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By Emmanuel Fritsch and George R. Rossman

The previous two articles in this series de-

scribed the origins of color in gems that
derive from isolated structures of atomic
A 11of the colors discussed in parts 1 and 2 of this series
(Fritsch and Rossman, 1987 and 1988) arise from
processes in which electrons are localized on a single atom
dimensions-an atom (chromium in emer- or are delocalized over no more than a few atoms. The
ald), a small molecule (the carbonate colors that arise from these processes depend on the
group in Maxixe beryl), or particular
presence of specific minor components or defects in the
groupings of atoms (Fez+-0-Fe:f units
host crystal. However, colors can arise, though less com-

in cordieiite). The final part of this series

is concerned with colors explained by monly, from processes that involve the entire crystal,
band theoiy, such as canary yellow &a- through either its electronic structure (band theory) or its
monds, o r b y physical optics, such as internal texture (physical phenomena such as interference
play-of-color in opal. In the case of band effects, diffraction effects, scattering, and inclusions; see
theory, the color-causing entity is the very figure 1).These, the most unusual causes of color in gems,
structure of the entire crystal; in the case are covered in this last article of our series.
of physical phenomena, it is of inicro-
scopic dimension, but considerably larger BAND THEORY
than the clusters of a few atoms previ- In contrast to the processes described in the first two parts
ously discussed.
of this series, the electrons in some gem minerals can be
delocalized over the entire crystal, and produce color
through their interaction with visible light. Such delocal-
ization is a characteristic property of most metals and
semiconductors. The physical theory that describes the
ABOUT THE AUTHORS cause of color in such materials is called band theory.
Dr. Fritsch is research scientist at the Gemologi-
Examples of the various gem colors explained by this
cal Institute 01 America, Santa Monica, Calilornia. theory are presented in table 1.
Dr. Rossman is prolessor of mineralogy at the In numerous solid materials, billions of atoms contrib-
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, Cali-
lornia. ute to the possible energy levels, which are so numerous
Acknowledgments: E . F. wishes to thank Professor
and so close together that they are considered collectively
Georges Calas, Mr. Pierre Bariand, and Ms. Anne as an energy band. This is of particular interest in the case
Voileau for their help and encouragement in writ- of some semiconducting and metallic minerals (Marfunin,
ing the original French version of this article. Spe- 1979a).There arc two bands in these solids: a low-energy
cial appreciation goes to Ms. Pat Gray lor typing
the original English manuscript and improving the valence band that is fully populated with electrons, and a
translation, and to Ms. Ruth Patchick for word pro- high-energy conduction band that is generally empty
cessing the many revisions, especially the tables.
The authors are also grateful to Ms, Laurel Bart-
(figure 2). The energy that separates these bands is well
let!, Dr. James Shigley, Mr. John Koivula, and defined and is called a "band gap." This energy separation is
Dr. John Hummel tor their constructive comments. of dramatic importance to the optical properties of certain
0 1988 Gemological Institute of America types of gemstones.

Color in Gems, Part 3 GEMS & GEMOLOGY Summer 1988 81

Figure 1. Colors i n gem
materials can be caused
by a wide variety of pro-
cesses. This article ex-
plains color-producing
mechanisms related to
band theory and physical
phenomena. Examples of
the latter include diffrac-
tion in opal (in the cen-
ter top and bottom
right), scattering of light
in "moonstone" feldspar
(the necklace), and color-
ation by inclusions in
fire opal (center bottom)
and "siinstone" feldspar
(bottom left). The neck-
lace is courtesy of Elise
Misiorowski; photo by
Robert Weldon.

For these gemstones, transitions between When the energy of the band gap is greater than
bands rather than between energy levels of single the maximum energy of the visible range (i.e., the
atoms are responsible for the color. These "inter- violet light), visible light does not supply enough
band transitions" occur when electrons from the energy to cause an electron to jump from the lower
valence band receive sufficient energy by absorb- band to the upper one (figure2A). Consequently, all
ing light to "jump" over the band gap and reach the of the visible spectrum is transmitted (none is
conduction band. As illustrated in figure 2, three absorbed) and, in the absence of impurities or
different scenarios are possible for interband tran- defects, the mineral is colorless. Such materials -
sitions. e.g., corundum, beryl, quartz, diamond, and topaz,

TABLE 1. Types of gem materialsfor which color can be explained by the band theory and examples of the colors produced,
Origin of color Type of material Color Examples

Band gap less than the Conductors and some Violet to blue Covellite (Berry and Vaughan, 1985)
energy of visible light semiconductors = colored opaque Yellow Gold, pyrite (Nassau, 1975;
materials with metallic luster Fritsch, 1985)
Red Copper (Nassau, 1975)
White Silver, platinum (Nassau, 1975)
Band gap in the Some semiconductors Red Cuprite, cinnabar (Fritsch, 1985)
visible range
Band gap greater than the Some semiconductors and all Intrinsically Diamond, corundum, beryl, quartz,
energy of visible light insulators colorless topaz, fluorite (Fritsch, 1985)
Color modified by minor Some semiconductors Blue Type llb diamond, containing
components dispersed boron atoms (Collins,
Yellow Type Ib diamond, containing
dispersed nitrogen atoms (Collins,

82 Color in Gems, Part 3 GEMS & GEMOLOGY Summer 1988

as well as many other oxides and silicates-are quence, the mineral usually appears black and
inherently electrical insulators. opaque. All metals have just such a small band gap
When the energy of the gap is less than the or no band gap at all. They appear, however, to be
energy of violet light (i.e., is in the visible range), shiny (metallic luster) because their electrons
the most energetic radiations in the visible range quickly return to their original energy level, emit-
(violet to blue to green] are absorbed, leaving the ting the exact same energy (light) that they for-
low-energy range unaffected, that is, transmitted merly absorbed (Nassau, 1975b).In some metals,
(figure 2B). The exact energy of the band gap varies the number of available excited states may vary
among different materials, so the transmitted throughout the conduction band, so that some
color will also vary. Usually band-gap colors range wavelengths are absorbed and re-emitted more
from deep yellow to deep red. Cuprite and cinnabar efficiently than others, thus producing color. Al-
(figure 3) are colored red by such a process. though silver and platinum absorb and emit all
The energy in the band gap may be even less wavelengths with about the same efficiency and
than the lowest energy of the visible spectrum appear white, gold (or pyrite) absorbs and emits
(red).In such a situation, all wavelengths of visible more yellow than the other wavelengths and so
light will cause a transition from the valence band gets its distinct golden coloration (again, see fig-
to the conduction band, so the whole visible ure 3).
spectrum is absorbed (figure 2C). As a conse- The band gaps discussed thus far are an intrin-

Figure. 2..The three possible types of
intrinsic coloration of gem materials
are.explained by examining the
width of the band gap in relation to
the visible range. (A) Band gap
greater than the energy of the visi-
ble range: All visible radiation i s
transmitted and the gem is intrin-
sically colorless. ( B ) Band gap in the
visible range: Only the high-energy
part of the spectrum (violet to blue
to green) is absorbed, and the gem
is yellow to red. (C) Band gap less
than the energy o f visible light: All
visible radiation is absorbed and the
material is black, or displays metal-
lic colors due to re-emission.
Artwork by Ian Newell.

