Sunteți pe pagina 1din 115


<!--Part 1-->
<!--Common language Begin-->
<label id="Txt_Range" value="Range:"/>
<label id="Txt_Preview" value="Preview"/>
<label id="Txt_Specify" value="Specify:"/>
<label id="Txt_Advanced" value="Only add to:"/>
<label id="Txt_Position" value="Position:"/>
<label id="Txt_SkipCells" value="Skip non-text cells"/>
<label id="Txt_HintSRangeEmpty" value="The source range is empty."/>
<label id="Txt_HintRangeEmpty" value="There are no nonblank cells in'{0}'."/>
<label id="Txt_HintRangeEmptyNotForm" value="There are no nonblank cells in the
selected range."/>
<label id="Txt_SelectRange" value="Select cells in this range:"/>
<label id="Txt_RangeFrom" value="Input range:"/>
<label id="Txt_RangeTo" value="Result range (single cell):"/>
<label id="Txt_CopyRange" value="Ranges to be copied :"/>
<label id="Txt_PasteTo" value="Paste to (single cell):"/>
<label id="Txt_ExtractTo" value="Extract to (single cell):"/>
<label id="Txt_FillTo" value="Fill to (single cell):"/>
<label id="Txt_LblFrom" value="From:"/>
<label id="Txt_LblTo" value="To:"/>
<label id="Txt_Error" value="Error"/>
<label id="Txt_AutoSelect" value="Auto select"/>
<label id="Txt_SmartSelect" value="Smart select"/>
<label id="Txt_CaseSensitive" value="Case sensitive"/>
<label id="Dlg_SelectRangePrompt" value="Select range:"/>
<label id="Dlg_SelectPathDescription" value="Select path:"/>
<label id="Txt_ConfirmSaveHint" value=" already exists. &#xA;Do you want to replace
<label id="Txt_InvalidData" value="Reference is not valid."/>
<label id="Txt_HintExtractTextTips" value="* matches any group of characters
including no characters&#xA;? matches character one time"/>
<label id="Txt_ShowRemindRegisted" value="Your software has been registered
successfully. You are entitled to have all features of the software without any
limitations and our free technical support service now. Thanks for your support."/>
<label id="Txt_ClockBackWrang" value="Your system clock appears to have been set
back, possibly in an attempt to defeat the security system of Kutools for Excel.
Please correct your system clock before trying to run this program again."/>
<label id="Txt_ShowRemindWillExpired" value="The period of using the Kutools for
Excel is about to expire, and you are expected to register it with the author. If
you need to purchase the software, just click the &quot;Purchase&quot; button; and
you can go to our website for more information."/>
<label id="Txt_ShowRemindIsExpired" value="The period of using the Kutools for
Excel has expired, and you are expected to register it with the author. If you hope
this information will not reappear, please register or uninstall the software."/>
<label id="Txt_ShowRemindIsTrial" value="Thank you very much for your trial. If you
need to purchase the software, just click the &quot;Purchase&quot; button; and you
can go to our website for more information."/>
<label id="Txt_ShowRemindIsFreeUpgradeEnd" value="The free upgrade period of your
license has expired in #, therefore you are not entitled to register this version
of Kutools for Excel. Please click following links to upgrade or download the right
<label id="Txt_ProgressHintBlank" value=""/>
<label id="Txt_FileExsit" value="The '{0}' file already exists, would you like to
overwrite it?"/>
<label id="Txt_ExistHintConflicts" value="Do this for the all conflicts"/>
<label id="Txt_HintFileExsit" value="The file already exists. Do you want to
replace it?"/>
<label id="Txt_ProgressHintHanding" value="Processing, please wait({0})"/>
<label id="Txt_ProgressHintInitializing" value="Initializing, please
<label id="Txt_HintWaittingforLoading" value="Kutools for Excel is preparing the
initial loading"/>
<label id="Txt_HintInvalidDirectorys" value="Invalid directory"/>
<label id="Txt_xlHAlignGeneral" value="General"/>
<label id="Txt_xlHAlignCenter" value="Center"/>
<label id="Txt_xlHAlignDistributed" value="Distributed"/>
<label id="Txt_xlHAlignJustify" value="Justify"/>
<label id="Txt_xlHAlignLeft" value="Left"/>
<label id="Txt_xlHAlignRight" value="Right"/>
<label id="Txt_xlHAlignCenterAcrossSelection" value="Center Across"/>
<label id="Txt_xlHAlignFill" value="Fill"/>
<label id="Txt_xlVAlignBottom" value="Bottom"/>
<label id="Txt_xlVAlignCenter" value="Center"/>
<label id="Txt_xlVAlignDistributed" value="Distributed"/>
<label id="Txt_xlVAlignJustify" value="Justify"/>
<label id="Txt_xlVAlignTop" value="Top"/>
<label id="Txt_HintReasonList" value="This function cannot be proceeded
<label id="Txt_HintInTable" value="* The selection has Table"/>
<label id="Txt_HintHasLink" value="* The selection has link"/>
<label id="Txt_HintInPivotTable" value="* The selection has PivotTable"/>
<label id="Txt_HintInFilter" value="* The selection is filtered"/>
<label id="Txt_HintRgInProtect" value="* The selection is locked and the worksheet
is protected"/>
<label id="Txt_HintHasHidden" value="* The selection has hidden row or hidden
<label id="Txt_HintHasMerge" value="* The selection has merged cell"/>
<label id="Txt_HintHasFormula" value="* The selection has formula"/>
<label id="Txt_HintHasFormulaArray" value="* The selection has array formula"/>
<label id="Txt_HintIsAreas" value="* The selection is multi-selection"/>
<label id="Txt_HintIsWindow" value="* There is no active workbook in Excel"/>
<label id="Txt_HintStruProtect" value="* The workbook structure is protected"/>
<label id="Txt_HintIsWorksheet" value="* The sheet type is not a worksheet"/>
<label id="Txt_HintSheetProtected" value="* The worksheet is protected"/>
<label id="Txt_HintInEdit" value="* Excel is in edit mode"/>
<label id="Txt_HintDisposeFormula" value="To process the cells with formulas in the
selection will remove formulas, would you like to process those cells with
formulas? "/>
<label id="Txt_HintFormulaResult" value="Yes: Processing all cell and removing all
formulas &#xA;&#xA;No: Only processing those cells without formulas
&#xA;&#xA;Cancel: Do nothing"/>
<label id="Txt_HintNoDataInRange" value="No data is processable in the range. "/>
<label id="Txt_HintFileNameTooLong" value="File name is too long, please re-
<label id="Txt_HintSelectionNotIsRange" value="This utility works only with cells
and ranges."/>
<label id="Txt_HintSelectionIsProtect" value="{0} sheet is protected."/>
<label id="Txt_HintIsProtectStructure" value="{0} structure is protected."/>
<label id="Txt_HintSelectionIsMultiAndMerge" value="The first cell of your multiple
selection is a merged cell.&#xA; Because of a bug in Excel, this type of selection
will not work with this utility."/>
<label id="Txt_HintNotSuppertMultipleAreas" value="This utility does not work with
multiple selections."/>
<label id="Txt_HintRangeHasLists" value="This utility cannot operate Table
formatting data."/>
<label id="Txt_HintNotSuppertMergeCells" value="This utility cannot apply to a
range with merged cells."/>
<label id="Txt_HintNotSuppertFilterMode" value="This feature cannot process
filtered data, please clear filter first."/>
<label id="Txt_HintNotPivotTable" value="This utility cannot apply to a range with
<label id="Txt_HintRangeHasFormulas" value="The range contains one or more
formulas. This utility may make the formulas invalid."/>
<label id="Txt_HintSelectMultipleWorkSheet" value="This utility cannot operate
multiple worksheets at once."/>
<label id="Txt_HintRandomTooManyCells" value="{0} cells are selected. This
operation is limited to 1,048,567 cells."/>
<label id="Txt_HintRandomNotEntireRows" value="This operation cannot be applied to
entire rows."/>
<label id="Txt_HintRandomNotEntireCols" value="This operation cannot be applied to
entire columns."/>
<label id="Txt_HintnoCommentCells" value="No comment cells were found."/>
<label id="Txt_HintSelectRangeIsEmpty" value="No non-empty cells were found."/>
<label id="Txt_HintNoValuesWereFound" value="No values were found."/>
<label id="Txt_HintnoNumericCells" value="No numeric cells were found."/>
<label id="Txt_HintnoNumericFormulaCells" value="No formula cells that contain
numeric were found."/>
<label id="Txt_HintnoNumericNFormulaCells" value="No non-formula cells that contain
numeric were found."/>
<label id="Txt_HintnoTextCells" value="No text cells were found."/>
<label id="Txt_HintnoTextFormulaCells" value="No formula cells that contain text
were found."/>
<label id="Txt_HintnoTextNFormulaCells" value="No non-formula cells that contain
text were found."/>
<label id="Txt_HintnoNumericTextCells" value="No numeric and text cells were
<label id="Txt_HintnoNumericTextFormulaCells" value="No formula cells that contain
numeric and text were found."/>
<label id="Txt_HintnoNumericTextNFormulaCells" value="No non-formula cells that
contain numeric and text were found."/>
<label id="Txt_HintNoErrorCellsBeFind" value="No error cells were found."/>
<label id="Txt_HintNoUnBlankCellsBeFind" value="No nonblank cells were found."/>
<label id="Txt_HintInputTargetValue" value="You must enter a target value."/>
<label id="Txt_HintInputNoNum" value="Non-numeric value entered."/>
<label id="Txt_HintNotFormulasCell" value="There are no formulas in the selected
<label id="Txt_HintNotSelectNamesToReplace" value="You must select at least one
<label id="Txt_HintTooManyCells" value="{0} cells are selected and it may take a
significant amount of time to complete. &#xA;You can save the workbook first and
then apply this operation.&#xA;&#xA;Click Yes to continue this operation or click
No to exit it."/>
<label id="Txt_HintWillNotSupportUndo" value="To Undo this operation will be
unavailable, if you apply this operation to a never saved workbook. &#xA;You can
save the workbook first and then apply this operation.&#xA;&#xA;Click Yes to
continue this operation or click No to exit it."/>
<label id="Txt_HintWillNotUndoByReadOnly" value="To Undo this operation will be
unavailable, if you apply this operation to a read-only workbook. &#xA;You can
change the workbook attributes first and then apply this operation.&#xA;&#xA;Click
Yes to continue this operation or click No to exit it."/>
<label id="Txt_HintTooManyFile" value="There are more than 10, 000 files in the
directory, please specify other directory."/>
<label id="Txt_HintTooManyFileSpecify" value="There are more than {0} files in the
directory, please specify other directory."/>
<label id="Txt_HintNotTextField" value="Please select at least one text."/>
<label id="Txt_HintNoFindFile" value="No match files in the directory."/>
<label id="Txt_HintFirstRowIsNull" value="The first row in selected range cannot be
<label id="Txt_HintNotSelectWorkSheet" value="You must select at least one
<label id="Txt_HintTooMoreData" value="Excel cannot complete this task with
available resources. Choose less data or close other applications."/>
<label id="Txt_Column" value="Column"/>
<label id="Txt_ButtonOk" value="&amp;Ok"/>
<label id="Txt_ButtonCancel" value="&amp;Cancel"/>
<label id="Txt_ButtonRemove" value="&amp;Remove"/>
<label id="Txt_ButtonRemoveAll" value="Remove All"/>
<label id="Txt_ButtonYes" value="&amp;Yes"/>
<label id="Txt_ButtonNo" value="&amp;No"/>
<label id="Txt_ButtonNew" value="&amp;New"/>
<label id="Txt_ButtonAdd" value="&amp;Add"/>
<label id="Txt_ButtonEdit" value="&amp;Edit"/>
<label id="Txt_ButtonClear" value="&amp;Clear"/>
<label id="Txt_ButtonFinish" value="Finish"/>
<label id="Txt_ButtonImport" value="Import"/>
<label id="Txt_ButtonSelectAll" value="Select all"/>
<label id="Txt_ButtonUnSelectAll" value="Unselect all"/>
<label id="Txt_ButtonInverse" value="Inverse"/>
<label id="Txt_ButtonSplit" value="Split"/>
<label id="Txt_ButtonVVBack" value="&lt;&lt;Back"/>
<label id="Txt_ButtonNextVV" value="Next&gt;&gt;"/>
<label id="Txt_ButtonBack" value="Back"/>
<label id="Txt_ButtonNext" value="Next"/>
<label id="Txt_ButtonApply" value="Apply"/>
<label id="Txt_ButtonReplace" value="Replace"/>
<label id="Txt_ButtonClose" value="Close"/>
<label id="Txt_ButtonOpen" value="Open"/>
<label id="Txt_ButtonHelp" value="Help"/>
<label id="Txt_ButtonInsetNext" value="Inset Next"/>
<label id="Txt_ButtonVVSheets" value="&lt;&lt;Sheets"/>
<label id="Txt_ButtonSheetsVV" value="Sheets&gt;&gt;"/>
<label id="Txt_ButtonBrowseDot" value="Browse..."/>
<label id="Txt_ButtonAddFileDot" value="Add Files..."/>
<label id="Txt_ButtonRegister" value="Register"/>
<label id="Txt_ButtonPurchase" value="Purchase"/>
<label id="Txt_ButtonProtect" value="Protect"/>
<label id="Txt_ButtonUnProtect" value="Unprotect"/>
<label id="Txt_ButtonSkip" value="Skip"/>
<label id="Txt_ButtonCreate" value="Create"/>
<label id="Txt_ButtonAddFile" value="Add file"/>
<label id="Txt_ButtonAddFolder" value="Add folder"/>
<label id="Txt_ConfigureOption" value="Configure this option"/>
<label id="Txt_GroupBoxOptions" value="Options :"/>
<label id="Txt_1YEARS" value="One Year"/>
<label id="Txt_2YEARS" value="Two Years"/>
<label id="Txt_3YEARS" value="Three Years"/>
<label id="Txt_4YEARS" value="Four Years"/>
<label id="Txt_5YEARS" value="Five Years"/>
<label id="Txt_And" value="And"/>
<label id="Txt_Or" value="Or"/>
<label id="Txt_WeekSun" value="Sunday"/>
<label id="Txt_WeekMon" value="Monday"/>
<label id="Txt_WeekTue" value="Tuesday"/>
<label id="Txt_WeekWed" value="Wednesday"/>
<label id="Txt_WeekThu" value="Thursday"/>
<label id="Txt_WeekFri" value="Friday"/>
<label id="Txt_WeekSat" value="Saturday"/>
<label id="Txt_Weekday" value="Weekday"/>
<label id="Txt_AllUpper" value="All uppercase"/>
<label id="Txt_AllLower" value="All lowercase"/>
<label id="Txt_ContainUpper" value="Contain uppercase"/>
<label id="Txt_ContainLower" value="Contain lowercase"/>
<label id="Txt_ContentFilter" value="Content"/>
<label id="Txt_NumberFilter" value="Number"/>
<label id="Txt_YearFilter" value="Year"/>
<label id="Txt_MonthFilter" value="Month"/>
<label id="Txt_DayFilter" value="Day"/>
<label id="Txt_WeekFilter" value="Week"/>
<label id="Txt_DateFilter" value="Date"/>
<label id="Txt_QuarterFilter" value="Quarter"/>
<label id="Txt_Equal" value="Equal to"/>
<label id="Txt_Greater" value="Is Greater Than"/>
<label id="Txt_GreaterOrEqual" value="Is Greater Than or Equal to"/>
<label id="Txt_Less" value="Is Less Than"/>
<label id="Txt_LessOrEqual" value="Is Less Than or Equal to"/>
<label id="Txt_NotEqual" value="Does not Equal"/>
<label id="Txt_Is" value="Is"/>
<label id="Txt_IsNot" value="Is Not"/>
<label id="Txt_BeginWith" value="Is Begin With"/>
<label id="Txt_EndWith" value="Is End With"/>
<label id="Txt_Contain" value="Contain"/>
<label id="Txt_NotContain" value="Does not Contain"/>
<label id="Txt_January" value="January"/>
<label id="Txt_February" value="February"/>
<label id="Txt_March" value="March"/>
<label id="Txt_April" value="April"/>
<label id="Txt_May" value="May"/>
<label id="Txt_June" value="June"/>
<label id="Txt_July" value="July"/>
<label id="Txt_August" value="August"/>
<label id="Txt_September" value="September"/>
<label id="Txt_October" value="October"/>
<label id="Txt_November" value="November"/>
<label id="Txt_December" value="December"/>
<label id="Txt_Quater1" value="Quarter 1"/>
<label id="Txt_Quater2" value="Quarter 2"/>
<label id="Txt_Quater3" value="Quarter 3"/>
<label id="Txt_Quater4" value="Quarter 4"/>
<label id="Txt_CommentToolsScope" value="Scope :"/>
<label id="Itm_CommentToolsScopeListItem0" value="Active sheet"/>
<label id="Itm_CommentToolsScopeListItem1" value="All sheets"/>
<label id="Txt_CommentToolsForceBold" value="Force non-bold formatting"/>
<label id="Txt_HintActiveHaveNoComments" value="The active workbook has no cell
<label id="Txt_HintNoUnProtectSheetsHaveComments" value="No comments were found on
the unprotected sheets."/>
<label id="Txt_HintCommentReplaceResult" value="Changes were made to {0} cell
<label id="Txt_HintConvertFormula" value="The selected range contains formulas,
would you like to convert formulas to value?"/>
<label id="Txt_HintSplitRangeIsNotSigleColumn" value="You can only select one
column to split. "/>
<label id="Txt_NeverReminde" value="Don't show this again"/>
<label id="Txt_NeedRestart" value="Kutools for Excel will be restarted to take
<label id="Txt_NeedRestartXL" value="Please restart the Excel application to take
<!--Functions Begin-->
<label id="Des_COUNTBYCELLCOLOR" value="Counts the number of cells in the given
range that have a certain fill color. This function does not recognize formatting
if it is applied via conditional formatting."/>
<label id="AgrDes_COUNTBYCELLCOLOR1" value="The range of cells to search in"/>
<label id="AgrDes_COUNTBYCELLCOLOR2" value="The cell that has the fill color to
count, or the color index number(1 to 56) from Excel"/>
<label id="Des_COUNTBYFONTCOLOR" value="Counts the number of cells in the given
range that have a certain font color. This function does not recognize formatting
if it is applied via conditional formatting."/>
<label id="AgrDes_COUNTBYFONTCOLOR1" value="The range of cells to search in"/>
<label id="AgrDes_COUNTBYFONTCOLOR2" value="The cell that has the font color to
count, or the color index number(1 to 56) from Excel"/>
<label id="Des_COUNTBYFONTBOLD" value="Counts the number of cells in the given
range that the font is bold. This function does not recognize formatting if it is
applied via conditional formatting."/>
<label id="Agr_COUNTBYFONTBOLD" value="COUNTBYFONTBOLD(reference)"/>
<label id="AgrDes_COUNTBYFONTBOLD1" value="The range of cells to search in"/>
<label id="Des_SUMBYCELLCOLOR" value="Adds the cells that have a certain fill
color. This function does not recognize formatting if it is applied via conditional
<label id="Hlp_SUMBYCELLCOLOR" value="
<label id="Agr_SUMBYCELLCOLOR" value="SUMBYCELLCOLOR(reference,color_index_nr)"/>
<label id="AgrDes_SUMBYCELLCOLOR1" value="The range of cells to search in"/>
<label id="AgrDes_SUMBYCELLCOLOR2" value="The cell that has the fill color to sum,
or the color index number(1 to 56) from Excel"/>
<label id="Des_SUMBYFONTCOLOR" value="Adds the cells that have a certain font
color. This function does not recognize formatting if it is applied via conditional
<label id="Hlp_SUMBYFONTCOLOR" value="
<label id="Agr_SUMBYFONTCOLOR" value="SUMBYFONTCOLOR(reference,color_index_nr)"/>
<label id="AgrDes_SUMBYFONTCOLOR1" value="The range of cells to search in"/>
<label id="AgrDes_SUMBYFONTCOLOR2" value="The cell that has the font color to sum,
or the color index number(1 to 56) from Excel"/>
<label id="Des_SUMBYFONTBOLD" value="Adds the cells that the font is bold. This
function does not recognize formatting if it is applied via conditional
<label id="Hlp_SUMBYFONTBOLD" value="
<label id="Agr_SUMBYFONTBOLD" value="SUMBYFONTBOLD(reference)"/>
<label id="AgrDes_SUMBYFONTBOLD1" value="The range of cells to search in"/>
<label id="Des_COUNTCHAR" value="Counts the number of times a chatacter occurs in a
text. This function is case sensitive."/>
<label id="Hlp_COUNTCHAR" value="
<label id="Agr_COUNTCHAR" value="COUNTCHAR(within_text,find_text)"/>
<label id="AgrDes_COUNTCHAR1" value="The text containing the character you want to
<label id="AgrDes_COUNTCHAR2" value="The character to count the occurrences of.
This has to be a single character"/>
<label id="Des_COUNTSHADES" value="Counts the number of colored cells in the range.
This function does not recognize formatting if it is applied via conditional
<label id="Hlp_COUNTSHADES" value="
<label id="Agr_COUNTSHADES" value="COUNTBYSHADES(reference)"/>
<label id="AgrDes_COUNTSHADES1" value="The range of cells to search in"/>
<label id="Des_EXTRACTNUMBERS" value="Extract the numbers from the given text"/>
<label id="Hlp_EXTRACTNUMBERS" value="
<label id="Agr_EXTRACTNUMBERS" value="EXTRACTNUMBERS(txt,n)"/>
<label id="AgrDes_EXTRACTNUMBERS1" value="The text containing the numbers you want
to extract"/>
<label id="AgrDes_EXTRACTNUMBERS2" value="Optional. TRUE the return type for
numerical, FALSE is returned to a string type. The default is FALSE."/>
<label id="Des_REVERSETEXT" value="According to the given separator to reverse a
<label id="Hlp_REVERSETEXT" value="
<label id="Agr_REVERSETEXT" value="REVERSETEXT(txt,separator_char)"/>
<label id="AgrDes_REVERSETEXT1" value="The text you want to reverse"/>
<label id="AgrDes_REVERSETEXT2" value="Optional. The separator Used to reverse the
text. The default is &quot;&quot;."/>
<!--UDF009 TIME2HOURS-->
<label id="Des_TIME2HOURS" value="Convert [HH:MM:SS] formatting time or text to
decimal hours."/>
<label id="Hlp_TIME2HOURS" value="
<label id="Agr_TIME2HOURS" value="TIME2HOURS(TimeData)"/>
<label id="AgrDes_TIME2HOURS1" value="Includes the [HH:MM:SS] formatting cell or
<label id="Des_TIME2MINUTES" value="Convert [HH:MM:SS] formatting time or text to
decimal minutes."/>
<label id="Hlp_TIME2MINUTES" value="
<label id="Agr_TIME2MINUTES" value="TIME2MINUTES(TimeData)"/>
<label id="AgrDes_TIME2MINUTES1" value="Includes the [HH:MM:SS] formatting cell or
<label id="Des_TIME2SECONDS" value="Convert [HH:MM:SS] formatting time or text to
decimal seconds."/>
<label id="Hlp_TIME2SECONDS" value="
<label id="Agr_TIME2SECONDS" value="TIME2SECONDS(TimeData)"/>
<label id="AgrDes_TIME2SECONDS1" value="Includes the [HH:MM:SS] formatting cell or
<label id="Des_COUNTVISIBLE" value="Counts the number of cells in the given range
that is visible. "/>
<label id="Hlp_COUNTVISIBLE" value="
<label id="Agr_COUNTVISIBLE" value="COUNTVISIBLE(reference)"/>
<label id="AgrDes_COUNTVISIBLE1" value="The range of cells to search in"/>
<label id="Des_SUMVISIBLE" value="Adds the cells in the given range that is
<label id="Hlp_SUMVISIBLE" value="
<label id="Agr_SUMVISIBLE" value="SUMVISIBLE(reference)"/>
<label id="AgrDes_SUMVISIBLE1" value="The range of cells to search in"/>
<label id="Des_AVERAGEVISIBLE" value="Returns the average of cells in the given
range that is visible."/>
<label id="Hlp_AVERAGEVISIBLE" value="
<label id="Agr_AVERAGEVISIBLE" value="AVERAGEVISIBLE(reference)"/>
<label id="AgrDes_AVERAGEVISIBLE1" value="The range of cells to search in"/>
<!--Functions End-->
<!--KTE Help Urls Begin - please don't translate it-->
<label id="Txt_ExcelPaneTitleHelpUrl"
<lable id="Txt_FrmMaxWorkspaceTipHelpUrl"
<label id="Txt_FrmToggleSettingsHelpUrl"
<label id="Txt_FrmInteractiveVisiblityHelpUrl"
<label id="Txt_RangeRandomizeFormHelpUrl"
<label id="Txt_SortRandomizeHelpUrl"
<label id="Txt_FrmInsertSequenceNumberHelpUrl"
<label id="Txt_ChangeSignFormHelpUrl"
<label id="Txt_ForceValuesFormHelpUrl"
<label id="Txt_SwapRangeFormHelpUrl"
<label id="Txt_TransformVerticalRangeFormHelpUrl"
<label id="Txt_ChangeCaseHelpUrl"
<label id="Txt_AddTextHelpUrl" value="
<label id="Txt_RemoveByPositionHelpUrl"
<label id="Txt_RemoveSpacesHelpUrl"
<label id="Txt_DeleteCharactersHelpUrl"
<label id="Txt_CombineColumnsOrRowsFormHelpUrl"
<label id="Txt_MathWithoutFormulasFormHelpUrl"
<label id="Txt_FrmKutoolsCalculatorHelpUrl"
<label id="Txt_FrmCurrrencyConversionHelpUrl"
<label id="Txt_UnitConversionHelpUrl"
<label id="Txt_SelectMaxMinHelpUrl"
<label id="Txt_SelectSpecificCellsHelpUrl"
<label id="Txt_SelectFormatHelpUrl"
<label id="Txt_FrmDeleteToolsHelpUrl"
<label id="Txt_FrmSuperSubscriptHelpUrl"
<label id="Txt_FrmAlternateRowShadingHelpUrl"
<label id="Txt_DatePickerHelpUrl"
<label id="Txt_ApplyDateFormattingHelpUrl"
<label id="Txt_ExactFormulaCopyHelpUrl"
<label id="Txt_ConverFormulaReferencesHelpUrl"
<label id="Txt_ReplaceRangeNamesHelpUrl"
<label id="Txt_FrmErrorConditionHelpUrl"
<label id="Txt_MergeWorkbooksFormHelpUrl"
<label id="Txt_SplitWorkbooksFormHelpUrl"
<label id="Txt_TackSnapHintFormHelpUrl"
<label id="Txt_AutoOpenNextTimeFormHelpUrl"
<label id="Txt_SortSheetsHelpUrl"
<label id="Txt_BatchRenameSheetsFormHelpUrl"
<label id="Txt_CreateContentsSheetHelpUrl"
<label id="Txt_BatchNewOrCopySheetsFormHelpUrl"
<label id="Txt_CustomizeWorkbookHelpUrl"
<label id="Txt_PerpetualCalendarHelpUrl"
<label id="Txt_ExportRangetoFileHelpUrl"
<label id="Txt_ExportRangeasGraphicHelpUrl"
<label id="Txt_InsertFileatCursorHelpUrl"
<label id="Txt_FilenameListHelpUrl"
<label id="Txt_FrmBatchPrintingWizardHelpUrl"
<label id="Txt_FrmPrintMultipleSelectionWizardHelpUrl"
<label id="Txt_FrmCopyPageSetupHelpUrl"
<label id="Txt_RemoveAllMacrosHelpUrl"
<label id="Txt_FrmCellCommentToolsHelpUrl"
<label id="Txt_RangeHelperHelpUrl"
<label id="Txt_CopyMultipleRangesHelpUrl"
<label id="Txt_AdjustRowColHelpUrl"
<label id="Txt_ReplaceCharactersHelpUrl"
<label id="Txt_CompareRangesHelpUrl"
<label id="Txt_ConvertingCrossTabHelpUrl"
<label id="Txt_CreateFolderHelpUrl"
<label id="Txt_FillBlankRangeHelpUrl"
<label id="Txt_InsertBlackRowsColsHelpUrl"
<label id="Txt_SelectIntervalRowsColsHelpUrl"
<label id="Txt_DeleteRowsColsHelpUrl"
<label id="Txt_ReverseTextHelpUrl"
<label id="Txt_InsertWorkbookHelpUrl"
<label id="Txt_ConvertSpellingHelpUrl"
<label id="Txt_SplitDataHelpUrl"
<label id="Txt_CopyFormattingHelpUrl"
<label id="Txt_ExportChartHelpUrl"
<label id="Txt_FindLinkHelpUrl" value="
<label id="Txt_ConvertHyperlinksHelpUrl"
<label id="Txt_InsertTitlesRowsHelpUrl"
<label id="Txt_RoundHelpUrl" value="
<label id="Txt_BatchProtectHelpUrl"
<label id="Txt_BatchUnProtectHelpUrl"
<label id="Txt_BackgroundColorHelpUrl"
<label id="Txt_ImportPictrueHelpUrl"
<label id="Txt_DataPageOperationHelpUrl"
<label id="Txt_PrintColumnsHelpUrl"
<label id="Txt_CommentShapeHelpUrl"
<label id="Txt_KTERulerSettingHelpUrl"
<label id="Txt_FrmLinkedDataHelpUrl" value=""/>
<label id="Txt_FrmDateFormatConverterHelpUrl"
<label id="Txt_FrmCellEncodeHelpUrl"
<label id="Txt_FrmCellDecodeHelpUrl"
<label id="Txt_ConsolidateWorkSheetsHelpUrl"
<label id="Txt_AdvancedSortHelpUrl"
<label id="Txt_CreateCommentListHelpUrl"
<label id="Txt_FormatCommentHelpUrl"
<label id="Txt_FindReplaceCommentTextHelpUrl"
<label id="Txt_RemoveAddCommentHelpUrl"
<label id="Txt_ConvertCommentHelpUrl"
<label id="Txt_SplitNameHelpUrl" value=""/>
<label id="Txt_CombineRowsHelpUrl"
<!--KTE Help Urls End - please don't translate it-->
<!--Ribbon UI Group Begin-->
<label id="Rib_tabKutools" value="Kutools"/>
<label id="Rib_tabReport" value="Report"/>
<label id="Rib_tabEntKutools" value="Enterprise"/>
<label id="Rib_tabDesignKutools" value="Design"/>
<label id="Rib_grpKTEFunctionName" value="Kutools"/>
<label id="Rib_grpView" value="View"/>
<label id="Rib_grpRangesAndCells" value="Ranges and Cells"/>
<label id="Rib_grpEditing" value="Editing"/>
<label id="Rib_grpFormula" value="Formula"/>
<label id="Rib_grpWorkbookAndWorksheet" value="Workbook and Sheets"/>
<label id="Rib_grpSecurity" value="Security"/>
<label id="Rib_grpFilterStatistics" value="Filter &amp;&amp; Statistic"/>
<label id="Rib_grpWorksheetDesign" value="Worksheet Design"/>
<label id="Rib_grpCommonTools" value="Rerun"/>
<label id="Rib_grpCommonToolsI" value="Rerun"/>
<label id="Rib_grpHelp" value="Help"/>
<label id="Rib_grpWDesignProtect" value="Protect"/>
<label id="Rib_grpWDesignView" value="View"/>
<label id="Rib_grpWDesignTrace" value="Monitor"/>
<label id="Rib_grpWDesignOptions" value="Options"/>
<!--Ribbon UI Group End-->
<!--Ribbon UI Item Begin-->
<label id="Rib_mnuVisibilityTools" value="Show / Hide"/>
<label id="Rib_mnuModify" value="Modify"/>
<label id="Rib_mnuTextTools" value="Text"/>
<label id="Rib_mnuOperation" value="Operation"/>
<label id="Rib_mnuMoreDeleteTools" value="Delete"/>
<label id="Rib_mnuSelectTools" value="Select"/>
<label id="Rib_mnuDateTools" value="Date"/>
<label id="Rib_mnuMoreFormulaTools" value="More"/>
<label id="Rib_mnuWorkbookTools" value="Workbook"/>
<label id="Rib_mnuWorksheetTools" value="Worksheet"/>
<label id="Rib_mnuImportOrExport" value="Import / Export"/>
<label id="Rib_mnuPrinting" value="Printing"/>
<label id="Rib_mnuCommonTools" value="Utilities"/>
<label id="Rib_mnuToolBarWidth" value="Toolbar mode"/>
<label id="Rib_chkWidthAdaptive" value="Adaptive"/>
<label id="Rib_chkWidthNarrow" value="Narrow"/>
<label id="Rib_chkWidthMedium" value="Medium"/>
<label id="Rib_chkWidthWide" value="Wide"/>
<label id="Rib_btnLanguageAutomatic" value="Match Excel"/>
<label id="Rib_mnuHelp" value="Help&#xA;"/>
<label id="Rib_mnuLinkTools" value="Link"/>
<label id="Rib_mnuFormatTools" value="Format"/>
<label id="Rib_mnuKTERuler" value="Reading"/>
<label id="Rib_mnuBackupFile" value="Snap"/>
<label id="Rib_mnuInsert" value="Insert"/>
<label id="Rib_mnuRangeOperation" value="Range"/>
<label id="Rib_mnuContentOperation" value="Content"/>
<label id="Rib_mnuMoreEdit" value="More"/>
<label id="Rib_mnuLimitInput" value="Prevent Typing"/>
<label id="Rib_tgbExcelExplorerI" value="Navigation"/>
<label id="Rib_tgbExcelExplorer" value="Navigation"/>
<label id="Rib_tgbMaxWorkSpace" value="Work Area"/>
<label id="Rib_tgbNavigation" value="Navigation"/>
<label id="Rib_btnToggleSettings" value="View Options..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnSetScrollArea" value="Set Scroll Area"/>
<label id="Rib_btnInteractiveVisiblity" value="Hide/Unhide Workbooks and
<label id="Rib_btnHideInactivateSheets" value="Hide Unselected Sheets"/>
<label id="Rib_btnHideInactivateWindows" value="Hide Inactive Windows"/>
<label id="Rib_btnUnhideAllRanges" value="Unhide All Ranges"/>
<label id="Rib_btnUnhideAllWorkSheets" value="Unhide All Hidden Sheets"/>
<label id="Rib_btnUnhideAllWorkSheetsCount" value="Unhide All Hidden Sheets ( %s
sheet(s) )"/>
<label id="Rib_btnUnhideAllWindows" value="Unhide All Hidden Windows"/>
<label id="Rib_btnUnhideAllWindowsCount" value="Unhide All Hidden Windows ( %s
window(s) )"/>
<label id="Rib_btnRangeRandomize" value="Insert Random Data..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnSortRandomize" value="Sort Range Randomly..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnInsertSequenceNumber" value="Insert Sequence Number..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnChangeSign" value="Change Sign of Values..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnForceValues" value="Convert between Text and Number..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnSwapRanges" value="Swap Ranges..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnTransformVerticalRange" value="Transform Range..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnSubscriptNumbers" value="Subscript numbers in Chemical
<label id="Rib_btnChangeCase" value="Change Case..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnAddText" value="Add Text..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnRemoveByPosition" value="Remove by Position..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnRemoveSpaces" value="Remove Spaces..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnDeleteCharacters" value="Remove Characters..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnCombineColumnsorRows" value="Combine"/>
<label id="Rib_btnMathWithoutFormulas" value="Operation..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnKutoolsCalculator" value="Kutools Calculator..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnCurrencyConversion" value="Currency Conversion..."/>
<Label id="Rib_btnNumberSystemsConversion" value="Conversion of Number
<label id="Rib_btnUnitConversion" value="Unit Conversion..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnSelectMaxMin" value="Select Cells with Max &amp;&amp; Min
<label id="Rib_btnSelectCellsWithErrorValue" value="Select Cells with Error
<label id="Rib_btnSelectSpecificCells" value="Select Specific Cells..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnSelectFormat" value="Select Cells with Format..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnDelBlankRowsInSelRange" value="Delete Blank Rows"/>
<label id="Rib_btnDelBlankRowsInSelRangeI" value="In Selected Range"/>
<label id="Rib_btnDelBlankRowsInActSheet" value="In Active Sheet"/>
<label id="Rib_btnDelBlankRowsInSelSheets" value="In Selected Sheets"/>
<label id="Rib_btnDelBlankRowsInAllSheets" value="In All Sheets"/>
<label id="Rib_btnDelHyperLinksInSelRange" value="Delete Hyperlinks"/>
<label id="Rib_btnDelHyperLinksInSelRangeI" value="In Selected Range"/>
<label id="Rib_btnDelHyperLinksInActSheet" value="In Active Sheet"/>
<label id="Rib_btnDelHyperLinksInSelSheets" value="In Selected Sheets"/>
<label id="Rib_btnDelHyperLinksInAllSheets" value="In All Sheets"/>
<label id="Rib_btnDeleteTools" value="Delete Illustrations &amp;&amp; Objects..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnSupperSubscript" value="Superscript / Subscript"/>
<label id="Rib_btnAlternateRowShading" value="Alternate Row / Column Shading..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnDatePicker" value="Insert Date..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnApplyDateFormatting" value="Apply Date Formatting..."/>
<label id="Rib_muFunctions" value="Kutools Functions"/>
<label id="Rib_KTEFunctionWizard" value="Insert Kutools Function..."/>
<label id="Rib_mnuFormulaHelper" value="Formula Helper"/>
<label id="Rib_ttlmspCommonlyUsedFormulas" value="Commonly-used Formulas"/>
<label id="Rib_btnFormulaAges" value="Calculate age based on birthday"/>
<label id="Rib_btnFormulaVLookUp" value="Look for a value in list"/>
<label id="Rib_btnFormulaGetAbs" value="Sum absolute values"/>
<label id="Rib_btnFormulaWordTimes" value="Count times a word appears"/>
<label id="Rib_btnFormulaSumNubers" value="Sum numbers in a cell"/>
<label id="Rib_btnFormulaFindNthOccurrence" value="Find nth occurrence of a
<label id="Rib_btnFormulaCountWords" value="Count words in range"/>
<label id="Rib_btnFormulaCountWeekends" value="Count weekends between two dates"/>
<label id="Rib_btnFormulaCountWeekdays" value="Count weekdays between two dates"/>
<label id="Rib_btnFormulaCountDayofWeek" value="Count the number of specific
<label id="Rib_btnFormulaMostCommonCalue" value="Find most common value"/>
<label id="Rib_btnFormulaYears" value="Add years to date"/>
<label id="Rib_btnFormulaMonths" value="Add months to date"/>
<label id="Rib_btnFormulaDays" value="Add days to date"/>
<label id="Rib_btnFormulaHours" value="Add hours to date"/>
<label id="Rib_btnFormulaMinutes" value="Add minutes to date"/>
<label id="Rib_btnFormulaSeconds" value="Add seconds to date"/>
<label id="Rib_btnFormulaWeeks" value="Add weeks to date"/>
<label id="Rib_btnFormulaHelper" value="Formula Helper..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnExactFormulaCopy" value="Exact Copy..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnConvertFormulaReferences" value="Convert Refers"/>
<label id="Rib_btnReplaceRangeNames" value="Replace Range Names..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnErrorConditionWizard" value="Error Condition Wizard..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnMergeWorkbooks" value="Merge Workbooks..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnSplitWorkbooks" value="Split Workbook..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnOpenFolder" value="Open Containing Folder"/>
<label id="Rib_btnCopyFolder" value="Copy Full Path"/>
<label id="Rib_btnTackSnap" value="Track Snap"/>
<label id="Rib_btnOpenFilesNextTime" value="Auto Open Those Workbooks Next
<label id="Rib_btnSynchronizeSheets" value="Synchronize Worksheets"/>
<label id="Rib_btnSortSheets" value="Sort Sheets..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnBatchRenameSheets" value="Rename Multiple Worksheets..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnCreateContentsSheet" value="Create List of Sheet Names..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnBatchNewOrCopySheets" value="Copy Multiple Worksheets..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnCustomizeWorkbook" value="Create Sequence Worksheets..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnPerpetualCalendar" value="Perpetual Calendar..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnDelBlankSheets" value="Delete Blank Worksheets"/>
<label id="Rib_btnDelBlankSheetsCount" value="Delete Blank Worksheets ( %s
Worksheet(s) )"/>
<label id="Rib_btnDelInactiveSheets" value="Delete All Inactive Sheets ( %s
sheet(s) )"/>
<label id="Rib_btnDelHideSheets" value="Delete All Hidden Sheets"/>
<label id="Rib_btnDelHideSheetsCount" value="Delete All Hidden Sheets ( %s sheet(s)
<label id="Rib_btnExportRangetoFile" value="Export Range to File..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnExportRangeasGraphic" value="Export Range as Graphic..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnInsertFileatCursor" value="Insert File at Cursor..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnFilenameList" value="Filename List..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnBatchPrintingWizard" value="Print Multiple Workbooks Wizard..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnPrintMultipleSelectionWizard" value="Print Multiple Selections
<label id="Rib_btnCopyPageSetup" value="Copy Page Setup..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnRemoveAllMacros" value="Remove All Macros..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnBatchRemoveAllMacros" value="Batch Remove All Macros..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnCommentTools" value="Cell Comment..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnRerunLastCommand" value="Re-run last utility"/>
<label id="Rib_btnRegister" value="Register..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnChangeLicense" value="Change License..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnAbout" value="About..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnDisplayedToActual" value="To Actual"/>
<label id="Rib_btnRangeHelper" value="Select Range Helper..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnCopyMultipleRanges" value="Copy Ranges"/>
<label id="Rib_btnAdjustRowCol" value="Adjust Cell Size..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnReplaceCharacters" value="Replace Accented Characters..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnCompareRanges" value="Select Same &amp;&amp; Different
<label id="Rib_btnCompareCells" value="Compare Cells..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnSelectDuplicate" value="Select Duplicate &amp;&amp; Unique
<label id="Rib_btnFlipHorizontalCellsFormat" value="Flip Horizontal Range"/>
<label id="Rib_btnFlipHorizontalCellsFormatI" value="All"/>
<label id="Rib_btnFlipHorizontalCells" value="Only flip values"/>
<label id="Rib_btnFlipVerticalCellsFormat" value="Flip Vertical Range"/>
<label id="Rib_btnFlipVerticalCellsFormatI" value="All"/>
<label id="Rib_btnFlipVerticalCells" value="Only flip values"/>
<label id="Rib_btnConvertingCrossTab" value="Transpose Table Dimensions..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnCreateFolder" value="Create Folders from Cell Contents..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnFillBlankRange" value="Fill Blank Cells..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnInsertBlackRowsCols" value="Insert Blank
<label id="Rib_btnSelectIntervalRowsCols" value="Select Interval Rows &amp;&amp;
<label id="Rib_btnDeleteRowsCols" value="Delete Hidden (Visible) Rows &amp;&amp;
<label id="Rib_btnReverseText" value="Reverse Text Order..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnInsertWorkbook" value="Insert Workbook Information..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnConvertSpelling" value="Spell Out Numbers..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnSplitData" value="Split Data"/>
<label id="Rib_btnCopyFormatting" value="Copy Cell Formatting..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnExportChart" value="Export Graphics..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnFindLink" value="Find and Break Broken Links..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnConvertHyperlinks" value="Convert Hyperlinks..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnSelectMergedCell" value="Select Merged Cells"/>
<label id="Rib_btnMergeSameCell" value="Merge Same Cells"/>
<label id="Rib_btnUnMergeSameCell" value="Unmerge Cell"/>
<label id="Rib_btnInsertTitlesRows" value="Insert Titles Rows..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnDuplicateEntries" value="Prevent Duplicate"/>
<label id="Rib_btnLimitInput" value="Prevent Typing..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnRound" value="Round"/>
<label id="Rib_btnBatchProtect" value="Protect Worksheet..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnBatchUnProtect" value="Unprotect Worksheet..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnBackgroundColor" value="Count by Color..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnImportPictrue1" value="Import Pictures..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnImportPictrue2" value="Match Import Pictures..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnPrintCurrentPage" value="Print Current Page"/>
<label id="Rib_btnDataPageOperation" value="Paging Subtotals..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnPrintColumns" value="Split to Columns..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnCommentShape" value="Change Comment Shape..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnSettingCenter" value="Setting Center..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnClearAllCellFormat" value="Clear All Cells Formatting"/>
<label id="Rib_btnDeleteWebControl" value="Delete Web Controls"/>
<label id="Rib_btnEnableKTERuler" value="Reading Layout"/>
<label id="Rib_btnKTERulerSetting" value="Reading Layout Settings..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnLinkedData" value="Linked Data..."/>
<label id="Rib_tgbSuperFilter" value="Super Filter..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnDateFormatConverter" value="Convert to Date..."/>
<label id="Rib_mnuTimeConvert" value="Convert Time"/>
<label id="Rib_btnTimeToHours" value="Time to Hours"/>
<label id="Rib_btnTimeToMinutes" value="Time to Minutes"/>
<label id="Rib_btnTimeToSeconds" value="Time to Seconds"/>
<label id="Rib_btnTimeConvert" value="Convert Time..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnCellEncode" value="Encrypt Cells..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnCellDecode" value="Decrypt Cells..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnConsolidataWorkSheets" value="Combine"/>
<label id="Rib_btnRerunLastCommandI" value="Re-run last utility"/>
<label id="Rib_btnDataPageOperationI" value="Paging Subtotals"/>
<label id="Rib_tgbShowColumn" value="Columns"/>
<label id="Rib_tgbShowSheet" value="Worksheets"/>
<label id="Rib_btnFillCustomLists" value="Fill Custom Lists..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnBatchConversion" value="File Format Converter..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnFillSheetRef" value="Dynamically Refer to Worksheets..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnDependentPrecedent" value="Precedents &amp;&amp; Dependents"/>
<label id="Rib_btnDependentAndPrecedent" value="Monitor Precedents and
<label id="Rib_btnPrecedent" value="Monitor Precedents of Ranges"/>
<label id="Rib_btnDependent" value="Monitor Dependents of Ranges"/>
<label id="Rib_btnCombineRows" value="Advanced Combine Rows..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnMergeTable" value="Merge Tables..."/>
<label id="Rib_tgbReport" value="Report&#xA;"/>
<label id="Rib_btnSelectCellsWithNonLocked" value="Select Unlocked Cells"/>
<label id="Rib_btnShowHideRangeName" value="Hide/Unhide Range Name..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnConvertFormulaToText" value="Convert Formula to Text"/>
<label id="Rib_btnConvertTextToFormula" value="Convert Text to Formula"/>
<label id="Rib_btnBatchInsertCheckBox" value="Batch Insert Check Boxes"/>
<label id="Rib_btnBatchInsertOptionButton" value="Batch Insert Option Buttons"/>
<label id="Rib_btnInsertWatermark" value="Insert Watermark"/>
<label id="Rib_btnDeleteWatermark" value="Delete Watermark"/>
<label id="Rib_btnInsertAutoText" value="AutoText"/>
<label id="Rib_btnBatchDeleteCheckBox" value="Batch Delete Check Boxes"/>
<label id="Rib_btnBatchDeleteOptionButton" value="Batch Delete Option Buttons"/>
<label id="Rib_btnExtractText" value="Extract Text..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnExtractMail" value="Extract Email Address"/>
<label id="Rib_btnCreateCommentList" value="Create Comment List..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnFormatComment" value="Format Comment..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnFindReplaceCommentText" value="Find/Replace Comment Text..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnRemoveAddComment" value="Remove/Add User Name in Comment..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnConvertComment" value="Convert Comment and Cell..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnAuditWorkbook" value="Audit Workbook..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnAdvancedSort" value="Advanced Sort..."/>
<label id="Rib_mspRecentlyUsed" value="Recently Used"/>
<label id="Rib_mspFunctionsCategory" value="Functions Category"/>
<label id="Rib_btnDesignClose" value="Close Design"/>
<label id="Rib_tgbShowDesign" value="Worksheet Design"/>
<label id="Rib_btnLockSelection" value="Selection Lock"/>
<label id="Rib_btnUnlockSelection" value="Selection Unlock"/>
<label id="Rib_btnHideSelection" value="Formulas Hide"/>
<label id="Rib_btnUnhideSelection" value="Formulas Unhide"/>
<label id="Rib_btnShowZero" value="Show Zero"/>
<label id="Rib_btnShowFormulas" value="Show Formulas"/>
<label id="Rib_btnShowHeaders" value="Show Headers"/>
<label id="Rib_btnHighlightLockedRange" value="Highlight Unlocked"/>
<label id="Rib_btnHighlightHideSelection" value="Highlight Hidden"/>
<label id="Rib_btnHighlightFormulaRange" value="Highlight Formulas"/>
<label id="Rib_btnHighlightNamesRange" value="Highlight Names"/>
<label id="Rib_btnDesignSettings" value="Settings"/>
<label id="Rib_btnGetHelp" value="Get Help"/>
<label id="Rib_btnFreezePanesWorksheet" value="Freeze panes multiple worksheets"/>
<label id="Rib_btnUnfreezePanesWorksheet" value="Unfreeze panes multiple
<label id="Rib_btnSelectLastCellByLastOne" value="Select Last Cell"/>
<label id="Rib_btnSelectLastCellByLastOneI" value="Last One"/>
<label id="Rib_btnSelectLastCellByLastRow" value="Last Row"/>
<label id="Rib_btnSelectLastCellByLastColumn" value="Last Column"/>
<label id="Rib_btnConvertRoman" value="Convert between Roman and Number..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnPasteVisibleRange" value="Paste to Visible Range"/>
<label id="Rib_btnSplitName" value="Split Names..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnSelectCellsWithNonBlank" value="Select Nonblank Cells"/>
<label id="Rib_btnListCombinations" value="List All Combinations..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnPrintFirstPage" value="Print First Page of Each Worksheet"/>
<label id="Rib_btnReversePrint" value="Print Pages in Reverse Order"/>
<label id="Rib_btnInsertPageBreak" value="Insert Page Break Every Row..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnAddBorderToEachPage" value="Add Border to Each Page"/>
<label id="Rib_btnSplitCells" value="Split Cells..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnAutoFitCommentInActSheet" value="AutoFit Comment"/>
<label id="Rib_btnAutoFitCommentInActSheetI" value="Active sheet"/>
<label id="Rib_btnAutoFitCommentInInAllSheets" value="All sheets"/>
<label id="Rib_btnResetCommentInActSheet" value="Reset Comment Position"/>
<label id="Rib_btnResetCommentInActSheetI" value="Active sheet"/>
<label id="Rib_btnResetCommentInAllSheets" value="All sheets"/>
<label id="Rib_btnConvertNumberToOrdinal" value="Convert Number to Ordinal"/>
<label id="Rib_btnFindMissingSequence" value="Find Missing Sequence Number..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnFolderNameList" value="Folder Name List..."/>
<label id="Rib_btnCreateRepeatCell" value="Create Repeat Cell..."/>
<!--Ribbon UI Item End-->
<!--Screen Tip Begin-->
<label id="Sct_mnuKTERuler" value="Reading Layout View"/>
<label id="Sct_tgbExcelExplorer" value="Navigation Pane"/>
<label id="Sct_tgbMaxWorkSpace" value="Work Area Size"/>
<label id="Sct_btnCombineColumnsorRows" value="Combine Rows &amp;&amp; Columns"/>
<label id="Sct_btnConvertFormulaReferences" value="Convert Formula References"/>
<label id="Sct_btnDisplayedToActual" value="Displayed to Actual"/>
<label id="Sct_btnCopyMultipleRanges" value="Copy Multiple Ranges"/>
<label id="Sct_btnDuplicateEntries" value="Prevent Duplicate Entries"/>
<label id="Sct_btnRound" value="Round without Formula"/>
<label id="Sct_tgbShowColumn" value="Toggle Hidden Columns Visibility"/>
<label id="Sct_tgbShowSheet" value="Toggle Hidden Worksheets Visibility"/>
<label id="Sct_btnConsolidataWorkSheets" value="Combine Worksheets"/>
<!--Screen Tip End-->
<!--Part 1 End-->
<!--Part 2-->
<!--Super Tip Begin-->
<!--Super Tip Begin-->
<label id="Spt_mnuVisibilityTools">
A collection of tools allow you to quickly show or hide the workbooks, worksheets
and ranges.
<label id="Spt_mnuModify">
A collection of utility for you to quickly process the following operations:

