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A Pro-Science, Pro-Technology, Pro- Free Enterprise Monthly Newsletter

JULY 2008 (Vol. 35 no. 12) Box 1250, Cave Junction, Oregon 97523 Copyright 2008 by Access to Energy

A Wrinkling Balloon
A half century ago, the United States was an industrial colossus - low us to buy from other countries the things we no longer
a great monument to the productive potential of a free people. More- produced. They printed new money and erected upon that money
over, with the advent of safe, abundant, and astonishingly inexpen- an enormous pyramid of debt and other leveraged derivatives. In-
sive nuclear energy coupled with initial rapid advances in micro creasingly, Americans could no longer own their homes, but they
science and engineering, America was poised for another, even could lease them from the government through property taxes and
more spectacular era of advance. If this advancc had been allowed to from the banks through loans. Loans - debt - money - money to
take place, Americans could have led all of the world's people into a buy perceived wealth. Money to bid up the price of stocks, com-
wonderful period of progress and prosperity, orders of magnitude modities, homes, and all the other things Americans wanted but
beyond anything the world has ever known - and, as things stand could no longer afford.:.... since their real wages were not also rising.
now, may ever know. So, a nation of fundamentally impoverished "investors" - actu-
While we see around us bits and pieces of the possible techno- ally "speculators" - really "gamblers" - grew up to replace a nation
• logical advance thal survived, most of the new worid beyond the of producers. They were told that their economy was 70% "con- •
door that opened to mankind during that period is now hidden from sumer" driven. Only 30% need still be producers - producers who
us beyond that door, which closed before we could pass through it. are very carefully controlled by government.
We walkcd on the moon, but could travel no further. We began With real wages not rising, there was a limit to the debt Ameri-
the transition to nuclear energy, but then abruptly stopped. We de- cans could support - a limit that was reached in 2007. At that point,
vised technology that could have revolutionized human medicine, the great government-created imaginary balloon of perceived wealth
but then did not apply that technology. America is littered from one in the form of printed money, inflated debt, inflated stock prices, in-
end to the other with the dreams of free productive people - dreams flated commodity prices, and inflated home prices began to deflate.
that those people were prevented form bringing to reality. The majority of Americans, however, are addicted to inflated
Not only did we fail to advance, but we slid backwards. Our prices and/or to the river of welfare payments being given to them
astronauts retreated from the moon to hover in near-earth orbit. Our by government - paid for with capital that the government has taxed
industries shrank. Our energy system decayed until we could not away from the still productive Americans. So, in 2008 they elected
even produce sufficient energy for our reduced industry. Our medi- politicians who are committed to even higher taxation, regulation,
cine stagnated and yet required more and more of our resources to and litigation, and who promise to print enough money to replace
maintain in even its primitive condition. the perceived imaginary purchasing power within the balloon.
Why did we cease to advance and, instead, slide backward? The If they print so much money, however, inflation will destroy the
reason is absolutely clear - we allowed our individual human free- currency. Instead, they hope that the printing of part of that money
dom to be reduced. The progress of past generations of Americans- and the promise to print unlimited amounts more will "restore confi-
whose accomplishments still sustain our now diminished lives - was dence" and lead the people to borrow the rest. In other words, the
not made possible because those people were superior. It was made balloon of imaginary wealth has started to deflate. It is wrinkling.
possible because they were free. As Julian Simon showed, free peo- Government proposes to re-inflate the wrinkles with printing press
ple always produce more than they consume - but only if they are money and to thereby convince Americans that all is well- inducing
free to do so. them to resume puffing up the balloon. As 2007 showed, however,
We were not oppressed from without. We were oppressed from Americans - enslaved by government - are out of breath.
within. We allowed our government - a government largely com- This cannot succeed. The only solution to American economic
rosen of people of little 01' no ability nr real aecomplif'hments - problems is to remove the governmental taxation, re~.l1lation and.
gradually to build a system of taxation, regulation and control, and . control, and litigation that has reduced the freedom of individual
government-sponsored litigation that has destroyed our freedom. Americans so far that they no longer have the ability or will to pro-
Nor is this tyranny based only in Washington. Throughout America, duce the things they need.
