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Marawi speech (est.

time: 20 minutes long)

People of the Philippines, my beloved

countrymen, a very pleasant day to all of you!

This day shall go down in history as the day when

peace is defined, and two of its paths are laid out.

My topic is:

What is the key to peace? How to have peace?

How to live in permanent peace?


Peace has been so very elusive, like eel.

Jeremiah 6:14
They have healed also the hurt of the daughter of my people slightly,
saying, Peace, peace; when there is no peace.

Jeremiah 8:11
For they have healed the hurt of the daughter of my people slightly,
saying, Peace, peace; when there is no peace.

Isaiah 59:8
The way of peace they know not; and there is no judgment in their goings: they have
made them crooked paths: whosoever goeth therein shall not know peace.


Yes, one of the gifts of Christ is peace – yet not mere peace, but a peace different from that of the
world’s type of peace which is relative and short-lived, Christ’s peace is permanent peace.

John 14:27
Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto
you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

John 16:33
These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye
shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

We can have it personally and soon globally, as it is written:

Isaiah 11: 6
The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf
and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them.

7And the cow and the bear shall feed; their young ones shall lie down together: and the lion
shall eat straw like the ox.

8And the sucking child shall play on the hole of the asp, and the weaned child shall put his hand
on the cockatrice' den.

9They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain: for the earth shall be full of the
knowledge of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea.

Isaiah 2:4
And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall
beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not
lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.

Joel 3:10
Beat your plowshares into swords, and your pruninghooks into spears: let the weak say,
I am strong.

Micah 4:3
And he shall judge among many people, and rebuke strong nations afar off; and they
shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall
not lift up a sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.


I have two answers:

1. By reforming Capitalism and putting love into it, instead of GREED.

2. By also reforming Communism and putting love into it, instead of COERCION.


This is best discussed by quoting the conversations between Neale Donald Walsch and God, put into
book titled, “Conversations with God” to quote:

What on earth has happened to America?

GOD: “The Earth nation you call the United States, for example, has
long thought itself to be a nation “under God, indivisible, with
liberty and justice for all.” It is not a coincidence that this nation
rose to become the most prosperous on Earth. It is also not surprising
that this nation is gradually losing all that it has worked so hard to
create—for this nation seems to have lost its vision.

The terms “under God, indivisible,” meant just that—they expressed the
Universal Truth of Unity; Oneness: a Matrix very difficult to destroy.
But the Matrix has been weakened.
Religious freedom has become religious righteousness bordering on
religious intolerance.
Individual freedom has all but vanished as individual responsibility
has disappeared.
The notion of individual responsibility has been distorted to mean
“every man for himself.”

This is the new philosophy that imagines itself to be harkening back to

the Early American tradition of rugged individualism.

But the original sense of individual responsibility upon which the

American vision and the American dream was based found its deepest
meaning and its highest expression in the concept of Brotherly Love.

What made America great was not that every man struggled for his own
survival, but that
every man accepted individual responsibility for the survival of all.

America was a nation that would not turn its back on the hungry, would
never say no to the needy, would open its arms to the weary and the
homeless, and would share its abundance with the world.

Yet as America became great, Americans became greedy. Not all, but
many. And, as time
went on, more and more.

As Americans saw how good it was possible to have it, they sought to
have it even better.
Yet there was only one way to have more and more and more. Someone else
had to have
less and less and less.

As greed replaced greatness in the American character, there was less

room for compassion for the least among the people. The less fortunate
were told it was their “own damned fault” if they didn’t have more.

After all, America was the Land of Opportunity, was it not? No one
except the less fortunate found it possible to admit that America’s
opportunity was limited,
institutionally, to those already on the inside track. In general,
these have not included many minorities, such as those of certain skin
color or gender.

Americans became arrogant internationally as well. As millions starved

across the globe,
Americans threw away enough food each day to feed entire nations.
America was generous with some, yes—but increasingly her foreign policy
came to be an extension of her own vested interests.

