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Transonic turbine vane tests in a new

miniature cascade facility
T Povey1 , M L G Oldfield1 *, and F Haselbach2
Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK
Rolls Royce plc, Derby, UK

The manuscript was received on 18 September 2007 and was accepted after revision for publication on 20 March 2008.
DOI: 10.1243/09576509JPE534

Abstract: A new two-dimensional mini-cascade blow-down tunnel, with eight vane passages
of only 20 mm true chord, 15 mm pitch, and 40 mm span, has been developed for testing gas
turbine nozzle guide vane profiles at transonic exit Mach numbers (M ) and realistic Reynolds
numbers (Re) with a quick turnaround and high accuracy. The small size of the cascade has
many advantages. Vane profiles can be tested at adjustable engine representative Re at room
temperature with exit static pressures above atmospheric and Re and M can be independently
varied. The mass flow is small and the long run times (>3 min) allow downstream traversing with a
three-hole miniature probe. The inaccuracies inherent in the traditional method of mounting the
vanes/blades on pegs in the Schlieren windows have been eliminated by accurately computer
numerical control (CNC) machining the whole cascade of vanes integral with the tunnel side
walls, with re-usable, plug-in Schlieren windows. Cascades of new test vane profiles are quickly
machined and tested, with a fast turn-around for comparative studies.
A new Schlieren photography lens arrangement is demonstrated, which captures numerous
flow visualization images per run directly into a digital SLR camera.
Lower-than-atmospheric exhaust pressures were achieved by using a long exhaust designed
to maximize exit flow dynamic pressure recovery using the self-ejector pumping effect. Exhaust
pressures as low as 0.7 bar were achieved using the self-pumping exhaust, allowing M up to
1.6 with 3 bar inlet pressure and an exhaust at atmospheric pressure. An analytical model is
developed for the mildly supersonic exit flow condition and validated against experimental data.
Excellent agreement is achieved.
Results presented for a typical transonic cascade show that the tunnel performs well in the
subsonic and low supersonic region, but, as the exit M increases, shock-wave reflections from
the free jet boundary, seen on the Schlieren, cause non-periodicity. Deep in the cascade, the flow
is still periodic and can be used for investigations of loss and shock boundary-layer interaction.
Interestingly, if the downstream pressure is reduced further to give even higher (but unrealistic)
M , the cascade becomes axially supersonic and excellent periodicity is restored.
Schlieren results are compared with computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations of the
tunnel flow, and the loss measurements are validated against measurements conducted using a
large-scale cascade at Göttingen.

Keywords: gas turbine, blow-down, cascade, tunnel, nozzle guide vane, transonic, Mach,
Reynolds, Schlieren, pressure traverse

∗ Corresponding author: Department of Engineering Science,

University of Oxford, Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PJ, UK.

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530 T Povey, M L G Oldfield, and F Haselbach

