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First at all, thanks to Allah SWT who has given His bless to our group for finishing
the English paper assignment entitled “BEHAVIOURISM THEORY”. Thanks to God
also for helping us and give us chance to finish this assignment timely. This assignment we
have completed to fulfill the duty from one of our subjects namely “Technique and
Principle in Language Teaching”.
We realized this assignment is not perfect. But we hope it can be useful for us.
Critics and suggestion is needed here to make this assignment be better. Hopefully we as
student in “English Literature” exactly in Even Class can work more professional by using
English as the second language whatever we done. Thank you.

September, 21st 2018

The writers

1.1 Background
Behaviorist learning theory is a theory initiated by Gage and Berliner about behavior
change as a result of experience. This theory then developed into a school of learning
psychology that influenced the direction of the development of educational and learning
theories and practices known as behavioristic flow. This flow emphasizes the formation of
behaviors that appear to be learning outcomes.
Behaviorist theory with its stimulus-response relationship model places people who are
learning as passive individuals. Certain responses or behaviors using training methods or
mere habituation. The emergence of behavior will be stronger if given reinforcement and
will disappear when subjected to punishment.
According to the theory of behaviorism learning is a change in behavior as a result of
experience (Gage, Berliner, 1984). Learning is the result of the interaction between stimulus
and response (Slavin, 2000). Someone is considered to have learned something if he can
show changes in behavior. According to this theory in learning the important thing is input
in the form of stimulus and output in the form of response. Stimulus is whatever the teacher
gives to students, while the response is in the form of reactions or responses of students to
the stimulus given by the teacher.
The process that occurs between stimulus and response is not important to note because
it cannot be observed and cannot be measured. What can be observed is the stimulus and
response, therefore what is given by the teacher (stimulus) and what is received by the
student (response) must be observable and measurable. This theory prioritizes
measurement, because measurement is an important thing to see whether or not there is a
change in behavior.

1.2 Formulations of the problem

1. What is Behaviouristic Learning Theory?
2. What is the purpose of Behaviouristic Learning Theory?
3. what is the expert’s view about Behaviouristic Learning Theory?
4. How is the application of Behaviouristic Learning Theory?
5. What is the implication of Behaviouristic Learning Theory?
6. What are the advantages and the disadvantages of Behaviouristic Learning Theory?
1.3 The Purpose of the paper
1. To understand what Behaviouristic Learning Theory is
2. To know the purpose of Behaviouristic Learning Theory
3. To understand the expert’s view about Behaviouristic Learning Theory
4. To indicate the application of Behaviouristic Learning Theory
5. To know the implication of Behaviouristic Learning Theory
6. To analyze the advantages and the disadvantages of Behaviouristic Learning Theory

1.4 The benefits of the paper

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