state and local governments and the monopolistic arrangements that Yet, those who were elected in 2008 and the millions of bureau-
they have forged with now pseudo-public industries interfere with cratic retainers who work for them have no intention whatever of in-
productive human activities at every twn. creasing the freedom of productive people. They fear the productive
Americans today cannot even modify their homes, make and sell people whom they have enslaved and fully intend to bind them with
electricity, or drive their cars without - "permission." And - those even heavier chains.
who give "permission" can withhold "permission." Inspiring specches and "leadership" from those who love tyranny
As American productivity faltered and then slid backwards under will not work - no matter how stridently media, academia, and other
their yokes, our masters feared that we would turn surly if our pros- leftist institutions applaud. Only freedom will work. Until American
perity diminished. So, our financial system was manipulated to al- freedom is restored, the balloon will continue to deflate.

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ules - will be permitted for political purposes, but no significant

MINIATURE NUCLEAR POWER hydrocarbon or nuclear development will be allowed.
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Jbe reasons for these actions are quite clear. These unprincipled
Those who now control the United States government have made people seek the ultimate political control available to those with the
their intentions completely clear. They will sharply suppress the use power to tax and ration energy. They also look fOIWard to increased
of hydrocarbon or nuclear fuel for power generation in the U.S. This personal wealth for themselves and their supporters, who are posi-
will be done by regulatory means. It is likely that token power pro- tioned to profit from tax-financed "alternative" energy.
jects - burdened by huge regulatory costs and very long time sched- This may not be a matter that can be influenced by scientific
truth. No matter how much the Earth cools during the cWTent wan- required, the lUlit is removed from the hole, replaced by another unit,
ing phase of the sun, and no matter how many Americans realize and retumed to the factory for service.
rhllt humlln-caLL"ed glohal warming is a myth, the political program Moreover, these nuclear generators will produce electricity for
to seize control of U.S. energy production will continue. The stated less than 3 cents per kilowatt hour as compared with about 20 cents
intent of that program is to end free-enterprise energy production per kilowatt hour for a typical diesel generator at current $40 per bar-
with hydrocarbon or nuclear fuels. rel crude oil prices - all capital and operating costs considered. Aver-
Insufficient U.S. energy production has already had devastating age U.S retail costs for electricity currently range from 6 cents to 15
effects upon the American economy - this being the single most cents, with costs certain to increase substantially - allhough wholt:-
important factor in producing the huge U.S. international debt and sale electricity from large nuclear power plants typically costs less
in causing the outsourcing of a large part of American heavy indus- then 2 cents per kilowatt hour. The cost at Palo Verde nuclear power
try. And - this insufficiency was entirely created by government ac- station is 1.65 cents per kilowatt hour.
tions. Under the ClUTent government, those actions will be very More Palo Verdes, however, our rulers are fully capable of pre-
sharply increased. venting, and they are W1alterably comrrritted to doing so.
Readers can judge for themselves whether or not the underlying MiniatlLre nuclear plants have not escaped the notice of our ene-
political situation can be corrected. What are the prospects for elect- mies. The "Union of Concerned Scientists" for example has
ing a government that reduces the taxation, regulation, and sponsor- denounced these plants a terrorist threat and is working hard to pre-
ship of litigation that have produced this situation? Objectively, vent their use. The facts that these plants are entirely safe and use fuel
these prospects are grim. that is impossible to fashion into a nuclear explosive - fuel that can
Alternatively, is there a technological answer? Is there a techno- be recycled into more fuel and thereby produces negligible nuclear
logical advance that can defeat the Marxists and Socialists who are waste - are, of course, irrelevant. If miniatlLre nuclear power de-
moving toward complete control over the American people? With- pended solely upon development and installation in the United
out the freedom to produce our own energy bypractic;at means, oW" States, it would be politically dead on arrival.
freedoms - personal, political, religious, and econonllc are lost. Is Fortunately, this industry is beyond U.S. cOntrol. It is likely that
there a technology that can save us - collectively and individually? miniatlLre nuclear power installations will proliferate in many other
Some people think that they can save themselves individually by countries before introduction into the United States.
installing personal power generation - usually solar electric. In ad- Consider the following scenario. Within a few years, miniatlLre
dition to their very high cost - except for those willing to take gov- nuclear power is becoming widely used in other countries. As is the
ernment subsidies funded by taxing their fellow citizens - solar CWTent situation regarding new full-scale nuclear plants, this teclmol-
electric installations suffer from the requirement for large banks of ogy is spreading throughout the world, but is being suppressed in the
expensive and perishable batteries. United States.
