humans are typing billions of words on the internet. The trends are provided in the form of a
discussion of the larger collections of data (dubbed entities) down to the smallest aspect/attribute swept
up from daily discussions within that context. Within the ALTA report format, detail words are
provided as noted below. Phrases and idiomatic expressions are also provided as details. In the main,
geographic references are merely summed, and if deemed pertinent, the largest bag in the collection is
discussed as a 'probable', or 'possible' location to the events being referenced within the details.
In our discussions, the interpretation is provided in a nested, set theory (fuzzy logic) pattern.

Aspects/Attributes are: collections of data that are within our broader linguistic
structures and are the 'supporting' sets that provide our insight into future developments.
The Aspect/Attribute sets can be considered as the 'brought along' serendipitous future
forecasts by way of links between words in these sets and the lexicon.

Entities are: the 'master sets' at the 'top' of our nested linguistic structures and contain
all reference that center around the very broad labels that identify the entity: Markets,
GlobalPop, and SpaceGoatFarts, as examples.

Lexicon is: at its core level, the lexicon is a digital dictionary of words in multiple
languages/alphabets stripped of definitions other than such technical elements as 'parts
of speech' identifiers.

The lexicon is quite large and is housed in a SQL database heavily populated with
triggers and other executable code for maintenance and growth (human language
expands continuously, so the lexicon must as well).

Conceptually, at the Prolog software engine processing level, the lexicon is a predicate
assignment of a complex, multidimensional array of integers to 'labels', each of which is
a word within the lexicon. The integers within the 8x8x10 level array structure are

composed of: emotional qualifiers which are assigned numeric representations of

the intensity, duration, impact and other values of the emotional components given
by humans to that word.

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and also contain: emotional quantifiers which are assigned numeric
representations of the degree of each of the 'cells' level of 'emotional assignment'.

Spyders are: Software programs, that once executed are self directing, within
programmed limits, thus are called 'bots', and within these constraints are allowed to
make choices as to linguistic trails to explore on the internet. The job of the spyders is to
search, retrieve and pre-process (part of the exclusions process that will see 90% of all
returned data eliminated from consideration in our model) the 'linguistic bytes' (2048
words/phrases in multibyte character format) which are aggregated into our modelspace
when processing is complete.

List of entities explored in this report:

The GlobalPop entity represents the linguistic sets within the data that are focused on the
future of humanity, local or global. The 'local future' focus language is aggregated into
our 'global future language' sets. This entity is independent of language, alphabet, or
script form, and thus is our deepest and broadest set for emotional quantifiers and
qualifiers about humanity's future.

USAPop (and any other nation state/territorial reference)

All sub sets of the populace of the planet, within our modelspace are identified by either
a geospatial term such as a regional terrestrial label, e.g. 'AlpinePop', or a geopolitical
label, e.g. 'CanadaPop'. These are used to isolate the subset of the global populace to
which the terms are being applied in the forecast. The terrestrial references are
frequently used to provide a context of 'shared views/concerns', as in 'those things all
mountain dwelling people will have in common separate from other humans'.

The Markets entity is a super set of linguistic structures covering paper debt markets of
all kinds, commodity trading markets, physical swap markets, currency usage (within
populace), digital currency developments, new technology (FinTech),

The Terra entity is the master set for all structures that relate to the planet, and the
physical environment of planet earth. This master set frequently and increasingly has

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extensive cross links to the SpaceGoatFarts entity.

This master set is where all data that fits under the contexts of [officially denied],
[unknown], and [speculative] arrives. Our processing discovered significant amounts of
data of the [unknown], and [officially denied] over 2000 – 2003 which led to the
creation of the separate entity view labeled SpaceGoatFarts. As may be expected, this set
contains the references to UFO's, Area 51, Break-away Civilization, and other 'woo-woo'

Data Types
IM = Immediacy data with forecasting effectiveness from 3 days to the end of the third
week. Error range is 4 weeks.
ST = Shorter Term data with forecasting effectiveness from the 4th week out through
and inclusive the end of the 3rd month (from date of interpretation). Error range = 4
LT = Longer Term data with forecasting effectiveness from the end of the 3rd month
out through and inclusive of the end of the 19th month. Error range = 19 months.

Terms employed:

Cross links – links from one cell in the data base and its software representation to another due to a
shared linguistic structure or pattern.

Linguistic structure – In my modelspace, a linguistic structure is a 'master set' and all its contained
sub sets (also known as 'directly held' sub sets). At the very highest level, each and all entities within
my model are linguistic structures; which, in their turn, are composed of many sub sets of other
linguistic structures. Modelspace allows for 256 layers of 'nesting' of these sets and sub sets. Each of
which, can and may, be a complex set of its own. Obviously the model is derived from Object Oriented
Programming at its highest level.

Meta Data Layer – in modelspace, when a meme appears directly held in numerous sets, at the same
level of support, it is labeled as a 'meta data layer'. These 'layers' can be thought of as a common
linguistic structure that forms with differing supporting sets in the various entities. For clarity, a meme
in Terra entity would not have the same supporting sets as that same meme in the GlobalPop entity, but
both would be part of the larger meta data layer that the meme reveals.

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Modelspace – in the interpretation, the data sets are represented on screen in a 'virtual box' fashion in
which a 3d box is drawn and the lexicon linked words from the latest data processing are shown within
the 3d box by position, and color, brightness and hue of the individual pixels. Using an algorithm of my
own design and the predicate calculus of the prolog programming language, modelspace is populated
by these data base representations in a manner that resembles 'scatter graphs', but at a 3 dimensional
level. By toggling on or off several advanced features of our 3d box software, the various levels of
data, and cross links and other technical elements may be displayed.

MOM – model of modelspace. In the very first public release of information from my process, a self-
referencing loop was created by internet articles about the release, and thus the next time the spyders
were invoked, the process crashed on self-referential, circuitous references to my own work. As a
corrective measure, MOM (models of modelspace) was devised as my very improvement on the
process. MOM holds a copy of my interpretation as well as links to areas on the net to exclude from
consideration within the predictive linguistic work.

Set – Our approach involves the use of complex (fuzzy) set theory originating in the software industry's
quest for 'intelligent machines' or 'ai (artificial intelligence)'. In our approach, the fuzzy sets are based
on the ability to define such concepts as 'near', 'close to', 'about', and 'like' among many others which
provide me the ability to assign a numeric representation as a 'quantifier' to human emotions which are
the key element to future forecasting from predictive linguistics.

Temporal Echo – these are linguistic echos across time that will reference the same, previously
forecast, meme and its emotional parameters. The language manifest in both instances, that is, the
temporal (meme) anchor and its echo will be related to each other, though frequently the repeating echo
is larger in both scope and intensity. In some cases the meme is 'completed' in our predictive linguistics
sense of that word by the echo phase of the meme.

TM = Temporal Marker, think of this as a 'book mark' against which you may remember specific
details of the forecast. These are chosen due to some (more or less) easily identified linguistic 'tell-tale'
that we expect to show up in the forecast language within media discussions.

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Sci-fi World - January 2017
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