1. Range Randomize Utilities:

Rearrange the selected cells randomly and more.

2. Inset Sequence Number:

Insert a unique (and consecutive) value into a cell.

3. Change Sign of Values:

Easily fix trailing negative signs and more.

4. Convert between Text and Number:

Specify cells to recognize the numbers as numeric data.

5. Swap Ranges:
Quickly swap ranges, columns, rows and cells.

6. Transform Range:
<label id="Spt_mnuOperation">
A collection of tools allow you to you to quickly process the following operations:

1. Operation tools:
Quickly perform common math operations in cells without using formulas.

2. Kutools Calculator:
You can carry out more than 10 types of mathematical operation.

3. Currency Conversion:
Quickly convert currency among more than 50 world currencies.

4. Unit Conversion:
Quickly convert measurements from one unit to another.
<label id="Spt_mnuSelectTools">
A collection of tools make the selection of various items easier.
<label id="Spt_mnuMoreFormulaTools">
More tools for handling formulas in Excel.
<label id="Spt_mnuWorkbookTools">
A collection of utilities for you to quickly process the following operations:

1. Split Workbook
2. File Format Converter

3. Insert Workbook Information

4. Open Containing Folder

5. Copy Full Path

6. Auto Open Those Workbooks Next Time

<label id="Spt_mnuWorksheetTools">
A collection of utilities for you to quickly process the following operations:

1. Synchronize Worksheets

2. Sort Sheets

3. Freeze panes multiple worksheets

4. Unfreeze panes multiple worksheets

5. Rename Multiple Worksheets

6. Create List of Sheet Names

7. Copy Multiple Worksheets

8. Create Sequence Worksheets

9. Perpetual Calendar

10. Split Data

11. Delete Blank Worksheets

12. Delete All Hidden Sheets

13. Delete All Inactive Sheets

<label id="Spt_mnuImportOrExport">
A collection of tools allow you to quickly process the following operations:

1. Export Range to File

2. Export Range as Graphic

3. Export Graphics

4. Import Pictures

5. Match Import Pictures

6. Insert File at Cursor

7. Filename list
8. Create Folders from Cell Contents
<label id="Spt_mnuPrinting">
A collection of tools allow you to quickly process the following operations:

1. Print Multiple Workbooks Wizard

2. Print Multiple Selection Wizards

3. Copy Page Setup

4. Paging Subtotals

5. Print First Page of Each Worksheet

6. Print Pages in Reverse Order

7. Insert Page Break Every Row

8. Add Border to Each Page

<label id="Spt_mnuCommonTools">
A collection of tools allow you to quickly process the following operations:

1. Remove All Macros:

Remove all macros from active workbook.

2. Cell Comment Tools:

Allow you to manage all comments easily.
<label id="Spt_mnuToolBarWidth">
Choose to suit your toolbar mode.
<label id="Spt_mnuHelp">
This group embodies the following options and information: Register / change
license, and detailed information about Kutools for Excel.
<label id="Spt_btnRound">
In Excel we can round numbers with functions or Format Cells command, however, both
ways do not change the actual value of cells after rounding. This utility will
round numbers in a range, and make the actual value of cells as displayed

1. Specify the range that you will work with.
2. Specify the Decimal place and Option. Such as round, round up and so on.
3. Click "OK".
<label id="Spt_btnMergeWorkbooks">
With this tool you can easily merge multiple workbooks into a single workbook,
merge specified worksheets from different workbooks into a single workbook, and
merge all the Excel files from a folder into a single workbook and more. You can
set to merge or unmerge the blank worksheets and the hidden worksheets.

1. Select the workbooks you want to merge by clicking "Add file" or "Add folder".

2. Select the worksheets you want to merge from different workbooks.

3. Specify the option for merging the workbooks under "Options", and click "OK".
<label id="Spt_btnDeleteCharacters">
This utility can quickly remove Non-printing characters, Non-alpha characters, Non-
numeric characters, Alpha characters, Numeric and Non-alphanumeric characters.

1. Specify a range that you want to delete characters.

2. Please specify character.

3. Click OK or Apply to add text.

<label id="Spt_tgbExcelExplorer">
List Workbooks and Worksheets:
With this tool you can have a list of all open unhidden workbooks and worksheets
within a built-in pane. You can easily take a glance at all the unhidden workbooks,
worksheets, and switch between all of them by clicking on the workbook or
worksheet. It's quite useful when you need to handle the workbook with a bundle of

List all columns:

With this tool you can have a list of all columns of the active worksheets within a
built-in pane. For handling the worksheet with too many columns, you can easily
find and go to the specific column with this tool.

List all names:

With this tool you can have a list of all names of the active worksheets within a
built-in pane. For handling the worksheet with too many names, you can easily find
and go to the specific name with this tool.

1. Switch between the sheets, columns and names.

2. Click on the workbook or worksheet, to activate them. Click on the column or

name, to find and go to the specific column and name.
<label id="Spt_tgbExcelExplorerI">
List Workbooks and Worksheets:
With this tool you can have a list of all open unhidden workbooks and worksheets
within a built-in pane. You can easily take a glance at all the unhidden workbooks,
worksheets, and switch between all of them by clicking on the workbook or
worksheet. It's quite useful when you need to handle the workbook with a bundle of

List all columns:

With this tool you can have a list of all columns of the active worksheets within a
built-in pane. For handling the worksheet with too many columns, you can easily
find and go to the specific column with this tool.

List all names:

With this utility you can have a list of all names of the active worksheets within
a built-in pane. For handling the worksheet with too many names, you can easily
find and go to the specific name with this tool.

1. Switch between the sheets, columns and names.

2. Click on the workbook or worksheet, to activate them. Click on the column or

name, to find and go to the specific column and name.
<label id="Spt_tgbMaxWorkSpace">
With this utility you can easily switch between the following 3 types of working
area size in your Excel:

Type 1: to minimize the ribbon and hide the status bar;

Type 2: to minimize the ribbon, hide the status bar and the formula bar;

Type 3: to minimize the ribbon, hide the status bar, the formula bar and the

It's quite handy when you need to quickly minimize or hide the Ribbon, status bar
and the formula bar for a large working area. You don't need to toggle them off one
by one.

1. Click on "Work Area", you will have a toolbar with 4 buttons locating on the top
right of your screen.

2. Click on first button will reset your Excel to the normal working area size.
Click on the other 3 buttons will quickly switch between 3 types of working area
sizes in your Excel.
<label id="Spt_tgbNavigation">
With this utility you can accomplish these operations:

1. Quickly manage the names

2. Quickly toggle between columns and locate the specific column

3. Quickly switch between workbooks and sheets

4. Quickly collect and insert pictures, tables, formulas, ranges and so on by using
the autotext
<label id="Spt_btnToggleSettings">
With this utility you can quickly toggle any of the following settings: gridlines,
horizontal scrollbar, vertical scrollbar, row and column headers, page breaks,
formula view, sheet tabs, status bar, formula bar, full screen display, comment
visibility, and object visibility.
Save your time from looking for where to toggle any of the above settings.

1. If you want to toggle any of the settings off, please uncheck them.

2. Click "Restore defaults" to restore the original settings in your Excel.

3. Click "Apply to all sheets" will apply all settings to all worksheets.

Note: It's all done interactively, so you can see the effect before you commit to
<label id="Spt_btnSetScrollArea">
With this utility you can easily set or limit the scrolling area in active
worksheet. If you have a large worksheet with too many columns and rows, you can
easily use this utility to set a scrolling area of the data you need to read, and
the other area will be invisible.

1. Select the range.

2. Apply this utility, it will hide the unselected range.

<label id="Spt_btnInteractiveVisiblity">
With this tool you can interactively hide or unhide multiple workbooks and
worksheets at one time. Normally you have to hide or unhide the workbook and
worksheet one by one in Excel. This is a handy tool for you to handle a large
workbook with a bundle of worksheets.

1. The selected workbook or worksheets will be unhidden. Conversely, the unselected
workbook or worksheets will be hidden.

Note: "Hide all" button will hide all workbooks; "Unhide all" button will unhide
all workbooks. "Hide all but" button will hide all the inactive worksheets; "Unhide
all" button will unhide all worksheets.
<label id="Spt_btnHideInactivateSheets">
Hide all the unselected Sheets with one click.

Note: you can unhide all hidden Sheets by applying the "Unhide All Sheets" in this
collection group.
<label id="Spt_btnHideInactivateWindows">
Hide all the inactive workbooks with one click.

Note: you can unhide all hidden workbooks by applying the "Unhide All Windows" in
this collection group.
<label id="Spt_btnUnhideAllRanges">
Unhide all hidden ranges of active worksheets with one click.
<label id="Spt_btnUnhideAllWorkSheets">
Unhide all hidden Sheets of active workbook with one click. Normally you have to
unhide all hidden Sheets one by one in Excel.
<label id="Spt_btnUnhideAllWorkSheets_NoHiddenWorksheets">
Hidden Sheets can't be found.
<label id="Spt_btnUnhideAllWindows">
Unhide all hidden workbooks with one click. Normally you have to unhide all hidden
workbooks one by one in Excel.
<label id="Spt_btnUnhideAllWindows_NoHiddenWindows">
Hidden workbooks can't be found.
<label id="Spt_btnRangeRandomize">
Function description:
Use this function to achieve the following results:

1. Insert a randomly generated integer sequence

2. Insert randomly generated date

3. Insert the randomly generated time

4. Insert a randomly generated string

5. Insert data randomly from the custom list

<label id="Spt_btnInsertSequenceNumber">
With this utility you can quickly insert a unique (and consecutive) value into a
cell in Excel. You can add text prefix or suffix and specify the number of digits
for the number. For example, you can easily insert a series number as Kutools-XXXX-
2011 (XXXX indicates the sequence number).

Note: You must define a sequence before you can use it. To define a new sequence,
click "New" to display the Create New Sequence dialog box.
<label id="Spt_btnFillCustomLists">
Quickly fill cells with a custom list. If you want to add or edit a custom list,
please click &quot; Edit list &quot; button. You can choose to fill a range
horizontally cell after cell or fill a range vertically cell after cell.
<label id="Spt_btnChangeSign">
With this utility you can easily fix trailing negative signs; change all negative
signs to positive; change all positive signs to negative, reverse the sign of all
values and change all navigate signs to zero values. You don't need to use a
formula for processing the above operations.
<label id="Spt_btnCombineRows">
Quickly combine multiple rows based on key columns. It will apply combine or
calculate operations to the other columns except key columns.
<label id="Spt_btnForceValues">
With this utility you can quickly specify a range cells or a cell in your worksheet
to recognize the numbers you enter as numeric data. This sometimes occurs when data
is imported from other sources. This tool also converts values in cells that are
preceded by an apostrophe.

1. Select the range, and click "OK".

Note: Text format cells cannot be forced to recognize the numbers as numeric data,
even though they contain numbers.
<label id="Spt_btnSwapRanges">
With this utility you can quickly swap ranges, columns, rows and cells in your
workbook. The ranges for swapping must be identical in the same size. For example,
you can't swap two columns with one column.
You can quickly swap the cells or ranges on the same worksheet, on different
worksheets or different workbooks. The formatting of cells will also be swapped,
and the swap operation does not affect the formulas in the two ranges, and they
continue referring to the original cells.

Fast to swap ranges
You can select two ranges before clicking the Swap Ranges utility, and both of the
range address will display in the Swap Ranges dialog box, and click "OK" to swap

Tips for selecting two ranges at one time:

1. Select first range.

2. Hold down "Ctrl" key to select another range.

<label id="Spt_btnTransformVerticalRange">
With this utility you can quickly transform a vertical column into rows with
multiple columns.
For example, you may have a single column of data which contains your customer's
information, and each customer consists of 5 rows information (such as, name, sex,
Tel, Email and Address). With this tool you can transform the single-column of data
into a five column data table.

1. Select the range (it must be single column/row) from "Data to be transformed".

2. Specify a cell for the upper left cell in "Output range", and click "OK" to

Note: If the records in the input column are delimited by a blank cell, choose
Blank cell delimits records. If the records are not delimited by a blank cell, use
the spinner to specify the number of rows per record as displayed in the

rows per record option.

<label id="Spt_btnSubscriptNumbers">
This utility can subscript the numbers in chemical notations.
such as H2O2 to H₂O₂
<label id="Spt_btnChangeCase">
This utility can quickly change the case of text into Sentence Case, Proper Case,
Lower Case, UPPER CASE and tOGGLE cASE.

1. Specify a range that you want to change case.

2. Specify the Change Type.

3. Click OK or Apply to change case.

<label id="Spt_btnTextTools">
With this tool you can manipulate text in selected cells without using formulas.
You can:

1. Change the case of the text;

2. Add new characters to the text;

3. Remove characters from the text;

4. Remove spaces from the text;

5. Remove characters of a particular type from the text.

1. Select the operation from the "Operation" list.

2. Configure the relative settings, and click "OK".

Note: Text Tools works only with non-empty cells and no-formula cells. You can
select entire rows or columns, but Text Tools cannot add text to empty cells or
formula cells.
<label id="Spt_btnAddText">
With this utility, you can quickly add specified text before first character, after
last character or at specified position of text string in a cell.

1. Specify a range that you want to add text.

2. Please specify the text that you want to add in Text box, and specify the
position to start add text.

3. If you want to skip the non-text cell, please check the Skip non-text cells

4. Click OK or Apply to add text.

<label id="Spt_btnRemoveByPosition">
This utility will remove the characters from specific position. Such as, you can
remove 5 characters from beginning at the 2nd character of the text string in a
cell. Chiiiiiaracters will become Characters.

1. Specify a range that you want to remove characters.

2. Please specify in the Number box (how many characters will be removed) and
Specify box (remove characters from this character).

3. If you want to skip the non-text cell, please check the Skip non-text cells

4. Click OK or Apply.
<label id="Spt_btnRemoveSpaces">
With this utility, you can easily remove the leading spaces, trailing spaces, all
excess spaces and so on.

1. Specify a range that you want to remove spaces.

2. Specify the Remove Type.

3. Click OK or Apply to remove spaces.

<label id="Spt_btnDeleteCharacters">
This utility can quickly remove Non-printing characters, Non-alpha characters, Non-
numeric characters, Alpha characters, Numeric and Non-alphanumeric characters.

1. Specify a range that you want to remove characters.

2. Please specify character.

3. Click OK or Apply.
<label id="Spt_btnCombineColumnsorRows">
With this tool you can combine data in multiple columns (or multiple rows) into a
single cell.
For example, you can combine the data in columns A-D, and put it all into column A.
You have three options to handle the data that has been combined. You can Keep it,
delete it, or create merged cells. As an option, you can specify one or more
characters to insert between the combined data (for example, new line or insert a

1. Select combine operation "Combine columns" or "Combine rows".

2. Select the range from "Columns to be combined" or "Rows to be combined".

3. Select the option for handling the data that has been combined.

4. Specify the data separator, and click "OK".

Note: to combine columns, you should select at least 2 columns. To combine rows,
you should select at least 2 rows.
<label id="Spt_btnMathWithoutFormulas">
With this tool you can quickly perform common math operations in cells, such as
addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, etc. For example, you can easily
use this tool to increase a column of prices of various products by 2 percent.

1. Select the range from "Range to modify".

2. Select operation from "Operation" list, and specify the relative settings.

3. Click "OK".
<label id="Spt_btnKutoolsCalculator">
With this calculator you can carry out more than 10 types of mathematical
operation. You can easily retrieve a value from a selected cell for calculating,
and paste the calculating result into a specific cell. You can also use the
keyboards to handle the calculator for operation.

1. To retrieve a value from a selected cell, selected the cell and click "Get".

2. Use the keyboards or mouse to handle the calculator for operation.

3. Click "Paste" to insert the calculating result into a specific cell.
<label id="Spt_btnCurrencyConversion">
With this utility, you can quickly convert currency among more than 50 world
currencies in your Excel by using the latest exchange rates from the reliable
internet website.
You can easily convert a single value or volume values from a range cells, and get
the latest exchange rates at any time by updating from the reliable website
(requires internet connection).

Important: Please click "Get latest rates" to get latest exchange rates from the
reliable internet website before you process any convert operations further.

1. Select a range.

2. Select the currency to be converted in the left box, and select the currency to
be converted to in the right box.

3. Click "Ok" or "Apply".

Note: if you check "Add results as comment", it will keep the data in the selection
and insert the converted results as comment to the range.
<label id="Spt_btnNumberSystemsConversion">
Function description:

This function can be used to convert between different number systems, such as to
convert between Binary and Demical and so on. You can also use this function to
convert between number systems and ASCII Characters.

How-to operate:

1. Please select the range you want to apply this function first.

2. Please choose the cocnversion type.

3. Please click "OK" or "Apply" button to run.

<label id="Spt_btnUnitConversion">
With this tool you can quickly convert measurements from one unit to another in
your Excel. It supports the following measurements: Angle, Bits bytes, Distance,
Energy, Force, Source, Volume, Mass, Liquid, Time and Temperature.

1. Select the unit you want to convert from the drop down box.

2. Select the unit to be converted in the left box, select the unit to be converted
in the right box.

3. Click "OK" to insert the converted results.

Note: if you check "Add Results As Comment", it will keep the data in the selection
and insert the converted results as comment.
<label id="Spt_btnSelectMaxMin">
This tool does not only select the minimum or maximum value in a selected range of
cells but also goes to the exact position of the minimum or maximum value. In
Excel, you can use the MIN and MAX function to select the minimum or maximum value,
but it cannot go to the exact position of minimum or maximum value.

1. Select the range from "Range".

2. Select Minimum value or Maximum value from "Go to".

Note: if you want to select all cells with minimum or maximum value, please select
"All cells". If you want to select the first matching cell, please select "First
cell only".

3. Specify the cell types (Either values cells, formula cells or values cells and
formula cells) from the "Look in" box, and click "OK".
<label id="Spt_btnSelectCellsWithErrorValue">
This tool selects all cells with formula that produces an error value, such as
#DIV/0!, #N/A and so on.
Note: please select a range before applying this tool.
<label id="Spt_btnSelectSpecificCells">
This tool selects cells or entire row from a specified range that meet certain
criteria. Once selected, you can apply other operations (such as, formatting or
delete) to the cells or entire row.
<label id="Spt_btnSelectFormat">
This tool selects cells with the same formatting from a range cells according to
the formatting of the base cell or the base cell attributes. Normally you can use
this tool to determine how many cells with the same formatting of the base cells.
Once selected, you can change the font size or color of the selected cells.

1. Select the base cells from the "Base cells" box as the standard formatting to
select cells, or you can directly specify the cell attributes for selecting cells.
2. Select range from "Range", and click "OK".
<label id="Spt_btnSelectDuplicate">
Selecting unique or duplicate values from a range / column, if you want to select
unique or duplicate values from a column, you just need to specify the column to
select from. And you can also select the entire rows of the unique or duplicate
values with &quot;Select entire rows&quot; option.
<label id="Spt_btnDelBlankRowsInSelRange">
With this tool you can quickly delete blank rows in selected range, selected
worksheets, active worksheets and all worksheets. Normally it's quite difficult to
delete all blank rows in a workbook with too many worksheets in Excel, but with
this tool you can get it done with one click.
<label id="Spt_btnDelBlankRowsInSelRangeI">
Quickly delete blank rows in selected range.
<label id="Spt_btnDelBlankRowsInActSheet">
Quickly delete blank rows in active worksheet.
<label id="Spt_btnDelBlankRowsInSelSheets">
Quickly delete blank rows in selected worksheets.
<label id="Spt_btnDelBlankRowsInAllSheets">
Quickly delete blank rows in all worksheets.
<label id="Spt_btnDelHyperLinksInSelRange">
With this tool you can quickly converts hyperlinks in cells to plain text. You can
delete the hyperlink in: selected Range; active worksheet; selected worksheets and
all worksheets.
<label id="Spt_btnDelHyperLinksInSelRangeI">
Quickly delete hyperlinks in selected range.
<label id="Spt_btnDelHyperLinksInActSheet">
Quickly delete hyperlinks in active worksheet.
<label id="Spt_btnDelHyperLinksInSelSheets">
Quickly delete hyperlinks in selected worksheets.
<label id="Spt_btnDelHyperLinksInAllSheets">
Quickly delete hyperlinks in all worksheets.
<label id="Spt_btnDeleteTools">
1. Delete Charts
2. Delete Lines
3. Delete Pictures
4. Delete Auto shapes
5. Delete Smart Arts
6. Delete Text Boxes
7. Delete Embedded OLE Objects
8. Delete Linked OLE Objects
<label id="Spt_btnSupperSubscript">
With this tool you can easily format text as superscript or subscript in a cell.
You can also apply the Bold and Italic attributes and the case (upper or lower) for
alphabet characters. It's a perfect tool for you to work with mathematical or
chemical formulas in Excel.

1. Select the cell you want to apply Superscript or Subscript Formatting.

2. Select the character, and then apply the Superscript, Normal or Subscript
setting option.
Note: you can quickly navigate between pages of characters by using the Arrow
button, if the cell contains too many characters.

3. Click "OK" to apply the setting.

<label id="Spt_btnAlternateRowShading">
With this utility you can quickly apply shading to alternate rows or columns for a
range cells in a worksheet from using the Conditional Formatting and standard
formatting to improve the readability of your worksheet in Excel, and you don't
need to know to use the Conditional Formatting and standard formatting.

1. Select range from "Range".

2. Select the operation from "Operation" (each operation with a detailed


3. Select the Shade color, and then click "OK".

<label id="Spt_btnDatePicker">
With this tool you can randomly insert a formatted date into a cell, or make a fast
change on the formatting of an existing date. You can easily insert the date with
the formatting, the date only or the formatting only with this tool.

1. Select the date from the left calendar.

2. Select the date format from "Date format" drop down box (including a lot of date

Note: "Date" button will insert the date only; "Date&Formatting" button will
insert the date and the date format.
<label id="Spt_btnApplyDateFormatting">
Select a date formatting from the date formatting list, and apply the date
formatting to a specified range of date.
<label id="Spt_muFunctions">
The built-in functions of Kutools will help you easily and quickly handle various
operations which cannot be done with the Excel built-in functions.

NOTE: If you have a workbook which has included the built-in functions of Kutools
and you have transferred the workbook to a computer which has not installed the
Kutools for Excel, the functions in the workbook will be invalid.
<label id="Spt_KTEFunctionWizard">
Edit the formula in the current cell by choosing functions and editing then
arguments from Kutools library.
<label id="Spt_btnFormulaHelper">
Using the built-in Excel functions to create some frequently-used formulas which
can save you time when you need to apply the formula, and you don’t need to
remember how to create the formula.
<label id="Spt_mnuFormulaHelper">
Using the built-in Excel functions to create some frequently-used formulas which
can save you time when you need to apply the formula, and you don’t need to
remember how to create the formula.
<label id="Spt_btnFormulaAges">
This formula will return the age of the date. Arguments:

[Date] is the birthday for calculating the age

<label id="Spt_btnFormulaVLookUp">
This formula will look for a value from one table array based on specific searching
criteria. Arguments:

[Table_array] is the range to look for a value from

[Look_value] is the value to be looked from the table array
[Column] is the column which will be returned the Look_value
Note: the Look_value must be in the first column of the Table_array
<label id="Spt_btnFormulaGetAbs">
This formula will sum the absolute value of number. Arguments:

[Number] is the range or number for summing the absolute value from
<label id="Spt_btnFormulaWordTimes">
This formula will count the number of specific word from a text. Arguments:

[Text] is the range (Doesn't support multiple ranges) or text for counting the
number of specific word from
[Word] is the word to be counted the number
<label id="Spt_btnFormulaSumNubers">
This formula will sum all numbers in a cell. Arguments:

[Cell] is the cell to sum all numbers from (this cell can only have one cell
<label id="Spt_btnFormulaFindNthOccurrence">
This formula will locate the position of a character in nth occurrence in a string.

[String] is the string or cells for finding.

[Character] is the character to look for
[Nth occurrence] refers to the nth occurrence of the character in the string.
<label id="Spt_btnFormulaCountWords">
This formula will count the number of words in range. Arguments:

[Range] is the range for counting words.

<label id="Spt_btnFormulaCountWeekends">
This formula will count Weekends between two dates. Arguments:

[Start Date] is to count the Weekends from this date.

[End Date] is to count the Weekends before this date.
<label id="Spt_btnFormulaCountWeekdays">
This formula will count Weekdays between two dates. Arguments:

[Start Date] is to count the Weekdays from this date.

[End Date] is to count the Weekdays before this date.
<label id="Spt_btnFormulaCountDayofWeek">
This formula will count the number of specific weekday between two dates.

[Start Date] is to count the number of specific weekday from this date.
[End Date] is the end date for counting the number of specific weekday.
[Weekday] is the weekday which you want to count, please only type in integral
number 1 to 7.
Note: 1 indicates Sunday, the 7 represents Saturday.
<label id="Spt_btnFormulaMostCommonCalue">
This formula will find most common value in the range. Arguments:

[Range] is the range to find most common value from(only one column).
<label id="Spt_btnFormulaYears">
This formula will add specific number of years to date or time. Arguments:

[DateTime] is the date or time to be added specific number of years

[Number] is the number of years to be added
<label id="Spt_btnFormulaMonths">
This formula will add specific number of months to date or time. Arguments:

[DateTime] is the date or time to be added specific number of months

[Number] is the number of months to be added
<label id="Spt_btnFormulaDays">
This formula will add specific number of days to date or time. Arguments:

[DateTime] is the date or time to be added specific number of days

[Number] is the number of days to be added
<label id="Spt_btnFormulaHours">
This formula will add specific number of hours to date or time. Arguments:

[DateTime] is the date or time to be added specific number of hours

[Number] is the number of hours to be added
<label id="Spt_btnFormulaMinutes">
This formula will add specific number of minutes to date or time. Arguments:

[DateTime] is the date or time to be added specific number of minutes

[Number] is the number of minutes to be added
<label id="Spt_btnFormulaSeconds">
This formula will add specific number of seconds to date or time. Arguments:

[DateTime] is the date or time to be added specific number of seconds

[Number] is the number of seconds to be added
<label id="Spt_btnFormulaWeeks">
This formula will add specific number of weeks to date or time. Arguments:

[DateTime] is the date or time to be added specific number of weeks

[Number] is the number of weeks to be added

<label id="Spt_btnExactFormulaCopy">
With this utility you can easily copy all the formulas without adjusting the
relative cell references. Normally Excel will adjust the cell references if you
copy your formulas to another location. Then if you want to process this operation
in your Excel without using this tool, you have to lock all references with $.

1. Select the range from "Copy from".

2. Select a cell or range from "Copy to".

Note: if you select a cell, then this cell will be the starting cell for pasting
your formulas.

3. If you want to copy the formatting of the cells, please select "Copy formatting"
option, and click "OK".
<label id="Spt_btnConvertFormulaReferences">
This utility will convert the notation of references to cells in the formulas in
your selected range.

You can:
1. Convert formulas to absolute referencing ($F$5)

2. Convert formulas to relative referencing (F5)

3. Convert formulas to relative rows and absolute columns ($F5)

4. Convert formulas to absolute rows and relative columns (F$5)

For example: [=F5*(G12/100)] becomes [=$F5*($G12/100)]

1. Select a range that you want to convert.

2. Click "OK" or "Apply" to convert.

<label id="Spt_btnReplaceRangeNames">
This utility augments Excel with a feature for replacing a name reference in the
selected formulas with the corresponding reference. For the cells contain formulas,
this is a quite handy feature for you to continue using name references without
affecting the selected formulas.

1. There are three bases for you to select: select the range from "Range"; select
worksheets from "Worksheet"; select names from "Name".
2. Click "Replace". In the end, it will display a message box to tell you how many
formulas have been modified and how many formulas are without changing.

Note: you can click "Select all" to replace all the range names.

<label id="Spt_btnShowHideRangeName">
Quickly show / hide all the names of the current workbook
<label id="Spt_btnErrorConditionWizard">
With this utility you can easy to display a custom message for formulas that
produce errors. This means that instead of e.g. #VALUE!. You can have your own
error message displayed.

1. Select the range that contains the formulas you want to modify.

2. Choose the error type.

3. Specify the error messages you want to display, and click "Finish".
<label id="Spt_btnFillSheetRef">
Quickly create a link or reference to a cell in another worksheet.
<label id="Spt_btnDependentAndPrecedent">
Real-time trace the precedents and dependents of selected range
<label id="Spt_btnPrecedent">
Real-time trace the precedents of selected range。
<label id="Spt_btnDependent">
Real-time trace the dependents of selected range
<label id="Spt_btnSplitWorkbooks">
With this tool you can easily split active workbook into individual Excel file (one
file contains one worksheet), and each Excel file carries the name of the
worksheet. You can set to skip all the blank and hidden worksheets.