Color in Gems, Part 3 GEMS & GEMOLOGY Summer 1988 83

Figure 3. The red color of cuprite
(the cushion cut) and cinnabar (the
pentagon cut) has little t o d o with
the fact that these gems contain
copper and mercury, respectively.
The color occurs because the band
gap of these minerals is within the
visible range: All wavelengths from
violet t o orange are absorbed, so
that only red light is transmitted.
The band gap in gold is m u c h
smaller than the energy of the visi-
ble range: All visible light is ab-
sorbed but some wavelengths are re-
emitted preferentially, giving gold its
yellow color and metallic luster. (Re-
m e m b e r that the energy scale i s in-
verse to the wavelength scale.) Photo
b y Robert Weldon.

sic property of the material; they are ultimately nitrogen-related N3 color center, which produces
directly related to its chemical composition and the familiar Cape series of absorption lines.
atomic structure. I11 some semiconductors, how- Boron has one less electron than carbon, which
ever, color is caused by small amounts of impurity follows it in the periodic table of elements. There-
atoms that normally do not produce color in fore, boron is an electron "acceptor" when substi-
intrinsically colorless minerals. Specifically, these tuting for carbon in diamond. It contributes its
atoms can introduce electronic energy levels at an own electron energy band, which is situated
energy between the valence band and the conduc- within the diamond band gap (figure 4C). The
tion band of the host mineral (seefigure 4).Some of excitation of an electron from the diamond valence
the most striking examples are canary yellow and band to the acceptor level requires only a very low
fancy blue diamonds, which contain isolated nitro- energy, in the infrared range (Collins, 1982). Be-
gen and boron atoms, respectively. Although pure cause the boron energy band is broad, it can cause
(colorless)diamonds are insulators, they may also absorption extending from the infrared up to 500
be considered semiconductors with a band gap so
large that they have neither color nor appreciable
electrical conductivity (figure 4A). Nitrogen can
Figure 4. The band gap i n pure diamond i s m u c h
easily substitute for carbon, which it follows in the greater than the visible range (A), so this gem is in-
periodic table of elements. Because nitrogen pos- trinsically colorless. However, a substitution a1 ni-
sesses one more electron than carbon, however, it trogen atom introduces a level that donates elec-
becomes an electron "donor" when it substitutes trons t o the diamond conduction band (B), creating
for carbon in diamond. This additional electron an absorption in the ultraviolet that extends into
contributes an additional energy level situated the blue end of the visible range (see spectrum);
above the diamond valence band, but below the such stones are of an intense yellow color, and are
diamond conduction band (figure 4B). However, therefore called "canary" (type Ib) diamonds. By
because this donor level has a finite width, light of contrast, a boron atom substituting for carbon can
a variety of wavelengths extending from the ultra- introduce a broad energy level available for elec-
violet into the visible range up to 560 nm (green) trons from the diamond valence band (C), which
will induce an absorption of the near-infrared and
will be absorbed, creating a strong yellow color. the red end o f the visible range (see spectrum), giv-
This type of coloration occurs only in type Ib ing a blue h u e to such a stone (type l l b diamond).
diamonds, in which isolated nitrogen atoms sub- These three mechanisms are illustrated b y the col-
stitute for carbon atoms in the proportion of about orless, De Beers synthetic type Ib yellow (photo
1 to 100,000 (Collins, 1982).This color is distinct 0Tino Hammid), and natural dark blue diamonds
from the yellow color commonly caused by the shown here. Artwork b y Jan Newell.

84 Color in Gems, Part 3 GEMS & GEMOLOGY Summer 1988

(Yellow) (Blue)


. I



Color in Gems, Part 3 GEMS &. GEMOLOGY Summer 1988 85

Figure 5 . Minute
amounts of boron con-
tribute the intense
blue color to blue dia-
monds. Yellow in dia-
monds can arise from
a variety of processes,
011 of which are re-
lated to the presence
of nitrogen impurities.
The possible origins of
color for orange,
brown, and pink dia-
monds are listed in
table 4. The blue mar-
quise shown here is
3.88 ct; the intense
yellow oval w e i g h
29.16 cts; the two in-
tense yellow dia-
monds mounted in
earrings weigh a total
of 12.26 ct. Jewelry
courtesy of Harry
Winston, Inc.; photo
0 Harold d Erica
Van Pelt.

n m (theedge of the green).The resulting blue color, quence of physical phenomena are summarized in
which can be produced with boron concentrations table 2.
as low as one part per million (Nassau, 1975b),may
be quite intense (figure 5). The Hope diamond is Interference Effects from Thin Films. Interference
the most famous example of a blue diamond. There phenomena occur when two rays of light travel
is no known commercial treatment that would along the same path or in closely spaced parallel
affect band-gap coloration. paths. If these rays, or light waves, vibrate in phase,
the wave crests reinforce each other to produce
COLORS THAT ARISE FROM bright light (constructive interference).If the light
PHYSICAL PHENOMENA waves vibrate exactly out of phase, they cancel
All of the colors discussed thus far in this series each other to produce darkness (destructive inter-
have been due to the absorption of light. But as the ference).
introduction to part 1 pointed out, other causes of Iridescence, the most common interference
color are possible. In some gem materials, physical phenomenon, occurs when light passes through a
properties such as inclusions or lamellar texture thin transparent film that has a different index of
can influence the hue. In this next section, we will refraction from the surrounding medium (e.g., a
explore how light interference, diffraction, and thin film of air in "iris quartz"). Rays reflected from
scattering can interact with these physical fea- the bottom of the film will travel beside waves
tures to create colors in gem materials. These reflected from the top of the film. At certain
processes are rarely related directly to the chemis- wavelengths, dictated by the thickness and the
try of the stone, but rather are connected to the index of refraction of the film, the rays vibrate out
texture or internal arrangement of the mineral. of phase and the corresponding colors are removed
The various colors obtained in gems as a conse- from the reflected light through destructive inter-

86 Color in Gems, Part 3 GEMS & GEMOLOGY Summer 1988

ference. The remaining wavelengths produce the
TABLE 2. Physical phenomena and examples of the colors
familiar colored effects that appear when a drop of they cause in various gem materials.
oil expands as a thin film on water. The possible
colors in iridescence are illustrated in figure 6. Color and
Process gem material
None of these colors is a pure spectral color.
In gemoloey, examples can be found as inter- Interference Various (nonspectral) colors: iris quartz,
ference color in cracks (again, "iris quartz"), or in on a thin film iridescent coatings and tarnish, "orient" in
pearls, mother-of-pearl (Nassau, 1975)
tarnish films on oxidized cut stones and sulfide
Diffraction All (spectral) colors: play-of-color opal
crystals, such as pyrite and bornite (Nassau, (Darragh and Sanders, 1965),
1975b).Iridescent cracks are sometimes created by labradorite/spectrolite (Ribbe, 1972),
heating and rapidly cooling a stone ("quench craclz- some rare andradites (Hirai and Nakazawa,
ling"), especially quartz. The color observed in
many pearls is also due in part to interference Scattering
Rayleigh Blue: feldspar/moonstone (Lehmann,
effects (again, see figure 6). Pearls are constructed scattering 1978), some blue quartz (Zolensky et al,,
from concentric alternating layers of aragonite and 1988), some opal (Lehmann, 1978)
conchiolin, two substances of different refractive Mie scattering Violet: fluorite, scattering by calcium
microcrystals (Braithwaite et al., 1973)
indices. Incoming overhead light is reflected from
Red: ruby glass, scattering by copper
the surfaces between those successive layers. The or gold microcrystals (Nassau, 1983)
reflected light interferes with the incoming light to Scattering White: milky quartz (Fritsch, 1985)
create delicate iridescent colors, called orient. from structures
larger than
Mother-of-pearl and some abalone pearls exhibit visible
similar interference effects, but the colors gener- wavelengths
ally are stronger and less subtle (figure 7). In Presence of Blue: dumorlierite inclusions in quartz
addition*to "quench crackling," interference ef- colored (J. Koivula, pers. comm., 1988)
fects can also be generated by coating thin films of inclusions Green: nickel-bearing clays in
chrysoprase and prase opal (A. Manceau,
various substances on the surface of a gem. pers. comm., 1987; Koivula and Fryer,
1984), chromian mica (fuchsite) in
Diffraction Effects. Diffraction effects are special aventurine quartz (Lehmann, 1978)
Orange: hydrous iron oxides in carnelian
types of interference phenomena. The most impor- agate and fire opal (J. Koivula, pers.
tant of these for gem materials is that caused by a comm., 1988)
regular stacking of alternating layers that have Red: hematite platelets in orthoclase
different indices of refraction. This diffraction (Andersen, 1915), hematite or copper
platelets in sunstone feldspar (Lehmann,
effect produces pure spectral colors, in contrast to 1978), cordierite/"bloodshot iolite" (Gubelin
iridescence, which gives rise to colors that are a and Koivula, 1987)
combination of several spectral colors (again, see
figure 6).
Opal is one of the very few gems that can The structure of opal was first revealed with
exhibit all colors of the spectrum in a single stone. scanning electron microscopy more than 20 years
It is interesting to note in play-of-color opal that ago (Darragh and Sanders, 1965).It is an extraordi-
although the pattern may be quite irregular, narily regular stacking of parallel layers of small
within each color region the color is homogeneous spheres composed of hydrous silica. Color phe-
(see, for example, figure 1 of this article and the nomena occur when the diameter of these spheres
cover of this issue). The color of any one patch is less than the wavelengths of visible light. The
depends on the orientation of the overhead light conditions for diffraction of a given color are met
source; when the stone moves, the color changes, when the distance between two successive layers
giving "life" to the opal. If the light emerging from is approximately equal to the wavelength of that
one of the color patches is analyzed, it appears to be color divided by the index of refraction of the
a pure spectral color, that is, essentially of only one spheres. The exact conditions are described in
wavelength. These properties are characteristic of Nassau (1983). Consequently, the diffracted wave-
the diffraction effect created by the interaction of length is proportional to the size of the particle. For
white light with a regularly layered structure example, the intense red is selected by spheres of
(figure 8). about 250 nm in diameter (Darragh and Sanders,

