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in this lecture we will deal with

punching share we will begin by

answering the question what is punching

shear we will then go on to look at how

the punching shear resistance of a

reinforced concrete element can be

assessed and finally we will discuss

some measures which are available to the

designer which will increase the

punching shear resistance of such an

element what is punching shear punching

shear is a brittle failure mode it

occurs when a concentrated load is

applied to a surface and gets its name

from the fact that the concentrated load

is in effect trying to punch a hole

through the surface with which it is in

contact in reinforced concrete the two

most common instances for punching shear

Rises and needs to be addressed in

design is in the column to slab

connection in a flat slab and in the

column to foundation connection in a

typical concrete pad foundation in both

these cases the punching shear arises

from the fact that the reaction to the

loads is provided over a small surface

area namely the cross sectional area of

the column which is the contact area

between the two elements in question in

flat slabs the punching shear at the

column slab interface results from the

load in the slab in pairs on to the

column in a pad foundation punching

shear occurs from the reaction of the

soil on the underside of the foundation

in both these cases the column merely

provides the reaction to these applied

loads it is the fact that this reaction

is applied over the relatively small

surface area of the column cross section

that results in punching shear occurring

punching shear failure is a sudden and

catastrophic failure type it occurs when

the shearing stresses around the loaded

area result in the formation of diagonal

tension cracks which in turn results in

the formation of a diagonal fracture

plane visual evidence of imminent

punching shear failure in flat slabs is

provided by the appearance of radial

cracks on the surface of the slab around

the column after failure only a

truncated cone of concrete remains

attached to the slab

a simple experiment showing how a

greater area reduces stress can be

carried out using a normal everyday pin

place the top of the pin face down onto

the table now put your hand on top of

the pin and press down notice the pain

you feel in the palm of your hand next

turn the pen upside down and place your

hand on the cap notice the increase in

pain compared to the first test the pain

in your pan is directly related to the

stress in the slab the smaller the area

over which the force can act the greater

the applied shear stress at around 3

a.m. on the 20th of March 1997 the top

floor section of a car park weighing 120

tons collapsed in Wolverhampton England

the use of low-quality concrete and poor

construction methods resulted in

variations in slab length and

unacceptable cover requirements for the

top and bottom steel reinforcement

freeze-thaw action and poor

waterproofing allowed water to seep into

the concrete and cause corrosion of the

reinforcement due to carbonation the

combination of reduced slab depth and

loss of steel to concrete buns brought

about a column to fail in punching shear

which sparked eight other columns

supporting the floor slab to fail in a

similar manner thankfully despite being

open at the time the chiropractor was

empty however the damage was so great

that the entire care pack had to be

knocked and rebuilt resulting in much

disruption to the city these images are

a good example of the diagonal cracking

and truncated cone shaped failures

common to punching shear failure as

previously discussed in this section we

will look at how a designer may assess

where the punching shear failure is an

issue in the element they are designing

for the purpose of this section we will

examine the case of a flat slab

supported by a column however the basic

principles could just as easily be

applied to other scenarios including

that of a column supported by a pad

footing the method

for assessing the punching shear

resistance of a slab involves examining

a series of parameters each located at

fixed distances from the column face at

each individual perimeter the shearing

stresses due to the punching is

calculated and compared to an allowable

shear stress these perimeters are

referred to as control perimeters and

are denoted by the letter U while this

calculation can be performed for

perimeters at any given distance from

the column face there are a couple of

parameters which are of critical

importance and must be assessed the

first of these parameters is at the

column perimeter which is located at the

column face itself the second perimeter

of critical importance is the critical

control perimeter this is defined as the

perimeter located a distance of two

times the effective depth of the slab

from the column place ultimately this is

the perimeter which will determine

whether we need to provide punching

shear reinforcement in the slab or not

here we will look at how to calculate

the shear stress at any perimeter around

the column supporting a flat slab in its

most simple form the shear stress is

calculated by dividing the shear force

applied by the area to be sheared there

are a couple of important points to note

when applying this principle to punching

shear stress in flat slabs the first

point to note is that the shear stress

applied ve D is in fact the reaction at

the column from the slab being supported

this shear stress or reaction must be

increased by a factor beta which

accounts for the increase in shear

stresses around the column due to the

hugging moment the area to be sheared at

any perimeter is simply the effective

depth of the tension reinforcement times

the length of the perimeter under

consideration here it is important to

note that the effective depth of the top

reinforcement is the mean depth of the

two layers of reinforcement over the

column all columns will experience

hugging moments from uneven loading on

either side resulting in uneven shear


eccentricity factor beta in the formula

for applied shear stress accounts for

the uneven distribution of shear at the

column for most structures typical

values for beta can be used the values

in your code for a corner edge and

internal column are shown here the

column perimeter is the first parameter

we check when assessing the punching

shear resistance of the flat slab as the

name suggests the column parameter is

located at the face of the column the

area over which the applied shear is

distributed in the column parameter is

equal to the length of the perimeter u 0

times the effective depth of tension

reinforcement D as with any punching

shear check at the column perimeter what

