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The Body Code

System of Natural Healing

By Dr. Bradley Nelson

Copyright 2009 Dr. Bradley Nelson & Wellness Unmasked, Inc.

All rights reserved
The Body Code Manual Table of Contents

Table of Contents
The Body Code System .......... ......... ... ........... ............ ..... ............. .. ....... .............. .......... ............... .. ..... 9
Copyright & Disclaimer ...... ........... ...... ... ............. ... ......... .. ..................................... ........ ..... .. .. ...... 9
About Me ...... .... ... ... ... .... ....... ... ... ................ .... ........... ....... ..... ............. ....... ..... .......... .. ........... .... .. 11
The Doctor of the Future .... ... .... .......... .. .... ............ .... .. ........ ..... .. ........... .. ..... .... .... ... ..................... 12
Understanding Energy ...... ... ........... ................ ........ ........... ............ .... ........................................ ... 13
The Energetic Body ....... .. ..... .......... .... ............... ....... ........... .. ... .................. ........ .. ........ ..... ....... 17
Messages From Water .... ... .... ........... ................. ..... .. .... ............ ... .... .... ............... .. ............. ....... 18
Conscious vs. Subconscious .. ..... .. ......... ... .. ........... ............... ... .. .. ..... .. ...... ....... ........ .............. ....... 21
Muscle Testing .. .. .................. ... ..................... ... ... .... ......... .... ..... ................................ ........... ........ 24
Proper Form for Testing Others .......... .. ..................................................................................... 25
Proper Finger Placement ......... ....................... .... .. ...... .... ........... .......... .............. ......... ..... ......... 26
Tips for Testing Others ..... ........... ....... ............ .... ... ...... ... ..... ................................... .... .... ..... ... .. 27
Reasons You Might Be Untestable ............................................. ... .... ....... ... ........ .............. .. ..... 28
Self-Testing .... ..... ..... ...... ... ... .... .. ................... ........ ... ......... ... ... .. ... ... ....... ................. ..... ........ ....... 30
The Sway Test ........... ..... ................ ... .. ........... ... .... ..... ... ............................. ... ...... .. .... .... .... ... ... 30
Hole-in-One Method ........ .... ......... .... .. ............ ... ............. .. .... .. ............ ..................................... 33
Falling Log Method ....... ................. ... ............ ....... ............. .. ... .... ............ ..................................... 34
Han(d) Solo Method ........ ..... .......................... ............. .. .... ............... .... .... ....... ..... ...... .......... .. .. 35
Ring-in-Ring Method ..... ... ....... ... ....... .. ............ ............. ...... .............. .. ..................................... 36
Elbow Test Method ....... ... .. .... ....................... ... .. .... ...... .... .... ..... ... ........ ................. ... ................ 37
Tips for Self-Testing .... ............... .... ...... ....... ... ... ..... ....... ......... ....... ......................... .... ..... ........ 38
Surrogate Testing .... ........... ... ... ................... .. ........ .. .. ... ....... .... .. ......................................... ... ...... . 41
Proxy Testing ...... .. ....... ............ ............ .. .......... ..... ............ .... .. .... ............. .. ...... .. .... .. .............. ... ... 44
Establishing a Connection .. ........... ..... ..... ...... ...... .... ........ ......... ............ .. .. ............................... . 45
Breaking the Connection ................... .............. ....... ..................................... ......... .... ............... . 46
Proxy Testing While Alone ............. ... .. ........... .... .. ....... .... ... .. ................................ ................... 47
Working with Animals ... ........ ............... .. .......... .................. ... ..... .................... ........................ .. ... 49
The Present Dilemma ......... .................... .. ...... ........... ........ ............................... ....... ..... .......... ...... 52
Chasing Symptoms .... ..... ... ... ....... .................... .... ....................... ........... ........................ ......... .. 60
Medical Freedom ....................... ....... ...... ... ... ............ ...... .... ... ............. .. .... ..... ...... ..... ............... 61
Medical Ideas Change .... ............ .................... ......... ...... ... .... ... ........... ............ ...... ...... .............. 62
Entrenched Ideas .. ......... ..... ........... ...................... ... ......... ......... ... ....... ........... ........... .. .. ............ 63
Stress ............ ...... ............... .... ... ................... ....... .. .. ... ..... .... ............... .... .. .......... .... .. .. ............. .. ... 65
The "Fight or Flight" Reaction ..... ...... .. ............. ... .... ........ ... ................. ....... ................ .. ... ...... .. 65
Stress Opens the Door to Illness .............. .. .... .......... .... ....... ...... ......... ........................ ..... .. .... ... . 67
Tailspin ...... ....... .. ........... ..... ........ ................... ..... .. ..... .... ... .. .. ....................... ...... .... ............. ..... 68
The End Result of Disease ............... ...... .... .............. ... ... .................... ... .................................... 69
Stress Opens The Door To Disease ................ ........... .. ..... .................. .... ................ ... ................ 70
The 6 Types of Imbalances That Lead to All Disease .. ...... .. .... .... ............... ....... ........ .... .............. . 72
Infections/Infestations .... ... ...... ... ....... .... .... .. .. .............. .. .... ....................... ...... ...... ..... ....... ........ 73
Structural Misalignment (Subluxation) ........... ......... ... ..... ................... .. ... .. .. ............................. 74
2 Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009
The Body Code Manual Table of Contents

Nutritional Deficiencies ................. ..... ..... ................. .. ..... ........ .... ................. ............................ 77
Toxicity ...... ...... .......... ...... .... .... ... ........... .... ... ... .... ... ...... ... .... .... .. .. ................... ... ..... ... ...... ... .. .. . 78
The Energy Body and the Organ/Gland Connections .... ............. ............ .. ..... ............... ... .......... 79
Trapped Emotions ...... ................. ..... .... .... ..... .. ... .... ..... .... ........ ... ..... ............. ....... ........... ... ....... 83
The Heart-Wall ...... ....... ......... ...... .......... ..... .... ........................... ................. ...... ..... .. ........ ....... . 87
Things to Keep in Mind ..... ........ .. ...... .... ... ... ...................... ....................... .......... ............. .. .... ....... 89
Processing .. ......... .. .... ... ............ ... ............. ............... .................. ......... ............ ..... ....... ............. .90
Phobias ... .. .... .... ......... ................. ...... ....... .... .. ........... ... .................. ............ .... .... ... ................... 90
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. .... ..... ... ... .. ...... .. .. .... ..... ....... ...... ...... ...... .. .. .... ......... ....... ........... 91
Frequently Asked Questions ............... .......... ... ............ ............. .. .... ... .... .. ...... ... .. .......... .. ..... ..... 92
Shielding ..... ..... .... ...... .... ............. .......... .. ........ ..... .. .. ... ... ...... ........ ... .. .. .. .... ..... .. .............. .... .... .. 94
Getting Permission ... .... .................. .. ........... ... ............... ........ ..... .............. ... .... .. ....................... 95
Cancer .... ... .......... ....... .... .......................... ... .. ................... ..... ...... ......... .................................... 96
Don ' t Play Doctor ......... .............. .. .... .. ....... ...... ........ ............ ....... .. .. .............. ......... .... .... .. ........ 98
Healing is a Sacred Calling ..... .. .. .............. .......... ... ..... ................... .... .. .... ...... ........ ...... ... ........ 100
Nikken Magnets .. ....... .... ........................... .. .... ... .......... ......... .. .. ... .. .. ......... ... .......................... 101
Circuitry ........................ ............. ....... ............. ................ .. ... ......... ... .......... ..... .... ....... .. ....... .......... . 105
Connections ....................... ............ ............ .... ..... .............. ......... .... ................... ... ....... .......... ... .. 111
Thyroid Gland .. ......... ............ ... ...... ... ... ... .... .... ............. ............ .. .. ...... .............. ...................... 113
The Heart ............... .. ...... ............. .. ......... ... ............. ...... ...... ..... .. ................. .. ..... ...... ....... ....... . 120
The Thymus Gland ... ............ .. ... .... .... ....... .... ............ ...................... ....... ................. ............. ... 126
The Lungs ........... ....... .. .............. ........ ... .... .... ... ... ....... ... .. ... ... ... ... .... ....................................... 131
The Spleen ... ....... ....... .... ............... ..... ... ...... .. .............. ............... .............. .. ... ..... ..... ... .... ........ 136
The Stomach ........ ..... ...... ......................... ..... ...... ........... .. ............. ....... .... ... ................. .......... 141
The Pancreas ... ........... ......... ....... ............ ................ .... .... ............ ....... .. ... ..... ....... .... .. ... ....... .... 147
Gall Bladder ........ ...... .......... ..................... ... .. .......... .... .................. ....... .. ....... ...... ................ ... 154
The Liver .. ............ ... .... ........ .... ........ ..... ....... ... ...... ... ... .. ............. ............ ....... ... ..... .... ......... ... . 161
The Kidney .. ............... .. .. ........... ............ ....................... ...... ..... ..... .......... .... ... .... ............ .... .. .. 168
The Colon .. .... .............. ........ ....... ......... ........... ... .. ... .... .............. ... ....... ... ....... ... ........... ... ........ 176
The Adrenal Glands ..... .......... .... ......... ........ .... .. ..... .... .................. ... ..... ......... ......................... 183
The Small Intestine ... ...... .... .. ...... ....... .. ... .................... ........................... ...... .... .... ................ .. 191
The IleoCecal Valve ... ... .............. ............. ... ...... .............. ........... .. .... ............. .... ..... ... .... .. ....... 198
The Uterus ... ... ... ....... ..... .. ....................... .................... .................... .... .... ..... ........................ .. 205
The Prostate Gland ... ....... .......... ... ............ .............. ..... .... ... ... .... .................... .............. .... ....... 212
The Bladder.. .............. ................ ... .... .... ..... .. ............... ...... .......... .................. .. .............. .. ....... 218
The Testicles ........ ...................... .. .................... .. .... ........ ...... .................. ....... ....... .... ........ ...... 225
The Ovaries ............... ..... .......................... .. ... .............. ................. ......... ... ......... .. ................... 230
The Pineal Gland ............. ........... ... ...... ..... ... ........ ......... ........ ..... ..... .. .. ...... ............ .................. 235
The Hypothalamus .. .................. ... ... .... .... ... ..... .. ...... ..................... ................ ...... ... .. ...... ..... .... 239
The Pituitary Gland .................... ..... .. ............... ..... ...... ............... .... .. ....... ... .. ...... ... ........... ...... 244
The "Usual Suspects" ....... .............. ................ ...... ..... ................ .. ............... .. ............ ..... ......... ... . 248
Testing for Contentedness .............. ............ .... ... ............... ..... .. ........ ............. ....... .............. ......... 249
The Nature of Things ..... ... .. .. ..... ........... .............. .... ................... .................. ..... .. ..... ...... ........ 249
Happy Organs ............. ............... ........... ..... .... ......... ... ..... ...... .... .............................. ...... ....... .. 250
Testing for Happy Organs .......... ... ......... ..... ................. .. .... ......... ... .............. .. .... .................... 250
The Chakras ............ .......... ............ ........................................... ... .... ... .......... .... .... ...... ... .... ....... .. 254
The Crown Chakra ... .... .................................... ..... ...... ................ ... .. ...... ....... ...... ... .. ... ... ... .. ... 256
The Brow Chakra ....... .. ..... ..... ... .......... ..... .... ........... .. ............................... ... .......... ........... ...... 258
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The Body Code Manual Table of Contents

The Throat Chakra ................... .. ................. ...... ......... .... ........ ... ... .... .. .... .. ..... .......... ..... .......... 260
The Heart Chakra ....... ..... .. ...... .... ...... .. ....... ....... ... ..... .... ... .. ........ .. ............. .... .. ....... ....... ....... .. 262
The Solar Plexus Chakra .. ..... .... .. ........................... .... .......................................... ................ .. 264
The Sacral Chakra ..... ....... ....... .... ............... .................. ...... ..... ... ....... .. .... ............................... 266
The Root Chakra ................... ...... .... .... .. .......... ... ....... ...... .. .. .. ........ ......... ......................... ...... . 268
Detecting and Correcting Chakra Imbalances .. ..... ...................................................................... 270
Meridians ..... ............. .......... ....... ............................ ... ......... ...... ..... ...... .................. .. ..... .. .. ......... . 272
The Diurnal Cycle ..... .... ........ .................. .. ..... .................. ....... ..... .. ........ ..... ............. ......... .. ...... . 274
Taiyin Lung Channel of the Hand ..................... .. .... ......... ..... ... .. ...... ...... .................................. .. 277
Shaoyin Heart Channel of the Hand ... ... ........ .................................................. ...... .................. 278
Jueyin Pericardium Channel of the Hand .... ... .............. ... .. ... .... ... ........ .... ................................ 279
Shaoyang Sanjiao Channel of the Hand ....... .. .. ... ..... ............. .. ........ ..... ... .. ........ .... ................. . 280
Taiyang Small Intestine Channel of the Hand ..... ..... ................... ... .............. ... ... .. ......... .. ........ 281
Yangming Large Intestine Channel of the Hand .. ..... ..... .......... .. .............. .......... ................... .. 282
Taiyin Spleen Channel of the Foot ............. ... ... .. ..... .............................. ... ............ ...... ..... ..... .. 283
Shaoyin Kidney Channel of the Foot ... .. .... ......... .. ........... ............ ........ .......... ....... ........ .. ........ 284
Jueyin Liver Channel of the Foot. ............... .... ............ ......... ... ..... ..... ... .. ..................... .. ...... .. .. 285
Shaoyang Gallbladder Channel of the Foot. ........ ... ........... .. ..... .... ........ .. ..... ......... ................. .. 286
Morning Sickness ... ........ ..... ... ... ...... ......... ........ .... .............. ... ....... ..... ...... ................ ................... 290
Spiritual/Physical Disconnection ........ ... ........... ... .. .......... ....... .... .......... ... .. ..... .......... ................ .. 295
Spirit Out of Body ..................... ............................ ......... .... ......... .............. ............................... .. 307
Energetic Imbalances ................ ..... ... ................. ................... ...... .... ..... ....... .... ............................. .. 311
Trapped Emotions ..... ...... ............. ... ...... .. ........ ....... ..... ....... ... ...... .. ............................................. 312
The Trapped Emotion Flow Chart ... .. ...... ........ ....... ........ ... ... ... .... ...... .. ....... ........................... . 316
The Emotion Code Chart ............. ............... ................ ............ ............................ ......... ....... .... 318
How Do Magnets Release Trapped Emotions? .... ............ ....................................................... .... 324
The Governing Meridian ...... .. ..... ...... ... .... ................................. .. .................. .... ..................... 325
Magnetic Field Energy .......... ..... .......... ............... ..... ... .. .... .. ... ... ............. ............................... . 326
What You Don't See ................ ........................ .......... ........ ..... ............. ......... ...... .......... ...... ... 326
Identifying Trapped Emotions ....................... ................. ... ...... ................ .......... .. ............ ....... 328
Releasing Trapped Emotions .. ... .... ............. ...................... ....... .. ...... .... ............... ..... ............ .. .... . 329
The Heart-Wall ........ ..... ............................................. .............................. ...... ............................ 331
Measuring the Heart's Magnetic Field .... .... ....... .... ..................... .... ..... .. .... ............. .. ......... ... .. 333
Physical Effects of Heart-Wall ................................. ........... .... .. ............................................. 335
Heart Transplants ....... .............. ......... ......... ...... .. ..... ...... ....... .. ....... .... ..... ........... .... ................ . 336
Finding the Heart-Wall ........... ........... ......... .... ....... .............. ....... ..... ............. ..... ... ........... ...... . 338
Releasing Heart-Wall Emotions ...... .. ..... ............... ...... ........ ... ... ........ .. .... .......... ... .................. 339
Determining the Heart-Wall Material ... .. ..... ....... .. ........... ............ ........... ...... ...... ..... .... ........... 340
Releasing Trapped Emotions ........... .... .. ................ ... .. ...... ...... ..... .... ............... .. ... ................... 342
Common Symptoms of Trapped Emotions ..................... ..... ... ..... ...... ... ........... ... ................... . 342
Nesting .. ........ ...... .... ......... ........ .... ................. ........ .......... ..... ..... ...... ...... .. .... ....... ... ....... ....... ... ... 343
Prenatal Emotions ....... ......... .. ... ........ ..... .... ..... ....... .. .............. ............. ............. ........ ........ .... ...... 344
Inherited Emotions ........... .... ..... ....................... ....................... ................... ... ..... ..... ................... 344
Discovering Inherited Emotions .............. ........... .... ..... ....... .... ..... ...... ... ......... ....... ........ .......... 345
Inherited Hopelessness ....... .... .... ............. ........................... ..... ..... ............................... ........ ... 346
The Veil of Memory ................ ... .... ................ .............. ... .. ....... ...... .... ... ..... ............................... 348 ...-----...
Preconception Emotions ..... ......... .... ...... ... .. ... .......... .... ................... .... ............. ... .... .................... 349
Emotional Resonance ......... .. ...... .. ... ............................ ............ ........... ...... ... .. ......... .................. .. 350
4 Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009
The Body Code Manual Table of Contents

Post-Traumatic Distortions ..... ..... ..... .. ... .... ....................... ......... ... ... ...................... .................... . 351
Inflammation ....... ... ........................ .................. .. .......... .... ............... .. ...... ......................... ... ....... 352
Physical Trauma ...... .............. ... .. ..... ................. ...... ... .... .. .. ....... ......... ..... ... ..... ...................... ... ... 354
Releasing Physical Trauma .......... ................ ...... .......................... ...... ........... ........... ... .... ... ..... 355
Psychic Trauma ....... .. ........ ... ................. .. ...... ... ................. .... ......................... ... .................. ....... 356
Allergies ........... .... ...... .... ....... .... .. .. .......... ... ............ ..... ........ ............. ....... ... ...... .. .......... ............. 357
Idea Allergies ... ...... ........... .. ......................... ..... ...... .... .... ....... .......................... .... ......... ............. 359
Food Intolerances .... ...... ......... .... ............ ...... .............. .......... .................... .... .................. ............ 360
Mental Imbalances ....... .. .... ........................... ............ ....... .... .................. .......... .. ................ ...... .. 361
Images ......... .. .. ....... .... .. ......... ....... ................................... .... ............. ........... ..... ........ .... ......... .... 362
Negative Broadcast Messages ......... .............. ........... ........ ........ .......... ... ............ .. ... ....... .. ... ....... . 364
Releasing Negative Broadcast Messages ..... ...... ............ ... ... ........... ............. .......... ......... ........ 365
Positive Broadcast Messages .... .. .. .... .... .... .................... ..................... ... ... ...................... ......... 365
Need to Move the Past .......................................... .... ... ......... ... ............................................... ... 366
Moving the Past ....... ................................ ............ .. ...... .... ........ .............. ............................. ... 367
Will to Die ............ ...... ................................. ... ... ...... ........ ..... ................ ............... .......... .... ..... ... 368
No Will To Live ..... ....... .. .... ............ ... .......... .... ...................... ............ ... ............. .... .... ........ ... .... . 369
Despair Anchors .................. ............ ... .... ...... ............... ........... .. ............ .......... ..................... .... ... 370
T3 Therapy .. ....... ... ........ .... ....... ... ....... .... ... ......... .............. ...... ... ........................................ .. ...... 371
What is T3 Therapy? .................. ....... .. ..... .................... .... ............. .......... .................. ...... .... ... 372
Offensive Distortions ..................... ...... ... ........ ... ... ... ............... ... ... ... ..... ... ... ...... ........ ..... ............ 373
Cording ..... ......... ... ...... ... ........... .. .. ........... ....... ......... ........ ..... ........... ......... .... ..................... ..... .. . 374
Breaking Negative Cords .. ............. ... ....... ... ... .. ........................... .......... ....... ...... ..... .. .............. 375
Saboteurs ...... ............ .. ........ ................................ ... .......... .. .... ............. .................................... ... 376
Identifying and Releasing the Saboteur. ....... ..... ........... ..... ... .......... ... .... ......... ................... ...... 376
Post-Hypnotic Suggestions .. ....... .... ............. ................................................... ....................... ..... 378
Becoming Inverted .... ............................... ................. ......... .......... ..... ...... .... .............. ............ . 379
Identifying and Releasing Post-Hypnotic Suggestions ........... ..... ............. ..... .......................... 379
Pathogens .. ...... ........ ........ .................. ................. .... .... ........ .. ........... ... ......... ......... ......... ..... .... ....... 381
Infections ...... ...... ... ......................................... ....... ..... ... ......... ..... ... .................................. .... .. ... 382
Viruses ........... .... ... ...... ................... .. .. ............. ... ....... ... .... ....... ......... ............ .......................... .... 383
Testing for Viral Infections ............... ....... ...................... ...... ............. .................... ..... ... ......... 384
Wild Oregano ..... ... .......................... ... ..... ..... .. ................ ..... ......... .............. ....... ........... .......... 385
Olive Leaf Extract ................. .... ................. ...... ........... .... ...................... ... ............. ........ ..... .... 385
Colloidal Silver ................. ..... ... .. ............... ....... ......... ........ ................ .......... ......... ........ .. .. ..... 386
Determining Dosage ........... ........ ................. .... .............. ... ............ ........ ........ ..... .. .. ................. 386
Bacteria ........ ...... ......... ... ... ............. ..... ......... ............. ....... .. .............. .... .......... ............ ..... ........... 387
Testing for Bacterial Infections ................ ................... .. .................................. ... ........... ......... 388
Fungi and Fungal Infections .......... ................. ...... ........... ...... ............ ............ ......... ..... ...... ......... 390
Most Common Symptoms of Fungal Infection ............... ..... .. .......... .. ..... ...... ... ......... ..... ......... 391
Common Causes of Fungal Infections .... ... ............. .... ....... .......... ......... ........ .. ............... ......... 392
Testing for Fungal Infection ...................... ...... ........... ..... ..... ........ .................... ............ .......... 393
Best Treatments for Fungal Infections ............ ............. ..... ... ...... .. ......... ... ..... ..... .. ......... .......... 393
Mold .. .......... .. .... .... ... .... ...... ...... .. ................... ................... .... ........... ... ... ......... .................. ......... 395
Best Treatment for Mold .......................... ..... ........................... .. ................... .. ................... .... 396
. VRM2 ...... ................ ........ ................ .. ..... ... ...... .......... ...... ...... .. .. ............................................ 402
VRM4 ........ .. .. ....... ............ ...... .. ...... .... ....... ........ ...... ......... ....... ... ... .... .... ... .......... .. ........ ....... .. 404
Dosages for VRM Formulas ...... ................................................. ............ .... ............ ...... ... ... .... 404
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The Body Code Manual Table of Contents

Energetic Treatment of Pathogens .. ... ............................. ..... ........ ....... ............. ... ... .... ................. 406
Pathogens as Energies ... ..... ...................... ......... ..... .... ...................................... ... .. ........ ... ...... 406
Treating Pathogens as Energies ... ...... ................. ... .... ...... .... .. ..... ... ... ................. .... ................. 407
Belief and Gratitude .. ..................... .. ..... ...... ..... ............. ...... ...... ......... .. ............ ............. .... ..... 408
Nutritional Imbalances ............... ........ .... ... ... ..... .......... ... ....................................... ..... .. ... .............. . 409
History of Nutrition ......... .. ... .......... .. ...... ............. ............... .... ........ ................................. .... ....... 411
History of Rickets ..... .... .... ............ .... .. ........ ........ ......... .................................... ... .............. ... .. 412
History of Beriberi ........ .... ..... ............ .. ........ ......... ......... .... ........ ..................... ............. .......... 413
The Food Pyramid ............ .................. .... ... .. ........ .......... .......... .......... ....... .................................. 414
Milk .. ................. ........ .......... ... ........ .. ....... .. .... .... .. ....... ........ .... .......................... ..................... 414
Grains ........................ ...... ............... ... ..... ..... .. .... ... ............ ..................... ................. ..... .......... 415
The Great Egg Scare ..... ......... ....... ....................... ............. ... .. ..... ... .. .... .......... .. .. ..... ........... .... 415
Cholesterol ...................... .. .......... ... .................... .. ..... ......... .................... ......... .......... ......... .. .. 416
Finding Nutritional Deficiencies .... ............ .. ............ ...... ............................................................ 418
Asking More Specific Questions .......................... ......... ...... ............. .... .. ................... ... .......... 419
Vitamins and Minerals .......... ........................ .... ............ ................................. .............. ..... ....... .. 420
Supplements ....... .............. ............. ...... ... .... ... .................. ... .................... ................................ 421
Herbs ..... ....... ........ ................. ........... .................... ... ........ .......... ..... ....... .................................... 421
Testing Dosage ... ......................... .......... .. ............. ...... ...................................... ............ ....... .. . 423
pH Imbalance ......... .................... .. .. ............... ... ..... .. .. ......... ..... .............. .......... .......... .. .............. . 427
Acid .................. ........ ............. .. .... ........................... ......... .... ............ ... ............. .. .. ...... ............ 428
Alkaline ....... .... ...... ............ ...... ........ ......... ...... ...... ......... ...... ... .... .... ........ ...... ..... .. ..... ............. 428
Testing pH with Acid!Alkaline Scale .................. ..... ..... ..... .... ... ........... ................. ... ............... 429
Testing Your pH ........ ...... .......... ........... .... ............ ..... .......................... .... ... .................... .... ... 430
Muscle Testing for pH Imbalances ... .................. .... ..... .. ............................... .... ..... .............. ... 432
Changing Your pH ........ .... .............. .... .. .... .... ............ ......................... ......... ............... ...... .. .... 433
Dehydration ......... .................. .. ..... ........... .... ..... ........... ....... .... ....... ...... ....... ............. ... ............ ... 433
Most Common Symptoms of Dehydration ..... ................ ...... ........ ................ ........................... 434
Let Your Food Be Your Medicine ......................................................................... ........... .......... 434
Organically vs. Commercially Grown Vegetables .......... ...... ..... ................ ...... ....................... 435
The Price-Pottenger Institute ....... ... .... ....... ..... ... ................................ .. .. .. ........ .. ............... ...... 436
Finding Nutritional Deficiencies ..... .... ... .... ... .............. ............................ ............... .. ........... ... . 440
Appendicitis or Nutritional Deficiency? .... ..... ............ ........................ ....... ...... .. ............. ........ 440
Nutrition .... .. .............. ..... ............ ..... .. .. ..... ............ .... ...... .. ..... ... ............. .......... .. .. .... ........ ...... 441
Body Code System Nutrition Chart ...... .... ...... .... .... ............. ......... ..................... ............. ..... ....... 445
Body Code System Foods Chart. ...... ........................... .... ......... ................ ......... ............ ..... ....... . 447
Body Code System Herbs Chart ................ .. ..... ... .............. .......... ... ........................................ .... 448
Testing for the Right Herbs ........ .... ......................... ...... ..... ................... ........ .................. ...... . 449
Magnetic Field Deficiencies .. ....... .... ........................... ............ .. ................ ............ ........ ........ ..... 449
Magnetic Mattress Pads ...... ......... ..... ... ............... ..... ........ ........ ......... ... ... ............................ ... . 451
The Blow Dryer Test ........ .......... ...... .. .. ..... .... .... .. .. ............. ...... ......... ... .... ............. .. .... ....... .... 452
Nikken Magnets ............................................................. ...... ......... ..... ........ .... ...... ......... ......... 453
Getting Nikken Magnets ............... ....... .. ........ ...... ........... ...... .... .............................................. 454
Enroll as a Nikken Wellness Consultant .... .... .... ... ......... ........... ....................... ......... ....... ....... 455
Structural Imbalances ..... ... ......... ....... .... ...... ............. .......... ................... .............. .............. ........ ..... 457
History of Chiropractic ........ ... ....... ....... ......... ... ........ ..... ... ........ .......... ..... ... ...... ......................... 458
Structure VS Function ........... ....... ................. ........... ...... ............. ........ .. .. .......... ....... ... .. .......... .. . 459
All Is Energy ................. .... ..... ........ .. ........ .................................. ............... ........ .... ... .. ........ ...... .. 468
6 Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009
The Body Code Manual Table of Contents

Detecting Structural Imbalances ........ ........... .. .. .... ........ .................... ... ..... ... .. .. ............... ........ 468
Testing For Corrected Imbalances ................ ...... ......................... .. ... ..... .. ....... ... .. .. .. .. ............. 469
Determining Percentage of Brain Communication ... .... ...... ......... ......... .. .. ..... .............................. 470
Correcting Imbalances .... ....... ... ... ............................................................. ... ....... ...... .......... ... ... .. 471
Common Imbalances .... ...... ... .............. ..... .... .... .. ............................ ..... ................................... 473
Toxicity ........... ........... .............. .......... .. .. ........... ....... ... ........ .............. .. .... .. .................................... 475
Heavy Metals .............. .... ........ ... .... .... ........ ...... ................ ................ ... ....... ..... ................ ... ..... ... 477
Lead ......... ...... ............. ....... .... ... .. ....... ......... ..... ............ .............. ... .... .................... ...... ... ........ 478
Mercury .............................. .. ........................................................... ................ .. ....... ........... .. 479
Aluminum ................ ... .............................. .............. ............................. ...... ................... ...... ... 481
Cadmium .............................................. ...... ........ ............................. ... ..... .................... .......... 481
Food Additives ....... ....... ..... ... ..... .... .. .. .... ... ... .............. ..... .................. ......... ......... .......... ... .......... 483
MSG .......... .............. ......... ...... ....................................................... ............ ... .................... ..... 484
Aspartame .. ................ ..... ....... .... .. ........... ....... .. ....... .... .................. ......... ........... ............ ......... 485
Preservatives .......... .... ........ ...... .. ......... .... .......... ........... ...................... ..... ..... ................. ........ . 486
Food Coloring .......... .. ........................ ... ........ ....... ... ........... .... ...... .......................................... 486
Humectants .......... .. ..... ............. ..... .............. ......... .............................. ..... .... ... ......... ..... .......... 487
Sugar ......... ................. ....... .. ............... ...... .. ................... ............... .. ........ .. ........... ... ................ 487
Free Radicals ........... ..... ........ ... .... ... ...... .......... ........ ........ .... .... .. ...................... .. ......................... 488
Environmental Chemicals ......................... ...... ................. ... ....... .. ..... ......................................... 490
Building Materials ..... ....... .... ... ... ... ......... ..... ... .............. ...... ... ...... ............. ... ........................... 490
Pesticides and Herbicides .. ..... .. ... ....... ......... ........ ............................................................ ....... 491
Cosmetics ............. ..... ........................... ........ .... ....... ... ........ .... ..... .... ....... .......... ... .. ..... ... ......... 491
.----- Cleaning Supplies ..... ......... .. ..... .. ...... ............................... .......... ... ........... .... ....... .... ........... ..... 492
Recreational Drugs ........ ......... .. .. ........................ ..... ........ ................. ............ ..... ................. ... ..... 493
Alcohol .... .................. ............ .... ........ .. ...... ............. ............. .. ... .. ................ .................. .... ..... 493
Amphetamines ........... ....... .. .... .... .. ......... ..... ................. ............. ...... .. ......... ... ............... .......... 494
Caffeine .................... ........ ................. ......................... ... .............. .... ..... ....... ...... ...... ..... .. .. ... .. 495
Cocaine ..... .... .. .......... .............. ..... .......... ..... .................... .... ..... ..... .. .... ................ .... ...... ... ...... 495
Ecstasy ..... ... ............ .. ........ ..... ............. ...... .............. ... .................. ............... .. ...... ........ ......... .. 495
Heroin ...... .................. .... ............. .............. .... .............. ............. .............................................. 496
Ketamine ..... .. .... .. ... ... ........................... ........ .. .................... ..... ..... ...... ............. ............ ........... 496
LSD ... ....... .. .. ........ ... .. .............. .. ... ............. ................. ......... .. .... .. .. ..... ......... .......................... 496
Marijuana .......... .. ...... ......... .......... ..... .......... ........ ........ ................ ........................................ ... 496
Mescaline .. ......... ....... ....... ....... .. .... ... .................................. .... ................... ... .......................... 497
Mushrooms ... ... ......... ....... .......... .. ........ ...... ................ .. ..... ..... ... ......... .................. .. ... .... ..... .... 497
Nitrous Oxide ...................... ..... .. .... ......... ... ............................................................................ 497
Nightshades ... ... .............. .... ...... .. ..... ....... .... .............. ...... ........... .. ............... .. ................. .... ..... 497
Tobacco ................ ..... ... .... .... .. .... ....................................... ...... .... ...... ........... .... ......... ... ......... 497
Medical Toxins ............. ........ .................... ..... ............. ... ........................... ... .... ...... ....... .. ........... 498
Microbial Toxins ....... ............... .............. ............. ............ ............... .. .... .... ..... .... ......................... 499
Energetic Toxins .................... .... ............... ..... ..... ............ ................... ........ ................................ 499
Fluorescent Lights and Color.. .. ........... ........................ ....... ..... .... ........... ....... ............. .. .......... 501
Sound ................ ............. .... ....... ....... ... ....... ..... ..... ......... ......... ........... ................................ ... .. 501
Toxins and Obesity ..... .. ......... ...... ... .... ....... ........... .......... .............. .. ............... .. .............. ... ......... 502
Dealing With Toxins ........ .... .... .. ........ ......... ... ............. ... .... ... ..... ... ........... .. ... .............. ........... 504
Heavy Metal Cleanses ...... ... .... ... .......... ........ .. .............. ...... ....... ..... ........................ ... .......... ... 505
Colon Cleanses .. .................... .... ... ...... ......... ........... ..... ... .......... .... .. ................ ..... ........ ........... 506
Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009 7
The Body Code Manual Table of Contents

General Cleanses .......... ..... .. ................................... ......... ... ... .. ........... ... ............ .... ... ...... ........ 507
Isagenix ..... .................... .... ............................ .... .. .... ....... ... .... .... .................... ... .... ... ... ............ 507
Liver and Gall Bladder Cleanse ... .... ............. ............ ....... ... .... ..... ........ ......... ... ... ..... ... ......... ... 508
Kidney Stone Flush .......................................... .............. .... .. ... ........... ..... ..... ........ ..... .... ......... 512
Energetic Treatment of Toxins ... .... ..... .. .................. .. ...... .. ............ ... ... ......... ............ ..... .......... ... 513


8 Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009

The Body Code Manual Introduction

The Body Code

A Complete System of Natural Energy Balancing
Dr. Bradley Nelson

The Body Code System

Welcome to the Body Code System, a complete system of natural energy
balancing, created by Dr. Bradley Nelson. The Body Code System was
developed and completed over 21 years of clinical and distance healing
practice, working with real people. In the Body Code System you will learn
what to do for imbalances in all areas: pathogens, structural imbalances,
nutritional imbalances, circuitry imbalances, toxicity, energies, organ/gland
connections, and trapped emotions.

The Body Code System is designed to be a complete health and wellness

guide, so that you will be prepared for a day with no doctors. This system will
help you find and eliminate the underlying causes of illness- so that even in the
worst of circumstances, you'll be prepared and able to find total well ness and
prevent seemingly small problems from turning into something much worse.

The primary purpose of The Body Code System is as a well ness aid and a
method for disease prevention. This system should never be used for first aid,
or as the primary method of care in cases of serious disease, and is not
designed to take the place of medical care.

Copyright & Disclaimer

The entire contents of the Body Code System package are protected by international
copyright and trademark laws. The owners of the copyrights and trademarks are Dr.
Bradley Nelson and Well ness Unmasked, Inc., it's assigns, affiliates, and third party
licensors. You may not modify, copy, reproduce, republish, upload, post, transmit, or
distribute in any manner the material in this course, including text, graphics, code,
Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009 9
The Body Code Manual In troducti on

and/or software. You may print and download portions of material from the different .--~

sections of this course solely for your own non-commercial use, provided that you do
not change or delete any copyright or proprietary notices from the materials. These
materials are provided for informational purposes only. They should not be
substituted for professional advice or treatment. All this information has been
presented in good faith. The accuracy, validity, effectiveness, completeness, or
usefulness of any information herein as within any publication cannot be guaranteed.

Dr. Bradley and Wellness Unmasked, Inc. accept no responsibility or liability for the
use or misuse of the information provided here. We strongly advise that you seek
medical advice from your medical practitioner as appropriate before making any
health decisions. The Body Code System, used in any form, is not a substitute for
medical care. This information is not intended as medical advice and should not be
used for medical diagnosis or treatment. Informat10n given to you by Dr. Bradley
Nelson is not intended to create any physician/patient relationship, nor should it be
considered a replacement for consultation with a healthcare professional. If you have
questions or concerns about your health , please contact your healthcare provider.

Energy healing promotes harmony and balance within, relieves stress and supports
the body's natural ability to heal. Energy healing is widely recognized as a valuable
and effective compliment to conventional medical care. The Body Code System is a
self-help method that quite often produces marvelous results and wonderful benefits,
both physical and emotional in nature. Nevertheless, it is a relatively new discovery
and has not been thoroughly studied. This system is based on the personal
observations and experiences of Dr. Bradley Nelson. You must take 100%
responsibility for your own health, both physical and emotional. Neither the author
nor the publisher is responsible for any consequences incurred by those employing
the remedies or treatments discussed or taught herein . Any application of the
material set forth in this course, including DVDs, manuals, CDs, and software, is at
your discretion , and is your sole responsibility. Dr. Bradley Nelson makes no claims
regarding healing or recovery from any illness. By viewing or using the information in
The Body Code System, you consent, in the event of a dispute or disagreement, to
the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of a court of competent jurisdiction in St. George,
UT, and to the exclusive use of the laws of Utah.

Copyright 2007-2009 Wellness Unmasked, Inc. and Dr. Bradley Nelson

10 Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009

The Body Code Manual Introduction

About Me
I graduated with honors from Life Chiropractic College West, in San Lorenzo,
California in 1988. Until 2004, I was in private practice as a holistic
chiropractor, craniopath and medical intuitive, where I specialized in treating
patients from across the US and Canada who were suffering from mysterious
and incurable diseases such as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia.
I've lectured internationally on the natural healing of chronic illness, and I'm
also one of the nation's foremost experts in the fields of both emotional
wellness and magnetic healing. I've developed this product, The Body Code, a
simple yet powerful healing method which is really at the forefront of Energy
Psychology and Bioenergetic Medicine. Included in the The Body Code is The
Emotion Code, which is my introductory level seminar as well as the title of my
first book.

I've been in private and virtual practice now for 21 years, seeing people from
around the world who have all kinds of health problems from depression to
lupus to cancer. You might say I am a pioneer in holistic health care, as my
method, The Body Code, gets to the underlying imbalances that cause illness
Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009 11
The Body Code Manual Introduction

and emotional issues. I believe and have proved that once you remove the
underlying imbalances, the body has an innate power to heal itself.

The Doctor of the Future

One of my favorite quotes is from Thomas Edison. He said, "The doctor of the
future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the
human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease." The Body
Code System is all about finding the causes of disease and caring for the
human body in the most healthy and complete way. By correcting any
imbalances, I believe that we can do a much better job at not only preventing
disease, but also raising the quality of life in ourselves and others, leading to a
more connected and healthy world.

12 Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009

The Body Code Manual Introduction

Understanding Energy
The True Nature of Our Reality

Understanding Energy
Back in 1939 there was a man named Semyon Kirlian, who developed an
amazing technique called Kirlian photography. Since 1939, there have been
reams of studies that have been published about Kirlian photography, and how
it shows the hidden energy field in all living things. Here we have a Kirlian
photograph of a leaf showing the glowing energy field around the outside of it.

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The Body Code Manual Introduction

The next image is a Kirlian photograph of some grains of wheat. Grains of

wheat, like these pictured, were found in a tomb, buried with an ancient
Egyptian pharaoh. After lying dormant for literally thousands of years, they
were able to grow when given sunlight and water. This Kirlian image illustrates
the living energy field contained in seemingly lifeless grains of wheat. ..,---...

A number of years ago, Russian scientists made a declaration that there exists
in all living things a plasma energy field. I believe that's exactly what we're
seeing here in these Kirlian photographs. Here in this Kirlian image we can see
14 Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009
The Body Code Manual Introduction

the plasma energy field around the fingertips of a human being. Most people
are unable to see the energy field with the naked eye, but you can clearly see it
in this image.

Kirlian Photograph of a Leaf

My very favorite Kirlian photograph is one where scientists took a living leaf off
of a tree ...

They cut it in two and discarded the upper half of the leaf ...

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The Body Code Manual Introduction

They then immediately took the bottom half of the leaf into their laboratory,
made a Kirlian photograph, and the resulting image is what we see here- the
shape of the leaf is intact.

I believe that this upper part of the leaf that we see in ghost form is actually an
image of the energy field of the leaf. Even though the upper part of the leaf was
removed physically, the energy field of the leaf remained intact and complete. I
believe that every living thing would experience the same phenomenon if
exposed to a similar circumstance- the energy field would remain intact no
matter what happened to the physical. This Kirlian photograph of the leaf is
analogous to the energy field that is within each of us. This energy field goes
by many different names- the prana, the chi or qi, the life force, the spirit,
whatever you want to call it is fine- they're all describing the same thing.

I believe that God created everything spiritually before he created anything

physically- sort of like an energetiC blueprint for the physical body. It is like a
template that the physical body grows into and fills into. I also believe that the
spirit is what defines who we really are; it is our intelligence. If you go to a
funeral and look at the person lying in the casket, it's obvious that there is
something that has changed. It's just an empty body, no longer the person you

16 Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009

The Body Code Manual Introduction

There is a theory floating around out there that when measured on a fine scale,
the body supposedly loses about 21 grams of weight at the moment of death.
There was even a movie named after this phenomenon. Many people believe
this loss of 21 grams of weight is actually the spirit leaving the body at the
moment of death. Now, I don't know this for a fact because I've never placed a
dying person on a fine scale, it's just an interesting idea. But much of the work
we will be doing with The Body Code is actually focusing on the imbalances
that occur in this energy field of the body; the incredibly important part that
Western medicine pays little or no attention to.

The Energetic Body

There are a large number of scientists who have been studying for many,
many decades to try to gain the ability to regenerate human tissue. Most of
them have come to the same conclusion: that there is an energy field within
living things.

Here is an example: These scientists have done many many studies on a

small animal called a newt, who has the incredible ability to regenerate its tail if
it gets pulled off. This is a defensive mechanism to allow the newt to escape

Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009 17

The Body Code Manual Introduction

predators. Later on when the tail grows back, it looks exactly like it looked
before. How does that happen? The newt's energy field, I believe, contains the
template for the tail to grow into- the blueprint that the physical form simply fills

This template, the energy body, can become imbalanced, and if it does, those
imbalances must to be corrected for a person to be able to truly get well.

Messages From Water

One of my favorite books is Messages From Water by Masaru Emoto, who
tested water by flash freezing droplets of water into snowflakes-a very unique
way to test water. Emoto and his team were measuring water that was taken
from different reservoirs, lakes, and streams in Japan. When they flash froze
the water, they observed a variety of fascinating snowflake patterns,
depending on where the water was taken from. They also found that these
snowflake patterns would vary according to what the water was exposed to
before freezing. If they played certain types of music for the water, they would
get different kinds of crystals. If they played acid rock, or hard rock music for
the water, they wouldn't get any kind of crystals forming at all, there would be
blob like formations instead of beautiful symmetric crystals. If they played
classical music like Mozart, or Beethoven, or Bach overnight, they would get
dramatically different crystals that would be very intricate in their patterns and
very symmetrical. Emoto also taped words to vials of water and left them
overnight. The next day he and his team created snowflakes from the droplets
of this water, and again found that they would get dramatically different
formations depending on which words were taped to the vials of water.

18 Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009

The Body Code Manual Introduction

When they taped Thank You, in Japanese, to the vials of water, they found that
the crystals formed a very symmetrical, normal looking snowflake. When they
taped the words I will kill you to the vials, they would get a crystal that would
look like this asymmetrical blob pictured.

Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009 19

The Body Code Manual Introduction

The most beautiful crystal snowflake of all was obtained when they taped the
words Love and Gratitude to a vial of water and then left it overnight. Look at
the symmetry and intricacy of this beautiful snowflake. Love and gratitude are
two of the most powerful forces that exist in the universe and they're a very
important part of The Body Code System. Holding Love and gratitude in your
heart while practicing The Body Code will produce much more profound results
than if you focused on other, lower vibrations of emotion.

20 Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009

The Body Code Manual Introduction

Conscious vs. Subconscious

If you were a bushman living in the Kalahari Desert, and a computer
parachuted down out of an airplane, you would have no idea how to make it
work get anything productive out of it. Our bodies are similar. We've had them
for a long time but they came with no manual!

Luckily we know now that the body can act like a lie detector. If you've robbed
a bank, you may be able to fool people into thinking you're innocent. But if
you're hooked up to a lie detector, or a polygraph, the man who is running the
machine will be able to tell the truth. Your body will give measurable responses
when presented with truth and falsehood, and these are displayed by the

Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009 21

The Body Code Manual Introduction

The Conscious Mind

Most people think of the conscious mind as who they really are. After all, the
conscious mind is the part of you that seems to think, make decisions, listen,
remember things, etc. This is the part of you that would be telling the lie about
robbing the bank- and thinking you were getting away with it! The conscious
mind is important, of course, but it is really only about 10% of your intelligence.

The Subconscious Mind

The other 90% of your intelligence is subconscious. Most people give the
subconscious little recognition, but it is actually very active. It's archiving and
remembering everything! It records everything you've ever done, every face
you've ever seen in a crowd, everything you've ever eaten, tasted, touched or
smelled, and the whole history of your health or disease. I believe the whole
history of every cell in your body, down to the atomic level, is actually archived
and stashed away in that amazing holographic computer system that is the
subconscious mind.

22 Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009

The Body Code Manual Introduction

The subconscious mind is the part of you that would provide the truth about
robbing the bank- it would produce the correct responses when presented with
truth and falsehood, measurable by the polygraph. Because the subconscious
mind is like a binary computer, we can ask "yes" or "no" questions, and get
answers from the body, just like using a polygraph. We can access all the
information in this amazing computer system by simply using muscle testing.
Not only can we get answers to just about every question about the body, but I
believe there is a sort of list in every single person's mind. This list contains all
the things that need to be done to bring the body back to 100% function, or as
close to it as is possible.

Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009 23

The Body Code Manual Introduction


Unlocking the
Secrets of the Body
Methods of Testing

Muscle Testing
Muscle testing helps us to get answers from the subconscious mind because
the body gives a physical response when we tell the truth or a lie. The muscles
of the body are instantly weakened when we lie. They stay strong when we tell
the truth. There are many methods of muscle testing, but we're first going to
look at the traditional method to be used when testing another person.

24 Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009

The Body Code Manual Introduction

Proper Form for Testing Others

First of all, ask the person you wish to test if they have pain in either shoulder.
If they do, don't use that arm as it may aggravate their condition. If they have
trouble in both shoulders or if they are too young, too weak, or too ill to be
tested, you should find a different way to test them.

1. Ask the subject to stand up and hold one arm out directly in front of them,
horizontal to the floor. They should not make a tight fist, but let their hand
remain relaxed.
2. Place the first two fingers of your hand lightly on their arm, just above the
bump of the wrist, as shown.
3. Place your free hand on their opposite shoulder to support them.
4 Tell the subject, "I'm going to have you make a statement, and then I'm going
to press down on your arm. I want you to resist me gently by holding your arm
right where it is; try to prevent me from pushing your arm down."
5. Have the subject state their name. If the subject's name is Kim, for example,
he or she would say, "My name is Kim."
6. Perform the muscle test by smoothly and steadily increasing the pressure
downward on the subject's arm, going from no pressure to a fairly firm
pressure within about 3 seconds.
7. The shoulder joint should stay 'locked' against your firm downward pressure,
and should not give way.
8. Now repeat the test, but have the subject make a statement that is obviously
false by using a name that is not their own. Immediately perform the muscle
test again, and you should notice the arm is weaker, since the statement just
made is incongruent with truth, and the subject's subconscious mind knows it.
You have just performed what we call a baseline test.

Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009 25

The Body Code Manual Introduction

Proper Finger Placement

Something very important in muscle testing is finger placement. You'll notice
that everyone has a bony bump on the wrist. It's actually part of the ulna bone,
and I call it the speed bump of the body. Note in the picture that the tester's
two fingers have come down the arm and they've come right up to that speed
bump, but not over it. If you go over that bump, then you will be on the delicate
bones of the wrist. Being on the wrist bones makes it very difficult to get a
proper muscle test, and here is why: Every time you press down on those tiny
bones, the brain will automatically weaken the arm muscles and the arm will go
down. This is because the brain does not want to allow those bones in the
wrist to be injured (which can happen if too much pressure is placed on those
delicate wrist bones). You do want to be as far down on the arm as you can,
for proper leverage, but not over the speed bump.

26 Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009

The Body Code Manual Introduction

Tips for Testing Others

There are a couple of other very important things to keep in mind when muscle
testing. We go over muscle testing in more detail in The Body Code Seminar
DVD, but I'm going to go over these now anyway.
• Use a smoothly increasing hydraulic type of pressure that starts from
zero and smoothly increases. You'll want to push slowly and gently,
giving the muscles time to adjust- don't bounce! As soon as you have
your answer and you're clear that their arm is either staying strong or it's
weakening, then you should let go. This should take about 3 seconds
• Have the subject resist gently. Use only the minimum amount of pressure
needed. Think finesse, not force. Muscle testing is about "sensing" the
• If any muscle testing method hurts, stop and try another method.
• Keep your fingers in the correct position, don't go over the speed bump.
• You can experiment with various arm positions to see what works best for
you and whomever you are working on. Another option is for the subject
to hold their arm out to the side rather than straight out in front of them.
Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009 27
The Body Code Manual Introduction

Tips for Testing Others

• Use a smoothly increasing 'hydraulic' force

• As soon as you have your answer, release!
• Push slowly and gently, don't bounce- give the
muscles time to adjust
• If you are being tested, resist "gently"
• If it hurts, STOP and try another method

Reasons You Might Be Untestable ----

There are some reasons why you might not be testable. If you're dehydrated,
you'll want to stop and drink a glass of purified water, then try again in a few
minutes. If you're the person doing the testing and you're dehydrated, you may
have a hard time doing the test.

If you're working on someone who has a neck misalignment, that will make it
difficult to test as well. They may need to see a chiropractor. You can also try
rolling a magnet down the spine with the intention of releasing or correcting
whatever imbalance may be present in the neck, and oftentimes that will
immediately make them testable. We'll go over correcting structural
misalignments more later on.

Using an incorrect amount of force can also cause you to get unclear answers
with muscle testing. Pushing too hard, pushing too soft, resisting with too much
or not enough force will confuse things, so make sure that you find a common
ground with whomever you're working with. Don't be afraid to ask them to dial
up their resistance or to resist a little more gently if you need to.

28 Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009

The Body Code Manual In troducti on

Trapped emotions may also make you temporarily unable to test. If you're
working on someone and a trapped emotion is suddenly welling up in them
and coming to the surface to be released, you may not be able to get a clear
muscle test. This just one reason why knowing a method of self-testing will
come in handy, and we'll be addressing this next.

Reasons you might be

• Dehydration - drink a glass of purified water
and try again (both tester and testee!)
• Neck Misalignment - may need to see a
• Pushing too hard or too soft, resisting with
too much force or not enough force
• Trapped Emotions may make you untestable

Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009 29

The Body Code Manual Introduction

Self-testing is a convenient and simple way to get answers from your own
body. The first method that we teach in The Emotion Code is called the sway
test. The sway test is where the body will respond by and sway forward toward
truth, positivity, or congruency. Or it will sway backward, away from negativity,
falsehood, or incongruency. This works because the human body is an
organism like any other. If you take an organism like a plant, for example, and
place it near a window, you'll find that if you come back in another day or two,
or maybe a month, you'll see that the plant is growing towards the light coming
in from the window. That light coming in is a positive input for the plant and it
likes that. It needs that light to grow. By the same token, if you put a drop of
poison into an aquarium full of fish, the fish will sense that poison and will swim
away towards cleaner water. The human body has this capacity built right into
it as well. It will sway forward towards truth, positivity, or congruency, and it will
sway backwards away from negativity, falsehood, or incongruency. Let's try
the sway test right now and you'll see this illustrated.

The Sway Test

To perform the Sway Test, simply stand in a very relaxed way. It's a good idea
to turn off any music or TV as they can have an imbalancing effect on you and
can interfere with the testing. Drop your arms to your sides and completely
relax. The first thing you'll notice while you're standing there is that there is a
little bit of movement going on all the time. The body tends to sway a little bit
forward and a little bit backward and sometimes it might sway a little to the
side, left to right. That is simply the oscillation that takes place when the body
is trying to maintain a perfect upright posture. The postural muscles are
continuously working to keep the body standing upright and that's normal.

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The Body Code Manual Introduction

Now, think about war for a moment. Hold that thought in your mind while you're
standing there in a very relaxed way. If you think about all the people who have
died, all the families that have been torn apart, all the tragedy, all the people
who have been crippled and maimed, all the destruction of property and life
and limb. Think about all the sorrow and anguish that's been happening on
earth since the beginning. And if you just hold that thought in your mind, you'll
see that your body will try to recoil away from that thought you've put out in
front of you. Your body will sway backwards away from that very negative
thought of war.

Let's try another thought now. Let's think about unconditional love. Imagine
that you are a being of unconditional love. Imagine that your heart is a
generator of unconditional love. That unconditional love flows out of your heart
and fills the immensity of space. Imagine what that would be like-to be able to
love anyone unconditionally, without any regard to race, creed, color, religion,
or anything. Imagine being a vessel of pure love. Imagine what it would be like
to be loved unconditionally. Hold that thought in your mind-unconditional love.
As you hold that thought in your mind, what you will find is that your body will
want to sway forward towards the positivity, the congruency and the beauty of
that thought of unconditional love.

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The sway test can be used for any of the questions that you want to ask the
body. You can ask the body for example "Do I have a trapped emotion?" and
the body will either sway forward for yes, and backward for no. You can ask
the body other questions and get answers in that same way. So the sway test
is a very useful method of testing and it works for just about anyone. It doesn't
really take much practice either-very simple.

Now we're going to look at some other methods of self-testing. These other
methods are very handy, but they do take some practice. I recommend for
most people to practice using their favorite method for 100 times a day for
about two weeks or so. That's simply saying "yes" and "no" 100 times a day for
two weeks. That's usually about all that it takes to master these methods, well
worth the minimal time and effort!

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The Body Code Manual Introduction

Hole-in-One Method
To perform the Ho/e-in-One method, you simply make a ring with your thumb
and first finger, as pictured. Then you take the thumb and the first two fingers
of your other hand and insert those fingers into the ring. On a muscle test,
you'll want to try to open the ring with your other hand by pulling apart your
thumb and two fingers. On "yes", or a congruent statement, the ring should
stay closed. For "no", or an incongruent statement, the ring should open.

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Falling Log Method

To perform the Falling Log method, take one hand and make a fist, leaving
your first finger out like you're pointing at something. Now bring your other
hand in and grab that fist, placing the end of your little finger at the base of the
first finger (the pointing finger). Once you're in this position, you can test by
saying "yes", and pressing down on the first finger with the little finger. It should
stay strong. When you say no, it should fall. Remember to use as little
pressure as possible. The more pressure you use, the more resistance you'll
have to use and then you'll just be working against yourself. You'll be able to
keep testing for much longer if you use a tiny amount of pressure, and you
won't wear out as quickly.

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Han(d) Solo Method

To perform the Han(d) Solo method, you choose one finger to be the
resistance finger, and an adjacent finger to push down on the resistance
finger- we'll call this the pressure finger. In this picture, the first finger is the
resistance finger and the middle finger is the pressure finger. You can place
the pressure finger either arched or right along the top of the resistance finger.
Once you're in place, simply make your statement and then apply pressure on
the resistance finger. The resistance finger should stay strong for "yes", and on
"no" the finger should weaken. It should stay strong when you test a congruent,
true statement as well, just like any other muscle testing method. And of
course, when you test a statement that's incongruent or untrue, that finger
should weaken and go down.

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The Body Code Manual In troducti on


Ring-in-Ring Method
For the Ring-in-Ring method, simply take one hand and make a ring with your
thumb and first finger (you could really use any finger but I like the first finger
best). Then take your other hand and make another ring through the first ring,
as pictured. To test, make your statement or question, and try to pull those
rings apart. For yes, truth, congruency and positivity the ring (or both rings)
should stay closed. If you say no, or make a statement that is untrue, one of
the rings or both of the rings should weaken and you should be able to pull
your hands apart.

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Elbow Test Method

To perform the Elbow Test method, bring the elbow into the side with your arm
bent at a 90 degree angle out in front of you. Take two fingers from the other
hand and place them on the top of the arm (right before the speed bump
bone). Then you simply press down. On "yes", the forearm will stay just about
horizontal to the floor, and on "no", your arm should weaken and drop. This is a
very simple method and its advantage is that your fingers don't get sore
because the muscle you're testing is the bicep muscle- a very large muscle
that is easy to test all day long.

There are a few things that you should note about this method:
• Another variation of the elbow test is to bend your arm at a sharper
angle, about 45 degrees or so.

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• Make sure not to let your fingers bend back very much when you're
applying pressure to the arm, as this can cause discomfort in the fingers
after not too long.

Tips for Self-Testing

Keep the pressure light and resist only as much as you absolutely need to.
Remember that the harder you resist, the harder you're going to have to press
down to overcome that resistance, so you're really working against yourself.
You'll also probably experience discomfort sooner if you resist very hard. If it
hurts, that means you're using too much pressure, so stop, and try another
method using less pressure. The goal is not to wear yourself out or hurt
yourself, but to find your perfect strength and resistance settings to make it
easy. In your house, you may have a light switch with a dimmer on it. In the
human body, every muscle has a sort of dimmer switch, and your brain
controls how strong or weak a muscle is, or how hard it resists. What you can
do with any of these testing methods is simply play around with the dimmer
switch on the resistance muscles. Just mentally dial in the right muscle
strength setting so that when you say "yes", the muscle stays strong, whatever
test you're using. Then at that same strength setting, when you say "no", you
do get weakness. The more you do this, you'll find that you can use less and
less pressure and get answers. It does take a little bit of practice to get it right,
but it's definitely worth doing and staying with it.
And remember to do a baseline test like a "yes" and "no" test each time you
start testing yourself (or someone else)- this is to make sure you're testable!

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The Body Code Manual Introduction

Tips for Self-Testing

• Keep the pressure light!
• Higher resistance higher downward
pressure (working against yourself.. .!)
• Resist only as much as you need to. The goal
is NOT to wear yourself out!
• Find your perfect strength/resistance setting
• Do a baseline test each time you begin
• If it hurts, STOP and try another method!

What I recommend is to pick one of these methods that you like, whichever
one is most comfortable for you, and then just say "yes" and "no", performing a
baseline test about 100 times a day. Not all methods are for everyone, but at
least one should work for you and this is the way to become really proficient.


Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009 39

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More About for Self-Testing

• Not all methods are for everyone- find the

one for YOU (it's always good to have a
backup method too, just in case!)
• Practice by using known "yes" and "no"
questions (like your name). Do this IOOx
per day and you'll be proficient in no time!

Even if you don't use self-testing very often, learn it for a backup method. It's
always a good idea to always have a back up method, just in case someone
becomes untestable or if you are working on your own.

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The Body Code Manual Introduction

Surrogate Testing
Surrogate testing is another way to muscle test if the subject (the person or
animal you want to test) is present in the room, but is unable to be tested on
for some reason. Maybe they are in a coma, maybe they have shoulder
problems, maybe they are a small child or an animal, maybe they're untestable
because of dehydration, a neck misalignment, or maybe a surfacing trapped
emotion has made testing difficult. For any of these situations, you can use
surrogate testing. All you need is a third person to "plug in" as the surrogate,
almost like an extension cord. Before beginning, you'll want to make sure that
the surrogate is testable, so make sure to do a baseline test by having them
say something true or positive such as, "Yes" or "Up is up." Make sure you get
a strong muscle response. Then have them say something negative or
incongruent, such as, "No" or "Up is down", and make sure you get a weak
muscle response. Then have the surrogate and the subject hold hands and
you're ready to begin testing.

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In this picture we have my wife Jean on the far left acting as the tester. The
surrogate in the middle is my daughter Natalie, and the subject on the far right
is my daughter Kristi. By plugging the surrogate person, Natalie, into the
middle, Jean should be able to test Kristi, the subject without any trouble. This
works just like an extension cord because the electrical changes that take
place in Kristi's body literally flow through Natalie, and Natalie's arm will stay
strong or weaken depending on the questions being asked. So Jean would
direct her questions to Kristi, the subject, and then test Natalie's arm to get the
answer. Then Jean would release or correct whatever comes up on Kristi's

42 Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009

The Body Code Manual Introduction

Muscle testing children is difficult until they're about 8 or 9 years old, so for
testing kids you'll want to use a surrogate. This is my youngest daughter,
Elisabeth, who is being tested, with Natalie again acting as surrogate and
being tested by Jean.

If you're working alone with a subject who isn't testable, and you don't have a
surrogate person nearby, you can act as surrogate yourself and use self-
testing! Just ask the questions of the subject's body, test on yourself using any
self-testing method, and then release or correct whatever comes up on the
subject's body. It's just that easy!

One of the great things about surrogate testing is that the answers you get will
often be amplified through the surrogate. It's almost as if the surrogate boosts
the signal coming out of the subject, so your answers will be much more clear
than they would have been otherwise.

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Proxy Testing
Proxy testing is what we use for healing at a distance, and it is absolutely
indispensable. It enables you to test someone, and release or correct any
imbalances they have, all from a distance. It is similar to surrogate testing in
that someone else stands in to be muscle tested instead of the subject- the
main difference is that the subject is not present. The person who stands in for
the subject is called the proxy, and in effect their body will set aside its own
needs temporarily to help the subject. Once the connection is made, the proxy
person is the subject for all practical purposes.

About Proxy Testing

• Enables testing at any distance
• Body sets aside own needs temporarily
to help another
• Once connection is made, the proxy IS
the subject, for all practical purposes
• Testing and correction of trapped
emotions are performed on the proxy

Muscle testing and releasing or correcting any imbalances is performed on the

proxy person, but the person who is receiving the benefit is the subject,
44 Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009
The Body Code Manual Introduction

wherever they may be. Distance seems to have no bearing on how well this
works- it's reall uite amazi

This picture shows the subject on the far left, who happens to be my son Rhett,
and then on the right are the proxy, Natalie, and the tester, Jean. Imagine that
Rhett is in Australia and Natalie and Jean, pictured on the right, are in the US.
Rhett has telephoned Natalie and Jean asking for help with a headache. Here
is how Natalie and Jean can connect up with Rhett to help him with his

Establishing a Connection
To establish a connection with the subject, have the person who will act as the
proxy repeat the following: "My name is Subject's Name." In this particular
case, Natalie, who would be acting as proxy, would say, "My name is Rhett." At
first this will probably test weak because of course her name is not Rhett. But if
she continues to repeat this statement, it will eventually test strong as soon as
that energetiC connection is made. In other words, when she connects up with
Rhett she will test strong if she says, "My name is Rhett." If at that point she
says, "My name is Natalie," she will actually test weak. Why? Because her
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body will set aside its own needs to stand in and act as proxy for Rhett, so
Jean can figure out what is going on with him and help him with his headache.
At this point, everything that Jean finds on Natalie will really be for Rhett's
benefit. Any corrections that are made, anything that's released or corrected
on Natalie's body will actually end up manifesting in Rhett's body. So here,
Jean is actually working on Rhett, through Natalie's body.

About Proxy Testing

• To make a connection, have proxy
person repeat the following "My name
is (subject's name)
• At first this will probably test weak, but
on continued attempts it will test
strong when the energetic connection
is made
• To break a connection, have proxy
person repeat "My name is (their own
name) until a strong test is obtained

Breaking the Connection

You always want to remember to break the connection when you're done. To
break the connection have the Proxy to repeat, "My name is ," until a
strong test is obtained when they state their own name. In this particular
example, Natalie would simply say, "My name is Natalie." She would continue
to repeat that until she tests strong once again. Initially, the first time she says
it she might test weak because she is still acting as proxy for Rhett. But if she
continues to repeat that, pretty quickly it will test strong again and the
connection will be broken.

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Proxy Testing While Alone-

Just like in surrogate testing, you can also act as the proxy when you're
working by yourself, using self-testing. Anything you test, correct or release will
be tested on your body, but for the benefit of the subject. This is what you can
do if you want to work with clients over the phone, or if someone calls you and
asks for help with something.
Here is my method for establishing a proxy connection with a subject when
working alone:
• Start out by asking a silent prayer from God, thanking him for my
impending success.
• Then I ask, "Do I have a connection to this person?" If I am on the phone
with you, for example, I will ask, "Do I have a connection with you? Can I
act as proxy for you?" If I'm doing a session where I'm actually going to
be sending the results to the subject, let's say his name is Jim, I might
say, "Do I have a connection with Jim? Can I act as proxy for Jim?" As
soon as those questions both test strong, then I'm connected.
• Any imbalances that I find on Jim, I would correct on myself. If I find a
trapped emotion that needs to be released, I would simply roll from my
forehead, over the top of my head, to the back of my neck 3 times. That
releases the energy of the trapped emotion on Jim at the same moment.
• When I'm done, I'll break the connection by saying, "My name is Brad"
until the test is strong.

Proxy testing is an amazing tool, and it's so convenient that the ability to do it
is built right in. I would strongly recommend that you practice this a few times,
just so you know how to do it if the need arises.

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Proxy Testing While Alone

• My procedure ©
• Ask silent prayer for help from God,
thanking Him for impending success
• Ask "Do I have a connection with (subject?)
• Ask "Can I act as proxy for (subject?)
• When done, break connection by repeating
statement, "My name is (my name)" until
tests strong


48 Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009

The Body Code Manual Introduction

Working with Animals

Working with Animals
You can work with animals using both The Emotion Code and The Body Code.
Getting information from an animal's body is just as easy as getting the info
from a human being, and there isn't much difference. You can use surrogate
testing if the animal is there, and you can simply talk to the animal just like you
would talk to a person. Animals may not speak English, but their bodies
understand what you say on an energetic level, and can give you the answers
just as easily. If the animal is not present, you can use proxy testing. You can
either act as proxy yourself, or have another person act as proxy for the
animal. Then you'll want to focus on directing your questions to the animal
through whoever is acting as proxy.

About Testing Animals

• Animals experience emotions too!
• Be gentle and careful when working with
• Run the magnet down it's back to release
an emotion- just like you would a human
• Always get permission from the owner
• Use either a surrogate, or act as surrogate
yourself and use self-testing

We use the same chart of emotions to work on animals because they

experience the same range of emotions that humans do. Be gentle and careful

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when working with animals, and run the magnet down the governing meridian
on it's back (or the proxy's back) to release an emotion, just like you would with
a person. And remember that you always want to get permission from the
owner before working on an animal.

Though we use the same technique that you are accustomed to in working with
people, keep in mind that if you find some kind of nutritional need, the dosage
will probably fluctuate proportionally to reflect the animal's size. They may
need a higher dosage if they're much bigger, like a horse for example. If it's a
dog or a cat, they may need a smaller dose.

,- -

Healing Animals
There are many wonderful stories included in The Emotion Code about the
work that has been done with animals, and the work I did with animals when I
was in a brick and mortar practice. Since then I have worked with animals by
proxy, and that works just as well as being there in person. If you haven't
already read The Emotion Code, I would urge you to read some of those
stories in the chapter about animals.

Working with animals is a lot of fun. They tend to respond very rapidly and
positively to this kind of work, and because they're animals we know it isn't just - -
the placebo effect. I've found that 9 times out of 10, the problems that animals

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experience are actually caused by trapped emotions that they have, whether
the problem is emotional or physical in nature. Keep that in mind while working
with animals, as they are such sensitive creatures.

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The Present Dilemma

Western Medicine and
"Sickness Care"

The Present Dilemma

You've learned how the health of the energy body is crucial to the health of
your physical body. Ancient medicine focuses on this aspect of your makeup,
but it's being completely overlooked by western medicine. This is unfortunate
because the price we're paying for this ignorance is high. Let's take a look now
at the present dilemma that we are in -western medicine and sickness care.
The traditional approach to medicine was really born on the battlefield in the
Civil War and in the World Wars. And it was developed around a concept I like
to call heroic measures. That means that if you're a soldier and a cannonball
comes bouncing along on the battlefield and takes off your leg, you better hope
your doctor performs heroic measures on you. If he does, hopefully he'll be
able to save your life- you certainly need heroic measures performed at that
point. Of course there have been many doctors in those wars and since those
wars who have performed heroic feats and heroic deeds, and sometimes that
is absolutely appropriate.

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The problem though is that focusing on medicine and healing in this way has
created a situation where we are prone to wait until there is a crisis that erupts
before we do anything about it. As a result, modern western medicine focuses
on external causes of disease, dramatic intervention and on symptom

If you're like most people, you've taken medication at one point in your life to
suppress some kind of symptom. That can be very appropriate at times. The
problem is, at least in the west, we tend to rely on this method for taking care
of ourselves instead of focusing on preventing problems. It's very, very
expensive and has some big drawbacks.

Risky and Expensive

First of all, medical errors in prescription drug misuse or overdose are among
the leading causes of death in the United States. Many of the surgeries
performed are drastic and unnecessary.

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In the United States, we spend the highest amount of money per capita on
healthcare of every other country in the world, and yet what is that getting us?
In 2008 we spent 2.4 trillion dollars on health care, which is an
incomprehensible number it's so big.

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What it's buying us is not good health, but a number 1 ranking in degenerative
disease. In other words, there are more sick people per capita in the United
States than any other country on the face of the earth, even though we're
throwing more money at this problem than any other country.

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Follow me through this cartoon and you'll see how this could possibly occur.

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--~ .


Chasing Symptoms
What are we doing here? We're chasing symptoms. And chasing symptoms is
a very ineffective way to really take care of the body. Because this happens so
frequently, it's not unusual for people, especially those over 60 years old, to be
on a dozen different medications. Some of those medications are simply to
counteract side effects of other drugs they are already taking!

All drugs have side effects, and as is not uncommon, the Captopril gives Susie
a cough. So she goes back to the doctor and he prescribes an antibiotic,
Amoxycillin and he says, "This will take care of that." The end result of this is
that Susie feels lousy, but she feels lucky because her insurance paid for 90%
of all these drugs, and isn't that the important thing? Important to who? It's
important to the pharmaceutical companies, of course. This kind of thing
happens all the time, but it is not a good way to take care of the human body.

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The Body Code Manual Introduction

• "Unless we put medical freedom into the

Constitution, the time will come when
medicine will organize itself into an undercover
dictatorship to restrict the art of healing to one
class of men and companies and deny equal
privileges to others and will constitute the
Bastille of medical science."

- Dr. Benjamin Rush, signer of the Declaration

of Independence

Medical Freedom
Dr. Benjamin Rush, who was one of the signers of the United States
Declaration of Independence, said, "Unless we put medical freedom into the
constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize itself into an
undercover dictatorship to restrict the art of healing to one class of men and
companies, and deny equal privileges to others, and will constitute the Bastille
of medical science." Unfortunately, his prediction has come to pass and this is
exactly where western medicine we are right now.

The Food and Drug Administration of the United States does the bidding of the
pharmaceutical companies. Any alternative modality that threatens the
established order is crushed, if possible. The problem with this is that, as you
can see, western medicine does not always know what the best thing is for the
body, and often makes things worse than they would have been without it.

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Medical Ideas Change

Medicine and what is considered good for the body, changes over time. For a
long time, bloodletting was a very popular way to take care of people and try to
help them regain their health. The logic was that you had too much blood or
that your blood was bad, and if they let some of your blood out that would help
you. Of course, people often survived this so they figured that it worked.
When I was young, most of my friends had voluntary tonsillectomies, a surgery
where the tonsils are removed from the throat. I've also known many people
who have had appendectomies as well, where the appendix is removed. Both
of those were considered good surgeries in the past. Why? Because the
surgeries weren't too difficult to do, there was good money in it, and these
organs seemed to be expendable and didn't seem to serve any real purpose in
the body. And if they got infected or irritated, they could cause discomfort, of

Now we know that the tonsils form part of the ring of wall dire, which is part of
the body's first line of defense against cancer. It's part of the immune system.
We also know that the appendix has immune functions, but it was only about a ----
year ago that it was discovered that the appendix has another unknown
function. The normal intestinal flora, of which there is about 3.5 pounds in the
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human body, can sometimes be wiped out by disease, but this flora bacteria
will tend to propagate again and repopulate the colon from its hiding place in
the appendix. This is another big reason why we actually have an appendix, to
repopulate our intestinal flora in the event of major disease.

Entrenched Ideas
Drugs and surgery are the currently overused "solutions" to health. To be
facetious, if we look back at bloodletting and we contrast drugs and surgery
now, instead of having too much blood, it's kind of like you have too many
organs. Let's say you were to take your watch down to the watch repair
because it isn't working suddenly, come back a week later, and the watch
repairman says, "We know what's wrong with your watch. It had too many
moving parts. We took out some of the moving parts and it should be OK now."
What would you think about that? Would it seem normal to you? Again, drugs
can be appropriate, and surgeries can certainly be appropriate. But I think
everyone will agree that drugs and surgery, especially in the West, are vastly
overused and over utilized.

Entrenched ideas are difficult to get rid of. The established order is loathe to
change. Once an idea is set in people's minds, it's difficult to introduce a new
way of thinking. This is a picture of Galileo, who in 1633 was forced by the
Catholic Church to recant his published opinions that the universe does not
actually revolve around the earth. He said the earth was not the center of the
universe, but the earth moves around the sun. He was forced, on threat of
inquisition, to recant that statement. Yet he was heard to mutter, as he was
leaving that proceeding, "eppur si muove", which means "and yet it moves."
Regardless of the fact that they made him recant, his basic opinion was "yet it
still moves." 'You can make me say whatever you want but still, the earth does
move.' Eventually that truth did come out, but not without a fight, as you can

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What's going on with medicine in our culture is similar to the situation I just
described. We've been trained to think that if you get sick, you need to visit the
doctor and get a prescription and that will take care of it. We've been trained to
think that surgery is the solution for an organ that hurts or malfunctions. We've
been taught that we need to get vaccinated to prevent illness. None of these
remedies really get to the root of the problem, and in fact they often make
things worse. So why haven't we realized this and done something about it?
Because these ideas are entrenched- they've become the established order.
Millions of dollars are poured into advertising campaigns to support the
established order and keep people thinking that western medicine knows best.
And yet, I believe, it doesn't. What we need to focus on is wellness, and
disease prevention, which is exactly why I've created this healing system.

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We know that stress weakens the body and opens the door to illness. Dr. Hans
Selye was nominated for the Nobel Prize for the research that he did on stress
and how it affects the body. He was nicknamed the Father of Stress Science
because he gave us so much of the understanding that we have about stress

The "Fight or Flight" Reaction

Imagine you're walking down a trail in the mountains and suddenly a bear
stands up in front of you. It's 10 feet tall and it's getting ready to charge. What
happens in your body at that point? Besides feeling an emotion of fear or terror
or panic, there are some glands in your body that start producing some certain
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hormones. The adrenal glands sit right on top of the kidneys; they start
producing adrenaline and cortisol- these "stress hormones" have some very
specific effects on the body. They begin to suddenly route less blood to the
organs of the body, and more blood to the muscles of the body. Why?
Because you don't really need to be digesting that breakfast right now, do you?
Because you're going to either have to fight this bear or run away- so in this
case the hormone induced stress reaction would be very appropriate. Your
immune system is also affected- it is actually lowered by these hormones
because you don't really need to be putting any energy into recovering from
that cold or flu right now, do you? You need all the energy you can get to fight
or run. These stress hormones also elevate the blood fat and the blood sugar
levels. Why? Because you need sugar and fat floating free through the blood
so you can use it as fuel to, again, be able to either run away or fight the bear.


Of course, this is a very appropriate response, it's called the Fight or Flight
reaction, and it's perfectly appropriate for a situation like that. The problem
however, is that these hormones, adrenalin and cortisol, are damaging to the
body and they will bathe your tissues for up to 48 hours after one stressful
event. What exactly is a stressful event? It doesn't have to involve a bear, or
anything nearly as scary. The reality is that your body does not differentiate
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The Body Code Manual Introduction

between being threatened by a giant bear or having an argument with one of

your kids or your spouse. A stressful event could be something as simple as
being cut off in traffic, or watching television and hearing a dramatic news
story. You consciously know that the scary movie you're watching isn't real and
that the killer isn't chasing you, but those hormones are still released in your
body and you will still experience the fight or flight reaction. The problem is that
most of us go from one stressful event to another in our lives. Is it healthy to
remain in this type of state- with a lowered immune system and high blood
sugar and blood fat levels? Not at all. In this state, the body becomes
vulnerable to a host of problems, and the longer you're in a stressed out state,
the more vulnerable your body is.

Stress Opens the Door to Illness

So this is how stress opens the door to illness and disease. The more stress
you're under, the more vulnerable you are to things like infections, parasites,
toxins, allergies, structural misalignments, nutritional deficiencies, trapped
emotions, and energetic imbalances. Think of stress as being like turbulence
on an airplane. If turbulence can put an airplane into a spin, stress can
basically put your body into a type of spin. When I took flight training years
ago, I was told not to fly into a thunderstorm because I was told that your wings
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can come off and you'll die. So I took that advice. If you think of your health as
an airplane that's flying along, straight and level, stress is like getting into
turbulence. And if you get into too much or too strong of turbulence, or too
much turbulence for too long-in other words, too much stress for too long-it
can put you into a tailspin and you may not even know it. Airplane pilots call
that the graveyard spiral. The same type of thing can happen with the body if
things aren't recognized and taken care of.

It's not noticeable at first, but there are some telltale signs when people are in
this type of "graveyard spiral", or "tailspin" as far as their health is concerned.
They'll say things to you like "You know, I'd like to go shopping with you but I
just don't have the energy." Or they'll say, "I'd like to go play golf but I'm just in
too much pain."

Energy loss and chronic pain are usually the first signs that a person is in this
tailspin. If things are allowed to continue, the person will soon realize "Hey I
don't just have low energy, I'm completely exhausted and I've felt this way for
months. What is wrong with me?"
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The Body Code Manual In troducti on

So they go to the doctor and say, "Doctor, I am chronically fatigued. I'm

exhausted all the time." The doctor looks up some things in his book and he
comes back and says, "We know what's wrong with you. We have a

And they say, "Oh, what is it? What is it? I can't wait to know what's wrong with
me!" And the doctor says, "You are chronically fatigued. You have Chronic
Fatigue Syndrome." And how do they feel? They're so grateful to know what
the diagnosis is, and they tell all their friends, "I know what's wrong with me
now. I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I'm chronically fatigued." But you see
they already knew that. The doctor hasn't told them anything they didn't
already know. In fact, if they were to press the doctor for more information,
he's have said, "We don't know what this is. We don't know what to do about it.
We don't have any idea what causes it. All we can do is give you these
medications to suppress your symptoms."

The End Result of Disease

The same thing happens with chronic pain. One day the person wakes up and
realizes, "Wow, I don't have just a little bit of pain, I've got pain all over and it's
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not going away. I've been like this for months now. There must be something
really wrong with me. My muscles hurt."

And so this person goes to the doctor and says, "Doctor, I have pain in my
muscles and it's not going away. What is wrong with me?" And the doctor will
poke them and prod them a little bit and look it up in his book and come back
and he'll say, "We know what's wrong with you. We have a diagnosis." And this
person says, "Wow, I'm so glad to know. What is it? What's wrong with me?"
And the doctor says, "You have pain in your muscles." In other words, what the
doctor really says is, "You have Fibromyalgia." The direct interpretation of
Fibromyalgia in Latin is pain in the muscles. Now of course this person already
knew that. They knew they had pain in the muscles. That's what they told the
doctor. And they tell their friends, "I'm so glad to know what's wrong with me. I
finally have a diagnosis. I have Fibromyalgia, which means I have pain in my
muscles." That's how it works. The end result of this process is disease if you
continue to spiral down further and further.

Stress Opens The Door To Disease ---

What is a disease? A disease is nothing more than a collection of symptoms.
What causes symptoms to arise? Imbalances-that's it. All disease is caused
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by imbalances. That's as simple as it is. Actually, that's probably the oldest

idea in the history of the world. It's certainly the oldest idea in the history of
healing and medicine of all types. Stress is not really the cause of disease, but
stress opens the door to diseases. Stress breaks the body down, tears down
the body's defenses, and opens the door to all kinds of problems. Let's get into
this in a little more detail because this is really what The Body Code is all

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HowWe Lose Our

The 6 Imbalances that
Lead to All Disease

The 6 Types of Imbalances That Lead to All Disease

This is the map that I put together when I was in practice years ago because I
needed a way to categorize all the different imbalances that I was finding on
people. There are 6 puzzle pieces here, you'll notice, because the 6 different
types of imbalance combine to form a kind of puzzle.

; Structural

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Being a holistic doctor is kind of like being a detective. If you're a holistic

doctor, you don't prescribe medication, so you can't use drugs to suppress
people's symptoms. You have to figure out what's really going on and fix it,
then the body will naturally regain its health. I found that there are six different
types of imbalance that create all disease in the body. I found that by using this
map, I could deal with pretty much whatever a person was suffering from. And
in fact, as time went on, I realized that it wasn't all that important what a person
had been diagnosed with, but what was important was to figure out what the
specific imbalances were and correct them.

Infections/l nfestations
Infections are viral, bacterial, fungal, and mold. Infections are the number 1
killer worldwide.

Literally millions of people die every year from infection. Infestation refers to
parasitic infestation. Believe it or not, about 85% of the United States
population is infested with some type of parasite. There are many different
varieties of parasites, and few of those ever show up on a medical test. These

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are best killed with specific herbs. Trapped emotions will enable infections and
infestations to persist, because they can lower the immune system, but we'll
get into that more later.

Structural Misalignment (Subluxation)

Let's take a look at structural misalignments. Here at the top right we have the
brain, and on the right side of the picture we have the spinal column. On the
left side and in the center, we have all the organs. There are grey lines
connecting the brain and the spinal cord to all of the different organs of the

Normal Nerve Function

Nerves go out from the spinal column to the different organs of the body. The
delicate spinal column and nerve roots are protected by the bones of the spine,
which are called the vertebrae. The next picture shows normal nerve function-
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a spine where all the vertebrae are aligned and no pressure is being put on the
nerve roots. The nerves are allowed to freely carry information and instructions
from the brain to the body, allowing for good organ function and
communication .

. -.

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Misalignment (Subluxation)
When a spinal vertebra becomes misaligned, it is called a subluxation. In this
picture is an illustration of a misaligned vertebra- the 3 rd bone down in the
stack of bones. This vertebra is now putting pressure on the nerve that it
houses, instead of protecting it. This creates poor communication going from
the brain to the organ that's at the other end of the nerve, and vice versa. Poor
nerve transmission and reduced communications will result in poor organ
health and eventually, disease. Trapped emotions will often create subluxation,
and releasing a trapped emotion will often help to correct a misalignment or
subluxation in the spine.

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Nutritional Deficiencies
We cover nutritional deficiencies in much more detail in the nutritional section
of The Body Code, but this is just an overview of where we're going. Most
people have deficiencies, mainly because we don't eat the way we should and
our foods are grown in depleted soils. The topsoil in the United States used to
be about a foot and a half deep, but now it's only about an inch and a half
deep. Over about 80% of the farmland soil in the US is considered sterile, so
they have to use all kinds of artificial fertilizers to grow things. Nutritional
deficiencies are correctable with supplementation, and part of The Body Code
is about understanding exactly what supplements you need and how to
determine that. Trapped emotions can also make it more difficult to absorb

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Toxicity is a new phenomenon worldwide. We're talking about heavy metals,
industrial waste, radiation, and so on. The average person takes in about 14
pounds of toxins per year in the form of food additives, humectants,
preservatives, food coloring and so on. It's an easy figure to calculate because
they know how many millions of tons of food additives are being produced
every year, so it's easy to see where those are going. Toxins can be eliminated
from the body and we'll talk more about exactly what to do about that in the
Toxicity section of The Body Code. Remember that trapped emotions and
other energetic imbalances, such as Psychic Traumas, can make detoxifying
more difficult. For example, let's say you have a trapped emotion that is lodged
in your liver. The liver is the second largest organ of detoxification in the body.
If you have a trapped emotion in your liver, all the chemical reactions taking
place in the liver are going to be a little off. They're not going to be quite how
they should be and that will make detoxification more difficult. Toxicity is a very
big cause of obesity, among other problems, but we'll talk more about that later .----....
on as well.

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The Energy Body and the Organ/Gland Connections

The energetic body is highly organized. When you are born, you already have
this highly organized energy body inside of you, and it is divided up into circuits
and chakras. The circuits in your body are similar to the fuses in a house, only
in your body, certain organs and certain muscles are on the same circuit.

Here is an analogy for how circuits work: Imagine that you've plugged 5 hair
dryers into the outlet in your bathroom and you turn them all on at the same
time. You'd blow the fuse in that room- the light would turn off and the hair
dryers along with them. It's possible that in the next room, your stereo may
suddenly shut off as well, if it is on the same circuit as the bathroom. The body
is set up the same way, with certain organs being on the same circuit as
certain muscles. For instance, if you have a problem with your right knee, it's
probably because you have an imbalance in your gall bladder, because the
right knee muscles are on the same circuit as the gall bladder. Likewise, if you
have trouble in your left knee it's probably originating from a problem in your
adrenal glands, because these are on the same circuit. You'll find that

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correcting an imbalance in the adrenal glands for instance, will often have an
immediate balancing and pain relieving effect on the left knee.

So how do you find these imbalanced circuits? The easiest way is to use The
Body Code test points.

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By touching a test point on the body and performing a muscle test, you can
test the energetic balance of each the organs and glands in the body, and
thereby also the muscles that are on the same circuit as that organ or gland.
So if you touch the kidney test point and get a weak muscle test, you could
expect to find possible lower back or neck trouble in the individual, because the
kidney is on the same circuit as the muscles of the lower back and the neck.
By bringing balance back into the kidney that is imbalanced, you will also be
restoring balance to the lower back and upper neck muscles. Some other
common connections that I didn't already mention are low back pain and the
uterus, and upper back pain and the liver and gall bladder.

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• Left Knee Pain • Adrenal glands
• Right Knee Pain - Gall Bladder
• Low back pain - Kidneys/Uterus
• Pain in upper back - Liver/Gall Bladder
• Pain in neck -Kidneys
Another part of your organized energy body are the chakras. The chakras are
the deep energy centers in the body. You could think of them as being like the
nuclear reactors of the body's energy field. Chakras can also become
imbalanced and cause problems, but we cover that later on. .--,

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The Body Code Manual Introduction

Trapped Emotions
I worked in a brick and mortar chiropractic practice for 17 years. For the last 10
of these years, I specialized in treating people who were considered to be
incurable by the medical profession, I found that the biggest common
denominator for all those patients was trapped emotions. The emotional events
that they had gone through had stayed with them, were continuing to
imbalance them, and were manifesting disease in their bodies. I knew that
there would never be enough doctors to help people get rid of their trapped
emotions, and I realized that people were going to have to learn how to do this
themselves. That is why I wrote my book, The Emotion Code. The Body Code
fills in the rest of the picture for anyone who's read and wants more.

What is a Trapped Emotion?

Trapped emotions are truly an invisible epidemic in our world. As we go
through our lives we experience different emotions all the time, this is
completely normal. Emotions give our lives meaning and color- we wouldn't be
who we are without our emotions. Sometimes, however, we experience very
negative emotions like anger, frustration, resentment, sorrow, sadness, and so
on. When we are feeling any of those intense emotions, the energy of that
emotion can become trapped in the body.

When this happens, we call it a trapped emotion- a bit of emotional energy,

trapped in the body. A trapped emotion will always lodge somewhere. They will
usually lodge in the trunk of the body, however they can lodge anywhere. They
can occur at any age and they can even be inherited. Trapped emotions can
cause inflammation, congestion, self-sabotage, depression, anxiety, and more.

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Trapped Emotions

• During moments of intense emotion

• Energy of the emotion becomes trapped

• Will always lodge somewhere

• Usually in the trunk of the body

• Can lodge anywhere!

-- -.

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Typically a trapped emotion is the size of an orange to the size of a cantaloupe

and wherever it lodges in the body, it will distort the normal energy field of the
body. When you distort the body's energy field, you are distorting the body
itself. Because what is the body? It's nothing but energy. Energy is what
makes up the body. That's why trapped emotions will cause pain, malfunction
and discomfort, up to and including cancer, in my opinion. Trapped emotions
will also tend to create difficulty like mental and emotional problems.

If you look at this picture, that little ball is a representation of a trapped

emotion-if that emotion happens to be anger, the person will tend to be a
more angry person than they otherwise would be. Why? Because literally part
of their being will be constantly vibrating at the rate of that emotion that's
trapped there. In other words, every emotion has a certain frequency or
vibration, and when an emotion gets trapped in the body you will continue to
feel that emotion. In a case like this, if the emotion is anger and a situation
arises where you could become angry, you will become angry much more
readily than you otherwise would. Why? Because part of you is already
vibrating at that frequency, part of you is already angry. That's how trapped
emotions work and that's why it's so exciting to be able to find and release
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them. That's why so much of the time there is an immediate effect that takes
place when we release a trapped emotion. The body is allowed to return to its
normal, healthy, undisturbed state and when this happens, amazing things
take place!

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The Heart-Wall
We're also going to be talking in more detail later about the Heart-Wall, which
is an emotional wall around the heart that blocks our ability to give and receive
love. The Heart-Wall is an invisible, energetic wall that is made up of trapped
emotions. It creates depression and other emotional problems such as
numbness and anxiety. It will also block your ability to really find abundance
and happiness in your life, and keep you from creating the life, the
relationships and the career you want.

The Heart-Wall also has some physical effects as well: it can create physical
discomfort in the chest, neck ain and shoulder trouble.

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Finding Inherited Emotions

Here is how inherited trapped emotions are typically found: you will identify that
the subject has a trapped emotion that can be released, and you'll figure out
that it is in a specific column in a certain box, but then every emotion in that
box will either test strong or they'll all test weak. You won't be able to identify
the specific emotion or any other info. If this happens it's probably an inherited
emotion, so you'll simply want to ask, "Is this trapped emotion inherited?"

If you get a strong muscle response, this means it is inherited, and then you
shouldn't have any trouble identifying which emotion it is. Then you can figure
out the genealogy (who it came from) and release the inherited emotion by
rolling down the governing meridian 10 times.


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Things to Keep in Mind

Remember that what you believe determines your own personal reality. So
choose a powerful reality. Don't choose limitations.

Of Note:
-What you believe determines your own personal
reality, so choose a powerful reality, don't choose
lim itations!
-Processing: the Healing Period after an emotional
release. Generally I or 2 days, may experience
emotional ups and downs, sleeplessness, need for
extra sleep.
- Let your clients know this might happen!!
-Phobias are usually from I or 2 trapped emotions
-PTSD (PostTraumatic Stress Disorder)
- Caused byTrapped Emotions

Here is an example: I was doing a workshop once in California, and I was

working on a woman up in front of the class. There were several people
gathered around trying to get in closer to see and hear what was going on.
This woman's husband was there also, and I noticed that he was trying to keep
the crowd back at quite a distance. There was one particular man who kept
trying to come in closer, and the husband kept pushing him back. These two
guys almost got into a fight, by the time I fully realized what was going on. As it
turned out, the woman's husband had been told that you couldn't have
anybody within 10 feet or you couldn't get a correct muscle test. Now, what do
you think happens if that's what you believe? If you believe that you can't get
an accurate muscle test if there's anyone within 10 feet, then guess what?
That becomes true for you and you won't be able to test if there is anyone
within 10 feet of you. There are all kinds of dogmas out there about muscle
testing. If you believe any of them, they will become true for you. For example,
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some people say you can't wear a watch, or you can't wear jewelry when
muscle testing. If you choose to believe that, you're going to have trouble
muscle testing if you're wearing a watch or jewelry. Beliefs like this will change
your reality and limit the things you can do. If you choose not to believe in
limitations like these, this will also change your reality. Keep that in mind, and
choose the most powerful reality that you can because that is what will become
true for you.

Processing is the healing period after an emotional or energetic release.
Generally, processing lasts for one or two days, and during that time a person
mayor may not experience some symptoms of this such as: emotional ups
and downs, crying, sleeplessness, a need for extra sleep, vivid dreams, and in
rare cases, nausea or headache. Most often people tend to just be more
emotionally sensitive than normal. It's important to note that people will always
go through this processing period when emotions and other energies are
released, but only about 20% of the time will they experience these negative
symptoms. As long as you let your subjects know that this might happen,
everything will be okay. But if you don't warn them and they don't know what to -.
expect, and they end up crying for 2 days straight, you're not going to be their
favorite person. Just make sure to let everyone you work on know that they
may experience some side effects, and you'll be fine.

A phobia, by definition, is an extreme and irrational fear of something that
poses little or no actual danger. Usually phobias are the result of one or two
trapped emotions, and this is all you need to release in order to get rid of the
phobia. To do this, you would simply want to ask the subject's body, "Is there a
trapped emotion that is creating this phobia for you?" If the answer is yes, find
the emotion and release it. Then you can come back and ask if there is
another emotion creating the phobia, and go from there.

A phobia is an emotional problem just like any other, and can be caused by
other things besides trapped emotions, although this is rare. You'll learn later
on in The Body Code about the other things you can look for.

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Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is a huge problem and it's getting bigger. I
believe that it is caused primarily by trapped emotions, and that The Emotion
Code is the best answer to save our fellow human beings from the plague of
PTSD. We have created The Save a Soldier Campaign with the goal to provide
an electronic copy of The Emotion Code to every service person in the world.
This includes those currently serving or those who served 60 years ago, no
matter what country they may be from and what military they belong(ed) to.

If you know a service person you'd like to help, visit this website:
www.theemotioncode .com/SaveaSoldier.htm
Then fill in the information requested on the page, and we will send them an
email that says, "Your Name has said that you might like to have a copy of this
book The Emotion Code and if you'd like to have one, just let us know." Once
we hear back from them we immediately send them back an electronic copy of
the book. This is one way that you can save a life or lives, just by taking a few
minutes out of your day to do this. Thank you in advance for your help!
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Frequently Asked Questions

Why do some emotions get trapped and others don't?

I believe that it depends on a few different factors, mainly how intensely the
emotion is felt and whether you're out of balance at all. Here are some
common things that can imbalance you and make you more prone to trapping
emotions: stress, not enough sleep, being emotionally drained, a vitamin or
mineral deficiency and a weakened magnetic field. If your body is out of
balance in any of these ways and you find yourself feeling an emotion very
intensely, you are probably going to be more vulnerable to getting a trapped
emotion than you otherwise might be.

Frequently Asked
• Why do some emotions get trapped and
others don't?
• How long do the Nikken magnets lastl
• How many emotions can be trapped in a
personl .
• Can you have more than one Heart-Walll

How long do the Nikken magnets last?

Remember that you want to use some kind of a magnet when practicing both
The Emotion Code and The Body Code. Any kind of magnet will work, but we
recommend the Nikken magnets because they have many others uses. For
example, if you're in pain you can apply a Nikken magnet to that area and it
can help you dramatically with the discomfort. I am told the Nikken magnets
have a half-life of about 38,000 years. So in 38,000 years, the magnets will be
half as strong as they are now.
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How many emotions can be trapped in a person?