Color in Gems, Part 3 GEMS & GEMOLOGY Summer 1988 87

Figure 6. The colors produced by interference on a
thin film are the same as those observed on this
quartz wedge (top left) in polarized light. None of
them is a pure spectral color. Notice that the
"higher orders" on the right produce mostly pink
and green. Interference colors are caused in pearls
by light passing through and reflected back by al-
ternating concentric layers of aragonite and
conchiolin, which are readily visible on the elec-
tron photomicrograph of a pearl section (left). The
resulting "high order" interference colors (mostly
green and pink) are called orient and overtone (the
latter, when they are stronger and homogeneous
all over the pearl). They are readily apparent in
these black pearl cufflinks (top right). Photomicro-
graph courtesy of B. Lasnier, Gemology Laboratory,
Nantes University, France. Jewelry courtesy of
Harry Winston, Inc. Color photos by Robert Weldon.

1965). The other colors are diffracted by smaller Similar effects are encountered in some feld-
spheres, down to 140 nin in diameter. spars belonging to the plagioclase series. These
As stated earlier, the color of the diffracted feldspars display regions of color, often violet to
light varies with the angle between the direction of green, against a generally black background. Finn-
illumination and the direction of observation. The ish "Spectrolite," a variety of labradorite, appears
observed wavelength is at a maximum (e.g., red) to show every color of the spectrum. This phenom-
when those two directions are perpendicular. enon is called "labradorescence," after the classic
When the stone is rocked away from this position, occurrence of these stones on the Isle of Paul,
the observed wavelength decreases (e.g., goes to Labrador, although varieties of plagioclase feld-
orange; Lehmann, 1978). spars other than labradorite may display this
For the more commonplace play-of-color opals, effect. The diffracting objects in labradorescence
those with mostly blue and green patches, the are alternating layers, known as exsolution
remainder of the incoming light (i.e.,yellow to red) lamellae, of two feldspars with different chemical
is transmitted so that an orange coloration is seen compositions. One layer is calcium rich and the
in transmitted light. Fire opal, however, probably other is calcium poor. The color created by the
owes its yellow-to-red body color (figure 9) to both lamellar structures depends on their respective
diffraction and body absorption by Fe3+-rich sub- thicknesses and indices of refraction (figure 10).
microscopic to microscopic inclusions between Another gemstone that occasionally shows diffrac-
the silica spheres (J. Koivula, pers. comm., 1988). tion colors is andradite from Hermosillo, Mexico

88 Color in Gems, Part 3 GEMS & GEMOLOGY Summer 1988

Scattering. When the internal structure of the
stone is irregular and/or the size of the components
is outside the very narrow range needed for diffrac-
tion (approximately 100-400 nm), visible light
cannot be diffracted. It can, however, still be
scattered, the process by which light entering a
stone in a given direction is deflected in different
directions through interaction with the scattering
centers. This creates both striking color effects and
optical phenomena. The exact phenomenon de-
pends on the size and shape of the scattering
centers. When the scattering centers are smaller
than the wavelength of visible light [including
down to molecular dimensions) and not regularly
distributed, the process is called Rayleigh scatter-
ing; when the scattering centers are comparable in
size to visible wavelengths, the process is called
Mie scattering. (The names are derived from the
mathematical theories used to describe scattcr-
ing.) A third type of scattering occurs when the
centers are larger than visible wavelengths.

Rayleigh scattering. When the incoming light ray

encounters randomly distributed objects smaller

Figure 8. The homogeneous color in a patch of

opal arises because light rays entering the stone
are diffracted b y an orderly array of silica
spheres and the holes in between them. The dif-
fracted color depends on the size of the spheres
(of ter Lehmann, 1978).

ire ', . .'ink and green interference colors

'<ea spectacular display in this abalone
Incident light /\
rl. Courtesy of Lowell Jones, St. Louis,
M U ; photo @ Tino Hammid.

(Koivula, 1987). Similar material from Japan has

lamellar structures about 100 n m thick (Hirai and
Nakazawa, 1982),which give rise to some very rare
crystals with patches of color. Diffraction effects
probably account for the color phenomena ob-
served in some varieties of agate (e.g., iris agate,
fire agate).
Diffraction cannot be induced by any known
commercial treatment. However, an already exist-
ing diffraction color can be enhanced by inducing a
dark background (sugar and smoke treatment of
opals, for example, as well as doublets], or by
reducing the scattering of light in the matrix
through impregnation with various kinds of poly-

