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oe : [Q] Booklet Code Time : 3 ime : 3 Hours Male: fae Instructions : i) One mark wi ( for hake ee for every correct answer for post code 21, 53 half mark 885 68 ara a5 § * ay. descends oe chee 21, 53 Ssh 54 obo uf Srdy,, 2 B22 806 6 Sty, ii) Choose the correct or most Appropriate answer from the given Options to the followi auestions and darken, with blue/black ball point pen the corresponding digit 1, 2, 3, 4 in the circle pertaining to the question number concerned boone Answer Sheet, Separately supplied to you. BS BS BO WHS aswas ws! OSS Sar DHYFO TBO ards S08 1, 2,3, 4 Storr ays OMR ssrors SESS WS Oe0GODS Sompties Heseiso EBELS FS Hono! iy sSarnod VossoH. Choose the correct one-word substitute. One who performs daring gymnastic feats. Q (1) Pugilist (2) Conjurer iggler (4) Acrobat 2. Choose the appropriate answer. Bermuda triangle is stretch over the Atlantic Ocean. (1) a,the (2) the, the the, a (4) an, the 3. Choose the correct form of the ver! @ After we had changed the punctu we continue our journey. (A) areableto = (2) w (3) wasableto (4) unableto 4. Choose the correct form of My friend i (1) wasused to every Sunday when I was ill. d to (3) use to (4) used to 5, Choose the correct fo! ie reported speech: The stranger said, “Can you tell me the way to the railway station?” (J) The stranger dine whether [could tell him the way to the railway station. (2) The stranger t if I did tell him the way to the railway station, G3) Thestr ed me whether I could tell me the way to the railway station. (4) Thes ed me whether I can tell me the way to the railway station, 6. Choose th ect form of the reported speech: ve met your brother”, aid that he had met your brother, i id that he had met my brother. (3) ‘said that he has met my brother, Ra (4) Ravi said thathe would have met my brother. 3-B 12. Booklet Code tag fie the following statement. Choose the correct question Children like sweets. __ (2) _ isn’tit? (1) dothey? (4) aren’t they? (3) don’tthey? os he following statement, — O weestion 10g for 4 Choose the correct q! You enjoyed the film ae (2) don’tyou? Gy didn’t you? (® dayat, © (3) doyou? What does the sentence imply? & Idon’t think, Alex is the right person for the. e : (1) Suggestion ‘4 (3) Compliment @ S Choose the correct order of the given a oe in government / the essence of / the active aoe mn / denocrai is/of people. 1 2 Q@) 1,5,3,4,2* »4,3,5,1 G 3,5, 152.4 it 5,3, 2, 4% Choose the correct order of the given sentence. among ees human: beings /the 2 Ithy relations / does a faster / system of society 3 5 tt) 20:3) a ah ‘ @) 25.413 @ danas ‘What does the sentence eee oa a few years.ago, we would have avoided the prese (1) apology iggestion (3) offer (4) regret Ti police niger sett. ice ‘ (1) “ealled bys, without delay by the residents. (3) called back, © (2) called out F (4) called off 14, 15, lector promised that ‘he would the allegations against | (2) look up (3) look into (4). look after Choose the correct answ. et ont old m: GQ) athe ret the bus stop ip A notorious criminal. ~ (2) thea Gye (4) athe Booklet Code Read the following passage and ape. : When Arthur Bloxham was j NsWer the questions from 16-19. ¥ é attracted him very chee Herm at oxford university he met aon ee, of term, which happened to be in Asked Eve to tea once or twice am verylast day riverand take'a picnié funch with ‘and sunny, he suggested that they stiould go rowing on the i = thim. Arthur could not row well, but iged to get a couple s oe teers ‘twas time for lunch, Then the disaster oct . Arthur stood up to er ee He bank, but he unfortunately overbalanced an ‘the boat and both he and Eve fell mits te YES The Water wasn’t deep, but it was col muddy, and when they had scrambled out Eve was furious, ° ; ‘ 16. Arthurwasa_ Ss atoxford, ws (1) Professor oypeamian (3) Student ¢ jisitor 17. What did Arthur suggest on the last day ey ay To have tea To get married (3) To go toa-film< (4)_ To go ona picnic 18. How was the weather on the last: \e term? (1) unpleasant <~ 2). cold (3) sultry aD (4) sunny 19, The boat was upset aw (1) Arthur was an} ve. (2) Eve wasangry with Arthur. @) Arthur coul sp balance. (4) Arthur wanted to drown Eve. imilar in meaning to the italicized word in this sentence. 20. Choose the word which is si ning to the i He could rise is stature be pause of his invincib le courage. _ (1) Suse ~(Q) Unmanageable (3) Unbeatable (4) Immeasurable d which is similar in meaning to the italicized word in this sentence. 21. Ch or i e a ‘eed ed to pay homage 10 their departed leader. a ye) Tribute G3) Humility (4) Obedience 22. Choose the antonym of eerste ipoltiics There are no permanent adver . Allies i eaeia (2) _ Detractors (G3) Flatterers 4) Allies e underlined word in the sentence.

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