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1-Solar Power- Radiation

Exercises- II
(Fundamentals of Heat & Mass Transfer-Incropera & DeWitt- Chapter 12):

4.-Two small surfaces, A and B, are placed inside an isothermal enclosure at a uniform temperature. The
enclosure provides an irradiation of 6300 W/m to each surface, and both surfaces A and B absorb incident
radiation at rates of 5600 and 630 W/m , respectively. Consider conditions after a long time has elapsed.
a. What are the net heat fluxes for each surface (qA, qB) and temperatures (TA, TB)?
b. Determine the absorptivity of each surface
c. What are the emissive power of each surface?
d. Determine the emissivity of each surface.

5.-The window of large vacuum chamber is fabricated from a material of prescribed spectral characteristics. A
collimate beam of radiant energy from a solar simulator is incident on the window and has a flux of 3000 W/m .
The inside walls of the chamber, which are large compared to the window area, are maintained at 77 K. The
outer surface of the window is subjected to surroundings and standard conditions for temperature and pressure
with a convection heat transfer coefficient 15 W/m .K. The solar transmissivity (s) of the window material to
radiation from the solar simulator is 0.748, the reflectivity (s) is in the order of 0.185, and the emissivity () of

a) Determine the absorptivity of the material (s)

b) Assuming that the window is insulated from its chamber mounting arrangements, what steady
state temperature does the window will reach (Tw)?

c) Calculate the net radiation transfer per unit area (W/m 2) of the window to the vacuum chamber
wall (exclude the transmitted simulated solar flux).
3.1-Solar Power- Radiation
Exercises- II
(Fundamentals of Heat & Mass Transfer-Incropera & DeWitt- Chapter 12):

6.-Concentrated solar power plants (CSPs) are built under the following principle: A large number of heliostats
(reflectors) provide a concentrated solar flux of qS=80,000 W/m to the central receiver, which is positioned at the
top of the tower as shown in the figure.

The receiver wall is exposed to the solar flux at its outer surface and to the atmospheric air for which T ∞,o = 300 K and h0 = 25 W/m2 K. The outer
surface is opaque and diffuse, with an absorptivity of sand an emissivity of =0.391. The inner surface is exposed to a pressurized liquid
(molten salt) for which T∞, i = 700 K and h1 = 10 W/m2 K. The outer surface is also exposed to surroundings for which Tsur = 300 K. If the wall is
fabricated from a high-temperature material for which k = 15 W/m.K

a) What will be the minimum thickness (L) needed to ensure that the outer surface temperature does not exceed T s,o=1000 K?

b) What is the collection efficiency () associated with this thickness?

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