Color in Gems, Part 3 GEMS & GEMOLOGY Summer 1988 89

than the wavelengths of visible light, the most so called because light scattered from exsolution
energetic radiations -violet and blue- are scat- lamellae creates a bluish white "moon-like" hue
tered much more strongly than the others. In fact, [in the best specimens; see figure 1). Moonstone
violet light is scattered 16 times more efficiently is actually an alkali feldspar, with alternating
thanred. As a result, the majority of the orange-red parallel planes of potassium- and sodium-rich
light passes through the stone and appears as feldspars forming an assemblage called a micro-
transmitted light, whereas violet and blue light is perthite. These component layers in moonstone
scattered and can be observed at right angles to the range from 50 to 1000 run (1pm)thick (Lehmann,
incident beam. 1978). The thinner layers produce the Rayleigh
This phenomenon is familiar to all of us as the scattering. The same colors from scattering can
scattering of sunlight by molecules and molecular also occur in plagioclase, and are sometimes called
aggregates in the upper atmosphere, which causes "adularescenc6.~Some blue quartz receives its
the sky to appear blue in the daytime (scattered color from the scattering effect created by dis-
light) and orange-red at dawn and twilight (trans- persed ilmenite inclusions that are approximately
mitted light). Examples in gemology are few but 60 nm in diameter (Zolenskyet al., 1988).
well known. Common opal (potch) contains
spheres that are too small and too irregularly Alia Scattering. When the scattering elements are
stacked to diffract. Instead, it has a bluish white roughly the size of the visible wavelengths, the
appearance called "opalescence," which is due to scattering is best described by the "Mie theory."
scattering by the silica spheres. Such an opal This theory has applications in gem materials only
indeed also transmits orange light. "Moonstonef1is in those very special cases in which the color is
created by metallic inclusions.
A common example is provided by some vari-
F I ~ U I9.~ This extraordinary opal specimen eties of violet fluorite. This color is generated by
from Mesdco shows a difiactim-caused play-of- irradiation, which expels a fluorine atom from the
color zoae close to a region of fire opal, which
is a combination of diffractionsad. crystal, leaving partially bonded calcium atoms
body a bsqption by F E ~-containing inclu-
behind. Over time, the calcium atoms coagulate
sions. Specimen courtesy of the Paris School of and form small hexagonal platelets about the size
Minei; photo 0 Nelly Hariand of visible wavelengths (Lehmann,1978).Part of the
light is absorbed by the calcium crystals and part is
reflected. The combined effect of this absorption
and reflection is a strong absorption from the green
to the red, which leaves a violet transmission
window. The position of the bands, and therefore
the hue, varies slightly with the size of the
metallic particles. Such an effect has been known
for a long time in man-made glasses (which are
often used as gemstone simulants)."Ruby" glasses
are colored by microscopic particles of copper (or
gold),and the brown glass used for beer bottles (and
to imitate topaz] is usually tinted by metallic
oxysulphide precipitates (J. F. Cottrant, pers.
comrn., 1987).

Scattering from Structural Components Larger

than Visible Wavelengths.When the inclusions are
larger than the wavelengths of visible light, they
scatter light in all directions, including toward the
observer's eye. Unlike the case of Rayleigh scatter-
ing, all wavelengths are scattered equally and
recombine to produce a white light with a translu-
cent milky appearance. This is typical of crystals

GEMS & GEMOLOGY Summer 1988

Figure 10. The schematic drawings illu9trats
why vdtious difflaation colors occur ia pla-
gioclase feldspars. The two sets of lameLlar
feldspars have different thicfenes$m (dy and
dJ and indices of reftacficos (n,and nd;
therefore, the light beam will go through in-
terfaces 1 mid 2 at differant angles (OÃ and
9J, As a consequence, the beam at interface
2 is retarded d a t i v e to the one at iatetface
1, although the wavelengths p the same,
and gsneiaQy attenuate each other, For mfc
givexi combinaticte of thicknesses, refractive
index, and indent warnlength, the beam
from interface 2 is exactly one wuveleogth
behind the beam of interface 1, so they ewi-
bine in a cobereat moaochiosaiatie bearn.
The cote of this beam of light is blue for rd-
a t i d y thin lamellw,red for lwei ones. The
cameo (by Tiffany Co.)is a lars exampls
- of carved zed and blue labiadon'te. The h e
chdwing is courtesy of the Mineralogical
Record; the photo is by Chip Clffrk,ie-
printed by permission of H q N.A brams,
Inc., courtesy of the Sm'tbsaaicso. Ins£1tution

containing pervasive fluid inclusions (such as lets. These effects, beyond the scope of this article,
milky quartz), colorless microcrystals, microfrac- do not affect color. However, for the sake of clarity
m e s , bubbles, and the like. and completeness, the various kinds of phenomena
In some cases, a particular orientation of the (in the gemological sense)have been grouped in
scattering elements may produce special optical table 3. With the exception of the alexandrite
effects. If they are fibrous, the result is a "white effect, which was discussed in part 1 of this series
adulirescencet'or silky sheen, as in gypsum ("satin (Fritsch and Rossman, 1987), all gemstone phe-
spar" variety), some malachite, or pectolite. nomena can be understood as the interaction of
Chatoyancyor asterism arises when the scattering visible light with particles in a particular size
elements are sets of parallel fibers, tubes, or plate- range. The size of the particle can be used as a basis

GEMS & GEMOLOGY Summer 1988 91

TABLE 3. Descriptions, causes, and examples of phenomena in gem materials and considerations they require in
Phenomenon Description Cause Examples in fashioning

Iridescence Interference colors on, or in, a Interference of visible light rays, due to Iris quartz, Thin film or
Orient stone, like those produced by a the presence of a thin film or thin 'ammolite," structure
drop of oil on water structure in, or on, a material of pearls oriented to the
different refractive index girdle plane
Play-of-color On a given spot, for a given Diffraction of visible light by regularly Opal, feldspar Diffraction
Labrador- illumination angle, only one layered structures smaller than the ("spectrolite") layers oriented
escence pure spectral color is seen; visible wavelengths parallel to the
rotating the stone changes the girdle plane
Adularescence Floating bluish sheen in a stone Scattering of visible light by randomly Feldspar No relation
distributed structures smaller than (moonstone)
visible wavelengths
Chatoyancy One or more lines of white light Scattering of light by oriented parallel Chrysoberyl, Curved surface
("cat's-eye") appearing on a curved surface needle-like or plate-like inclusions or corundum, (not well
Asterism (chatoyancy = one ray, like a structures larger than visible quartz, focused on flat
cat's eye; asterism = several wavelengths (chatoyancy = one set of diopside surface)
rays-up to 6- building a star) inclusions or structures; asterism =
multiple sets)
Aventurescence Colored metallic-like spangles Reflection of light by large eye-visible Aventurine No relation
in the stone, especially obvious plate-like inclusions quartz, feldspar
when the stone is rotated in (sunstone),
reflected light goldstone glass
Change-of- The stone changes color when A major absorption band around 550- Chrysoberyl Observed in
color the illumination is switched from 600 nm cuts the visible range in two (alexandrite), all directions,
("Alexandrite sunlight or fluorescent light to transmission windows: one at the blue corundum, better colors
effect") incandescent light end (dominating in daylight), the other garnet, spinel, in some
at the red end (dominating in fluorite
incandescent light)

¡'Thitable includes all terms used lor phenomena in gem materials It describes each of the phenomena andshows how similar some 01 them are and how others
relate to one another almost in a continuum

for classification. There is a continuum in the size Madagascar (Malagasy Republic) and some cor-
of the particles between color-creating phenomena dierites ("bloodshot iolite"). Fire opal is colored by
(such as adularescence) and phenomena that do not submicroscopic inclusions of iron hydrous oxides
affect color (such as chatoyancy). This continuum (J. Koivula, pers. comm., 1988).
is emphasized in table 3 . When the platelets are large enough to be
Some of these phenomena can be induced or distinguished with the naked eye (say, when they
enhanced by treatment-especially heat treat- reach 1 mm), they can produce "aventurescence."
ment. Basically, the heat precipitates a second This term is used to describe the reflective powder-
phase in the matrix, which creates oriented inclu- like appearance of crystalline flakes disposed a
sions, which in turn induce chatoyancy or asterism l'oventurra (the term refers to a Murano glass-
(Nassau, 1984). first made in Venice, Italy- in which copper plate-
lets have been dispersed at random).In aventurine
Presence of Colored Inclusions. The last type of quartz, mica crystals colored green by chromium
coloration encountered in gemstones is coloration sparkle when the stone is tilted back and forth.
caused by the body color of inclusions in a near- "Sunstonefl can be either native-copper-included
colorless host crystal. These inclusions can be labradorite (most commonly), or oligoclase con-
extremely small, like the niclzelifero~~sclays that taining red hematite spangles (again, see figure 1).
color chrysoprase or the small hydrous iron oxide
crystals that make carnelian orange (figure 11). SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION
Somewhat larger but still microscopic inclusions In most gem materials, color is caused by selective
of hematite cause the color of red orthoclase from absorption of light by different processes. In a few