Trapped emotions are far more abundant than any other kind of energetic
imbalance we find in the body. I think that an average middle-aged person
probably has about 300 trapped emotions, but that number can vary drastically
depending on a number of different factors. That might sound like an awful lot,
but if you think about how easy and fast it is to release a trapped emotion, it's
not so daunting. One of the reasons why I wrote the book The Emotion Code is
so that people could learn to do it themselves. It's a very simple process, as
you know. I have seen as many as 1,000 trapped emotions trapped in a single
person, but that's very unusual. Children may only have 1 or 2, depending of
course, on what they've been through in life so far. Working with children is
great because you can release all their trapped emotions and periodically go
back and clean house to make sure they stay trapped emotion free. It's the
best thing you can do for your kids. I recommend that you try to get rid of all
your emotions too and do the same thing, periodically check yourself after an
emotional event or just every now and then, and simply release anything that
shows up.

Can you have more than one Heart-Wall?

It's possible that you can have more than one Heart-Wall, although it is
unusual. We have found that about 93% of adults have a Heart-Wall. The
average Heart-Wall for an adult is made up of probably somewhere between
18-24 emotions, but it can be much less or much more than this. Usually we
can clear the Heart-Wall within 3 to 5 sessions if we're clearing 4-6 emotions
per session.

When you release every emotion in the Heart-Wall and the Heart-Wall is
completely gone, you may want to check for a Hidden Heart-Wall. This is the
same thing as a regular Heart-Wall, you just have to dig a little deeper. It's like
a hidden layer of the Heart-Wall that the subconscious mind wants to hold on
to for some reason.

Likewise, sometimes you'll think you've cleared the entire Heart-Wall, but there
is still something there that needs to be released at a later date. This probably
happens 1 out of 10 times, so it's a good idea to get in the habit of double-
checking this a few days after releasing the Heart-Wall.

Remember that even after the Heart-Wall is completely released, you can
create a new one if you continue to choose negative emotions. It's a good idea
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to recheck yourself every once in a while to make sure you haven't created a
new Heart-Wall.

Shielding (optional)
• Ask "Am I (are you) shielded from negative
energies?" If not, follow these steps:
• While rolling with magnet down GM, say:
• "I'm placing a shield around you (me)
• It covers you (me) completely, and is
• It will block all negative energies, but will
allow positive energies in
• Retest by asking question at top again ...
• Say "Shields-Up" to restore in AM

Shielding is optional but it's something that you might want to consider
because in working with people, it is sometimes possible to pick up some of
their negative energies. If you're testing yourself you can start by asking this
question, "Am I shielded from negative energies?" Then test yourself. If you're
testing someone else you could ask, "Are you shielded from negative
energies?" If the answer is "No", follow these steps. While rolling with a magnet
down the governing meridian (down the spine), say the following things, "I am
placing a shield around you (or me). It covers you (or me) completely and is
permanent. It will block all negative energies out but will allow positive energies
in." Then you can simply retest by asking the question at the top again, "Am I
shielded from negative energies?" The answer then should be "yes."

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Make sure to continually roll the magnet down the governing meridian while
saying the shielding paragraph. One of the things you also need to be aware of
is that sometimes at night the shield will go down for some reason and you'll
need to reactivate it. You can bring it up again by simply saying, "Shields up."
This sounds kind of corny, but it actually does work. So when you go into a
situation where you're going to be working on somebody, it's always a good
idea to say, "Shields up." You could also ask to be shielded from those
energies in a prayer. you might have at the beginning of a session, it's up to

Getting Permission
Getting permission is critically important. Invasion of privacy will occur if you do
not get permission. If it's a child you want to work on, you absolutely have to
get permission from a parent or guardian. If it's an adult child of your own,
you've got to get their permission even though they are your child. At pretty
much every seminar that we put on, someone older, usually a woman in her
60's or 70's will come to me and say, "My little boy is 50 years old and he
needs work, but I know he won't give me his permission. Can't I just work on
him without his knowing?" The answer unfortunately is No. You've got to get
permission. If you're going to work on someone who is comatose or
unconscious, you've got to get permission from his or her next of kin.

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.~ .

Getting Permission
Critically Importantl Invasion of
Privacy will occur without permission!
- Child
- Parent or Guardian
- Adult child of your own
- Get their permission, even though
they are your child
-Comatose or unconscious person
- Next of kin

Don't ever tell anybody that they do or do not have cancer, unless of course
you're a doctor. Let me tell you a story that will illustrate why. I had a patient
who came to me who had been diagnosed with cancer. She'd actually had a
sigmoidoscopy and they found a cancer in her Sigmoid colon that was about
the size of a golf ball. Her doctor had taken photographs of this cancer and she
brought those in when she came to see me. They were color photographs of
this bloody mass in her colon, which they biopsied and found that it was
definitely cancerous. I decided to ask her body some questions about the
cancer and determine why her body was manifesting this symptom.
(Remember, that's really all that cancer is-a symptom.)

The first thing I thought to do was ask her body if she had a cancer. We
already knew that she did, but I just wanted see what her body would say. So I
asked her body, "Do you have a cancer?" Her body said, "No." I was surprised
to say the least! So then I took the pictures of the cancer and held them up to
her and I said, "Look at these pictures. Do you have a cancer?" and tested
again. We got the same answer, "No." She would make the statement, "I have .-.
a cancer." We tried phrasing the question in different ways, but her body would

96 Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009

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always reply with "No." It took me two weeks of work before her body would
admit that she actually did have a cancer. What does that tell us? Sometimes
the body doesn't really recognize that it has cancer. Sometimes it's
disconnected from the cancer for whatever reason. So you can see how it's
best to steer clear of that subject, unless of course you are a doctor.

If your neighbor comes over and says, "Hey, test me to see if I have cancer,"
what should you do? Let's say that they do have a cancer and it's a case like
this patient of mine whose body did not recognize her cancer. What happens if
the person you test really does have cancer, and you tell them "No, you don't
have cancer." Then what happens if they die a few months later? At the
funeral, the family is going to be grieving and they're going to be talking about
you, saying, "Mom would still be alive if only that neighbor hadn't told her she
didn't have cancer." You could find yourself being sued, not to mention the guilt
you'd feel for making that kind of mistake. This is not a situation you want to
find yourself in.

You also should not ever tell anybody that releasing their trapped emotions is
going to cure their cancer. Do not tell them that correcting any imbalance we
discuss in The Body Code is going to cure anything, but especially cancer.
Cancer tissues do always seem to have trapped emotions embedded in them,
so clearing trapped emotions and other energies can only help, but you don't
want to make any claims about this or you could find yourself in trouble.

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• NEVER tell anyone they DO or DO NOT have
• NEVER tell anyone that releasing their trapped
emotions will CURE their Cancer!
• Body often does not recognize cancer tissues,
so getting clear answers difficult
• ~, Cancer tissues always have trapped
emotions embedded in them, so clearing these
emotions can only help

When I was in practice, I made it a habit to never interfere with what steps
people were already taking regarding their recovery. If people were doing
chemotherapy or seeing medical doctors, that was fine and I'd let them go
ahead and do it. I would just work to try to help them balance their bodies and
release whatever it was that was making the body manifest those symptoms. I
believe that cancer is really just a symptom like anything else. Still, you want to
err on the side of caution. It is ok to tell people that releasing trapped emotions
from a cancer can only help, you don't ever want to guarantee anything. The
more imbalances you can get rid of, the better chance the body has at healing
itself. So you can and probably will see some amazing things happen, just be

Don't Play Doctor

If you're not a doctor, you don't ever want to attempt to diagnose anything. In
The Body Code there are some things we look for that may seem like you're
diagnosing. For example, if it looks like a subject has an infection of some kind,
you would want to say something like, "Your body is indicating that you have
an infection." Then you can look up what to do in the Mind Maps and let them
know what would be recommended in order to help with that particular type of
98 Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009
The Body Code Manual Introduction

infection. Just make it clear that you're not really diagnosing this problem, just
letting them know what their body is indicating. You don't ever promise to cure
anything. Even doctors don't really promise to cure anything, why should you?

Don't Play Doctor!

• NEVER diagnose anything ...
• NEVER promise to cure anything ....
• If you think someone may need to see a
doctor, tell them so .....
• Don't be responsible for someone delaying
treatment for something ...

If you think that somebody may need to go and see a doctor, tell them so.
Don't be the reason that somebody delays treatment for something. Doctors
are there for a reason. The Body Code System has been designed for the
possibility that someday we may not have access to any doctors or medicine,
but before that occurs, you should make sure you do the safe thing.
Remember, err on the side of caution. You are armed with a lot of incredible
information now, and you'll be able to do powerful things for your friends, family
and clients. Just remember to be careful with what you say, but believe you
can do amazing things and you will!

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The Body Code Manual Introduction

Healing is a Sacred Calling

I love this picture because it reminds me of the power and majesty of God, our
Creator. It was taken with the Hubble telescope and they looked at an area of
the sky that they'd never seen any light coming from. They chose a very small
area, about the width of a dime on edge, about 100 feet away. They opened up
the shutter of the telescope for about one million seconds, and when they
opened the shutter, this is what they saw. They counted thousands of galaxies
in this picture, every galaxy containing billions of stars and planets. This picture
reminds me of who we are. It reminds me of the knowledge that I gained when
I was a young man and I had a profound spiritual experience. I learned that
there is a God. I learned that He is real, and there is a purpose to our lives
here. When we help people to get well, and when we release imbalances that
they have, and we help them to function better and feel better, and get over
their anxiety or depression, or other physical illnesses, it's like dropping a
pebble into the pond of eternity. Those ripples go on and on and spread out
forever. They never stop. You can do a little bit of work on someone and you ------
really have absolutely no idea what the end result will be many, many years

100 Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009

The Body Code Manual Introduction

from now. So I believe that it is a sacred calling to help people and The Body
Code System, including The Emotion Code makes it much easier for you to
help yourself and others as well.

Nikken Magnets
Remember that to practice The Body Code and The Emotion Code, you do not
need a Nikken magnet. However, Nikken products are wonderful because they
have so many other benefits. You can see at the upper left of our next picture
we have the MagBoy. The MagBoy contains two little silver magnetic balls in a
blue case. This is a great magnet to use for The Body Code and for The
Emotion Code. The MagBoy is small and portable so you can take with you
everywhere. Below that, we have the MagCreator, which is the premier
massage device made by Nikken and what I have used for many, years. On
the right side we have the Biaxial PowerMag, which is a wonderful device that
is very unique. It contains a little magnetic ball on the inside that spins with 360
degrees of freedom so it creates a very unique, very powerful pulsed, bipolar
magnetic field. This is wonderful for releasing discomfort and helping the body
to improve in a lot of different ways. The Biaxial PowerMag has a magnetic
field that is about 10 feet in diameter, and it's nice because you can just turn it
on and let it run overnight. It can be plugged into a wall or will run on the
battery power of 4 AA batteries.

Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009 101

The Body Code Manual Introduction

About Nikken Magnets

• To practice The Emotion Code, you do not NEED a
Nikken Magnet- however Nikken products are
wonderful because they have so many other benefits.
• Nikken is recognized worldwide as a leader in wellness.
• Known for innovative products that combine science,
nature and advanced technology_
• Reputation for delivering results that people can see and
• You can sign up as a distributor and get products at
wholesale, or order products at retail from us. If you're
interested in either, just ask for a form!

Nikken is recognized worldwide as a leader in well ness for their innovative

products that combine science, nature, and advanced technology. They have a
reputation for delivering results that people can see and feel. I have personally
found that to be very true. You can sign up as a distributor and get products at
wholesale from Nikken, or you can order products at retail from us. If you are
interested in either of those options, just let us know.

Contact Us and Find Out More

You can reach my assistant, Natalie at and she will
get you the information needed to enroll or purchase the products. You can
also go to
Visit our website: to stay updated and informed
about what is going on!

102 Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009

The Body Code Manual Introduction

• Media
• Recordings of radio and tv interviews I've
done. and audio recordings of tele-
seminars with some truly incredible
healing experiences! Show your friends!

Media Tab
Here you can listen to recordings of radio and TV interviews that we've done,
audio recordings of some of our teleseminars with some really incredible
healing experiences. This is the one to show your friends.

• Book
• Read about my book and the experiences
that i nspi red me to write it. Learn about
how you can become a healer too!

Book Tab
You can read about the book The Emotion Code and the experiences that
inspired me to write it. This is another good one to show your friends!

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The Body Code Manual Introduction

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The Body Code Manual Circuitry

The purpose of this module is to help you understand the connections between
the organs and glands and muscles of the body, to understand the chakras,
and to understand the interface between the physical body and the spirit body.
You will also learn how to detect and correct these kinds of imbalances.

Purpose of This Module

• Understand the connections between the organs

and glands and muscles of the body

• Understand the Chakras

• Understand the interface between the physical

body and spirit body

• Understand how to detect and correct these


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The Body Code Manual Circuitry

Take a look at this picture of a circuit. You can see that on the left we have a
battery, and the positive pole of the battery is connected to a wire that is going
across the top of the picture. The negative pole of the battery is connected to a
light. You can see that on the right side of this diagram, the switch is opened
and the circuit is not complete.

Swith Open-

~- . CituJltNot

Elecbons do not low through an open circuit.

106 Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009

The Body Code Manual Circuitry


8wi1ttl Closed-
Cirruit Complele

Electrons low through 8 completed circuit.

Now take a look at the next picture. You can see that when the circuit is
working, we have electricity flowing trough the completed circuit and in this
case, the light is on. You will find that the body operates on a similar principle
to this, and it helps if you understand this.

If we take a look at this picture, you will notice that you probably have
something very similar to this in your house. You know that if you plug in too
many blow dryers, or too many curling irons or vacuums, you will blow a fuse.
Everyone has done this at one time or another. When we plug in too many
things to an electrical outlet, we draw too much power and we blow a fuse.
Suddenly the lights go out, or the power goes out to that area of the house. IF
the lights go out in the room you are in, is it possible that in the next room, your
stereo, which may be playing your favorite song, may suddenly shut off as
well? How does that happen? It can only happen if the stereo is on the same
circuit as the fuse you just blew.

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There are all kinds of fuses. In cars, they often look like this:

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A Blown Fuse
If you pull one of the automotive fuses out that happens to be blown, it will
probably look like this. You can see the fuse in the center of this red area.
There used to be a little metal arc that would go across that area. That arc
melted and that's how you blew the fuse. In this case, too much electricity
passing through the metal was enough to burn the metal connection or melt it,
and instantly the electricity stops flowing.

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In your body, every organ and gland has the equivalent of an electrical fuse. If
you overload any organ, you can blow that organ's fuse, in a way. Here's how
this can happen in our bodies. Let's take the liver, for example. The liver's job
is to detoxify the body. How could you overload the liver? One of the ways that
you might overload the liver is by taking things into your body that are toxic.

If you are exposed to pesticides, or herbicides, or maybe too much perfume, or

some kind of toxin from the air or water, from food additives, etc., that can
overload the liver and blow its "fuse." A liver that is imbalanced in this way will
tend to cause pain in between the shoulder blades, because there is a specific
muscle (or muscles) that connects up to every individual organ or gland and is
on the same circuit as the organ.

As another example, if the gallbladder becomes overloaded and blows its fuse
from eating too much fat, it will tend to cause right knee pain, since the -----.
muscles in the right knee are on the same circuit as the gall bladder. By the

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------. way, trapped emotions are the most common underlying cause of imbalance in
the organs in the body.

We are going to go through all the connections between the organs and the
muscles. By the end of this chapter you will understand how to look at the body
in a completely different way than ever before.

In the body, there are specific connections between individual organs and
glands and certain muscles. When an organ or gland becomes imbalanced,
the muscles associated will also imbalance, leading to pain or discomfort in the
area. If these imbalances are not corrected it can lead to more serious
problems like arthritis and disease. You will learn the common symptoms of
imbalance in each of these organs and glands and what to look for. Most of the
organs or glands produce certain emotions and you will also learn what those

Every organ and gland has a specific test point on the body that you can touch
when testing for imbalances. One of the convenient things about all of these

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points is that they will become larger when the organ or gland is imbalanced. If
an organ or gland is balanced, the point will be very small. But if the organ or
gland is imbalanced, then these points become quite large so that they're
actually about the size of a music CD. So if you are anywhere close to the test
point you are hoping to test, if the organ or gland is imbalanced, the point will
be enlarged, making it much easier to find the imbalance. To test for
imbalance, simply touch the skin overlying the test point and perform a muscle
test. If the muscle test is weak, that means there is an imbalance there. If the
test is strong, the organ or gland is balanced.

With any organ or gland imbalance there is always a muscle imbalance that
will be associated with it. You mayor may not have symptoms such as pain or
weakness, but there will be an imbalance there nevertheless. To test for a
muscle imbalance in a certain organ or gland, you can simply touch the area of
skin that overlies this corresponding muscle, and you'll get weakness on
performing a muscle test in that case.

Once you correct any imbalance you can perform a muscle test to check your
work. If the muscle test is strong, that means you succeeded in correcting the
imbalance. If the test is weak, you may need to try correcting it again, or there
may be something else going on with that organ or gland, and you may need
to dig deeper.

Anytime you have a paired set of organs, a left and a right, (like the adrenal
glands, the lungs, or the kidneys), the organ on the left is always the "main"
and the right side organ is always the "back up" or the "reserve." As a result,
the left side organ will usually become imbalanced first.

In this picture you can see the kidney on the upper left and just below that, you
can see a picture of the low back with a little circle, indicating that when the
kidney imbalances energetically, it will imbalance muscles in that area and
you'll tend to have low back pain.

In the middle picture on the top, you see the thyroid gland. The thyroid will tend
to create shoulder problems, as you can see in the picture directly below

On the top right side, we have a picture of the gall bladder, imbalance of which
will usually cause trouble in the right knee, as you can see in the picture below.
112 Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009
The Body Code Manual Circuitry

Thyroid Gland
We'll start with the thyroid gland. The thyroid gland is situated right in the lower
part of the front of the throat. This is a very important gland.

Purpose of the Thyroid

The thyroid's purpose is to secrete hormones that control metabolism and
blood calcium. The thyroid produces a hormone called Thyroxine and when the
thyroid is imbalanced and it's not producing enough thyroid hormone, we refer
to that condition as Hypothyroidism.
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Common Symptoms of Hypothyroidism

Some of the signs of hypothyroidism are sluggishness, weight gain, fatigue,
thin and brittle nails, and cold intolerance.

On the other side of the coin is what we call Hyperthyroidism, where the
thyroid is actually producing too much thyroid hormone. This creates a racing
metabolism, and is called Grave's Disease.

Common Symptoms of Hyperthyroidism

One of the hallmarks of Grave's disease is what you see in this picture, where
this woman's eyes seem to be popping right out of her head. That's a very
obvious sign of this. Nervousness is very common, and hair loss and rapid
heart rate go along with that too.

Most of the time when people have a thyroid imbalance, you won't see these
extremes. Many people have thyroid imbalances that are not so pronounced
that they get these major symptoms.

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Thyroid Emotions
• Humiliation • Pride
• Jealousy • Shame
• Longing • Shock
• Lust • Unworthy
• Overwhelm • Worthless

Emotions Produced by Thyroid

The thyroid emotions are Humiliation, Jealousy, Longing, Lust, Overwhelm,
Pride, Shame, Shock, Unworthy and Worthless.

Remember that every organ and every gland in the body act as frequency
generators. The organs and glands actually generate the frequencies of all of
the emotions that we feel. The thyroid generates the above emotions in
particular. Remember that when you feel a certain emotion, you're literally
feeling a certain vibration or frequency, and that frequency is actually being
produced by a certain organ or gland.

Thyroid Muscle Connections

The thyroid can affect both sides of the shoulders and here we have an
example of the thyroid's muscle connections in the right shoulder. The muscle
that we have pictured here is the Teres Minor muscle. It's a little muscle that
crosses from the bottom side of the shoulder blade over to the shoulder joint
itself, to the head of the Humerus bone. The Humerus bone is shown at the
upper right of the picture.
----- ...

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So what we're looking at here is the back of an individual. We're looking at

their right shoulder blade. Their spine would be coming down vertically on the
left side of the picture. When the thyroid imbalances, the accompanying
imbalance in the teres minor muscle would tend to imbalance and create
weakness in the shoulder.

One of the examples of this that I remember very well from practice was a
young man who played high school sports. He had a big problem because he
would frequently wake up in the middle of the night screaming because his
shoulder would dislocate very, very easily. What we found was that he had a
thyroid imbalance, which we were able to correct. By correcting that imbalance
we were able to correct the weakness in the Teres Minor muscle, and that was
enough to stop his shoulder coming out of the joint. It's funny because I
remember when we found this imbalance he said, "You know, my mother has
a thyroid problem and so does my grandmother." Some things do run in the

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Thyroid Test Point

The thyroid test point is right at the hollow of the neck. If you come down the
front of the neck to the little hollow between the two collarbones, that's the test

Testing For Imbalance

With all of these organs and glands, you can simply take two adjacent fingers,
put them on the test point, and then do a muscle test. If that organ (or gland) is
imbalanced, you will find weakness in the arm that you're testing. Then you
can uncover the reason or reasons why that organ is imbalanced.

Common Symptoms of Thyroid Imbalance

The most common symptoms of an imbalanced thyroid are lack of energy,
feeling lethargic, weight gain while eating the same or less, and discomfort in
the shoulder, elbow, or wrist. These things aren't necessarily common
knowledge at least as far as Western medicine goes, in particular the shoulder,
elbow or wrist symptoms, but these are the things that I have found when the
thyroid is imbalanced.
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• Most Common Symptom(s):

• Lack of energy, feeling lethargic
• Weight gain while eating the same or less
• Discomfort in the shoulder, wrist or elbow

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The Heart
Let's take a look now at the heart. Your heart is a pump about the size of your
clenched fist. The heart is a muscle and it pumps blood, but it also is a second
brain. We know now that the heart puts out a much larger energy field than the
brain itself, a magnetic field that extends out from the body up to 12 feet in

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Purpose of the Heart

I believe that the heart is the seat of the subconscious mind, the seat of the
soul, and the core of your being. There's really much more to the heart than
just being a pump. It's also the source of all your creativity and that's one of the
reasons why it so important to get rid of the Heart-Wall if you have one. But the
heart can also become imbalanced in other ways.

Common Symptoms of Heart Imbalance

Heart malfunction causes low energy and exhaustion. People who have a very
difficult time just walking up a flight of stairs often have heart trouble. Often
people who have heart trouble will experience palpitations, where the heart
suddenly will stop beating for an instant and then start again, which can be
very unnerving.

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Emotions Produced By Heart

The heart emotions are Abandonment, Betrayal, Forlorn, Lost, Love
Unreceived, Effort Unreceived, Heartache, Insecurity, Overjoy, and

Forlorn is a feeling of being lost, alone and sad. The old expression is to be
"forlorn of hope", so it's kind of a hopeless feeling. Love Unreceived is where
you're sending out love to someone and it's bouncing off of them or they're not
receiving that love. This emotion may be felt in a relationship where the other
person is just not as in love as you are. It can also show up when someone
dies and the love that you had and that you were able to send to that person is
no longer being received by them because it now has nowhere to go. Effort
Unreceived is simply where you put out a significant effort and at the end of it
nobody really cares, or you just don't get what you want. It's the kind of feeling
that you get if you work really hard to get a good grade or a promotion, for
example, and you end up flunking or being passed over anyway. It's the kind of
feeling that you have when you say to yourself "Why did I even bother?"

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Heart Emotions
• Abandonment • Effort
• Betrayal
• Heartache
• Forlorn
• Insecurity
• Lost
• Overjoy
• Love
Unreceived • Vulnerability

The other emotion that I want to mention is Overjoy. Sometimes positive

emotions can also be overwhelming to us and they can imbalance the body as
well. The positive emotions all fall under Overjoy. If you get overly excited or
you're giddy with happiness because something great and wonderful is
happening, that still can have an imbalancing effect on you, and if this energy
becomes trapped in the body, it shows up as Overjoy. We don't see this
emotion very often but it's on the list and it does show up on occasion.

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Heart Muscle Connections

Like all the organs, the heart is energetically connected with certain muscles,
in this case, the Subscapularis muscles. They lie on the underneath side of the
shoulder blades.

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Heart Test Point
The heart test point is right in the center of the sternum. It's directly in the
center of the chest if you go straight across the chest from the armpits.

Common Symptoms of Heart Imbalance

The most common symptoms of imbalance in the heart are low energy,
skipping beats or palpitations, and discomfort in the chest and shoulders .

• Most Common Symptom(s):

• Low Energy

• Skipped Beats (Palpitations)

• Discomfort in the Chest and Shoulders


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The Thymus Gland

The thymus gland is a very interesting gland. In a newborn, the thymus is quite
large in relation to the heart (as you can see at the top left of this picture). As
the heart grows, the thymus does not, but stays the same size.



126 Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009

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~_urpose of the Thymus Gland

You've probably heard of T-cel/s. The T in T-cell actually stands for thymus. T-
cells mature in the thymus and protect the body from infection. These cells
help to protect against autoimmune disease as well, so you can see that the
thymus has some very important immune functions.

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Thymus Gland Emotions

• Humiliation • Pride
• Jealousy • Shame
• Longing • Shock
• Lust • Unworthy
• Overwhelm • Worthless

Emotions Produced by Thymus Gland --

The thymus gland emotions are Humiliation, Jealousy, Longing, Lust,
Overwhelm, Pride, Shame, Shock, Unworthy, and Worthless.

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The Body Code Manual Circuitry

Thymus Gland Muscle Connections

The infraspinatus muscles are connected energetically with the thymus. These
are the muscles that lie on the bottom half of the shoulder blades and connect
the shoulder blades to the shoulder. They help to rotate the shoulder externally
and also bring the shoulder and the arm backwards.

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Thymus Gland Test Point

The thymus gland test point is just a little bit below the notch where the thyroid
point is. If you go down from that point about three or four finger widths, that's
the thymus gland test point. You can touch that point with two fingertips and
test the arm to the thymus gland balance

Common Symptoms of Thymus Imbalance

The most common symptoms of thymus imbalance are discomfort in the
shoulder, lowered immunity, and autoimmune problems.

• Most Common Symptom(s):

• Discomfort in the shoulder

• Lowered immunity

• Autoimmune problems
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The Lungs
The lungs are responsible for oxygenating the blood. They take in oxygen and
they also eliminate carbon dioxide.

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Common Symptoms of Lung Imbalance

Lung malfunction can result in asthma, discomfort between the shoulders and
discomfort in the ribs or upper back.

Lung Emotions
• Crying • Confusion
• Discouragement • Defensiveness
• Rejection • Grief
• Sadness • Self-Abuse
• Sorrow • Stubbornness

Emotions Produced by the Lungs

The lung emotions are Crying, Discouragement, Rejection, Sadness, Sorrow,
Confusion, Defensiveness, Grief, Self-Abuse, and Stubbornness. I think that
these all are pretty self-explanatory, but let me just quickly go over Self-Abuse.

Self-Abuse typically results from bad internal dialogue when we're being hard
on ourselves for some reason. I think most people at one point or another
suffer from this. Maybe you do something stupid and then you berate yourself,
"I can't believe I'm so stupid. How could I do that? I'm such an idiot." It can
border on Self-Hatred at times. That's typically where this emotion comes from.

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Lung Muscle Connections

The lungs are connected with the Deltoid muscles of the shoulders, the
Serratus Anterior muscles, which are in the sides of the chest, and the
Coracobrachialis muscle, which draws the Humerus forward towards the torso.

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The Body Code Manual Circuitry

Lung Test Points

The lung test points are right below the center of each of the collarbones. If you
can find where the collarbone begins right near the thyroid test point, just
follow that out and go down about halfway to the middle of the chest. You can
see that those points are in kind of a hollow area just below where that bone is.
Again, remember if there's an imbalance in the lung, the point will enlarge to
be about as large as the circles you see here, so you'll be able to detect a lung
imbalance through muscle testing quite easily.

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The Spleen
The spleen is situated just to the left side of the stomach and it has some
interesting purposes.

Purpose of the Spleen

One of the reasons that the spleen exists is to help dispose of old red blood
cells. It has some important immune functions as well, and it is a blood "------.
reservoir. Sometimes people will have a traumatic injury and their spleen will

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be ruptured, and they'll need to have it removed. You can survive without a
spleen but you survive a little better with one. When the spleen is imbalanced
or has been removed, it tends to create increased susceptibility to infection
and anemia.

Splenic artery Splenic vein

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Spleen Emotions
• Anxiety • Failure
• Despair • Helplessness
• Disgust • Hopelessness
• Nervousness • Lack of Control
• Worry • Low Self-

Emotions Produced by the Spleen

Spleen emotions are Anxiety, Despair, Disgust, Nervousness, Worry, Failure,
Helplessness, Hopelessness, Lack of Control, and Low Self-Esteem.

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Spleen Muscle Connections

When the spleen becomes imbalanced it will affect the Trapezius muscle,
specifically the mid and the lower Trapezius. Remember that you can touch the
skin that overlies any of these specific muscles and if the organ is imbalanced,
you will also get a weak muscle test.

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Spleen Test Point

The spleen test point is in a direct line just below the armpit, straight back from
where the nipple is, on the left side of the body only.

Common Symptoms of Spleen Imbalance

The most common symptoms of imbalance in the spleen are discomfort in the
mid-back or left shoulder, and lowered immunity.

• Most Common Symptom(s):

• Discomfort in the mid back

• Discomfort in the left shoulder

• Lowered Immunity

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The Stomach
The purpose of the stomach is to secrete protein digesting enzymes,
hydrochloric acid, and mucus. It helps to churn up swallowed food so that it
can begin the digestive process. Stomach malfunction causes indigestion, gas,
bloating, discomfort, and ulcers.

-~. ~-

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Stomach Emotions
• Anxiety • Failure
• Despair • Helplessness
• Disgust • Hopelessness
• Nervousness • Lack of Control
• Worry • Low Self-

Emotions Produced by the Stomach

The stomach emotions are Anxiety, Despair, Disgust, Nervousness, Worry,
Failure, Helplessness, Hopelessness, Lack of Control, and Low Self-Esteem.

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Stomach Muscle Connections
The muscles that are associated with the stomach are known as the Pectoralis
Major Clavicular muscles. They're part of the Pectoralis muscles, but they're
really the upper portion that attach to the clavicle, or the collarbone as you can
see here.

By the way, very rarely will muscles imbalance by themselves. If there's an

imbalance in the muscle, there's almost always an imbalance in the associated
organ. And the most common cause of organ imbalance is... trapped

The Brachioradialis muscle, which you can see here, is also connected with
the stomach. It will tend to affect the elbow and/or the wrist.

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Stomach Test Point

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To find the stomach test point, just find the edge of the rib cage and follow it
around so that you're a directly below the nipple.

Common Symptoms of Stomach Imbalance

The most common symptoms of stomach imbalance include discomfort in the
shoulders, discomfort in the elbows or wrists, and discomfort in the neck.

• Most Common Symptom(s):

• Discomfort in the shoulder area

• Discomfort in the elbow or wrist

• Discomfort in the neck

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The Pancreas
The pancreas is located beneath the liver and sits between the liver and the

Purpose of the Pancreas

The pancreas secretes insulin and other hormones. Insulin is a necessary
component for our bodies because it allows sugar to absorb into our cells. The
pancreas also secretes enzymes that help us digest our food. When the
pancreas malfunctions, we may get indigestion because we're not secreting
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enough enzymes to properly digest our food. We may also get gas, bloating,
discomfort, and ulcers. If the pancreas malfunctions we can also end up with -'---.
Diabetes because the body will not be producing enough insulin to help us
digest and metabolize sugar.

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Pancreas Emotions
• Anxiety • Failure
• Despair • Helplessness
• Disgust • Hopelessness
• Nervousness • Lack of Control
• Worry • Low 8elf-

Emotions Produced by the Pancreas

Emotions produced by the pancreas include Anxiety, Despair, Disgust,
Nervousness, Worry, Failure, Helplessness, Hopelessness, Lack of Control,
and Low Self-Esteem.


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Pancreas Muscle Connections

The Triceps muscles and the Latissimus muscles are connected to the
pancreas. The Triceps muscles are located in the back of the arms. The
Latissimus muscles are the ones you can see here in the lower and mid-back

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Pancreas Test Point

You will find the pancreas test point inward a little ways, about three finger
widths, from the midline of the body on the edge of the rib on the left side as
you can see here. Follow the rib cage around to where it curves upwards and it
should be easy to find.

• Most Common Symptom(s):

• Discomfort in the mid back

• Discomfort in the left shoulder

• Discomfort in the low back

• Discomfort in the wrist or thumb

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Common Symptoms of Pancreas Imbalance

Some of the most common symptoms of pancreas imbalance are discomfort in
the mid back and the left shoulder and discomfort in the low back. You may
also find discomfort in the neck, the wrist or the thumb, should the pancreas
become imbalanced.

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Gall Bladder
The Gall Bladder nestles into the underside of the liver as you can in this

bile duct


Purpose of the Gall Bladder

The purpose of the Gall Bladder is to secrete bile, which helps us to absorb fat.
Bile is basically the body's detergent. If you've ever put a drop of detergent into
a sink full of greasy or oily water and seen how it breaks up the grease or oil
immediately, you will understand. When we take fat into our body, the Gall
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Bladder injects bile into the intestine, which then breaks down the fat and helps
it to absorb into the bloodstream. When the Gall Bladder malfunctions, the
most common things you will find are pain in the right side of the chest,
nausea, vomiting, gas, and bloating.

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Gall Bladder Emotions

• Anger • Depression
• Bitterness • Frustration
• Guilt • Indecisiveness
• Hatred • Panic
• Resentment • Taken for
Emotions Produced by the Gall Bladder
The Gall Bladder produces the emotions of Anger, Bitterness, Guilt, Hatred,
Resentment, Depression, Frustration, Indecisiveness, Panic, and Taken for

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Gall Bladder Muscle Connections

The Gall Bladder is on the same circuit as the Anterior Deltoid muscle in the
right shoulder and the Popliteus muscle, which is located on the back of the
right knee. When the gall bladder becomes imbalanced, it immediately
imbalances these muscles destabilizing the right knee and the right shoulder.
Right knee trouble is the most common symptom of Gall Bladder imbalance,
with discomfort in the right shoulder occurring less frequently.

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Gall Bladder Test Point

The Ball Bladder test point is just to the right of the midline, on the rib edge.

• Most Common Symptom(s):

• Discomfort in the right knee

• Discomfort in the right shoulder

• Discomfort under the right rib cage

Common Symptoms of Gall Bladder Imbalance

The most common symptoms of Gall Bladder imbalance again are discomfort
in the right knee and discomfort in the right shoulder. Less commonly you will
find discomfort under the right rib cage area too, which sometimes result from
stones, inflammation or congestion in the Gall Bladder.

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The Liver

bile duct

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Purpose of the Liver

The purpose of the liver is to support the immune system, to cleanse and
detoxify the blood from foreign substances, and to break down chemicals and
toxins that you take in. Liver malfunction, if it's bad enough, tends to cause
jaundice, which is a yellowish tint to the skin and eyes. That's always a dead
giveaway that there's some kind of a liver problem. Liver imbalance can also
cause a loss of appetite leading to weight loss. Swelling under the right lower
ribs can indicate serious liver trouble.

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If you notice any of these symptoms, then it's probably a good idea to see a
medical doctor who can take a closer look at the liver and see if there's some
serious imbalance going on. Anytime you're seeing a more serious and
unusual symptom then it's a good idea to get a medical doctor involved, unless
you happen to be one yourself.

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Emotions Produced by the Liver

The liver produces emotions of Anger, Bitterness, Guilt, Hatred, Resentment,
Depression, Frustration, Indecisiveness, Panic, and feeling Taken for Granted.

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Liver Muscle Connections

The liver connects with the Pectoralis Major muscles in the middle of the chest.
It also connects up with a muscle that's called the Rhomboideus Major, or the
Rhomboid muscle for short.

The rhomboid muscle goes from the thoracic vertebrae in the center of the
spine (the second, third, and fourth vertebrae) and it travels at an oblique angle
over and connects to the inside edge of the shoulder blade.

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I have often referred to the liver as my favorite organ because when I worked
in the chiropractic college clinic, I had a patient who would come in to have me
work on him every week. His upper thoracic vertebrae were always out of
alignment so I would realign him each week and he would feel much better.
The next week he'd be back again and he would be out of alignment the same

After a number of weeks of these treatments, I found myself wondering, "What

is going on here? Why can't I fix this fellow? Why can't I just correct him? Is it
him? Is it me? What's going on? I don't understand." I needed a certain
number of credits to graduate from the chiropractic clinic and so he was one of
my best patients, but it bothered me that I had to continually adjust this area
over and over. I could never get it to stabilize. What I found later was that he
was suffering from a liver imbalance and one of the most common symptoms
of liver imbalance is pain in the area in between the shoulder blades. That's
exactly what was going on with him.

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Liver Test Point

The liver test point is directly below the nipple right on the edge of the ribs on
the right side.

Common Symptoms of Liver Imbalance

The most common symptoms of liver imbalance are discomfort between the
shoulder blades and also discomfort in the right shoulder.

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The Kidney
The kidneys are paired organs that are retroperitoneal, or behind the rest of
the abdominal organs, and are closer to the back of the body than the front.

-- -.

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Purpose of the Kidneys

The purpose of the kidney is, along with the liver, to cleanse and filter the
blood, to create urine, and to regulate blood pressure. In Chinese medicine,
the kidneys are known as energy reservoirs and so there are a number of
different things that can weaken or imbalance the kidneys. If toxins are taken
into the body, they will eventually end up in the kidneys, and that is one of the
causes of imbalance.

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One of the most common reasons why people have back pain is because of ---
kidney imbalance. More serious kidney malfunction can cause back or flank
pain, leg pain, swelling in the ankles or face, a foul or metallic taste, and
fatigue in general.

, ....--......,

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Kidney Emotions
• Blaming • Conflict
• Dread • Creative
• Fear
• Terror
• Horror
• Unsupported
• Peeved
• Wishy Washy

Emotions Produced by the Kidneys

The emotions that are produced by the kidneys are Blaming, Dread, Fear,
Horror, Peeved, Conflict, Creative Insecurity, Terror, Unsupported, and Wishy

Peeved is where you are upset or irritated at something or somebody, maybe

even yourself.

Creative insecurity is one of my favorite emotions to release. It's a specific kind

of insecurity that is connected to the act of creation. In other words, if you have
this emotion, whenever you try to create something what will come up for you
is a feeling of insecurity. This really hampers people from being able to create
money, or to find a job, to create abundance, social relationships, to find a
mate, to have children, or to create artwork. This trapped emotion will tend to
interfere with anything you are trying to create.

Wishy Washy results from a feeling of not really being willing to stand up for
something. It's similar to a feeling of indecisiveness, or not being forthright.

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Unsupported just means that you're not getting enough support from
somebody or something.

Kidney Muscle Connections

Some of the muscles associated with the kidneys are the Upper Trapezius
muscles as you see here. These muscles attach to the base of the skull and
then come down and attach to the shoulder blades on both sides. Imbalance in
either of these muscles will tend to create trouble in the shoulders or in the

The kidneys also are energetically connected with the Psoas and Iliacus
muscles deep in the pelvis. The next image is a diagram of the pelvis as seen
from the front, so just imagine that you are looking at someone's lower body
with everything removed. All the organs of been removed and the only thing
left are some of the muscles. The muscles that are shown darker here are the
Psoas and the Iliacus muscles.

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The important thing to understand is that the kidneys tend to cause a lot of low
back trouble. They also tend to cause a lot of hip trouble. Here's the reason
why. If you look at the Psoas Major muscle, the darker muscle that extends
higher up on the spine in this image, you'll notice that originates off the lumbar
vertebrae and then goes down into the pelvis. Then at the very bottom, you'll
see how it swings to the left and hooks into the hip joint. That's actually the
hipbone, or the Femur bone itself. This is why when the Psoas muscle
becomes imbalanced due to a kidney imbalance it will distort the lower spine. It
will tend to cause disc injuries and disc problems. It will tend to sometimes
cause hip problems. In all the 17 years that I practiced in my brick and mortar
practice, I saw hundreds of low back pain and disc patients. There wasn't a
single disc patient that I saw during all those years that did not have a kidney
imbalance. By correcting these kidney imbalances, we were able to help
almost all of those people to get well, except for two that we had to send out for
surgical intervention.

Common Causes of Kidney Imbalance

The number one reason for kidney imbalance is caffeine, believe it or not (in
this country anyway), trapped emotions being the second most common cuase

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of imbalance. Caffeine is a toxin that will accumulate and concentrate in the

kidneys and overload them, blowing their 'fuse' and immediately imbalancing
the the Psoas and Iliacus muscles that you see here. This will totally imbalance
the low back and the pelvis and creates a situation that allows these disc
problems to occu r.

When I was working with patients who had low back disc injuries, if they were
drinking coffee I would tell them that they had to get off of the coffee and start
drinking a lot more water or it was going to be more difficult to get them well.
The sooner we could get them off the coffee, and the more water we could get
into them, the faster they would get well. It's very important.

Kidney Test Point

If you run your hand down the left side of the body and follow the ribs down
until you run out of ribs, that's where the test point is.

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Common Symptoms of Kidney Imbalance

The most common symptom of kidney imbalance is discomfort in the low back.
It can also cause discomfort in the mid back. If you look back a couple of
pictures, you'll see the area where the Psoas muscle begins at the very top of
the lumbar vertebrae. Oftentimes people will get pain in the area at the very top
of the Psoas, as well as discomfort in the lower ribs. It can also cause
discomfort in the lower side of the neck, and that is because of the connection
with the Trapezius muscles. Hip pain is another thing that can be caused by
kidney imbalance. In addition, I have found the TMJ (temporalmandibular
joint) can be imbalanced and aggravated by a kidney imbalance, apparently
due to the connection of the trapezius muscles and the function of the cervical
spine and the TMJ.

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The Colon
Pictured here, the ascending colon begins on the left side at the bottom, just
above the appendix, and then travels up. Then the transverse colon swoops
across from left to right. Then the descending colon comes down on the right
side of the picture, (which would actually be on the left side of your body, then
the sigmoid colon makes a small loop back up again. The last section of the
colon is known as the rectum, which terminates in the anus.


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Purpose of the Colon

The colon's number one purpose is to absorb water and salt from fecal
material. I read recently about some people who were stranded in a desert.
The only water they could find was very, very brackish water that they could
not drink. However, they had some kind of device that allowed them to get the
water into their colons via an improvised enema. They were actually able to
survive because their bodies could absorb the undrinkable water through their
colon. So there's a tip for you if you ever get stuck in the desert with
undrinkable water!

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Colon Malfunction
When there is colon malfunction, you might notice a change in bowel habits or
changing stool quality or consistency. A bloody stool is not a good sign, and
neither is rectal bleeding. Those are definitely indications that you should see a
doctor. Stools with mucus, tarry stools, and black stools are usually from blood
that's been released from higher up in the intestines. Sometimes a feeling of
incomplete defecation and a reduction in the caliber of feces can be results of
colon malfunction. It's always a good idea if you're having any these symptoms
to get your colon checked by a medical doctor.

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Colon Emotions
• Crying • Confusion
• Discouragement • Defensiveness
• Rejection • Grief
• Sadness • Self-Abuse
• Sorrow • Stubbornness

Emotions Produced by the Colon

The emotions produced by the colon are Crying, Discouragement, Rejection,
Sadness, Sorrow, Confusion, Defensiveness, Grief, and Self-Abuse, and

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Colon Muscle Connections

The connections between the colon and the muscles are what you see here.
The Hamstring muscles, the large muscles coming down the back of the legs,
and the Tensor Fascia Lata muscles, which you can just make out on the left
and right sides of this picture, are the muscles connected with the colon. The
Tensor Fascia Lata is a muscle that runs along the outside of each of the legs,
starting at the hip area and then traveling down to the outside of the knee.

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Colon Test Points

There are actually three test points for the colon. We do test the three parts of
the colon separately. To test the ascending colon, the point is about half way
out from the umbilical on the right side of the body. The point for the
descending colon is on the left side about the same width away from the
umbilical. Then the last point is the same distance up from the umbilical and
that is the test point for the transverse colon.


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• Most Common Symptom(s):

• Discomfort in the low back

• Discomfort in the hips

• Diarrhea, constipation, colitis

Most Common Symptoms of Colon Imbalance

The most common symptoms of colon imbalance that we see are discomfort in
the low back, discomfort in the hips, diarrhea, constipation, colitis, and irritable
bowel syndrome.

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The Adrenal Glands

The adrenal glands are the 'stress glands' of the body and are situated on top
of each kidney.

Adrenal gland

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Purpose of the Adrenal Glands

The adrenal glands produce adrenaline as well as certain other hormones.
These hormones help the body to deal with stress. When you're under stress,
the adrenal glands kick into gear and produce adrenaline and cortisol. These
stress hormones are very appropriate in the short term but can be damaging if
you're under too much stress for too long.

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Adrenal Gland Malfunction

The number one sign of adrenal gland malfunction is fatigue. It can also cause
sensitivity to light, which is a definite sign of too much stress. Joint noise is
another symptom of adrenal gland malfunction.

I saw a patient once who was a young girl about twelve years old who was
suffering from joint noise. Her parents brought her in and they said,
"Everywhere she walks, her joints creak and pop. It's odd. Is that normal?" It
was not normal, of course, and it was happening because her adrenal glands
had become really imbalanced. By correcting her adrenal gland imbalance by
removing the trapped emotions that had lodged in the area, her adrenal glands
were brought back into balance, and her joint noise stopped immediately.

Inability to cope with stress is often a sign of adrenal gland malfunction as well.
Brain fog or an inability to think clearly, fuzzy headedness, and lowered
immune function are some other signs of adrenal gland malfunction.

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Adrenal Gland Emotions

• Humiliation • Pride
• Jealousy • Shame
• Longing • Shock
• Lust • Unworthy
• Overwhelm • Worthless

Emotions Produced by the Adrenal Glands

The adrenal gland emotions are Humiliation, Jealousy, Longing, Lust,
Overwhelm, Pride, Shame, Shock, Unworthy and Worthless.

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Adrenal Gland Muscle Connection
Some of the muscles that are associated with the adrenal glands are the Calf
muscles, as you can see here. Earlier I mentioned that when you have paired
organs or glands, the left one of the pair is likely to become imbalanced before
the right side is affected. In this case, it's very, very common for the left
adrenal gland to be imbalanced while the right side is not (yet). This is one of
the reasons why we typically will see left knee pain as an indicator of adrenal
imbalance, even though you've got two adrenal glands. The left affects the
muscles in the left leg and the right affects the muscles in the right. Because
the left adrenal gland is the 'main,' it will usually become imbalanced before
the right. Of course, if the stress continues, eventually the right may become
imbalanced as well.

Some other muscles associated with the adrenal glands are the Sartorius and
the Gracilis muscles. These muscles cross the knee joint and will definitely
create some instability in the knee joints. It's very important to keep the adrenal
glands in balance. Just to give you an idea how valuable this can be, let me
share a story with you.

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A number of years ago I was snow skiing, and I could feel that my left knee
was very unstable. I could tell that if I wasn't very careful, I was going to injure
that knee and really hurt myself. So I stopped right there on the slope and
tested myself. I quickly found that my left adrenal gland was imbalanced, so I
went ahead and made a correction to it and skied the whole rest of the
weekend without any more worry about my knee. It immediately tightened up
those muscles and corrected that weakness, and the instability was gone. In
this particular situation, I could not determine that there was any trapped
emotion or any other energy that needed to be released, the gland just needed
to be 'reset,' or the 'fuse' needed to be turned back on, which I did by simply
running a magnet (or my fingertips, either will work) from my forehead to the
back of my neck three times. Remember this in case you are trying to balance
an organ or gland and you cannot find any imbalancing energy that is lodged
there; sometimes you just need to reset the circuit.

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Adrenal Gland Test Points

The adrenal gland test points are halfway between the belly button and the
very bottom of the sternum (or the bottom of the xyphoid process). If you start
from halfway in between these landmarks then go out about three or four finger
widths toward the side of the body, you will be on the points, left or right.

