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Git Comandos

git config –global “Renato Castro” (configurar nombre del usuario git)

git config –global “” (configurar correo del usuario git)

git init (Inicializar repositorio git)

Cada vez que se modifica un archivo:

git diff file modied (ver las diferencias que se hicieron)

git add file modified

git status (ver el estado de la carpeta)

git log (comentarios)

git commit –m “Comentario” (comentario de la modificación)

Configuración de subl

Alias subl = “dirección de sublime text.exe”

En Git Bash: subl . (Crea un arhcivo sublime md con nombre “unnamed”)

Pwd (Te da tu dirección)


Reflection: “We don’t learn from Experience, we learn from reflecting experiences”

 Ill-structured, ‘messy’ or real-life situations

 Asking the ‘right’ kinds of questions – there are no clear-cut answers
 Setting challenges can promote reflection
 Tasks that challenge learners to integrate new learning into previous learning
 Tasks that demand the ordering of thoughts
 Tasks that require evaluation
Janice McDrury and Maxine Alterio (2002), two educators from New Zealand have written a
book called Learning through Storytelling in which they outline their theory of storytelling as an
effective learning tool. They have linked the art of storytelling with reflective learning processes
supported by the literature on both reflection and learning as well as making meaning through

One Commit Per Logic Change

A good rule of thumb is to make one commit per logical change.

For example, if you fixed a typo, then fixed a bug in a separate part of the file, you should
use one commit for each change since they are logically separate. If you do this, each
commit will have one purpose that can be easily understood. Git allows you to write a
short message explaining what was changed in each commit, and that message will be
more useful if each commit has a single logical change.

What is a README?
Many projects contain a file named "README" that gives a general description
of what the project does and how to use it. It's often a good idea to read this file
before doing anything with the project, so the file is given this name to make
users more likely to read it.

Cloning Repository

Cloning Repository is cloning the history of that program.

Repository: It’s a collection of files that are tracked by Git as a cohesive unit.

Git command review

Compare two commits, printing each line that is present in one commit but not the
git diff will do this. It takes two arguments - the two commit ids to compare.

Make a copy of an entire Git repository, including the history, onto your own
git clone will do this. It takes one argument - the url of the repository to copy.

Temporarily reset all files in a directory to their state at the time of a specific
git checkout will do this. It takes one argument - the commit ID to restore.

Show the commits made in this repository, starting with the most recent.
git log will do this. It doesn't take any arguments.

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