92 Color in Gems, Part 3 GEMS & GEMOLOGY Summer 1988

instances, phenomenal colors are caused by the
interaction of light with certain physical charac-
teristics, such as inclusions, texture, or the struc-
ture of component materials.
Absorption processes in gemstones can be
divided into four broad categories. First, absorption
caused by dispersed metal ions explains how an
isolated Fez+ metal ion makes peridot green.
Second, when certain ions come close enough
together, oxygen-to-metal or metal-to-metal
charge-transfer transitions are possible, like the
02-+Fe3+ charge transfer that causes the yellow
of citrine, or the Fez+-0-Fe^ intervalence charge
transfer responsible for the blue in cordierite.
Third, color centers represent an extremely varied
class of often complex structures or defects that
absorb light; for example, carbon vacancies associ-
ated with nitrogen aggregates cause an orangy
yellow color in diamond. These first three catego-
ries give colors that are sometimes easily modified,
removed, or enhanced by treatment, usually heat
and/or irradiation. In our fourth category, band
gaps provide colors that cannot be induced or Figure 1 1 . This m'agnificent Turkoman bracelet was
modified b y commercial treatment because they made in Central Asia in the 18th century. The car-
nelian is colored by inclusions of hydrous iron ox-
are directly related to the crystal structure of the ides. The precious metals owe their white or yellow
gem and not to minor amounts of defects or small coloration to preferential re-emission o f some visible
concentriions of impurities. They could, how- wavelengtl1s. Photo 0 Nelly Bariand.
ever, be modified by overriding color-generating
processes, but there are no known examples of
such a treatment used for gem materials. The origin of color in gem materials is an
It is important to keep in mind, however, that a increasingly important topic as more color-alter-
single color in a given gem can have more than one ing treatments are used. A detailed understanding
cause. In emerald, for example, color can be due to of the origin of color in natural-color gems and the
Cr3+, V3+, or both. Table 4 lists the origins of color color-inducing processes involved in the various
in most currently available gem materials and enhancement techniques is necessary to provide a
illustrates the variety of potential origins for each. better means of separating natural- from treated-
This listing refers only to known studies. Conse- color gem materials. Likewise, the origin of color
quently, a common color for a given gem might be in some synthetic materials may differ signifi-
absent, because no one has yet investigated its cantly from that in their natural counterparts, and
cause, whereas the cause of a very unusual color therefore can also be used as a way of distinguish-
might be known because it attracted the curiosity ing these two groups.
of researchers. As can be seen from our final table, conflicting
Ongoing research in a number of laboratories hypotheses on some color varieties and the ab-
may lead to results that contradict former origin- sence of documentation on others attest to the
of-color assignments. Usually this is because continued existence of substantial gaps in our
many of our earlier ideas were "educated guesses" understanding of color. In-depth research is still
that were never proven, but nevertheless were needed on some of the most critical gemological
often repeated. This probably is also a consequence issues, such as treated colored diamonds and color
of the fact that the exploration of the origin of color stability. As new treatments are developed and
in a gem material can be a long, difficult, and new color varieties are discovered, the need for
expensive process, especially when a color center ongoing research in this area will continue for
is involved. many years to come.

Color in Gems, Part 3 GEMS & GEMOLOGY Summer 1988 93

TABLE 4. Causes of color in most gem materia1s.a

Actinollte Yellowish green to Fez+ in octahedral Burns, 1970 Green (demantoid) Cr3* in octahedral Anderson. 1954-
green (nephrite) coordination coordination 55; Stockton and
Green Traces of Cr3+ Anderson, 1954-55 Manson, 1983.
Almandlne Red Fez* in distorted Manning, 1967a
cubic coordination Yellow (topazolite) Various charge- Dowly. 1971; Moore
to black (melanite) transfer processes and White. 1971
Amber Blue to green Fluorescence under Schlee, 1984
and dispersed ion
visible light in
absorption involv-
Dominican amber;
ing Fe and Ti
blue is due to light
(Rayleigh) scatter- Anthophylllte and Multicolor "Iridescence," likely Appel and Jensen,
ing in Baltic amber gedrite (ortho- ("nuurnmite") diffraction 1987
Yellow to orange to Charge-transfer Nassau, 1975a
red to brown processes in large Apatite series Pink F vacancy with a Marfunin. 1979b
organic molecules trapped electron
Dark blue 0 2 - -)MnS+ charge Marfunin, 1979b
Amphibole group (see actinolile. anthophyllite and gedrite. glaucophane, hornblende
and pargasite, or tremolite) transfer
Apophyllite Green V 4 + in distorted oc- Rossman, l974a
Andalusite Green and brown, Fez* -0- Ti4+ Smith, 1977
tahedral coordina-
pleochroism charge transfer
Dark green Mn3+ in octahedral Smith et al., 1982
Blue V3+ in octahedral Schmelzer. 1982
(viridine) coordination
Andradite Multicolors Diffraction Hirai and
Brown Fez + Faye, 1972
Nakazawa, 1982;
Koivula, 1987 Azurite Blue Cuz+ in elongated Marfunin. 1979a
octahedral coor-
Yellow-green Fez+ in octahedral Manning, 1967b.
coordination 1972
Benitoite Blue Fez + . Not fully proven:
charge transfer Burns. 1970
Beryl Dark blue (Maxixe CO; (Maxixe-type) Andersson, 1979
This 1759-ct emerald from the collection of the Bunco de la and Maxixe-type) and NO3 (Maxixe)
color centers due
Republics in Bogota, Colombia, owes its magnificent color to irradiation
to a small amount of Cr3+ in octahedral coordination. Fe2+ in the chan-
Light blue (aqua- Goldrnan et al.,
Photo ec) Harold &> Erica Van Pelt. marine) nels 01 the structure 1978
Darker blue (aqua- FeZ+-O-Fe=* inter- Goldman el al.,
marine) valence charge 1978
Green: yellow + --)Fe3+ charge G. Rossman, un-
blue transfer and Fez* pub data
in the channels
Green (emerald) Cr3+ andlor V 3 * in Wood and Nassau,
and light green octahedral coor- 1968
("mint beryl") dination
Yellow to orange O%-+Fe3* charge Loeffler and Burns,
(heliodor) transfer 1976. Goldman el
al., 1978
Red Mna+ in octahedral Shigley and Foord,
coordination 1984
Pink (morganite) Mnz+ in octahedral Wood and Nassau.
coordination 1968
Calcite Pink co2 + Webster. 1983;
Rossman. 1988
Chalcedony Purple Microscopic sugilite Shigley el al., 1987
Purple Color center similar Shigley and
("damsonite") to that found in am- Koivula, 1985
Blue to greenish Microscopic to sub- J. Koivula, pers.
blue (chrysocolla microscopic inclu- comrn., 1988
quartz) sions of chrysocolla
Green Microscopic inclu- A. Manceau, pers.
(chrysoprase) sions of nickel- comrn., 1985
ilerous clay-like ma-

'This list of the origin of color in gem materials is based on spectra or explicit
discussions as they appear in the literature or have been communicated to
the authors One color can be due to a combination of processes, while
visually similar colors can have a variety of different causes Within each gem
group or subgroup, colors are listed in the order of the spectrum. from violet
through purple, blue, green, yellow, arid orange to red, and then pink, brown,
black, and white when relevant Dyes and colored coatings can be used on
many of these materials, but they are mentioned here only if they are the most
common cause o l color in a particular material