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• Most Common Symptom(s):

• Pain in the Left Knee

• Pain in the Low Back

• Sensitivity to Brig ht Lig ht

• Low Immune Function

Common Symptoms of Adrenal Imbalance

The number one symptom of adrenal imbalance is pain in the left knee. It can
also cause pain in the low back because when the adrenals imbalance, it will
sometimes imbalance the pelvis. And again, it also causes sensitivity to bright
light and lowered immune function.

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The Small Intestine

Let's look at the small intestine now. The small intestine's purpose is to absorb
nutrients. The food that you eat travels into the small intestine, and is further
digested and absorbed.

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Due to the special nature of its lining, the small intestine has a surface area
about the size of a tennis court to better absorb nutrients.

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Some of the commons symptoms from small intestine malfunction are bloating
and pain, gas, diarrhea, and nausea.

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Small Intestine Emotions

• Abandonment • Effort
• Betrayal
• Heartache
• Forlorn
• Insecurity
• Lost
• Overjoy
• Love
Unreceived • Vulnerability

Emotions Produced by the Small Intestine

The small intestine emotions are Abandonment, Betrayal, Forlorn, Lost, Love
Unreceived, Effort Unreceived, Heartache, Insecurity, Overjoy and

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Small Intestine Muscle Connections

The small intestine is energetically connected with the Abdominal muscles. So
you can imagine if the small intestine becomes imbalanced, these muscles
imbalance, creating an abnormal situation in the body.

The small intestine also connects with the Quadriceps Femoris muscle, the
large muscles in the front of the thighs. If you were to suspect that these
muscles might tend to create trouble in the knees or the low back, you would
be correct.

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Small Intestine Test Point

The small intestine test point is located three finger widths straight above the

• Most Common Symptom(s):

• Pain in the Low Back

• Pain in the Knees

Common Symptoms of Small Intestine Imbalance

The most common symptoms of imbalance in the small intestine are pain in
the low back and pain in the knees.


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The ileoCecal Valve

This is a diagram of the lower part of the ascending colon. You can see the
appendix on the lower right side of this image, which is at the very bottom of
the ascending colon. This area of the colon is known as the cecum. If you look
to the right, you can see the small intestine. At the very end of the small
intestine, where it joins the colon, we find the ileoCecal Valve. The reason it's
called the ileoCecal valve is because it joins the Cecum to the ileum, the ileum
beign the last part of the small intestine.

.,.---- .......

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Purpose of the ileoCecal Valve

The ileoCecal Valve controls and regulates the flow of fecal material from the
small intestine into the colon. The ileoCecal Valve is designed to act as a valve
or a stop sign. It stops the flow of fecal material from the small intestine. Then
it will open and allow that fecal material to go into the colon and continue on its
way out of the body

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ileoCecal Valve Malfunction

Sometimes this valve becomes imbalanced. When that happens, instead of
acting like a stop-sign, the valve becomes more like a roadblock or a round-
about. More often than not, the valve will tend to lock open, allowing fecal
material in the colon to go back into the small intestine, in the direction it
shouldn't be going. The material will go back into the colon and then back into
the small intestine-back and forth. When that happens, the area shown here
can become very irritated. When people feel discomfort in the right lower
abdomen, that's often a sign of this. It will also tend to result in bloating and
pain, gas, diarrhea, pain in the low back, and sometimes pain in the right hip
as well, because the IleoCecal valve connects energetically with certain
muscles in the low back.

200 Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009

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ileoCecal Valve Emotions

• Abandonment • Effort
• Betrayal
• Heartache
• Forlorn
• Insecurity
• Lost
• Overjoy
• Love
Unreceived • Vulnerability

Emotions Produced by the ileoCecal Valve

The emotions produced by the IleoCecal Valve are Abandonment, Betrayal,
Forlorn, Lost, Love Unreceived, Effort Unreceived, Heartache, Insecurity,
Overjoy, and Vulnerability.

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ileoCecal Valve Muscle Connections

This picture is showing us the Quadratus Lumborum muscle, the muscle that is
associated with the ileoCecal Valve. This muscle actually lies on the inside of
the pelvic basin. If you could look at a person from the front and remove all of
their abdominal organs and see the muscles that are lining that cavity, you
would see the Quadratus Lumborum muscle very clearly. Notice that it
originates off of the lumbar vertebrae and off of the very last rib, and then it
attaches to the pelvis. Imbalance in this muscle will tend to cause low back
pain, hip pain and so on.

202 Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009

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ileoCecal Valve Test Point

The Ileocecal valve test point is farily easy to locate. If you go straight over
from the belly bottom about four finger widths to the right and then straight
down from that point about four finger widths you'll find the ileoCecal valve
point. There is often tenderness in this area when the IleoCecal valve is

Common Symptoms of ileoCecal Valve Imbalance

The most common symptom of ileoCecal Valve imbalance is discomfort in the
appendix area. In fact, a lot of people end up having their appendix taken out
because of an ileoCecal Valve irritation. Sometimes it can become quite sore
and people will have surgery to have their appendix removed. These are the
occasions you hear about where the doctor comes back, and says, "We didn't
find anything in there. Your appendix looked okay. We took it out anyway but it
didn't seem to be infected." I believe that the culprit here is often an irritated
IleoCecal Valve.

Some other signs of IleoCecal Valve imbalance are discomfort in the low back
or the right hip and sinus problems, or what I call "false allergies", due to the
Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009 203
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reabsorption of toxins into the bloodstream. When the ileoCecal Valve is

imbalanced you will not eliminate toxins as efficiently as you should, so those
toxins start to be reabsorbed into the blood stream. Then the body tries get to
rid of these toxins by shedding them through the nasal sinuses. The result is
post-nasal drip or sinus problems, (even including recurring sinus infections).
Typically when people have sinus problems like this, they'll go to their doctor
and the doctor will tell diagnose them with allergies, and they will prescribe
allergy medication. But if you correct the imbalance in the IleoCecal Valve,
often these sinus drainage problems will go away, usually immediately or
within hours. I've seen cases where peoples sinuses simply dried up
immediately, within 30 seconds! If you think about all the people that are taking
allergies or allergy medication, at least half of those people have some kind of
an ileoCecal Valve imbalance and don't even know it. This is probably the
most easily imbalanced circuit in the body and is often a location where
trapped emotions lodge.

• Most Common Symptom(s):

• Discomfort in the appendix

area (lower right abdomen)

• Discomfort in the low back or

right hip

• Sinus Problems (due to

toxins) "False Allergies '

---- ...

204 Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009

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The Uterus
Here's a picture of the uterus in the pelvic cavity. Extending up on the left and
right are the fallopian tubes, with the ovaries located at their top on both sides.

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Purpose of the Uterus

The purpose of the uterus is to provide a growth environment for the fetus.

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When the uterus malfunctions, it will tend to create infertility, pain in the low
back and also pain in the left hip.

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Uterus Emotions
• Humiliation • Pride
• Jealousy • Shame
• Longing • Shock
• Lust • Unworthy
• Overwhelm • Worthless

Emotions Produced by the Uterus

The uterus emotions are Humiliation, Jealousy, Longing, Lust, Overwhelmed,
Pride, Shame, Shock, Unworthy, and Worthless.

Pride as listed here is not necessarily the kind of pride that you feel in your
football team or your military unit. Rather, this kind of pride is more 'a state of
opposition' to other people. It's being prideful. It's a state of opposition to
others and especially a state of opposition between you and your Creator.

Shame is the lowest frequency of all the emotions, according to Dr. David
Hawkins who wrote the book Power Vs Force. It's the frequency right above
death and often leads to death because people who are in Shame don't have
anywhere else to go. There aren't any lower emotions than that, and often
people commit suicide because of Shame.

Unworthy and Worthless are similar. Unworthy is just not feeling good enough
to receive something, but Worthless is feeling like you don't have any worth at

208 Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009

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Uterus Muscle Connections

The Gluteal or buttock muscles, and the Adductor muscles are connected with
the Uterus. The adductor muscles are the muscles that bring the thighs inward,
and are located on the inner sides of the thighs.

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Uterus Test Point

The Uterus test point is half way between the belly button and the pubic bone.
You may want to have whomever you're testing touch this point for you unless
you have their permission. If you go probing around on people looking for this
test point without their permission, they may not appreciate that, given its

210 Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009

The Body Code Manual Circuitry

Common Symptoms of Uterus Imbalance

The most common symptoms of uterus imbalance are discomfort in the low
back, discomfort in the lower abdomen, discomfort during or after intercourse,
and discomfort in the left hip.

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The Prostate Gland

The prostate gland is analogous to the uterus in the female, and as a result the
emotions produced and the muscles that are energetically connected are the
same. The prostate is a small muscular organ about the size of a chestnut
located just the below the bladder.

212 Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009

The Body Code Manual Circuitry

Purpose of the Prostate

The purpose of it is to produce a thin zinc-containing opaque secretion known
as Prostatic Fluid, which helps to nourish the sperm cells. It's also a muscular
gland, and the contractions of the prostate help to propel the ejaculate fluid.

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Prostate Gland Malfunction

Symptoms of prostate gland malfunction may include infertility, pain in the low
back, pain in the left hip, and decreased urine flow. As men get past age 50
they often begin to suffer from Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy or BPH, which
tends to reduce the flow of urine. It's one of the reasons why when men get
older, they will often report that they have to get up a number of times every
night to go to the bathroom, and their urine flow is reduced. I believe one of the
reasons for this is a zinc deficiency because every time a man ejaculates, he
actually loses a good deal of zinc from his body, as zinc is a constituent of
prostatic fluid. Trapped emotions may also lodge in the prostate gland, and
releasing them can have a very beneficial effect on this organ, as you might

214 Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009

The Body Code Manual Circuitry

Prostate Gland Emotions

• Humiliation • Pride
• Jealousy • Shame
• Longing • Shock
• Lust • Unworthy
• Overwhelm • Worthless

Emotions Produced by the Prostate Gland

The emotions produced by the prostate gland are the same as the emotions
produced by the uterus: Humiliation, Jealousy, Longing, Lust, Overwhelm,
Pride, Shame, Shock, Unworthy, and Worthless.

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Prostate Gland Muscle Connections

The muscles connections are also the same as the uterus: the Gluteal muscles
and the Adductor muscles of the thighs.

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Prostate Test Point

The test point for the prostate gland is exactly the same as for the uterus. It's
half way between the umbilical and the pubic bone.

Common Symptoms of Prostate Imbalance

The most common symptoms of prostate imbalance are discomfort in the low
back, discomfort in the left hip, and interrupted sleep due to frequent urination.

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The Bladder
Here's a picture of the bladder as seen in a cross-section of the body. It's a
very muscular and elastic hollow organ.

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Purpose of the Bladder

The Bladder contains urine that is produced by the kidneys and holds that
urine until urination.

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Bladder Malfunction
With bladder malfunction you might see incontinence, urgency, frequent
urination, or nocturia. Nocturia is the name given to describe the dilemma of
having to get up to urinate in the night a lot. Bed-wetting and bleeding are
some other possible results of bladder malfunction. If you're passing blood in
your urine that is the number one sign of bladder cancer.

220 Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009

The Body Code Manual Circuitry

Bladder Emotions
• Blaming • Conflict
• Dread • Creative
• Fear
• Terror
• Horror
• Unsupported
• Peeved
• Wishy Washy

Emotions Produced by the Bladder

Bladder emotions are Blaming, Dread, Fear, Horror, Peeved, Conflict, Creative
Insecurity, Terror, Unsupported, and Wishy-Washy. You may notice that these
are the same emotions that are produced by the kidneys. Peeved is a polite
way of saying pissed off, (excuse the expression). You'll most likely be able to
remember this emotion more easily than any other because it has to do with
the bladder and the kidney, which have to do with producing and eliminating
urine. There's often a little grain of truth in these old sayings, it seems!


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Bladder Muscle Connections

The Paraspinal muscles are the muscles that lie along the spine on both sides
along its entire length, from the base of the skull all the way down to the very
bottom of the lumbar spine.

The other muscles connected energetically with the bladder are the Tibialis
Anterior muscles, the muscles that are involved when you suffer from shin-
splints, and the Peroneus Longus and Brevis muscles as you can see pictured

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Bladder Test Point

The bladder test point again is right at the top of the pubic bone and of course,
this is definitely one that you do not want to touch on somebody else without
their permission. Better still, you can simply have them touch this point with
one hand, then test their other arm.

Common Symptoms of Bladder Imbalance

The most common symptoms of bladder imbalance are discomfort in the low
back, discomfort in the knee, ankle, or foot, and interrupted sleep due to
frequent urination.

224 Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009

The Body Code Manual Circuitry

The Testicles
Let's take a look now at the testicles. The testicles are suspended below the
body where it's a little bit cooler, as sperm thrive better in cooler temperatures.

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Purpose of the Testicles

The testicles produce sperm and also some male hormones, especially
testosterone, the most significant of the male hormones.

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The Body Code Manual Circuitry

Testicles Emotions
• Humiliation • Pride
• Jealousy • Shame
• Longing • Shock
• Lust • Unworthy
• Overwhelm • Worthless

Emotions Produced by the Testicles

The emotions produced by the testicles include humiliation, jealousy, longing,
lust, overwhelm, pride, shame, shock, unworthy, and worthless.

Testicle Muscle Connections

There are no known muscle connections at this time between the testicles and
the muscles of the body.

• No known muscle connections

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Testicle Test Points

The test points are four finger widths at a 45 degree angle downward on either
side from the umbilicus as shown here.


228 Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009

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Most Common Symptoms of Testicle Imbalance

The most common symptoms of testicle imbalance are infertility, lowered sex
drive, and lowered initiative (due to the reduction in testosterone).

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The Ovaries
The ovaries in the female are analogous to the testicles in the male. There are
two ovaries, left and right. In this image you can see the ovaries on the left and
right side of the uterus, at the upper ends of the fallopian tubes.

230 Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009

The Body Code Manual Circuitry

Purpose of the Ovaries

The ovaries produce ova or eggs. They also secrete estrogen and
progesterone, which of course are the primary female hormones.

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• Humiliation • Pride
• Jealousy • Shame
• Longing • Shock
• Lust • Unworthy
• Overwhelm • Worthless

Emotions Produced by the Ovaries

The emotions produced by the ovaries are the same as from the testicles, and
include humiliation, jealousy, longing, lust, overwhelm, pride, shame, shock,
unworthy, and worthless.

Ovaries Muscle Connections

There are no known muscle connections at this time between the ovaries and
the muscles in the body.

• No known muscle connections

232 Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009

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Ovaries Test Points

The test points are exactly the same as the test points for the testicles and are
located four finger-widths from the umbilicus at a 45 degree downward angle
on both sides as shown.

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Most Common Symptoms of Ovary Imbalance

The most common symptoms of over imbalance are infertility, difficult menses
due to hormonal fluctuations, hormonal imbalances, lowered sex drive, and
lowered initiative.

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The Pineal Gland

Let's take a look now at the pineal gland. As you can see here, the pineal
gland is located right in the center of this image, near the center of the brain.

Pituitary and Pineal Glands

Pineal gland


Pituitary gland -~nY\


Medu ll a oblongata - - - - ' *

......f - - - -- Spinal cord

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Purpose of the Pineal Gland

Its purpose is to produce melatonin, which many people take as a supplement
to help them sleep.

Pine I gl nd

.. Spinal cord

Emotions Produced by the Pineal Gland

There are no known emotions that are produced by the pineal gland.

236 Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009

The Body Code Manual Circuitry

Pineal Gland Muscle Connections

The muscles of eye movement are connected energetically with the pineal
gland, as you can see here. An imbalance in the pineal gland then, will tend to
imbalance these muscles. The pineal gland is also energetically connected to
the brow or third eye chakra.

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Pineal Gland Test Point

The test point is at the edge of the forehead, in between the eyes.

Most Common Symptom of Pineal Gland Imbalance

The most common symptom of pineal gland imbalance is insomnia. The pineal
gland is very much affected by the amount of sunlight we receive, and people
who live in the high Northern or Southern latitudes sometimes suffer from
S.A.D., or Seasonal Affective Disorder, which is caused by long dark winters
and not enough sunlight. This can be helped by getting more sunlight, and
even by directing the beam of a flashlight at the pineal gland test point!

238 Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009

The Body Code Manual Circuitry

The Hypothalamus
The hypothalamus is another important gland in the brain, which you can see
here, in between the left and right thalamus.

Rig ht thalamus

Hypothala mu s -:.;;....;~___ID.W.

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The Body Code Manual Circuitry

Right thalamus Left thalamu s


Hypothalamu s ---t.....-~1IIift.V

Purpose of the Hypothalamus Gland

The purpose of the hypothalamus gland is varied. The hypothalamus secretes
hormones that regulate body temperature, hunger, thirst, fatigue, and circadian
rhythm. Circadian rhythm is the sleeping and waking rhythms of the body. As
you can see, the hypothalamus is a very important gland.

Emotions Produced by the Hypothalamus Gland

There are no known emotions that are produced by the hypothalamus.

240 Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009

The Body Code Manual Circuitry

Hypothalamus Gland Muscle Connections

The hypothalamus is connected energetically with the muscles of the pharynx.
Those are the swallowing muscles and as you can see here.

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Test Point
The hypothalamus test point is two finger widths above the point that is use for
the pineal point. As you can see here, it's right about in the middle of the
forehead. Remember that your intention is very important when touching these
points; in other words, when touching a certain point to test an organ or gland,
you must also have in your mind what specific organ or gland you are trying to
test, so that the subconscious mind of the person you are testing is clear about
what answer to give you. Also note that these test points on the forehead are
much closer together than most test points on the rest of the body, and
although the points will enlarge when imbalance occurs, they will not overlap.

242 Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009

The Body Code Manual Circuitry

Most Common Symptoms

The most common symptoms of a hypothalamus imbalance are insomnia,
chilling, or inability to stay cool or warm, disruption of the thirst mechanism, or
never feeling thirsty.

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The Pituitary Gland

Let's take a look now at the pituitary gland. You can see the pituitary is located
here on the lower aspect of the front half of the brain.

Pituitary and Pineal Glands

Pituitary gland ---1IiI!

Pon s---~

MeduUa ob longata -~
-4---- Spinal cord

244 Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009

The Body Code Manual Circuitry

Purpose of the
Pituitary Gland
• Secretes hormones that regulate body
balance or 'homeostasis"
• Secretes hormones that influence other
• Blood Pressure
• Aspects of Childbirth and pregnancy
• Production of Breast Milk

Purpose of the Pituitary Gland

The purpose of the pituitary gland is to secrete hormones that regulate the
body balance, or what we call homeostasis.

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Purpose of the
. Pituitary Gland
• Sex Organ function in both sexes
• Thyroid Gland Function
• Metabolism
• Water and Hydration Regulation
• Water Absorption by Kidneys
• Temperature Regulation

It secretes hormones that influence other glands that control blood pressure,
aspects of childbirth and pregnancy, the production of breast milk, sex organ
function in both sexes, thyroid gland function, metabolism, water and hydration
regulation, water absorption by the kidneys, and temperature regulation. As
you can see, the pituitary gland is very important and it does a lot.

Emotions Produced
There are no known emotions that are produced by the pituitary gland. ,

• (No known emotions are produced by

the Pituitary Gland)

The Muscle Connections

There are also no known muscle connections.

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Test Point
The test point for the pituitary gland is four finger widths, straight up from the
pineal point, which is right at the edge of the hairline on the forehead.

Most Common Symptoms

The most common symptoms of pituitary gland imbalance are hormonal
imbalances, dehydration, fatigue, high blood pressure, and weight gain
(remember that the pituitary controls the thyroid gland, and thyroid slow-down
ill result in weight gain.)

-_......... ,

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Low Back Kidney - ileoCecal Valve

Pain Uterus - Adrenals

Mid-Back Pain Liver - Spleen - Gall Bladder

Wrist/Elbow Stomach/Spleen/Pancreas
Shoulder Thyroid/Gall Bladder/Heart

The "Usual Suspects"

Over the years I have learned that the most common organ and gland
imbalances that create discomfort can be arranged into a table like that shown
above. This can be useful in knowing which organs or glands to check if you
are attempting to address a specific problem. For example, let's say your friend
is suffering from low back discomfort. You might begin by checking the balance
of the Kidneys, both left and right. If they are testing okay, you might check the
Ileocecal valve, then the uterus and the adrenals. You can test these organs
and glands in any order you want, but the organs and glands are arranged
here by frequency or likelihood of your finding them to be part of the problem.
In other words, kidney imbalance is the most common cause of low back
trouble, followed by ileocecal valve, followed by uterus, followed by adrenals.
Remember that this is not cast in stone, this order simply reflects my own
experience, and I share it here simply to save you time. This list is not all-
inclusive, but it gives you a great place to start.

248 Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009

The Body Code Manual Circuitry


Testing for Contentedness

An even better way to determine imbalance in organs and glands is what I like
to call Testing for Contentedness. Testing the individual organ and gland
points to find 'blown fuses' is a very valuable technique, and you should know
how to do it. But testing for contentedness is an even more precise way to find
out how individual organs and glands are doing. To understand how this
works, you need to understand the nature of things, at least as I see it. I think
this may make sense to you too.

The Nature of Things

I believe that all things were created spiritually before they were created
physically. I believe that all things are designed for Joy, and I believe that joy is
the purpose of our existence and the purpose of al/ things.
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Happy Organs
The ancient physicians looked upon the organs and glands as separate
'officials' in the 'kingdom' of the body. Some organs and glands were
subservient to others and some were dominant over others, and there were
intricate relationships between them all, and each organ and gland was viewed
as a separate intelligence. If you simply ask an organ or gland or any part of
the body if it is 'contented' or 'happy,' the body will tell you. This can reveal
imbalances that otherwise may not show up for a long, long time, because an
organ may be 'unhappy' or 'discontented' for years before it finally 'blows a

Testing for Happy Organs

You can simply ask, "Is your (or Is my) (organ or gland name) happy?" If you're
testing someone else, you could ask, "Is your heart happy?" Or "Is your small
intestine happy?" "Is your spleen happy?"

Say you're working on a person and you check all these individual body points
and they all test perfectly fine. What you're testing for are blown fuses or blown
circuits, and that's fine. But if you want to take it to the next level, if you want to
dig deeper and discern things that you might otherwise miss, try asking if the
same organs or glands are 'happy' or 'contented' and you may be surprised to
see what you uncover.

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The Body Code Manual Circuitry

For example, a person may have a liver circuit that might test okay when you
touch the liver test point and do a muscle test, but still the liver might be not
quite content. It might be unhappy because perhaps there's a trapped emotion
there, or perhaps there's some kind of toxin that it's feeling a bit overwhelmed
by, or an infection and so on. If you test the circuit by touching the test point,
the circuit may actually be okay, no blown fuse being detected, the arm staying
strong when you touch the test point; and that might make you think that the
organ is perfectly fine. But to take it to another level, an even deeper level, you
can simply ask, "Is the Name of Organ happy?" If the answer is No, ask, "Is
this because of a trapped emotion?"

The most common reason for organ imbalance, or for organs or glands to be
unhappy is because of trapped emotions.

This is similar to asking a friend how they are doing. Their automatic response
may be, "Fine." But if you look them in the eye and ask, "No, really. How are
you?" they may open up to you and tell you all about their current situation.
When you ask the body if an organ or gland is 'happy' or 'content,' you are
really asking that organ or gland, "No, really. How are you? Are you really
happy right now?" and when you ask in this way, you will find things that you
otherwise may not find!
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If an organ or gland shows up as being 'unhappy', you might, "Is this because
of an imbalance on the right side of the chart?" If it's not, ask, "Is it on the left
side of the chart?" Asking questions in this way will lead you to the reason for
the imbalance. When I say chart, I'm talking about the Body Code chart of all
the imbalances. Whenever you find an organ that's imbalanced, there is
always a reason for it and all of the possible reasonse are listed on the chart.

It may be a pathogen. It could be some kind of a nutritional deficiency. It could

be a structural imbalance. It could be a trapped emotion. It could be a trauma.
It could be some kind of toxicity. You don't know what it is, but if an organ is
unhappy, I guarantee you that you will be able to find the reason why in short
order if you use the chart. So this is another way you can find imbalances that
otherwise might not show up for many, many years.

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The Body Code Manual Circuitry


For Example ...

• Just ask "Is your(my) (name of body part)


• If no, ask, "Is this because of a trapped

emotion?" OR

• Ask, is this because of an imbalance on the

righUleft side of the chart, etc. Asking questions
in this way will lead you to the reason for the

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The Body Code Manual Circuitry

The Chakras
Let's take a look now at the Chakras. The purpose of this module is to help you
understand what the Chakras are, how to detect the imbalances that can. occur
in the Chakras, and also understand to what to do and how to correct them.

• Understand the Chakras

• Understand how to detect imbalances
• Understand how to correct imbalances

Chakras are the Body's Energy Centers

You'll notice in this picture that there are seven Chakras. We're going to take a
look at each of these in turn, starting from the top. First of all, Chakra is an
Indian word that literally means wheel or disc. These seven energy centers
emanate from the spine, except for the Crown Chakra, which emanates from
the top of the head. I like to think of the Chakras as being the power sources or
'force centers' of the body's energy field. Each Chakra is believed to have an
influence over the organs or glands in its vicinity. Western medicine does not
generally acknowledge the existence of the Chakras, because they are not to
be found in an autopsy, but they do exist, and they may become imbalanced.
As you might imagine, the most common reason for Chakra imbalance is
trapped emotions which lodged in their vicinity.

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The Crown Chakra

First, let's take a look at the Crown Chakra. The Indian name for this one is
Sahasrara. It's often symbolized by the image of a lotus with a thousand
petals, as you see here. The Crown Chakra is associated with the concept of
pure consciousness.

Crown Chakra Colors and Associations

Every Chakra has a color associated. The colors that are associated are also
associated with crystal healing. For example, to open up the Crown Chakra
you might use a crystal that has the color violet. The Crown Chakra is
associated with inner wisdom and our connection to universal intelligence. The
location of the Crown Chakra is right at the top of the head, or the soft spot in
the head of a newborn. It is that energy coming out of the Crown Chakra that
connects you up to the energy of the universe, or in other words, the energy of
the universe enters your body through the Crown Chakra, or so it is thought.

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.-----...... Crown Chakra Connections

Physically, the Crown Chakra is connected with meditation. Emotionally, it's
associated with beingness or that particular feeling that you have, that
sensation of actually being who you are. Mentally, it's connected with unity of
not only of yourself with other people but also of yourself with the universe.
And of course spiritually, it is associated with our connection to the divine.

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The Brow Chakra

The Brow Chakra, also known as the Ajna, is considered a lotus with two
petals, which is the symbol that is used in Ayurvedic or Indian medicine. It's
linked to the pineal gland. The pineal gland is located right between the eyes,
and in fact, that's where this Chakra is located as well.

Brow Chakra Colors and Associations

The colors associated with the Brow Chakra are white, indigo or deep blue. It's
connected with balance of self and intuition. It's associated with the third eye,
which is connected with your ability to see the future and to see or plan your
future. If the Brow Chakra is imbalanced, it could make it harder for you to see
your path clearly, and potentially even halt your progress.

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Brow Chakra Connections

Physically, it's associated with absorption of light. If you remember our
discussion of the pineal gland, and how the pineal gland can be treated by
directing the beam of a flashlight in between the eyes, you will see the
connection here. And in fact, the brow chakra has a direct influence and
connection with the pineal gland. Emotionally, it's connected with clarity and
intuition, mentally with wisdom, and spiritually with perception.

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The Throat Chakra

The Throat Chakra is known as Vishudda. It is likened to a lotus with 16 petals
as you can see here. Physically it's connected with and influences the thyroid

Throat Chakra Colors and Associations

The color is light or pale blue or turquoise. It's associated with communication
or speaking your truth. Oftentimes, when we have not spoken our truth, or
when we have not been willing to speak up about something, the Throat
Chakra will become imbalanced. Trapped emotions that lodge in the throat will
also short circuit or imbalance the throat chakra. Again, remember that the
most common cause of chakra imbalances, in my experience, is trapped
emotions. The Throat Chakra, of course, is located at the throat.

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Throat Chakra Connections

Physically, it's connected with the idea of communication, emotionally the idea
of independence, mentally with fluent thought, and spiritually it's connected
with the sense of security, which I think is connected with speaking your truth.

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The Heart Chakra

The Heart Chakra is known as Anahata, symbolized by the image of a lotus
blossom with 12 petals as you can see here. Physiologically, it is associated
with the thymus gland. The thymus gland sits right on top of the heart and is
responsible for autoimmunity and with the maturation of t-cells, white blood
cells that are very important for immune defense. The 't' in t-cell stands for
thymus gland, where t-cells mature.

Heart Chakra Colors and Associations

The colors are green and pink. Some of the things that are connected with the
Heart Chakra are unconditional love, compassion and a feeling of well-being.
The Heart Chakra is located right at the center of the sternum.

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Heart Chakra Connections

Physically, the heart chakra is associated with circulation. Emotionally, it's
connected with unconditional. Mentally, it's connected with passion. Spiritually,
it's connected with devotion, and not only devotion to, for example, your
partner, but also devotion to the higher power.

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The Solar Plexus Chakra

The solar plexus chakra, known as Manipura, is symbolized by a lotus with 10
petals. It's linked to the pancreas and specifically to the eyelet cells in the
pancreas. The eyelet cells are the cells that produce insulin and that enable us
to metabolize sugar. When the eyelet cells cease functioning the diagnosis is
diabetes, and insulin must be supplied artificially.

Solar Plexus Chakra Color and Associations

The color linked with the plexus chakra is yellow. It's associated with personal
power, with introversion, and also with growth of self. The Solar Plexus Chakra
is located in the solar plexus just below the bottom of the sternum.


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SolarPlexus Chakra Connections

Physically, it's connected with digestion. Emotionally, it's associated with the
idea of expansiveness or growth. Mentally, it's associated with personal
growth. Spiritually, it's associated with growth in all aspects.

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The Sacral Chakra

Let's take a look now at the Sacral Chakra, in the Indian language known as
Svadisthana. This is the lotus with six petals.

Sacral Chakra Color and Associations

It's linked to the testes or the ovaries and the color is orange. It's all about
relationships and emotional needs and pleasure. The location of the Sacral
Chakra is between the umbilicus and the pubic bone.

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Sacral Chakra Connections

Physically, it's connected with reproduction, emotionally with joy, mentally with
creativity, spiritually with enthusiasm.

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The Root Chakra

That brings us to the last chakra, which is known as the Root Chakra, known
as Muladhara. It's the lotus with four petals as you can see here. It's linked to
the prostate or uterus.

Root Chakra Color and Association

The color is red. It's all about instinct, survival, and potentiality. The Root
Chakra also connects you to the energy of the earth and is important for
grounding you. The Root Chakra is also very often involved in low back pain.
It's often imbalanced if there is low back pain, in my experience. The Root
Chakra is located in the perineum, between the sex organs and the tailbone.

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Root Chakra Connections

Physically, it's associated with sexuality, emotionally with sensuality, mentally
with stability, and spiritually with the sense of security.

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Detecting 8e Correcting
Chakra ImbaJances
• Chakra imbalances will often be detected when
scanning the Body Code chart

• Most often cause of imbalance: Trapped


• Psychic Trauma is second most common cause

• Sometimes no imbalance will be detected, and

the chakra will simply need to be 'reset' which
can be done with three rolls of magnet down
Governing Meridian

Detecting and Correcting Chakra Imbalances

Chakra imbalances will often be detected when you're scanning the body code
chart. Once you determine which chakra is imbalanced, you might ask "Is there
a trapped emotion that is imbalancing this chakra?" The most common cause
of imbalance is a trapped emotion, so clearing whatever trapped emotion that
shows up will usually correct the chakra imbalance. If not, there may be more
than one trapped emotion, or there may be something else imbalancing the

The second most common cause of chakra imbalance is psychic trauma. And
sometimes no external imbalance will be detected. In other words, sometimes
the chakra itself will just need to be reset. Sometimes you'll detect that a
chakra is imbalanced and you'll ask if there's a trapped emotion or a psychic
trauma, or a physical trauma, or something else that's imbalancing it, and the
body will say no, no, no, there's nothing really imbalancing it.

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Resetting a Chakra
In that case, you can just simply reset the chakra by running a magnet down
the governing meridian three times, with the intention to correct the chakra

It is important to correct chakra imbalances because they have a lot to do with

how we function in our lives. For example, if the heart chakra is imbalanced,
it's going to make it harder for you to feel joy. By the way, if you have a heart
wall, that will, of course, imbalance the heart chakra. So getting rid of the heart
wall is the first step for you to really try to balance out the heart chakra, in most
cases. If the throat chakra is imbalanced, that will usually be because you've
been unwilling to speak out about something, unwilling to communicate about
something for some reason. Balancing the throat chakra will tend to make you
more willing to speak out, to make yourself heard. Balancing the brow chakra
will free your third eye so that you will be more intuitive. The Crown Chakra is
probably the most important one, except for the Heart Chakra, because it
connects you with the energy of the universe, God, and so on.

Be open, because if you find a chakra imbalance and it's not a trapped
emotion, it's not a psychic trauma, and it's not a physical trauma, then there
may be something else going on. So, be open to that possibility and you will be
very successful at finding and clearing chakra imbalances.

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Here we have an acupuncture model that shows the various meridians. The
meridians were first discovered around 5,000 years ago and have been
mapped out using radioactive isotopes and tracers. Acupuncture is a very
sophisticated method of balancing the energy in these meridians, but usually
involves the use of needles, but by using the Body Code you will be able to find
and correct imbalances in these meridians on your own.

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The Meridians
The acupuncture meridians can be thought of as being like rivers of energy
that run just under the skin. Acupuncture points are simply locations on these
meridians. The meridians supply chi or energy to all the tissues in the body.

Rivers of Light
The life force flows along these meridians, and acupuncture seeks to restore
balance to them. The acupuncture meridians were known to the ancient people
in the Americas and also to the Chinese. In fact, the meridians were known to
the ancient Mayan people in the Americas, and the points that they used
matched the Chinese points. In fact, the meridians were also known to the Inca
medicine people as steles, or rivers of light that flow within the luminous body.

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.- .

The Five Element Theory

Before we look at the individual meridians, let's take a quick look at the Five
Element Theory and the Diurnal cycle. In traditional Chinese medicine, the Five
Element Theory states that everything that exists is made of a combination of
one or more of these five elements, being wood, metal, earth, fire and water.

The Diurnal Cycle

This is a rather complex looking chart and may seem daunting at first, but if
you start at the center, you will instantly recognize something familiar, the yin-
yang symbol. You'll also notice that there are times on this chart. If you'll look
at the very, very top up between the wood and fire, you'll see 11 PM and to the
right, 1 AM, and 3 AM, 5 AM, 7 AM, and so on. All the hours of the day are
represented on this chart. What this means is that during certain hours of the
day, each of the five elements and all the organs listed on the chart will come
into prominence in turn. Having a chart like this to refer to on occasion may be
useful for you as it has been for me. Say for example that your husband
continually wakes up in the middle of the night with discomfort. Perhaps he
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doesn't seem to have this problem except in the middle of the night. You
realize upon reflection that these symptoms seem to wake him between 3 and
4 o'clock. Looking at this chart, you realize that the liver (LV) or the lungs (LU)
are the organs that are coming into or fading from prominence at that hour.
You might then ask if those organs are happy, and correct any imbalances that
show up .

. ~-.

Everyone of the meridians that we are going to be looking at will begin and
end at a certain point on the foot or the hand, and as you can tell by studying
the Diurnal Cycle map above, each meridian or channel has a corresponding 5
element characteristic, which I will also be listing. Don't feel that you need to
know or even understand all of this, but it is interesting and may give you a
starting point for further study.

How to Find Meridian Imbalance

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My purpose in giving you this information is not to make an acupuncturist out of

you, but to simply expose you to some of these fascinating concepts. As you
use the Body Code Chart, you will find imbalances in the acupuncture
meridians on occasion. If you find an imbalance in a particular meridian, you
can go back to the Body Code Chart and simply ask what's creating this
imbalance. "Is it something on the right side of the chart or the left side of the

Very often you'll find that trapped emotions create imbalances in these
channels, as well as psychic and physical traumas. So I don't want you to be
worried about all the Chinese characters here. These acupuncture channels
are simply one more classification of items than can become imbalanced and
cause illness and dis-ease. Remember that the more knowledge you are
exposed to, the more likely it is that imbalances show up that would otherwise
be undetected by you.



276 Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009

The Body Code Manual Circuitry

Taiyin Lung Channel of the Hand

The Taiyin Lung channel of the hand is a Taiyin channel, which is a greater yin
channel. Remember that the yin and the yang are the energies of the body.
Yang energy is male energy and yin energy is female energy, and the five
elements connection here is metal.


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Shaoyin Heart Channel of the Hand

The Shaoyin heart channel of the hand is Shaoyin channel, which means
lesser yin. In the Five Element Theory, it is associated with fire and, of course,
connects with the heart. Remember that the Body Code Mind Map CD contains
the full chart, only a portion of which is shown here.

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Jueyin Pericardium Channel of the Hand

The Jueyin Pericardium channel of the hand is an absolute yin channel, this is
what Jueyin means. It's a hand channel and the five elements association is
fire. Of course, it is involved with the Pericardium or the fascial lining around
the heart.

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Shaoyang Sanjiao Channel of the Hand

The Shaoyang Sanjiao channel of the hand. Shaoyang means lesser yang.
The five elements association is fire. This particular meridian is also known as
the 'triple heater' or 'triple warmer,' which is an acupuncture theory that divides
the human body into three areas of 'burning' or metabolism, namely the (1)
chest' the u r abdomen and the lower abdomen.

280 Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009

The Body Code Manual Circuitry

Taiyang Small Intestine Channel of the Hand

The Taiyang small intestine channel of the hand is a Taiyang channel, which
means greater yang. So in other words, this particular meridian is a yang
meridian. The five element correlation is fire.

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Yangming Large Intestine Channel of the Hand

The Yangming large intestine channel of the hand. Yangming actually means
yang brightness or warmth. There's an awful lot to traditional Chinese medicine
and it's quite fascinating. Of course, it's been around for thousands of years
and works very well. So if you are interested in it, I would highly recommend
that you pursue it and get more information. The Five Element Theory aspect
of the yangming large intestine channel of the hand is metal.


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Taiyin Spleen Channel of the Foot

The Taiyin spleen channel of the foot's Five Element connection is earth and it
is connected of course to the spleen and nourishes the spleen. All of these
channels nourish the individual organs that are listed .

. ,--

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Shaoyin Kidney Channel of the Foot

Shaoyin means lesser yin and the Five Element Theory association here is
water. It connects with and nourishes the kidney.

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Jueyin Liver Channel of the Foot

The Jueyin liver channel of the foot is shown here, Jueyin meaning absolute
yin. The Five Element Theory is wood, and it connects with and nourishes the
liver, of course. Remember that if you find an imbalance in any of these
meridians that you cannot correct, you can always call your local acupuncturist!

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Shaoyang Gallbladder Channel of the Foot --~

The Shaoyang gallbladder channel of the foot is shown here. Again, Shaoyang
means lesser yang and the Five Element connection is wood.


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The Body Code Manual Circuitry

Taiyang Bladder Channel of the Foot

Now the Taiyang bladder channel of the foot is greater yang. The Five Element
connection is water, and of course this channel nourishes the urinary bladder.


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Yangming Stomach Channel of the Foot

The Yangming channel of the foot is shown here. Of course, again Yangming
means yang brightness or warmth and the Five Element connection here is

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The Body Code Manual Circuitry

Finding the Cause of Imbalanace

Rather than inserting needles into any of the acupuncture points along these
channels, you can most often clear any imbalances that are found by asking
what the real underlying imbalance is, and more often than not, it will be some
kind of a trapped emotion, perhaps a psychic trauma, perhaps a physical
trauma, etc. Very often some kind of energy that has gotten into that meridian
that has imbalanced it.

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Morning Sickness
Morning sickness affects millions of women worldwide. The cures or supposed
cures for morning sickness don't really work. As far as the world knows, there
really is no cure for morning sickness. There are medications that you can take
but those are potentially harmful to the fetus, or the mother or both because all
medications are toxic.

When my wife, Jean was pregnant with Elizabeth about ten years ago now,
she was suffering very badly with morning sickness. She begged me to to help
her, and I immediately started thinking of all the things that I knew that were

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supposed remedies; things that I had tried before with her or with other
patients that had never really worked, but that might take the edge off the
morning sickess, like ginger, wrist bands, etc.

Ask and Receive ...

• Jean pregnant with Elisabeth, very morning sick

• Asking for help

• With no viable options, turned to prayer

• Morning Sickness is caused by disconnection

between the brain of the mother and her growing

There's a long list of things that you can try and some of those things do help a
little, but none of them really fix the problem. Without any real viable options
that I knew of, I decided to turn to the higher power and ask for some help,
which I did. The answer that came to me was that morning sickness is caused
by a disconnection between the brain of the mother and her growing fetus.

What I found was the brain is sometimes not initially connected with this new
life that is growing within. Essentially, the brain has to be connected
energetically with the fetus, with the umbilical cord, with the amniotic fluid, (the
fluid that the baby floats in), and the placenta, (the lining of the uterus that
connects the baby to the mother). Until the brain is connected with these four
different parts, there will be morning sickness. The moment that the connection
is made between these parts and the brain, the morning sickness disappears,
usually instantly.
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Morning Sickness
.---- ---l
J Brain !

rPla~e~ta ' fAm~i~ti~ Fluidl

- ~ - - -
IU';bili';'l c';rdl :Feb.s'
- - -- j

Testing for Disconnection

Here's the process. Simply ask the following questions: "Is your brain
connected to the fetus?" If the answer is yes, then you go to the next question.
"Is your brain connected to the umbilical cord?" If that's a yes, go to the next
question. "Is your brain connected to amniotic fluid?" And if that's a yes, you'd
ask, "Is your brain connected to the placenta?" If any of these questions test
weak, you reconnect the brain to that particular component by rolling down the
governing meridian 3 times.

When I say roll down the governing meridian, what I mean is if you were
standing behind someone and you were doing this, it would be just like you're
releasing a trapped emotion. You would roll from the back of the neck area all
the way down to the low back 3 times.

Then you would retest by asking these same questions again, correcting any
imbalances until they all test strong.
292 Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009
The Body Code Manual Circuitry

Morning Sickness
• The Process. Ask the following questions:

• "Is your brain connected to the Fetus?"

• " " " " Ie

the Umbilical Cord?
• " " " " the Amniotic Fluid?

• " " " " If

the Placenta?

• If any of these test weak, reconnect by rolling

DOWN Governing Meridian 3x, then retest

Verifying Reconnection
I found that this communication is a two-way process. In other words, the
communication flows from the brain down to these parts, and from these parts
up to the brain. So once you have corrected any imbalances from the brain
down to these parts, then you need to reverse the process and ask the
following, starting with: "Is the fetus connected to your brain?" If that tests
strong, go to the next one. "Is the umbilical cord connected to your brain? Is
the amniotic fluid connected to your brain? Is the placenta connected to your
brain?" If any of these questions test weak, reconnect by rolling up the
governing meridian 3 times and then retest. In other words, if you ask, "Is the
fetus connected to your brain?" and you get a weak muscle test or you sway
backwards, then that answer is no and you'd roll up the governing meridian.

Let me clarify here. When you roll up the governing meridian, you start on the
low back and roll up from the low back area towards the head 3 times. If you
were doing this on yourself, to roll up the governing meridian you would start at
the back of the neck and go over the top of the head to the forehead 3 times.

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The Effect is Often Immediate

I've seen a good number of morning-sick women over the years since I was
led to this knowledge and I haven't had anyone yet that this has not helped.
Often the effect is immediate and quite dramatic.

As soon as you make those connections, typically the morning sickness will be
gone instantly. Typically what women say is, "I feel better, I'm going to go eat
something." They're hungry because they haven't been able to eat due to the
morning sickness. I think that you'll enjoy this one. This can really come in
handy and it's something that you won't find anywhere else but The Body

294 Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009

The Body Code Manual Circuitry

Spiritual/Physical Disconnection
The purpose of this module is to help you understand what physical/ spiritual
disconnection is, how to correct it, and how to detect it.

Our Dual Nature

To understand this phenomenon of spirit/physical disconnection, you have to
understand a little bit about our dual nature. I personally believe that each of us
have a/ways existed as separate and distinct intelligences, without beginning. I
believe that we have always existed and that we will always exist. I also
believe that ages ago, God, our Heavenly Father organized our intelligences
into spirit bodies for us and he gave us our agency, or our freedom to choose.
This earth was created to provide a place for us to be able to progress, and our
physical bodies are in the express perfect image of our spirit bodies. In other
words, if you could take the spirit out of your body right now and put it right

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next to you, I believe that it would look exactly like you, in the most minute

Our Dual Nature

• I believe that:

• We have always existed as intelligences

• Ages ago, our Heavenly Father:

• Organized our intelligences into Spirit Bodies

• Gave us our agency, or freedom to choose

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The Spirit- Body Template

This is the template that our physical body grows into, I believe. I also believe
that having a physical body is a critical part of our progression in this world and
in the worlds to come.

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Your spirit body fills your physical body and animates it as well. To illustrate, if
you put your hand into a glove and move your fingers the glove will suddenly
appear to be animated, but there is no life really in the glove itself. The life is
coming from the hand inside the glove. In that same way, our spirits animate
our physical bodies. If you're ever been to a funeral and you look at the person
that's lying there in the casket, it's obvious that something has gone out of their
body, and I believe that is simply their animating spirit that has left them, just
as the hand is removed from the glove.

The Interface
The question that I had for many years was "How does it work?" What is the
connection? How does the spirit actually act as the hand inside the glove?
How does it work? What is the interface? What is the connection? How does
the physical body connect with the spirit body and vice versa, and is it possible
that this interface itself is susceptible to imbalance? Although we still do not
understand the interface fully, it can indeed break down.
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Any part of the physical body can become disconnected from the spirit body.
Now, of course if your spirit disconnects from your physical body completely,
we call that death, and they're going to be planning your funeral. But it is
possible for the spirit and the physical body to be disconnected to a quite large
degree sometimes, and you will still be alive. However, you may not be feeling
very well if this happens, as the physical body definitely needs the intelligence
of the spirit to operate efficiently.

When I discovered this, one of the first patients that I saw was a woman who,
on a zero to 10 scale, was at about a nine and a half. She had pain from the
base of her skull all the way down her neck, and all the way down her chest, in
the back all the down to her low back. When I checked her, her entire physical
body, her head and her neck, her chest and her abdomen were all completely
disconnected from the spirit.

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By simply reconnecting the spirit to the physical body, she was able to go from
a nine and a half in pain to about a two within about three or four minutes. So
this is a real thing and I've seen it many, many times, and it can definitely
cause trouble.

The Result of Disconnection

The result of disconnection between the spirit body and the physical body is
misalignment of bones, lowered immunity, organ and gland malfunction, and I
believe it can be a contributing factor in cancer as well. I believe one of the
reasons why we get cancer is because of disconnection between the spirit and
the physical body. Think about it this way: the spirit is the intelligence within
you, the physical body is really just the hardware; it's the walking, talking
computer system, if you will, and if there is a disconnection that occurs so that
the physical body and the spirit are no longer communicating, then it can
create a situation where cancer may arise.

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The Body Code Manual Circuitry

Testing for Disconnection

So, to check for this problem you might ask some thing like this:
"Is your spirit fully communicating with your body?" If the answer is no, to dig
deeper you might ask, "Is your spirit fully communicating with your head or
your neck? Is your spirit fully communicating with your thorax? Is your spirit
fully communicating with your abdomen? Or the right arm? The left arm? The
left leg? The right leg?"

These seem to be the regions that the spirit and body use as far as
communication. It's broken down into these areas. Head, neck, thorax,
abdomen, right arm, left arm, left leg, and right leg.