America helped others only when it served America to do so. (That is,
when it
served America’s power structure, America’s richest elite, or the
military machine that
protected those elite-and their collective assets.)

America’s founding ideal—Brotherly Love—had been eroded. Now, any talk

of being “your brother’s keeper” is met with a new brand of Americanism
—a sharp mind toward what it takes to hold on to one’s own, and a sharp
word to any among the less fortunate who would dare ask for their fair
share, for their grievances to be redressed.

Each person must take responsibility for herself or himself—that is

undeniably true. But
America—and your world—can truly work only when every person is willing
to stand
responsible for all of you as a Whole…[not for Self at the sacrifice
and detriment of the whole].

GOD: “You cannot grow and become great when you are constantly being
told what to do by government.

NDW: It could be argued that government—by that I mean the law by which
we’ve chosen to govern ourselves—is a reflection of society’s greatness
(or tack thereof), that great societies pass great laws.

GOD: And very few of them. For in great societies, very few laws are

NDW: Still, truly lawless societies are primitive societies, where

“might is right.” Laws are man’s attempt to level the playing field; to
ensure that what is truly right will prevail, weakness or strength
notwithstanding. Without codes of behavior upon which we mutually
agree, how could we coexist?

GOD: I am not suggesting a world with no codes of behavior, no

agreements. I am suggesting that your agreements and codes be based on
a higher understanding and a grander definition of self-interest.

What most laws actually do say is what the most powerful among you have
as their vested interest.

Let’s just look at one example. Smoking.

Now the law says you cannot grow and use a certain kind of plant, hemp
(marijuana), because, so government tells you, it is not good for you.

Yet the same government says it is all right to grow and use another
kind of plant, tobacco, not because it is good for you (indeed, the
government itself says it is bad), but, presumably, because you’ve
always done so.

The real reason that the first plant is outlawed and the second is not
has nothing to do with health. It has to do with economics. And that is
to say, power.

Your laws, therefore, do not reflect what your society thinks of

itself, and wishes to be—your laws reflect where the power is.

NDW: No fair. You picked a situation where the contradictions are

apparent. Most situations are not like that.

GOD: On the contrary. Most are.

NDW: Then what is the solution?

GOD: To have as few laws—which are really limits—as possible.
The reason the first weed is outlawed is only ostensibly about health.
The truth is, the first weed is no more addictive and no more a health
risk than cigarettes or alcohol, both of which are protected by the

Why is it then not allowed? Because if it were grown, half the cotton
growers, nylon and rayon manufacturers, and timber products people in
the world would go out of business.

Hemp happens to be one of the most useful, strongest, toughest,

longest-lasting materials on your planet. You cannot produce a better
fiber for clothes, a stronger substance for ropes, an easier-to-grow-
and-harvest source for pulp. You cut down hundreds of thousands of
trees per year to give yourself Sunday papers, so that you can read
about the decimation of the world’s forests. Hemp could provide you
with millions of Sunday papers without cutting down one tree.

Indeed, it could substitute for so many resource materials, at one-

tenth the cost.

And that is the catch. Somebody loses money if this miraculous plant—
which also has
extraordinary medicinal properties, incidentally—is allowed to be
grown. And that is why marijuana is illegal in your country.

It is the same reason you have taken so long to mass produce electric
cars, provide
affordable, sensible health care, or use solar heat and solar power in
every home.
You’ve had the wherewithal and the technology to produce all of these
things for years.

Why, then, do you not have them? Look to see who would lose money if
you did. There you will find your answer.

GOOD FOR THE MANY! It is very sad to find that America has become
different today that she was centuries ago. Where love was willing and
unconditional; today helping or assisting others has become a heavy
burden for America that she needs to be pushed, pressed, pressured
before doing it!”

GOD: “This is the Great Society of which you are so proud? Your “great
society” has to be dragged, kicking and screaming, to consider the
common good.