1 INTRODUCTION Traditionally, to allow Schlieren or shadowgraph

flow visualization [11], vanes were mounted by pegs
In recent years turbine testing has moved from simple inserted into holes laboriously machined into expen-
two-dimensional cascades to three-dimensional sive, optically flat Schlieren windows [12] and this
annular cascades and then to rotating stages in an process limited the accuracy of the vane alignment
attempt to more accurately represent the aerodynam- with unwanted variations in the passage throats.
ics and heat transfer through the gas turbine engine. Restrictions on machining accuracy and the
The rotating experiments have led to numerous devel- unavailability of subminiature instrumentation pushed
opments in the understanding of unsteady processes up the size of cascade vanes to be much larger than
in the turbine in particular, but also the effect on the engine [13]. This had two negative consequences:
downstream vane rows in multi-stage configurations the cascade tunnels became large ([14] used 300 mm
[1], and on the heat transfer and aerodynamics with true chord vanes) and required large mass flows (for a
engine realistic inlet temperature profiles [2]. Clearly given Re and geometry, the mass flow is proportional
this is a significant field, and the available literature is to the vane size) and engine representative Re required
extensive. subatmospheric exhaust pressures. In addition, large,
There have been novel developments in the field of expensive Schlieren mirrors were required to visualize
three-dimensional sector cascades for aeromechan- more than one passage.
ical testing [3] and heat transfer investigations with For simplicity, cascade tunnels were sometimes
engine components [4]. constructed with atmospheric inlet pressures (e.g. at
The trend in all these experiments is towards Göttingen: [15, 16]), which required subatmospheric
increasingly complex and expensive facilities in both exit pressures (pumps or large vacuum chamber), but
time and resources. They take years to construct and many operate in blow-down mode, with a pressurized
commission and are expensive to run, requiring a ded- inlet exhausting to atmospheric exit pressures. In both
icated team, and, in rotating experiments, stringent cases, Re cannot be varied independently from the exit
safety measures. M , and the range of conditions, which can be studied,
A consequence of the expense of replacing a ring is limited.
of vanes/blades is that rotating facilities often run the The mini-cascade described below overcomes these
same vane/blade profiles for years, while the turbine limitations by the choice of small scale, and hence,
designer would wish to test many different vane/blade for realistic Re, above atmospheric inlet and exit pres-
profiles to check the design software. Flow visualiza- sures, together with the utilization of an integrated
tion is difficult in three-dimensional turbine facilities design where vanes are machined integrally with the
and instrumentation coverage often falls below that sidewall using highly accurate computer numerical
desired. control (CNC) machining. A wide range of Re–M con-
Consequently, it is timely to re-examine the rel- ditions are possible and digital Schlieren techniques
atively simple two-dimensional linear cascade, and allow excellent flow visualization of several vane pas-
to examine how it might be improved in the light sages. The new two-dimensional cascade is optimized
of recently available technology. Hirsch [5] presents for quick, inexpensive comparative tests of different
an excellent (if now slightly historic) review of the vane profiles, and is complementary to fully annular
great variety of tunnels, which have been devel- facilities.
oped. Gostelow [6] is a good cascade reference. More
recently, a high-speed linear blow-down cascade was
developed at Carleton University (Ottawa, Canada), 2 OPERATING CONDITIONS
which is operable in the range M < 1.5 [7]. The cascade
has been used, for example, to look at the off-design The range of cascade operating conditions were
incidence on transonic turbine performance, for 0.5 < chosen to be representative of modern turbine vanes
M < 1.2 in the Re range 4 × 105 < Re < 1 × 106 [8]. operating in smaller engines, and the scale of the vanes
Large-scale low speed cascades such as that used by chosen so that at the target Re the cascade exit pressure
Byerley et al. [9] are relatively inexpensive, but are gen- was close to atmospheric, to simplify the exhaust sys-
erally restricted to low Reynolds numbers and Mach tem. The working gas was air (γ = 1.4, R = 287 J/kg K).
Numbers and have limited relevance to transonic first Details are summarized in Table 1. To achieve approx-
stage turbines. The Durham University cascade [10] imately two-dimensional flow conditions, the span
is another example of a cascade in this general class, (40 mm) was chosen to give a large value of s/ct = 2,
and has been used variously to investigate the effect of and so that s was large in comparison to the boundary
skewed inlet flow, upstream slot injection, and, more layer thickness, so that only a small fraction of the span
recently, non-axisymmetric endwall profiling on the was influence by boundary layer flow and secondary
cascade losses. flow: this allows good Schlieren, approaching the truly