1. Select the worksheet you want to split from the "Worksheet name" list.

2. Specify the option to skip hidden or blank worksheets, and click "OK".
<label id="Spt_btnOpenFolder">
With this tool you can quickly open the folder which the active workbook stays in.
<label id="Spt_btnCopyFolder">
With this tool you can quickly copy the full path of the active workbook, and then
you can paste the full path of the active workbook to the place you want to use it.
<label id="Spt_btnTackSnap">
With this utility, you can temporally backup the workbook at any time and recovery
your workbook to any backup versions with one click.]]>
<label id="Spt_btnOpenFilesNextTime">
With this utility you can easily configure which open workbooks to be opened
automatically next time while you launch the Excel. If you need to open the same
multiple workbooks every time in your Excel, this tool can really save your time.

1. Select the workbooks you want to auto open Under "Workbook name" list.

2. Click "OK", and the selected workbooks will be opened automatically while you
launch the Excel.

Note: If you want to auto open the workbooks next time, the workbooks must be
saved and opened in Excel.
<label id="Spt_btnSynchronizeSheets">
With this utility you can quickly toggle all the worksheets of the active workbook
pointing on the same row number (each worksheet has the same range selection and
upper left cell as the active sheet).
<label id="Spt_btnSortSheets">
With this tool you can quickly rearrange all sheets, charts, Microsoft Excel 4.0
macro sheets, and dialog sheets in active workbook. It supports with one click to
alphanumerically sort sheets.

1. Specify the order of the sheets, and click "OK".

Note: The order of the sheets listed in the dialog box provides a preview of how
the sheets will be sorted. The sheets are not actually sorted until you click "OK".
<label id="Spt_btnBatchRenameSheets">
With this utility you can quickly rename multiple worksheets of the active workbook
at one time. You can choose to rename multiple worksheets by using the worksheet
names from a range cells.

1. Select the worksheets from "Worksheets" list.
2. Select the worksheet name from the input box or range.

3. Select the option under "Rename", and click "OK".

Note: If the worksheet name contains one or more invalid characters, either to
input the worksheet name from input box or range, this tool will fail to process
the rename operation.
<label id="Spt_btnCreateContentsSheet">
With this tool you can quickly create a list of all worksheet names of the active
workbook in a new worksheet, which contains hyperlinks or macro buttons for quickly
navigation to other worksheets.

1. Choose the style, input the name in the "Specify sheet name for Sheet Index" and
select the location in "Insert the Sheet Index in".

2. Specify the numbers of column in "Displaying Sheet Index into" for the
hyperlinks or buttons, and click "OK" to add a content sheet to your workbook.

Note: If you choose the Create buttons and macros option, please make sure the
security settings of your Excel allows you to use macros, or you will receive a
macro warning.
<label id="Spt_btnBatchNewOrCopySheets">
With this utility you can quickly make multiple copies of speciifc worksheets.

1. Select the sheets you want to copy in the box under "Copy the selected

2. Specify how many copies to be inserted from "The number of copies".

3. Select the locations of the copies from "Insert copy worksheets", and click

Note: After clicking "Ok", a box will be displayed to tell you how many copies to
be inserted.

<label id="Spt_btnCustomizeWorkbook">
With this utility you can quickly easily create a new workbook with customized
worksheet names structure or to create series of worksheet with specific worksheet
names in the current workbook. You can easily specify the worksheet name by using:
month names, day names, numerical sequence, a series, custom list and date in a
range. For example, For example, you can quickly create a new workbook with
worksheet names: Company-1, Company-2, Country-1 and Country-2, etc.

1. Decide to create sequence worksheets in a new workbook or the current workbook.

2. Specify the worksheet names.

3. Click "OK" to create series of worksheets with t customized worksheet names.
<label id="Spt_btnPerpetualCalendar">
With this utility you can quickly create a new workbook to lay out a specified
month calendar (or 12 months), each worksheet contains one calendar month in the
new workbook.

Entering the number of months and click "Create" to create a new workbook to lay
out a specified month calendar.
<label id="Spt_btnDelBlankSheets">
With this utility you can quickly delete all the blank worksheets (included hidden
blank worksheets) from the active workbook.
<label id="Spt_btnDelHideSheets">
With this utility you can quickly delete all the hidden Sheets from the active
<label id="Spt_btnDelInactiveSheets">
With this utility you can quickly delete all the inactive Sheets from the active
<label id="Spt_btnExportRangetoFile">
With this utility you can easily export a range of date to a file, either an Excel
workbook, a PDF, a CSV, Unicode text, a simple HTML or all formatting HTML.

1. Select the range from "Range to export".

2. Select the file format.

3. Click "OK" and specify a name and the location for the file, and then click
<label id="Spt_btnExportRangeasGraphic">
With this utility you can quickly convert a range (and the graphic objects
displayed in the range) of the active worksheet to an image in Gif, JPEG, TIF or
PNG format.

1. Select range from "Range to export".

2. Select graphic format (Gif, Jpeg, Tif or PNG).

3. Click "Specify Filename", and specify a name and the location for the graphic,
and then click "Save".
<label id="Spt_btnInsertFileatCursor">
With this utility you can insert complete content of worksheet, text file into
current cursor position of active worksheet. For example, with this tool you can
easily insert multiple worksheets -with the same data structure- from different
workbooks into a single worksheet.

1. Select the insert position from "Beginning at this cell".

2. Click "Browse" button to select the file you want to insert, and click "OK".

Note: if you choose to insert an Excel file, and this file contains multiple
worksheets, you will be required to specify the data from which worksheet you want
to insert.
<label id="Spt_btnFilenameList">
Windows does not provide a way to print a list of the filenames contained in a
directory. With this tool you can easily create a new workbook containing a list of
the filenames from a specified directory, you can choose to include the
subdirectory and create hyperlinks to the filenames.

1. Select the directory you want to generate a list from "Directory".

2. Click "OK".

Note: if you want to include the subdirectory, please select "Include files in
subdirectories" option. If you also want to create hyperlinks to the filenames,
please select "Create hyperlinks" option.
<label id="Spt_btnBatchPrintingWizard">
With this utility you can quickly print multiple workbooks and text files from a
specified directory or across multiple directories. You can specify the type of
files to be printed from a directory or multiple directories. You can choose to
generate a summary report, if any errors occurred while printing, you will have it
in the report.

1. Specify the location of files for printing.

2. Choose the directory, and specify the type of file to be printed.

3. Specify the content of the files to be printed.

4. Specify other options, and Click "OK".

Note: If a workbook to be printed contains automatic macros, please specify the

Disable Auto macros option in Step 4.
<label id="Spt_btnPrintMultipleSelectionWizard">
With this tool you can quickly printing multiple non-contiguous ranges without a
page break between ranges. Normally, when you print a multiple selections, Excel
inserts a page break between each range in your selection. You can also rearrange
the order of selections to be printed.

1. Select the first range (or a multiple selection of ranges) to be printed, and
then launch this tool. This step is optional.

Note: hold down "Ctrl" key to select multiple ranges.

2. Click "+" button to add more selection, and use the "UP" and "DOWN" arrow to
rearrange the order of selections, and then click "Next".

3. Specify the printing setting, and click "Next".

4. Specify the operation after you click "Finish", and click "Finish".
<label id="Spt_btnCopyPageSetup">
With this utility you can quickly copy the page setup setting from active worksheet
to the other worksheets in the same workbook. Page setup settings include items
such as headers, footers, margins, page orientation, and so on.

1. Activate the worksheet or chart sheet that contains the page setup setting.

2. Select the worksheets and page setup to be copied to, and click "OK".

Note: you can specify to include pictures in headers / footers.

<label id="Spt_btnRemoveAllMacros">
With this utility you can quickly remove any of the following macros from your
workbook: VBA modules, UserForms, Excel 5/95 dialog worksheets, or Excel 4 XLM
macro worksheets.

1. Activate the workbook you want to remove macros.

2. After launching the tool, you will have a list of all macros has been contained
in the active workbook.

3. Select the macro item to remove, and click "OK".

<label id="Spt_btnCommentTools">
This tool does not only allow you to change the appearance of all comments easily,
but also embodies other enhanced Excel comment management features for you to list
all comments in a new workbook or worksheet, find and replace the text in comments
and add or remove user name from comments.

1. Activate a worksheet that contains at least one cell comment.
2. You can change the appearance of all comments, and list all comments in a
workbook or worksheet in View/list tab; to format the comments in format tab; to
find and replace text in comments in find/replace tab; to add or remove

user names in user name tab.

<label id="Spt_btnRegister">
If you have purchased a license, you can register the software here, or you can
click on the "Purchase" button to purchase license from our website.
<label id="Spt_btnAbout">
Displays detailed information about Kutools for Excel, such as version, license
information and so on.
<label id="Spt_btnDisplayedToActual">
Convert the displayed values to their actual values in cells with only one click.
<label id="Spt_btnRangeHelper">
There are many operations for selections in Microsoft Excel with keyboard
shortcuts. However, it's impossible to deselect a range from selections. When you
spend a lot of time selecting ranges, and find out unneeded range within them
suddenly, it's painful to reselect the ranges again. With this utility, you can
deselect the unneeded part from selections quickly.

1. Select one of three selection options.
2. Go on to select ranges involving in selection operation. If the new operated
selections don't meet your need, you can press the Reset button back to the
selection made in last step, or press the Reset All button to restore the

selection before applying this utility.

3. If current selection meets your need, close this utility.

<label id="Spt_btnCopyMultipleRanges">
When you select multiple (nonadjacent) ranges and apply Copy command, it shows an
error hint: That Command cannot be used on multiple selections. That's you can only
copy single range every time. But with this utility, you can copy multiple ranges

1. Select multiple ranges that you will copy in Excel with holding on the Ctrl key.
2. Open this utility, and specify a destination cell in the Paste to (single cell)
3. Select Paste Special option based on your needs. This utility provides you with
most options of Excel's Paste Special command.
4. Click OK.
<label id="Spt_btnAdjustRowCol">
This utility helps you to specify the row height and column width in pounds,
centimeters, inches or pixels. It can apply to a range or the whole worksheet.
1. Select the ranges that you want to adjust cell size.
2. Select one of unit type, such as Pound, Centimeter, and Pixels.
3. Set the values of Row height and Column width, and click OK.
<label id="Spt_btnReplaceCharacters">
If there are a lot of accented characters in a workbook, such as ấ, č, ẽ, you may
think of Find and Replace command to replace these special characters. Sooner you
will find out it quite hard to do it, because you have to copy and paste
repeatedly. With this utility, you can replace the accented characters quickly and
1. Select the range that the accented characters stay in.
2. Check the replace rules, and add or delete replace rules based on your needs.
3. If you want to recover original rules, you can click the Reset button.
4. Click OK, and it will replace the accented characters as soon as possible.
<label id="Spt_btnCompareRanges">
We may need to compare two tables or several columns, and mark the different
information between them. It is very complex to apply the Conditional Formatting.
But with this utility, you can find out the different data at once.
1. Select both a Range A and Range B by holding down the Ctrl key. If you only want
to find out the Duplicate or unique values from the same range A, please check the
Compare in same range option.
2. Please check the My data has headers option if the range includes headers.
3. There are two choices of selection type for you: cells and Entire row.
4. Click OK.
The Compared ranges, which must contain same number of columns. If your date
includes headers, both ranges must contains the same headers.
<label id="Spt_btnCompareCells">
Function Description:
This function is used to compare same size of two ranges for identifying whether
each cell of the two ranges has the same / different values.

How to operate:
1. To select both ranges (must have same size).
2. Looking for same values or different values.
3. Deal with the results of the comparison.
4. Click "OK" button.
<label id="Spt_btnFlipHorizontalCells">
Flip all cells in the selection horizontally with one click.
<label id="Spt_btnFlipVerticalCells">
Flip all cells in the selection vertically with one click.
For example, if you have selected a column, containing the number 1, 2 and 3, this
utility will reverse the order to 3, 2, and 1.
<label id="Spt_btnConvertingCrossTab">
This utility will transpose two-dimension table (a range) with row headings and
column headings into one-dimension table or vice versa.
1. Select the range that you will work with.
2. Specify one of two transpose types.
3. Click OK.
Note: the one-dimension table must contains three columns, the first column will be
converted as the row headings of the two-dimension table, the second column will be
converted as the column headings of the two-dimension table, and the third column
will be converted as the data of two-dimension table.
<label id="Spt_btnCreateFolder">
This utility easily creates a lot of folders in a certain specified folder, based
on the contents in selected cells.
1. Select the range containing the contents you want to use.
2. Specify a location to create folders.
3. Click OK.
<label id="Spt_btnFillBlankRange">
This utility can quickly fill the blank cells as follows:
 Fill the blank cells with above cell data, below cell data, left cell data or
right cell data.
 Fill the blank cells with linear values.
 Fill the blank cells with fixed value.
1. Select the blank cells that you will fill.
2. Specify the fill types and other settings.
3. Click OK.
<label id="Spt_btnInsertBlackRowsCols">
This utility allows you to quickly insert specific number of blank rows or columns
at a specified interval.
1. Select the range that you will insert blank row or column in.
2. Choose one of Insert types, and specify the options.
3. Click "OK".
<label id="Spt_btnSelectIntervalRowsCols">
This utility allows you to quickly select specific number of rows or columns at a
specified interval.
1. Select the Range that you will select interval column or row from.
2. Specify the select type and other settings.
3. Click OK.
<label id="Spt_btnDeleteRowsCols">
This utility can help you delete blank, unhidden or hidden rows and columns in
Excel. Normally you have to unhide the hidden rows and columns then select row or
columns before deleting them, if you want to delete all hidden rows or columns in
the workbook. With this utility, you can solve this problem easily.
1. Specify the range in which you will delete rows or columns.
2. Click "OK".
<label id="Spt_btnReverseText">
This utility can quickly reverse the text string order in cells. For example, it
can convert "Excel" to "leceE" in a cell and convert the "123456" to "654321".
What's more, users can specify the separators, for example, if you specify the
separator of "/", this utility can flip the "Word/Excel/Access" to
1. Select the range that you will work with.
2. Specify the separators.
3. Click "OK".
<label id="Spt_btnBatchConversion">
Quickly convert excel files from xls to xlsx or vice versa. It can also convert
excel files into PDF.

<label id="Spt_btnInsertWorkbook">
Quickly insert workbook name or saving path, current worksheet name in header,
footer, or specific cells.
1. Specify the data source and load position.
2. Click "OK".
<label id="Spt_btnConvertSpelling">
This utility can spell out numbers into English and Chinese words in Excel. For
example, it can spell out the "12.75" to "Twelve Dollars and Seventy five Cents".
1. Select a range that you want to spell out the numbers.
2. Specify the languages.
3. Click "OK" or "Apply".
<label id="Spt_btnSplitData">
This utility can split data in a range into multiple worksheets, and it also can
split data based on specific columns or fixed rows.
1. Select the range that you will split.
2. Specify the Split basis.
3. Specify the new worksheets names, also you can add the prefix or suffix text.
4. Click "OK".
<label id="Spt_btnCopyFormatting">
To copy formatting from one place and apply it to another, you may use Format
Painter. But the Format Painter will copy all formatting of the cell and apply it
to another. This utility can help you copy some specific formatting of cell and
apply it to another.
1. Specify the Paste Range and Copy cell.
2. Please select the formatting of cell, such as Cell Style, Cell Alignment, Cell
Font, etc.
3. Click "OK".
<label id="Spt_btnExportChart">
Normally if you want to export a chart from Excel, you may need to copy this chart
and paste it on a drawing tool, and then save it as an image file. With this
utility, you can export a lot of graphics as images quickly.
1. Select the graphic types, such as charts, pictures or shapes.
2. Select the graphics you want to export.
3. Specify the save directory.
4. Click "OK".
<label id="Spt_btnFindLink">
This utility can quickly find out all broken file links and all well linked cells
in the active worksheet. A file link is basically a cell formula which involves the
value of another cell located in another file. With this utility, you can break the
broken file links by replacing it with an appropriate value.
1. Specify the filter to display the links, such as All broken links, all OK links.
2. Select a link that you will break it.
3. Click "Break link".
<label id="Spt_btnConvertHyperlinks">
This utility can convert between cell contents and hyperlink addresses. When you
want to fill multiple cells with hyperlink addressed extracted from linked cells in
selection, or add hyperlinks for multiple cells with extracted hyperlink addresses,
this utility can help you easily deal with it.
1. Check one Convert type.
2. Specify the Input range and Result range. If you want to convert original data,
please check the Convert source range option.
3. Click OK.
<label id="Spt_btnSelectMergedCell">
Select all merged cells in a range with one click. Please just select a range and
click "Select Merged Cells", then all merged cells in this range will be selected.
<label id="Spt_btnMergeSameCell">
Merge vertically adjacent cells that contain the same value with one click. Please
just select a range, and click "Merge Same Cells", then all vertically adjacent
cells with same value will be merged into one cell.
<label id="Spt_btnUnMergeSameCell">
This utility will unmerge the merged cells in a range with one click, and fill each
unmerged cell with content of merged cell.
<label id="Spt_btnFlipHorizontalCellsFormat">
Reverse/ flip the order of selected range (data) horizontally by one click
<label id="Spt_btnFlipVerticalCellsFormat">
Reverse/ flip the order of selected range (data) vertically by one click
<label id="Spt_btnSortRandomize">
With this utility you can quckly achieve these operations:

1. To randomly sort all cells in the selection

2. To randomly select specific number of cells in a selection

<label id="Spt_btnPasteVisibleRange">
In Excel, it will paste to those filtered or hidden cells when pasting data to a
filtered or hidden range., and that's not acceptable when you just need to paste to
visible cells only. This utility can quickly paste the data to the vilsible cells
only in a filtered (hidden) range
<label id="Spt_btnConvertFormulaToText">
Quickly convert calculated result to exactly value of the cell in one click, for
example: the calculated result "7" will be converted to "=2+5" ( the displayed
value on the screen)
<label id="Spt_btnConvertTextToFormula">
Quickly convert the exactly value of the cell to formula result in one click, for
example: the exactly value "=2+5" is converted to"7" ( the displayed value on the
<label id="Spt_btnConvertRoman">
This utility can achieve the conversion between Arabic numerals and Roman numerals
in selected cells. For example, "4" will be converted to "IV", "VII" will be
converted to "7"
<label id="Spt_btnSelectLastCellByLastOne">
In Excel, pressing Ctrl + End can locate in the last used cell of the worksheet,
but this utility can select the last cell with data in one click
<label id="Spt_btnSelectCellsWithNonLocked">
Select all unlocked cells in the selection with one click, which can help you
quickly find the editable cells in a protected worksheet
<label id="Spt_btnBatchInsertCheckBox">
Batch insert check boxes to each cell of the selected range with one click, at the
meanwhile, it will convert the cell contents to the contents of check boxes.
<label id="Spt_btnBatchInsertOptionButton">
Batch insert option buttons to each cell of the selected range with one click, and
it will convert the cell contents to the contents of option bottons at the same
<label id="Spt_btnInsertWatermark">
Function description:

Use this feature to insert phantasm images or text as the watermarks behind the
page content.

This is often used to indicate the file which requires special treatment, such as
"confidential" or "sample".

How to operate:

1. Open the worksheet that you want to insert watermark.

2. Click the Insert watermark, select the type to insert and set up.

3. Click the "OK" button.

<label id="Spt_btnDeleteWatermark">
Function description:

One click to delete all watermarks from the worksheet.

<label id="Spt_btnInsertAutoText">
Quickly collect and insert pictures, formulas, tables, ranges and so on
<label id="Spt_btnBatchDeleteCheckBox">
Delete all check boxes in a selection with one click
<label id="Spt_btnBatchDeleteOptionButton">
Delete all option buttons in a selection with one click
<label id="Spt_btnExtractText">
This utility can extract the contents which match some rules from a selection to a
specified range, and the rules can be made by yourself, such as "Kutools*Excel",
<label id="Spt_btnExtractMail">
Extract the E-mail address from a selection of cells to a specific range. For
example: "$%] 4^1" will be extracted as
<label id="Spt_btnSplitName">
This utility will split the data from one cell into several cells by seperators.
For instance, "Barack Hussei Obama" will be split into "Barack", "Hussein", "Obama"
<label id="Spt_btnCreateCommentList">
This utility can generate a relevant information about all comments
<label id="Spt_btnFormatComment">
This utility can apply all formattings to other comments based on a specific
comment format
<label id="Spt_btnFindReplaceCommentText">
This utility can find and replace text in all comments
<label id="Spt_btnRemoveAddComment">
This utility can add or remove the user name of all comments at once
<label id="Spt_btnConvertComment">
This utility can convert between comment and cell contents
<label id="Spt_btnFreezePanesWorksheet">
In Excel, freeze panes can be applied in one worksheet at a time, but with this
utility, you can freeze across multiple worksheets at once
<label id="Spt_btnUnfreezePanesWorksheet">
In Excel, unfreeze panes can be applied in one worksheet at a time, but with this
utility, you can unfreeze acrosss multiple worksheets at once
<label id="Spt_btnImportPictrue1">
With this utility, you can import multiple pictures to a selection at one time, and
you can specify the importing picture order, picture size, picture format and so on
to acheieve various opertaions of improting pictures
<label id="Spt_btnImportPictrue2">
This utility has an advanced function of matching effect , which can import the
pictures based on one column or row cell contents one by one
<label id="Spt_btnAdvancedSort">
Relative to Excel's Sort function, this utility offers more sorting criteria, such
as sort by text length, month, absolute value and so on
<label id="Spt_btnInsertTitlesRows">
Sometime we may need to add a title for each row, such as Salary bill. This utility
can quickly insert titles for rows.
1. Specify the range you will add title for each row, and the title ranges.
2. Enter the Interval Rows.
3. Click OK.
<label id="Spt_btnDuplicateEntries">
Please select a range first, and then apply this function to prevent duplicate data
from being entered into a range. It’s the same function as using the Excel’s Data
Validation to setup validation criteria for preventing duplicate data from being
entered into a range. We have just simplified the complicated Data Validation
settings into One-click function to enhance your working efficiency.

NOTE: If you have selected only one cell, it will prevent duplicate data from being
entered into the column of the cell.
<label id="Spt_btnLimitInput">
Using data validation to define restrictions on what data can or cannot be entered
in a cell. It will warm the user when they try to type in invalid data.

You can define restrictions to control only one char or multiple chars.
<label id="Spt_btnBatchProtect">
With this utility, you can quickly protect multiple worksheets with the same

1. Only the unprotected worksheets will be listed in the dialog box, please select
the worksheets that you want to protect and click "OK".
2. Enter a password to protect worksheets, and you can set other options for how
you would like the worksheets to be protected.
3. Click "OK".
<label id="Spt_btnBatchUnProtect">
If there are multiple worksheets have been protected by using a password, this
utility can quickly unprotect multiple worksheets with the password.

1: Only the protected worksheets will be listed in the dialog box, please select
the worksheet you want to unprotect and click OK.

2: Enter the password to unprotect the worksheets.

<label id="Spt_btnBackgroundColor">
This utility will calculate the cells based on cell background color in the range
and generate a report with information, such as how many cells that have the same
background color, the sum value of same background color cells, the average value
of same background color cell, the max value of same background color and the min
value of same background color cell.

1: Select the range that you want to count.

2: The calculation results will be displayed according to color. If you want to

create a detailed report in a new worksheet, please click "Generate report".
<label id="Spt_btnImportPictrue">
This utility can help you import multiple pictures from the same directory in
worksheet. You can specify the arrangement rule and height for all pictures.

1. Select a cell where to start import pictures.

2. Specify the directory to import pictures. You can also specify how many pictures
you want to import in each row and configure height of pictures.

3. Click "OK".
<label id="Spt_btnPrintCurrentPage">
This utility allows you to quickly print the printed page which active cell locates
in with one click.
<label id="Spt_btnDataPageOperation">
Sometimes when we print the salary sheet and sales revenue report in Excel, we may
want to print additional information (such as Sum, Max value) on each printed page.
With this utility, you can insert two new rows at the end of each printed page. The
first row contains operation titles, and the second row contains relative data.

1. Select the columns that you want to count, and specify the operation you need.

2. Click "OK".
<label id="Spt_btnPrintColumns">
With this utility, you can quickly print columns in multiple segments to fit on one
printed page in Excel. Let's say you have 200 names in a column, and want to print
them in columns of 50 on one printed page. With this utility, you can quickly get
it done, and it will save much ink and paper.

1. Select both Data range and Titles range.

2. Specify the row number and column number on per page.

3. Click "OK", and it will generate a new worksheet which display data in columns.

The titles of each column will be added before every column.
<label id="Spt_btnCommentShape">
With this utility, you can quickly change the shape of all comments in Excel. It
has a lot of shapes.

1. Select the comment that you want to change the shapes.

2. Select a shape that you want to use. If you want to apply the shape to all
comments, please click "Apply All".
<label id="Spt_btnSettingCenter">
It provides the following functions:

1. Disable or enable the add-in

2. Clear configurations and caches

3. Set the language of software

4. Check the user's registration information

<label id="Spt_btnClearAllCellFormat">
Normally Excel does not support a tool to clear various types of cell format at
once, but with this utility you can easily clear all cell formats from a range with
one click.
<label id="Spt_btnDeleteWebControl">
This utility can help you delete all of the web controls with one click.
<label id="Spt_btnLinkedData">

With this utility, after the two worksheets have been linked, when you select the
data in one worksheet, the linked worksheet will filter and display the relative
data automatically.

1. Specify the workbook and worksheet that you want to link.

2. Select the two columns that need to be linked.

3. Click "Link", and select the information that you need in the left workbook.
<label id="Spt_tgbSuperFilter">
This utility supports quickly filtering the whole worksheet by combining multiple
conditions. You can add, delete or disable the conditions easily.

All of the conditions and condition groups can be closed and disabled by clicking
Close button or unchecking the check box.
<label id="Spt_btnDateFormatConverter">
This utility will convert the text format cells and various date formatting into
your local date and time formatting.

1. Select the range that you want to convert the date format.

2. Click "Convert to Date".

3. In the Date Format convert dialog box, if you click on a record, it will locate
the related cell in the worksheet. If you want to recover specific successfully
converted cell, please select the related cell and click "Recover" button.

<label id="Spt_mnuTimeConvert">
Convert [HH:MM:SS] formatting time or text to decimal hours, minutes or seconds
<label id="Spt_btnTimeToHours">
Convert [HH:MM:SS] formatting time or text to decimal hours
<label id="Spt_btnTimeToMinutes">
Convert [HH:MM:SS] formatting time or text to decimal minutes
<label id="Spt_btnTimeToSeconds">
Convert [HH:MM:SS] formatting time or text to decimal seconds
<label id="Spt_btnTimeConvert">
Convert [HH:MM:SS] formatting time or text to decimal hours, minutes or seconds
<label id="Spt_btnCellEncode">
With this utility, you can quickly encrypt the data in the selected cells. (the
formula cells can not be encrypted).

1. Select the range that you want to encrypt.

2. Click "Encrypt Cells".

3. Input the password. (The password can be letters, numbers and special

<label id="Spt_btnCellDecode">
This utility will decrypt the encrypted cells which have been encrypted with
Encrypt Cells of Kutools for Excel.
<label id="Spt_tgbShowColumn">
<![CDATA[With this utility you can quickly toggle all hidden columns
visibility with one click.
One click will show all hidden columns in the used range, click again will set all
hidden columns to be invisible.]]>
<label id="Spt_tgbShowSheet">
<![CDATA[Quickly toggle all hidden worksheets visibility in current workbook.
One click will toggle all hidden worksheets to be visible, click again will toggle
all hidden worksheets to be invisible in current workbook.
<label id="Spt_btnConsolidataWorkSheets">
<![CDATA[To combine data of multiple workbooks or worksheets, you can:

1. Combine multiple worksheets from workbooks into one workbook

2. Combine multiple worksheets from workbooks into one worksheet

3. Combine all same name worksheets into one worksheet

4. Consolidate and calculate values across multiple workbooks into one worksheet]]>
<label id="Spt_mnuKTERuler">
<![CDATA[It is inevitable that lines or columns will be misread when we check
for formulas or data in a worksheet with a large number of rows and columns.
Reading Layout will highlight the line and column of current cell. That will make
it easier to check for data or enter data.]]>
<label id="Spt_btnEnableKTERuler">
<![CDATA[To toggle the Reading Layout utility ON or OFF.]]>
<label id="Spt_btnKTERulerSetting">
<![CDATA[You can configure settings of the Reading Layout in here.]]>
<label id="Spt_btnDesignClose">
<![CDATA[Close the worksheet design.]]>
<label id="Spt_tgbShowDesign">
<![CDATA[Show the worksheet design tools tab.]]>
<label id="Spt_btnLockSelection">
<![CDATA[Click to lock the selection..]]>
<label id="Spt_btnUnlockSelection">
<![CDATA[Click to unlock the selection.]]>
<label id="Spt_btnHideSelection">
<![CDATA[Click to hide formulas in the selection.]]>
<label id="Spt_btnUnhideSelection">
<![CDATA[Click to Show formulas in the selection.]]>
<label id="Spt_btnShowZero">
<![CDATA[Show a zero in cells that have zero value.]]>
<label id="Spt_btnShowFormulas">
<![CDATA[Show formulas in cells instead of their calculated results.]]>
<label id="Spt_btnHighlightLockedRange">
<![CDATA[Highlight the unlocked cells.]]>
<label id="Spt_btnHighlightHideSelection">
<![CDATA[Highlight the formula hidden cells.]]>
<label id="Spt_btnHighlightFormulaRange">
<![CDATA[Highlight the cells has the formula.]]>
<label id="Spt_btnHighlightNamesRange">
<![CDATA[Highlight the names range.]]>
<label id="Spt_btnShowHeaders">
<![CDATA[Show row and colum headers.]]>
<label id="Spt_btnDesignSettings">
<![CDATA[Set settings of design tools.]]>
<label id="Spt_btnGetHelp">
<![CDATA[Get help from our website]]>
<label id="Spt_btnSelectCellsWithNonBlank">
<![CDATA[Quickly select all nonblank cells.]]>
<label id="Spt_btnListCombinations">
<![CDATA[This utility will create combinations of numbers and text values,
for example, it will use "123", "-", "abc" to create combinations "1-a", "1-b", "1-
<label id="Spt_btnPrintFirstPage">
<![CDATA[It will print the first page of each worksheet one by one.]]>
<label id="Spt_btnReversePrint">
<![CDATA[It will print the worksheet in backward order.]]>
<label id="Spt_btnAddBorderToEachPage">
<![CDATA[Adding border to each page of the worksheet.]]>
<label id="Spt_btnInsertPageBreak">
<![CDATA[It will insert page break after specific number of rows in current
<label id="Spt_SplitCellss">
<![CDATA[This utility will split the cell content into multiple cells based
on specific separator.]]>
<label id="Spt_btnAutoFitCommentInActSheet">
<![CDATA[Resize all comment boxes to fit their content in current
<label id="Spt_btnResetCommentInActSheet">
<![CDATA[Reset all comments back to default position in active worksheet.]]>
<label id="Spt_btnConvertNumberToOrdinal">
<![CDATA[Quickly convert all selected numbers into sequence number.]]>
<label id="Spt_btnFindMissingSequence">
<![CDATA[This utility will find the missing data of the sequence number in a
range, and to make a mark of the missing data in the sequence number or insert the
missing data into the sequence number.]]>
<!--Part 2 End-->
<!--Part 3-->
<!--Txt Begin-->
<!--Naviation Pane-->
<label id="Txt_NPaneBookAndSheet" value="Workbook &amp;&amp; Sheet"/>
<label id="Txt_NPaneAutoText" value="AutoText"/>
<label id="Txt_NPaneNames" value="Name manager"/>
<label id="Txt_NPaneColumns" value="Column list"/>
<label id="Txt_NPaneFindReplace" value="Find and Replace"/>
<label id="Txt_NPaneClose" value="Close"/>
<!--Navigation Options-->
<label id="Txt_NPaneOptionCaption" value="Navigation Options"/>
<label id="Txt_NPaneOptionSetOption" value="Please configure following settings"/>
<label id="Txt_NPaneOptionShowHideSheetsInlist" value="Show hidden sheet(s) in the
sheets list"/>
<label id="Txt_NPaneOptionShowSheetsCountInlist" value="Show the count of sheet(s)
in the sheets list"/>
<label id="Txt_NPaneOptionViewInPane" value="Show preview in AutoText list"/>
<label id="Txt_NPaneOptionFlatView" value="Show floating preview of AutoText
<label id="Txt_NPaneOptionShowNameEditInPane" value="Display name editor in name
<label id="Txt_NPaneOptionShowHideName" value="Show hidden name(s) in name
<label id="Txt_NPaneOptionHotkeyCF" value="Pressing Ctrl + F apply the Find and
Replace of Kutools"/>
<label id="Txt_NPaneOptionHotkeyCSF" value="Use Win + W to call the Find and
Replace of Kutools"/>
<label id="Txt_NPaneOptionOK" value="&amp;OK"/>
<label id="Txt_NPaneOptionCancel" value="&amp;Cancel"/>
<label id="Txt_AutoTextPaneAddToAutoText" value="New AutoText"/>
<label id="Txt_AutoTextPaneBackup" value="Export AutoText"/>
<label id="Txt_AutoTextPaneImport" value="Import AutoText"/>
<label id="Txt_AutoTextPaneManager" value="AutoText Manager"/>
<label id="Txt_AutoTextPaneOptions" value="AutoText Options"/>
<label id="Txt_AutoTextPaneRenameCategoryHint" value="Rename current AutoText
<label id="Txt_AutoTextPaneMenuInsert" value="Insert"/>
<label id="Txt_AutoTextPaneMenuInsertAs" value="Insert as"/>
<label id="Txt_AutoTextPaneMenuInsertAsText" value="Text"/>
<label id="Txt_AutoTextPaneMenuInsertAsBmp" value="Bitmap"/>
<label id="Txt_AutoTextPaneMenuInsertAsEmf" value="Picture (EMF) "/>
<label id="Txt_AutoTextPaneMenuInsertAsPng" value="Picture (PNG)"/>
<label id="Txt_AutoTextPaneMenuInsertAsJpeg" value="Picture (JPEG)"/>
<label id="Txt_AutoTextPaneMenuInsertAsGif" value="Picture (GIF)"/>
<label id="Txt_AutoTextPaneMenuRename" value="Rename"/>
<label id="Txt_AutoTextPaneMenuDelete" value="Delete"/>
<label id="Txt_AutoTextPaneInsertErr" value="Fail to insert the AutoText entry,
please try it later."/>
<label id="Txt_AutoTextMsgCateGoryDelete" value="Deleted group cannot be restored,
do you want to delete it?"/>
<label id="Txt_AutoTextMsgCateGoryDeleteErr" value="Fail to delete the group,
please try it later."/>
<label id="Txt_AutoTextMsgCateGoryName" value="Group name:"/>
<label id="Txt_AutoTextMsgCateGoryNameEmpty" value="You must type in a group
<label id="Txt_AutoTextMsgCateGoryNameExsit" value="A group with this name already
exists, please type in another."/>
<label id="Txt_AutoTextMsgCateGoryNameCanNotCreate" value="Fail to create group,
please try it again."/>
<label id="Txt_AutoTextMsgNameEmpty" value="You must type in the AutoText name."/>
<label id="Txt_AutoTextMsgCateGoryEmpty" value="You must specify or create a group
for new AutoText."/>
<label id="Txt_AutoTextMsgAddErr" value="Fail to create AutoText, please try it
<label id="Txt_AutoTextMsgAddNameTooLong" value="The name cannot contain more than
31 characters"/>
<label id="Txt_AutoTextMsgNameErr" value="The name cannot include following
<label id="Txt_AutoTextMsgInputName" value="Please type in new name"/>
<label id="Txt_AutoTextMsgRenameErr" value="Fail to rename group, please try it
<label id="Txt_AutoTextMsgInputCategoryName" value="Please type in group name"/>
<label id="Txt_AutoTextMsgSameName" value="The new name is the same as old one,
please change it!"/>
<label id="Txt_AutoTextMsgNameExsit" value="This name already exists, do you want
to replace it?"/>
<label id="Txt_AutoTextMsgCanNotAdd" value="The selected content cannot be added
into AutoText."/>
<!--New AutoText-->
<label id="Txt_AddAutoTextCaption" value="New AutoText"/>
<label id="Txt_AddAutoTextAddAs" value="Add one AutoText"/>
<label id="Txt_AddAutoTextAddTip" value="To create AutoText from selection, then
you can easily reuse the same content in the future."/>
<label id="Txt_AddAutoTextName" value="Name:"/>
<label id="Txt_AddAutoTextCreateIn" value="Group:"/>
<label id="Txt_AddAutoTextNewGroup" value="New group"/>
<label id="Txt_AddAutoTextAdd" value="&amp;Add"/>
<label id="Txt_AddAutoTextCancel" value="&amp;Cancel"/>
<!--Export / import AutoText-->
<label id="Txt_AutoTextBackup" value="Export AutoText"/>
<label id="Txt_AutoTextImport" value="Import AutoText"/>
<label id="Txt_AutoTextBackupFileName" value="Save to:"/>
<label id="Txt_AutoTextImportFileName" value="Import from:"/>
<label id="Txt_AutoTextMsgFileEmpty" value="You must type in file name."/>
<label id="Txt_AutoTextMsgFileExsit" value="The file already exists. Do you want to
replace it?"/>
<label id="Txt_AutoTextMsgFileMiss" value="The file does not exist, please specify
another one."/>
<label id="Txt_AutoTextMsgAutoTextEmpty" value="No AutoText entry in AutoText, we
cannot export it."/>
<label id="Txt_AutoTextMsgImportCategoryEmpty" value="You must select at least one
<label id="Txt_AutoTextMsgImportCheckGroup" value="Please select the group:"/>
<label id="Txt_AutoTextMsgBackUpErr" value="Fail to export AutoText!"/>
<label id="Txt_AutoTextMsgBackUpSuccess" value="Successfully export AutoText!"/>
<label id="Txt_AutoTextMsgFileCover" value="Imported AutoText will overwrite
existing AutoText entries. Do you want to continue?"/>
<label id="Txt_AutoTextMsgImportErr" value="Fail to import AutoText!"/>
<label id="Txt_AutoTextMsgImportSuccess" value="Succefully import AutoText!"/>
<label id="Txt_AutoTextMsgImportReplace" value="Delete the old AutoText"/>
<label id="Txt_AutoTextMsgImportFileEmpty" value="No AutoText in this file, we
cannot import it."/>
<!--workbook worksheet-->
<label id="Txt_BooksAndSheetsPaneRefresh" value="Refresh"/>
<label id="Txt_BooksAndSheetsAZSort" value="Press this button will sort workbooks
into ascending order and press again to recover the default sorting."/>
<label id="Txt_BooksAndSheetsZASort" value="Press this button will sort workbooks
into descending order and press again to recover the default sorting."/>
<label id="Txt_BooksAndSheetsPaneShowHiddenSheetsInlist" value="Show hidden
sheet(s) in worksheet list"/>
<label id="Txt_BooksAndSheetsPaneCycleSheets" value="Switch between last and
current sheet(Win + A)"/>
<label id="Txt_BooksAndSheetsPaneCanNotHide" value="A workbook must contain at
least one visible worksheet. To hide, delete, or move the selected sheet(s), you
must first insert a new sheet or unhide a sheet that is already hidden."/>
<label id="Txt_BooksAndSheetsSwitcherHint" value="Toggle to unhide / hide all
hidden worksheet(s)."/>
<label id="Txt_mnuWorkbookTools" value="A collection of utilities for workbook"/>
<label id="Txt_mnuWorksheetTools" value="A collection of utilities for sheet"/>
<label id="Txt_BooksAndSheetsShteetsCount" value="Sheets"/>
<label id="Txt_BooksAndSheetsShteetsVisibleCount" value="Visible"/>
<label id="Txt_BooksAndSheetsShteetsHiddenCount" value="Hidden"/>
<!--Name manager-->
<label id="Txt_NamesHeaderName" value="Name"/>
<label id="Txt_NamesHeaderScope" value="Scope"/>
<label id="Txt_NamesScopeCaption" value="Workbook"/>
<label id="Txt_NamesSelectRange" value="Select range:"/>
<label id="Txt_NamesNewHint" value="New name"/>
<label id="Txt_NamesEditHint" value="Edit name"/>
<label id="Txt_NamesDeleteHint" value="Delete name"/>
<label id="Txt_NamesEditSaveHint" value="OK"/>
<label id="Txt_NamesEditCancelHint" value="Cancel"/>
<label id="Txt_NamesFromSeletionHint" value="Create names from selection"/>
<label id="Txt_NamesManagerHint" value="Name Manager"/>
<label id="Txt_NamesNewDisbled" value="New name is disabled now"/>
<label id="Txt_NamesEditDisbled" value="Edit name is disabled now"/>
<label id="Txt_NamesManagerDisbled" value="Name manager is disabled now"/>
<label id="Txt_NamesFromSelectionDisbled" value="Create names from selection is
disabled now"/>
<label id="Txt_NamesDeleteErr" value="Fail to delete name, please try it later."/>
<label id="Txt_NamesDeleteUnselete" value="Please select a name first."/>
<label id="Txt_NamesDeleteUnexsit" value="This name does not exist or already
<label id="Txt_NamesEditErr" value="The name that you entered is not valid. Reasons
for this can include:&#xA; -The name does not begin with a letter or an
underscore &#xA; The name contains a space or other invalid characters; &#xA;
The name conflicts with an Excel built-in name or the name of another object in the
<label id="Txt_NamesEditEditName" value="Edit Name"/>
<label id="Txt_NamesEditName" value="Name:"/>
<label id="Txt_NamesEditScope" value="Scope:"/>
<label id="Txt_NamesEditComment" value="Comment:"/>
<label id="Txt_NamesEditRefersTo" value="Refers To:"/>
<label id="Txt_ColumnsHeaderColumn" value="Column"/>
<label id="Txt_ColumnsHeaderTitle" value="Title"/>
<label id="Txt_ColumnsSwitcherHint" value="Toggle to unhide / hide all hidden
<label id="Txt_ColumnsHelpHint" value="Help"/>
<!--Find and Replace-->
<label id="Txt_FindExpand" value="Show/hide more options"/>
<label id="Txt_FindFloat" value="Float to the workspace"/>
<label id="Txt_FindToPane" value="Embed to the navigation pane"/>
<label id="Txt_FindFind" value="Find"/>
<label id="Txt_FindReplace" value="Replace"/>
<label id="Txt_FindFindWhat" value="Find what:"/>
<label id="Txt_FindReplaceWith" value="Replace with:"/>
<label id="Txt_FindSelection" value="Selection:"/>
<label id="Txt_FindWithin" value="Within:"/>
<label id="Txt_FindSearch" value="Search:"/>
<label id="Txt_FindLookin" value="Look in:"/>
<label id="Txt_FindWithinSelectedSheets" value="Selected Sheets"/>
<label id="Txt_FindWithinAllBooks" value="All workbooks"/>
<label id="Txt_FindWithinAllSheets" value="Active workbook"/>
<label id="Txt_FindWithinSheet" value="Active sheet"/>
<label id="Txt_FindWithinSelection" value="Selection"/>
<label id="Txt_FindSearchByRows" value="By Rows"/>
<label id="Txt_FindSearchByColumns" value="By Columns"/>
<label id="Txt_FindLookinFormulas" value="Formulas"/>
<label id="Txt_FindLookinValues" value="Values"/>
<label id="Txt_FindLookinComments" value="Comments"/>
<label id="Txt_FindLookinHyperlinks" value="Hyperlinks"/>
<label id="Txt_FindMatchCase" value="Match Case"/>
<label id="Txt_FindMatchCell" value="Match entire Cell"/>
<label id="Txt_FindWorkbooks" value="Workbooks"/>
<label id="Txt_FindAll" value="All"/>
<label id="Txt_FindResultBook" value="Book"/>
<label id="Txt_FindResultSheet" value="Sheet"/>
<label id="Txt_FindResultName" value="Name"/>
<label id="Txt_FindResultCell" value="Cell"/>
<label id="Txt_FindResultValue" value="Value"/>
<label id="Txt_FindResultFormula" value="Formula"/>
<label id="Txt_FindBtnReplace" value="Replace"/>
<label id="Txt_FindBtnReplaceAll" value="Replace All"/>
<label id="Txt_FindBtnFindAll" value="Find All"/>
<label id="Txt_FindResults" value="# cell(s) found"/>
<label id="Txt_FindResultsThan" value="Too more cells found, only show 1000000
<label id="Txt_FindProcess" value="Processing, please wait ..."/>
<label id="Txt_FindReady" value="Ready"/>
<label id="Txt_FindNull" value="Microsoft Excel cannot find a match."/>
<label id="Txt_FindCellErr" value="Excel cannot complete the replacing operation,
please check whether there is a PivotTable report and so on."/>
<label id="Txt_FindHasOther" value="Some parts of the data may not be replaced due
to there is a PivotTable report and so on."/>
<label id="Txt_ButtonInterrupt" value="Interrupt"/>
<label id="Txt_FindReplaceErr" value="That protected sheets: # cannot use this
command. To use this command, you must unprotect the sheets."/>
<label id="Txt_FindSheetProtect" value="You cannot use this command on a protected
sheet. To use this command, you must unprotect the sheets. You may be prompted for
a password."/>
<label id="Txt_FindRplaceCannotUse" value="You cannot use this command, Please
Check: 1. Excel has no active window; 2. Type of the sheet is not worksheet; The
worksheet is editing."/>
<label id="Txt_FindHotkeyCF" value="Kutools for Excel includes the Advanced Find
and Replace feature which can help you quickly find and replace data across
specific worksheets or multiple workbooks. Would you like to apply the Advanced
Find and Replace feature of Kutools for Excel when pressing Ctrl + F shortcuts?"/>
<label id="Txt_FindHotkeyCFHint" value="Tip: you can configure this option in the
Navigation Options."/>
<label id="Txt_FindDefaultWithin" value="The default search scope:"/>
<!--Design Tools-->
<label id="Txt_DesignLockTip" value="The cells have been locked, but the locked
cells will not affect until you protect the worksheet."/>
<label id="Txt_DesignTypeErr" value="Please select a range of cells first."/>
<label id="Txt_DesignUnlockTip" value="The cells have been unlocked"/>
<label id="Txt_DesignHideTip" value="The formulas in cells have been hidden, the
hidden formulas will not affect until you protect the worksheet."/>
<label id="Txt_DesignUnhideTip" value="The formulas in cells have been unhidden"/>
<label id="Txt_DesignFirstTip" value="You apply Design Tools first time, do you
want to configure the settings for coming usage?"/>
<label id="Txt_DesignSettins" value="Design Tools Settings"/>
<label id="Txt_DesignProtect" value="Protect"/>
<label id="Txt_DesignProtectTip" value="Please configure the protect options:"/>
<label id="Txt_DesignAutoProtect" value="Protect the worksheet before closing
design tools(If it turns out to be protected)"/>
<label id="Txt_DesignAutoUnprotect" value="Unprotect the worksheet before opening
design tools"/>
<label id="Txt_DesignPassword" value="Use Password:"/>
<label id="Txt_DesignColor" value="Color"/>
<label id="Txt_DesignColorTip" value="Please select the color to highlight
<label id="Txt_DesignPasswordErr" value="Because the password you supplied is not
correct, the current worksheet cannot be unprotected."/>
<label id="Txt_DesignLockedColor" value="Unlocked Range Color:"/>
<label id="Txt_DesignFormulasColor" value="Formulas Color:"/>
<label id="Txt_DesignHiddenFormulasColor" value="Formulas Hidden Range Color:"/>
<label id="Txt_DesignNamesColor" value="Names Color:"/>
<label id="Spt_btnDesignErr">
<![CDATA[Can not do this, Please Check:

