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Dancing is made up of 6 elements of dance. Whether you are a world class competitor
or an absolute beginner you will ultimately need all six elements. As a beginner dancer it is
typical to learn only the first 3 initially. Learning more than the first 3 in your first 10 lessons
would be confusing. Conquering a level of comfort and muscle memory of the first 3 elements
is ideal before adding the other 3 elements.

Dance element #1 - Step Pattern

The step pattern is the combination of steps put together to create mini sequences. These
sequences can then be linked to create routines or
Dance Element #2 - Footwork
Footwork is the action in which we use the foot to create the technical element of the dance. For
example heel, toe actions commonly used in the smooth and standard dances to create rise and fall.
Ball, flat footwork commonly used in the rhythm and Latin dances.
Dance element #3 - Timing
Timing is the beats of the music we move our feet to. For example a box step can be danced in waltz to
a 1, 2, 3, timing. This is the feet being placed on the floor to those specific beats. A box step can also be
danced in rumba but with a slow, quick quick timing, making the 2 dances very different in appearance.
All dances have their own unique timing.
Dance element #4 - Lead and Follow
Lead is what the gentleman is doing to maneuver the lady around the floor and through changes of
direction within step patterns. Follow is the lady reacting to the man’s lead. The lead and follow
element is paramount to 2 people ultimately moving as a 1 in harmony.
Dance element #5 - Style
Style is the element that is added to create the character of each individual dance. This can be done
through hip action, arm style, body position, movement across the floor. It can be grace and elegance
common for waltz, the staccato action common for Tango or even the sexy hip action used in most
Latin dances. Although style is the icing on the cake to create the “Look” it is achieved by the technical
elements in 1-4.
Dance element #6 - Continuity
Continuity is the ability to maintain the consistency of the dance. Whether it be to link the step patterns
together with ease or maintain the timing of the dance throughout the music or even be consistent
with the correct footwork we all aim to achieve that perfect dance performance. A perfect dance
performance is ultimately unrealistic but to become as consistent as possible is definitely a good feeling
and will build confidence in your dancing.

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