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Table 1 Mini-cascade operating pressure are presented in Fig. 1. Over the range of M of
conditions interest, M = 1.0 to 1.6, for a cascade with constant
inlet pressure, the maximum Re is greater than the
Parameter Value
minimum Re by only 6 per cent. That is, Re varies
p0 3 × 105 Pa slowly with M . The corresponding change for a cas-
T0 293 K cade with constant exit pressure is approximately 100
ct 20 mm
s 40 mm per cent and is clearly unacceptable. It should be noted
p1 0.7 × 105 Pa that for vane surfaces upstream of the sonic throat in
M1 0 to 1.6 M1 > 1.0 flows, the flow is independent of p1 and so
Rect (M1 = 1) 0.87 × x106
the constant p0 condition is the appropriate one.
Higher Re can be achieved by increasing p0 . The
tunnel was designed for pressures up to 10 bar:
two-dimensional flow case. On the basis of early cas-
Re ∼ 2.9 × 106 . Lower Re can be achieved by lowering
cade experience Sieverding [17] suggested that the
p0 , but will result in a reduction of the upper M limit
approximately two-dimensional flow condition would
(currently 1.6).
be achieved at high outlet to inlet velocity ratio for
s/ct > 1.6; more recent experiments by Jouini et al.
[8] confirmed that this was correct at the design value 3 MINI-CASCADE STRUCTURE
of incidence, although for high (∼14.5◦ ) values of off-
design incidence s/ct ≈ 1.6 was not acceptable. In the A cross-section through the miniature cascade is
current cascade, s/ct = 2 would appear to be a satisfac- shown in Fig. 2 and an external view is given in Fig. 3.
tory compromise between achieving two-dimensional An eight-passage cascade was chosen to ensure suffi-
flow, and long run times. cient downstream periodicity. A free-jet exit, exiting
The exit duct was designed to act as a self-pumping into a larger cross-section exit duct (approximately
ejector pump to lower the exit pressure to 0.7 bar four times cascade total throat area) was chosen for
giving p1 /p0 = 0.7/3 = 0.23, extending the potential ease of use. The alternative of using tailboards would
isentropic M range to M1 = 1.6. Lower M , down to ∼0
are obtained by placing a choke valve downstream of
the cascade exit to raise the exit pressure p1 .
The decision to keep the inlet pressure p0 constant
while varying the outlet static pressure p1 to vary the
M , rather than the simpler option of keeping p1 at
atmospheric and varying p0 is based on the desirabil-
ity of keeping the Re based on true chord and exit
conditions nearly constant as M1 varies.
The variations of Re with exit M for cascades with (a)
constant exit static pressure and (b) constant inlet total

Fig. 2 Schematic of the miniature cascade

Fig. 1 Variation of Re (based on true chord) with exit M Fig. 3 Photograph of the HWSS miniature cascade
for cascades with: (a) constant exit static pressure showing the Schlieren windows and the probe
and (b) constant inlet total pressure traverse drive (cover off)

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532 T Povey, M L G Oldfield, and F Haselbach

allowed long running time (greater than 3 min) with

the present mini-cascade. Downstream, the mini-
cascade exhausts into a self-pumping tube, and then
into a large silencer.


Fig. 4 Photograph of arrangement for holding vanes PUMPING MODEL FOR A TRANSONIC LINEAR
(prototype) CASCADE

Lower-than-atmospheric exhaust pressures were

have required careful adjustment for each supersonic achieved by using a long exhaust tube (Fig. 5) designed
exit M as the exit flow angle changed. to maximise exit flow dynamic pressure recovery;
The basic structure is accurately CNC machined using the self-ejector pumping effect. An adjustable
from Aluminium alloy with top and bottom, cascade throat is placed downstream of the exit tube to enable
width members and bolted side plates. The cascade the setting the cascade downstream pressure and
vanes are integrally machined into aluminium alloy, hence the isentropic exit M . Consider the control
plug-in sidewalls as shown in Fig. 4. Alternate vanes volume shown in Fig. 5.
are machined into each sidewall and dowels align the Consider the equations for conservation of mass
vane tips with the opposite sidewall. As the vane pro- flowrate, axial momentum and energy (assume adi-
files are CNC milled at the same time as the sidewalls, abatic flow in the exhaust) between the cascade exit
high-dimensional accuracy (better than ±20 μm) is plane, 1, and the exhaust (to atmosphere) plane,
ensured. The vane profiles have been easily changed 2. Consider the equation for conservation of mass
by machining the profiles into new sidewalls, which flowrate
then simply plug in to the cascade body.
The Schlieren windows, seen in Fig. 3, plug into the ṁ1 = ṁ2 or ρ ∗ v ∗ A∗ = ρ1 v1 A1 = ρ2 v2 A2 (1)
sidewalls. The aperture is large enough for the regions where A∗ is the choked throat area, A1 the fully
of interest to be visualized: the flow on the rear suction expanded jet area at the cascade exit plane, and A2
surface and the downstream shock structure. As there the mixing duct area at the far (mixed out) plane. The
are no vane fastenings in the window area, the view corresponding velocities, densities, and pressures are
is unobstructed and the same windows were used for given by v, ρ, and p in each case.
different vane profiles. In order to avoid the expense Consider the momentum equation
of manufacturing optically flat, Schlieren quality glass
windows, the windows were cut from a sheet of ordi- 1
(p1 − p2 )A2 = ṁ(v2 − v1 cos θ1 ) + CL ρ1 v12 A1 (2)
nary float glass. The glass was examined optically by 2
placing it in the Schlieren system (see below) and That is
optically flat areas were identified as suitable for the   
windows. CL
(p1 − p2 )A2 = ṁ v2 − v1 cos θ1 − (3)
A stepper-motor driven downstream traverse mount 2
is also shown in Fig. 3: the subminiature probe is
Here CL is a mixing loss coefficient for the duct. The
described later. The traverse is computer controlled
profile loss through the cascade is modelled by setting
and drives the probe tip in a path parallel to, and
downstream of the cascade of vanes. p01 = p0 (1 − CPL ) (4)
The cascade is supplied by the regulated air sup-
ply previously used by the Oxford blowdown tunnel where p01 is the mass mean total pressure at the cas-
[18, 19]: 30 m3 capacity at 28 bar (≈1000 kg). This cade exit plane, p0 the total pressure at the cascade