1. Excel has no active window.

2. Type of the sheet is not worksheet .
3. The worksheet is protected.
4. The worksheet is editing.]]>
<!--EMET Dispose Tip-->
<label id="Txt_DisposeNeedAdjust" value="Your computer has installed the Microsoft
EMET. We will adjust some settings of EMET to make sure Kutools for Excel works
normally. Click OK to continue."/>
<label id="Txt_DisposeAdjustSucess" value="The adjustment is successful, please
restart the Excel"/>
<label id="Txt_DisposeAdjustFailed" value="The adjustment is failed. Please run
Settings Center(Admin) with an Administrator account."/>
<label id="Txt_DisposeNeedRestart" value="Please restart the Excel."/>
<!--Compatibility Tip-->
<label id="Txt_frmCompatibilityUncompatibility" value="You are using a new version
of Excel which has not been tested with this version of Kutools for Excel so that
it may cause vital incompatible errors and others. We strongly recommend you to
upgrade to the latest version of Kutools for Excel or install the compatible Excel
version to work with this version of Kutools for Excel."/>
<label id="Txt_frmCompatibilityDisbleTip" value="Don't prompt me today"/>
<!--Insert Functions-->
<label id="Txt_InsertKTEFunction" value="Insert Function from Kutools"/>
<label id="Txt_FunctionCategory" value="Function category:"/>
<label id="Txt_SelectFunction" value="Select the function:"/>
<label id="Txt_Help" value="Help on this function"/>
<label id="Itm_RecentlyUsedFunctions" value="Recently Used"/>
<label id="Itm_All" value="All"/>
<label id="Itm_DateTime" value="Date &amp;&amp; Time"/>
<label id="Itm_LookupReference" value="Lookup &amp;&amp; Reference"/>
<label id="Itm_StatisticalMath" value="Statistical &amp;&amp; Math"/>
<label id="Itm_Information" value="Information"/>
<label id="Itm_Text" value="Text"/>
<!--Navigation Pane-->
<label id="Txt_ExcelPaneTitle" value="Navigation Pane"/>
<label id="Txt_TspTpgColumns" value="Columns"/>
<label id="Txt_TspTpgNames" value="Names"/>
<label id="Txt_TspTpgSheets" value="Sheets"/>
<label id="Txt_NavigationWorksheets" value="Worksheets"/>
<label id="Txt_NavigationWorkbooks" value="Workbooks"/>
<label id="Txt_NavigationColumn" value="Column"/>
<label id="Txt_NavigationTitle" value="Title"/>
<label id="Txt_TspTsbRefresh" value="Refresh Excel Explorer"/>
<label id="Txt_TspTsbInceaseFont" value="Increase Font size"/>
<label id="Txt_TspTsbDeceaseFont" value="Decrease Font size"/>
<label id="Txt_ColumnSwitchHint" value="Click to unhide all hidden columns. Click
again will hide all hidden columns."/>
<label id="Txt_SheetSwitchHint" value="Click to unhide all hidden worksheets. Click
again will hide all hidden worksheets."/>
<label id="Txt_CycleSheetHint" value="Switch between last and current sheet(Win +
<!--Work Area Size-->
<lable id="Txt_FrmMaxWorkspaceTip" value="Work Area Size"/>
<lable id="Txt_FrmMaxWorkspaceTip1" value="Minimize ribbon"/>
<lable id="Txt_FrmMaxWorkspaceTip2" value="Hide status bar"/>
<lable id="Txt_FrmMaxWorkspaceTip3" value="Hide formula bar"/>
<lable id="Txt_FrmMaxWorkspaceTip4" value="Hide ribbon"/>
<lable id="Txt_FrmRestoreWorkspaceTip" value="Close workspace tools and restore to
the &#xA;original workspace state before Maximization"/>
<!--Toggle Settings-->
<label id="Txt_FrmToggleSettings" value="View Options"/>
<label id="Txt_ToggleSettingsGrpShow" value="Show"/>
<label id="Txt_ToggleSettingsGrpComments" value="Comments"/>
<label id="Txt_ToggleSettingsGrpObjects" value="Objects"/>
<label id="Txt_ToggleSettingsGrpWindows" value="Window options"/>
<label id="Txt_ToggleSettingsApplytoAllSheets" value="Apply to all sheets"/>
<label id="Txt_ButtonRestoreDefaults" value="Restore defaults"/>
<label id="Txt_ToggleSettingsSelectionPane" value="Selection Pane"/>
<label id="Txt_ToggleSettingsWindows" value="Windows in Taskbar"/>
<label id="Txt_ToggleSettingsClipboard" value="Clipboard"/>
<label id="Txt_ToggleSettingsInnerTabs" value="Inner Tabs"/>
<label id="Txt_ToggleSettingsFormulaBar" value="Formula Bar"/>
<label id="Txt_ToggleSettingsStatusBar" value="Status Bar"/>
<label id="Txt_ToggleSettingsZeroValues" value="Zero values"/>
<label id="Txt_ToggleSettingsFormulaView" value="Formulas"/>
<label id="Txt_ToggleSettingsPageBreaks" value="Page breaks"/>
<label id="Txt_ToggleSettingsHearders" value="Rows &amp;&amp; column headers"/>
<label id="Txt_ToggleSettingsHorizontal" value="Horizontal scroll bar"/>
<label id="Txt_ToggleSettingsSheetTabs" value="Sheet tabs"/>
<label id="Txt_ToggleSettingsVertical" value="Vertical scroll bar"/>
<label id="Txt_ToggleSettingsGridLines" value="Gridlines"/>
<label id="Txt_ToggleSettingsOutlinesymbols" value="Outline symbols"/>
<label id="Txt_ToggleSettingsObjectsListItem0" value="Show all"/>
<label id="Txt_ToggleSettingsObjectsListItem1" value="Show place holders"/>
<label id="Txt_ToggleSettingsObjectsListItem2" value="Hide all"/>
<label id="Itm_ToggleSettingsCommentsListItem0" value="None"/>
<label id="Itm_ToggleSettingsCommentsListItem1" value="Comment indicator only"/>
<label id="Itm_ToggleSettingsCommentsListItem2" value="Comment &amp;&amp;
<!--Set Scroll Area-->
<label id="Txt_UndoSetScrollArea" value="Set Scroll Area"/>
<label id="Txt_AgreeJustSelectOneCell" value="Do you really want to set a scroll
area of only one cell?"/>
<label id="Txt_HintCannotSetScrollArea" value="Encountering an error, please make
sure the worksheet is not protected and the worksheet does not contain any charts,
graphic objects and comments."/>
<label id="Txt_HintSheetContainScrollArea" value="Cannot hide rows and
columns.&#xA;&#xA;The worksheet's ScrollArea property has been set using a VBA
<!--Interactive Hide / Unhide-->
<label id="Txt_FrmInteractiveVisiblity" value="Hide/Unhide Workbooks and Sheets"/>
<label id="Txt_InteractiveVisiblityWindows" value="Workbook windows"/>
<label id="Txt_InteractiveVisiblitySheets" value="Sheets"/>
<label id="Txt_InteractiveVisiblityViewWorkbook" value="View workbook"/>
<label id="Txt_ButtonHideAllButThis" value="Hide all but"/>
<label id="Txt_ButtonHideAll" value="Hide all"/>
<label id="Txt_ButtonUnhideAll" value="Unhide all"/>
<label id="Itm_Dgv_SheetListItem0" value="Visible"/>
<label id="Itm_Dgv_SheetListItem1" value="Hidden"/>
<label id="Itm_Dgv_SheetListItem2" value="VeryHidden"/>
<label id="Txt_HintJustOneSheetCanSee" value="Cannot hide {0} because it's the only
visible sheet in the workbook."/>
<!--Hide Unselected Sheets-->
<label id="Txt_UndoHideInactivateSheets" value="Hide Unselected Sheets"/>
<!--Hide Inactive Windows-->
<label id="Txt_UndoHideInactivateWindows" value="Hide inactivate windows"/>
<!--Unhide All Ranges-->
<label id="Txt_UndoUnhideAllRanges" value="Unhide All Ranges"/>
<!--Unhide All Sheets-->
<label id="Txt_UndoUnhideAllWorkSheets" value="Unhide All Sheets"/>
<!--Unhide All Windows-->
<label id="Txt_UndoUnhideAllWindows" value="Unhide All Windows"/>
<!--Range Randomize Utilities-->
<label id="Txt_RangeRandomizeForm" value="Insert Random Data"/>
<label id="Txt_UndoRangeRandomize" value=" Insert Random Data"/>
<label id="Txt_RangeRandomizeUniqueValue" value="Unique values"/>
<label id="Txt_RangeRandomizeWeekend" value="Weekend"/>
<label id="Txt_RangeRandomizeWorkday" value="Workday"/>
<label id="Txt_RangeRandomizeCustomHint" value="e.g. ?????@??.com"/>
<label id="Txt_RangeRandomizeSpceial" value="!@#$%^&amp;*..."/>
<label id="Txt_RangeRandomizeCustom" value="Custom:"/>
<label id="Txt_RangeRandomizeCustomHint" value="e.g: ????@??.com"/>
<label id="Txt_RangeRandomizeHex" value="Hexadecimal"/>
<label id="Txt_RangeRandomizeSpace" value="Space"/>
<label id="Txt_RangeRandomizeStringsLength" value="String length:"/>
<label id="Txt_RangeRandomizeMask" value="By mask:"/>
<label id="Txt_HintRandomizeAtLeastOne" value="Please specify at least one option
among Weekday and Weekend."/>
<label id="Txt_HintRandomizeNotFindDate" value="There is no suitable date in your
date range."/>
<label id="Itm_RangeRandomizeListItem0" value="Integer"/>
<label id="Itm_RangeRandomizeListItem1" value="Date"/>
<label id="Itm_RangeRandomizeListItem2" value="Time"/>
<label id="Itm_RangeRandomizeListItem3" value="String"/>
<label id="Itm_RangeRandomizeListItem4" value="Custom list"/>
<!--Sort Randomize Utilities-->
<label id="Txt_UndoSortRandomize" value="Sort Range Randomly"/>
<label id="Txt_SortRandomize" value="Sort Range Randomly"/>
<label id="Txt_SortRandomizeSortType" value="Sort Type"/>
<label id="Txt_SortRandomizeAllCells" value="All cells in the range"/>
<label id="Txt_SortRandomizeEntireColumns" value="Entire columns"/>
<label id="Txt_SortRandomizeEntireRows" value="Entire rows"/>
<label id="Txt_SortRandomizeEachColumn" value="Cells in each column"/>
<label id="Txt_SortRandomizeEachRow" value="Cells in each row"/>
<label id="Txt_SortRandomizeShuffle" value="Rearrange the selected cells in random
<label id="Txt_SortRandomizeSelectCount" value="No. of cells to select:"/>
<label id="Txt_SortRandomizeSelectType" value="Select Type"/>
<label id="Txt_SortRandomizeSelectCell" value="Select random cells"/>
<label id="Txt_SortRandomizeSelctColumns" value="Select random columns"/>
<label id="Txt_SortRandomizeSelectRows" value="Select random rows"/>
<label id="Txt_SortRandomizeSelect" value="Select cell(s) at random"/>
<label id="Itm_SortRandomizeListItem0" value="Sort"/>
<label id="Itm_SortRandomizeListItem1" value="Select"/>
<label id="Txt_HintRandomValueExceedsTheNumberCell" value="There are too few cells
in your range."/>
<label id="Txt_HintRandomValueExceedsTheNumberRow" value="There are too few rows in
your range. "/>
<label id="Txt_HintRandomValueExceedsTheNumberCol" value=" There are too few
columns in your range."/>
<label id="Txt_HintRandomValueCellsCountErr" value="Please specify the number of
cells to be randomly selected."/>
<!--Insert Sequence Number-->
<label id="Txt_UndoInsertSequenceNumber" value="Insert Sequence Number"/>
<label id="Txt_FrmInsertSequenceNumber" value="Insert Sequence Number"/>
<label id="Txt_SequenceDefault" value="Sequence {0}"/>
<label id="Txt_ButtonDotNew" value="New..."/>
<label id="Txt_ButtonFillRange" value="Fill Range"/>
<label id="Txt_CreateNewSequenceName" value="Name:"/>
<label id="Txt_CreateNewSequenceStart" value="Start number:"/>
<label id="Txt_CreateNewSequenceEnd" value="End number:"/>
<label id="Txt_CreateNewSequenceInc" value="Increment:"/>
<label id="Txt_CreateNewSequenceCount" value="No. of digits:"/>
<label id="Txt_CreateNewSequencePre" value="Prefix (optional):"/>
<label id="Txt_CreateNewSequenceSuf" value="Suffix (optional):"/>
<label id="Txt_AgreeAddTheSameSequenceName" value="Name '{0}' already
exitsts.&#xA;Do you want to replace it?"/>
<label id="Itm_DgvSequenceNumberItem0" value="Name"/>
<label id="Itm_DgvSequenceNumberItem1" value="Start number"/>
<label id="Itm_DgvSequenceNumberItem2" value="Increment"/>
<label id="Itm_DgvSequenceNumberItem3" value="Previous"/>
<label id="Itm_DgvSequenceNumberItem4" value="Next"/>
<label id="Txt_HintSequenceNeverUsed" value="(never)"/>
<label id="Txt_HintSequenceEndError" value="The end number must be greater than
start number."/>
<!--Change Sign of Values-->
<label id="Txt_UndoFixNegative" value="Fix trailing negative signs"/>
<label id="Txt_ChangeSignForm" value="Change Sign of Values"/>
<label id="Txt_UndoChangeToPositive" value="Change all negative values to
<label id="Txt_UndoChangeToNegative" value="Change all positive values to
<label id="Txt_UndoChangeToZero" value="Change all negative value to zero"/>
<label id="Txt_UndoReverseAllSign" value="Reverse the sign of all values"/>
<label id="Txt_ChangeSignRange" value="Range:"/>
<label id="Txt_ChangeSignOperation" value="Operation"/>
<label id="Txt_ChangeSignFixNegative" value="Fix trailing negative signs"/>
<label id="Txt_ChangeSignChangeToPositive" value="Change all negative values to
<label id="Txt_ChangeSignChangeToNegative" value="Change all positive values to
<label id="Txt_ChangeSignReverseAll" value="Reverse the sign of all values"/>
<label id="Txt_ChangeSignChangeToZero" value="Change all negative value to zero"/>
<!--Convert between Text and Number-->
<label id="Txt_UndoForceValues" value="Convert between Text and Number"/>
<label id="Txt_ForceValuesForm" value="Convert between Text and Number"/>
<label id="Txt_ForceValuesFormTTN" value="Text to number"/>
<label id="Txt_ForceValuesFormNTT" value="Number to text"/>
<label id="Txt_ForceValuesConvert" value="Convert type"/>
<!--Swap Ranges-->
<label id="Txt_UndoSwapRanges" value="Swap Ranges"/>
<label id="Txt_SwapRangeForm" value="Swap Ranges"/>
<label id="Txt_SwapRangeRange1" value="Swap Range 1:"/>
<label id="Txt_SwapRangeRange2" value="Swap Range 2:"/>
<label id="Txt_HintSwapRangesTwoRangeMustSameSize" value="The two ranges must be
the same size."/>
<label id="Txt_HintSwapRangesCannotHaveCommonlyCells" value="The two ranges to be
swapped cannot have cells in common."/>
<label id="Txt_HintSwapRangesErrMsg" value="Error occurs during swapping ranges,
and it may be caused by following reasons: &#xA;&#xA;* The operation will try to
change part of an array, but such operation is prohibited in Excel &#xA;* Multi-
cell array formulas are not allowed in tables"/>
<label id="Txt_HintSwapRangesRowsAndColumnsHint" value="({0} rows x {1} columns)"/>
<!--Transform Range-->
<label id="Txt_UndoTransformVerticalRangeData" value="Undo Transform Range"/>
<label id="Txt_TransformVerticalRangeForm" value="Transform Range"/>
<label id="Txt_TransformVerticalRangeSingleColumn" value="Data to be
<label id="Txt_TransformVerticalRangeSingleCell" value="Output range (single
<label id="Txt_TransformVerticalRangeRows" value="{0} per record"/>
<label id="Txt_TransformVerticalRangeBlankCell" value="Blank cell delimits
<label id="Txt_TransformVerticalRangeRowHint" value="Fixed value"/>
<label id="Txt_TransformVerticalType" value="Transform type"/>
<label id="Txt_TransformRangeToCol" value="Range to single column"/>
<label id="Txt_TransformRangeToRow" value="Range to single row"/>
<label id="Txt_TransformColToRange" value="Single column to range"/>
<label id="Txt_TransformRowToRange" value="Single row to range"/>
<label id="Txt_TransformRows" value="Rows"/>
<label id="Txt_TransformColumns" value="Columns"/>
<label id="Txt_HintTansformVerticalRangeIsNotSigleRow" value="The data range must
be a single row."/>
<label id="Txt_HintTansformVerticalRangeIsNotSigleColumn" value="The data range
must be a single column."/>
<label id="Txt_HintTansformVerticalRangeIsProtectSheet" value="The worksheet for
the output range is protected."/>
<!--Change Case-->
<label id="Txt_UndoChangeCase" value="Change case"/>
<label id="Txt_ChangeCase" value="Change Case"/>
<label id="Txt_ChangeCaseType" value="Change type"/>
<label id="Txt_ChangeCasetOGGLEcASE" value="tOGGLE cASE"/>
<label id="Txt_ChangeCaseSentencecase" value="Sentence case."/>
<label id="Txt_ChangeCaseProperCase" value="Proper Case"/>
<label id="Txt_ChangeCaselowercase" value="lower case"/>
<label id="Txt_ChangeCaseUPPERCASE" value="UPPER CASE"/>
<!--Add Text-->
<label id="Txt_UndoAddText" value="Undo Add Text"/>
<label id="Txt_AddText" value="Add Text"/>
<label id="Txt_AddTextAddOptions" value="Add options"/>
<label id="Txt_AddTextAfter" value="After last character"/>
<label id="Txt_AddTextBefore" value="Before first character"/>
<label id="Txt_AddTextText" value="Text:"/>
<label id="Txt_AddTextActiveCell" value="Extract content of the active cell"/>
<label id="Txt_HintAddTextSpecify" value="To add text into multiple positions,
please use comma to separate the positions. For example, to add text after the
first and fourth character, it should be: 1, 4"/>
<label id="Itm_AddTextAdvancedListItem0" value="1st letter is uppercase"/>
<label id="Itm_AddTextAdvancedListItem1" value="1st letter is lowercase"/>
<label id="Itm_AddTextAdvancedListItem2" value="1st letter is
<label id="Itm_AddTextAdvancedListItem3" value="1st character is number"/>
<!--Remove By Position-->
<label id="Txt_UndoRemoveCharacters" value="Undo Remove by Position"/>
<label id="Txt_RemoveByPosition" value="Remove by Position"/>
<label id="Txt_AddTextAfterRight" value="From right"/>
<label id="Txt_AddTextBeforeLeft" value="From left"/>
<label id="Txt_RemoveByPositionNumber" value="Numbers:"/>
<!--Remove Spaces-->
<label id="Txt_UndoRemoveSpace" value="Undo Remove Spaces"/>
<label id="Txt_RemoveSpaces" value="Remove Spaces"/>
<label id="Txt_RemoveSpacesType" value="Spaces Type"/>
<label id="Txt_RemoveSpacesAllspaces" value="All spaces"/>
<label id="Txt_RemoveSpacesAllexcessspaces" value="All excess spaces"/>
<label id="Txt_RemoveSpacesLeadingTrailing" value="Leading &amp;&amp; Trailing
<label id="Txt_RemoveSpacesTrailing" value="Trailing spaces"/>
<label id="Txt_RemoveSpacesLeading" value="Leading spaces"/>
<label id="Txt_UndoDeleteAll" value="Undo Remove Characters"/>
<label id="Txt_DeleteCharacters" value="Remove Characters"/>
<label id="Txt_DeleteCharactersNonprinting" value="Non-printing"/>
<label id="Txt_DeleteCharactersNonAlpha" value="Non-alpha"/>
<label id="Txt_DeleteCharactersNonNumeric" value="Non-numeric"/>
<label id="Txt_DeleteCharactersAlpha" value="Alpha"/>
<label id="Txt_DeleteCharactersNumeric" value="Numeric"/>
<label id="Txt_DeleteCharactersNonAlphaNumeric" value="Non-alphanumeric"/>
<label id="Txt_DeleteCharactersCustom" value="Custom: (eg. ab will delete all 'a'
or 'b')"/>
<label id="Txt_HintNoCheck" value="You must select to delete at least one type of
<label id="Txt_UndoCombineColumnsorRows" value="Undo Combine Columns or Rows"/>
<label id="Txt_CombineColumnsOrRowsForm" value="Combine Columns or Rows"/>
<label id="Txt_CombineColumnsOrRowsCombineColumns" value="Combine columns"/>
<label id="Txt_CombineColumnsOrRowsCombineRows" value=" Combine rows"/>
<label id="Txt_CombineColumnsOrRowsSeparator" value="Specify a separator:"/>
<label id="Txt_CombineColumnsOrRowsKeep" value="Keep contents of combined cells"/>
<label id="Txt_CombineColumnsOrRowsDelete" value="Delete contents of combined
<label id="Txt_CombineColumnsOrRowsMerge" value="Merge the combined cells"/>
<label id="Txt_CombineColumnsOrRowsSpace" value="Space"/>
<label id="Txt_CombineColumnsOrRowsNothing" value="Nothing"/>
<label id="Txt_CombineColumnsOrRowsNewLine" value="New line"/>
<label id="Txt_CombineColumnsOrRowsText" value="Other separator:"/>
<label id="Txt_CombineColumnsOrRowsRowsDes" value="Rows to be combined:"/>
<label id="Txt_CombineColumnsOrRowsColumnsDes" value="Columns to be combined:"/>
<label id="Txt_CombineColumnsOrRowsRange" value="Columns to be combined:"/>
<label id="Txt_CombineColumnsOrRowsSpaceOption" value="Options:"/>
<label id="Txt_CombineColumnsOrUseFormattdValues" value="Use formatted values."/>
<label id="Txt_CombineColumnsOrRowsCombineCell" value="Combine into single cell"/>
<label id="Txt_CombineColumnsOrRowsPlaceTo" value="Place the results to:"/>
<label id="Txt_CombineColumnsOrRowsMergeSelected" value="To combine selected cells
according to following options:"/>
<label id="Txt_CombineColumnsOrRowsSemicolon" value="Semicolon"/>
<label id="Itm_CombineColumnsOrRowsPlaceToRowItem0" value="Left cell"/>
<label id="Itm_CombineColumnsOrRowsPlaceToRowItem1" value="Right cell"/>
<label id="Itm_CombineColumnsOrRowsPlaceToColumnItem0" value="Top cell"/>
<label id="Itm_CombineColumnsOrRowsPlaceToColumnItem1" value="Bottom cell"/>
<label id="Txt_HintCombineOperationWillChangeFormulas" value="The requested
operation will delete or overwrite formulas in the selected range.&#xA;Convert the
formulas to values?"/>
<label id="Txt_HintSelectedIsInvalidRange" value="The selected range is invalid."/>
<label id="Txt_HintCombinedDataWillInRow" value="The combined data will be in row
<label id="Txt_HintCombinedDataWillInColumn" value="The combined data will be in
column &quot;{0}&quot;."/>
<label id="Txt_HintWithTheDataInRows" value="With the data in rows &quot;{0}&quot;
through &quot;{1}&quot;:"/>
<label id="Txt_HintWithTheDataInColumns" value="With the data in columns &quot;
{0}&quot; through &quot;{1}&quot;:"/>
<label id="Txt_HintWithTheDataInRow" value="With the data in row &quot;
<label id="Txt_HintWithTheDataInColumn" value="With the data in column &quot;
<label id="Txt_HintOnlyOneColumnIsSelected" value="Only one column is selected."/>
<label id="Txt_HintOnlyOneRowIsSelected" value="Only one row is selected."/>
<label id="Txt_HintSelectRangeMustMoreRows" value="You've selected the option to
combine the data based on column. &#xA;You must select more than one row."/>
<label id="Txt_HintSelectRangeMustMoreColumns" value="You've selected the option to
combine the data based on row. &#xA;You must select more than one column."/>
<label id="Txt_HintCombineDoesNotMerged" value="Because the current selection does
not support merged cells, please use other options."/>
<label id="Txt_HintCombineColumnsOrRowsErrMsg" value="Error occurs during comnining
data, and it may be caused by following reasons: &#xA;&#xA;* The operation will try
to change part of an array, but such operation is prohibited in Excel"/>
<!--Operation tools-->
<label id="Txt_UndoMathWithoutFormulas" value="Undo Operation Tools"/>
<label id="Txt_MathWithoutFormulasForm" value="Operation Tools"/>
<label id="Txt_MathWithoutFormulasOperand" value="Operand"/>
<label id="Txt_MathWithoutFormulasRange" value="Range to modify:"/>
<label id="Txt_MathWithoutFormulasOperation" value="Operation:"/>
<label id="Txt_MathWithoutFormulasCreateFormulas" value="Create formulas"/>
<label id="Txt_MathWithoutFormulasSkipFormula" value="Skip formula cells"/>
<label id="Txt_MathWithoutFormulasAddition" value="Enter a value, expression, or
cell reference for the addition operand:"/>
<label id="Txt_MathWithoutFormulasCustom" value="Enter an expression. Use ? to
represent the value in each cell, e.g. ?*2+1 :"/>
<label id="Txt_MathWithoutFormulasDivision" value="Enter a value, expression, or
cell reference for the division operand:"/>
<label id="Txt_MathWithoutFormulasExponentiation" value="Enter a value, expression,
or cell reference for the exponentiation operand:"/>
<label id="Txt_MathWithoutFormulasFunction" value="Select a function to be applied
to each cell:"/>
<label id="Txt_MathWithoutFormulasMultiplication" value="Enter a value, expression,
or cell reference for the multiplication operand:"/>
<label id="Txt_MathWithoutFormulasRounding" value="Enter a value, expression, or
cell reference for the rounding operand:"/>
<label id="Txt_MathWithoutFormulasSubtraction" value="Enter a value, expression, or
cell reference for the subtraction operand:"/>
<label id="Itm_MathWithoutFormulasOperationListItem0" value="Addition"/>
<label id="Itm_MathWithoutFormulasOperationListItem1" value="Subtraction"/>
<label id="Itm_MathWithoutFormulasOperationListItem2" value="Multiplication"/>
<label id="Itm_MathWithoutFormulasOperationListItem3" value="Division"/>
<label id="Itm_MathWithoutFormulasOperationListItem4" value="Exponentiation"/>
<label id="Itm_MathWithoutFormulasOperationListItem5" value="Rounding"/>
<label id="Itm_MathWithoutFormulasOperationListItem6" value="Function"/>
<label id="Itm_MathWithoutFormulasOperationListItem7" value="Custom"/>
<label id="Txt_HintMathWithoutFormulasInvailidOperand" value="The Operand field
could not be evaluated as a numeric value, &#xA;Make sure that you use your local
(regional) decimal character."/>
<label id="Txt_HintMathWithoutFormulasNoMark" value="The expression you entered
does not contain a question mark.&#xA;Use a question mark (?) to represent each
cell in the Range to modify.&#xA;Example: ?*2+1"/>
<label id="Txt_HintMathWithoutFormulasNullRange1" value="The 'Range to modify'
contains no cells that meet the criteria:&#xA; - Non-formula cells that contain a
numeric value."/>
<label id="Txt_HintMathWithoutFormulasNullRange2" value="The 'Range to modify'
contains no cells that meet the criteria:&#xA; - Cells that contain a numeric
<!--Kutools Calculator-->
<label id="Txt_UndoKutoolsCalculator" value="Kutools Calculator"/>
<label id="Txt_FrmKutoolsCalculator" value="Kutools Calculator"/>
<label id="Txt_ButtonGet" value="Get"/>
<label id="Txt_ButtonPast" value="Paste"/>
<!--Currency Conversion-->
<label id="Txt_UndoCurrencyConversion" value="Currency Conversion"/>
<label id="Txt_FrmCurrrencyConversion" value="Currency Conversion"/>
<label id="Txt_CurrrencyConversionOperation" value="Select currencies"/>
<label id="Txt_CurrrencyConversionFillOption" value="Fill options..."/>
<label id="Txt_CurrrencyConversionGetRates" value="Update rate"/>
<label id="Txt_CurrrencyConversionConvert" value="Convert"/>
<label id="Txt_CurrrencyConversionRate" value="Rate: "/>
<label id="Txt_CurrrencyConversionSwapCurency" value="Swap currency"/>
<label id="Txt_CurrrencyConversionRecentUsed" value="Recent used"/>
<label id="Txt_CurrrencyConversionAddCommen" value="Add results as comment"/>
<label id="Txt_CurrencyComment" value="Fill options"/>
<label id="Txt_CommentInclude" value="Comment include"/>
<label id="Txt_CurrencyCommentOutputDate" value="Output date"/>
<label id="Txt_CurrencyCommentConvertValue" value="Conversion value"/>
<label id="Txt_CurrencyCommentRate" value="Rate"/>
<label id="Txt_CurrencyCommentCurrencies" value="Currencies"/>
<label id="Txt_CurrencyCommentOutput" value="Output"/>
<label id="Txt_CurrencyCommentCellsAndComment" value="Cells and comment"/>
<label id="Txt_CurrencyCommentOnlyCells" value="Only cells"/>
<label id="Txt_CurrencyCommentOnlyComment" value="Only comment"/>
<label id="Txt_CountryCodeARS" value="Argentine Peso"/>
<label id="Txt_CountryCodeAUD" value="Australian Dollar"/>
<label id="Txt_CountryCodeBWP" value="Botswana Pula"/>
<label id="Txt_CountryCodeBRL" value="Brazilian Real"/>
<label id="Txt_CountryCodeGBP" value="British Pound"/>
<label id="Txt_CountryCodeBND" value="Brunei dollar"/>
<label id="Txt_CountryCodeBGN" value="Bulgarian Lev"/>
<label id="Txt_CountryCodeCAD" value="Canadian Dollar"/>
<label id="Txt_CountryCodeCLP" value="Chilean Peso"/>
<label id="Txt_CountryCodeCNY" value="Chinese Yuan"/>
<label id="Txt_CountryCodeCOP" value="Colombian Peso"/>
<label id="Txt_CountryCodeHRK" value="Croatian Kuna"/>
<label id="Txt_CountryCodeDKK" value="Danish Krone"/>
<label id="Txt_CountryCodeEUR" value="Euro"/>
<label id="Txt_CountryCodeHKD" value="Hong Kong Dollar"/>
<label id="Txt_CountryCodeHUF" value="Hungarian Forint"/>
<label id="Txt_CountryCodeISK" value="Iceland Krona"/>
<label id="Txt_CountryCodeINR" value="Indian Rupee"/>
<label id="Txt_CountryCodeIDR" value="Indonesian Rupiah"/>
<label id="Txt_CountryCodeIRR" value="Iranian Rial"/>
<label id="Txt_CountryCodeILS" value="Israeli New Shekel"/>
<label id="Txt_CountryCodeJPY" value="Japanese Yen"/>
<label id="Txt_CountryCodeKWD" value="Kuwaiti Dinar"/>
<label id="Txt_CountryCodeLVL" value="Latvian Lat"/>
<label id="Txt_CountryCodeLYD" value="Libyan Dinar"/>
<label id="Txt_CountryCodeLTL" value="Lithuanian Litas"/>
<label id="Txt_CountryCodeMYR" value="Malaysian Ringgit"/>
<label id="Txt_CountryCodeMUR" value="Mauritius Rupee"/>
<label id="Txt_CountryCodeMXN" value="Mexican Peso"/>
<label id="Txt_CountryCodeNPR" value="Nepalese Rupee"/>
<label id="Txt_CountryCodeNZD" value="New Zealand Dollar"/>
<label id="Txt_CountryCodeNOK" value="Norwegian Kroner"/>
<label id="Txt_CountryCodeOMR" value="Omani Rial"/>
<label id="Txt_CountryCodePKR" value="Pakistan Rupee"/>
<label id="Txt_CountryCodePHP" value="Philippine Peso"/>
<label id="Txt_CountryCodeQAR" value="Qatari Rial"/>
<label id="Txt_CountryCodeRON" value="Romanian Leu"/>
<label id="Txt_CountryCodeRUB" value="Russian Ruble"/>
<label id="Txt_CountryCodeSAR" value="Saudi Riyal"/>
<label id="Txt_CountryCodeKZT" value="Kazakhstani Tenge"/>
<label id="Txt_CountryCodeSGD" value="Singapore Dollar"/>
<label id="Txt_CountryCodeZAR" value="South African Rand"/>
<label id="Txt_CountryCodeKRW" value="South Korean Won"/>
<label id="Txt_CountryCodeLKR" value="Sri Lanka Rupee"/>
<label id="Txt_CountryCodeSEK" value="Swedish Krona"/>
<label id="Txt_CountryCodeCHF" value="Swiss Franc"/>
<label id="Txt_CountryCodeTWD" value="Taiwan Dollar"/>
<label id="Txt_CountryCodeTHB" value="Thai Baht"/>
<label id="Txt_CountryCodeTTD" value="Trinidad/Tobago Dollar"/>
<label id="Txt_CountryCodeTRY" value="Turkish Lira"/>
<label id="Txt_CountryCodeUSD" value="U.S. Dollar"/>
<label id="Txt_CountryCodeVEF" value="Venezuelan Bolivar"/>
<label id="Txt_CountryCodeBHD" value="Bahraini Dinar"/>
<label id="Txt_CountryCodeAED" value="Emirati Dirham"/>
<label id="Txt_CountryCodePLN" value="Polish Zloty"/>
<label id="Txt_CountryCodeCZK" value="Czech Koruna"/>
<label id="Txt_HintWaitingGetInfo" value="Updating"/>
<label id="Txt_HintCurrenyConversionCannotGetLatestInfo" value="An error occurred
while attempting to update the currency rates."/>
<label id="Txt_HintRegUpdateRateTimeValue" value="Exchange rate data is from:
<label id="Txt_HintCurrenyConversionTheSameCurrency" value="The 'From' currency and
'To' currency are identical."/>
<!--Conversion of Number Systems-->
<label id="Txt_NumberSystemsConversion" value="Conversion of Number Systems"/>
<label id="Txt_NumberSystemsConversionConvertType" value="Conversion type"/>
<label id="Txt_NumberSystemsConversionItemType"
value="Binary&#xA;Octal&#xA;Decimal&#xA;Hexadecimal&#xA;ASCII Characters"/>
<label id="Txt_NumberSystemsConversionInvalidBin" value=" The selection does not
contain a valid binary value."/>
<label id="Txt_NumberSystemsConversionInvalidOct" value="The selection does not
contain a valid octal value."/>
<label id="Txt_NumberSystemsConversionInvalidDec" value=" The selection does not
contain a valid decimal value."/>
<label id="Txt_NumberSystemsConversionInvalidHex" value="The selection does not
contain a valid hexadecimal value."/>
<label id="Txt_NumberSystemsConversionInvalidASCIIChar" value="The selection does
not contain a valid ASCII character."/>
<label id="Txt_NumberSystemsConversionOutASCII" value="The value of the selection
will be converted into a value which is outside the range of ASCII code table. "/>
<label id="Txt_NumberSystemsConversionInvalidTip" value="You can only convert from
one number system to another. You cannot convert between the same number system."/>
<!--Unit Conversion-->
<label id="Txt_UndoUnitConversion" value="Unit Conversion"/>
<label id="Txt_UnitConversion" value="Unit Conversion"/>
<label id="Txt_UnitConversionFactor" value="Conversion factor: "/>
<label id="Txt_UnitConversionAddCommen" value="Add results as comment"/>
<label id="Txt_UnitConversionUnits" value="Units"/>
<label id="Txt_UnitConversionMetric" value="Metric prefix:"/>
<label id="Txt_UnitConversionSwapUnit" value="Swap unit"/>
<label id="Txt_HintUnitIdentical" value="The 'From' unit and 'To' unit are
<label id="Txt_HintUnknownError" value="An unknown error occurred. All values may
not have been converted."/>
<label id="Txt_HintNotSupportThisTypeOfActiveCell" value="This utility does not
work with the type of data in the active cell."/>
<label id="Txt_HintNotSupportFormulaActiveCell" value="The active cell contains a
formula. This utility does not work with formula cells."/>
<label id="Txt_HintNotSupportDateActiveCell" value="The active cell contains a
date. This utility does not work with date cells."/>
<label id="Txt_HintMostCharactersThenLimits" value="The active cell contains {0}
characters. The limit is 1024 characters."/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionCbbCategoryItem0" value="Angle"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionCbbCategoryItem1" value="Bits &amp; Bytes"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionCbbCategoryItem2" value="Distance"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionCbbCategoryItem3" value="Energy"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionCbbCategoryItem4" value="Force"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionCbbCategoryItem5" value="Liquid"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionCbbCategoryItem6" value="Mass"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionCbbCategoryItem7" value="Surface"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionCbbCategoryItem8" value="Temperature"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionCbbCategoryItem9" value="Time"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionCbbCategoryItem10" value="Volume"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionCbbCategoryItem11" value="Hex"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionMetricItem0" value="Exa (1E+18)"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionMetricItem1" value="Peta (1E+15)"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionMetricItem2" value="Tera (1E+12)"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionMetricItem3" value="Giga (1E+09)"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionMetricItem4" value="Mega (1E+06)"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionMetricItem5" value="Kilo (1E+03)"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionMetricItem6" value="Hecto (1E+02)"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionMetricItem7" value="Dekao (1E+01)"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionMetricItem8" value="(None)"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionMetricItem9" value="Deci (1E-01)"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionMetricItem10" value="Centi (1E-02)"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionMetricItem11" value="Milli (1E-03)"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionMetricItem12" value="Micro (1E-06)"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionMetricItem13" value="Nano (1E-09)"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionMetricItem14" value="Pico (1E-12)"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionMetricItem15" value="Femto (1E-15)"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionMetricItem16" value="Atto (1E-18)"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionAngleItem0" value="Degree"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionAngleItem1" value="Grad"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionAngleItem2" value="Minute"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionAngleItem3" value="Radian"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionAngleItem4" value="Revolution"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionAngleItem5" value="Second"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionBitsItem0" value="Bit"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionBitsItem1" value="Kilobit"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionBitsItem2" value="Megabit"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionBitsItem3" value="Gigabit"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionBitsItem4" value="Terabit"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionBitsItem5" value="Petabit"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionBitsItem6" value="Exabit"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionBitsItem7" value="BYTE"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionBitsItem8" value="KILOBYTE"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionBitsItem9" value="MEGABYTE"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionBitsItem10" value="GIGABYTE"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionBitsItem11" value="TERABYTE"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionBitsItem12" value="PETABYTE"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionBitsItem13" value="EXABYTE"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionDistanceItem0" value="Foot"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionDistanceItem1" value="Inch"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionDistanceItem2" value="Meter"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionDistanceItem3" value="Nautical mile"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionDistanceItem4" value="Statute mile"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionDistanceItem5" value="Yard"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionEnergyItem0" value="BTU"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionEnergyItem1" value="Calorie (IT)"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionEnergyItem2" value="Calorie (Th'mic)"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionEnergyItem3" value="Electron volt"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionEnergyItem4" value="Erg"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionEnergyItem5" value="Foot-pound"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionEnergyItem6" value="Horsepower-hour"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionEnergyItem7" value="Joule"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionEnergyItem8" value="Watt-hour"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionForceItem0" value="Dyne"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionForceItem1" value="Newton"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionForceItem2" value="Pound force"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionLiquidItem0" value="Cup"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionLiquidItem1" value="Gallon"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionLiquidItem2" value="Gallon (Imp)"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionLiquidItem3" value="Liter"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionLiquidItem4" value="Ounce"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionLiquidItem5" value="Ounce (Imp)"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionLiquidItem6" value="Pint"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionLiquidItem7" value="Pint (Imp)"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionLiquidItem8" value="Quart"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionLiquidItem9" value="Quart (Imp)"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionLiquidItem10" value="Tablespoon"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionLiquidItem11" value="Teaspoon"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionMassItem0" value="Caret"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionMassItem1" value="Grain"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionMassItem2" value="Gram"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionMassItem3" value="Ounce (Avdp)"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionMassItem4" value="Ounce (Troy)"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionMassItem5" value="Pound (Avdp)"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionMassItem6" value="Pound (Troy)"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionMassItem7" value="Stone"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionMassItem8" value="Ton"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionSurfaceItem0" value="Acre"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionSurfaceItem1" value="Hectare"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionSurfaceItem2" value="Sq Foot"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionSurfaceItem3" value="Sq Inch"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionSurfaceItem4" value="Sq Meter"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionSurfaceItem5" value="Sq Miles"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionSurfaceItem6" value="Sq Yard"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionTemperatureItem0" value="Celsius"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionTemperatureItem1" value="Fahrenheit"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionTemperatureItem2" value="Kelvin"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionTimeItem0" value="Day"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionTimeItem1" value="Hour"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionTimeItem2" value="Leap Year"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionTimeItem3" value="Minute"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionTimeItem4" value="Second"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionTimeItem5" value="Year"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionVolumeItem0" value="Cubic Foot"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionVolumeItem1" value="Cubic Inch"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionVolumeItem2" value="Cubic Meter"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionVolumeItem3" value="Cubic Yard"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionHexItem0" value="BIN"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionHexItem1" value="OCT"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionHexItem2" value="DEC"/>
<label id="Itm_UnitConversionHexItem3" value="HEX"/>
<!--Select Cells With Max or Min Value-->
<label id="Txt_SelectMaxMin" value="Select Cells With Max &amp; Min Value"/>
<label id="Txt_SelectMaxMinLook" value="Look in:"/>
<label id="Txt_SelectMaxMinGoto" value="Go to"/>
<label id="Txt_SelectMaxMinSelect" value="Select"/>
<label id="Txt_SelectMaxMinBase" value="Base"/>
<label id="Txt_SelectMaxMinCell" value="Cell"/>
<label id="Txt_SelectMaxMinEntireRow" value="Entire row"/>
<label id="Txt_SelectMaxMinEntireColumn" value="Entire column"/>
<label id="Txt_SelectMaxMinMiV" value="Minimum value"/>
<label id="Txt_SelectMaxMinMaV" value="Maximum value"/>
<label id="Txt_SelectMaxMinFirCell" value="First cell only"/>
<label id="Txt_SelectMaxMinAllCell" value="All cells"/>
<label id="Itm_SelectMaxMinListItem0" value="Formula and Value Cells"/>
<label id="Itm_SelectMaxMinListItem1" value="Formula Cells Only"/>
<label id="Itm_SelectMaxMinListItem2" value="Values Cells Only"/>
<label id="Txt_HintnumberCells" value=" {0} cell(s) were found and selected"/>
<!--Select Specific Cells-->
<label id="Txt_SelectSpecificCells" value="Select Specific Cells"/>
<label id="Txt_SelectValueSelType" value="Selection type"/>
<label id="Txt_SelectValueSpecificType" value="Specific type"/>
<label id="Txt_SelectValueCell" value="Cell"/>
<label id="Txt_SelectValueEntireRow" value="Entire row"/>
<label id="Txt_SelectValuenEntireColumn" value="Entire column"/>
<label id="Txt_SelectValueAnd" value="And"/>
<label id="Txt_SelectValueOr" value="Or"/>
<label id="Itm_SelectValueListItem0" value="Equals"/>
<label id="Itm_SelectValueListItem1" value="Does not equal "/>
<label id="Itm_SelectValueListItem2" value="Greater than"/>
<label id="Itm_SelectValueListItem3" value="Greater than or equal to"/>
<label id="Itm_SelectValueListItem4" value="Less than"/>
<label id="Itm_SelectValueListItem5" value="Less than or equal to "/>
<label id="Itm_SelectValueListItem6" value="Begins with"/>
<label id="Itm_SelectValueListItem7" value="Dose not begin with"/>
<label id="Itm_SelectValueListItem8" value="Ends with"/>
<label id="Itm_SelectValueListItem9" value="Dose not end with"/>
<label id="Itm_SelectValueListItem10" value="Contains"/>
<label id="Itm_SelectValueListItem11" value="Dose not contain"/>
<label id="Txt_HintNoFindCell" value="No cells qualify."/>
<!--Select Cells with Format-->
<label id="Txt_SelectFormat" value="Select Cells with Format"/>
<label id="Txt_SelectFormatSelect" value="Find Range:"/>
<label id="Txt_SelectFormatBaseCell" value="Base Cell"/>
<label id="Txt_ButtonBaseCell" value="Choose Format From Cell"/>
<label id="Txt_SelectBaseCell" value="Please select base cell (one cell):"/>
<label id="Txt_SelectFormatNoEmpCell" value="Ignore the blank cells"/>
<label id="Itm_BaseCellListItem0" value="Number"/>