“Whenever common good or collective good is mentioned, everyone yells


In your society, if providing for the good of the many does not produce
a huge profit
for someone, the good of the many is more often than not ignored.

This is true not only in your country, but also around the world. The
basic question facing
humankind, therefore, is: Can self-interest ever be replaced by the
best interests, the
common interest, of humankind?

If so, how?

In the United States you have tried to provide for the common interest,
the best interest,
through laws. You have failed miserably.

Your nation is the richest, most powerful on the Earth, and it has one
of the highest infant mortality rates. Why? Because poor people cannot
afford quality pre-natal and post-natal care—and your society is profit
driven. I cite this as just one example of your miserable failure. The
fact that your babies are dying at a higher rate than most other
industrialized nations in the world should bother you. It does not.
That says volumes about where your priorities are as a society. Other
countries provide for the sick and needy, the elderly and infirm. You
provide for the rich and wealthy, the influential and the well-placed.
Eighty-five percent of retired Americans live in poverty. Many of these
older Americans, and most people on low income, use the local hospital
emergency room as their “family doctor,” seeking medical treatment
under only the most dire of circumstances, and
receiving virtually no preventive health maintenance care at all.

There’s no profit, you see, in people who have little to spend . . .

they’ve worn out their
usefulness . . .

And this is your great society— ”

NDW: “You make things sound pretty bad. Yet America has done more for
the underprivileged and the unfortunate—both here and abroad—then any
other nation on Earth.

GOD: America has done much, that is observably true. Yet do you know
that as a percentage of its gross national product, the United States
provides proportionately less for foreign aid than many much smaller
countries? The point is that, before you allow yourself to become too
self-congratulatory, perhaps you should look at the world around you.
For if this is the best your world can do for the less fortunate, you
all have much to learn.

 You live in a wasteful, decadent society. You’ve built into

virtually everything you make what your engineers call “planned
 Cars cost three times as much and last a third as long.
 Clothes fall apart after the tenth wearing.
 You put chemicals in your food so they can stay on the shelf
longer, even if it means your stay on the planet is shorter.
 You support, encourage, and enable sports teams to pay obscene
salaries for ridiculous efforts, while teachers, ministers, and
researchers fighting to find a cure for the diseases which kill
you go begging for money.
 You throw away more food each day in your nation’s supermarkets,
and homes than it would take to feed half the world.

Yet this is not an indictment, merely an observation. And not of the

United States alone, for the attitudes that sicken the heart are
epidemic around the world.

 The underprivileged everywhere must grovel and scrimp to merely

stay alive, while the few in power protect and increase great
hoards of cash, lie on sheets of silk, and each morning twist
bathroom fixtures made of gold.
 And as emaciated children of ribs and skin die in the arms of
weeping mothers, their country’s “leaders” engage in political
corruptions which keep donated food stuffs from reaching the
starving masses.
No one seems to have the power to alter these conditions, yet the truth
is, power is not the
problem. No one seems to have the will.

And thus it will always be, so long as no one sees another’s plight as
his own.

NDW: Well, why don’t we? How can we see these atrocities daily and
allow them to continue?

GOD: Because you do not care. It is a lack of caring. The entire planet
faces a crisis of
consciousness. You must decide whether you simply care for each other.

NDW: It seems such a pathetic question to have to ask. Why can’t we

love the members of our own family?

GOD: You do love the members of your own family. You simply have a very
limited view of who your family members are.
You do not consider yourself part of the human family, and so the
problems of the human
family are not your own.

NDW: How can the peoples of the Earth change their world view?
GOD: That depends on what you want to change it to.
NDW: How can we eliminate more of the pain, more of the suffering?
GOD: By eliminating all separations between you. By constructing a new
model of the world. By holding it within the framework of a new idea.

NDW: Which is?