Fig. 5 Schematic of self-pumping exhaust tube

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inlet plane, and CPL the profile loss coefficient, which

is typically between 3 and 6 per cent. For choked flow,
this provides a satisfactory approximation.
In a very simple model of the cascade flow, the exit
angle with respect flow angle at M = 1 can be taken as
the angle, θ1 , given by Prandtl–Meyer function

γ +1 −1 γ −1
θ1 = tan (M12 − 1) − tan−1 M12 − 1
γ −1 γ +1

In adiabatic flow, the energy equation reduces to

ṁcp T01 = ṁcp T02 or T01 = T02 (6)

The equations can be solved for given input vari-

ables M1 , A∗ /A2 , CL , and CPL to give output variables Fig. 7 Non-dimensional static pressure recovery as a
M2 , p02 /p01 , p1 /p01 , and p2 /p01 . The isentropic Mach function of cascade exit M : experiment, model,
number M1is can also be calculated from p1 /p0 for and modified Baines et al. [18] model
comparison with experimental values.
In the present case, A∗ /A2 = 0.25. The value of CPL
can be determined experimentally, and a value of For completeness the predicted far plane total pres-
0.05 was used for the model. The value of CL was sure, p02 , and Mach number, M2 , are also presented.
chosen to give the best match with the experimental The same data are presented in terms of non-
data. For CL = 0.52, a comparison of the self-pumping dimensional static pressure recovery (p2 − p1 )/p0 in
model and experimental data from the mini-cascade Fig. 7. The largest discrepancy between the model and
is presented in Fig. 6. the experimental data is 2.3 per cent of the static pres-
For both the experimental data and the model, the sure recovery or 0.20 per cent of total pressure. Both
abscissa in Fig. 6 is the isentropic M (that is refer- the experiment and model show that in a self-pumping
enced to the cascade inlet total pressure, p0 ). The exhaust of this type, operating at mild-supersonic con-
experimentally measured pressures at the cascade exit ditions (1.0 < M1is < 1.6), the expected static pressure
plane, p1 , and at the mixed out plane, p2 , are shown recovery is typically (p2 − p1 )/p0 = 0.1.
for a sample of 50 runs with isentropic exit M in the In the case of the current experiment, the cas-
range 1.0 < M1is < 1.6, and compared with the model. cade inlet pressure is p0 = 3.0 bar. Pressure recovery
The agreement between model and experiment is corresponding to (p2 − p1 )/p0 = 0.1 equates to a pres-
excellent. sure rise of 0.3 bar due to mixing, allowing cascade
exit pressures as low as 0.7 bar with atmospheric
exhaust pressures. Thus cascade pressure ratios of
p0 /p1 = 3.0/0.7 = 4.3, corresponding to an isentropic
exit Mach number of 1.6, are possible, allowing a wide
range of M1 to be investigated.
It is worth noting that the loss term, CL ρ1 v12 A1 /2,
which appears in equation (2) is based on the
upstream dynamic head. This differs from the Baines
et al. [18] formulation based on the downstream
dynamic head, CL ρ2 v22 A2 /2, but provides a better
match with the experimental data. If equation (2) is
modified to include the term CL ρ2 v22 A2 /2, a value of
CL = 1.9 yields the dotted curve shown in Fig. 7.