<label id="Itm_BaseCellListItem1" value="Alignment"/>
<label id="Itm_BaseCellListItem2" value="Font"/>
<label id="Itm_BaseCellListItem3" value="Fill"/>
<label id="Itm_BaseCellListItem4" value="Protection"/>
<label id="Itm_BaseCellTypeListItem0" value="Type"/>
<label id="Itm_BaseCellTypeListItem1" value="Value"/>
<label id="Itm_BaseCellTypeList0Item0" value="Category"/>
<label id="Itm_BaseCellTypeList1Item0" value="Horizontal"/>
<label id="Itm_BaseCellTypeList1Item1" value="Vertical"/>
<label id="Itm_BaseCellTypeList1Item2" value="Text direction"/>
<label id="Itm_BaseCellTypeList2Item0" value="Font name"/>
<label id="Itm_BaseCellTypeList2Item1" value="Font size"/>
<label id="Itm_BaseCellTypeList2Item2" value="Bold"/>
<label id="Itm_BaseCellTypeList2Item3" value="Italic"/>
<label id="Itm_BaseCellTypeList2Item4" value="Underline"/>
<label id="Itm_BaseCellTypeList2Item5" value="Font Color"/>
<label id="Itm_BaseCellTypeList3Item0" value="Background Color"/>
<label id="Itm_BaseCellTypeList4Item0" value="Locked"/>
<label id="Itm_BaseCellTypeList4Item1" value="Hidden"/>
<label id="Txt_HintNoFormat" value="You must check at least one attribute."/>
<label id="Txt_HintMatchCells" value="Cells that match the specified formatting
attributes: {0} &#xA;&#xA;Yes - Select these cells&#xA;No - Search again"/>
<!--Delete Blank Rows-->
<label id="Txt_UndoDeleteBlankRows" value="Delete Blank Rows"/>
<!--Delete Hyperlinks-->
<label id="Txt_UndoDeleteHyperLinks" value="Delete Hyperlinks"/>
<label id="Txt_DeleteNullmsoHyperLink" value="Hyperlink can't be found."/>
<label id="Txt_AgreeDeletemsoHyperLink" value="Do you want to delete all
<!--Delete Tools-->
<label id="Txt_UndoDeleteTools" value="Delete Illustrations &amp;&amp; Objects"/>
<label id="Txt_FrmDeleteTools" value="Delete Illustrations &amp; Objects"/>
<label id="Txt_DeleteToolsLookIn" value="look in"/>
<label id="Txt_DeleteToolsSelectedSheet" value="Selected sheets"/>
<label id="Txt_DeleteToolsAllSheet" value="All sheets"/>
<label id="Txt_DeleteToolsActiveSheet" value="Active sheet"/>
<label id="Txt_DeleteToolsDelete" value="Delete"/>
<label id="Txt_DeleteToolsLinkedOLE" value="Linked OLE objects"/>
<label id="Txt_DeleteToolsEmOLE" value="Embedded OLE objects"/>
<label id="Txt_DeleteToolsTextbox" value="Text boxes"/>
<label id="Txt_DeleteToolsSmartArts" value="Smart arts"/>
<label id="Txt_DeleteToolsAutoShapes" value="Auto shapes"/>
<label id="Txt_DeleteToolsPictures" value="Pictures"/>
<label id="Txt_DeleteToolsLines" value="Lines"/>
<label id="Txt_DeleteToolsCharts" value="Charts"/>
<label id="Txt_DeleteNullObject" value="Specified objects can't be found."/>
<label id="Txt_HintNoObjectChecked" value="Please specify object type you want to
<label id="Txt_HintNoWorksheetChecked" value="Please select worksheets which you
want to delete object from."/>
<!--Superscript / Subscript-->
<label id="Txt_UndoSupperSubScript" value="Superscript / Subscript Formatting"/>
<label id="Txt_FrmSuperSubscript" value="Superscript / Subscript Formatting"/>
<label id="Txt_SuperSubscriptChar" value="Char {0}"/>
<label id="Txt_SuperSubscriptSuperScript" value="Superscript"/>
<label id="Txt_SuperSubscriptNormal" value="Normal"/>
<label id="Txt_SuperSubscriptSubscript" value="Subscript"/>
<label id="Txt_SuperSubscriptOptions" value="Options:"/>
<label id="Txt_SuperSubscriptUpperCase" value="Upper case"/>
<label id="Txt_SuperSubscriptBold" value="Bold"/>
<label id="Txt_SuperSubscriptItalic" value="Italic"/>
<label id="Txt_SuperSubscriptPreview" value="In-cell preview"/>
<label id="Txt_SuperSubscriptFont" value="Font:"/>
<label id="Txt_SuperSubscriptSelectCharacter" value="Click to select the character
you want to format:"/>
<label id="Txt_SuperSubscriptColor" value="Color:"/>
<label id="Txt_HintSuperSubsriptIsEmpty" value="Nothing to format. The active cell
is empty."/>
<label id="Txt_AgreeConvertActiveCellToText" value="The active cell contains a
value. If you want to add superscript or subscript formatting, you must convert the
value to text.&#xA;Convert this value to text?"/>
<label id="Txt_HintTheActiveCellIsEmpty" value="The active cell is empty."/>
<!--Alternate Row Shading-->
<label id="Txt_UndoAlternateRowShading" value="Undo Alternate Row / Column
<label id="Txt_FrmAlternateRowShading" value="Alternate Row / Column Shading"/>
<label id="Txt_AlternateRowShadingShadeType" value="Apply shading to:"/>
<label id="Txt_AlternateRowShadingRows" value="Rows"/>
<label id="Txt_AlternateRowShadingColumns" value="Columns"/>
<label id="Txt_AlternateRowShadingColorMethod" value="Shading method:"/>
<label id="Txt_AlternateRowShadingContitional" value="Conditional formatting"/>
<label id="Txt_AlternateRowShadingStandard" value="Standard formatting"/>
<label id="Txt_AlternateRowShadingRemove" value="Remove existing alternate row
<label id="Txt_AlternateRowShadingColor" value="Shade color:"/>
<label id="Txt_AlternateRowShadingShadeEvery" value="Shade every:"/>
<label id="Txt_AlternateRowShadingLeave" value="Leave existing color for non-shaded
<label id="Txt_AlternateRowShadingDescription" value="Description"/>
<label id="Txt_AlternateRowShadingHintConditional" value="This option uses Excel's
Conditional Formatting feature to apply shading based on the row/column numbers.
This technique is preferable because the shading will adjust automatically if you
insert new rows/columns."/>
<label id="Txt_AlternateRowShadingHintStandard" value="This option uses standard
formatting. Use this option if the cells already use Conditional Formatting."/>
<label id="Txt_AlternateRowShadingHintRemove" value="This option removes
(optionally) all conditional formatting, and all background shading."/>
<label id="Txt_AgreeToDeleteTheCondition" value="The specified range already
contains conditional formatting. &#xA;Delete the conditional formatting?"/>
<label id="Txt_AgreeToRemoveTheCondition" value="Do you want to remove all
background and conditional shading?&#xA;&#xA; Yes: Delete all conditional
formatting, and all background formatting.&#xA; No: Delete all background
formatting. "/>
<label id="Txt_HintConditionalIsNotSupportMultiUserEditing" value="The Conditional
Formatting option is not available for shared workbooks."/>
<label id="Txt_HintOnlyOneRowSelect" value="The selected range contains only one
<!--Part 3 End-->
<!--Part 4-->
<!--Date Picker-->
<label id="Txt_UndoDatePicker" value="Insert Date"/>
<label id="Txt_DatePicker" value="Insert Date"/>
<label id="Txt_DatePickerUsingFormat" value="Using format"/>
<label id="Txt_DatePickerHint" value="Please double click the date to insert into
<!--Apply Date Formatting-->
<label id="Txt_UndoApplyFormatting" value="Apply Date Formatting"/>
<label id="Txt_ApplyDateFormatting" value="Apply Date Formatting"/>
<label id="Txt_ApplyDateFormattingFormat" value="Date formatting:"/>
<!--Exact Formula Copy-->
<label id="Txt_UndoExactFormulaCopy" value="Undo Exact Formula Copy"/>
<label id="Txt_ExactFormulaCopy" value="Exact Formula Copy"/>
<label id="Txt_ExactFormulaCopyLable" value="This utility copies a range of cells
to a different location. Relative cell references in formulas are not adjusted."/>
<label id="Txt_ExactFormulaCopyCopyFormatting" value="Copy formatting"/>
<label id="Txt_HintLongFormuals" value="The Copy range contains one or more
formulas that exceed 255 characters. This utility cannot copy such formulas."/>
<label id="Txt_HintArrayFormualsError" value="One or more multi-cell array formula
may not have copied correctly. When copying a range that contains a multi-cell
array formula, make sure that you select the entire array range."/>
<label id="Txt_HintNormalFormualsError" value="An error occurred. Formula may not
have been copied."/>
<!--Convert References-->
<label id="Txt_UndoConverFormulaReferences" value="Undo Convert Formula
<label id="Txt_ConverFormulaReferences" value="Convert Formula References"/>
<label id="Txt_ConverFormulaReferencesRange" value="Range:"/>
<label id="Txt_ConverFormulaReferencesConvert" value="Convert formula
<label id="Txt_ConverFormulaReferencesToAbsolute" value="To absolute"/>
<label id="Txt_ConverFormulaReferencesToRelative" value="To relative"/>
<label id="Txt_ConverFormulaReferencesToColAbsolute" value="To column absolute"/>
<label id="Txt_ConverFormulaReferencesToRowAbsolute" value="To row absolute"/>
<label id="Txt_ConverFormulaReferencesExample" value=" Example:"/>
<!--Replace Range Names-->
<label id="Txt_UndoReplaceRangeNames" value="Undo Replace Range Names"/>
<label id="Txt_ReplaceRangeNames" value="Replace Range Names"/>
<label id="Txt_ReplaceRangeNamesViewCell" value="View cell"/>
<label id="Txt_UnapplyNamesBaseRange" value="Base Range:"/>
<label id="Txt_UnapplyNamesBaseWorkSheet" value="Base Worksheet:"/>
<label id="Txt_UnapplyNamesBaseName" value="Base Name:"/>
<label id="Txt_AllWorkSheet" value="All Worksheets"/>
<label id="Txt_AllRangeName" value="All Name"/>
<label id="Itm_ReplaceRangeNamesListItem0" value="Range"/>
<label id="Itm_ReplaceRangeNamesListItem1" value="Worksheet"/>
<label id="Itm_ReplaceRangeNamesListItem2" value="Name"/>
<label id="Itm_ReplaceRangeDateTableListItem0" value="Worksheet"/>
<label id="Itm_ReplaceRangeDateTableListItem1" value="Name"/>
<label id="Itm_ReplaceRangeDateTableListItem2" value="Cell"/>
<label id="Itm_ReplaceRangeDateTableListItem3" value="Formula"/>
<label id="Txt_HintUnapplyNamesNumber" value="Formulas modified: {0} &#xA;Unchanged
formulas: {1}"/>
<label id="Txt_HintNotWorkbookNames" value="The active workbook has no names."/>
<label id="Txt_HintSameWorkbookNameToSheet" value="The active workbook contains at
least one duplicated name.&#xA;For example, a sheet-level name that's identical to
a workbook-level name, or two sheet-level names that are the same.&#xA; &#xA;This
utility cannot replace such names reliably."/>
<!--Error Condition Wizard-->
<label id="Txt_FrmErrorCondition" value="Error Condition Wizard"/>
<label id="Txt_UndoErrorCondition" value="Error Condition Wizard"/>
<label id="Txt_ErrorConditionErrorType" value="Error types"/>
<label id="Txt_ErrorConditionErrDisplay" value="Error display"/>
<label id="Txt_ErrorConditionNothing" value="Nothing (a blank cell)"/>
<label id="Txt_ErrorConditionReference" value="A cell reference"/>
<label id="Txt_ErrorConditionMessage" value="A message (text)"/>
<label id="Txt_ErrorConditionCellReference" value="Specify the cell reference:"/>
<label id="Txt_ErrorConditionMustOneCell" value="The range must be a single
<label id="Txt_HintRangeHasNotFormulas" value="The specified range does not contain
any formulas."/>
<label id="Itm_ErrorConditionErrorTypeListItem0" value="Any error value"/>
<label id="Itm_ErrorConditionErrorTypeListItem1" value="Only the #N/A error
<label id="Itm_ErrorConditionErrorTypeListItem2" value="Any error value except
<!--Merge Workbook-->
<label id="Txt_UndoMergeWorkbooks" value="Merge workbooks"/>
<label id="Txt_MergeWorkbooksForm" value="Merge Workbooks"/>
<label id="Txt_MergeWorkbooksList" value="Workbooks"/>
<label id="Itm_MergeWorkbooksListItem0" value="Worksheet name"/>
<label id="Itm_MergeWorkbooksListItem1" value="Workbook path"/>
<label id="Txt_MergeWorkbooksOptions" value="Options:"/>
<label id="Txt_MergeWorkbooksBlankSheets" value="Contain blank worksheets:"/>
<label id="Txt_MergeWorkbooksHiddenSheets" value="Contain hidden worksheets:"/>
<label id="Txt_MergeWorkbooksAddFile" value="Add file"/>
<label id="Txt_MergeWorkbooksAddFolder" value="Add folder"/>
<label id="Txt_ButtonMerge" value="Merge"/>
<label id="Itm_MergeWorkbooksBlankSheetsItem0" value="Skip all"/>
<label id="Itm_MergeWorkbooksBlankSheetsItem1" value="Keep all"/>
<label id="Itm_MergeWorkbooksHiddenSheetsItem0" value="Skip all"/>
<label id="Itm_MergeWorkbooksHiddenSheetsItem1" value="Keep all and show"/>
<label id="Txt_HintMergeWorkbooks" value="Successfully merge {0} worksheets."/>
<label id="Txt_HintCannotUnCheckedActiveWorkbookSheet" value="The worksheets of
active workbook can not be deselected."/>
<label id="Txt_HintWillSaveWorkbook" value="This action will now save the workbook.
Do you want to continue?"/>
<!--Split Workbook-->
<label id="Txt_SplitWorkbooksForm" value="Split Workbook"/>
<label id="Txt_SplitWorkbooksOptions" value="Options:"/>
<label id="Txt_SplitWorkbooksSkipHidden" value="Skip hidden worksheets"/>
<label id="Txt_SplitWorkbooksSkipBlank" value="Skip blank worksheets"/>
<label id="Txt_SplitWorkbooksSpecifyFormat" value="Save as type"/>
<label id="Itm_SplitWorkbooksListItem0" value="Worksheet name"/>
<label id="Itm_SplitWorkbooksFormatListItem0" value="Excel Workbook (*.xlsx)"/>
<label id="Itm_SplitWorkbooksFormatListItem1" value="Excel 97-2003 Workbook
<label id="Itm_SplitWorkbooksFormatListItem2" value="Unicode Text (*.txt)"/>
<label id="Itm_SplitWorkbooksFormatListItem3" value="CSV (Macintosh) (*.csv)"/>
<label id="Itm_SplitWorkbooksFormatListItem4" value="PDF (*.pdf)"/>
<!--Track Snap-->
<label id="Txt_TackSnapHintForm" value="Track Snap"/>
<label id="Txt_TackSnapHintHint" value="This utility will temporarily save
snapshots of active workbook, and all the snapshots of the workbook will be deleted
after the workbook close.&#xA;&#xA;Click OK to take a snapshot&#xA;Click Cancel to
<label id="Txt_TackSnapHintNotHint" value="Don't show this warning again"/>
<label id="Dlg_BackupFailedPromptId" value="Backup document failed."/>
<label id="Dlg_LosedVBAProjectPromptId" value="The current document has not been
saved. If you are going to back up now, the macro in the document will be lost. Are
you sure to continue?"/>
<label id="Txt_HintReadOnlyIsNotSupportTackSnap" value="This workbook is Read Only,
you can't take a snapshot of it."/>
<label id="Txt_HintTackSnapInputName" value="Please type in the snapshot name:"/>
<label id="Txt_HintTackSnapNameIsEmpty" value="The snapshot name cannot be empty,
please type in."/>
<label id="Txt_HintTackSnapNameExsits" value="There already is a snapshot with this
name. Please type in another one."/>
<label id="Txt_HintTackSnapNameInvalid" value="There are invalid characters in the
snapshot name"/>
<label id="Txt_HintRecoverSnap" value="Do you want to restore to this snapshot
{0} ?"/>
<!--Auto Open Those Workbooks Next Time-->
<label id="Txt_AutoOpenNextTimeForm" value="Auto Open those Workbooks Next Time"/>
<label id="Txt_AutoOpenNextTimeWorkbooksList" value="Auto open the selected
<label id="Itm_AutoOpenNextTimeWorkbooksListItem0" value="Workbook Name"/>
<label id="Itm_AutoOpenNextTimeWorkbooksListItem1" value="File Path"/>
<!--Synchronize Worksheets-->
<label id="Txt_SynchronizeWorksheets" value="Synchronize Worksheets"/>
<label id="Txt_SynchronizeWorksheetsLable" value="All worksheets have the same
selected range ({0}) and upper left cell"/>
<label id="Txt_SynchronizeWorksheetsLableHasErr" value="{0} 张工作表已拥有相同的选区
({1})和左上角第一个单元格,{2} 张工作表未能同步成功"/>
<label id="Txt_SynchronizeWorksheetsPrompt" value="Don't show me next time."/>
<label id="Txt_HintSynchronizeSheets" value="Number of worksheets synchronized:
<!--Sort Sheets-->
<label id="Txt_UndoSortSheets" value="Undo Sort Sheets"/>
<label id="Txt_SortSheets" value="Sort Sheets"/>
<label id="Txt_MoveUp" value="Move up"/>
<label id="Txt_MoveDown" value="Move down"/>
<label id="Txt_SortSheetsAlphaNumericSort" value="Alpha Numeric Sort"/>
<label id="Txt_SortSheetsAlphaSort" value="Alpha Sort"/>
<label id="Txt_SortSheetsColorSort" value="Color Sort"/>
<label id="Txt_SortSheetsReverseOrder" value="Reverse"/>
<label id="Txt_SortSheetsRecove" value="Reset"/>
<label id="Txt_SortSheetsViewsheet" value="View sheet"/>
<label id="Txt_SortSheetsRecoveBeforeSort" value="Original sheet tabs order"/>
<label id="Txt_SortSheetsRecoveAfterSort" value="New sheet tabs order"/>
<label id="Txt_HintOnlySheet" value="The active workbook contains only one
<label id="Txt_HintErrorBySortSheets" value="An error occurred -- the sheets were
not sorted.&#xA;&#xA;The workbook may contain one or more 'very hidden'
sheets.&#xA;These sheets cannot be moved."/>
<!--Rename Multiple Worksheets-->
<label id="Txt_UndoBatchRenameSheets" value="Undo Rename Multiple Worksheets"/>
<label id="Txt_BatchRenameSheetsForm" value="Rename Multiple Worksheets"/>
<label id="Txt_BatchRenameSheetsSheetsLists" value="Worksheets:"/>
<label id="Txt_BatchRenameSheetsRenameSytle" value="Rename Options:"/>
<label id="Txt_BatchRenameSheetsInsertBefore" value="Insert before original sheet
<label id="Txt_BatchRenameSheetsInsertAfter" value="Insert after original sheet
<label id="Txt_BatchRenameSheetsReplaceOld" value="Replace original sheet name."/>
<label id="Txt_BatchRenameSheetsFileNameSource" value="New Worksheet Name:"/>
<label id="Txt_BatchRenameSheetsFromInput" value="From an input box"/>
<label id="Txt_BatchRenameSheetsFromRange" value="From specific range"/>
<label id="Txt_BatchRenameSheetsFromWorksheet" value="Rename worksheets with
specific cell"/>
<label id="Txt_BatchRenameSheetsFilter" value="Filter worksheets:"/>
<label id="Txt_HintBatchRenameSheetsNumber" value="Successfully rename {0}
worksheet(s) &#xA; {1} worksheet(s) cannot be renamed."/>
<label id="Itm_BatchRenameSheetsListItem0" value="Worksheets"/>
<!--Create List Of Sheet Names-->
<label id="Txt_UndoCreateContentsSheet" value="Undo Create List of Sheet Names"/>
<label id="Txt_CreateContentsSheet" value="Create List of Sheet Names"/>
<label id="Txt_CreateContentsSheetStyle" value="Sheet Index Styles:"/>
<label id="Txt_CreateContentsSheetCreateHyperlinks" value="Contains a list of
<label id="Txt_CreateContentsSheetButtonsMacros" value="Contains buttons and
<label id="Txt_CreateContentsSheetNameSheet" value="Specify sheet name for Sheet
<label id="Txt_CreateContentsSheetLocationWorkbook" value="Insert the Sheet Index
<label id="Itm_CreateContentsSheetListLItem0" value="Before all sheets"/>
<label id="Itm_CreateContentsSheetListLItem1" value="After all sheets"/>
<label id="Itm_CreateContentsSheetListLItem2" value="Before current sheet"/>
<label id="Txt_CreateContentsSheetNumberOfColumns" value="Displaying Sheet Index
<label id="Itm_CreateContentsSheetListNItem0" value="1 column"/>
<label id="Itm_CreateContentsSheetListNItem1" value="2 columns"/>
<label id="Itm_CreateContentsSheetListNItem2" value="3 columns"/>
<label id="Itm_CreateContentsSheetListNItem3" value="4 columns"/>
<label id="Txt_HintInputError" value="Input Error."/>
<label id="Txt_HintAlreadyContentsSheet" value="The workbook already has a Sheet
Index named: &#xA;&#xA; '{0}'&#xA;&#xA;Do you want to replace the existing Sheet
<label id="Txt_HintAlreadySheetName" value="Worksheet '{0}' already exists.
&#xA;&#xA;Please provide a different name."/>
<label id="Txt_HintNotAddButtons" value="Could not add buttons to the Contents
<label id="Txt_HintErrorsCreateContentsSheet" value="One or more errors occurred
while creating the buttons and macros."/>
<label id="Txt_HintNotActivateSheet" value="Cannot activate {0}. It may have been
deleted or renamed."/>
<label id="Txt_FileFormatWarning" value="File Format Warning"/>
<label id="Txt_FileFormatWarningLable" value="If you choose to contain buttons and
macros in Sheet Index, you will need to save your workbook into a macro-enabled
file format: Either *.XLSM or *.XLS."/>
<label id="Txt_FileFormatWarningNotWarning" value="Don't show me next time."/>
<label id="Txt_ButtonContinue" value="Continue"/>
<!--Copy Multiple Worksheets-->
<label id="Txt_UndoBatchNewOrCopySheets" value="Undo Copy Multiple Worksheets"/>
<label id="Txt_BatchNewOrCopySheetsForm" value="Copy Multiple Worksheets"/>
<label id="Txt_BatchNewOrCopySheetsSelectedSheets" value="Copy the selected
<label id="Txt_BatchNewOrCopySheetsCount" value="The number of copies:"/>
<label id="Txt_BatchNewOrCopySheetsInsert" value="Insert copy worksheets:"/>
<label id="Txt_BatchNewOrCopySheetsAfter" value="After current worksheet"/>
<label id="Txt_BatchNewOrCopySheetsBefore" value="Before current worksheet"/>
<label id="Txt_BatchNewOrCopySheetsAfterAll" value="After all worksheets"/>
<label id="Txt_BatchNewOrCopySheetsBeforeAll" value="Before all worksheets"/>
<label id="Itm_BatchNewOrCopySheetsListItem0" value="Worksheet name"/>
<label id="Txt_HintCopySheets" value="Successfully copy {0} worksheets."/>
<!--Create Sequence Worksheets-->
<label id="Txt_UndoSequenceWorksheets" value="Create Sequence Worksheets"/>
<label id="Txt_SequenceWorksheets" value="Create Sequence Worksheets"/>
<label id="Txt_SequenceWorksheetsBlack" value="Blank worksheet"/>
<label id="Txt_SequenceWorksheetsIncrement" value="Increment:"/>
<label id="Txt_SequenceWorksheetsSuffix" value="Suffix(optional):"/>
<label id="Txt_SequenceWorksheetsStart" value="Start number:"/>
<label id="Txt_SequenceWorksheetsPrefix" value="Prefix(optional):"/>
<label id="Txt_SequenceWorksheetsName" value="Sheet names based on"/>
<label id="Txt_SequenceWorksheetsDefault" value="Excel Default Name"/>
<label id="Txt_SequenceWorksheetsCustom" value="Custom Lists"/>
<label id="Txt_SequenceWorksheetsDataRange" value="Data in a range"/>
<label id="Txt_SequenceWorksheetsSequence" value="Sequence Numbers"/>
<label id="Txt_SequenceWorksheetsBaseSheets" value="Base Worksheet:"/>
<label id="Txt_SequenceWorksheetsCount" value="The number of create:"/>
<label id="Txt_SequenceWorksheetsHintAdd" value="Create Lists"/>
<label id="Txt_SequenceWorksheetsHintEdit" value="Edit Lists"/>
<label id="Txt_SequenceWorksheetsHintCopy" value="Copy Lists"/>
<label id="Txt_SequenceWorksheetsHintDelete" value="Delete Lists"/>
<label id="Txt_CreatSequenceColor" value="Worksheet color"/>
<label id="Txt_CreatSequenceNameList" value="List of names:"/>
<label id="Txt_CreatSequenceNewName" value="New worksheet name:"/>
<label id="Txt_HintContainsMoreCell" value="The range contains more than 255
<label id="Itm_CreatSequenceListItem0" value="Worksheet name"/>
<label id="Itm_CreatSequenceListItem1" value="Color"/>
<!--Perpetual Calendar-->
<label id="Txt_PerpetualCalendar" value="Perpetual Calendar"/>
<label id="Txt_PerpetualCalendarMonthDates" value="Includes previous/next month"/>
<label id="Txt_PerpetualCalendarOption" value="Calendar option"/>
<!--Delete Blank Worksheets-->
<label id="Txt_AgreeDeleteBlankSheets" value="Do you want to delete all blank
<label id="Txt_HintDeleteBlankSheets" value="Successfully delete {0} blank
<!--Delete All Hidden Sheets-->
<label id="Txt_AgreeDeleteHideSheets" value="Do you want to delete all hidden
sheets from current workbook?"/>
<label id="Txt_HintDeleteHideSheets" value="Successfully delete {0} Sheets."/>
<!--Delete All Inactive Sheets-->
<label id="Txt_AgreeDeleteInactiveSheets" value="The inactive sheets may contain
data, do you want to delete them?"/>
<label id="Txt_HintDeleteInactiveSheets" value="The structure of workbook has been
protected with password, so you cannot delete worksheets from it."/>
<!--Export Range to File-->
<label id="Txt_ExportRangetoFile" value="Export Range to File"/>
<label id="Txt_ExportRangetoFileRange" value="Specify a range to export:"/>
<label id="Txt_ExportRangetoFileFormat" value="File format:"/>
<label id="Txt_ExportRangetoFileExcelWorkbook" value="Excel workbook"/>
<label id="Txt_ExportRangetoFileCsv" value="CSV(Comma delimited)"/>
<label id="Txt_ExportRangetoFileSimpleHTML" value="Simple HTML"/>
<label id="Txt_ExportRangetoFileComplexHTML" value="Complex HTML (all
<label id="Txt_ExportRangetoFileWorkbookOptions" value="Workbook options:"/>
<label id="Txt_ExportRangetoFileConvertFormulas" value="Convert formulas to
<label id="Txt_ExportRangetoFilePreserveFormatting" value="Preserve formatting"/>
<label id="Txt_ExportRangetoFileCSVOptions" value="CSV file options:"/>
<label id="Txt_ExportRangetoFileSimpleHTMLOptions" value="Simple HTML options:"/>
<label id="Txt_ExportRangetoFileBackGroundColor" value="Preserve background
<label id="Txt_ExportRangetoFileFont" value="Preserve font name, size, color"/>
<label id="Txt_ExportRangetoFileBoldItalic" value="Preserve bold italic
<label id="Txt_ExportRangetoFileRowHeights" value="Preserve row heights"/>
<label id="Txt_ExportRangetoFileColumnWidths" value="Preserve column widths"/>
<label id="Txt_ExportRangetoFileHorizontalAlignment" value="Preserve horizontal
<label id="Txt_ExportRangetoFileComplexHTMLOptions" value="Complex HTML options:"/>
<label id="Txt_ExportRangetoFileUseTitle" value="Use this title:"/>
<label id="Txt_ExportRangetoFileOpenFile" value="Open the file after exporting."/>
<label id="Txt_ExportRangetoFileSaveScreenValues" value="Save values as shown on-
<label id="Txt_ExportRangetoFileSaveActualValues" value="Save the actual values"/>
<label id="Txt_ExportRangetoFileText" value="Unicode Text"/>
<label id="Txt_ExportRangetoFileTextOptions" value="Text options:"/>
<label id="Txt_ExportRangetoFileGetFileName" value="Specify a file name for the
exported graphic"/>
<label id="Txt_ExportRangetoFileOptions" value="Save options"/>
<label id="Txt_ExportRangetoFileSaveDirectory" value="Save directory:"/>
<label id="Txt_ExportRangetoFileSaveName" value="Please type in the file name
<label id="Txt_HintExporRangetoFileOneCell" value="Do you really want to export
only one cell?"/>
<label id="Txt_HintCannotExportRange" value="Cannot export the range.&#xA;&#xA;The
range contains hidden rows or columns, and may be the sheet is protected. You will
need to unprotect the sheet, or unhide the hidden rows or columns."/>
<label id="Txt_HintContainsFormulasToWorkBook" value="The exported workbook
contains one or more formulas that link to another workbook."/>
<label id="Txt_HintExportRangeastoFileBrowse" value="Select a directory for
exporting file"/>
<!--Export Range as Graphic-->
<label id="Txt_ExportRangeasGraphic" value="Export Range as Graphic"/>
<label id="Txt_ExportRangeasGraphicRange" value="Specify a range to export:"/>
<label id="Txt_ExportRangeasGraphicFormat" value="Export format:"/>
<label id="Txt_ExportRangeasGraphicOptions" value="Save options"/>
<label id="Txt_ExportRangeasGraphicSaveDirectory" value="Save directory:"/>
<label id="Txt_ExportRangeasGraphicSaveName" value="Please type in the file name
<label id="Txt_HintExportRangeasGraphicBrowse" value="Select a directory for
exporting graphics"/>
<label id="Txt_HintRangeNumberTooMuch" value="The range selection is too
large.&#xA;&#xA;The range to be exported may not exceed 100 rows and columns."/>
<label id="Txt_HintSpecifyGraphicError" value="{0}&#xA;&#xA;You must specify one of
the following graphic file formats: GIF, JPEG, TIF, or PNG."/>
<label id="Txt_HintCannotExportGraphic" value="Cannot export the graphic. You may
not have the {0} filter installed."/>
<label id="Txt_HintExportGraphicSuccessfully" value="Successfully export
<!--Insert File at Cursor-->
<label id="Txt_UndoInsertFileatCursor" value="Undo Insert File at Cursor"/>
<label id="Txt_InsertFileatCursor" value="Insert File at Cursor"/>
<label id="Txt_InsertFileatCursorLable" value="This utility inserts the contents of
a file into your worksheet, beginning at a cell location that you specify."/>
<label id="Txt_InsertFileatCursorFromRange" value="Beginning at this cell:"/>
<label id="Txt_InsertFileatCursorInsertFile" value="Insert this file: "/>
<label id="Txt_InsertFileatCursorValuesOnly" value="Values only (no formulas)"/>
<label id="Txt_InsertFileatCursorNotTransferFormatting" value="Do not transfer
<label id="Txt_ButtonBrowse" value="Browse..."/>
<label id="Txt_InsertFileatCursorList" value="Select a Worksheet"/>
<label id="Txt_InsertFileatCursorListLable" value="The file you selected contains
multiple worksheets. Please specify one worksheet to insert."/>
<label id="Txt_HintSpecifiedFileNotFind" value="The specified file could not be
found.&#xA;&#xA;Use the Browse button to select a file."/>
<label id="Txt_HintWorkBookAlreadyOpen" value="A file named {0} is already
open.&#xA;&#xA;You can not insert an open file."/>
<label id="Txt_HintNotOpenInsertFile" value="An error occurred. Could not open
<label id="Txt_HintNotActiveWorkBook" value="There is no active workbook. If you
need to use this utility with the empty workbook that is created when Excel starts
up, you must save the workbook first."/>
<label id="Txt_HintNotContainWorkSheet" value="{0} doesn't contain any
<label id="Txt_HintOperationCanceled" value="Operation cancelled."/>
<label id="Txt_HintInsertedNotFit" value="The file to be inserted will not fit if
it is inserted at cell {0}"/>
<label id="Txt_HintErrorInsertFileatCursor" value="An unspecified error occurred.
The operation may not have been successful."/>
<!--Filename List-->
<label id="Txt_FilenameList" value="Filename List"/>
<label id="Txt_FilenameListDirectory" value="List files from this folder:"/>
<label id="Txt_FilenameListSubdirectories" value="Include files in
<label id="Txt_FilenameListHyperlinks" value="Create hyperlinks"/>
<label id="Txt_FilenameListFileType" value="Files type"/>
<label id="Txt_FilenameListExcelFiles" value="Common:"/>
<label id="Txt_FilenameListAllFiles" value="All files"/>
<label id="Txt_FilenameListFolderOptions" value="Folder options:"/>
<label id="Txt_FilenameListOtherOptions" value="Other options"/>
<label id="Txt_FilenameListFilesSize" value="File size unit:"/>
<label id="Txt_FilenameListSpecifyHint" value="Please specify which file types you
want to list by typing in the file extensions with using comma to separate each
other. For example: xlsx,xls,txt."/>
<label id="Itm_FilenameListFilesSizeListItem0" value="Byte(B)"/>
<label id="Itm_FilenameListFilesSizeListItem1" value="Kilobyte(KB)"/>
<label id="Itm_FilenameListFilesSizeListItem2" value="Megabyte(MB)"/>
<label id="Itm_FilenameListFilesSizeListItem3" value="Gigabyte(GB)"/>
<label id="Itm_FilenameListFilesSizeListItem4" value="Terabyte(TB)"/>
<label id="Itm_FilenameListItem0" value="All Excel Files
<label id="Itm_FilenameListItem1" value="Excel Files
<label id="Itm_FilenameListItem2" value="All Web Pages
<label id="Itm_FilenameListItem3" value="XML Files (*.xml)"/>
<label id="Itm_FilenameListItem4" value="Text Files (*.prn;*.txt;*.csv)"/>
<label id="Itm_FilenameListItem5" value="All Data Sources
<label id="Itm_FilenameListItem6" value="Access Databases
<label id="Itm_FilenameListItem7" value="Query Files (*.iqy;*.dqy;*.oqy;*.rqy)"/>
<label id="Itm_FilenameListItem8" value="dBase Files (*.dbf)"/>
<label id="Itm_FilenameListItem9" value="Microsoft Excel 4.0 Macros
<label id="Itm_FilenameListItem10" value="Microsoft Excel 4.0 WorkBooks (*.xlw)"/>
<label id="Itm_FilenameListItem11" value="Worksheets
<label id="Itm_FilenameListItem12" value="Workspaces (*.xlw)"/>
<label id="Itm_FilenameListItem13" value="Templates (*.xltx;*.xltm;*.xlt)"/>
<label id="Itm_FilenameListItem14" value="Add-Ins (*.xlam;*.xla;*.xll)"/>
<label id="Itm_FilenameListItem15" value="Toolbars (*.xlb)"/>
<label id="Itm_FilenameListItem16" value="SYLK Files (*.slk)"/>
<label id="Itm_FilenameListItem17" value="Data Interchange Format (*.dif)"/>
<label id="Itm_FilenameListItem18" value="Backup Files (*.xlk;*.bak)"/>
<label id="Itm_FilenameListItem19" value="OpenDocument Spreadsheet(*.ods)"/>
<label id="Txt_HintSelectContainingFiles" value="Select a location containing the
files you want to list"/>
<label id="Txt_HintFileName" value="File Name"/>
<label id="Txt_HintSize" value="Size"/>
<label id="Txt_HintType" value="Type"/>
<label id="Txt_HintCreated" value="Created"/>
<label id="Txt_HintModified" value="Modified"/>
<label id="Txt_HintAccessed" value="Accessed"/>
<label id="Txt_HintContainingFolder" value="Containing Folder"/>
<!--Print Multiple Workbooks Wizard-->
<label id="Txt_FrmBatchPrintingWizard" value="Print Multiple Workbooks Wizard -
Step {0} of 4"/>
<label id="Txt_BatchPrintingWizardForm" value="Print Multiple Workbooks Wizard"/>
<label id="Txt_BatchPrintingWizardFiles" value="Files to be printed"/>
<label id="Txt_BatchPrintingWizardMultipleDir" value="The files to be printed are
in multiple directories."/>
<label id="Txt_BatchPrintingWizardSameDir" value="All of the files to be printed
are in the same directory"/>
<label id="Txt_BatchPrintingWizardStep1Hint" value="The Batch Printing Wizard
opens, prints, and then closes a group of selected files. "/>
<label id="Txt_BatchPrintingWizardDirectory" value="Printing sheet type"/>
<label id="Txt_BatchPrintingWizardStep2Hint" value="Directory:"/>
<label id="Txt_BatchPrintingWizardExcelWorkbook" value="Excel workbooks (*.xls*)"/>
<label id="Txt_BatchPrintingWizardTextFiles" value="Text files (*.csv, *.txt,
<label id="Txt_BatchPrintingWizardFile" value="File specification"/>
<label id="Txt_BatchPrintingWizardType" value="Type of files"/>
<label id="Txt_BatchPrintingWizardStep3Hint" value="Specify which part(s) of the
workbooks you want to print."/>
<label id="Txt_BatchPrintingWizardWorksheetsAndChart" value="Worksheets and chart
<label id="Txt_BatchPrintingWizardChart" value="Chart sheets only"/>
<label id="Txt_BatchPrintingWizardEntire" value="Entire workbook"/>
<label id="Txt_BatchPrintingWizardWorksheets" value="Worksheets only"/>
<label id="Txt_BatchPrintingWizardUse" value="Use this password:"/>
<label id="Txt_BatchPrintingWizardPrompt" value="Prompt for passwords"/>
<label id="Txt_BatchPrintingWizardReferences" value="Links &amp;&amp; remote
<label id="Txt_BatchPrintingWizardLinks" value="Update links"/>
<label id="Txt_BatchPrintingWizardRemote" value="Update remote references"/>
<label id="Txt_BatchPrintingWizardOptions" value="Options:"/>
<label id="Txt_BatchPrintingWizardDisable" value="Disable Auto macros"/>
<label id="Txt_BatchPrintingWizardQuiet" value="Quiet mode (don't show the
workbooks when opened)"/>
<label id="Txt_BatchPrintingWizardSummary" value="Generate a summary report"/>
<label id="Txt_BatchPrintingWizardPassword" value="Password"/>
<label id="Txt_BatchPrintingWizardMatchFiles" value="Match files: {0}"/>
<label id="Txt_BatchPrintingWizardForExample" value="e.g. : *.xls"/>
<label id="Txt_BatchPrintingWizardSpecifySheets" value="Specify sheets:"/>
<label id="Txt_HintTitleSelectWorkbooksToPrint" value="Select workbooks to print"/>
<label id="Txt_HintCouldNotOpenTheFile" value="Could not open the file. Not
<label id="Txt_HintFileExtensionNotSupport" value="Not printed. File extension was
not one of the following: xls, csv, prn, or txt."/>
<label id="Txt_HintBatchPrintingSummaryReport" value="Batch Printing Summary
<label id="Txt_HintBatchPrintingIsOpened" value="This file was selected to be
printed. A file with this name is currently open. In order to proceed, you must
close this file or remove it from the list of files to be printed."/>
<label id="Txt_HintBatchPrintingNoFileToPrint" value="No files match the criteria
specified in Step 2."/>
<label id="Txt_HintBatchPrintingSummaryReportOpenAt" value="Opened at "/>
<label id="Txt_HintBatchPrintingSummaryReportSheets" value=". Sheets: "/>
<label id="Txt_HintBatchPrintingSummaryReportPrinted" value="Printed "/>
<label id="Txt_HintBatchPrintingSummaryReportEntireWorkbook" value=" (Entire
<label id="Txt_HintBatchPrintingSummaryReportSkipped" value="Skipped "/>
<label id="Txt_HintBatchPrintingSummaryReportEmptyWorksheet" value=" (Empty
<label id="Txt_HintBatchPrintingSummaryReportWorksheet" value=" (Worksheet)"/>
<label id="Txt_HintBatchPrintingSummaryReportHiddenWorksheet" value=" (Hidden
<label id="Txt_HintBatchPrintingSummaryReportHiddenChartSheet" value=" (Hidden
Chart sheet)"/>
<label id="Txt_HintBatchPrintingSummaryReportChartSheet" value=" (Chart sheet)"/>
<label id="Txt_HintBatchPrintingIsOpen" value="File is already open"/>
<!--Print Multiple Selections Wizard-->
<label id="Txt_FrmPrintMultipleSelectionWizard" value="Print Multiple Selections
Wizard - Step {0} of 3"/>
<label id="Txt_PrintMultipleSelectionWizardSelectForm" value="Print Multiple
Selections Wizard"/>
<label id="Txt_PrintMultipleSelectionWizardRanges" value="Ranges to print: (double
click to go to the range)"/>
<label id="Txt_PrintMultipleSelectionWizardHintStep1" value="This utility makes it
easy to print a series of ranges continuously, without a page break between each
<label id="Txt_PrintMultipleSelectionWizardPageSetup" value="Page Setup..."/>
<label id="Txt_PrintMultipleSelectionWizardAddBlank" value="Add a blank row between
<label id="Txt_PrintMultipleSelectionWizardSettings" value="Print settings"/>
<label id="Txt_PrintMultipleSelectionWizardSpecify" value="Specify new print
<label id="Txt_PrintMultipleSelectionWizardCurrent" value="Use the print settings
from the current worksheet"/>
<label id="Txt_PrintMultipleSelectionWizardDefault" value="Use default print
<label id="Txt_PrintMultipleSelectionWizardHintSetup2" value="Specify the source
for the print settings."/>
<label id="Txt_PrintMultipleSelectionWizardHintSetup3" value="Each range selected
in Step 1 will be copied and pasted to a new temporary worksheet as a linked
picture object."/>
<label id="Txt_PrintMultipleSelectionWizardAction" value="Action for the temporary
<label id="Txt_PrintMultipleSelectionWizardDeleteIt" value="Print the worksheet,
then delete it"/>
<label id="Txt_PrintMultipleSelectionWizardKeepIt" value="Print the worksheet, and
keep it."/>
<label id="Txt_PrintMultipleSelectionWizardActive" value="Activate the worksheet,
but don't print it"/>
<label id="Txt_HintPrintMultipleSelectionWizardSelect" value="Select a range to be
added to the list. To select multiple ranges, press the Ctrl key.&#xA;&#xA;To
select a range on a different sheet, click the sheet tab and then select the
<label id="Txt_HintPrintMultipleSelectionWizardTooWide" value="Range &quot; {0}
&quot; is too wide for this procedure.Excel places a limit on the width of linked
picture objects."/>
<label id="Txt_HintPrintMultipleSelectionWizardTooHigh" value="Range &quot; {0}
&quot; is too tall for this procedure.Excel places a limit on the height of linked
picture objects."/>
<label id="Txt_HintPrintMultipleSelectionWizardNoRange" value="You must specify at
least one range in Step 1."/>
<label id="Txt_HintPrintMultipleSelectionWizardFailPageSetup" value="Cannot access
the PageSetup object -- a printer may not be installed on your system.
&#xA;&#xA;Page Setup changes will not be made."/>
<label id="Txt_HintPrintMultipleSelectionWizardTransferring" value="Transferring
Print Settings {0}%"/>
<!--Copy Page Setup-->
<label id="Txt_UndoCopyPageSetup" value="Copy Page Setup"/>
<label id="Txt_FrmCopyPageSetup" value="Copy Page Setup"/>
<label id="Txt_CopyPageSetupCopyTo" value="Copy to"/>
<label id="Txt_HintNoPageWereSelected" value="No page setup were selected."/>
<label id="Itm_CopyPageSetupList0Item0" value="Orientation"/>
<label id="Itm_CopyPageSetupList0Item1" value="Zoom"/>
<label id="Itm_CopyPageSetupList0Item2" value="Fit page wide"/>
<label id="Itm_CopyPageSetupList0Item3" value="Fit page tall"/>
<label id="Itm_CopyPageSetupList0Item4" value="Paper size"/>
<label id="Itm_CopyPageSetupList0Item5" value="Print quality"/>
<label id="Itm_CopyPageSetupList0Item6" value="First page number"/>
<label id="Itm_CopyPageSetupList1Item0" value="Left margin"/>
<label id="Itm_CopyPageSetupList1Item1" value="Right margin"/>
<label id="Itm_CopyPageSetupList1Item2" value="Top margin"/>
<label id="Itm_CopyPageSetupList1Item3" value="Bottom margin"/>
<label id="Itm_CopyPageSetupList1Item4" value="Header margin"/>
<label id="Itm_CopyPageSetupList1Item5" value="Footer margin"/>
<label id="Itm_CopyPageSetupList1Item6" value="Center on page horizontally"/>
<label id="Itm_CopyPageSetupList1Item7" value="Center on page vertically"/>
<label id="Itm_CopyPageSetupList2Item0" value="Left header"/>
<label id="Itm_CopyPageSetupList2Item1" value="Center header"/>
<label id="Itm_CopyPageSetupList2Item2" value="Right header"/>
<label id="Itm_CopyPageSetupList2Item3" value="Pictures headers"/>
<label id="Itm_CopyPageSetupList2Item4" value="Left footer"/>
<label id="Itm_CopyPageSetupList2Item5" value="Center footer"/>
<label id="Itm_CopyPageSetupList2Item6" value="Right footer"/>
<label id="Itm_CopyPageSetupList2Item7" value="Pictures footers"/>
<label id="Itm_CopyPageSetupList2Item8" value="Different odd and even pages"/>
<label id="Itm_CopyPageSetupList2Item9" value="Different first page"/>
<label id="Itm_CopyPageSetupList2Item10" value="Scale with document"/>
<label id="Itm_CopyPageSetupList2Item11" value="Align with page margins"/>
<label id="Itm_CopyPageSetupList3Item0" value="Print area"/>
<label id="Itm_CopyPageSetupList3Item1" value="Rows to repeat at top"/>
<label id="Itm_CopyPageSetupList3Item2" value="Columns to repeat at left"/>
<label id="Itm_CopyPageSetupList3Item3" value="Gridlines"/>
<label id="Itm_CopyPageSetupList3Item4" value="Black and white"/>
<label id="Itm_CopyPageSetupList3Item5" value="Draft quality"/>
<label id="Itm_CopyPageSetupList3Item6" value="Row and column headings"/>
<label id="Itm_CopyPageSetupList3Item7" value="Comments"/>
<label id="Itm_CopyPageSetupList3Item8" value="Cell errors"/>
<label id="Itm_CopyPageSetupList3Item9" value="Print Order"/>
<label id="Itm_CopyPageSetupTabListItem0" value="Page"/>
<label id="Itm_CopyPageSetupTabListItem1" value="Margins"/>
<label id="Itm_CopyPageSetupTabListItem2" value="Header/Footer"/>
<label id="Itm_CopyPageSetupTabListItem3" value="Sheet"/>
<label id="Itm_CopyPageSetupListItem0" value="Page setup"/>
<label id="Itm_CopyWorkSheetListItem0" value="Sheet"/>
<label id="Txt_HintNoSheetsWereSelected" value="No sheets were selected."/>
<!--Remove All Macros-->
<label id="Txt_RemoveAllMacros" value="Remove All Macros"/>
<label id="Txt_BatchRemoveAllMacros" value="Batch Remove All Macros"/>
<label id="Txt_UndoRemoveAllMacros" value="Undo Remove All Macros"/>
<label id="Txt_RemoveMacrosWorkBook" value="Workbook list"/>
<label id="Itm_RemoveMacrosAddListItem0" value="File..."/>
<label id="Itm_RemoveMacrosAddListItem1" value="Folder..."/>
<label id="Itm_RemoveMacrosWorkBookListItem0" value="Workbook"/>
<label id="Itm_RemoveMacrosWorkBookListItem1" value="Directory"/>
<label id="Itm_RemoveMacrosReturnListItem0" value="File source"/>
<label id="Itm_RemoveMacrosReturnListItem1" value="Status"/>
<label id="Itm_RemoveMacrosReturnListItem2" value="Directory"/>
<label id="Itm_RemoveMacrosReturnListItem3" value="Remark"/>
<label id="Txt_HintNotAllowMacros" value="You must check 'Trust access to the VBA
project object model' before applying this utility."/>
<label id="Txt_HintVbpIsProtected" value="The VBA Project of current workbook is
<label id="Txt_HintMacrosSheets" value="The current workbook is protected, so 'MS
Excel 4.0 Macro' can't be removed from the workbook."/>
<label id="Txt_HintMacrosDialog" value=" The current workbook is protected, so 'MS
Excel 5.0 Dialog' can't be removed from the workbook."/>
<label id="Txt_HintNotMacros" value="There is no Macro in this workbook."/>
<label id="Txt_HintDeleteMacros" value="Successfully remove all Macros from current
workbook. "/>
<label id="Txt_HintNotMacros1" value="There is no Macro."/>
<label id="Txt_HintDeleteMacros1" value="Successfully remove all Macros"/>
<label id="Txt_HintDeleteMacrosTotal1" value="Successfully remove {0} Macros from
the workbook."/>
<label id="Txt_HintDeleteMacrosTotal2" value="It seems like there is no Macro in
the workbook."/>
<label id="Txt_FrmRegister" value="Register"/>
<label id="Txt_FrmAboutRegsteredButton" value="Change License"/>
<label id="Txt_FrmRegisterLisenceName" value="License name:"/>
<label id="Txt_FrmRegisterLisenceKey" value="License code:"/>
<label id="Txt_FrmRegisterWebSite" value="Website:"/>
<label id="Txt_FrmRegisterOldVersion" value="Download:"/>
<label id="Txt_FrmRegisterPreferential" value="Upgrade:"/>
<label id="Txt_FrmRegisterPurchasePage" value="Purchase page:"/>