the designer wishes to do is ensure that

the applied shear stress is less than

the allowable shear stress in order to

calculate the design shear stress at the

u 0 parameter we simply divide the

applied shear force times the factor

accounting for eccentricity by the area

to be sheared in the case of the u 0

perimeter this area is simply the length

of the perimeter u 0 times the effective

depth of the tension reinforcement again

it is important to note that the

effective depth of the tension

reinforcement is the mean effective

depth of the two layers of Steel passing

over the column head once the applied

shear stress at the column perimeter has

been calculated the designer must ensure

that it is less than the shear stress

capacity or resistance at this perimeter

this is calculated by first calculating

V Rd max as shown in the formula here it

is worth noting that V or D max depends

only on the compressive strength of the

concrete in the slab therefore should

the shear stress capacity be

insufficient at the column perimeter

there is no means of increasing this

capacity without increasing the size of

the column increasing the depth of the

slab or increasing the strength of the

concrete consequently failure at the

column perimeter cannot be resolved by

providing additional reinforcement

either in the form of additional tension

reinforcement over the column head or

sheer links once a designer is satisfied

that there is sufficient function shear

resistance at the column perimeter they

may proceed to check the shear

resistance at the basic control

parameter u 1 the first step in checking

the basic control perimeter is to

establish the length of this perimeter

the basic control perimeter is located

at a distance of 2 D from the face of

the column once again this D dimension

is the average or mean effective depth

of the main tension reinforcement over

the column it is also important to note

that u 1 is calculated with rounded

edges again these edges are taken as

having a radius of 2 D from the corner

of the column under consideration again

at the column parameter u 1 the designer

wishes to ensure that the applied shear

stress v edu 1 does not exceed the

punching shear resistance at this

perimeter the applied shear stress is

calculated in the same way as it was

calculated for the column perimeter

however now the perimeter has been

increased from the column perimeter to

the u 1 perimeter therefore the applied

shear stress at the control perimeter

will be less than the applied shear

stress at the column perimeter

however the punching shear resistance at

the control parameter is now V or DC as

opposed to V or D max

V RDC is calculated from the formulas

shown here the important thing to note

about this formula is that it depends

not only on the strength of the concrete

fck but also unroll l which is the ratio

of the amount of tension reinforcement

in the orthogonal layers at the top of

the slab over the column rho l x and ro

l y at the mean ratios of reinforcement

in the x and y direction over the column

in the flat slab to be considered the

reinforcement used to calculate a s must

extend at least a column dimension

three D on either side of the column

typically row LX and row ly are

calculated on the basis of a one meter

wide strip of reinforcement therefore BW

is typically taken as 1,000 millimeters

while a s Excel and a s yl are taken as

the area of reinforcement per meter

width of the range under consideration

if it is established that the punching

shear stress at the basic control

perimeter is less than the punching

shear resistance at the perimeter then

the designer has shown the slab has

sufficient punching shear resistance and

no further checks are necessary however

if the applied shear stress exceeds the

shear resistance at the basic control

perimeter the slab has insufficient

punching shear resistance and the

designer has further work to do

additional measures can be considered in

order to increase the punching shear

resistance of the slab the first of

these measures is to try and increase

the reinforcement ratio by increasing

the amount of tension reinforcement over

the column however as we have seen on

the previous slide the value of the

reinforcement ratio row is limited

meaning there is only a certain amount

of additional punching shear resistance

that can be attained using this method

later we will go on to look at some

other means by which the punching shear

resistance of a flat slab can be

increased as it can be tricky to

calculate the control perimeter of some

columns the Euro Code defines these

parameters for us shown here are the

methods for calculating u1 for an edge

and corner column note how the perimeter

is not quite the full extent around the

column openings and slabs for services

or other reasons need to be taken into

account when calculating the controlled

perimeter openings up to 6 D away from

the column face need to be accounted for

as they influence the length of the

control perimeter and hence the area

over which the shear force is dissipated

the Euro codes also provides guidance

for this

which can be seen here we will now look

at some options available to the

designer to resist punching shear there

are numerous methods to increase the

punching shear resistance of a concrete

section namely increasing the slab depth

which in turn increases the area over

which the shear force is distributed

providing shear reinforcement however it

should be noted that there is a limit

and the resistance from addition on top

still providing shear links which is

inexpensive but requires strict quality

control on site the construction of a

column head or drop panel and the

introduction of a proprietary system

such as shear studs column heads or drop

panels work in a similar fashion to

increasing the slab depth with our fair

more economical they work on the

principle of increasing the area over

which the stress can be distributed

block panels provide a greater D value

and increase the control perimeter there

are two types of column heads and drop

panels standard and enlarged for the

standard measures punching shear must

only be checked outside the column head

however for the enlarged measures

punching shear must be checked outside

and within the column head proprietary

systems are the most common form of

punching shear resistance due to their

quick and easy installation examples of

a shear stud proprietary system are

shown here having completed this lecture

let's examine what we have learned we

now know how to define punching shear

assess if punching shear is an issue in

a particular slab and overcome punching

shear using a variety of alternative

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