A new digital Schlieren system was developed to

Fig. 6 Simulation versus experiment of exhaust tube record images directly into a digital SLR camera in
acting as self-ejector with an area ratio of daylight conditions. The system comprised two front-
At /A2 = 0.25 silvered concave mirrors with a focal length of 2.4 m,

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534 T Povey, M L G Oldfield, and F Haselbach

Fig. 8 Schematic of digital Schlieren system

a 6.3 Megapixel SLR camera, and a 450 mm telephoto

lens. Using a halogen light source (a car head lamp
bulb) images can be recorded at 1/4000 s at f/5.6. This
is approximately 100 times faster than the exposure
time required for correct exposure in typical indoor
ambient light conditions, and there is therefore no
need to black-out the tunnel area, as required with
conventional Schlieren systems.
A non-standard Schlieren set-up allows the camera
to focus on a virtual image near infinity by placing the
second concave mirror closer than the focal length of
the mirror from the cascade working section. This is
illustrated in Fig. 8.
The arrangement is a modification of a stan- Fig. 9 The three-hole probe with sensing holes parallel
dard Toepler Schlieren system [11], which uses two to the stem. In use the stem was horizontal and
parabolic mirrors in a folded Z-shape. A light source the line of holes parallel to the vane wakes
is placed at the focal point of the first mirror and
focussed using the second mirror onto either a knife-
edge or a three colour filter. In the conventional
arrangement, a minimum distance of f must be
allowed between the working section and the second
concave mirror in the path in order to form a real
image of the model. In the modified arrangement that Fig. 10 Photograph of three-hole probe tip and stem
was used here, the distance between the second mir-
ror and the working section was less than f , so that a
virtual image of the working section was formed some and yaw directions) five-hole probes are the norm [20],
distance (∼25 m) behind the second mirror. Using a although four-hole probes [21, 22] are now almost
standard SLR camera and telephoto lens (450 mm) the as common; the main advantage of the latter is the
virtual image is easily focussed onto the film plane, smaller size, which is advantageous in transonic flows
without the need for additional lenses. So, high quality because the probe presents lower blockage.
Schlieren images can be captured directly to computer Because of the small size of the cascade, an
without the need for wet processing of plate film. Using unusually small probe capable of high-resolution
the system, Schlieren images were captured over a measurements was required. A three-hole probe was
wide range of exit M as shown later in Figs. 13 and 14. manufactured and calibrated, with the holes aligned
with the stem, so as to be parallel to the vane wakes.
The probe tip was constructed from three stainless
6 MINIATURE DOWNSTREAM TRAVERSE PROBE steel tubes of 0.7 mm outer diameter and 0.4 mm inner
GEOMETRY diameter, giving an overall tip width of 0.7 mm in the
traverse direction. Insensitivity to Re, required because
Traverse measurements of p0 , p, and yaw angle were of the difference between the calibration facility and
conducted downstream of the cascade using a novel the tunnel, was achieved by machining the tubes to
three-hole probe designed for high-resolution two- have sharp edges. The face angle was 60◦ . To minimize
dimensional measurements. the blockage presented to the flow in the downstream
The use of multi-hole probes in Turbomachinery duct, a 140 mm long sting 5 mm in diameter with a
measurements to conduct area surveys in regions of knife-edge stem was used. A drawing of the probe,
highly three-dimensional flow of total and static pres- stem and sting is presented in Fig. 9. A photograph
sure and flow angle is widespread. Symmetric (in pitch of the tip section is given in Fig. 10.