Reconnecting the SpiriVPhysical Body

I remember when I had a patient once who came to see me who had pain in
her right foot. She walked in with quite a limp. We tested to see what was
wrong and she had a misaligned bone in her foot. But she also had a
disconnection between the spirit and the body, and it just so happened that it
was that entire leg that was disconnected. We reconnected it by simply rolling
down the back, down the governing meridian three times, and immediately she
was able to walk with no limp. When she'd walked in, she had a limp, and it
just took a matter of seconds to make this reconnection, and she was able to
get up and walk without any limp at all. After taking a few steps she whirled
around and exclaimed, "How did you do that? What did you do?" All I had done
was roll a magnet down her back three times, but the result was an instant
reconnection of her spirit with her physical leg, resulting in immediate self-
correction of the misalignment in her foot!

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• To check for this problem, you might ask:

• Clls your spirit fully communicating with your

body?" If the answer is no, you might ask:

• "Is your spirit fully communicating with

your neck?
• "Is your spirit fully communicating with
your Thorax?

• ", .. Abdomen? RtArm? LtArm? Left

Leg? Right Leg?

You see, when the spirit and the physical body become disconnected, it allows
misalignments to continue and to remain uncorrected. If the brain really wanted
to, couldn't it reconnect or realign bones that are out of alignment? Why
doesn't it do it? I believe that one of the big reasons why it doesn't do it is
because of this phenomenon of disconnection.

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The Body Code Manual Circuitry


• To check for communication problems in the other

direction, you might simply ask these questions in

• "Is your body fully communicating with your

spirit?" If the answer is no, you might ask:

• "Is your head fully communicating with

your spirit?

• "Is your neck/thorax/abdomen, etc. fully

communicating with your spirit?

Testing for Communication

To check for communication problems in the other direction, you might simply
ask these questions in reverse. Is your body fully communicating with your
spirit? In other words, this is a two-way communication. Your spirit has to
communicate to your physical body and your physical body has to
communicate to your spirit.

Reconnecting the Spirit/Physical Body

As we saw with morning sickness, you may need to correct this sort of
communication breakdown in two directions. In other words, If you find
imbalances between the spirit and the physical body, if it's the spirit that is
disconnected from the physical, then you'll correct by rolling down the
governing meridian three times. If it's the physical that is disconnected from the
spirit, it's corrected by going up the governing meridian.

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Just think of the spirit as being as being a higher vibration. So to connect spirit
to body you are going from a higher vibration (spirit) to a lower vibration
(physical body) and so you roll down the governing meridian. And by the same
token, if some part of the body is not communicating with the spirit then you 'd
roll up from the physical body to the spirit.

So if you ask the question, "Is your body fully communicating with your spirit?"
And if the answer is No, you might ask, "Is your head fully communicating with
your spirit?, Is your spirit fully communicating with your head? Is your thorax
fully communicating with your spirit?" and so on. You could also ask, of course,
about the left and right arm and the left and right leg.

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The Body Code Manual Circuitry

• Sometimes an entire area will contain a smaller
region of tissue, for example, a muscle, an organ
or a bone that will be disconnected

• If disconnection shows up while scanning the

body, but no specific region seems to be the
problem, ask:

• Is this a disconnection of something within the

abdomen, etc.? This will lead to specific
tissue that is disconnected. (see anatomy

Finding Specific Disconnections

Sometimes a region of the body will contain a smaller are of tissue that is
disconnected. For example, a specific muscle, or a specific organ, or a specific
bone may be disconnected. If disconnection shows up while scanning the body
but no specific region seems to be the problem, you might ask, "Is this a
disconnection of something within the head or within the neck or within the
abdomen or the chest?" and so on. And this will lead to this specific tissue that
is disconnected.

For example, If you're working with someone who has a low back problem you
might ask, "Is there a disconnection between spirit and abdomen or between
the spirit and your low back?" Or, "Is there a disconnection between this region
of the body and the spirit?" And if you get an answer that is affirmative to that
question, then you'd simply either roll up or roll down depending on if you're
trying to reconnect that part of the body to the spirit or the spirit to that part of
the body.

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Full-Duplex Communication
Most often, you will find disconnections like this when you are using the Body
Code Mind Map.

Remember that this is a full-duplex communication. What does that mean?

Walkie-talkies, for example, are not a full duplex communication because only
one person can talk at a time. A telephone, on the other hand, is a full-duplex
communication device, meaning two people can talk at the same time. This
needs to be checked both ways. You need to check for spirit communication to
the physical and then if that one is blown or imbalanced, you would roll down
the governing meridian three times to correct it. You also need to check for
physical connection to spirit. You roll up the governing meridian three times,
and again, if you're doing this on yourself and you need to roll down the
governing meridian, you'd simply go from the forehead in that direction. Go
from the forehead towards the back of the neck, just like releasing a trapped
emotion three times, and if you're going the opposite direction, you just start at
the back of the neck and go over the head to the forehead. --"

306 Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009

The Body Code Manual Circuitry

Spirit Out of Body

The next thing we're going to talk about is how the spirit can sometimes
actually leave the body to some degree. Of course, death is the complete
separation of the spirit and the body, but what about partial separation of spirit
and body? This is different from a disconnection in that in this case, the spirit
actually comes out of the body or is displaced out of the body to some degree.

The spirit may actually become dislodged from the physical body due to some
kind of a physical trauma such as fall, a car accident or some other kind of
injury, or from some intense emotional stress, such as combat or torture and
extremes of that sort.

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Spirit/Body Separation
If a portion of the spirit is outside of the physical body, the result will be similar
to a disconnection of spirit and body. The distinction involves the location of
the spirit. In simple disconnection, the spirit body is where it should be, but it's
not communicating to the physical body for some reason. But if the spirit is
actually displaced out of the physical body to some degree, communication
difficulties will be apparent in that case as well.

• Spirit may actually become dislodged from

physical body due to:

• Physical trauma such as a fall, car accident or

other injury

• Intense emotional stress, combat, torture, etc.

Testing for Spirit/Body Separation

308 Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009
The Body Code Manual Circuitry

You can simply ask, "Is 100% of your spirit within your physical body?" If not,
ask how much of the spirit is within the physical body, and determine a
percentage. To correct it, simply roll down the governing meridian while you're
saying, "I now bring your spirit back 100% into your physical body where it
belongs." Then retest.

Spirit Out of Body

• If a portion of the Spirit is outside of the Physical
Body, the result will be similar to disconnection
of Spirit and Body.

• The distinction involves the location of the Spirit;

• In simple disconnection, the Spirit Body is

where it should be, but is not communicating
to the physical body for some reason.

• If Spirit is out of physical body, communication

difficulties will be apparent.

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• Ask: Is 1000/0 of your Spirit within your physical


• If not, ask how much of spirit IS within

physical body

• While rolling magnet down governing

meridian, say "I now bring your spirit back
100% into your physical body, where it

• Retest.


310 Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009

The Body Code Manual Energetic Imbalances

Energetic Imbalances
In this module, we're going to talk about energetic imbalances. You will learn
how to find and correct trapped emotions, the Heart-Wall, post-traumatic
distortions in the energy field, allergies and food intolerances, and mental
imbalances including despair anchors. I'm also going to be introducing you in
this module, to concepts about negative beliefs and negative desires, faulty
desires, which is part of T3 Therapy. We are also going to cover offensive
distortions or offensive imbalances which often come from other people and
-----. imbalance the body.

Purpose of This Module

• Emotional • Mental
• Trapped Emotions • Intro to Negative
Beliefs and
• Post-Traumatic Desires
Distortions (T3 Therapy)

• Allergies and • Offensive


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Trapped Emotions
So first of all, we're going to talk about trapped emotions and how they occur.
We will talk about prenatal emotions, inherited emotions, preconception
emotions, and of course the Heart-Wall. We'll also talk about another kind of
emotional imbalance that is referred to as emotional resonance. Trapped
emotions are truly an epidemic in our world. They are responsible for causing
the majority of the pain and disease that people suffer from in this world.

312 Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009

The Body Code Manual Energetic Imbalances

What is a Trapped Emotion?

What is a trapped emotion? As we go through our lives, we experience highs
and lows emotionally, and there are times when we hit real emotional lows, or
we feel intense negative emotions of anger, frustration, resentment, sadness,
sorrow and so on. It's during those times when the energy of the emotion can
become lodged in the body.

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Trapped Emotions are Made of Energy

Trapped emotions are typically orange to cantaloupe sized and they will distort
the normal energy field of the body. As you can see in this picture the energy
field around this person is being distorted by a ball of energy, in this case a
trapped emotion. Trapped emotions can occur at any age, and can even be
inherited. They will create physical and mental symptoms. And of course, they
can be found and released using The Emotion Code. To understand how
trapped emotions can create physical and mental symptoms, it's important to
understand the fact that our bodies, and everything in the universe, consist of
one thing, pure energy. The chair you're sitting in right now, the desk you're
sitting at, the walls in your house, this earth, the sun, the moon, and the
stars-everything is made of the same thing.


If you look at your hand, it looks pretty solid. But if you magnify that hand a
hundred times, it doesn't look like the same hand anymore at all. You'd have a
hard time recognizing it. It would look like the surface of an alien planet with -,
hills and valleys and so on. If you magnify that hand 850,000 times, you will
see that the hand is actually made of molecules. If you magnify a single
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molecule about a million times, you can see that that molecule is made of
individual atoms, and if you actually were able to look inside of an atom, you
would see that there's really nothing there, but tiny energies that are flitting
around at the speed of light creating a certain frequency and vibration that
makes that atom what it is.

Really, our bodies are almost entirely empty space. Trapped emotions are
energy too, but they distort the body's energy field, and by distorting the body's
energy field, they distort the tissue of the body. When you distort the tissue of
the body, you end up eventually having physical symptoms due to the
distorting effect of the emotional energy. But because that area of the body
where the trapped emotion is lodged is continually vibrating at the particular
frequency of the emotional energy that is lodged there, it makes you much
more susceptible to falling into resonance with that frequency. Let me explain

Let's say for example that 20 years ago on a certain day you had an argument
with someone and you became very angry. Say you developed a trapped
emotion of anger that lodged in your shoulder. Trapped emotions always lodge
somewhere in the body, and for whatever reason, this trapped emotion lodged
in your shoulder. Now, 20 years later, you probably have shoulder problems,
and you may be thinking about having surgery because your shoulder problem
is not going away. You may also be a more angry person than you otherwise
would be because there is a trapped emotion of anger lodged in your shoulder.
I believe that those tissues in your shoulder are literally feeling the emotion of
anger all the time. So when a situation arises where you could become angry,
you will become angry much more readily than you otherwise would because
part of you was already vibrating at that frequency.

Remember that all emotions are frequencies. And every emotion has a
different frequency than every other emotion. Anger has a different frequency
than sadness, which is a different frequency than frustration, and so on. That
explains why when we release these trapped emotions there is an immediate
change that takes place. Accompanying the physical change that takes place,
very often there is a mental change that takes place as well, because the
energy that that was causing those tissues to literally vibrate at that emotional
frequency is suddenly gone. And that's the real breakthrough of The Emotion
Code-to understand how these emotional energies affect us years and
decades after the event.
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The Body Code Manual Energetic Imbalances

The Trapped Emotion Flow Chart

Ask if idden
. ", ' ,... ~ ASK: Do You(l) have a Ask if there is a
Trapped Emotion We(l) Heari-Wall
can release now? II YES " .
. ,'

Is the Trapped
.' Emotion io Col A? if NO
Determine fs the Trapped
Correct Column... Emotion in Col B1 <

Is the Trapped Emotion

in an Even Row? if NO

Is the Trapped Emotion

Determine in an Odd Row? ~
Correct Row Is the Trapped Emotion
in Row 1, 3. 5 (2 4, 6)

Is the Trapped
Trapped Emotion _ _?
(Name emotions one by one)
If answer is unclear,
FlOWChart Determine ask "Is this an if YES,
Inherited Emotion? determine
Exact Emotion

ilNO "'"
Do we need to know more ",
.' ,. about this emotion?
.' ~ ,

to' Ask when it occu rred

Optional Ask whose emotion this was
Questions... Ask where it is lodged

Slide Magnet down back OT

over head ax {10X for :

Release Trapped inheritedamotions}

<Cr, '>' •• ,', '" •• , . . . . " .... ".,


Ask: "Did we release that Trapped Emotion?

Copyright Wanness Unmasked, Inc & Or. Bradley Nelson. 2007. All Rights Reserved

The flow chart to release trapped emotion is very simple. We start at the top
and simply ask, "Do you have a trapped emotion that we can release now?" Or
if you're working on yourself you ask, "Do I have a trapped emotion that I can
316 Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009
The Body Code Manual Energetic Imbalances

.--. release now?" Then you perform a muscle test or the Sway Test. A strong
muscle test indicates yes, and swaying forward indicates yes. If you do have a
trapped emotion then you go to the next box down and determine the correct
column. So you simply ask, "Is the trapped emotion in column A of the emotion
chart or is it in column B?" And you will get a yes answer to one of those. Once
you determine the column, you've actually eliminated half of the list. And so,
let's move on and we will go to the rows and simply ask is the trapped emotion
in an even row or is it in an odd row.

The emotion chart is divided up into rows and columns and the odd rows are
shaded a little darker than the even rows to make this easier. Once you have
identified an odd or an even row, then you've eliminated half of the list. Every
time we ask a question, we're eliminating a big portion of the list. Once you get
the answer that the emotion is either in an even row or an odd row, you can
simply ask, "Is it in row one or row two or three," and that will help you to zero-
in very rapidly on the five emotions that are in a particular cell, or a particular
row and column location. Once you get to that row and column location and
you have five emotions left, you can simply ask, "Is the trapped emotion
_ _ ." Name the emotions one by one.

If no trapped emotion is detectable then most likely it is an inherited emotion,

which we will be covering soon.

You can ask optional questions after you have identified the emotion. You may
want to ask when it occurred. You may want to ask where it's lodged in the
body. Another question that's good to ask is "Do we need to know more about
this emotion?" Once you get a "no" answer on that, you should be able to go
ahead and release that emotion. You can roll the magnet down the back or
over the head three times for a regular emotion or 10 times for an inherited
emotion. Then at the end of that, you can simply ask "Did we clear that trapped
emotion?" And if you did, then you could start at the top of the flowchart again
and ask the same question, "Do you have a trapped emotion that we can
release now?"

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The Body Code Manual Energetic Imbalances

The Emotion Code Chart
ColumnA Column B
Row 1
Abandonrnen't Effort Unreceived
Betrayal Heartache
Heart or [,
Forlorn Insecurity
Small Lost Ove~oy
Intestine Love Unreceived Vulnerability
Anxiety Failure
Row 2 Despair Helplessness
Spleen or Disgust Hopelessness
Stomach Nervousness Lack of Control
Worry Low Self-Esteem
Crying Confusion
Row 3 Discouragement Defensiveness
lung or Rejection Grief
Colon Sadness Self-Abuse
Sorrow Stubbomess

The Emotion Code Chart

There are a couple of important things that I want to talk about here as far as
The Emotion Code chart goes. First of all, you notice that on the left side of the
chart, we have two organs listed in each row, heart or small intestine for row
one, spleen or stomach for row two , lung or colon for row three, and then in
row four we have liver or gallbladder, kidneys or bladder for row five , and
glands and sexual organs in row six.

The organs and glands are actually frequency generators. They generate the
frequencies of these emotions. Remember that each emotion is a frequency.
When you're feeling an intense emotion , what you 're really feeling is a
frequency . Your body is taking on a new vibration. And the source of that
vibration is coming from one of the organs that listed on the left side here. So
as an example, if you 're feeling an intense emotion of grief, and if you look in
column B and come down to row three, you 'll see confusion , defensiveness,
and grief. That grief emotion is generally going to be coming from the lung or
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The Body Code Manual Energetic Imbalances

the colon. And so, the same pattern follows through with all of these emotions
and all of the organs. Let's look at the heart. The heart or small intestine will
produce the emotions of abandonment or betrayal or forlorn, if you're looking at
column A, row one, and so on.

One thing that I would like to point out about this list is that the difference
between the emotions that are listed in column A and column B is essentially
zero. In other words, emotions that are listed within a certain row could be
placed into column a or column b interchangeably. Sometimes people wonder
if maybe there's a reason why some emotions are on the right and others are
on the left and no, there's no real reason. They're interchangeable.

However, one thing that I would like to point out is that emotions that are
produced by a certain organ may lodge in that same organ. For example,
emotions that are produced by the heart may end up lodging in the heart, or
they may end up lodging in the spleen or the lung or really anywhere in the
body. In other words, any of these emotions on this list can actually become
trapped anywhere in the body. Why does a trapped emotion become lodged in
a certain area? Sometimes it's because there's some kind of an underlying
weakness in that area. Maybe there has been some kind of infection or an
injury in an area and when a trapped emotion then occurs and becomes
lodged in the body, it will more likely go to that area where there is some
underlying weakness or, maybe a preexisting condition of imbalance.

Also, trapped emotions will tend to lodge in areas that have some kind of a
metaphysical significance. For example, let's say you feel like you're carrying
the weight of the world on your shoulders. You may then develop a trapped
emotion that may lodge in the shoulders. Or let's say, for example, that you are
having money issues. You may be more likely to trap emotions in the low back
because metaphysically, there's a connection there between the low back and
money, and so on.

Now I'd like to go through these emotions and explain any of these that might
not be quite clear. We'll take a look at row one first. If you take a look, you'll
see abandonment and betrayal. Those are pretty self-explanatory. Let me
explain the word forlorn. Forlorn is a word that means sadness and desolation,
sort of combined into one. The old saying used to be that a person might be
"forlorn of hope." It's like being sad and lonely and desolate and all alone, all
rolled into one. Feeling lost, of course, often times is feeling lost emotionally, or
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lost about a relationship or lost in some other way, more often than being lost
in the woods, for example, although that can happen too.

Love unreceived is where a person is sending out love to someone else and
that love is bouncing off of that other person. It's not being sent back to them,
or they are not receiving it. This one can show up even in a relationship ...
even, for example, with someone who is married. Maybe they feel like their
spouse is not receiving their love, and so they might develop this trapped
emotion. It might also show up on people who lose a loved one because their
love for that loved one now doesn't have a place to go because that person
has died.

Let's go to column B, row one to effort un received. This is the emotion that you
get when you are putting out effort, and putting out effort, and putting out effort,
and it all comes to nothing, or you're not recognized for what you've done, or it
just doesn't work. And so you end up having the feeling of, "Oh, why did I
bother. I went to all that effort!"

Overjoy is an interesting emotion. It is the only positive emotion that you will
see on this chart. Everything else is quite negative. However, the reason why
overjoy is on this chart is because too much of any emotion can be
imbalancing to the body. Too much of a positive emotion can be as
imbalancing to the body as too much of a negative emotion. When you have
too much of a positive emotion-you're overexcited or you're giddy with
happiness or joy-generally you're going to be okay, but if the conditions are
right, it can become stuck in the body and can create a trapped emotion that
can imbalance you. All those positive emotions that can become too much for
the body to handle often show up together in that one emotion of overjoy.

Vulnerability. Of course, feeling vulnerable means feeling unsafe and


Let's go to row two now and take a look at those. Nervousness and worry-
those are pretty close together, but they do show up a little bit differently. If we
take a look at column B, row two, there's lack of control-lack of control is a
feeling that you get when you just don't have enough control over the events
that are going on in your life. Maybe you feel like you're being carried along to
some place that you don't really want to go, or maybe you feel like you just
don't have the power, like your power has been taken away. Maybe you are on
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The Body Code Manual Energetic Imbalances

a job that you don't like and you just don't see any way out of it, or maybe
you're in a relationship that you just don't know how to end, et cetera.

Let's go on to row three, column A. Self-abuse usually results from bad internal
dialogue. In other words, we all are self-critical at times. But sometimes, this
self-dialogue can create an imbalance, and can actually turn into a trapped
emotion. Self-abuse is rarely involved with actual physical self-abuse. It's
almost always negative self-talk, which many people suffer from. I think it's true
to say that most people are far harder on themselves, more abusive to
themselves mentally, than they would ever imagine or ever dream of allowing
anybody else to be to them.

Let's take a look at row five. Blaming. Blaming other people or feeling blamed,
it can go either way on that one. Dread. Fear. Horror. Horror is typically feeling
horrified about something. It's the kind of feeling that you may get from
watching a scary movie. And by the way, it's possible to develop trapped
emotions by watching movies for example, that are either really scary or really
emotionally over wrought. Peeved is the emotion of being ticked off, or the
colloquial expression is pissed off. If you look at the organs that create this
frequency, it is the kidneys and the bladder. And of course, the kidneys
produce urine, and so that emotion of "pissed off" is probably the one that you'll
be able to remember most easily of them all. To be polite, I use the word
peeved, but it's the same thing.

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The Body Code Manual Energetic Imbalances

Anger Depression
Row 4 Bitterness Frustration
Liver or Guilt Indecisiveness
Gall Hatred Panic
Bladder Resentment Taken for Granted
Blaming Conflict
RowS Dread Creative InsectJrity
Kidneys ,or Fear Terror
Bladder Horror Unsupported
Peeved Wishy Washy
Humiliation Pride
RowS Jealousy Shame
Glands & Longing Shock
Sexual Lust Unworthy
Organs Overwhelm Worthless

Conflict. Feeling conflicted with other people or maybe with yourself. Creative
insecurity, I think, is one of my favorite emotions to get rid off because creative
insecurity is a specific kind of insecurity that is all about the act of creation.
This one will come up anytime you try to create anything, if you have this
trapped emotion. Anytime you try to create money or finances or relationships
or a painting or even dinner, if you have this trapped emotion there will be a
feeling of insecurity that will come along with that creative effort which can
really short circuit you and sabotage you and prevent you from creating the life
you want.

Terror, of course, comes from feeling terrified. I had a patient once who was in
a powerful earthquake many years ago when she was 12 years old. The
earthquake demolished their house, and she developed a trapped emotion of
terror. When she came to me she was about 40 years old and she actually had
an earthquake phobia. When she would think about earthquakes, she would
have a panic attack and she was super sensitive to earthquakes. I was
practice in California at the time, and most days in California there will be an
earthquake somewhere. That's how it is California. And she would feel every
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The Body Code Manual Energetic Imbalances

single one of those small earthquakes, and suffer from an anxiety attack at that
time. Somehow that trapped emotion had linked her in to the geopathic
stresses of the earth. When we cleared that trapped emotion of terror her
anxiety attacks, as well as her super sensitivity to earthquakes, was suddenly

Unsupported. Where you're a mother with three children under two and your
husband isn't helping you enough, you may trap this emotion, for example. It's
a feeling of not getting enough support. Wishy-washy is akin to an emotion of
indecisiveness, but it really is more about not being willing to stand up and be
counted. It's not being willing to make a stand.

If we take a look at row six, we see the emotions from the rest of the glands
and the sexual organs: humiliation, jealousy, longing, lust and overwhelmed,
which are pretty self-explanatory. Pride is the kind of emotion where you're just
feeling a lot better than other people, and can also be from being in a state of
opposition to other people or to the creator. According to Dr. David Hawkins,
who wrote the book Power versus Force, shame is the lowest frequency of all
the emotions and often leads to death.

Shock can happen when you're shocked by something. Feeling unworthy is a

pretty common emotion, and feeling worthless is similar to that. There's a little
difference there. If you feel worthless, you feel like you absolutely have no
worth at all. If you're feeling unworthy, you're feeling that you're not worthy of
receiving a certain thing.

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The Body Code Manual Energetic Imbalances


How Do Magnets Release Trapped Emotions?

So, how do magnets release trapped emotions? How is that possible? Well,
let's take a look at the acupuncture meridians, which are energy rivers, like
little rivers of energy that flow through the body. These rivers of energy were
mapped out thousands of years ago. There are acupuncture maps dating back
to around 3000 years B.C., that are the same acupuncture maps that are used


324 Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009

The Body Code Manual Energetic Imbalances

The Governing Meridian

In The Emotion Code and in The Body Code, we use the governing meridian.
The governing meridian starts at the upper lip and goes over the nose and
right in the middle of the forehead, over the top of the head and then all the
way back down the back to the tailbone.

The governing meridian is a master meridian. It's a control meridian in the

body and it connects to all the other meridians. We use magnets to release
emotions and to do all the other releasing in the Body Code because they are
a pure form of energy. When we apply magnetic field energy to the governing
meridian, that energy goes into the governing meridian and it spreads to all the
other meridians instantly, releasing trapped emotional energy, and so on.

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The Body Code Manual Energetic Imbalances

Magnetic Field Energy

It's possible to use other forms of energy besides magnets. You could use a
cold laser, or you could use finger pressure. If you don't have a magnet, you
can use your fingertips because your body, of course is magnetic as well. But
magnets are a pure form of energy. They're widely available and they have this
interesting ability, or this interesting characteristic in which they seem to
magnify the intention and the thought of the person that is applying the magnet
to the governing meridian. So in other words, the magnet actually takes your
thought and your intention and it magnifies that energy, like a magnifying glass
or magnified light.

What You Don't See

What you don't see is that trapped emotions are normally under the skin
surface and they're invulnerable to magnetic releasing . People have asked me
before, "Can't I just hire someone to roll the magnet down my back everyday
for six months, and wouldn't that release all my trapped emotions?" And the
answer is no, because trapped emotions need to be brought to the surface,
they need to be brought out into the magnetic field to be released. As a result,
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they have to be released one at a time. So what happens is as soon as you

start talking about a trapped emotion, as soon as the body says, yes, I do have
a trapped emotion that needs to be released - What happens is that emotional
energy immediately starts to come to the surface of the body.

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Identifying Trapped Emotions

And as you go through the process of identifying the emotion, it comes to the
surface of the physical body as it comes to consciousness. This process is
invisible but the location of the emotion can be determined through muscle
testing, and if you touch the energy sphere that is the trapped emotion, the
subject will instantly weaken. For example, if we were testing the man pictured
here, we might muscle test one of his arms, while we are coming in closer and
closer to this little green ball of energy which, as you can see is getting bigger
and bigger with our free hand.

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Releasing Trapped Emotions

The moment that we touch the edge of the trapped emotion he will not be able
to hold his arm up, no matter how hard he tries, because we are now touching
the actual energy of the trapped emotion itself. It's an amazing thing, if you
think about it, that what we're looking at here is an actual ball of emotion. It
literally is a ball of energy that is vibrating at that specific rate of energy, that
specific frequency of whatever emotion this is. Once the emotion has come to
the surface of the body it's vulnerable to being released magnetically and not
until then.

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The Heart-Wall
Now let's talk about the Heart-Wall. The Heart-Wall was discovered in 1998. I
was at a conference on magnetic healing with my wife and she woke me up
early one morning, saying that she had had a dream.

In her dream she saw an order wheel (like you may have seen in diners),
where the waitress will clip an order to the wheel and spin it around so the
cook on the other side of the counter will be able to read that order and cook
the meal. She saw an order wheel with three orders clipped to it. When she
woke up she knew that those three orders represented three health issues of
hers that we had not dealt with before.

We started doing some testing and took care of and released the first two
health issues, which were a couple of trapped emotions that we had missed
before. When I turned my attention to the third order on the order wheel, I
suddenly had a waking vision. I was looking at an incredibly beautiful
hardwood floor. It was like looking down the hallway of a beautiful hotel from
the turn of the century, with hardwood floors that were highly polished and
absolutely beautiful. And I'm literally seeing this, not in my minds-eye, but in
front of me. It was an amazing experience. At the same time that I'm seeing
this, I'm also given the understanding that her heart, my wife's heart, is
somehow underneath this floor. I had absolutely no idea what this meant, but I
told her what I was seeing and what I understood, and we said a prayer for
help and began testing, trying to get some answers about what the meaning
behind this was. What we found was that she actually had a wall around her
heart that was made of negative emotions that she'd picked up during her

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She was born into a family that was quite dysfunctional. Her father was a very
angry man and would "blow his top" at any time without notice, so all the
children grew up walking on eggshells all the time. When she was about two
years old, she started developing this wall around her heart. I'm sure that you
have felt that feeling that we call 'heartache,' where you feel a physical
sensation in the chest-a pressure, where those words 'heartache' or
'heartbreak' come from. Your spirit does not like that emotion because your
heart is, I believe, the core of your being and the seat of the subconscious
mind, the seat of all of your creativity, and the center of who you are. Her body
didn't like that feeling, either. And so it started to create a wall around her heart
to protect that heart from being totally broken.

As we tested further, we found that this wall of hers was thicker than a foot,
thicker than a hundred feet or a thousand feet, and it was thicker than a mile-
it was actually five miles thick!

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So there we were, with this symbolic wall made of hardwood; a five-mile thick
wall of hardwood around her heart, protecting her heart. This was really bizarre
to both of us, but what we've learned since then is that about 93% of people
actually have a heart-wall because they have been through some traumatic
things in their lives.

Measuring the Heart's Magnetic Field

Having a Heart-Wall handicaps you in many ways. It blocks you in your ability
to give and receive love freely, and it will create depression and anxiety and
self-sabotage. Because it blocks your creative abilities, it will also block you
from success.

Scientists have done some amazing studies with the heart over the last few
years. They can now measure the magnetic field of the heart using a device
called a Magnetocardiogram. When they use that device, they find that the
heart has a magnetic field that's about 12 feet in diameter. They have found
that when you're feeling love or affection for another person that your heart
waves become apparent in the body of the other person, and that your heart
rates will synchronize.

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When we're feeling love or affection for another person, we're literally sending
them electromagnetic energy-from our heart to theirs. Remember that a
heart-wall is made of negative emotions- negative emotions that surround the
heart. So that love-energy coming from your heart to theirs becomes distorted
and twisted and warped by the heart-wall. The heart-wall creates isolation or
feelings of numbness, and that's what was happening with my wife, Jean. She
not only felt numb to emotions, but she also had a hard time making friends.
Anytime she was in any kind of a social group, she always felt like she was on
the outside looking in, until the day that the last emotion making up her heart-
wall was released. It took us about two weeks to clear all the emotions in her
heart-wall. We would clear an emotion and then her body would have to take a
couple of days to process that release. After about two weeks, the last emotion
was released and she, at that moment, felt an immediate change. She
suddenly felt like she was on the inside looking out, instead of the outside
looking in, and she has continued to make great strides and great progress
since then.

The heart-wall will definitely create depression. We've seen people who were
suicidally-depressed change in a matter of days after releasing the heart-wall. ....---- ....
And it also will definitely block a person from succeeding. When you have a
heart-wall you actually have what I like to call an "abundance-block." When you
graduate from high school or college they tell you to "follow your heart." And
that's true. Your best self and all of your best creativity and your best potential
is found in your heart, in the heart-brain, not in the brain in your head. And so,
if you're going to achieve everything that you're capable of achieving, you need
to have a heart that is open, and you need to be able to express all that is in
your heart. But when you have negative trapped emotions that are wrapped
around that heart, that are blocking that heart, or acting as a barrier or a wall, it
creates an abundance-block and really stands in the way of you succeeding.

The emotions that become trapped in the body are used by the subconscious
mind to create this wall. We discussed a few minutes ago about how
everything in the universe is made of pure energy. I believe that the
subconscious mind understands this concept implicitly. And so, when you first
start feeling those feelings of heartache, the subconscious mind, not liking that
at all, will search for some way to prevent that. And so, it will actually look
around for building materials, and by that I mean energy, pure energy, excess
energy that is lying around in the body like stacks of lumber. The most
common sort of excess energy in the body? Trapped Emotions. So the
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subconscious mind will actually take those excess energies that are lying
around and will take them and fashion a wall with them around the heart to
protect that heart from being totally broken.

Physical Effects of Heart-Wall

The physical effects of having a heart-wall are often pain in the neck,
discomfort in the shoulders, tightness in the shoulder muscles and so on. How
many people do you know that suffer from that? These are very common side
effect of having a heart-wall, and of course the emotional effects are isolation,
inability to find love, inability to fall in love, to stay in love and so on.

One of the most amazing experiences that I have had with this was when I was
working with a woman who was very religiously devoted. She was still
unmarried at 43 years old even though she was very attractive. I found she
had a heart-wall. She had a goal to be married within the next year but she
was still alone because of her heart-wall. When I started to work with her, first
of all I asked what this wall was made of, because the subconscious mind will
always choose some kind of a material for the heart-wall to be made out of. In
her case it was clear plastic. When I arrived at this, she said to me, "Oh, I love
clear plastic! When I was a kid, my parents covered our couches and our
carpet and our stairs and everything with clear plastic."

This is a perfect example of how there is often some kind of logic in the
material that the heart-wall is symbolically made of. In her case, she was very
religiously devoted. She was an Orthodox Jew, very observant, and a
wonderful woman. If you think about that, here she is a very religious, very
pure kind of a person who wants to keep her heart clean and pure from all of
the dirty things in this world, and so it created a wall around that heart. But it
was clear plastic because that's what she was used to. And of course, why do
people cover things with clear plastic? So that 20 years later they can take the
cover off the couch and it's like they just bought it, right? Well, this wall around
her heart was made of clear plastic. It was about four inches thick.

I was in New York actually as I was working with her and we were at this
convention, kind of sitting off in the corner and I started actually releasing
these emotions from her. I was sitting across from her and I gave her a magnet
and as I'm releasing these emotions, I actually had her use the magnet. I
would find them and identify them on her and then tell her what they were and
then she would go ahead and roll or slide the magnet over her forehead to the
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back of her neck three times to release each emotion. When we cleared the
last emotion, I had an amazing experience. It was like a stone had suddenly
been rolled away from in front of her heart and instantly I was being bathed
with this beautiful, incredible feeling coming out of her heart. Imagine spending
a long cold, dark, gray winter inside and then suddenly there is a sunny day,
the first sunny day in months of grayness, and you walk outside and you just
stand there and soak up that sun, and it feels so wonderful. That's exactly how
it felt to me; I wasn't making it up; it was very real, and something that if I live
to be a million years old I will never forget it. It was really amazing. I told her
what I was feeling, and I told her that she would now be better able to create or
find that relationship-better able to find love and get married and reach her
goals because now, that energy from her heart was now radiating out into the
universe and filling the immensity of space, and it was going to start drawing
things to her. As I was telling her this, an Orthodox Jewish doctor that I had
met back there-he was single-walked right by me and walked right up to her
and started talking with her and I thought to myself, "Wow, this stuff works
fast." It really does! So if you think about this, 93% of people have a wall
around their heart and it's such an important thing to get rid of this wall,
because the heart is really the core of who we are!

Heart Transplants
We've had the ability to transplant hearts now for a long time, and we know
now that a lot of people end up receiving not only the heart from the donor but
also many of the donor's memories and affinities. For example, I saw a
documentary once where a woman had gotten a heart transplant. Her friends
came into the recovery room and said, "Hey, you've got your new heart now.
When you get out of here what do you want to do?" And she said, "Well, I'd kill
for a beer!" They all looked aghast, and she looked was shocked at herself,
because she just drank tea. When she got out of the hospital, she found that
she really did like beer and that she craved green peppers. And when she
would travel to certain towns which she never been to before, she would have
this eerie sensation that she had been there before, and she knew what was
going to be around the next corner. Then she went back to the hospital and
found out that a man who had died in a motorcycle accident was her heart
donor. As you might imagine, he craved green peppers and drank beer, and
had been to all those towns that she had had those eerie feelings about.

Another fascinating story is told of a middle-aged white man who got a heart
transplant. He knew that he was going to get a heart from a young black man.
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After he got the heart transplant he had this incredible, insatiable yearning for
classical music. He couldn't stop listening to it. He would play classical music
loud in his home all day long. He would listen to certain passages obsessively
over and over. Finally, his wife thought he was losing his mind. He'd never
liked classical music before. They were amazed to find out that he had
received the heart of a young black man who was a concert violinist, who was
hit by a car as he was crossing the street on his way home from a recital.

The heart has memory. In fact, there's a story about a young woman who
received a heart transplant from another young woman who was murdered,
and there was enough memory in the transplanted heart that she was able to
help the police solve the murder.

Another story from just within the last year or so involved a middle-aged man
who received a heart from a younger man who had actually killed himself by
shooting himself in the head. This man was so grateful to have a new lease on
life that he began writing to the donors widow. For two years they carried on
this correspondence. Finally, when he actually met her face-to-face he said,
"The moment I saw her, I couldn't take my eyes off of her! It was like I'd known
her all my life!" They ended up getting married, even though there was quite an
age gap. This made national news within the last year or so because, after
about eight or nine years of marriage, he actually killed himself. He shot
himself in the head just like the donor did.

There are all kinds of stories like this about the heart. I like to say that we are
now living in the "age of the heart." And I believe that if we are going to evolve
and get to the next level as a civilization, as a world, it is only going to be
through unlocking our hearts and allowing our heart-brain to direct our lives.
We've been using the brain in our heads for thousands of years now and you
can see where it's gotten us. We 've advanced technologically but we still are
living like primitive man in many ways. We believe that it's okay to bomb
people and we believe that war is a perfectly justifiable way to solve
differences between nations. That's the kind of thinking that is produced by the
brain that's in our heads. The heart-brain however, would solve all these
problems by choosing a much higher path. But until we get rid of enough of
these heart-walls from people, things are going to continue as they are.

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Finding the Heart-Wall

The flow chart for the heart-wall is very similar.

".. " ", ... '''> Do You(l) have a (HIdden) Heart-Wall?

ASK: Can We(l) i NO Ask if Hidaoo

release an Emotion As!!. again lator
from the Heart-Wall If YES ",
.~., ..
Is the Trapped
Emotion in Col A'] if NO
.... "

Determine Is tho Trapped

Correct Column .. , Emotion n Col 81 <" ..,

IS the Trapped Emotion

in an Even Row? if NO

.Is the Trapped Emotion

Determine 'n an Odd Row? <.......
C<lrrect Row Is the Trapped Emotion
'n Row 1, 3, 5 (2. 4. 6)

Hurt-Wan Is !he Trapped

FlowChart Emotion _ _?
(Name emotions one by one)
If answOf is unclear,
Determine ask ".s this an • YES.
Exact Emotion Inherited Emotioo? determioo

if 0 '" .. '."
Do we need to know more
about this emotion?
i ~. ~., • • ~, I-
Lio/" Ask wtloo it occul'1'Q(i
Optional Ask Wflosc emotion Ihls was
Questions... Ask where it lodged

Slide Mag not down back. 0(

over oaa 3X (10X for
R.elease Trapped inherited emotion )
•• ,,~< " • ., . ".... •. • •

Ask: "Did we release that Trapped Emotion?

Copyright WeI!oess Unmasked. Inc & Dr. Bradley Nelson. 2007, All Rights Reserved

338 Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc, 2009

The Body Code Manual Energetic Imbalances

In fact, it's almost exactly the same as the flow chart for releasing trapped
emotions because heart-walls are made of trapped emotions. You start at the
top and you simply ask, "Do you have a heart-wall?" Or "Do I have a heart-
wall?" If the answer to this first question is no, then you will want to use the
word "hidden" because sometimes the heart-wall will actually be hidden. If so,
asking if there is a hidden heart-wall will make it reveal its presence. In cases
where you have to use the word hidden, once the heart-wall is revealed you
don't need to use the word hidden anymore. You will only need to use it the
first time to get the heart-wall to show up if the heart-wall is hidden, but not
after that.

The next question is, "Can we release an emotion from the heart-wall now?"
That's an important question because sometimes people are in a bad situation
and their heart-wall is there to protect them, to protect their heart. Sometimes
they need to keep their wall, at least for a while. I find that when people have a
heart-wall they're usually ready to start releasing it right away. Once in a while
though, I'll find a person whose subconscious mind will say, "No, I'm not ready
to release this yet!" Usually though, if you come back in a few days or a week
in cases like this, the answer will have changed to a yes. Sometimes the
subconscious mind needs to think about it for awhile.

Releasing Heart-Wall Emotions

So, once the body says yes in response to this first question, we can release
an emotion from the heart-wall. At the moment that the body answers 'yes,' the
emotion that is to be released has already been identified by the subconscious
mind, and it's already emerging out into the magnetic field of the body. So at
that point, you simply determine what the correct emotion is, as explained
before. Again, if you are taken to a certain column and a certain row and no
trapped emotion is detectable, then you can ask if the emotion is inherited. It is
possible to have an inherited trapped emotion be part of a heart-wall.

When I was young they used to sell 'jawbreakers,' candy balls that were quite
large and round. If you would suck on one of these for a while and then take it
out and look at it, it might be a different color than what you started with. Suck
on it for a while, you take it out and it's yellow. Then you suck on it for a while
longer and you take it out and it's white because it is made of different colors of
candy. That's what the heart-wall is like. It's made of different layers of trapped
emotions. You can optionally ask when the trapped emotion occurred, who is
involved, etc. Another good thing to ask is, "Do we need to know more about
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this emotion?" When the answer to this question is "no", then you're done. At
that point you can roll the magnet down the back or over the head to release
the trapped emotion, 3 times (or 10 times for inherited emotions).

At the bottom of the chart you can see we ask, "Did we clear that trapped
emotion?" The answer should be yes, and if so, you can then go back up to the
top of the chart and ask again, "Do you have a heart-wall?" and "Can we
release an emotion from your heart-wall now?" and so on. I find that I can
usually release four to six emotions in a single session, sometimes more,
sometimes less. The average person seems to have somewhere between 12
to 24 trapped emotions making up their heart-wall, but it may be more or less
than this, depending on the person. Material

• Not necessary, but interesting

• Ask, "Is the heart-wall made of wood?

• Is it harder than wood?

- Is it a metal?
- Is it some kind of rock?

• Is it softer than wood?

- Is it vegetable material? Etc.

Determining the Heart-Wall Material

Remember that the subconscious mind is very logical. Since it is patently
illogical to have a "wall" made of nothing, the subconscious mind will always
choose a material for the Heart-Wall to be made of.

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You don't really need to know what substance the subconscious mind chose to
build the Heart-Wall out of in order to release it. Ultimately, all Heart-Walls are
made of the energy of trapped emotions, and releasing these trapped
emotions is what really matters.

On the other hand, determining the material that has been chosen is
interesting because of the symbolism that is often revealed. There is no right or
wrong way to ask what material has been used, but I usually start by asking if
the material is wood. If it isn't wood, I ask if it is a material harder or softer than
wood. If it is harder than wood, I may ask if it is made from metal, etc. You can
narrow it down pretty quickly using the process of deduction, and you'll get
some great practice using muscle testing.

If you have determined what material the Heart-Wall is made of, you might
then want to ask how thick the Heart-Wall is. They can range in thickness from
paper-thin to many miles! All I can tell you is that this is what we have found in
testing. Our subconscious minds are not limited like our conscious minds are,
and can have quite an imagination! Yet I believe that the subconscious mind
takes it all quite seriously, and really does believe that there is a wall there,
made of whatever material has been chosen.

• The trapped emotion must be brought to conscious
awareness in order to be released

• If in doubt, ask "Do we need to know more about

this trapped emotion?"

• Trapped emotions will make their existence known :

• Physical pain or illness, even cancer

• Emotional self-sabotage

• Removal with the Emotion Code, etc.

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Remember, trapped emotions need to be brought to conscious awareness in

order to be released. However, there are some exceptions to this. If you're
working on someone who is unconscious, for example, someone who's in a
coma-or if you're working on one of your children, a young child, for example,
when they are asleep. My wife and I used to work on our twins-they're 20
years old now, but when they were little we used to work on them when they
were asleep because we couldn't catch them when they were awake!

Releasing Trapped Emotions

If you ask, "Do we need to know more about this trapped emotion?" and the
body says "yes," then that means there's something else that the subconscious
mind wants to be brought to conscious awareness. Sometimes this has to do
with revealing who was involved with this emotion. Usually the emotions you
find will have been generated by the person you're working on. But once in a
while, you will find a case where an emotion might have actually come from
someone else.

In other words, let's say you're close to someone and they're feeling an intense
emotion-it's possible that you may trap that emotion because they're close to
you. That's one of the things you can ask, "Is this your emotion or did this
emotion come from someone else?"

Common Symptoms of Trapped Emotions

Trapped emotions will always make their existence known in some way, either
physical or emotional, by creating illness and even cancer. Every cancer that I
ever saw always had trapped emotions as part of the underlying reason for its
existence. I believe that trapped emotions are certainly one of the underlying
causes of cancer. They may also make their existence known also by
emotional self-sabotage, depression, and all kinds of emotional feelings that
you can't seem to shake. But the safest and healthiest way of all for trapped
emotions to make their existence known is to go through this little process of
identifying them and removing them with the emotion code. And hopefully, you
will do this before they start creating all kinds of symptoms for you, because
they will make their presence known somehow, eventually.

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There are several different variations that we find with trapped emotions.

You can have more than one trapped emotion lodged in a particular location in
the body, and this phenomenon is called "Nesting." Other energies can nest
too, but we see this most often with trapped emotions. It's possible that these
nested emotions will be completely different from each other and have no
obvious connection, but sometimes they may be about a certain event or
relationship, or they may also be the same emotion- like 4 emotions of Fear,
for example. What usually happens with nested emotions is a decrease in pain
(in one location of the body) for each trapped emotion released. I've seen as
many as 10 trapped emotions lodged in one particular area of tissue, and
when we released each emotion, the pain level would drop a little bit, then a
. -, little more for each emotion until the pain was gone .

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Prenatal Emotions
Prenatal emotions are usually from a mother's emotion. In other words, the
mother is feeling an intense emotion at some point and since the fetus is part
of the mother and is inside the mother, it is feeling that emotional vibration as
well and traps the emotion. This usually occurs in the third trimester,
apparently. Rarely have we seen these outside of the third trimester, and we
are not sure why this is. These are cleared with three rolls down the governing
meridian just like a regular trapped emotion, which this is. It's a regular run-of-
the-mill trapped emotion; it's just that it occurred prior to birth.

Inherited Emotions
Inherited emotions are received from a parent at the moment of conception. So
these are different from prenatal emotions. Prenatal emotions are picked up
from another person while still in the womb, usually in the last trimester. But
inherited emotions are received from a parent at the moment of conception.
Inherited trapped emotions may go back several generations, and it's .-------.
important to find the genealogy of the emotion. Questions like, "Did this
344 Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009
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emotion come from your mother? Did you get this from your father? Did your
father get this from someone earlier?" will help you to trace the emotion back
fairly rapidly to find out who this trapped emotion originated with. The exciting
thing about these emotions is that when you release an inherited emotion from
someone, you're releasing it not only from the person you're working on, but
you're also releasing it from whoever they got it from, and whoever they got it
from, and whoever they got it from, all the way back. It's like pulling on a rope
that's attached to your genealogy tree and it will release that emotional energy
from all those ancestors as far back as it goes, and it may go back many
generations. We don't usually see these inherited emotions go back more than
a few generations, but they can go back 20 or even more.

Discovering Inherited Emotions

Remember that inherited emotions are usually discovered when you are taken
to a certain column and row, and at point, the emotion cannot be determined.
The reason for this is because the subconscious mind wants you to know that
this is an inherited emotion. So it'll take you as far as it can. It will take you to a
certain column and it will take you to a certain row. But then when you start
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asking, "Is the emotion this or this or this, or this, or this?" The body will say,

"No, no, no, no, no." Or it may say, "Yes, it's this and this, and this, and this,
and this, and this." The bottom line here is, you are not being given a clear
answer for a reason.

Remember that when you're looking for an emotion, you're only looking for one
emotion. So if you get an answer that there are two emotions, or three out of
the five, or two out of the five, or four out of the five, or it's all of them, or it's
none of them, it's probably an inherited emotion. The subconscious mind will
sometimes playa game when you're trying to find an inherited emotion and
until you ask, "Is this emotion inherited?" you simply will not be able to get any
answer. So if this happens to you, use the word inherited and you'll be able to
discover the emotion and release it from the generations.