The power grid can, however, be substituted for batteries. One At this point, Californians have found that the short driving
simply produces the power, pumps it into the grid, and extracts it ranges of their new electric cars are no problem - because they can-
from the grid as needed. Any excess is sold to the grid - a grid that not obtain nor afford the fuel to drive them further. Electricity is ra-
is totally controlled by government and its pseudo-private corporate tioned and, when it can be obtained, costs 30 cents or more per
partners. \\!hen, however, electricity rationing begins - as it surely kilowatt hour. Moreover, this situation has infected other states -
will as American energy supplies continue to dwindle, it is likely especially Oregon where the Democrats in power have emulated
that the government will simply seize all power generation attached California and tied the Oregon power grid to California.
to the grid as public property - thereby zeroing efforts of private In Grants Pass, Oregon, electric bills are therefore in the $500 per
producers who unwisely thought themselves independent. month range - providing one has enough ration coupons.
Individual power generation by means of burning wood, diesel, It is pointed out to the people of Grants Pass, however, that an
gasoline, or natlLral gas for electricity generation or simply for heat off-the-shelf power unit that is being used throughout the world
will, of course, be controlled and suppressed by the carbon dioxide would require a capital cost of $1,000 per household, be available
police - soon to be unleashed upon us by our new masters. Presi- without rationing 100% of the time, and reduce their power bills to
dent Bush provided an eight-year delay of this oppression. Our va- $50 per month. If the unit is leased, there is no capital cost and power
cation is, however, now over. at $60 per month. (These are the approximate actual numbers for
There is, I think, one possible teclmological answer - mini and prototype units in development now, and will probably decrease as
micro nuclear power generation. At first glance, this looks like 'just work proceeds.)
another technology that wiUbecontrolled· and· sUPP[l~ssed by gov- When this pOSSIbility is available to thousands of·tow,1'ls.. like
ernment, but I think there is another possible outcome - an outcome Grants Pass throughout the United States, 1 expect that the govern-
that arises from the revolutionary convenience and low cost of this mental opposition will not be politically sustainable. Moreover, these
technology. are not large projects that can be bureaucratically and legally delayed
Miniature nuclear power plants are being developed by several by more than 10 years in each instance. These units will be made in
companies - including Toshiba; Hyperion Power in Santa Fe, New factories, delivered by rail, and available on a off-the-shelf basis
Mexico; and NuScale Power of Corvallis, Oregon. Hyperion, for within one week of placing an order.
example, plans to deliver six power plants to CzecWosovakia in Noone can predict the futlLre. The energy future of the United
2013 at a cost of $25 million per plant. Each plant is estimated suf- States is now in the hands oftyranny, and the American people have
ficient for 20,000 homes. The first rail-deliverable product planned been rnisled by lack of knowledge and dishonest pseudo-scientific
by NuScale delivers 45 megawatts, enough for about 35,000 propaganda. Yet, there is hope. In my opinion, one great reason for
homes. These are mini-reactors. Micro-reactors as small as 200 ki- hope is that nuclear power installation is proceeding in many other
lowatts are also being developed. We are on the verge of a teclmo- countries and, through miniatlLre nuclear power, may well eventually
logical breakout in this industry that will create nuclear-electric be brouaht horne to the United States.
power lUlits as versatile and diverse in size as current diesel-electric •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
generators. Many companies will enter this field, and it is impossi- HEALTH PROFILING PROJECT
ble to predict at present which ones will succeed. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Unlike diesel generators, these nuclear lUlits will run for 20 years We have completed a substantial series of dearnidation experi-
or more without maintenance or refueling - current lUlits are rated ments related to the degenerative diseases of aging and have partially
now at 5 to 20 years. They are simply buried in holes near the completed a second series. As soon as this one is completed - we ex-
power users and monitored by remote electronics. Ifmaintenance is pect in less than two months - readers who volunteered to provide
urine samples for om health profiling study will be sent containers, horrible suffering of human beings that is to come. By responding to
mailers, and instructions for sending samples to us. the myth of human-caused global warming by mildly diminishing
Many people have volunteered, but there is still room for more. American grain supplies - in a futile, politicized attempt to bum
The requirement is that you send a urine sample to us once every grain as fuel, American politicians have given the world a slight
few months and fill out a confidential health auestionnaire. taste of the starvation and slaughter that is to come.