94 Color in Gems, Part 3 GEMS & GEMOLOGY Summer 1988

Qpfw(variety or
Gem mat#rial A IM6 W e . if'$0~)
Orange to red (car- Submicroscopic to J Koivula, pers.
nelian, jasper) microscopic inclu- comm., 1988
sions of hydrous Fe
Chrysoberyl Yellow Fe3* in octahedral Loeftler and Burns.
coordination 1976
Color-change Cr3* in octahedral Farrell and Newn-
(alexandrite) coordination ham. 1965
Chryaocolla Blue Cu'+ in octahedral Lehmann. 1978
Green (tawmawite) Cr3- in octahedral Schmetzer. 1982
Conch "pearl" and Pink Organic pigment Dele-Dubois and
shell from the carolenoid Merlin. 1981
Copal (same as amber)
Coral Blue An organic pigment Fox et al., 1983
(Heliopora cae- of the bilins family.
rulea) helioporobilin
Red to pink Organic pigments Delb-Dubois ana
from the carotenoid Merlin, 1981
family, at least lor
Corallurn rubrurn
Black Various organic ma- Rolandi. 1981
terials ol unknown
Cordlerlte Violet to blue (iolite) Fe7* -0-Fex* Faye el al 1968,
charge transfer Smith, 1977. This 32.50-ct "pi~dparadschi~" sapphire owes its beautiful
Goldman et al , color to a combination of Fe3 - and Cr3+-related absorp-

1977 tions. Jewelry courtesy of Harry Winston, Inc.; photo 0

Red ("bloodshot Hematite andlor Gubelin and ~ a r o l da ) ~ r i c aVan Pelt.
iolite") lepidocrocite inclu- Koivula, 1987
sions minor contributions
Fe?+ -&Ti4 + of V3+ and Fe3* in
Corundum t Purple Schmetzer and octahedral coor-
charge transfer co- Bank. 1981 dination
existing with Cr3*
in octahedral coor- Pink Cr3* in octahedral G. Rossman, un-
dination coordination pub data
Fe2 -0-TiÃ
Smith and Sirens, Color-change Cr3* andlor V3* in Schnietzer et at.,
charge transfer with 1976; Schmetzer, octahedral coor- 1980
influence of Fez * -Ã 1987 dination in a partic-
Fe3* charge trans- ular range of con-
fer centration
Green Fe3+ in octahedral Schmelzer and Covelllte Blue and orange, Band theory Berry and Vaughan,
coordination coex- Bank. 1981 pleochroism 1985
isting with Crocoite Yellow to red 02-+Cr6+ charge Loeffler and Burns,
FeZ*-ÈTi * charge transfer 1976: Abou-Eid,
transfer, Ti3* and 1976
Cr3* in octahedral Cuprite Red Band theory G. Calas, pers.
coordination comm., 1984
Yellow O^+Fe3+ charge Schmetzer el al., Diamond Purple, pink to red In natural-color dia- Collins, 1982
transfer 1982; Nassau and monds. attributed
Valente, 1987 to a structural de-
Fe3* and Ti2 * Schmetzer and fect of unknown na-
Bank, 1981 ture
A variety of unsta- Schittmann, 1981: In treated pink dia- Collins, 1982
ble color centers of Schmetzer et al., monds, attributed
unknown structure 1982, 1983; Nassau to the N-V defect (a
and Valenle. 1987 carbon vacancy
Fe3* pairs Ferguson and Field- trapped at an iso-
ing, 1971 lated nitrogen im-
Orange to orange- Cr3* in octahedral Schmetzer and
brown coordination and Bank, 1981 Blue Band transitions Collins, 1982
color centers; caused by the
with a contribution Schmetzer et al., presence of dis-
of Fe3 1982, 1983 persed boron
Orangy pink Cr3* in octahedral Schmetzer and
("padparadscha") coordination and Bank, 1981 GRt center (neutral Collins. 1982
color centers carbon vacancy) in
a colorless dia-
Cr4* in octahedral Nassau, 1983 mond irradiated in
coordination due to nature or in the lab-
Cr-' ' and Mg2+ oratory
substituting for two
Al3* in the crystal Green Generally GR1 cen- Collins, 1982
structure ter (neutral carbon
vacancy), plus d e
Red (ruby) Cr3* in octahedral Harder. 1969; Gu-
fects that absorb in
coordination, with belin, 1975
Ihe blue (e.g., N3)

Color in Gems, Part 3 GEMS & GEMOLOGY Summer 1988 95

Color (variety or
Gem material trade name, if any) Cause Reference

More rarely, due to Collins, 1982 Greenish yellow Mn7* in octahedral Rossrnan and
very strong green coordination (rare) Malison, 1986
fluorescence under Orange Yellow t pink See Dietrich, 1985
visible light ("green
Pink to red Related lo man- Manning, 1973, De
transmitter" effect)
(rubellite) ganese, generally Camargo and Iso-
of the H3 andlor H4
believed to be due tam. 1988
defect (a carbon
to Mn3* in octa-
vacancy trapped at
hedral coordination.
an aggregate of
sometimes created
two or four nitrogen
by irradiation
Brown Fez* -)TI"- charge Rossman and
Yellow Most commonly Collins, 1982,
transfer Malison, 1986
due to Ihe N3 de- Lowlher, 1984
fect, an aggregate Enstatlte Greenish brown Fez * Rossman, 1980
of three nitrogen Green Fe7 * with rninor Anderson, 1954-55
atoms (color cen- Cr3 *
ter) at a carbon va- Epidote group (see clinozoisite, epidote, piemontile, or zoisite)
Epidote Green and brown, Fe3+ in distorted Burns, 1970
More rarely, due to Collins, 1982 pleochroism octahedral coor-
band transitions dination
caused by the
presence of iso- Euclase Blue Fez * -0-Fe3 * Mattson and Ross-
lated nitrogen charge transfer man, 1987
atoms Green Cr3* in octahedral Anderson, 1954-55
Orange Most commonly H3 Cottrant and Calas, coordination
center (a carbon 1981 Feldspar group (see labradorite. microcline, oligoclase, orthoclase, or plagioclase
vacancy trapped at series)
an aggregate of
two nitrogen Fluorite Violet Mie scattering on Braithwaite el al.,
atoms), in natural calcium micro- 1973, Lehmann,
and treated orange crystalliles 1978
diamonds Blue Y3+ t F vacancy Bill and Calas,
More rarely, origi- Collins, 1982 + 2 electrons 1978
nating from a color 'Emerald" green Sm2 * Bill and Calas.
center of unknown ("chrome fluorite") 1978: Rossman.
nature 1981
Brown Color center of un- Collins. 1982 Yellowish green Color center con- Bill and Calas.
known nature, with taming Y and Ce 1978
various other color associated with an
centers adding or- F vacancy
ange, yellow, pink, Yellow 0; color center = Bill and Calas.
or green 0, substituting for 1978
Dlopslde Green (chrome Cr3- in octahedral Rossman, 1980 Pink YO, color center Bill and Calas,
diopside) coordination. (Y3+ t O;-) 1978
V3* in octahedral Schmetzer. 1982
coordination Color change Y3+-associated Bill and Calas,
color center and 1978: Schmetzer et
Yellowish green Fez-*-in octahedral Burns. 1970 Smz*. with minor at., 1980
coordination influence of a
Dloptase Green Cu7+ in octahedral Lehmann, 1978 Ce3 *-associated
coordination color center
Dravite Green V3+ generally with Schmetzer and Gahnite and Blue Fez* in tetrahedral Dickson and Smith.
("chrome minor amounts of Bank, 1979 "gahnospinel" coordination 1976
tourmaline") Cr3+, both in octa
hedral coordination Garnet group (see almandine, andradite, grossular, hydrogrossular group, pyrope,
spessartine, or uvarovite: also rliodolite)
Yellow to brown Related to titanium Smith, 1977: Ross-
Glass Yellowish green Fep* in octahedral Pye el al , 1984
due to Fez * -0- man, as cited in
Tid* charge trans- Dietrich. 1985 (natural) (moldavite, tektite) coordination
fer, with those low Brown Fe3+ in octahedral Pye et al., 1984
in iron yellow and coordination
those rich in iron
Glaucophane Blue FeS t 4 - ~ +~ 3 Smith and Strens,
charge transfer 1976
Red Fe3* pairs Mattson and Ross-
Grossular Green (tsavorite) V3.- in octahedral Gubelin and
man. 1984
coordination Weibei, 1975
Elbaite Blue Fe7* in octahedral See Dietrich, 1985
Orange Mn3+ in distorted Manning. 1970
and (indicolite) coordination with
(hessonite) cubic coordination:
llddlcoatite possible influence
Fea Manson and Stock-
of some iron-related
ton, 1986
charge-transfer pro-
cesses Gypsum All (alabaster) Color usually due to J. Koivula, pers.
dyes exclusively, comm., 1988
Green Fez+ and Ti4 in Malison, as ciled in
except for some