GOD: Which is going to be a radical departure from the present world
Presently, you see the world—we’re speaking geopolitically now—as a
collection of nation states, each sovereign, separate and independent
of each other.


GOD: You are very wise to govern yourselves in the interim. The points
you made a moment ago are salient, unassailable. People often do not do
what is “right” when left to their own devices.

The real question is not why do governments impose so many rules and
regulations on the people, but why do governments have to?

The answer has to do with your Separation Consciousness.

NDW: The fact that we see ourselves as separate from each other.
GOD: Yes.
NDW: But if we aren’t separate, then we are One. And doesn’t that mean
we are responsible for each other?
GOD: Yes.
GOD: Never see yourself again as separate from one another, and never
see yourself as separate from Me.”


So, if we put back love into capitalism, it will be like in the beginning when America was filled with
love in its work, business, giving and sharing.

It will become the good 666 love = 600fold love for God + 60fold love for neighbor + humble 6fold
love for self.

Not anymore this ongoing bad 666 love = 600fold love for Self + 60fold love for neighbor + a
thankless 6fold love for God. This is the love that expresses itself as greed. Today’s capitalism is

That being said, let us proceed to Communism, how it can be reformed…


Why Communism is not producing the reform and the change it has promised?

We will start the discussion by quoting the disappointment of a youth against

the failure of communism. He wrote to the communist leaders in the Philippines
via the internet, to wit:

BIGDOR I LOVE THE WORL: (2 years ago)

“Mr. Sison and Mr. Jalandoni matanda na po kayo, sabi nyo sa mga
ipinaglalaban nyo kabataan ang pag-asa ng bayan, KAME ang KABATAAN,
may anak nalang at the line of age 20's,tinubuan nalang ng talaba mga utak
namin, bakit GULO at TAKOT parin ang dinudulot ng pinaglalaban nyo, ang
sarap managinip na ang 10 year old na batang babae bumibyahe mag isa sa
kahit saang lugar sa pilipinas na payapa,kumportable,walang takot at
pangamba at nakaka sigurong ligtas ang nasa isip ng mga magulang at
taong bayan sa kanilang anak,.,

pero sa ginagawa ninyo kahit 20 years old na nakakatakot abutan ng gabi sa

daan na mag isa cla,.,

Sir. Sison and sir. Jalandoni may EMPYERNO PO,.,we dont know what's in
it,.,and we are sure maiiwan kame d2,and we will witness for decades the
changes in earth until we reach the same your age now,

pero ikaw malapit kana sa LISTAHAN pleased naman tulungan mo kame

PILIPINOS here in our beloved country Philppines, na maranasan namin ang
mapayapa at komportable pumunta sa lahat ng sulok ng aming

bansa,cotabato,zamboanga luzon bisayas mindanao na walang pag aalala at
takot,.,mamatay ka kame maiiwan, when you are in heaven (sana lang po) or
in Hell (wag naman po sana) you cannot able to send any message on us,.

kaya please lang,.maybe in to years from now we dont know,at hindi kaba
naawa sa sarili moh sa haba ng ipinaglalaban mo dito sa pilipinas ni
masilayan at makalakad sa pilipinas hindi mo na nararanasan, at sa tanda
mo na yan malamang pati libing mo imposibleng malibing d2,.

c marcos mapupunta na ang katawan sa mga katabi ng mga bayani,.,e ikaw?

saan ka po?”

This post can be found in the YouTube video “Revolutionary Valentine; Jose
Maria Sison and Julie De Lima”.

Here is my reply to him which I also posted below that comment/ message:




TRUTHS THAT SHALL SET YOU FREE. Exact wordings in the Gospel: "And the
truth (that is, real truth) shall set you free."