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Many people are responsible for promulgating the myth of hu-
NOBEL PRiZE FOR DEATH man-caused global warming - envirorunentalists, politicians, busi-
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• nessmen, media personalities, and a relatively small band of
In a review by the Conservative Digest Weekly of 10,000 articles self-interested scientists. They have done this regardless of an over-
published in 2008, an article that we wrote for Human Events was whelming body of scientific infonnation that defmitively refutes the
selected as one of the 20 best in 2008. Entiled "Nobel Prize for hypothesis of human-caused global warming. [See Robinson, Rob-
Death" by Arthur B. Robinson, it is reproduced below: inson, and Soon, Environmental Effects of Increased Atmospheric
Carbon Dioxide, available at www.oismorglpproject for a review
And so it has begun. Word is beginning to spill into the news of and 132 peer-reviewed references to the scientific literature that doc-
food riots and starvation in poor countries, as a result of shortages ument this refutation.]
and the resulting high prices for grain. This suffering is a direct re- In the case of DDT, the truth did not matter. The EnviTOmnental
sult of the unprincipled actions of self-interested people in devel- ProLt::diun Agem.:y's uwn scientific review board had reviewed the
oped cotmtries who are promulgating the scientifically refuted myth scientific literature and proclaimed DDT entirely safe and very use-
of human-caused global warming. ful. In the case of the hypothesis of human-caused global warming,
Frightened by this myth, U.S. federal and state governments have the truth is also becoming increasingly irrelevant, as perceived polit-
diverted a significant amount of the American grain supply into the ical reality replaces reality in public discourse,
production of ethanol - an entirely counterproductive action that AI Gore has surpassed himself. Having helped to kill tens of mil-
has helped to cause these grain Shortages. . .' lions of helpless African; Asian, and South American children and
There is no intrinsic shortage of food. Since, however, food is to sicken hundreds of millions of other people with his support for
perishable, the market produces each year an amount of food com- the bari. of DDT, Mr. Gore is now attempting to deprive the survi-
parable to that which will be comwued. SLored fuud - primarily vors in these same countries of energy - life-giving energy that
grain - usually suffices to smooth fluctuations due to weather and makes possible their meager existences.
other factors. Prices fluctuate within a range narrow enough that Industrially useful energy is fungible. It flows back and forth
most of the world's people have sufficient food at a price they can throughout the world with ease. A projected reduction in supply in
afford. When, however, a large amount of grain is suddenly with- the United States and an ill-considered reaction to that projection has
drawn from the market, severe shortages can result. caused current world food shortages. These shortages are only very
This current food shortage is only the begirming. small reminders of the vast shortages that will occur if hydrocarbon
We have been down this road before. Unprincipled opportunists use is truly curtailed.
- falsely claiming that DDT is dangerous to the environment ~ No greater act of genocide has ever been proposed in human his-
managed to engineer a world-wide ban of DDT. DDT had eradi- tory than the proposal to abruptly end the use of much of the world's
cated malaria from the developed world and was well on its way to hydrocarbon energy.
eradicating it from the less developed countries at the time this ban AI Gore and his United Nations retainers have received the No-
of DDT was instituted. The initiation of DDT use against malaria bel Prize for Peace. The only peace that they are offering to the
was reV-larded by a Nobel Prize, and the u.s. National Academy of world's people, however, is the peaec of the grave.
Sciences estimated that DDT had saved hundreds of millions of
One of the principal political figures who worked to ban DDT •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
was none other than AI Gore. A hidden effect of the November 4 elections and the national
As a result of the DDT ban, more than 30 million children in Af- events that preceded them during this past year is perhaps best called
rica and Asia have died from DDT-preventable malaria, and an esti- the "John Galt Effect" in honor of Ayn Rand's famous character in
mated 500 million adults are today chronically ill from this disease. Atlas Shrugged. I have not seen a single article written about this in
The ban of DDT was the worst act of technological genocide in hu- any publication, but it is occurring to a very significant extent.