octahedral coor- Dietrich, 1985

brown staining due
dination. The influ-
to hydrous iron
ence of various
charge transfer pro-
cesses involving Hematite Gray in reflection, Fe3* Bell el al.. 1975
iron is a distinct red in transmission
possibility Hornblende Green to brown Fez+ in various Rossman. 1988
Mnz*-0-Ti4 * Rossman and and pargaslte sites
charge transfer Malison, 1986 Howlite Blue Dyes exclusively

96 Color in Gems, Part 3 GEMS & GEMOLOGY Summer 1988

Hydrogrossular Green ("TransvaalCr3* in octahedral Manning and
group lade") coordination Owens, 1977
Pink Mnz* in octahedral Manning and
coordination Owens, 1977
Jadeite 'Emerald green Cr3- in octahedral Rossrnan, 1981
(chrome ladeite) coordination
Yellowish green Fe3* in octahedral Rossrnan, 1981
Violet ("lavender Few -O-Fe3 * Rossman, 1974b
jadeite") charge transfer:
synthetic is colored Nassau and
by Mns* Shigley. 1987
Kornerupine Blue Cr3- in octahedral Schrnetzer, 1982
Green V3* in octahedral Schrnetzer 1982
Kyanite Blue Fez t -0-Ti4 * Parkin el al., 1977
charge transfer.
Fez + -0-Fe3 '
charge transfer.
Fez* and Fe3* in
octahedral coor-
dination can all be
with contribution Bosshart et al.. 1982
from Cr3- in octa-
hedral coordination
Green V3- in octahedral Schrnetzer. 1982
Fe3* in octahedral G. Rossrnan. un-
coordination pub. data
Color change Cr3 ' in octa- Bosshart et al.,
hedral coordination 1982
Labradorlte Mullicolors
" Diffraction of light Ribbe, 1972:
by the internal Lehrnann. 1978
lamellar structure
Red (in the material Subrnicroscopic Holrneister and
Irorn Oregon) metallic copper Rossrnan, 1985b
Green and orange- Could be Cu * Holrneister and These freshwater baroque and round saltwater cultured
pink, pleochroisrn IVCT or CuO pairs Rossrnan, 1985b pearls exhibit the delicate iridescent color (here mostly
Blue Fez * -0-Fe3 * Arnthauer and pink) that gemologists call orient. Photo 0 Harold ei) Erica
charge transfer Rossrnan. 1984 Van Pelt.
Lazurite Blue (lapis lazuli) 83 (charge Loefller and Burn-
transfer) 1978
Orange to red (lire Microscopic to sub- J Koivula, pers
Pink Mn2+ in octahedral
Faye, 1968
opal) microscopic inch- .
comm 1980
sions of iron hy-
Mna* in octahedral Marfunin, 1979a
drous oxides
Green Microscopic to sub- Koivula and Frypr
Liddlcoatite (see elbaite)
(prase opal) microscopic nickel- 1984
Malachite Green Cuz* in octahedral Marlunin, 1979a iferous clay-like in-
coordination clusions
Maw-sit-sit Green Cr31 in octahedral Khornenko and Orthoclase Yellow Fe3- in tetrahedral Hofmeister and
(rock) coordination in the Platonov, 1985 coordination Rossman, 1983
Pink lo red Microscop~chema- Andersen, 1915,
Blue (arnazonite) Color center involv- Hofrneister and tite and/or lepido- J Koivula, pers
ing Pb3 and Rossman. 1985a crocite inclusions cornm , 1908
slructural water
Pearls (oyster)
Nephrite (see actinol~le)
Body color All colors Charge-transfer Fox el al.. 1903
Oligoclase Blue (moonstone) Rayleigh scattering Lehrnann, 1978 processes in traces
of light by lamellar of porphyrins and
structure metalloporphyrins
Red (sunstone) Red lepidocrocite J. Koivula, pers, Green High proportions of Fox et al., 1983
or hematite cornrn., 1988; metalloporphyrins.
platelets give the Lehrnann, 1978 apparently involving
aventurescence lead and zinc
Ollvine group: Pink Less total porphyrin Fox el al , 1903
Forsterite-fayalite Yellowish green Fe7- in octahedral Loeffler and Burns, than green
series (peridot) coordination 1976 Orient and Pink and green Interference colorsE. Fntsch. unpub
Green (peridot, the Fez+ with minor Anderson, 1954-55 overtone usually data
material from amounts of C r < - 'in Pectolite Blue Cu2+ in octahedral Koivula. 1986a
Hawaii) octahedral coor- coordination
dination '
Phosphophylllte Bluish green Fe2 * G. Rossman. un-
Opal Multicolors (play-01- Diffraction by the Darragh and pub. data
color opal) regular stacking of Sanders, 1965 Piemontite Purplish red Mn3* in octahedral Burns. 1970
silica spheres coordination

Color in Gems, Part 3 GEMS & GEMOLOGY

Plagloclase series Blue Color center involv- Hofmeister and Smoky (smoky Color center related Partlow and Cohen,
ing Pb and water Rossman. 1986 quartz) to the Al3+ impurity 1986
Yellow W + in tetrahedral Hofmeister and Pink (rose quartz) Charge transfer be- Cohen and Makar,
coordination and Rossman, 1983 tween a substitu- I985
Fez* in octahedral tional Tid* and an
coordination interstitial Ti3+;
Pumpellyite Green Fe^ -0-Fe3 + G. Rossman, un- unstable color Maschrneyer and
(chlorastrolite) charge transfer pub. data center 0- Lehmann, 1983
plus FW* ion bridging
between substitu-
PyroPe Brownish red Fez* in distorted Manning, 1967a
tional aluminum
cubic coordination
and substitutional
Red Fez+ in distorted Anderson, 1954- phosphorus atom;
cubic site plus 55; Manning, 1967a dumortierite inclu- Applin and Hicks,
Cr3* in octahedral sions 1987
White (milky quartz) Scattering of light Fritsch, 1985
Color change (in V3+ and/or Cr3+ in Schmetzer et al., by inclusions larger
pyrope and pyrope- octahedral coor- 1980 than the visible
spessartine) dination wavelengths
Pyrope-Almandlne Reddish purple Fez+ in distorted Manning, 1967a Rhodochroslte Pink to red Mn2+ in octahedral Rossman, 1988
(rhodolite) cubic coordination coordination
Pyroxene group (see enstatite, diopside, jadeite, kosmochlor in maw-sit-sit,or Rhodollte (see pyrope-almandine)
Rhodonlte Pink Mnz* in octahedral Marshall and
Quartz Violet to purple 0 2 -->Fed+ charge coordination, with Runcinam, 1975
(amethyst) transfer, due to irra- minor Fez ;
diation Mn3+ in octahedral Gibbons et al.,
Blue Inclusions of blue C. Fryer, pers. coordination 1974
dumortierite comm., 1988 Rutile Blue (synthetic Band transition due G. Rossman, un-
Inclusions ol Gubelin and rutile) to the presence of pub. data
tourmaline Koivula, 1987 Ti3 +