For example: We want freedom from control, freedom from debt, freedom
from loans, freedom from expensive education, expensive food, expensive rice,
expensive fish, etc.? Answer: Follow Christ in the real sense and strictly, not just
by lip-service. Example: We will only use money 10% or less in our daily
dealings, that is, where wordly dealings require money, this is the meaning of
"Give unto Ceasar what belongs to Ceaser" such as government services, but
the air, the water, the electricity, the fish, the food, the vegetables, the fruits,
the spices, the rice, the crop, the corn, the farm, the land, the soil -- are the
Caesar's (that is, are the government property) or these God's and His gifts to
mankind? And if gifts, therefore, subject to the following Christ's law/ directive:
"Freely you receive all these things, free give (share). But why are why doing
business, or requiring money in order to have fish, rice, land, water, electricity
and all gifts God gave to us via our ancestors?

We violated the truths! We violated God's teachings that could have made
our life very easy and our burden inlcuding the education of our children very
We mocked and rejected the lifestyle of Christ where only once or twice
did He use money! One was when the tax collector came to collect tax and
Christ took a coin from a fish's mouth to pay the requied tax.

In short, use of money should only be 10% of the whole lifestyle, such as
paying tax, paying fare, but most of our needs should be zero money, that is,
DIRECT FROM THE SOURCE, e.g., fish direct from the sea, so we must know how
to fish, rice direct from the field, so we must have farm and know how to farm,
not just concentrate on our talent or career, we must also have a farm, e.g.,
farm in the morning, career or talent in the afternoon - this should be the best
lifestyle to have! In order to be free.

WE must return to the only 10% money, 90% direct from source system.
That is the first individual and collective act that does not require the help
of any organization or ideology.

The second strategy should be the focus on talent.

Education must be talent-based and 90% talent focused. It is wrong to

focus on the academic subject (English/ language/ communication; math, typing,
computer) because such major or focus undermine your greatness potential and
confine you to mediocre skill only fit to serve the big Employers who are using
chemicals in their companies that poison the bodies of the consumers/ masses,
which condition makes their Pharmaceuticals companies very rich!

That is the result of focusing on the academic subjects, instead of the

talents according to Christ’s directives in Matthew 25 and Luke 17 which clearly
says: Focus on talent.

Matthew 25 contains three parables which are sequenced in their meaning

and intention, to wit:

Parable # 1 - Parable of the 10 Virgins. Meaning: “Prepare for My

Coming”. How? By keeping your lamp burning. Do not run out of oil (Holy Spirit)
so your lamp (body) will keep active in the works of love. “Occupy til I come” –
that is, Get busy with the lighter “yoke” that I will assign to you.

We ask again, “Again, how am I going to prepare for Your coming Lord?”

Do Parable # 2 – The Parable of the Talents - “Focus on talent” so you

will not get stuck in employment which is synonym to poverty or cliff-edge
living, which cannot give you the income or wealth to accomplish

Parable # 3 – Fulfill My Commission of Charity: Feed the Hungry, Quench

the Thirst, Clothe the Naked, Shelter the Homeless, Treat the Sick, Free the
Slaves and Prisoners.

Those who did not focus on talent and treated talent as hobby, instead of
turning it from hobby to enterprise (source of wealth and tool of service),

Inutile Christians. Cannot do the Commission of Charity. Worse, instead of
feeding the hungry, they have become the hungry, instead of treating the sick,
they have become the sick and so on and so forth!!!!

This is a very sad truth and reality today!


Because we used the school curriculum designed by the Jesuits-Illuminati

aimed to make us employees (modern slaves)! We scorned God’s curriculum
based on the specific talents He distributed to us.

Our poverty is causing us to rebel and become victims of their trap no. 2:

For more enlightenment, contact 0910 1247 414 (Philippines), or email

address: or Personal Message at Facebook using this
account name: “Arnulfo Laniba”.

Look for the 3-volume book “Conversations with God” by Neale Donald
Walsch (PM me if you want me to send the ebook form to your Facebook chat).
In this book, God says that it is like fishing: there is a bait (the good part) and
the hook (the bad part). What is the good part in communism used as bait?
Answer: the purpose, or principle, such as “From each according to his ability, to
each according to his need” which is fairness, equality (love).