<label id="Txt_FrmRegisterNeverReminde" value="Don't show this again."/>
<label id="Dlg_RegisterOk" value="Successfully register the software, thanks for
using our software."/>
<label id="Dlg_RegisterOkAfter" value="You have registered the software
successfully, please restart your Excel application."/>
<label id="Dlg_RegisterWrongKey" value="Oops! It seems like the license information
is invalid. Please try to copy and paste both the license name and license code to
register the software."/>
<label id="Dlg_RegisterExpiredKey" value="Your license has expired, please purchase
new license."/>
<label id="Dlg_RegisterUpgradeEnd" value="Failure to register the software. The
free upgrade period of your license has expired, therefore you are not entitled to
register this version of Kutools for Excel."/>
<label id="Dlg_RegisterWrong" value="Failure to register the software."/>
<label id="Dlg_RegisterBlank" value="Please try to copy and paste both the license
name and license code into the license name box and license code box before
clicking OK."/>
<label id="Txt_FrmAbout" value="About Kutools for Excel"/>
<label id="Txt_FrmAboutRegsteredTitle" value=" (Registered)"/>
<label id="Txt_FrmAboutVersion" value="Version:"/>
<label id="Txt_FrmAboutLicensedTo" value="Licensed to:"/>
<label id="Txt_FrmAboutProvidedBy" value="Provided by:"/>
<lable id="Txt_FrmAboutRemainingDays" value="Remaining days:"/>
<lable id="Txt_FrmAboutLicenseNumber" value="License quantity:"/>
<lable id="Txt_FrmAboutLicenseType" value="License period:"/>
<label id="Txt_FrmAboutCopyRigth" value="Copyright:"/>
<label id="Txt_FrmAboutWebsite" value="Website:"/>
<label id="Txt_FrmAboutSupport" value="Technical support:"/>
<!--Convert displayed values to actual values-->
<label id="Txt_UndoDisplayedToActual" value="Undo Convert displayed values to
actual values"/>
<!--Select Range Helper-->
<label id="Txt_RangeHelper" value="Select Range Helper"/>
<label id="Txt_RangeHelperMode" value="Select"/>
<label id="Txt_RangeHelperDeselect" value="Deselect Cells"/>
<label id="Txt_RangeHelperUnion" value="Union Selection"/>
<label id="Txt_RangeHelperInverse" value="Inverse Selection"/>
<label id="Txt_ButtonAllRecove" value="Reset All"/>
<label id="Txt_ButtonRecove" value="Reset"/>
<label id="Txt_RangeHelperHint" value="Now you can use the mouse to select the
<label id="Txt_HintDeselect" value="Deselecting the selected ranges"/>
<label id="Txt_HintUnion" value="Union of selected ranges"/>
<label id="Txt_HintInverse" value="Inverse of selected ranges"/>
<label id="Txt_HintDeselectError" value="The new selected range cannot contain the
original selected range."/>
<label id="Txt_HintInverseError" value="The new selected range cannot locate in the
original selected range."/>
<label id="Txt_HintRangeHelpError" value="Oops, encountering an error, maybe there
are too many cells in the selected range. "/>
<!--Copy Multiple Ranges-->
<label id="Txt_UndoCopyMultipleRanges" value="Undo Copy Multiple Ranges"/>
<label id="Txt_CopyMultipleRanges" value="Copy Multiple Ranges"/>
<label id="Txt_CopyMultipleRangesPSpecial" value="Paste special"/>
<label id="Txt_CopyMultipleRangesComments" value="Comments"/>
<label id="Txt_CopyMultipleRangesVNumber" value="Values and number formats"/>
<label id="Txt_CopyMultipleRangesFNumber" value="Formulas and number formats"/>
<label id="Txt_CopyMultipleRangesDisplayedValue" value="Displayed value"/>
<label id="Txt_CopyMultipleRangesFormats" value="Formats"/>
<label id="Txt_CopyMultipleRangesValues" value="Values"/>
<label id="Txt_CopyMultipleRangesFormulas" value="Formulas"/>
<label id="Txt_CopyMultipleRangesAll" value="All"/>
<label id="Txt_CopyMultipleRangesRowHeight" value="Including row height"/>
<label id="Txt_CopyMultipleRangesColWidth" value="Including column width"/>
<label id="Txt_HintCopyMultipleRangesProtectSheet" value="You cannot paste in a
protected worksheet."/>
<label id="Txt_HintCopyMultipleRangesManyRanges" value="Too many ranges!"/>
<label id="Txt_HintCopyMultipleRangesTips" value="Displayed values will convert
formulas in the current cell selection to their calculated results and convert the
formatted numbers to text."/>
<label id="Txt_HintCopyMultipleRangesErrMsg" value="Error occurs during copying
ranges, and it may be caused by following reasons: &#xA;&#xA;* The operation will
try to change part of an array, but such operation is prohibited in Excel &#xA;*
Multi-cell array formulas are not allowed in tables"/>
<!--Part 4 End-->
<!--Part 5-->
<!--Adjust Cell Size-->
<label id="Txt_UndoAdjustRowCol" value="Adjust Cell Size"/>
<label id="Txt_AdjustRowCol" value="Adjust Cell Size"/>
<label id="Txt_SelectMaxMinSelectSet" value="Set values"/>
<label id="Txt_AdjustRowColCol" value="Column width:"/>
<label id="Txt_AdjustRowColRow" value="Row height:"/>
<label id="Txt_AdjustRowColUnitType" value="Unit type"/>
<label id="Txt_AdjustRowColPixels" value="Pixels"/>
<label id="Txt_AdjustRowColInches" value="Inches"/>
<label id="Txt_AdjustRowColCentimeters" value="Centimetres"/>
<label id="Txt_AdjustRowColPoint" value="Pounds"/>
<label id="Txt_HintAdjustRowCol" value="You must specify the Row height, Column
width or both. "/>
<label id="Txt_HintInputRowError" value="The Row height value must be less than {0}
pounds/ {1} centimeters/ {2} inches/ {3} pixels."/>
<label id="Txt_HintInputColError" value="The column width must be less than {0}
pounds / {1} centimeters / {2} inches/ {3} pixels."/>
<!--Replace Accented Characters-->
<label id="Txt_UndoReplaceCharacters" value="Replace Accented Characters"/>
<label id="Txt_ReplaceCharacters" value="Replace Accented Characters"/>
<label id="Txt_AdjustRowColReplaceRange" value="Source range:"/>
<label id="Txt_ReplaceCharactersLevelList" value="Replace rules"/>
<label id="Txt_ButtonAddLevel" value="Add rule"/>
<label id="Txt_ButtonDeleteLevel" value="Delete rule"/>
<label id="Itm_ReplaceCharactersListItem0" value="Find what"/>
<label id="Itm_ReplaceCharactersListItem1" value=" "/>
<label id="Itm_ReplaceCharactersListItem2" value="Replace with"/>
<label id="Itm_ReplaceCharactersListFind0" value="áàâäãåǻăāąấấặắ"/>
<label id="Itm_ReplaceCharactersListReplace0" value="a"/>
<label id="Itm_ReplaceCharactersListFind1" value="ćĉċčç"/>
<label id="Itm_ReplaceCharactersListReplace1" value="c"/>
<label id="Itm_ReplaceCharactersListFind2" value="ďđḑ"/>
<label id="Itm_ReplaceCharactersListReplace2" value="d"/>
<label id="Itm_ReplaceCharactersListFind3" value="éèêëĕěēęėềẽ"/>
<label id="Itm_ReplaceCharactersListReplace3" value="e"/>
<label id="Itm_ReplaceCharactersListFind4" value="ĝğġģǧ"/>
<label id="Itm_ReplaceCharactersListReplace4" value="g"/>
<label id="Itm_ReplaceCharactersListFind5" value="ĥħ"/>
<label id="Itm_ReplaceCharactersListReplace5" value="h"/>
<label id="Itm_ReplaceCharactersListFind6" value="íìîïĭїĩīį"/>
<label id="Itm_ReplaceCharactersListReplace6" value="i"/>
<label id="Itm_ReplaceCharactersListFind7" value="ĵ"/>
<label id="Itm_ReplaceCharactersListReplace7" value="j"/>
<label id="Itm_ReplaceCharactersListFind8" value="ķ"/>
<label id="Itm_ReplaceCharactersListReplace8" value="k"/>
<label id="Itm_ReplaceCharactersListFind9" value="ļľŀĺĺ"/>
<label id="Itm_ReplaceCharactersListReplace9" value="l"/>
<label id="Itm_ReplaceCharactersListFind10" value="óòôöõðőŏōỏ"/>
<label id="Itm_ReplaceCharactersListReplace10" value="o"/>
<label id="Itm_ReplaceCharactersListFind11" value="ñńņňʼnŋ"/>
<label id="Itm_ReplaceCharactersListReplace11" value="n"/>
<label id="Itm_ReplaceCharactersListFind12" value="ŕŗř"/>
<label id="Itm_ReplaceCharactersListReplace12" value="r"/>
<label id="Itm_ReplaceCharactersListFind13" value="śŝşš"/>
<label id="Itm_ReplaceCharactersListReplace13" value="s"/>
<label id="Itm_ReplaceCharactersListFind14" value="ţťŧț"/>
<label id="Itm_ReplaceCharactersListReplace14" value="t"/>
<label id="Itm_ReplaceCharactersListFind15" value="úùûüůūűųũŭ"/>
<label id="Itm_ReplaceCharactersListReplace15" value="u"/>
<label id="Itm_ReplaceCharactersListFind16" value="ŵ"/>
<label id="Itm_ReplaceCharactersListReplace16" value="w"/>
<label id="Itm_ReplaceCharactersListFind17" value="ŷýÿўỹ"/>
<label id="Itm_ReplaceCharactersListReplace17" value="y"/>
<label id="Itm_ReplaceCharactersListFind18" value="źżž"/>
<label id="Itm_ReplaceCharactersListReplace18" value="z"/>
<!--Compare Ranges-->
<label id="Txt_CompareRanges" value="Select Same &amp; Different Cells"/>
<label id="Txt_UndoCompareRanges" value="Select Same &amp;&amp; Different Cells"/>
<label id="Txt_CompareRangesHeaders" value="My data has headers"/>
<label id="Txt_CompareRangesFindType" value="Find"/>
<label id="Txt_CompareRangesRef" value="According to: (Range B)"/>
<label id="Txt_CompareRangesSelect" value="Find values in: (Range A)"/>
<label id="Txt_CompareRangesEntireR" value="Select entire rows"/>
<label id="Txt_CompareRangesWay" value="Based on"/>
<label id="Txt_CompareRangesByRow" value="Each row"/>
<label id="Txt_CompareRangesByCell" value="Single cell"/>
<label id="Txt_CompareRangesSame" value="Same values"/>
<label id="Txt_CompareRangesDifferent" value="Different Values"/>
<label id="Txt_CompareRangesProcess" value="Processing of results"/>
<label id="Txt_CompareRangesForeColor" value="Fill font color"/>
<label id="Txt_CompareRangesBackColor" value="Fill backcolor"/>
<label id="Txt_HintCompareRangesSelectionCol" value="({0} columns)"/>
<label id="Txt_HintCompareRangesNotSameCol" value="Source range and the Refer to
range must have the same numbers of columns. "/>
<label id="Txt_HintCompareRangesNotSameColRow" value="Two ranges must have the same
number of rows and columns."/>
<label id="Txt_HintCompareRangesNotSameColName" value="Source range and the Refer
to range contain different titles."/>
<label id="Txt_HintCompareRangesHasSameName" value=" '{0}' contains duplicated
<label id="Txt_HintCompareRangesHasBlackName" value=" '{0}' contains empty column
<label id="Txt_HintCompareRangesRowsError" value=" There are too much or too little
number of rows in '{0}'."/>
<label id="Txt_HintNumberRows" value=" {0} rows have been selected."/>
<label id="Txt_HintNoFindRow" value="No rows qualify."/>
<label id="Txt_HintCompareRangesSame" value="Find values in Range A that also exist
in Range B"/>
<label id="Txt_HintCompareRangesDifferent" value="Find values in Range A but not in
Range B"/>
<!--Compare Cells-->
<label id="Txt_CompareCells" value="Compare Cells"/>
<label id="Txt_UndoCompareCells" value="Compare Cells"/>
<label id="Txt_CompareCellsFindType" value="Find"/>
<label id="Txt_CompareCellsRef" value="According to: (Range B)"/>
<label id="Txt_CompareCellsSelect" value="Find values in: (Range A)"/>
<label id="Txt_CompareCellsSame" value="Same cells"/>
<label id="Txt_CompareCellsDifferent" value="Different cells"/>
<label id="Txt_CompareCellsProcess" value="Processing of results"/>
<label id="Txt_CompareCellsForeColor" value="Fill font color"/>
<label id="Txt_CompareCellsBackColor" value="Fill backcolor"/>
<label id="Txt_CompareCellsSelectionCol" value="(%s row(s) x %s column(s))"/>
<label id="Txt_CompareCellsNotSameColRow" value="Two ranges must have the same
number of rows and columns."/>
<label id="Txt_HintCompareCellsSame" value="Looking for the same values in the
Range A according to the cell value of the same position in the Range B."/>
<label id="Txt_HintCompareCellsDifferent" value="Looking for the different values
in the Range A according to the cell value of the same position in the Range B."/>
<label id="Txt_HintCompareCellsIsSameRange" value="The range A and the range B is
the same range, you don't need to apply this function"/>
<!--Flip Horizontal Range-->
<label id="Txt_UndoFlipHorizontalCellsFormat" value="Undo Flip Horizontal Range"/>
<!--Flip Vertical Range-->
<label id="Txt_UndoFlipVerticalCellsFormat" value="Undo Flip Vertical Range"/>
<!--Transpose Table Dimensions-->
<label id="Txt_UndoConvertingCrossTab" value="Undo Transpose Table Dimensions"/>
<label id="Txt_ConvertingCrossTab" value="Transpose Table Dimensions"/>
<label id="Txt_ConvertingCrossTabConvertType" value="Transpose type"/>
<label id="Txt_ConvertingCrossTabCrossList" value="Cross table to list"/>
<label id="Txt_ConvertingCrossTabListCross" value="List to cross table"/>
<label id="Txt_ConvertingCrossTabResults" value="Results range (single cell):"/>
<label id="Txt_ConvertingCrossTabSource" value="Source range ({0}):"/>
<label id="Txt_ConvertingCrossTabCross" value="Cross table"/>
<label id="Txt_ConvertingCrossTabList" value="List"/>
<label id="Txt_ConvertingCrossTabHeaders" value="My data has headers"/>
<label id="Txt_HintWhatCrosstable" value="Cross table is a two-dimensional table
with a horizontal header row and a vertical header row."/>
<label id="Txt_HintNotStandardRow" value="The range to be transposed cannot contain
only one row."/>
<label id="Txt_HintNotStandardCol" value="The range to be transposed cannot contain
only one column."/>
<label id="Txt_HintRowIsBlack" value="The first row of the transposed range cannot
be empty. "/>
<label id="Txt_HintColIsBlack" value="The first column of the transposed range
cannot be empty. "/>
<label id="Txt_HintColNumberNotThree" value="The range to be transposed must
contain THREE columns."/>
<label id="Txt_HintSelectionRangeEmpty" value="You must select a range in the
Source range."/>
<label id="Txt_HintReferenceRangeEmpty" value="You must select a range in the Refer
to range."/>
<label id="Txt_HintConvertingCrossTabLostFormat" value="Note: the results area do
not retain the original format of cells."/>
<!--Create Folders based Cell Contents-->
<label id="Txt_CreateFolder" value=" Create Folders from Cell Contents"/>
<label id="Txt_HintCreateFolder" value="Please specify the file location to create
the folder."/>
<label id="Txt_HintCreateFolderNumber" value="Successfully create {0} folders
&#xA;Fail to create {1} folders."/>
<label id="Txt_HintExsitsFolderNumber" value="Existing {0} folder(s)."/>
<!--Fill Blank Cells-->
<label id="Txt_UndoFillBlankRange" value="Fill Blank Cells"/>
<label id="Txt_FillBlankRange" value="Fill Blank Cells"/>
<label id="Txt_FillBlankRangeOptions" value="Options:"/>
<label id="Txt_FillBlankRangeLeft" value="Left"/>
<label id="Txt_FillBlankRangeRight" value="Right"/>
<label id="Txt_FillBlankRangeDownUp" value="Up"/>
<label id="Txt_FillBlankRangeDown" value="Down"/>
<label id="Txt_FillBlankRangeLeftRight" value="From left to right"/>
<label id="Txt_FillBlankRangeTopBottom" value="From top to bottom"/>
<label id="Txt_FillBlankRangeFillType" value="Fill with"/>
<label id="Txt_FillBlankRangeFixedValue" value="Fixed value"/>
<label id="Txt_FillBlankRangeLinearSeries" value="Linear values"/>
<label id="Txt_FillBlankRangeBaseValue" value="Based on values"/>
<label id="Txt_FillBlankRangeFillValue" value="Filled value:"/>
<!--Insert Blank Rows/Columns-->
<label id="Txt_InsertBlackRowsCols" value="Insert Blank Rows &amp; Columns"/>
<label id="Txt_InsertBlackRowsColsOptions" value="Options:"/>
<label id="Txt_InsertBlackRowsColsRows" value="Rows:"/>
<label id="Txt_InsertBlackRowsColsCols" value="Columns:"/>
<label id="Txt_InsertBlackRowsColsInterval" value="Interval of:"/>
<label id="Txt_InsertBlackRowsColsInsertType" value="Insert type"/>
<label id="Txt_InsertBlackRowsColsBlackColumns" value="Blank columns"/>
<label id="Txt_InsertBlackRowsColsBlackRows" value="Blank rows"/>
<label id="Txt_HintInsertManyRows" value="You cannot insert blank rows because it
will exceed the worksheet size 1048576 rows."/>
<label id="Txt_HintInsertManyCols" value="You cannot insert blank columns because
it will exceed the worksheet size 16384 columns. "/>
<label id="Txt_UndoInsertBlackRowsCols" value="Undo insert Black Rows or Columns"/>
<label id="Txt_HintInsertNotRows" value="The rows of selected range is less than
the number of interval rows."/>
<label id="Txt_HintInsertNotCols" value="The columns of selected range is less than
the number of interval columns."/>
<!--Select Interval Rows&Columns-->
<label id="Txt_SelectIntervalRowsCols" value="Select Interval Rows &amp; Columns"/>
<label id="Txt_SelectIntervalRowsColsSelectType" value="Select "/>
<label id="Txt_SelectIntervalRowsColsColumns" value="Columns"/>
<label id="Txt_SelectIntervalRowsColsRows" value="Rows"/>
<label id="Txt_SelectIntervalRowsEntireR" value="Select entire rows"/>
<label id="Txt_SelectIntervalRowsEntireC" value="Select entire columns"/>
<!--Delete Rows/Columns-->
<label id="Txt_UndoDeleteRowsCols" value="Undo Delete Hidden (Visible) Rows or
<label id="Txt_DeleteRowsCols" value="Delete Hidden (Visible) Rows &amp; Columns"/>
<label id="Txt_DeleteRowsColsLookIn" value="Look in:"/>
<label id="Txt_DeleteRowsColsOptions" value="Detailed type"/>
<label id="Txt_DeleteRowsColsHiddenRows" value="Hidden {0}"/>
<label id="Txt_DeleteRowsColsVisibleRows" value="Visible {0}"/>
<label id="Txt_DeleteRowsColsBlankRows" value="Blank {0}"/>
<label id="Txt_DeleteRowsColsDeleteType" value="Delete type"/>
<label id="Txt_DeleteRowsColsColumns" value="Columns"/>
<label id="Txt_DeleteRowsColsRows" value="Rows"/>
<label id="Txt_DeleteRowsColsColumn" value="columns"/>
<label id="Txt_DeleteRowsColsRow" value="rows"/>
<label id="Itm_DeleteRowsColsListItem0" value="In Selected Range"/>
<label id="Itm_DeleteRowsColsListItem1" value="In Active Sheet"/>
<label id="Itm_DeleteRowsColsListItem2" value="In Selected Sheets"/>
<label id="Itm_DeleteRowsColsListItem3" value="In All Sheets"/>
<label id="Txt_HintDeleteSuccessRows" value="Successfully delete {0} rows."/>
<label id="Txt_HintDeleteSuccessCols" value="Successfully delete {0} columns."/>
<label id="Txt_HintDeleteErrs" value="{0} rows (columns) could not be deleted,
because the worksheet has tables and so on."/>
<!--Reverse Text-->
<label id="Txt_UndoReverseText" value="Reverse Text Order"/>
<label id="Txt_ReverseText" value="Reverse Text"/>
<label id="Txt_ReverseTextSpecifier" value="Separator"/>
<label id="Txt_ReverseTextComma" value="Comma"/>
<label id="Txt_ReverseTextSemicolon" value="Semicolon"/>
<label id="Txt_ReverseTextOther" value="Other:"/>
<label id="Txt_ReverseTextCarriageReturn" value="Carriage return"/>
<label id="Txt_ReverseTextNothing" value="Nothing"/>
<label id="Txt_ReverseTextSpace" value="Space"/>
<!--Insert Workbook Information-->
<label id="Txt_UndoInsertWorkbook" value="Insert Workbook Information"/>
<label id="Txt_InsertWorkbook" value="Insert Workbook Information"/>
<label id="Txt_InsertWorkbookLoad" value="Insert at:"/>
<label id="Txt_InsertWorkbookFooter" value="Footer:"/>
<label id="Txt_InsertWorkbookRange" value="Range:"/>
<label id="Txt_InsertWorkbookHeader" value="Header:"/>
<label id="Txt_InsertWorkbookDataSource" value="Information:"/>
<label id="Txt_InsertWorkbookBookPathName" value="Workbook path &amp;&amp; name"/>
<label id="Txt_InsertWorkbookBookPath" value="Workbook Path"/>
<label id="Txt_InsertWorkbookSheetName" value="Worksheet name"/>
<label id="Txt_InsertWorkbookBookName" value="Workbook name"/>
<label id="Txt_InsertWorkbookUserName" value="User name"/>
<label id="Txt_InsertWorkbookDateTime" value="Current date and time"/>
<label id="Txt_InsertWorkbookCreationTime" value="Date created"/>
<label id="Txt_InsertWorkbookLastSaveTime" value="Date modified"/>
<label id="Itm_InsertWorkbookListItem0" value="Left"/>
<label id="Itm_InsertWorkbookListItem1" value="Center"/>
<label id="Itm_InsertWorkbookListItem2" value="Right"/>
<label id="Txt_InsertWorkbookFileNotSave" value="This workbook never saved"/>
<!--Spell Out Numbers-->
<label id="Txt_UndoConvertSpelling" value="Spell Out Numbers"/>
<label id="Txt_ConvertSpelling" value="Spell Out Numbers"/>
<label id="Txt_ConvertSpellingPreview" value="Preview"/>
<label id="Txt_ConvertSpellingLanguage" value="Languages:"/>
<label id="Txt_ConvertSpellingEnglish" value="English"/>
<label id="Txt_ConvertSpellingChinese" value="Chinese"/>
<!--Split Data Into Multiple Worksheets-->
<label id="Txt_UndoSplitData" value="Split Data into Multiple Worksheets"/>
<label id="Txt_SplitData" value="Split Data into Multiple Worksheets"/>
<label id="Txt_SplitDataNameRule" value="Rules:"/>
<label id="Txt_SplitDataSplitBasis" value="Split based on:"/>
<label id="Txt_SplitDataHeaders" value="My data has headers"/>
<label id="Txt_SplitDataSpecifyColumn" value="Specific column:"/>
<label id="Txt_SplitDataFixedValue" value="Fixed rows:"/>
<label id="Itm_SplitDataRuleItemOneItem0" value="Values of Column"/>
<label id="Itm_SplitDataRuleItemOneItem1" value="Sequence Numbers"/>
<label id="Itm_SplitDataRuleItemOneItem2" value="Excel Default Name"/>
<label id="Itm_SplitDataRuleItemTwoItem0" value="Row Numbers"/>
<label id="Itm_SplitDataRuleItemTwoItem1" value="Sequence Numbers"/>
<label id="Itm_SplitDataRuleItemTwoItem2" value="Excel Default Name"/>
<label id="Txt_SplitDataName" value="New worksheets name"/>
<label id="Txt_HintSplitDataFirstRowIsNull" value="The first row in selected range
cannot be blank."/>
<label id="Txt_HintSplitDataDataTooLow" value="The selected data is too little to
<label id="Txt_HintTooManySheets" value="It may take some time to split data into
{0} worksheets. &#xA;&#xA; Click &quot;Yes&quot; to continue &#xA; click
&quot;No&quot; to cancel."/>
<!--Copy Cell Formatting-->
<label id="Txt_UndoCopyFormatting" value="Undo Copy Cell Formatting"/>
<label id="Txt_CopyFormatting" value="Copy Cell Formatting"/>
<label id="Txt_CopyFormattingCopy" value="Copy Cell (single):"/>
<label id="Txt_CopyFormattingPasteTo" value="Paste to:"/>
<label id="Txt_CopyFormattingBackGround" value="Copy Cell Background"/>
<label id="Txt_CopyFormattingAlignment" value="Copy Cell Alignment"/>
<label id="Txt_CopyFormattingFont" value="Copy Cell Font"/>
<label id="Txt_CopyFormattingStyle" value="Copy Cell Style"/>
<label id="Txt_CopyFormattingNumber" value="Copy Cell Number"/>
<label id="Txt_SelectFormatCFormat" value="Category:"/>
<label id="Txt_SelectFormatCStyle" value="Style:"/>
<label id="Txt_SelectFormatCSize" value="Size:"/>
<label id="Txt_SelectFormatCName" value="Name:"/>
<label id="Txt_SelectFormatCBold" value="Bold:"/>
<label id="Txt_SelectFormatCItalic" value="Italic:"/>
<label id="Txt_SelectFormatCColor" value="Color Index:"/>
<label id="Txt_SelectFormatCHtal" value="Horizontal:"/>
<label id="Txt_SelectFormatCVcal" value="Vertical:"/>
<label id="Txt_SelectFormatCInterCol" value="Interior color/shading"/>
<label id="Txt_HintNoFormat" value="You must specify at least one formatting
<!--Export Graphics-->
<label id="Txt_ExportChart" value="Export Graphics"/>
<label id="Txt_ExportChartList" value="Graphics list"/>
<label id="Txt_ExportChartFormat" value="Export format:"/>
<label id="Txt_ExportChartOptions" value="Save options:"/>
<label id="Txt_ExportChartSaveDirectory" value="Save directory:"/>
<label id="Txt_ExportChartViewChart" value="Show Graphics"/>
<label id="Txt_ExportChartType" value="Types:"/>
<label id="Itm_ExportChartListItem0" value="Worksheet"/>
<label id="Itm_ExportChartListItem1" value="Graphics"/>
<label id="Itm_ExportChartTypeListItem0" value="All"/>
<label id="Itm_ExportChartTypeListItem1" value="Charts"/>
<label id="Itm_ExportChartTypeListItem2" value="Pictures"/>
<label id="Itm_ExportChartTypeListItem3" value="Shapes"/>
<label id="Txt_HintExportChartNotChart" value="The active workbook contains no
charts,pictures and shapes in it."/>
<label id="Txt_HintExportChartBrowse" value="Select a directory for exporting
graphics. "/>
<label id="Txt_HintDirectoryIsNull" value="You must specify a save directory."/>
<label id="Txt_HintDirectoryNotWork" value="Error! The save directory may be write-
<label id="Txt_HintNotExportChart" value="Please select at least one graphic."/>
<label id="Txt_HintExportChartNumber" value="Successfully export {0} graphic(s)."/>
<label id="Txt_HintCannotExportChart" value="Failed to export graphics. You may not
have the {0} filter installed."/>
<!--Find and Break Link-->
<label id="Txt_UndoFindLink" value="Find and Break Broken Links"/>
<label id="Txt_FindLink" value="Find and Break Broken Links"/>
<label id="Txt_FindLinkLinkList" value="Cell list"/>
<label id="Txt_FindLinkLinkFilter" value="Filter:"/>
<label id="Txt_ButtonBreakLink" value="Break link"/>
<label id="Txt_HintLinkStatusTagOk" value="OK"/>
<label id="Txt_HintLinkStatusTagError" value="Error"/>
<label id="Itm_FindLinkListItem0" value="Cell"/>
<label id="Itm_FindLinkListItem1" value="Link source"/>
<label id="Itm_FindLinkListItem2" value="Status"/>
<label id="Itm_FindLinkLinkSourceListItem0" value="All links"/>
<label id="Itm_FindLinkLinkSourceListItem1" value="All OK links"/>
<label id="Itm_FindLinkLinkSourceListItem2" value="All broken links"/>
<label id="Txt_HintNotFormulasCellInSheet" value="There are no formulas in the
active worksheet."/>
<!--Convert Hyperlinks-->
<label id="Txt_UndoConvertHyperlinks" value="Convert Hyperlinks"/>
<label id="Txt_ConvertHyperlinks" value="Convert Hyperlinks"/>
<label id="Txt_ConvertHyperlinksOverwrite" value="Convert source range"/>
<label id="Txt_ConvertHyperlinksType" value="Convert type"/>
<label id="Txt_ConvertHyperlinksCToH" value="Cell contents replace hyperlinks
<label id="Txt_ConvertHyperlinksHToC" value="Hyperlinks addresses replace cell
<label id="Txt_ConvertHyperlinksNonWeb" value="Hyperlinks are linked to places in
this document"/>
<!--Select Error Cells-->
<label id="Txt_HintNotFindErrorCell" value="No cells with error value were found in
your range."/>
<label id="Txt_HintErrorCellCount" value=" {0} cell(s) were found and selected"/>
<!--Select Merged Cells-->
<label id="Txt_HintNotFindMergedCell" value="No merged cells were found in your
<label id="Txt_HintMergedCellCount" value="{0} merged cell(s)."/>
<!--Select Unblank Cells-->
<label id="Txt_HintNotFindUnblankCell" value="No nonblank cells were found in your
<label id="Txt_HintUnblankCellCount" value="{0} nonblank cell(s)."/>
<!--Merge Same Cells-->
<label id="Txt_UndoMergeSameCell" value="Undo Merge Same Cells"/>
<label id="Txt_HintNotFindSameCell" value="No same cells were found."/>
<!--Unmerge Same Cell-->
<label id="Txt_UndoUnMergeSameCell" value="Undo Unmerge Cell"/>
<!--Insert Titles Rows-->
<label id="Txt_InsertTitlesRows" value="Insert Titles Rows"/>
<label id="Txt_UndoInsertTitlesRows" value="Undo Insert Titles Rows"/>
<label id="Txt_InsertTitlesRowsInterval" value="Interval rows:"/>
<label id="Txt_InsertTitlesRowsTitlesRange" value="Titles range:"/>
<label id="Txt_InsertTitlesRowsInsertRange" value="Insert range:"/>
<label id="Txt_HintInsertRangeEmpty" value="You must select a range in the Insert
<label id="Txt_HintTitlesRangeEmpty" value="You must select a range in the Titles
<label id="Txt_HintInsertManyTitlesRows" value="You cannot insert title rows
because it will exceed the worksheet size 1048576 rows."/>
<label id="Txt_HintRangeCannotHaveCommonlyCells" value="The titles ranges and
insert ranges cannot have cells in common."/>
<label id="Txt_HintNotSameCol" value="The title range and the insert range must
have the same numbers of columns."/>
<label id="Txt_HintInsertTitlesRangesCannotHaveCommonlyCells" value="The titles
ranges and insert ranges cannot have cells in common."/>
<label id="Txt_HintInsertTitlesRangesCannotMoveTableCell" value="This operation is
not allowed. The operation is attempting to shift cells in a table on your
<!--Prevent Duplicate Entries-->
<label id="Txt_HintErrorMessage" value="The value you entered is not valid."/>
<label id="Txt_HintlNotSigleColumn" value="The data range must be a single
<label id="Txt_HintPreventAddress" value="The duplicate data has been prevented
from entering into:"/>
<label id="Txt_HintPreventDelValidation" value="If there is Data Validation in the
selected range, it will remove the Data Validation. Do you want to continue?"/>
<!--Prevent Typing-->
<label id="Txt_LimitInput" value=" Prevent Typing"/>
<label id="Txt_LimitInputType" value="Define restrictions"/>
<label id="Txt_LimitInputEmptyRule" value="The condition cannot be empty, please
retype in."/>
<label id="Txt_LimitInputBanSpecialCharSuccess" value="The range: '#' has been
prevented to type in special characters."/>
<label id="Txt_LimitInputBanCharSuccess" value="The range: '#' has been prevented
to type in these chars:"/>
<label id="Txt_LimitInputAllowCharSuccess" value="The range: '#' has been allowed
to type in these chars:"/>
<label id="Txt_LimitInputFailure" value="Fail to define the restriction, please
<label id="Txt_LimitInputBanSpecialChar" value="Prevent type in special
<label id="Txt_LimitInputBanChar" value="Prevent type in these chars:"/>
<label id="Txt_LimitInputAllowChar" value="Allow to type in these chars: "/>
<label id="Txt_LimitInputTip" value="Note: The entered text will be splited as each
<!--Round without Formula-->
<label id="Txt_Round" value="Round without Formula"/>
<label id="Txt_UndoRound" value="Round without Formula"/>
<label id="Txt_RoundDecimalPlaces" value="Decimal place:"/>
<label id="Txt_RoundConvert" value="Option"/>
<label id="Txt_RoundOtherRound" value="Rounding to Even"/>
<label id="Txt_RoundDown" value="Rounding down"/>
<label id="Txt_RoundUp" value="Rounding up"/>
<label id="Txt_RoundRound" value="Rounding"/>
<!--Protect Worksheet-->
<label id="Txt_BatchProtect" value="Protect Worksheet"/>
<label id="Txt_BatchProtectSheetList" value="Worksheet"/>
<label id="Txt_BatchProtectSetPwAllow" value="Allow all users of this worksheet
<label id="Txt_BatchProtectSetPwReenter" value="Retype password:"/>
<label id="Txt_BatchProtectSetPwPsW" value="Password:"/>
<label id="Itm_BatchProtectSetPwListItem0" value="Select locked cells"/>
<label id="Itm_BatchProtectSetPwListItem1" value="Select unlocked cells"/>
<label id="Itm_BatchProtectSetPwListItem2" value="Format cells"/>
<label id="Itm_BatchProtectSetPwListItem3" value="Format columns"/>
<label id="Itm_BatchProtectSetPwListItem4" value="Format rows"/>
<label id="Itm_BatchProtectSetPwListItem5" value="Insert columns"/>
<label id="Itm_BatchProtectSetPwListItem6" value="Insert rows"/>
<label id="Itm_BatchProtectSetPwListItem7" value="Insert hyperlinks"/>
<label id="Itm_BatchProtectSetPwListItem8" value="Delete columns"/>
<label id="Itm_BatchProtectSetPwListItem9" value="Delete rows"/>
<label id="Itm_BatchProtectSetPwListItem10" value="Sort"/>
<label id="Itm_BatchProtectSetPwListItem11" value="Use AutoFilter"/>
<label id="Itm_BatchProtectSetPwListItem12" value="Use Pivot Table reports"/>
<label id="Itm_BatchProtectSetPwListItem13" value="Edit objects"/>
<label id="Itm_BatchProtectSetPwListItem14" value="Edit scenarios"/>
<label id="Txt_HintPasswordNotMatch" value="The password and retype password do not
<label id="Txt_HintProtectNumber" value="Successfully protect {0} worksheet(s)"/>
<label id="Txt_HintNoFindCanProtectWs" value="All worksheets of current workbook is
<!--Unprotect Worksheet-->
<label id="Txt_BatchUnProtect" value="Unprotect Worksheet"/>
<label id="Txt_HintUnProtectNumber" value="Successfully unprotect {0} worksheet(s)
by using this password."/>
<label id="Txt_HintNoFindCanUnProtectWs" value="No protected worksheets in current
<!--Count by Color-->
<label id="Txt_BackgroundColor" value="Count by Color"/>
<label id="Txt_ButtonGenerate" value="Generate report"/>
<label id="Txt_BackgroundColorMethod" value="Color method:"/>
<label id="Txt_BackgroundCountType" value="Count type:"/>
<label id="Itm_BackgroundColorMethodListItem0" value="Standard formatting"/>
<label id="Itm_BackgroundColorMethodListItem1" value="Conditional formatting"/>
<label id="Itm_BackgroundColorMethodListItem2" value="Standard and Conditional
<label id="Itm_BackgroundColorItemListItem0" value="Background"/>
<label id="Itm_BackgroundColorItemListItem1" value="Font"/>
<label id="Itm_BackgroundColorListItem0" value="Color"/>
<label id="Itm_BackgroundColorListItem1" value="Count"/>
<label id="Itm_BackgroundColorListItem2" value="Sum"/>
<label id="Itm_BackgroundColorListItem3" value="Average"/>
<label id="Itm_BackgroundColorListItem4" value="Max"/>
<label id="Itm_BackgroundColorListItem5" value="Min"/>
<label id="Txt_HintBackgroundColorTips" value="Excel 2007 does not support to count
the cells with shading colors according to conditional formatting."/>
<!--Import Pictures-->
<label id="Txt_ImportPictrue1" value="Import Pictures"/>
<label id="Txt_ImportPictrue2" value="Match Import Pictures"/>
<label id="Txt_UndoImportPictrue" value="Undo Import Pictures"/>
<label id="Txt_ImportPictrueListHint" value="Picture list"/>
<label id="Txt_ImportPictrueSize" value="Import size"/>
<label id="Txt_ImportPictrueFormat" value="Import format:"/>
<label id="Txt_ImportPictrueMatchRange" value="Match range:"/>
<label id="Txt_ImportPictrueOrder" value="Import order:"/>
<label id="Itm_ImportPictrueListItem0" value="Match range"/>
<label id="Itm_ImportPictrueListItem1" value="Picture"/>
<label id="Itm_ImportPictrueListItem2" value="Source size"/>
<label id="Itm_ImportPictrueListItem3" value="Import size"/>
<label id="Itm_ImportPictrueAddListItem0" value="File..."/>
<label id="Itm_ImportPictrueAddListItem1" value="Folder..."/>
<label id="Txt_HintImportNumber" value="Successfully import {0} pictures."/>
<label id="Txt_HintNotSelectPictrue" value="You must select at least one
<label id="Txt_PictrueSize" value="Import Pictrue Size"/>
<label id="Txt_PictrueSizeOption" value="Option"/>
<label id="Txt_PictrueSizeConstrain" value="Constrain proportions"/>
<label id="Txt_PictrueSizeWidth" value="Width (point):"/>
<label id="Txt_PictrueSizeHeight" value="Height (point):"/>
<label id="Txt_PictrueSizeSpecify" value="Specify size"/>
<label id="Txt_PictrueSizeMatchingCell" value="Matching cell size"/>
<label id="Txt_PictrueSizeMatchingItself" value="Matching itself size"/>
<label id="Txt_HintPictrueSizeTooBig" value="Failed to import {0} pictures. It
could be the height of the pictures is greater than {1} points or the width of the
pictures is greater than {2} points."/>
<label id="Txt_HintPictrueMatch" value="The number of selected cells is not
identified with the number of pictures, failed to match."/>
<label id="Itm_ImportPictrueFormatListItem0" value="All format"/>
<label id="Itm_ImportPictrueFormatListItem1" value="GIF"/>
<label id="Itm_ImportPictrueFormatListItem2" value="JPG"/>
<label id="Itm_ImportPictrueFormatListItem3" value="JPEG"/>
<label id="Itm_ImportPictrueFormatListItem4" value="TIF"/>
<label id="Itm_ImportPictrueFormatListItem5" value="PNG"/>
<label id="Itm_ImportPictrueFormatListItem6" value="BMP"/>
<label id="Itm_ImportPictrueOrderListItem0" value="Fill vertically cell after
<label id="Itm_ImportPictrueOrderListItem1" value="Fill horizontally cell after
<!--Print Current Page-->
<label id="Txt_HintPrintCurrentPageNumber" value="The printed page number is: {0}
<!--Paging Subtotals-->
<label id="Txt_UndoDataPageOperation" value="Paging Subtotals"/>
<label id="Txt_DataPageOperation" value="Paging Subtotals"/>
<label id="Txt_DataPageOperationColumn" value="Column"/>
<label id="Itm_DataPageOperationListItem0" value="Headings"/>
<label id="Itm_DataPageOperationListItem1" value="1st row content"/>
<label id="Itm_DataPageOperationListItem2" value="Function"/>
<label id="Itm_DataPageOperationItem0" value="Sum"/>
<label id="Itm_DataPageOperationItem1" value="Count"/>
<label id="Itm_DataPageOperationItem2" value="Average"/>
<label id="Itm_DataPageOperationItem3" value="Max"/>
<label id="Itm_DataPageOperationItem4" value="Min"/>
<label id="Itm_DataPageOperationItem5" value="Product"/>
<label id="Itm_DataPageOperationItem6" value="Count Numbers"/>
<label id="Txt_HintNotColumn" value="Select at least one column for operation."/>
<!--Split to Columns-->
<label id="Txt_UndoPrintColumns" value="Split to Columns"/>
<label id="Txt_PrintColumns" value="Split to Columns"/>
<label id="Txt_PrintColumnsOption" value="Option"/>
<label id="Txt_PrintColumnsCreateLink" value="Create a link with the active
<label id="Txt_PrintColumnsNumberColumn" value="Number of Segments:"/>
<label id="Txt_PrintColumnsRowsPerPage" value="Rows per printed page:"/>
<label id="Txt_PrintColumnsTitlesRange" value="Titles range:"/>
<label id="Txt_PrintColumnsDataRange" value="Data range:"/>
<label id="Txt_HintPrintColumnsNotSameCol" value="You must specify the same number
of columns in the Data range and Titles range."/>
<label id="Txt_HintDataRangeEmpty" value="You must select a range that contains
<label id="Txt_HintDataTitlesRangesCannotHaveCommonlyCells" value="The titles
ranges and data ranges cannot have cells in common."/>
<!--Change Comment Shape-->
<label id="Txt_UndoCommentShape" value="Change Comment Shape"/>
<label id="Txt_CommentShape" value="Change Comment Shape"/>
<label id="Txt_CommentShapeApply" value="Apply All"/>
<label id="Txt_CommentShapeViewComment" value="Show comments"/>
<label id="Txt_CommentShapeCommentList" value="Comments list"/>
<label id="Txt_CommentShapeSelectShape" value="Select shape:"/>
<label id="Itm_CommentShapeListItem0" value="Sheet"/>
<label id="Itm_CommentShapeListItem1" value="Cell"/>
<label id="Itm_CommentShapeListItem2" value=" "/>
<label id="Txt_HintWorkBookHaveNoComments" value="Current workbook does not contain
any comments."/>
<!--Setting Center-->
<label id="lbl_KTEInfo" value="Kutools for Excel is a powerful toolbox that frees
you from performing time-consuming operations."/>
<label id="chk_EnableKTE" value="Enable Kutools for Excel"/>
<label id="chk_LatestRates" value="Clear the currency conversion rates
<label id="chk_DlgConfigrations" value="Clear dialogue form configurations (e.g.
form size, form position, input box caches)."/>
<label id="lbl_Configurations" value="Clear Configurations"/>
<label id="lbl_KTEOpertions" value="General Settings"/>
<label id="lbl_About" value="About"/>
<label id="lbl_General" value="General"/>
<label id="lbl_Formula" value="Formula"/>
<label id="btn_Registe" value="Register"/>
<label id="btn_OK" value="Ok"/>
<label id="btn_Cancel" value="Cancel"/>
<label id="btn_Help" value="Help"/>
<label id="btn_FileLocation" value="File Location"/>
<label id="Txb_Tip" value="Kutools for Excel supports a way for customizing the
language. You can easily translate or update language of the software. By doing so,
we hope that it will enhance the user experience of the software. You can get help
about customizing language tutorials by clicking Help button, or click the File
Location button to get the language files."/>
<label id="btn_Purchase" value="Purchase"/>
<label id="rb_YES" value="Yes: Processing all cell and removing all formulas"/>
<label id="rb_NO" value="No: Only processing those cells without formulas"/>
<label id="rb_Ask" value="Ask me for how to handle it each time"/>
<label id="btn_ClearConfig" value="Clear configurations"/>
<label id="lbl_FormulaTip" value="To process formula cells in the selection"/>
<label id="lbl_AboutKTE" value="About Kutools for Excel"/>
<label id="lbl_Copyright" value="Copyright:"/>
<label id="lbl_LicensedTo" value="Licensed to:"/>
<label id="lbl_LicensePeriod" value="License period:"/>
<label id="lbl_LicenseQuantity" value="License quantity:"/>
<label id="lbl_ProvidedBy" value="Provided by:"/>
<label id="lbl_RegInfo" value="Registration Information"/>
<label id="lbl_RemainingDays" value="Remaining days:"/>
<label id="lbl_TechnicalSupport" value="Technical support:"/>
<label id="lbl_Version" value="Version:"/>
<label id="lbl_Website" value="Website:"/>
<label id="lbl_LicenseName" value="License Name:"/>
<label id="lbl_LicenseKey" value="License code:"/>
<label id="lbl_Languages" value="Languages"/>
<label id="lbl_KTELanguages" value="Chose display languages"/>
<label id="Lsv_TpgItemLanguages" value="Languages"/>
<label id="btn_SetDefault" value="Set as Default"/>
<label id="lbl_CurrentLanguages" value="The current language is %s"/>
<label id="FrmKTESetting" value="Kutools for Excel Setting Center"/>
<label id="FrmReg" value="Register Kutools for Excel"/>
<label id="1YEARS" value="One Year"/>
<label id="2YEARS" value="Two Years"/>
<label id="3YEARS" value="Three Years"/>
<label id="4YEARS" value="Four Years"/>
<label id="5YEARS" value="Five Years"/>
<label id="RegisterWrongKey" value="Oops! It seems like the license information is
invalid. Please try to copy and paste both the license name and license code to
register the software."/>
<label id="RegisterOk" value="Successfully register the software, thanks for using
our software."/>
<label id="ConfirmClear" value="Are you sure to delete the specified
<label id="ConfirmClearAccess" value="The specified configurations have been
<label id="EnableAfter" value="Please restart your Excel application to take effect
the setting."/>
<label id="lbl_Hint" value="Kutools for Excel is loading, please wait"/>
<label id="WaittingFormCaption" value="Kutools for Excel"/>
<label id="Hint_LanguageItem0" value="Customize: The software will the files under
this %s file location as the language. This language file is English, and you can
translate this language file into your own language and then replace it under the
same file location. (If there is something wrong within the language file after
your translation, the software will automatically display in other language or
English.) "/>
<label id="Hint_LanguageItem1" value="Auto Match Excel: If the software supports
the language of your Excel, it will automatically display according to your Excel
<label id="Hint_TakeEffectAfterReset" value="The displayed language of the software
has been changed. Please restart your Excel application to take effect the
<label id="Hint_LanguageCustomize" value="Customize"/>
<label id="Hint_LanguageAutoMatch" value="Auto Match Excel"/>
<!--Clear All Cells Formatting-->
<label id="Txt_UndoClearAllFormat" value="Clear All Cells Formatting"/>
<!--Delete Web Control-->
<label id="Txt_UndoDeleteWebControl" value="Delete Web Controls"/>
<!--Reading Layout-->
<label id="Txt_KTERulerSetting" value="Reading Layout Settings"/>
<label id="Txt_KTERulerSettingShape" value="Shapes:"/>
<label id="Txt_KTERulerSettingShapeCross" value="Criss-cross"/>
<label id="Txt_KTERulerSettingShapeHorizontal" value="Straight line"/>
<label id="Txt_KTERulerSettingShapeVertical" value="Vertical line"/>
<label id="Txt_KTERulerSettingStyle" value="Styles:"/>
<label id="Txt_KTERulerSettingStyleStandard" value="Wide Stripe"/>
<label id="Txt_KTERulerSettingStyleBorder" value="Hollow Type"/>
<label id="Txt_KTERulerSettingStyleLine" value="Line Type"/>
<label id="Txt_KTERulerSettingParameter" value="Options:"/>
<label id="Txt_KTERulerSettingParameterColor" value="Color: "/>
<label id="Txt_KTERulerSettingParameterLine" value="Thickness: "/>
<label id="Txt_KTERulerSettingParameterLineThick" value="Thick"/>
<label id="Txt_KTERulerSettingParameterLineMid" value="Mid"/>
<label id="Txt_KTERulerSettingParameterLineThin" value="Thin"/>
<label id="Txt_KTERulerSettingParameterAlpha" value="Transparency: "/>
<label id="Txt_KTERulerSettingParameterView" value="Preview"/>
<label id="Txt_KTERulerSettingDefaultSetting" value="Default settings"/>
<label id="Txt_KTERulerSettingMoreColor" value="More Colors"/>
<!--Linked Data-->
<label id="Txt_FrmLinkedDataUnLinked" value="Unlink"/>
<label id="Txt_FrmLinkedDataLinkedTo" value="link to"/>
<label id="Txt_FrmLinkedData" value="Link Data"/>
<label id="Txt_FrmLinkedDataLink" value="Link"/>
<label id="Txt_FrmLinkedDataHelp" value="Help"/>
<label id="Txt_HintLinkedDateSameWorkseet" value="You can't link to the same
worksheet, please specify different worksheets."/>
<label id="Txt_FrmLinkedDataHint">
With this utility, after the two worksheets have been linked, when you select the
data in one worksheet, the linked worksheet will filter and display the relative
data automatically.