Inclusions of Zolensky el al., Scapolite series Various colors Due to color cen- Marlunin, 1979b
ilmenite of a diame- 1988 ters related to irra-
ter smaller than vis- diation of Cl.
ible wavelengths Cog- or SCI-
Green ("greened Fe2+ Nassau. 1980 groups present in
amethyst" or the large voids of
prasiolite) the crystal structure
Green (aventurine Chromian mica Lehmann. 1978 Scheellte Yellow Fe Not proven:
quartz) (fuchsite) inclusions Gunawardene,
Greenish yellow Color center Nassau and
Prescolt, 1977 Serpentine Green (williamsite) Cr3+ around chro- J. Koivula, pers.
mite inclusions comm,, 1988
Yellow to orange 0 2 - +Fe3* charge Balitsky and
(citrine) transfer Balitskaya, 1986 Shattuckite Blue Cu2 + Fleischer, 1987
Various AP+-re- Samoilwich el al., Shell Pink (see
lated color centers 1969 conch shell)
Black A violet organic Fox el al., 1983
pigment, hal-
iotiviolin, has been
recovered from the
shell of the black
Pink rhodochrosite and yellow willemite contrast in hue, abalone, Haliotis
although they are both colored b y Mn2+. Different coor- cracherodii
dination of the Mn2+ ion is the clue here: octahedral in rho- Blue Fez + -O-T~- Rossman et al.,
docrosite, tetrahedral in willemite. Photo b y Robert Weldon. charge transfer, 1982
probably similar to
blue kyanite
Yellow Fe3+ or Cr3* in Rossman et al.,
tetrahedral coor- 1982
Brown Fe features of yel- Rossman el al.,
low sillimanite plus 1982
inclusions of iron-
rich phase
Sinhalite Brown 0Z-+Fe3* charge Farrell and
transfer and Fez+ Newnharn, 1965
in octahedral coor-
Smithsonlte Blue-green Cup+ G. Rossman. un-
pub. data
Pink CoZ * G. Rossman, un-
pub. data
Sodalite Blue Interstitial oxygen Pizani et al., 1985
ion 0 - near Al or
Pink (hackmanite) Unstable electron Pizani et al., 1985
substituting for Cl-
in a tetrahedron of
Na* ions

98 Color in Gems, Part 3 GEMS & GEMOLOGY Summer 1988

Spessartine Orange Mn2 in distorted Manning, 1967a
cubic coordination
Sphalerite Yellow to black Iron + sulfur Madunin, t979a
charge transfer
Green Co2+ in tetrahedral Marfunin, 1979a

Spinel group (see gahnite and gahnospinel, or spinel)

Spinel Violet to purple Cra+ in octahedral G, Rossrnan, un-

coordination and pub, dala
Fez+ in tetrahedral
Cobalt blue Co2+ and Fez* in Shigley and
tetrahedral coor- Stockton. 1984
Bluish green Fe3+ and Fe7* in G. Rossman, un-
tetrahedral coor- pub. data
Green (synthetic Cr3* in octahedral Vogel, 1934
spinel) coordination
Pink to red Cra- in octahedral Vogel. 1934;
coordination Anderson. 1954-
55; Surnin, 1950 Wulfenite is an intrinsically colorless mineral (left),but it
Spodumene Purple to pink Mn3* in tetrahedral Hassan and Labib, commonly acquires an orange coloration when impurity
(kunzite) coordination. 1978; chromium atoms produce 02-+Cr6+ charge transfer (center
Mn3+ in octahedral Cohen and
coordination Janezic. 1983 bottom), which is the intrinsic cause of color in cmcoite
Emerald green Cr3* in octahedral Cohen and Janezic,
(right). In contrast, blue wulfenite (top) is said to get its
(hiddenile) coordination with 1983 color from Mo4+. Photo by Robert Weldon.
also unstable Mn4
color center.
V3- in octahedral Schmetzer, 1982
coordination Tourmaline group (see'drauite, elbaite and liddicoalile, or uvile)
t ' Tremolite Pink (hexagonite) Mn3 * Hawthorne. 1981
Paler green Unstable Mn4* in Cohen and Janezic,
octahedral coor- 1983 Tugtupite Pink Color center(s) in- Povarennykh el al.,
dination plus Fez* volving sulphur 1971
) Fe3* charge Turquoise Blue Cuz* in octahedral Diaz et al., 1971
transfer coordination
Fe3 + in octahedral E. Frilsch, unpub. Uvarovlte Green CrJ* in octahedral Manning, 1969,
coordination data coordination Calas, 1978
Greenish yellow to Color center of un- Rossman and Oiu, Uvite Green ("chrome Va* generally with Schmetzer and
brownish orange known structure 1982 tourmaline") minor amounts of Bank, 1979.
Staurolite Brown Fez+ in tetrahedral Burns. 1970 Cr3* both in octa Schmetzer, 1982
coordination hedral coordination
Blue Co-"+ in tetrahedral Cech el al., 1981 Variscite (and Green Cra* presumably in Anderson, 1954-
coordination Metavariscite) octahedral coor- 55:
Sugilite Purple Mn3* and FeJ*. Shigley et al., 1987 dination Koivula. 1986b
presumably in octa- Vesuvianite Green Fe3* in octahedral Manning, 1976,
hedral coordination (idocrase) coordination with 1977
Red to violet Cr3+ in octahedral Schrnetzer, 1983 possible influence
coordination of Fez * +Fe3 *
charge transfer
Titanite Green High Fe content Mottana and
(sphene) Griffin. 1979 Yellow 0 2 - +Fez* charge Manning. 1977
Green (chrome Cr3* in octahedral Schmetzer, 1982
sphene) coordination Brown Fe7' -)Ti4 charge
+ Manning, 1977
Pink Mn2+ in octahedral Moltana and Gnlfin,
coordination, for 1979 Willemite Yellow Mn7* in tetrahedral G Rossman, un-
certain MnIFe ra- coordination pub. data
tios, as well as pink Wulfenite Blue Mod* Embrey el al., 1977
carbonate inclu- Yellow to red 07 ->Crb+ charge EdSOn, 1980
sions transfer
Topaz Blue Color centers of un- Schmelzer. 1986 Zircon Blue u4* Mackey el al,, 1975
known structure
Red Nbd* color centers Fielding, 1970
Green Yellow and blue Petrw, 1977
Zolsite Blue V-1- in octahedral Hurlbut, 1969
color centers
(tanzanite- coordination
Yellow Color center of un- Petrov. 1977 heat treated) with V3+ in ocla G . Rossrnan, un
known nature hedral coordination pub. data
Orange ("imperial Yellow color center Petrw. 1977 V3* in octahedral Hurlbut, 1965
topaz") and Cr3* in octa- coordination (treat-
hedral coordination ment lurns blue.
Pink Cr3* in octahedral Petrov, 1977 tanzanite)
coordination Green Cr3- in octahedral Schrnetzer, 1982
Reddish brown Yellow and red Petrov, 1977 coordination
("sherry topaz") color centers Pink (thulite) Mn3- in presum- Marfunin, 1979a
Tortoise shell Yellow to brown Charge transfer in Nassau. 1975a ably octahedral co-
organic products ordination

Color in Gems, Part 3 GEMS & GEMOLOGY Summer 1988 99

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102 Color in Gems, Part 3 GEMS & GEMOLOGY Summer 1988

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