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Transonic turbine vane tests 535


The probe was calibrated in a transonic tunnel at

Oxford University, over the range −22◦  β  22◦ and
0.2  M  1.7. The tunnel is a partial-closed-loop
ejector pump driven tunnel with a working section
76 mm in width. The height of the working section at
the calibration plane varies between ≈70 and 230 mm.
In the range 0.2  M  1.25, a two-dimensional
perforated nozzle was used [23]. Laval nozzles at M =
1.30, M = 1.35, M = 1.45, M = 1.55, and M = 1.7 were
also used. Schlieren photographs were taken for most
runs to demonstrate that the tunnel flow upstream of
the probe was free from shocks. The probe was moved Fig. 12 Probe calibration and application matrices for
in 0.5◦ increments in the range −5◦  β  5◦ and in total pressure
1.0◦ increments outside this range. The total pressure
of the tunnel (approximately atmospheric) was mea-
sured with a pitot-pressure probe upstream of the inlet and M = f4 (Cβ , CM ), which are defined at small regular
contraction. Static pressure measurements were taken intervals of Cβ and CM , are shown in Fig. 11. Using the
on the tunnel sidewalls at the axial position of the application matrices, a simple lookup of the closest
probe tip, 10 mm upstream and downstream of this values of Cβ and CM , followed by linear interpolation
location, and on the tunnel liners at tip location. The in each, is all that is required to compute β and M .
probe mount was such that the centre of rotation was This computationally efficient technique is described
the tip position. by Main et al. [22].
The yaw, total pressure, and Mach coefficients (Cβ , The calibration matrix CT = f1 (M , β) is shown in
CT , and CM ) were defined as follows (probe ports are Fig. 12. For small β and for M < 1, CT ≈ 0 as
shown in Fig. 9) expected. For high β or in supersonic flow CT = 0. The
application matrix CT = f5 (Cβ , CM ) used to reconstruct
p A − pC the local value of p0 is also shown.
Cβ = (7)
pB − 0.5(pA + pC ) By substituting the calibration data back into the
p0 − pB application matrix and computing p0 , β, and M at
CT = where pavg = 0.5(pA + pC ) (8) each point, the probe uncertainty can be evaluated.
pB − pavg
1/2 The root mean square difference between the data over

2 pavg 1−γ /γ whole field is approximately: p0 , 0.41 per cent; β, 0.19◦ ;
CM = −1 (9) and M , 0.014. The probe performed well.
γ −1 pB

The calibration matrices Cβ = f1 (M , β) and CM =

f2 (M , β) are shown in Fig. 11. The calibration maps 8 TYPICAL CASCADE SCHLIEREN RESULTS
were smooth with good form, being reasonably sym-
metric in β. The application matrices β = f3 (Cβ , CM ) Typical Schlieren photographs are shown in Fig. 13,
below, at a range of isentropic M from 0.943 to 1.31. At
Mis = 0.943 (run 4011) the passage is just choked, and
the flow across the whole cascade shows good peri-
odicity. At Mis = 1.10 (run 4003), the passage shock is
visibly strengthened, and a moderately reflected shock
is formed; the flow is aperiodic in the rightmost three
passages. At Mis = 1.20 (run 4016) two reflected shock
are formed because of a separation bubble on the
suction surface of the neighbouring vane; the flow is
markedly aperiodic in the rightmost three passages,
but still very periodic in the leftmost four passages. At
Mis = 1.31 (run 4007) the under-expanded flow at the
vane exit is clearly marked by the rotation of the wake
towards the axial direction.
If the downstream static pressure is further lowered,
Fig. 11 Probe calibration application matrices for yaw the exit flow becomes supersonic in the axial direc-
angle and M tion, as well as in the flow direction (Fig. 14). In this

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536 T Povey, M L G Oldfield, and F Haselbach