Quoted from the “Conversations with God”:

Neale Donald Waslch: “If I am responsible for all others, then the
Communist Manifesto was right! “From each according to his ability, to each
according to his need.”

GOD: “That is, as I’ve already said, a very noble idea. But it is robbed of its
nobility when it is ruthlessly enforced. That was the difficulty with communism.
Not the concept, but its implementation.”
GOD: “Yet, I repeat, you must take care not to smother yourself in laws trying to
guarantee people a chance to breathe! You cannot legislate morality. You cannot
mandate equality.
“What is needed is a shift of collective consciousness, not an enforcer of
collective conscience.
“Behavior (and all laws, and all government programs) must spring from
Beingness, must be a true reflection of Who You Are.”
GOD: “You don’t understand the most basic concepts of civilized societies.
You don’t know how to solve conflict without violence.
You don’t know how to live without fear.
You don’t know how to act without self interest.
You don’t know how to love without condition.

GOD: “Your world-has run amok. On this I will agree. But your world has not run
amok because of whatyou have allowed your schools to teach your children. It
has run amok because of what you have not allowed them to teach.

You have not allowed your schools to teach that love is all there is. You have not
your schools to speak of a love which is unconditional.

GOD: “It is time for the world to stop kidding itself, to wake up, to realize that
the only problem of humanity is lack of love.
Love breeds tolerance, tolerance breeds peace. Intolerance produces war and
indifferently upon intolerable conditions.
Love cannot be indifferent. It does not know how.
The fastest way to get to a place of love and concern for all humankind is to see
humankind as your family.
The fastest way to see all humankind as your family is to stop separating

GOD: “I already have several times.

You must stop seeing God as separate from you, and you as separate from each
The only solution is the Ultimate Truth: nothing exists in the universe that is
separate from anything else. Everything is intrinsically connected, irrevocably
interdependent, interactive, interwoven into the fabric of all of life.”

Look for videos of Eric Phelps at YouTube or the article at or

Google “Black Pope” to get the information exposing the truth that at the very
top: COMMUNISM = CAPITALISM. Same bosses. Same financiers. Same source of
weapons. Same source of funding.

Eric is a top-rank communist at the international level who was able to see first
hand who is who at the top.

According to him, we are just cocks being crowded inside the cock pit.

As it is in their Plan (The Secret Covenant of the Illuminati), to wit:


(Note: This Secret Covenant of the Illuminati serves as their Constitution; also their codes of
conduct, e.g., how they would operate to deceive, control, oppress & destroy humanity. Knowing
this covenant in depth means knowing our enemy fully. Accordingly, the basic tactic on how to
win a war is: “KNOW YOUR ENEMY.” By this Covenant, we can know our enemy. Hence, we can
“win the war.”)

Huge and departmentalized so as to be invisible

 An illusion it will be, so large, so vast it will escape their perception.
 Those who will see it will be thought of as insane.
 We will create separate fronts to prevent them from seeing the
connection between us.
 We will behave as if we are not connected to keep the
illusion alive.

One drop at a time

 Our goal will be accomplished one drop at a time so as to never
bring suspicion upon ourselves.

 This will also prevent them from seeing the changes as they
 …

Capitalism & Communism by same Masters (the Illuminati)

 We will establish their governments and establish opposites within.
 We will own both sides.

Slavery thru employment

 They will perform the labour for us and we shall prosper from their
 …

Pit against each other like cocks

 We will make them kill each other when it suits us.
 We will keep them separated from the oneness by dogma and

Subtle control methods

 We will control all aspects of their lives and tell them what to think
and how.
 We will guide them kindly and gently letting them think they
are guiding themselves.