Inherited Hopelessness
In my own particular case, I had had more than one inherited emotion
released. But one day my daughter Natalie was working on me long distance .---~

and found an inherited trapped emotion of hopelessness. For some unknown

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reason she immediately started feeling very emotional. She traced it back 22
generations to a grandmother of mine. Then suddenly, she could feel the
presence of this female ancestor of mine from 22 generations ago, standing
next to her. She could feel her immense gratitude towards Natalie for doing this
work, and she could feel how desperately she wanted this emotion released
from her posterity. It was an amazing experience, and to this day Natalie
cannot talk about it without becoming emotional. For my part, the experience
was a bit hard to describe. Imagine living next to a factory that had been
running day and night all your life, and suddenly the factory shuts down. You
would be so used to the noise coming from the factory that suddenly the
silence would be deafening. That's what it was like for me when she released
that inherited hopelessness. Suddenly I realized that the background feeling of
hopelessness that had always been there was suddenly gone. I didn't even
know that it was there, but when suddenly it was gone, I could tell the

Releasing these inherited emotions is a powerful thing. Not only because it's
releasing it from the person you're working on, but also from all of these other
people, even though they're dead. Their spirits live on, and we remain
connected to them. Even though they're passed on, it still releases from them.
You will find inherited trapped emotions if you do much work with the Emotion
Code and I think that you'll be amazed with the results.

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The Veil of Memory

I believe that before we come here to this world, we live with God as spirit
beings. I believe that we all lived there, in that wonderful place, that we were
conscious, that we could make decisions and act for ourselves. I believe that
when we come into this life, we are born into a state of complete and total
amnesia. I refer to this as the "veil of memory" that is somehow sort of placed
over us in some way that divides us from our memories of that life before,
where we lived with God.

When I was 18 years old, I had an experience where I was quietly meditating
and suddenly, it was as if this veil suddenly was parted from me just for a few
seconds-for probably about five seconds total. The result of that was that I
was instantaneously taken from a place of total relaxation and meditation to a
place of the most intense and overwhelming homesickness that I've ever felt in
my life; homesickness to be back to that place where we all came from. It
lasted for about five seconds and then it was over, and it left me reeling with
awe. I learned some things from this. I learned that this is really not our home
here. We came from another place that we have forgotten. I learned that it's a
good thing that we have this veil of memory because I honestly believe that we
could not stand it here in this place for five minutes if we didn't have this veil of
memory that divides us from that place where we once lived.

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Preconception Emotions
That leads us to the next topic, which is what we call preconception emotions.
These are trapped emotions that become lodged in the spirit body prior to
conception. The first time I saw this on someone, I was tracking down a
trapped emotion and it went back earlier than 10 years, and earlier than five
years, and even earlier than birth. I asked, "Is this a prenatal emotion that
became trapped during pregnancy?" The answer was "No." So I asked, "Is this
an inherited emotion?" The answer was "No." And I thought to myself, "Hmmm,
well, if the spirit existed before it came into the body, maybe it came from that
other world," and it did in this case. We do see this and if you do very much
Emotion Code work you will see this as well, but probably not very often. I think
that perhaps, before we come to this world, I believe that sometimes we're
given a glimpse of where we're going. And I think that sometimes, we have
fear about that; we look at where we're going and we panic, and think "Oh my
gosh. I'm going there? You're sending me there? He's going to be my dad?"
and things along those lines. So we have fear-related emotions about our
impending life on earth, or we may have grief-related emotions about leaving
our home with God. These are the typical things that we see with
preconception emotions. They're usually fear related about coming to earth, or

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they're grief related emotions about leaving our home with God. These are
cleared with three rolls, just like any other trapped emotion.

Emotional Resonance
Now let's talk about emotional resonance. Sometimes, intense emotional
energy can leave our DNA ringing like a bell.

If you were to walk up to a bell and hit it with a hammer, it would ring for a time
and then the ringing would fade from hearing. If you were to come back an
hour later, you wouldn't hear any ringing at all. But if you were to put a fine
instrument up to that bell and measure what's going on, you might see that the
bell is still resonating, but not audibly. Sometimes, intense emotional energies
can leave our DNA ringing like a bell, and this ringing can last for many years,
if not all our lives. This emotional resonance can even be inherited, although
that seems to be quite rare. This phenomenon is cleared with 3 or 10 rolls on
the governing meridian -3 rolls if it's not inherited and 10 rolls if it is.
Remember that this is not the same as a trapped emotion at all. It's not a ball
of energy. It's actually a vibrational resonance in the DNA of the body; in a
sense, the DNA is actually left "ringing" with the vibration of a certain emotion.

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This can be a very powerful thing, but how does it show up? You could simply
ask, "Is there an emotional resonance that we can clear?" If there is and the
body says "yes," you would simply use the emotion chart and go down the list,
"Is it in column A or B?" and so on. Even though it's not a trapped emotion, you
will use the same emotion list because those same emotions will-instead of
creating a trapped emotion-leave he body ringing with a particular frequency.

Post-Traumatic Distortions
Post-Traumatic Distortions are energies that become lodged in the body most
often after some sort of trauma has occurred, such as inflammations, miasms,
physical and psychic trauma.

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Let's take a look at inflammation, first of all. Inflammation, of course, is often
the result of injury and is a chemical process. However, it is also an energy.
There is an inflammation energy that will sometimes be found in the inflamed
tissues. It is often the result of injury, but not always. It can be reduced-you
release this with 3 rolls down the Governing Meridian, like almost everything

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Miasms were discovered by Samuel Hahnemann, the 18th century founder of
Homeopathy. Basically, a miasm is a distortion of the energy field from some
kind of a suppressed disease. In other words, say that one of your ancestors
had some sort of disease that they suppressed with drugs or other remedies,
but it was never healed. That may create a distortion in their body's energy
field that may be passed on to their posterity. You can read more about
miasms on the internet, but when you find one of these, they seem to clear
quite well with 10 rolls down the governing meridian.

These seem to always be inherited. If you do see one of these, be sure to find
the genealogy of the miasm, the same as you would if it were an inherited
trapped emotion.

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Physical Trauma
Physical trauma occurs when a physical blow is received. If you think about the
man in the picture, he's taking a blow. The energy of that blow may break his
jaw or it may knock some of his teeth loose. Usually, energy like that will do its
damage and pass through the body and be gone, but sometimes the energy
from a trauma can actually become lodged in the physical body.

For example, let's say you're sitting at a stoplight and you are rear-ended.
There are hundreds of tons of kinetic energy that are released in an accident
like this, energy that crumples the fenders and damages both cars, energy that
passes through your body and perhaps gives you whiplash. Usually that
energy will just go through the body and dissipate and disappear. But
sometimes, the energy of that physical trauma will become stuck in the body.
In all other ways, it's just like a trapped emotion. It's a ball of energy, just like a
trapped emotion, from the size of baseball to the size of a cantaloupe. But
wherever it lodges in the body, it will tend to distort the energy field of the body
just like a trapped emotion, and can prevent a person from healing by
distorting their energy field, just as a trapped emotion will.

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Releasing Physical Trauma

Physical trauma energy is released with 3 rolls down the Governing Meridian. I
remember right after I discovered this phenomenon, I had a patient who came
to me who had been in an auto accident four years before. He'd seen multiple
different doctors because the pain that he was in was just as bad as the day of
the accident, four years later!

We found that he had a physical trauma energy that was lodged in his neck
from the accident. We released that energy with 3 rolls down the governing
meridian and instantly his pain level decreased by 80%, just from releasing this
physical trauma energy.

Since then I have seen this sort of energy many times. I remember one day
getting a phone call from a friend of ours who had been involved in an auto
accident just down the hill from us; she was crying, and my wife immediately
drove down to assist her. She hugged her and tried to comfort her, and the
next day, she was suffering from tremendous neck problems. If I didn't know
better, I would have said that SHE had been in the accident, not our friend.
.-----, When she hugged her, the physical trauma energy passed from her to my wife,
and it was this event that led us to discover this interesting phenomenon.

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Psychic Trauma
Another kind of trauma is what we call psychic trauma. After 9/11/2001, I had
patients coming to me that had some kind of emotional imbalance that I had
never identified before, something I couldn't quite identify. It wasn't a trapped
emotion, yet there was something emotional going on. After praying for help to
understand what was happening and struggling for a bit, the answer came.
When two or more powerful emotions are felt simultaneously, they may
become trapped together into one ball of energy. If you remember on 9/11, of
course, everyone was feeling a wide range of emotions, such as anger, rage,
sadness, fear, grief, sorrow and so on. A psychic trauma is the same as a
trapped emotion in every other way, but it only shows up if you ask for it by
name, or if you are using the Body Cody Mind Map and it shows up on the list
under post-traumatic energies.

So in other words, if you feel more than one powerful emotion simultaneously,
those two emotions may become lodged together into one ball of energy. Let's
say that you're feeling anger and fear at the same time, and they're both very
strong and they become trapped together into the same energy ball. Now
you've got this ball of energy that isn't just anger and it isn't just fear. It's
actually both. As a result, this will not show up as a trapped emotion, although
really that's what it is-it's a blend of these two (or more) emotions, a blended
frequency. It's a ball of energy, just like a trapped emotion, from the size of an
orange to the size of cantaloupe. These will lodge somewhere in the body, and
will cause all the same kinds of problems that trapped emotions cause, but will
only show up if you use those words "psychic trauma," And then you'll be able
to uncover it. These actually are fairly common, occurring about once for every
10 trapped emotions. These can also be inherited, although this seems to be
quite rare .

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Let's talk about allergies and intolerances now. There are physical allergies,
there are allergies of thoughts or ideas, and there are food intolerances. First
of all, physical allergies result from changes in the way our energy field reacts
to the energy of foods, fruits, and vegetables and so on. These allergies are
often correctible with 3 rolls of a magnet down the governing meridian.

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Let's say, for example, that a person is allergic to cats. You can have them
think about breathing the air near a cat-you don't actually have to put a cat in
their face-and test their muscle response. You will probably find that their arm
immediately weakens. At that point, you go ahead and roll 3 times down the
governing meridian. Then come back and ask them to think about inhaling cat
fur again, or eating a strawberry, or eating chocolate, or chewing on something
that they've been allergic to, whatever it is. They should be strong after that. At
that point, it's a really good idea for them to avoid any contact with that
substance for about 24 hours or so, and it seems this often does work for
people. It's very simple.

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Idea Allergies
Let's take a look at idea allergies. All allergies are about energy. Everything is
energy. So, if you're allergic, for example, to a strawberry, what you're really
allergic to is the atomic and the molecular vibrations that make that strawberry
what it is. Thoughts are energies too. As a result, you can be allergic to
thoughts as well. You can be allergic to anything that exists.

When someone has an idea allergy, you have to work a bit to figure out what
they are allergic to. I have seen people be allergic to the thought of working,
marriage, relationships, women, men, sex, exercise, getting well, and more.

It can help to ask questions to narrow it down a bit. For example, you might
ask things like, "Are you allergic to an idea that has to do with relationships?"
Or "Are you are allergic to an idea about work, or something about home life,
something about church, something about politics, something about. .. ? If you
feel stuck, remember to direct your thoughts toward your Heavenly Father,
asking for His help, and refocus your efforts, let love fill your heart for the
person you are working on, and allow yourself to feel gratitude that you are

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getting the answer, and it will flow to you. Once you figure it out, correct it with
3 rolls down the governing meridian, just like a trapped emotion.


Food Intolerances
Food intolerances are a negative reaction to a food by the digestive system.
But there is also an energetic component to food intolerances. Food
intolerances are much more common than food allergies. The most common
symptom of food intolerance is sudden exhaustion, shortly after eating. Food
intolerances are usually correctable by rolling 3 times down the governing
meridian just like a trapped emotion. Avoiding the food for 24 hours does not
seem to be necessary after treating a food intolerance, unlike an allergy.

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Mental Imbalances
• Images

• Negative Broadcast Messages

• Need to Move the Past

• Will to Die

• No Will to Live

• Despair Anchor

• Need for T3 Session

Mental Imbalances
Now, we're going to talk next about mental imbalances. These include things
like images, negative broadcast messages, need to move the past, will to die,
no will to live, despair anchors and the need for a T3 session.

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An image is essentially a "picture" in the subconscious mind. The
subconscious (being a goal-seeking computer) will attempt to fulfill this image,
and will direct or misdirect your behavior to make sure that this image comes
to pass. So, for example, if you have an image of yourself as being really
overweight, it will make it much harder for you to lose weight. Your
subconscious mind will attempt to fulfill that picture, and match it to your reality.
An image like this can make it more difficult to live the life you want to live and
be as healthy as you want to be. Once you identify an image like this, you can
release it with just 3 rolls down the governing meridian.

I have seen all kinds of images, and they're not all that common, but people do
sometimes have them. I've seen images of people being overweight, poor,
alone and so on. Sometimes people who are sick will have an image of
themselves being sick, being in a wheelchair, being sad, lonely, depressed and
so on.

If you are working on someone and an image shows up, you can ask questions
like, "Is this an image of you? Is there anyone else in the image? Is it an image
of you being sick or being overweight or being in trouble somehow, etc?"
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Again, if you get stuck on an image, stop, ask for help, fill your heart with love
and gratitude, and the answer will come to you by and by. Releasing negative
images can definitely make a difference for people.

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Neg. Broadcast1[essage
• This is energy that is continually sent out
from the body to other people;

• Can influence ability to form and keep

relationships, and can attract wrong people,

• Since this exists as an energy, it can also be

released in the same way, and a new
broadcast message can be installed if

Negative Broadcast Messages

A negative broadcast message is energy that is continually being sent out from
your body to other people. It can influence your ability to form and keep
relationships, and can attract the wrong people to you. Since a negative
broadcast message exists as energy, it can be released as an energy (like a
trapped emotion), and a new broadcast message can be installed, if needed. If
a negative broadcast message shows up while you are working on someone,
it's not usually very difficult to figure out. They're simply sending a message to
everyone that they are not aware of.

For example, they might be sending out a message of "Stay away from me", or
"I'm easy", or "I'm mean"- you name it. There's really no limit to what can be
sent out by the body. When this comes up while I am working on someone, I
think for a moment about what kinds of issues this person is having and what's
going on in their life. I'll say a quick and silent prayer for help, and then I
usually start with some common words, since broadcast messages are usually
a short sentence, consisting of two or three words. I'll ask if it starts with "I", or
"I'm", or something else. If you just open your heart, usually this will come into
the mind. Then you simply can test different options and usually, it doesn't take
more than a couple of minutes to figure one of these out.
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Releasing Negative Broadcast Messages

Running a magnet up the governing meridian three times will release a
negative broadcast message. You may need to create a positive broadcast
message, and it is always a good idea to ask, "Do we need to install a positive
broadcast message?" If you released a negative broadcast message, then
often the body will want a positive message installed.

Positive Broadcast Messages

The subconscious mind will know exactly what it wants for its positive
broadcast message. These are quite often the opposite of what the negative
broadcast message was, but it depends on the person you are working on.
Their subconscious mind will know what it should be. If you just ask a little help
from upstairs, it will flow into your mind a lot more easily. To install a positive
broadcast message, you roll down 3 times.

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Need to Move the Past

Another thing that shows up occasionally is what I call a need to move the
past. The subconscious mind seems to view memories as being stored in a
certain location in the body's energy field. Usually, these memories should be
behind you.

In other words, when the subconscious mind attempts to retrieve a certain

memory, it goes to a certain location on an X, Y, and Z axis around a person,
within their energy field. When past memories are retrieved too frequently,
when you dwell on the past too much, those memories can then be moved so
that they're stored in front of you instead of behind you. When that happens, it
makes it much more difficult to move ahead in life because you have to
continually try to get to the future by going through all your past memories. By
way of illustration, you'll notice in the picture that something is wrong. You'll
see that on the left side, we have now, and to the right of now we have the
past, and to the right of that is future. Of course, our now should be in the
middle; the past should be behind us, so to speak, and the future should be
ahead of us. .-.

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Moving the Past

You can move the past from being in front of you to being behind you by rolling
three times down the governing meridian while holding the intention of simply
moving the past from the front to the back.

The past should be behind you and the future should be ahead of you; this is
how it's supposed to be. This is actually a fairly common problem, is easy to
correct, yet it can make a big difference for people when you do this. Note that
this may need to be corrected more than once. If it comes back after being
corrected, you may simply need to move the past again. On the other hand,
you might ask if there an underlying imbalance that recreated this, and clear
whatever shows up.

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Will to Die
The next kind of imbalance is what we call will to die. At some difficult time in a
person's life, they may have wished to die. The energy of this feeling can
become lodged in the body and can imbalance it. It's similar to a trapped
emotion. This is released with 3 rolls down the governing meridian. Note that
this energy may also become trapped more than once in a lifetime, and
consequently may need to be cleared more than once.

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No Will To Live
Similar to "will to die" is another kind of imbalance that I call no will to live.
Sometimes life overwhelms us and we lose the desire to live. If this happens
even temporarily, the energy of this feeling can become lodged in the body.
This is also released with 3 rolls down the governing meridian. Both will to die
and no will to live are energies. They are similar to trapped emotions and are
balls of energy from the size of an orange to the size of a cantaloupe. Note that
this energy may also become trapped more than once in a lifetime, and
consequently may need to be cleared more than once.

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Despair Anchor

• Essentially a negative statement that is perceived as

a truth by the subconscious mind, which will seek to
verify or fulfill that ntruth. fI

• The exact statement must be determined through

testing; these are usually not more than 3 words.

• Since, like a trapped emotion, a Despair Anchor is

an energy, it can be release as an energy as well,
just like a trapped emotion, with 3 rolls down the
governing meridian.

Despair Anchors
A despair anchor is essentially a negative statement that is perceived as a
truth by the subconscious mind, which will seek to verify or fulfill that truth. The
exact statement must be determined through testing. Since a despair anchor is
energy, like a trapped emotion, it can be released as an energy as well, just
like a trapped emotion, with 3 rolls down the governing meridian. When this
shows up on someone, what you need to do is figure out what this despair
anchor is-what the exact words are. Again, it's usually not more than 3 words.
So it might be something like, "I'm an idiot", or "I'll never succeed", or "I'm
stupid", or "Nobody likes me," etc.

To figure out what the despair anchor is, start by asking a silent prayer of help
and then use the process of elimination. I usually start with those words again
like "I." "Does it start with "I", or "I am", or "I'll", or "My?" And again, if you just
calm your mind and allow it to flow into you, it usually will. The person you are
working on may also have an idea what it might be. You can also identify when
a despair anchor actually occurred, or when it became lodged in the
subconscious mind. Releasing a despair anchor is done by rolling a magnet
three times down the governing meridian.

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T3 Therapy
Gwen Legler and Leilani Alexander have been students of mine for many
years, and developed T3 Therapy, short for Three Dimensional Therapy. You
can get more information on T3 Therapy at Gwen
and Leilani teach annual seminars in this method.

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What is T3 Therapy?
What T3 Therapy is all about is finding and magnetically releasing the faulty
core beliefs, the limiting beliefs, the negative programs and the faulty core
desires that a person may have. It's a very powerful method of energy
psychology, and is based on The Emotion Code and the teachings in the Body
Code System. They do require that people have training in The Emotion Code
and The Body Code before they take T3 Therapy training. It's a wonderful work
that's a great compliment to The Body Code.


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Offensive Distortions
Offensive distortions are distortions of the energy field that are often created by
the subconscious mind of other people. These are the things like cording,
saboteurs and post-hypnotic suggestions.

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First of all, cording is where we are connected abnormally one to another with
an energetic cord. An umbilical connection to our parents is normal. When a
baby is born and the umbilical cord that connects the baby to the mother is cut,
the physical cord is cut, but the energetic cord still remains. I believe this may
be how mothers can feel and sense the energy of what's going on with their
children, and know intuitively when their child is in trouble. Energy flows along
that unseen, invisible umbilical, even if they're on the other side of the planet.
Remember that Energy knows no barriers of distance.

A heart-to-heart connection to your loved ones is normal. An energy cord

connecting you heart-to-heart with someone that you love is a good thing. But
sometimes we get connected to people in the wrong way. Sometimes cords
can be negative, like we see in this picture. This is a gut-to-gut cord, the most
common type of negative cord, which allows negativity to flow from person to

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Breaking Negative Cords

Negative cords can be broken with 3 rolls down the governing meridian, after
you have identified who the cord is connected to, perhaps after identifying how
long it's been there. Then you can break that cord by simply rolling down the
governing meridian. Or, if you choose to, you can actually roll down the
governing meridian with the intention of moving that cord, perhaps from the
gut, or from some other place in the body to the heart. That is, if this is a
person that you want to be connected with. In the case of this couple, they
would benefit if that cord were moved from connecting them gut-to-gut, so that
it was actually connecting them heart-to-heart, so that love and positive
energies might flow between them instead of negativity.

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A saboteur is an energy weapon that is placed by someone else into your
body. These will cause pain and irritation of tissues. They're removed one at a
time by identifying the location and the type of saboteur, and then by rolling 3
times down the governing meridian.

This is an interesting phenomenon, and I don't see this very often, but I have
had situations where a person has had some kind of long-standing chronic
problem that was actually being caused by a saboteur. Usually, a saboteur will
be something like a knife or some kind of a hook. And you can simply release
this by rolling 3 times down the governing meridian.

Identifying and Releasing the Saboteur

After releasing this and identifying where it is, and exactly what it is-once it's
released, I'll go ahead and put my hand or a magnet over the area and allow
some healing energy to go into that area and heal that wound. Because really,
that's what it is-it's an energetic wound.

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Saboteurs are nearly always placed by the subconscious mind of another

person, but the subject himself may also place them, like a self-inflicted wound.
It's never a conscious thing, but something that is done by the subconscious
mind. If this shows up for someone on a scan that you're doing, you can simply
ask questions like, "Is this a knife? Is this made of metal? Is this entering into
the body from the front or back? Is it in this area? Is it above the diaphragm? Is
it on this side of the body or the left or the right or below this area?"

You can identify where this saboteur is, what it's made of, etc. I have seen
cases where people have had long-standing chronic problems that were being
caused by this type of energy. This is probably the strangest thing that we see
in The Body Code, but these are real and they do show up on occasion .


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Post-Hypnotic Suggestions
That brings us to post-hypnotic suggestions, which are negative statements
that are placed into the mind by dark entities or dark forces. These are typically
placed into the mind while we're listening to some kind of modern music or
playing some kind of a video game with the same type of music.

The modern music of the day, which has a very repetitive beat, will put the
brain into a very open state where these negative statements can be placed
into the subconscious mind. In ancient Greece, music that had a very repetitive
beat was outlawed because they understood something about this process.
These negative statements result in long-term depression and suicidal
tendencies. You can identify these and release these with 3 rolls down the
governing meridian.

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Becoming Inverted
Much of the media that is popular now has the effect of putting the mind into a
trance-state, opening the mind to hypnotic suggestion. Since the 1960s, a lot of
the music that has been popular has this attribute. If a person listens to enough
of this music for long enough, they can become inverted which means that
they will test strong for evil and weak for good; they will test weak for their own
name and strong for example, if they say, "My name is Satan!"

They will test positive for foods that are bad for them, that would normally test
negative. In other words, they become inverted, and as a result everything that
would normally test positive on a normal person will now test negative on
them. The negative statements or post-hypnotic suggestions that are put into
the subconscious mind during the time that they're listening to this music,
cause inversion.

This is a subject that I'm going to release more information on in the fairly near
future. But suffice to say that teenagers especially are suffering from this
phenomenon. If you look at the rate of teenage suicide, and you look at
teenage depression, and you look at the kind of music that kids are listening to,
you can start putting two and two together. It's a fascinating thing and I believe
that it's actually a little glimpse into one aspect of the workings of the forces of
darkness in this world, a glimpse into something that we are not generally
aware of.

Identifying and Releasing Post-Hypnotic Suggestions

These negative statements can be identified and again, you'll need to ask for
help from God before you begin. Then you can ask, "How many post-hypnotic
suggestions do you have? Is there one? Are there two? Are there three? Are
there ten?" You'll get a number by testing this way. Then you'll identify them
one at a time. You'll simply ask, "Does this statement start with "I", or "I'm", or
"I'll", or is it "my", or ... ?" "What does it start with?" You'll be able to figure it out,
especially if you open your heart and you become open to what the
possibilities are. They will flow into your mind. If they're not flowing in, then you
can simply test and get the answers purely by process of elimination and

These can be very, very powerful. If you're testing someone, especially

someone who's younger, and you find that they are testing strong on things

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The Body Code Manual Energetic Imbalances

that should make them test weak, they may be inverted. I realize that this is
just a brief overview of post-hypnotic suggestions, but this should give you
enough information so that you can start playing with this on your own and
perhaps working with this a little bit. You may have some great results with

It may seem like there's a lot here in this module, and there is, but remember
that it's easy to find these things because you're going to be looking at things
in terms of the big chart-the Body Code Mind Map. So you simply ask "Do w
e have any imbalance that we need to release? Is it on the right side of our
chart, or the left side of our chart?" If it's on the left side of the chart, then you'll
ask, "Well, is it some kind of energy, or is it toxicity, or is it this?" The body will
give you those answers and so, very rapidly, you'll be able to zero right in on
what it is that you need to release. That's how The Body Code works. It's very
rapid, very easy, very fast.

380 Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009

The Body Code Manual Pathogens

The purpose of this module is to help you to understand the different kinds of
pathogens, how to detect them, and what to do to correct them. Pathogens
include infections like viruses, bacteria, fungi and mold, as well as infestations
which refers to parasites.

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First of all, let's talk about infections. Infections include viral infections,
bacterial infections, fungal infections and mold. Infections are the number one
killer worldwide. Literally over two million people die from infections worldwide
every year, far more than from any other cause.

If trapped emotions are present, they can interfere with the body's immune
system and hamper its natural ability to recognize and eliminate infections. In
fact, they even enable infections by distorting and imbalancing the bodily
tissues, allowing the infection to grow and proliferate. One trapped emotion
can decrease your immune system function by as much as 20%.

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The Body Code Manual Pathogens

Viruses actually were named after the Latin word virus, meaning toxin or
poison. This is appropriate considering how destructive they can be to the
body. Viruses are extremely small- about 1/1 ooth the size of the average
bacterial cell and can't be seen with the average microscope. Viruses include
the flu, or influenza viruses like H1 N1 or the swine flu, the common cold,
herpes viruses, Hepatitis viruses, and HIV or the AIDS virus. Viruses actually
multiply by destroying the cells of your body, one by one. Each little virus has
the ability to invade a cell, where it makes a copy of itself, destroying your cell
in the process. Viruses actually mutate over time, so the medicines and
vaccines created to cure them are often ineffective by the time they become
available. There are a lot of people who feel that the new emerging viruses are
actually being created either accidentally or on purpose in laboratories.
There's a book that you can read about this if you're interested, it's by Dr.
Leonard Horwitz, called AIDS, Ebo/a, and Emerging Viruses.

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Testing for Viral Infections

To test for the presence of a viral infection, you could simply ask the person,
"Do you have a viral infection?" Or you could have them state, "I have a viral
infection." If they sway forward, or if you get a strong muscle test, then the test
on that would be positive.

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Wild Oregano
A lot of the time viral infections are low grade, meaning they are mild and not
dangerous. In other words, often times, they won't show up on any kind of
medical testing but yet they will tend to contribute to illness and make the body
sick. The best treatments that I have found for viruses are actually herbs like
wild oregano leaf or wild oregano oil capsules. Wild oregano is a little different
from the kind of oregano that you buy in the spice aisle at your grocer. Wild
oregano, I am told, is a certain kind of Mexican sage plant that's like oregano.
Wild oregano leaf actually grows in the foothills of the Mediterranean. There
are several different wild oregano products you can find commercially- just
muscle test to see which one your body wants. If you have an herb garden,
you might want to think about adding wild oregano, but it should be easy to find
in most health food or supplement stores, if not online.

01 ive Leaf Extract

Olive leaf extract, which is just made from crushed olive leaves, is another
powerful antiviral remedy. This should also be easy to find in stores or online,

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but if you have an olive tree in your yard you could certainly make your own as

Colloidal Silver
Colloidal silver is another very powerful, antiviral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal
compound. Colloidal silver is simply silver ions that are in solution- it doesn't
look much different than water to the naked eye. When babies are born, the
nurses will put drops of silver nitrate in their eyes, to prevent blindness and
other complications in case the mother has some kind of infection or sexually
transmitted disease. If you get an eye infection, you can put a drop or two of
colloidal silver in there, every few hours for a day or so, and it will usually take
care of the problem very rapidly. Colloidal silver is a remedy I've used for many
years, and it has always been reliable, whether used orally or topically. It's a
good thing to have in your medicine chest as it's multi-purpose and lasts a very
long time on the shelf. There are ways to make colloidal silver at home,
however it is also very easy to find in stores. I would caution you to be careful
with colloidal silver because it is possible to take too much of it, which will turn
your skin blue. The nano-particle colloidal silver doesn't seem to do this
however. Make sure to muscle test the body for the correct dosage- not going
too far beyond the recommended intake listed on the label. Any natural
remedy or herb can be muscle tested for the body, as well as the dosages the
body needs. The body will know exactly how many capsules of wild oregano,
or olive leaf, or how many drops of colloidal silver that it needs.

Determining Dosage
Here is how to determine the dosage of any remedy for any kind of infection or
Ask "Is the best remedy or herb for the
infection/infestation?" When you find the type of remedy or herb that tests
good, you'll want to find out what dosage the body needs. So you'd ask, "Do I
need 5 capsules per day?" or "Do I need 10 drops per day?" If the answer
is yes, or strong, this indicates the body needs at least this amount, so you'll
want to go higher to test for the maximum dosage, like this: "Do I need 10
capsules a day?" and so on. If the answer is still strong, test again, "Do I
need 15 capsules? 20 capsules? 25 capsules?" etc. Eventually, you'll get
to the dosage that you need and if you go on beyond that, suddenly you'll get a
weak muscle test. For example, if you need 25 capsules a day and you ask,
"Do I need 25 capsules a day?" you should get a strong muscle test. If you
386 Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009
The Body Code Manual Pathogens

ask, "Do I need 26 capsules a day?" You will get a weak muscle test. After you
determine the daily dosage, you can determine how many days or weeks you
need take the remedy or herb, that way you will know how much to buy.

Bacteria are larger, single celled microorganisms, such as strep, staph,
salmonella, E. coli, and H. pylori. These organisms create diseases and
problems like Tuberculosis, Pneumonia, Cholera, Syphilis, Anthrax, Leprosy,
stomach ulcers and Bubonic Plague. Bacterial infections can be deadly, as
you can tell from the diseases just mentioned. Most of the time, at least in the
world today, what we see are low-grade bacterial infections. Just like low-
grade viral infections, low-grade bacterial infections are mild and not life
threatening. They can, however, cause a lot of problems in the body, usually
showing up as lack or energy as in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, muscle pain
like in Fibromyalgia, stomach ulcers or acid reflux, skin rashes, and other
bothersome but not dangerous problems.

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The Body Code Manual Pathogens

Testing for Bacterial Infections

To identify a bacterial infection, you can simply ask the body if there is one or
not. The subconscious mind knows if there is a bacterial infection present, no
matter how minor it may be. You can state, "I have a bacterial infection." The
body will sway forward, or you'll get a strong muscle test if there is indeed a
bacterial infection present.

Remember that any kind of infection is potentially dangerous, so I would

advise you to seek medical assistance if it is available to you. If you are on
your own, you can use one of the natural home remedies in this program.

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The best natural treatments for bacterial infections that I have used are the
same remedies for viral infections: wild oregano leaf capsules, wild oregano

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oil, olive leaf extract, and colloidal silver. Simply test which for remedy you
need, the daily dosage, and how long you need to take the remedy for.

Mold VS Fungus
Technically, mold is a type of fungus but they show up differently in the body,
for some reason. Because of this, mold and fungi are two separate types of
infections in The Body Code and you'll want to test for them separately.

Fungi and Fungal Infections

The most common type of fungal infection we see is Candidiasis, or Candida.
Candida is called "the great mimicker", because it can mimic a whole bunch of
different kinds of problems in the body, and as a result of this it often gets
misdiagnosed as something else. Fungi in general are opportunistic
organisms, which means that they are everywhere and if given the opportunity
to grow, they will. Fungal organisms and fungal spores are in the air that we
breathe and they are also in the body, but usually they're held at bay by the
immune system. If the immune system becomes imbalanced for any reason,
the fungal spores can begin to grow and proliferate.

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• Most commonly • Excessive Fatigue
Candidiasis: "The Great • Dizziness
Mimicker • Headaches
• Opportunistic organism • Indigestion
• Anxiety/Panic Attacks • Irr~tability
• Abdominal Gas/Bloating • Learning difficulties
• Brain Fog • Migraines
• Cravings; refined • Mood Swings
sugars(sweets), • Poor Memory
flour(bread) and/or • Rectal itching
alcohol • Sensitivity to fragrances
• Constipation/Diarrhea and/or chemicals
• Depression • Thrush
• Eczema • Vaginitis

Most Common Symptoms of Fungal Infection

Fungal infections like Candidiasis will tend to create anxiety or panic attacks,
abdominal gas or bloating, brain fog or cloudy headiness. Fungal infections
also tend to create cravings for sugar and starchy foods. Mold will do this too.
This is because the fungi and mold feed on simple sugars like sweets, flour,
bread, baked goods, and even alcohol. In fact, this can be one of the main
reasons why people have an alcohol addiction. Alcohol breaks down into sugar
in the body, feeding the fungal or mold infection and allowing it to grow even
more. This can create a sort of downward spiral unless there is some kind of
intervention- ideally the intake of alcohol should stop and some kind of remedy
should be administered to eliminate the fungi (or mold).

Other symptoms of fungal infection include: constipation, diarrhea, depression,

eczema, skin infections or skin problems, excessive fatigue, dizziness,
headaches, indigestion, irritability, learning difficulties, migraines headaches,
mood swings, poor memory, rectal itching, sensitivity to fragrances and or
chemicals, thrush (which is where you can see the whiteness of the mold with

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the fungus actually on the tongue), and Vaginitis (because mold and fungal
infections like to live in the dark, moist areas in the body.)

Common Causes of Fungal Infections

Fungal infections like Candidiasis and mold are common after hormone
treatments. For example, going on birth control pills often disrupts the normal
hormone balance and creates an environment where these opportunistic
organisms can start to flourish. Pregnancy also disrupts the balance because
of the hormonal fluctuations that occur during pregnancy. Using antibiotics will
also create imbalance, allowing fungi and mold to grow. The average person
has up to three and a half pounds of healthy flora or healthy bacteria in their
gut, or in the intestinal tract. These healthy bacteria form the majority of the
immune system, keeping fungal and other infections at bay. Antibiotics,
particularly broad-spectrum antibiotics, will tend to kill off not only the bad
bacteria but also the good bacteria that live in your gut- thus weakening the
immune system. Then when a fungus or a mold is introduced to the body, they
are allowed to flourish without much interference. High sugar intake in the diet
will also tend to create an environment where mold and fungal infections can ---
flourish- the more fuel they have the more they can proliferate and the stronger

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they become. Diabetes also creates an environment that is perfect for these
fungal and mold organisms to take off because the blood sugar levels are high.

Testing for Fungal Infection

To test for fungal infection, you simply ask the person, "Do you have a fungal
infection?" Or have them state, "I have a fungal infection." If they sway
forward, or if you get a strong muscle test, then the test is positive.

Best Treatments for Fungal Infections

The best natural treatments for fungal infections are Neem leaf capsules,
coconut oil, Tai Ra Chi and T4. Neem is a tree from India that has leaves
which are gentle and cleansing to the body, but tough on fungal infections. It
should be easy to find at most health food or supplement stores, or online.
Pure, virgin cold-pressed coconut oil can correct and prevent fungal infections,
as well as keep your skin, organs and other tissues healthy. Coconut oil is the
only oil you should be cooking with! Tai Ra Chi and T4 are two supplements
that we use together to treat fungal infections. They are both made by
Systemic Formulas, a company I have worked with for years. This company
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sells only to doctors, but you can purchase them on my website and have them
sent to you. Remember you can muscle test for which one of these remedies
your body wants to get rid of the infection, and then test for the correct dosage
(i.e. how many bottles, how many capsules/drops/teaspoonfuls, etc.)

394 Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009

The Body Code Manual Pathogens

Mold is an increasingly more pervasive problem in the world now. Like any
fungus, mold is an opportunistic organism, meaning it is all around and will
start growing wherever it is allowed to. It's also omnipresent, meaning it can
grow inside the body- on the brain, in the lungs, in the blood, just about

Mold infections can create a wide variety of symptoms and problems, such as
joint and muscle pain, fatigue, and brain fog, along with cravings for simple
sugars. Mold infections can cause most, if not all, of the same symptoms as
other fungal infections, so you can refer to that list. Mold can be very
dangerous to the body but it's difficult to diagnose a mold infection with regular
medical testing. For some reason, we're seeing more and more mold infections
than we ever have in the past. The worst mold infections usually arise
because of constant and repeated exposure to a mold source, such as mold
growing in a house from a water leak or mold in a ventilation system where the
spores are breathed in repeatedly.

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Best Treatment for Mold

Mold infections seem to be best corrected with Neem leaf capsules and cold-
pressed coconut oil.

For Neem, I like the brands Solaray and Nature's Way, but you can muscle test
to determine which would be the best brand to use. I have some people who
test that they actually need up to 40 Neem capsules per day for up to 6 days.
When people are on a high dosage like that, the die-off of the mold may create
flu-like symptoms including nausea and vomiting. More commonly, people will
test for a lower dosage over a longer period of time- for example something
like 10 or 20 Neem capsules per day for 2 or 3 weeks, or even longer
depending on how bad the mold infection actually is.

Coconut oil can be taken internally by the spoonful, rubbed on the skin or used
in cooking. You can simply ask which method of administration would be the
best for the body and for the type and location of the infection. For instance, a
skin rash caused by mold could be treated by either rubbing coconut oil on the

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The Body Code Manual Pathogens

affected area, by taking it internally, or both. You could also take both Neem
and coconut oil to correct a mold infection, just ask the body what it wants!

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The Body Code Manual Pathogens

Infestations: Parasites
Infestations refer to the invasion of the body by parasites. This is an extremely
common problem and can cause a lot of difficulty, pain and imbalance in the
body. It is estimated that 85 to 90% of the population in the United States has
some kind of parasite, but it may even be higher than that. Parasites are
difficult to identify on a medical test, in fact most of the parasites that infest the
body don't show up at all. The body can become infested with parasites from
water, food, insect bites, contact with animals and even stepping outside on
the grass with bare feet. Parasites include common offenders such as the
tapeworm, pinworm, hookworm, protozoa, and single cell amoeba.

Some common problems caused by parasites include intestinal problems such

as constipation, bloating and diarrhea, as well as muscle pain and weakness,
fatigue, anxiety, and frequent skin rashes. Chronic and prolonged parasitic
infestation can lead to severe and dangerous diseases such as ulcerative
colitis and Chron's Disease. Parasites ravage the body by stealing nutrients,
invading bodily tissues and creating poisonous toxic waste in the form of uric

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The Body Code Manual Pathogens

Parasites are best killed with specific herbal remedies, and the best kind I have
seen are made by Systemic Formulas Laboratory. I have found that it is more
important to identify the specific remedy needed than to identify the organism
itself. This is because there are so many different kinds of parasitic organisms
that can infest the body. There are 4 different supplements made by Systemic
Formulas that come together to address and kill the entire spectrum of
parasites. These are called the VRM Formulas- VRM1, VRM2, VRM3, and
VRM4, each created to address a different group or size of parasite. You can
simply muscle test the body to see which VRM formula and how many bottles
total are needed. The correct dosage will depend on the specific formula,
which we'll discuss in a moment.

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The Body Code Manual Pathogens

VRM1 is made for the treatment of larger parasites in the large intestine, such
as tapeworms. I usually recommend that it be used in a 60-day program, with
four cycles of 15 days, a cycle being 10 days of taking the capsules and 5 days
not taking the capsules. However, 90 days, or six cycles may sometimes be
required .


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The Body Code Manual Pathogens

VRM2 is for the treatment of small, blood-based, foreign life forms and small
parasites in the gastrointestinal tract and in the outer tissues. These are
usually used in a 60-day program, four cycles of 15 days, a cycle being 10
days of taking the capsules and 5 days not taking the capsules, but again, you
might need to do 90 days.

402 Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009

The Body Code Manual Pathogens

VRM3 is for microscopic microorganisms in the intestinal tract. This herbal
vermifuge assures good health in the intestinal tract by helping the body
eliminate microscopic organisms. There are 30 capsules in a bottle like this.
VRM3 and VRM4 are the two formulas that seem to be needed by most

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VRM4 is for amoebas and other protozoan microorganisms. This herbal
vermifuge is effective in treating cases of cellular microorganisms, and is also
excellent for handling microorganisms in the internal organs.

Again, it is more important to just identify which formula is needed as opposed

to finding out which of a thousand different specific kinds of parasites are
infesting the body. This will save you a lot of time.

Dosages for VRM Formulas

Most people will need between 1 and 6 bottles of the VRM3 or VRM4 formulas.
For these, the -dosage is just about the same for everyone- 3 capsules per
night, to be taken at bedtime 3 hours after a protein meal. I don't recommend
that anyone ever take more than 3 capsules per night because the parasitic
die-off can cause some uncomfortable symptoms of nausea and diarrhea if
more than 3 capsules are taken. In fact, I usually recommend beginning the
404 Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009
The Body Code Manual Pathogens

program with only 1 capsule at bedtime on the first night. Then, if no nausea is
experienced, bump the dosage up to 2 capsules the second night, then to 3 the
third night and remain at 3 capsules per night until all the bottles have been
consumed. This dosage is high enough to be effective but not so high that it
causes a lot of discomfort, although diarrhea is fairly common at this dosage
level. Again, this recommendation applies to the VRM3 and the VRM4
Formulas only.

Remember that you should never recommend that a pregnant woman take
anything, especially any of these parasite supplements, as they are not proven
safe for pregnancy. If there is a possibility that a woman is pregnant or may
become pregnant, she should not take these supplements. If there is any
doubt about whether any supplement that we have discussed is safe during
pregnancy, and that includes any of the things discussed or listed in this
module or the module on nutrition, please consult a physician.

Another thing to keep in mind is that parasites can develop a tolerance to the
herbs in these formulas, so it is important to remember to take them as
scheduled every night. If you miss a dose just take the normal dosage the
next day so you stay on track.

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The Body Code Manual Pathogens

Energetic Treatment of Pathogens

Western medicine looks at pathogens as being physical organisms, but in
reality, what are all these organisms actually made of? Nothing but pure
energy. If you think of a pathogen in this way, as just a cloud of energy in the
body, then you will realize you can actually manipulate that energy just like a
trapped emotion or any other kind of energetic imbalance.

Pathogens as Energies
I had a patient who came to me once with a chronic cough that she'd had for
over a year. The cough was so bad that her husband had actually moved to a
different part of the house to get away from her coughing, and she was afraid
that their marriage could end because of it. Anytime she took a deep breath,
she would start to cough uncontrollably. I muscle tested her using the Body
Code chart and detected a viral infection in her lungs. We released the
infection energetically by rolling down the spine a few times with a magnet.
She then took a few breaths and felt fine- no coughing for the first time in over
a year! I then walked her up to the front desk, and the whole time she was
raving about how much better she felt and how excited she was.
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The Body Code Manual Pathogens

After she left, I walked back into my treatment room, and as I walked through
the door, I felt something enter my chest. It was a subtle yet unmistakable
feeling that something had just come into my body that wasn't there before. I
thought about how strange that was, and right after that I took a deep breath
and to my shock I started coughing uncontrollably. Somehow, I picked up the
energy that I had released from my patient. Apparently it stayed suspended in
the air until I walked into it. So I released the viral energy on myself and was
able to quit coughing right away.

This experience was really quite eye opening for me. It helped me to
understand that pathogens are really just pure energies, something that
regular western medicine doesn't acknowledge or understand. For a viral
infection to immediately start causing a problem like a severe cough just
doesn't make any sense if you think about it in traditional and western medical
terms. Viruses need time to physically incubate and grow, but their energy can
do the damage almost immediately.

Treating Pathogens as Energies

I always recommend that you attempt to handle all infections and infestations
with the correct herbs or other remedy, but if you're unable to for some reason,
you can use this method.

First, you'll want to identify the kind of pathogen (i.e. virus, parasite, etc.) Then
focus on the pathogen as being just a cloud of energy in the body. You can
identify the location of this pathogen cloud if you want to - As you identify the
location of the pathogen in the body, the 'cloud of energy' that is the pathogen
will come to the surface of the body. Just as the energy of a trapped emotion
will emerge from within the body and become testable, so that you can find it's
size and location, you can do this same thing with any pathogen energy. Once
this energy has been brought to the surface of the body, it is able to be
released. Then you can simply run the magnet over the governing meridian 3
times, focusing on releasing the energy of the pathogen. And that's it!

You can also release the energy of the pathogen along with recommending
herbs or other remedies- this is what I do a lot as the combination really seems
.. -~. to be powerful.

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Belief and Gratitude

Remember that The Body Code is all about belief and gratitude. If you believe
that you can correct a pathogen problem just by releasing it's energy, you can
do it! Just say a little prayer for help and if you believe that you can do it, and
you have gratitude in your heart that this is going to work, it will happen.

408 Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009

The Body Code Manual Nutritional Imbalances

Nutritional Imbalances
The purpose of this module is to help you to understand what nutritional
imbalances are, how to detect them, and how to correct them.

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The Body Code Manual Nutritional Imbalances

Learn How to Test:

• Vitamins and • Foods
• Plants
• Herbs
• Oils
• Ph Imbalance
• Magnetic Field
• Dehydration Deficiency

Learn How to Test

First of all we're going to talk about vitamins and minerals, how to look at
different herbs and test them, what pH imbalance is, and how that can be
tested as well. We'll be looking at what to do about dehydration and how it
affects you, how to test different foods, plants, and oils, and also how to test for
magnetic field deficiency and what to do about it.

410 Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009

The Body Code Manual Nutritional Imbalances

History of Nutrition
First, a little bit of history. This is a picture of Sir James Lind, a surgeon in the
British Royal Navy. In this picture, he's conducting some tests which eventually
led him to discover that fresh fruits containing Vitamin C could be given to
sailors to cure them of scurvy. Scurvy is a disease that the sailors would get on
long voyages because there was no fresh food.

Therefore, they became deficient in Vitamin C and as a result, the connective

tissue that would hold their teeth in their mouths would actually weaken. Their
teeth would fall out and they would get nosebleeds and so on. Eventually,
scurvy was fatal, but that's just one example of how nutritional deficiency can
affect us in extreme ways. If you become deficient in anything, it can have an
adverse effect on you.

British Sailors, to this day, are known as limeys because they would take
barrels of limes on their voyages, and the Vitamin C in the limes would prevent
them from getting scurvy.

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History of Rickets
Another nutritional-deficiency disease is rickets. You can see how the legs of
these children are bowlegged or knock-kneed. They have a malformation going
on, created by Vitamin D deficiency. Our bodies form Vitamin D from sunlight.
There's more and more evidence coming out all the time that is indicating that
Vitamin D is a very, very important vitamin, and that most of us now are not
getting enough sun. Of course, there is a lot of controversy about the
conventional wisdom that sunlight is bad for you and if you get too much
sunlight, it'll create cancer and so on.

I could be wrong but, my own personal opinion is, I think more people get skin
cancer from trapped emotions and from sun block than they do from the sun
itself. I think that it's all quite hyped, personally. Cod liver oil is another great
source of Vitamin D and can overcome rickets. Rickets is one of those
diseases that we don't see too much anymore, but it used to be a big problem,
and it took quite awhile to figure out.

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History of Beriberi
Beriberi is another disease that used to be very common, especially in Asia.
Beriberi is a neurological disease caused by a deficiency of thiamine or
Vitamin B1.

What they found is that in the tropics when they would harvest rice, one of the
common methods of preserving that rice was to actually remove the hull from
the brown rice. What was left, of course is white rice, but the white rice did not
contain the thiamine or Vitamin B1 because that was actually contained in the
hull of the rice. Again, it took awhile to figure out what was happening. Beriberi
is another disease that can be fatal but now we know what actually causes it,
so it's not nearly the threat it used to be.

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The Food Pyramid

The government has its own idea about what foods are good for you. The Food
Pyramid was first published by the FDA in 1992. There is nothing wrong with
fruits and vegetables, provided that they're as organic as you can get them.
The problem is that a lot of fruits and vegetables are sprayed with as many as
10 different pesticides and herbicides as well. So that's a problem if you're
buying fruits and vegetables that are commercially grown. We're going to talk
about that in a few more minutes.