,manlUstory" .",''C' ..'';''';.' . '.' " ....." ... ".".~,< ..." r " " ..•., ..... , _..".oUf. rechno10gical. ci'.lilizatiQD..stands.upon.the shoulders .of many
Now, Mr. Gore is the recognized leader of an effort to ban at generations of free Americans and the great accomplishments that
least 90% of world use of hydrocarbon fuels. Once again, his claims they bequeathed to us. Among those Americans and their counter-
are based upon bogus science and are motivated by personal finan- parts in other countries have been a small special group of people
cial and political self interest. Mr. Gore has been joined by the whose unusual genius, work ethic, and love for their specialties were
United Nations and its IPee process. The goal of the United Na- especially outstanding. These men, by their examples, their cre-
tions is clear. It wants the power to tax and ration world energy sup- ations, and their leadership of free enterprises, have led our civiliza-
plies. This would place essentially unlimited power and money in tion upward. One of the greatest privileges of my life has been to
the hands of the United Nations and cooperating world political enti- know a few such people.
ties. Without this small group of people, the technological attairunents
As acts of genocide, the potential effects of the hwnan-caused of their generations would not have taken place. We know the
global warming industry are so profound that the DDT genocide is names of a few of them, but there were many more - constituting
minor in comparison. perhaps one person in one thousand. Ayn Rand called these people
Hundreds of millions of human beings live today on the very the "men of the mind." In Atlas Shntgged, under the leadership of
edge of existence - with all of their available resources consumed John Galt, they withdrew their services. They would only work in
in the quest for food, shelter, and the minimum necessities of life. freedom They would not work under tyranny.
Without world technology and the energy that makes that technol- " In reality, most men of the mind never withdraw. They love their
ogy possible, these people will slip from the lower rungs of human work too much to stop and - most of them - love their fellow men
existence and will die. By abruptly lowering world hychoearboll use, too much to desert them 'lhe forces of tyranny depend upon this.
the human-caused global warmers are going to kill these people. Without these people, even the technology required by Marxist and
Politicians in the United States have given us a first taste of the Socialist societies would not fimction. Yet, while the men of the
mind do not fully withdraw, they have families and other loved ones morass being created for us by government.
for whom they are responsible. The Heartland event in March will probably be the single most
As the pendulum of politics swings toward tyranny and dangers important anti-human caused global warming event in the world
to those whom they love increase, they partially tum their talents during 2009. Attend it if you can.
more toward their personal responsibilities. Part of their thoughts, •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
efforts, and ingenuity are lost to society - and this loss cannot be re- STARK RA ViNG MAD
covered by either negative or positive incentives. • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Throughout our country today, the men of the mind (some arc • Many wealthy Americans have been installing solar-electric
women, too) are watching the awful scene in Washington and its re- panels on their homes. These are, with appropriate paperwork., being
flection in state and local capitals throughout the United States. They almost entirely paid for by government and government-supported
understand the consequences of the government oppression that has and sponsored organizations. American tax payers are providing the
dogged their own footsteps for many years and that will grow much funds for these installations.
worse in the near future. So, they are taking actions to protect them- Only the wealthy can afford these projects because most of the
selves and their families. government payments are in the form of tax credits that must be
We have no way to measure the societal effects of this distraction used quickly. The installations are so expensive that only those who
of the men of the mind. There are immediate effects upon our well pay very high taxes can receive these credits.
being and long term effects from the things that they are no longer Ignoring capital costs, these systems are said to be very economi-
working full time to create. cal - but the capital investment cannot be ignored just because
What is the cost of the distraction of our real leaders - of the men someone else is being forced to fund it. When all costs are consid-
of the mind - of the Jolm GaIts among us? I estimate that it is greater ered, micro-solar electricity on the roofs of buildings is more than
than the trillions of dollars being lost on government printing 5-fold more expensive than ordinary electriciry and more than
presses. Call this Y2009K - and this time it is very real. lO-fold more expensive than nuclear-electric energy.