Create “redo” or mutual hatred

 We will foment animosity between them through our factions.
 When a light shall shine among them, we shall extinguish it by
ridicule, or death, whichever suits us best.
 We will make them rip each other’s hearts apart and kill
their own children.

Prosperity for us thru their division and wars

 They will bathe in their own blood and kill their neighbours for as
long as we see fit.
 We will benefit greatly from this, for they will not see us, for
they cannot see us.
 We will continue to prosper from their wars and their
 …

Land Grabbing
 We will take over their land, resources and wealth to exercise total
control over them.

Deceitful Laws towards deeper enslavement

 We will deceive them into accepting laws that will steal the little
freedom they will have.
Financial Slavery
 We will establish a money system that will imprison them forever,
keeping them and their children in debt.

Disarm for easy control of rebellion

 When they shall ban together, we shall accuse them of crimes and
present a different story to the world for we shall own all the media.
 When they shall rise up against us we will crush them like insects,
for they are less than that.
 They will be helpless to do anything for they will have no weapons.

Mercenaries against our own brothers

 We will recruit some of their own to carry out our plans…
 …
Slavery thru false beliefs introduced
 When all is in place, the reality we will have created for them will
own them.
 Their minds will be bound by their beliefs, the beliefs we have
established from time immemorial.

Full text:


(Note: This Secret Covenant of the Illuminati serves as their Constitution; also their codes of
conduct, e.g., how they would operate to deceive, control, oppress & destroy humanity. Knowing
this covenant in depth means knowing our enemy fully. Accordingly, the basic tactic on how to
win a war is: “KNOW YOUR ENEMY.” By this Covenant, we can know our enemy. Hence, we can
“win the war.”)

Huge and departmentalized so as to be invisible

 An illusion it will be, so large, so vast it will escape their perception.
 Those who will see it will be thought of as insane.
 We will create separate fronts to prevent them from seeing the
connection between us.
 We will behave as if we are not connected to keep the illusion alive.

One drop at a time

 Our goal will be accomplished one drop at a time so as to never
bring suspicion upon ourselves.
 This will also prevent them from seeing the changes as they occur.

Teamwork and death to the traitor

 We will work together always and will remain bound by blood and

 Death will come to him who speaks.

Harm their bodies and mind

 We will keep their lifespan short and their minds weak while
pretending to do the opposite.

To use chemistry for poisoning

 We will use our knowledge of science and technology in subtle ways
so they will never see what is happening.
 We will use soft metals, aging accelerators and sedatives in food and
water, also in the air.
 They will be blanketed by poisons everywhere they turn.
 The poisons will be hidden in everything that surrounds them, in
what they drink, eat, breathe and wear.

Medicine to aggravate illness

 We will create medicine that will make them sicker and cause other
diseases for which we will create yet more medicine.

To make their minds docile

 We will render them docile and weak before us by our power.
 Their minds will belong to us and they will do as we say.
 If they refuse we shall find ways to implement mind-altering
technology into their lives.

Fear as tool
 We will use fear as our weapon.

Capitalism & Communism by same Masters (the Illuminati)

 We will establish their governments and establish opposites within.
 We will own both sides.

Slavery thru employment

 They will perform the labour for us and we shall prosper from their

Preserve racial purity

 Our families will never mix with theirs.
 Our blood must be pure always, for it is the way.

Pit against each other like cocks

 We will make them kill each other when it suits us.
 We will keep them separated from the oneness by dogma and

Subtle control methods
 We will control all aspects of their lives and tell them what to think
and how.
 We will guide them kindly and gently letting them think they are
guiding themselves.

Create “redo” or mutual hatred

 We will foment animosity between them through our factions.
 When a light shall shine among them, we shall extinguish it by
ridicule, or death, whichever suits us best.
 We will make them rip each other’s hearts apart and kill their own

Prosperity for us thru their division and wars

 They will bathe in their own blood and kill their neighbours for as
long as we see fit.
 We will benefit greatly from this, for they will not see us, for they
cannot see us.
 We will continue to prosper from their wars and their deaths.