Fig. 13 Schlieren photographs of the flow in a cascade

at four different M

Fig. 14 An example of axially supersonic flow

Fig. 16 Total pressure traverse measurements in the
range 0.63 < M < 1.38
flow regime, the flow is restored to excellent periodic-
ity and is, of course, independent of the downstream
conditions. Note also the boundary-layer separation Traverse measurements of total pressure down-
in the leftmost passage. stream of a typical cascade are shown in Fig. 16, in the
range 0.630 < Mis < 1.38. The results demonstrate the
good periodicity in the leftmost four passages over
the whole M range. The rotation of the wake towards
the axial direction (rightwards) is also clearly visi-
ble. The strong pressure-side trailing edge (TE) shock,
A typical Schlieren photograph at Mis = 1.21 is com- which occurs – at the traverse location – approximately
pared with a Fluent computational fluid dynamics equidistant between the wakes, demonstrates the high
(CFD) prediction at very similar M in Fig. 15. The resolution of the probe measurements.
Fluent prediction (uppermost frame) is coloured in
contours of M . The simulation accurately predicts the
L running R running trailing edge shocks. Likewise the
aperiodicity arising from shock reflections from the
free shear layer (R of figure) are well predicted. Shock
As validation of the techniques used, measurements
boundary layer interaction is less well predicted: the
conducted in the mini-cascade are compared with
two reflected shocks formed by a boundary layer sepa-
measurements conducted in the DLR Göttingen cas-
ration bubble and reattachment on the suction surface
cade in the 1970s, for the same vane profile, over a
of the third free vane from the R in the experiment is
range of M . The operating conditions of the Göttingen
not predicted by CFD.

Table 2 DLR Göttingen cascade

operating conditions

Parameter Value

p0 1 × 105 Pa
T0 293 K
ct 60 mm
p1 0.285 × 105 Pa
Fig. 15 Comparison of Schlieren photograph with Flu- M1 0 to 1.47
Rect (M1 = 1) 0.87 × x106
ent CFD

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Fig. 17 Comparison of total pressure loss in the

mini-cascade and the DLR Göttingen cascade
over a range of M

cascade are given in Table 2 below. The working gas

was air. Fig. 18 Total pressure, Mach number, and angle for four
The cascade efficiency expressed in terms of the row runs
loss, ξ , as a percentage, is presented in Fig. 17 for the
mini-cascade and for the Göttingen cascade over the
range 0.6 < M < 1.2. ξ is defined as follows
Even at M2 = 1.15, slight aperiodicity is noted in the
w2 1 − (p1 /p01 )γ −1/γ angle distribution towards the R of the cascade (pas-
ξ = 1 − 21 = 1 − sages 6 and 7). This is explained in terms of reflections
w1is 1 − (p1 /p0 )γ −1/γ
from the free shear layer.
Comparison of the two loss curves shows them to be
very similar both in magnitude and form over a wide
range of M . The experimental results are subject to an 11 COSTS
RMS error of p0 0.41 per cent. This translates into an
RMS error in ξ of 0.43 per cent. The scale of the cas- Although it is difficult to obtain costs of new linear cas-
cades differed by a factor of 3, but they were operated cade tunnels from elsewhere, the large linear cascade
at approximately the same Reynolds number over the tunnel built in Oxford in 1977–80 [18, 24] cost £74.8k
range of the experiments. The comparison provides at 1978 prices, equivalent to £342k at 2008 prices to
confidence in measurements from the mini-cascade. design, build, and test. This cost seems reasonable in
Downstream total pressure, Mach number, and yaw the experience of the authors based on recent devel-
angle are shown over the same range 0.6 < M < 1.2 opments to other facilities. The mini-cascade tunnel
in Fig. 18, below, for four sample runs. It is seen that described in this paper cost a mere £18k to design,
the passage-to-passage repeatability of the angle dis- build, and test three vane cascades, a mere 5 per cent
tribution is good, as would be expected at relatively low of the large tunnel cost. To replace a set of cascade
Mach number. As the exit Mach number is increased, blades costs less than £1k at commercial rates. The
the total pressure loss is increased, as expected, and mini-cascade mass flow of rate of ≈1.0 kg/s is far lower
the flow is turned slightly towards the axial direction, than the 30–50 kg/s of the large tunnel. This can lower
as it expands to mild supersonic flow downstream of running costs further by using a smaller storage tank,
the turbine. The turning that is measured between or allow much longer running times from the same
M2 = 0.7 and M2 = 1.15 is ≈0.5◦ in the mid passage. reservoir, as was done in this case.