1: Specify the workbook and worksheet that you want to link.

2: Select the two columns that need to be linked.

3: Click "Link", and select the information that you need in the left workbook.
<!--Super Filter-->
<label id="Txt_SuperFilterStandardVersion" value="Super Filter"/>
<label id="Txt_SuperFilterCondition" value="Custom Filter..."/>
<label id="Txt_SuperFilterRefresh" value="Refresh"/>
<label id="Txt_SuperFilterFilter" value="Filter"/>
<label id="Txt_SuperFilterCancelFilter" value="Clear"/>
<label id="Txt_HintSuperFilterInvalidCondition" value="Some of the Criteria are
invalid, please check your criteria."/>
<label id="Txt_SuperFilterIs" value="Equals"/>
<label id="Txt_SuperFilterNotIs" value="Does Not Equal"/>
<label id="Txt_SuperFilterContains" value="Contains"/>
<label id="Txt_SuperFilterNotContains" value="Does Not Contain"/>
<label id="Txt_SuperFilterBeginIs" value="Begins With"/>
<label id="Txt_SuperFilterEndIs" value="Ends With"/>
<label id="Txt_SuperFilterLengthIs" value="Length is"/>
<label id="Txt_SuperFilterlengthGreater" value="Length is greater than"/>
<label id="Txt_SuperFilterlengthLess" value="Length is less than"/>
<label id="Txt_SuperFilterEqual" value="Equals"/>
<label id="Txt_SuperFilterGreater" value="Greater Than"/>
<label id="Txt_SuperFilterGreaterOrEqual" value="Greater Than Or Equal To"/>
<label id="Txt_SuperFilterLess" value="Less Than"/>
<label id="Txt_SuperFilterLessOrEqual" value="Less Than Or Equal To"/>
<label id="Txt_SuperFilterNotEqual" value="Does Not Equal"/>
<label id="Txt_SuperFilterTypeText" value="Text"/>
<label id="Txt_SuperFilterTypeNumber" value="Number"/>
<label id="Txt_SuperFilterTypeDate" value="Date"/>
<label id="Txt_SuperFilterTypeYear" value="Year"/>
<label id="Txt_SuperFilterTypeMonth" value="Month"/>
<label id="Txt_SuperFilterTypeDay" value="Day"/>
<label id="Txt_SuperFilterTyperWeekDay" value="Week"/>
<label id="Txt_SuperFilterTypeQuarter" value="Quarter"/>
<label id="Txt_SuperFilterTypeFormat" value="Text format"/>
<label id="Txt_SuperFilterRelationAnd" value="AND"/>
<label id="Txt_SuperFilterRelationOr" value="OR"/>
<label id="Txt_SuperFilterAddCondition" value="Add Criterion"/>
<label id="Txt_SuperFilterAddConditionGroup" value="Add Criteria Group"/>
<label id="Txt_SuperFilterBtnAddConditionGroup" value="Add Filter"/>
<label id="Txt_SuperFilterConditionRelation" value="Relationship in Group: "/>
<label id="Txt_SuperFilterConditionRelationGroups" value="Relationship: "/>
<label id="Txt_SuperFilterRowsLessThanTwo" value="The range you have selected is
less than two rows, we cannot filter for you."/>
<label id="Txt_SuperFilterSelectFilterRange" value="Please specify a range to
<label id="Txt_SuperFilterNotInUsedRange" value="This utility can only apply to the
used cells range, please make sure the range you have selected contains used
<label id="Txt_SuperFilterNotSupportMoreAreas" value="This utility does not support
multiple ranges, please only specify one range."/>
<label id="Txt_SuperFilterScenarioErr" value="The filter settings scenario you are
going to open may not apply to current workbook, would you like to continue?"/>
<label id="Txt_SuperFilterScenarioName" value="Please enter a name for the
<label id="Txt_SuperFilterScenarioExsit" value="Same name of scenario is already
exist, would you like to overwrite it?"/>
<label id="Txt_SuperFilterScenarioNameExsit" value="Same name of scenario is
already exist."/>
<label id="Txt_SuperFilterScenarioNoRelation" value="The current filter settings
scenario does not contain any criteria!"/>
<label id="Txt_SuperFilterScenarioNameEmpty" value="You must enter a name for the
<label id="Txt_SuperFilterErr" value="Filtering encounters error, please check
filter settings."/>
<label id="Txt_SuperFilterSelectOneScenario" value="Please select a filter settings
scenario to open:"/>
<label id="Txt_SuperFilterCreateTime" value="Created date:"/>
<label id="Txt_SuperFilterEditTime" value="Modified date:"/>
<label id="Txt_SuperFilterUnknow" value="Unknown"/>
<label id="Txt_SuperFilterLoadScenario" value="Open saved filter settings
<label id="Txt_SuperFilterNotSaved" value="Unsaved"/>
<label id="Txt_SuperFilterstatScenario" value="Scenario:"/>
<label id="Txt_SuperFilterScenarioNameErr" value="You can not type in following
<label id="Txt_SuperFilterScenarioUnedit" value="You cannot rename the current
<label id="Txt_SuperFilterScenarioUndelete" value="You cannot delete the current
<label id="Txt_SuperFilterScenarioUnexists" value="The selected scenario does not
<label id="Txt_SuperFilterScenarioManager" value="Manage filter settings
<label id="Txt_SuperFilterScenarioApplyTo" value="Apply to:"/>
<label id="Txt_SuperFilterDelete" value="Delete"/>
<label id="Txt_SuperFilterRename" value="Rename"/>
<label id="Txt_SuperFilterLoadScenarioHint" value="Open saved filter settings
<label id="Txt_SuperFilterManageScenarioHin" value="Manage filter settings
<label id="Txt_SuperFilterNewScenarioHin" value="Create new filter settings
<label id="Txt_SuperFilterSaveScenarioHin" value="Save current filter settings."/>
<label id="Txt_SuperFilterSaveAsScenarioHin" value="Current filter settings save
<label id="Txt_SuperFilterSaveCurrent" value="Would you like to save current filter
settings before next operation?"/>
<label id="Txt_SuperFilterOpenScenarioErr" value="Before opening a filter settings
scenario, you must open a workbook first."/>
<label id="Txt_SuperFilterBlankScenario" value="New scenario"/>
<label id="Txt_SuperFilterFromTemplate" value="Sample scenario"/>
<label id="Txt_SuperFilterTemplate" value="Template"/>
<label id="Txt_SuperFilterMinGroupPane" value="Minimize"/>
<label id="Txt_SuperFilterMaxGroupPane" value="Expand"/>
<label id="Txt_SuperFilterCloseGroupPane" value="Close"/>
<label id="Txt_SuperFilterFilterClear" value="Clear Criteria"/>
<label id="Txt_SuperFilterCreateTemplateTip" value=" New to Super Filter? We have
prepared a built-in Sample scenario, which will serve as a tutorial guide for you
to know how to use this utility well. You can create and save your own filter
settings scenario for future use by creating a new scenario."/>
<label id="Txt_SuperFilterAwaysBlankTemplate" value="Always create new scenario"/>
<label id="Txt_SuperFilterLeastHaveOne" value="Please select one scenario."/>
<!--Date Format Convert-->
<label id="Txt_FrmDateFormatConverter" value="Convert to Date"/>
<label id="Txt_DateFormatConverterRecover" value="Recover"/>
<label id="Txt_DateFormatConverterShowAll" value="All"/>
<label id="Txt_DateFormatConverterShowFailed" value="Failed conversion"/>
<label id="Txt_DateFormatConverterShowSuccess" value="Success conversion"/>
<label id="Txt_DateFormatConverterShowDonotNeed" value="Don't need conversion"/>
<label id="Txt_DateFormatConverterResult" value="Results"/>
<label id="Txt_DateFormatConverterCellAddress" value="Cells"/>
<label id="Txt_DateFormatConverterBefroe" value="Before conversion"/>
<label id="Txt_DateFormatConverterAfter" value="After conversion"/>
<label id="Txt_DateFormatConverterLoading" value="Loading data ..."/>
<label id="Txt_DateFormatConverterSheetCannotFind" value="Fail to find the
worksheet: "/>
<label id="Txt_DateFormatConverterSelectRightRange" value="Please select used cells
to apply this utility."/>
<label id="Txt_DateFormatConverterUndoConvert" value="Undo convert"/>
<label id="Txt_DateFormatConverterDataMsg" value="It can only display 60000 results
if there are too many data in the range."/>
<label id="Txt_DateFormatConverterLeastHaveOne" value="Please select one date."/>
<!--Time Convert-->
<label id="Txt_FrmTimeConvert" value="Convert Time"/>
<label id="Txt_TimeConvertConvertRange" value="Convert Range:"/>
<label id="Txt_TimeConvertConvertType" value="Convert Type"/>
<label id="Txt_TimeConvertToHours" value="Time to hours"/>
<label id="Txt_TimeConvertToMinutes" value="Time to minutes"/>
<label id="Txt_TimeConvertToSeconds" value="Time to seconds"/>
<label id="Txt_TimeConvertSaveToAnother" value="Save to another location(Convert
range is one area)"/>
<label id="Txt_TimeConvertSaveToTip" value="Convert range is one area and worksheet
is not in filter mode"/>
<label id="Txt_TimeConvertSaveTo" value="Save to:"/>
<label id="Txt_TimeConvertConverted" value="cell(s) have been converted"/>
<label id="Txt_TimeConvertOneConverted" value="cell has been converted"/>
<label id="Txt_TimeConvertSaveRangeErr" value="The range for storing the results is
not big enough to continue this operation"/>
<label id="Txt_TimeConvertSaveRangeNotEmpty" value="There has data in the range for
storing results, continuing this operation will clear all the data of the range.
Continue or not?"/>
<!--Formula Helper-->
<label id="Txt_FrmFormulaHelper" value="Formula Helper"/>
<label id="Txt_FrmFormulaHelperSelectFormula" value="Select a formula:"/>
<label id="Txt_FrmFormulaHelperArgInput" value="Arguments Input"/>
<label id="Txt_FrmFormulaHelperNote" value="Remark"/>
<label id="Txt_FrmFormulaHelperMergedCellsErr" value="Array formulas are not valid
in merged cells."/>
<label id="Txt_FrmFormulaHelperInputErr" value="The formula you typed contains
error. Please make sure you have typed in the arguments according to the remark of
the formula!"/>
<label id="Txt_FrmFormulaHelperSelect" value="Please select:"/>
<label id="Txt_FrmFormulaHelperBirthday" value="Calculate age based on birthday"/>
<label id="Txt_FrmFormulaHelperBirthdayArg1" value="Date:"/>
<label id="Txt_FrmFormulaHelperLookForList" value="Look for a value in list"/>
<label id="Txt_FrmFormulaHelperLookForListArg1" value="Table_array:"/>
<label id="Txt_FrmFormulaHelperLookForListArg2" value="Look_value:"/>
<label id="Txt_FrmFormulaHelperLookForListArg3" value="Column:"/>
<label id="Txt_FrmFormulaHelperSumAbsolute" value="Sum absolute values"/>
<label id="Txt_FrmFormulaHelperSumAbsoluteArg1" value="Number:"/>
<label id="Txt_FrmFormulaHelperCountWordsAppears" value="Count times a word
<label id="Txt_FrmFormulaHelperCountWordsAppearsArg1" value="Text:"/>
<label id="Txt_FrmFormulaHelperCountWordsAppearsArg2" value="Word:"/>
<label id="Txt_FrmFormulaHelperSumNumbers" value="Sum numbers in a cell"/>
<label id="Txt_FrmFormulaHelperSumNumbersArg1" value="Cell:"/>
<label id="Txt_FrmFormulaHelperAddYears" value="Add years to date"/>
<label id="Txt_FrmFormulaHelperAddYearsArg1" value="DateTime:"/>
<label id="Txt_FrmFormulaHelperAddYearsArg2" value="Number:"/>
<label id="Txt_FrmFormulaHelperAddMonths" value="Add months to date"/>
<label id="Txt_FrmFormulaHelperAddMonthsArg1" value="DateTime:"/>
<label id="Txt_FrmFormulaHelperAddMonthsArg2" value="Number:"/>
<label id="Txt_FrmFormulaHelperAddDays" value="Add days to date"/>
<label id="Txt_FrmFormulaHelperAddDaysArg1" value="DateTime:"/>
<label id="Txt_FrmFormulaHelperAddDaysArg2" value="Number:"/>
<label id="Txt_FrmFormulaHelperAddHours" value="Add hours to date"/>
<label id="Txt_FrmFormulaHelperAddHoursArg1" value="DateTime:"/>
<label id="Txt_FrmFormulaHelperAddHoursArg2" value="Number:"/>
<label id="Txt_FrmFormulaHelperAddMinutes" value="Add minutes to date"/>
<label id="Txt_FrmFormulaHelperAddMinutesArg1" value="DateTime:"/>
<label id="Txt_FrmFormulaHelperAddMinutesArg2" value="Number:"/>
<label id="Txt_FrmFormulaHelperAddSeconds" value="Add seconds to date"/>
<label id="Txt_FrmFormulaHelperAddSecondsArg1" value="DateTime:"/>
<label id="Txt_FrmFormulaHelperAddSecondsArg2" value="Number:"/>
<label id="Txt_FrmFormulaHelperAddWeeks" value="Add weeks to date"/>
<label id="Txt_FrmFormulaHelperAddWeeksArg1" value="DateTime:"/>
<label id="Txt_FrmFormulaHelperAddWeeksArg2" value="Number:"/>
<label id="Txt_FrmFormulaHelperFindNthOccurrence" value="Find nth occurrence of a
<label id="Txt_FrmFormulaHelperFindNthOccurrenceArg1" value="String:"/>
<label id="Txt_FrmFormulaHelperFindNthOccurrenceArg2" value="Character:"/>
<label id="Txt_FrmFormulaHelperFindNthOccurrenceArg3" value="Nth occurrence:"/>
<label id="Txt_FrmFormulaHelperCountWords" value="Count words in range"/>
<label id="Txt_FrmFormulaHelperCountWordsArg1" value="Range:"/>
<label id="Txt_FrmFormulaHelperCountWeekends" value="Count Weekends between two
<label id="Txt_FrmFormulaHelperCountWeekendsArg1" value="Start Date:"/>
<label id="Txt_FrmFormulaHelperCountWeekendsArg2" value="End Date:"/>
<label id="Txt_FrmFormulaHelperCountWeekdays" value="Count Weekdays between two
<label id="Txt_FrmFormulaHelperCountWeekdaysArg1" value="Start Date:"/>
<label id="Txt_FrmFormulaHelperCountWeekdaysArg2" value="End Date:"/>
<label id="Txt_FrmFormulaHelperCountDayofWeek" value="Count the number of specific
<label id="Txt_FrmFormulaHelperCountDayofWeekArg1" value="Start Date:"/>
<label id="Txt_FrmFormulaHelperCountDayofWeekArg2" value="End Date:"/>
<label id="Txt_FrmFormulaHelperCountDayofWeekArg3" value="Weekday:"/>
<label id="Txt_FrmFormulaHelperMostCommonValue" value="Find most common value"/>
<label id="Txt_FrmFormulaHelperMostCommonValueArg1" value="Range:"/>
<label id="Txt_FrmFormulaHelperDes01">
This formula will return the age of the date. Arguments:
#[Date] is the birthday for calculating the age
<label id="Txt_FrmFormulaHelperDes02">
This formula will look for a value from one table array based on specific searching
criteria. Arguments:
#[Table_array] is the range to look for a value from
#[Look_value] is the value to be looked from the table array
#[Column] is the column which will be returned the Look_value
#Note: the Look_value must be in the first column of the Table_array
<label id="Txt_FrmFormulaHelperDes03">
This formula will sum the absolute value of number. Arguments:
#[Number] is the range or number for summing the absolute value from
<label id="Txt_FrmFormulaHelperDes04">
This formula will count the number of specific word from a text. Arguments:
#[Text] is the range (Doesn't support multiple ranges) or text for counting the
number of specific word from
#[Word] is the word to be counted the number
<label id="Txt_FrmFormulaHelperDes05">
This formula will sum all numbers in a cell. Arguments:
#[Cell] is the cell to sum all numbers from (this cell can only have one cell
<label id="Txt_FrmFormulaHelperDes06">
This formula will add specific number of years to date or time. Arguments:
#[DateTime] is the date or time to be added specific number of years
#[Number] is the number of years to be added
<label id="Txt_FrmFormulaHelperDes07">
This formula will add specific number of months to date or time. Arguments:
#[DateTime] is the date or time to be added specific number of months
#[Number] is the number of months to be added
<label id="Txt_FrmFormulaHelperDes08">
This formula will add specific number of days to date or time. Arguments:
#[DateTime] is the date or time to be added specific number of days
#[Number] is the number of days to be added
<label id="Txt_FrmFormulaHelperDes09">
This formula will add specific number of hours to date or time. Arguments:
#[DateTime] is the date or time to be added specific number of hours
#[Number] is the number of hours to be added
<label id="Txt_FrmFormulaHelperDes10">
This formula will add specific number of minutes to date or time. Arguments:
#[DateTime] is the date or time to be added specific number of minutes
#[Number] is the number of minutes to be added
<label id="Txt_FrmFormulaHelperDes11">
This formula will add specific number of seconds to date or time. Arguments:
#[DateTime] is the date or time to be added specific number of seconds
#[Number] is the number of seconds to be added
<label id="Txt_FrmFormulaHelperDes12">
This formula will add specific number of weeks to date or time. Arguments:
#[DateTime] is the date or time to be added specific number of weeks
#[Number] is the number of weeks to be added