Lead them to self-destroy

 We will make them live in fear and anger.
 We will use all their tools we have to accomplish this.
 The tools will be provided by their labour.

Truth about oneness kept

 We will make them hate themselves and their neighbours.
 We will always hide the divine truth from them, that we are all one.
 This they must never know!

Patient perseverance
 Drop-by-drop; drop-by-drop we will advance our goal (e.g., to make
them think we are not one).

Land Grabbing
 We will take over their land, resources and wealth to exercise total
control over them.

Deceitful Laws towards deeper enslavement

 We will deceive them into accepting laws that will steal the little
freedom they will have.

Financial Slavery
 We will establish a money system that will imprison them forever,
keeping them and their children in debt.

Disarm for easy control of rebellion
 When they shall ban together, we shall accuse them of crimes and
present a different story to the world for we shall own all the media.
 When they shall rise up against us we will crush them like insects,
for they are less than that.
 They will be helpless to do anything for they will have no weapons.

Mercenaries against our own brothers

 We will recruit some of their own to carry out our plans, we will
promise them eternal life, but eternal life they will never have for
they are not of us.

Grand illusion of Freedom

 The truth will be hidden in their face, so close they will not be able to
focus on it until it’s too late.
 Oh yes, so grand the illusion of freedom will be, that they will never
know they are our slaves.
Slavery thru false beliefs introduced
 When all is in place, the reality we will have created for them will
own them.
 Their minds will be bound by their beliefs, the beliefs we have
established from time immemorial.

The 2 Keys – the key of secrecy for their success and the key
of unity for our liberation
 But if they ever find out they are our equal, we shall perish then.
 If they ever find out that together they can vanquish us, they will
take action.
 They must never, ever find out what we have done, for if they do, we
shall have no place to run.
 No one shall give us shelter.

Secret & Lasting Covenant Sealed by our Blood

 This is the secret covenant by which we shall live the rest of our
present and future lives, for this reality will transcend many
generations and life spans.
 This covenant is sealed by blood, our blood!

The third and most important strategy to attain freedom, aside from rejecting
the use of worldly weapon, e.g, NPA, communism, etc., is what will shock you
according to Jesus Christ Himself because the popes and their minions tampered
and gang raped the Scriptures all these centuries. We are now in the era of "One
flock, one shephered" (see John 10) and past the era of hirelings or hired human
shepherds. Christ said, "I have many sheep in other flocks (man-led churches)
and I will call them all, and they will listen and there will be one flock, one
shepherd." His Voice is in the form of the 7,500-page thick "The Great Gospel
according to Jesus Christ thru John" which you can download from a number of
websites such as under the shortened name "The Great
Gospel [thru] John".

From these 3 major moves, we can already make a great leap to freedom. The
Book which is 7,500 pages compared to the New Testament which is only 300
pages has other plenty of instructions, in specific aspects, or specific fields,
wherever we are, to effect total change as a result of everybody being guided of
what to reform in his own particular field.

These dear youth is our blue print to start our journey towards real freedom.

God bless and let this be circuclated nationawide, worldwide. Communism is

Trap # 2 while greed-led Capitalism as opposed to Love-guide and wisdom-
enlightened Capitalism is Trap # 1.

Greed-led Capitalism is Christless Capitalism. Cruel Communism is Godless

Communism. We have to put God and Christ back to these two systems if we
want to see it reshaped after the pleasure and approval of God.

To reach the aim (eternal peace with eternal joy and eternal freedom and eternal life), Capitalism
shall evolve from being greed-led to love-enlightened.

To reach the same aim, those in the other side, Communism, shall also let love, not coercion, be the
sole force, an inner one, to cause us to fulfill its idealism.

Then shall peace be here and here forever!


What is the key to peace? Love!

How to have peace? By having love!

How to live in permanent peace? By living in love!


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