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Chapter I


1.1 Background

Urine is the leftover liquid excreted by the kidneys and then be excreted from the body through
urination. Urine is filtered in the kidney, is carried through the ureter to the bladder, eventually
excreted out of the body through the urethra. The remaining liquid contains high levels of urea and
various compounds excessive or potentially toxic to be discharged out of the body. (Winarno, 1997)

Urine that we spend composed of various elements such as: water, protein, ammonia, glucose,
sediment, bacteria, epithelial and so on. These elements vary considerably in comparison to
different people and at different times and are affected by the food we eat. The content of the urine
that determine the physical appearance of urine water like viscosity, color, clarity, smell, foam, and
so on. (Powrie, 1981).

Urine that is too turbid indicating high levels of dissolved elements in it. This could happen
because of the food, due to bacterial infection that issue or because of less water consumption. The
smell of urine can vary because of the content of volatile organic acids. Among the different odor
than normal, such as: the smell of the foods that contain volatile substances such as jengkol, banana,
durian, asperse and others. The smell of drugs such as turpentine, menthol, etc., the smell of
ammonia usually occurs when urine is left without preservatives or as a reaction by bacteria that
converts urea in the bag kemih.Bau ketones often in people with diabetes, and the stench often
occurs in patients with malignancy (tumor ) in the urinary tract. (De Man, 1997).

1.2 Goal
To make the student know how to test protein in the uryne.
Chapter III

Research Metods

Report Heller Test

2.1 Tools and Materials

- 2 React tube - 3 ml HNO3

- Tube Rack - Friend’s urine

- Measure Pipette - Pathology urine

2.2 Procedure

1. Fill both tube with 3 ml of citric acid (HNO3)

2. Add 3 ml pure urine, tube I fill with friend’s urine, and pathology urine into tube II, so it will
form 2 separate liquid.
3. Observe the changes.

2.3 Theorical Basis

Nitric acid ( HNO3 ) can coagulate protein.

Chapter IV

Result and Discussion

3.1 Observation Result

Type Urine Colour Result
Friend’s Urine Yellow -
Patology Urine There is ring, clear, white +

3.2 Discussion

Test protein in the urine is used two experiments that test and test heller coagulation.

Heller test used to see whether there is protein in the urine. Presence protein indicated by
the white ring crossroads solution and nitric acid concentrated. Coagulation test is a follow up of test
heller, which saw the presence of protein excess in the urine. This protein test can be used to
evaluate and monitor renal function, detect, and diagnose kidney damage. Excess protein in urine or
commonly called proteinuria indicate kidney damage or possible prior to the test person is taking
medication. The first trial with Heller test, namely by adding 3 mL concentrated nitric acid in a test
tube, then added 3 mL of urine in slowly. Based on observations, the tube 1 does not form a white
ring crossroads urine with nitric acid. This indicates that the urine sample does not contain protein.
While on the tube 2 to form a white ring crossroads urine with nitric acid. This indicates that the
urine contains protein.

The second trial is a test of coagulation. Urine as much as 5 mL boiled, after boiled white
precipitate formed. A white precipitate is formed phosphate precipitate or protein. But after adding
the acetic acid precipitate disappeared. This matter indicates that the urine samples contained no
Chapter V

4.1 Conclusion

Sample that produce white ring ( + ) contain protein.

4.2 Bibliography

Anshori. 1988. Biologi Jilid I. Geneca Exat. Bandung.

Dahelmi. Ms. 1991. Fisiologi Hewan. Universitas Andalas. Padang
Djuanda, T. 1980. Pengantar Anatomi Perbandingan Vertebrata. Armico: Bandung.
Ganong, W. F,2000. Fisiologi Kedokteran edisi 14, Penerbit buku kedokteran, EGC.
Juncquiera,L, Carlos dkk. 1997. Histologi Dasar. Jakarta : Penerbit Buku Kedokteran
Kimball. 1990. Biologi. Erlangga: Jakarta
Kimball. 1998. Biologi. Erlangga: Jakarta
Kartolo, W. 1990. Prinsip-prinsip Fisiologi Hewan. Erlangga: Jakarta.
Mulyono. 2009. Kamus Kimia. EGC: Jakarta
Montgomery, Rex dkk. 1993. Biokimia jilid I. Yogjakarta : Gajah Mada University Press
Probosunu, N. 1994 . Fisiologi Umum. Yogjakarta : Gajah Mada University Press
Syaifuddin. 1997. Anatomi Fisiologi. ECG.
Thenawijaya, M. 1995. Uji Biologi. Erlangga: Jakarta.
Wulangi, K. 1979. Prinsip-Prinsip Fisiologi Hewan. Jakarta : Erlangga
Wulangi, kartolo. 1993. Prinsip-prinsip Fisiologi Hewan. Erlangga. Bandung
Yatim, W. 1982. Biologi Modern. Tarsito: Bandung.
Koagulation Report

I. Tools and Materials

- React tube - 5 ml asetic acid ( 5 drops )

- Tube Rack - Friend’s urine

- Measure Pipette - Pathology urine

II. Procedure
1. Heat the urine in the tube until boiled.
2. Add 5 drops asetic acid ( 2% ).
3. The adding must not excessive.
4. Observe the changes.
III. Theorical Basis
Posfat will solluble with addition of acid, while protein still sediment.
IV. Result
Urine Colour Sediment
Friend’s Urine Yellow -
Pathology Urine White concentrated +

V. Conclusion
Urine is sample that show result ( + ) if there is protein sediment because phosphate will soluble
in the acid.

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