<label id="Txt_FrmFormulaHelperDes13">
This formula will locate the position of a character in nth occurrence in a string.
#[String] is the string or cells for finding.
#[Character] is the character to look for
#[Nth occurrence] refers to the nth occurrence of the character in the string.
<label id="Txt_FrmFormulaHelperDes14">
This formula will count the number of words in range. Arguments:
#[Range] is the range for counting words.
<label id="Txt_FrmFormulaHelperDes15">
This formula will count Weekends between two dates. Arguments:
#[Start Date] is to count the Weekends from this date.
#[End Date] is to count the Weekends before this date.
<label id="Txt_FrmFormulaHelperDes16">
This formula will count Weekdays between two dates. Arguments:
#[Start Date] is to count the Weekdays from this date.
#[End Date] is to count the Weekdays before this date.
<label id="Txt_FrmFormulaHelperDes17">
This formula will count the number of specific weekday between two dates.
#[Start Date] is to count the number of specific weekday from this date.
#[End Date] is the end date for counting the number of specific weekday.
#[Weekday] is the weekday which you want to count, please only type in integral
number 1 to 7.
#Note: 1 indicates Sunday, the 7 represents Saturday.
<label id="Txt_FrmFormulaHelperDes18">
This formula will find most common value in the range. Arguments:
#[Range] is the range to find most common value from(only one column).
<!--Encrypt Cells-->
<label id="Txt_FrmCellEncode" value="Encrypt Cells"/>
<label id="Txt_CellEncodeConfirm" value="Confirm:"/>
<label id="Txt_CellEncodePassword" value="Password: "/>
<label id="Txt_CellEncodeHint" value="Length(1-8)"/>
<label id="Txt_HintPasswordIsBlank" value="The password can not be blank."/>
<label id="Txt_HintPasswordIsDifferent" value="You just input two different
<label id="Txt_HintPasswordIsValid" value="The password can be letters, numbers and
special characters."/>
<!--Decrypt Cells-->
<label id="Txt_FrmCellDecode" value="Decrypt Cells"/>
<label id="Txt_CellDecodePassword" value="Password: "/>
<label id="Txt_HintNotContainEncodeCell" value="There are no encrypted cells in
your selection."/>
<label id="Txt_HintWrongPassword" value="The password is wrong, please try to enter
the correct password."/>
<label id="Txt_HintSuccessedDecodeSomeCell" value="Successfully decrypt, but there
still include cells that have been encrypted with other passwords in this range."/>
<label id="Txt_HintSuccessedDecodeAllCell" value="Successfully decrypt."/>
<label id="Txt_HintCellEncodeFindEncodedContent" value="This range contains
encrypted cells, you must decrypt the encrypted cells first. &#xA;&#xA; Click
&quot;Yes&quot; to decrypt the encrypted cells first.&#xA; Click&quot;No&quot;to
cancel the operation."/>
<label id="Txt_ConsolidateWorkSheets" value="Combine Worksheets"/>
<label id="Txt_HintConsolidateWorkSheets" value="Combine Worksheets"/>
<label id="Txt_ConsolidateScenarion" value="Open Scenario"/>
<label id="Txt_CldSheetsConsolidateType" value="Combine Operations:"/>
<label id="Txt_CldSheetsWsToWs" value="Combine multiple worksheets from workbooks
into one workbook"/>
<label id="Txt_CldSheetsDataToWs" value="Combine multiple worksheets from workbooks
into one worksheet"/>
<label id="Txt_CldSheetsDataToSameWs" value="Combine all same name worksheets into
one worksheet"/>
<label id="Txt_CldSheetsCombineData" value="Consolidate and calculate values across
multiple workbooks into one worksheet"/>
<label id="Txt_CldSheetsSort" value="Sort:"/>
<label id="Txt_ConsolidateScenarionGrp" value="Scenarios list"/>
<label id="Txt_SaveScenarion" value="Save Scenario"/>
<label id="Txt_ScenarionName" value="Please type in the scenario name: &#xA;Note:
The scenario will only store the settings information of this step."/>
<label id="Txt_CldSheetsWorkSheet" value="Worksheet list"/>
<label id="Txt_ButtonSameRange" value="Same range"/>
<label id="Txt_ButtonSameSheet" value="Same sheet"/>
<label id="Txt_CldSheetsWorkBook" value="Workbook list"/>
<label id="Txt_ButtonScenario" value="Scenario"/>
<label id="Txt_ButtonWorkBook" value="Workbook"/>
<label id="Txt_CldSheetsBlackRange" value="Blank range"/>
<label id="Txt_CldSheetsBlankRangePaste" value="When encountering a blank range:"/>
<label id="Txt_CldSheetsBlackWorkSheet" value="Blank worksheet"/>
<label id="Txt_CldSheetsBlankWorkSheetPaste" value="When encountering a blank
<label id="Txt_CldSheetsTitles" value="Titles"/>
<label id="Txt_CldSheetsTitlesNum" value="Title row numbers:"/>
<label id="Txt_CldSheetsPasteSpecial" value="Paste options"/>
<label id="Txt_CldSheetsFormatting" value="Preserve formatting"/>
<label id="Txt_CldExcludeData" value="Exclude filtered data"/>
<label id="Txt_CldSheetsHeight" value="Preserve row height"/>
<label id="Txt_CldSheetsLink" value="Paste link to source data"/>
<label id="Txt_CldSheetsValues" value="Paste values only"/>
<label id="Txt_CldSheetsAll" value="Paste all"/>
<label id="Txt_CldSheetsAdd" value="Insert worksheet information"/>
<label id="Txt_CldSheetsNotAdd" value="No"/>
<label id="Txt_CldSheetsInsertComments" value="First row of each range
<label id="Txt_CldSheetsAddComments" value="First row of each worksheet
<label id="Txt_CldSheetsInsertInfoRow" value="First row of each range (new row)"/>
<label id="Txt_CldSheetsInsertBlackRow" value="Insert blank row in front of each
<label id="Txt_CldSheetsWorkSheetName" value="Rename worksheet name"/>
<label id="Txt_CldSheetsSeparator" value="Separator:"/>
<label id="Txt_CldSheetsAddWbName" value="By inserting workbook name"/>
<label id="Txt_CldSheetsInFront" value="In front of original worksheet name"/>
<label id="Txt_CldSheetsInBack" value="After original worksheet name"/>
<label id="Txt_CldSheetsCombinOption" value="Consolidate Option"/>
<label id="Txt_CldSheetsFunction" value="Function:"/>
<label id="Txt_CldSheetsCreateLinks" value="Create links to source data"/>
<label id="Txt_CldSheetsUseLabels" value="Use labels in"/>
<label id="Txt_CldSheetsLeftColumn" value="Left column"/>
<label id="Txt_CldSheetsTopRow" value="Top row"/>
<label id="Txt_CldSheetsWsNameHint" value="Tips:&#xA;There will be a sheet tabs
list (named Kutools for Excel) in the final workbook with detailed information of
each worksheet. And more, you can quickly rename worksheet names by using Rename
Multiple Worksheets utility from Worksheet Tools."/>
<label id="Txt_CldSheetsWsNameWarn" value="Notice:&#xA;Worksheet name cannot
contain more than 31 characters. If the worksheet names is exceed 31 characters
after renaming, the worksheet name will be renamed by Excel."/>
<label id="Txt_CldSheetsCreateLinksHint" value="Create links:&#xA;True to have the
consolidation use worksheet links. &#xA;False to have the consolidation copy the
<label id="Txt_CldSheetsLeft" value="Left column:&#xA;True to consolidate data
based on row titles in the left column of the consolidation ranges. &#xA;False to
consolidate data by position."/>
<label id="Txt_CldSheetsTop" value="Top row:&#xA;True to consolidate data based on
column titles in the top row of the consolidation ranges. &#xA;False to consolidate
data by position. "/>
<label id="Itm_CldSheetsBlankRangeListItem0" value="Skip"/>
<label id="Itm_CldSheetsBlankRangeListItem1" value="Keep"/>
<label id="Itm_CldSheetsWorkSheetListItem0" value="Worksheet"/>
<label id="Itm_CldSheetsWorkSheetListItem1" value="Range"/>
<label id="Itm_CldSheetsWorkBookListItem0" value="Workbook"/>
<label id="Itm_CldSheetsWorkBookListItem1" value="Directory"/>
<label id="Itm_CldSheetsAddListItem0" value="File..."/>
<label id="Itm_CldSheetsAddListItem1" value="Folder..."/>
<label id="Itm_CldSheetsScenarioListItem0" value="Save..."/>
<label id="Itm_CldSheetsScenarioListItem1" value="Open..."/>
<label id="Itm_ScenarionNameListItem0" value="Scenario name"/>
<label id="Itm_ScenarionNameListItem1" value="Save time"/>
<label id="Itm_CldSheetsCommentItem0" value="Workbooks"/>
<label id="Itm_CldSheetsCommentItem1" value="Worksheets"/>
<label id="Itm_CldSheetsCommentItem2" value="Range"/>
<label id="Itm_CldSheetsDirectoryItem0" value="Final worksheets list"/>
<label id="Itm_CldSheetsDirectoryItem1" value="Original workbooks list"/>
<label id="Itm_CldSheetsDirectoryItem2" value="Original worksheets list"/>
<label id="Itm_CldSheetsFunctionListItem0" value="Sum"/>
<label id="Itm_CldSheetsFunctionListItem1" value="Count"/>
<label id="Itm_CldSheetsFunctionListItem2" value="Average"/>
<label id="Itm_CldSheetsFunctionListItem3" value="Max"/>
<label id="Itm_CldSheetsFunctionListItem4" value="Min"/>
<label id="Itm_CldSheetsFunctionListItem5" value="Product"/>
<label id="Itm_CldSheetsFunctionListItem6" value="Count Numbers"/>
<label id="Itm_CldSheetsFunctionListItem7" value="StdDev"/>
<label id="Itm_CldSheetsFunctionListItem8" value="StdDevp"/>
<label id="Itm_CldSheetsFunctionListItem9" value="Var"/>
<label id="Itm_CldSheetsFunctionListItem10" value="Varp"/>
<label id="Itm_CldSheetsReturnListItem0" value="File source"/>
<label id="Itm_CldSheetsReturnListItem1" value="Status"/>
<label id="Itm_CldSheetsReturnListItem2" value="Directory"/>
<label id="Itm_CldSheetsReturnListItem3" value="Remark"/>
<label id="Itm_CldSheetsWBSortListItem0" value="Custom"/>
<label id="Itm_CldSheetsWBSortListItem1" value="Default"/>
<label id="Itm_CldSheetsWBSortListItem2" value="Name"/>
<label id="Itm_CldSheetsWBSortListItem3" value="Directory"/>
<label id="Itm_CldSheetsWSSortListItem0" value="Custom"/>
<label id="Itm_CldSheetsWSSortListItem1" value="Default"/>
<label id="Itm_CldSheetsWSSortListItem2" value="Name"/>
<label id="Txt_HintFindNotAccord" value="In {0} checked workbooks, there are {1}
workbooks without including following sheet: {2}"/>
<label id="Txt_HintHasScenarion" value="Scenario '{0}' already exists.&#xA;Do you
want to replace it?"/>
<label id="Txt_HintScenarionSaveSuc" value="Successfully save scenario '{0}'."/>
<label id="Txt_HintRowHeight" value="This option will affect the speed of
consolidate operation."/>
<label id="Txt_HintNotScenarion" value="Do you want to save this scenario?"/>
<label id="Txt_HintScenarionChange" value="Scenario is modified, save or not?"/>
<label id="Txt_AgreeDeleteScenarion" value="Do you want to remove scenario
<label id="Txt_HintWorkBookNotPath" value="Cannot save the scenario! May be it
contains never saved workbooks or some workbooks have been removed."/>
<label id="Txt_HintFindErrorWorkBook" value="The scenario '{0}' contains removed
workbooks {1} and modified workbooks {2}."/>
<label id="Txt_HintScenarioNameIsNull" value="Please enter a scenario name before
clicking the OK button."/>
<label id="Txt_HintConsolidateStep" value="Step {0} of 3"/>
<label id="Txt_HintCldSheetsManyRows" value="After combination, the combined
worksheet will exceed the worksheet size (1,048,576 rows by 16,384 columns), and
the exceeded part will be removed from the combined worksheet, do you want to
<label id="Txt_CldSheetsCombinedWorkbookLocation" value="Specify the file name and
location for the combined workbook"/>
<label id="Txt_CldSheetsCombinedResults" value="Combined results"/>
<label id="Txt_CldSheetsOpenCombinedWorkbook" value="The combine operation is done,
would you like to open the combined workbook?"/>
<!--Fill Custom Lists-->
<label id="Txt_FillCustomLists" value="Fill Custom Lists"/>
<label id="Txt_UndoFillCustomLists" value="Fill Custom Lists"/>
<label id="Txt_FillCustomListsOrder" value="Fill order:"/>
<label id="Txt_FillCustomListsHint" value="Custom list"/>
<label id="Txt_FillCustomListsEdit" value="Edit list"/>
<label id="Itm_FillCustomListsOrderListItem0" value="Fill vertically cell after
<label id="Itm_FillCustomListsOrderListItem1" value="Fill horizontally cell after
<!--Fill Worksheets References-->
<label id="Txt_FillSheetRef" value="Fill Worksheets References"/>
<label id="Txt_UndoFillSheetRef" value="Fill Worksheets References"/>
<label id="Txt_FillSheetRefOrder" value="Fill order:"/>
<label id="Txt_FillSheetRefFormula" value="Fill formula:"/>
<label id="Txt_FillSheetRefLockFormula" value="Lock formula"/>
<label id="Txt_FillSheetRefWorksheet" value="Worksheet list"/>
<label id="Itm_FillSheetRefOrderListItem0" value="Fill vertically cell after
<label id="Itm_FillSheetRefOrderListItem1" value="Fill horizontally cell after
<label id="Itm_FillSheetRefSheetListItem0" value="Worksheet"/>
<label id="Txt_BatchConversion" value="File Format Converter"/>
<label id="Txt_BatchConversionList" value="Conversion list"/>
<label id="Txt_BatchConversionType" value="Type:"/>
<label id="Txt_BatchConversionDirectory" value="Output directory:"/>
<label id="Txt_BatchConversionDeleteFile" value="Delete source files after
<label id="Txt_ConversionDelete" value="Delete"/>
<label id="Txt_ConversionRetain" value="Retain"/>
<label id="Txt_ExistHintClickHint" value="Click the file you want to keep"/>
<label id="Txt_ExistHintBothFile" value="Convert,but keep both files"/>
<label id="Txt_ExistHintDisConvert" value="Don't convert"/>
<label id="Txt_ExistHintConvertReplace" value="Convert and Replace"/>
<label id="Txt_ExistHintAlreadyFile" value="There is already a file with the same
name in this location."/>
<label id="Txt_BatchConversionEditTime" value="Keep the modified date of original
<label id="Itm_BatchConversionTypeListItem0" value="Excel 97-2003 to Excel 2007 or
<label id="Itm_BatchConversionTypeListItem1" value="Excel 2007 or higher to Excel
<label id="Itm_BatchConversionTypeListItem2" value="Excel workbook to PDF"/>
<label id="Itm_BatchConversionListItem0" value="File source"/>
<label id="Itm_BatchConversionListItem1" value="File size"/>
<label id="Itm_BatchConversionListItem2" value="Output"/>
<label id="Itm_HintConversionListItem0" value="File source"/>
<label id="Itm_HintConversionListItem1" value="Conversion type"/>
<label id="Itm_HintConversionListItem2" value="Conversion status"/>
<label id="Itm_HintConversionListItem3" value="File status"/>
<label id="Itm_HintConversionListItem4" value="New file"/>
<label id="Itm_HintConversionListItem5" value="Remark"/>
<label id="Txt_HintSourceFile" value="Save to the source file directory"/>
<label id="Txt_HintConversionMustClosed" value="Please make sure the workbooks you
want to convert are closed, otherwise it may cause error in some circumstances. "/>
<!--Select Duplicate/Unique Cells-->
<label id="Txt_SelectDuplicate" value="Select Duplicate &amp; Unique Cells"/>
<label id="Txt_UndoSelectDuplicate" value="Select Duplicate &amp;&amp; Unique
<label id="Txt_SelectDuplicateRuleType" value="Rule"/>
<label id="Txt_SelectDuplicateDuplicate1" value="Duplicates (Except 1st one)"/>
<label id="Txt_SelectDuplicateDuplicate2" value="All duplicates (Including 1st
<label id="Txt_SelectDuplicateUnique1" value="Unique values only"/>
<label id="Txt_SelectDuplicateUnique2" value="All unique (Including 1st
<label id="Txt_SelectDuplicateEntireR" value="Select entire rows"/>
<label id="Txt_SelectDuplicateProcess" value="Processing of results"/>
<label id="Txt_SelectDuplicateForeColor" value="Fill font color"/>
<label id="Txt_SelectDuplicateBackColor" value="Fill backcolor"/>
<label id="Txt_HintSelectDuplicateRows" value=" {0} rows have been selected."/>
<label id="Txt_HintSelectDuplicateNoFind" value="No rows qualifying."/>
<!--Advanced Combine Rows-->
<label id="Txt_CombineRows" value="Advanced Combine Rows"/>
<label id="Txt_UndoCombineRows" value="Advanced Combine Rows"/>
<label id="Txt_CombineRowsKey" value="Primary Key"/>
<label id="Txt_CombineRowsCombina" value="Combine"/>
<label id="Txt_CombineRowsCalculate" value="Calculate"/>
<label id="Txt_CombineRowsFirst" value="Keep 1st"/>
<label id="Txt_CombineRowsLast" value="Keep last"/>
<label id="Txt_CombineRowsRange" value="Combine range:"/>
<label id="Txt_CombineRowsHeaders" value="My data has headers"/>
<label id="Txt_CombineRowsUseFormattdValues" value="Use formatted values."/>
<label id="Itm_CombineRowsListItem0" value="Column"/>
<label id="Itm_CombineRowsListItem1" value="1st row content"/>
<label id="Itm_CombineRowsListItem2" value="Operation"/>
<label id="Itm_OperateListItem0" value="Primary Key"/>
<label id="Itm_OperateListItem1" value="Combine"/>
<label id="Itm_OperateListItem2" value="Calculate"/>
<label id="Itm_OperateListItem3" value="Keep 1st data of column"/>
<label id="Itm_OperateListItem4" value="Keep last data of column"/>
<label id="Itm_CombineListItem0" value="Nothing"/>
<label id="Itm_CombineListItem1" value="Space"/>
<label id="Itm_CombineListItem2" value="Semicolon"/>
<label id="Itm_CombineListItem3" value="Comma"/>
<label id="Itm_CombineListItem4" value="New line"/>
<label id="Itm_CalculateListItem0" value="Sum"/>
<label id="Itm_CalculateListItem1" value="Count"/>
<label id="Itm_CalculateListItem2" value="Average"/>
<label id="Itm_CalculateListItem3" value="Max"/>
<label id="Itm_CalculateListItem4" value="Min"/>
<label id="Itm_CalculateListItem5" value="Product"/>
<label id="Txt_CombineRowsNotKeys" value="Please specify at least one key
<label id="Txt_CombineRowsDataFirstRowIsNull" value="The first row in selected
range cannot be blank."/>
<label id="Txt_CombineRowsDataDataTooLow" value="The selected data is too little to
<!--Select Unlocked Cells-->
<label id="Txt_HintNotFindNonLockedCell" value="No Non-locked cells were found in
your range."/>
<!--Hide/Unhide Range Name-->
<label id="Txt_ShowHideRangeName" value="Hide/Unhide Range Name"/>
<label id="Txt_ShowHideRangeNameList" value="Name list"/>
<label id="Txt_ShowHideRangeNameHeader" value="Range name"/>
<label id="Txt_SelectName" value="To check the check box to display the name,
otherwise it will be hidden."/>
<label id="Txt_HintShowHideNotWorkbookNames" value="The active workbook has no
<label id="Txt_HintShowHideSameWorkbookNameToSheet" value="The active workbook
contains at least one duplicated name.&#xA;For example, a sheet-level name that's
identical to a workbook-level name, or two sheet-level names that are the
same.&#xA; &#xA;This utility cannot replace such names reliably."/>
<!--Convert Formula to Text-->
<label id="Txt_UndoConvertFormulaToText" value="Convert Formula to Text"/>
<!--Convert Text to Formula-->
<label id="Txt_UndoConvertTextToFormula" value="Convert Text to Formula"/>
<!--Batch Insert Check Boxes-->
<label id="Txt_UndoBatchInsertCheckBox" value="Batch Insert Check Boxes"/>
<label id="Txt_BatchInsertCheckBoxMaxNumber" value="This utility can only insert
{0} checkboxes at once."/>
<!--Batch Insert Option Buttons-->
<label id="Txt_UndoBatchInsertOptionButton" value="Batch Insert Option Buttons"/>
<label id="Txt_BatchInsertOptionButtonMaxNumber" value="This utility can only
insert {0} option buttons at once."/>
<!--Batch Delete Check Boxes-->
<label id="Txt_UndoBatchDeleteCheckBox" value="Batch Delete Check Boxes"/>
<!--Batch Delete Option Buttons-->
<label id="Txt_UndoBatchDeleteOptionButton" value="Batch Delete Option Buttons"/>
<!--Extract Text-->
<label id="Txt_ExtractText" value="Extract Text"/>
<label id="Txt_UndoExtractText" value="Extract Text"/>
<label id="Txt_ExtractTextEditText" value="Text:"/>
<label id="Txt_ExtractTextListHint" value="Extract list"/>
<label id="Txt_HintNotField" value="You must select at least one field."/>
<label id="Txt_HintFieldIsNull" value="Please must specify the text you want to
extract, it cannot be empty."/>
<label id="Txt_HintExtractTextTips" value="* matches any group of characters
including no characters&#xA;? matches character one time"/>
<label id="Itm_ExtractTextListItem0" value="Extract field"/>
<!--Extract Email Address-->
<label id="Txt_ExtractMail" value="Extract Email Address"/>
<label id="Txt_UndoExtractMail" value="Extract Email Address"/>
<!--Create Comment List-->
<label id="Txt_CreateCommentList" value="Create Comment List"/>
<label id="Txt_CommentToolsListing" value="Comment listing"/>
<label id="Txt_CommentToolsWorkbook" value="In a new workbook"/>
<label id="Txt_CommentToolsSheet" value="In a new sheet"/>
<label id="Txt_HintCommentListingHeaderTitle" value="Comment listing for {0}"/>
<label id="Txt_HintCommentListingHeaderTime" value="Generated: {0}"/>
<!--Format Comment-->
<label id="Txt_FormatComment" value="Format Comment"/>
<label id="Txt_CommentToolsViewHintFormat" value="This utility formats all comments
like the comment for a specified cell, including size and shape. Click the button
to specify a cell that contains the comment that will be used."/>
<label id="Txt_CommentToolsNoteIndividual" value="Note: Individual character
formatting will not be preserved."/>
<label id="Txt_CommentToolsSpecifyCell" value="Specify the comment cell..."/>
<label id="Txt_HintSelectAnUnProtectAndHaveCommentCell" value="Sheet is
protected.&#xA;&#xA;Select a comment cell on an unprotected sheet."/>
<label id="Txt_HintSelectCellHaveNotComment" value="Cell {0} does not have a
<!--Find/Replace Comment Text-->
<label id="Txt_FindReplaceCommentText" value="Find/Replace Comment Text"/>
<label id="Txt_CommentToolsFindText" value="Find text in comments:"/>
<label id="Txt_CommentToolsReplaceWith" value="Replace with:"/>
<label id="Txt_CommentToolsNoteFind" value="Note: Formatting may be affected for
comments that use individual character formatting."/>
<!--Remove/Add User Name in Comment-->
<label id="Txt_RemoveAddComment" value="Remove/Add User Name in Comment"/>
<label id="Txt_CommentToolsUserName" value="User Name:"/>
<label id="Txt_CommentToolsRemoveName" value="Remove user name from comments"/>
<label id="Txt_CommentToolsAddName" value="Add user name to comments"/>
<label id="Txt_CommentToolsMakeName" value="Make name bold"/>
<!--Convert Comment and Cell-->
<label id="Txt_ConvertComment" value="Convert Comment and Cell"/>
<label id="Txt_UndoCellCommentTools" value="Convert Comment and Cell"/>
<label id="Txt_CellCommentToolsSource" value="Source range:"/>
<label id="Txt_CellCommentToolsConvert" value="Convert"/>
<label id="Txt_CellCommentToolsAddCellToCom" value="Insert content of cell into
<label id="Txt_CellCommentToolsReplaceCellToCom" value="Convert content of cells
into comments"/>
<label id="Txt_CellCommentToolsReplaceComToCell" value="Convert comments into
content of cells"/>
<label id="Txt_CellCommentToolsAddComToCell" value="Insert content of comment into
<!--Advanced Sort-->
<label id="Txt_AdvancedSort" value="Advanced Sort"/>
<label id="Txt_UndoAdvancedSort" value="Advanced Sort"/>
<label id="Txt_AdvancedSortHeaders" value="My data has headers"/>
<label id="Txt_AdvancedSortOptions" value="Options..."/>
<label id="Txt_AdvancedSortCopy" value="Copy Level"/>
<label id="Txt_AdvancedSortDelete" value="Delete Level"/>
<label id="Txt_AdvancedSortAdd" value="Add Level"/>
<label id="Txt_AdvancedSortBlackCell" value="Blank cells in front"/>
<label id="Itm_AdvancedSortListItem0" value="Column"/>
<label id="Itm_AdvancedSortListItem1" value="Sort On"/>
<label id="Itm_AdvancedSortListItem2" value="Order"/>
<label id="Itm_AdvancedSortListItem3" value="Order"/>
<label id="Itm_AdvancedSortList1Item0" value="Values"/>
<label id="Itm_AdvancedSortList1Item1" value="Text length"/>
<label id="Itm_AdvancedSortList1Item2" value="Last name"/>
<label id="Itm_AdvancedSortList1Item3" value="Month"/>
<label id="Itm_AdvancedSortList1Item4" value="Day"/>
<label id="Itm_AdvancedSortList1Item5" value="Absolute value"/>
<label id="Itm_AdvancedSortList1Item6" value="Odd and even number"/>
<label id="Itm_AdvancedSortList1Item7" value="Mail domain"/>
<label id="Itm_AdvancedSortList1Item8" value="Frequency"/>
<label id="Itm_AdvancedSortList1Item9" value="Week"/>
<label id="Itm_AdvancedSortList1Item10" value="Quarter"/>
<label id="Itm_AdvancedSortList2Item0" value="A to Z"/>
<label id="Itm_AdvancedSortList2Item1" value="Z to A"/>
<label id="Itm_AdvancedSortList3Item0" value="Even to odd"/>
<label id="Itm_AdvancedSortList3Item1" value="Odd to even"/>
<label id="Txt_HintAdvancedSortTooLow" value="The selected data is too little to
<label id="Txt_HintAdvancedSortNull" value="All sort criteria must have a column.
Please check the selected sort criteria and try again."/>
<label id="Txt_HintAdvancedSortDuplicate" value="{0} is being sorted by {1} more
than once. Please delete the duplicate sort criteria and try again."/>
<!--Convert between Roman and Number-->
<label id="Txt_ConvertRoman" value="Convert between Roman and Number"/>
<label id="Txt_ConvertRomanOperation" value="Operation"/>
<label id="Txt_ConvertRomanType1" value="Number to roman"/>
<label id="Txt_ConvertRomanType2" value="Roman to number"/>
<!--Paste to Visible Range-->
<label id="Txt_PasteVisibleRange" value="Paste to Visible Range"/>
<label id="Txt_UndoPasteVisibleRange" value="Paste to Visible Range "/>
<!--Split Names-->
<label id="Txt_SplitName" value="Split Names "/>
<label id="Txt_UndoSplitName" value="Split Names:"/>
<label id="Txt_SplitNameType" value="Split types:"/>
<label id="Txt_SplitNameLastName" value="Last name"/>
<label id="Txt_SplitNameMiddleName" value="Middle name"/>
<label id="Txt_SplitNameFirstName" value="First name"/>
<label id="Txt_SplitNameRange" value="Range to split:"/>
<label id="Txt_HintSplitRangeIsNotSigleColumn" value="You can only select one
column to split."/>
<label id="Txt_HintSelectSplitType" value="Please specify at least one split
<!--Insert Page Break Every Row-->
<label id="Txt_InsertPageBreak" value="Insert Page Break Every Row"/>
<label id="Txt_UndoInsertPageBreak" value="Insert Page Break Every Row"/>
<label id="Txt_InsertPageBreakOptions" value="Options"/>
<label id="Txt_InsertPageBreakInterval" value="Interval of:"/>
<label id="Txt_HintInsertPageBreakCount" value="Successfully insert {0} page
<!--List All Combinations-->
<label id="Txt_ListCombinations" value="List All Combinations"/>
<label id="Txt_UndoListCombinations" value="List All Combinations"/>
<label id="Txt_ListCombinationsText" value="Text:"/>
<label id="Txt_ListCombinationsHint" value="Combinations list"/>
<label id="Txt_ListCombinationsType" value="Type:"/>
<label id="Itm_ListCombinationsListItem0" value="Text"/>
<label id="Itm_ListCombinationsListItem1" value="Type"/>
<label id="Itm_ListCombinationsTypeListItem0" value="Value"/>
<label id="Itm_ListCombinationsTypeListItem1" value="Separator"/>
<label id="Txt_HintListCombinationsTips" value="{0} to separate text entries"/>
<label id="Txt_HintListCombinationsTextIsNull" value="Please must specify the text
you want to extract, it cannot be empty."/>
<!--Split Cells-->
<label id="Txt_SplitCells" value="Split Cells"/>
<label id="Txt_UndoSplitCells" value="Split Cells"/>
<label id="Txt_SplitCellsType" value="Type"/>
<label id="Txt_SplitCellsType1" value="Split to Rows"/>
<label id="Txt_SplitCellsType2" value="Split to Columns"/>
<label id="Txt_SplitCellsSeparator" value="Split by"/>
<label id="Txt_SplitCellsSemicolon" value="Semicolon"/>
<label id="Txt_SplitCellsText" value="Other:"/>
<label id="Txt_SplitCellsNewLine" value="New line"/>
<label id="Txt_SplitCellsNothing" value="Nothing"/>
<label id="Txt_SplitCellsSpace" value="Space"/>
<label id="Txt_SplitCellsSpecifyWidth" value="Specify width:"/>
<label id="Txt_SplitCellByTextAndNumber" value="Text and number"/>
<label id="Txt_SplitCellsRange" value="Split range:"/>
<!--AutoFit Comment-->
<label id="Txt_UndoAutoFitComment" value="AutoFit Comment"/>
<!--Reset Comment Position-->
<label id="Txt_UndoResetComment" value="Reset Comment Position"/>
<!--Convert Number to Ordinal-->
<label id="Txt_UndoConvertNumberToOrdinal" value="Convert Number to Ordinal"/>
<!--Find Missing Sequence Number-->
<label id="Txt_FindMissingSequence" value="Find Missing Sequence Number"/>
<label id="Txt_UndoFindMissingSequence" value="Find Missing Sequence Number"/>
<label id="Txt_FindMissingSequenceProcess" value="Handling missing sequence
<label id="Txt_FindMissingSequenceInsertDate" value="Inserting missing sequence
<label id="Txt_FindMissingSequenceInsertRow" value="Inserting blank rows when
encountering missing sequence numbers"/>
<label id="Txt_FindMissingSequenceColumn" value="Inserting new column with
following missing marker"/>
<label id="Txt_FindMissingSequenceBackColor" value="Fill background color"/>
<label id="Txt_HintSequenceIsNotSigleColumn" value="The range must be single column
<label id="Txt_HintSequenceIsRangeDataError" value="The range can only contain
numbers or text."/>
<label id="Txt_HintSequenceCount" value="There are {0} missing sequence
<label id="Txt_HintSequenceINoFind" value="No missing sequence number!"/>
<!--Folder Name List-->
<label id="Txt_FolderNameList" value="Folder Name List"/>
<label id="Txt_HintFolderName" value="Folder Name"/>
<label id="Txt_FolderNameListHyperlinks" value="Create hyperlinks"/>
<label id="Txt_FolderNameListOptions" value="Options"/>
<label id="Txt_FolderNameListFolder" value="Folder:"/>
<!--Create Repeat Cell-->
<label id="Txt_CreateRepeatCell" value="Create Repeat Cell"/>
<label id="Txt_UndoCreateRepeatCell" value="Create Repeat Cell"/>
<label id="Txt_CreateRepeatCellCount" value="Repeat count:"/>
<label id="Txt_CreateRepeatCellText" value="Repeat text:"/>
<label id="Itm_CreateRepeatCellListItem0" value="Text"/>
<label id="Itm_CreateRepeatCellListItem1" value="Count"/>
<label id="Txt_HintCreateRepeatCellTips" value="{0} to separate text entries"/>
<label id="Txt_HintCreateRepeatCellTextIsNull" value="Please must specify the text
you want to extract, it cannot be empty."/>
<!--Add Border to Each Page-->
<label id="Txt_AddBorderToEachPagWarn" value="This utility will delete all existing
borders, do you want to continue?"/>
<label id="Txt_AddBorderToEachPagSheetEmpty" value="The current worksheet is empty,
this utility cannot be continued."/>
<!--Insert Watermarket-->
<label id="Txt_RdbPictureWatermark" value="Picture Watermark"/>
<label id="Txt_btnSelectPicture" value="Select Picture (P)…"/>
<label id="Txt_SelectPicture" value="Please specify a picture"/>
<label id="Txt_ChbErosion" value="Washout"/>
<label id="Txt_RdbTextWatermark" value="Text Watermark"/>
<label id="Txt_LabText" value="Text:"/>
<label id="Txt_LabFont" value="Font:"/>
<label id="Txt_LabSize" value="Font size:"/>
<label id="Txt_LabColor" value="Font color:"/>
<label id="Txt_RdbInclined" value="Diagonal"/>
<label id="Txt_RdbLevel" value="Horizontal"/>
<label id="Txt_CombText" value="Confidential"/>
<label id="Txt_CombItemsText" value="Confidential&#xA;Company
Confidential&#xA;Forbidden Copying&#xA;Don’t replicate&#xA;Don’t
<label id="Txt_CombSize" value="95"/>
<label id="Txt_CombItemsSize"
<!--Part 5 End-->

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