JPE534 © IMechE 2008 Proc. IMechE Vol. 222 Part A: J. Power and Energy
538 T Povey, M L G Oldfield, and F Haselbach

12 CONCLUSIONS transfer: an experimental and numerical study. ASME J.

Turbomach., 2007b, 129(1), 32–43.
The mini-cascade tunnel makes possible the inexpen- 3 Vogt, D. M. and Fransson, T. H. A new turbine cas-
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16th Symposium on Measuring Techniques in Transonic
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and Supersonic flow in Cascades and Turbomachines,
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changed. Dimensional accuracy at such a small scale 2007a, 129(1), 175–183 (also ASME GT-2004-53904).
is assured by CNC machining the vane profiles inte- 5 Hirsch, C. (Ed.). Advanced methods for cascade test-
grally with the sidewalls. The small scale of the tunnel ing. NATO Research and Technology Organisation,
gives operating pressures above atmospheric and con- AGARD-AG-328, 1993, (ISBN-92-835-0717-7, available
stant Re can be maintained with changing exit M from
with a constant upstream 3 bar pressure supply. This 6 Gostelow, J. P. Cascade aerodynamics. Thermodynam-
is in contrast to cascade tunnels with atmospheric ics and fluid mechanics for Mechanical Engineers Series,
1984 (Pergamon Press, Oxford).
exit pressures for which the Re changes greatly with
7 Jeffries, M. S., Jouini, D., and Sjolander, S. A. Determin-
changing exit M . ing the sampling rates and times in a high speed wind
A new self-pumping ejector effect mixing theory tunnel. In Proceedings of the CASI 6th Symposium on
applicable to supersonic flow was developed and val- Aerodynamics, Toronto, Canada, April 1997.
idated and has been applied to lower the cascade exit 8 Jouini, D. B. M., Sjolander, S. A., and Moustapha, S. H.
pressure to 0.7 bar and extend the exit M to 1.6, using Aerodynamic performance of a transonic turbine cas-
3 bar inlet pressure and atmospheric exhaust. cade at off-design conditions. ASME J. Turbomach., 2001,
A new digital Schlieren arrangement has been 123, 510–518.
demonstrated which uses a smaller number of opti- 9 Byerley, A. R., Störmer, O., Baughn, J. W., Simon, T.
cal components than normal, and captures images W., Van Treuren, K. W., and List, J. Using gurney flaps
directly to a standard digital SLR camera. This enabled to control laminar separation on linear cascade blades.
J. Turbomach., 2003, 125(1), 114–120.
quick multi-shot flow visualization of the turbine
10 Gregory-Smith, D. G., Hartland, J. C., Harvey, N. W., and
vane exit flows, enhancing the understanding of the Rose, M. F. Non-axisymmetric turbine end wall design.
complex flow structures. Part II: experimental validation. ASME J. Turbomach.,
A subminiature three-hole, computer controlled, 2000, 122, 286–293.
aerodynamic probe has been calibrated over a large 11 Settles, G. S. Schlieren and shadowgraph techniques,
range of transonic M and has captured the complex 2001 (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York).
pressure fields downstream of the cascade. 12 Nicholson, J. H., Forest, A. E., Oldfield, M. L. G., and
Schlieren and loss measurements have been com- Schultz, D. L. Heat transfer optimised turbine rotor
pared with CFD simulations, and to experimental blades – an experimental study using transient tech-
results from larger tunnels, the latter serving as val- niques. ASME J. Eng. Power, 1984, 106, 173–182 (also
idation of the novel techniques developed for the ASME paper 82-GT 304).
13 Baines, N. C., Oldfield, M. L. G., Simons, J. P., and Wright,
miniature cascade.
J. M. Aerodynamic development of a highly-loaded noz-
The combination of the innovative mini-cascade zle guide vane. ASME J. Turbomach., 1986, 108, 261–267
and associated instrumentation represents a change (also ASME paper 86-GT 229).
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APPENDIX ∗ conditions at throat

Notation Subscripts
a speed of sound 0 total (stagnation)
A area (m2 ) 1 cascade downstream near plane
ct tangential or true chord 2 cascade downstream far plane

JPE534 © IMechE 2008 Proc. IMechE Vol. 222 Part A: J. Power and Energy

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