Our existing power plants are still operating; our petrochemical Moreover, most of these systems use the public power grid as a
plants are still producing; our military defense is still performing; battery - storing energy in the grid during the day and extracting it
our food supplies are still flowing; and the rest of the technological from the grid at night. With electricity rationing virtually certain to
infrastructure upon which our lives depend is largely still in place. be in our near future, does anyone really think that government will
But the key people - not those we see but those we do not see be- not claim ownership of these systems that it has fmanced?
cause they are constantly engaged in real work - are seriously dis- They are attached to the public power grid, which is entirely un-
tracted and now partially engaged in personal survival. der government control. The "owners" who installed them will fmd
Of one thing we can be certain. If any of the essentials of our civ- that their roof-top solar panels are public property and their electric-
ilization seriously falter and this causes real harm, those who would ity supplies no greater than their ration coupons.
be our masters and their fellow travelers in the media, academia,
• Regardless of the fact that the California state government is
business, and politics will cast blame upon some of these men of the
estimating a $40 billion deficit - so far - and is already declaring pe-
mind - and drag them before us for punishment. Our John Gaits
riodic "flex alerts" due to electricity shortages, California is continu-
know this, too, and it is a further distraction for them.
ing a radical "global warming" agenda, which will inflict hundreds
The readers of Access to Energy include such people. Some are
of billions of dollars of malinvestment upon its citizens.
leading great enterprises. Others are in the basements of our power
Nor will they be stopped by ordinary ethics. The initial effects of
plants and other heavy industries. Some are closeted away in univer-
sities quietly at work on the next generations of possible advances in California follies are being met, in part, by confiscating the tax re-
funds of California residents.
science and engineering. They are easily recognized - by their ge-
nius and by the love oftheir work that permeates their whole beings. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
One way to recognize them is that they constantly talk about their GOOD READING
work to anyone who will listen. They are distracted. What are they •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
talking about today? • The many current articles posted at These
free market articles are published by Lew Rockwell, President of the
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Ludwig von Mises Institute.
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• The political prospects of eventually unseating our new masters
All readers of Access of Energy and signers of the Petition Pro- look grim indeed, especially considering the self-interested defec-
ject petition have been receiving advertisements for the Heartland tions of so many Republicans who still hold office.
Institute March 8-10, 2009 International Conference on Climate Still, the Ron Paul phenomenon of these past two years provides
Change. More information is available by telephone to hope. If such efforts eventually succeed, they will be fueled, in part,
312-377-4000. Discounts are available on several bases. If you can- by the efforts of men and women like those published by Lew
not afford the entrance fee, please telephone Access to Energy at Rockwell. This site is good reading as an aid to maintaining hope
541-592-4142. We may be able to convince Heartland to waive the and sanity and as a foundation upon which to take our country back.
fee in some cases. Unfortunately, this effort is not an optional activity. It is a debt
Ordinarily, we never share your mailing address with anyone - that we owe to our ancestors, our descendants, and our country.
except for an annual mailing about the DOP confclcnce that we • The Suuth Pule - Volumes I and if by Roald Amundsen pub-
co-sponsor each year. For this Heartland conference, however, we lished in 1913 by John Murray, London and Lee Keedick, New
made an exception. Your address was not given to Heartland, but York. An excellent example ofa "man of the mind."
we addressed their mailers, so that they could reach you. • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
An exception here is well-warranted. Heartland is a relatively ACCESS TO ENERGY
small organization in Chicago, but with a loud voice. They have ef- •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
fectively fought against the myth of human-caused global warming Publisher and editor Dr. Arthur B. Robinson, President and Research Professor,
Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine. Subscriptions (first-class mail): individuals
for many years. On the one occasion that I visited their facilities, I $35 for 12 monthly issues (Canada $37, overseas, air mail only, $40). Corporations
passed two displays honoring Booker T. Washington on the way to $60, US tax-subsidized organizations $150. Order from Access to Energy. Box 1250,
their conference room - a very good sign. We may all need to reread Cave Junction, OR 97523. Checks I1TIlSt be in USS drnwn on a US bank. Past issues
Washington's book Up From Slavery to fmd our way back from the $3 each. CD-ROM of35 years of back issues $95. Printed 30 years of issues $145.
Eight DVDs with 30 years of back issues and extensive resource materials $149.

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