Milk, in its natural form when it comes right out of the cow, is actually proven to
be a very healthy thing for a lot of people. In fact, there are a lot of cases now
of different diseases that seem to actually go away when people go on natural
cow's milk. The problem is when cow's milk is pasteurized, which means that
it's heated to a certain temperature long enough to kill any bacteria that are in
the milk, it changes the nature of the milk. The milk is also homogenized,
which means that the normal fat content has been altered. If you remember, if

414 Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009

The Body Code Manual Nutritional Imbalances

you've ever seen milk that has come straight from a cow that's not been
homogenized, what you'll see is a thick layer of cream that will rise at the top.

When they homogenize milk, they blend the cream into the milk so that you get
these very fine microscopic droplets of fat spread throughout the milk and held
in suspension. The problem with that is that it goes very easily into the blood
stream and is not handled very well by the body, and so it can contribute to
hardening of the arteries and so on.

One of the issues here that a lot of people have trouble with is with grains.
Grains that are genetically modified cause a lot of problems. They cause a lot
of allergies for a lot of people. And of course, because of genetic modification
of foods (G MO) they're manipulating things now down to the DNA level, so you
don't always know what you're getting. You need to be careful because it's
possible to get grains that are genetically modified, and that can cause some
serious reactions in the body.

A lot of people have allergies to grains because they, I believe, are actually
developing allergies due to the pesticides that are in a lot of these grains. My
own opinion is what happens is people eat grains that are grown in fields that
are sprayed with pesticides and herbicides. So when they eat the grain, they're
getting the grain but they're also getting these toxic herbicides. The body
reacts to that and then forever after, it sees grain as an enemy and so it will
react accordingly. These people will have allergies to grains and this is one of
the reasons why so many people have trouble with wheat. But of course, there
are other legacy types of grains like, for example, Quinoa and Amaranth, which
is an ancient form of wheat, and I find that many people can consume these
legacy grains without having any problems.

The Great Egg Scare

If there's one thing that is for certain as far as nutritional ideas go, it is that
those ideas change continually. You may remember the great egg scare from
about 20 years ago. Scientists decided that eggs were causing heart disease,
and recommended that you should never eat more than one egg a week. Of
course, a few years later, they found out that wasn't really correct. I don't pay
much attention to nutritional fads myself.

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The Body Code Manual Nutritional Imbalances

Speaking of cholesterol, they've never actually proven that cholesterol creates
heart disease or hardening of the arteries, which is known as Arteriosclerosis.
There are a lot of people out there who are taking medication to reduce their
level of cholesterol. Actually, the body itself produces cholesterol. The liver
produces it and it's something that your body actually needs. They've never
actually proven that cholesterol causes Arteriosclerosis, but there are a lot of
people that are taking medication for it, and the drug companies are making
money on that. Another thing is fat. Fats, of course, are demonized in our
society and there is evidence that indicates that fats may not be quite as bad
as we think, but that fat deficiency can be a big problem!

416 Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009

The Body Code Manual Nutritional Imbalances

.. ---- ......

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The Body Code Manual Nutritional Imbalances

Finding Nutritional Deficiencies

Finding nutritional deficiencies is very easy because the body of the person
knows what it needs. It knows exactly what it needs, and so finding nutritional
deficiencies can be as simple as asking a question such as, "Do you have a
nutritional deficiency that needs to be addressed?" If the answer to that is
"Yes", then you can dig deeper and find out what the body needs quite easily.

418 Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009

The Body Code Manual Nutritional Imbalances

Asking More Specific Questions

To dig deeper, you can ask about categories of nutrition and this may elicit a
positive response. For example, do you need a certain vitamin, or a certain
mineral, or a certain herb or food, a certain plant or oil? Do you have a pH
imbalance, or are you dehydrated, or do you have a magnetic field deficiency?
You can also ask questions that are related to a specific symptom such as, "Is
there any particular nutrition that would help this symptom of that you
are experiencing?" If the answer is yes, ask if it's a vitamin or mineral, herb,
magnet, food, etc. I have provided some lists for you that will make it easy to
zero in and find out exactly what nutritional deficiencies a person may have.

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The Body Code Manual Nutritional Imbalances

• You can also ask questions that are related to a

specific symptom, such as "Is there any
particular nutrition that would help this symptom
of (fill in the blank) that you are experiencing?"

• If the answer is Yes, ask if it is a vitamin,

mineral, herb, magnet, food, etc. (see list)

Vitamins and Minerals

• Several methods of testing:

• Ask "Do you(l) have a vitamin or mineral

deficiency that needs to be addressed?"

• Hold or think about a particular supplement or

vitamin or mineral and muscle or sway test; if
it tests good, body will sway forward or test

• Look at a page of supplements and ask "Is

there something on this page that you(l)

Vitamins and Minerals

As far as vitamins and minerals go, there are several methods of testing. You
could simply ask if you have a vitamin or mineral deficiency that needs to be
addressed. You can hold or think about a particular supplement or vitamin or ----

420 Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009

The Body Code Manual Nutritional Imbalances

mineral and you can then muscle test or sway test. If that particular thing is
desired by the body, they will sway forward or the muscle test will be strong.
You can also look at a page of supplements and simply ask, "Is there
something on this page that you need or that I need?" Believe it or not, the
subconscious mind is able to discern that information, and it is amazing, but it


• Nearly all herbs have healing or medicinal


• The Com lete Medicinal Herbal: A Practical

Guide to the Healing Properties of Herbs, with More
Than 250 Remedies for Common Ailments by
Penelope Ody and Mark Blumenthal

• Herbal Home Health Care by John R.


Nearly all herbs have healing or medicinal qualities. A couple of good
resources for you, if you'd like to find out more about herbs are The Complete
Medicinal Herbal, a Practical Guide to the Healing Properties of Herbs with
More Than 250 Remedies for Common Ailments by Penelope Ody and Mark
Blumenthal, and Herbal Home Health Care by John R. Christopher. I would
strongly recommend that you purchase one or both of these books as a guide
to correctly using herbs. Before recommending that a person take any certain
herb, make certain that you are aware of any possible problems that may
result, even if the body indicates that it wants the herb.

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The Body Code Manual Nutritional Imbalances

There are some herbs, for example, that shouldn't be used during pregnancy
because of what they do to reproductive organs or because of naturally-
occurring substances found in them.

Culinary herbs (basil, oregano, etc.) usually are safe in the small
amounts used in cooking, but not in larger doses used for teas.
Anthraquinone laxatives stimulate muscle, including the uterus, possibly
causing miscarriage. Uterine stimulants should be avoided for the same
reason. Alkaloids, bitter principles or essential oils should be avoided
because they affect functions in the mom-to-bets body as well as in the
fetus. Abortifacients also might cause miscarriage. Emmenagogues
promote and regulate menstruation, which should be avoided during
pregnancy. 1

I http://www.pregnancytoday.comlarticles/medications-and-herbs/herbs-to-avoid-during-pregnancy-

422 Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009
The Body Code Manual Nutritional Imbalances

If you have questions about an herb or what is a safe amount, avoid the herb
or ask an herbal practitioner or homeopathic doctor. Here is a listing of herbs
that should be avoided during pregnancy.

Anthraquinone Laxative Periwinkle Passion Flower

Aloe Poke Root Rosemary
Buckthorn Rhubarb Sage
Cascara Sagrada Sage Thuja
Docks Senna Thyme
Meadow Saffron Tansy Yarrow
Senna Thuja Emmenogogue
Uterine Stimulant Thyme Cascara Sagrada
American Mandrake Wild Cherry Cotton-Root Bark
Black Cohosh Wormwood Lady's Mantle
Blue Cohosh Alkaloids/Bitter Priciples Licorice
Bloodroot Barberry Mayapple
Calamus Bloodroot Thyme
Cascara Sagrada Celandine Wormwood
Cayenne Cinchona Yarrow
Fennel Ephedra Mistletoe
Feverfew Goldenseal Passion Flower
Flax Seed Wild Cherry Pennyroyal
Goldenseal Essential Oils Periwinkle
Lady's Mantle Calamus Poke Root
Licorice Cayenne Rhubarb
Make Fern Fennel Senna
Mayapple Juniper Tansy
Mistletoe Lavender Thuja
Passion Flower Marjoram Rue
Pennyroyal Oregano

Testing Dosage
When I first started out in practice I would test supplements by placing an
increasing number of pills on the subjects tongue until weakness occurred. For
example, I'd put one pill on their tongue and then muscle test them, and if they
were strong, I'd put another pill on their tongue and if they tested strong for
that, I'd put another one on until eventually, we got a weak muscle test, and at
that point, we had arrived at the daily dosage, the dosage being one less than
the number that made them weak. So in other words, if you put three on their
tongue and they stay strong and then we put the fourth one on and they go
weak, we would assume that they needed three of that particular supplement
per day.

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Then I found that I could place pills on the subjects' hand and test them that
way. That was a lot better because, of course, a lot of pills don't taste good.
Then I found that I could keep the pills in the cap on the subject's hand and the
test would be exactly the same. Then I found that we could leave the pills in
the bottle. We didn't even have to open the bottle.

Somehow the spirit could read and discern exactly what was in the bottle and
we could get the same exact results by merely holding the bottle in the hand.
Then I realized that dosage could actually be tested at any distance by simply
thinking about the supplement. One of the great things about this is that, let's
say you're watching TV late at night and there's a program that comes on and
they're pushing a certain kind of supplement that you think sounds pretty good,
and it may actually be pretty good for you. You can simply think about that
supplement, and your body will either sway forward towards it, indicating that
yes, it is good, or it will sway backwards away from it. Or, of course, you can
muscle test yourself and if you get a strong test then that is something that you
probably should get. Your body likes it.

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The Body Code Manual Nutritional Imbalances

Ph Imbalance

• Ph is a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a


• Pure water is neutral Ph, or 7.0

• Less than 7.0 is Acidic, while> 7.0 is Alkaline

• Ph of 7.5 is normal for human body

.--. pH Imbalance
pH imbalance is a common problem. pH is a measure of the acidity or the
alkalinity of a substance. Pure water is considered to be a neutral pH, or a pH
of about 7.0. Numbers that are smaller than 7.0 indicate acidity, while numbers
that are greater than 7.0 are alkaline. A pH of 7.3 to 7.5 is considered normal
for the human body.

Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009 427
The Body Code Manual Nutritional Imbalances

battery acid

::L--~. gastric fluid

lemon juic.e - -- 4 - beverages
~--- vinegar
c1-- - orange juice
pure rain (H20 In
;:j- - - beer
equilibrium with .-::::r- - - coffee
atmospheric CO 2)
"'1-- - egg yolks

- t - - - - mllk
freshly distilled water
-1--- - blood
seawater --~_

baking soda
(NaHC03 solution)
milk of magnesia
household '::1---- (Mg(OHh) solution
ammonia ( NH 3) --.........<f::

household bleach
(NaCIO solution) - - - - - I : :

household lye
(NaOH solution) Stephen LOwer

Here's a scale of acidity and alkalinity 2 and you can see at the very, very top,
we have battery acid that is of course extremely acidic.

Coming down on the right side we list gastric fluid, or hydrochloric acid , which
is extremely acidic, then carbonated beverages. Look how acidic carbonated
beverages are! Coca-Cola has a pH of around 2.46. Pure rain, (which is water
that's in equilibrium with atmospheric carbon dioxide), comes in at just
between 6 and 5. And distilled water comes in at right at 7, or neutral pH.

As we go down this chart of course the numbers are increasing, and we are on
the alkaline side of the pH scale. You can see that sea water is about an 8.
Baking soda is about an 8.2 or so, milk of magnesia on the right side is about

2 http://www.24x7mag.comlissues/articles/2009-04_06. asp
428 Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009
The Body Code Manual Nutritional Imbalances

10 Y2 or so, household ammonia is very alkaline, between 11 and 12. Between

12 and 13, we have household bleach, and of course you know how caustic
bleach can be. You can put bleach on concrete and it will actually etch the
concrete away if you leave it very long. Then even more alkaline than that is
household lye. As we know, lye is used to make soap, but you don't want to
ever get lye on your skin because it will take your skin off.

pH C,olor Match GuJde ror 5 ..0 to 9.0 pH Values

5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0

MoreAci Neutr More AlkaJine

Testing pH with Acid/Alkaline Scale

In this pictu re we have a typical scale for testing body pH. This type of scale
will vary a bit as far as the colors go, but if you go to any drugstore, you can
buy a pH test kit, usually a little bottle containing pH test strips. You'll see that
on this scale, the colors vary depending on how acid or how alkaline you are,
and you want to be right in the middle, right at about 7.0 to 7.5.

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The Body Code Manual Nutritional Imbalances

Testing Your pH
To test your body pH, follow these three simple steps. First of all, wait for two
hours after having anything in your mouth. The purpose of this is to test the
saliva produced by the body (about seven quarts each day) and not the saliva
and food in your mouth. We want to actually test the saliva that your body is
manufacturing. You swallow the saliva that's in your mouth and then you suck
new saliva from below your tongue. There are two saliva glands right below the
tongue. Repeat this two more times and then apply the saliva to a piece of pH
test paper. Wait about 20 seconds and then compare the resulting color to the
pH color chart. The pH color chart will be on the back of the bottle of pH strips
that you will buy at the pharmacy.

Then check your results, and if your pH is about 7.5, your body fluids are in a
healthy range. If your pH is between 6 and 6 Y2, you're becoming acidic and
therefore you are at a higher risk of developing a degenerative disease.
Causes of acid pH are too much meat, too much stress and too many acid-
producing foods. If your pH is below 6.0 then you're highly acidic, probably
mineral deficient, and you probably are manifesting symptoms of a
degenerative disease. Degenerative diseases include things like cancer,
autoimmune problems, and on and on.

• Follow These Three Simple Steps:

• 1. Wait for two hours after having anything in

your mouth (the purpose is to test the saliva
produced by the body, about 7 quarts each day,
and not just the saliva and food in your mouth.)

• 2. Swallow the saliva in your mouth, and then

suck new saliva from below your tongue (there
are two saliva glands below the tongue). Repeat
2 more times.

430 Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009

The Body Code Manual Nutritional Imbalances

• 3. Apply saliva to a piece of pH paper, wait 20

seconds, and compare the resulting color to the
pH color chart.

• Check Your Results:

• If your pH is 7.5, your body fluids are in the

healthy range.

Testing Ph
• If your pH is between 6.0 and 6.5, you are
becoming acidic and therefore at higher risk of
developing a degenerative disease.

• Causes of acid pH:

• Too much meat, stress, acid foods

• If your pH is below 6.0, then you are highly

acidic, probably mineral deficient, and you
probably are manifesting symptoms of a
degenerative disease.

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The Body Code Manual Nutritional Imbalances

Muscle Testing for pH Imbalances

It's also possible to test pH via muscle testing. You can simply ask, "Is your
body pH too acid?" or "Is your body pH too alkaline?", and the body will usually
give you a pretty reliable answer. It may not be as exact as using the test
strips, but it is certainly faster.

• To change pH rapidly from acid to more

• Mix a teaspoon of Baking Soda into a
glass of water and drink 3 times a day
for 2 days; this will change most acidic
conditions to aJkaline

432 Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009

The Body Code Manual Nutritional Imbalances

Changing Your pH
Most commonly people become too acidic in their pH. So, to change you pH
rapidly from an acid to a more alkaline state, you can mix a teaspoon of baking
soda into a glass of water and drink that three times a day for two days. This
will change most acidic conditions to alkaline fairly quickly. You may need to
go longer than two days, but this is the general rule of thumb. Again you can
test yourself and you can simply ask, "How many teaspoons of baking soda do
I need in a day? Do I need two, do I need three, do I need four, do I need five?"
You can also ask, "How long should I continue this? Two days? Should I
continue it for three days, or four days, or five days?" And if you test the body,
it will give you a very clear answer.


• A common reason for a subject to become


• Human body is 740/0 water

• Common for thirst impulse to be confused with


• Common symptoms are headache, joint pains,

low back pain, neck pain, foggy thinking

Dehydration is a common reason for a subject to become hard to test. The
human body is about 74 % water and it's common for the thirst impulse to be
confused with hunger. A lot of the time, when people think they're hungry,
they're actually thirsty, and those hunger pangs can be satisfied by simply
drinking some water.

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The Body Code Manual Nutritional Imbalances

Most Common Symptoms of Dehydration .- -,

Common symptoms of dehydration are headache, joint pains, low back pain,
neck pain, foggy thinking and so on.

Let Your Food Be Your Medicine

Hippocrates said "Let your food be your medicine." There was a study that was
done a number of years ago by Rutgers University. Their hypothesis was that
there might be a difference in mineral content in organically grown versus
commercially grown vegetables. I have reproduced a small portion of this study
here for you, and you can see that on the left side, they've listed snap beans,
cabbage, lettuce, tomatoes and spinach. They actually tested quite a few more
vegetables than this but I selected these as an example.

You'll notice that, for example, with snap beans, that organically grown snap
beans had 73 parts per million of boron. Commercially grown snap beans had
10 parts per million of boron. The yellow lines going across are the organically
grown vegetable content of these various different minerals: boron,
manganese, iron, and copper, and cobalt. Look at the Iron in snap beans.
Organically grown snap beans had 227 parts per million of iron, whereas

434 Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009

The Body Code Manual Nutritional Imbalances

commercially grown snap beans had about 10 parts per million of iron. That's
an enormous difference.

Trace Elements Parts

per Million Dry Weight

Boron Manganese bon Copper Cobalt

Organically vs. Commercially Grown Vegetables

If you go over to the iron column, you'll see that organically grown tomatoes
contained 1938ppm, almost 2000 parts per million of iron. Commercially grown
tomatoes had 1 part per million! All of these different minerals in the organically
grown vegetables and the commercially grown vegetables were dramatically
different. When people say that you're better off to purchase organically grown
foods, they're really telling the truth and this study proves it. If you've ever
grown your own food, especially tomatoes-they're heavenly compared to the
tomatoes that you buy commercially, which are shipped green and gassed,
etc. There's just no taste in those at all. There's an enormous difference. If you
don 't have a garden of your own, I would highly recommend that you buy a
book called "Square Foot Gardening." In that book you'll learn how you can
have a garden if you live in an apartment or if you live in a very small place and
you don't have any land. You can still have a garden and grow some of your
own things to eat. I think that as time goes on, that's going to become more
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and more important, not only because of the deficiencies that we're seeing in
this study that we're looking at, but also because of all the poisons that are put
onto our foods. It's really something.

The Price-Pottenger Institute

The Price-Pottenger Institute has been putting out very important information
about nutrition and the importance of eating raw foods for many years now.

Male: Dr. Weston Price was a dentist and dental researcher whose
search for the causes of physical degeneration and dental decay
took him all over the world to live with and investigate the diets of
those traditional native populations who were pictures of
exceptional health. This included the Swiss, Eskimos, Polynesians,
Africans, New Zealanders, and many others, but always in remote
tribal communities, which have remained on their traditional diets
as they were still far removed from industrialized society and
modern refined foods. He found that these populations continued to
exhibit perfect physical and dental health into old age and he wrote
about the traditional foods that they consumed which kept them in
such fabulous condition. His book, Nutrition and Physical
Degeneration, which the foundation continues to publish and sell
every year, is still the only book of its kind, and his research is still
being quoted at current scientific medical and nutritional
conferences around the world.

Male: What made these people so healthy? Why is it that they didn't have
the degenerative diseases that we have today? And there are
many reasons of course. But again, getting back to whole foods
and regardless of what kind of diet one has, because Price says
people were all different in terms of their diet, depending on where
they live, what the climate was, what kind of soil, for example, but
the underlying, unifying factor with all of them was that they were
not eating refined, revitalized foods. They were eating foods which
were grown in the area in which they lived, which meant they ate
foods that were seasonally ready to eat.

Female: When Dr. Price began his travels back in the 1930s, he found
degenerative disease was on the rise back then.

436 Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009

The Body Code Manual Nutritional Imbalances

Male: Price looked upon the mouth-being a dentist of course, he looked

upon the mouth as being the window to the rest of the body and
because teeth were more readily accessible and easier to
photograph and spot, he obviously emphasized that in his pictures.
Most of Price's pictures are people with their mouth open for that
very reason. But that was only the tip of the iceberg because the
high incidence of cavities was indicative not only of just poor oral
health, but it was indicative of overall skeletal health, and overall
body health as well.

Price took the foods of the societies he investigated back to his

laboratory. He had samples sent back there, and he analyzed
them, and he found, for example, that the food values in those
foods, in many of the very important nutrients such as omega-3
fatty acids, which are, as you know, finally being "rediscovered"
almost 1a times higher than what we have in today's diet. Our diets
today are very high in omega-6s which come primarily from grains
and grain seed oils. It's a total reversal of the balance between
omega-3s and 6s that Price's people had.

Male: Dr. Francis Marion Pottenger, Jr. was a medical doctor who was
best known for his famous 1a-year nutritional feeding study that he
carried out with many hundreds of cats. The cats were divided into
different groups where they were fed either cooked or raw animal
based foods such as cooked meat versus raw meat, pasteurized
dairy versus raw dairy, and the study describes in detail all of the
physical and emotional problems which developed in the cooked
diet animals that never occurred in those on the healthy raw foods.
The cooked diet cats never ever got past the third generation since
they lost fertility and the ability to reproduce. Just as today, we
have more and more clinics specializing in using drugs to help
people who have become unable to give birth to children.

The study and the book we sell, which describes it, still stands
alone in its ability to show the effects of consuming denatured
foods as the population does at every meal.

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Female: Pottenger found that 30% raw and 70% cooked didn't fly. It
wouldn't maintain health but 50-50, you still felt you could get
Male: So those cats fed on a 100% raw diet thrived. The third generation
looked just as healthy as the first generation. That's all documented
in the Pottenger book called Pottenger's Cats.

Female: Pottenger found with the cats the same types of degeneration from
the impoverished food, or in his case, cooked food as well. Price
saw where the trading posts and modern people coming in to help
the primitives were destroying them.

Male: The fascinating thing about the Pottenger cat studies is that in
many ways they tied in with some of Dr. Price's research.
Pottenger found that in the three groups of cats, which he isolated
and fed diets ranging from all raw to one-third raw and two-third
cooked exhibited certain skeletal changes over the generations of
the cats. The groups that were fed more of the cooked diet less
proportionally of the raw diet started developing and showed
skeletal deformities, primarily in the skull itself. And this is
interesting because Price found the same thing with the primitive
groups that he visited when they had gone on refined foods. He
also noticed, and you'll see the pictures in his book, Nutritional and
Physical Degeneration, the narrowing of the jaw, the lifting of the
upper palate, and the crowding of the teeth, which shows that the
diet for cats that were fed the more proportions of the cooked food
was not proper for that particular kind of animal. They weren't
getting some of the nutrients that were needed to build proper
skeletal shapes and it was the same thing with the people. Now
when one looks around today, we can see a lot of evidence of the
kind of diets that we have degenerated into as a society to a
greater or lesser extent and those reflect back again on what Price
was talking about and that is the more food that we use that is
displacing those foods that have nutrient value. The more we are
likely to be prone to things like osteoporosis and skeletal
deformities and cavities of the teeth, things of that nature.

438 Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009

The Body Code Manual Nutritional Imbalances

For more information about the Price Pottenger Institute you can go to .

. --~-

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The Body Code Manual Nutritional Imbalances

Finding Nutritional Deficiencies

You already know that it's easy to find emotions by looking at a list and by
asking the body questions, dividing that list into columns and odd and even
rows. I've done the same thing for you here in the Body Code Healing System
for nutrition. This is one of the simplest ways to find out if a person has a need
for something that otherwise might not be obvious.

First of all you could look at this entire list and ask "Is there anything on this list
that you need?" If the body says yes, then you could ask, "Is what you need in
column A?" or "Is what you need in column B?" then, "Is it in one of the odd
rows?" or "Is it in an even row?" It's exactly like finding a trapped emotion, and
you can narrow things down very rapidly in this way.

Appendicitis or Nutritional Deficiency?

Let me tell you a story about how valuable testing for nutrition in this way can
actually be. I had a patient who came to me once who had been hospitalized
for about five days with pain in her right lower abdomen. Now, at first when she
was admitted to the hospital, they assumed it was appendicitis and they ran
the tests on her and found out that it was not appendicitis. It was something
else, so they kept running tests.

For five days, she was in the hospital with this acute pain in her right lower
abdomen. And after five days of being in the hospital, and after running all the
tests that were available, they finally came to her and they said, "We don't
really think there's anything wrong with you, we think it's all in your head
because we can't find anything on our tests, and we can't keep you here any
longer, you need to go." This was on a Sunday.

On Monday, she came into my office and I tested her and one of the things
that we found, among other things, was that she had a need for chromium. I
assumed it was an incidental finding, and didn't really think too much about it
at that time. I said to her, "You know, it's showing up that you need chromium,
so you need to get a chromium supplement at the health food store." But I
didn't really think that it had anything to do with the pain that she was in. So I
fixed everything that I could find on her and she went home.

The next day, she came into my office and she was actually feeling worse. She -'---.
was in a lot of pain. I can remember thinking, "This woman is going to burst her
440 Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009
The Body Code Manual Nutritional Imbalances

'--. appendix and she's going to die and it's going to be my fault and I'll be out of
business and that will be it." That's what I was thinking, and I didn't know what
else to do but ask the body questions. And the very first thing that showed up
when I started testing her to see what was wrong was that she had some kind
of a nutritional need.

We went to the nutrition page, to column A and row 3, and right to chromium
again. I suddenly remembered what had shown up the day before, and I said
to her, "Did you get the chromium that showed up on you yesterday?" and she
said, "No." So I said, "Okay, I want you to leave the office right now and I want
you to go to the health food store and buy some chromium."

She went to the health food store and about 25 minutes later was literally
jumping up and down in my waiting room saying, "I am fixed! That fixed it!" She
said that the moment she took the chromium at the health food store, the pain
was instantly gone. She asked me how I figured it out and I said, "Well, it
wasn't me that figured it out. It was your body. Your body knew exactly why
you needed it." And she said, "Can you explain why that happened, why the
chromium deficiency apparently was creating so much pain?" I said, "Frankly, I
have absolutely no idea, but apparently your body really needed it, and luckily
we were able to tune into your body and hear what it was saying."

When you have nutritional deficiencies, they will hamper your body's ability to
function as well as it should, they will hamper your ability to get well, to heal
from a lot of different problems, to overcome infections and so on. It's hard to
be as healthy as you can possibly be if you've got a deficiency of any of these

Please note that a certain amount of caution should be exercised when testing
and recommending any herb, vitamin, or mineral.

"Originally the recommended daily allowance (RDA) requirements of

vitamins and minerals developed by the National Academy of Science's
Food and Nutrition Board were set at levels just to prevent deficiency
states. There is more and more evidence, however, that higher doses of
--"-'-- these nutrients can be beneficial in preventing diseases and improving
overall health. Another organization, the Council for Responsible
Nutrition, has tried to look at how much extra vitamin and mineral
Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009 441
The Body Code Manual Nutritional Imbalances

supplements can be taken. For this, they have tried to look at the
literature to find:

NOAEL - the intake level at which there are no credibly-substantiated

adverse reactions observed in humans;
LOAEL - the lowest intake at which some adverse effects have occurred
under certain circumstances. (For many vitamins, there simply are no
reports or too few reports of adverse effects at any level and, therefore,
no LOAEL number can be identified.)

The Council for Responsible Nutrition has an executive summary

published which is available in an Adobe PDF ® format. The following
table is modified and condensed from that summary.,,3

Please refer to the tables on the next two pages when recommending vitamins
or minerals, and if you are in doubt about any dosage that you come up with
through muscle testing, please consult a physician.

3 Vitamin Intake - How Much is Too Much?, lelovsek, Frederick R., MD.
http://www.wdxcybeLcomlngen21 .htm
442 Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009
The Body Code Manual Nutritional Imbalances

Vitamin Levelsfor ·5afe Su plementation

Nutrient \I FunctIon II RDA'" NOAEL
10,000 IU (3,000 ~g

Promotes growth and repair of body , 2,600 IU
Vita In A tissues, bone formation and healthy (800 1-19 I
Retinol EQuivalenlS}(with
m skin and hair. Essential for night ! Retinol renal disease this level Is
! Equivalents) ple::::s::::S)========~l======~
Sel\les ·as an antioxidant and may I
help protect against certain cancers. None 25 mg I IINone
cata.racts and heart disease. : estabtlshed established
Converted to vitamin A ln the body. I .

Alds in the absorption or calcium
and helps to build bone massena
2, OOOlU
Vitamin 0 prevent bone loss. Helps maintain .on~lI h d 800 IU (20 Ilg)
(50 l-lg)
blood levels of calcium and I' s e
____ phosphorous_ .
Helps protect cells. from free radical '

Injury. Sel\lesas an antloxidanl.and 12 IU (8 mg

V1tamln E :~a~~:~~~~~,~~~S~:l~ ;~coPherol i:!Op~~~~~q~~:~nts)

cancars. Needed for normal growth i Equivalents
and development !
Ii======; i~ 0 mg (as long as not
Vitamin K Needed for normal blood clottlng i .065 mg g antlcoagulant None
(phylloquinone) and bone health. ! rugs, e.g. Coumadln ®) established

Promotes healthy cell development.

wound he.allng, and resistanca to
II More than 1,000 mg
(perhaps as high as
infections. Sel\les as an antioxidant i 10,000 mg but note that
some individuals get None
Vitamin C and may help protect against cerialn 60 019 diarrhea and gastritls with established
cancers, cataracts, and heart
disease. May reduce heavy gastrointestinal bleeding
menstruation. at levels of a 1,000 mg or
more ~FRJ)

Essential for converting

carbohydrates to energy. Needed
Thiamin (81) for normal functioning of the None
established establlshed
nel\lOus system and muScles.
Including the heart muscle. \
Helps In red blood cell formation,
s .system functioning, and )
of energy from foods.
! None INone
Ribonavln (a2) for viSion and may help
ctagalnsl cataracts. 400 mg/d I
established 200 010 I , established
ay help prevent migraine


Essential for protein metabollsm, P========~IEJ

I ~Py:: : :n:d=: o~:: :ne: =(=B=6=}F.n~el\lO

=7_u=s~s~ys=te:: :m=.a
: =n~d:: :l=m~m~u::n=:e 7===~l====::::::::==~
function. Involved In syntheSis of
hormones and red blood cells.

Needed fat normal growth and
development and red blood celt
Fol'cAcid formetlon . Reduces nskofneural None None
I tube birth defects. May reduce risk established 1,000 I-Ig (1 mg) Iestablished
of heart disease and cal\llcal
dysplaSia. I
Vitamln B 2 Vital for blood formation a
. el\lOus system.
etabollsm oHa =======~ None

acids and utilization of B-vlta established
Copyright "_....... . . . . u u
Aids in normal growth and
'-'..I. .... ..l...&..u.u.&."to.._ou., .&. .&...1._ • .... vv./
The Body Code Manual Nutritional Imbalances

I ~or ·Safie SuPPJementati on

Mi nera I Leve.s
I Nutrkmt II Function II NOAEL II LOAEL I
Essential for developing and maintaining healthy bones
and teeth. Assists In blood olotting, muscle con-traction
None More than
Icaldum and nerve transmission. Reduces risk of osteoporosis
I established
1500 mg
2.500 mg
and may also reduce the risk of preeclampsia In
pregnant women . Reduces PMS symptoms.

11 ~O~
WorKs with calcium to develop and maintain strong
bones and teeth. Enhances use of other nutrients. None More than
Essential for energy metabolism, DNAstructure, and cell esta b11 shed I 2,500 mg

Actlvates nearly 100 enzymes and helps neNes and EJ None

8 BE]
IMagneSium muscles function. Also reduces. PMS symptoms None
established 700 mg established

Involved In Iron metabolism, nervous
system fUnctJonlng.
bone health, and synthesis of proteins. Plays a role In the 1.5 - 3 mg 9 mg
pigmentation of skIn, hair. and eyes.

I Aids In glucose metabolism and may help diabetics
regulate blood sugar and Insulin levels. Iso -200 lJQ 111,000 ~g Iestabllshed

IPart of the thyroid hormone.. HeJpsregulate groWth,
development and energy metabolism. 1150 lJg
111 .000 IJg I established

Necessary for red blood cell formation and function.

15 mg 100mg
tron (elemental (elemental (elemental
Amount needed Is higher In women of childbearing age.
Iron) Iron) Iron)
Necessary for the normal development of the skeletal
!Manganese I and connectlve tlss\Jes. (nvolved In metabolism of
10 mg None

IMOlybdenuml Needed for metabolism of DNA and RNA, and production 115 ~ 250 1,J911350 IJQ
of uric acid. .
I None

Essential component of a key antioxidant enzyme.
Necessary for normal growth and development and for
r,enium I use of iodine in thyroid functlon. May reduce risk of
910 IJg

1bJj6omg I
certain cancers.

I EssentJal part of more than 100 enzymes involved in
" digestion. metabo'l1sm. reproductlon, and wound heaHng • .12 mg

444 Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009

The Body Code Manual Nutritional Imbalances

Body Code System Nutrition Chart

Use this page to check for deficiencies of vitamins and minerals.

ColUmnA COlumnS

Acidophilus Phosphorus
Row 1
Amino Aeids Picohnate
Betaearotene Potassium
Bile Salts Protein
Bioflavinoids Pycnogenol
Row 2
80ron Selenium
Calcium Silica
CaJcium Lactate SOD
CenSalt Sodium
R_a Chloride Sulfur
Chromium Trace Minerals
CO. .En~yme 010 Vanadium
Cobalt Vanadyl Suttate
Row 4
Copper Vitamin A
Germanium Vitamin B
HydroChloric Acid Vitamin C
Iodine VitaminD
Iron Vrtamin ,E
Leoithin Vitamin F
Lithium Water
Magnesium Zinc

Body Code System Foods

Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009 445
The Body Code Manual Nutritional Imbalances

The next page lists all kinds of different foods. I've divided this up into four
columns this time, and a number of different rows, so you might simply ask, "Is
there a particular food on this page that I would benefit from?" Or, "Is there a
particular thing on this list that would help me to heal?" You can ask it any way
you want, but the bottom line is if there is something on this list that you would
really benefit from then the body will tell you. Sometimes it's surprising, and
sometimes things come up that you might not ever think of. You might need a
certain kind of squash, or you might need lentils, or Amaranth, or perhaps
something you have never eaten before. Just let the body guide you and it will.

446 Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009

The Body Code Manual Nutritional Imbalances

Body Code System Foods Chart

Use this page to check for the need for certain foods.

Oo4umnA eocun.. eoc...C CofuminO

Beef Ca\ll.flcWef <csrna 0I'IJ1lg6
lIVer Catery tils Papaya
Row 1 Veat CIlantro aBieans ~
~ CoIr~ OmerBeans Peat
~ GUCWl'ber p~ PerslanMeIon
Eggs Da.ndeIon Greens Peas Pe-rsimmon
F"1Sh Erd e P~ato Pineappfe
Row 2 She ish Eggplant Sweet Potato Plum
Goose Garlte Turnip PomegnlMte
Lamb Gr~naeMS Winter Squash Raspbarry

s Jerusalem Mlcho/J<e Acorn Stra~

&!eels Kate ButtemUl TSI'lgenne
R_a TQfu U'l(ek ~ Wail~
TUrtctty Sibb Lettuoft $peghstt. Alnarattth
Chaeta 0tneJ &~

Cottage Chease Butter lettuce Yam Bran Aakes

Cream Iceberg Lettuce Apple &lol<Wheat
Row 4 CtE>am Cheese eQLaafL~ce Apllcot com
Kefir Romaine Le1hlce Banana Millet
M Blad<heny aal-bran

Vogwf },tung Be.m~ Blusheny Oatmeal

Com MuAhi'obrns Boysenberry OtMoa
ROWS Ri£eBrna ~Gra8fl8 Cactus,FfUit Aite
tliceCakes tatard~ Cant Ioupe Melon Ay&
Aye: Radish Cal.aba Maron SOy

SourDough Okra Chertrnoya Wheat

RowS Wham OnIons Chell')' Other
OUlftr Breads Pamley Cranbeny Butter
Pasta Scallions Cren W Melon ~..ayonna e

AIf.~ ~ .Peu Dried Fn1Jt Nut&mMa

0t1w'~ Spinach
, ~ Oil
Row? ~ ~ Ftg(fresb)
~ klmmer ~
A\IQcado YeIb¥t Grapetrult

Bamboo S1\Oo15 ZUochin! Gt~s

Beet Greens ~'SS!ONtd Guaya
Row 8 BeUPe~ Tomato Honeydew
BokChoi TumlpGf s KIYA
E!1'OOIXlL Watercress Kumquat
Br\ISIIIIIt SptQuts, ~Statth : ltimol)
~ aa.ts Una
RowS lI\Iapa e~ Logantteny
fl8d eOtl'l Marlg(l
Savoy ~Beans ~

CO$lyrig t 2001;. WeUne$ Urtrt'la$ked. Inc.• 8. 01. S~y Nelson. All r>9hts reserved

Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009 447

The Body Code Manual Nutritional Imbalances

Body Code System Herbs Chart

Use this page to check for the need for certain healing herbs.

CoI..... _ Column 0
AtfBlfa tl&rb Comtfeylaf Hofsetalf nero Propolis ffifn
Angelica. root Corn Silk Immortal roo'l Pulsatifla bor
Row Arnica Hower 00110n Root bark JunIper bony OUassia wood
1 Aspenbatk Cow Parsnip root Kava..J<ava root RSSSlOOrty leaf
Astrpgalu$ root ·Otampbark Kelptrond Red Clover f1ow'Qr
Baptista roo Datntana flerb Kola Nut 'R~Root

Barberry root Dandelion root Rosemary loaf

Bayberry roo bark 08Son Wilk>w bark Lioo ".ce root Sarsaparilla root
Row Bonzaingum Oewts Claw root lily of the Valtey root Saw Palmetto fruit
2 Betony flower Dogbane root Lobelm herb Shepherd's PUfse herb
Black COhosh root OOllQ Quai root Ha Huang stnm S ullcap herb
Black Haw root Echinac.oa roo Mara\' la root Spikenard roo

Black Walnut fWU B&campane root Marshmallow root S 'flingia: root

Blessed Thistle MIb Eldet" Rower Maiarique toOl 5torksbill ....rb,
Row BtoodI'Oot Eucalpytus leaf Mill< Thistl& seed St. John's wort floW9'
a Blue Flag rhz~ Ey&bright ·harb Menta PQI60 herb lbu" .lot
Blue COhOsh root FeJs& Unicom root MormcmTea Toadffunem
Slue Vervain herb F$nl'l8l seed Moiherwort barb UsneaNcnen
Bluoberry leaf Feverfew Hower Mul oin leaf Uva Vl'Si foaf
Bonesot Fireweed herb Myrrh gum Valerian fool
Row Btickoma herb Fringc1fee bark Nott s hOlb VU'g'nia Snake root
4 Bl.tCIlu leaf Garlic bulb Oat seed White Oak bark
Buglewoed herb Gentian root, green Ocotillo stem batk White Sago leaf
Burdock root Gingko leaf Oregon Grape root White WIlfow bark

Bu.rdoCk~ Ginung root Wild Am. Osha root Wild ebony bark
CaJanOOla floWer GOldanSGaf root Pansy herb \Mid Qin{fer root
Row Cascara Sagrada root GoW «ola herb Pmtrtdge Bony WUdY~raot
Catnip herb GtawdRooi (Squaw "Jne) Witdl Ham! leat
S ~YMMfruit GrindQlia lowe, Passion floWer YarrCNJ now r
OeiandinD. Qreater Guamnaseod Pau DYArco bark YelloW Dock mot
Chamomile IIow&r Hawthomo floWOf & Ponnyroyal herb Yerba Mansa root
Chaparral at berry Pipsissewa herb Yema Santa leaf
Row Chaste1Joo bony Hopsstrobu!es P urisy root Yohimbe 001"'.<
6 Cinnamon bark Horehound norb Pm<e root Yucca root
Cloma' 's herb Horse Chootnut bark Prickly Ash bark
Cleavers herb Horseradish 1'001 Prickly Poppy

448 Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009

The Body Code Manual Nutritional Imbalances

Testing for the Right Herbs

To test for someones need for a specific herb, you might ask, "Is there a
specific herb on this list that I need for healing?" If there is, the body will give
guide you to it, and that's just a simple as it is.

Magnetic Field Deficiencies

Were you aware that you could become deficient in your magnetic field? You
certainly can. The Japanese characters that represent Magnetic Field
Deficiency Syndrome (MFDS) are shown here. By the way, these are the same
characters that are used to represent chronic fatigue syndrome in Japanese.

Magnetic field deficiency is like any other deficiency. If you don't get enough
magnetism, then you need to somehow support that need. Interestingly
enough, the earth's magnetic field is about 10% weaker now than it was when
German mathematician, Carl Friedrich Gauss started keeping tabs on it in
1845, and because of the nature of our lives, our constant exposure to EMF
fields, and our loss of contact with the soil, MFDS is a very common problem.

Here's a study that was done on Fibromyalgia using magnetic mattress pads.
This was a randomized, double blind pilot study that was done at Tufts
Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009 449
The Body Code Manual Nutritional Imbalances

University in Boston. This study concluded that, "Sleeping on a magnetic

mattress pad with a magnet surface field strength of 1100 plus or minus 50
gauss, delivering 200 to 600 gauss at the skin surface provides statistically
significant and clinically relevant pain relief and sleep improvement in subjects
with Fibromyalgia. No adverse reactions were noted during this 16-week trial
period. So there you are. Statistically significant changes, pain relief, and sleep
improvement in patients with Fibromyalgia-simply by sleeping on a magnetic
mattress pad.

Magnetic Mattress Pads

FibromyaJgia Study
• Randomized Double-blind Pilot Study,
conducted by Agatha P. Colbert, M.D. Clinical
Assistant Professor of PhYSical Medicine and
Rehabilitation Tufts University School of
Medicine, Boston, MA. Conclusions were simply
this; "Sleeping on a magnetic mattress pad, with
a magnet surface field strength of 1100+-50
Gauss, delivering 200-600 Gauss at the skin
surface provides statistically significant and
clinically relevant pain relief and sleep
improvement in subjects with Fibromyalgia. No
adverse reactions were noted during the 16-
week trial period."


450 Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009

The Body Code Manual Nutritional Imbalances

Magnetic Mattress Pads

Here's another study using magnetic mattress pads, carried out over a one
year period in three of Japan's foremost hospitals.

There were 431 people in the study, and the conclusion was that magnetic
mattress pads proved effective on neck pain, shoulder pain, back pain, lower
limb pain, insomnia, and fatigue. There were no harmful side effects, and that's
really something. You can't say that about very many things-that there are no
harmful side effects. Of course, all drugs have harmful side effects. In fact, as I
recall from the study there was an average 83% improvement in these things:
neck pain, shoulder pain, back pain, lower limb pain, insomnia, and fatigue.
Think about that. Those are very common problems that a lot of people suffer
from. And by simply sleeping on a magnetic mattress pad, this study showed
an 83% improvement in all these problems!

Magnetic Field
• A study using magnetic mattress pads, carried
out over a 1 year period in 3 of Japan's foremost
hospitals: by Dr. Cazuo Shimodara. 431 people
(216 male, 215 female).

• The conclusion was: Magnetic mattress pads

proved effective on neck pain, shoulder pain,
back pain, lower limb pain, insomnia, and
fatigue, and to have no side effects."

Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009 451

The Body Code Manual Nutritional Imbalances

The Blow Dryer Test

Here's a simple test to determine if a person is suffering from Magnetic Field
Deficiency. I call this the blow dryer test. You need a blow dryer and some
magnetic insoles from Nikken, the Japanese well ness company that creates
the MagBoy, the MagCreator and so on.

Have a person stand up and have them hold the blow dryer at their side. The
blow dryer at this point should be off.

Have the person hold out their arm and test their strength. They should be
strong. Then turn the blow dryer on as they continue to hold it at their side.
Then perform a muscle test again with the blow dryer running , and if they've
got any magnetic field deficiency at all, (and by the way most people are
somewhat magnetically deficient), what will happen is they will not be able to
hold their arm up. It will suddenly make them weak. In other words, the
electrical magnetic field, the EMF field, that's being put out by the blow dryer
will be imbalancing enough to their body that it will overcome their body's
innate ability to withstand it, and their arm will go down.

... -..............

452 Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009

The Body Code Manual Nutritional Imbalances

Then what you do is you simply have them put either one foot or both feet onto
a Nikken magnetic insole without removing their shoes. The magnetic energy
will go right through the shoe. Then, with the blow dryer running, test them
again and they will almost without exception be strong, indicating that the
Nikken magnetic insoles do have a protective effect, and do seem to
strengthen us against EMF fields. We could talk about this for days but this is
a quick and easy simple test to see if someone is magnetically deficient.

Nikken Magnets
Now, of course, refrigerator magnets are widely available and those work just
fine for releasing trapped emotions, but the Nikken magnets work best for
treatment of MFDS and for a lot of other problems as well. That's one of the
reasons why we recommend the Nikken products, because if you're going to
be doing the Body Code and you're going to be working on people, you're
going to be using magnets constantly. You might as well spend a little bit of
money and get a magnet that's going to last you for a long time, that also has
some other uses as far as helping the body to function and feel better.

How to Get Magnets

• Refrigerator magnets are widely available

• Work for releasing trapped emotions

• For treatment of MFDS, Nikken magnets are


• Best way to get them wholesale is to become

a Nikken consultant

Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009 453

The Body Code Manual Nutritional Imbalances

Getting Nikken Magnets

The best way to get Nikken magnets wholesale is by actually becoming a
Nikken Wellness Consultant for about $45.00 plus. There's no monthly
obligation with this, but there is an annual renewal fee of $19.50. That enables
you to pay wholesale for any Nikken products, and you can potentially make
money by selling these products as well, or enrolling other people as well ness
consultants. Then you make a percentage off of things that they sell and so on.
It's called network marketing, which I'm sure you're familiar with. For your
registration fee of $45.00, you'll also receive 10 Nikken power patches, which
are small, gold plated magnets that can be placed anywhere.

These are quite powerful and very ingeniously designed little magnets on an
adhesive backing which can be placed anywhere you have discomfort and
they usually bring relief quite rapidly. They work very well, and are wonderful to
keep with you, because nearly everyone you come into contact with is in pain,
and you can help them by simply applying one of these. Usually the effect with
454 Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009
The Body Code Manual Nutritional Imbalances

these is immediate, and it provides a great way to open people to giving them
more information about the magnetic products and the Emotion Code.

How to Get Magnets

• For $45+tax, you can become Nikken

"Wellness Consultant;" no monthly obligation
to this, annual renewal fee of $19.50

• Pay wholesale for any Nikken Products, and

potentially make money by selling these
products as well.

Enroll as a Nikken Well ness Consultant

So to enroll as a well ness consultant, you can simply visit this website: .

Hopefully this overview of nutrition has helped you to get a little better idea
about how it all works, how to test for nutrients, and how to find out if you need
some kind of an herb, or some kind of nutrition, or some kind of food. It's a
simple thing. Your subconscious mind, or the subconscious mind of the person
that you're working with, knows exactly what you need, or what they need, and
so determining what those needs are is really very simple. Remember,
"Ask, and ye shall receive!"

Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009 455

The Body Code Manual Nutritional Imbalances

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456 Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009

The Body Code Manual Structural Imbalances

Structural Imbalances
Let's talk now about structural imbalances, another major type of imbalance.
The purpose of this module is to help you understand what structural
imbalances are, how they affect us, and how to detect and correct them, in
many cases magnetically, when no doctor of chiropractic is available.

• Understand what structural imbalances are and

how they affect us

• Understand how to detect and correct them

magnetically when no doctor of chiropractic is

I've often referred to the Body Code Package "the first aid kit for the
apocalypse." I believe that the day may come when we may not have doctors
available, when perhaps we may be stuck in our homes because of a
pandemic or war, and we may not be able to get the kind of help that we
normally would have access to. This is why I'm giving you this information. I'm
not teaching you to be chiropractors, but I do want to help you understand how
structural imbalances are potentially an enormous source of problems and how
often they can be corrected magnetically.

Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009 457

The Body Code Manual Structural Imbalances

History of Chiropractic
Let's talk a little bit about the history of chiropractic. This is a picture of Daniel
David Palmer, who is the founder of chiropractic in our modern era. I think he
could really be called the re-discoverer of chiropractic, because manipulation of
bones in the body to achieve better health has been around since the time of
the Egyptians.

In 1891, Doctor Palmer was working as a magnetic healer in Davenport, Iowa.

Back in those days there was a tremendous amount of medical freedom in the
country. There were many different kinds of doctors and healers, and he used
magnets to heal. Now we know that magnets have tremendous healing
capabilities. One day the cleaning man for the building that Doctor Palmer had
his office in stopped in to clean. This man's name was Harvey Lillard. Doctor
Palmer started talking to him. He had to shout to make himself understood
because Harvey was mostly deaf, and had been deaf for a number of years.
Doctor Palmer asked him how he became deaf. He explained that years
before, as he was bending over to pick up a bucket he felt a pain in his neck
suddenly, and his hearing went away.

Doctor Palmer examined him and found what he felt was a misaligned vertebra
in Harveys neck. He reasoned that maybe this misaligned bone had created
458 Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009
The Body Code Manual Structural Imbalances

some kind of imbalance in the body that had lead to his deafness. He had the
idea that perhaps if he realigned this bone, the deafness might go away.

He gave this man the first chiropractic adjustment in the modern era, and it did
restore Harvey Lillard's hearing. So Chiropractic started out as a cure for
deafness in it's very, very early stages, but it came to be known far and wide
as a fantastic way to get rid of all kinds of problems and help all kinds of things
to get better. Now let's talk about the scientific basis of chiropractic.

Structure VS Function
First of all, if we talk about structure and function, we know that structure
affects function. Any structure in the body is capable of becoming imbalanced
or misaligned-any structure. Not just bones, but muscles, tendons, ligaments,
nerves, organs, any tissue can become misaligned. Imbalance of any structure
does affect how things work in the body. If we take a look at this picture, at the
top right, you can see the brain, and on the right side we have the spinal
column coming down from the brain, housing and protecting the spinal cord.
You'll notice all the different organs of the body. The heart and the lungs, the
pancreas, stomach, spleen, and kidneys, etc. The gray lines that are passing
from the spine to these various organs represent the nerves that are carrying
Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009 459
The Body Code Manual Structural Imbalances

communications from the brain to the organs and glands, and from the
different organs and glands back to the brain

460 Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009

The Body Code Manual Structural Imbalances

Misalignment (Subluxation)

If we take a closer look at the spine you can see how the nerves come out
between the various vertebra, on their way to the organs and tissues.

Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009 461

The Body Code Manual Structural Imbalances

You'll notice that one of these vertebrae is out of alignment, and is irritating the
nerve that is passing out of the spine just below it. In Chiropractic, we refer to a
misaligned bone as a subluxation. A subluxation is a misaligned vertebra,
which ends up resulting in poor nerve transmission. When you have poor
nerve transmission, you end up having reduced communications between the
brain and that organ or tissue, and that results in poor health and eventual
disease. Trapped emotions are actually the most common underlying cause of
these misalignments.

Correcting misalignments or subluxations is what chiropractic is all about. It's

about finding these misalignments in the spine, correcting these
misalignments, and taking the pressure off of these nerves so that the brain
and the organ, or gland, or other tissue can communicate fully with the brain.
It's a very simple idea and it works.

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The Body Code Manual Structural Imbalances

The Lungs
Let's take a look, for example, at a specific area of the spine, the area right up
in between your shoulder blades. If we get a misalignment in that area, it may
put pressure on the nerves that are traveling from the brain to the lungs. If you
have less than 100% communication between the brain and the lungs, will the
lungs be able to function at 1Oo%? And the logical answer is no, they won't. So
if the lungs are not functioning at 100% because they've got this interference
going on, what kind of symptoms might you notice? If the lungs start to
malfunction, one of the most common things that actually ends up happening
is asthma. And in fact, asthma is something that is very common and I have
had a lot of success working with asthma and correcting asthma simply by
realigning the bones in that upper area of the spine.

I remember a woman who came in to me with her son who was three years
old. When he was born he had a very difficult delivery. He was born with
forceps, and that will oftentimes result in misalignment of the upper bones in
the neck. Right away he started getting ear infections, and for the first year of
his life, he had ear infections continually. When he turned two, he started
having asthma symptoms. He was prescribed various medications for the next
two years, one asthma medication after another, and when she brought him in
to see me, he was on two non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs, and he was
also on steroid medications, two inhalers and two oral medications. So this
was a very sick little boy and what we found going on with him was that he
simply had a misalignment at the third thoracic area, creating interference
between the brain and the lungs. I only had to adjust it about three times and
then the asthma symptoms completely went away. I don't ever recall having a
patient with asthma that I was not able to help, simply by correcting these
misalignments, and there are many, many other chiropractors that will tell you
the same thing.

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The Body Code Manual Structural Imbalances

The Lungs ..----..,.

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The Body Code Manual Structural Imbalances

.----.. The Gall Bladder

When there is interference in the nervous system that affects the gall bladder it
has a harder time knowing what it is supposed to do, and as a result it's more
likely that the gall bladder will have trouble. It's more likely that you will end up
with gallstones. It's more likely that you will end up having to have your gall
bladder removed if you get misalignment in this area, which is right around the
fourth thoracic vertebrae.

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The Body Code Manual Structural Imbalances

The Liver --.

The liver is the body's major organ of detoxification and if the brain and the
liver are not communicating very well, then the liver is going to have a harder
time detoxifying you. Your immune system is going to suffer as a result. And
there are a whole lot of things that can result from that if you follow this
logically. If the immune system is depressed because there is poor
communication between the brain and the liver, then you're going to be more
likely to suffer from a lot of different problems, as well as having a harder time
dealing with the environment that you're living in.


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The Body Code Manual Structural Imbalances

Uterus and Ovaries

Let's take a look at the uterus and ovaries and the reproductive system. If
you've got misalignment in the low back, you're going to have a harder time
maintaining good function in the uterus and ovaries, or if you're a man, in the
male reproductive system. Do you think that good brain-organ communication
might have anything to do with your ability to reproduce?

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The Body Code Manual Structural Imbalances

All Is Energy
Remember that all structures, whether they are muscle, tendon, ligament,
nerve, organ, or bone, are all made of pure energy and are therefore capable
of being corrected energetically, even at a distance. Also remember that I'm
not trying to turn you into a chiropractor, but what I am trying to help you gain is
a tool so that if you don't have access to chiropractic care, you will still have
ways to correct chiropractic imbalances that otherwise might be uncorrectable.
It is all dependent on your own belief and faith.

Detecting Structural Imbalances

First of all, to detect structural imbalances, you can simply ask this question,
"Do you have structural imbalance that is helping to create this symptom?" Or
you might state, "I have a structural imbalance." Then do a muscle test and
swaying forward or a strong muscle test means that's positive. Optionally, you
might add, "Do you have a structural imbalance in your low back, or do you
have a structural imbalance of a particular bone or organ, etc.?" Let's say for
example, you are working on a friend who has low back pain. You could simply ----.
ask, "Do you have a structural imbalance that is affecting your low back?" If the

468 Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009

The Body Code Manual Structural Imbalances

body answers "Yes," to correct it, you'd simply roll the magnet down the
governing meridian 3 times with the intention to correct whatever structural
imbalance is going on in that area.

Testing For Corrected Imbalances

So you can recheck by simply asking, "Did we correct that imbalance?" It's
really quite simple, and if you can get your mind around the fact that everything
is energy, then suddenly it frees you from the normal physical limitations of
your mind. The belief that things that are structural are physical and are not
really energy is not really true. Everything is energy and anything can be
manipulated or corrected energetically.

• To make correction, simply roll magnet down

Governing Meridian 3X

• Recheck by asking "Did this correct that


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The Body Code Manual Structural Imbalances

Checking Brain

• If dealing with a particular organ, ask "What

percentage of the messages being sent by the
brain to this organ are arriving, on average?"

• Determine percentage before and after structural

correction is made energetically. Be amazed.

Determining Percentage of Brain Communication

If you're dealing with a particular organ, one of the things that you can ask is,
"What percent of the messages being sent by the brain to this organ are
arriving on average?" You can determine the percentage before and after
structural correction is made energetically, and I think you will be amazed. For
example, one of the things that I used to routinely do with people who were
suffering from asthma is ask, "What percent of the communications from your
brain are actually arriving at your lungs on average?" And then we would test,
"Are 50% of those messages getting through?" No. "Are 40% of those
messages getting through?" Yes. And you can trace it down that way and get
an actual number, so that you can determine exactly what percent of the
communications from the brain are actually arriving at that organ.

Once you make the correction-by either releasing a trapped emotion for
example, or by actually making an energetic, magnetic correction to whatever
imbalance there is that's going on-if you retest this, you'll find that the number
jumps dramatically. This is a very interesting thing that you can do. Let's say
for example, you're working with your father who is having difficulty because
his heart is skipping beats. And yes, of course it's a good idea for him to see a
doctor, but in the mean time you can actually test to see what percentage of
the communications from the brain are getting through to the heart. And you'll

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The Body Code Manual Structural Imbalances

be amazed how often a simple correction like this can make immediate

My recommendation is for you to find a chiropractor in your local area and

have a relationship with him or her, and get adjusted frequently. But if the day
comes when you can't leave your house, and you can't get to a chiropractor,
and you're on your own, remember that corrections like this can be made
simply through intention and energy. It's all about your level of belief. It's all
about what you believe is possible. Whatever you believe is possible is
possible. Remember, "All things are possible to him that believeth." (Mark

• Remember that ANY tissue can misalign, and
that this will ALWAYS cause symptoms, often in
WIDELY disparate areas of the body

• Ask: "Is there a structural imbalance that is

helping to create this symptom?"

• If the answer is "yes," correct it magnetically by

rolling 3X.

• Hint; if imbalance returns, most common

reason will be Trapped Emotion in area!

Correcting Imbalances
Remember that any tissue can misalign. You can ask, "Is there a structural
imbalance that is helping to create this symptom?" Let's say that you're
working with someone who has some kind of a shoulder problem, and let's say
that you find a trapped emotion and release it and then the body says, "No,
there aren't any other trapped emotions," but they're still having a problem.
You might simply ask, "Is there a structural imbalance that's helping to create
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this symptom?" There might be some kind of misalignment of the shoulder or

some of the other tissues in there. The nice thing about it is you don't really
need to be an expert in anatomy to be able to do this, because their
subconscious mind is an expert in anatomy, and it knows exactly what is
structurally out of alignment. It knows exactly how to apply that energy that
you're going to put in to their body to make that correction. You don't need to
be an expert, although it's good to know some anatomy. All that knowledge is
good, but you don't need to be an expert for this. So in a case like this, if you
get an answer that is affirmative, you simply would correct the structural
imbalance by rolling 3 times down the governing meridian, or if you're working
on yourself you can go from the forehead, over the top of the head to the back
to the neck 3 times. It's really quite amazing.

Recurring Imbalance
If a structural imbalance comes back over and over, the most common reason
will be a trapped emotion or some other energy. Remember to think on your
feet and if you're trying to fix a problem, be open to all possibilities.

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The Body Code Manual Structural Imbalances

Common Imbalances
• Kidneys often misalign, creating back and knee

• Uterus often misaligns, creating left hip and/or

low back pain

• Stomach often protrudes upward through

diaphragm, creating acid reflux

• Most common reason for all these? Trapped

Emotions lodged in the area!

Common Imbalances
Here are some common imbalances or misalignments of organs. The kidneys
will very often misalign, creating back and knee pain. Remember that any
tissue can become misaligned. Organs commonly become misaligned but are
almost never realigned. Kidney misalignment or imbalance is the single biggest
cause of back pain that exists, in my opinion. In 17 years of practice I never
saw one low back disc patient that did not have a kidney imbalance.
Remember that in the body when we have paired organs-the kidneys for
example, and the adrenal glands, the lungs-the left side organ is always the
"main" and the right is always the "reserve," so the left sided organs will tend to
become imbalanced first.

Kidney Misalignment
Let's say that you're working with someone who has low back pain. You could
ask this question, "Is your kidney out of alignment?" And if you get a "Yes"
answer, then you can simply roll 3 times with the intention of correcting that
imbalance energetically. Then just watch and see what happens. You will most
likely be amazed, "if ye are not of little faith!"

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Uterus Misalignment
The uterus often misaligns and that will often create left hip and/or low back
pain, and that's very common. Also, when the uterus misaligns, you will tend to
have a harder time conceiving. Try rolling three times to correct this as well.

Stomach Misalignment
The stomach will often protrude upward through the diaphragm and create acid
reflex because the little sphincter muscle of the top of the stomach quits
working as well as it should. These imbalances can all be corrected, oftentimes

Remember that the most common reason for all of these misalignments is
trapped emotions that have lodged in that area. But if you release the trapped
emotions and there are still problems or symptoms, check for structural
imbalances and fix them, because they CAN exist all by themselves!

. -~

474 Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009

The Body Code Manual Toxicity

The purpose of this module is to help you understand toxicity, how to detect it
and what to do to correct it. Toxicity is the accumulation and buildup of toxins,
or toxic materials, in the bodily tissues. A relatively new phenomenon, toxicity
really began to present a problem around the beginning of the Industrial
Revolution and it's continued to grow worse and worse as the health of planet
earth declines. Toxicity is now a worldwide problem, and unfortunately there
aren't many places you can go on the earth where you don't find toxins of one
kind or another.

A huge amount of the toxins that people are exposed to are actually from food.
The average person takes in about 14 pounds of chemicals per year in the
form of food additives: humectants, preservatives, food colorings and so on.
The more processed food you eat, the more these toxic food additives will build
up in your bodily tissues. These toxins are damaging to the body and interfere
with the normal function of the immune system, but they can be eliminated and
we called this process of elimination detoxing.

An important thing to remember is that if trapped emotions are present, they

will tend to make detoxing more difficult. For example, if you have a trapped
emotion that is lodged in the liver, the major organ of detoxification in the body,
every chemical reaction now taking place in the liver is going to be interfered
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with. The liver function will not be at 100% by any means, and getting rid of ... --
harmful toxins is going to be difficult or even impossible. Similarly, if you have
trapped emotion in the small intestine, which houses a large part of your
immune system, you'll also have a hard time getting rid of toxins. The immune
system is responsible for clearing and removing and breaking down toxins, and
if it is being compromised it won't work as well. A single trapped emotion can
decrease the function of your entire immune system by up to 20%.

• A new worldwide phenomenon
• Heavy metals, radiation, ;::"~
industrial wastes, etc. ~., -..;.,.- ~:; ; "r . " ' .;,;.. ... _ .,. ,~
_.... -.. . ..,.. (l . • --. .
• Average intake of 141bs. . ~~,.:c"
of chemicals/year ". '~. df~ -:- .j:.
: .' ' . ; !~;.. ' ~
- ~.}.
'\\..>' eri . ,~
• Toxins can be cleared ~ (.:~..... ,, ~ . . _'~'!.. ..
from body . • ,.,~_'
".'" .. '

• Trapped Emotions make

toxin removal more difficult

Types of Toxins
There are many different types of toxins that affect our bodies. Heavy metals
are a common problem, including aluminum, mercury, and lead, just to name a
few. There are also food toxins, which we mentioned briefly, and there are free
radicals, which result from the aging process and the breakdown of the body.
Environmental chemical include things like cleaning products and pesticides.
Both Recreational drugs and medical toxins like pharmaceutical drugs are
damaging to the body. Microbial toxins refer to the waste products of infections
and infestations. Parasites, bacteria, fungi, mold- any kind of infectious agent .-.

476 Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009

The Body Code Manual Toxicity

will create waste that is classified as toxic. There are various types of energies
that can be toxic as well.

Types of Toxins
• Heavy Metals • Recreational
• Food Additives
• Medical
• Free Radicals
• Microbial
• Environmental
Chemicals • Energies

Heavy Metals
A common and harmful form of toxins are heavy metals.

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The Body Code Manual Toxicity


If you're at least 40 or 50 years old, you probably remember, when you were
young, that at every gasoline pump at every gas station, there was this sign
(shown in picture) "For uses of motor fuel only-contains lead." Lead was
considered for many, many years to be an important compound to mix in the
gasoline because it helped the engine run more smoothly. It's still sold in
certain areas, in certain countries, and on a very limited basis for people who
drive and maintain historic cars, because they won't run very well at all on
gasoline that does not contain lead. The problem is that lead is toxic. Leaded
gasoline was common from the 1920's until the 1980's, and during this time
millions of tons of lead were put out into the atmosphere. As a result, most
people in the industrialized world now have a very high lead content in their
bodies. Lead is not only from gasoline, but it can also come from paint. Leaded
paint is not used anymore, but can still be found on older buildings.

.. ...--........

478 Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009

The Body Code Manual Toxicity

Another very dangerous heavy metal is mercury. This picture shows a close-up
of some amalgam fillings. These dental fillings contain mercury, which leaches
out into the body and is one of the most toxic substances known to man.

Mercury also comes from air pollution, from coal-fired plants, which let off
smoke into the atmosphere. This toxic smoke gets absorbed into the ocean
water and is consumed by fish. Larger ocean fish can contain very high levels
of mercury because they've eaten all the smaller fish which contained mercury,
and it's built up. The larger the fish, generally speaking, the higher the level of

I have seen several cases where people were diagnosed with a major disease,
and by simply getting rid of their mercury containing amalgam fillings, they
were able to actually recover their health in a very dramatic manner. These
kinds of fillings should always be replaced very carefully, because when the
dentist goes to drill out these old mercury fillings, clouds of mercury vapor are
released. You need to make sure that if you have dental fillings like this and
you're going to have them removed, make sure that your dentist uses a dental
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dam, which is a rubber dam that protects you so that you don't get exposed to
this toxic vapor. You also need to be on a nasal breathing system to make sure
you don't breathe any of the toxins in.

The Dangers of Mercury

I had my own experience with this once, before I understood how dangerous
mercury is. I went to the dentist and asked him about getting my amalgam
filling removed. It was many years ago, and he thought it wasn't a big problem,
but I wanted my filling replaced anyway. So he went ahead and drilled out this
one mercury filling and replaced it with a white ceramic composite filling. I felt
fine after the procedure, drove home, walked through my front door, walked up
the stairs to my bedroom, and when I got to the top of the stairs, I completely
collapsed. The next day, I had a tumor that suddenly appeared on my finger. It
was a malignancy that had to be removed surgically. It just kept growing and
growing and growing. That's what this thing was like. I tested myself and found
that I had received about ten years worth of mercury exposure just by having
that one filling removed without any precautions. So you can see that you have
to be really careful if you going to have your amalgam fillings removed. Go to
somebody that knows what he or she is doing and will use every precaution. ~-.

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The Body Code Manual Toxicity

Aluminum is another damaging heavy metal. A common source of aluminum is
antiperspirant/deodorants. Aluminum cookware is also unsafe to use because
it leaches aluminum into food. Packaged table salt often contains sodium
silicoaluminate, which contains aluminum. Sodium silicoaluminate is used in
many baking products as an anti-caking agent as well. If you start reading
labels, you will be amazed at how many sources of aluminum there are in
seemingly harmless everyday products. Aluminum has been linked with
Alzheimer's Disease, so if you want to keep your mind young, try to eliminate
as many sources of it as possible.

Cadmium is another heavy metal that is also very dangerous. It can be found
in batteries, as a stabilizer for plastics and can also be inhaled through the
burning of fossil fuels and municipal wastes. Tobacco smoking is a huge

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The Body Code Manual Toxicity

source for cadmium exposure, and tobacco smokers have been found to have
4 to 5 the blood cadmium concentrations. Cadmium is a known carcinogen
which can induce cancer.

- -,

482 Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009

The Body Code Manual Toxicity

Food Additives
Food additives are a major cause of toxicity for people, especially in the United
States but also in other industrialized nations.

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Monosodium glutamate, or MSG, is present in a wide variety of different foods
and is disguised under a slew of different names. The most common key
words to watch for are: glutamate, hydrolyzed, autolyzed and modified. These
compounds do different things to food, but they are all toxic and they generally
produce the same physical reaction in those who are sensitive to MSG. You
may have heard of "Chinese Restaurant Syndrome", which includes symptoms
such as headache, muscle tightness, fatigue and nausea following a meal
laced with MSG. Most people don't even realize they are sensitive to MSG-
they just know they feel sick a lot of the time. The reason for these symptoms
is that MSG is a type of excitotoxin, which means that it excites nerves to
death. MSG tends to be addictive, mood influencing, and it actually causes
weight gain. In fact, that's how scientists do studies on obesity in the
laboratory- they create obese rats by feeding them MSG. These animals are
called MSG treated rodents. There is so much information about MSG that I .~
have included a whole extra presentation in this Body Code package about it-
called Conspiring Men, and it addresses aspartame as well.
484 Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009
The Body Code Manual Toxicity

Aspartame is another very toxic substance which can be found just about
everywhere- especially in chewing gum and diet foods and drinks. It is
marketed under the brands Equal and Nutrasweet. Aspartame is also an
excitotoxin and when ingested can cause headaches, stomach aches and a
long list of other problems. It is an incredibly toxic substance, and works
incredibly well as a pesticide. If you have an ant problem, take a little bit of
aspartame and sprinkle it out on the floor. The ants will eat it, take it home and
you won't have an ant problem the next day, pretty much guaranteed.
Aspartame can be found in 9,000 different products now and counting. It's
really quite astounding but it's all about money and we go into that more in
detail in the presentation on Conspiring Men.

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The Body Code Manual Toxicity

Preservatives are used to extend the shelf life of foods, and keep them from
going bad. You can talk to any mortician who has been around for very long
and they would tell you that 30 or 40 years ago, when a person would die their
body would have to be embalmed right away because the body would start to
decompose immediately. Now, because everyone is somewhat pickled with all
the preservatives that are in the food that we eat, the morticians can actually
let the body lay there for two or three days before they have to start embalming
it. This may seem like it makes life easier for the morticians, but it's not a good
thing for the human body at all. Preservatives are toxic and can interfere with
the processes that normally take place in the body, causing energy loss,
weight gain and many other problems.

Food Coloring
Food co/Dring makes foods look good, but it's also a toxin. Many common
foods such as oranges and salmon are actually dyed so they will look more
"palatable." This is done because of natural variation in color that some people
don't find appetizing. The problem with this is that food coloring is generally
toxic. It has long been suspected in the aggravation of behavioral disorders
such as ADD and ADHD, and they have also been suspected to cause further
problems for those suffering from Autism.

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The Body Code Manual Toxicity

Humectants are used to preserve moisture and keep products from drying out
before they're bought. Humectants are used in both foods and cosmetics. One
of the most common humectants is called propylene glycol- found in anything
from deodorant to cake mix. Propylene glycol is generally recognized as a safe
additive, however it can cause skin and eye irritation, and more severe
reactions like nausea and vomiting with long term exposure. Regardless of the
symptoms, we know that humectants on the whole are toxic, building up in the
body to cause a lowered immune system and other problems.

Sugar is probably the biggest food additive there is and it also is a toxin. In its
natural and unrefined form, in fruits, grains and dairy, sugar is not bad. The
problem is that nowadays its easy to find refined sugar everywhere. The most
harmful form of sugar is probably high-fructose corn syrup, which has been
found to contain mercury. Most people eat far too much sugar for the body to
process, causing weight gain, mood disturbances, and an overload on the
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pancreas which can eventually lead to diabetes. Excess sugar also causes
oxidation of cells and the formation of damaging free radicals- which we'll
discuss in a moment.

There are a couple of books about sugar that I recommend you read if you
want an in depth analysis of sugar and its effects on the body. Sugar Shock! by
Connie Bennett is a new book and Sugar Blues by William Duffy is a classic
that was written probably 20 or 30 years ago. Both of those books will really
open you r eyes to how damaging sugar really is.

Free Radicals
Free radicals are basically unstable atoms that are created by oxidation, which
disrupt the healthy living cells and accelerate the aging process and
breakdown of the body. Our bodies naturally create free radicals, but tend to
create more free radicals when we're exposed to radiation, tobacco smoke, too
much direct sunlight, smog, pollution, when we overeat or when we eat foods
that are high and fats and sugar. .~

488 Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009

The Body Code Manual Toxicity

The damage that free radicals cause could be illustrated with a saying: "it's
how the body rusts." If you look at the picture here, this chair has been outside
for too long and you can see that it's rusting. Metal breaks down by rusting, the
body breaks down by being exposed to free radicals. Both are processes of
oxidation. Studies show that periodic fasting and eating fewer calories slow
down the rate of oxidation and free radical formation, thus slowing the aging
process and keeping the body younger and healthier.

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The Body Code Manual Toxicity


Environmental Chemicals
Environmental chemicals are chemicals and toxins that you are exposed to in
your own personal environment- where you live and work.

Building Materials
One kind of environmental chemical would be building materials. Many of the
toxins from building materials come from flooring, carpets, formaldehyde, paint
fumes, and other harmful chemicals that are released into the air. New
buildings, or buildings with fresh paint and carpet should be aired out as much
as possible to keep the air breathable. Getting fresh air is imperative to your
health. In fact, a study done not too long ago that showed the air inside of most
homes to be more toxic than the air in the most polluted cities in the US. In our
own home we use the Nikken Air Well ness air purifiers to eliminate this
problem, and I highly recommend them.


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The Body Code Manual Toxicity

Pesticides and Herbicides

Pesticides are a very common problem, and one that should be avoided if
possible. This picture shows pesticides being sprayed on crops. These are
harmful chemicals that are sprayed, sometimes liberally, all over the food that
we eat. This is just one reason why organically grown foods are better for your
body. Herbicides are also widely used and are very toxic. Millions of tons of
herbicides and pesticides are used in the industrial farming done in the
western world every year.

Cosmetics like makeup, lotions, perfumes, deodorants and hair products can
also be very toxic. They might seem harmless, but many contain toxic
chemicals and heavy metals. It's also been observed that a lot of the big name
brand cosmetics that you pay the most money for are the most toxic ones of
all. Once you know what to look for and avoid, you can begin using products
that are actually doing your body good, not damaging it.

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The Body Code Manual Toxicity

Cleaning Supplies
Cleaning supplies can be incredibly toxic. If you do some research you'll find
that the chemicals in cleaning supplies are actually very toxic to the body, not
to mention the environment. Coming in contact with fumes from toxic cleaning
supplies can cause respiratory problems, headache, muscle aches and
fatigue, in addition to other various long-term effects with repeated exposure.
There are several healthy alternatives to commercial cleaning supplies, and a
lot of them actually work better than their toxic counterparts. Some natural
products are so completely non-toxic that they're safe enough to drink, believe
it or not. Vinegar and baking soda are also natural alternatives that are non-
toxic, cheap and environmentally friendly. Cleaning supplies do not have to be
toxic to do the job.


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The Body Code Manual Toxicity

Recreational Drugs
Recreational drugs are a scourge of the world in our day and are destroying
countless lives. They're also extremely toxic and do their damage to the body
quickly and sometimes permanently. All toxins are damaging to the body as a
whole, but especially damaging to the liver and the kidneys because it's the
liver and the kidneys that have to purify the blood. With repeated exposure and
no detoxing, toxins will build up in the liver and kidneys causing a multitude of

Alcohol is probably the most commonly used recreational drug. Taken
sparingly it doesn't do too much damage, but if abused or taken in excess, it
can cause a lot of problems. The main problem that alcohol causes is
interference with the liver. The liver has to work overtime to detox alcohol from
the body, but in cases of repeated use with little or no recovery time, like
alcoholism, the liver function can actually decrease until it is hardly functioning
at all. If this persists, liver disease and eventually cirrhosis of the liver result,
leading to death- you need a working liver in order to keep living.
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The Body Code Manual Toxicity

Amphetamines are chemically engineered psychostimulant drugs which act to
speed up the nervous system, causing euphoria, increased concentration,
hyperactivity and many other more agitating symptoms. Speeding up the
natural rhythms of the body is very harmful to the adrenal glands, the kidneys
and the liver. Amphetamines include pharmaceutical drugs such as Adderall,
but also include methamphetamines, an illegal street drug commonly called
meth or speed. Amphetamines in any form are toxic, and when introduced to
the body, the liver will attempt to break down the chemicals into hopefully less
toxic components. The physical effects of Amphetamine use are harmful, and
include: weight loss, insomnia, increased blood pressure, numbness,
tachycardia, risk for heart attack and many more. Psychological effects
include: anxiety, false sense of confidence, strength or well-being (all of these
being dangerous to the user's safety), and possible psychosis.

Recreational Drugs
• Alcohol • LSD
• Amphetamines • Marijuana
• Caffeine • Mescaline
• Cocaine • Mushrooms
• Ecstasy • Nitrous Oxide
• Heroin • Nightshades
• Ketamine . • Tobacco

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Caffeine is one of the most common toxins people take in. I'm classifying it as
a recreational drug because it's addictive, toxic, and so many people rely on it
for its drug-like effects on the body. Caffeine accumulates in the kidneys,
where it will cause imbalance, especially if it builds up over time- but it doesn't
even take that much to cause a problem- one cup of coffee can do it. Because
caffeine creates imbalance in the kidneys, it will also tend to create low back
pain. In fact, I believe it is the largest single factor that causes low back pain
today. Caffeine is more dangerous than just this however- it causes Fibrocystic
Breast Disease as well as Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy- a condition where the
prostate becomes enlarged and creates difficulty with urination.

Cocaine is a drug that stimulates the central nervous system and is both very
harmful and incredibly addictive. Just like any other drug, cocaine causes
health problems that become worse with time and the more cocaine used.
Prolonged or excessive use can result in heart and blood pressure problems,
paranoid delusions, seizures and strokes- which we know can cause death,
and often do in cocaine users. Cocaine also destroys the cells of the body,
which you can see clearly when you look at an addict- they always seem to
look 10 or 15 years older than they really are because their cells have been
weakened or destroyed and the process of oxidation has been accelerated.

Ecstasy, also known as MDMA is a really dangerous psychoactive amphetamine
street drug that also happens to be very toxic. It causes an imbalance in the
seratonin transporters in the brain, which unfortunately makes you feel great
while you're on the drug, but the side effects can be difficult to devastating. At
the lesser end of the spectrum, Ecstasy will cause increased depression and
anxiety- even after a user has quit using it. This is because the seratonin levels
in the brain have been depleted and they don't automatically go up to normal
again. On the other end of the spectrum is disaster. I had a patient from
California who had tried Ecstasy twice. The first time she tried it, she didn't
notice much of anything, but the second time she tried it, it basically destroyed
her health completely. When she came to me, she was 23 years old and had
that terrific fatigue and such terrible Fibromya/gia that she couldn't work
anymore. It was all she could do to get to the store to buy enough food to

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survive on. The ecstasy had done such horrible, irreparable damage to her
body, and because of that there wasn't really anything I could do to help her.

Heroin is an incredibly addictive and very damaging drug, made from the
opium poppy. Heroin is used as a street drug as well as a painkiller, and is
abused regularly in both forms. Psychological dependence is what makes
heroin so addictive, because of the euphoria experienced when the drug is
taken. Like other drugs, it is toxic and destroys the body, causing respiratory
problems that are often what kills the user, as well as decreased liver function
and heart problems.

Ketamine is a drug used medically as an anaesthetic, but used as a street drug
as well. It causes impaired senses, hallucinations and problems with
respiration and circulation. It is both addictive and toxic, like other drugs.

LSD is a psychedelic drug invented for medicinal and psychiatric purposes but
now more frequently used as a street drug. It causes hallucinations, paranoia
and euphoria. LSD as a substance is considered to be non-toxic, however, it
shows up as a toxin in the body because its energy is very toxic.

Marijuana is widely thought of as being fairly harmless, but this is not true at
all. Marijuana creates a kind of mold in the body when it is smoked. The mold
seems to have an affinity for the joints, where it gradually damages and
destroy the joints over time. Just like any drug, prolonged and excessive use
causes more of the problem- so the more marijuana used, the higher the
probability for joint problems. If you have a client who uses marijuana, you can
actually ask their body which of their joints will be destroyed first. Usually it will
be one of the larger joints like the shoulder or the knee. Often the joint that
you've found will be destroyed first will already be causing problems for the
person, and this is usually quite eye opening for them.

My opinion is that people who use marijuana long term often end up in
wheelchairs because their joints get destroyed, their vertebral disks
deteriorate, they end up in constant pain, and they most often continue to use
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the marijuana to help them to deal with the pain, which really makes the
problem worse. There was also a study done in Miami, Florida that showed
long term marijuana users developed a crust over the brain, and the brain was
actually shrunken to about the size of a softball. So there are some real health
problems associated with marijuana, besides the more widely recognized lack
of motivation and paranoia issues.

Mescaline is a psychedelic drug that targets the peripheral nervous system.
Like LSD it is considered non-toxic but it has toxic energy and shows up as a
toxin in The Body Code.

Hallucinogenic mushrooms, or Psilocybin mushrooms are used as another
hallucinogenic drug. They are also considered non-toxic but show up as a toxin
in the body.

Nitrous Oxide
Nitrous oxide, or laughing gas also shows up as a toxin. It is used as a street
drug as well as for medicinal purposes and can cause several health problems
with prolonged use, as well as death from anoxia, or deprivation of oxygen.

The most commonly known toxic nightshade is the psychoactive "deadly
nightshade" or belladonna. Tobacco is also a nightshade, as are edible plants
such as potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants and peppers. Nightshades are known
to cause inflammation and pain, due to the alkaloid chemicals they produce.
The most common include nicotine in tobacco, the hallucinogenic and deadly
tropane alkaloids in belladonna, and the mildly irritating alkaloids in tomatoes,
potatoes, and other food nightshades. I often advise sensitive individuals to
avoid nightshades altogether because they can cause such irritation of the
tissues, although most people tolerate edible nightshade plants very well.

Tobacco is one of the top three most popular toxins out there, along with
alcohol and caffeine. Tobacco is a recreational drug in and of itself. It would
require an additional presentation about tobacco and the thousands of different

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toxic chemicals that it contains. One of the chemicals that tobacco contains is
actually an insecticide, called hydrogen cyanide- the same drug that was used
in Nazi Germany in the gas chambers.

Medical Toxins
All medications are toxic to the human body- we call these medical toxins.
Medications are used to suppress symptoms or to achieve a certain effect, but
there are also unintended or unwanted effects- these are called side effects.
Side effects are a byproduct of toxicity in the body- they range from skin
irritation to headache to nausea to death.

The liver and kidneys are especially vulnerable to medical toxins because they
are the organs that are trying to detoxify the body of the toxic medications.
Some drugs are so toxic that people have to go into the doctor every week so
they can test the liver and kidneys to see if they are starting to fail yet.
Medications are far too overused in western medicine. Millions of people,
particularly the elderly, are using dangerous combinations of medications that
are untested, yet they are still being prescribed every day without full
knowledge of the possible complications that could take place.
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A colleague of mine had a patient who was taking a certain medication that
was so powerful, one of the side effects was actually a syndrome that's known
as furry tongue. The medication actually created fur, or hair growing all over
this person's tongue.

Microbial Toxins
Pathogens such as parasites, bacteria, fungi and mold all produce their own
specific toxic waste, and people can be very sensitive or allergic to these

Energetic Toxins
Another form of toxicity is Energetic Toxins. Microwave radiation, cell phone
radiation, and fluorescent lights can be toxic. Colors can actually be toxic to
certain people. Sound can be a toxin- if you have teenagers, you know that's
true. Radiation itself is a toxin. All of these energetic toxins I just mentioned are
on different wavelengths of energy along the electromagnetic spectrum. What
is actually toxic is the frequencies of radiation. For example, let's discuss
microwave energy. Scientists have done studies finding food cooked in a
microwave will not be as healthy for you as food that is cooked in a traditional
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oven. This is because the toxic microwave energy actually breaks down
structures in the food, causing it to be less healthy and even toxic for your
body. You can try this yourself. Boil a cup of water on the stove and boil a cup
of water in the microwave. Hold the cup that's been in the microwave and
muscle test yourself for the water. You'll test weak. Then if you hold onto the
cup of water that's been heated on the stove, you'll test strong.

The radiation from cell phones is a huge problem in our day, as you can't go
many places where there isn't cell phone coverage and most people, even kids
have their own personal cell phones. There is enormous vested interest in
keeping any studies that come out about this as quiet as possible because
there's a huge amount of money in the cell phone industry. I'm very sensitive
myself to cell phone radiation. I try to use a corded headset, to keep the cell
phone away from me as much as possible.

When you're first dialing a cell phone and it's first making that connection, .---.........
that's when the radiation coming out of the phone is the highest. Keep the
phone away from you until that point- until you've made the connection. My
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advice is to use a cell phone as little as possible. There are also some great
devices that are made by a couple of different companies that you can actually
attach to your cell phone. These will decrease that radiation to a great degree.
If you don't do that, you may end up like a friend of mine who actually got a
brain tumor that was pretty much the exact same size and shape as her cell
phone antenna. There are more and more people getting auditory nerve
tumors, or brain tumors from the use of cell phones.

Fluorescent Lights and Color

The frequency of fluorescent lights can be toxic. A lot of people are susceptible
or sensitive to fluorescent light. C%r itself can be toxic. Usually the more
common thing that we see is that you can have a deficiency of a certain kind of
color. And again, color is just a particular energy at a particular wavelength and
if you don't get enough of a certain color into your body, then your body can
actually show a deficiency. If you get too much of a certain type of color, that
can also be an imbalance and that might sound strange, but it is something
that we have on the chart that occasionally does show up.

Sound can also be toxic. This might include music, construction noise,
buzzing, etc. These are all just frequencies of energy, the body doesn't
discriminate- if it's toxic, it's toxic. These color and sound imbalances can be
corrected pretty easily. If a person has certain color toxicity, you can actually
roll the body and release that. If they have a certain sound toxicity, it's the
same thing.

And of course radiation can be toxic. I'll show you in a few minutes how you
can actually work with all of these kinds of imbalances energetically. One of
the fascinating things about toxicity is that it actually is a reason for obesity,
and perhaps the biggest reason for obesity. And the reason for that is that the
process of clearing toxins from the body is not 100% efficient. Even though the
liver and the kidneys do the best job they can, they can't always remove every
toxin, especially if there are a lot of toxins present. As a result, the excess
toxins are put into the fat cells, which act as cold storage to protect the body
from these poisons.

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Toxins and Obesity

The problem is the more toxins you accumulate, the more fat you need to
buffer you from those toxins. Here's essentially what happens:


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An obese person will have more fat to protect the body from all the toxic
impurities in their body. If they go on a diet, their body becomes smaller
because it loses the fat, but it doesn't lose the toxins, which means the relative
concentration of toxins in their body now is actually higher. The body will sense
that increased level of impurity and it goes into an emergency fat production
mode, and the fat comes right back on. In fact, sometimes they will end up
having more fat than they had before. The best way to get rid of fat, in my
opinion, is to first use The Emotion Code to determine if there are any trapped
emotions that are preventing the person from losing weight, and release
whatever emotions show up. Then determine the best way to cleanse the
body, and complete that cleanse. When you cleanse the body of toxins, the
body sheds excess fat because it doesn't need the fat to act as a buffer
anymore. Then after that you simply maintain the body weight by preventing
the intake of all these toxins we've just discussed.

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Dealing With Toxins

I have known a number of people who've lost over 100 pounds just simply by
cleansing. In fact if you go on the, right kind of cleanse, you can lose weight
safely and quickly. Typically, men can lose a pound of fat per day just by
cleansing. Women can typically lose about a pound every other day. You can't
lose weight that fast on any kind of a diet that I know of.
The Emotion Code is very important to weight loss because if you have
trapped emotions that are preventing you from losing weight, or preventing you
from releasing toxins, no matter what you do your body will hang on to that
weight. You can cleanse and you can diet but the weight will come back. So
what can you do to deal with toxins? There are many different kinds of
cleanses that you can do. There are specific organ cleanses like liver or gall
bladder cleanses, there are colon cleanses, whole body cleanses, and more.
There are also cleanses that deal with specific toxins such as heavy metals.

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Heavy Metal Cleanses

One of the best heavy metal cleanses that I have found is IV Chelation, which
a lot of people do, especially if the problem is very bad. This is where you
actually go to a clinic and they put in an IV and your blood is actually cleansed
of these poisons through IV Chelation. There are also oral chelation
supplements that you can take. There are a few of these out there on the
market but the best one that I have seen is this one that you see in the picture.
It's called Beyond Chelation and it was developed by the "father of chelation",
Dr. Garry Gordon, who you may have seen on TV advertising some of his
products. The other product is called ACZ-Nano, which is also known as
Zeolite. This seems to work really, really well to chelate out heavy metal toxins.
In fact, I spoke recently with a client who is taking the ACZ-Nano to chelate the
mercury out of her body. She told me that within a couple of days of taking the
ACZ-Nano, her vision suddenly improved quite dramatically. She is actually
able to see colors now that she didn't realize she was missing before! There
are other methods of cleansing heavy metals, but these are the ones that I
have found to be most effective so far.

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Colon Cleanses
Colon cleanses can really help rid the body of toxins safely and quickly. One of
the best ones on the market is this one called Colonix by Dr. Natura. Colon
cleanses are typically kits that include any combination of herbs, natural
laxatives and binding agents like bentonite clay to pull toxins out of the colon.
Colonic therapy, also called colon hydrotherapy is also very effective in
cleansing the colon. Instead of doing an enema at home, in which you use
about a gallon of water, a colon hydrotherapy session is done by a
professional and will typically last about 45 minutes. This involves rinsing out
the colon with about 10 gallons or more of water. Sometimes the water used is
oxygenated with pure oxygen to help kill microorganisms. Most people have
not experienced colonic therapy and in fact a lot of people have never even
heard of it, but it is very powerful and is offered as a standard therapy at every
worthwhile health recovery spa. Cleansing the colon can make an enormous
difference in how you feel. The average person is carrying around a lot of toxic
impacted fecal material in the colon, which can cause energy loss, weight gain,
a protruding gut and many other health problems. So removing all this toxic
sludge can help the colon to do its job right, raise your immune system, and
help you feel more energized and healthy all around.
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General Cleanses
For cleansing all different kinds of toxins from the body, there is a place called
the urn Health Institute, which is in Lemon Grove, California near San
Diego, and they also have another
location in Austin, Texas. This is a
wonderful place where you can stay for
up to three weeks at a time. They will
put you on a program where your body
is cleansed through eating live fresh
fruits and vegetables and also through
the very liberal use of wheatgrass.
They grow their own produce and feed
you just about the healthiest diet there
is, while educating you about nutrition
and cleansing among other things. It's really quite an amazing place. When I
was practicing in Southern California my parents would go to this place every
year and I was always amazed at the transformation that took place in them in
such a short time. I would see them on their way down and then I would see
them on the way back a week or two later. My mother especially always looked
like she was 10 years younger after her stay there. Her skin always just glowed
after all the cleansing. I've stayed at the Optimum Health Institute myself, and I
highly recommend it, especially if you're dealing with any kind of major health
problem. Their website is http://www.optimumhealth .org.

Isagenix is another full body cleansing program that, for most people, is easier
to do than going all the way to Texas or California. Isagenix was designed to
help people lose weight and cleanse, while providing ultimate nutrition and high
energy levels. They have 2 main packages: the nine-day cleanse or the 30-day
cleanse. You can simply test yourself or your clients to see which one they
need. People who are very overweight or toxic will sometimes need two or
three 30-day cleanses back to back. We've gotten great results with Isagenix
and have used it for several years. Of course, there are other cleansing
programs out there that are great, but Isagenix and the Optimum Health
Institute are the two that I've had the most experience and the best luck with.
You can always muscle test yourself or your clients to see what other
cleansing program would be the best option.

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Liver and Gall Bladder Cleanse

Here we have a picture of a gall bladder which has been opened up. What
you're seeing inside the gall bladder are a bunch of gallstones, made of
hardened cholesterol and bile salts. Gallstones are the reason why most
people end up having the gall bladder removed when it has trouble, but there is
a natural way to actually get rid of gallstones and that's what we call the Liver
and Gall Bladder Cleanse. This cleanse will help to flush both toxins and
gallstones out of the liver and the gall bladder. I want to caution you that you
should use this only under supervision of your doctor. Your medical doctor
probably hasn't heard of this cleanse, so consult your alternative doctor before
beginning it (or any type of a cleanse).

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Drink a glass of organic apple juice every waking hour for two days. The
organic apple juice softens things up and makes it much easier for you to pass
the stones. Eat only fruits and vegetables during this time (no fats!), and if you
can find beet greens (the tops of beets) eat them on both days. At the end of
the two days, drink one or two tablespoons of epsom salts dissolved in a glass
of water. Then you drink this mixture at bedtime: one third of a cup of olive oil,
one cup of Coca-Cola, and the juice of one whole lemon. The olive oil is the
active ingredient in this. The Coca-Cola is optional but it just seems to make it
more palatable, as drinking straight oil can be really unappetizing. The lemon
juice helps to make the whole thing go down easier. Lie down within 5 minutes
of drinking this, and go to sleep. The next morning drink one bottle of citrate of
magnesia (or magnesium citrate) and take the morning off because you're
going to need to stay near the toilet. Then you watch your stools for the stones
that will probably be passing. You can start eating regularly by mid-morning.

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Liver and Gall Bladder

Cleanse (Pt. 1)
To be used under supervision of alternative
doctor only!

• Drink a glass of organic apple juice every waking

hour for two days, eating only fruits and

• Eat beet greens if available during these two


• At the end of the two days, drink 1 to 2

tablespoons of Epsom salts dissolved in water


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Liver and Gall Bladder

Cleanse (Pt. 2)
• Blend the following and drink at bedtime:

• 1/3rd cup of olive oil

• 1 cup of Coca Cola

• Juice of 1 Lemon

• Next morning, drink 1 bottle of Citrate of

Magnesia and take the morning off. Watch stools
for gallstones being eliminated.

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Kidney Stone Flush

Like the liver, the kidneys are responsible for filtering toxins from the body.
Sometimes toxins accumulate in the kidneys, along with dissolved urinary
minerals that form what are called kidney stones. Most of the time these kidney
stones are small enough that they can be eliminated with no symptoms
through the urine, but sometimes they are too large to pass through the urinary
tract, causing incredible pain and malfunction of the urinary tract. This picture
is a close up of a large kidney stone. If you look closely you can see the sharp,
pointy crystals covering the kidney stone- it's obvious why these cause such
intense pain. The pain is typically experienced in the lower back, the hip and
around the front of the lower abdomen, on the side of the kidney with the

Again, you should always check with your alternative doctor before beginning .-,
any type of cleanse. That being said, the kidney flush is easy, effective and
fast. Simply drink six 12-ounce bottles of Classic Coca-Cola within 1 hour, and
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follow that with 4 ounces of pureed asparagus. The combined acids in the
Coca-Cola and the asparagus is often enough to dissolve the stones.

Kidney Stone Flush

To be used under supelVision of altemative
doctor only!
• Buy 6 (12 ounce) bottles of Classic Coca-Cola
• Drink all 6 bottles within a 1 hour period
• Follow with 4 ounces of pureed asparagus

. -- Energetic Treatment of Toxins

There is another way that you can work with many toxins in the body and that
is to treat them energetically. This works because all toxins are is pure energy!

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When looking for toxins to release, remember that toxins can be spread
throughout the body or accumulated in a certain organ. Typically you'll find
toxins concentrated in fatty tissues like the fat overlaying the stomach, or you'll
find them in the cleansing organs like the liver or the kidneys. If you think of
toxins as being like a cloud of energy in the body, then you can actually identify
the location of that toxin and literally treat the toxin magnetically- just like
releasing a trapped emotion or any other energy!

514 Copyright Wellness Unmasked, Inc. 2009

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