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Trương Anh Tuấn

Exercise 1: The graph below shows the proportion of the population aged 65 and
over between 1940 and 2040.

Based on the graph, between 1940 and 1980, Japan’s elderly population
remained below 5% of total population in contrast to Sweden and USA. Senior
citizens in later two countries grew gradually above 10% respective to the overall
population. When Sweden and USA’s elderly population percentages slightly
dropped in 1990, Japan started to show an increase in its population aged 65
and over. Further, In 2010, elderly people in Sweden and Japan rose to 20% and
7% respectively while USA’s percentage remained the same time, 15% in that
period. Despite Sweden’s temporary drop, the population of elders will keep
going up dramatically, particularly after 2020 and will peak in 2040. After 2030
Japan’s elderly population percentage will grow more than double to above 25%
and that will place Japan in the highest position in terms of senior citizen ratio
followed by Sweden (25%) and USA (23%).

Execise 2: The pie charts below shows the changes in annual spending by a
particular UK school in 1981 and 1991

To begin with, the figure of educators’ salaries was exactly 40% in 1981. Ten
years later, it increased to a half of total expenditure. However, in 2001, there
was a tiny decrease in spending in the same categorised to 45%. Further, other
employees’ salaries also showed huge proportion on budgeting after educators’
salaries. This area slightly declined in the observed years from 28% in 1981,
22% in 1991 and just 15% in 2001. However, there was a field which improved
gradually in annual expenditure. It was insurance which continually rose. The
percentages were 2 %, 3% and 8% respectively from 1981, 1991 and 2001. The
high improvement was shown between 1991 to 2001 which increased by 5 %.
Yet, insurance was still the bottom in money spending than other areas.

Execise 3: The line graph below shows the percentage of tourists to scotland
who visit four diffenrent atttractions from 1980 to 2010.

During the 1980s and 1990s, there was a sharp increase in visitors to the castle
from 24% to 40% and then the percentage fell gradually to approximately 31% in
2010. The trend for the aquarium was similar to the castle that visitors increased
Trương Anh Tuấn

rapidly from 20% over the first 5 years and sustain decreased to less than 10%
on the next twenty years _five. The number of tourists who visited the festival
fluctuated slightly however, in general remained steady at about 27%. Travelers
to the zoo fluctuated from 1980 to 2000 and rose significantly between 2000 and

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